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Suggested Kindergarten Homework
Activities for the Year
(these do not have to be turned in, however practice of the skills is important for our childs success)
High Frequency Word Activities: 1. Rainbow Writing ... do each letter in a different color. 2. Cloud Writing ... outline each word three or more times with a different color. 3. Stair Step WritingWrite the next two letters below it. Then write the next three letters and so on. 4. 2 Color Words ... Write your words using one color for the consonants and another color for the vowels (a, e, i, o, u). 5. Words in Print ... write your words by cutting out the letters from newspapers or magazines and glue onto paper. 6. Write your spelling words on white paper using glow in the dark materials. Then, hang up the words and enjoy reading them in the dark! 7. Put shaving cream on a cookie sheet and spread it all around. Then use your finger to write your word in shaving cream. After you are finished, erase the word and write the next word. 8. Spell your words on the refrigerator or cookie sheet using magnetic letters. 9. Spell words using a Q-Tip and watercolor paints ... or use a Q-Tip and clear water on a chalkboard. 10. Write your words using playdough or model magic. 11. Play Concentration...get 3x5 cards and write each word onto 2 cards. 12. Spell your words aloud to a family member. a and away big blue can cat come dad dog down find for funny go help hers I in is it jump little look make me mom my not one play red run said see the three to two up we yellow you Math Activities: 1. Count to 30 and higher. Practice counting objects accurately - up to 30 items. Have a grown-up show you a number between 1 and 30 ... can you name the number and count out that many objects correctly. Practice counting, pennies, buttons, Lego's, blocks, or other fun objects. How many spoons (or whatever objects you are counting) do you have? Draw a picture of the object you are counting and then write the number on a piece of paper. Have a grown-up show you a number ... can you name the number and count out that many objects correctly. 2. Identify numbers to 30 or higher after mastering 1-30 ... even when they are all mixed-up identification should be as fast as a snap Can you recognize the random numbers within 2 seconds each? Write your numbers to 30 or higher in order or have someone say a number randomly out of order and you write it. Practice, practice, practice writing numbers correctly without reversals. Practice estimation too. 3. If you have mastered counting to 100, then practice counting by 10's first, then 5's and then 2's verbally and written. Practice tallying. 4. Say your telephone number (can you include the area code too) and your address (number, street, city and state). Write your telephone number and address once on paper. 5. Practice math words and directional words ... Get some objects and tell which group has more, less; greater, fewer; which groups are equal; line up objects and tell which one is first, last; in front, behind; find objects to show which are thick, thin; long, short; empty, full; heavy, light. Physically practice directional words: over, under; up, down; left, right; outside, inside; above, below; on, off; in, out; first, middle, last; through, beneath, next to, in between, around, before, after, etc. Serialize objects (shortest to tallest, empty to full). Draw a picture and have a grown-up help you label your illustration showing the math words you practiced. 6. Practice sorting objects by different attributes. Sort Lego's, cereal, buttons, coins ... Can you sort by shape, size, color, texture, etc? Tell how you are sorting and can you sort a different way using the same objects. Practice sorting with hands, then tongs, then tweezers. 7. Practice addition and subtraction using numbers 0 to 10. Use objects to practice with and then can you write your number sentence? We write addition and subtraction equations horizontally in Kindergarten. Ex. 5 + 3 = 8 8. Design a number book such as a counting book, or addition facts, or subtraction facts, or patterns, or birthdays, or time or coins. Language Arts Activities: 1. Name letters of the alphabet 2. Practice recognizing name in print 3. Practice writing own name 4. Practice looking at pictures in a book and predicting what the book might be about 5. Practice reading books 6. Practice retelling stories read 7. Practice telling stories 8. Practice reciting nursery rhymes and poems 9. Talk about everyday events, trips, outings 10. Visit the Public Library and check out books or find a book at home and have someone read a story to you. Retell the story back to the person who read you the story. Remember to include all of the characters in the story, where the story took place (setting), the sequence in detail of what happened at the beginning, middle and the end of the story, and what you learned from the story or what the story may remind you of (inference). Practice pretend reading (memorization or telling the story) as you track words from left to right and from top to bottom in books. Identify the front cover, title page, and back cover, and know the jobs of the author and illustrator. 11. Practice writing by copying books. Get some plain paper and have fun copying favorite pages from Brown Bear, Brown Bear or any picture book that you love to read over and over or have memorized. 12. Say and write the days of the week and/or months of the year in order. Practice verbally 3 times each and write once. 13. Practice creating and writing sentences using the color words: i.e. - I see a brown dog. The cat is black. I can see the red bug. Design a picture to go with your sentence. A fun idea is to make a book using color word sentences. Create a book using the same color in all of the sentences or create a book using different colors. Just staple 2 or more papers together to create a book. 14. Practice identifying the ABC's if they have not been mastered. Learn both the upper case and lower case letters. Make or buy some alphabet cards. Mix the letters up and say their names. Match upper case and lower case letters. Practice writing the letters and practice the beginning sounds of the consonants and the short sound of the vowels. 15. Practice writing any rhyming words. 16. Practice Phonemic Awareness Activities: clapping syllables (kin-der-gar-ten), producing rhyming words (bat-cat), counting words in a short sentence that the grown-up says, matching pictures of things that start with the same beginning sound, and oral blending of sounds (grown- up says 3 sounds /a/ /n/ /d/ and child says the word "and"). 17. Make a list - choose a topic. Write a list of things in that group using your sounds (not correct spelling at this time). Your list may be of animals, toys, family members, foods, friends, places, rhyming words or anything. 18. Illustrate and write a story of at least one sentence using your sounds (do not worry about spelling). Begin the sentence with a capital letter, use proper spacing between words and remember to end with a period or exclamation mark. 19. Make a sign; Write some rules for school or your family; Draw a picture and label the things in your picture; Write a letter to a relative or friend or make a card for a relative or a friend. Write one or more sentences inside the letter or card and illustrate it.