Jataka Tales of The Buddha
Jataka Tales of The Buddha
Jataka Tales of The Buddha
Part I
Retold by Ken & Visakha Kawasaki
Buddhist Publication Society
Bodhi Leaves BL !"
#o$yri%ht & ''" Ken & Visakha Kawasaki
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Buddhist Publication Society
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"1- San%hara2a 3awatha
Kandy- Sri Lanka
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Namo tassa Bhagavato Arahato Sammasambuddhassa
Jataka No. 1
Apannaka Jataka
Crossing the Wilderness
While the Buddha was staying at Jetavana Monastery near Savatthi
the wealthy banker Anathapindika went one day to pay his respe!ts.
"is servants !arried masses o# #lowers per#ume butter oil honey
molasses !loths and robes. Anathapindika paid obeisan!e to the
Buddha presented the o##erings he had brought and sat down
respe!t#ully. At that time Anathapindika was a!!ompanied by #ive
hundred #riends who were #ollowers o# hereti!al tea!hers. "is #riends
also paid their respe!ts to the Buddha and sat !lose to the banker. $he
Buddha%s #a!e appeared like a #ull moon and his body was surrounded
by a radiant aura. Seated on the red stone seat he was like a young
lion roaring with a !lear noble voi!e as he taught them a dis!ourse #ull
o# sweetness and beauti#ul to the ear.
A#ter hearing the Buddha%s tea!hing the #ive hundred gave up their
hereti!al pra!ti!es and took re#uge in the $riple &em' the Buddha the
(hamma and the Sangha. A#ter that they went regularly with
Anathapindika to o##er #lowers and in!ense and to hear the tea!hing.
$hey gave liberally kept the pre!epts and #aith#ully observed the
)posatha (ay. *1+ Soon a#ter the Buddha le#t Savatthi to return to
,a-agaha however these men abandoned their new #aith and reverted
to their previous belie#s.
Seven or eight months later the Buddha returned to Jetavana. Again
Anathapindika brought these #riends to visit the Buddha. $hey paid
their respe!ts but Anathapindika e.plained that they had #orsaken
their re#uge and had resumed their original pra!ti!es.
$he Buddha asked /0s it true that you have abandoned re#uge in the
$riple &em #or re#uge in other do!trines1/ $he Buddha%s voi!e was
in!redibly !lear be!ause throughout myriad aeons "e had always
spoken truth#ully.
When these men heard it they were unable to !on!eal the truth. /2es
Blessed 3ne/ they !on#essed. /0t is true./
/(is!iples/ the Buddha said /nowhere between the lowest o# hells
below and the highest heaven above nowhere in all the in#inite worlds
that stret!h right and le#t is there the e4ual mu!h less the superior o#
a Buddha. 0n!al!ulable is the e.!ellen!e whi!h springs #rom obeying
the 5re!epts and #rom other virtuous !ondu!t./
$hen he de!lared the virtues o# the $riple &em. /By taking re#uge in
the $riple &em/ "e told them /one es!apes #rom rebirth in states o#
su##ering./ "e #urther e.plained that meditation on the $riple &em
leads through the #our stages to 6nlightenment.
/0n #orsaking su!h a re#uge as this/ he admonished them /you have
!ertainly erred. 0n the past too men who #oolishly mistook what was
no re#uge #or a real re#uge met disaster. A!tually they #ell prey to
yakkhas 77 evil spirits 77 in the wilderness and were utterly destroyed. 0n
!ontrast men who !lung to the truth not only survived but a!tually
prospered in that same wilderness./
Anathapindika raised his !lasped hands to his #orehead praised the
Buddha and asked him to tell that story o# the past.
/0n order to dispel the world%s ignoran!e and to !on4uer su##ering/ the
Buddha pro!laimed /0 pra!ti!ed the $en 5er#e!tions #or !ountless
aeons. 8isten !are#ully and 0 will speak./
"aving their #ull attention the Buddha made !lear as though he were
releasing the #ull moon #rom behind !louds what rebirth had !on!ealed
#rom them.
8ong long ago when Brahmadatta was reigning in Baranasi the
Bodhisattva was born into a mer!hant%s #amily and grew up to be a
wise trader. At the same time in the same !ity there was another
mer!hant a very stupid #ellow with no !ommon sense whatsoever.
3ne day it so happened that the two mer!hants ea!h loaded #ive
hundred !arts with !ostly wares o# Baranasi and prepared to leave in
the same dire!tion at e.a!tly the same time. $he wise mer!hant
thought /0# this silly young #ool travels with me and i# our thousand
!arts stay together it will be too mu!h #or the road. 9inding wood and
water #or the men will be di##i!ult and there won%t be enough grass #or
the o.en. 6ither he or 0 must go #irst./
/8ook/ he said to the other mer!hant /the two o# us !an%t travel
together. Would you rather go #irst or #ollow a#ter me1/
$he #oolish trader thought /$here will be many advantages i# 0 take the
lead. 0%ll get a road whi!h is not yet !ut up. My o.en will have the pi!k
o# the grass. My men will get the !hoi!est wild herbs #or !urry. $he
water will be undisturbed. Best o# all 0%ll be able to #i. my own pri!e #or
bartering my goods./ Considering all these advantages he said /0 will
go ahead o# you my #riend./
$he Bodhisattva was pleased to hear this be!ause he saw many
advantages in #ollowing a#ter. "e reasoned /$hose !arts going #irst will
level the road where it is rough and 0%ll be able to travel along the road
they have already smoothed. $heir o.en will gra:e o## the !oarse old
grass and mine will pasture on the sweet young growth whi!h will
spring up in its pla!e. My men will #ind #resh sweet herbs #or !urry
where the old ones have been pi!ked. Where there is no water the
#irst !aravan will have to dig to supply themselves and we%ll be able to
drink at the wells they have dug. "aggling over pri!es is tiring work;
he%ll do the work and 0 will be able to barter my wares at pri!es he has
already #i.ed./
/<ery well my #riend/ he said /please go #irst./
/0 will/ said the #oolish mer!hant and he yoked his !arts and set out.
A#ter a while he !ame to the outskirts o# a wilderness. "e #illed all o#
his huge water -ars with water be#ore setting out to !ross the si.ty
yo-anas *=+ o# desert whi!h lay be#ore him.
$he yakkha who haunted that wilderness had been wat!hing the
!aravan. When it had rea!hed the middle he used his magi! power to
!on-ure up a lovely !arriage drawn by pure white young bulls. With a
retinue o# a do:en disguised yakkhas !arrying swords and shields he
rode along in his !arriage like a mighty lord. "is hair and !lothes were
wet and he had a wreath o# blue lotuses and white water lilies around
his head. "is attendants also were dripping wet and draped in
garlands. 6ven the bulls% hooves and !arriage wheels were muddy.
As the wind was blowing #rom the #ront the mer!hant was riding at the
head o# his !aravan to es!ape the dust. $he yakkha drew his !arriage
beside the mer!hant%s and greeted him kindly. $he mer!hant returned
the greeting and moved his own !arriage to one side to allow the !arts
to pass while he and the yakkha !hatted.
/We are on our way #rom Baranasi sir/ e.plained the mer!hant. /0 see
that your men are all wet and muddy and that you have lotuses and
water lilies. (id it rain while you were on the road1 (id you !ome
a!ross pools with lotuses and water lilies1/
/What do you mean1/ the yakkha e.!laimed. /3ver there is the
dark7green streak o# a -ungle. Beyond that there is plenty o# water. 0t is
always raining there and there are many lakes with lotuses and water
lilies./ $hen pretending to be interested in the mer!hant%s business he
asked /What do you have in these !arts1/
/6.pensive mer!handise/ answered the mer!hant.
/What is in this !art whi!h seems so heavily laden1/ the yakkha asked
as the last !art rolled by.
/$hat%s #ull o# water./
/2ou were wise to !arry water with you this #ar but there is no need #or
it now sin!e water is so abundant ahead. 2ou !ould travel mu!h #aster
and lighter without those heavy -ars. 2ou%d be better o## breaking them
and throwing the water away. Well good day/ he said suddenly as he
turned his !arriage. /We must be on our way. We have stopped too
long already./ "e rode away 4ui!kly with his men. As soon as they
were out o# sight he turned and made his way ba!k to his own !ity.
$he mer!hant was so #oolish that he #ollowed the yakkha%s advi!e. "e
broke all the -ars without saving even a single !up#ul o# water and
ordered the men to drive on 4ui!kly. 3# !ourse they did not #ind any
water and they were soon e.hausted #rom thirst. At sunset they drew
their !arts into a !ir!le and tethered the o.en to the wheels but there
was no water #or the weary animals. Without water the men !ould not
!ook any ri!e either. $hey sank to the ground and #ell asleep. As soon
as night !ame the yakkhas atta!ked killing every single man and
beast. $he #iends devoured the #lesh leaving only the bones and
departed. Skeletons were strewn in every dire!tion but the #ive
hundred !arts stood with their loads untou!hed. $hus the heedless
young mer!hant was the sole !ause o# the destru!tion o# the entire
Allowing si. weeks to pass a#ter the #oolish trader had le#t the
Bodhisattva set out with his #ive hundred !arts. When he rea!hed the
edge o# the wilderness he #illed his water -ars. $hen he assembled his
men and announ!ed /8et not so mu!h as a hand#ul o# water be used
without my permission. 9urthermore there are poisonous plants in this
wilderness. (o not eat any lea# #lower or #ruit whi!h you have never
eaten be#ore without showing it to me #irst./ "aving thus !are#ully
warned his men he led the !aravan into the wilderness.
When they had rea!hed the middle o# the wilderness the yakkha
appeared on the path -ust as be#ore. $he mer!hant noti!ed his red
eyes and #earless manner and suspe!ted something strange. /0 know
there is no water in this desert/ he said to himsel#. /9urthermore this
stranger !asts no shadow. "e must be a yakkha. "e probably tri!ked
the #oolish mer!hant but he doesn%t reali:e how !lever 0 am./
/&et out o# here>/ he shouted at the yakkha. /We are men o# business.
We do not throw away our water be#ore we see where more is to !ome
Without saying any more the yakkha rode away.
As soon as the yakkhas had le#t the mer!hant%s men approa!hed their
leader and said /Sir those men were wearing lotuses and water lilies
on their heads. $heir !lothes and hair were wringing wet. $hey told us
that up ahead there is a thi!k #orest where it is always raining. 8et us
throw away our water so that we !an pro!eed 4ui!ker with lightened
$he mer!hant ordered a halt and summoned all his men. /"as any man
among you ever heard be#ore today/ he asked /that there was a lake
or a pool in this wilderness1/
/No sir/ they answered. /0t%s known as the %Waterless (esert.% /
/We have -ust been told by some strangers that it is raining in the
#orest -ust ahead. "ow #ar does a rain7wind !arry1/
/A yo-ana sir./
/"as any man here seen the top o# even a single storm7!loud1/
/No sir./
/"ow #ar o## !an you see a #lash o# lightning1/
/9our or #ive yo-anas sir./
/"as any man here seen a #lash o# lightning1/
/No sir./
/"ow #ar o## !an a man hear a peal o# thunder1/
/$wo or three yo-anas sir./
/"as any man here heard a peal o# thunder1/
/No sir./
/$hose were not men but yakkhas/ the wise mer!hant told his men.
/$hey are hoping that we will throw away our water. $hen when we
are weak and #aint they will return to devour us. Sin!e the young
mer!hant who went be#ore us was not a man o# good sense most
likely he was #ooled by them. We may e.pe!t to #ind his !arts standing
-ust as they were #irst loaded. We will probably see them today. 5ress
on with all possible speed without throwing away a drop o# water>/
Just as the mer!hant had predi!ted his !aravan soon !ame upon the
#ive hundred !arts with the skeletons o# men and o.en strewn in every
dire!tion. "e ordered his men to arrange his !arts in a #orti#ied !ir!le
to take !are o# the o.en and to prepare an early supper #or
themselves. A#ter the animals and men had all sa#ely bedded down
the mer!hant and his #oremen swords in hand stood guard all through
the night.
At daybreak the mer!hant repla!ed his own weak !arts #or stronger
ones and e.!hanged his own !ommon goods #or the most !ostly o# the
abandoned mer!handise. When he arrived at his destination he was
able to barter his sto!k o# wares at two or three times their value. "e
returned to his own !ity without losing a single man out o# all his
$his story ended the Buddha said /$hus it was laymen that in times
past the #oolish !ame to utter destru!tion while those who !lung to
the truth es!aped #rom the yakkhas% hands rea!hed their goal in
sa#ety and returned to their homes again.
/$his !linging to the truth not only endows happiness even up to
rebirth in the ,ealm o# Brahma *?+ but also leads ultimately to
Arahatship. 9ollowing untruth entails rebirth either in the #our states o#
punishment or in the lowest !onditions o# mankind./ A#ter the Buddha
had e.pounded the 9our $ruths those #ive hundred dis!iples were
established in the 9ruit o# the 9irst 5ath.
$he Buddha !on!luded his lesson by identi#ying the Birth as #ollows'
/$he #oolish young mer!hant was (evadatta *@+ and his men were
(evadatta%s #ollowers. $he wise mer!hant%s men were the #ollowers o#
the Buddha and 0 mysel# was that wise mer!hant./
Jataka No. ?
Serivavani-a Jataka
$he $raders o# Seriva
So that a disheartened Bhikkhu would have no regrets in the #uture
the Buddha told him this story at Savatthi to en!ourage him to
persevere. /0# you give up your pra!ti!e in this sublime tea!hing whi!h
leads to NibbAna/ the Buddha told him /you will su##er long like the
trader o# Seriva who lost a golden bowl worth a hundred thousand
When asked to e.plain the Buddha told this story o# the distant past.
9ive long aeons ago the Bodhisattva was an honest trader selling
#an!y goods in the kingdom o# Seriva. Sometimes he traveled with
another trader #rom the same kingdom a greedy #ellow who handled
the same wares.
3ne day the two o# them !rossed the $elavaha ,iver to do business in
the bustling !ity o# Andhapura. As usual to avoid !ompeting with ea!h
other they divided the !ity between them and began selling their
goods #rom door to door.
0n that !ity there was a ramsha!kle mansion. 2ears be#ore the #amily
had been ri!h mer!hants but by the time o# this story their #ortunes
had dwindled to nothing and all the men o# the #amily had died. $he
sole survivors were a girl and her grandmother and these two earned
their living by working #or hire.
$hat a#ternoon while the greedy peddler was on his rounds he !ame
to the door o# that very house !rying /Beads #or sale> Beads #or sale>/
When the young girl heard his !ry she begged /5lease buy me a
trinket &randmother./
/We%re very poor dear. $here%s not a !ent in the house and 0 !an%t
think o# anything to o##er in e.!hange./
$he girl suddenly remembered an old bowl. /8ook>/ she !ried. /"ere%s
an old bowl. 0t%s o# no use to us. 8et%s try to trade it #or something
What the little girl showed her grandmother was an old bowl whi!h
had been used by the great mer!hant the late head o# the #amily. "e
had always eaten his !urries served #rom this beauti#ul e.pensive
bowl. A#ter his death it had been thrown among the pots and pans and
#orgotten. Sin!e it hadn%t been used #or a very long time it was
!ompletely !overed with grime. $he two women had no idea it was
$he old woman asked the trader to !ome in and sit down. She showed
him the bowl and said /Sir my granddaughter would like a trinket.
Would you be so kind as to take this bowl and give her something or
other in e.!hange1/
$he peddler took the bowl in his hand and turned it over. Suspe!ting its
value he s!rat!hed the ba!k o# it with a needle. A#ter -ust one !overt
look he knew #or !ertain the bowl was real gold.
"e sat there #rowning and thinking until his greed got the better o#
him. At last he de!ided to try to get the bowl without giving the woman
anything whatever #or it. 5retending to be angry he growled /Why did
you bring me this stupid bowl1 0t isn%t worth hal# a !ent>/ "e threw the
bowl to the #loor got up and stalked out o# the house in apparent
Sin!e it had been agreed between the two traders that the one might
try the streets whi!h the other had already !overed the honest
peddler !ame later into that same street and appeared at the door o#
the house !rying /Beads #or sale>/
3n!e again the young girl made the same re4uest o# her grandmother
and the old woman replied /My dear the #irst peddler threw our bowl
on the ground and stormed out o# the house. What have we got le#t to
/3h but that trader was nasty &randmother. $his one looks and
sounds very kind. 0 think he will take it./
/All right then. Call him in./
When the peddler !ame into the house the two women gave him a
seat and shyly put the bowl into his hands. 0mmediately re!ogni:ing
that the bowl was gold he said /Mother this bowl is worth a hundred
thousand pie!es o# silver. 0%m sorry but 0 don%t have that mu!h money./
Astonished at his words the old woman said /Sir another peddler who
!ame here a little while ago said that it was not worth hal# a !ent. "e
got angry threw it on the #loor and went away. 0# it wasn%t valuable
then it must be be!ause o# your own goodness that the bowl has
turned into gold. 5lease take it and -ust give us something or other #or
it. We will be more than satis#ied./
At that time the peddler had only #ive hundred pie!es o# silver and
goods worth another #ive hundred. "e gave everything to the women
asking only to keep his s!ales his bag and eight !oins #or his return
#are. 3# !ourse they were happy to agree. A#ter pro#use thanks on
both sides the trader hurried to the river with the golden bowl. "e
gave his eight !oins to the boatman and got into the boat.
Not long a#ter he had le#t the greedy peddler returned to the house
giving the impression o# having relu!tantly re!onsidered their o##er. "e
asked them to bring out their bowl saying he would give them
something or other #or it a#ter all.
$he old woman #lew at him. /2ou s!oundrel>/ she !ried. /2ou told us
that our golden bowl was not worth even hal# a !ent. 8u!ky #or us an
honest trader !ame a#ter you le#t and told us it was really worth a
hundred thousand pie!es o# silver. "e gave us a thousand #or it and
took it away so you are too late>/
When the peddler heard this an intense pain swept over him. /"e
robbed me> "e robbed me>/ he !ried. /"e got my golden bowl worth a
hundred thousand>/ "e be!ame hysteri!al and lost all !ontrol.
$hrowing down his money and mer!handise he tore o## his shirt
grabbed the beam o# his s!ales #or a !lub and ran to the riverside to
!at!h the other trader.
By the time he got to the river the boat was already in midstream. "e
shouted #or the boat to return to shore but the honest peddler who
had already paid !almly told the #erryman to !ontinue on.
$he #rustrated trader !ould only stand there on the riverbank and
wat!h his rival es!ape with the bowl. $he sight so in#uriated him that a
#ier!e hate swelled up inside him. "is heart grew hot and blood
gushed #rom his mouth. 9inally his heart !ra!ked like the mud at the
bottom o# a pond dried up by the sun. So intense was the unreasoning
hatred whi!h he developed against the other trader be!ause o# the
golden bowl that he perished then and there.
$he honest trader returned to Seriva where he lived a #ull li#e spent in
!harity and other good works and passed away to #are a!!ording to his
When the Buddha #inished this story he identi#ied himsel# as the
honest trader and (evadatta as the greedy trader. $his was the
beginning o# the impla!able grudge whi!h (evadatta held against the
Bodhisattva through innumerable lives.
Jataka No. 1B
Matakabhatta Jataka
$he &oat $hat 8aughed and Wept
3ne day while the Buddha was staying in Jetavana some Bhikkhus
asked him i# there was any bene#it in sa!ri#i!ing goats sheep and
other animals as o##erings #or departed relatives.
/No Bhikkhus/ replied the Buddha. /No good ever !omes #rom taking
li#e not even when it is #or the purpose o# providing a 9east #or the
(ead./ $hen he told this story o# the past.
8ong long ago when Brahmadatta was reigning in Baranasi a
Brahman de!ided to o##er a 9east #or the (ead and bought a goat to
sa!ri#i!e. /My boys/ he said to his students /take this goat down to
the river bathe it brush it hang a garland around its ne!k give it
some grain to eat and bring it ba!k./
/2es sir/ they replied and led the goat to the river.
While they were grooming it the goat started to laugh with a sound
like a pot smashing. $hen -ust as strangely it started to weep loudly.
$he young students were ama:ed at this behavior. /Why did you
suddenly laugh/ they asked the goat /and why do you now !ry so
/,epeat your 4uestion when we get ba!k to your tea!her/ the goat
$he students hurriedly took the goat ba!k to their master and told him
what had happened at the river. "earing the story the master himsel#
asked the goat why it had laughed and why it had wept.
/0n times past Brahman/ the goat began /0 was a Brahman who
taught the <edas like you. 0 too sa!ri#i!ed a goat as an o##ering #or a
9east #or the (ead. Be!ause o# killing that single goat 0 have had my
head !ut o## @CC times. 0 laughed aloud when 0 reali:ed that this is my
last birth as an animal to be sa!ri#i!ed. $oday 0 will be #reed #rom my
misery. 3n the other hand 0 !ried when 0 reali:ed that be!ause o#
killing me you too may be doomed to lose your head #ive hundred
times. 0t was out o# pity #or you that 0 !ried./
/Well goat/ said the Brahman /in that !ase 0 am not going to kill
/Brahman>/ e.!laimed the goat. /Whether or not you kill me 0 !annot
es!ape death today./
/(on%t worry/ the Brahman assured the goat. /0 will guard you./
/2ou don%t understand/ the goat told him. /2our prote!tion is weak.
$he #or!e o# my evil deed is very strong./
$he Brahman untied the goat and said to his students /(on%t allow
anyone to harm this goat./ $hey obediently #ollowed the animal to
prote!t it.
A#ter the goat was #reed it began to gra:e. 0t stret!hed out its ne!k to
rea!h the leaves on a bush growing near the top o# a large ro!k. At
that very instant a lightning bolt hit the ro!k breaking o## a sharp
pie!e o# stone whi!h #lew through the air and neatly !ut o## the goat%s
head. A !rowd o# people gathered around the dead goat and began to
talk e.!itedly about the ama:ing a!!ident.
A tree deva *D+ had observed everything #rom the goat%s pur!hase to
its dramati! death and drawing a lesson #rom the in!ident
admonished the !rowd' /0# people only knew that the penalty would be
rebirth into sorrow they would !ease #rom taking li#e. A horrible doom
awaits one who slays./ With this e.planation o# the law o# kamma the
deva instilled in his listeners the #ear o# hell. $he people were so
#rightened that they !ompletely gave up the pra!ti!e o# animal
sa!ri#i!es. $he deva #urther instru!ted the people in the 5re!epts and
urged them to do good.
6ventually that deva passed away to #are a!!ording to his deserts. 9or
several generations a#ter that people remained #aith#ul to the 5re!epts
and spent their lives in !harity and meritorious works so that many
were reborn in the heavens.
$he Buddha ended his lesson and identi#ied the Birth by saying /0n
those days 0 was that deva./
Jataka No. BC
Euhaka Jataka
$he Straw Worth More $han &old
$he Buddha told this story at Jetavana about a !onniving Bhikkhu who
was the sour!e o# mu!h trouble to other Bhikkhus.
8ong long ago when Brahmadatta was reigning in Baranasi a shi#ty
as!eti! with long matted hair lived near a !ertain little village. $he
landowner had built a modest hermitage in the #orest #or him and
daily provided him with e.!ellent #ood in his own house.
$he landowner had a great #ear o# robbers and de!ided that the sa#est
!ourse to prote!t his money was to hide it in an unlikely pla!e.
Believing the matted7haired as!eti! to be a model o# sainthood he
brought a hundred pie!es o# gold to the hermitage buried them there
and asked the as!eti! to keep wat!h over the treasure.
/$here%s no need to say more sir to a man like me who has renoun!ed
the world. We hermits never !ovet what belongs to others./
/$hat%s wonder#ul/ said the landowner who went o## with !omplete
!on#iden!e in the hermit%s protestations.
As soon as the landowner was out o# sight the as!eti! !hu!kled to
himsel# /Why there%s enough here to last a man his whole li#e>/
Allowing a #ew days to elapse the hermit dug up the gold and reburied
it !onveniently by the road. $he #ollowing morning a#ter a meal o# ri!e
and su!!ulent !urries at the landowner%s house the as!eti! said /My
good sir 0%ve been staying here supported by you #or a long time.
9rankly living so long in one pla!e is like living in the world whi!h is
#orbidden to as!eti!s like me. 0 really !annot remain here any longer;
the time has !ome #or me to leave./
$he landowner urged him to stay but nothing !ould over!ome the
hermit%s determination.
/Well then/ said the landowner /i# you must go good lu!k to you./
,elu!tantly he es!orted the as!eti! to the outskirts o# the village and
returned home.
A#ter walking a short way by himsel# the as!eti! thought it would be a
good thing to !a-ole the landowner. Sti!king a straw in his matted hair
he hurried ba!k to the village.
/What brings you ba!k again1/ asked the surprised landowner.
/0 -ust noti!ed that a straw #rom your roo# got stu!k in my hair. We
hermits must not take anything whi!h has not been given to us so 0
have brought it ba!k to you./
/$hrow it down sir and go your way/ said the landowner. /0magine>/
he said to himsel#. /$his as!eti! is so honest he won%t even take a
straw whi!h does not belong to him. What a rare person>/ $hus greatly
impressed by the as!eti!%s honesty the landowner bid him #arewell
At that time the Bodhisattva reborn as a mer!hant was traveling to
the border on business and happened to stop at that same little
village where he witnessed the as!eti!%s return with the pie!e o#
straw. Suspi!ion grew in his mind that the hermit must have robbed
the landowner o# something. "e asked the ri!h man whether he had
deposited anything in the as!eti!%s !are.
/2es/ the landowner answered rather hesitantly /a hundred pie!es o#
/Well why don%t you -ust go and see i# it%s still sa#e1/ the mer!hant
$he landowner went to the deserted hermitage dug where he had le#t
his money and #ound it gone. ,ushing ba!k to the mer!hant he !ried
/0t%s not there>/
/$he thie# is !ertainly that long7haired ras!al o# an as!eti!/ said the
mer!hant. /8et%s !at!h him./
$he two men ran a#ter the rogue and 4ui!kly !aught him. $hey ki!ked
him and beat him until he showed them where he had hidden the gold.
A#ter they had gotten ba!k the money the mer!hant looked at the
!oins and s!orn#ully asked the as!eti! /Why didn%t this hundred pie!es
o# gold trouble your !ons!ien!e as mu!h as that straw1 $ake !are you
hypo!rite never to play su!h a tri!k again>/
When his li#e ended the mer!hant passed away to #are a!!ording to
his deserts.
When he had ended his lesson the Buddha said /$hus you see
monks that this monk was as !onniving in the past as he is today./
$hen he identi#ied the Birth by saying /$his monk was the s!heming
as!eti! o# those days and 0 was the wise and good mer!hant./
Jataka No. FB
0llisa Jataka $he Miserly $reasurer
$his story was told by the Buddha while at Jetavana Monastery about
a tremendously ri!h royal treasurer who lived in a town !alled Sakkara
near the !ity o# ,a-agaha. "e had been so tight#isted that he never
gave away even the tiniest drop o# oil you !ould pi!k up with a blade o#
grass. Worse than that he wouldn%t even use that minus!ule amount
#or his own satis#a!tion. "is vast wealth was a!tually o# no use to him
to his #amily or to the deserving people o# the land.
Moggallana however led this miser and his wi#e to Jetavana where
they served a great meal o# !akes to the Buddha and #ive hundred
Bhikkhus. A#ter hearing words o# thanks #rom the Buddha the royal
treasurer and his wi#e attained stream7entry.
$hat evening the Bhikkhus gathered together in the "all o# $ruth. /"ow
great is the power o# the <enerable Moggallana>/ they said. /0n a
moment he !onverted the miser to !harity brought him to Jetavana
and made possible his attainment. "ow remarkable is the elder>/ While
they were talking the Buddha entered and asked the sub-e!t o# their
When they told him the Buddha replied /$his is not the #irst time
Bhikkhus that Moggallana has !onverted this miserly treasurer. 0n
previous days too the elder taught him how deeds and their e##e!ts are
linked together./ $hen the Buddha told this story o# the past.
8ong long ago when Brahmadatta was reigning in Baranasi there was
a treasurer named 0llisa who was worth eighty !rores o# wealth. $his
man had all the de#e!ts possible in a person. "e was lame and
hun!hba!ked and he had a s4uint. "e was a !on#irmed miser never
giving away any o# his #ortune to others yet never en-oying it himsel#.
0nterestingly enough however #or seven generations ba!k his
an!estors had been bounti#ul giving #reely o# their best. When this
treasurer inherited the #amily ri!hes he broke that tradition and began
hoarding his wealth.
3ne day as he was returning #rom an audien!e with the king he saw a
weary peasant sitting on a ben!h and drinking a mug o# !heap li4uor
with great gusto. $he sight made the treasurer thirsty #or a drink o#
li4uor himsel# but he thought /0# 0 drink others will want to drink with
me. $hat would mean a ruinous e.pense>/ $he more he tried to
suppress his thirst the stronger the !raving grew.
$he e##ort to over!ome his thirst made him as yellow as old !otton. "e
be!ame thinner and thinner until the veins stood out on his ema!iated
#rame. A#ter a #ew days still unable to #orget about the li4uor he went
into his room and lay down hugging his bed. "is wi#e !ame in rubbed
his ba!k and asked /"usband what is wrong1/
/Nothing/ he said.
/5erhaps the king is angry with you/ she suggested.
/No he is not./
/"ave your !hildren or servants done anything to annoy you1/ she
/Not at all./
/Well then do you have a !raving #or something1/
Be!ause o# his preposterous #ear that he might waste his #ortune he
still would not say a word.
/Speak husband/ she pleaded. /$ell me what you have a !raving #or./
/Well/ he said slowly /0 do have a !raving #or one thing./
/What is that my husband1/
/0 want a drink o# li4uor/ he whispered.
/Why didn%t you say so be#ore1/ she e.!laimed with relie#. /0%ll brew
enough li4uor to serve the whole town./
/No>/ he !ried. /(on%t bother about other people. 8et them earn their
own drink>/
/Well then 0%ll make -ust enough #or our street./
/"ow ri!h you are>/
/$hen -ust #or our household./
/"ow e.travagant>/
/All right only us and our !hildren./
/Why #uss about them1/
/<ery well let it be -ust enough #or the two o# us.
/(o you need any1/
/3# !ourse not. 0%ll brew a little li4uor only #or you./
/Wait> 0# you brew any li4uor in the house many people will see you. 0n
#a!t it%s out o# the 4uestion to drink any here at all./ 5rodu!ing one
single penny he sent a slave to buy a -ar o# li4uor #rom the tavern.
When the slave returned 0llisa ordered him to !arry the li4uor out o#
town to a remote thi!ket near the river. /Now leave me alone>/ 0llisa
!ommanded. A#ter the slave had walked some distan!e away the
treasurer !rawled into the thi!ket #illed his !up and began drinking.
At that moment the treasurer%s own #ather who had been reborn as
Sakka king o# the devas happened to be wondering whether the
tradition o# generosity was still kept up in his house and be!ame aware
o# his son%s outrageous behavior. "e reali:ed that his son had not only
broken with the !ustomary magnanimity o# his #amily but that he had
also burned down the almshouses and beaten the poor to drive them
away #rom his gate. Sakka saw that his son unwilling to share even a
drop o# !heap li4uor with anyone else was sitting in a thi!ket drinking
by himsel#.
When he saw this Sakka !ried /0 must make my son see that deeds
always have their !onse4uen!es. 0 will make him !haritable and worthy
o# rebirth in the realm o# the devas./
0nstantly Sakka disguised himsel# as his son !omplete with his limp
hun!hba!k and s4uint and entered the !ity o# Baranasi. "e went
dire!tly to the pala!e gate and asked to be announ!ed to the king.
/8et him approa!h/ said the king.
Sakka entered the king%s !hamber and paid his respe!ts.
/What brings you here at this unusual hour my lord high treasurer1/
asked the king.
/0 have !ome sire be!ause 0 would like to add my eighty !rores o#
wealth to your royal treasury./
/No my lord high treasurer/ answered the king. /0 have ample
treasure. 0 have no need o# yours./
/Sire i# you will not take it 0 will give it all away to others./
/By all means treasurer do as you wish./
/So be it sire/ Sakka said. $hen bowing again to the king he went to
the treasurer%s house. None o# the servants !ould tell that he was not
their real master. "e sent #or the porter and ordered /0# anybody
resembling me should appear and !laim to be master o# this house
that person should be severely beaten and thrown out./ $hen he went
upstairs sat down on a bro!aded !ou!h and sent #or 0llisa%s wi#e. When
she arrived he smiled and said /My dear let us be bounti#ul./
When his wi#e his !hildren and all the servants heard this they
thought /We have never seen the treasurer in this #rame o# mind> "e
must have drunk a lot to have be!ome so good7natured and generous./
"is wi#e answered /Be as !haritable as you please my husband./
/Send #or the town !rier/ Sakka ordered. /0 want him to announ!e to
all the !iti:ens o# the !ity that anybody who wants gold silver
diamonds pearls or other gems should !ome to the house o# 0llisa the
"is wi#e obeyed him and a large !rowd o# people !arrying baskets and
sa!ks soon gathered. Sakka instru!ted the servants to open the doors
to the storerooms and announ!ed to the people /$hese are my gi#ts to
you> $ake what you like> &ood lu!k to you>/
$ownspeople #illed their bags and !arried away all the treasure they
!ould manage. 3ne #armer yoked two o# 0llisa%s o.en to a beauti#ul !art
#illed it with valuable things and drove out o# the !ity. As he rode
along humming a tune in praise o# the treasurer he happened to pass
near the thi!ket where 0llisa was hiding. /May you live to be a hundred
my good lord 0llisa>/ sang the #armer. /What you have done #or me this
day will enable me to live without ever toiling again. Who owned these
o.en1 2ou did> Who gave me this !art1 2ou did> Who gave me the
wealth in the !art1 Again it was you> Neither my #ather nor my mother
gave me any o# this. No it !ame solely #rom you my lord./
$hese words !hilled the treasurer to the bone. /Why is this #ellow
mentioning my name1/ he wondered to himsel#. /"as the king been
giving away my wealth1/ "e peeped out o# the thi!ket and
immediately re!ogni:ed his own !art and o.en.
S!rambling out o# the bushes as #ast as he !ould he grabbed the o.en
by their nose rings and !ried /Stop> $hese o.en belong to me>/
$he #armer leaped #rom the !art and began beating the intruder. /2ou
ras!al>/ he shouted. /$his is none o# your business. 0llisa the treasurer
is giving his wealth away to all the !ity./ "e kno!ked the treasurer
down !limbed ba!k on the !art and started to drive away.
Shaking with anger 0llisa pi!ked himsel# up hurried a#ter the !art and
sei:ed hold o# the o.en again. 3n!e more the #armer -umped down
grabbed 0llisa by the hair and beat him severely. $hen he got ba!k on
the !art and rumbled o##.
$horoughly sobered up by this rough handling 0llisa hurried home.
When he arrived he saw the people !arrying away his treasure. /What
are you doing1 he shouted. /"ow dare you do this1/ "e sei:ed #irst one
man then another but every man he grabbed kno!ked him down.
Bruised and bleeding he tried to go into his own house !laiming that
he was 0llisa but the porters stopped him. /2ou villain>/ they !ried.
/Where do you think you are going1/ 9ollowing orders they beat him
with bamboo staves took him by the ne!k and threw him down the
/3nly the king !an help me now/ groaned 0llisa and he dragged
himsel# to the pala!e.
/Sire>/ he !ried. /Why oh why have you plundered me like this1/
/0 haven%t plundered you my lord high treasurer/ said the king. /2ou
yoursel# #irst o##ered me your wealth. $hen you yoursel# o##ered your
property to the !iti:ens o# the town./
/Sire 0 never did su!h a thing> 2our ma-esty knows how !are#ul 0 am
about money. 2ou know 0 would never give away so mu!h as the tiniest
drop o# oil. May it please your ma-esty to send #or the person who has
s4uandered my ri!hes. 5lease interrogate him about this matter./
$he king ordered his guards to bring 0llisa and they returned with
Sakka. $he two treasurers were so e.a!tly alike that neither the king
nor anyone else in the !ourt !ould tell whi!h was the real treasurer.
/Sire>/ pleaded 0llisa. /0 am the treasurer> $his is an imposter>/
/My dear sir/ replied the king. /0 really !an%t say whi!h o# you is the
real 0llisa. 0s there anybody who !an distinguish #or !ertain between the
two o# you1/
/2es sire/ answered 0llisa /my wi#e !an./
$he king sent #or 0llisa%s wi#e and asked her whi!h o# the two was her
husband. She smiled at Sakka and went to stand beside him. When
0llisa%s !hildren and servants were brought and asked the same
4uestion they all answered that Sakka was the real treasurer.
Suddenly 0llisa remembered that he had a wart on the top o# his head
hidden under his hair known only to his barber. As a last resort he
asked that his barber be !alled. $he barber !ame and was asked i# he
!ould distinguish the real 0llisa #rom the #alse.
/3# !ourse 0 !an tell sire/ he said /i# 0 may e.amine their heads./
/By all means look at both their heads/ ordered the king.
$he barber e.amined 0llisa%s head and #ound the wart. As he started to
e.amine Sakka%s head the king o# the devas 4ui!kly !aused a wart to
appear on his own head so that the barber e.!laimed /2our Ma-esty
both s4uint both limp and both are hun!hba!ks too> Both have warts
in e.a!tly the same pla!e on their heads> 6ven 0 !annot tell whi!h is
the real 0llisa>/
When 0llisa heard this he reali:ed that his last hope was gone and he
began to 4uake at the loss o# his beloved ri!hes. 3verpowered by his
emotions he !ollapsed senseless on the #loor. At this Sakka resumed
his divine #orm and rose into the air. /3 king 0 am not 0llisa/ he
announ!ed. /0 am Sakka>/
$he king%s !ourtiers 4ui!kly splashed water on 0llisa%s #a!e to revive
him. As soon as he had re!overed his wits the treasurer staggered to
his #eet and bowed be#ore Sakka.
/0llisa>/ Sakka shouted. /$hat wealth was mine not yours. 0 was your
#ather. 0n my li#etime 0 was bounti#ul towards the poor and re-oi!ed in
doing good. Be!ause o# my !harity 0 was reborn in this great grandeur.
But you #oolish man are not walking in my #ootsteps. 2ou have
be!ome a terrible miser. 0n order to hoard my ri!hes you burned my
almshouses to the ground and drove away the poor. 2ou are getting no
en-oyment #rom your wealth; nor is it bene#iting any other human
being. 2our treasury is like a pool haunted by demons #rom whi!h no
one may satis#y his thirst.
/0# you rebuild my alms houses however and show !harity to the poor
you will gain great merit. 0# you do not 0 will take away everything you
have and 0 will split your head with my thunderbolt./
When 0llisa heard this threat he shook with #ear and !ried out /9rom
now on 0 will be bounti#ul> 0 swear it>/
A!!epting this promise Sakka established his son in the pre!epts
prea!hed the (hamma to him and returned to the realm o# the devas.
$rue to his word 0llisa be!ame diligent in !harity and per#ormed many
good works. "e even attained rebirth in heaven.
/2ou see Bhikkhus/ the Buddha said /$his is not the #irst time that
Moggallana has !onverted this miserly treasurer. At that time the
treasurer was 0llisa; Moggallana was Sakka king o# the devas; Gnanda
was the king; and 0 mysel# was the barber./
Jataka No. B?
Ealakanni Jataka What%s in a Name1
$he Buddha told this story while at Jetavana about one o#
Anathapindika%s #riends a man named /Curse./ $he two had played
together as !hildren and had gone to the same s!hool. As the years
passed however the #riend be!ame e.tremely poor and !ould not
make a living #or himsel# no matter what he did. 0n desperation he
approa!hed Anathapindika who wel!omed him kindly and employed
him to look a#ter his property and to manage all o# his business #or
him. 9rom that time on it was a !ommon thing to hear someone
shouting /Curse>/ ea!h time a member o# the household spoke to him.
3ne day some o# Anathapindika%s #riends and a!4uaintan!es !ame and
said /$reasurer don%t let this sort o# thing go on in your house> 0t%s
enough to s!are an ogre to hear su!h inauspi!ious spee!h as %Come
here Curse% %Sit down Curse% or %"ave your dinner Curse.% $he man is
a miserable wret!h dogged by mis#ortune. "e%s not your so!ial e4ual.
Why do you have anything to do with him1/
/Nonsense/ replied Anathapindika #irmly re-e!ting their advi!e. /A
name only denotes a man. $he wise do not measure a man by his
name. 0t is useless to be superstitious about mere sounds. 0 will never
abandon the #riend with whom 0 made mud7pies as a !hild simply
be!ause o# his name./
Not long a#ter that Anathapindika went with many o# his servants to
visit a village o# whi!h he was headman. "e le#t his old #riend in
!harge. "earing o# his departure a band o# robbers de!ided to break
into the house. $hat night they armed themselves to the teeth and
surrounded it.
Curse had suspe!ted that burglars might try something so he stayed
awake. As soon as he knew that the robbers were outside he ran
about noisily as though he were rousing the entire household. "e
shouted #or one person to sound the !on!h and #or another to beat the
drum. Soon it seemed that the house !ontained a whole army o#
When the robbers heard the din they said to one another /$he house
is not as empty as we thought it would be. $he master must still be at
home a#ter all./ $hey threw down their !lubs and other weapons and
0n the morning the dis!arded weapons were #ound lying s!attered
outside the house. When the townspeople reali:ed what had
happened they lauded Curse to the skies. /0# su!h a wise man hadn%t
been guarding the house/ they said /those robbers would have
walked in and plundered as they pleased. Anathapindika owes this
good lu!k to his staun!h #riend Curse./ As soon as Anathapindika
returned #rom his trip they told him the whole story.
/My #riends/ Anathapindika answered /this is the trusty guardian 0
was urged to get rid o#. 0# 0 had taken your advi!e and sent him away 0
would be a poorer man today. 0t%s not the name but the heart within
that makes the man>/ 0n appre!iation o# his #riend%s servi!es he even
raised his wages. $hinking that this was a good story to tell the
Buddha Anathapindika went to the Master and gave him a !omplete
/$his is not the #irst time sir/ the Buddha said /that a man named
Curse has saved his #riend%s wealth #rom robbers. $he same thing
happened in bygone days as well./ $hen at Anathapindika%s re4uest
the Buddha told this story o# the past.
8ong long ago when Brahmadatta was reigning in Baranasi the
Bodhisattva was the treasurer. "e was very #amous and had a #riend
named Curse. At that time everything was the same as in the story o#
Anathapindika. When the treasurer returned #rom the village and heard
the news he said to his #riends /0# 0 had taken your advi!e and had
gotten rid o# my trusty #riend 0 would have been a beggar today. A
#riend is one who goes seven steps to help. "e who goes twelve !an be
!alled a !omrade. 8oyalty #or a #ortnight or a month makes one a
relative; long and steady dependability a se!ond sel#. "ow !ould 0
#orsake my #riend Curse who has always been so true1/
"is lesson ended the Buddha identi#ied the Birth by saying /At that
time Gnanda was Curse and 0 mysel# was the treasurer o# Baranasi./
Jataka No. C=
Mahasara Jataka $he Hueen%s Ne!kla!e
$he Buddha told this story at Jetavana Monastery about the <enerable
3ne day the wives o# the Eing o# Eosala were talking together saying
/0t is very rare #or a Buddha to appear in the world/ they said. /0t is
also rare to be born a human being. We have been born humans
during a Buddha%s li#etime but we are not #ree to go to the monastery
to pay our respe!ts to hear his tea!hing and to make o##erings to him.
We might as well be living in a !age as in this pala!e. 8et%s ask the king
to allow someone to !ome here to tea!h us the (hamma. We should
learn what we !an be !haritable and do good works. 0n that way we
will truly bene#it #rom living at this happy time>/ $hey went to the king
and made their re4uest. $he king listened and gave his !onsent.
$hat same morning the king de!ided to en-oy himsel# in the royal
gardens so he gave orders that the grounds should be prepared. As
the gardener was #inishing he saw the Buddha seated at the #oot o# a
tree. "e immediately went to the king and reported that everything
was ready but that the Buddha was there sitting under a tree.
/<ery good/ said the king /we will go and hear the Master./ $hen he
went to the garden by royal !hariot.
When he got there he #ound a lay dis!iple Chattapani sitting at the
Buddha%s #eet listening to his words. When the king saw this lay
dis!iple he hesitated. ,eali:ing however that this must be a virtuous
man or he would not be sitting by the Buddha #or instru!tion the king
approa!hed bowed and seated himsel# on one side.
3ut o# his pro#ound respe!t #or the Buddha Chattapani neither rose to
honor the king nor saluted him. $his made the king very angry.
Aware o# the king%s displeasure the Buddha praised the merits o# the
layman who had in #a!t entered the path o# non7returning. /Sire/ the
Buddha said /this lay dis!iple knows by heart the s!riptures that have
been handed down and he has set himsel# #ree #rom the bondage o#
/Surely/ the king thought /this !an be no ordinary person who is
being so praised by the Buddha./ "e turned to Chattapani and said
/8et me know i# you are in need o# anything./
/$hank you/ Chattapani replied.
$he king listened to the Master%s tea!hing. When it was time he rose
and le#t !eremoniously.
A #ew days later the king met Chattapani again as he was on his way
to Jetavana and had him summoned. /0 hear sir that you are a man o#
great learning. My wives are eager to hear the truth. 0 would be very
glad to have you tea!h them./
/0t would not be proper sire #or a layman to e.pound the truth in the
king%s harem. $hat is the prerogative o# the Bhikkhus./
$he king immediately reali:ed that this was !orre!t so he !alled his
wives together and announ!ed that he would ask the Buddha to
appoint one o# the elders to be!ome their instru!tor in the (o!trine. "e
asked them whi!h o# the eighty !hie# dis!iples they would pre#er. $he
women unanimously !hose Gnanda the $reasurer o# the (o!trine.
$he king went to the Buddha greeted him !ourteously sat down and
stated his wives% wish that Gnanda might be their tea!her. $he Buddha
assented and the <enerable Gnanda began tea!hing the king%s wives
3ne day when Gnanda arrived at the pala!e as usual he #ound that
the women who had always be#ore been so attentive were all
troubled and agitated. /What%s wrong1/ he asked. /Why do you seem
an.ious today1/
/3h venerable sir/ they replied /the -ewel #rom the king%s turban is
missing. "e has !alled his ministers and ordered them to apprehend
the thie# and to #ind the -ewel without #ail. $hey are interrogating and
sear!hing everybody even all o# us women. $he entire !ourt is in an
uproar and we have no idea what might happen ne.t to any o# us.
$hat is why we are so unhappy./
/(on%t worry/ said Gnanda !heer#ully as he went to #ind the king.
$aking the seat whi!h the king prepared #or him Gnanda asked i# it
was true that his ma-esty had lost his -ewel.
/Huite true venerable sir/ said the king. /0 have had everyone in the
pala!e sear!hed and 4uestioned but 0 !an #ind no tra!e o# the gem./
/$here is a way to #ind it sire/ Gnanda said /without upsetting people
/What way is that venerable sir1/
/By wisp7giving sire./
/Wisp7giving1/ asked the king. /What do you mean1/
/Call everyone you suspe!t/ Gnanda instru!ted /and give him or her a
wisp o# straw. Say to ea!h o# them %$ake this and put it in a !ertain
pla!e be#ore daybreak tomorrow.% $he person who took the -ewel will
be a#raid o# getting !aught and will give the gem ba!k with the straw. 0#
it is not returned on the #irst day the same thing must be done #or one
or two more days. 2ou will undoubtedly get your -ewel ba!k./ With
these words the elder departed.
9ollowing GnandaIs advi!e the king distributed straw and designated
the pla!e where it was to be returned. 6ven though he did this #or
three days the -ewel was not re!overed. 3n the third day the elder
!ame again and asked whether the -ewel had been returned.
/No venerable sir/ replied the king /it has not./
/0n that !ase sire/ Gnanda said /have a large water7pot #illed with
water and pla!ed in a se!luded !orner o# your !ourtyard. 5ut a s!reen
around it and give orders that all who #re4uent the pala!e both men
and women are to take o## their outer garments and one by one to
step behind the s!reen and wash their hands./ Again the king did
e.a!tly as Gnanda had suggested.
/Gnanda has seriously taken !harge o# the matter/ thought the thie#.
/"e is not going to stop until the -ewel is #ound. $he time has !ome to
give it up./ "e !on!ealed the -ewel in his under!lothes went behind
the s!reen and dropped it in the water. A#ter everyone had #inished
the pot was emptied and the -ewel was #ound.
/Be!ause o# the 6lder Gnanda/ e.!laimed the king -oy#ully /0 have
gotten my -ewel ba!k>/
/Be!ause o# the 6lder Gnanda/ e.!laimed all the residents o# the
pala!e /we have been saved #rom a lot o# trouble>/
$he story o# how his wisdom had returned the -ewel spread throughout
the !ity and rea!hed Jetavana Monastery.
A #ew days later while the Bhikkhus were talking together in the "all
o# $ruth one o# them said /$he great wisdom o# the 6lder Gnanda led
to re!overing the lost -ewel and restoring !alm to the pala!e./ While all
o# them were singing the praises o# Gnanda the Buddha entered and
asked the sub-e!t o# their !onversation.
/Monks/ he said a#ter they had told him /this is not the #irst time that
stolen gems have been #ound nor is Gnanda the only one who has
brought about su!h a dis!overy. 0n bygone days too the wise and
good dis!overed stolen valuables and saved a lot o# people #rom
trouble./ $hen he pro!eeded to tell this story o# the past.
8ong long ago when Brahmadatta was reigning in Baranasi the
Bodhisattva !ompleted his edu!ation and be!ame one o# the king%s
ministers. 3ne day the king went with a large retinue to his pleasure
garden. A#ter walking about the woods #or a while he de!ided to en-oy
himsel# in the water and sent #or his harem. $he women removed their
-ewels and outer garments laid them in bo.es #or their attendants to
look a#ter and -oined the king in the royal tank.
As the 4ueen was taking o## her -ewels and ornaments a #emale
monkey that was hiding in the bran!hes o# a nearby tree wat!hed her
intently. $he monkey !on!eived a longing to wear the 4ueen%s pearl
ne!kla!e and waited #or a !han!e to snat!h it. At #irst the 4ueen%s
attendant stayed alert looking all around to prote!t the -ewels but
a#ter a while she began to nod. As soon as the monkey saw this she
-umped down as swi#t as the wind. $hen -ust as swi#tly she leaped up
into the tree with the pearls around her ne!k. 9earing that other
monkeys would see her treasure she hid the string o# pearls in a hole
in the tree and sat demurely keeping guard as though nothing had
By and by the girl awoke and saw that the -ewels were gone. $erri#ied
at her own negligen!e she shouted /A man has run o## with the
4ueen%s pearl ne!kla!e>/
Sentries ran up #rom every side and 4uestioned her. $he king ordered
his guards to !at!h the thie# and they rushed around the pleasure
garden sear!hing high and low. A poor timid peasant who happened to
be nearby be!ame #rightened when he heard the uproar and started to
run away.
/$here he goes>/ !ried the guards. $hey !hased the poor man !aught
him began beating him and asked why he stole su!h pre!ious -ewels.
$he peasant thought /0# 0 deny the !harge these brutes will beat me
to death. 0%d better say 0 took them./ "e immediately !on#essed to the
the#t and was hauled o## in !hains to the king.
/(id you take those pre!ious -ewels1/ asked the king.
/2es your ma-esty./
/Where are they now1/
/2our ma-esty 0%m a poor man/ he e.plained. /0%ve never owned
anything o# any value not even a bed or a !hair mu!h less a -ewel. 0t
was the treasurer who made me take that e.pensive ne!kla!e. 0 took it
and gave it to him. "e knows all about it./
$he king sent #or the treasurer and asked whether the peasant had
passed the ne!kla!e on to him.
Also a#raid to deny the !harge the treasurer answered /2es sire./
/Where is it then1/
/0 gave it to your ma-esty%s high priest./
$he high priest was sent #or and interrogated in the same way. "e said
he had given it to the !hie# musi!ian who in his turn said he had given
it as a present to a !ourtesan. $he !ourtesan however utterly denied
having re!eived it and the 4uestioning !ontinued until sunset.
/0t%s too late now/ said the king /we will look into this tomorrow./ "e
handed the suspe!ts over to his o##i!ers and went ba!k into the !ity.
$he Bodhisattva began thinking /$hese -ewels were lost inside the
grounds but the peasant was outside. $here was a strong guard at the
gate. 0t would have been impossible #or anyone inside to have gotten
away with the ne!kla!e. 0 don%t see how a person inside or out !ould
have stolen it. 0 don%t believe that any o# these #ive had anything to do
with it but 0 understand why they #alsely !on#essed and impli!ated the
others. As #or the ne!kla!e these grounds are swarming with
monkeys. 0t must have been one o# the #emale monkeys that took it./
"aving arrived at this !on!lusion the minister went to the king and
re4uested that the suspe!ts be handed over to him so that he !ould
look into the matter personally.
/By all means my wise #riend/ said the king /go ahead./
$he minister ordered his servants to take !harge o# the #ive prisoners.
/Eeep stri!t wat!h over them/ he said. /0 want you to listen to
everything they say and report it all to me./
As the prisoners sat together the treasurer said to the peasant /$ell
me you wret!h where you and 0 have ever met be#ore today. "ow
!ould you have given me that ne!kla!e1/
/"onorable sir/ said the peasant /0 have never owned anything
valuable. 6ven the stool and the !ot 0 have are ri!kety. 0 said what 0 did
be!ause 0 thought that with your help 0 would get out o# this trouble.
5lease don%t be angry with me sir./
/Well then/ the high priest indignantly asked the treasurer /how did
you pass on to me what this #ellow never gave to you1/
/0 said that/ e.plained the treasurer /be!ause 0 thought that you and
0 both being high ranking o##i!ials would be able to get out o# trouble
/Brahman/ the !hie# musi!ian asked the high priest /when do you
think you gave the -ewel to me1/
/0 only said 0 did/ answered the !haplain /be!ause 0 thought you
would help to make the time in prison pass more agreeably./
9inally the !ourtesan !omplained /2ou wret!h o# a musi!ian you have
never visited me and 0 have never visited you. When !ould you have
given me the ne!kla!e1/
/(on%t be angry my dear./ said the musi!ian. /0 -ust wanted you to be
here to keep us !ompany. Cheer up> 8et%s all be lighthearted together
#or a while./
As soon as his servants had reported this !onversation to the
Bodhisattva he saw that all his suspi!ions were !orre!t. "e was
!onvin!ed that a #emale monkey had taken the ne!kla!e.
/Now 0 must #ind a way to make her drop it/ he said to himsel#. "e
ordered his servants to !at!h some monkeys to de!k them out with
strings o# beads and then to release them again in the pleasure
garden. $he men were to !are#ully wat!h every monkey in the
grounds. As soon as they saw one wearing the missing pearl ne!kla!e
they were to #righten her into dropping it.
$he monkeys strutted about with their beads strung around their
ne!ks their wrists and their ankles. $hey #launted their splendor in
#ront o# the guilty monkey who sat 4uietly guarding her treasure. At
last -ealousy over!ame her pruden!e. /$hose are only beads>/ she
s!ree!hed and #oolishly put on her own ne!kla!e o# real pearls. As
soon as the servants saw this they began making loud noises and
throwing things at her. $he monkey be!ame so #rightened that she
dropped the ne!kla!e and s!ampered away. $he men took it to their
$he minister immediately took it to the king. /"ere sire/ he said /is
the 4ueen%s ne!kla!e. $he #ive prisoners are inno!ent. 0t was a #emale
monkey in the pleasure garden that took it./
/Wonder#ul>/ e.!laimed the king. /But tell me how did you #ind that
out1 And how did you manage to get it ba!k1/
When he had heard the whole story the king praised his minister. /2ou
!ertainly are the right man in the right pla!e>/ he pro!laimed. 0n
appre!iation the king showered the minister with immeasurable
$he king !ontinued to #ollow the BodhisattvaIs advi!e and !ounsel.
A#ter a long li#e o# generosity and meritorious a!ts he passed away to
#are a!!ording to his deserts.
"is lesson ended the Buddha again praised <enerable GnandaIs
merits and identi#ied the birth. /Gnanda was the king o# those days/
he said /and 0 was his wise !ounselor./
Jataka No. D1=
Eumbha Jataka $he 9i#th 5re!ept
3n!e while the Buddha was staying at Jetavana Monastery in Savatthi
<isakha the wealthy and devout lay Buddhist was invited by #ive
hundred women she knew to -oin in !elebrating a #estival in the !ity.
/$his is a drinking #estival/ <isakha replied. /0 do not drink./
/All right/ the women said /go ahead and make an o##ering to the
Buddha. We will en-oy the #estival./
$he ne.t morning <isakha served the Buddha and the 3rder o#
Bhikkhus at her house and made great o##erings o# the #our re4uisites.
$hat a#ternoon she pro!eeded to Jetavana to o##er in!ense and
beauti#ul #lowers to the Buddha and to hear the tea!hing. Although the
other women were already 4uite drunk they a!!ompanied her. 6ven at
the gate o# the monastery itsel# they !ontinued drinking. When
<isakha entered the hall she bowed reverently to the Buddha and sat
respe!t#ully on one side. "er #ive hundred !ompanions however were
oblivious to propriety. $hey seemed in #a!t not to noti!e where they
were. 6ven in #ront o# the Buddha some o# them dan!ed some sang
some stumbled around drunkenly and some bi!kered.
0n order to inspire a sense o# urgen!y in them the Buddha emitted a
dark blue radian!e #rom his eyebrows and everything suddenly
be!ame dark. $he women were terri#ied with the #ear o# death and
instantly be!ame sober. $he Buddha then disappeared #rom his seat
and stood on top o# Mount Meru. 9rom the !url o# white hair between
his eyebrows he emitted a ray o# light as bright as i# one thousand
moons and suns were rising. /Why are you laughing and en-oying
yourselves/ he demanded /you who are always burning and
surrounded by darkness1 Why don%t you seek light1/
$he Buddha%s words tou!hed their now7re!eptive minds and all #ive
hundred women be!ame stream7enterers.
$he Buddha then returned and sat down in his !hamber. <isakha
bowed to him on!e more and asked /<enerable sir what is the origin
o# this !ustom o# drinking al!ohol whi!h destroys a person%s modesty
and sense o# shame1/
0n answer to <isakha%s 4uestion the Buddha revealed this story o# the
distant past.
8ong long ago when Brahmadatta was reigning in Baranasi a hunter
named Sura went to the "imalayas #rom his hometown in Easi to look
#or game. 0n that remote -ungle there was a uni4ue tree whose trunk
grew to the height o# a man with his arms held up over his head. At
that point three bran!hes spread out #orming a hollow about the si:e
o# a big water barrel. Whenever it rained the hollow #illed up with
water. Around the tree grew a bitter plum tree a sour plum tree and a
pepper vine. $he ripe #ruit #rom the plum trees and the pepper vine #ell
dire!tly into that hollow. Nearby there was a pat!h o# wild ri!e. 5arrots
plu!ked the heads o# the ri!e and sat on the tree to eat. Some o# the
seeds #ell into the water. )nder the heat o# the sun the li4uid in the
hollow #ermented and be!ame blood red.
0n the hot season #lo!ks o# thirsty birds went there to drink. Swi#tly
be!oming into.i!ated they wildly spiraled upwards only to #all
drunkenly at the #oot o# the tree. A#ter sleeping #or a short time they
woke up and #lew away !hirping merrily. A similar thing happened to
monkeys and other tree7!limbing animals.
$he hunter observed all this and wondered /What is in the hollow o#
that tree1 0t !an%t be poison #or i# it were the birds and animals would
die./ "e drank some o# the li4uid and be!ame into.i!ated the same as
they. As he drank he #elt a strong desire to eat meat. "e kindled a
small #ire wrung the ne!ks o# some o# the partridges #owls and other
!reatures lying un!ons!ious at the #oot o# the tree and roasted them
over the !oals. "e gesti!ulated drunkenly with one hand as he stu##ed
his mouth with the other.
While he was drinking and eating he remembered a hermit named
<aruna who lived near there. Wishing to share his dis!overy with the
hermit Sura #illed a bamboo tube with the li4uor wrapped up some o#
the roast meat and set out #or the hermit%s lea# hut. As soon as he
arrived he o##ered the hermit some o# the beverage and both o# them
ate and drank with gusto.
$he hunter and the hermit reali:ed this drink !ould be the way to make
their #ortune. $hey poured it into large bamboo tubes whi!h they
balan!ed on poles slung a!ross their shoulders and !arried to Easi.
9rom the #irst border outpost they sent a message to the king that
drink7makers had arrived. When they were summoned they took the
al!ohol and o##ered it to the king. $he king took two or three drinks and
be!ame into.i!ated. A#ter a #ew days he had !onsumed all that the
two men had !arried and asked i# there was any more.
/2es sire/ they answered.
/Where/ asked the king1
/0n the "imalayas./
/&o and #et!h it/ ordered the king.
Sura and <aruna went ba!k to the #orest but they soon reali:ed how
mu!h trouble it was to return to the mountains every time they ran
out. $hey took note o# all the ingredients and gathered everything
needed so that they were able to brew the al!ohol in the !ity. $he
!iti:ens began drinking the li4uor #orgot about their work and be!ame
poor. $he !ity soon looked like a ghost town.
At that point the two drink7makers le#t and took their business to
Baranasi where they sent a message to the king. $here too the king
summoned them and o##ered them support. As the habit o# drinking
spread ordinary business deteriorated and Baranasi de!lined in the
same way as Easi had. Sura and <aruna ne.t went to Saketa and
a#ter abandoning Saketa pro!eeded to Savatthi.
At that time the king o# Savatthi was named Sabbamitta. "e wel!omed
the two mer!hants and asked them what they wanted. $hey asked #or
large 4uantities o# the main ingredients and #ive hundred huge -ars.
A#ter everything had been !ombined they put the mi.ture in the -ars
and tied a !at to ea!h -ar to guard against rats.
As the brew #ermented it began to over#low. $he !ats happily lapped
up the potent drink that ran down the sides be!ame thoroughly
into.i!ated and lay down to sleep. ,ats !ame and nibbled on their
ears noses and tails.
$he king%s men were sho!ked and reported to the king that the !ats
tied to the -ars had died #rom drinking the es!aping li4uor.
/Surely these men must be making poison>/ the king !on!luded and
he immediately ordered them both beheaded. As Sura and <aruna
were being e.e!uted their last words were /Sire this is li4uor> 0t is
A#ter putting the drink mer!hants to death the king ordered that the
-ars be broken. By then however the e##e!ts o# the al!ohol had worn
o## and the !ats were playing merrily. $he guards reported this to the
/0# it had been poison/ the king said /the !ats would have died. 0t may
be deli!ious a#ter all. 8et us drink it./
"e ordered that the !ity be de!orated and that a pavilion be set up in
the !ourtyard. "e took his seat on a royal throne under a white
umbrella and surrounded by his ministers prepared to drink.
At that moment Sakka the king o# the gods was surveying the world
and wondering /Who is duti#ully taking !are o# his parents1 Who is
!ondu!ting himsel# well in thought word and deed1/
When he saw the king seated in his royal pavilion ready to drink the
brew he thought /0# Eing Sabbamitta drinks that the whole world will
perish. 0 will make sure that he does not drink it./
Sakka instantly disguised himsel# as a Brahman and !arrying a -ar #ull
o# li4uor in the palm o# his hand appeared standing in the air in #ront
o# the king. /Buy this -ar> Buy this -ar>/ he !ried.
Eing Sabbamitta saw him and asked /Where do you !ome #rom
Brahman1 Who are you1 What -ar is that you have1/
/8isten>/ Sakka replied. /$his -ar does not !ontain butter oil molasses
or honey. 8isten to the innumerable vi!es that this -ar holds.
/Whoever drinks this poor silly #ool will lose !ontrol o# himsel# until he
stumbles on smooth ground and #alls into a dit!h or !esspool. )nder its
in#luen!e he will eat things he%d never tou!h in his right mind. 5lease
buy it. 0t is #or sale this worst o# -ars>
/$he !ontents o# this -ar will distra!t a man%s wits until he behaves like
a brute giving his enemy the #un o# laughing at him. 0t will enable him
to sing and dan!e stupidly in #ront o# an assembly. 5lease buy this
wonder#ul li4uor #or the obs!ene gaiety it brings.
/6ven the most bash#ul will lose all modesty by drinking #rom this -ar.
$he shyest man !an #orget the trouble o# being dressed and !an
shamelessly run nude around the town. When he%s tired he%ll happily
rest anywhere oblivious to danger or de!en!y. Su!h is the nature o#
this drink. 5lease buy it. 0t is #or sale this worst o# -ars>
/When one drinks #rom this one loses !ontrol o# one%s body tottering
as i# one !annot stand trembling -erking and shaking like a wooden
puppet worked by another%s hand. Buy my -ar. 0t%s #ull o# wine.
/$he man who drinks #rom this is prey to every danger be!ause he
loses his senses. 3ne might burn to death in one%s bed stumble into a
pa!k o# -a!kals drown in a puddle be!ome redu!ed to bondage or
penury 77 there is no mis#ortune that drinking this may not lead to.
/"aving imbibed this men may lie senseless on the road soiled with
their own vomit and li!ked by dogs. A woman may be!ome so
into.i!ated she will tie her beloved parents to a tree revile her
husband and in her blindness even abuse or abandon her only !hild.
Su!h is the mer!handise !ontained in this -ar.
/When a man drinks #rom this -ar he !an believe that all the world is
his and that he owes respe!t to no one. Buy this -ar. 0t is #illed to the
brim with the strongest drink.
/Addi!ted to this drink whole #amilies o# the highest !lass will
s4uander their wealth and ruin their name. Buy this -ar sire. 0t is #or
/0n this -ar is a li4uid whi!h makes tongue and #eet lose !ontrol. 0t
!reates irrational laughter and weeping. 0t dulls the eye and impairs
the mind. 0t makes a man !ontemptible.
/(rinking this will !reate stri#e. 9riends will 4uarrel and !ome to blows.
6ven the old gods were sus!eptible and lost their heaven be!ause o#
drink. *=+ Buy this -ar and taste the wine.
/Be!ause o# this beverage #alsehoods are spoken with pleasure and
#orbidden a!tions are per#ormed with -oy. 9alse !ourage will lead to
danger and #riends will be betrayed. $he man who drinks this will dare
any deed unaware that he is dooming himsel# to hell. $ry this drink
sire. Buy my -ar.
/$he one who drinks this brew will sin in thought word and deed. "e
will see good as evil and evil as good. 6ven the most modest person
will a!t inde!ently when drunk. $he wisest man will babble #oolishly.
Buy this lovely li4uid and be!ome addi!ted. 2ou will grow a!!ustomed
to evil behavior to lies to abuse to #ilth and to disgra!e.
/When thoroughly drunk men are like o.en stru!k to the ground
!ollapsing and lying in a heap. No human power !an !ompete with the
poisonous power o# li4uor. Buy my -ar.
/0n short drinking this will destroy every virtue. 0t will banish shame
erode good !ondu!t and kill good reputation. 0t will de#ile and !loud
the mind. 0# you !an allow yoursel# to drink this into.i!ating li4uor sire
buy my -ar./
When the king heard this he reali:ed the misery that would be !aused
by drinking al!ohol. 3ver-oyed at being spared the danger he wished
to e.press his gratitude. /Brahman/ he !ried /you have outdone even
my mother and #ather in !aring #or me> 0n gratitude #or your e.!ellent
words let me give you #ive !hoi!e villages a hundred serving women
seven hundred !ows and ten !hariots with purebred horses. 2ou have
been a great tea!her./
/As !hie# o# the thirty7three gods/ Sakka replied revealing his identity
/0 have no need o# anything. 2ou may keep your villages servants and
!attle. 6n-oy your deli!ious #ood and be !ontent with sweet !akes. $ake
delight in the truths 0%ve prea!hed to you. 0n this way you will be
blameless in this world and will attain a glorious heavenly rebirth in the
With these words Sakka returned to his own abode.
Eing Sabbamitta vowed to abstain #rom al!ohol and ordered that the
-ars be smashed. 9rom that day on he kept the pre!epts and
generously dispensed alms. "e lived a good li#e and was indeed reborn
in heaven.
8ater however the habit o# drinking al!ohol spread a!ross 0ndia and
many people were a##e!ted.
$he Buddha here ended his lesson and identi#ied the Birth' /At that
time Gnanda was the king and 0 mysel# was Sakka./
Jataka No. 1CJ
Silanisamsa Jataka
A &ood 9riend
$he Buddha told this story at Jetavana Monastery about a pious lay
#ollower. 3ne evening when this #aith#ul dis!iple !ame to the bank o#
the A!iravati ,iver on his way to Jetavana to hear the Buddha there
was no boat at the landing stage. $he #errymen had pulled their boats
onto the #ar shore and had gone themselves to hear the Buddha. $he
dis!iple%s mind was so #ull o# delight#ul thoughts o# the Buddha
however that even though he walked into the river his #eet did not
sink below the sur#a!e and he walked a!ross the water as i# he were on
dry land. When however he noti!ed the waves on rea!hing the middle
o# the river his e!stasy subsided and his #eet began to sink. But as
soon as he again #o!used his mind on the 4ualities o# the Buddha his
#eet rose and he was able to !ontinue walking -oyously over the water.
When he arrived at Jetavana he paid his respe!ts to the Master and
took a seat on one side.
/&ood layman/ the Buddha said addressing the dis!iple /0 hope you
had no mishap on your way./
/<enerable sir/ the dis!iple replied /while !oming here 0 was so
absorbed in thoughts o# the Buddha that when 0 !ame to the river 0
was able to walk a!ross it as though it were solid./
/My #riend/ the Blessed 3ne said /you%re not the only one who has
been prote!ted in this way. 0n olden days pious laymen were
shipwre!ked in mid7o!ean and saved themselves by remembering the
virtues o# the Buddha./ At the man%s re4uest the Buddha told this
story o# the past.
8ong long ago at the time o# the Buddha Eassapa *?+ a lay dis!iple
who had already entered the path booked passage on a ship along
with one o# his #riends a ri!h barber. $he barber%s wi#e asked this
dis!iple to look a#ter her husband.
A week a#ter the ship le#t the port it sank in mid7o!ean. $he two #riends
saved themselves by !linging to a plank and were at last !ast up on a
deserted island. 9amished the barber killed some birds !ooked them
and o##ered a share o# his meal to the #ollower o# the Buddha.
/No thank you/ he answered /0 am #ine./ $hen he thought to himsel#
/0n this isolated pla!e there is no help #or us e.!ept the $riple &em./
As he sat meditating on the $riple &em a Naga king who had been
born on that island trans#ormed himsel# into a beauti#ul ship #illed with
the seven pre!ious things. *@+ $he three masts were made o# sapphire
the planks and an!hor o# gold and the ropes o# silver.
$he helmsman who was a spirit o# the sea stood on the de!k and
!ried /Any passengers #or 0ndia1/
/2es/ the lay dis!iple answered /that%s where we are bound./
/$hen !ome on board/ the sea spirit said.
$he layman !limbed aboard the beauti#ul ship and turned to !all his
#riend the barber.
/2ou may !ome/ the sea spirit said /but he may not./
/Why not1/ the dis!iple asked.
/"e is not a #ollower o# the holy li#e/ answered the sea spirit. /0
brought this ship #or you but not #or him./
/0n that !ase/ the layman announ!ed /all the gi#ts 0 have given all the
virtues 0 have pra!ti!ed all the powers 0 have developed 77 0 give the
#ruit o# all o# them to him>/
/$hank you Master>/ !ried the barber.
/<ery well/ said the sea spirit /now 0 !an take you both aboard./
$he ship !arried the two men over the sea and up the &anges ,iver.
A#ter depositing them sa#ely at their home in Baranasi the sea spirit
used his magi! power to !reate enormous wealth #or both o# them.
$hen poising himsel# in mid7air he instru!ted the men and their
#riends /Eeep !ompany with the wise and good/ he said. /0# this
barber had not been in !ompany with this pious layman he would
have perished in the middle o# the o!ean./ 9inally the sea spirit
returned to his own abode taking the Naga king with him.
"aving #inished this dis!ourse the Buddha identi#ied the Birth and
taught the (hamma a#ter whi!h the pious layman entered on the #ruit
o# the se!ond path. /3n that o!!asion/ the Buddha said /the dis!iple
attained Arahantship. Shariputra was the Naga king and 0 mysel# was
the spirit o# the sea./
Jataka No. ?==
(uddubha Jataka
$he Sound the "are "eard
3ne morning while some Bhikkhus were on their alms round in
Savatthi they passed some as!eti!s o# di##erent se!ts pra!ti!ing
austerities. Some o# them were naked and lying on thorns. 3thers sat
around a bla:ing #ire under the burning sun.
8ater while the monks were dis!ussing the as!eti!s they asked the
Buddha /8ord is there any virtue in those harsh as!eti! pra!ti!es1/
$he Buddha answered /No monks there is neither virtue nor any
spe!ial merit in them. When they are e.amined and tested they are
like a path over a dunghill or like the noise the hare heard./
5u::led the monks said /8ord we do not know about that noise.
5lease tell us what it was./
At their re4uest the Buddha told them this story o# the distant past.
8ong long ago when Brahmadatta was reigning in Baranasi the
Bodhisattva was born as a lion in a #orest near the Western 3!ean. 0n
one part o# that #orest there was a grove o# palms mi.ed with belli
trees. *D+ A hare lived in that grove beneath a palm sapling at the #oot
o# a belli tree.
3ne day the hare lay under the young palm tree idly thinking /0# this
earth were destroyed what would be!ome o# me1/ At that very instant
a ripe belli #ruit happened to #all and hit a palm lea# making a loud
Startled by this sound the hare leapt to his #eet and !ried /$he earth
is !ollapsing>/ "e immediately #led without even glan!ing ba!k.
Another hare seeing him ra!e past as i# #or his very li#e asked
/What%s wrong1/ and started running too.
/(on%t ask>/ panted the #irst. $his #rightened the se!ond hare even
more and he sprinted to keep up.
/What%s wrong1/ he shouted again.
5ausing #or -ust a moment the #irst hare !ried /$he earth is breaking
up>/ At this the two o# them bolted o## together.
$heir #ear was in#e!tious and other hares -oined them until all the
hares in that #orest were #leeing together. When other animals saw the
!ommotion and asked what was wrong they were breathlessly told
/$he earth is breaking up>/ and they too began running #or their lives.
0n this way the hares were soon -oined by herds o# deer boars elk
bu##aloes wild o.en and rhino!eroses a #amily o# tigers and some
When the lion saw this headlong stampede o# animals and heard the
!ause o# their #light he thought /$he earth is !ertainly not !oming to
an end. $here must have been some sound whi!h they
misunderstood. 0# 0 don%t a!t 4ui!kly they will be killed. 0 must save
$hen as #ast as only he !ould run he got in #ront o# them and roared
three times. At the sound o# his mighty voi!e all the animals stopped
in their tra!ks. 5anting they huddled together in #ear. $he lion
approa!hed and asked why they were running away.
/$he earth is !ollapsing/ they all answered.
/Who saw it !ollapsing1/ he asked.
/$he elephants know all about it/ some animals replied.
When he asked the elephants they said /We don%t know. $he tigers
$he tigers said /$he rhino!eroses know./ $he rhino!eroses said /$he
wild o.en know./ $he wild o.en said /$he bu##aloes know./ $he
bu##aloes said /$he elk know./ $he elk said /$he boars know./ $he
boars said /$he deer know./ $he deer said /We don%t know. $he hares
When he asked the hares they pointed to one parti!ular hare and said
/$his one told us./
$he lion asked him /0s it true sir that the earth is breaking up1/
/2es sir 0 saw it/ said the hare.
/Where were you when you saw it1/
/0n the #orest in a palm grove mi.ed with belli trees. 0 was lying there
under a palm at the #oot o# a belli tree thinking %0# this earth were
destroyed what would be!ome o# me1% At that very moment 0 heard
the sound o# the earth breaking up and 0 #led./
9rom this e.planation the lion reali:ed e.a!tly what had really
happened but he wanted to veri#y his !on!lusions and demonstrate
the truth to the other animals. "e gently !almed the animals and said
/0 will take the hare and go to #ind out whether or not the earth is
!oming to an end where he says it is. )ntil we return stay here./
5la!ing the hare on his tawny ba!k he ra!ed with great speed ba!k to
that grove. $hen he put the hare down and said /Come show me the
pla!e you meant./
/0 don%t dare my lord/ said the hare.
/(on%t be a#raid/ said the lion.
$he hare shivering in #ear would not risk going near the belli tree. "e
!ould only point and say /3ver there sir is the pla!e o# dread#ul
$he lion went to the pla!e the hare indi!ated. "e !ould make out
where the hare had been lying in the grass and he saw the ripe belli
#ruit that had #allen on the palm lea#. "aving !are#ully as!ertained that
the earth was not breaking up he pla!ed the hare on his ba!k again
and returned to the waiting animals.
"e told them what he had #ound and said /(on%t be a#raid./
,eassured all the animals returned to their usual pla!es and resumed
their routines.
$hose animals had pla!ed themselves in great danger be!ause they
listened to rumors and un#ounded #ears rather than trying to #ind out
the truth themselves. $ruly i# it had not been #or the lion those beasts
would have rushed into the sea and perished. 0t was only be!ause o#
the BodhisattvaIs wisdom and !ompassion that they es!aped death.
At the !on!lusion o# the story the Buddha identi#ied the Birth' /At that
time 0 mysel# was the lion./
Jataka No. @JF
Mahakapi Jataka $he &reat Monkey Eing
3ne day in Jetavana Monastery Bhikkhus began talking about the good
that the Buddha did #or his relatives. When the Buddha asked them
about their sub-e!t and they told him he said /Bhikkhus this is not
the #irst time the $athAgata has done good works to bene#it his
relatives./ $hen he told this story o# the past.
8ong long ago when Brahmadatta was reigning in Baranasi the
Bodhisattva was born as a monkey in the "imalayas. When he was
#ully grown he was e.tremely strong and vigorous and be!ame the
leader o# a troop o# eighty thousand monkeys.
3n the bank o# the &anges there was an enormous mango tree with
two massive bran!hes so thi!k with leaves it looked like a mountain. 0ts
sweet #ruit was o# e.4uisite #ragran!e and #lavor. 3ne bran!h spread
over the bank o# the river but the other e.tended over the water. 3ne
day while the monkey king was eating the su!!ulent #ruit he thought
/0# any o# this #ruit ever #ell into the river great danger !ould !ome to
us./ $o prevent this he ordered the monkeys to pi!k all the mango
#lowers or tiny #ruit #rom that bran!h. 3ne #ruit however was hidden
by an ant%s nest and es!aped the monkeys% attention. When it ripened
it #ell into the river.
At that time the Eing o# Baranasi was bathing and amusing himsel# in
the river. Whenever the king bathed in the river he had nets stret!hed
both upstream and downstream #rom where he was. $he mango
#loated down the river and stu!k in the net upstream #rom the king.
$hat evening as the king was leaving the #ishermen pulled in the net
and #ound the #ruit. As they had never seen a #ruit like this be#ore they
showed it to the king.
/What is this #ruit1/ the king asked.
/We do not know sire/ they answered.
/Who will know1/
/$he #oresters sire./
$he king summoned the #oresters who told him that the #ruit was a
mango. $he king !ut it with a kni#e and a#ter having the #oresters eat
some tasted it himsel#. "e also gave some o# the #ruit to the ministers
and to his wives.
$he king !ould not #orget the magni#i!ent #lavor o# the ripe mango.
3bsessed with desire #or the new #ruit he !alled the #oresters again
and asked where the tree stood. When he learned that it was on the
bank o# the river he had many ra#ts -oined together and sailed
upstream to #ind it. 0n due !ourse the king and his retinue arrived at
the site o# the huge tree.
$he king went ashore and set up a !amp. A#ter having eaten some o#
the dele!table mangoes he retired #or the night on a bed prepared at
the #oot o# the tree. 9ires were lit and guards set on ea!h side.
At midnight a#ter the men had #allen asleep and all was 4uiet the
monkey king !ame with his troop. $he eighty thousand monkeys
moved #rom bran!h to bran!h7eating mangoes. $he noise woke the
king who roused his ar!hers.
/Surround those monkeys eating mangoes and shoot them/ he
ordered. /$omorrow we will dine on mango #ruit and monkey%s #lesh./
$he ar!hers readied their bows to obey the king. $he monkeys saw the
ar!hers and reali:ed that all means o# es!ape had been !ut o##.
Shivering in #ear o# death they ran to their leader and !ried /Sire
there are men with bows all around the tree preparing to shoot us.
What !an we do1/
/(o not #ear/ he !om#orted them. /0 will save your lives./ $hen he
!limbed onto the bran!h stret!hing over the river. Springing #rom the
end o# it he -umped a hundred bow7lengths and landed on the
opposite bank o# the &anges. Judging the distan!e he had -umped he
thought /$hat is how #ar 0 !ame./ $hen he #ound a long vine and !ut it
thinking /$his mu!h will be #astened to a tree and this mu!h will go
a!ross the river./ "e se!ured one end o# the vine to a sturdy tree and
the other around his own waist. $hen he again leapt a!ross the river
with the speed o# a !loud blown by the wind. 0n his !al!ulation
however he had #orgotten to in!lude the length to be tied around his
own waist so he !ould not rea!h the trunk o# the mango tree. "e
rea!hed out and grabbed the end o# a bran!h #irmly with both hands.
"e signaled to the troop o# monkeys and !ried /Hui!k> Step on my
ba!k and run along this vine to sa#ety. &ood lu!k to you all>/
$he eighty thousand monkeys ea!h in turn respe!t#ully saluted the
monkey king asked his pardon and es!aped in this way. $he last
monkey in the troop however had long resented the leader and
wished to overthrow him. When he saw the monkey king hanging
there he e.ulted /$his is my !han!e to see the last o# my enemy>/
Climbing onto a high bran!h he #lung himsel# down on the monkey
king%s ba!k with a dread#ul blow that broke his heart. "aving !aused
his rival e.!ru!iating pain the wi!ked monkey triumphantly es!aped
and le#t the monkey king to su##er alone.
"aving seen all that had happened as he lay on his bed the king
thought /$his noble monkey king not !aring #or his own li#e has
ensured the sa#ety o# his troop. 0t would be wrong to destroy su!h an
animal. 0 will have him brought down and taken !are o#./ "e ordered
his men to lower the monkey gently down to a ra#t on the &anges.
A#ter the monkey had been brought ashore and washed the king
anointed him with the purest oil. Spreading an oiled skin on his own
bed and laying the monkey king on it the king !overed him with a
yellow robe. A#ter the noble animal had been given sugared water to
drink the king himsel# took a low seat and addressed him /Noble
monkey you made yoursel# a bridge #or all the other monkeys to pass
over to sa#ety. What are you to them and what are they to you1/ he
$he monkey e.plained /&reat king 0 guard the herd. 0 am their lord
and !hie#. When they were #illed with #ear o# your ar!hers 0 leapt a
great distan!e to save them. A#ter 0 had tied a vine around my waist 0
returned to this mango tree. My strength was almost gone but 0
managed to hold the bran!h so that my monkeys !ould pass over my
ba!k and rea!h sa#ety. Be!ause 0 !ould save them 0 have no #ear o#
death. 8ike a righteous king 0 !ould guarantee the happiness o# those
over whom 0 used to reign. Sire understand this truth> 0# you wish to be
a righteous ruler the happiness o# your kingdom your !ities and your
people must be dear to you. 0t must be dearer than li#e itsel#./
A#ter tea!hing the king in this way the monkey king died. $he king
gave orders that the monkey king should be given a royal #uneral. "e
ordered his wives to !arry tor!hes to the !emetery with their hair
disheveled. $he ministers sent a hundred wagonloads o# wood #or the
#uneral pyre. When the regal !eremony was over the ministers took
the skull to the king. $he king built a shrine at the monkey%s burial
pla!e and made o##erings o# in!ense and #lowers. "e had the skull
inlaid with gold raised on a spear and !arried in #ront o# the
pro!ession returning to Baranasi. $here he put it at the royal gate and
paid homage to it with in!ense and #lowers. $he whole !ity was
de!orated and the skull was honored #or seven days. 9or the rest o#
his li#e the king revered the skull as a reli! o##ering in!ense and
garlands. 6stablished in the wonder#ul tea!hing o# the monkey king he
gave alms and per#ormed other good deeds. "e ruled his kingdom
righteously and be!ame destined #or heaven.
A#ter the lesson the Buddha de!lared the $ruths and identi#ied the
Birth' /At that time the king was Gnanda the monkey retinue was this
assembly the wi!ked monkey was (evadatta and 0 mysel# was the
monkey king./
+ ,obes #ood lodgings and medi!ines.
4+ $he asuras the prede!essors o# the devas lost their heaven
be!ause Sakka was able to e.pel them when they were too drunk to
#ight him.
!+ $he Buddha Eassapa was the Buddha immediately pre!eding
&otama in the lineage o# the Buddhas.
1+ &old silver pearls gems !at%s eyes diamonds and !oral.
"+ $he belli Kbeluva or vilvaL is the Bengal 4uin!e.