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and to and Giancarlo Tosato (, Project Coordinators
IEA ETSAP - Technology Brief T02 April 2010 -
Advanced Automotive Diesel Engines
PROCESS AND TECHNOLOGY STATUS Improvements in diesel engines can be achieved by combining a
number of different technologies to improve efficiency and reduce emissions. These technologies include: Piezo-
injectors; Downsizing; Turbocharging; Cylinder deactivation; Optimised/advanced cooling circuit and electric
water pump; Exhaust heat recovery; and Homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI).
PERFORMANCE AND COSTS Implementing a full package of technologies would add (indicative only)
incremental costs between 1135 for a small car and 1800 for a large car. It is estimated that these costs are likely to
decline by around 10% in 2020 because of technology learning. The technologies covered - and related CO2 reduction
and incremental compliance costs in 2008 Euros include: a) Reduced engine friction losses (3-5%, 40-60); b)
Downsizing (3-10% 120-375); c) Exhaust heat recovery (1.5%, 45); d) HCCI (18-21%, 775-1,165); e) Optimised
Cooling Circuit (1.5%, 35); f) Advanced Cooling Circuit and Electric Water Pump (3%, 120).
POTENTIAL AND BARRIERS The increasing uptake of diesel vehicles is driven by further efficiency gains over
gasoline and potential innovations that are not yet commercialised (e.g. HCCI). However, developments in advanced
gasoline technologies are also likely to erode the performance gap with diesel and brake further expansion of the diesel
market. In addition, the supply of diesel fuel is also constrained in some markets. Europe is already a net importer of diesel
(and an exporter of gasoline to the US). While there are no general bottlenecks affecting the technologies described below,
several of them still have a long way to go before they become commercial. Alternative technology options, increasing oil
prices, incremental costs, as well as specific regional barriers, could slow down the deployment of diesel engines.

general, advanced diesel engines gain efficiency through
high compression ratios and reduced throttling or
pumping losses. They may be turbocharged to recover
exhaust heat and require a high-pressure fuel injection
system to enable low-emission combustion. In addition,
diesel engines have more advantages in torque over
gasoline engines. With optimized transmission, this
enables efficiency gains and the transmission to operate
in higher gears for a longer period over the same drive
cycle. The technologies listed in Table 1 can make
contributions to better fuel economy and lower
emissions. Rather than being radical innovations, many
of these technologies have been in existence for several
years and are advanced, refined and adjusted to
optimise diesel technologies through e.g. re-engineering
of associated systems, improved vehicle computer
control and software sophistication, or changes in
assembly procedures and systems. [1]

Piezo Injectors Piezo-injectors are part of the
improved fuel injection systems that allow much finer
control and metering of the fuel spray while lowering
consumption and emissions levels. Earlier injectors
used electro-magnetic solenoids to move the injector
needles and to allow the fuel to flow into the combustion
chamber. Piezo-injectors use a stack of piezo-crystal
plates that expand when an electric current is applied,
which causes the needle to move. The expansion of the
piezo-crystals is more precise and can be repeated
more than the electro-magnetic solenoids, thus
enabling precise fuel metering, lower consumption and

Table 1 - Advanced Diesel Technologies
Technology Status
Piezo-injectors Production
Downsizing Production
Turbocharging Production
Cylinder deactivation Production
Optimised/adv. cooling
and electric water pump
Exhaust heat recovery Prototype
Homogeneous charge
compression ignition

emissions. In recent years a new generation of piezo-
electric fuel injectors has been developed by companies
like Bosch, Continental and Delphi. These are now
heading towards commercial production. [2,5,8]

Downsizing Downsizing forces the engine into
higher load operation with better mechanical efficiency
and reduced pumping losses. This permits the engines
power and torque to increase (thus responding to new
market demand or compensating for increased vehicle
weight) without increasing cylinder capacity. As an
alternative, engine capacity may be reduced while
producing the same power. Reducing engine capacity
with the same power permits reducing fuel consumption
thanks to three factors: a) Reduced pumping losses

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IEA ETSAP - Technology Brief T02 April 2010 -

(i.e. less volume is swept on each engine revolution,
higher average load on driving cycle, higher average
intake pressure); b) Reduced gas-to-wall heat transfer
(i.e. reduced internal surface area as well as shorter
flame travel distance and faster combustion resulting in
reduced gases-wall heat exchange duration); and c)
Reduced friction losses and smaller moving parts. The
technologies available vary considerably as do their
costs and associated CO
emission reductions (see
Tables 3 and 4). While they are already available on the
market, these technologies still have considerable
innovation potential in the short to medium term. [1]

Turbocharging Novel turbocharging systems
allow downsized diesel engines to provide improved
fuel efficiency and a similar (or better) performance than
conventional larger engines. A good example is the twin
sequential turbocharging system that is being used by
major car manufacturers. It consists of two differently
sized turbochargers operating at different engine
speeds. They enhance fuel efficiency, and improve the
generation of lean fuel/air mixtures in the engine, as
well as the vehicle drivability. [1,8]. Manufacturers are
starting to deploy the novel turbocharging systems.

Cylinder deactivation By deactivating half of the
cylinders, the remaining active cylinders operate at
twice the load that the engine would normally operate at
if all cylinders were active. This reduces the pumping
losses and improves fuel consumption. Engines with
cylinder deactivation can be found in several vehicles
under various trade names such as Multiple
Displacement System (MDS) and Active Fuel
Management (AFM). To date, cylinder deactivation has
been applied to V6, V8, and V12 engines. Mitsubishi
applies cylinder deactivation to a 4-cylinder engine
(MIVEC system), while Mercedes applies the
technology to its V8 and V12 engines.

Optimised/advanced cooling and electric water
pump These technologies account for coolant and oil
thermal inertias to help reduce fuel consumption. During
engine operation, the centre housing is integrated into
the cooling loop of the engine. After the engine's
shutdown, the residual heat is carried away by means
of a small cooling circuit, which is driven by a
thermostatically controlled electric water pump.

Exhaust heat recovery Heat recovery from
exhaust gas of the internal combustion engines has
been deployed in the recent past. The recovered heat is
used for such things as warming the engine, thereby
improving the efficiency. Warming up the engine
reduces friction loss and fuel need for cold-starting.
Technologies include mechanical, electrical
turbocompounding and Rankine Bottoming Cycles, as
well as heavy vehicles technologies. [2, 9]

Homogeneous charge compression ignition
(HCCI) In the HCCI systems (Fig.1), the fuel-air
mixture is ignited simultaneously throughout the entire
volume of the cylinder, rather than being centralized at
the fuel injector. HCCI combustion occurs much faster
than conventional combustion. This leads to
significantly higher peak pressure and a relatively lower
peak temperature inside the combustion chamber. The
lower temperature reduces NOx emissions, and the
higher peak pressure allows a leaner fuel-air mixture
(less fuel) to be used to obtain higher efficiency. As a
consequence, emissions of CO
can be reduced by 18-
21% while CO and various unburned hydrocarbons are
produced in amounts comparable to a conventional
gasoline vehicle and may be considerably reduced
using ordinary exhaust treatment methods. Currently,
no HCCI engines are being produced commercially. A
number of motor manufacturers, including General
Motors, Volkswagen, Honda, and Mercedes-Benz are
all believed to have fully operating prototypes. While
some estimate that this technology is close to
commercial application it may not be until about 2015
before it is commercially available. [2, 7]

Fig. 1 - Diesel, Petrol and HCCI Engine

Reduced engine friction losses Various
technologies are aimed at reducing engine friction
losses. They include the use of advanced components
(ceramics, rollers) and lubricants, as well as
reduced/enhanced throttling (electronic throttle control)
and load control by valve timing.

Improvement in CO2 emissions obtained from all the
technologies described above is estimated to range
from 106.8 g/km to 159.5 g/km, depending on the size
of the car. A recent test drive of a Vauxhall Vectra 2.2
HCCI engine resulted in the fuel efficiency increasing
from 37 miles per gallon (mpg) to 43 mpg, an
improvement of approximately 15%. A small advanced
diesel vehicle is assumed to consume some 0.036
litre/km vs. 0.054 litre/km for large cars. [11]

package of advanced diesel technologies could
perhaps include an advanced cooling circuit and electric
water pump, optimised cooling circuit, HCCI, exhaust

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and to and Giancarlo Tosato (, Project Coordinators
IEA ETSAP - Technology Brief T02 April 2010 -

heat recovery, downsizing and reduced engine friction.
This package would add incremental costs to new
vehicles ranging from 876 for a small car to 1318 for
a large car. It is estimated that these costs are likely to
decline by around 10% in 2020. [3, 10, 11].

Technology developments and further refinement in the
materials will deliver improved performance while costs
and further governmental regulations will help to reduce
emissions. It is also important to consider regional
differences. The increase of advanced diesel vehicles in
Europe (Fig. 2) is due to two main factors. First, diesel
offers increased fuel economy vs. gasoline vehicles, with
little or no compromise in performance (in modern
vehicles). Second, market-based incentives - linked to
Euro IV and V emissions standards implementation -
may result in an increasing drive towards biasing vehicle
taxation and variable urban congestion fees against
emissions. Additional drivers are the European
industry voluntary agreements [14], now superseded by
mandatory fleet average improvements in a recent EC
Directive. [3,10,11,16]. In the US, CAFE standards have
been tightened, most notably in California where state-
owned CO
standards have now been enacted. [13]

POTENTIAL AND BARRIERS In spite of specific
technical bottlenecks, advanced diesel technologies
offer better fuel economy over conventional gasoline
technology under all driving conditions, and with no
detriment to performance. Besides fuel economy and
lower CO
emissions, diesel engine advantages include
improved performance and towing, and high torque at
low engine speed giving fun-to-drive characteristics. In
the next 20 years, technology innovations such as
HCCI are expected to play a role in the uptake of diesel

Fig. 2 - Diesel vs. Gasoline car stock in EU15,
Switzerland and Norway.
v2.7b Basecase Pivots)


vehicles internationally. However, competing
developments of advanced gasoline technologies are
likely to erode diesel advantages. Possible constraints
in regional diesel fuel supply may also brake further
expansion of the diesel market. There is indeed a limit
as to how far the refinery fraction for diesel can be
pushed [4, 6, 12] and Europe is already a net importer
of diesel (and a gasoline exporter to the US).

From a technical point of view, some advanced diesel
technologies still have a long way to go until they are on
the market. [17, 18, 19] For example, cylinder
deactivation and HCCI have two important restrictions to
be resolved. The integration of cylinder deactivation
into the vehicle is challenging as active engine mounts
are needed to run deactivated at idle. Noise quality from
both intake and exhaust is problematic. Deactivation is
typically used in the highest two gears only. In many
cases, it is difficult to maintain the vehicle in deactivated
mode at around 70 mph, which can lead to customer
dissatisfaction with fuel consumption. However, as the
vehicle specific power rating improves, the potential fuel
consumption benefit increases. Similarly, during HCCI
operation, engine control is very difficult as the ignition
timing is not directly under control. This is different to
conventional gasoline or diesel engines where the
ignition is controlled directly by sparks or injectors. In
order to maintain good operation in HCCI mode, very
fast and precise control is required, making advanced
engine control units, sensors and actuators necessary.
As a consequence, further development is needed to

Fig. 3 - US DoE Vehicles Technology Programs
1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030






Diesel Gasoline
1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030






Diesel Gasoline Diesel Gasoline

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and to and Giancarlo Tosato (, Project Coordinators
IEA ETSAP - Technology Brief T02 April 2010 -

ensure robust operation of HCCI in all conditions before
it becomes available to consumers. [7, 15, 16] Other
barriers may slow down the development and
deployment of advanced diesel technologies. For
instance, manufacturers may choose to focus on
alternative new technologies such as hybrid
technologies, plug-in electric vehicles or fuel cell cars,
or increasing oil prices as well as significant incremental

investment cost of diesel vehicles, may lead consumers
to different choices. There are also regional barriers.
For example, the US requires significantly lower NOx
emissions than Europe. This is a challenge for lean
combustion technologies such as diesel engines. The
US emissions levels can be achieved but require
significantly more complexity in the after-treatment
systems and novel air and exhaust flow management.

References and Further Information
1. United States Environmental Protection Agency, 2008, A Study of Potential Effectiveness of Carbon Dioxide Reducing Vehicle
Technologies, Prepared for EPA by Ricardo, Inc., Revised Final Report,;
2. Norris, J. et al., 2009, Light Goods Vehicle - CO2 Emissions Study: Task Report for Task 5 - Assessment of the potential for CO2
emissions reductions, Report to the Department for Transport, AEA, Harwell, Didcot.
3. United States Environmental Protection Agency, 2008, EPA Staff Technical Report: Cost and Effectiveness Estimates of
Technologies Used to Reduce Light-duty Vehicle Carbon Dioxide Emissions, EPA420-R-08-008.
4. Association of International Automobile Manufacturers of Canada, 2008, Backgrounder, Auto Industry Reducing Emissions,
5. Autobloggreen, 2009,
6. Schulte, H. et al., 2004, Ford Motor Company, Internal Combustion Engines for the Future,
7. Strategy Analytics, 2007, The Bright Future of HCCI Engine Technology, The Free Library,
8. United States Environmental Protection Agency, 2007, Light-Duty Automotive Technology and Fuel Economy Trends: 1975 through
2007, EPA420-S-07-001, September 2007.
9. AEA (2008), Project work by AEA for the Climate Change Committee.
10. Smokers, Richard (2006), Review and analysis of the reduction potential and costs of technological and other measures to reduce
CO2-emissions from passenger cars, TNO Science and Industry, Contract nr. SI2.408212.
11. DEFRA (2001), Energy Efficiency: DEFRA Paper on Transport Energy Efficiency,
12. Cosworth Technology et al., 2005, Carbon Trust,
13. NHTSA, 2005, Preliminary Regulatory Impact Analysis: Corporate Average Fuel Economy and CAF Reform for MY 20082011,
Light Trucks.
14. Pischinger, S., 2007, Institute for Combustion Engines, RWTH Aachen, Germany, 3rd International Environmentally Friendly
Vehicles Conference, 19/20 November 2007, Dresden,
15. National Research Council of the National Academies, 2006, Tires and Passenger Vehicle Fuel Economy, Transportation Research
Board Special Report 286.
16. Oltra, V. et al., 2008, Variety of technological trajectories in low emission vehicles (LEVs): A patent data analysis, Bordeaux IV
University, Science Direct.
17. Petitijean Dominique et al., 2004, Garrett Engine Boosting Systems, Honeywell International.
18. Sierra Research, 2007, Study of Industry-Average Mark-up Factors Used to Estimate Changes in Retail Price Equivalent (RPE) for
Automotive Fuel Economy and Emissions Control Systems.
19. Ricardo, 2006, Global Perspectives, In-depth viewpoints on technology & business innovations that are shaping the transportation
20. Kollamthodi, S. et al., Transport technologies marginal abatement cost curve model - technology and efficiency measures, AEA
Technology, 2008

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IEA ETSAP - Technology Brief T02 April 2010 -
Table 2 - Summary Table: Key Data and Figures for Baseline and Advanced Diesel Vehicles - Source [9, 20]

Advanced Diesel Vehicles
Technical Performance Small Cars Medium Cars Large Cars
Energy Input Diesel
Energy Output Kilometres
Base Energy Consumption (l/km) 0.045 0.052 0.070
Technical Lifetime, yrs 12 12 12
Environmental Impact
CO2 and other GHG emissions, g/km 106.8 123.3 159.5
Additional Capital Cost, overnight, Euro/unit 876 1,108 1,319 1,319 1,119 1,318
O&M cost (fixed and variable), Euro/km 0.04 0.04 0.05
Economic Lifetime, yrs 12 12 12

Table 3 - CO
reduction potential of Advanced Diesel Technologies
CO2 reduction (%) TNO 2006 CCC (2008)
Small Medium Large Small Medium Large
Reduced engine firction losses 3 4 5
Mild, medium or strong downsizing 3 - 5 3 - 7 3 - 10
Exhaust heat recovery 1.5 1.5
Homogeneous charge compression ignition 18 19 21
Optimised Cooling Circuit 1.5 1.5 1.5
Advanced Cooling Circuit and Electric Water Pump 3 3 3

Table 4 - Incremental Costs for Advanced Diesel Technologies
Additional costs (Euro) TNO 2006 [10] CCC (2008)
Small Medium Large Small Medium Large
Reduced engine friction losses 40 50 60
Downsizing 120-160 150-300 180-375
Piezo injectors
Cyclinder deactivation
Exhaust heat recovery 45 45
Homogeneous charge compression ignition 775 - 955 1137 965 -1165
Optimised Cooling Circuit 35 35 35
Adv. Cooling Circuit and Electric Water Pump 120 120 120

*The baseline diesel vehicles are assumed to be equipped with: a 4-cylinder in-line engine, common direct injection, 5-speed manual.
The data were used as input for the construction of cost curves and the assessment of the overall costs and CO2-abatement costs of
reaching the 2008/9 target of 140 g/km and various targets between 140 and 120 g/km in 2012
Baseline Diesel Vehicles*
Technical Performance Small Cars Medium Cars Large Cars
Energy Input Diesel
Energy Output Kilometres
Base Energy Consumption, l/km 0.049 0.057 0.075
Technical Lifetime, yrs 12 12 12
Environmental Impact
CO2 and other GHG emissions, g/km 130.2 152.2 201.9
Capital Cost, overnight, Euro/unit 10,691 17,497 26,160
O&M cost (fixed and variable), Euro/km 0.03 0.04 0.05
Economic Lifetime, yrs 12 12 12

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