Google Inc. Claude Mccalla Acc205 Mounier Zaki April 15 2014
Google Inc. Claude Mccalla Acc205 Mounier Zaki April 15 2014
Google Inc. Claude Mccalla Acc205 Mounier Zaki April 15 2014
Claude McCalla
Mounier Zaki
April 15
The information found on a financial tatement i ued !idel" #" #oth e$ternal and
internal uer% including in&etor% creditor% manager% and e$ecuti&e. Thee uer mut
anal"'e the information in order to make #uine deciion and making right deciion a#out
the in&etment opportunitie in a compan"% o undertanding financial tatement i of great
importance. (e&eral method of performing financial tatement anal"i e$it. Thi paper
aim to pro&ide a detailed anal"i of one of the mot important companie of m" generation%
Google Inc.% elected a a pu#licl" traded compan" in )nited (tate.
*irt% hort dicuion a#out the compan"+ hitor"% it product and er&ice% it
indutr" and competitor are pro&ided in ,Compan" -&er&ie!+. In the ne$t ection% a
compreheni&e three "ear income tatement% not including the pat t!o "ear% and #alance
heet anal"i i preented. The meaning and importance of hori'ontal anal"i and a &iual
preentation of the hori'ontal anal"i uing the item of income tatement and #alance heet
of Google Inc. i detailed.
A the ratio anal"i i a fundamental neceit" of e&aluation a firm+ financial and
operational oundne and o&erall performance% the uccei&e ection i dealt !ith ratio
anal"i of the compan". The meaning of the ratio ued for anal"i and the implication of
the reult found i encloed !ith thi ection. *inall" an effecti&e and meaningful
recommendation a#out the compan"+ performance and it in&etment opportunitie i
pro&ided to all indi&idual and intitutional in&etor.
Company Overview
Google Inc. i a technolog" compan" !hich #uild product and pro&ide er&ice in
order to organi'e the information and make it uni&erall" accei#le and ueful #" the uer.
Google Inc. !a founded in 1../ and i head0uartered in Mountain 1ie!% California% )nited
(tate. 2ith it appro$imatel" 43%354 full time emplo"ee% the firm i conducting it #uine
in the technolog" ector and #elong to the Internet Information 5ro&ider indutr" in )nited
(tate. It pro&ide a ,earch er&ice+ that deli&er the mot rele&ant earch reult in repone
to the uer 0uerie6,5roduct 7iting Ad+ that offer product information for cutomer6 (earch
plu 8our 2orld6 Google 9o!% a predicti&e earch feature6 and Google :no!ledge Graph%
!hich enhance (earch er&ice. The compan" alo offer Ad;2ord% an auction;#aed
ad&ertiing program6 Ad(ene% a program !hich ena#le 2e#ite that are part of the Google
9et!ork to deli&er ad6 Google <ipla"% a dipla" ad&ertiing net!ork6 <ou#leClick Ad
=$change% a marketplace for the trading dipla" ad pace6 and 8ouTu#e that pro&ide &ideo%
interacti&e% and other ad format. In addition% it pro&ide Google Mo#ile that e$tend it
product and er&ice to mo#ile de&ice uer6 Google 7ocal% !hich pro&ide local
information6 Android% an open ource mo#ile oft!are platform6 Google Chrome -(% an open
ource operating "tem6 Google Chrome% a 2e# #ro!er6 Google>% a ocial net!orking
format for haring &ariou thing online !ith different people6 Google 5la"% a cloud;#aed
digital entertainment detination6 Google <ri&e% a place for uer to create% hare% colla#orate%
and keep their tuff6 and Google 2allet% a &irtual !allet for in;tore contactle pa"ment.
*urther% the compan" offer Google T1% a platform for conumer to ue tele&iion
and the Internet on a ingle creen6 Google App% a cloud computing uite of meage and
colla#oration tool6 (earch Appliance% a earch technolog" for ue !ithin enterprie6 Google
(ite (earch% a cutom earch engine6 Google Commerce (earch for online retail enterprie6
Google Map Application 5rogramming Interface6 and Google =arth =nterprie% a oft!are
olution for imager" and data &iuali'ation. Additionall"% it offer mo#ile !irele de&ice%
and related product and er&ice. It ma?or competitor in the ame indutr" are 8ahoo@ Inc.%
*ace#ook Inc.% M(9% (I9A Corporation% and <aum Communication Corporation.
Horizontal Analysis
Aori'ontal anal"i i a fundamental procedure of comparing ratio or line item in a
compan"+ financial tatement o&er a certain period of time and #aed on !hich an anal"t
or in&etor can gather kno!ledge a#out the financial health of the elected compan" and can
make a crucial deciion !hether to in&et in it or not. -ne method of performing a hori'ontal
financial tatement anal"i compare the a#olute dollar amount of certain item o&er a
period of time. The other method of performing hori'ontal financial tatement anal"i
compare the percentage difference in certain item o&er a period of time. The dollar amount
of the change i con&erted to a percentage change. A three;"ear hori'ontal anal"i B2010%
2011and 2012C of the income tatement of Google Inc. preented in the ta#le #elo!D
Period Ending 31-Dec-1 31-Dec-11 C!ange 31-Dec-1" C!ange
Total Ee&enue 2.%F21%000 F3%.05%000 2.G 50%135%000 F2G
Cot of Ee&enue 10%413%000 1F%1//%000 23G 20%4F4%000 54G
#ross Pro$it 1%&'(& "(&)1)& 31* "'&+(1& "*
Eeearch <e&elopment F%342%000 5%142%000 F3G 4%3.F%000 F2G
(elling General and Admin 4%341%000 3%/1F%000 44G .%.//%000 2/G
Total -perating =$pene /%52F%000 12%.35%000 52G 14%3/1%000 2.G
-perating Income or 7o 10%F/1%000 11%342%000 1FG 12%340%000 .G
-ther IncomeH=$pene 9et 415%000 5/4%000 41G 424%000 3G
E,I- 1&)'.& 1"&3".& 1(* 13&3%.& '*
Income Ta$ =$pene 2%2.1%000 2%5/.%000 1FG 2%5./%000 0G
9et Income *rom Cont. -p /%505%000 .%3F3%000 14G 10%3//%000 11G
/et Income %&++& '&)3)& 1(* 1&)3)& 1*
In the "ear 2011% total re&enue increaed #" 2.G% gro profit increaed #" F1G%
=IIT Bearning #efore interet and ta$C increaed #" 14G and net income increaed #" 14G
than that of the "ear 2010. The compan" performed &er" !ell during the "ear 2011.In the
"ear 2012% total re&enue increaed #" F2G% gro profit increaed #" 20G% =IIT Bearning
#efore interet and ta$C increaed #" .G and net income increaed #" 10G than that of the
"ear 2011. The compan" performed !ell during the "ear 2011 and 2012. *rom the repecti&e
#alance heet of the compan" of 2010% 2011 and 2012% here the hori'ontal anal"i i
conducted a the percentage change in the aet and lia#ilit" item for the period 2010 to
2011 and 2011 to 2012 in the follo!ing ta#leD
Period Ending 31-Dec-1 31-Dec-11 C!ange 31-Dec-1" C!ange
Cah And Cah =0ui&alent 1F%4F0%000 .%./F%000 ;23G 14%33/%000 4/G
(hort Term In&etment 21%F45%000 F4%44F%000 42G FF%F10%000 ;4G
9et Eecei&a#le 5%241%000 4%F/3%000 21G .%32.%000 52G
In&entor" 0 F5%000 505%000 1F4FG
-ther Current Aet 1%F24%000 1%310%000 2.G 2%1F2%000 25G
-otal Current Assets (1&+."& +"&)+%& ")* .&(+(& 1+*
7ong Term In&etment 52F%000 3.0%000 51G 1%44.%000 /4G
5ropert" 5lant J =0uipment 3%35.%000 .%40F%000 24G 11%/54%000 2FG
Good!ill 4%254%000 3%F44%000 13G 10%5F3%000 4FG
Intangi#le Aet 1%044%000 1%53/%000 51G 3%43F%000 F34G
-ther Aet 442%000 4..%000 1FG 2%011%000 F0FG
<eferred 7ong Term Aet 245%000 0 ;100G 0
-otal Assets +)&%+1& )"&+)(& "+* '3&)'%& "'*
Account 5a"a#le 4%1F3%000 3%14/%000 14G 10%/.F%000 52G
Current 5ortion of 7T< F%445%000 1%21/%000 ;45G 2%54.%000 10.G
-ther Current 7ia#ilitie F.4%000 543%000 F.G /.5%000 44G
-otal Current 0ia1ilities '&''.& %&'13& -11* 1(&33)& .1*
7ong Term <e#t 0 2%./4%000 2%.//%000 0G
-ther 7ia#ilitie 1%53.%000 2%1..%000 F.G 2%3/4%000 23G
<eferred 7T;7ia#ilitie F5%000 FF1%000 /44G 1%.32%000 4.4G
-otal 0ia1ilities 11&.1& 1(&("'& "(* ""&%3& +3*
Common (tock 1/%2F5%000 20%244%000 11G 22%/F5%000 1FG
Eetained =arning 23%/4/%000 F3%405%000 F5G 4/%F42%000 2.G
-ther (tockholder =0uit" 1F/%000 234%000 100G 5F/%000 .5G
-otal 2toc3!older E4uity (.&"(1& +%&1(+& ".* )1&)1+& "3*
*rom "ear 2010 to 2011% here the hori'ontal anal"i ho! that the current aet of
the compan" increaed #" 23G #ut a the long term aet decreaed thu the increae in the
total aet of the compan" i 25G. The compan"+ long term lia#ilitie increaedand thu
total lia#ilitie increaed #" 24G and the current lia#ilitie decreaed #" almot 11G. Total
(tockholder+ e0uit" of the compan" increaed draticall" #" 24G in 2011.<uring the period
from "ear 2011 to 2012% the current aet of the compan" increaed #" 15G and total aet
increaed #"2.G. The compan"+ current lia#ilitie raied highl" #" almot 41G and the total
lia#ilitie increaed #" almot 5FG. Total (tockholder+ e0uit" of the compan" increaed
draticall" #" 2FG in 2012.
5atio Analysis
In thi ection the current ratio% 0uick ratio and cah to current lia#ilitie ratio o&er a
t!o;"ear period of 2011 and 2012 i anal"'ed. The current ratio i a meaure of the a#ilit" of
a firm to meet it hort;term o#ligation. In general% a ratio of 2 to F i uuall" conidered
good. Too mall a ratio indicate that there i ome potential difficult" in co&ering
o#ligation. A high ratio ma" indicate that the firm ha too man" aet tied up in current
aet and i not making efficient ue to them. The 0uick ratio i a more tringent meaure of
li0uidit". -nl" li0uid aet are taken into account. In&entor" and other aet are e$cluded%
a the" ma" #e difficult to dipoe of. The cah to current lia#ilitie ratio re&eal ho! much
cah and cah e0ui&alent aet the compan" ha on hand to pa" off it current o#ligation.
5oor recei&a#le or in&entor";turno&er limit can dilute the information pro&ided #" the
current and 0uick ratio. Thi ratio pro&ide a #etter indicator of a compan"K a#ilit" to pa" it
hort;term lia#ilitie !ith the cah it produce from current operation. The follo!ing ta#le
ho! the reult of the ratio for Google Inc. for the "ear 2011 and 2012D
5atios "11 "1"
Current ratio 5.. 4.2
Luick Eatio 5.3 4.0
Cah to Current 7ia#ilitie 1.1 1.0
The ratio of the compan" in 2011 !ere &er" imprei&e although there i a
decreaing trend in all the ratio in 2012 than that of the "ear 2011. In the follo!ing graph it
i ho!n that the current ratio and 0uick ratio decreaed highl" in 2012.
Aere i a comparion of the compan"+ current ratio and 0uick ratio for the "ear 2012D
5atios- "1" Company Industry
Luick Eatio 4.0 F.3
Current Eatio 4.2 4
The compan"+ current ratio and 0uick ratio i &er" high due to the high le&el of
in&entor" in 2012 and although the hort term in&etment !a lo!% the net recei&a#le in
2012 !a huge than that of in 2011. Ao!e&er% the compan" i performing #etter in compared
to it competitor in the ame indutr".
Iaed on the a#o&e ratio anal"i and hori'ontal anal"i here it i clear that the
compan" i performing &er" !ell in it #uine en&ironment. Although the #uine
en&ironment in it indutr" i getting more complicated and competiti&e% Google ha the
upper hand .The high ue of long term de#t i not &er" much e$pected a it !ould increae
the financial rik of the firm. Alo the proper management of it current and long term aet
mut #e gi&en more concentration #" the repecti&e authorit" of the compan". I !ould
definitel" recommend an indi&idual to in&et in thi compan" #ecaue of it highl"
imprei&e performance and conitent oundne and financial health.
Eeill"% *rank :. J Iro!n% :eith C . B200.;2010C. In&etment Anal"i and 5ortfolio
Management B/
editionC.Thomon% (outh!etern.
Google Inc. *inancial% from
Google In&etor Eelation% from
=laine Aenr"% C*A % Thoma E. Eo#inon% C*A and Aan Aendrik &an Greuning% C*A B2012C.
Financial Reporting Analysis. 1olume F Eeading 23. 9e! 8orkD C*A intitute.
=dgar A. 9orton% C*A% :enneth 7. 5arkinon and Aan 5amela 5eteron <rake% C*A B2012C.
Corporate Finance and Portfolio Management% 1olume 4% Eeading 40. 9e! 8orkD C*A