Semester III - FALL 2014 Details of Courses: From Individuals To Ecosystems. Blackwell Publishing
Semester III - FALL 2014 Details of Courses: From Individuals To Ecosystems. Blackwell Publishing
Semester III - FALL 2014 Details of Courses: From Individuals To Ecosystems. Blackwell Publishing
Details of courses
1 Course code CHM 201
2 Course Title Inorganic Chemistry
1 Course code BIO201
2 Course Title
Introductory Biology III
3 Credits: 3-credits
4 Course
Dr Sutirth Dey (Coordinator)
5 Nature of Course L- lectures alone
6 Pre requisites None
7 Objectives (goals,
type of students
for whom useful,
outcome etc)
This is an introductory course that would help the students in terms of
A) understanding of
1) the basic concepts in ecology and evolution
2) how organisms interact with each other, and the environment, and
3) the ways of investigating ecological and evolutionary questions
1) visualize how these concepts connect to real-life situations, and
ability to
2) investigate questions in classical genetics, ecology and evolution in
particular, and biology/science in general using the tools mentioned
8 Course contents Introduction: An overview of biological processes. Why study ecology
and evolution?
Population ecology: Survivorship curves, Life-tables, Simple population
dynamics models and their behavior,
Community ecology/ Species interaction: Competition; Predation;
Ecosystem dynamics: Food webs; biodiversity; conservation biology,
Population genetics: H-W equilibrium; mutation; selection; genetic drift;
Macroevolution and diversity of life: Macro-evolutionary concepts:
reproductive isolation, speciation.
9 Evaluation
End-sem examination- 35 % ; Mid-sem examination - 35 %; 2-3
Quizzes 30%
10 Suggested
No single text book can be prescribed. The following books shall cover
much of the proposed syllabus:
Begon, M., Townsend, CR, and Harper, J L. (2005) Ecology -
From Individuals to Ecosystems. Blackwell Publishing.
Molles, M.C. (2009) Ecology Concepts and Applications:
McGraw Hill.
Freeman, S and Herron, J (4
ed) Evolutionary Analysis. W.
Prentice Hall.
3 Credits 3
4 Course
Nirmalya Ballav (C) & Sujit K. Ghosh
5 Nature of Course L & T lectures and tutorials.
6 Pre requisites
(also mention if
this is pre-requisite
for a later course)
Core Course
7 Objectives (goals,
type of students
for whom useful,
outcome etc)
"This course will introduce students the most rudimentary principles
behind the chemistry of inorganic compounds. In this course an
overview introduction to the common elements of the periodic table from
alkali metals to noble gases through transition-metal and main group
elements will be given and their property such as periodicity, structure
and bonding, acidity and basicity, redox reactivity etc. will be discussed.
At the end of the course, the students should be able to derive the
structure of various covalent compounds, apply the concept of acid-base
chemistry to various reactions and as a whole understand the
importance of the elements of the periodic table for living matter."
8 Course contents Section #1: Atomic Structure, Periodic Table and the concept of
Periodicity (3 lectures):
Topics: Atomic Structure; vector model of atom and electronic
configuration for poly- electronic atoms; atomic structure as the basis for
periodicity; Applications of the periodic law. Sizes of atoms and ions,
ionization energies; electron affinity; periodic properties of elements.
Diagonal relationships. Fajans rules. Relativistic effects. Introductory
Section #2: Chemical Bonding (8 lectures)
Topics: Lewis theory; Formal charges and rationalization of structures,
resonance; VSEPR theory and shapes of molecules. Applications of
VSEPR theory in predicting trends in bond lengths and bond angles.
Molecular orbital theory of homo- and hetero diatomic molecules. The
solid state structure , lattice energy and Born- Haber cycle. Perovskite
structures and High Tc super conductors (1-2-3 oxides)
Section #3: Acids and Bases (6 lectures)
Topics: Various models of Acids and Bases. Protonic acids, Gas
phase Vs solution behavior of acids. Concepts of pH, pKa, pKb as
applied in different chemical structures. Acidity and basicity of oxides.
Lewis acidity. Hard and soft Acids and Bases. Solid acids. Acidity in
Section #4: Oxidation and Reduction (6 lectures)
Topics: The central role of transfer of electrons in chemical processes.
The importance of splitting of water. Electrode potentials, relation with
free energy, Nernst equation. Diagrammatic representation of
electrochemical data. Lattimer and Frost Diagrams. Conversion of
chemical energy into electricity. Batteries and modern state of solid
state batteries, Fuel cells
Section #5: Representative Chemistry of Transition metals and
main- group elements (14 lectures)
Topics: Transition metal complexes. Types of ligands and types of
complexes, Structural variation in transition metal complexes as
coordination number is varied. Preliminary idea about theories of
bonding among transition metal complexes. Preliminary ideas about
relationship of transition metal complexes and metalloenzymes. Main
group chemistry. Chemistry of halogens and inert gases. Silicon oxides;
structural chemistry.
9 Evaluation
components with
a. End-sem examination- 35% (minimum 30)
b. Mid-sem examination -35%(minimum20)
c. Assignments/Quizs- 30%
10 Suggested
Inorganic Chemistry: Shriver and Atkins, 4
Edn., Oxford University
Inorganic Chemistry by Huheey, Keiter, Keiter, Medhi (4
1 Course code MTH 201
2 Course Title Linear Algebra
3 Credits 3
4 Course
Baskar Balasubramanyam
5 Nature of Course L&T- Lectures & Tutorials
6 Pre requisites None
7 Objectives (goals,
type of students
for whom useful,
outcome etc)
The goal of this course is to systematically study certain objects called
vector spaces and various relations among them. This course would be
useful to all students.
8 Course contents
(Details of topics
with no of lectures
for each)
Fields: Real and Complex numbers as examples of fields, Definitions
and other examples.
Linear Equations: System of linear equations, Matrices, Elementary Row
Vector Spaces: Basic definition, subspaces, basis, dimension, change of
basis, coordinates.
Linear Transformations: Definitions and relationship to matrices,
isomorphisms and invertible matrices, Linear functionals, dual vector
Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors: Definitions, characteristic polynomial,
Cayley-Hamilton Theorem, Triangulation and Diagonolization.
Additional Topics if time permits:
Inner Products: Definition and motivation, Linear operators and adjoints,
Unitary operators and Normal operators.
9 Evaluation
a. End-sem examination- 30%
b. Mid-sem examination- 30%
c. Quiz- 40%
10 Suggested
Text Book(s)
1. K. Hoffman, R. Kunze: Linear Algebra, 2
edition. PHI Learning.
2. M. Artin. Algebra, 2
edition. PHI Learning.
3. G. Shilov. Linear Algebra. Dover publications.
1 Course code PHY 201
2 Course Title World of Physics III: Electromagnetism
3 Credits 3
4 Course
Seema Sharma* & Sunil Mukhi
5 Nature of Course L&T- Lectures & Tutorials
6 Pre requisites None
7 Objectives (goals,
type of students
for whom useful,
outcome etc)
Second-year students. To introduce the basic concepts of electricity and
magnetism and motivate students about the importance of
understanding the behaviour of materials subjected to electric and
magnetic fields.
8 Course contents
(details of topics
with no of lectures
for each)
Electrostatics (3), Electric potential (3), Electric fields near conductors
(3), Electric currents (3), Moving charges (2), Magnetic field (3),
Electromagnetic induction (2), AC circuits (2), Maxwell's equations and
electromagnetic waves (4), Electric and magnetic fields in matter (3).
9 Evaluation
components with
a. End-sem examination- 30
b. Mid-sem examination-30
c. Quiz-20
d. Assignments-20
10 Suggested
(with full list of
publisher, year,
edn etc.)
Text Book(s)
1. Electricity and Magnetism, E.M. Purcell, Berkeley Physics
Course, Vol 2, Tata McGraw-Hill Ltd (2008).
2. Feynman Lectures on Physics Vol 2, R. P. Feynman, R. B.
Leighton, M. Sands, The Millenium Edition, Basic Books (2011).
3. Introduction to Electrodynamics, D. J . Griffths, Pearson
Education (2012).
1 Course code BIO-221
2 Course Title Biology Lab III (Ecology and Evolution)
3 Credits 2
4 Course Neelesh Dahanukar*, Sutirth Dey
5 Nature of Course
P-Lab sessions alone
6 Pre requisites
7 Objectives (goals,
type of students
for whom useful,
outcome etc)
This practical course will cover basic concepts in ecology and
evolutionary biology.
8 Course contents
(details of topics
with no of lectures
for each)
1. Temporal dynamics in micro flora and fauna of pond
2. Isolation of organisms
3. Population genetics computer simulations.
4. Bacteria growth curve
5. Morphological and molecular evolution in species.
6. Effect of water chemistry on microbial diversity
7. Behavioral Ecology (understanding human behavioural traits
using experimental game theory)
8. Evolution of life history traits
9 Evaluation
components with
Students will have to write a detailed account of their investigations in a
form of a lab journal. Each practical will be graded for 10 marks based
on the performance of the students and evaluation of the lab journal. At
the end of the semester, students will give one test.
1. Grading of each practical performance and lab journal =80%
Test =20%
10 Suggested
(with full list of
publisher, year,
edn etc.)
Text Book(s) (one or two text books, with details like author, full title,
edn, publisher, year, chapter numbers etc)
1. Strickberger, M.W. (2000) Evolution. Edition Three. J ones and
Bartlett Learning, pp. 722.
2. Tortora, G.J ., Funke, B.R. and Case, C.L. (2008) Microbiology:
an introduction. Edition Ten. Pearson Education, pp. 912.
3. Odum, E.P. and Barrett, G.W. (2004) Fundamentals of Ecology.
Edition five. Brooks Cole, pp. 624.
1 Course code CHM 221
2 CourseTitle
Chemistry Lab II
3 Credits: 2
4 Course
Shabana Khan*, R. Boomishankar, Seema Verma, R. Vaidhyanathan
5 Nature of Course
P-Lab sessions alone
6 Pre requisites
(also mention if
this is pre-requisite
for a later course)
7 Objectives (goals, This laboratory course aims at demonstrating experimentally the
type of students
for whom useful,
outcome etc)
concepts that are introduced in the introductory inorganic chemistry
course that will run parallel to this lab course. Experiments based on
some of the key topics that are introduced in the theory courses such as
acids and bases, redox chemistry, chemistry of coordination and main
group compounds will be carried out enhancing a further understanding
to these topics. Through these experiments the students not only will
have a complete knowledge of these topics but also will learnt the use of
various techniques such as analytical and spectroscopic methods to
study them..
8 Course contents Section #1- Testing Acidic & Basic properties of commercially available
consumer products. (3 Hrs)
Section #2- Determination of Acid Neutralizing Power of commercial
Antacids. (3 Hrs)
Section #3- Synthesis of molybdenum blue. (3 Hrs)
Section #4- Estimation of phosphoric acid in cola drinks by molybdenum
blue method. (3 Hrs)
Section #5- Preparation of potash alum from scrap aluminum. (3 Hrs)
Section #6- Estimating Calcium in milk powder through EDTA
complexometry. (3 Hrs)
Section #7- Photochemical reduction of ferric oxalate in cyanotype blue
printing. (3 Hrs)
Section #8- Synthesis and characterization of hexaamminenickel (II)
chloride. (3 Hrs)
Section #9- Estimation of Ni by spectrophotometry.
Section #10- Estimation of Ni(II) by through EDTA titration. (3 Hrs)
Section #11- Saponification of esters and soap manufacturing. (3 Hrs)
9 Evaluation
components with
a. Lab records- 60% [6(results)+2(presentation)+2(viva)]
b. Lab conduct/group work/ Safety instructions etc - 10%
c. Quiz/Viva- 30%
10 Suggested
Text Book(s)
1. A Collection of Interesting General Chemistry Experiments, by
A. J . Elias, revised ed., Universities Press (India) Pvt. Ltd., 2007.
1 Course code PHY221
2 Course Title Physics Lab II
3 Credits 2
4 Course
Sunil Nair*, Saurabh Dube, Aparna Deshpande & S. K. Kulkarni
5 Nature of Course P-Lab sessions alone
6 Pre requisites Physics Lab 1
7 Objectives (goals,
type of students
for whom useful,
outcome etc)
Meant for students to gain exposure to basic Physics, especially in the
areas of Heat & Thermodynamics, and classical optics.
8 Course contents
(details of topics
with no of lectures
for each)
1) Thermal Expansion of Solids
2) Thermal conductivity by Lees method
3) Specific heat of Solids
4) Stefans law of Radiation
5) Temperature dependence of a Thermistor
6) Resolving power of a telescope
7) Newtons Rings
8) Malus Law
9 Evaluation
a. 10 % for skill evaluation while performing the experiment.
b. 30 % for lab record
c. 30 % for viva at the time of checking the lab records
d. 30 % in form of a comprehensive viva/written quiz of the entire
1 Course code IDC -204
2 Course Title Thermodynamics
3 Credits 2
4 Course
Mrinalini Puranik
5 Nature of Course L&T- Lectures & Tutorials
6 Pre requisites None
7 Objectives Giving an introduction to thermodynamics accessible to students from all
backgrounds with examples and discussions from physics, chemistry
and biology.
8 Course contents Section #1- (Thermodynamics, about 24 lectures +tutorial)
Topics: Macroscopic state of a system, perfect gases, equation of state
from kinetic theory, Zeroth Law and temperature, First law and
conservation of energy, second law, Carnot cycle, entropy, Van der
Waals equation, Thermodynamic potentials, chemical equilibrium in
gases and thermodynamics of dilute solutions, Nernst theorem.
9 Evaluation
a. End-sem examination- 30%
b. Mid-sem examination - 30%
c. Quiz- .20%
d. Assignment 20%
10 Suggested
Text Book(s)
(1) Thermodynamics by E. Fermi (Dover Publications Inc.).
(2) A Treaties on Heat by M.N. Saha and B.N. Srivastava (The
Indian Press Private Ltd.).
(3) Specific books, book chapters and other source material will be
informed in class as various topics are taught.
1 Course code TDC 201
2 Course Title Rational Inquiry II
3 Credits: 2
4 Course
K P Mohanan
5 Pre requisites TDC 101: Rational Inquiry 1
6 Nature of Course Lecture and discussion
7 Objectives To help students
a) develop the ability to engage in rational inquiry at a more advanced
level, following up on rational inquiry 1, and
b) extend that ability to think critically both within and outside science.
8 Course contents
This course will introduce students to the modes of reasoning needed in
mathematical inquiry, experimental scientific inquiry, and conceptual-
philosophical inquiry, as well as the types of logics that govern them. It
will also provide practice in arriving at and critically evaluating theories
across disciplinary boundaries, taking such topics as evolutionary
theory, theories of mind-brain, and ethical theory.
9 Evaluation
a. End-sem examination- 50%
b. Mid-sem examination - 30%
c. Projects/ /group work etc ..20%
10 Suggested
There are no textbooks for this course. Readings will be distributed as
and when necessary.