Nations Trust Bank PLC and Its Subsidiaries: Company Number PQ 118

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Company Number PQ 118

Quarter ended 31 December Quarter ended 31 December
Twelve months ended 31 December Twelve months ended 31 December
Bank Group
2013 2012 Change 2013 2012 Change 2013 2012 Change 2013 2012 Change For the Twelve months ended 31 December 2013
Management A/c Variance
Rs. '000 Rs. '000 (%) Rs. '000 Rs. '000 (%) Rs. '000 Rs. '000 (%) Rs. '000 Rs. '000 (%)
Gross Income 20,149,487 17,570,498 15 7,723,780 4,830,933 60 20,361,814 17,848,893 14 5,176,330 4,906,513 5
Interest Income 17,662,946 14,917,427 18 7,014,974 4,236,559 66 17,911,206 15,113,117 19 4,595,715 4,280,181 7
Less : Interest Expense (10,222,619) (9,381,686) 9 (2,431,428) (2,672,761) (9) (10,236,602) (9,358,378) 9 (2,436,783) (2,667,337) (9)
Net Interest Income 7,440,327 5,535,741 34 2,097,005 1,563,799 34 7,674,604 5,754,739 33 2,158,931 1,612,844 34
Fees and Commission Income 2,576,568 2,110,849 22 710,799 542,350 31 2,719,371 2,220,299 22 744,932 570,590 31
Less : Fees and Commission Expense (215,174) (175,665) 22 (74,302) (56,719) 31 (215,189) (175,756) 22 (74,310) (57,648) 29
Net Fees and Commission Income 2,361,394 1,935,184 22 636,497 485,631 31 2,504,182 2,044,543 22 670,621 512,941 31
Net Trading Income / (Expense) (494,383) 295,944 (267) (186,163) (33,113) (462) (478,418) 287,668 (266) (168,441) (29,417) (473)
Other Operating Income 404,356 246,278 64 184,171 85,136 116 209,655 227,809 (8) 4,125 85,159 (95)
Total Operating Income 9,711,694 8,013,147 21 2,731,510 2,101,453 30 9,910,023 8,314,759 19 2,665,236 2,181,527 22
Impairment Charge /(Reversal ) for Loans and Advances 449,419 430,965 4 (40,897) 156,831 (126) 450,610 431,834 4 (41,375) 158,525 (126)
Individual Impairment (499,525) 213,380 (334) (529,424) 56,629 (1,035) (499,524) 213,380 (334) (529,423) 56,629 (1,035)
Collective Impairment 948,944 217,585 336 488,527 100,203 388 950,134 218,454 335 488,048 101,897 379
Net Operating Income 9,262,275 7,582,182 22 2,772,406 1,944,622 43 9,459,413 7,882,925 20 2,706,611 2,023,002 34
Less : Expenses
Personnel Expenses 2,455,508 2,073,202 18 734,485 616,935 19 2,494,662 2,112,744 18 747,254 629,111 19
Depreciation of Property, Plant and Equipment 246,265 254,984 (3) 68,559 60,551 13 257,814 266,535 (3) 71,459 63,421 13
Amortization of Intangible Assets 153,682 110,962 39 59,420 29,866 99 156,515 112,816 39 60,118 30,503 97
Other Operating Expenses 2,876,924 2,206,597 30 815,478 658,481 24 2,869,527 2,205,321 30 812,502 654,715 24
Total Operating Expenses 5,732,379 4,645,745 23 1,677,943 1,365,832 23 5,778,518 4,697,416 23 1,691,333 1,377,750 23
Operating Profit before Value Added Tax (VAT) 3,529,896 2,936,437 20 1,094,463 578,790 89 3,680,895 3,185,509 16 1,015,277 645,252 57
Less : Value Added Tax (VAT) on Financial Services 508,291 416,961 22 161,240 93,631 72 529,705 435,396 22 168,466 98,085 72
Profit before Income Tax 3,021,605 2,519,476 20 933,223 485,158 92 3,151,190 2,750,113 15 846,812 547,166 55
Less : Income Tax Expense 899,622 745,138 21 256,541 104,297 146 1,014,789 815,041 25 306,857 122,156 151
Profit for the Period 2,121,983 1,774,338 20 676,682 380,861 78 2,136,401 1,935,072 10 539,954 425,009 27
Earnings Per Share
Basic Earnings Per Share (Rs.) 9 8 18 3 2 69 9 8 9 2 2 20
Twelve months ended 31 December Twelve months ended 31 December Quarter ended 31 December Quarter ended 31 December
Bank Group
2013 2012 Change 2013 2012 Change 2013 2012 Change 2013 2012 Change
Management A/c
Rs. '000 Rs. '000 (%) Rs. '000 Rs. '000 (%) Rs. '000 Rs. '000 (%) Rs. '000 Rs. '000 (%)
Profit for the period 2,121,983 1,774,338 20 676,682 380,861 78 2,136,401 1,935,072 10 539,954 425,009 27
Other Comprehensive Income
Actuarial Gain / ( Loss ) (9,151) 14,080 (165) (9,151) 14,080 (165) (9,223) 16,044 (157) (9,223) 16,044 (157)
Total other Comprehensive income (9,151) 14,080 (165) (9,151) 14,080 (165) (9,223) 16,044 (157) (9,223) 16,044 (157)
Total Comprehensive Income for the period, Net of Tax 2,112,832 1,788,418 18 667,531 394,941 69 2,127,178 1,951,116 9 530,731 441,054 20
Attributable to:
Equity holders of the parent 2,112,832 1,788,418 18 667,531 394,941 69 2,127,178 1,951,116 9 530,731 441,054 20
31.12.2013 31.12.2012 31.12.2013 31.12.2012
Regulatory Capital Adequacy
Core Capital (Tier 1 Capital), Rs. 000 10,790,677 9,162,120 11,728,663 10,085,760
Total Capital Base, Rs. 000 14,931,939 12,340,942 15,869,926 13,264,583
Core Capital Adequacy Ratio, as % of Risk Weighted Assets
(Minimum Requirement, 5%)
13.91% 12.81% 14.78% 13.82%
Total Capital Adequacy Ratio, as % of Risk Weighted Assets
(Minimum Requirement, 10%)
19.25% 17.25% 20.00% 18.18%
Assets Quality (Quality of Loan Portfolio)
Gross Non-Performing Advances Ratio, % (net of interest in
3.52% 2.83% 3.51% 2.79%
Net-Non Performing Advances,%(net of interest in suspense and
2.14% 1.32% 2.13% 1.31%
Interest Margin, % 5.77% 4.97% - -
Return on Assets (before Tax), % 2.34% 2.28% 2.42% 2.46%
Return on Equity, % 21.66% 21.02% 19.79% 20.84%
Regulatory Liquidity
Statutory Liquid Assets, Rs. 000 33,620,716 25,481,081 - -
Statutory Liquid Assets Ratio, % (Minimum Requirement, 20%)
Domestic Banking Unit 25.26% 25.91% - -
Off-Shore Banking Unit 41.92% 25.42% - -
Net Assets Value Per Share (Rs.) 46.79 39.73 50.90 43.78
31.12.2013 31.12.2012
Market Price Per Share (Rs.) (Quarter ended) (Quarter ended)
Highest 68.90 64.60
Lowest 56.00 43.50
Last Traded Price 62.20 56.00
Bank Group
As at 31.12.2013 31.12.2012 Change 31.12.2013 31.12.2012 Change
Rs. '000 Rs. '000 % Rs. '000 Rs. '000 %
Audited Audited
On Balance sheet Assets
Cash and Cash Equivalents 3,019,735 2,534,056 19 3,019,774 2,534,155 19
Balances with Central Bank of Sri Lanka 4,031,763 5,089,342 (21) 4,031,763 5,089,342 (21)
Placements with Banks - - - - - -
Derivative Financial Instruments 121,491 327,843 (63) 121,491 327,843 (63)
Reverse Repurchase Agreements 1,459,506 3,287,274 (56) 552,236 2,711,927 (80)
Other Financial Assets Held-for-Trading 23,365,388 20,253,158 15 24,460,493 21,087,926 16
Other Financial Assets 2,198,582 1,892,922 16 2,198,582 1,892,922 16
Financial Assets Designated at Fair Value through Profit or Loss - - - - - -
Loans & Receivables to Banks - - - - - -
Loans & Receivables to Other Customers 81,128,760 72,458,357 12 82,327,255 73,423,951 12
Financial Investments - Available-for-sale - - - - - -
Financial Investments - Held-to-Maturity 19,734,821 10,237,904 93 19,794,014 10,237,904 93
Investments in Subsidiaries 678,710 678,710 - - - -
Investments in Associates and Joint Ventures - - - - - -
Property, Plant & Equipment 1,545,426 1,395,882 11 2,048,442 1,907,999 7
Investment Properties - - - - - -
Intangible Assets 665,130 625,186 6 680,007 642,457 6
Deferred Tax Assets 156,376 158,931 (2) 157,541 159,807 (1)
Other Assets 2,813,219 2,570,616 9 2,893,700 2,590,590 12
Total Assets 140,918,907 121,510,181 16 142,285,298 122,606,823 16
Bank Group
As at 31.12.2013 31.12.2012 Change 31.12.2013 31.12.2012 Change
Rs. '000 Rs. '000 % Rs. '000 Rs. '000 %
On Balance sheet Liabilities
Due to Banks 1,401,473 2,712,187 (48) 1,401,473 2,712,187 (48)
Derivative Financial Instruments 633,625 528,472 20 633,625 528,472 20
Other Financial liabilities Held-for-Trading - - - - - -
Financial Liabilities Designated at Fair Value through Profit or Loss - - - - - -
Repurchase Agreements 18,101,824 11,832,692 53 18,067,817 11,832,692 53
Due to Other Customers 96,036,198 86,681,677 11 95,729,533 86,274,159 11
Other Borrowings 1,358,291 309,382 339 1,961,325 812,038 142
Debt Securities Issued 1,200,000 500,281 140 1,200,000 500,281 140
Current Tax Liabilities 332,732 510,155 (35) 383,318 544,253 (30)
Deferred Tax Liabilities 498,138 439,812 13 498,138 439,962 13
Other Liabilities 4,924,811 3,811,943 29 5,027,145 3,846,059 31
Due to Subsidiaries - - - - - -
Subordinated Term Debts 5,641,137 5,021,460 12 5,644,761 5,021,460 12
Total Liabilities 130,128,230 112,348,061 16 130,547,135 112,511,563 16
Stated Capital / Assigned Capital ( 230,607,283 Ordinary Shares)
5,101,369 5,101,369 - 5,101,369 5,101,369 -
Statutory Reserve Fund 419,305 313,663 - 419,305 313,663 -
Retained Earnings 4,183,983 3,153,852 33 5,067,107 4,044,303 25
Other Reserves 1,086,020 593,236 83 1,150,382 635,925 81
Total Shareholders' Equity 10,790,677 9,162,120 18 11,738,163 10,095,260 16
Total Equity and Liabilities 140,918,907 121,510,181 16 142,285,298 122,606,823 16
Contingent Liabilities and Commitments 90,180,741 84,914,559 6 90,266,632 86,238,642 5
Memorandum Information
Number of Employees 2,228 2002 2,262 2037
Number of Branches 72 57 72 57
Number of Off-Site ATMs 28 13 28 13
I certify that these Financial Statements comply with the requirments of the Companies Act No.7 of 2007.
(Sgd.) Ajith Akmeemana
Chief Financial Officer
We, the undersigned being the Chairman ,Director and Director/Chief Executive Officer of Nations Trust Bank PLC., certify jointly that,
(a) the above statements have been prepared in compliance with the format and definitions prescribed by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka.
(b) the information contained in these statements has been extracted from the audited financial statements of the Bank and its Subsidiaries.
(Sgd.) A.K Gunaratne (Sgd.) Renuka Fernando
Chairman Director/Chief Executive Officer
24 February 2014
Bank Group
(Sgd.)M.E. Wickremesinghe
Rs. '000 Rs. '000 Rs. '000 Rs. '000 Rs. '000
As at 01 January 2012 5,101,369 2,284,243 224,242 248,123 7,857,977
Profit For the year - 1,774,338 - - 1,774,338
Other Comprehensive Income - 14,080 - - 14,080
Total Comprehensive Income - 1,788,418 - - 1,788,418
Dividend paid for 2011 - (484,275) - - (484,275)
Transfers to the Investment Fund Account* - (345,113) - 345,113 -
Transfers to the Reserve Fund - (89,421) 89,421 - -
As at 31 December 2012 5,101,369 3,153,852 313,663 593,236 9,162,120
Profit For the year - 2,121,983 - - 2,121,983
Other Comprehensive Income - (9,151) - - (9,151)
Total Comprehensive Income - 2,112,832 - - 2,112,832
Dividend paid for 2012 - (484,275) - - (484,275)
Transfers to the Investment Fund Account* - (492,784) - 492,784 -
Transfers to the Reserve Fund - (105,642) 105,642 - -
As at 31 December 2013 5,101,369 4,183,983 419,305 1,086,020 10,790,677
0 (9,148) (0) 0
Rs. '000 Rs. '000 Rs. '000 Rs. '000 Rs. '000
As at 01 January 2012 5,101,369 3,034,047 224,242 268,761 8,628,419
Profit For the year - 1,935,072 - - 1,935,072
Other Comprehensive Income - 16,044 - - 16,044
Total Comprehensive Income - 1,951,116 - - 1,951,116
Dividend paid for 2011 - (484,275) - - (484,275)
Transfers to the Investment Fund Account* - (367,164) - 367,164 -
Transfers to the Reserve Fund - (89,421) 89,421 - -
As at 31 December 2012 5,101,369 4,044,303 313,663 635,925 10,095,260
Profit For the year - 2,136,401 - 2,136,401
Other Comprehensive Income - (9,223) - (9,223)
Total Comprehensive Income - 2,127,178 - - 2,127,178
Dividend paid for 2012 - (484,275) - - (484,275)
Transfers to the Investment Fund Account* - (514,457) - 514,457 -
Transfers to the Reserve Fund - (105,642) 105,642 - -
As at 31 December 2013 5,101,369 5,067,107 419,305 1,150,382 11,738,163
*Investment Fund Account is established and operated based on the Guidelines on the Operations of the Investment Fund Account
issued by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka on April 29, 2011 with the concurrence of the Commissioner - General of Inland Revenue.
* Tax saving on the reduction of tax rates transferred to the Investment Fund as per the guidelines issued by the Department of Inland
Revenue and Central Bank of Sri Lanka. Loans amounting to Rs. 821 Mn. were granted under this scheme.
For the Year Ended 31 December 2013 2012 2013 2012
LKR '000 LKR '000 LKR '000 LKR '000
Cash Flows from Operating Activities
Receipts of Interest Income 16,723,427 15,234,777 16,960,713 15,430,937
Receipts of Fees and Commission Income 2,570,102 2,093,897 2,736,421 2,195,074
Payments of Interest Expense (9,741,807) (7,982,231) (9,748,116) (7,957,757)
Payments of Fees and Commission Expense (215,173) (175,665) (209,673) (173,553)
Net Trading Income (631,759) 187,421 (631,759) 187,421
Receipts from Other Operating Income 400,935 247,656 222,200 229,161
Gratuity Payments Made (26,565) (15,911) (27,992) (16,780)
Payments for Operating Expenses (5,586,131) (4,637,136) (5,642,284) (4,695,761)
Net Cash Flow from Operating Activities before Income Tax (A) 3,493,029 4,952,808 3,659,510 5,198,742
Income Tax paid (668,147) (211,215) (738,696) (247,364)
Operating Profit before Changes in Operating Assets and Liabilities 2,824,882 4,741,593 2,920,814 4,951,378
(Increase)/Decrease in Operating Assets
Reverse Repurchase Agreements 1,820,332 3,951,384 2,152,222 4,158,536
Derivative Financial Instruments 206,351 (73,148) 206,351 (73,148)
Financial Investments Held for Trading (2,984,245) (14,053,822) (3,244,583) (14,610,988)
Financial Investments-Held to Maturity (9,493,298) 514,886 (9,552,491) 1,136,229
Other Financial Assets (285,833) 1,005,536 (319,781) 1,005,081
Loans and Advances to Customers (8,755,328) (12,682,952) (9,006,277) (12,699,644)
Other Assets (250,758) (346,923) (246,004) (345,789)
(Increase)/Decrease in Operating Assets (19,742,779) (21,685,039) (20,010,563) (21,429,723)
Increase/(Decrease) in Operating Liabilities
Repurchase Agreements 6,412,144 (2,733,376) 6,080,254 (2,660,127)
Due to Other Customers 9,303,949 18,059,496 9,404,235 17,711,228
Derivative Financial Instruments 105,153 212,752 105,153 212,752
Other Liabilities 980,866 (9,432) 957,104 (6,138)
Increase/(Decrease) in Operating Liabilities 16,802,112 15,529,440 16,546,746 15,257,715
Net Cash Flows from Operating Activities (115,785) (1,414,006) (543,003) (1,220,630)
Cash Flows from Investing Activities
Purchase of Property, Plant and Equipment (385,544) (283,456) (387,993) (283,596)
Proceeds from Sale of Property, Plant and Equipment and Intangible Assets 2,173 914 2,173 914
Purchase of Intangible Assets (204,782) (138,542) (205,221) (157,630)
(588,153) (421,084) (591,041) (440,312)
Cash Flows from Financing Activities
Net change in Debt issued and other Borrowed Funds (670,705) 3,070,399 (240,599) 2,896,308
Proceeds from the issue of Debentures 3,000,000 - 3,000,000 -
Repayment of Subordinated Debt (1,134,650) (304,650) (1,134,650) (304,650)
Interest paid on Subordinated Debt (556,461) (549,342) (556,461) (549,342)
Dividends paid to Equity Holders of the Parent (484,275) (484,275) (484,275) (484,275)
153,909 1,732,132 584,015 1,558,041
Net Increase in Cash and Cash Equivalents (550,029) (102,958) (550,029) (102,901)
Cash and Cash Equivalents at the beginning of the year 7,510,041 7,612,999 7,510,080 7,613,041
Cash and Cash Equivalents at the end of the year 6,960,012 7,510,041 6,960,051 7,510,140
Reconciliation of Cash and Cash Equivalents
Cash on Hand 2,526,673 1,836,568 2,526,681 1,836,576
Statutory Deposit with the Central Bank of Sri Lanka 4,031,763 5,089,342 4,031,763 5,089,342
Balances with Banks 493,062 395,146 493,093 395,237
Money at Call and Short Notice - 302,342 - 302,342
Deposits from Other Banks (91,486) (113,357) (91,486) (113,357)
6,960,012 7,510,041 6,960,051 7,510,140
A. Reconciliation of Operating Profit
Profit before Taxation 3,021,605 2,519,476 3,151,190 2,750,113
(Profit) / Loss on disposal of Property, Plant and Equipment and Intangible
(1,760) 1,378 (1,760) 1,378
Impairment charge / (Reversal ) for Loans and Advances 449,419 430,965 450,610 431,834
Provision for Gratuity 70,132 59,625 71,741 61,239
(Increase) / Decrease in Interest Receivable (457,253) 317,350 (456,426) 317,626
Increase/ (Decrease) in Interest Payable 480,812 1,399,453 481,014 1,399,455
Increase / (Decrease) in Financial Guarantee Liabilities (6,464) (16,951) (6,464) (16,951)
Other Receivables 8,158 - 8,158 -
Other Payables 59,682 - 59,682 -
Other Non cash items (104,737) 257,423 (70,243) 270,828
Gratuity Payments Made (26,565) (15,911) (27,992) (16,780)
3,493,029 4,952,808 3,659,510 5,198,742
Bank Group
HTM at Amortised Cost
Rs. '000 31.12.2013 31.12.2012 31.12.2013 31.12.2012 31.12.2013 31.12.2012 31.12.2013 31.12.2012 31.12.2013 31.12.2012
Cash and Cash Equivalents - - - 3,019,735 2,534,056 3,019,735 2,534,056
Balances with Central Bank of Sri Lanka - - - 4,031,763 5,089,342 4,031,763 5,089,342
Derivative Financial Instruments - 121,491 327,843 - - 121,491 327,843
Reverse Repurchase Agreements - - - 1,459,506 3,287,274 1,459,506 3,287,274
Financial Assets - Held for Trading 23,365,388 20,253,158 - - - 23,365,388 20,253,158
Other Financial Assets - - - 2,198,582 1,892,922 2,198,582 1,892,922
Loans and Advances to Customers - - - 81,128,760 72,458,357 81,128,760 72,458,357
Financial Assets - Held to Maturity - - 19,734,821 10,237,904 - 19,734,821 10,237,904
Total Financial Assets 23,365,388 20,253,158 121,491 327,843 19,734,821 10,237,904 91,838,347 85,261,951 135,060,046 116,080,856
Liabilities 31.12.2013 31.12.2012 31.12.2013 31.12.2012 31.12.2013 31.12.2012
Due to Banks - 1,401,473 2,712,187 1,401,473 2,712,187
Derivative Financial Instruments 633,625 528,472 - - 633,625 528,472
Repurchase Agreements - 18,101,824 11,832,692 18,101,824 11,832,692
Due to Other Customers - 96,036,198 86,681,677 96,036,198 86,681,677
Debt Issued and Other Borrowed Funds - 8,199,429 5,831,123 8,199,429 5,831,123
Total Financial Liabilities 633,625 528,472 123,738,923 107,057,680 124,372,548 107,586,152
HTM at Amortised Cost
Rs. '000 31.12.2013 31.12.2012 31.12.2013 31.12.2012 31.12.2013 31.12.2012 31.12.2013 31.12.2012 31.12.2013 31.12.2012
Cash and Cash Equivalents - - - 3,019,774 2,534,155 3,019,774 2,534,155
Balances with Central Bank of Sri Lanka - - - 4,031,763 5,089,342 4,031,763 5,089,342
Derivative Financial Instruments 121,491 327,843 - - 121,491 327,843
Reverse Repurchase Agreements - - - 552,236 2,711,927 552,236 2,711,927
Financial Assets - Held for Trading 24,460,493 21,087,926 - - - 24,460,493 21,087,926
Other Financial Assets - - - 2,198,582 1,892,922 2,198,582 1,892,922
Loans and Advances to Customers - - - 82,327,255 73,423,951 82,327,255 73,423,951
Financial Assets - Held to Maturity - - 19,794,014 10,237,904 - 19,794,014 10,237,904
Total Financial Assets 24,460,493 21,087,926 121,491 327,843 19,794,014 10,237,904 92,129,610 85,652,297 136,505,608 117,305,970
HFT at
Fair Value
Liabilities Rs. '000 31.12.2013 31.12.2012 31.12.2013 31.12.2012 31.12.2013 31.12.2012
Due to Banks - - 1,401,473 2,712,187 1,401,473 2,712,187
Derivative Financial Instruments - 633,625 528,472 - - 633,625 528,472
Repurchase Agreements - - 18,067,817 11,832,692 18,067,817 11,832,692
Due to Other Customers - - 95,729,533 86,274,159 95,729,533 86,274,159
Debt Issued and Other Borrowed Funds - - 8,806,086 6,333,779 8,806,086 6,333,779
Total Financial Liabilities - 633,625 528,472 124,004,909 107,152,817 124,638,535 107,681,289
HFT -Held for Trading
HTM - Held-to-Maturity
L&R- Loans and Receivables
Financial Derivatives at
Fair Value
Other Financial Liabilities
at Amortised Cost Total
Financial Derivatives at
Fair Value
Other Financial Liabilities
at Amortised Cost Total
HFT at Fair Value
Financial Derivatives at
Fair Value
L & R at Amortised Cost Total
HFT at Fair Value
Financial Derivatives at
Fair Value
L & R at Amortised Cost Total
1) Loans and Advances To Customers
31.12.2013 31.12.2012 31.12.2013 31.12.2012
Rs. '000 Rs. '000 Rs. '000 Rs. '000
Audited Audited
Gross Loans and Advances 81,533,347 73,288,486 82,730,891 74,251,938
(Less) : Individual Impairment (620,978) (1,120,502) (620,978) (1,120,502)
Collective Impairment (1,154,216) (704,788) (1,153,265) (702,646)
79,758,153 71,463,196 80,956,648 72,428,790
(Less) :
Loans and Advances designated at Fair Value through Profit
or Loss
- - - -
Net Loans and Advances 79,758,153 71,463,196 80,956,648 72,428,790
Staff Loans 2,181,943 1,861,546 2,181,943 1,861,546
Less : Allowance for Day 1 Difference (811,336) (866,385) (811,336) (866,385)
1,370,606 995,161 1,370,607 995,161
81,128,760 72,458,357 82,327,255 73,423,951
2) Gross Loans and Advances to Customers -By Product
31.12.2013 31.12.2012 31.12.2013 31.12.2012
Rs. '000 Rs. '000 Rs. '000 Rs. '000
Audited Audited
By Product -Domestic Currency
Bills of Exchange 66,229 35,841 66,229 35,841
Overdrafts 17,739,197 16,276,668 17,739,197 16,276,668
Term Loans 21,591,338 18,519,006 21,591,338 18,519,006
Staff Loans 2,181,943 1,861,546 2,181,943 1,861,546
Leases 21,738,216 19,361,556 21,738,216 19,361,555
Credit Cards 9,997,774 7,455,077 9,997,774 7,455,077
Pawning Advance 2,422,265 1,768,814 2,422,265 1,768,814
Corporate Debt Securities 1,578,457 798,834 1,578,457 798,834
Other Advances 2,171,617 2,870,581 3,369,161 3,834,034
Sub Total 79,487,036 68,947,923 80,684,580 69,911,375
By Product -Foreign Currency
Bills of Exchange 368,743 279,759 368,743 279,759
Overdrafts 70,329 2,095,727 70,329 2,095,727
Term Loans 2,190,703 1,709,325 2,190,703 1,709,325
Other Advances 1,598,479 2,117,298 1,598,479 2,117,298
Sub Total 4,228,254 6,202,109 4,228,254 6,202,109
Total 83,715,290 75,150,032 84,912,834 76,113,484
Bank Group
Net Loans and Advances including those designated at Fair Value
through Profit or Loss
Bank Group
31.12.2013 31.12.2012 31.12.2013 31.12.2012
Rs. '000 Rs. '000 Rs. '000 Rs. '000
Audited Audited
Individual Impairment
As at 01 January 1,120,502 907,122 1,120,502 907,122
Charge/ (Reversal) to Income Statement (499,524) 213,380 (499,524) 213,380
As at 31 December 620,978 1,120,502 620,978 1,120,502
Collective Impairment
As at 01 January 704,788 582,893 702,646 579,883
Charge/ (Reversal) to Income Statement 937,638 217,585 938,829 218,454
Amounts written off during the Period (488,210) (95,691) (488,210) (95,691)
As at 31 December 1,154,216 704,788 1,153,265 702,646
Total Impairment 1,775,194 1,825,290 1,774,243 1,823,148
4) Due to Other Customers -By Product
31.12.2013 31.12.2012 31.12.2013 31.12.2012
Rs. '000 Rs. '000 Rs. '000 Rs. '000
Audited Audited
By Product -Domestic Currency
Demand Deposits 8,715,316 7,261,156 8,664,707 7,238,205
Savings Deposits 11,687,808 8,836,395 11,687,808 8,836,395
Call Deposits 492,697 220,489 492,697 220,489
Fixed Deposits 56,437,718 49,719,931 56,181,662 49,335,364
Certificate of Deposits 2,867,362 5,029,652 2,867,362 5,029,652
Sub Total 80,200,902 71,067,623 79,894,237 70,660,105
By Product -Foreign Currency
Demand Deposits 770,891 563,867 770,891 563,867
Savings Deposits 3,190,449 2,298,364 3,190,449 2,298,364
Call Deposits 239,381 27,657 239,381 27,657
Fixed Deposits 11,634,575 12,724,166 11,634,575 12,724,166
Sub Total 15,835,296 15,614,054 15,835,296 15,614,054
Total 96,036,198 86,681,677 95,729,533 86,274,159
Bank Group
Bank Group
3) Movements in Individual and Collective Impairment during the period for Loans and Receivables to Other Customers
Operating Segments
Rs. '000 31.12.2013 31.12.2012 31.12.2013 31.12.2012 31.12.2013 31.12.2012 31.12.2013 31.12.2012 31.12.2013 31.12.2012
Operating income 8,530,706 7,210,412 944,947 802,735 435,164 356,862 (794) (55,250) 9,910,023 8,314,759
Impairment Charge /(Reversal ) for Loans and
449,411 430,965 - - - - 1,199 869 450,610 431,834
Net Operating income 8,081,295 6,779,447 944,947 802,735 435,164 356,862 (1,993) (56,119) 9,459,413 7,882,925
Extracts of results
Interest Income 13,301,717 11,083,632 4,372,676 3,651,255 455,024 416,004 (218,211) (37,774) 17,911,206 15,113,117
Inter Segment 453,951 573,805 (453,951) (573,805) - - - - - -
Interest Expense (8,001,612) (6,627,164) (2,232,091) (2,571,982) (219,038) (196,535) 216,140 37,304 (10,236,602) (9,358,378)
Net Interest Income 5,754,056 5,030,273 1,686,635 505,468 235,985 219,468 (2,072) (470) 7,674,604 5,754,739
Fees and Commission Income 2,635,020 2,032,957 - 77,893 189,044 147,847 (104,693) (38,398) 2,719,371 2,220,299
Fees and Commission Expense (248,681) (129,109) (43,191) (46,556) (5,830) (2,180) 82,512 2,089 (215,189) (175,756)
Net Fees and Commission Income 2,386,339 1,903,848 (43,191) 31,337 183,214 145,667 (22,180) (36,309) 2,504,182 2,044,543
Net Trading Income 231,063 - (705,840) 295,944 15,965 (8,276) (19,606) - (478,418) 287,668
Other Operating Income 159,248 276,291 7,343 (30,013) - 4 43,064 (18,471) 209,655 227,809
Depreciation of Property,Plant and Equipment 141,502 120,184 815 134,800 11,549 11,551 103,948 - 257,814 266,535
Amortization of Intangible Assets 61,471 45,156 11,867 65,806 2,833 1,854 80,345 - 156,515 112,816
Segment Profit / (Loss) Before Value Added Tax 2,696,154 2,383,862 704,113 545,692 311,995 250,515 (31,367) 5,439 3,680,895 3,185,509
Value Added Tax and Income Tax Expense (119,809) (69,903) (1,424,684) (1,180,534) (1,544,493) (1,250,437)
Profit for the Year 2,696,154 2,383,862 704,113 545,692 192,187 180,612 (1,456,052) (1,175,095) 2,136,402 1,935,072
Capital Expenditures
Property and Equipment 251,985 239,503 1,595 43,951 2,447 141 131,966 - 387,993 283,596
Intangible Assets 45,501 40,539 3,506 98,002 440 19,090 155,774 - 205,221 157,630
Total Assets 82,002,263 72,848,049 56,291,035 48,503,201 3,707,142 3,498,738 127,316 (2,402,973) 142,127,757 122,447,016
Total Liabilities 99,035,522 86,869,491 30,525,352 25,319,639 2,095,591 1,903,408 (1,266,871) (1,740,782) 130,389,593 112,351,756
Bank Treasury Functions Others Unallocated/ Eliminations Total Group
The rated unsecured subordinated redeemable debentures 2011/16 and 2013/18 of the Bank are listed in the Colombo Stock Exchange.
However, these debentures have not been traded from the date of listing up to 31 December 2013.
Debenture Categories CSE Listing
Balance as
Balance as
Highest Lowest
Annual Yield 31.12.2013 31.12.2012
Yield to
Rs. '000 Rs. '000 Rs. Rs. Rs. % % % % % %
Fixed Rate
Fixed Rate NTBD0145 Semi -Annually - 500,000 20.53 21.58 14.54 12.55
Fixed Rate NTBD0131 Annually - 1,000,000 21.00 21.00 9.61 12.77
Fixed Rate NTBD0163 Semi -Annually 1,525,000 1,525,000 11.50 11.83 9.00 6.40
Fixed Rate NTBD0164 Semi -Annually 200,000 200,000 11.00 11.30 9.00 6.40
Fixed Rate NTBD0165 Semi -Annually 275,000 275,000 11.50 11.83 9.00 6.40
Fixed Rate NTBD0266 Semi -Annually 3,000,000 - 13.00 13.42 9.78 -
Total Debentures 5,000,000 3,500,000
Ratios of Debt 31.12.2013 31.12.2012
* Debt / Equity Ratio % 62.72% 58.54%
Interest Cover (Times) 6.77 5.12
* All Surbordinated debt and listed Senior debt are considered as Debt (numerator)
Not traded Not traded
Not traded Not traded
Not traded Not traded
Not traded Not traded
Not traded Not traded
Not traded Not traded
Market Values Interest Rates
Interest rate of
Government Security
Other Ratios as at
date of last trade
Twenty largest Shareholders
Name of the Shareholder No. of Shares %
John Keells Holdings PLC. 46,121,536 20.00
DFCC Bank A/C No 01 22,865,356 9.92
Mackinnons & Keells Financial Services Limited 22,830,159 9.90
Central Finance Company PLC A/C No 03 20,715,400 8.98
HWIC Asia Fund 19,048,765 8.26
CF Growth Fund Limited A/C No 01 14,813,273 6.42
CF Insurance Brokers (Pvt) Limited. 10,592,857 4.59
HSBC Intl. Nom. Limited - SSBT -National Westminister Bank Plc as Depositary of First
State Indian Subcontinen
3,497,452 1.52
Employees Trust Fund Board 3,153,850 1.37
HSBC Intl. Nom. Limited - JPMCB-Pacific Assets Trust PLC 3,101,851 1.35
Mr.M.F. Hashim 2,600,000 1.13
The Ceylon Investment PLC A/C #02 2,542,368 1.10
The Ceylon Guardian Investment Trust PLC A/C #02 2,463,350 1.07
Renuka City Hotels PLC 1,858,775 0.81
Bank of Ceylon - A/C No 02 1,546,100 0.67
Mr. N.R. Somaiya 1,320,624 0.57
Timex (Garments) Limited 1,238,465 0.54
Deustche Bank AG as Trustee for Namal Acuity Value Fund 1,200,000 0.52
HSBC International Nominees Limited - SSBT - Deustche Bank AG Singapore A/C No 01 1,089,000 0.47
Malship Ceylon Limited 1,063,857 0.46
183,663,038 79.64
Others 46,944,245 20.36
Total 230,607,283 100.00
Percentage of public shareholding as at 31 December 2013 was 79.85%
Directors' holding in shares as at 31 December 2013
Name of Director No of Shares
Mr. K.N.J.Balendra 107,700
Mr. A.K. Gunaratne 19,432
Mr. A.R. Rasiah 16,304
Mr. C.H.S.K. Piyaratna 100,400
Mrs. R.N. K. Fernando (Director / CEO) 68,700
Mr.K.O.V.S.M.S. Wijesinghe 39,650
Dr. (Ms.) D. Weerakoon -
Mr. M.E. Wickremesinghe -
Mr. M Jafferjee -
Dr. (Mr.) Kemal De. Soysa -
Mr. D.P. De Silva -
Ms. N. S. Panditaratne -
Explanatory Notes:
(1) The Group figures include those of the Subsidiaries, Waldock Mackenzie Limited, Allied Properties Limited, Nations Insurance Brokers Limited
(formerly MLL Insurance Brokers Limited). Further a Liquidator has been appointed on 03 June 2013 to wind up Mercantile Leasing (Financial Services)
Limited, Subsidiary of the Bank.
(2) These Financial Statements are prepared in accordance with Sri Lanka Accounting Standards (SLFRS / LKASs) and provide the information as
required in terms of Rule 7.4 of the Colombo Stock Exchange and the Directions issued by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka. Comparative figures have been
remeasured / reclassified where necessary to comply with the Central Bank guidelines and SLFRS / LKASs.
(3) These Interim financial statements are presented in accordance with LKAS 34 - Interim Financial Reporting and there are no changes to the accounting
policies and methods of computation as against those disclosed in the Annual Report for the year ended 31st December 2013.
(4) There are no material changes to contingent assets and liabilities since 31.12.2013 and the balances reflected are due to transactions carried out in the
normal course of Banking Business.
(5) No material events have taken place since 31.12.2013 that require disclosure or/and adjustments in these accounts and all known expenditure have
been provided in these financial statements.
1.1 Introduction
Risk is inherent in the Banks activities, but is managed through a process of ongoing identification,
measurement, and monitoring, subject to risk limits and other controls. This process of risk
management is critical to the Banks continuing profitability. The Bank is primarily exposed to credit
risk, liquidity risk, market risk and operational risks.
The Board of Directors is responsible for establishing the overall risk management framework within
the Bank. This consists of approval of a risk governance structure and approval of detailed risk
management policies and procedures with risk appetite and tolerance limits. The Board delegates
specific oversight of all risk management activities in the Bank to the Board Integrated Risk
Management Committee (BIRMC). It reviews risk goals, department risk grids and material risk
issues highlighted by different executive risk committees. It also monitors compliance with Bank
policies and regulations. The Board has appointed the Executive Risk Management Committee
(ERMC) which has the overall responsibility for overseeing the establishment and implementation of
frameworks, policies and limits for various risk exposures. The ERMC is assisted by the Assets and
Liability Management Committee (ALCO) which specifically focus on market risk management and
liquidity risk management whilst Head Office Credit Committee focuses on the credit risk
The Integrated Risk Management Department (IRMD), headed by the Chief Risk Officer (CRO), is
responsible for developing and implementing the Banks risk management framework.

Risk Measurement and Reporting Systems
The Banks risks are measured using methods that reflect incurred loss model for financial reporting
and the expected loss likely to arise in normal circumstances which are supported by statistical
models for financial reporting and regulatory purposes. The models make use of probabilities derived
from historical experience, adjusted to reflect the current economic environment. Managing of risks
are primarily performed based on limits established by the Bank. These limits reflect the business
strategy and market environment of the Bank as well as the level of risk that the Bank is willing to
accept with additional emphasis on selected industries. Information compiled from all the relevant
departments is examined and processed in order to analyze, control and identify risks on a timely
basis. This information is presented and explained to the members of Board Supervisory Committee,
BIRMC and the heads of each business division. The report includes aggregate credit exposure,
liquidity ratios and risk profile changes. The BIRMC receives a risk assessment report once a quarter,
which is designed to provide a wide range of information to assess and conclude on the risks of the
The Head of Treasury Middle Office provides the details on the utilization of market limits, liquidity
and any other market risk developments to the Chief Executive Officer and other relevant members of
the Bank on a daily basis.

1.2 Credit Risk
Credit risk is the risk that the Bank would incur a loss because its customers or counterparties fail to
discharge their contractual obligations. The Bank manages and controls credit risk by setting limits on
the amount of risk it is willing to accept for individual counterparties and for industry concentrations,
and by monitoring exposures in relation to such limits and by taking appropriate collateral.
The Bank has established a credit quality review process to provide early identification of possible
changes in the creditworthiness of counterparties, including regular collateral revisions.
An appropriate risk rating mechanism covering various types of customer segments of the bank
excluding consumer products is being implemented. Such risk ratings are subject to regular revision.
The credit quality review process aims to allow the Bank to assess the potential loss as a result of the
risks to which it is exposed and take corrective action.

Impairment Assessment
For financial reporting purposes, the Bank uses an incurred loss model for the recognition of losses on
impaired financial assets. This means that losses can only be recognized when objective evidence of a
specific loss event has been observed.

Individually Assessed Allowances
The Bank determines the allowances appropriate for each individually significant loan or advance on
an individual basis above a predetermined threshold limit. Items considered when determining
allowance amounts include the sustainability of the counterpartys business plan, its ability to
improve performance if it is in a financial difficulty, projected receipts and the expected payout if
bankruptcy happens, the availability of other financial support, the realizable value and timing of
collateral and expected cash flows. Impairment allowances are evaluated at each reporting date,
unless unforeseen circumstances require more careful attention. The Bank has currently set
Individually Significant Threshold at Rupees Ten Million and every customer having an aggregate
exposure above that limit is individually assessed for objective evidence of incurred loss (OEIL). If
the Bank finds such customers having OEIL, those customers are individually impaired taking in to
account the estimated value of future cash flows.

Collectively Assessed Allowances
Allowances are assessed collectively for losses on loans and advances that are not individually
significant and for individually significant loans and advances that have been assessed individually
and found not to be impaired.
The collective assessment is made for groups of assets with similar risk characteristics, in order to
determine whether allowance should be made due to incurred loss events for which there is objective
evidence, but the effects of which are not yet evident in the individual loans assessments. The
collective assessment takes account of data from the loan portfolio such as historical losses on the
portfolio, levels of arrears, and expected receipts and recoveries once impaired. The Bank generally
bases its analyzes on historical experience. However, when there are significant market
developments, the Bank also include macro- economic factors within its assessments. These factors
include, depending on the characteristics of the individual or collective assessment: unemployment
rates, levels of bad debts and delinquency trends, Inflation, movements in Gross Domestic Product
(GDP), macro environment stability in financial industry, revisions in the interest rates, changes in
regulatory environment and other available consumer data. The Bank uses the aforementioned factors
as appropriate to adjust the impairment allowances.

Commitments and Guarantees
To meet the financial needs of customers, the Bank enters into various commitments and contingent
liabilities. Even though these obligations may not be recognized on the Statement of Financial
Position, they do contain credit risk and are therefore part of the overall risk of the Bank. The
maximum exposure to credit risk relating to a financial guarantee is the maximum amount the Bank
could have to pay if the guarantee is called upon. Undrawn commitments mainly consist of unutilized
credit card limits and facilities granted to corporate customers where the Bank reserves the right to
unconditionally cancel or recall the facility at its discretion.
Forward / Swap Foreign exchange contracts are recorded on a gross basis even though the net
exposure, which is the settlement risk, is very much lower than the recorded gross amounts.

1.3 Liquidity Risk
Liquidity risk is defined as the risk that the Bank will encounter a difficulty in meeting obligations
associated with financial liabilities that are settled by delivering cash or another financial asset.
Liquidity risk is measured through the stock and flow approaches.
Bank maintains a minimum 20% ratio of liquid assets to total liabilities under stock approach based
on the regulations of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka. Liquid assets mainly consist of cash, short-term
Bank deposits and government securities. In addition, the Bank maintains a statutory deposit with the
Central Bank of Sri Lanka equal to 6% of Sri Lankan Rupee customer deposits. The bank also
manages the liquidity risk through managing the gaps between assets and liabilities in various
maturity buckets. Management considers both contractual cash flows as well as behavioral aspects of
these assets and liabilities when analyzing the gaps. Due consideration is given to to stress factors
relating to both the market in general and specifically to the Bank. Additionally, the Bank has
developed a contingency plan to address these stress situations.

1.4 Market Risk
Market risk is the risk that the fair value or future cash flows of financial instruments will fluctuate
due to changes in market variables such as interest rates and foreign exchange rates.
Interest Rate Risk (IRR) arises from the possibility that changes in interest rates will affect future
cash flows or the fair values of financial instruments. Any mismatches in the cash flows (fixed rate
assets or liabilities) or re-pricing dates (floating rate assets or liabilities) expose Banks Net Interest
Income to variations. IRR exposure is primarily managed with Maturity Gap analysis that distributes
interest rate sensitive assets, liabilities and off-balance sheet positions at carrying amount into a
number of pre-defined time-bands according to their residual term to maturity (fixed rate) or residual
term to their next re-pricing (floating rate). The sensitivity of the Income Statement is measured by
calculating the change in the present value of above interest rate sensitive gaps, based on assumed
changes in interest rates along the yield curve.
Currency risk is the risk that the value of a financial instrument will fluctuate due to changes in
foreign exchange rates. Exposure to each currency is arrived at by calculating the Net Asset or
Liability position including the spot and forward contracts of the relevant currency. Treasury Middle
Office (TMO) monitors the above positions on a daily basis to ensure positions are maintained within
established limits.
As part of its overall risk management, the Bank uses derivatives and other instruments to manage
exposures resulting from changes in interest rates and foreign currencies.

1.5 Operational Risk
Operational risk is defined as the risk of loss resulting from inadequate or failed internal processes,
people and systems or from external events.
Over the period Operational Risk Management tools have evolved within the Bank and now the usage
of techniques such as Risk and control self assessment (RCSA) and key risk indicators (KRI) have
become part and parcel of normal course of business. The Bank has a robust process to capture
operational loss events which are centrally fed in to an operational loss data base to be used for
modeling when the Bank moves towards the Advanced Approach under BASEL Guidelines. In
addition to above Operational Risk Management Unit oversee the appropriateness and
implementation of Business Continuity Plan (BCP) across the Bank.
Operational Risk Management Unit oversees the internal control systems of the Bank which include
assessment of operating procedures to mitigate Operational Risks. The Operational Risk Management
Unit works closely with other business/support units in confirming that the financial reporting system
has been designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and
the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with relevant accounting
principles and Regulatory requirements.
The Bank uses Insurance as a risk mitigating technique to contain the severity of Operational Risk.

The Bank has established a capital maintenance strategy which forms an integral part of
its strategic planning exercise with following key objectives in mind.
To maintain the capital resources commensurate with the business strategy, capital
commitments and overall risk appetite
To maintain an adequate capital buffer for unexpected and stressed economic conditions
To allocate capital to businesses and products in order to optimize risk adjusted returns
and economic value additions
To comply with regulatory requirements and international best practice relating to capital
In regulatory capital perspective, the bank applies the Basel 2 framework, as adopted by CBSL in
order to calculate the Risk Weighted Assets (RWA) and the capital requirement. For the measurement
of RWA, the bank currently adopts the standardized approach for credit risk and market risk while the
Basic Indicator Approach is applied for Operational Risk. The minimum Tier 1 capital is set at 5% of
RWA while minimum Total Capital (Tier 1 plus Tier 2) is set at 10% RWA.

A detailed analysis and explanation of risk management policies and procedures are given in the
Annual Report 2013 of the Bank.

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