FDI As A Tool For Economic Growth - Ade Ebimomi.
FDI As A Tool For Economic Growth - Ade Ebimomi.
FDI As A Tool For Economic Growth - Ade Ebimomi.
The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), in one of its very
recent publications, posits that “foreign direct investment has the potential to generate
employment, raise productivity, transfer skills and technology, enhance exports and
contribute to the long-term economic development of the world’s developing countries.
More than ever, countries at all levels of development seek to leverage foreign direct
investment for development”. (UNCTAD’s Review of the 2008 World Investment
Report). In the same vein, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) concludes that
“foreign direct investment has become increasingly important in financing growth and
investment in the developing world. Such inflows dwarf official sector financing, and will
continue to remain an important engine of growth in a majority of the emerging market
countries”. (Foreign Direct Investment in Emerging Market Countries – Report of the
Working Group of the Capital Markets Consultative Group, IMF Sept 2003).
First is the current global financial crisis. As the world reels in serious economic crisis,
with many investing nations, companies and individuals going bankrupt or on the verge
of bankruptcy, it has become increasingly obvious that world capital flows, including
FDI, would be seriously affected in the coming year. The International Institute of
Finance (IIF), the global organisation of financial institutions, and the World Bank have
variously projected that foreign capital flows in 2009 would be seriously affected by the
current financial crisis. The International Institute of Finance projects that the world’s
net capital flows would “be just $165 billion in 2009, down from $466 billion in
2008...this estimate for capital flows in 2009 is...a decline of 82 percent from the boom
year of 2007 ($929 billion)” (www.iif.com). This projection, if it becomes a reality, would
result in a drastic reduction (and possibly result in economic stagnation and
retrogression) in the economic development of emerging market economies, including
The second critical issue that is of immediate concern is the percentage of world capital
flow that we attract. While Nigeria’s total FDI stock as at the end of 2007 was
$62.791billion, this however represents less than 1.5% of total developing countries FDI
stock of about $4.247trillion during the same period, and an insignificant 0.413% of
total world FDI stock of $15.211 trillion in the same year. Nigeria’s FDI stock is also
significantly less than that of other comparative developing countries, such as India,
South Africa and Southern Africa, which had a total stock of $76.226billion,
$93.474billion and $123.100billion respectively by 2007. (UNCTAD’s 2008 World
Investment Report)
Our objective, therefore, at FDIB Limited in organizing this conference, is to find ways
to open up our economy as a destination for FDI and help address this foreign
investment imbalance. Nigeria, with its massive population, vast natural and human
resources and progressively stable political climate, deserves to have as much (if not
more) foreign capital inflows for sustainable economic development, as the rest of the
world. We believe very strongly that achieving the goal of increased FDI inflow is the
responsibility of every capable Nigerian entity – corporate, government or individual –
including us at FDIB Limited.
Ade Ebimomi
Consulting Economist/CEO,
FDIB Limited.
(Foreign Direct Investment Brokers & Consultants)
Phones: 09-8702430, 08062200894, 08054191381