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Int J Pharm Bio Sci 2014 April ; 5 (2) : (P) 443 - 456
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Review Article Pharmacology
International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences
Division of Plant Genetic Resources, Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Bangalore.
Embelia ribes Burm.f. commonly known as false black pepper , is being used since the
ancient times, in the form of the drug 'Vidanga'. It has been attributed to contain
numerous medicinal properties and is of very high commercial value. The root, berries
and leaves of E.ribes is used in herbal formulas. It contains the benzoquinone
compound embelin (2, 5-dihydroxy-3-undecyl-2, 5-cyclohexadiene-1, 4-benzo-quinone)
which has been studied for its various medicinal activities such as antitumor,
antidiabetic, antimicrobial, antifungal and antifertility. This review is a comprehensive
overview about the existing pharmacology of E.ribes, helping to fuel further research in
the various unexplored activities that are attributable to this plant.
KEYWORDS: Embelia ribes, Vidanga, Embelin, Threatened, Antifertility, Anticancer, Antidiabetic
Division of Plant Genetic Resources, Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Bangalore.
Int J Pharm Bio Sci 2014 April ; 5 (2) : (P) 443 - 456
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The plant world is a Pandora of active
chemical compounds. Nearly half the
medicines that we use today are of herbal
origin, and a quarter contains plant extracts or
active chemicals taken directly from plants.
Though the new era has seen advances in
chemistry, which have paved the way to
reproduce the active ingredients found in
plants, but plants still will continue to have the
medicinal importance in their own right. Their
active components may be slightly modified to
improve their efficacy or to reduce undesirable
side effects, but they are still the basis of
drugs that are vital for treatment of disorders
such as cancer or diabetes, one such classical
example is the modified form of the compound
acetylsalicylic acid more commonly known as
aspirin was the first modern drug that was
born from the natures medicine, the bark of
the willow tree. It is no accident that plants
play an important role in contemporary
pharmacological research: the compounds
that have the medicinal applicability are those
that the plant itself uses to survive. There are
more than 100,000 of these active compounds
have been found in the plant world, because
of their complex and diverse chemical
structures, they are the basis of many
medicines. Scientists have always targeted
plants known to contain the active compounds
such as the morphine from opium poppy or
the caffeine from coffee beans, their research
is normally backed with the information
provided by the so-called ethnobotanists, who
collect the traditional knowledge from the
traditional healers among native populations,
a classical example of which is the Trichopus
zeylanicus ssp. travancoricus that was
identified by a team of scientists with the help
of the Kani tribesmen. Detailed chemical and
pharmacological investigations showed that
the leaf of the plant contained various
glycolipids and some other non-steroidal
compounds with profound adaptogenic and
immuno-enhancing properties. Yet another
holistic approach is with the help of the
ancient Vedas and sacred texts Charka
Samhita, which describes 582 herbs (Majno,
1975) or the main book on surgery, the
Sushruta Samhita, which lists some 600
herbal remedies. This approach is proving
particularly successful in the discovery of new
and more effective drugs as such plants were
already used medicinally and documented for
their medicinal properties and are therefore
much more likely to contain active chemical
compounds. One such medicinal plant is the
Embelia ribes, whose mention has been found
since the ancient times, in the form of the drug
'Vidanga' or 'Baibidanga' which has been an
important ingredient in a number of ayurvedic
formulations. E. ribes yields embelin, and
other highly valued secondary metabolites,
which have a wide range of clinical
applications such as anticancer, antitumor,
antifertility, antimicrobial, antidiabetic activity
. The main active medicinal component in
dried fruits of E. ribes is embelin (2, 5-
benzo-quinone), which is being
commercialized in the name of the drug,
Vidanga, is produced and used in high
volumes, estimated to be at a demand of ~500
tons/yr. It was also estimated that the annual
trade growth rate of Vidanga is about 23%
The ripe fruits of E. ribes was studied to
contain the active compound namely
. Further investigation resulted in
three new compounds: embelinol, embeliaribyl
ester and embeliol
. Also another compound
namely Vilangin was also identified
E.ribes was studied as a potent centrally
acting analgesic. In vivo studies were carried
out in the rat brain for characterization
of binding sites for potassium embelate, an
active compound obtained from E.ribes. The
results indicated that the mixed mu and
kappa binding sites in the brain may be
involved in the analgesic action
. Embelin
was condensed with different primary amines,
to give 10 disalts and 14 diamines. Embelin
and all its disalts showed analgesic activity
whereas all the diamines derivatives were
inactive. The disalt, 2:5 disobutyl amine
embelin showed the maximum action.
Analgesic effect was noticed only after
intraperitoneal administration but no other
Int J Pharm Bio Sci 2014 April ; 5 (2) : (P) 443 - 456
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forms of administration were effective.
Embelin and its disalt, 2:5 isobutyl amine
embelin also exhibited antipyretic and anti-
inflammatory activities
. Potassium
embelate was studied for its analgesic activity
in rats and mice. Administration was from oral,
Intramuscular and I.C.V routes, and it was
seen that Potassium embelate acted centrally
and not peripherally. In comparison to the
standard drug Morphine, it was found to be
non-necrotic, with high oral efficacy, high
therapeutic index
. High analgesic activity was
seen in visceral evoked responses when
compared to thermal evoked responses and
suggested that potassium embelate has a
strong affinity for kappa type of opine
Gynandropsis gynandra, Impatiens balsamina,
Celastrus paniculata, Embelia
ribes and Mucuna pruriens were studied for
their anthelmintic property. A bioassay was
undertaken wherein the seed oils of the
species was studied along with standard drug
piperazine citrate, to determine the time of
paralysis and time of death of the
worm Pheritima posthuma. E. ribes showed
the best anthelmintic activity in both the
. The antinematodal activity of a
mixed prescription of Veronica anthelmintica seed
(Kali zeeri) and E.ribes fruit (Babrang) was
evaluated in goats. The EPG (Egg per gram)
counts were made in the faeces before and on
different days of treatment. The evaluation showed
that the two plants are equally effective and safe in
treating natural gastrointestinal nematode infection
of the local goats
. E.ribes and Butea fondosa
(Palaasha) seeds were studied to have
definite ascaricidal properties with doses of 6g
or more, administration modes were either
single or in combination, and they were
compared with the standard drug santonin.
They showed increased anthelmintic property
against Taenia and hookworm
. Both
alcoholic as well as the aqueous extracts of
the ripe fruits of E.ribes were studied to
present significant anthelmintic property, when
they showed motility of earthworms. It was
also seen that the alcoholic extract was more
. The anthelmintic activity of
Vidangadi churna- Ayurvedic formulation
containing traditionally used herbs viz.,
E.ribes, Hordeum vulgare, Mallotus
philippinensis, Terminalia chebula was
studied. It was tested against adult earthworm
Pheritima posthuma , taking Piperazine citrate
(15 mg/ml) and albendazole (20 mg/ml) as
standard references and normal saline as
control. The time to achieve paralysis of the
worms was determined. And it was seen that
Vidangadi churna produced a potent activity
against the P. posthuma
. Extracts of six
different plant species namely Bromelain, the
enzyme complex of the stem of Ananas
comosus , the ethanolic extracts of seeds
of Azadirachta indica , Caesalpinia crista
and Vernonia anthelmintica , the ethanolic
extracts of the whole plant of Fumaria
parviflora and of the fruits of Embelia
ribes were tested against Haemonchus
contortus using a modified (MTT) reduction
assay. Pyrantel tartrate was used as
reference. All the six showed an anthelmintic
efficacy of up to 93%
. Invitro anthelmintic
activity of aqueous and alcoholic extracts of
Melia azedarach, Ananas comosus, E.ribes
and Mucuna prurita were evaluated against
Taenia canina and Phamphistomum cervi. All
of them were found to be anthelmintic in
. A comparative anthelmintic activity
study was done between E. ribes and
substitutes, E. tsjeriam-cottam (Roem. &
Schult.) A. DC., Myrsine afri- cana L. and
Maesa indica (Roxb.) DC. On the eggs, L1
larvae and adults of Caenorhabditis elegans.
Bioactivity of E. tsjeriam-cottam was found to
be comparable to E. ribes, followed by M.
africana and M. indica all of them showed
good anthelmintic activity
The effect of embelin compound against
anxiety was investigated by using Elevated
zero-maze test and Novality induced
suppressed feeding latency test in rat models.
They were tested in a dose dependent
manner in comparison with the standard drug
diazepam. The anxiolytic activity was found at
20mg/kg. And it was observed that the
anxiolytic effect of the compound was
regulated through the monoaminergic system
in the brain
. In the elevated plus maze test,
E.ribes (100 and 300 mg/kg p.o.) significantly
(P<0.01) increased the number of entries and
time spent in open arm, in the hole board test,
it (100 and 300 mg/kg p.o.), showed
Int J Pharm Bio Sci 2014 April ; 5 (2) : (P) 443 - 456
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significant increase (P<0.01) in the number of
head dips, in the mirrored chamber apparatus,
it showed significant increase in the number of
entries and time spent in mirrored chamber,
along with significant decrease in the latency
to enter the mirrored chamber also it showed
significant (P<0.01) increase in the brain
GABA level. The results indicate that E.ribes
possesses anxiolytic activity probably by
increasing the GABA concentration in the
. In light and dark model, embelin
produced a significant increase in time spent,
number of crossing and decrease in the
duration of immobility in light box. In open field
test, embelin showed a significant increase in
number of rearing, assisted rearing and
number of square crossed. On the basis of
result, embelin showed its anxiolytic effect in a
dose-dependent manner
The antibacterial activity of aqueous and
ethanolic extracts of E.ribes was determined
by disc diffusion and broth dilution techniques
against Bacilus subtilis, Staphylococcus
aureus , Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas
. Among the embelin derivatives,
the aryl substituted benzoxadiazine produced,
significant zones of inhibition against Bacillus
subtilis, Bacillus Polymyxa and Proteus
vulgaris but excluding Escherichia coli. Methyl
substituted benzoxadiazine didnt possess any
activity due to inductive effect, while the
compounds -CONHNHCOCH3 and P-
NO2C6H4 are active against only B.subtilis
and P.vulgaries. The phenyl and Para-nitro
phenyl substituted benzoxadiazines had
maximum antibacterial activity against B.
. Embelin showed bactericidal activity
against Gram +ve organisms, and
bacteriostatic against Gram ve organisms.
Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and
minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) of
embelin against both Gram +ve and Gram -ve
bacteria were studied using micro dilution
method and agar plate method. Thus, the
study proved that embelin finds application as
potent antibacterial agent
A fibrosarcoma cell line was exposed to
increasing concentrations of embelin, and
simultaneously inoculated with [
Using a rapid technique to assess drug-
induced cell toxicity, a dose-dependent
decrease in labelled thymidine uptake, lipid
peroxide and glutathione levels was observed
giving an insight into the anticancer property
of embelin
. Biological activities of two
embelin derivatives namely 5-O-ethylembelin
and 5-O-methylembelin were investigated
showing antiproliferative activity in HeLa cell
line in comparison to PtK2 cell line. They
arrested HL-60 cells in the G
phase of the
cell cycle in a dose- and time-dependent
manner. This evidence suggests that both the
derivatives of embelin are promising novel
antimitotic and anticancer molecules targeting
microtubular proteins
. The sensitizing
potential of embelin on ionizing radiation (IR)
in a human prostate cancer model was
researched. In vitro, it was seen that embelin
combined with radiation suppressed prostate
cancer PC-3 cell proliferation that was
associated with S and G2/M arrest in the cell
cycle. Moreover, the combination treatment
promoted caspase-independent apoptosis, but
not autophagy. In vivo, embelin significantly
improved tumor response to X-ray radiation in
the PC-3 xenograft model. Combination
therapy showed decreased tumor growth,
decreased cell proliferation, induced
apoptosis, compared with either treatment
alone, suggesting combinatory inhibition on
tumor suppression and angiogenesis. This
finding warrants embelin as a novel adjuvant
therapeutic candidate for the treatment of
hormone-refractory prostate cancer that is
resistant to radiation therapy
. Embelin was
studied to inhibit the X-linked inhibitor of
apoptosis protein (XIAP) in induced HepG2
human hepatocellular carcinoma cells. After
treatment with different dosages of embelin,
the MTT method was used to determine cell
viability revealing embelin induced the
apoptosis. . Flow cytometric analysis
demonstrated that embelin caused blockade
of the HepG2 cells in the G2/M phase of the
cell cycle. Western blot analysis was
performed to determine the expression levels
of the apoptosis-associated proteins Bax, Bcl-
2 and the caspase family. The results
revealed that embelin induced the apoptosis
of the HepG2 cells in a dose- and time-
dependent manner
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Embelin and curcumin were studied
against N-nitrosodiethylamine (DENA)-
initiated and phenobarbital (PB) to prevent the
induction of hepatic hyper plastic nodules,
body weight loss, increase in the levels of
hepatic diagnostic markers, and
hypoproteinemia induced by DENA/PB
treatment. Hence the study suggested the
possible chemopreventive effects of embelin
(EMB) and curcumin (CUR) against
DENA/PB-induced hepatocarcinogenesis in
Wistar rats
. Receptor activator of NF-B
ligand (RANKL), a member of the tumor
necrosis factor super family and an activator
of the NF-B signaling pathway, has emerged
as a major mediator of bone loss, commonly
associated with cancer and other chronic
inflammatory diseases. In the study it was
found that embelin suppressed the RANKL-
induced differentiation of monocytes into
osteoclasts. Embelin also suppressed the
osteoclastogenesis induced by multiple
myeloma and by breast cancer cells. This led
to the suppression of NF-B activation,
inhibition of IB phosphorylation and IB
degradation.. Furthermore, by using an
inhibitor of the IKK or NF-B essential
modulator (NEMO), the regulatory component
of the IKK complex, it was shown that the NF-
B signaling pathway is mandatory for RAW
264.7 cell differentiation into osteoclasts.
Thus, the study summarized that embelin, an
inhibitor of RANKL-induced NF-B activation
has great potential as a therapeutic agent for
osteoporosis and cancer-linked bone loss
The study summarized that embelin inhibited
both inducible and constitutive tumor necrosis
factor (TNF) -induced NF-B, interleukin-1,
lipopolysaccharide, phorbol myristate acetate,
okadaic acid, hydrogen peroxide, and
cigarette smoke condensate activation. It was
found that embelin inhibited sequentially the
TNF-induced activation of the inhibitory
subunit of NF-B(IB) kinase, IB
phosphorylation, IBdegradation, and p65
phosphorylation and nuclear translocation.
Embelin also suppressed NF-B-dependent
reporter gene transcription induced by TNF,
TNF receptor-1 (TNFR1), TNFR1-associated
death domain protein, TNFR-associated
factor-2, NF-_B-inducing kinase, and IB
kinase but not by p65. Furthermore, embelin
down-regulated gene products involved in cell
survival, proliferation, invasion, and
metastasis of the tumor. This down-regulation
was associated with enhanced apoptosis by
cytokine and chemotherapeutic agents
Embelin was able to induce apoptosis of MCF-
7 breast cancer cells in a dose-and
time-dependent manner. There were changes
in the MCF-7 cell mitochondrial membrane
potential and the cell cycle of MCF-7 cells in
the G2/M phase was blocked. Embelin was
studied to promote mitochondrial release of
cytochrome C via regulation of Bax and Bcl-2,
resulting in the activation of caspase-3 and -
9.The results demonstrated that
embelin-induced apoptosis of MCF-7 involves
the mitochondrial pathway
. Studies on
cancer cell lines revealed that the crude
hexane extract of the fruits of E.ribes exhibited
cytotoxicity against Human leukaemic cells
(K562) and Daltons Lymphoma ascites cells
The anticonvulsant activity of embelin was
studied at different dosages namely 2.5, 5 and
10mg/kg. It showed a significant inhibition of
the seizures induced by electroshock and the
drug pentylenetetrazole in a dose dependent
manner. This activity was compared to the
market standard drugs phenytoin and
diazepam. Significant decrease in locomotion
revealing its CNS depressant activity was
observed. The findings suggest that embelin
possess anticonvulsant activity against both
grand mal and petit mal epilepsy
Experimental depression was induced by
subjecting mice to tail suspension test (TST)
and forced swimming test (FST) experimental
models. Intraperitonial administration of
embelin (2.5 and 5 mg/kg), 30 min prior to
induction of experimental depression resulted
in a dose-dependent reduction of immobility
under both test conditions. The effect of
embelin at the dose of 5 mg/kg in both
experimental models was compared with the
standard antidepressant drug, imipramine
administered at the dose of 15 mg/kg. It is
concluded that Embelia ribes and its major
bioactive compound, embelin, have
therapeutic potential for managing
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According to the study, daily administration of
Vinca rosea extract and embelin to male
albino rats caused significant rise in levels of
acid and alkaline phosphatases of testis and
prostate indicating altered metabolic function,
giving rise to study further about their probable
role in causing antifertility
. Embelin altered
the testicular histology and glycogen,
gametogenic counts and accessory sex gland
fructose at the dose levels 0.3, 0.4 and 0.5
mg/kg body weight when administered
subcutaneously for 35 days. Hence the
compound is suggested to possess
antiandrogenic activity
. Subcutaneous
administration of the embelin compound at a
dose of 20 mg/kg body weight to male albino
rats for 15 or 30 days revealed an inhibition of:
a) epididymal motile sperm count, b) fertility
parameters such as pregnancy attainment and
litter size, and c) the activities of the enzymes
of glycolysis and energy metabolism. These
changes were reversible, as seen after 15 and
30 days of recovery. Addition of embelin to
epididymal sperm suspensions caused a
dose- and duration-dependent inhibition of
spermatozoal motility and the activities of the
enzymes of carbohydrate metabolism
Berries of E.ribes showed spermicidal activity,
affecting the sperm motility, the quality and
quantity of semen and lowered the hormonal
levels Male bonnet monkeys (Macaca
. Carbohydrate metabolism
impairment of the primary and secondary
reproductive tissues of male rats caused by
subcutaneous embelin injection was studied
and was reversed when drug therapy was
withdrawn, thus showing the role of Embelin in
. According to a recent review
article , it was seen that the berries of the
E.ribes has been commonly used on rat
models to study various activities such as
reduced testosterone levels, antifertility ,
antispermatogenic, antiandrogenic, and
spermicidal activity
. To further investigate
antifertility effect varying doses of embelin was
administered in sexually mature male white
New Zealand rabbits. An intramuscular
injection of 5 mg/kg body weight of embelin
caused a 54% declined in testosterone. Oral
administration as a suspension of 10 mg/kg
body weight embelin caused a significant
(p <0.001) lowering in the hormone levels
from 12.20.70 nmol/L (pre-treatment) to
4.550.35 nmol/L after treatment. But when
administered orally as a 50 mg base tablet, a
decline of 40% in testosterone levels was
observed. Subcutaneous administration of
20 mg/kg body weight of embelin caused a
12.4% decline in the hormone levels
The effects of embelin on the evolution
of estrous cycles, progesterone and estradiol
profiles and ovarian histopathology were
examined. Subcutaneous injections of embelin
in this animal model resulted in the disruption
of the regular oestrous cycle patterns.
Significant depression of plasma estradiol and
progesterone. Histopathological evaluation of
the ovaries from the embelin treated rats
revealed the presence of abnormal follicles.
There were no significant changes in the liver
and pituitary glands. In a separate experiment,
mixed ovarian cells were isolated from another
set of normally cycling rats and directly
challenged with embelin in vitro. These data
demonstrate that embelin suppresses plasma
estradiol and progesterone levels; disrupts the
evolution of the regular oestrous cycles and
also affecting the ovarian morphology in
. Forty adult (4 months old) regularly
cycling female Sprague-Dawley rats were
divided into four groups of 10 rats each.
Groups I and II (controls) were given 1 ml/kg
body weight of physiological saline or corn oil
(vehicle). Groups III and IV received 10 mg/kg
and 20 mg/kg body weight embelin in corn oil,
respectively. Embelin disrupted the oestrous
cycles in Groups III and IV animals, and there
was a significant depression in plasma
oestradiol (p<0.05) and progesterone (p<0.02)
at both 10 and 20 mg/kg body weights,
respectively. Isolated mixed ovarian cells from
embelin treated rats produced significantly
less progesterone and estradiol than
controls in vitro. It is concluded that embelin
probably interferes with reproductive functions
in female rats by suppressing ovarian
production of sex steroid hormones
Antifungal activity of E.ribes was evaluated on
eight different fungal species namely
Colletotricum crassipes, Cladosporium ,
Armillaria mellea , Colletotricum capsici ,
Aspergillus niger, Rhizopus oryzae,
Aspergillus terreus and Candida by
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employing various concentrations of the seed
extract (0.5-2.0 mg). All the concentrations of
seed extract inhibited the fungal growth,
whereas maximum activity was observed at
2.0 mg concentration of seed extract
NCCLS method revealed that methanol
extract and Embelin had lowest MIC50 range
of 120mg/L against Candida albican and
among four Candida species tested Embelin
had reported MIC50 values below 700mg/L.
Solvent ether extract, petroleum ether extract,
methanol extract and embelin reported to
have MIC50 in range of 300-700mg/L against
Candida albican and Candida parapsilosis
Petroleum ether extract shows lowest MIC50
range of 250mg/L against Candida
parapsilosis and 360mg/L against Candida
laurintis showing effective antifungal activity
Cyclophosphamide (CP) produced a
significant increase in chromosomal
aberrations (CA), and micronuclei (MN) in
polychromatic erythrocytes (PCEs), produced
cytotoxicity in mouse bone marrow cells and
induced abnormal sperms in male germ line,
markedly inhibited the activities of superoxide
dismutase (SOD), glutathione (GSH),
Catalase (CAT) and increased the
malondialdehyde (MDA) content. Embelin
significantly inhibited the CAs, micronuclei
formation and cytotoxicity in mouse bone
marrow cells induced by CP, also produced
significant reduction of abnormal sperm and
antagonized the reduction of CP-induced
SOD, CAT and GSH activities, and inhibited
the increase in MDA content in liver. In
conclusion, Embelin have a protective effect
against mutagenicity induced by CP
The ethanolic extract of E.ribes was tested on
histamine induced contraction in goat tracheal
chain preparation and in histamine induced
bronchospasm in guinea pigs. It was seen that
E.ribes inhibited contraction in goat tracheal
chain and also showed significant protection in
induced bronchospasm by prolonging the
Preconvulsion dyspnoea time. Hence E.ribes
possesses potential role in the treatment of
Series of Embelin derivatives, 2-hydroxy-5-
diones were synthesized by treating alkyl and
aryl halides in dichloromethane, sodium
hydroxide and tetrabutyl ammonium bromide.
These synthesized compounds along with
Embelin were evaluated for antimitotic activity,
using germinating Bengal gram seeds and
germinating Onions, Allium cepa. All the
Embelin derivatives demonstrated antimitotic
activity, among all the derivatives, benzyl
derivative showed significant activity
Free radical scavenging reactions and
antioxidant activity of embelin has been
studied and found that embelin scavenge
DPPH radical and inhibit hydroxyl radical
induced deoxyribose degradation, lipid
peroxidation and restore impaired Mn-
superoxide dismutase in rat liver mitochondria
. Neuroprotective effect of ethanolic extract
of E. ribes on middle cerebral artery occlusion
(MCAO)-induced focal cerebral ischemia in
rats was investigated. Male Wistar albino rats
were fed ethanolic E. ribes extract for 30 days.
The right middle cerebral artery was occluded
with a 4-0 suture for 2 h. Ischemia followed by
reperfusion in ischemic group rats significantly
(P < 0.001) reduced the grip strength activity
and non-enzymatic (reduced glutathione,
GSH) and enzymatic [glutathione peroxidase
(GPx), glutathione reductase (GR) and
glutathione-S-transferase (GST)] antioxidant
levels in hippocampus and frontal cortex
compared to sham-operated rats. Further,
serum lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and
thiobarbituric acid reactive substance
(TBARS) levels in hippocampus and frontal
cortex were significantly increased in ischemic
group compared to sham-operated rats.
Whereas, ethanolic E. ribes extract
pretreatment gave the opposite results
Inhibition of Ultraviolet B (UVB, 290-320 nm)
radiation-induced oxidative damage in
peripheral blood human lymphocytes by
embelin was studied. Lymphocytes (1 10(6)
cells) were pre-treated with embelin for a
period of 60 min and then exposed to UVB for
30 min. Pre-treatment of lymphocytes with
embelin prevented UVB-induced oxidative
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damage. It was formulated that Embelin
prevents oxidative stress induced by UVB
irradiation via its antioxidant property
Transient global ischemia was induced by
occluding bilateral common carotid arteries for
30 min followed by 24-h reperfusion.
Pretreatment of embelin increased locomotor
activity, hanging latency time and decreased
beam walking latency. The treatment also
reduced significantly the lipid peroxidation and
increased the total thiol content and
glutathione-S-transferase activity in brain
homogenates. These observations suggested
that embelin is a neuroprotective agent and
may prove to be a useful adjunct in the
treatment of stroke
Cardioprotective effect of aqueous extract of
E.ribes was evaluated in a rat model having
acute myocardial infarction, induced
by isoproterenol . E.ribes significantly
decreased the heart rate, systolic blood
pressure, increased levels of serum
lactate dehydrogenase,
serum creatine kinase and myocardial lipid
peroxides and significantly increased the
myocardial endogenous antioxidants levels
Pretreatment with ethanol E.ribes extract
against isoproterenol (ISO)-induced
myocardial infarction in albino rats significantly
(P < 0.01) decreased the elevated levels of
LDH and CK in serum and myocardial TBARS
and increased the reduced levels of GSH,
SOD and CAT in heart homogenates.
Histopathological observation revealed a
marked protection by the extract in myocardial
necrotic damage. The results of this study
provide evidence that ethanol E.ribes extract
treatment enhances the antioxidant defence
against ISO-induced myocardial infarction in
rats and exhibits cardioprotective properties
The protective effect of E.ribes on
isoproterenol (ISO)-induced cardiomyopathy
in streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetic rats
was studied by treatment of E.ribes ethanol
extract (200mg/kg) on pathogenic (STZ + ISO
treated) rats resulted in a significant (p<0.01)
increase in HR, blood glutathione, serum LDH,
and myocardial endogenous antioxidant levels
with a significant (p<0.01) decrease in SBP,
blood glucose, HbA
, serum CK, and
myocardial TBARS levels
Quinone derivatives and the analogs;
Ubiquinone (Coenzyme Q10), Idebenone,
Arbutin and Hydroquinone are well-known for
cosmetic applications. In the present study,
embelin from E.ribes berries was analyzed.
Hemolytic, tyrosinase and DOPA auto-
oxidation assays were also carried out. The
half maximal effective concentration (ED50) of
embelin to cause hemolysis was found as
109 0.1 g/ml. The tyrosinase inhibitory
activity of embelin was nil and the DOPA auto-
oxidation activity was observed up to 350 g
/ml concentration. Thus the embelin finds,
potential application in cosmetic industries
Ethanol extract of the leaves of E.ribes and its
isolated quinone compound embelin were
screened for wound healing activity by
excision, incision and dead space wound
models on Swiss Albino Rats. After treatment
epithelialization of the incision wound was
faster with a high rate of wound contraction
and increase in collagenation and the tensile
strength of the incision wound. The
histological examination of the granulation
tissue of embelin treated group showed
increased cross-linking of collagen fibers and
absence of monocytes. The wound healing
effect was evaluated with the standard skin
ointment Framycetin
. The burn wound
healing property of ethanolic extract of E.ribes
in comparison to combination of E.ribes
extract and silver sulphadiazine and silver
sulphadizine alone was studied. Partial
thickness burn wounds were inflicted upon
four groups of six rats each. Different groups
were treated with different combinations.
Significant results were seen in the group
treated with the combination of E.ribes and
silver sulphadiazine
Nephroprotective effects of ethanol extract of
E.ribes alone and in combination with vitamin
E (tocopherol) in cisplatin induced
nephrotoxicity in mice was studied. The
results indicated that E.ribes significantly and
dose dependently protected the cisplatin-
induced nephrotoxicity. The serum urea,
creatinine and blood urea nitrogen levels in
cisplatin alone treated groups were
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significantly elevated (P < 0.01) with respect
to control group. This was otherwise reduced
in the groups treated with E. ribes. The renal
levels of reduced glutathione (GSH) were
declined in cisplatin alone treated groups. The
level of GSH was elevated significantly (P <
0.01) in the E.ribes treated groups
. The
nephroprotective and anti-polyuric role of
embelin on lithium induced nephrogenic
diabetes insipidus (NDI) was studied in albino
rats. Embelin 50 and 100 mg/kg showed an
increase in the body weight and decrease in
plasma and urine creatinine, blood urea
nitrogen levels, and urine protein level.
Histopathological examination of the kidney
indicated that embelin reduced the vascular
degeneration of tubules as well as slight
degeneration and dilatation of renal tubules,
however N-acetyl cysteine standard drug
treated rats showed normal glomeruli and
renal tubule with slight degeneration. Embelin
seemed to be effective in NDI by its
predominant effect on promoting antioxidant
status and decrease the urine excretion may
be due to the blocking of sodium channels
Oral feeding of the E.ribes extract to diabetic
Wistar rats resulted in significant decrease in
blood glucose, blood glycosylated
haemoglobin, serum lactate dehydrogenase,
creatine kinase, pancreatic thiobarbituric acid-
reactive substances (TBARS) levels and
increase in blood glutathione levels as
compared to pathogenic diabetic rats. Islets
were found to be shrunken in diabetic rats
where as in extract treated rats, there was an
expansion of islets. The study concluded that
Embelia ribes enhances the antioxidant
defense against reactive oxygen species
produced under hyperglycaemic condition and
protects -cells against loss, and exhibits
antidiabetic property
. Oral feeding of E.ribes
berries extracts reduced blood glucose level in
by 13.1% and 20.3% normoglycaemic rats
and 28.1% and 34.5% in alloxan induced
diabetic rats. Thus it was postulated that E.
ribes berries possesses active hypoglycaemic
constituents, and its action may be due to its
direct action on tissue or due to increase in
insulin secretion
. Embelin was evaluated for
its potential to regulate insulin resistance, alter
-cell dysfunction and modulate key markers
involved in insulin sensitivity and glucose
transport using high-fat diet (HFD) fed-
streptozotocin (STZ) induced type 2 diabetic
rats. Embelin reduced body weight gain, blood
glucose and plasma insulin in treated diabetic
rats. It also regulated insulin mediated glucose
uptake in epididymal adipose tissue through
translocation and activation of GLUT4 in
PI3K/p-Akt signaling cascade. Thus embelin
can be used in the prevention and treatment
of type 2 diabetes mellitus caused due to
Lipid-lowering and antioxidant potential
of ethanolic extract of E. ribes was
investigated in streptozotocin induced diabetic
rats. Twenty days of orally feeding the extract
(200 mg/kg) resulted in significant (P<0.01)
decrease in blood glucose, serum total
cholesterol, and triglycerides, and increase in
HDL cholesterol levels when compared to
pathogenic diabetic rats. Further, the extract
also lowered the liver and pancreas
thiobarbituric acidreactive substances
(TBARSs) values (P<0.01) when compared to
pathogenic diabetic rats
. The biochemical
effects of embelin and curcumin against
hepatocarcinogenic regimen comprising of N-
nitrosodiethylamine (DENA)/phenobarbital
(PB) was studied in wistar strain male albino
rats. Rats administered with DENA/PB
showed hyper cholesterolaemia, hyper
triglyceridaemia, elevated low-density
lipoproteins (LDL), free fatty acids (FFA), very-
low-density lipoproteins (VLDL) levels and
decreased urea levels. Pre- and co-treatment
with embelin and curcumin for 14 weeks
significantly prevented the biochemical
alterations induced by DENA/PB
Alcoholic and aqueous extracts of the ripe
fruits of E. ribes were concentrated in the form
of capsules (500mg). Two capsules per day
cured 50%-80% of nematode infected
patients. The capsules were found to be free
from toxicity and no purgative was required
during treatment
. In a study on cancer cell
lines E.ribes exhibited cytotoxicity against
Human leukaemic cells (K562) and Daltons
Lymphoma ascites cells (DLA), invitro studies
on Embelin suggests the potential of the
compound on these two cell lines however the
compound did not exhibit toxicity on normal
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lymphocytes isolated from human blood
preferentially attacking the tumour cells
. In
study on naturally occurring
anthelmintics, E.ribes (Enkoko) and Hagenia
abyssinica (Kosso), have been reported to
possibly cause optic atrophy among the
Ethiopian population. Treatment with Enkoko
or Kosso significantly reduced the ability of
chicks to detect a moving bead introduced into
the peripheral field of vision. The degree of
constriction of the visual field for detection was
dependent upon the total amount of drug
administered. Performance on a visual
discrimination task, which required
discrimination of feed grains from pebbles,
was also impaired in chicks treated with total
doses of 0.200 and 0.250 g of Enkoko or
Kosso. The visual deficits observed in
Enkoko-treated chicks were mimicked by
embelin, which suggests that embelin may be
responsible for the visual defects. However,
no retinal lesions were detected in chicks
following treatment with cumulative doses of
less than 0.25 g of Enkoko or Kosso. Similarly,
retinal pathology was not observed in embelin-
exposed retinae
Nanoparticles of embelin were prepared by
emulsification cross linking method using
chitosan, cross linked with glutaraldehyde.
Embelin- chitosan nanoparticle was used to
extend the release so as to reduce the
adverse effects using chitosan
This review is a collection of exhaustive
literature on the pharmacology of Embelia
ribes, a species that has attracted a lot of
attention globally for being a promising
candidate in various traditional,
complementary and alternative systems. To
understand the mechanism of action, the
researchers have worked at molecular levels
and significant phytochemicals have been
isolated. Also it can be noted that a lot of
these promising phytochemicals have been
tested in various disease models using
modern scientific methodologies and tools
Significant research in the form of integrated
Ayurvedic formulations and lab to land
products are still awaited.
The authors would like to thank Jain
University, for providing the academic support,
Director, IIHR and Dr. Haridasan.K, Advisor,
FRLHT for their extensive help in collection of
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