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ICT in Healthcare - better care, sustainable costs March 2013

http://www.orange.com/en/group/Orange-and-the-European-policy european.policy@orange.com


Orange on:

ICT in Healthcare
better care, sustainable costs

Understanding the issue

Technology is providing ever more ways of storing and processing medical data. The
increasing processing power of portable devices in particular has lead to the
development and linking together of services that would have been hard to imagine
only a few years back.

New information technology systems (ICT) allow varied information sources to be
monitored or combined in ways that provide better, more seamless, care while freeing
up staff time and resources. For example, a heart rate monitor can provide 24 hour data
from home and so reduce the number of visits needed by - or to - a professional while
offering prompt warning of any need for medical reaction.

But the benefits of these kinds of services are more difficult to assess than those of
simple devices or medicines. Moreover it has not been easy, so far, to fund large scale
experimental studies into HIT (Healthcare Information Technology).

We argue that if the potential of these services is ever to be fully realised then a change
of perspective is needed among those who commission and procure healthcare

HIT should be seen from the perspective of value rather than of cost. HIT investments
should be evaluated in terms of how well they help the healthcare system to meet their
strategic objectives of better care at sustainable cost while ensuring the social needs of
patients are met. It is also likely that in order to achieve these objectives there needs to
be better common benchmarks and standards by which procurement managers can
compare industry offerings for value and performance.

ICT in Healthcare - better care, sustainable costs March 2013
http://www.orange.com/en/group/Orange-and-the-European-policy european.policy@orange.com


Strategic value brought by HIT investments:

Many HIT investments can provide clear quantifiable benefits that produce a measurable financial
impact. However, some of them provide benefits that are not so easily quantifiable and not

Quantifiable monetisable impacts:

o Patient safety: mainly due to the reduction of medical error: adverse drug event and
related admissions, surgical error, transfusion mistakes, malpractice, expenses

o Quality of care: benefits from improved health professional collaboration. HIT
enables clinicians to spend more time with their patients since they are released from
paper work, searches for document, planning management etc. The performance
indicators of improved quality care can be: reduced length of stay in hospital,
physician time with patient, complication reductions

o Patient access to care: HIT improves access to care by streamlining inefficient
processes and therefore increasing clinician and staff productivity. It has particular
value when it comes to optimisation of the use of scarce resources. Main success
indicators are : response time to patient inquiries; waiting time for surgery; waiting
time for outpatient appointment; lab results report time, chronic disease self
management and increased number of health professionals per day consultations

Sensors connected to home alert systems improve safety and prevent deaths among
the aged through accidents. In addition mobile technology can regularly check vital
signs and allow at home recovery.

o Physician and staff efficiency HIT improves health professionals work satisfaction,
increases face time with patient and conversely reduces time spent performing
administrative work.

o Improved resource utilization can be measured in bed turnover per month, length
of stay at hospital

o Cost optimization: HIT can reduce medical errors and equally reduce average length
of stay. Another issue is a better utilisation of expensive resources such as
diagnostic equipment. The financial impact of these is: cost per day per patient and
overall administrative cost of healthcare systems.

Non-monetizable impacts:
o A seamless patient/clinician relationship will improve outcomes but only in a general
rather than specific way.
According to accounts given by patients followed for chronic diseases remote
monitoring reduces anxiety since the constant upload of medical data allows reactive
decision when alerts occur.
o When it comes to empowering citizens:
o HIT can, through content, offer a means of delivering public education,
improving a citizens lifestyle (diet, physical activities, addictions
management) and aiding disease prevention.
o Because they can be used to remind patients with chronic disease to take
their drugs or make appointments mobile phones become powerful tools of

ICT in Healthcare - better care, sustainable costs March 2013
http://www.orange.com/en/group/Orange-and-the-European-policy european.policy@orange.com


The precedent of UK Whole System Demonstrator:

The project was launched in May 2008 and is a tele-health trial encompassing 6191
patients and 238 GPs. It focuses on three conditions: diabetes, Chronic Obstructive
Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and coronary heart diseases. Early headline findings show
that if used correctly, tele-health can deliver:
o 15per cent reduction in Accident & Emergency (A&E) visits,
o 20 per cent in emergency admission
o 14 per cent reduction in bed days
o 14 per cent in elective admission
o 8 per cent reduction in tariff costs.
More strikingly they also demonstrate a 45per cent reduction in mortality rates. If
confirmed, these early findings will provide evidence base to support investment
decision helping people to live independently and take control of their own health and

Current barriers to HIT adoption:

o Decision makers view IT as a cost rather than a value generator. Facing the
choice between funding innovative and efficient medical equipment or an HIT
initiative, whose impacts seem uncertain and whose deployment often involves
hard work or changed working practices, many healthcare decision-makers
choose the equipment.

o Generally those who pay for health information technology do not receive the
related savings. Patients benefit from better health while payers (insurers for
example) have lower costs; however the healthcare providers pay in both higher
costs to implement HIT and lower payment-triggering activity visits treatments
etc - (and revenue) after implementation. For example:
o HIT used by a hospital to reduce drug event, reduces admissions and
therefore reduces activity and income.
o Remote chronic disease management reduces GP or specialist
consultation and its related revenue.

Five conclusions about the use of ICTs in the health sector

o Involve users in design by demonstrating benefits and foster experience sharing
among patients and health professionals
o Keep it simple and evidence-based
o Strengthen organisational and health professionals awareness skills and
leadership in order to champion the further development of ICT use in health
o Share learning about successes and failures.
o Move from proof of concept to large scale experimentation or implementation
and evaluate systematically the impact of the use of HIT.

ICT in Healthcare - better care, sustainable costs March 2013
http://www.orange.com/en/group/Orange-and-the-European-policy european.policy@orange.com


Some policy options:

o Continue current efforts: continue support for the development of uniform HIT
interoperable standards, regulation progresses, common HIT certification
process, and common performance metrics, standardize GP information
systems and, in order to allay fears regarding confidentiality, expand liability
protection for hospital using HIT networks.

o Accelerate market forces:
o Tele-health will widespread if it is led by a sound business strategy.
Many industries are ready to invest in this area. This will generate growth
and employment. EU and national governments should develop targeted
investments and incentives to promote HIT.
o Create a European performance reporting framework to receive and
report comparative performance data.
o Educate consumers about the value of HIT in improving their ability to
manage their own health

o Subsidize change to speed up HIT adoption.
o Direct subsidies would help selected health providers to acquire HIT

Widespread adoption of HIT could greatly improve healthcare in Europe while yielding
significant savings. EU and local governments action is needed in connection with
health industry to draft a wide range of policy options.

For questions or additional information
please contact Inigo Wilson +32 2 800 87 35
Elinaz Mahdavy +32 4955 52359

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