Lab 6 NAT
Lab 6 NAT
Lab 6 NAT
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University of Jordan
Faculty of Engineering & Technology
Computer Engineering Department
Computer Networks Laboratory 907528
Lab. 6 Network Address Translation (NAT)
1- To understand the need for NAT
2- To become familiar with the concept of NAT.
3- To utilize the above concept practically in a networked environment.
Pre-lab Preparation:
Study very carefully
2- Read thoroughly and prepare the experiment sheet.
part 1 of the sheet.
3- Review the Ethernet frame format, the IPv4 packet format and the TCP/UDP segment formats.
Part 1 Introduction to NAT
NAT (Network Address Translation) is a technique for preserving scarce Internet IP addresses.
Why NAT?
The current Internet uses IP addresses in the form A sample IP address might be
Because of the way these IP addresses are allocated, there started to be a shortage of available IP addresses.
The current revision of IP (Internet Protocol) in use on the Internet is IPv4. IPv6 is largely a response to this
potential IP address shortage.
Unfortunately, IPv6 is going to take decades to implement. A much quicker fix was needed, and that fix was
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Private Address Space for NAT
To conserve IP address space, networks which are not directly connected to the Internet are often given private
address space.
Private address spaces are ranges of IP address which cannot be routed over the Internet.
Private address space is often called "RFC 1918" space, because private address space is defined in RFC 1918 -
Address Allocation for Private Internets.
RFC 1918 defines three sets of private address space:
Start End Network Size /8 /12 /16
The use of private address space conserves IP addresses because any person or company can use the same private
address space over and over again.
I have a 10.0.0.x network in my house. IBM has a 10.0.0.x network. HP has a 10.0.0.x network. Apple has a
10.0.0.x network. We're all using the same range of IP addresses.
The limitation is that private address space is non-routable. This means that any computer on these private IP
addresses cannot (directly) connect to the Internet.
Network Address Translation to the Rescue!
The solution to work-around this limitation is NAT (Network Address Translation).
A NAT device, usually a firewall or a router, is placed between the private network and the Internet.
When computers on the private network want to communicate on the Internet, the NAT device quickly and
silently modifies the packets they send to have a normal (public) IP address.
When systems on the Internet send reply packets, the NAT device routes those reply packets back to the correct
system on the private network.
In this way, hundreds or thousands of computers on the private network can share just one IP address on the
public Internet.
For example, you might have 250 computers on the 192.168.1.x network and one firewall providing NAT
services on the IP address Any time one of the hosts communicates across the Internet, the NAT
firewall changes the IP address of the packets to When reply packets come from the Internet, the
NAT firewall sorts them out and sends them to the correct internal host.
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Types of NAT
Developed by Cisco, Network Address Translation is used by a device (firewall, router or computer) that sits
between an internal network and the rest of the world. NAT has many forms and can work in several ways:
Static NAT - Mapping an unregistered (private) IP address to a registered (public) IP address on a one-to-one
basis. Particularly useful when a device needs to be accessible from outside the network.
In static NAT, the computer with the IP address of will always translate to
Dynamic NAT - Maps an unregistered IP address to a registered IP address from a group of registered IP
In dynamic NAT, the computer with the IP address
will translate to the first available address in the range from to
Overloading - A form of dynamic NAT that maps multiple unregistered IP addresses to a single registered IP
address by using different ports. This is known also as PAT (Port Address Translation), single address NAT or
port-level multiplexed NAT.
In overloading, each computer on the private network
is translated to the same IP address (,
but with a different port number assignment.
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Overlapping - When the IP addresses used on your internal network are registered IP addresses in use on
another network, the router must maintain a lookup table of these addresses so that it can intercept them and
replace them with registered unique IP addresses. It is important to note that the NAT router must translate the
"internal" addresses to registered unique addresses as well as translate the "external" registered addresses to
addresses that are unique to the private network. This can be done either through static NAT or by using DNS and
implementing dynamic NAT.
The internal IP range (237.16.32.xx) is also a registered
range used by another network. Therefore, the router is
translating the addresses to avoid a potential conflict
with another network. It will also translate the registered
global IP addresses back to the unregistered local IP
addresses when information is sent to the internal network.
The internal network is usually a LAN (Local Area Network), commonly referred to as the stub domain. A stub
domain is a LAN that uses IP addresses internally. Most of the network traffic in a stub domain is local, so it
doesn't travel outside the internal network. A stub domain can include both registered and unregistered IP
addresses. Of course, any computers that use unregistered IP addresses must use Network Address Translation to
communicate with the rest of the world.
NAT Configuration
NAT can be configured in various ways. In the example below, the NAT router is configured to translate
unregistered (inside, local) IP addresses, that reside on the private (inside) network, to registered IP addresses.
This happens whenever a device on the inside with an unregistered address needs to communicate with the public
(outside) network.
An ISP assigns a range of IP addresses to your company. The assigned block of addresses are registered, unique
IP addresses and are called inside global addresses. Unregistered, private IP addresses are split into two groups.
One is a small group (outside local addresses) that will be used by the NAT routers. The other, much larger group,
known as inside local addresses, will be used on the stub domain. The outside local addresses are used to translate
the unique IP addresses, known as outside global addresses, of devices on the public network.
IP addresses have different designations based on whether
they are on the private network (stub domain) or on the
public network (Internet), and whether the traffic is incoming or outgoing.
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Most computers on the stub domain communicate with each other using the inside local addresses.
Some computers on the stub domain communicate a lot outside the network. These computers have inside
global addresses, which means that they do not require translation.
When a computer on the stub domain that has an inside local address wants to communicate outside the
network, the packet goes to one of the NAT routers.
The NAT router checks the routing table to see if it has an entry for the destination address. If it does, the
NAT router then translates the packet and creates an entry for it in the address translation table. If the
destination address is not in the routing table, the packet is dropped.
Using an inside global address, the router sends the packet on to its destination.
A computer on the public network sends a packet to the private network. The source address on the packet
is an outside global address. The destination address is an inside global address.
The NAT router looks at the address translation table and determines that the destination address is in
there, mapped to a computer on the stub domain.
The NAT router translates the inside global address of the packet to the inside local address, and sends it
to the destination computer.
NAT overloading utilizes a feature of the TCP/IP protocol stack, multiplexing, that allows a computer to maintain
several concurrent connections with a remote computer (or computers) using different TCP or UDP ports. An IP
packet has a header that contains the following information:
Source Address - The IP address of the originating computer, such as
Source Port - The TCP or UDP port number assigned by the originating computer for this packet, such as
Port 1080
Destination Address - The IP address of the receiving computer, such as
Destination Port - The TCP or UDP port number that the originating computer is asking the receiving
computer to open, such as Port 3021
The addresses specify the two machines at each end, while the port numbers ensure that the connection between
the two computers has a unique identifier. The combination of these four numbers defines a single TCP/IP
connection. Each port number uses 16 bits, which means that there are a possible 65,536 (2
) values.
Realistically, since different manufacturers map the ports in slightly different ways, you can expect to have about
4,000 ports available.
Dynamic NAT and Overloading
Here's how dynamic NAT works:
An internal network (stub domain) has been set up with IP addresses that were not specifically allocated
to that company by IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority), the global authority that hands out IP
addresses. These addresses should be considered non-routable since they are not unique.
The company sets up a NAT-enabled router. The router has a range of unique IP addresses given to the
company by IANA.
A computer on the stub domain attempts to connect to a computer outside the network, such as a Web
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The router receives the packet from the computer on the stub domain.
The router saves the computer's non-routable IP address to an address translation table. The router
replaces the sending computer's non-routable IP address with the first available IP address out of the range
of unique IP addresses. The translation table now has a mapping of the computer's non-routable IP
address matched with the one of the unique IP addresses.
When a packet comes back from the destination computer, the router checks the destination address on
the packet. It then looks in the address translation table to see which computer on the stub domain the
packet belongs to. It changes the destination address to the one saved in the address translation table and
sends it to that computer. If it doesn't find a match in the table, it drops the packet.
The computer receives the packet from the router. The process repeats as long as the computer is
communicating with the external system.
Here's how overloading works:
An internal network (stub domain) has been set up with non-routable IP addresses that were not
specifically allocated to that company by IANA.
The company sets up a NAT-enabled router. The router has a unique IP address given to the company by
A computer on the stub domain attempts to connect to a computer outside the network, such as a Web
The router receives the packet from the computer on the stub domain.
The router saves the computer's non-routable IP address and port number to an address translation table.
The router replaces the sending computer's non-routable IP address with the router's IP address. The
router replaces the sending computer's source port with the port number that matches where the router
saved the sending computer's address information in the address translation table. The translation table
now has a mapping of the computer's non-routable IP address and port number along with the router's IP
When a packet comes back from the destination computer, the router checks the destination port on the
packet. It then looks in the address translation table to see which computer on the stub domain the packet
belongs to. It changes the destination address and destination port to the ones saved in the address
translation table and sends it to that computer.
The computer receives the packet from the router. The process repeats as long as the computer is
communicating with the external system.
Since the NAT router now has the computer's source address and source port saved to the address
translation table, it will continue to use that same port number for the duration of the connection. A timer
is reset each time the router accesses an entry in the table. If the entry is not accessed again before the
timer expires, the entry is removed from the table.
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Stub Domains
Look at this table to see how the computers on a stub domain might appear to external networks.
Source Computer
Source Computer's IP
Source Computer's
NAT Router's IP
NAT Router's
Assigned Port
A 400 1
B 50 2
C 3750 3
D 206 4
As you can see, the NAT router stores the IP address and port number of each computer in the address translation
table. It then replaces the IP address with its own registered IP address and the port number corresponding to the
location, in the table, of the entry for that packet's source computer. So any external network sees the NAT
router's IP address and the port number assigned by the router as the source-computer information on each packet.
You can still have some computers on the stub domain that use dedicated IP addresses. You can create an access
list of IP addresses that tells the router which computers on the network require NAT. All other IP addresses will
pass through untranslated.
The number of simultaneous translations that a router will support are determined mainly by the amount of
DRAM (Dynamic Random Access Memory) it has. But since a typical entry in the address-translation table only
takes about 160 bytes, a router with 4 MB of DRAM could theoretically process 26,214 simultaneous
translations, which is more than enough for most applications.
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Part 2 Procedure:
A) Static NAT
Each student should perform the tasks on his/her own. Show your work to the lab supervisor and be
prepared to answer questions on it.
Open this Packet Tracer Scenario: static_nat.pkt.
This is a demonstration of static NAT. A NAT router divides a private network (on the left) from the public
Internet (on the right):
The WAN link between the two routers is a class-C network, Two of the IP addresses on the
network are in use by the two routers, and This leaves a few hundred IP addresses
available on this subnet.
The NAT router has been configured to perform static NAT to map the private IP addresses to public addresses.
1.1 Activity
Change to Simulation Mode. Use the ping action between PC1 and Server 0.
Step the simulation using the Capture/Forward button.
Observe the activity of the ICMP packets at each step. Make sure to open the packets at every step
and read the contents of the packet header. Specifically, utilize the Next layer, Previous layer
buttons in the PDU information pop-up window.
Pay particular attention to the activities that take place to the packet at the NAT router. Record your
observations carefully.
Follow the simulation to see how the packet gets delivered.
1.2 Activity
Use the Ping activity between Server 1 and PC3. Follow the simulation to see if the packets get delivered.
Explain why the packet to PC3 did not get delivered. Hint: have a look at the routing table for Router 1.
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1.3 Activity
Send a packet from PC2 to one of the servers. Will it get delivered? Why or why not?
Send a packet from PC3 to one of the servers. Will it get delivered? Why or why not?
1.4 Activity
Click on the Nat router in the simulation. Go to the Cisco console command-line. Type in these commands, and
observe the result:
NAT Router>enable
NAT Router#show ip nat translations
Record and explain clearly the content of this result.
B) Dynamic NAT
Open the Packet Tracer Scenario: dynamic_nat.pkt.
This is a demonstration of dynamic NAT. The network is the same as above. However, the public addresses are
now kept in a dynamic pool, so that at any time there is a limit to the number of hosts communicating with the
public Internet.
Go into Simulation mode. Use the Ping activity function to send three ICMP packets from PC1, PC2, and PC3 to
server0 at the same time
2.1 Activity
. Watch the three packets go from the three internal PCs to the servers. Stop the
simulation as the packets reach the NAT router, and see what the router does to the IP addresses in each packet.
1. What happens to the source IP address of the packets from PC1?
2. What happens to the source IP address of the packet from PC2?
3. What happens to the source IP address of the packet from PC3?
4. What happens when Server 0 tries to reply to the packet from PC2?
2.2 Activity
Open up the router command-line interface, and again run the commands to show the router's NAT translation
table as in part A above. Record and explain the entries.
C) Port-Address Translation
Open this Packet Tracer Scenario: nat_overload.pkt.
This is a demonstration of Port Address Translation (PAT). A NAT router divides a private network (on the left)
from the public Internet (on the right):
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There is only a single public IP address which is on the router. If any of the PCs on the Network
need to communicate with the Internet, then the router will need to do Port Address Translation as the packets
cross through the router.
Go into Simulation Mode. Use the Ping activity function to send a packet from PC2 to PC4. Use the step function
in the simulation up to the point where the blue packet from PC 2 going to PC 4 is stopped at the router.
Click on the packet, and you should see this:
As you can see at the Layer 3 information, source address has been translated to source address
The packet is still coming from TCP port 42478 and going to port 80.
Click on the router. Go to the Cisco console command-line. Type in the following commands:
Router 0>enable
Router 0#show ip nat translations
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Record the results of these commands.
Explain carefully the entries of these results. Make sure you understand the way Cisco does NAT and PAT
from observing carefully these results.
Cisco Router Configuration
On most home network products (cable or ADSL routers, Linux boxes etc.), turning on NAT or PAT is usually as
simple as clicking on a checkbox. Cisco routers tend to be more configurable, and so setting up NAT or PAT is
very complicated. Here is the Cisco router configuration to do the PAT translation in the previous scenario. You
are not expected to remember this!
hostname "Router 0"
interface FastEthernet0/0
ip address
ip access-group 1 in
ip access-group 1 out
ip nat inside
interface FastEthernet1/0
ip address
ip access-group 1 in
ip access-group 1 out
ip nat outside
ip nat pool asdf netmask
ip nat inside source list 100 pool asdf overload
ip nat inside source static
ip nat inside source static tcp 900 80
access-list 1 permit any
access-list 100 permit ip any