Tawaran DAAD 2015 2016

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Deutscher Akademischer Austal,sch *i*nst
German A.cademic Exchange S*rvice
Research Grants Doctoral Programmes
in Germany
Research Grants- Bi-nationally Supervised
Doctoral Degrees (Sandwich Scheme)
Study Scholarships in the Field of
Performing Arts (Drama, Direction,
Dance, Choreography, etc) for Master and Doctor
Application Deadline
15 October 2014
15 October 2014
31 October 2014
Study Scholarships in the Fields of Fine Art, 31 October 2014
Design, and Film
Study Scholarships in the Fields of Music 31 October 2014
Study Scholarships in the Fields of Architecture 31 October 2014
For further information on scholarships and German Universities please contact our office or visit our
information office at the following address:
M. Hendro Prabowo
Tel. : 021 - 520 0870,525 2807
Fax : 021 - 525 2822
Thursday: l3:30- l6:00
DAAD Jakarta Office
Summitmas ll,Lt.l4 Jl. Jend. Sudirman
Kav. 6l-62 Jakarta 12190
D AA D ::[:lli::f,] ::H:i,T'3:r,:"o'""o
Horne / lnformation for Foreigners / Finding Schclarships / Scholarship Database
1 48-scholarship-database'J
Research Grants
Doctoral Programmes in Germany
DAAD research grants provide young foreign academics and scientists with an opportunity to carry out
research and continue their education in Germany. There are funding programmes for various
qualification phases and stages in a career. The grants also
promote the exchange of experience and
networking amongst colleagues.
The aim of this grant programme is to support doctoral projects in Germany.
Who can apply?
young academics and scientists who have completed a Master's degree or Diplom,
or in exceptional cases a Bachelor's degree at the latest by the time they begin their grant-supported
What can be funded?
Doctoral programmes at a state or state-recognised institution of higher education or a non-university
research institute in Germany:
individual projects under the supervision of a university teacher or academic adviser
participation in a structured doctoral study programme
Doctoraltheses in the areas of human medicine (Dr. med.), veterinary medicine (Dr. med. vet.) or
dentistry (Dr. med. dent.) cannot be supported.
Duration of the funding
Usually a maximum of three years, in exceptional cases up to four years; the length of the grant is
decided by a selection committee and depends on the project in question and the applicant's work
Grants are initially awarded for a maximum of one year. Extensions depend on whether the selection
committee considers the previous award period to have been successfully completed.
For doctoral
projects in Germany that require several years of research, research phases outside
Germany can be supported if these are critical for the successful completion of the doctoral degree.
Planned stays must be specified in the application in the work and time schedule and should not
exceed a quarter of the anticipated totalfunding period.
Depending on academic level, monthly payments of:
euros 750.- Ior graduates,
euros 1,000.- for doctoral candidates
Payments towards health, accident and personal liability insurance cover
Travel allowance, unless these expenses are covered by the home country or another source of
One-off research allowance
Under certain circumstances,
grant holders completing an uninterrupted stay of over 6 months may
receive the following additional benefits:
monthly rent subsidy
monthly allowance for accompanying family members
To enable
grant holders to improve their language skills in preparation for their stay in Germany, DAAD
offers the following services:
Payment of course fees for the online language course "Deutsch-Uni Online (DUO)'
for six months after receipt of the Scholarship Award Letter
if necessary: Language course
(2, 4 or 6 months) before the start of the research stay; the DAAD
decides whether to fund the grant holder's participation and for how long depending on language skills
and project. lf a language course scholarship is granted and the working language at the host institute
is German,
participation is compulsory.
Allowance for a personally chosen German language course during the grant period
Reimbursement of the fees for the TestDaF test which has either been taken in the home country after
receipt of the Scholarship Award Letter or in Germany before the end of the funding period
An independent selection committee consisting of specialist scientists reviews applications.
The most important selection criteria:
a convincing and well-planned research project or course of continuing education
Additionaldocuments that prove academic suitability or provide information about extracurricular activities
will also be considered in the assessment.
What requirements must be met?
Applications for research grants may be submitted by excellently
qualified young lecturers from state and
private universities respectively lKlPs as well as academics and scientists from state research institutions
who have passed their second (graduate) degree (Master's) with a grade of 3.0 or better and who can
prove that they have gained at least two years of career experience. ln exceptional cases, young
graduates from the private sector may also apply
As a rule, applicants should not have graduated any longer than six years before the time of
application. !f you are already working on a doctoral degree, you should not have started
your degree
any Ionger than three years previously.
Applicants who have been resident in Germany for longer than 15 months at the time of application
cannot be considered.
Language skills
Applicants are generally expected that they have a good knowledge of German or a good knowledge
of English (TOEFL iBT 80 resp. IELTS 6.0).
The application procedure occurs online through the DAAD portal. You are also required to send 3
copy/copies of the "Application summary. (PDF file), which is generated in the DAAD portal after the
online application procedure has been completed, and other appendices by post to the application
Please note that the
"submitting an application" tab in the scholarship database only appears while
the current application period is running. After the application deadline has expired, the portal for this
programme is not available untilthe next application
To apply,
please select the call for applications for this programme in the scholarship database
(www.funding-guide.de). From here, you can enter the portal by clicking the tab "Submitting an
Application documents
proof of credits, certifications and translations may be scanned in non-certified form and
uploaded to the DAAD portal. DAAD's Head Office in Bonn will only request certified copies of the
submitted documents in paper form if a grant is awarded!
1. Documents to be uploaded to the DAAD portal:
Online application form
Full curriculum vitae in tabular form (max. 3 pages)
List of publications (max. 10 pages), if applicable
Extensive and detailed description of the research proposa! and a description of previous research
work (max. 10 pages)
ln the case of individual projects supervised by a university teacher (academic adviser)
Letter confirming supervision by a university teacher in Germany (academic adviser)
ln the case of planned participation in a structured doctoral study programme:
Letter of admission to a study
programme;this can be subsequently submitted before the grant-
supported research begins if it is not available at the time of application.
Proof of existing contacts to the coordinator of the doctoral programme in the form of copies of
Also for all applicants:
Diptom or degree certificate indicating final grade(s): the certificate must be subsequently submitted
before the grant-supported research begins if it is not available at the time of application.
Other documents which support your application (example: certificates of employment, prool of
placements, etc.)
- Evidence of current employment status
Copy of school-leaving certificate which entitles holders to study at a university in the home country
(with all individual grades)
o - DlKTlform "A"
o - Abstract from 51 and 52
o - language certificate (TestDaF or TOEFL |IB/IELTS)
- Academic transcript (S1 and S2), covering the complete duration of academic studies
All university certificates on all annual examinations with individual grade(s), incl. explanation of
grading system.
German or English translations of documents submitted in the national language
o - Detailed description of study or research programme (Research Proposal)
2. To be submitted by
The "Application summary", which is generated in the porta! in PDF format and which can be printed
out after the online application
procedure is completed;
please send 3 copy/copies to the application
Two recent references from university teachers which provide information about your qualifications;
please enclose the references in envelopes with each copy of your application
A health certificate; please do not submit this document until requested to do so by the DAAD Head
Application deadline
Application location
Jakarta Branch Office
Jl. Jend. Sudirman, Kav. 61-62, Summitmas l!, Lt. 14
12190 Jakarta
E-Mail. : info@daadjkt.org
:i nfo@daadj kt.org]
WWW. : http://www.daadjkt.org
Applicants from universities,
please, also send one copy of your application to Direktorat PPTK &
KPT/DIKTl (Address: Dirjen DlKTl, Komplek Depdiknas Jl. Pinto Satu, Senayan
PIease note
Your application is only valid if you submit all the required documents to the DAAD portal (see ltem 1)
and by post (see ltem 2). The postmark date serves as proof that the application has been dispatched
on time.
The DAAD portalcloses at 24.00 hrs. Central European Time (CET) on the last application day.
Late or incomplete applications cannot be considered. Applicants are responsible for ensuring that
their applications are complete.
The application documents remain with the DAAD. Data relating to applicants is saved by the DAAD
in accordance with the Federal Data Protection Act insofar as this data is needed to process
lnformation and advisory centres
Jakarta Branch Office
Jl. Jend. Sudirman, Kav. 61-62, Summitmas ll, Lt. 14
12190 Jakarta
E-Mail.: info@daadjkt.org
WWW. : http :l/www.daadj kt, o rg
:l/wurw. daadj kt. org]
Jutta Kunze (bis 30.6.2014)
Marlene Klissner (ab 1 .9.2014)
DAAD Lektorin
Universitas Padjadjaran (UNPAD)
Fakultas Sastra
Jurusan Jerman
Jl. Raya Bandung-Sumedang km. 21
Dr. Svann Languth
DAAD Lektor
Universitas Indonesia
Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya
Program StudiJerman
Kampus Ul
Gedung lll Lt. 2
16424 Depok
Dr. Gabriele Otto (bis 30.6.2014)
DAAD Lektorin
Dr. Marco Stahlhut
(ab 1.9.2014)
DAAD Lektor
Universitas lndonesia
Fakultas llmu Pengetahuan Budaya
Program StudiJerman
Kampus Ul
16424 Depok
Dr. Margareth M.A. Gfrerer
DAAD Lektorin
Universitas lslam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah
Dept. of Accounting / Dept. of Management
J!. !r. H. Juanda No.95
Ciputat-Tangerang 1 541 2
Margareth.gf rerer@gmx.net
Dr. Nils Wagenknecht
DAAD Lektor
Universitas Gadjah Mada
Faculty of Law
Jl. Sosio Justicia No. 1
Yogyakarta 55281
Svenja Volkert
DAAD Lektorin
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Fakultas Bahasa Dan Seni
Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Jerman
Kampus Karangmalang
Dr. Carsten Thoms
DAAD Langzeitdozent
Bogor Agricultural University, Dept. of Marine Science and
Faculty of Fisheries and
Marine Science
Kampus IPB Darmaga
Bogor 16680
Jawa Barat
More detaited information
DAAD website seotion "PhD studies and research"
Website "Research in Germany"
Website "Research Explorer"
DAA D :::f:l1i::fr::T:[T'3:schD
Horne / lnformation for Foreigners / Finding Schclarships / Scholarship Database
n,i21 148-scholarship-database,t
Research Grants
Bi-nationally Supervised Doctoral Degrees
DAAD research grants provide foreign doctoral candidates and young academics and scientists with an
opportunity to carry out research and continue their education in Germany. There are funding
programmes for various qualification phases and stages in a career. The grants also promote the
exchange of experience and networking amongst colleagues.
The aim of this programme is to promote doctoral degrees at the home university with integrated research
phases in Germany. The doctora! degrees are supervised both by a university teacher at the home
university and an academic adviser at the host institute in Germany ("sandwich mode!"). Based on this
flexible, multi-phase funding system, doctoral candidates start their doctoraldegree in their home country
but subsequently spend research periods in Germany. The doctorate is completed in the home country
under the supervision of the German academic adviser.
Who can apply?
Excellently-qualified doctoral candidates and young academics and scientists who have completed a
Master's degree or Diplom, or in exceptional cases a Bachelor's degree at the latest by the time they
begin their grant-supported research.
What can be funded?
Research phases at a state or state-recognised institution of higher education or a non-university
research institute in Germany as part of a doctoral programme in the home country: the proposal must be
coordinated with the academic advisers at the home university and in Germany.
Duration of the funding
A total of no more than two years;the length of the grant is decided by a selection committee and
depends on the project in question and the applicant's work schedule.
Grants are initially awarded for up to 12 months. Extensions depend on whether the selection
committee considers the previous award period to have been successfully completed.
Applicants should outline how they plan to divide their time between Germany and the home university
and specify plans to visit a third country for the purpose of collecting material in a work and time
schedule in their application.
During stays at their home university, the grant is interrupted.
Monthly payments for doctoral candidates: euros 1,000.
Payments towards health, accident and personal liability insurance cover
Travel allowance, unless these expenses are covered by the home country or another source of
One-off research allowance
Travel and accommodation allowances for supervising academic advisers; planned trips by the foreign
academic adviser to Germany to monitor research progress and by the German academic adviser to
the home university to attend final examinations should not usually exceed 10 days (per trip) and must
be specified in the work and time schedule.
Under certain circumstances, grant holders completing an uninterrupted stay of over 6 months in
Germany may receive the following additional benefits:
monthly rent subsidy
monthly allowance for accompanying members of family
To enable grant holders to learn German in preparation for their stay in the country, DAAD offers the
following services:
Payment of course fees for the online language course "Deutsch-Uni Online (DUO)" (rrrww.deutsch-
for six months after receipt of the Scholarship Award Letter
if necessary: Language course (2, 4 or 6 months) before the start of the research stay; the DAAD
decides whether to fund the grant holder's participation and for how long depending on language skills
and project. lf a language course scholarship is granted and the working language at the host institute
is German,
participation is compulsory.
Allowance for a personally chosen German language course during the grant period
Reimbursement of the fees for the TestDaF test which has either been taken in the home country after
receipt of the Scholarship Award Letter or in Germany before the end of the funding period
An independent selection committee consisting of specialist scientists reviews applications.
The most important selection criteria:
a convincing and well-planned research project or course of continuing education
Additionaldocuments that prove academic suitability or provide information about extracurricular activities
will also be considered in the assessment.
What requirements must be met?
Applications for research grants may be submitted by excellently
qualified young lecturers from state and
private universities respectively lKlPs as well as academics and scientists from state research institutions
who have passed their second (graduate) degree (Master's) with a grade of 3.0 or better and who can
prove that they have gained at least two years of career experience. ln exceptional cases, young
graduates from the private sector may also apply
No more than six years should pass between the final examinations and the time of application.
Doctoral candidates should not have started their doctoral degree any longer than three years
Applicants who have been resident in Germany for longer than 15 months at the time of application
cannot be considered.
For applicants from the fields of human medicine, veterinary medicine and dentistry, other regulations are
applicable. Please refer to the leaflet
"Additional information on DAAD Research Grants for applicants
from medical fields" (www.daad.de/extrainfo
Language skills
Applicants are generally expected that they have a good knowledge of German or a good knowledge
of English (TOEFL iBT 80 resp. IELTS 6.0).
The application procedure occurs online through the DAAD portal. You are also required to send 3
copy/copies of the "Apptication summary" (PDF file), which is generated in the DAAD portal after the
online application procedure has been completed, and other appendices by post to the application
Please note that the "submitting an application" tab in the scholarship database only appears while
the current application
period is running. After the application deadline has expired, the portal for this
programme is not available untilthe next application period.
To apply, please select the callfor applications for this programme in the scholarship database
(www.funding-guide.de). From here, you can enter the portal by clicking the tab "Submitting an
Application documents
Certificates, proof of credits, certifications and translations may be scanned in non-certified form and
uploaded to the DAAD portal. DAAD's Head Office in Bonn will only request certified copies of the
submitted documents in paper form if a grant is awarded!
1. Documents to be uploaded to the DAAD portal
Online application form
Full curriculum vitae in tabular form (max. 3 pages)
List of publications (max. 10 pages), if applicable
Extensive and detailed description of the research proposalwhich has been agreed upon with both
academic advisers
in the home country and in Germany
and a description of previous research
work (max. 10 pages)
Schedule of planned research work and visits from academic adviser
Letter confirming supervision by an academic adviser in Germany, which refers to the applicant's
proposal and confirms that the host institute will provide a workplace
Proof of permission to take a doctoral degree at the home university
University degree certificate indicating final grade(s)
Other documents which support your application (example: certificates of employment, proof of
placements, etc.)
- Ianguage certificate
German or English translations of documents submitted in the nationa! language
All university certificates on all annual examinations with individual grade(s), incl. explanation of
grading system.
CoFy of school-leaving certificate which entitles holders to study at a university in the home country
(with all individual grades)
- DlKTlform
- Evidence of current employment status
- Detailed description of study or research programme (Research Proposal)
- Academic transcript (S1 and S2), covering the complete duration of academic studies
o - Abstract from 51 and 52
2. To be submitted by post:
The "Application summary", which is generated in the porta! in PDF format and which can be printed
out after the online application procedure is completed; please send 3 copy/copies to the application
One recent reference from a university teacher which provides information about your qualifications;
please enclose one copy of the reference in a sealed envelope with each copy of your application;
A health certificate; please do not submit this document until requested to do so by the DAAD Head
Application deadline
Application location
Jakarta Branch Office
Jl. Jend. Sudirman, Kav.61-62, Summitmas ll, Lt. 14
12190 Jakarta
E-Mail. : i nfo@daadj kt.org
lto :inf o@daadikt.org]
WWW. : http ://www. d aadj kt. o rg
://www. daadj kt. o rg]
Please note
Your application is only valid if you submit all the required documents to the DAAD portal (see ltem 1)
and by post (see ltem 2). The postmark date serves as proof that the application has been dispatched
on time.
The DAAD portalcloses at24.00 hrs. Central European Time (CET) on the last application day.
Late or incomplete applications cannot be considered. Applicants are responsible for ensuring that
their applications are complete.
The application documents remain with the DAAD. Data relating to applicants is saved by the DAAD
in accordance with the Federal Data Protection Act insofar as this data is needed to process
Information and advisory centres
Jakarta Branch Office
Jl. Jend. Sudirman, Kav.61-62, Summitmas l!, Lt. 14
12190 Jakarta
E-Mail. : info@daadjkt.org
lto :i nf o@daadjkt.org]
WWW. : http :l/www.d aadj kt. o rg
://www.daadj kl. o rg]
Jutta Kunze (bis 30.6.2014)
Marlene Kldssner (ab 1 .9.2014)
DAAD Lektorin
Universitas Padjadjaran (UNPAD)
Fakultas Sastra
Jurusan Jerman
J!. Raya Bandung-Sumedang km. 21
Dr. Svann Languth
DAAD Lektor
Universitas lndonesia
Fakultas llmu Pengetahuan Budaya
Program StudiJerman
Kampus Ul
Gedung lll Lt.2
16424 Depok
Dr. Gabriele Otto (bis 30.6.2014)
DAAD Lektorin
Dr. Marco Stahlhut (ab 1.9.2014)
DAAD Lektor
Universitas lndonesia
Fakultas llmu Pengetahuan Budaya
Program StudiJerman
Kampus Ul
16424 Depok
Dr. Margareth M.A. Gfrerer
DAAD Lektorin
Universitas lslam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah
Dept. of Accounting / Dept. of Management
Jl. lr- H- Juanda No. 95
Ciputat-Tangerang 1 541 2
Margareth.gf rerer@gmx. net
Dr. Nils Wagenknecht
DAAD Lektor
Universitas Gadjah Mada
Faculty of Law
Jl. Sosio Justicia No. 1
Yogyakarta 55281
Svenja Volkert
DAAD Lektorin
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Fakultas Bahasa Dan Seni
Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Jerman
Kampus Karangmalang
Dr. Carsten Thoms
DAAD Langzeitdozent
Bogor Agricultura! University, Dept. of Marine Science and
Faculty of Fisheries and
Marine Science
Kampus IPB Darmaga
Bogor 16680
Jawa Barat
More detaaled information
DAAD website sedtion "PhD studies and research"
Website "Research in Germany"
Website "Research Explorer"
D AA D :::;:l1i::f,: ::H:i,T::l::"','""o
Home / inlormation for Foreigners / Finding Schclarships / Scholarship Database
enbankien2l 1 48-scholarship-databaseil
Study Scholarships for Foreign Graduates in the Field of the Performing Arts
DAAD scholarships offer graduates the opportunity to continue their education in Germany with a
postgraduate or continuing course of study. The scholarships also promote the exchange of experience
and networking amongst colleagues.
Who can apply?
Foreign applicants who have gained a first university degree in the field of the Performing Arts at the
latest by the time they commence their scholarship-supported study programme.
What can be funded?
ln the programme "Study
Scholarships for Foreign Graduates in the Field of the Performing Arts (Drama,
Direction, Musicals, Performance Studies, Dance, Choreography), you can complete
a postgraduate degree leading to a finalqualification, or
further training that does not lead to a final qualification (advanced study programme) (not an
undergraduate course) at a state or state-recognised German university of your choice.
This programme only funds projects in the artistic field. Other DAAD scholarship programmes are
available for applicants from the fields of Theatre and Dance Studies or for artists with a scientific project.
Duration of the funding
Postgraduate study programmes leading to a finalqualification:
Between 10 and 24 months depending on the length of the chosen study programme
Start: usually on 1st October, or earlier if a language course is taken prior to the study programme
All scholarships are initially awarded for one academic year and are extended only if students have
performed well in accordance with the programme length on request and after renewed appraisal
Applicants who are already in Germany in the first year of a postgraduate
course at the time of
application may apply for funding for their second year of study. ln this case, it is not possible to
extend the scholarship. These applicants have the opportunity to introduce themselves personally to
the committee during the selection procedure. Details about this personal interview are announced
after the application has been received.
Further training that does not tead to a tinat qualification (advanced study programme)
Usually one academic year
Start: usually on 1st October, or earlier if a language course is taken prior to the study programme
A monthly payment of 750 euros
Travel allowance, unless these expenses are covered by the home country or another source of
One-off study allowance
Payments towards health, accident and personal liability insurance cover
Under certain circumstances, scholarship holders may receive the following additional benefits:
Contribution towards tuition fees that may be charged by the university (max. 500 euros per semester)
Monthly rent subsidy
Monthly allowance for accompanying members of family
To enable scholarship holders to learn German in preparation for their stay in the country, DAAD offers
the following services:
Payment of course fees for the online language course "Deutsch-Uni Online (DUO)' peutsch-uni.com
for six months after receipt of the Scholarship Award Letter
if necessary: Language course (2, 4 or 6 months) before the start of the study visit; the DAAD decides
whether to fund participation and for how long depending on German language skills and project.
Participation in a language course is compulsory if the language of instruction or working language is
German at the German host institution.
Allowance for a personally chosen German language course during the scholarship period
Reimbursement of the fees for the TestDaF test which has either been taken in the home country after
receipt of the Scholarship Award Letter or in Germany before the end of the funding period
A specia! DAAD committee made up of professors lrom German universities makes the final decision
about scholarships in the field of the Performing Arts. The decision is based upon written applications and
work samples which have to be submitted.
Further information
Confirmation of a scholarship does not automatically guarantee admission to one of the universities. The
individual university decides whether or not to otfer scholarship holders a place. !n most cases, applicants
are required to take an entrance examination. Please find out in time about admission requirements and
application deadlines and interview dates at your chosen university, and bear in mind that these may be
several months before the planned start of your studies or even before the DAAD awards the scholarship.
We cannot cover the costs of the entrance examination. !f an applicant is offered a scholarship by the
DAAD but fails to be admitted to a university, he/she may not make use of the scholarship that has
already been awarded.
What requirements must be met?
As a rule, applicants should have taken their final examinations no longer than six years before the
time of application.
Applicants who have been resident in Germany for longer than 15 months at the time of application
cannot be considered.
!f the scholarship holder is enrolled in a Master's or postgraduate degree programme which includes a
study period abroad, funding for this period abroad is usually only possible under the following conditions:
The study visit is essential for achievement of the scholarship objective.
The study period is no longer than a quarter of the scholarship period. Longer periods cannot be
funded, even partially.
The study period does not take place in the home country.
Language skills
Applicants from the fields of Drama and Direction should have a good to excellent knowledge of German,
applicants from the fields of Musicals, Performance Studies, Dance and Choreography require at least a
basic knowledge of German and a good knowledge of English.
Applicants must be able to prove they have a basic knowledge of German at the time of their
The application
procedure occurs online through the DAAD portal. You are also required to send 1
copy/copies of the
"Application summary" (PDF file), which is generated in the DAAD portal after the
online application procedure has been completed, and other appendices by post to the application
Please note that the "Application portal" tab in the scholarship database only appears while the current
application period is running. After the application deadline has expired, the portal for this programme is
not available untilthe next application period.
To apply, please select the call for applications for this programme in the scholarship database
(www.funding-guide.de). From here, you can enter the portal by clicking the tab "Submitting an
Application documents
Certificates, proof of credits, certifications and translations may be scanned in non-certified form and
uploaded to the DAAD portal. DAAD's Head Office in Bonn will only request certified copies of the
submitted documents in paper form if a grant is awarded!
1. Documents to be uploaded to the DAAD portal:
Online application form
Full curriculum vitae in tabular form
Statement about study project and academic and personal reasons for the planned study project in
Postgraduate study programmes leading to a final qualification:
Form "Profile
of the desired Degree Programme"
Printout of course programme (max. 10 pages)
lf available: Letter of acceptance from the host university
Further training that does not lead to a final qualification (advanced study
Confirmation of supervision from a German university teacher
Also for all applicants:
University degree certificate indicating final grade(s): the certificate must be subsequently submitted
before the scholarship-supported study programme begins if studies have not been completed at the
time of application.
Proof of knowledge of the language of tuition (German or English)
Other documents which support your application (e.9. certificates of employment, proof of placements,
German or English translations of documents submitted in the national language
All university certificates on all annual examinations with individual grade(s), incl. explanation of
grading system.
Copy of schoo!-leaving certificate which entitles holders to study at a university in the home country
(with all individual grades)
language certificate
2. To be submitted by post:
The "Application summary", which is generated in the portal in PDF format and which can be printed
out after the online application procedure is completed; please send 1 copy/copies to the application
One recent reference from a university teacher which provides information about your qualifications;
please enclose one copy of the reference in a sealed envelope with each copy of your application;
A DVD with work samples (for formal requirements, read: "Additional lnformation for DAAD Study
Scholarships in the Field of the Performing Arts" at: www.daad.de/extrainfo
:/1www. daad. de/extrai nf o])
A health certificate; please do not submit this document until requested to do so by the DAAD Head
Application deadline
Application Iocation
Section 422 South East Asia
German Academic Exchange Service
Kennedyallee 50
D-53175 Bonn
Please note
Your application is only valid if you submit all the required documents to the DAAD portal (see ltem 1)
and by post (see ltem 2). The postmark date serves as proof that the application has been dispatched
on time.
The DAAD portalcloses alZ4.OOhrs. Central European Time (CET) on the last application day.
Late or incomplete applications cannot be considered. Applicants are responsible for ensuring that
their applications are complete.
The application documents remain with the DAAD. Data relating to applicants is saved by the DAAD
in accordance with the Federal Data Protection Act insofar as this data is needed to process the
lnformation and advisory centres
Jakarta Branch Office
JI. Jend. Sudirman, Kav. 61-62, Summitmas ll, Lt. 14
12190 Jakarta
E-Mail. : info@daadjkt.org
:i nf o@daadjkt.org]
WWW. : http :r'lwww.d aadj kt. o rg
://www. daadj kt. org]
Jutta Kunze (bis 30.6.2014)
Marlene Klissner (ab 1 .9.2014)
DAAD Lektorin
Universitas Padjadjaran (UNPAD)
Fakultas Sastra
Jurusan Jerman
Jl. Raya Bandung-Sumedang km. 21
Dr. Svann Languth
DAAD Lektor
Universitas lndonesia
Fakultas llmu Pengetahuan Budaya
Program Studi Jerman
Kampus Ul
Gedung lll Lt.2
16424 Depok
Dr. Gabriele Otto (bis 30.6.2014)
DAAD Lektorin
Dr. Marco Stahlhut (ab 1.9.2014)
DAAD Lektor
Universitas lndonesia
Fakultas llmu Pengetahuan Budaya
Program StudiJerman
Kampus Ul
16424 Depok
Dr. Margareth M.A. Gfrerer
DAAD Lektorin
Universitas lslam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah
Dept. of Accounting / Dept. of Management
Jl. lr. H. Juanda No. 95
Ciputat-Tangerang 1 541 2
Margareth.gf rerer@gmx.net
Dr. Nils Wagenknecht
DAAD Lektor
Universitas Gadjah Mada
Faculty of Law
Jl. Sosio Justicia No. 1
Yogyakarta 55281
Svenja Volkert
DAAD Lektorin
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Fakultas Bahasa Dan Seni
Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Jerman
Kampus Karangmalang
Dr. Carsten Thoms
DAAD Langzeitdozent
Bogor Agricultural University, Dept. of Marine Science and
Faculty of Fisheries and
Marine Science
Kampus IPB Darmaga
Bogor 16680
Jawa Barat
More detailed information
DAAD website section "Courses of study in Germany"
DAAD website section "10 steps to studying in Germany"
deutschlandldell to help you prepare for your stay in Germany
DMD website section
"General information for scholarship applicants"
D A A D ::[::1#:"1: ::H:[T::;::"''"'O
Home / lnformation for Foreigners / Finding Schclarships / Scholarship Database
Study Scholarships for Foreign Graduates in the Fields of Fine Art, Film,
Design/Visual Communication and Film
DAAD scholarships offer graduates the opportunity to continue their education in Germany with a
postgraduate or continuing course of study. The scholarships also promote the exchange of experience
and networking amongst colleagues.
Who can apply?
Foreign applicants who have gained a first university degree in the fields of Fine Art, DesignA/isual
Communication and Film at the latest by the time they commence their scholarship-supported study
What can be funded?
ln this study programme, you can complete
a Master's degree/postgraduate degree leading to a final qualification, or
a complementary course that does not lead to a final qualification at a state or state-recognised
German university of your choice (not an undergraduate course).
This programme only funds projects in the artistic field. Other DAAD scholarship programmes are
available for applicants from the field of History of Art or Art Studies or for artists with a scientific project.
Duration of the funding
Master's degree:
Between 10 and 24 months depending on the length of the chosen study programme
Start: usually on 1st October, or earlier if a language course is taken prior to the study programme
All scholarships are initially awarded for one academic year and are extended only if students have
performed well in accordance with the programme length on request and after renewed appraisal.
Applicants who are already in Germany in the first year of a postgraduate course at the time of
application may apply for funding for their second year of study. ln this case, it is not possible to
extend the scholarship. These applicants have the opportunity to introduce themselves personally to
the committee during the selection procedure. Details about this personal interview are announced
after the application has been received.
Complementary studies not leading to a final qualification:
Usually one academic year
Start: usually on 1st October, or earlier if a language course is taken prior to the study programme
A monthly payment of 750 euros
Travel allowance, unless these expenses are covered by the home country or another source of
One-off study allowance
Payments towards health, accident and personal liability insurance cover
Under certain circumstances, scholarship holders may receive the following additional benefits:
Contribution towards tuition fees that may be charged by the university (max. 500 euros per semester)
Monthly rent subsidy
Monthly allowance for accompanying members of family
To enable scholarship holders to learn German in preparation for their stay in the country, DAAD offers
the following services:
Payment of course fees for the online language course "Deutsch-Uni Online (DUO)" (nww.deutsch-
for six months after receipt of the Scholarship Award Letter
if necessary: Language course (2, 4 or 6 months) before the start of the study visit; the DAAD decides
whether to fund participation and for how long depending on German language skills and project.
Participation in a language course is compulsory if the language of instruction or working language is
German at the German host institution.
Allowance for a personally chosen German language course during the scholarship period
Reimbursement of the fees for the TestDaF test which has either been taken in the home country after
receipt of the Scholarship Award Letter or in Germany before the end of the funding period
A special DAAD committee made up of professors from German art schools makes the final decision
about scholarships in the fields of Fine Art, Film, DesignA/isua! Communication and Film. The decision is
based upon written applications and work samples which have to be submitted.
Further information
Confirmation of a scholarship does not automatically guarantee admission to one of the universities. The
individual university decides whether or not to offer scholarship holders a place. !n most cases, applicants
are required to take an entrance examination. Please find out in time about admission requirements and
application deadlines and interview dates at your chosen university, and bear in mind that these may be
several months before the planned start of your studies or even before the DAAD awards the scholarship.
We cannot cover the costs of the entrance examination. lf an applicant is offered a scholarship by the
DAAD but fails to be admitted to a university, he/she may not make use of the scholarship that has
already been awarded.
What requirements must be met?
As a rule, applicants should have taken their final examinations no longer than six years before the
time of application.
Applicants who have been resident in Germany for longer than 15 months at the time of application
cannot be considered.
lf the scholarship holder is enrolled in a Master's or postgraduate degree programme which includes a
study period abroad, funding for this period abroad is usually only possible under the following conditions:
The study visit is essential for achievement of the scholarship objective.
The study period is no longer than a quarter of the scholarship period. Longer periods cannot be
funded, even partially.
The study period does not take place in the home country.
Language skills
Applicants in the fields of Fine Art, Film, DesignA/isual Communication and Film should have a
knowledge of the language of instruction which corresponds to the requirements of the chosen university
at the latest by the time they commence their scholarship-supported study programme, or
in the case of
a Master's degree or postgraduate programme
wheny they apply for admission to the university. lf you
do not yet have the language skills required by the university at the time of your application, your
application should indicate the extent to which you are in a position to reach the required level. After you
have been awarded a scholarship, take advantage of the funding opportunities described under
Applicants must be able to prove they have a basic knowledge of German at the time of their
The application procedure occurs online through the DAAD portal. You are also required to send 1
copy/copies of the "Application summary' (PDF file), which is generated in the DAAD portal after the
online application procedure has been completed, and other appendices by post to the application
Please note that the "Application portal" tab in the scholarship database only appears while the current
application period is running. After the application deadline has expired, the portal for this programme is
not available untilthe next application period.
To apply, please select the callfor applications for this programme in the scholarship database
(www.funding-guide.de). From here, you can enter the portal by clicking the tab "Submitting an
Application documents
proof of credits, certifications and translations may be scanned in non-certified form and
uploaded to the DAAD portal. DAAD's Head Office in Bonn will only request certified copies of the
submitted documents in paper form if a grant is awarded!
1. Documents to be uploaded to the DAAD portal:
Online application form
Full curriculum vitae in tabular form
Statement about study project and academic and personal reasons for the planned study project in
Master's degree/postgraduate study programme leading to a final qualification:
Form "Profile of the desired Degree Programme"
Printout of course programme (max. 10 pages)
lf available: Letter of acceptance from the host university.
lf you do not have a letter of acceptance at the time of application, you must apply to the university for
this in good time and subsequently submit the confirmation letter before the scholarship-supported
study programme begins. Please note that you yourself are responsible for ensuring that you apply for
admission at the host university by the due date and that a Scholarship Award Letter from the DAAD
only becomes valid if you are admitted to your chosen host university.
Complementary studies not leading to a final qualification:
Confirmation of supervision from a German university teacher
Also for all applicants:
University degree certificate indicating final grade(s): the certificate must be subsequently submitted
before the scholarship-supported study programme begins if studies have not been completed at the
time of application.
A list of all work that have been cited as samples (see ltem 4) with detailed information (size, date of
creation, place, etc.)
A declaration that the works of art have been produced or created by the applicant or the names of
those persons involved in producing collaborative pieces of work. ln the case of collaborative work or
projects, the applicant's own contribution must be marked as such or appropriately described.
Other documents which support your application (e.9. certificates of employment, proof of placements,
German or English translations of documents submitted in the national language
All university certificates on all annual examinations with individual grade(s), incl. explanation of
grading system.
Copy of school-leaving certificate which entitles holders to study at a university in the home country
(with all individual grades)
language certificate
2. To be submitted by post
The "Application summary", which is generated in the portal in PDF format and which can be printed
out after the online application procedure is completed; please send 1 copy/copies to the application
One recent reference from a university teacher which provides information about your qualifications;
please enclose one copy of the reference in a sealed envelope with each copy of your application;
A DVD or printed portfolio of work samples (for formal requirements, read: "Additional lnformation for
DAAD Study Scholarships in the Field of Fine Art, Design and Film" at: www.daad.delextrainfo
:l/www.daad.de/extrai nf o])
health certificate; please do not submit this document until requested to do so by the DAAD
Head Office.
Application deadline
Application location
Section 422 South East Asia
German Academic Exchange Service
Kennedyallee 50
53175 Bonn
Please note
Your application is only valid if you submit all the required documents to the DAAD portal (see ltem 1)
and by post (see ltem 2). The postmark date serves as proof that the application has been dispatched
on time.
The DAAD portalcloses al24.O0 hrs. Central European Time (CET) on the last application day.
Late or incomplete applications cannot be considered. Applicants are responsible for ensuring that
their applications are complete.
The application documents remain with the DAAD. Data relating to applicants is saved by the DAAD
in accordance with the Federal Data Protection Act insofar as this data is needed to process the
lnformation and advisory centres
Jakarta Branch Office
Jl. Jend. Sudirman, Kav. 61-62, Summitmas ll, Lt. 14
12190 Jakarta
E-Mail. : into@daadjkt.org
lto :info@daadj kt.org]
WWW. : http ://www.daadj kt. org
:l/www. daadj kt. o rg]
Jutta Kunze (bis 30.6.2014)
Marlene Kliissner (ab 1.9.2014)
DAAD Lektorin
Universitas Padjadjaran (UNPAD)
Fakultas Sastra
Jurusan Jerman
Jl. Raya Bandung-Sumedang km. 21
Dr. Svann Languth
DAAD Lektor
Universitas lndonesia
Fakultas llmu Pengetahuan Budaya
Program StudiJerman
Kampus Ul
Gedung lll Lt.2
16424 Depok
Dr. Gabriele Otto (bis 30.6.2014)
DAAD Lektorin
Dr. Marco Stahlhut (ab 1.9.2014)
DAAD Lektor
Universitas lndonesia
Fakultas !!mu Pengetahuan Budaya
Program StudiJerman
Kampus Ul
16424 Depok
Dr. Margareth M.A. Gfrerer
DAAD Lektorin
Universitas lslam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah
Dept. of Accounting / Dept. of Management
Jl. lr. H. Juanda No. 95
Ciputat-Tangerang 1 541 2
Margareth.gf rerer@gmx.net
Dr. Nils Wagenknecht
DAAD Lektor
Universitas Gadjah Mada
Faculty of Law
Jl. Sosio Justicia No. 1
Yogyakarta 55281
Svenja V0lkert
DAAD Lektorin
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Fakultas Bahasa Dan Seni
Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Jerman
Kampus Karangmalang
Dr. Carsten Thoms
DAAD Langzeitdozent
Bogor Agricultural University, Dept. of Marine Science and
Faculty of Fisheries and
Marine Science
Kampus IPB Darmaga
Bogor 16680
Jawa Barat
Carsten.thoms@g mail.com
More detailed information
DAAD website section
"Courses of study in Gerrnany"
DAAD website section "10 steps to studying in Germany"
deutschlandldellto help you prepare for your stay in Germany
DAAD website section "General information for scholarship applicants"
Weitere lnformationen EN
Dr. Carsten Thoms
DAAD Langzeitdozent
Bogor Agricultural University, Dept. of Marine Science and
Faculty of Fisheries and
Marine Science
Kampus IPB Darmaga
Bogor 16680
Jawa Barat
D A A D ::[:11#:fI ::5:i,T'3:il,1"o'"no
Horne / lnlormation fcr Foreigners / Finding Schclarships / Schclarship Database
1 4 8-scholarship-database{
Study Scholarships for Foreign Graduates in the Field of Music
DAAD scholarships offer graduates the opportunity to continue their education in Germany with a
postgraduate or continuing course of study. The scholarships also promote the exchange of experience
and networking amongst colleagues.
Who can apply?
Foreign applicants who have gained a first university degree in the field of Music at the latest by the time
they commence their scholarship-supported study programme; if this is not possible, they should have at
least exhausted all the training options available for their instrument.
What can be funded?
ln the programme "Study
Scholarships for Foreign Graduates in the Field of Music", you can complete
a postgraduate degree leading to a final qualification, or
further training that does not lead to a final qualification (advanced study programme) at a state
German college of music of your choice.
Postgraduate studies are possible in the so-called 2nd cycle (usually a four-semester Master's
degree) or a 3rd cycle which usually takes place in two semesters (concert examination or PhD in an
artistic subject).
This programme only funds projects in the artistic field. Other DAAD scholarship programmes are
available for applicants from the field of Musicology or musicians with a scientific project.
Duration of the funding
Postgraduate study programmes leading to a final qualification:
Between 10 and 24 months depending on the length of the chosen study programme or study project
Start: usually on 1st October, or earlier if a language course is taken prior to the study programme
All scholarships are initially awarded for one academic year and are extended only if students have
performed well in accordance with the programme length on request and after renewed appraisal.
Applicants who are already in Germany in the first year of a postgraduate course at the time of
application may apply for funding for their second year of study. ln this case, it is not possible to
extend the scholarship. These applicants have the opportunity to introduce themselves personally to
the committee during the selection procedure. Details about this personal interview are announced
after the application has been received.
Further training that does not lead to a final qualification (advanced study programme):
Usually one academic year. ln individual cases, the scholarship can be extended on request
Start: usually on 1st October, or earlier if a language course is taken prior to the study programme
A monthly payment o1750 euros
Travel allowance, unless these expenses are covered by the home country or another source of
One-off study allowance
Payments towards health, accident and personal liability insurance cover
Under certain circumstances, scholarship holders may receive the lollowing additional benefits:
Contribution towards tuition fees that may be charged by the university (max. 500 euros per semester)
Monthly rent subsidy
Monthly allowance for accompanying members of family
To enable scholarship holders to learn German in preparation for their stay in the country, DAAD offers
the following services:
Payment of course fees for the online language course "Deutsch-Uni Online (DUO)"
for six months after receipt of the Scholarship Award Letter
if necessary: Language course (2, 4 or 6 months) before the start of the study visit; the DAAD decides
whether to fund participation and for how long depending on German language skills and project.
Participation in a language course is compulsory if the language of instruction or working language is
German at the German host institution.
Allowance for a personally chosen German language course during the scholarship period
Reimbursement of the fees for the TestDaF test which has either been taken in the home country after
receipt of the Scholarship Award Letter or in Germany before the end of the funding period
A special DAAD committee made up of professors from German colleges of music makes the final
decision about scholarships in the field of music. The decision is based upon written applications and
sound recordings which have to be submitted.
Further information
Confirmation of a scholarship does not automatically guarantee admission to one of the colleges of
music. The individual college of music decides whether or not to offer scholarship holders a place. ln
most cases, applicants are required to take an entrance examination. Please find out in time about
admission requirements and application deadlines and interview dates at your chosen college of music,
and bear in mind that these may be several months before the planned start of your studies or even
before the DAAD awards the scholarship. We cannot cover the costs of the entrance examination. lf an
applicant is offered a scholarship by the DAAD but fails to be admitted to a university, he/she may not
make use of the scholarship that has already been awarded.
What requirements must be met?
As a rule, applicants should have taken their final examinations no longer than six years before the
time of application.
The respective college of music is responsible for deciding age limits for admission, whereby differing
rules may be applied depending on the applicant's academic level and chosen subject. However,
applicants are not usually admitted if they are older than 28 to 30-
Applicants who have been resident in Germany for longer than 15 months at the time of application
cannot be considered.
!f the scholarship holder is enrolled in a Master's or postgraduate degree programme which includes a
study period abroad, funding for this period abroad is usually only possible under the following
The study visit is essential for achievement of the scholarship objective.
The study period is no longer than a quarter of the scholarship period. Longer periods cannot be
funded, even partially.
The study period does not take place in the home country.
Language skills
Applicants in the field of music should have a knowledge of the language of instruction that corresponds
to the requirements of the chosen university at the latest by the time they commence their scholarship-
supported study programme. lf you do not yet have the language skills required by the university at the
time of your application, your application should indicate the extent to which you are in a position to reach
the required level. After you have been awarded a scholarship, take advantage of the funding
opportunities described under "Value".
Applicants must be able to prove they have a basic knowledge of German at the time of their
The application procedure occurs online through the DAAD portal. You are also required to send 1
copy/copies of the "Application summary"
(PDF file), which is generated in the DAAD portal after the
online application procedure has been completed, and other appendices by post to the application
Please note that the
"Application portal" tab in the scholarship database only appears while the current
application period is running. After the application deadline has expired, the portal for this
programme is
not available untilthe next application
To apply, please select the call for applications for this programme in the scholarship database
(www.funding-guide.de). From here, you can enter the portal by clicking the tab "Submitting an
Application documents
proof of credits, certifications and translations may be scanned in non-certified form and
uploaded to the DAAD portal. DAAD's Head Office in Bonn wi!! only request certified copies of the
submitted documents in paper form if a grant is awarded!
1. Documents to be uploaded to the DAAD portal:
Online application form
Full curriculum vitae in tabular form
Statement about study project and academic and personal reasons for the planned study project in
Postgraduate study
programmes leading to a finalqualification:
lf available: Letter of acceptance from the host university
!f you do not have a letter of acceptance at the time of application, you must apply to the university for
this in good time and subsequently submit the confirmation letter before the scholarship-supported
study programme begins. PIease note that you yourself are responsible for ensuring that you apply for
admission at the host university by the due date and that a Scholarship Award Letter from the DAAD
only becomes valid if you are admitted to your chosen host university.
Further training that does not lead to a final qualilication (advanced study programme):
Confirmation of supervision from a German university teacher
Also for all applicants:
University degree certificate indicating final grade(s): the certificate must be subsequently submitted
before the scholarship-supported study programme begins if studies have not been completed at the
time of application.
Proof of knowledge of the language of tuition (German or English).
Form with an overview of recorded pieces:www.daad.de/extrainfo
("Overview work samples music").
Other documents which support your application (e.9. certificates of employment, proof of placements,
language certificate
All university certificates on all annual examinations with individual grade(s), incl. explanation of
grading system.
German or English translations of documents submitted in the national language
Copy of school-leaving certificate which entitles holders to study at a university in the home country
(with all individua! grades)
2. To be submitted by post:
The "Application summary", which is generated in the portal in PDF format and which can be printed
out after the online application
procedure is completed; please send 1 copy/copies to the application
One recent reference from a university teacher which provides information about your qualifications;
please enclose one copy of the reference in a sealed envelope with each copy of your application;
Work samples (for formal requirements, read: "Additional lnformation for DAAD Study Scholarships in
the Field of Music" at: www.daad.de/extrainfo
A health certificate; please do not submit this document until requested to do so by the DAAD Head
Application deadline
31 .10.20't4
Application location
Section 422 South East Asia
German Academic Exchange Service
Kennedyallee 50
D-53175 Bonn
Please note
Your application is only valid if you submit all the required documents to the DAAD portal (see ltem 1)
and by post (see ltem 2). The postmark date serves as proof that the application has been dispatched
on time.
The DAAD portalcloses at 24.00 hrs. Central European Time (CET) on the last application day.
Late or incomplete applications cannot be considered. Applicants are responsible for ensuring that
their applications are complete.
The application documents remain with the DAAD. Data relating to applicants is saved by the DAAD
in accordance with the Federal Data Protection Act insofar as this data is needed to process the
lnformation and advisory centres
Jakarta Branch Office
J!. Jend. Sudirman, Kav. 61-62, Summitmas ll, Lt. 14
12190 Jakarta
E-Mail. : info@daadjkt.org
WWW. : http :/lwww.d aadj kt. o rg
://www. daadj kt. org]
Jutta Kunze (bis 30.6.2014)
Marlene Kldssner (ab 1 .9.2014)
DAAD Lektorin
Universitas Padjadjaran (UNPAD)
Fakultas Sastra
Jurusan Jerman
Jl. Raya Bandung-Sumedang km. 21
Dr. Svann Languth
DAAD Lektor
Universitas !ndonesia
Fakultas llmu Pengetahuan Budaya
Program StudiJerman
Kampus Ul
Gedung lll Lt.2
16424 Depok
Dr. Gabriele Otto (bis 30.6.2014)
DAAD Lektorin
Dr. Marco Stahlhut
(ab 1.9.2014)
DAAD Lektor
Universitas lndonesia
Fakultas llmu Pengetahuan Budaya
Program StudiJerman
Kampus Ul
16424 Depok
Dr. Margareth M.A. Gfrerer
DAAD Lektorin
Universitas lslam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah
Dept. of Accounting / Dept. of Management
Jl. lr. H. Juanda No. 95
Ciputat-Tangerang 1 541 2
Margareth.gf rerer@gmx.net
Dr. Nils Wagenknecht
DAAD Lektor
Universitas Gadjah Mada
Faculty of Law
J!. Sosio Justicia No. 1
Yogyakarta 55281
Svenja Volkefi
DAAD Lektorin
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Fakultas Bahasa Dan Seni
Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Jerman
Kampus Karangmalang
Dr. Carsten Thoms
DAAD Langzeitdozent
Bogor Agricultural University, Dept. of Marine Science and
Faculty of Fisheries and
Marine Science
Kampus IPB Darmaga
Bogor 16680
Jawa Barat
More detailed information
DAAD website section "Courses of study in Germany"
://www.daad.deldeutsch land/studie nan gebote/del]
DAAD website section "10 steps to studying in Germany"
deutschlandldellto help you prepare for your stay in Germany
DAAD website section "General information for scholarship applicants"
D AA D :::f:l1i::f,T :::;:i,T'3:il,:"o'""o
Hcrne / lnlcrmation for Foreigners / Finding Scholarships / Schclarship Database
Study Scholarships for Foreign Graduates in the Field of Architecture
DAAD scholarships offer graduates the opportunity to continue their education in Germany with a
postgraduate or continuing course of study. The scholarships also promote the exchange of experience
and networking amongst colleagues.
Who can apply?
Foreign applicants from the areas of Architecture, lnterior Design, Monument Conservation, Urban
Planning/Urban Development, Regional Planning, Landscape Architecture, Landscape Planning, who
have gained a first university degree at the latest by the time they commence their scholarship-supported
study programme.
What can be funded?
tn the programme "study Scholarships for Foreign Graduates in the Field of Architecture", you can
a postgraduate degree leading to a final qualification, or
a complementary course that does not lead to a final qualification
(not an undergraduate course) at a state or state-recognised German university or in one of the
appropriate study programmes at a university of applied sciences of your choice.
This programme only funds projects in the area of Design/Planning. Other DAAD scholarship
programmes are available for applicants from the field of History of Architecture or applicants with a
Duration of the funding
Postgraduate study programmes leading to a final qualification
Between 10 and 24 months depending on the length of the chosen study programme or project
Start: usually on 1st October, or earlier if a language course is taken prior to the study programme
All scholarships are initially awarded for one academic year and are extended only if students have
performed well in accordance with the programme length on request and after renewed appraisal.
Applicants who are already in Germany in the first year of a postgraduate course at the time of
application may apply for funding for their second year of study. ln this case, it is not possible to
extend the scholarship.
Complementary studies not Ieading to a finalqualification
Usually one academic year
Start: usually on 1st October, or earlier if a language course is taken prior to the study programme
A monthly payment of 750 euros
Travel allowance, unless these expenses are covered by the home country or another source of
One-off study allowance
Payments towards health, accident and personal liability insurance cover
Under certain circumstances, scholarship holders may receive the following additional benefits:
Contribution towards tuition fee (max. 500 euros per semester)
Monthly rent subsidy
Monthly allowance for accompanying members of family
To enable scholarship holders to learn German in preparation for their stay in the country, DAAD offers
the following services:
Payment of course fees for the online language course "Deutsch-Uni Online (DUO)"
for six months after receipt of the Scholarship Award Letter
if necessary: Language course (2, 4 or 6 months) before the start of the study visit; the DAAD decides
whether to fund participation and for how long depending on German language skills and project.
Participation in a language course is compulsory if the language of instruction or working language is
German at the German host institution.
Allowance for a personally chosen German language course during the scholarship period
Reimbursement of the fees for the TestDaF test which has either been taken in the home country after
receipt of the Scholarship Award Letter or in Germany before the end of the funding period.
A special DAAD committee made up of professors from German universities makes the final decision
about scholarships in the field of architecture. The decision is based upon written applications and work
samples which have to be submitted.
Further information
Confirmation of a scholarship does not automatically guarantee admission to one of the host universities.
The individual university decides whether or not to offer scholarship holders a place. ln most cases,
applicants are required to take an entrance examination. Please find out in time about admission
requirements and application deadlines and interview dates at your chosen university, and bear in mind
that these may be several months before the planned start of your studies or even before the DAAD
awards the scholarship. We cannot cover the costs of the entrance examination. lf an applicant is offered
a scholarship by the DAAD but fails to be admitted to a university, he/she may not make use of the
scholarship that has already been awarded.
What requirements must be met?
As a rule, applicants should have taken their final examinations no longer than six years before the time
of application.
Applicants who have been resident in Germany for longer than 15 months at the time of application
cannot be considered.
lf the scholarship holder is enrolled in a Master or postgraduate degree programme which includes a
study period abroad, funding for this period abroad is usually only possible under the following conditions:
The study visit is essential for achievement of the scholarship objective.
The study period is no longer than a quarter of the scholarship period. Longer periods cannot be
funded, even partially.
The study period does not take place in the home country.
Language skills
Applicants in the field of architecture should have a knowledge of the language of instruction that
corresponds to the requirements of the chosen university at the latest by the time they apply for
admission to the university. lf you do not yet have the language skills required by the university at the
time of your application, your application should indicate the extent to which you are in a position to reach
the required level. After you have been awarded a scholarship, take advantage of the funding
opportunities described under "Value".
Applicants must be able to prove they have a basic knowledge of German at the time of their
The application procedure occurs online through the DAAD portal. You are also required to send 1
copy/copies of the "Application summary" (PDF file), which is generated in the DAAD portal after the
online application
procedure has been completed, and other appendices by post to the application
Please note that the "Application portal" tab in the scholarship database only appears while the current
application period is running. After the application deadline has expired, the portal for this programme is
not available untilthe next application period.
To apply, please select the call for applications for this programme in the scholarship database
(www.funding-guide.de). From here, you can enter the portal by clicking the tab "Submitting an
Application documents
Certificates, proof of credits, certifications and translations may be scanned in non-certified form and
uploaded to the DAAD portal. DAAD's Head Office in Bonn will only request certified copies of the
submitted documents in paper form if a grant is awarded!
1. Documents to be uploaded to the DAAD portal:
Online application form
Full curriculum vitae in tabular form
Statement about study project and academic and personal reasons for the planned study project in
study programmes leading to a final qualification:]
Form "Profile of the desired Degree Programme"
Printout of course
programme (max. 10 pages)
If available, letter of acceptance from the host university.
lf you do not have a letter of acceptance at the time of application, you must apply to the university for
this in good time and subsequently submit the confirmation letter before the scholarship-supported
study programme begins. Please note that you yourself are responsible for ensuring that you apply for
admission at the host university by the due date and that a Scholarship Award Letter from the DAAD
only becomes valid if you are admitted to your chosen host university.
Complementary studies not leading to a linal qualification:
Confirmation of supervision from a German university teacher
Also for all applicants:
University degree certificate indicating final grade(s):the certificate must be subsequently submitted
before the scholarship-supported study programme begins if studies have not been completed at the
time of application.
School-leaving certificate which entitles holder to study at a university in the home country (with all
individual grades)
A list of all submitted designs/plans (see ltem 4) with detailed information (size, date of creation, place,
A declaration that the designs/plans have been produced or created by the applicant or the names of
those persons involved in producing collaborative designs or plans. ln the case of collaborative work
or projects, the applicant's own contribution must be marked as such or appropriately described.
Other documents you think might be of relevance to your application (e.9. certificates of employment,
proof of placements)
language certificate
All university certificates on all annual examinations with individual grade(s), incl. explanation of
grading system.
German or English translations of documents submitted in the national language
Copy ol school-leaving certificate which entitles holders to study at a university in the home country
(with all individual grades)
2. To be submitted by post:
The "Application summary", which is generated in the portal in PDF format and which can be printed
out after the online application
procedure is completed; please send 1 copy/copies to the application
One recent reference from a university teacher which provides information about your qualifications;
please enclose one copy of the reference in a sealed envelope with each copy of your application.
A portfolio of work samples
(for formal requirements, read: "Additional lnformation for DAAD Study
Scholarships in the Field of Architecture" at:www.daad.de/extrainfo
A health certificate; please do not submit this document until requested to do so by the DAAD Head
Application deadline
Application location
Section 422 South East Asia
German Academic Exchange Service
Kennedyallee 50
53175 Bonn
Please note
Your application is only valid if you submit all the required documents to the DAAD portal (see ltem 1)
and by
post (see ltem 2). The postmark date serves as proof that the application has been dispatched
on time.
The DAAD portalcloses al24.OO hrs. Centra! European Time (CET) on the last application day.
Late or incomplete applications cannot be considered. Applicants are responsible for ensuring that
their applications are complete.
The application documents remain with the DAAD. Data relating to applicants is saved by the DAAD
in accordance with the Federal Data Protection Act insofar as this data is needed to process the
lnformation and advisory centres
Jakarta Branch Office
Jl. Jend. Sudirman, Kav. 61-62, Summitmas ll, Lt. 14
12190 Jakarta
E-Mail. : info@daadjkt.org
WWW. : http :/lwww. d aadj kt. o rg
:/lwww. daadj kt. o rg]
Jutta Kunze (bis 30.6.2014)
Marlene Klissner (ab 1 .9.2014)
DAAD Lektorin
Universitas Padjadjaran (UNPAD)
Fakultas Sastra
Jurusan Jerman
Jl. Raya Bandung-Sumedang km.21
Dr. Svann Languth
DAAD Lektor
Universitas lndonesia
Fakultas llmu Pengetahuan BudaYa
Program StudiJerman
Kampus U!
Gedung lll Lt. 2
16424 Depok
Dr. Gabriele Otto (bis 30.6.2014)
DAAD Lektorin
Dr. Marco Stahlhut
(ab 1.9.2014)
DAAD Lektor
Universitas lndonesia
Fakultas llmu Pengetahuan BudaYa
Program StudiJerman
Kampus Ul
16424 Depok
Dr. Margareth M.A. Gfrerer
DAAD Lektorin
Universitas lslam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah
Dept. of Accounting / Dept. of Management
Jl. lr. H. Juanda No. 95
Ciputat-Tangerang 1 541 2
Margareth.gf rerer@gmx. net
Dr. Nils Wagenknecht
DAAD Lektor
Universitas Gadjah Mada
Faculty of Law
Jl. Sosio Justicia No. 1
Yogyakarta 55281
n ils.wagenknecht@ugm.ac.id
Svenja Volkert
DAAD Lektorin
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Fakultas Bahasa Dan Seni
Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Jerman
Kampus Karangmalang
Dr. Carsten Thoms
DAAD Langzeitdozent
Bogor Agricultural University, Dept. of Marine Science and
Faculty of Fisheries and
Marine Science
Kampus IPB Darmaga
Bogor 1 6680
Jawa Barat
More detailed information
DAAD website section
"Courses of study in Germany"
:llwww.daad.deldeutsch landlstudienan gebote/dei']
DAAD website section "10 steps to studying in Germany"
deutschland/de/lto help you prepare for your stay in Germany
DAAD website section "General information for scholarship applicants"
Weitere Informationen EN
Dr. Carsten Thoms
DAAD Langzeitdozent
Bogor Agricultural University, Dept. of Marine Science and
Faculty of Fisheries and
Marine Science
Kampus IPB Darmaga
Bogor 1 6680
Jawa Barat
Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst
German A,cademic Exchang* Saruics
Research Stays for University Academics
and Scientists (Postdoctoral)
Study Visits for Academics-Artists and
Architects (Postdoctoral)
Research Grants-One Year Grants
(Recen! Postdoctoral)
Re-invitation Program for Former
Scholarship Holders (AIumni)
Application Deadline
15 October 2014
15 October 2014
15 October 2014
15 October 2014
For further information on scholarships and German Universities, please contact our office
or visit our information office at the following address:
Muji Rahayu
Tel. : 021 - 520 0870, 525 2807
Fax : 021 - 525 2822
Thursday: l3:30
DAAD Jakarta Office
Summitmas II, Lt.l4 Jl. Jend.
Sudirman Kav. 6l -62 Jakarta 12190
Scholnrship Database - DAAD - Deutscher Akademischer Austausc... https://www.daad.deldeutschland/stipendium/datenbank/en/21148-sc..
DAA D :::ff1"i*:f,T::T:iT'3:;::"o'"*'
Honre / lnfotmation for Foreigners / Finding Scholarships / Scholarship Database i /,Jei:tscliJ ;rrii,'s{:-r. p':rtli ur,
., d; t e ltir,l n k,. c ir ./ ;l
1 4 I - s. lr..i .r r :,- i] i.
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Research Stays for University Academics and Scientists'DAAD
grants provide foreign academics and scientists with an opportunity to carry out research and
continue their education in Germany. There are funding
programmes for various
qualification phases and
stages in a career.
The aim of this
particular programme is to support short-term research stays and thus
promote the
exchange of experience and networking amongst colleagues.
Who can apply?
University teachers and established academics and scientists who have usually completed a doctoral
degree and work at a university or research institute in their home country.
Former holders of fellowships from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation are requested to contact first
the Humboldt Foundation.
What can be funded?
Research stays at state or state-recognised
institutions of higher education or a non-university
research institutes in Germany. A research stay can also take place at several host institutions.
Funding may only be claimed once within three
Lecture tours or visits to congresses are not funded.
Duration of the funding
One to three months; the length of the grant is decided by a selection committee and depends on the
project in question and the applicant's work schedule.
grant is non-renewable.
Monthly payments of
2,OOO euros for assistant teachers, assistant
professors and lecturers,
2,150 euros for
Travel allowance, unless these expenses are covered by the home country or another source of
payments cannot be made'
Scholarship Database - DAAD - Deutscher Akademischer Austausc... https://www.daad.de/deutsctrland/stipendium/datenbank/er/21148-sc..
An independent selection committee reviews applications.
The most important selection criteria are:
acldemic achievements and recent publications which must be documented in the cuniculum vitae
and a list of publi@tions
a convincing and well-planned research project
What requirements must be met?
Applicants should hold a doctorate /PhD
Applicants must work at a university or institute of higher education in their home country.
The research project must be coordinated with an academic host institute in Germany. The applicant
must be provided with a workplace.
Language skills
The required language level depends on the applicant's study plans and subject: ln the arts, social
sciences and in law, at least a good knowledge of German is usually expected. For the natural
sciences and engineering, proof of good English language skills may also be arcepted if English is
spoken at the host institute.
The application procedure o@urs online through the DAAD portal. You are also required to send 2
copy/copies of the
summary" (PDF file), which is generated in the DAAD portal after the
online application procedure has been completed, and other appendices by post to the application
Please note that the "Application portal" tab in the scholarship database only appears while the cunent
application period is running. After the application deadline has expired, the portal for this programme is
not available until the next application period.
To apply, please select the callfor applications for this programme in the scholarship database
(www.funding-guide.de). From here, you can enter the portal by clicking the tab "Submitting an
Application docurnents
1. Documents to be uploaded to the DAAD portal:
Online application form
Full curriculum vitae in tabularform (max. 3 pages)
List of academic publications (max. 3 pages)
Comprehensive statement about research project (max. 10 pages)
t,r" schedule and itinerary (host institutes / academic hosts) of the planned research stay
Sclntarship Database - DAAD - Deutscher Akademischer Austausc... https://www.daad-de/deutschland/stipendium/datenbank/en/21148-sc..
from host confirming academic cooperation, which refers to the applicant's proposal and
guarantees that a workplace will be provided
2. To be submitted by post:
The 'Application summary", which is generated in the portal in PDF format and which can be printed
out after the online application procedure is completed; please send 2 copy/copies to the application
Application deadline
Application location
Jakarta Branch Office
Jl. Jend. Sudirman, Kav. 612, Summitmas ll, Lt. 14
12190 Jakarta
E-Mail.: info@daadjkt.org
inf ot3claacl'ji;i-. o::q i
\AMAff.: http:/lwww.daadjkt.org
ihtrp: / ivrww. riaa,:i--; xi-. cr.il
Please note
Your application is only valid if you submit all the required documents to the DAAD portal (see ltem 1)
and by post (see ltem 2). The postmark date serves as proof that the application has been dispatched
on time.
fhe DAAD portal closes at24.OO hrs. Central European Time (CET) on the last application day,
unless it is possible to submit applications on an ongoing basis.
Late or incomplete applications cannot be considered. Applicants are responsible for ensuring that
their applications are complete.
The application documents remain with the DAAD. Data relating to applicants is saved by the DAAD
in accordance with the Federal Data Protection Act insofar as this data is needed to process the
lnformation and advisory centres
Jakarta Branch ffice
Jl. Jend. Sudirman, Kav. 612, Summitmas ll, Lt. 14
12190 Jakarta
E-Mail.: info@daadjkt,org
inf oGclaaii kt-. org]
\AAAM.. http://www.daadjkt.org
: / /vtwr^t. ciaacl
); t. . or:-r1 i
Jutta Kunze (bis 30.6.2014)
Marlene Kldssner (ab 1.9.2014)
Scholarship Database - DAAD - Deutscher Akademischer Austausc... https://wuw'.daad.de/deutsctrland/stipendium/datenbank/enl2ll48-x..
. Universitas Padjadjaran (UNPAD)
Fakultas Sastra
Jurusan Jerman
Jl. Raya Bandung-Sumedang km.21
Dr. Svann Languth
DAAD Lektor
Universitas lndonesia
Fakultas llmu Pengetahuan Budaya
Program StudiJerman
Kampus Ul
Gedung lll Lt.2
16424 Depok
Dr. Gabriele Otto (bis 30.6.2014)
DAAD Lektorin
Dr. Marco Stahlhut (ab 1.9.2014)
DAAD Lektor
Universitas lndonesia
Fakultas llmu Pengetahuan Budaya
Program StudiJerman
Kampus Ul
16424 Depok
gabrieleEOfto@ googlemail.com
Dr. Margareth M.A. Gfrerer
DAAD Lektorin
Universitas lslam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah
Dept. of Accounting / Dept. of Management
Jl. 1r. H. Juanda No. 95
Ciputat-Tangeng 1 5412
Margareth. gfrerer@ g mx. net
Dr. Nils Wagenknecht
DAAD Lektor
Universitas Gadjah Mada
Faculty of Law
Jl. Sosio Justicia No. 1
Yogyakarta 55281
nils.wagenknecht@ugm.ac. id
Scholarship Database - DAAD - Deutscher Akademisclrer Auslausc... htps://uww.daad.de/deutsctrland/stipendium/daterbank/en/21148-sc..
Svepja V0lkert
DAAD Lektorin
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Fakultas Bahasa Dan Seni
Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Jerman
Kampus Karangmalang
Dr. Carsten Thoms
DAAD Langzeitdozent
Bogor Agricultural University, Dept. of Marine Science and
Faculty of Fisheries and
Marine Science
Kampus IPB Darmaga
Bogor 16680
Jawa Barat
Carsten.thoms@gmail. com
website section "PhD studies and research"
: / ,/',t;v. ijai:ii. ii*,rrj.lr:tschiar-,ti
,/p I omc--
on.i' de.r
Website "Research in Germany" thttp: i iw',,trni. research-in-,-'ji.r.:, Ir-Llri'r'. rj'.:,".ia:iii:-,o:i:1--ai
/en . htrnl l
Website "Research Explorer'l
{ir!tp: ./i/research-e;:p1-':.rer - cfg - rJe
z/::e search e;rplorer. de . htnl ]
Weitere lnformationen EN
Dr. Carsten Thoms
DAAD Langzeitdozent
Bogor Agricultural University, Dept. of Marine Science and
Faculty of Fisheries and
Marine Science
Kampus IPB Darmaga
Bogor 16680
Jawa Barat
Carsten.thoms@gmail. com
I t/r\"/1r)l l0.ll
DAA D :il':1il::fI:::;n:ffih
Home / lnformation for Foreigners / Finding scholarships / scholarship Database
1 48-scholarship-databas4
Study Visits for Academics
- Artists and Architects
DAAD grants provide young foreign academics and artists with an opportunity to continue their
education in Germany. There are funding programmes for various qualification phases and stages in a
The aim of this programme is to promote artistic cooperations with German host institutions'
Who can apply?
University teachers from the following disciplines:
Architecture (lnterior Design, Monument Conservation, Urban Planning/Urban Development, Regional
Planning, Landscape Architecture, Landscape Planning)
Fine Art, Film, Design/Visual Communication
Performing Arts (Drama, Direction, Musicals, Dance, Performance Studies, Choreography, etc.)
What can be funded?
Study visits at state or state-recognised universities in Germany for artistic cooperations with a host
institution. A study visit can also take place at several host institutions.
Funding may only be claimed once within three years.
Duration of the funding
One to three months;the length of the grant is decided by a selection committee and depends on the
project in question and the applicant's work schedule.
The grant is non-renewable.
Monthly payments of
2,OOO euros for assistant teachers, assistant
profesSors and lecturers,
2,150 euros for professors
Travel allowance, unless these expenses are covered by the home country or another source of
payments cannot be made.
An independent selection committee consisting of specialist scientists reviews applications.
The most irnportant selection criteria are:
specialist qualification which must be documented in the curriculum vitae
a convincing and well-planned research project
What requirements must be met?
Applicants should hold a doctorate / PhD.
Applicants must teach at an institute of higher education in their home country.
The research project must be coordinated with the cooperation partner in Germany.
Language skills
The required language leveldepends on the applicant's study plans and subject: ln the arts, social
sciences and in law, at least a good knowledge of German is usually expected. For the natural
sciences and engineering, proof of good English language skills may also be accepted if English is
spoken at the host institute.
The application
procedure occurs online through the DAAD portal. You are also required to send 2
copy/copies of the
summary" (PDF file), which is generated in the DAAD podal after the
online application
procedure has been completed, and other appendices by post to the application
Please note that the
"Application portal" tab in the scholarship database only appears while the current
application period is running. After the application deadline has expired, the portal for this programme is
not available until the next application period.
To apply, please select the call for applications for this programme in the scholarship database
(www.funding-guide.de). From here, you can enter the portal by clicking the tab
Application documents
1. Documents to be uploaded to the DAAD portal:
Online application form
Full curriculum vitae in tabular form (max. 3 pages)
Cornprehensive statement about research project (max. 10 pages)
Time schedule and itinerary (institutions / cooperation partners) of planned study visit
Written confirmation about the cooperation, which refers to the applicant's
2.To be submitted by post
summary", which is generated in the portal in PDF format and which can be printed
out after the online application procedure is completed; please send 2 copy/copies to the application
Application deadline
Application location
Jakarta Branch Office
Jl. Jend. Sudirman, Kav. 61-62, Summitmas ll, Lt. 14
1219A Jakarta
E-Mail. : info@daadjkt.org
ailto :info@daadjkt.org]
WWW. : http :iiwww.daadj kt. org
kt. org]
Please note
Your application is only valid if you submit all the required documents to the DAAD portal (see ltem 1)
and by post (see ltem 2). The postmark date serves as proof that the application has been dispatched
on time.
The DAAD portalcloses al24.OO hrs. Central European Time (CET) on the last application day,
unless it is possible to submit applications on an ongoing basis.
Late or incomplete applications cannot be considered. Applicants are responsible for ensuring that
their applications are complete.
The application documents remain with the DAAD. Data relating to applicants is saved by the DAAD
in accordance with the Federal Data Protection Act insofar as this data is needed to process the
lnformation and advisory centres
Jakarta Branch Office
Jl. Jend. Sudirman, Kav.61-62, Summitmas ll, Lt. 14
12190 Jakarta
E- Mai l. : i nf o@daadj kt. org
ai lto : inf o@daadjkt. org]
WWW. : http ://wurw.daadj kt. org
ttp ://www.daadj kt. org]
Jutta Kunze (bis 30.6.2014)
Marlene Kldssner (ab 1.9.2014)
DAAD Lektorin
Universitas Padjadjaran (UNPAD)
fhtultis Sastra
Jurusan Jerman
Jl. Raya Bandung-Sumedang km.21
Dr. Svann Languth
DAAD Lektor
Universitas lndonesia
Fakultas llmu Pengetahuan Budaya
Program StudiJerman
Kampus Ul
Gedung lll Lt.2
16424 Depok
Dr. Gabriele otto (bis 30.6.2014)
DAAD Lektorin
Dr. Marco Stahlhut (ab 1.9.2014)
DAAD Lektor
Universitas lndonesia
Fakultas llmu Pengetahuan Budaya
Program StudiJerman
Kampus Ul
16424 Depok
gabriele EOtto@googlem ail.com
Dr. Margareth M.A. Gfrerer
DAAD Lektorin
Universitas lslam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah
Dept. of Accounting / Dept. of Management
Jl. 1r. H. Juanda No.95
Ciputat-Tangerang 15412
M argareth. gf rerer@gmx. net
Dr. Nils Wagenknecht
DAAD Lektor
Universitas Gadjah Mada
Faculty of Law
Jl. Sosio Justicia No. 1
Yogyakarta 55281
n i I s.wagenknecht@u gm. ac. id
Svenja Volkert
DAAD Lektorin
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Fakultas Bahasa Dan Seni
Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Jerman
Karnpus Karangmalang
Dr. Carsten Thoms
DAAD Langzeitdozent
Bogor Agricultural University, Dept. of Marine Science and
Faculty of Fisheries and
Marine Science
Kampus IPB Darmaga
Bogor 16680
Jawa Barat
More detailed information
DAAD website section
studies and research"
in Germany"
D AA D :::f:l1i::fI:::;:ff:ff,1u''"n*
Home / lnformation for Foreigners / Finding Scholarships / Scholarship Dalabaso
1 48-scholarship-database{
Research Grants
One-Year Grants
DAAD research grants provide foreign doctoral candidates and young academics and scientists with an
opportunity to carry out research and continue their education in Germany. There are funding
programmes for various qualification phases and stages in a career. The grants also promote the
exchange of experience and networking amongst colleagues.
The primary aim of this programme is to promote research projects within the context of doctoral
Who can apply?
Excellently-qualified doctoral candidates and young academics and scientists who have completed a
Master's degree or Diplom, or in exceptionalcases a Bachelor's degree at the latest by the time they
begin their grant-supported research, or those who have already completed a PhD (postdocs).
What can be funded?
A research project or course of continuing education at a state or state-recognised institution of higher
education in Germany or a non-university research institute, which is being carried out in coordination
with an academic adviser in Germany.
Duration of the funding
7 months to usually 10 months; the length of the grant is decided by a selection committee and
depends on the project in question and the applicant's work schedule.
The grant is non-renewable.
Depending on academic level, monthly payments of
euros 750.- for graduates,
euros 1,000.- for doctoral candidates
Payments towards health, accident and personal liability insurance cover
Travel allowance, unless these expenses are covered by the home country or another source of
One-off research allowance
Under certain circumstances,
grant holders may receive the following additional benefits:
rnonthly rent subsidy
rnonthly allowance for accompanying members of family
To enable grant holders to learn German in preparation for their stay in the country, DAAD offers the
following services:
Payment of course fees for the online language course "Deutsch-Uni Online (DUO)" (rww.deutsch-
for six months after receipt of the Scholarship Award Letter
if necessary: Language course
(2, 4 or 6 months) before the start of the research stay; the DAAD
decides whether to fund the grant holder's participation and for how long depending on language skills
and project. lf a language course scholarship is granted and the working language at the host institute
is German, participation is compulsory.
Allowance for a personally chosen German language course during the grant period
Reimbursement of the fees for the TestDaF test which is either taken in the home country after receipt
of the Scholarship Award Letter or in Germany before the end of the funding period
An independent selection committee consisting of specialist scientists reviews applications.
The most important selection criteria:
a convincing and well-planned research project or course of continuing education
academic achievements
Additionaldocuments that prove academic suitability or provide inforrnation about extracurricular activities
will also be considered in the assessment.
What requirements must be met?
Excellently-qualified young academics and scientists who have already completed a PhD (postdocs).
As a rule, applicants should not have graduated any longer than six years before the time of
application. lf you already hold a doctoral degree, you should not have completed your doctorate more
than two years ago. Doctoral candidates should not have started their doctoral degree any longer than
three years previously.
Applicants who have been resident in Germany for longer than 15 months at the time of application
cannot be considered.
For applicants from the fields of human medicine, veterinary medicine and dentistry, other regulations are
applicable. Please refer to the leaflet "Additional information on DAAD Research Grants for applicants
from medical fields" (www.daad.de/extrainfo
Language skills
The required language leveldepends on the applicant's study plans and subject: ln the arts, social
sciences and in law, at least a good knowledge of German is usually expected. For the natural
sciences and engineering, proof of good English language skills may also be accepted if English is
spoken at the host institute.
The application procedure occurs online through the DAAD portal. You are also required to send 3
copy/copies of the "Application summary" (PDF file), which is generated in the DAAD portal after the
online application procedure has been completed, and other appendices by post to the application
Please note that the "Application portal" tab in the scholarship database only appears while the
current application period is running. After the application deadline has expired, the portal for this
programme is not available until the next application period.
To apply, please select the call for applications for this programme in the scholarship database
(www.funding-guide.de). From here, you can enter the pofial by clicking the tab
Application documents
Certificates, proof of credits, certifications and translations may be scanned in non-certified form and
uploaded to the DAAD portal. DAAD's Head Office in Bonn will only request certified copies of the
subrnitted documents in paper form if a grant is awarded!
1. Documents to be uploaded to the DAAD portal
Online application form
Full curriculum vitae in tabular form (max. 3 pages)
List of publications (max. 10 pages), if applicable
Extensive and detailed description of the research proposal which has been discussed with the
academic adviser and a description of previous research work (max. 10 pages)
Schedule of planned research work
Letter confirming supervision by an academic adviser in Germany, which refers to the applicant's
proposal and confirms that the host institute will provide a workplace
University degree certificate indicating final grade(s): the certificate must be subsequently submitted
before the grant-supported research begins if it is not available at the time of application.
Other documents which support your application (example: certificates of employment, proof of
placements, etc.
German or English translations of documents submitted in the national language
Copy of school-leaving certificate which entitles holders to study at a university in the home country
(with all individual grades)
Evidence of the applicant's level of proficiency in German at the time of application. Applicants for an
English-instructed degree programme are requested to submit an English language proficiency
All university certificates on all annual examinations with individual grade(s), incl. explanation of
grading system.
2.To be submitted by post
summary", which is generated in the portal in PDF forrnat and which can be printed
out after the online application procedure is completed; please send 3 copy/copies to the application
One recent reference from a university teacher which provides information about your qualifications;
please enclose one copy of the reference in a sealed envelope with each copy of your application
A health certificate; please do not submit this document until requested to do so by the DAAD Head
Application deadline
1 5.1 0.2014
Application location
Jakarta Branch Office
Jl. Jend. Sudirman, Kav.61-62, Summitmas ll, Lt. 14
12190 Jakarta
E- Mai l. : info@daadjkt.org
WWW. : http :llvrrww. daadj kt. org
://www.d aadj kt. org]
Please note
Your application is only valid if you submit all the required documents to the DAAD portal (see ltem 1)
and by post (see ltem 2). The postmark date serves as proof that the application has been dispatched
on time.
The DAAD portalcloses al24.00 hrs. Central European Time (CET)on the last application day.
Late or incomplete applications cannot be considered. Applicants are responsible for ensuring that
their applications are complete.
fhe application documents remain with the DAAD. Data relating to applicants is saved by the DAAD
in accordance with the Federal Data Protection Act insofar as this data is needed to process
lntormation and advisory centres
Jakarta Branch Office
Jl. Jend. Sudirman, Kav.61-62, Summitmas ll, Lt. 14
12190 Jakarta
E-Mail.: info@daadjkt.org
WWW. : http ://www. d aadi kt. org
:/iwww.daadj kt. org]
Jutta Kunze (bis 30.6.2014)
Marlene Kldssner (ab 1.9.2014)
DAAD Lektorin
Universitas Padjadjaran
Fakultas Sastra
Jurusan Jerman
Jl. Raya Bandung-Sumedang km. 21
Dr. Svann Languth
DAAD Lektor
Universitas lndonesia
Fakultas llmu Pengetahuan BudaYa
Program Studi Jerman
Kampus Ul
Gedung lll Lt.2
16424 Depok
Dr. Gabriele Otto (bis 30.6.2014)
DAAD Lektorin
Dr. Marco Stahlhut (ab 1.9.2014)
DAAD Lektor
Universitas lndonesia
Fakultas llmu Pengetahuan BudaYa
Program Studi Jerman
Kampus Ul
16424 Depok
Dr. Margareth M.A. Gfrerer
DAAD Lektorin
Universitas lslam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah
Dept. of Accounting / Dept. of Management
Jl. lr. H. Juanda No. 95
Ciputat-Tangerang 1 541 2
Margareth.gf rerer@gmx. net
Dr. Nils Wagenknecht
DAAD Lektor
Universitas Gadjah Mada
Faculty of Law
Jl. Sosio Justicia No. 1
Yogyakarta 55281
Svenja V6lkert
DAAD Lektorin
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Fakultas Bahasa Dan Seni
Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Jerman
Kampus Karangmalang
Dr. Carsten Thoms
DAAD Langzeitdozent
Bogor Agricultural University, Dept. of Marine Science and
Faculty of Fisheries and
Marine Science
Kampus IPB Darmaga
Bogor 1 6680
Jawa Barat
Carsten.thoms@gmai l.com
More detailed inlormation
DAAD website section "PhD
studies and research"
Website "Research in Germany"
Website "Research Explorer"
Home / lnformation for Foreigners / Finding Scholarships / Scholarship Database
1 48-scholarship-database,{
Re-invitation Programme for Former Scholarship Holders
DAAD grants offer students and academics and scientists the opportunity lo carry out research and
continue their education in Germany. There are funding programmes for various qualification phases and
stages in a career.
The aim of this programme is to enable former scholarship holders to carry out research and working
projects in Germany and to maintain contacts as part of DAAD's global alumni network.
Who can apply?
Former holders of DAAD research grants or study scholarships, who were funded for a period of over
six months
Former East German scholarship holders who studied for at least one year in Germany
What can be funded?
Research and working projects at state or state-recognised institutions of higher education or non-
university research institutes in Germany
Working stays at an institution in business, administration, culture or media for former scholarship
holders who work outside the science sector.
A research or working visit can also take place at several host institutions.
Funding may only be claimed once within three years.
Duration of the funding
One to three months;the length of the grant is decided by a selection committee and depends on the
project in question and the applicant's work schedule.
The grant is non-renewable.
Monthly payments of
2,000 euros for assistant teachers, assistant professors and lecturers
2,150 euros for professors
Travel allowance, unless these expenses are covered by the home country or another source of
Other payments cannot be made.
An independent selection committee reviews applications.
The most important selection criteria are:
Academic achievements and, if applicable, publications, which must be documented in the curriculum
vitae and a list of publications
A convincing and well-planned research or work project
ln the case of working stays outside the science sector, particular aftention is paid to the following
- Will the stay in Germany have a sustainable effect on your professional activity?
- Can you expect it to have multiplier effects, for example, in the form of planned publications?
- Will your stay in Germany promote existing cooperations?
What requirements must be met?
Applicants must have returned to their home country at least three years previously.
The research or working project must be coordinated with a cooperation partner in Germany.
Language skills
The required language leveldepends on the applicant's study plans and subject: ln the arts, social
sciences and in law, at least a good knowledge of German is usually expected. For the natural
sciences and engineering, proof of good English language skills may also be accepted if English is
spoken at the host institute.
The application procedure occurs online through the DAAD portal. You are also required to send 2
copy/copies of the "Application summary" (PDF file), which is generated in the DAAD portal after the
online application procedure has been completed, and other appendices by post to the application
Please note that the
"Application portal" tab in the scholarship database only appears while the current
application period is running. After the application deadline has expired, the portal for this programme is
not available until the next application
To apply, please select the call for applications for this programme in the scholarship database
(www.funding-guide.de). From here, you can enter the portal by clicking the tab
"Submitting an
Application documents
1. Documents to be uploaded to the DAAD portal
Online application form
Fullcurriculum vitae in tabular form (max. 3 pages)
lf necessary, list of academic publications
Comprehensive statement about research or working project (max. 10 pages)
Time schedule and itinerary (host institutions / cooperation partners) of planned research or working
Letter from host institution confirming academic cooperation, which refers to the applicant's proposal
guarantees that the project will be supervised and a workplace provided
2.To be submitted by post:
summary", which is generated in the portal in PDF format and which can be printed
out after the online application procedure is completed; please send 2 copy/copies to the application
Application deadline
Application location
Jakarta Branch Office
Jl. Jend. Sudirman, Kav.61-62, Summitmas ll, Lt. 14
12190 Jakarta
E- Mail. : info@daadjkt.org
WWW. : http :#www.d aadj kt. org
:l/www.daadj kt. o rg]
Please note
Your application is only valid if you submit all the required documents to the DAAD portal (see ltem 1)
and by post (see ltem 2). The postmark date serves as proof that the application has been dispatched
on time.
The DAAD portalcloses at24.00 hrs. Central European Time (CET)on the last application day,
unless it is possible to submit applications on an ongoing basis.
Late or incomplete applications cannot be considered. Applicants are responsible for ensuring that
their applications are complete.
The application documents remain with the DAAD. Data relating to applicants is saved by the DAAD
in accordance with the Federal Data Protection Act insofar as this data is needed to process the
" lnformation and advisory centres
Jakarta Branch Office
Jl. Jend. Sudirman, Kav.61-62, Summitmas ll, Lt. 14
12190 Jakarta
E- Mail. : inf o@daadikt. org
:i nfo@daadi kt.org]
WWW. : http:/lwww.daadjkt.org
Jutta Kunze (bis 30.6.2014)
Marlene Kldssner (ab 1.9.2014)
DAAD Lektorin
Universitas Padjadjaran
Fakultas Sastra
Jurusan Jerman
Jl. Raya Bandung-Sumedang
km. 21
Dr. Svann Languth
DAAD Lektor
Universitas lndonesia
Fakultas llmu Pengetahuan BudaYa
Program Studi Jerman
Karnpus Ul
Gedung lll Lt.2
16424 Depok
Dr. Gabriele Otto (bis 30.6-2014)
DAAD Lektorin
Dr. Marco Stahlhut
(ab 1.9.2014)
DAAD Lektor
Universitas lndonesia
Fakultas llmu Pengetahuan BudaYa
Program StudiJerman
Kampus Ul
16424 Depok
gabrieleEOtto@googlem ail -com
Dr. Margareth M.A. Gfrerer
DAAD Lektorin
Universitas lslam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah
Dept. of Accounting / Dept- of Management
Jl. lr. H. Juanda No. 95
Ciputat-Tangerang 1 5412
M argareth.gf rerer@gmx. net
Dr. Nils Wagenknecht
DAAD Lektor
Universitas Gadjah Mada
Faculty of Law
Jl. Sosio Justicia No. 1
Yogyakarta 55281
Svenja V6lkert
DAAD Lektorin
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Fakultas Bahasa Dan Seni
Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Jerman
Kampus Karangmalang
Dr. Carsten Thoms
DAAD Langzeitdozent
Bogor Agricultural University, Dept. of Marine Science and
Faculty of Fisheries and
Marine Science
Kampus IPB Darmaga
Bogor 1 6680
Jawa Barat
Weitere lnformationen EN
Dr. Carsten Thoms
DAAD Langzeitdozent
Bogor Agricultural University, Dept. of Marine Science and
Faculty of Fisheries and
Marine Science
Kampus IPB Darmaga
Bogor 1 6680
Jawa Barat

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