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T-Perfect in Old Babylonian: The Debate and a Thesis

Sergey Loesov
Russian State University fot the Humanities, Moscow

My best thanks go to Leonid Kogan (Oriental Institute, RSUH), who in-
troduced me to Akkadian, and to Vladimir Plungian (Institute of Linguis-
tics, Russian Academy of Sciences) and Michail Seleznev (Russian Bible
Society) for useful discussions. The research for this paper has been
greatly facilitated by the search possibilities offered through the on-line
Old Babylonian Text Corpus (http://www.klinopis.cz), a project in pro-
gress led by Dr. Furat Rahman (Pilsen University). I am also grateful to
the Russian Foundation for the Humanities for its nancial help during
the period the present article was compiled (within the project Historical
Grammar of Akkadian, 20032005).

1. Current debate: an overview
After some 70 years of research, the nature of the Perfect iptaras
a vexing problem of Akkadian linguistics. Neither its etymology nor pri-
mary meaning are matters of consensus in the current scholarship. In
fact, the semantic interpretation of iptaras in all syntactic contexts it occurs
remains unclear.

In this paper, I apply the following orthographic conventions:
the Perfecta morphological label used for the description of the Akkadian
verbal system, iptaras is often used here in the same sense; (the) perfect iabatas
applied to the parsing of a verb occurring in a quoted context;
PERFECTa verbal meaning grammaticalized in some languages of the
Often (but not consistently) used abbreviations are as follows: MC = main
clause(s); TC = temporal clause(s); CC = (umma) conditional clause(s); HL =
The following overview does not seek to be complete or well balanced. It is
meant only to highlight points important for the present study.
84 Articles: Ancient Near Eastern Studies

1.1. The meaning of iptaras in current research
According to GAG, the basic (? vor allem) meaning of iptaras in OB is
soeben erst vollendete bzw. als solche gedachte und noch wirksame
Handlungen ( 80b).
Besides, [d]as Pf. dient dem Ausdruck der Nachzeitigkeit in der Ver-
gangenheit, wenn diese besonders betont werden soll ( 80d). [W]ird aB
eine im Prt. begonnene Erzhlung im Pf. fortgefhrt (sog. consecutio
temporum) ( 156c).
Auch in Beding.-S[tzen] gibt es aB die consecutio temporum, der
zufolge sptere Handlungsstufen im Pf. stehen ( 161e).
Das Pf. in Bedingung.-S. bezeichnet aB die Bedingung als po-
tential oder hypothetisch (Grundbedeutung wohl: nun, X wird getan ha-
ben) ( 161f). Among modal uses of iptaras with certain modal parti-
cles GAG also mentions Irrealis in the future ( 152d) and in the past
( 152e), iprus being also used with the latter force.
In future time temporal clauses, GAG ascribes the Perfect the force of
futurum exactum ( 170g).
Suppl. to 79b and to 80c introduces into
GAG the Brief-Perfekt,
not differentiated from Brief-Prteritum.
One sees immediately that soeben erst vollendete Handlung is a
grammatical meaning incompatible with Nachzeitigkeit, and the alleged
potential (?) force of iptaras in clauses of real condition is difcult to re-
concile semantically with either of them.

Huehnergard 1997 begins by stating: As a tense, the Perfect often
corresponds roughly to the English present perfect (p. 157), then he sin-
gles out the use of the Perfect (preceded by preterites) to indicate the
critical event/the main point in legal protases and letters, partly following
Maloney 1982. He notes that in letters the next main clause verb [after
iptaras. S. L.] is almost always an injunctive form (p. 157f.).

J. Huehnergards only example from a letter is inanna Nabi-Sn ana
marka aardam, which he translates as I have now sent Nabi-Sn to you.
J. Huehnergard rst explains this aardam as presenting the main point
of the letter (p. 158) and observes:

The use of the Perfect to express Irrealis is not studied in this paper. See
KrebernikStreck 2001.
This fact was noted already by Oppenheim 1935:8, the rst scholar who ex-
amined closely the iptaras form (see also his earlier contribution Oppenheim
1933). Maloney 1982:730 has a very well written history of research into the OB
Perfect, so I will not dwell on this matter any longer.
S. Loesov, T-Perfect in Old Babylonian: The Debate and a Thesis 85

The clause with aardam begins with the adverb inanna now; this ad-
verb, or another, anumma now, herewith, hereby, or both (inanna anum-
ma), often (but not necessarily) accompany the Perfect, to emphasize the
immediacy, the current relevance, of the event. This use of the Perfect, in
which the verb may denote the actual performance of the action it describes,
is variously termed by grammarians the announcement Perfect or epis-
tolary Perfect. (Some scholars prefer, in such cases, to translate the Per-
fect into English by the present rather by the present perfect; in the ex-
ample above: I now send Nabi-Sn ) (ibid.).
Thus, J. Huehnergard follows GAG as far as the denition of the basic
function of iptaras is concerned,
but he treats CH, letters and contracts
separately, since the Perfect has slightly different uses in different genres
of texts (p. 157). Actually he says little about these differences. His for-
mulations are not really denitive, but the impression left on the reader is
that the iptaras as the last verb in the CH protases is present perfect, cf.
his translation of a law: if a man rented an ox and a god struck it, and it has
died (imtt), the man who rented the ox will swear an oath and be set free
(p. 157, italics added).
The only study taking account of iptaras in all of AbB 113 known to me is
Leong 1994.
Following Goetze 1936, GAG and Maloney 1982, T. F. Leong
founded his whole analysis of iptaras on the concept of current relevance.
I will not attempt to sum up the results of Maloney 1982
and Leong
1994 but will refer to their thoughts in this paper wherever necessary.
Still, one observation will perhaps be appropriate here. Maloney 1982
and Leong 1994 explain the invariant (or primary) meaning of both the
cross-linguistic category PERFECT and the OB iptaras as current rele-
vance, which latter is no elementary notion, yet unfortunately it seems to
be self-explanatory and therefore is easily reied in Assyriology. To say
the perfect in OB serves to indicate the current relevance of a past
event (Maloney 1982:33) is perhaps not quite wrong, but within this ap-
proach it will be difcult to draw a clear enough distinction between ipta-

As is well known, GAG is dependent in this respect on Goetze 1936, still the
most insightful study of the OB t-form, though it was written at the time when
no reliable theory of verbal derivational and temporal categories in Akkadian was
available. A. Goetze calls the temporal t-form aorist when it is used in MC, the
terms perfect and relative tense are employed by A. Goetze to describe the
functions of t-form in subordinate clauses.
The epistolary corpus of Kaplan 2002 is restricted to the letters of Hammurapi.
Discussions of Maloney 1982 can be found in Streck 1995a (conveniently,
the book offers an index of quoted scholars) and in Metzler 2002:880f.
86 Articles: Ancient Near Eastern Studies

ras and paris, which, as our intuition tells us, does exist, although in cer-
tain contexts both verb forms may be used (almost) synonymously.

Leong 1994 subscribes to J. F. Maloneys denition of the Perfect and
glosses current relevance (quoting McCoard 1978:19) as a present
state resulting from a past action, which again does not help to keep ipta-
ras and paris apart. Incidentally, the explanation of the undeniable fact
that the Preterite too can have current relevance by claiming it is an
implicature and not a grammatical meaning of the Preterite (Leong
1994:169) is not convincing, since eventually this explanation can lead
(and does sometimes lead in Assyriology) to the embarrassing conclusion
that iptaras is optional in most of its surroundings.

A note: Dening the PERFECT
A present state resulting from a past action denition of the PERFECT
is common in linguistics, but such notions as action, state or result
when used as the denitions core may be misleading because they are re-
lated to lexical and aspectual semantics. A more formal way to grasp
PERFECT as a cross-linguistic grammatical category is to be preferred, cf.
e.g. the approach suggested by . Dahl, who points out that the semantic
element shared by the perfect of result and the perfect of recent past
(Comrie 1976:56ff., 60f.) is that both involve a point of reference (in Rei-
chenbachs sense) which is different from the point of event (Dahl
1985:133). To be more exact, in Reichenbach 1947:290, 297 the English
present perfect is schematized as E S, R and labelled Anterior pre-

Thus, one thinks of examples like it-te-e-ri u
-ul i-ri-a-at (one canal)
has been dug, (the other canal) has not been dug (AbB 2, 5:4f.). One wonders
why the author did not choose the N Pret as the negation of it-te-e-ri (cf. 2.6 and
3.2 below). For a collection of currently relevant statives, see Rowton
1962:292ff. The N Preterite often seems to be interchangeable with the G Stative,
cf. e.g. AbB 4,79:16f. BUR
.3.IKU A.A
a i-na E
.GAL ka-an-ku-um the
three-bur eld that was transferred to him in the Palace through a sealed docu-
ment with ibid. ll. 24f. A.A
-am a pi
-i ka-ni-ki-im a i-na E
.GAL ik-ka-an-ku-um
(return) the eld that <belongs to him> according to the sealed document
that was given to him in the Palace. In this text, both verb forms refer to the
same extralinguistic fact and obtain in identical syntactic surroundings. See also
the examples adduced in Metzler 2002:94. It is generally clear that the resulta-
tive (~ the Stative.S. L.) points to the state resulting from the action while the
anterior (~ the PERFECT.S. L.) points to the action itself (Bybee et al.
1994:65), but one wonders whether OB has positions of neutralization for these
verb forms.
S. Loesov, T-Perfect in Old Babylonian: The Debate and a Thesis 87

sent (S = the point of speech, E = the point of the event, R = the point
of reference).
In some quarters, this way to dene the PERFECT has become almost
commonplace, cf. e.g. Li et alii 1982:19: [T]he essence of the Perfect is its
function of relating events/states to a Reference Time, either to the time
of the narrative or to the time of the speech act.
Disagreements in dening the PERFECT observable in current lin-
guistic literature are perhaps partly due to the pre-theoretical origin of
this notion (cf. the non-denable concepts of word, part of speech, etc.). The
term seems to be attested for the rst time in the Greek grammar of Dio-
nysios Thrax (ca. 170ca. 90 BC), who listed four kinds of past tenses,
among them , lit. lying beside or before (Ars Grammatica
13); this term was rendered in Latin as perfectum.
In this paper, the PERFECT is understood as a semantically complex
temporal grammeme that denotes a fact situated on the time axis to the left
of the reference point and observed from the latter. In other words, a fact
encoded by the PERFECT grammeme is depicted as having a resultative
component that holds at the moment of observation. This denition pre-
supposes that respective languages have grams (i.e. formal elements) to
distinguish the PERFECT from the punctive/simple past.
Linguists often consider the PERFECT among verbal aspects (so e.g.
Comrie 1976). The standard understanding of aspect is that it is so to speak
internal time: aspects are different ways of viewing the internal temporal
constituency of a situation (ibid. 3). Still what is distinctive about the
PERFECT is not the internal temporal constituency of the respective fact
but rather a morphologically in-built external temporal vantage point from
which the fact is viewed, quite irrespective of its internal properties. There-
fore I regard the PERFECT as a temporal value, albeit a complex one.
* * *
The research of M. P. Streck and K. A. Metzler
embodies a radical departure
from the Goetze approach outlined above. According to Streck 1998a:189f.,
one of the two most important usages of iptaras in the time of Hammurapi is
anteriority in the future in main clauses, subordinate clauses and conditional
clauses. In contrast to iprus , not only anteriority relative to the reference
point but also future tense are marked. His example:

Streck 1995a, 1998a, 1999; Metzler 2002.
88 Articles: Ancient Near Eastern Studies

umma awlum n mr awlim utappid nu uappad If a man (will have
blinded =) has blinded the eye of another man, they shall blind his eye.
CH 196.
From Streck 1999 it is clear that anteriority in the future in main
clauses refers to the epistolary Perfect (henceforward EPf), anteriority
in the future in subordinate clauses refers to temporal clauses.
The second typical usage of iptaras is, according to Streck 1998a:190,
to express the temporal progress in main clauses, subordinate clauses
and conditional clauses. In Streck 1999:108 this usage is referred to as
zeitlicher Progress der Vorzeitigkeit, it embraces iprusiptaras chains in
the main clauses of letters (vorzeitig zum Gegenwartspunkt, ibid.),
iprusiptaras chains with the force of epistolary past tense (Vorzeitig-
keit in der Zukunft, p. 110), one example of iprusiptaras sequence in a
relative clause with past time reference (p. 112), and iprusiptaras chains
in the protases of CH (according to Streck, Zeitstellenwert Zukunft, i.e.
within this system the CH protases denote future time anteriority relative
to apodoses).
Thus, in M. P. Strecks view, the temporal meaning of OB iptaras is
always as follows: liegt der durch iptaras bezeichnete Sachverhalt
vorzeitig zum ersten und nachzeitig zum zweiten Relationswert (Streck
1995a:199). Consequently, iptaras is kein Perfekt in the cross-linguistic
sense (Streck 1999:118, cf. Streck 1995a:214), and therefore has no more
current relevance of its own than the Preterite.
As is clear from Streck 1998a, Streck 1999:102, and Streck 1995a:235
245, M. P. Streck understands both OB and late Babylonian verbal systems
as expressing relative and not absolute time. Thus, he believes that the OB
iparras denote(s) situations that are not anterior, hence simultaneous or
posterior, relative to a given reference point (Streck 1998a:183), while
iprus denote(s) situations that are anterior relative to a given reference
point (Streck 1998a:188), which may be the moment of speaking or may
be located in the past or in the future (p. 188f.). Streck 1999:102 formulates
this approach in a straightforward way: Im Zentrum des altbabylonisches
Verbalsystems steht die Opposition zwischen dem Preteritum iprus und
dem Prsens iparras. Sie dient im Rahmen eines relativen Tempussystems
dem Ausdruck des semantischen Gegensatzes Vorzeitigkeit : Gleich- und
Nachzeitigkeit in Relation zu einem vom Sprecher zu setzenden, nicht im
Gegenwartspunkt verankerten Zeitwert. It is against this background that
M. P. Streck solves the problem of iptaras.
S. Loesov, T-Perfect in Old Babylonian: The Debate and a Thesis 89

Thus, according to M. P. Streck, both iprus and iptaras express anteri-
ority, but iptaras additionally denotes posteriority relative to a second ref-
erence point.
M. P. Streck thinks that isolated
iptaras in main clauses (with the
exception of the epistolary perfect) represents its secondary and innova-
tive use:
Die sekundre F[un]kt[ion] von iptaras setzt schon aB ein und fhrt
im nach-aB-Akk. zur Verdrngung von iprus durch iptaras in PAHV

(Streck 1995a:202, same in more detail in Streck 1999:114, 117f.).
This is the conclusion reached in Streck 1995a on the basis of evidence
presented in GAG, Maloney 1982 and Hirsch 1969. In the corpus consist-
ing of 195 letters of Hammurapi, Streck 1999 found 8 such examples of
isolated iptaras, all of them in reported speech. In both studies
M. P. Streck explains this usage as a development (Weiterentwicklung) of
the temporal progress function and as a feature of the spoken OB.
Metzler 2002 thinks that in his corpus
all four Akkadian tenses de-
note relative time (a conclusion earlier reached by M.P.Streck for all of
the OB). K. A. Metzler is consistent in claiming throughout his study that
iptaras in all its regular (or explainable) functions points to another
nite verb obtaining in the immediate left co-text of the respective iptaras
most often a preterite, i.e. each isolated (or syntactically inde-
pendent) iptaras is relegated to unclear usage (Unklarer Gebrauch des
Perfekts, featuring in all the genres studied by K. A. Metzler, see the
summary on p. 878). In Metzlers view, the only function of iptaras valid
for all the literary genres is Perfekt des Fortschreitens, roughly equiva-
lent to GAGs Nachzeitigkeit and M. P. Strecks zeitlicher Progress. In
terms of verbal grammatical semantics, hat das Perfekt die Bedeutung
des Prteritums zuzglich einer zustzlichen Nuance. Unter hypothe-
tischem Verzicht auf diese besondere Nuance liee sich das Perfekt durch
das Prteritum ersetzen (p. 875). K. A. Metzler excludes the PERFECT
meaning of iptaras (as opposed to iprus) from his corpus.
In his analysis of iptaras, K. A. Metzler disagrees with M. P. Streck
mostly in his rejection of the two-reference-points theory:

Isolated means in this case that an iptaras form in the non-subordinate
clause is not preceded by a preterite.
PAHV = Positiver Aussagehauptsatz der Vergangenheit.
It comprises OB literary texts, i.e. laws, omina, narrative texts in prose and
verse, literary dialogues, hymns, prayers, letters to and from gods, and incantations.
With the exception of EPf and of what K. A. Metzler calls Perfekt der Ret-
rospektive und des Hintergrunds in the narrative texts (p. 461481).
90 Articles: Ancient Near Eastern Studies

Man gewinnt den Eindruck, da in der Darstellung M. P. Strecks die
Anzahl der Bezugspunkte von Prteritum und Perfekt dem Verstndnis
der Texte vorangeht und da sich das Verstndnis der Texte an der An-
zahl dieser Bezugpunkte orientiert (Metzler 2002:883).

1.2. The outline of the present study

It is clear that ones idea about the functions of iptaras depends on ones
understanding of the OB verb tenses and aspects. Thus, M. P. Strecks
and K. A. Metzlers views do not hold if OB did possess absolute tense(s).
It is equally clear that the question did OB have absolute tenses? and
the problem of verbal aspects in OB are not quite settled in the research,
so I will try to grasp the basic meaning of iptaras without rst attempting
to present a general view of what semantic features are grammaticalized
in the OB verb. Since iptaras often occurs in letters,
our main source for
deictic use of verb forms in OB, it is reasonable to regard them as the
primary source of linguistic evidence.
The Perfect iptaras is largely restricted to three types of syntactic pat-
terns: main clauses, temporal clauses and conditional clauses.
A simpli-
ed statement of my conclusions is as follows: in main clauses, the
temporal value of iptaras is derived from the coding time (writer) or de-
coding time (addressee), the latter usage is often referred to as EPf. In
temporal clauses, iptaras itself provides reference time for main clauses
facts (~ futurum exactum). In conditional umma-clauses, the temporal
value of iptaras is either derived from the coding time (pre-present condi-
tions) or, as in temporal clauses, iptaras itself serves as a point of reference
for main clauses (future conditions). The use of tenses in OB laws is ex-
amined separately (Excursus III).
If we stay with the time-honoured post-Saussurian structuralism, iptaras
is expected to acquire its meanings paradigmatically, through opposition to
other nite forms occurring within the same syntactic patterns (i.e. the two
kinds of main clauses just mentioned, temporal clauses and conditional
clauses), and syntagmatically, from the properties of the respective syntactic

Because of time pressure, it has been impossible to check every relevant
verb form in the extant OB corpus, therefore some of my conclusions are of ne-
cessity preliminary.
For AbB 17, see an alphabetic list in Maloney 1982, for AbB 113 see nu-
merous examples (but unfortunately no indexes) in Leong 1994. As far as I
know, Mari letters have not yet been systematically studied for iptaras.
Certain less typical syntactic contexts are also mentioned in the paper.
S. Loesov, T-Perfect in Old Babylonian: The Debate and a Thesis 91

contexts. Since a full-edged OB grammar does not yet exist, a description
of this kind will be of necessity preliminary, still it will be attempted.
Any research into verbal tense and aspect of OB has to take into ac-
count semantic types of verbs, i.e. ultimately their lexical meanings. A de-
veloped classication of verbs according to their semantic types does not
yet exist in Akkadian linguistics, still I offer a few ad hoc observations on
the interplay between verb form and lexical meaning.

2. The use of iptaras in non-subordinate clauses
2.1. OB nite verb in the context of inanna
As the rst step I will pick up the deictic adverb inanna now as the most
explicit among the likely pointers to the moment of speaking to study its
compatibility with nite verb forms.

These are all the examples found in my corpus:

(1) <after a quote from an earlier letter> e
-ma-am an-ni-a-
-te-er-ra-am i-na-an-na a-um
.UN u-u-ra-at an-ni-i at-ta-an-sa-ka-am

I hope to study adi inanna and adni (ul) elsewhere. In this paper, I am us-
ing wherever possible a small corpus consisting of documents written in the Di-
yala region mostly in pre-Hammurapi time. The corpus includes Letters from
Harmal (LH), Greengus 1979 abbreviated as OBTIV (only texts transliterated in
Greengus 1979 and Greengus 1986 are used), L(aws of) E(shnunna), and Whit-
ing 1987. R. Whiting called the dialect of the earlier letters from AS 22 archaic
Old Babylonian, but he admits that [t]here is nothing particularly unusual
about the tenses of the verb or their use in the letters (p. 12). Since I feel that
the language of CH and HL (I of course consider these corpora in my study) is
perhaps over-standartized, I have decided to draw for comparison texts from a
different location but a little bit older and no less Babylonian (in the broader
sense of the word) than the documents written in Babylon and dated to the reign
of Hammurapi. LE has been subject of in-depth philological research, and AS 22
is provided with good commentary. For LH I have used the edition by Goetze
1958 and a new philological commentary prepared in 2003 by Ekaterina Mark-
ina of the Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow (unpublished MA
thesis). Wherever the readings of LH quoted in this paper deviate from Goetze
1958, they are based on the proposals of AHw. and CAD, on Markina 2003 or on
my own considerations. Fortunately enough, the discrepancies in the reading of the
cuneiform text of LH and in its philological interpretation do not seriously affect
the linguistic treatment of the respective passages as proposed in this paper.
I indicate wherever necessary the immediate left and right co-text of the re-
spective utterances because to take it into account is essential for establishing the
meaning of both inanna and the verb forms following it.
92 Articles: Ancient Near Eastern Studies

PN ukkallum of KA.KAS
brought me this message. Now I am
being blamed here for the tribute which has fallen in arrears. (For
ve days from now I will be waiting to receiving the tribute).
LH 1:3336, the translation of the italicized part is as in
Goetze 1958.
(2) an-ni-tam ta-aq-bi-a-nim i-na-an-na al-um a wa-a-ba-a-ku
dan-ma a-la-kam u
pa-ni-i-na a-ma-ra-am u
-ul e-li-i.
This you told me. Now the fortress I live in is in danger and
I am unable to go to see them.
LH 3:913.
(3) i-na-na a-nu-um-ma Bu-ri-ia a-a
Now then I have sent Buriya to you. LH 14:910, Goetzes
translation. EPf,
right co-text is not quite clear to me.
(4) i-nu-ma a-na ra-BI-[x-o] LUGAL u
-wa-e-ru-[ka] 1 GIN

.BABBAR ta-aq-bi[-o] i-na-an-na a-um a-bu-ka a-na me-e-ri-
i-im it-ta-al-kam da-A-at-ni u
-ul ta-a-al
When the king sent you to [], you promised 1 shekel of sil-
ver. Now, because your people has attained equality,
do not pay any attention to us. (Send us either 1 shekel of
silver or 1 fattened ram). LH 17:611.
(5) i-na-an-na ITI.1.KAM im-ta-la u
-ul KU
.BABBAR tu-ub-
lam u
-ul e
-em-ka tu-te-er-ra-am

The reference of -i-na is not quite clear. Goetze 1958 translates I am un-
able to come and to see them (the towns). But lum does not seem to be femi-
nine in OB, and anyway no towns are mentioned in this letter. CAD A/II 22
sees the problem of grammatical gender and translates differently: I cannot
come (to your city) and see them (the inhabitants) personally. As pointed out in
Goetze 1958:16 (and see M. Stol apud AbB 9, 226 for more examples outside of
LH), the self-designation of the letters author, a
-ri-du-um, is most probably a
common noun for an ofcial, in this case residing permanently in Eshnunna. If
this is true, a-la-kam (l.12) is to be translated as go, not come, and ll. 1416 al-
ka-a-ma e
-em-ku-nu ma-ar E
.GAL-lim u-uk-na-nim should be translated come to
Eshnunna and put your request before the palace, not go, as Goetze did, since
the ventive on u-uk-na-nim does the duty also for alk. The writer is staying in an
endangered fortress but he presents Eshnunna as his spatial deictic centre.
On anumma and inanna anumma see 2.7 below.
Goetze 1958:38: (But) since now your people has attained equality; CAD
M/II 4: because your wish has been realized (you pay no attention to us), reading a-
bu-<ut>-ka and introducing a hapax mer advancement (?), but very doubtful.
S. Loesov, T-Perfect in Old Babylonian: The Debate and a Thesis 93

<after betreffs> Now one month
has elapsed (but) you
have neither brought the money nor sent me your report
(narrative continues). LH 21:45.
(6) <after a quote> i-na-an-na um-ma KU
.BABBAR u-bi-
lam um-ma u
-la-u-ma me-i-ir up-pi
-ia u-bi-lam
Now either send me the silver, or, alternatively, send me a
reply to my tablet (+ another Imperative). LH 21:1113.
(7) pa-na-nu-um-ma be-li-i iq-bi-a-kum-ma u
-ul tu-da-bi-ib-u u

i-na-an-na a-u-mi-ia la tu-da-ab-ba-ab-u
Previously my lord spoke to you and you did not complain
to him,
and now do not complain to him for my sake! (+
another Prohibitive) LH 24:510.
(8) a-um GUR E a i-na Ne
-tim a-na I-ru-pa-an-
ni ta-aq-bu-u
-ma im-du-da-am u
-[it] []i-pa-as
-si-u i-du-
um-ma I-ru-pa-[an-ni-ma] e-um
-ul ta-[] LH 32:411.

Goetze 1958:57 emends im-du-da-am to am-du-da-am and remarks:
Text im-du-da-am; lines 12f. show however that it was Iddin-Sn (the au-
thor of the letterS. L.)here speakingwho measured out the grain
(p. 57). Goetze translates: Concerning the 8 kur of barley which you or-
dered (me to measure out) and (which) I (!!) measured out to Irupanni
in Nbirtum, to the marking of which Sn-Muballit can now testifythis is
what Irupanni says: The barley in question , and explains in a note:
Literally the markings of which S. knows.

CAD /III 57 quotes this text as follows: aum PN i-pa-as
-si-u idd
and translates: because PN afxed his clay sealings. Since aum

is be-
treffs and not because, it does not account for the subjunctive in i-du-
. To see here the well attested word combination ipass nad to attach
sealings is attractive, but Goetzes translation of i-du-
might also suit

Goetze 1958:43 reads the UD sign; CAD M/1 180 reads ITI (!).
Or perhaps previously my lord ordered you (not to complain) and so you
did not complain to him. Goetze translates dubbubum here as to claim services,
which is also possible.
The emendation of Goetze makes the ventive in *am-du-da-am difcult;
perhaps the text can be interpreted differently: imdudam means Irupanni
measured out to me, in ll. 12ff. Irupanni complains that the author has not re-
imbursed him in full because of theft (u-ur-qum).
94 Articles: Ancient Near Eastern Studies

the overall context of the letter, which is after all not very clear. inanna in
relative clauses is very rare; here u inanna most probably marks a turn in
the authors train of thought, therefore I suggest that i-du-
can be ex-
plained as having the force of assertive: And now, Sn-Muballit does
know its markings/did seal the granary.

(9) a-an-nam i-ta-ap-lu-nim i-na-an-na a-la-ak a bi-ti-im qi
um-ma ma-am-ma-an u
-ul a-ru-da-am
They have given me their consent. Now the (time to do)
service for the estate is near, (but) I did not send anybody.
LH 36:811.

(10) i-na-an-na a e-a-am GU
.I.A E
.GAL-ia u
-a-ak-ka-lu u
ul i-ba-a-i
There is no one now who would feed barley to the cattle of my
palace (within the narrative part of the letter). LH 39:89.

(11) PN ki-am a-pu-ra-ku-um a-na li-bi-tim qa-ti a-a-ka-an a-wi-
le-e da-an-nu-tim u
-ur-da-am i-na-an-na a-di IG-la-tim ta-a-
<immediately after the letter-head> I sent PN to you with the
following message: I am going to start (making) bricks. Send

Cf. other occurrences of the 3rd person assertive in the corpus. LH 47:27
29: []u
-a-ru-um a il-<la>-ka-kum ki-a-da-am la i-ma-ru [a]-ku-un-ka: The ser-
vant who will come to you will surely not see the pendant, I demand this of you
(= I hereby put this stipulation to you). If the restored [a] be correct, an asser-
tive (l immaru) is combined with a performative (akunka), perhaps a unique case
in the whole extant OB corpus. See also LH 14:14 (quoted and commented upon
in 3.1 below). LH 14:2021 E
.GAL-lum it-ti-ka i-ta-wu-u
, The Palace will speak
to you probably also belongs here, cf. E
.GAL-lum u-ur-qa
/qa-am it-ti-u i-ta-wu,
The Palace will speak with him about the theft LE A 4, 6f. = B 4,10. If the verb
forms in LH 14:2021 are to be interpreted as assertives expressing menace, this
phenomenon is comparable to what one is tempted to call performative-
epistolary usage of ataprakkum at the end of some OB letters: lu ti-di lu ti-di a-
tap-ra-kum, Do know (it)! Do know (it)! I have written to you! (AbB 3, 45:9f. dis-
cussed in Sallaberger 1999:147). Note that here I employ the label performa-
tive-epistolary not in the sense of epistolary-performative of PardeeWhiting
1987:27 (this is how they describe the epistolary prostration formula).
S. Loesov, T-Perfect in Old Babylonian: The Debate and a Thesis 95

me strong men! Now you have sent here cripples
(Send me
a strong man!).
LH 43:410.

a-pu-ra-ku-um is performative: I hereby ask you through PN.

(12) qi
-bi-ta-am u
-ul ta-a-me an-na i-na-an-na tu-sa-ar-ra-ra u

-ku-nu ta-at-ta-na-ab-ba-la
You did not obey the order. Indeed, now you tell lies and
take care (only) of yourselves (+ threats and commands). LH

(13) <after a short narrative > i-na-an-na wa-ar-ka-at LU


-ma LU
ag-ri u-ri-im
Now investigate the case of and conduct my hired man
here (end of letter). LH 50:911.

(14) u
-la am-gu-ur-ki
-na-na a-na a-wa-ti-ki
(?)-[ni a-]-

But I did not agree with you. Now I have come around to
your point of view (rest destroyed). AS 22, 54:57, transla-
tion as in the Edition.

(15) ka-ar-i
-u la ta-ma-a-a-ar i-na-an-na um-ma i-na
na-a-tim ta-ra-am-ma-an-ni Ia-am-nu-nu i-ti-ib um-ti-iq la u

adi is probably used here with the force of einschlielich (AHw. 12). IG-la-
tim is difcult. Goetze 1958:67 translates weaklings or invalids ad sensum. Mar-
kina 2003:158 considers relating it to iklu, victim, CAD I/J 61 (a hapax legomenon in
Hh), i.e. in this case victim of a disease, disabled. This looks appealing.
As shown by Sallaberger 1999:87f., ana ulmika apuram is a performative
expression within the letter greeting. Since in the epistolary literature aprum
may be used to denote different kinds of speech acts, it may be employed as a
performative with different illocutionary forces.
On the handcopy, only -ka-an is quite clear to me in l.7, but if one agrees that
what we have here is a form of aknum, the restoration seems to be rather plausible.
The transliteration has i, but on the handcopy a clear-cut ZI is visible.
Same inconsistency in 326:52.
96 Articles: Ancient Near Eastern Studies

Do not believe the slander about him. Nowif in truth you
love me
the Jamnunite has grown old and has become fee-
they should not pester him. OBTIV 23:2932.

Thus, in this corpus inanna is compatible with the Perfect, the Present,
the Stative and with injunctive verb forms, but there are no unambiguous
cases of its collocation with the Preterite (still, see (8)).

These and related data (presented below) permit one to posit two
: temporal deictic adverb, further subdivided into
pointing to the moment of speaking, used with the Present
employed in non-future sense and with the semantically present-tense
Stative: 2, 4, 9, 10, 12 (speaker-orientation).
pointing to the moment of speaking; it is used with the Per-
fect and locates its resultative component: 1, 5, 11, 14, 15 (speaker-

pointing to the future, used with injunctive forms and with
EPf: 3, 6, 7,13 (addressee-orientation).
: metatextual particle marking a turn in discourse, i.e. a
means of discourse deixis. It is formally set apart from inanna
the combination of two features: inanna
is used only with the Preterite
and, unlike inanna
, is incompatible with injunctive utterances in its im-
mediate right context/co-text. Its semantic interpretation is slightly differ-
ent from case to case, therefore I will sometimes render it simply by capi-
talized NOW. Among the above examples, only (8) belongs hereand, I
believe, it does on any of the two reading (nad and ed). The semantic
interpretation of u
-[it] []i-pa-as
-si-u i-du-

(LH 32:8f.) will be and PN did in fact seal/however, PN does know.

A well-known epistolary formula (=AbB 3, 2:51 verbatim).
Greengus 1979:64 notes: Translation assumes Gt of ibum to be gray
haired, and Dt (passive) of muqqum (III, AHw. 675a).Both stems are not in
the dictionaries for the corresponding roots; Gt-stem for a semantic stative is not
common in Akkadian.
Such cases do of course occur in OB letters, see below.
The contrast of inanna
and inanna
is not very pronounced; it is intro-
duced rst of all to illuminate the verb usage. In a lexicographical study, one
perhaps would not stress this distinction too much.
S. Loesov, T-Perfect in Old Babylonian: The Debate and a Thesis 97

Excursus I: Previous research on inanna and anumma
Goetze 1936:308 says: The t-form is very frequently preceded by the ad-
verbs anumma or inanna, and then goes on to analyze the almost com-
pletely quoted text of the OB letter TCL VII.11. He remarks: The rst
two parts, beginning with last year and this year respectively, report on
what happened in the past. They give an account which is without immedi-
ate signicance. Grammatically, the verbal forms are exclusively derived
from t-less stems. The third part, however, introduced by and now (S. L.:
a-nu-um-ma), turns to the actual business, for which the preceding facts have
merely been an introduction; it states the resultant measures. This is no
longer a narration, this is an announcement The meaning of this anumma
is not merely temporal. It points to preceding events and indicates that the
action which is now introduced was inuenced by, and resulted from, these
preceding events or actions. The very closely related inanna seems more to
emphasize the temporal element (p. 309f.).
The text, as it now stands in AbB 4, 11: 2023, reads:

(16) a-nu-um-ma RA
i-a-ab-ba-tu (UGULA.
MAR.TU.ME-u-nu u
left out by Goetze) a-na ma-a-ri-ku-nu a-ar-dam
And now, I have sent before you the rakbus who should re-
ceive the eld (Goetzes translation, injunctions follow).

A. Goetze is doubtless right in his general vision of letters structure.
Still, I dene the meaning of anumma differently (see 2.7).
GAG 80c mentions in connection with the PERFECT theory of ipta-
ras that it is das normale Tempus after inanna and anumma but supplies
no examples.
AHw s.v. inanna has no comments on verb usage, AHw s.v. an(n)umma
does examine the compatibility of an(n)umma with different kinds of
predicates in various dialects.
CAD A II 147f. subdivides the use of anumma for each dialect into in
gen[eral] and used to introduce the message, its bearer, and what he
brings, the examples of the latter usage for OB seem to be always in the
context of EPf. For the distribution of inanna and anumma, CAD A II
148b refers the reader to inanna discussion section.
CAD I/J 142f. provides no comments on the verbal usage in the context
of inanna. The relevant part of the discussion section reads as follows:
[T]he Mari letters use anumma to introduce the rst topic of a letter, and
98 Articles: Ancient Near Eastern Studies

inanna for the following, and always for the last topic.
Apart from the uses
in the temporal meaning proper, the use of inanna in letters is very often
more that of an interjection (?S. L.) than of a temporal adverb.
Streck 1995a:199 writes: In Hauptstzen ist iptaras vor allem nach
inanna und annumma bei den Verben apru, bulu und ardu in Briefen
belegt (GAG 80b/c), but actually GAG does not say that much: it explains
the use of iptaras with inanna and annumma by the PERFECT force of ipta-
ras, though the reason for the use of (what we now call) the epistolary per-
fect ataprakkum vor allem nach anumma is not explained in GAG.
Leong 1994:191197 also discusses inanna and anumma within his
analysis of EPf. He thinks (I believe, incorrectly; his understanding is in-
ferior to that of Goetze) that both words mean now (p. 191). He cor-
rectly explains the phenomenon of EPf in OB letters as transfer of the
temporal zero-point to the addressee (p. 47, 197ff.) but he is wrong in
claiming that anumma and inanna locate the event component of the EPf
(p. 194), see below. He also mentions the use of inanna and anumma with
non-epistolary perfects and reaches the conclusion that in this case they
are often not time adverbs but transitional discourse conjuncts (a term
roughly equivalent to metatextual operator and similar expressions I
am using in the present paper), which I believe is a near miss. Unfortu-
nately, T. F. Leong did not pay attention to the use of inanna with the
Preterite: it is in this context where inanna is always a textual connector.
Sallaberger 1999:139146 indicates positions within the letter struc-
ture where inanna and anumma + Perf. appear regularly. I will discuss
some of his ideas below in this paper.
J.-M. Durand adduces a few Mari examples in which inanna an-
nounces, as he believes, le retour de lirrel la ralit (Durand
1998:415), i.e. displays metatextual usage, cf. e. g. ARMT 1 8:8 (in the
context of the Present u
-ul i-ba-a-i); for more examples found by
J.-M. Durand, see the Index s.v. inanna in Durand 2000.
J.-M. Durands observations merit more attention, still I will not dwell
on them any longer since it is out of question to give inanna a full lexico-
graphical treatment within a paper dealing with grammar. Besides, some
of the relevant examples are not yet published. My impression (partly de-
pendent on French translations) is that J.-M. Durands examples are
those of inanna
, which (like English now) can have a meta-communi-
cative function in addition to the temporal one in the same utterance, as

This is not true even of letters published before 1960; in Mari, anumma does
introduce EPf as the last topic of a letter, cf. e.g. ARMT 2, 17:20.
S. Loesov, T-Perfect in Old Babylonian: The Debate and a Thesis 99

is clear from the LH examples adduced above. In all likelihood, it is the
combination of both meanings that matters in J.-M. Durands examples,
le retour de lirrel la ralit being in some cases the contextual force
of the meta-communicative function.
Complex semantics and pragmatics of nunc-words seem to be a cross-
linguistic phenomenon. Thus, metatextual and/or situation-deictic nunc-
lexemes materially identical to the basic adverbs for temporal deixis are
attested e.g. in Greek, Latin, and English.

* * *

Here are a few examples of inanna

(17) ki-a-am a-wa-tam an-ni-tam aq-bi-[k]um-ma a-an-na-am ta-
pu-la-an-ni i-na-an-na PN u-u
[a-n]a KA
wa-a[r-k]i-ka il-li-kam u[p]-pi
ik-u-da-ak-ka-ma a-na [i]-ri-ka
This is what I told you, and you gave me a positive answer.
NOW this Abbi-Adad came to Babylon after you(r depar-
My letter reached you, and I have sent him to you.
AbB 12, 69: 2328.

ik-u-da-ak-ka-ma a-na [i]-ri-ka a[-]ar-da-a-u resembles the al-
leged consecutio temporum with a cause and effect relationship between the
two verbs, but a[-]ar-da-a-u is most probably an EPf, so the iptaras here
does not depend on the (contextually probable) cause and effect relation,
which is not marked except by -ma, a general expression of irreversible
sequence. warkika explicitly places illikam in the past, so this inanna clearly
belongs not with time adverbs but with metatextual operators that con-
nect different fragments of the text,
and this is true of inanna
in gen-
eral. In terms of epistolary structure, inanna
usually signals a turn within

Such cases as Spanish ahora bien or Biblical Hebrew w3"att, both meaning
roughly so (now), are disregarded.
Assuming the writer is in Babylon, which could be inferred from il-li-kam.
Another widespread metatextual operator is antam, often introducing a
new subject at the end of a letter and somewhat similar to our P.S. (for a selec-
tion of examples see AHw. 1164 + AbB 12,69:33, the letter just quoted because
of inanna
). All anaphoric expressions have metatextual function by denition.
On metatextual operators in general, see Wierzbicka 1971; IordanskajaMeluk
1999 (with previous literature).
100 Articles: Ancient Near Eastern Studies

the descriptive part of a letter. Its semantic invariant is probably at this
point of the present discourse.

An example from a different genre, a mathematical problem, also re-
veals the contrast of inanna
and inanna

[] ag-ra-am a-gu-ur
[x times] NINDA U 9 u-i SIG

[] 5 SILA
e-a-am i-di-u il-qi
i-na-an-na 4
I hired a hireling He carried 9 sixties of bricks at a dis-
tance of [x times] NINDA, he took as his wages [x stum and]
5 qa barley. NOW I hired 4 hirelings.
AOS 29, 98, P 14.
The context leaves no doubt that here inanna is a means of textual
rather than temporal deixis. Its contextual semantic interpretation is
something like and then, and after that.
An interesting occurrence of inanna
is found in a letter to god Amurrum:

(19) it-<ti> a-mi-li ta-ab-na-an-ni-ma su-qa
-am tu-e-te-qa
a-at-ti-a UDU.SISKUR
.RE a-la-qi
-ku-ma a-na i-lu-ti-ka ka-
bi-it-tim i-ip-pu-u i-na-an-na na-ak-ru ik-u-da-an-ni-ma mu-u-ki-
ni-ku-ma a-a-u-a u
-ul i-a-ri-ru-ni
You created me among men and you made me pass (safely)
along the street, so every year I used to bring to you a sheep
offering and to sacrice (it) to your honoured godhead. NOW
an enemy seized me, and I became miserable, and my broth-
ers did not come to my help. AbB 12, 99:512.

Here, as in example (17), inanna appears in the narrative part of the
letter, surrounded by verb forms with past time reference.
Its contextual
interpretation is probably in spite of the facts just mentioned.

Levinson 1983:85 notes: Since discourse unfolds in time, it seems natural
that time-deictic words can be used to refer to portions of the discourse.
The rest of the problem is almost completely broken, but it is quite clear
that the author of the problem wanted the student to make a calculation of work
and wages for the four men.
Metzler 2002:761 discusses the forms of the Present in this text and comes
to the conclusion that the present time reference of a-la-qi
-ku and i-ip-pu-u is
slightly more likely than the representation of auf die Vergangenheit beschrnk-
te[r] Gewohnheit. Still, it is possible that inanna
favours the past-time reference
of both verbs, though my interpretation does not demand it.
S. Loesov, T-Perfect in Old Babylonian: The Debate and a Thesis 101

(20) 2 GEME
.ME a-da-aq-di-im tu-a-bi-lam-ma 1 GEME
tu-ut-ti i-na-an-na 2 GEME
ub-lu-nim 1 GEME
Last year you sent me two maids, and one maid has died.
NOW they brought me two maids, one (of them) has died.
ARMT X, 39:1519.

The contextual interpretation of inanna here is probably so/in this way.
For another example of inanna
in narrative epistolary context, see
(31) below.
is also used with the performative Preterite:

(20a) ki-ma un-ne-du-uk-ki ta-am-ma-ru A.A
a-a-ti a-na PN-ma
i-di-in a-li-ik i-na-an-na a-pu-ra-ak-ku i-ri-im-ma TA-pu-ul-u

When you read my letter, give the said eld to PN. Go,
hereby I prescribe you: be careful in satisfying his claim! AbB
4, 57:1116.

Turning to inanna
: the incompatibility of temporal deictic inanna

with iprus shows that the other three indicative tenses and the injunctive
forms are jointly opposed to iprus.
I will rst consider inanna
, used with EPf and injunctives. It appears
at the turn to the operative part of letters and within it.
to the present moment of the addressee, i.e. to the time of reading.
Thus, in (3) i-na-na a-nu-um-ma Bu-ri-ia a-a
-ar-da-ak-kum EPf aardakkum
depicts the action of sending (the writers future) as the past from the ret-
rospective point of view of the observer (here the addressee), while inanna

Durand 2000:398 seems to be right when he claims (against ARMT X,
p. 73) that in the quoted lines the author states twice her message about the sin-
gle dispatch of maids and the death of one of them. However, I do not under-
stand what this text has to do with the sense fondamental dinanna qui oppose
ce qui aurait d tre la ralit (Durand 2000, ibid.).
CAD 101a and the Edition suggest that apulu is to be read.
What I call the operative part is die Initiative (EPf) and die Auffor-
derung (injunctives) in terminology of Sallaberger 1999:146ff. My term is meant
to evoke associations with the suggestive English expressions operative words
and operative clauses, especially in their legal uses.
102 Articles: Ancient Near Eastern Studies

points to the time of observation (here the reading of the letter).
phically represented (MS = the moment of speaking):

MS (writer) aardakkum inanna (observer)

In other words, the temporal values of both inanna and aardakkum
are shifted to the addressee, but, against Leong 1994, inanna does not lo-
cate (i.e. temporalize) the aardakkum fact, i.e. (so Leong 1994:194) the
event component of the EPf. Actually, inanna temporalizes the resultative
component of EPf as placed at the moment of observation, see below at
the end of 2.1 and 2.8.
In (6) i-na-an-na um-ma KU
.BABBAR u-bi-lam um-ma u
-la-u-ma me-
i-ir up-pi
-ia u-bi-lam, Now either send me the silver, or, alternatively,
send me a reply to my tablet, inanna gets the same temporal interpreta-
tion as in (3) but, unlike in (3), it is simultaneous with the temporal refer-
ence of the verb forms (the imperatives), which is future by denition.

Graphically represented:

MS (writer) inanna bilam (observer)

Thus, inanna
displays the same kind of temporal deictic projection to
the addressee as e.g. used to be the case with both the addressee-oriented
now and the present progressive tense of the sign at Checkpoint Char-
By contrast, inanna
in (12) an-na i-na-an-na tu-sa-ar-ra-ra u
ku-nu ta-at-ta-na-ab-ba-la, Indeed, now you tell lies and take care (only)
of yourselves points to the time at which atelic processes denoted by both
tusarrar and tattanabbal cross the temporal point of view which is the
moment of speaking/writing.

The notions of observer and of secondary (=observer-oriented) deixis are
essential for the study of grammatical semantics, see e.g. Fillmore 1982 (spatial
deixis), Apresian 1986 (ditto), Paducheva 1996 (tense).
Cf. also OBTIV 14:8 i-na-na TUG
tu-ma-ra-am u-bi-lam now send me the
tumarum garment.
is to be distinguished from addressee-oriented ar inanna right
now, occurring only in the letter head within the same conventional greeting:
AbB 1, 52:6; 3, 40:6; 52:6; 10, 104:8, see AHw. 1182b.
S. Loesov, T-Perfect in Old Babylonian: The Debate and a Thesis 103

Let us turn to inanna
, singled out through its combination with
non-epistolary iptaras:

(1) i-na-an-na a-um GU
.UN u-u-ra-at an-ni-i at-ta-an-sa-
Now I have been blamed here, because the (payment of)
tribute is overdue.

The example is interesting because this one is an information letter, so
inanna + Perf. does not introduce the PROBLEM part in the sense of W.
Sallaberger. In other words, its usage is not motivated by or restricted to
a strong/marked place in the epistolary structure.
It cannot be stressed too much that the appearance of a verb form in
letters depends on the epistolary structure, which is sometimes very rig-
idly observed. Still, ultimately it is the intrinsic grammatical meaning of a
verb form that is responsible for the stereotyped usage.
Sallaberger 1999 in a table on p. 145 brings three deviating exam-
ples of preterites rather than perfects in the context of inanna within the
PROBLEM part of the complaints quoted in the letters of Hammurapi:
Themainanna Problem (Prt.) IX 190, XIII 14. 22
. In AbB 13, 22:14
it-ba-[al] is notoriously ambiguous. In AbB 13, 14:21 the negated preterite
-ul id-di-nu-nim is the only verb form used in the context of inanna and
therefore is the negative alloform of the Perfect (see 2.6). AbB 9, 190:13
18 reads as follows: i-na-an-na PN A.A
-am a id-di-nu-um u
-ul i-ri-i a-na
ir-re-e-i-im id-di-in-ma LU
ir-re-e-[u] i-ri-u, Now PN did not culti-
vate the eld that they had given to him/do not cultivate the eld they
gave to him. He gave (it) to the farmer(s), and farmers cultivate (it). The
writings i-ri-i and i-ri-u are ambiguous. I think thatagainst the Edi-
tionboth forms may well be Presents and that syntactic considerations
strongly support this reading for i-ri-u, cf. my discussions of iparras as the
last verb in the STORY/PROBLEM linear verbal sequence (2.2 and Ex-
cursus III). The verb eru cultivate in this context may have atelic
meaning. If these suggestions are justied, the cultivating/not cultivating
of the eld are the only facts obtaining at the moment of observation, and
what we have here is inanna

Wherever necessary, I provide the examples quoted above with new trans-
lations meant to secure correct semantic interpretations of the iptaras forms.
These interpretations will be justied presently.
104 Articles: Ancient Near Eastern Studies

(5) i-na-an-na ITI.1.KAM im-ta-la u
-ul KU
.BABBAR tu-ub-
lam u
-ul e
-em-ka tu-te-er-ra-am
Now one month has elapsed (but) you have neither brought
the money nor sent me your report.

The perfect imtala shows that a state resulting from a past-time fact
holds at the moment of observation that coincides with the coding time
and is indicated by inanna, while negated preterites are negative alloforms
of perfects. The reasons and grammatical implications of restricted com-
patibility of iptaras with negations are discussed in 2.6 and Excursus IV.

(11) i-na-an-na a-di IG-la-tim ta-a-a
Now you have been sending me cripples.
Same comment on inanna iptaras.

-na-na a-na a-wa-ti-ki
(?)-[ni a-]-
Now I have paid attention to your words.
Same comment.

(15) i-na-an-na Ia-am-nu-nu i-ti-ib um-ti-iq
Now the Jamnunite has grown old and has become feeble.
Same comment.

The separation of inanna
and inanna
sometimes seems articial, but
the comparison of inanna
with inanna
makes the distinction advanced
here quite plausible: inanna
is a temporal adverb pointing to the pre-
sent moment of the speaker (though it may sometimes also possess ana-
phoric or situation-deictic force), while inanna
is not. According to the
usual pattern of differences between adverbs with extralinguistic refer-
ence and metatextual words, inanna
is not used in interrogative sen-
tences and subordinate clauses.
Sallaberger 1999:146 n. 204 offers an interesting observation:
der Lektre von Briefen scheint sich anzudeuten, da inanna auch/vor-
wiegend text-deiktisch, anumma hingegen (nur?) situations-deiktisch
gebraucht wird. The observation is sharp, if a bit enigmatic; perhaps the

It seems to be not limited to the Initiative, i.e. to the part of the letter
containing verbs of sending.
S. Loesov, T-Perfect in Old Babylonian: The Debate and a Thesis 105

conclusions reached in the present paper do not seriously contradict it,
and see my analysis of anumma in 2.7 below.
The compatibility of iptaras with inanna
is a strong argument in fa-
vour of the PERFECT nature of iptaras: in its prototypical use, iptaras in-
cludes the zero time in its referential interval, i.e. the resultative compo-
nent of iptaras coincides with the moment of speaking while its action

component is prior to it. As a counterpart to this evidence, iptaras is not
used in the context of past time adverbials with any noticeable frequency,
because these provide a past reference point for verbal predicates and de-
tach them from the zero-point.

I have checked AbB 4, AbB 12, and AbB 13 for verb forms in the con-
text of past-time adverbials with the KAM element and found no exam-
ples of the Perfect. Maloney 1982:254 believes to have found one such
example: MU 15.KAM PN i-ta-ka-al, and PN lived (supporting himself
with this eld) for fteen years (AbB 4, 69:39f.). The text makes it clear
that this 15-years span is separated from the coding time by several years
lled with all kinds of activities described in the letter and constituting the
actual cause of the complaint, therefore i-ta-ka-al is most probably a Gtn
preterite takkal, because it is Gtn Preterite and not G Perfect that is rou-
tinely used to express this kind of tempo-aspectual sense, i.e. a past period
(explicitly detached from the moment of speaking) within which a certain
fact is presented as lasting or habitual. Cf. e.g. propositionally quite simi-
lar AbB 4, 96:59 A.A
PN MU 2.KAM i-te-er-ri-i-ma e-u il-te-eq-qi

PN was cultivating this eld and taking its barley for two years; ditto
AbB 4, 160:17f.

Still another example shows that one does not have to make a cult of
temporal adverbials.

Action is used here in non-technical sense to include all semantic types of
verbal predicates.
Past time adverbs block the use of PERFECT in some (probably in most) lan-
guages and do not in some others, see e.g. Dahl 1985:137f. Especially Swedish and
Norwegian are often reported to use their present perfect tenses in the context of
exact chronological indications when the latter appear in communicative focus.
One possible example of addaqdam last year + Perfect D zen is the fol-
lowing: a-ad-da-aq-dam it-ti-ka ka-la-ma tu-uz-za-an-ni u
a-at-ta-am a-di i-na-an-na
mi-im-ma u
-ul tu-a-bi-lam, Last year you made everybody angry with yourself,
and this year until now you have not sent anything to me (AbB 1, 108:36). Is it
attraction of the perfect grammatical meaning from the next clause? Alterna-
tively, the reading as medial Dt preterite also seems to t the contents (see 4
106 Articles: Ancient Near Eastern Studies

(21) ki-am i-pur-am um-ma u-u
-ma a-na GN a-[t]a-a[p-p]a-ra-
[am] [ki]-a-am i-p[u-ra-am] i-tu i-pu-ra-[am] U
PN a-ar-da-ak-k[um]
He wrote me the following: I kept sending to GN This is
what he wrote me. Since he has written me ten days have
passed. I have sent you PN
AbB 13, 82:716.

The reference time of the perfect imtal is the moment of speaking
and not the temporal clause itu ipuram. U
10.KAM temporalizes the
narrated fact (denoted by ipuram in the preceding main and temporal
clauses) vis--vis the moment of speaking, with which the resultative com-
ponent of imtal coincides, while in the former examples (see the under-
lined portions) similar time adverbials by themselves temporalize the TC
facts, there is no reference to the coding time. This peculiarity of AbB 13,
82 is perhaps due to the lexical semantics of mal and to this verbs place
in the letter.
Provided the restoration in (23) below is correct, the following are the
only examples I know of past time temporal clauses followed by MC ipta-
ras forms whose medial t-preterite reading is excluded (see 4 of this pa-
per for references to texts where I think medial reading of t-forms collo-
cated with past-time adverbials is admissible and perhaps preferable on
syntactic grounds).

(22) ki-ma up-pa-ku-nu e-mu-u
a-na a-wi-le-e a ba-ab E
[lim u
-a]-re-[e] ka-li-u-nu a-ta-[pa-ar] u
a-na E
up-pa-am u-ta-bi-il
As soon as I heard your letter, I have dispatched the young
men, all of them, to the men (who are) at the door of the
palace and have sent a letter to the palace. (The operative
part injunctives follow.) LH 2:712.

(23) [ki-ma tu]-uk-ka e-mu-u
a-na mu-u
-i ul-li-a-tim a-na
GN a-ap-li-i u-ta-bi-il-i-na-ti
When I heard the warning, I have sent them to those in
lower GN. (Let them remain <there> for a year!) AbB 1,

Most probably an EPf.
S. Loesov, T-Perfect in Old Babylonian: The Debate and a Thesis 107

In these cases, the context of the epistolary structure (i.e. the immedi-
ate vicinity of the operative part) proves stronger than that of temporal

2.2. The primary meaning of iptaras. iptaras and iprus
In his structural analysis of Hammurapi-correspondence, Sallaberger
1999:144f. locates non-EPf inanna + iptaras as introducing the
PROBLEM part of a letter, which will be true for most (and perhaps for
all) uses of inanna
in HL, because their structure is rather rigid. This
usage is rooted in the basic meaning of iptaras.
To explain the meaning of iptaras I have to introduce the notion of
speakers time (T
), i.e. the time span that the speaker perceives as ex-
tending all the way up to the moment of speaking, not detached from it. T

can be metaphorically described as the speakers present expanded past-
Thus, in the English sentence I have lived (/I have been living) in
Moscow for the last twenty years these last twenty years constitute T

In the deictic register (see presently), the meaning of non-EPf ipta-
ras in main clauses may be described as follows: a past fact time (T
) de-
noted by iptaras is included in T
, while the time of observation is the
moment of speaking: T
, i.e. iptaras is used if the speaker presents
the reported fact and the moment of speaking as belonging to the same
temporal span within which the reported fact is situated prior to the
moment of speaking.

Excursus II: interpretation registers of the nite verb
In the deictic (or discourse) register, the temporal interpretation of nite
verb forms derives rst and foremost from the moment of speaking, while
in the narrative register the moment of speaking plays no part in the inter-

For the view of the English present perfect as situating past events within
the extended now of the speaker see McCoard 1978. T
as dened here is very
close to the time of the speaker as introduced in Apresian 1986 to explain the
difference between past time perfective vs. past time imperfective aspect of the
Russian verb in certain types of contexts.
Here I am interested in the past-wise direction of T
(the moment of speak-
ing is the zero-point), but T
can also expand future-wise, as e.g. in the English
sentence I am living in London for six years, which, according to Close
1979:250, is acceptable if it is intended to mean I am going to live in London for
that period, or in sentences like I leave tomorrow or I am playing tennis this
afternoon, where not yet existing but scheduled facts are included in T
108 Articles: Ancient Near Eastern Studies

pretation of a nite form, because it is replaced by the current moment of
the narrated (= textual) time.
Linguistics has no uniform terminology to describe this opposition.
Benveniste 1966 (rst published in 1959), who seems to be the one who
rst described this phenomenon, distinguishes in French between plan du
discours and plan du rcit. This discovery was facilitated by the fact than in
French, unlike in Akkadian, some of the indicative tense forms appear in
complementary distribution depending only on the register of interpreta-
I feel that the traditional distinction of Principal/Primary vs. Histori-
cal/Secondary tenses in the Latin grammar also has much to do with this
Lyons 1977:688 employs the terms historical and experiential de-
scription, the latter mode is related to the dynamic, deictic, subjective
conception of time.
According to Dahl 1985:112, a sentence occurs in a narrative context
if the temporal point of reference (in Reichenbachs sense) is determined
by the point in time at which the last event related in the preceding con-
text took place. This makes the narrative use of PERFECT, that pos-
sesses an external reference point, rare and mostly destined to convey
special stylistic effects. For iptaras in narratives see 2.3 below.
In this paper I adhere freely to the terminology of Elena Paducheva
(Paducheva 1996), who elaborated on the theories of Benveniste and
some other scholars in her research into the imperfective aspect of the
Russian verb and into the semantics of narrative.

Modern Russian does not have indicative temporal forms used in one
of the registers to the exclusion of the other, and same is true of OB Ak-
kadian, while languages whose strong deictic tense is beyond doubt (e.g.
Classical Latin, literary Spanish, or English) often have a rich repertoire
of indicative nite verb forms, partly in complementary distribution de-
pending on the register of interpretation, and a developed consecutio tem-
porum. Most probably, the lack of complementary distribution means that
the deictic (= absolute) tense is rather weak in OB. But the deictic tense is
not completely absent from the OB verbal semantics, since, as I will show
in this paper, iptaras does have meanings that depend entirely on the reg-
ister of interpretation, and the same is possibly true (though to a lesser
degree) of iparras, see below.
The opposition of both registers holds not only for the verbal tense,
but also for most of the shifter elements of language. Thus, in OB letters
S. Loesov, T-Perfect in Old Babylonian: The Debate and a Thesis 109

the discourse deictic inanna
appears mostly in narrative contexts and
may be described as a narrative projection
of the temporal deictic adver-
bial inanna
: in this case the narrative projection creates a new lexical
The concept of deictic vs. narrative registers of interpretation as em-
ployed in this study is not identical to the well-known distinction of Nar-
rative vs. Comment (erzhlte und besprochene Welt) which was devel-
oped by H. Weinrich and enjoyed partial reception both in Assyriology

and Old Testament Studies.
H. Weinrich studies only written texts
(mostly modern ction) and excludes tense and aspect from his
Textgrammatik, replacing them by notions of his text-linguistics. Con-
trary to his approach, this study tries to establish the functions of OB ipta-
ras starting from the canonical situation of utterance (in so far as it can be
reconstructed from our written records of OB Akkadian) and therefore
takes the notion of verbal tense as primarily the grammaticalized expres-
sion of speaker-oriented temporal relations very earnestly.

* * *

The predominantly temporal interpretation of iptaras suggested here
is somewhat different from the current relevance approach, since some-
times past facts that would seem to be currently relevant for the writer
are rendered by iprus or paris.

This term is introduced in Paducheva 1996.
See Streck 1999b:85, Metzler 2002:312314 (with numerous reservations).
See e.g. Talstra (ed.) 1995.
I believe H. Weinrich was not mistaken when he claimed: [Benveniste]
versteht darunter (by both planesS. L.) zwei verschiedene Ausdrucksregister,
die sich zueinander komplementr verhalten. Von den Phnomenen, jedoch
nicht unbedingt von der Methode her gesehen, mag man diese beiden Register
mit den Kategorien des Besprechens und Erzhlens identizieren, die in diesem
Buch verwendet werden (Weinrich 1985:224). Still the concept of both planes
can be employed to reveal semantic differences of formally identical nite verb
forms in canonical situation of utterance and narrative (including Ich-Er-
zhlung),and this is what I try to do in the present study, while Weinrichs
Textlinguistik seems to work in the opposite direction: H. Weinrich applies the
same semantic category of Sprechperspektive (I believe it replaces the traditional
tense) to both commented upon and narrated worlds, laying bare basic text-
structural features shared by both of them. The present paper is concerned with
verbs grammatical meanings in different linguistic settings, while H. Weinrichs
Textlinguistik studies the way verb forms shape literary texts.
110 Articles: Ancient Near Eastern Studies


(24) 1 UDU.NITA
KI Nu-ur
MAR.TU el-qi
-ma a-na A-pil-
ku-bi A
.TAM ad-di-in 1 UDU.NITA
dam-qa-am a-na Nu-ur
MAR.TU i-di-in
I have taken one sheep from Nur-Amurrum and given it to
the administrator Apil-Kubi. Give one good sheep to Nur-
Amurrum! LH 7:37.

The imperative idin give! opening the operative part of the letter
shows that the facts expressed by el-qi
-ma ad-di-in are currently rele-
vant for the author, since it is these facts that stipulate his demand.
Both preterites (elqe-ma addin) appear in the part of LH 7 that is
identical to W. Sallabergers auftretendes Problem as dened by him
for HL,
where one expects and does often nd iptaras. Now we see that
in the PROBLEM the choice between iptaras and iprus depends on the
speakers decision (cf. also Excursus III), therefore the Preterite can be
used both in the deictic and narrative registers. In the deictic register, the
Preteritein contradistinction to the Perfectdenotes a past fact not in-
cluded in T
but still viewed from the temporal point at which the mes-
sage is delivered.
This matches the generalization suggested by . Dahl in his study of
tense and aspect systems across languages: If narrative and non-nar-
rative contexts differ with respect to the marking of temporal distance, it
will be the non-narrative contexts that exhibit the largest number of dis-
tinctions (Dahl 1985:127).

A-pil-ku-bi GUR u
-ku-ul-ta-am i-ri-a-an-ni GUR E di-[ke-e] ar-i-i[ i-di-in-u]

Apil-kubi has asked me for one kor of bread. Raise one kor
of barley and give it quickly to him! LH 11:411.

Same comment.

The analysis of Sallaberger 1999:137149 is structural (in the sense of literary
criticism) rather than grammatical. His research makes it clear that in order to use OB
letters for the study of the verbal system one has to understand the letters structure.
The continuation makes the restoration quite certain, cf. a ar-i-i na-da-
n[im] e-pu-u make a point of giving quickly, ll. 15f.
S. Loesov, T-Perfect in Old Babylonian: The Debate and a Thesis 111

Note that i-ri-a-an-ni is most probably not a present (~ PN demands
from me) because in OB letters the Present of telic verbs is hardly ever
used to denote facts simultaneous with the coding time.

(26) a-um GU
.APIN a a-du-up-pe
-e-e[m KI] be-li
a-na pa-
qa-di-im i-pu-ra-an-ni a-na be-li
-ia ki-a-am aq-bi um-ma a-na-a-
-ma GIR
a a-du-up-pe
-e-em KI a-li-iq u
-ul i-
ba-a-i GU
.APIN u-u
i-na qa-ti KA.GUR
-ma ma-an-nu-um
Concerning the plough-ox of aduppum. My lord gave me a
written order to assign (it). I answered to my lord as follows:
The governor of aduppum has disappeared, he is not available. The
said plough-ox is in the hands of the granary-supervisor. Who (then) is
supposed to supply it (= the ox)? LH 1:38.

The lines italicized and put into inverted commas in the translation are
quotation from the writers previous letter, where aliq is a predicate within
the PROBLEM part, while the authors question is the operative part of the
quoted letter: the writer demands instructions from his superior. ul ibai
joins in asyndetically and restates the aliq fact, creating a rhetorical effect.
Still tempo-aspectual values of both predicates are perhaps not identical:
aliq has resultative meaning, while ul ibai is a true prexed stative.
is grammaticalized in OB via iptaras, while notional current rele-
vance of a fact prior to the delivery of a given message may be associated
with iprus, iptaras, or paris and consequently has no grammatical expres-
sion of its own. One may of course conjecture that current relevance ap-
pears as an implicature of iptaras being included in T
It is clear that the notions of T
and current relevance are closely re-
lated and to play off one against the other sometimes looks articial as far
as the usage of the Perfect is concerned. Both notions belong in the study
of subjectivity in language in general and in the research into the verbs
grammatical semantics within the deictic register in particular. Still, the
numerous cases of currently relevant Preterites and Statives may justify
the distinction drawn here.
In what follows, I assume that T
as the basic meaning of iptaras
presupposes that the respective past action (in the above non-technical
sense) is analyzed by the language into a fact component and resultative
component, which latter is temporalized at the temporal point at which
the respective message is delivered. This view implies that currently
112 Articles: Ancient Near Eastern Studies

relevant Preterites and Statives have semantic structures different from
that of the Perfect: iprus facts are not regarded as having a resultative
component at the zero time; for paris, see 2.6 below.
Thus, my view of the primary meaning of iptaras is basically in conti-
nuity with Goetze 1936 and opposed to ideas developed by M. P. Streck
and K. A. Metzler.

My understanding of iptaras remains within the stan-
dard concept of the PERFECT as a verb form with a complex temporal
structure: the PERFECT relates the fact time to a reference time in a way
the deictically used PRETERITE does not.

In epistolary literature it is in certain cases a matter of writers discre-
tion to include a fact in his subjective past or not. A close investigation
of all the available evidence might reveal distributional rules of some kind
and shed more light on the nature of both verb forms. GAG 156e pro-
vides for the Belieben des Sprechers in the transition from the Preterite
to the Perfect, but offers no cogent examples.

At this point, a look at LH 5 will help us to follow the interplay of ipta-
ras with a whole set of OB verb forms, both indicative and injunctive:

a-na Tu-tu-ub-ma-gir
um-ma be-el-ka-a-ma
li-ib-bu GABA.RA
i-tu-lam ki-
a-am a-ba-at
um-ma a-na-ku-u
-ma an-na mu-un-na-ab-tu im-ti-
a a-na ka-ap-ri-u i-la-ku
a-di ka-ni-ki la na-u-
la i-la-ak
an-ni-tam a-ba-at-ma ak-ki-am a-pu-ra-kum
i-na-an-na GABA.RA
a ka-ni-ki u
ka-ap-ri-u li-i-ib-ma
-su u
-u li-mu-ur
a-di wa-

The PERFECT is often described diachronically as the resultative underway
to becoming a past tense. See e. g. Maslov 1962:30ff.; Comrie 1976:52f.; Plungian
2000:299. Maslov 1988: 67f. writes: [T]he resultative is one of the aspects of
the verb. It is a special perfect aspect which does not correspond either to the
Slavic PF.ASP. or to the IMPF.ASP. When it denotes a state, i.e. a certain dura-
tion, it may be akin to the Slavic IMPF.ASP. and may easily be replaced by the
IMPF.ASP. of an appropriate verb. [] As the actional perfect departs further
and further from the statal perfect (= resultativeS. L.), it stops being an aspect
and develops other meaningsthose of taxis and of a relative tense.
In the languages of the world, a choice between two verb forms is sometimes
conditioned by the speakers subjective attitudes only, all the other parameters of
the context being equal. In English, in certain types of contexts the choice between
the preterite and the present perfect depends on whether the speaker is somehow
thinking of the present when reporting the past situation (Declerck 1997:62). In
Spanish, the forms of subjunctive and indicative moods alternate in a few types of
syntactic surroundings depending solely on the speakers propositional attitude.
S. Loesov, T-Perfect in Old Babylonian: The Debate and a Thesis 113

a-bu b[i-il]-tum
lu i-ta-ku-na-at
i-na pa-ni at-lu-ki-u
E-x-x a-na E
li-ir-de-e-u-ma u
a-na i-di-
u li-ib-lam
a ka-ni-ki la na-u-u
na wa-a-bi-im la ta-na-ad-di-um
a-na i-ri-ia u-ri-a-a-u

To Tutub-Magir speak! This is what your lord says:

Among the riders, fugitives became numerous, so this is
what I decided upon reection:

Indeed, fugitives have become numerous. A rider who in-
tends to go to his village must not go while he does not have a
document with my seal.

I have decided as follows (lit. this), and consequently I pre-
scribe to you (the two following things): (1) From now on riders
who will show you the document with my seal may live in their
village(s) and take care of their houses and their elds;
and as
long as they live (there), there shall be established a regularly paid
Before any of them leaves, PN
should lead him to the
Palace, and in this case
he (= the rider) should bring here
with himself the document with my seal.
(2) The one who comes to you without the document with
my sealdo not allow him to settle! Conduct him to me!

The text starts in the narrative register with two preterites imd and
abat, only to switch to the discourse (= deictic) register, introduced by
the performative egocentric particular anna, which selects the perfect
imtd as the verb form for subjective past.
Then the kernel of the

An erased sign.
The reading (including restorations), where it deviates from Goetze 1958:21,
mostly follows Markina 2003:37.
The writer is I-ba-al-pi-el, the king of Eshnunna, Tu-tu-ub-ma-gir is most
probably a governor of aduppm, a small town within the reign of Eshnunna,
now buried in Tell Abu Harmal (Baghdad), cf. Goetze 1956:1f., Goetze 1958:1.
i-tu-lam might be an adverbial accusative, lit. through reection, while
mum was probably implied as the direct object of abtum (cf. AHw. 1068b).
For the justication of this translation, see 3.1 below.
GAG, 132c*.
An ad sensum translation of the Gtn Stative of aknum.
Cf. Finet 1955 82k.
Already Benveniste 1966:242 allowed for this kind of switches: La distinc-
tion que nous faisons entre rcit historique et discours ne concide donc nulle-
ment avec celle entre langue crite et langue parle. Lnonciation historique est
rserve aujourdhui la langue crite. Mais le discours est crit autant que par-
114 Articles: Ancient Near Eastern Studies

kings decision follows, expressed by the Prohibitive l illak. The (future)
time within which the prohibition is valid is also the time of the state of
having no document. anntam abat-ma belongsin spite of the preter-
itein the discourse register, as is shown by the choice of the egocentric
demonstrative pronoun anntam rather than of an anaphoric pronoun. A
restatement of the previously narrated fact in the narrative register would
probably sound *a abatu or *a abatam this is what I decided. apurak-
kum is used here as a performative verb introducing the full text of the
royal decree (= the operative part of the letter), whose last four lines also
deserve our attention.
a ka-ni-ki la na-u-u
-ma it-ta-al-ka-ak-kum is a relative clause preceding
its antecedent (here postcedent) -um in l. 23. This relative clause is it-
self a complex sentence with a subject clause a ka-ni-ki la na-u-u
one who does not have the document with my seal. The -ma of na-u-u
ma indicates the rheme within the relative clause. Semantically the whole
is of course a conditional structure: If the one who comes to you does
not have the document with my seal, do not allow him to settle! Cf. a
similar headless relative clause in CH XI 14:

(28) a i-a-ab-tu-ma i-li-ik-u it-ta-al-ku u-ma i-il-la-ak
He who has taken (it) and has performed its duty (= the
duty related to the holding of real estate), it is he who
shall/will perform (it).

Both the likely pragmatic perspective of the relative clause and the si-
multaneity of the facts expressed by l na and ittalkakkum support my in-
terpretation rather than the consecutio temporum l na ittalkakkum, and
the epistolary nature of the perfect
ittalkakkum makes this interpretation
even more plausible, since the EPf can hardly ever follow a stative with a
cataphoric -ma. This EPf is unusual: it stands in a relative clause, it denotes
anteriority to the future action (l tanaddium) of the addressee, i.e. it be-
haves somewhat like future-reference perfects in temporal and umma-
clauses (see 3.1, 2 below), while normal EPfs denote facts which are lo-

l. Dans la pratique on passe de lun lautre instantanment. [] Le propre du langage
est de permettre ces transfers instantans (italics added).
This is hardly a Gt preterite: in l. 17 atlukum denotes the movement away
from the addressee, consequently here we expect the allative meaning, sup-
ported also by the ventive. This perfect is epistolary because its deictic force is
shifted to the addressee.
S. Loesov, T-Perfect in Old Babylonian: The Debate and a Thesis 115

cated in the writers future and in the addressees past. This usage might be
due to the conditional nuance of the relative clause.
The sequence munnabt imd-ma abat anna munnabt imtd
(ll. 47) proves that in the deictic register the appearance of iptaras has
nothing to do with the assyriological consecutio temporum (~ Fortschrei-
ten, zeitlicher Progress, Nachzeitigkeit). Both imd and imtd refer to the
same extralinguistic fact but interpret it differently vis--vis the speaker.
This is not the only example of such usage. Here follows the complete
text of a suit as quoted in a letter of Hammurapi:

(29) ki-a-am u
-lam-mi-da-an-ni um-ma u-ma A.A
a-bi-ia a
i-tu u
-mi ma-du-tim a-ab-ta-nu
DUMU a-bi-ia-tum ib-qu
UTU-a-zi-ir a-lum u

i-bu-tum iz-zi-zu wa-ar-ka-at A.A
-im u-a-ti ip-ru-su
-ma ki-ma
A-bi-ia-tum a-bi GETU
-am u-a-ti la i-ba-tu
-um u-u
i-bi-it-ni-ma u
-bi-ir-ru-nim-ma up-pa-am id-di-
nu-nim u
i-na up-pi
-im a id-di-nu-nim
A-bi-a-tum a-bi
.LAL [a-na] i-bu-tim a-e
-er i-na-an-na GETU
DUMU A-bi-ia-tum A.A
-li ib-ta-aq-ra-an-ni u
e-e i-na-a-a-ar
ki-a-am u
He communicated me the following, in his own words: ep-
Sin the Deaf, son of Abiyatum, claimed from me the patri-
monial eld that we hold for a long time. Then ama-hazir,
the City, and the elders presented themselves. They exam-
ined the factual evidence regarding this eld and conrmed
that Abiyatum the father of the Deaf had not held the said
eld, (that on the contrary) the said eld (had always been)
our holding, and they gave me a document (to this effect).
And in the document they gave me, Abiyatum the father of
the Deaf is entered as a witness! Now ep-Sin the Deaf, son
of Abiyatum has claimed my eld and keeps the barley.

This is what he communicated to me. AbB 4, 40:621.

This text was listed in Streck 1999:110 (68) as an example of iptaras
within zeitlicher Progress der Vorzeitigkeit. M. P. Streck believes that
inanna in AbB 4, 38:1314; 40:1819; 108:1316 is a Progressweiser

This text shows very clearly that in some cases, as noted above, the time-
deictic inanna has also meta-communicative function.
116 Articles: Ancient Near Eastern Studies

standing between iprus and iptaras and functionally equivalent to conjunc-
tions -ma and u. Still, in AbB 4, 40 the last non-subordinate predicate be-
fore inanna iptaras is not a Pret. iddinnim they gave me (as it is sup-
posed to be according to the pattern advanced by M. P. Streck and as his
reader is made to believe) but aer is entered (in the list of witnesses),
left out by M. P. Streck from the quoted text. Another fact disturbing
M. P. Strecks theory is that in this text the verbal chain is not closed by
inanna + iptaras: 1819. i-na-an-na PN
-li ib-ta-aq-ra-an-
ni, Jetzt hat der Taube, Sohn des A., mein Feld (wieder) von mir vin-
diziert (M. P. Strecks translation) but continues with a present: 20. u
e i-na-a-a-ar, i.e. now PN
son of PN
has claimed my eld from me and
(as a consequence) he keeps (my) barley. Again, M. P. Streck leaves u
e i-na-a-a-ar out, which allows him to place the Perfect ibtaqranni within
zeitlicher Progress der Vorzeitigkeit, the only regular function his
theory provides for the non-epistolary Perfect in main clauses.

Streck 1999 found 16 such cases within his corpus of 195 HL. Streck
1999:114 also lists 8 cases of main clauses past-time iptaras without a preceding
iprus and explains them as an innovative feature of spoken OB used consciously
as a stylistic device: Der Wechsel von isoliertem iptaras innerhalb der direkten
Rede und iprus auerhalb der direkten Rede lt sich damit erklren, da der
Briefstil es erfordert, die direkte Rede im Gegensatz zur Sprachebene des Texts
auerhalb der direkten Rede durch Elemente der Umgangssprache zu charak-
terisieren. Vereinfacht und berspitzt knnen wir von einer Opposition zwischen
gesprochener und geschriebener Sprache sprechen (p. 117f.). It is true that all
the 8 examples singled out by M. P. Streck stand in the utterances quoted by
Hammurapi, still the utterances of Hammurapi and those of the persons he
quotes share two features: they are direct speeches and they are written communi-
cations: aum a tapuram is explicitly stated in AbB 4, 19:4; kam ulammidanni (4
times) is a common way to introduce quotations from complaints in HL; kam
iqbiam (twice: AbB 2, 3; 26) and kam mariya ikun (AbB 4, 13) are ambiguous if
we grant that Hammurapi in his letters processed oral complaints. This usage of
iptaras is equally well explainable by the T
thesis or by the current rele-
vance theory: the only foregrounded verb (isoliertes iptaras!) within a quoted
complaint is likely to be a Perf. A parade example of this usage is AbB 4, 12:411,
as quoted and translated in Streck 1999:114 among his isolated iptaras: I. nrum
rakbm kam ulammidanni umma ma S. u A. a abja eql ibtaqrninni kam ulammi-
danni I., der Snger, ein Berittener, hat mir folgendes mitgeteilt: S. und A., die
Brder meines Vaters, haben mein Feld von mir vindiziert. Das hat er mir mit-
geteilt. M. P. Strecks examples (p. 120) meant to show that iprus can be success-
fully used in the same type of environment are irrelevant because none of the
adduced preterites is an isolated predicate introducing the gist of the matter
(most typically, of a quoted complaint), as is the case in AbB 4, 12:411. Sallaber-
S. Loesov, T-Perfect in Old Babylonian: The Debate and a Thesis 117

An unbiased reading of this letter makes it clear (against M. P. Streck)
that ib-ta-aq-ra-an-ni in l. 19 refers to the same fact that ib-qu
-ra-an-ni in l.9.
Summing up: In the discourse register, the temporal opposition of
non-negated Preterite and the Perfect is that of the simple past vs. the
PERFECT as outlined above.
In Reichenbachian terms, E S, R would
describe temporal values of both the Perfect in pre-present MC and the
deictic Preterite as used e.g. in (24) and (25).
But it is to be stressed that
past time adverbials do provide an additional reference time for the dis-
course iprus, in this case the Reichenbachian notation for iprus would be
different from that for iptaras: R, E S, cf. BUR
.3.IKU A.A

MU.4.KAM PN i-ki-ma-an-ni-ma e-u il-te-ne-eq-qi
Four years ago, PN
took away from me the three-bur eld and keeps appropriating its bar-
ley. (AbB 4, 79:69 discussed below as 71). I believe that the preterite
kimanni is deictic rather than narrative because the zero-point for the
temporal relationships in this compound sentence is the moment of
speaking (i.e. of writing the complaint).

2.3. The Perfect in the narrative register
In narrative texts iptaras does not have the T
function, because, as
mentioned above, the moment of speaking does not participate in the in-
terpretation of verb forms in the narrative (against Metzler 2002:299ff.).
The function of iptaras in the narrative is text-structural, it is similar to the
narrative function of the Perfect in Ugaritic epic and Biblical Hebrew
Such use of the present perfect in English or of Perfekt in literary

ger 1999:145 makes an observation important for the present discussion: Inte-
ressanterweise bleibt das neue Ereignis, das Problem, bzw. die Eigenhandlung
im t-Perfekt stehen, auch wenn der vorhergehende Normalzustand gar nicht
ausgebreitet, sondern nur z.B. durch attributive Ergnzungen angedeutet wird.
Here I leave aspectual properties of iprus out of consideration.
This means that Reichenbachs apparatus is not sufcient to express this
temporal opposition.
See numerous studies of the wayyiql wawX qal construction in BH
prose, most recently Zevit 1998. For the Ugaritic evidence, see Tropper
2000:705ff. For most practical purposes, my interpretation does not go against
Metzler 2002:384481 (an analysis of iptaras within narrative), since in fact
K. A. Metzler always looks for some kind of compositional (erzhltechnisch)
justication for narrative perfects in epic texts, but, as we will see presently, per-
fects of rst person speeches of characters in the canonical situation of utterance
(in the narrated world of the respective epic) do not belong with narrative perfects
(against Metzler 2002). Besides, it is misleading to christen the compositional
118 Articles: Ancient Near Eastern Studies

19th-century German is hardly possible.
This narrative projection of ip-
taras shows that its deictic force was already weakened in OB. Let us con-
sider examples of the narrative Perfect in letters.

(30) <immediately after the letter-head and greeting> ki-ma
a-na Ar-ra-ap-i-im KI e-ru-ba-am a-ma-al-le-e ANE.I.A il-
-ma i-ta-li-iq u
a-na-ku am-ta-ra-a i-na na-pi
-tim e-li-i u

a a-na u-bu-lim a-na i
-ri-ka im-tu-ta-an-ni
When I entered Arrapha, my assistant took the donkeys and
ed away
As for me, I fell ill
and (almost) lost my life.

And my slave-girl to be sent to you died
. AbB 2, 87:611.

A new subject matter, introduced by ki-a-am ta-aq-bi um-ma at-ta-ma,
follows. In the continuation the author moves freely from reporting news
(telling another story) to making requests. Both i-ta-li-iq and am-ta-ra-a
are medial intransitive Gt preterites,
while im-tu-ta-an-ni is a composi-
tional perfect, rounding up a piece of narrative, the dativus incommodi
sense is rendered not by the t-form but rather by the adverbial accusative
(sic!) -anni.

(31) a-na-k[u] a-na mu-ba-al-li-it-tim na-e-e-em a-na Bi-da-a KI
a-pu-ur a-di mu-ba-al-li-it-tam u
-a-ak-i-du i-na a-ni-i-im u
mi-im UR.MA im-tu-ut MUNUS.UR.MA a-a-ti a-mu-ur i-
ba-at u
a-la-at i-na-an-na ki-ma UR.MA u-u
KU-u u
-ki-i-ma a-na u-ku-lim ad-di-i[n]

(text-structural) use of iptaras Perfekt des Fortschreitens because it is normally
used to round up a piece of narrative rather than to continue it.
The much-discussed last sentence of Goethes Werther, Kein Geistlicher hat
ihn begleitet, is no exception, since it signals the switch to the deictic register.
For examples of the Perfect in narrative epic texts, see Metzler 2002 and
5 of this paper.
The Edition has am-tam with a footnote: So, statt -tum. Still, the reading
might be tu
, cf. the reading of A.3206:17 dam-qa-tum
(UD), as suggested by
D. Charpin (but perhaps damqtu?) and quoted in MARI 7, p. 43, n. 10. Cf. also
RIME 4 p. 70 II 11.
Pret. Gt of alqu is neither in the dictionaries nor in Streck 2003, but see
e-li-i can hardly be anything but Pret. of el, although the writing is uncommon.
See 4 of this paper.
S. Loesov, T-Perfect in Old Babylonian: The Debate and a Thesis 119

I sent to Bidaha to fetch a cagebefore they brought me the
cage, the next day, the lion died. I saw that lionessshe was
old and sick. Now then, since that lion died, I had its skin
ayed and gave (its esh) as food. ARMT 14, 1:1420, 24f.

The Perfect imtt signals the end of the narrative about the lioness
fate, i.e. it is used in the epic way.

2.4. iptaras and paris
The currently relevant a-li-iq in LH 1 (quoted above as 26) prompts
one to compare provisionally the semantics of iptaras and paris.

Within the deictic register, the relationship between iptaras and paris of
telic high transitivity verbs of G-stem is mostly that of the (present)
PERFECT and the (present tense) objective resultative,
i.e. it is rather simi-
lar to the relationship between Perfekt and the present-tense form of
Zustandspassiv of the same class of verbs in German: Das Kind hat sich das
Bein gebrochen ~ Das Bein ist gebrochen. Example:

(32) u
-ul ad-di-i-um ki-ma e
-mi a-na be-li
-ia u
-te-er-ru um-
ma a-na-ku-u
-ma 1 GU
-ul na-di-i-um
I have not given him [an ox]. As I reported to my lord: Not
a single ox is given to him. LH 1: 2022.

The implicating fact is expressed by the Preterite probably because of
The relationship between iptaras and transitive paris of low transitivity
verbs is that of the PERFECT and the possessive resultative, it is similar to
that of Pretrito Simple (in deictic usage) and new periphrastic perfect in
the Mexican Spanish: escrib la carta ~ tengo la carta escrita. Examples:

(33) i-tu an-ni-ki-a-am ka-li-a-ku 3 GIN
.BABBAR a-na
a-na a-ti-im li-qi
Since I am detained here, I have taken 3 shekels of silver as
fee for the sesame. LH 13: 2125.

Here my purpose is to contrast both verbal tenses as used in the same pat-
tern, in particular as related to the same reference point.
The term resultative is used as in Nedjalkov (ed.) 1988, passim.
120 Articles: Ancient Near Eastern Studies

(34) [m]i-nu-u
a-wa-tum-ma [
-u DI.KU
[o-o] [a]r-
di E
-ia u
i-i-i-r[u-ti-ia] ra-ki-is
What is it this that the judge Ipqu-Iliu has the slaves of my
household and my children bound by contract? AbB 12,

The relationship between iptaras and paris of intransitive verbs is that
of the PERFECT and the subjective resultative, it is similar to that of present
perfect ~ resultative in English: he has gone to the war ~ he is gone to the
war. Example:

(35) u
-a-rum i-na ma-a-at u-bar-tim wa-i-ib
The servant is staying in the land of ubartum (and there-
fore I cannot send him to you). AbB 12, 60:1112.

The Stative sometimes denotes the cancelled result, i.e. the result that
(already) does not exist at the moment of observation:

(36a) GU
.I.A a Ma-di-du-um a-al-qu
-ma i-na qa-ti PN

Cattle belonging to Madidum had been lost, and (then) they
found them in the hands of PN
and PN
. LH 28:48.

(36b) DI I
-pi-i-ma ka-sa
-am im-la
If the oil had been spread, and (then) lled up the bowl CT
5, 46, 5.

I include this text in the discussion on the self-evident assumption
(with Metzler 2002:41ff.) that in omina the moment of observation (pun
not intended) is the time when the respective signs are seen and inter-
preted by the diviner. Since I think that the stative sapi expresses the
cancelled result, I accept the line of thought rejected in Metzler 2002:95:
the spreading of oil (no matter how we understand it) is in fact aufge-
hoben, the stative does denote Vergangenheit, or, to be more precise,
cancelled result.

2.5. inanna + iptaras in reported speech of OB literary texts
Reported speech in OB literary texts, the closest approximation to the
canonical situation of utterance available to us, displays the pattern of
S. Loesov, T-Perfect in Old Babylonian: The Debate and a Thesis 121

used with iptaras discussed in 2.1. This proves once more that the
collocation of inanna with the Perfect in OB letters as described by Salla-
berger 1999 is conditioned by the basic meaning of the Perfect as outlined

(37) i-tu wa-ar-ki-u u
-ul u
-ta ba-la-am

at-ta-na-ag-gi-i ki-ma a-bi-lim qa
-ba-al-tu e-ri
i-na-an-na sa-bi-tum a-ta-mar pa-ni-ki
mu-tam a a-ta-na-ad-da-ru a-ia a-mu-ur
After his (= Enkidus) departure I did not nd life.
I kept wandering like a criminal in the midst of the steppe.
Now, o ale-wife, I have seen thy face.
I wish I were not to see the death which I ever dread!
Gilg. Meissner/Millard II 1013.

GI u-mi a-na-ku
a al-li-kam i-tu UNUG.KI E
a as
-u-ra-am a-di-i
ur-a-am ri-qe
-e-tam wa-a-u

i-na-an-na su-ur-su-na-bu a-ta-mar pa-ni-ka
ku-ul-li-ma-an-ni u
Gilgame is my name, I (am the one)

Who came from Uruk, the house of Anum,
Who moved around in the mountains
Along a far-away path, from the sun-rise.
Now, Sursunabu, I have seen thy face.
Show me the far-away Uta-Naitim!
Gilg. Meissner/Millard IV 813.

The use of tenses in these two texts has been recently analysed in
Metzler 2002:459f. K. A. Metzler notes that both tamar forms bezeich-
nen die der Gegenwart unmittelbar vorangehende und nachhaltige
prsens-perfektive Vergangenheit. Der Gegenwartsbezug ist durch inanna
jetzt zum Ausdruck gebracht. [] In beiden Passagen dient das Perfekt

The reading follows Metzler 2002:459.
Or just (I am) Gilgame, (it is) my name, anku being in apposition to the
possessive sufx?
The reading follows Metzler 2002:460.
122 Articles: Ancient Near Eastern Studies

im Rahmen der Consecutio temporum
zur Bezeichnung des Fortschreitens
der Handlung. [] Ungewhnlich ist freilich die Verbindung von inanna
mit einem Perfekt des Fortschreitens, welche die so gestaltete Stze ein-
erseits an das vorangehende narrative Geschehen bindet, andererseits
schon auf die Gegenwart vorausweist. And he adds in a footnote: Dies
kann jedoch kein Argument bilden fr die Annahme, da akkadische
Perfekt bezeichne an dieser Stelle ein prsens-perfektives Geschehen in
Opposition zum Prteritum als einem dann vermeitlich nicht-prsens-
perfektivem Tempus, da [] auch das Prteritum prsens-perfektive
Sachverhalte bezeichnet.
This line of reasoning can only mean that
the preterites in both passages (and Gtn Present attanaggi Ich streifte
bestndig umher?) also have prsens-perfektive meaning, which is in-
compatible with the idea of temporal progress (Fortschreiten), claimed by
K. A. Metzler for the iptaras predicates of both texts. As for the Perfect in
the context of inanna, this collocation is quite gewhnlich and expected
in the deictic register.
In both Gilgamesh passages just quoted, inanna iptaras is followed by vo-
litive verb forms, similarly to what often happens in the OB letters. This fact
again shows a special relation of the Perfect to the moment of speaking.

2.6. Restrictions on the use of iptaras
As is well known, there are three mild syntactic restrictions on the use
of the Perfect: it is usually avoided in noun clauses and relative clauses, as
well as in negative clauses and question words questions (for the latter,
see the example 63 below). The fourth restriction seems to be a strong
one: the Perfect, unlike the other three tenses, is not used in the assertive
mood (or positive afrmative) *l aptaras/*aptarsu I have truly de-

Diachronically, these facts suggest that the Perfect is a newcomer (or
perhaps a relative latecomer) in the Akkadian verbal system,

In K. A. Metzlers use, this concept is very close to M. P. Strecks zeitlicher
Progress: both notions imply that the appearance of iptaras is in most cases con-
ditioned by the preterites in the left co-text.
Metzler 2002 consistently uses the German adjective perfektiv in the
sense of current relevance (as explained on pp. 14, 58f.).
AbB 2, 47:8 is the only possible exception I am aware of; its interpretation
is disputed, see Maloney 1982:196f.
It is a commonplace that in formal semantics the PERFECT is the juncture at
which the verbal system develops innovations, most often via the shift PASSIVE >
RESULTATIVE > PERFECT. It is equally well known that later in the history of a
S. Loesov, T-Perfect in Old Babylonian: The Debate and a Thesis 123

cross-linguistically these restrictions are typical of innovative verb

Still, T
as the basic temporal value of iptaras provides a synchro-
nic explanation for the rst two restrictions.
The Perfect is rare in noun clauses and relative clauses because these,
within a complex sentence, either replace or modify a noun (phrase) of
the main clause, therefore their verbal predicates are usually not prag-
matically foregrounded and easily disengaged from T
If the writer
wants to foreground the verb of a relative clause, he is free to use iptaras,
cf. example (40a) below. The evidence from AbB 17 collected and ana-
lysed in Maloney 1982:184195 corroborates this view.

language the PERFECT often shifts to past (simple or perfective, depending on the
structure of past tense in a given verbal system), probably by route explained in Bybee
et al. 1994:86f.: The anterior (= PERFECTS. L.) conveys the sense of past or per-
fective but includes a special avor of relevance or proximity to the present or the cur-
rent situation. Thus if a speaker wishes to frame his or her contribution AS THOUGH
it were highly relevant to the current concerns, then the speaker might use the ante-
rior more often than would be strictly necessary for the communication of the pro-
positional content of the message. Such overuse weakens the force of the current rele-
vance component, and eventually the hearer infers only past or perfective action from
the anterior and no sense of current relevance (and cf. ibid. 293). Perhaps the obser-
vation in GAG 80f: In positiven Aussagestzen steht in m/spB und n/nA Briefen
sowie in bestimmten Arten historischer Berichte fast immer das Pf. could be ex-
plained along some such lines (and cf. Aro 1955:81ff.). The development of the West-
Semitic qatala from the resultative (~ OB paris) via PERFECT to the simple past with
the concomitant suppression of the old simple past yaqtul reminds in general features
the well-known evolution of the Latin resultative habere/essere + passive participle of
the scriptum habeo type: it yielded PERFECT in Romance, the latter in turn partly sup-
planted the old perfective past in individual Romance languages and weakened or lost
its present perfect meaning (Harris 1983).
As mentioned in McCoard 1978:233f., Chaucer (late Middle English) used
the present perfect for positive utterances, the simple past for negative ones.
Some well-known Semitic facts also belong in the picture. In Arabic, the only rest
of the PS simple past has been preserved in the context of negations: lam/lamm
yaktub. In Biblical Hebrew prose the old simple past survived within the gram-
maticalized form for narrative progress wayyiql, while the new past tense qal
was used for past-time facts in all the other contexts (cf. e.g. Kuryowicz 1972:66).
Innovative future tenses are not used in some types of subordinate clauses in
Romance and Germanic languages (especially in CC and TC). In Polish, the ana-
lytical future formed by the verb to be + the -participle is not employed in the
context of wh-questions, simple future is used instead.
For possible examples of the Perfect in relative clauses in AbB, see Maloney
1982:184195 and Leong 1994:208 ff.
124 Articles: Ancient Near Eastern Studies

The Perfect in MC is almost never negated in OB letters because the
explicit inclusion of a past fact within T
creates a certain temporal span
for the respective fact, which span is of course absent in the case of a
negative fact. Cf. Goetze 1936:316: A negative action cannot have any
extension (sc. in timeS. L.). For negated perfects in umma-clauses, see
Excursus IV below.
Here is one of the very few examples of a negated MC perfect in AbB 113:

(39) la-ma a-pi
-ri i-tu gi-ir-ri-im i-ru-ba-am mu-ur-um i-ba-ta-
an-ni-ma a-na ma-ar a-pi
-ri-ia u
-ul al-li-kam i-na-an-na a-di-
ni u
-ul e-te-e-er u
-a-rum u
-ul u-X-ur-
-ma u
-ul a-
Before my boss returned from the campaign, I had fallen ill
and had not come to my boss. Now I have not yet recovered,
and a servant not , and I have not dispatched him. AbB 9,

For its discussion, see Excursus IV.

(40a) ma-ti-i-ma a-na-ku-u
ba-i-it E
.GAL-lim a-ar a-ta-am-ru
-ul a-ka-ta-a-am
I do not ever conceal the property of the Palace wherever I
have been nding (it). LH 14:68.

(40b) i-na u-ku-sa-ti-ni a-ar 1 SAR GI.KIRI
me-e ni-i-qu
ul i-ba-a-i

On the use of tenses in the context of adni ul, see GAG #151d, where this
example is mentioned. Why should both the Preterite and the Present appear
within this pattern, is not clear. My guess is that in adni ul + Preterite clauses the
verb has its usual preterital force as explained in 2.2, while adni ul + Present
represents a present perfect semantics: in OB, the Perfect is blocked by ul and
usually replaced by the Preterite; this option is not available for the adni ul pat-
tern if the language is not supposed to allow the neutralization of Perf. ~ Pret.
opposition in this pattern, therefore the Present rather than the Preterite was
chosen here to convey the present perfect meaning. On the very rare cases of
negated Perfect in main clauses of AbB, see Leong 1994:188190 (with references
to earlier literature) and below, Excursus IV.
Goetze 1958:33 translates: As far as I am concerned, I shall never conceal
an asset of the palace where I have seen (it). The plene-writings are unusual.
Emphatic intonation?
S. Loesov, T-Perfect in Old Babylonian: The Debate and a Thesis 125

In our allotments there is no place where we watered a sin-
gle plot of garden.
LH 20:79.

The subordinate clauses in both examples can equally well be inter-
preted as relative, i.e. (at) the place (where/that), or as adverbial clauses
of place, i.e. where(ever). For the sake of the argument, I choose the
former interpretation.

Both complex sentences are structurally almost identical, so the use of
the Perfect tamru in (40a) requires explanation. The Perfect is used in
the relative clause of (40a) because ul akattam actually denotes Handlung
and not Unterlassung, if one is allowed to employ the German legal
terminology. Both the positive force of ul akattam attracted into the rela-
tive clause and the need to situate the tamru fact within T
contribute to
the choice of the Perfect. By contrast, ul ibai in (40b) denotes non-
existence of the niq fact of the relative clause, where a non-negated
preterite expresses Unterlassung. Besides, the Perfect is capable of creat-
ing a temporal span for the denoted fact, so the writer was able to use it
to connote iteration: wherever I have been nding.

2.7. OB nite verb in the context of anumma
The use of anumma is not restricted to its collocation with EPf. The non-
EPf use of anumma in Mari is documented better than in letters found
elsewhere. anumma is compatible with all nite verb forms. I believe that
anumma is primarily a linguistic equivalent of a demonstrative gesture
pointing to the (place of the) addressee. anumma is never used for proximal
deixis, although morphologically it is most probably a loc.-adv. of annm
this (one here) + emphatic -ma.
The usage of anumma in letters (the
only one current in our OB corpus) makes it plausible that the core of its
lexical meaning is projectio perpetua, constant transposition of the spatial
deictic origo from the speaker to the addressee. Applying freely Jakobsons
model of the constitutive factors in any speech event and functions of lan-
to the classication of OB deictic words, we can suggest that inan-
has to do with the CONTEXT-related elements of the communicative

Goetzes interpretation (p. 42) seems to be correct: there is no place
where we could by irrigation create a single SAR of garden.
Anyway, the Perfect is not used in adverbial clauses of place whose main
clauses refer to the past.
Here is usually expressed in OB letters by ann and annikam.
See Jakobson 1960:353357.
126 Articles: Ancient Near Eastern Studies

act (Jakobsons referential function), while anumma is employed to sustain
CONTACT (Jakobsons phatic function; it is needed to check whether the
channel works). If one is not too demanding about distinction of deixis
and anaphora,
one can say that inanna
serves the orientation within both
the description and the world described, while anumma attracts attention of
the addressee to the process of communication.
This view is close to an observation in Sallaberger 1999:146: [B]e-
deutet die Initiative immer auch eine metakommunikative uerung, der
die Funktion KONTAKTIEREN zukommt. Eine uerung wie anumma
ataprakkum nunmehr schreibe ich Dir enthlt keinen Informationswert
mehr, indem etwas Neues mitgeteilt wrde. Sallabergers words refer to
the Initiative part of the Hammurapi letters, i.e. the one containing
EPf; the examples below will show that the phatic function of anumma
holds also outside the context of EPf.
I make reservations about my free application of Jakobsons
classication and about proximity of deixis and anaphora because Jakob-
sons REFERENTIAL (= denotative, cognitive) function of language
is actually directed towards extralinguistic world, while inanna
out on formal grounds, i.e. through its compatibility with the Preterite) is
a predominantly metatextual word. Roman Jakobson made room for
METALINGUAL function of language but he did not recognize a domain
of meta-communicative linguistic means.
In what follows I translate anumma with capitalized HERE supplied
with a comma, on the assumption that anumma (like inanna
and unlike
) relates to the whole clause that follows and is autonomous, i.e. it
is no part of this clause. The examples below demonstrate the use of
anumma with different verb forms.

(41) a-[n]u-[u]m-ma PN []u-[u]d-di-a-u-m[a] [x GU]R e-a-am
HERE, supply PN with food by giving him x kor of barley.
AbB 13, 58:510.

In this letter, anumma immediately follows the names of the addressees
and the writer, thus simply separating the body of the letter from the let-

Anaphora is sometimes difcult to tell from deixis in any language, see Ly-
ons 1977:657 ff. with English examples.
S. Loesov, T-Perfect in Old Babylonian: The Debate and a Thesis 127

ter-head. This initial position of anumma is typical of letters lacking de-
scriptive/narrative part and starting directly with injunctives.

(42) <immediately after the letter-head> a-nu-um-ma a-um
. X
] a-na Mu-na-nu-um ma-
-[] ma-a-e-e GUR NINDA
. X
na-i-u-nu ki-i-in
HERE, re: (giving?) of singurru-sh to Munanum. Assign bas-
which can hold 2 kors of singurru-sh and those who carry
them. LH 33:36.

anumma introduces betreffs, again in a letter lacking a descriptive part.

(43) <immediately after the letter-head> a-nu-um-ma i-ta
Sa-ri-qum u-ta-bi-lam
HERE, I have had PN bring (to you) two sacks. LH 42:3f.

No descriptive part, injunctives follow. The perfect is most likely epis-
although utbilakkum is much more common in this situation.

(44) <immediately after the letter-head> a-nu-um-ma
.ME wa-bi-il up-pi
-ia an-ni-im a a-wa-at DUMU i-ip-ri-
im a Bu-nu-ma-
IM i-te-mu-u
HERE, the persons bringing this tablet of mine who have
heard the report of the messengers of Bunuma-Addu, let my
lord interrogate them. ARMT 2, 141:48.
(45) i-na mi-nim a-ba-am a-di i-na-an-na la a-ru-da-kum a-nu-um-
ma e
-m[a]-am ga-am-ra-[a]m e
-em a-la-ki-ia PN u
-te-e-ra-kum a-
na e
-mi-u qu
(You ask) why I have not sent you troops till now? HERE, PN
has brought you all the information (and) the news about my
arrival. Pay attention to his information. ARMT 1, 67:1217.

Whether u
-te-e-ra-kum is a pret. or a perf. is a moot question, though
of course the EPf interpretation seems likely.

(46) i-di ki-ma li-ib-ba-ti-ia ma-li-it PN
-ia i-k[u]-la-kum-
ma u
a-na a-wa-ti-u ta-qu
-ul u
a-na PN
ub pi
-qa-at u
-te-er-ra-kum pi
-qa-at u
-ul u

Cf. ll. 15 f. and similar examples referred to in Sallaberger 1999:139.
For the moment, I see no radical difference between anumma and u anumma.
128 Articles: Ancient Near Eastern Studies

I know that you are lled with rage against me. PN
dered me before you, and you paid attention to his words.
HERE, I complained to PN
. He may or may not have spo-
ken to you about it. ARMT 2, 66:513.

(47) u
a-nu-um-m[a L]U
.ME mu-ub-bi-bi LUGAL a-na i-ri-
ka i-a
HERE, the king is going to send you census ofcials. ARMT
1, 129:2527.

(48) a-[nu-u]m-ma 2 MA.NA KU
.BABBAR a-ki-in
(If you ask for silver), HERE, 2 minas of silver are deposited. AbB
12, 42:8.

(49) <after a quote> u
a-nu-um-ma [a-bu-ni] a-ra-nu wa-a-
bu a qa-be
-e be-li
-ka i-pi
HERE, [our troops] are there. They will act according to the
command of your lord. ARMT 2, 21:13f.

(50) a-nu-um-ma 30 UDU.I.A i-na GN ik-ta-lu-u

HERE, they have held back 30 sheep in GN. ARMT 5, 9:48.
A non-epistolary perfect.

(51) a-n[u]-um-ma PN 1 GUR [e]-a-[a]m i-ka-na-kam-ma ana
GN ub-ba-al
HERE, PN will put under seal and bring to GN one kor of
barley. (Injunctives follow.) AbB 13, 138:7.

(52) a-nu-um-ma e
-ma-am a e-mu-u
a-na i-ri-ka a-tap-ra-
am e
-em-ka a-ba-at u
-ma-am an-ni-im a a-pu-ra-kum ar-
i-i a-na i-ir LUGAL li-ik-u-ud (partly broken) i-na-
a[n-n]a e
-em e-mu-u
a-tap-ra-ak-kum i
-bi-it e
-me-im ri-i
<after a mum on the movement of Babylonian troops>
HERE, I have communicated you the news that I have heard.
Make your decision, and as for this news that I communicated
to you, let it rapidly reach the king. Now I have sent you
the news I heard. Make a decision! ARMT 2, 122:10ff.

Both perfects are epistolary, but anumma and inanna in this text are
not synonymous.
S. Loesov, T-Perfect in Old Babylonian: The Debate and a Thesis 129

Now we turn to the meaning of inanna anumma and the collocability of
this expression with verb forms. I have not found inanna anumma in AbB
113 (except for AbB 6, 180:11 where the verb in l. 15 is broken), but
there is one example of it in LH, quoted above as (3), all the other occur-
rences available to me are from Mari.
The evidence suggests that most often this is simply a sum total of
and anumma, both retaining their deictic functions as established

(53) i-na-an-na a-nu-um-m[a] a-na GN u-pu-ur-ma li-wa-a-e-
Now (HERE!) write to GN so that they release (them). ARMT 5,

(54) i-na-an-na a-nu-um-[ma b]e-li
PN li-i
-ta-al u
an-ni-tam la
an-ni-tam be-li
Let my lord now (HERE!) ask PN and write me this or that.
ARMT 2, 29:24.

(55) i-na-an-na a-nu-um-ma [a]-a
-ra-da-a-u be-li
la i-ka-la-
[u-ma] [i]-na al-i
-u-ma li-i-ib
Now (HERE!) I am going to dispatch him (to you). Let my
lord not detain him and let him live in his district. (End of let-
ter.) ARMT 5, 40:2225.

The use of the Present seems to show that the writer is free to choose the
moment of writing as the zero-point for a typically epistolary verb.
phenomenon needs more study.
In the majority of cases inanna anumma introduces an EPf, cf. e.g.
ARMT 1, 28:28; 45:10; 111:10; 2, 13:89; 90:25.

For counter-examples, see ARMT 5, 51:9; ARMT 10, 7:23 (inanna
anumma + pret. ubilam). In line with the argumentation developed in this pa-
per, this would be inanna
used with a non-epistolary preterite, see presently.
In relative clauses LH 8:11, 15 the present ubbalakkum is used in a typically
epistolary context where epistolary preterites are also frequent (see examples
in 2.8).
130 Articles: Ancient Near Eastern Studies

2.8. Epistolary past in OB
In OB, the epistolary past tense in main clauses is always iptaras, against
Pardee and Whiting 1987 followed by Leong 1994:71f., Streck 1999:119,
Metzler 2002:481, 879. The examples of OB epistolary preterites as dis-
tinct from EPfs apud Pardee and Whiting are wrong or susceptible to a
non-epistolary interpretation. Thus, ARM 1, 24:7, ARM 3, 28:7; 37:17;
40:8; 62:7 are subordinate clauses (as noted in Streck 1999: 112 n. 26), in
which one expects epistolary preterites. ARM 1, 24:35 a-nu-um-ma me-
i-ir up-pi
-im i-na up-pi
-im an-ni-im u
-ra-am-ma u-ta-bi-la-
kum is a hendiadys: here (my) answer to the letter I have sent you as a
copy, lit. copied and have sent, same hendiadys occurs e.g. in ARMT 3,
19:21. The explanation of this phenomenon will follow in this section of
the paper. AbB 5, 210:1617 u
a-ni-a-am li-bi ga-am-ra a-pu-ra-ki,
literally and I wrote you this letter whole-heartedly: the preterite a-pu-
ra-ki appearing as the very last word of the letter in the context of li-bi ga-
am-ra is performative: I hereby address you whole-heartedly through
this letter, cf. other cases of performative usage of apru pret. men-
tioned in this paper. AbB 5, 224:68 lu-u
a-al-ma-a-ta a-na u-ul-mi-ka a-
pur-am u-lum-ka u-up-ra-am may you be well! I WRITE (to inquire) you
about your well-being. Write me about your well-being: a-na u-ul-mi-ka
a-pur-am is a performative preterite within the greeting formula (with
Sallaberger 1999:87ff.). On ARM 10, 50:2932 see presently.
Now that we have described the primary meaning of iptaras, we are
able to explain the temporal structure of the EPf more precisely.
EPf depicts, through deictic transfer, facts obtaining in the writers fu-
ture as the subjective past of the addressee, i.e. as facts belonging in his tempo-
ral personal sphere. The latter notions are of course Du-deictic equiva-
lents of T
Fillmore 1982:37f. in his analysis of spatial deixis makes a point im-
portant for the present discussion: Some prototypically deictic elements
can be used with their deictic centre transferred to something other than
the speaker of the current utterance [I]t is by virtue of an elements par-
ticipation in a deictic system that its transfer brings about a particular
dramatizing effect (italics added). Same of course is true of temporal
deixis. We can turn the argument the other way: the epistolary usage
corroborates the prototypically shifter meaning of the Perfect.
Thus the above description of iptaras as belonging in the discourse
register vs. iprus as predominantly a narrative verb form makes this epis-
S. Loesov, T-Perfect in Old Babylonian: The Debate and a Thesis 131

tolary usage understandable.
Written communication is but a distor-
tion of face-to-face speech interaction for which language is designed.
Therefore the use of a principal rather than of a historical tense is an
attempt to maintain the canonical frame of communication. Conversely,
the choice of iptaras for this transfer conrms our conclusion about its na-
ture as a prototypically shifter temporal grammeme.
As was noted in
2.1, the resultative component of EPf coincides with the decoding time,
demonstrably so when verbs of sending refer to the actual tablet on which
they are inscribed.
Since the Preterite is normally not used as an epistolary tense in OB
main clauses, ubilakkum vs. utbilakkum forms most probably reect dif-

I must stress that iprus is not considered here the trademark of the narra-
tive register. The constitutive essence of the narrative register is the zero-point
different from both the coding and decoding time. As was shown in 2.2, iprus ap-
pears also in the discourse register. Non-negated iprus directly or indirectly re-
lates to either the coding or decoding time as its ultimate zero-point in at least
four cases: 1) in main clauses where iptaras is also possible, see above examples
(24) and (25), with discussion; 2) as epistolary preterite in relative clauses; 3) in
epistolary past hendiadyoi; 4) in adi l clauses, see 3.1 below.
As suggested in 2.3, its absolute use is already somewhat weakened in OB.
This might be also true of the Present. In letters, the Present of telic verbs is not
much used in main declarative sentences to express a fact actually taking place at
the zero-point unless such meanings as habituality, iteration etc. are conveyed,
i.e. the Present does not often display the prototypical present tense deictic
meaning. Signicantly, it is the Stative that is widely employed to express simul-
taneity of reported facts with the moment of speaking (wherever its diathesis
properties make room for it), while the Present serves mainly to denote inten-
tions (is going to), future facts and habitual/iterated facts. Cf. e.g. a piece of
reported speech: A.A
a-bi-it u
ka-ni-ik LUGAL u
-ul na-i-i, he holds a
eld, but he does not have the kings document (AbB 10, 5:1315), where the
Present does not seem to be possible, with the following statement: [pi
URU.KI a-a-tu a-na-ku a-a-ab-ba-at, I am going to assume responsibility for this
town/I will assume/I (hereby) assume(?) (LH 3:1718). Streck 1995b comes to
the conclusion that the Present in epic narratives, i.e. in the narrative register, of-
ten denotes simultaneity with a fact expressed by another nite form (preterite
or stative), while Metzler 2002:496ff. re-analyzes most of M. P. Strecks OB ex-
amples as expressing a plural nature of denoted facts rather than simultaneity. If
K. A. Metzler is right, the meaning of the Present would at least partly depend
on the register of interpretation, which would mean that the deictic sense of the
Present as opposed to its narrative use is identiable in OB. The relevant exam-
ples probably have to be investigated anew. Before we get a complete grammati-
cal description of the Present in letters, the whole problem will remain unre-
132 Articles: Ancient Near Eastern Studies

ferent temporal localizations of respective facts. If we exclude often-
mentioned but erroneous interpretations (e.g. verbs of sending in relative
clauses and performative pret. of aprum), we are left with only one sus-
picious usage, the preterite of bulu, and, as far as I can see, only in
Mari letters. It is difcult to prove beyond doubt that the latter verb form
was never used in Mari with the same deictic force as the epistolary utbi-
lakkum, since both the Preterite and the Perfect of bulu appear at the
end of letters in similar lexical context, cf. e.g. ARMT 10, 8:2428 ar-ta-
am u
-ik-tam ak-nu-ka-am-ma a-na i-ir be-li
-ia u-ta-bi-lam with
ARMT 10, 50:2933 a-nu-um-ma a-ar-ti u
-ik-ti ak-nu-ka-am-ma a-na
i-ir be-li
-ia u
-a-bi-lam, but to consider them synonymous we have to
posit a lexicalized dialectal usage. This solution is not plausible. Most in-
terestingly, ubilam does not seem to appear in the context of uppam
uti (annm)/upptim inti and similar expressions unambiguously refer-
ring to the very tablet on which they appear inscribed, while these ex-
pressions are frequent with utbilam, see e.g. ARMT 1, 24:35; ARMT 2,
108:4f.; 121:18f.; ARMT 4, 80:7.
EPf is not limited to the three verbs aprum, ardum, bulum but,
unlike the epistolary tenses in Latin, it is sensitive only to all kinds of
movements in the direction writer addressee, i.e. it is centripetal in re-
lation to its own deictic centre both in terms of temporal and spatial

(56) a-um GI.UR
.I.A a-na Ma-ri
-im] be-li

i-[pu-ra-am] a-nu-um-ma 50 GI.U[R
.I.A] a a-na-a-a-
ru as-sa
My lord has written to me concerning the oating
of logs
to Mari. HERE the fty logs that I keep (for a different
use) I have oated (to you). ARMT 3, 25:912.

The Present a-na-a-a-ru suggests that the Perfect as-sa
-ak-pa-a[m] is
epistolary. The same is possibly true of u-ta-ri-kum /utrkkum/, I have
directed to you (ARMT 1, 110:24), [a-n]u-um-ma u-ta-ri-ki-im ARMT
10, 126:4, cf. also as-sa
-ak-pa-am in ARMT 3, 24:21; ARMT 3, 50:20f. ana
r bliya ittalknim, they will come to my lord, if the restoration of this

By the latter I mean both the shifter directionality of respective movement
verbs and the meaning of the ventive in their context.
CAD S 73a translates to set aoat under sakpu A 2b) to send cargo by
boat. AHw. 1011a suggests for similar contexts (Holz) ssen.
S. Loesov, T-Perfect in Old Babylonian: The Debate and a Thesis 133

badly damaged text is correct. In AbB 6, 31 turru is probably used as EPf
utterrakkum: a-nu-um-ma KU
-te-ra-kum, HERE, I have re-
turned you the silver. The spelling does not help here, but the EPf in-
terpretation is supported by the place of u
-te-ra-kum in the letter: this
verb is next to last, the last one being u-bi-lam, send me!, and cf. ARMT
1, 67:1217 quoted as (45) above.
The common epistolary usage of uwa!!eram-ma aardam/uaeram-ma
utbilam type I have dispatched with instructions/I have sent in writing
(as a copy) (see examples in Streck 1999:111, Metzler 2002:486) is ex-
plained by the fact that EPfunlike the ventivecan be employed only in
the context of addressee-directional verbs. In the epistolary hendiadyoi of
this kind the epistolary preterite of non-movement verbs is temporal-
ized in the addressees past, while the EPf of movement verbs reaches
into the addressees present moment. The common verb of writing aru
is not attested, as far as I can see, as EPf (against Metzler 2002:481), be-
cause it means simply to record and lacks a directional component.
Following this rule, ARMT 2, 5:1518 has two perfects in hendiadys,
because both verbs denote movement towards the addressee:

(57) a-nu-um-ma DUMU.ME i-ip-ri-im a GN u
bi-it-ma a-a
HERE, I have had the messengers of GN take the road to di-
rect them (to you).

Note also ARMT 10, 166:68: i-na-an-na u-ta-an-ni-im-ma u
-ra-am-ma u-ta-bi-lam Now I have again written and sent. The Perf.
of unnm to do again is employed because the contribution of unnm
to the meaning of the text is more of grammatical than of lexical nature:
this is a phase verb that quanties the facts denoted by the following
verbs, i.e. it is used as an analytical way of encoding an aspectual sense.
Since in this text unnm shares the addressee-directionality with bulum,
the choice of tense may be explained on the basis of the above rule. I have
not yet found more examples of purely phase verbs combined with EPf.
The verbs of sending used in the Perfect are by denition not EPf if
the receiver is not the addressee but a third party, these verbs do not have
future reference vis--vis the coding time.

Against Streck 1999:111. From the above it is small wonder that a-na PN
-da-an-ni-nam-ma a-tap-ra-a-um, I have written to PN in strong words
(AbB 4, 36:13, 21f.) appears ohne Einleitung anumma: the latter is used only to
134 Articles: Ancient Near Eastern Studies

3. The Perfect in temporal and conditional clauses
Here I offer some preliminary observations on the use of the Perfect in
temporal and conditional clauses. At the present stage of research, I can-
not attempt a denitive treatment.

3.1. The Perfect in temporal clauses of OB letters

(58) ur-ra-am ki-ma us
-nim u-us
Tomorrow, as soon as they check (them), remind me LH
1:29f. TC with future reference.

(59) ur-ra-am i-nu-u
-ma at-ta-al-kam GIR
i-na qa-te-ia
Tomorrow when I come (to you) <only> the akkanakkum
would deliver you from my hands. LH 45:1314. Ditto.

(60) i-nu-u
-ma a-wi-lum it-ta-al-kam-ma e
-e-em-ni ni-ta-am-
wa-ar-ki up-pi
-ia-ma lu-u
a-na-ku a-la-kam lu-u
GURU.ME ta-ak-lu-tim a-ar-ra-da-am
When the seigneur arrives (here) and we see our situation, as
a follow-up to my letter, I will either come (to you) myself, or
I will send (to you) two reliable workmen. LH 36:1219.

In letters, iptaras does not appear in TC with past time reference be-
cause respective sentences are interpreted in the narrative register, which
restricts the Perfect to special positions in the text (2.3). Past time TC em-
ploy the Preterite or, where appropriate, the Stative.

point to the addressee. u
-da-an-ni-nam-ma, against Streck 1999:110f., is probably
a perfect and not a preterite (in OB orthography, UD sign with ud/ut readings is
not frequent in Anlaut of D-stem verbs.). Same hendiadys occurs in AbB 4, 19:17
a-na PN
-da-an-ni-nam-ma a-tap-ra-am (Streck 1999:111), it seems to be
a stock phrase of Hammurapi. These hendiadyoi (with both elements in the Per-
fect) will represent what I consider the prototypical use of the Perfect, i.e. the
Perfect in main clauses with pre-present temporal value.
A. Goetzes idea of the t-form serving as both past perfect and future
perfect turns out to be wrong because the examples of the former usage he ad-
duces (now AbB 2, 158:6ff. and AbB 2, 88:21/13, 60:21) are better interpreted as
S. Loesov, T-Perfect in Old Babylonian: The Debate and a Thesis 135

(61) A.A
a-u-ur-ma MU 15.KAM a-
ku-ul i-tu UD.UNU.KI il-la-wu-u
MU 2.KAM a-[d]i A.A

UKU be-li
iB-u-ma-am DUMU.ME PN
-ma i-ku-lu i-tu be-
] UKU-ZI iB-u-mu a-ad-da-aq-[d]i al-li-ik-ma PN

a-wa-ti-ia i-mu-ru-ma A.A
-li u
<immediately after the letter-head> I took a part of the
eld of the sons of PN
and supported myself with it for 15
years. After Larsa was besieged, it was the sons of PN
supported themselves (with this eld) for 2 years until my
lord restored
the eld to me as (my) subsistence. After my
lord restored the eld to me as my subsistence,
I allowed
the (whole of) last year to pass,
and then PN
, PN
, and
investigated the facts of my case and returned my eld
to me <rst-person narrative continues
>. AbB 4, 69:718.

By default, each verbal predicate in the narrative provides an anterior
temporal point of reference for the next one (see 2.2). Thus, if we disre-
gard the propositional (but not pragmatic) redundancy in AbB 2, 69:718
(underlined clauses), we can re-write this text without considerable loss of
information using only the ma-chain. This proves that narrative TC serve

Dt preterites with passive meaning (see Goetze 1936:321). Leong 1994:212 offers
two examples of perfects in temporal kma-clauses anterior to Past. Of these, ki-
ma ta-a-u
-la-an-ni when you had looked at me (AbB 12, 124:3) is actually a
preterite, while the t-forms in AbB 11, 94:1012 ki-ma i-te-eb-ru u
iq-bu-nim-ma seem to stand in an object clause: they told me that they had en-
tered and returned (but as for you, you have not sent me a report). Since the
Perfect is never used in object clauses with past time reference, it is preferable to
interpret these verbs as medial Gt-preterites, see 4 below. lma before is used
with the Present when the main clause has past time reference (GAG 173j), and
with both the Preterite and the Present when the main clause has future time
reference (GAG 173kl) . The rationale of this usage is not clear to me.
AHw. 841b p/bamum (a/u) etwa zurckerstatten?dyslegomenon in
OB. CDA 40 has bamu III ~ to allocate OB, jB lex. G (a/u) share of booty,
eld, but Addenda, corrigenda, and supporting bibliography of CDA does not
bring AbB 4, 69 in support of this entry.
Does UKU-ZI stand for kurumma with an (occasional) spirantization of t?
See the Edition for the justication of this translation.
It nishes, expectedly, with the problem part consisting of two asyndeti-
cally connected perfects, ll. 2628: A.A
-li i-te-ri-i e-a-am a A.A
-ia a-na ma-a-
ka-ni-u it-ta-ba-ak, He has cultivated my eld (and) he has stored the barley of
my eld at his threshing oor.
136 Articles: Ancient Near Eastern Studies

not so much to temporalize respective main clauses as to create what
H. Weinrich calls text relief (Reliefgebung), i.e. to background part of
the information.
TC with future time reference belong, by denition, in the deictic regis-
ter and employ all four tenses. Thus, TC introduced by adi use the Pre-
sent, those introduced by adi l may have the Preterite and the Pre-
sent, while the future time TC introduced by inma, itu, and kma use ei-
ther the Perfect or the Present but do not use the Preterite.
GAG 171
173 explains this evidence as Vorzeitigkeit in der Zukunft (Futurum exac-
tum) for the Preterite and the Perfect, and if the Present is used [s]oll die
Vorzeitigkeit nicht besonders betont werden ( 171i, cf. 173h). This
explanation is only partly convincing because all the examples of inma,
itu, and kma -clauses adduced in GAG do betray anteriority of TC facts
relative to MC facts, whether the predicate of TC be the Present or the
In TC, the verb form usually employed to express simultaneity
with the MC fact is the Stative, cf. (27) and (33) above.
In OB letters, the Perfect is used in future time TC to provide an ante-
rior reference point for the MC facts (with GAG). The Present, when used
with the same temporal conjunctions, seems to express additionally modal
i.e. the temporal relationship between TC and MC facts (TC
MC) is the same whether the Perfect or the Present is used in the TC.
If apodoses of inma, itu, and kma-TC have non-indicative predi-
respective complex sentences cannot be transformed into irre-
versible ma-sequence of coordinated clauses. Thus, there exists a (at least
partial) text-structural asymmetry of past time and future time TC: the
former convey background information i.e. perform a narrative-struct-
uring duty, while the latter subdivide the future time sphere relative to a
reference point.

The Stative of course appears in all types of TC, still here I do not attempt
to discuss its use systematically.
W. von Sodens (GAG 170g) OB example of simultaneity in a inma-clause
is not convincing: inma irrubu dajjn iparras wenn sie eintreten will,
prfen die Richter nach (CH XIV r 31/8), as his own translation shows.
They are difcult to grasp precisely in each case, one thinks e.g. of uncer-
tainty, supposition, wish, and doubt. I will not dwell on this problem in the pre-
sent paper.
I.e. injunctives and other modal forms, see examples (58) and (59) above.
S. Loesov, T-Perfect in Old Babylonian: The Debate and a Thesis 137

(62) li-ik-ki-su-ni-ik-k[u]m-ma 5 u-i TA GI.AB.B[A.I.A] i-
na MA
.NI. DUB i-ta-ad-d[i-nu-ma] i-na SA.TUL
[x-x-o-o] a-
na KA
.DINGI[R.RA.KI] li-ib-lu-nim
Let them cut down for you (the trees mentioned before),
and <when> GI.AB.BA trees are loaded
300 pieces in
each freight boatlet them bring <them> (= the trees)
from Satul to Babylon. AbB 2, 56:1217.

The whole of AbB 2, 56 consists of Hammurapis orders expressed
with precatives. The underlined clause has the force of a TC although a
temporal conjunction is lacking. In this example, a perfect in a non-
subordinate clause has the same function as in future time TC: it estab-
lishes an anterior reference point for a future fact. In this contradictory
context, exceptionally, the required grammatical meaning proves
stronger than the syntactic pattern that normally does not admit it.
The use of iptaras in TC is both similar to and distinct from its use in
the other two contexts discussed so far:
(1) iptaras denoting a past fact included in the speakers time;
(2) iptaras as the only epistolary past verb form in the MC.
Both latter usages are deictic. In (1) the point at which a result of ante-
rior fact expressed by iptaras is temporalized and synchronically observed
is the time of coding (speaking/writing), in (2) it is the time of decoding
(reading). When I-ba-al-pi-el writes/dictates anna munnabt imtd, he ex-
periences and observes a result of past happenings at his present mo-
ment; when Zimri-Lim reads/hears anumma uppam ti ana r bliya utbi-
lam, he sees and hears the letter that was sent at a certain point before
the time of reading. As for sentences with future time TC, the ultimate
origo of their temporal relationships is the moment of coding, while the
Perfect in TC xes an additional reference point for the respective MC fact:

writer (addressee) TC MC
Perfect Present or injunctives

Taking i-ta-ad-d[i-nu-] to be N Perf. of nadnu. N Perf. of nad might be
semantically acceptable, still uncontracted -i in pl. is hardly possible in a HL. Al-
ternatively, if it is indeed a form of nad, it could be f. pl. ittaddi or just sg. ittaddi
(GAG 132c).
138 Articles: Ancient Near Eastern Studies

Thus, in TC the Perfect is used as a relative rather than a deictic tense.
What is common to the meanings of iptaras in these three types of contexts
is the expression of anteriority. As we will see in 3.2 below, this semantic
component is also present when the Perfect is used in conditional clauses.
If one asks why then the Preterite is not used with the same force in fu-
ture time itu-, kma-, and inma-clauses, the answer is perhaps as follows:
the TC indicates the point of reference simultaneous with the state result-
ing after the completion of the TC action, i.e. it is a pronounced perfect
type of relative anteriority.
Importantly, all the future TC known to me
use only telic verbs with both the Perfect and the Present.
Put the other
way round: the choice of the Perfect (to the detriment of the Preterite) to
express a future reference point is due to the difference in their gram-
matical structure as explained above.
The Perfect is not used in adi and adi l clauses because their rela-
tion to MC is different from that of inma, itu, and kma-clauses. In sen-
tences with adi-clauses the MC fact is anterior to the TC fact orif the
Stative is used in TCsimultaneous with it (cf. e.g. LH 5 quoted above as
27), therefore these syntactic contexts do not qualify for the Perfect.

(63) 2 GIN
.BABBAR] a-di a-la-ka-ak-kum zu-ub-bi-il-u
Have him wait for 2 (additional) shekels of silver till I come
to you. AbB 2, 164:1719, cf. also (85) below.

MS MC adi allakakkum
writer zubbilu

(64) [a]-di a-na-ku u
at-t[a] ba-al-a
-nu a-na da-ri-tim i-na
GU.ZA-ka wa-a-ba-ta

I.e. the TC fact (~ action in the above non-technical sense) is anterior to
the MC fact, but the resulting state is simultaneous with it.
See numerous examples from AbB in Maloney 1982 and Leong 1994. Mu-
tual relationships between lexical classes of verbal predicates (state vs. process,
telic process vs. atelic process etc.), verbal tense and aspect, verbal voice, and syn-
tactic patterns in Akkadian have not yet been fully explored, still see e.g. (besides
some important observations in GAG) Edzard 1996, Kouwenberg 1997, Kou-
wenberg 2000, Streck 2003.
adi-clauses with past reference are not discussed here, for examples see
(31) and (61) above.
S. Loesov, T-Perfect in Old Babylonian: The Debate and a Thesis 139

Till I and you are alive, you will for ever sit on your throne.
ARMT 4, 20:1821.

adi-clauses contribute information on the right-hand limit of the MC
fact. The temporal relationship of MC and TC is reversed vis--vis the
sentences employing the Perfect in TC.
adi l clauses have (against GAG 173h) the same temporal struc-
ture as adi clauses, for this reason they do not qualify for the Perfect ei-
The MC facts in the respective sentences are always negative.

(65) a-di pa-an e
-mi-im la ni-im-ma-ru mi-im-<ma> a-ba-[am]
-ul a-a
I will not dispatch a single soldier till we see the essence of
the matter. ARMT II, 23:23f.

(66) a-di ka-ni-kam la tu-a-bi-lam KU
-ul u
I will not send you the silver till you send me (your) sealed
document. AbB 2, 171:22f.

Since the use of tenses in adi l-clauses has nothing to do with Vor-
zeitigkeit in the sense of GAG 173h,
the use of both the Preterite and
the Present in adi l-clauses has to be explained in some other way.
The question remains open.

3.2. The Perfect in conditional (umma-)clauses
umma-clauses in OB laws have been subject of much research, but it un-
fortunately has produced no scholarly consensus.
Especially the rela-
tion of punishable facts to the temporal zero-point (before? after?) and
not surprisinglythe nature of the zero-point itself remain disputed. As
for iptaras in legal CC, the conclusion reached most recently by Metzler
2002:89 is in line with much of the previous thought (if we drop the ques-
tion of temporal localization), still it does not seem gratifying: Sowohl in

The l of adi l has nothing to do with the non-use of the Perfect in the
respective clauses, since this l is not a negation but rather a part of a compound
In fact, respective TC are nachzeitig, they cancel the (relevance of) MC
See, most recently, Metzler 2002, with comments on previous research.
140 Articles: Ancient Near Eastern Studies

Omina als auch in Rechtssprchen ist das Perfekt entweder im syntak-
tischen Rahmen der Consecutio temporum verwendet und dient der ex-
pliziten Bezeichnung eines Fortschreitens, oder es ist in seiner Gebrauch-
sweise nicht von der des Prteritums zu unterscheiden.

The use of verb forms in epistolary umma-clauses has been studied
e.g. in Maloney 1982:214261, Leong 1994:188 ff; 218 ff; 288 ff; 333 ff;
Streck 1999. These studies offer numerous examples from AbB, still the
exhaustive list of umma-clauses for AbB 113 does not yet exist, let alone
for other OB epistolary corpora.
Following the general approach of this paper, I will rst study the evi-
dence of letters and then will offer an Excursus on the verbal tenses in
OB laws.
In umma-conditional periods, I have found no apodoses temporalized
prior to the coding time.
The verb forms of apodoses are usually in-
junctives and the Present with the future meaning. This state of affairs
makes it sometimes difcult to locate umma-clauses vis--vis the zero-
point, since the general contents of a letter does not always help. In
umma-clauses, all four verbal tenses and nominal predicates are attested.
(A) The most transparent case is the Present in umma-clauses: it can
have present and future references, with connotations of desire, intention
etc. in both cases (with GAG 161i, Maloney 1982:249, Leong
1994:333f.), i.e. it displays the semantics it has in non-subordinate clauses
within deictic register.

(67) um-ma ta-qa
-ab-bi AGA.U IA-u
-um-ma li-ir-te-ed-de-e-i-
ma a-na pa-ni AGA.U IA-e-em ma-am-ma-an la i-pa-ar-ri-ik
If you give an order, let a soldier of mine lead her away, and
let nobody hinder the soldier of mine! AbB 5, 124: 2325.

Maloney 1982:100 stresses (I believe, correctly), that a perfect is not a se-
quential preterite, still he makes room for the sequential interpretation in the
CH: In many of these cases, the choice of the point at which to make the switch
characteristic of the Nachzeitigkeit pattern would seem to be random from a func-
tional standpoint. In other words, it is apparently impossible to formulate a pre-
cise rule in functional terms that will predict the switching-point (p. 289).
Clauses of contrary-to-fact condition, whether introduced by umma or
umman/ummaman, are not considered in this discussion.
The Present in the present-tense use often has, as in main clauses, a sta-
tive sense, as e.g. in the epistolary formula umma tarammanni if you love me
(e.g. LH 26:9), in umma ibai (AbB 6, 129:12; AbB 12, 23:6), etc.
S. Loesov, T-Perfect in Old Babylonian: The Debate and a Thesis 141

For an example of the negated Present in a umma-clause with future
reference, see AbB 7, 155:1821.
(B) The Stative in umma-clauses seems to have the same temporal val-
ues as the Present, the distribution of both tenses is perhaps not always
self-evident, compare the following two texts.

(68) um-ma NUMUN i-a-a-e-e NUMUN i-na E
-ti-ka i-di-
If he needs seed, give him seed from your house. AbB 1,17: 27f.

(69) a-um [e]-e-e[m] a ta-a-pu-ra-a[m] um-ma PN a-i-i a-
na PN mu-du-ud
Concerning the barley about which you wrote to me. If PN
needs (it),
measure (it) out to PN. AbB 9, 84:1520.

(C) The non-negated Preterite in umma-clauses denotes facts anterior to
the coding time, while the negated Preterite can have both past and future

(70) a-um A.A
-lim a PN a-wi-lu-u
-um li-qi
-a-u iq-bi-a-kum
um-ma a-wi-lum iq-bi-a-kum a-um A.A
a-tu ma-ar a-wi-lim
Concerning the eld of PN: was it the seigneur who told you
to take it? If the seigneur (was the one who) told you (this), I
am going to make a deposition concerning this eld before the sei-
LH 38:412.

In the following example, Hammurapi writes to ama-hazir who at
the time shared the duties of governor of Larsa with Sn-iddinam (Salla-
berger 1999:137):

(71) PN
SIPAD ki-a-am u
-lam-mi-da-an-ni um-ma u-ma BUR
a i-na ka-ni-ik be-li
-ia ka-an-kam i-tu MU.4.KAM PN

i-ki-ma-an-ni-ma e-u il-te-ne-eq-qi
-lam-mi-id-ma u
-ul u
te-er-ru-nim ki-a-am u
-lam-mi-da-an-ni a-na PN
a-tap-ra-am um-
ma ki-ma PN
.3.IKU A.A
a i-na E
.GAL ka-

For a-e-e governing an explicit direct object, see AbB 9, 15:22; LE A III
r 24 = LE B III r 8.
Italicized words in the translation are as in Goetze 1958:62.
142 Articles: Ancient Near Eastern Studies

an-ku-um PN
i-tu MU.4.KAM il-qe
-e-ma i-ik-ka-al e-li-a a-wa-
tum ma-ru-u-tum u
-ul i-ba-a-i
The shepherd PN
communicated me the following, in his
own words: Four years ago, PN
took away from me the
three-bur eld which was assigned to me in my lords sealed
document and keeps appropriating its barley. I informed
Sn-iddinam, but they did not return (the eld) to me. This
is what he communicated to me. I have already written to
Sn-iddinam. If, as this PN
said, four years ago PN
took the
three-bur eld that was assigned to him (= to PN
) in the
Palace under seal and supports himself with it, there is no
graver abuse than this! AbB 4, 79:421.
The underlined passages remind one AbB 4, 40: 18-20 discussed
above as (29): i-na-an-na PN
-li ib-ta-aq-ra-an-ni u
i-na-a-a-ar: now PN
son of PN
has claimed my eld from me and
keeps my barley. The choice of the perfect ibtaqranni vs. the preterites
kimanni and ilqe is motivated by the respective contexts of inanna vs. itu
MU.4.KAM. If Hammurapi had dropped the time adverbial from the
umma-clause he probably would have written *umma PN eqlam ilteq-ma
ikkal the way he sometimes did in his Code, see CH 30 quoted and
commented upon below in Excursus III.

(72) um-ma ki-ma PN
wa-ar-ka-at a-wa-tim a
-lim u-a-ti PN
i-bu-tum ip-ru-su-ma A.A
-am a-na
-bi-ir-ru u
i-na up-pi
-im PN
a-bi PN
a-na i-bu-tim a-
-er A.A
-am u
e-am a-na PN
-ma te-er-ra um-ma wa-ar-ka-
at A.A
-lim u-a-ti la ip-pa-ri-is PN
-am u-a-ti la u
ma a-na PN
la id-di-in GI.TUKUL a DINGIR a-na A.A
im li-ri-id-ma at-tu-nu a-lum u
i-bu-tum a-wa-a-tim a A.A
u-a-ti ma-ar DINGIR bi-ir-ra-ma A.A
-am ana du-ri-u id-na
If, as PN
said, PN
, the City, and the elders (actually) ex-
amined the factual evidence regarding this eld and
conrmed the eld to PN
, and (if) PN
the father of PN
entered in the document as a witness, return the eld and

Another such case might be 148 (XXXI 7074): a-na a-ni-tim a-a-zi-im
pa-ni-u i-ta-ka-an i-i-a-az (if ) he decided to marry another (woman and) is
going to marry (her). Still, pa-ni-u i-ta-ka-an is a set phrase in CH, therefore
there is no telling if it is G perfect or Gt preterite.
S. Loesov, T-Perfect in Old Babylonian: The Debate and a Thesis 143

the barley to PN
! If the factual evidence regarding this eld
was not examined, PN
neither conrmed (the status of the
eld) nor gave this eld to PN
, the weapon of the god
should go down to the eld and you, the City, and the eld-
ersclarify the matter of this eld before the god and give
the eld where it permanently belongs! AbB 4, 40:2236.

(73) a-na mi-ni-im la ta-di-in i-pi
-ir PN i[-n]a ma-[t]i ta-na-di-in
i-[d]i-in um-ma la [t]a-di-in a-[]a-pa-ra-am-ma i-pi
-ir []a-ti-a
i-na bi-ti-ka ta-na-di-in
Why have you not given? When are you going to give the ra-
tion of PN? Give! If you do not give, I will prescribe that you
give her yearly ration from your property. AbB 2, 129:819.
Non-negated Preterite is not used in OB umma-clauses with future
reference in so far as the examples reported in the literature are con-
cerned. Almost all the examples (with one exception) of preterites ante-
rior to future in Leong 1994:120f. have a negation i.e. may be inter-
preted as negative alloforms of perfects, although Leong does not pay at-
tention to this fact.
The only non-negated verb form in his catalogue is
AbB 12, 52:11 um-ma
UTU it-ba-lam, if ama brings (it) my way. This
is most likely a perfect of wablu, as required by the sense. Maloney
1982:219230 provides a complete list of preterites in umma-clauses
found by him in AbB 17. Again, negated preterites with assumed future
reference are not singled out and commented upon as such. The verb in
AbB 3, 39:27 um-ma wa-i-tam u
is probably a present 3 mp
ue. The only suspicious example left in the dissertation is AbB 3, 39:
1624, translated by R. Frankena in the Edition with German Prsentia,
but the text does not force a future time interpretation.

When I call a negated preterite with a future reference (as in 73 above) a
negative alloform of a perfect, I simply mean that a perfect would have been
used in the same position within a protasis if it were not for negation. In MC,
negated preterites coordinated with perfects are deictic, cf. e.g. (5) above. This
means that in discourse main clauses the negated Preterite represents the neu-
tralization of the Perfect ~ Preterite opposition.
For the moment, I have found only one example probably contradicting
my claim and not mentioned in previous literature: [um]-ma a-pi
-ri i-pur-am
[ER]IM-am nu-e-e-e-er If my superior sends
me a written order we will send
the troops straight on (AbB 13, 37:16f.). The statistical evidence will suggest
past-time reading of the protasis.
144 Articles: Ancient Near Eastern Studies

Thus, as we have seen and will see in (D), the repertoire of verb forms
in non-past (= present and future) time umma-clauses includes all four
verbal tenses, of these the Preterite is always negated by l, the other
three can be used in both positive form and negated by l. I do not have a
complete list of umma-clauses in published OB letters and therefore can-
not establish the distribution rules with any certainty, so I will limit myself
to a few guesses to be corrected in the future.
(D) The Perfect in epistolary umma-clauses is temporalized both before
and after the moment of speaking. The meaning of the Perfect in the
former case is very close to its prototypical (i.e. the least contextually
meaning in non-EPf main clauses. The meanings of verbal
tenses in CC deviate from their MC discourse register meanings less than in
TC. This happens because a condition is pragmatically more foregrounded
than a time adverbial. The foregrounded nature of umma-clauses has its
morphological counterpart in the zero subordinative morpheme, so that
GAG is perhaps partly correct in including Bedingungsstze among Koor-
dinierte Hauptstze. umma (l) VERB
pattern is thus grammati-
cally distinct from all the other ways to express a conditioning fact in Ak-
kadian. The occasional Mari use of ul rather than l in this pattern (GAG
161b) witnesses eloquently for the foregrounded status of OB conditions.
Where the genuine conditioning particle umma is replaced by secondary
conditional conjunctions derived from real subordinating elements (OB i-
tma < itu, n/spB k), the subordinative morpheme also appears (in Mari
again exceptions are attested, GAG 176d), cf. e. g. AbB 6, 96:410. One
wonders whether umma possessed originally a demonstrative force; unfor-
tunately its etymology remains obscure.

(74) [am-mi-n]im i-tu ta-al-li-{li}-ku e
-em A.A
-im a a-wa-tu-u la
ga-am-ra a u
-na-a-i-d[u-k]a a-pa-rum-ma u
-ul ta-a-pur-am a-wa-
a-at A.A
-im a la ga-am-ra ta-ag-da-ma-a-ar [o] ka-ni-kam tu-u-te-
zi-i-i[b] um-ma a-wa-at A.A
-im a la ga-am-ra ta-ag-da-mar [k]a-ni-
kam tu-u-te-zi-ib [k]a-ni-kam u-a-ti a-na u
-a-ar-tim i-di-im-ma

All kinds of contexts are implied here, in particular the syntactic pattern,
the presence of time adverbials and other syntagmatic elements inuencing the
choice and meaning of the verb form, the semantic type of respective verb, the
pragmatic context such as e.g. propositional attitude (assertion/question/negation
etc). The linguistic context supporting the meaning that the Perfect has in non-
EPf MC is minimal or least specic, therefore this meaning is primary or proto-
typical. See also 5 below.
S. Loesov, T-Perfect in Old Babylonian: The Debate and a Thesis 145

Why have you, since you went, sent me no news whatsoever
concerning the eld over which the negotiations were not con-
cluded, as I instructed you? Have you concluded the negotia-
tions over the eld which were not concluded? Have you had
a sealed document drawn up? If you have concluded the ne-
gotiations over the eld which were not concluded (and) have
had a sealed document drawn up, give this document to the
girl and AbB 12, 18:1118.

This one seems to me a clear-cut example of a umma-clause perfect
whose resultative component coincides with the moment of speaking.

Some of the examples listed in Maloney 1982:231248 and Leong
1994:219222 no doubt belong here, still to separate future time condi-
tional perfects from pre-present ones with certainty is not always easy. In
letters, I have not found CH-like conditional chains of iprus-ma iptaras.
The non-negated Perfect temporalized after the zero-point seems
to indicate the reference time simultaneous with the state resulting
from the completion of the umma-clause action, i.e. its temporal
structure is probably identical to that of the Perfect in future-time TC.
I admit that this suggestion is not proven and is based on analogy
with the other patterns, where the Perfect never quite loses its com-
plex structure.
Compare the following examples:

It takes a leap of faith to accept that the author used identical (except for
question intonation) verb forms with different temporal references within the
same passage.
As mentioned in 1.1, GAG 161f suggests that in this pattern iptaras has
hypothetical or potential meaning. This idea was put in doubt for CH by
Hirsch 1969:128, rejected for both CH and letters by Streck 1995a:200, declined
for OB legal protases by Metzler 2002:879. Futurum exactum as a possible
alternative was mentioned for OB legal protases by Hirsch 1969:130 whose
interpretation however is not clear to me: [G]ewinnt man den Eindruck, da die
meisten der am Ende der umma-Stze verwendeten Perfekta den harten
bergang von der Vergangenheit, die meist in den hier betrachteten
Konditionalstzen steht, zum Prs.-Futur des Hauptsatzes mildern soll. Das wre
etwa im Sinne eines futurum exactum . Maloney 1982: 236238, 259261 rejects
the futurum exactum interpretation for letters and favours von Sodens hypotheti-
cal quality of the perfect (p. 236) in this syntactic pattern. Verbal moods, ex-
pressed either morphologically or analytically, serve to grammaticalize speakers
propositional attitudes. For conditional clauses one expects, logically speaking,
no more than two moods: 1) a mood expressing speakers belief that a condition
is contrary to facts; 2) a default mood whereby the speaker establishes a condi-
146 Articles: Ancient Near Eastern Studies

(75a) um-ma i-mu-um im-ta-aq-tam ar-i-i at-ta-la-kam
If merchandise comes my way, I will depart promptly. AbB 12,

(75b) um-ma ta-la-ka-am ki-ma pa-ni-ki-ma li-qi
If you come, take for yourself according to your intention!
AbB 5, 237:15f.

An example from OB Gilg. shows that this usage was possible in the
deictic register outside of letters:

(76) um-ma am-ta-qu
-ut u-mi lu-u-zi-iz
If I fall, I shall establish my name. Gilg. Y. 148.

Some people will possibly claim that this last example might feel as
potential (whatever this should mean) but unfortunately no waterproof
linguistic evidence can be produced to substantiate this claim for OB, a
dead language.
Summing up: in past time epistolary protases, the tenses behave the
way they do in the main clauses. In particular, the paradigmatic relation-
ship between the Preterite and Perfect is the same as in the PROBLEM
part of a letter, i.e. immediately before injunctives (see 2.2 above). In fu-
ture protases, the Present and non-negated Perfect relate like in future-
time TC introduced by kma etc.
In epistolary umma-clauses, the Perfect refers to facts preceding and
following the coding time, while the Perfect is not acceptable in TC with
past reference. This is because past time TC are backgrounded while past
time CC may be either backgrounded (the Preterite) or foregrounded
(the Perfect).

Excursus III: The verbal tenses in OB laws
GAG 161d claims that the Preterite in CH protases corresponds to the
German Prsens. W. von Soden did not explain the reasons behind his

tioningconditioned relationship between facts but refrains from judging the
truth value of the condition. Quite independently of this, any if-clause is hypo-
thetical by denition.
S. Loesov, T-Perfect in Old Babylonian: The Debate and a Thesis 147

The translation he gives as an example: wenn ein Brger in ein
Haus einbricht (CH IX 14/6) is difcult to reconcile with his Grunbedeu-
tung of the protasis Preterite: nun, X hat getan, (dann), since German
Prsens is not usually synonymous with Perfekt. An addendum in
161d: [d]ie Vergangenheitsformen nach umma knnen teilweise (?
S. L.) vielleicht (??S. L.) prterital interpretiert werden actually cancels
the interpretation given in the body of the grammar, so in this matter
GAG leaves us to our own advices.
M. P. Streck believes that the Preterite expresses anteriority of condi-
tioning facts to apodoses and that the moment of law-writing (= the pre-
sent moment of the law-maker) constitutes the zero-point, i.e. the norms
are temporalized in the law-makers future. Cf. e.g. Streck 1998b:304:
Nur die Vorzeitigkeit der Protasis zur Apodosis wird bezeichnet. Die
Nachzeitigkeit zum Gegenwartspunkt bleibt dagegen unbercksichtigt.
According to this theory, the isolated Perfect in legal protases denotes
[s]owohl die Vorzeitigkeit der Protasis zur Apodosis als auch die
Nachzeitigkeit der Protasis zum Gegenwartspunkt (ibid. 305, and cf. 1.1
of this paper). For M. P. Strecks view of temporal relations in iprus
iptaras chains in the protases of CH, cf. 1.1 above.
Unless a law is retroactive, both punishable facts and sanctions are al-
ways in the law-makers future, and transgression always precedes sanc-
tion. In a more general way, the default interpretation of an if-clause
fact is that it does not follow the Nachsatz fact.
Therefore the kind of
information M. P. Streck advances as the meaning of the Preterite in this
pattern does not need grammatical encoding, in particular by methods
otherwise alien to OB. As we have seen, in OB umma-clauses the non-
negated Preterite does not denote facts in the speakers future. Condi-
tions temporalized in the speakers future are typically expressed by ipar-
ras forms andin relatively rare cases under certain circumstances dis-
cussed aboveby perfects and negated preterites. Apart from this, the
Preterite can denote a fact posterior to the zero-point only in TC intro-
duced by adi l.

Metzler 2002: 47 interprets this position of W. von Soden in terms of his-
tory of Assyriology.
If the opposite is the case, the relationship between the respective facts is
not actually conditional, but rather that of signifying and signied, as e.g. in OB
omina with past time apodoses (see Metzler 2002:45, 213 ff.), and cf. an English
sentence If he has not paid his taxes he must have lost all his assets.
148 Articles: Ancient Near Eastern Studies

Lucien Tesnire likened the verbal sentence to un petit drame. We
will try to clarify the structure of crime and punishment dramas of OB le-
gal sentences by comparing them to another genre of OB literature. I be-
lieve the corpus that compares most naturally with CH is the Hammu-
The structure of the HL as disclosed by W. Salla-
berger is similar to that of a legal norm. F. R. Kraus noticed in 1973 that
these letters scheinen wenigstens zum Teile eher wie etwa Rechtsurkun-
den aufgesetzt worden zu sein, nach festen Regeln und mit Benutzung
bestimmter Schemen (as quoted in Sallaberger 1999:137).
Ideally, a HL consists of two major blocks: a narrative and an opera-
tive part.
Here I will call the latter arrangement by way of free imita-
tion of W. Sallabergers Anordnung. In terms of contents, this format is
parallel to the protasis (= Tatbestand, i.e. facts of the case) ~ apodosis
(= sanction) division of CH legal sentences:



In Hammurapi-correspondence the temporal zero-point (T
) is self-
evidently retrospective vis--vis narrated facts (often a quoted complaint)
and prospective vis--vis the ARRANGEMENT.
We have already seen (2.2) that the NARRATIVE of HL is divided
into what may be called story and problem. The latter part houses all
the pre-present MC iptaras forms found in the corpus by Sallaberger
(1999) and Streck (1999), although as noted above this does not hold for
other OB letters.

If one is allowed to drop from this preliminary exposition some (how-
ever otherwise important) details in order to bring the evidence into
sharp relief, the pattern of linear sequence of verb forms in HL will
probably look like this:

I do not consider omina because their protases contain signs rather than
conditioning facts.
W. Sallaberger provides allgemeine Strukturmodell eines Hammurabi-
Briefes consisting of four parts and indicates the verbal use and basic functions
for each of them (p. 140f.).
AbB 2, 87 is, against Streck 1999:109, not a HL but a private letter of a
merchant Iddin-Sn written from Arrapha (see my example 30 above).
S. Loesov, T-Perfect in Old Babylonian: The Debate and a Thesis 149

STORY: Pret. -ma Pret./Stat. chain (+Pret./Stat. in subordinate clauses)
PROBLEM: Perf. (Pret./Stat.) and/or Pres.


ARRANGEMENT: Pres. + injunctives (Imv., Prec., Prohib.)

The literary-structural distinction of STORY vs PROBLEM corre-
sponds to the grammatical opposition of narrative vs. discourse interpre-
tations of verbal tenses. For the Present in the PROBLEM, see e.g. AbB 4,
40:19f. quoted above as (29) (Perf. + Pres.), AbB 4, 37:11ff. (Pret. +
Pres.), AbB 2, 24: 10f. (two iparras forms and no Perf.), and more exam-
ples in Sallaberger 1999:145. The appearance of a perfect, a present, or
both in the PROBLEM depends on the kind of situation calling for the
kings decision.
This linear sequence of verbs could be contained in a single sentence
whose constituent clauses stand in cause-and-effect relationship:
[since] the situation is/has turned out to be like this:
[therefore] do so-and-so!
and some of the shorter HL do come close to a single sentence, see the
examples referred to in Sallaberger 1999:139 (94).
From the perspective of text-linguistics, CH legal protases compare
better with HL NARRATIVE than with conditional protases of OB letters
because the latter entirely lack the story element. Incidentally, single-
predicate legal protases have a counterpart in shorter LH. The repertoire
and sequence of temporal forms in Vorderstze
of both discourse
patterns (CH and HL) are identical,
while CH Nachstze have only in-
dicative verb forms, i.e. positive and negated iparras but no precatives or

As expected, present tense statives of low transitivity verbs can also ap-
pear in the last, post-iptaras position of the PROBLEM: ki-ma ti-du-u
a-na SAG.
i-a-a-am e-zi-ib-ma a-da-a-an KU
.BABBAR a-qa
-a-lim ik-ta-a-da-an-ni-
i-ma DAM.GAR
is-ra-an-ni, As you know, I made out a debt-note for the slave-
girl, and (now) the time to pay the silver has arrived for me, and the merchant is
exacting payment from me (AbB 2, 94:59).
The author of the problem is often the plaintiff, while the author of the
arrangement is always Hammurapi.
I use German terms here because they do not dene the nature of rela-
tionship (coordination vs. subordination) between parts of a larger unit.
But see LE A IV 25 for a rare example of a present (of qpu to fall down,
collapse) used in the story part of a legal protasis, probably with a conative
meaning was going to collapse.
150 Articles: Ancient Near Eastern Studies

prohibitives. This difference between general and individual norms is well
attested across languages (cf. e.g. Biblical Hebrew).

I accept, with Metzler 2002, the present moment of legal decision-
making as the zero-time for CH legal dramas,

This granted, one may posit for the TATBESTAND the use of tenses
in conformity with the rules for past and pre-present MC in epistolary lit-
erature as described above, which renders the idea of Nachzeitig-
keit/Fortschreiten unnecessary for the description of OB iptaras. The se-
quential sense is actually a notion contrary to the meanings of OB iptaras
in all the syntactic patterns it is used, since its semantic invariant is resul-
tative anteriority (see 5 below). Typologically, PERFECT is of course
the opposite of sequentiality. Therefore M. P. Streck and K. A. Metzler
are in their own ways quite right in breaking with the contradictory tradi-
tion accumulated in GAG, where W. von Soden combined B. Landsber-
gers punktuelles Prsens and A. Goetzes action which has just been
performed and still affects the situation with the Nachzeitigkeit notion.
One has to choose either of these interpretations.

(78) um-ma lu AGA.U[] u
lu U.A A.A
[u] u
] i-na pa-ni il-ki-im id-di-ma ud-da-ap-pi
-ir a-nu-
um wa-ar-ki-[u] A.A
-u u
MU.3.KAM i-li-ik-u it-ta-la-ak um-ma it-tu-ra-am-ma A.A
-[u] u
i-ir-ri-i u
-ul in-na-ad-di-i-um a
i-a-ab-tu-ma i-li-ik-u it-ta-al-ku u-ma i-il-la-ak

The details of the verbal usage in OB legal clauses are complicated (see
e.g. Maloney 1981: 262361), the criteria for telling G perf. from Gt pret. remain
vague. Still the well-known basic pattern for longer protases prevails: preterites
(and, where appropriate, statives) come rst, perfects are mostly restricted to
nal position(s) in the respective protasis (see e.g. Metzler 2002:110ff. for prota-
ses with several perfects), the infrequently appearing Present always gets the last
position within the problem part of a legal protasis (Metzler 2002:169173).
I hope this question has been denitely settled by K. A. Metzler. Both his
arguments from the realm of OB verbal grammatical semantics and the parallels
in tensing between CH and German StGB he adduces look convincing.
In both HL and CH, the temporal reference of PROBLEM iparras forms
crosses the T
. As I have already mentioned, iparras forms in this position have
aspectual values of durative, iterative or habitualis and do not usually denote
telic processes actually taking place at the moment of observation. Under certain
circumstances, statives are used in the same position and with the same kind of
meaning (cf. e.g. AbB 4, 88:8).
S. Loesov, T-Perfect in Old Babylonian: The Debate and a Thesis 151

If either a soldier or a sherman abandoned his eld, or-
chard, and house because of the service obligation and
moved away,
another person took his eld, orchard and
house as his successor and performed
his service obliga-
tion for three years(and) if he <the former tenant> (then)
has returned and claims his eld, orchard or house (T
will not be given to him. He who has taken (it) and has per-
formed its service (= the service related to the holding of
real estate),
it is he who shall/ will perform (it). CH 30.

By using the Perfect, the drafter highlights certain parts of the TAT-
BESTAND by making them touch the ctitious moment of observation.
In other words, the perfect(s) explicitly mark(s) the PROBLEM part of
the TATBESTAND, separating it from the STORY part. In laws and let-
ters, the shift from STORY to PROBLEM is irreversible: 1-ma 2-ma 1 lin-
ear sequence does not seem to be attested with any noticeable fre-

This interpretation is close to that of Maloney 1982: 277f.: On the
whole, the perfects express the actual crime The preterites express
those facts which serve as background leading up to the most important
fact or facts that the lawmaker wishes to provide a legal remedy for in the
apodosis. Still, many cases resist this straightforward interpretation in
terms of contents. Cf. the following norm, which denitely contradicts it:

(79) um-ma a-wi-lum u-ub-tam i-bu-ut-ma it-ta-a-ba-at a-wi-
lu-um u-u
If a man committed a robbery and has been seized, that man
shall/will be killed. CH 22.

-ir is difcult. Its position within the verbal chain is not suitable
for a normal CH perfect. It could be a narrative perfect employed to indicate
a break in the story or a medial Dt preterite (see 4 of this paper). The latter op-
tion is more likely since epic narrative perfects do not seem to be a feature of CH
and because of the identical form in the continuing protasis ( 31, XI 7).
it-ta-la-ak is probably a medial Gt preterite since the Perfect is hardly possi-
ble here because of time adverbial. Still, the phrase i-li-ik-u it-ta-la-ak appears in
27 (X 22f.) not accompanied by a past time adverbial.
a i-a-ab-tu-ma i-li-ik-u it-ta-al-ku: the verb forms may be either G perfects or
medial Gt preterites. Perfects do sometimes occur in relative clauses (see 2.6) and
seem to have the same meaning as in pre-present MC.
1 stands for the Preterite, 2 for the Perfect.
152 Articles: Ancient Near Eastern Studies

I will restate Maloneys suggestion (accepted in Huehnergard
1997:157) in purely grammatical terms.
The preterites in 1-(ma) 1 protasis chains are sequential, i.e. each of
them serves as a reference point for the following one, as in (78): A.A
id-di-ma ud-da-ap-pi
-ir a-nu-um wa-ar-ki-[u] A.A
-u u

i-ba-at-ma. According to the denition of . Dahl already quoted
above, a sentence occurs in a narrative context if the temporal point of
reference (in Reichenbachs sense) is determined by the point in time at
which the last event related in the preceding context took place, i.e. the
preterites of CH protases (and sometimes perhaps umma-clauses statives,
which need a special treatment) satisfy the denition of the narrative con-
This proves that T
of a legal sentence makes no contribu-
tion to their temporal meaning.

The verb forms (a perfect and a present) in um-ma it-tu-ra-am-ma
-u i-ir-ri-i do not participate in the narrative sequence of preterites as
the last elements of a verbal chain, the -ma at the transition point is but a
means of textual cohesion; importantly, the variation of -ma/u(/?)/ in
the CH does not correlate with the change of verb forms (with Patterson
This break in terms of interpretation register within the protasis is
proved by the following observations:
iptaras possesses PERFECT temporal semantics in pre-present MC,
in particular in the PROBLEM part of OB letters (as shown in 2 of this
paper); this use has nothing to do with temporal progress (with Ma-
loney 1982 passim, especially p. 281, and cf. Dahl 1985:113: One salient
property of PFCT in general is the fact that it is not used in narrative con-
in pre-T
umma-clauses of OB letters, iptaras has the same meaning
as in MC;
the linear sequence of temporal forms is identical in HL and OB laws;
when both the Preterite and the Perfect are used in a protasis, the
latter regularly renders, as expected, the information that is legally most
relevant (with Maloney 1982);

Similar denitions occur elsewhere, e.g. in Paducheva 1996 and essentially
already in Benveniste 1966.
With Paducheva 1996 and with Dahl 1985: [S]ince the point of reference
<in narrative contexts> is by denition determined by the context, any further
indication of its location in time will be redundant (p. 127).
S. Loesov, T-Perfect in Old Babylonian: The Debate and a Thesis 153

the possibility to use the Present in the linear sequence of the prota-
sis suggests that the foregoing perfects belong to the right, i.e. with the
iparras form, as was shown above e.g. by the analysis of the sequence
PN ib-qu
-ra-an-ni-ma i-na-an-na PN A.A
-li ib-ta-aq-ra-an-ni u

e-e i-na-a-a-ar PN claimed my eld Now PN has claimed my eld
and keeps the barley (AbB 4, 40, example 29).

The appearance of a perfect in a legal protasis signals the shift from
narrative to discourse interpretation of verb forms: perfects as well as
presents are related to the deictic centre of legal utterances.
Thus, in CH 22 (79 above) the actual crime u-ub-tam i-bu-ut ap-
pears in the narrative context, while it-ta-a-ba-at he has been seized ob-
tains at the moment of observation. In CH 155, similar facts are ren-
dered by two perfects:

(80) um-ma wa-ar-ka-nu-um-ma i-na su
-ni-a it-ta-ti-il-ma
i-a-ab-tu-u T

If <the womans father-in-law> afterwards (= after the
consummation of his sons marriage) has lain in her lap and
they have seized him CH XXXII 7279.

In both norms the lawmaker stipulates that culprits have to be seized
agrante delicto.
Unless deictic perfects are disjunctive,
their relationship within the
same protasis is most often that of temporal sequence, as in the protasis
just quoted. Temporal sequence may be explicitly indicated by warknum
afterwards and warka later, as in both the preceding and the following

(81) um-ma a-wi-lum LUKUR i-u-uz-ma GEME
a-na mu-ti-a
id-di-in-ma DUMU.ME it-ta-la-ad wa-ar-ka-nu-um GEME
i it-ti be-el-ti-a u-ta-tam-i-ir T

If a man married a nadtu, and she gave her husband a slave
woman, and (the latter) has born children, (and) afterwards

Metzler 2002:81ff. believes that t-forms in the context of disjunction are
not perfects but rather preterites of tan-inxed stems. This claim is supported by
the writing it-ta-an-di-in showing nasalization of -dd- in CH 117f.
154 Articles: Ancient Near Eastern Studies

that slave woman has positioned herself as equal
to her
mistress T
CH 146.

For a verb, the context of both the Perfect and a past time temporal
adverb is a contradictory one (in AbB 4, 160:28f a preterite is used with
wa-ar-ka-nu-um in the context of yes/no question at the turn to the opera-
tive part); in CH 146 (and cf. CH VI 630) the centripetence of the verb
placed immediately before the apodosis proves stronger than its past time
adjunct. Most importantly, this temporal adjunct relates u-ta-tam-i-ir to
the preceding iptaras form.
The temporal sequence of two deictic perfects is also attested in the
PROBLEM part of OB letters, e.g. in AbB 4, 69: 2628 already quoted
above: A.A
-li i-te-ri-i e-a-am a A.A
-ia a-na ma-a-ka-ni-u it-ta-ba-ak:
He has cultivated my eld (and) has stored the barley of my eld at his
threshing oor.
Cf. also a letter in which three deictic perfects most probably describe
a linear temporal sequence of events:

(82) ki-ma te-e-mu-u
am-ta-a-ar-ma i-na a-ki-tim ak-ta-
n[a]-ak u
a-na KU
a qa
a-na DAM.GAR
.ME i-ta-su-u
i-na qa
-e a-wi-lim a-pu-
As you have heard, I have received wool and sealed it in Aki-
tum and they have asked (lit. called upon) merchants regard-
ing the purchase-price silver which (is) in the hands of the
merchants. I hereby address you in accordance with the order
of the boss (EPf and injunctives follow). AbB 7, 162:17.

The most likely explanation of this evidence is as follows: perfects
forming a pseudo-narrative sequence do not depend for their temporali-
zation on their respective left-hand co-text but each of them relates indi-
vidually to the now of their shared zero-point, which is both external
vis--vis the (pseudo-)narrative and in-built morphologically.
This feature of OB letters and legal protases is paralleled by the use of
tenses observable in todays English biographical notes. Cf. e.g. the bio

The form u-ta-tam-i-ir is interesting because it combines beyond doubt an
inectional and a derivational -ta- inx unless one is prepared to posit a tt stem.
See 4 below.
S. Loesov, T-Perfect in Old Babylonian: The Debate and a Thesis 155

note of a contemporary English composer published at the web-site of the
Oxford University Press, abridged here:
Michael Finnissy was born in Tulse Hill, London in 1946. He was a
Foundation Scholar at the Royal College of Music, London, where he
studied composition and piano . Afterwards, he studied in Italy .
Finnissy created the music department of the London School of Contem-
porary Dance, and has been associated as composer with many British
dance companies . He has taught at Dartington Summer School
and is guest lecturer at many colleges and universities. He has also been
musician in residence to the Victorian College of the Arts . In 1999 he
was made Professor of Composition at the University of Southampton.
Finnissy has been featured composer at the Bath, Hudderseld, and
Almeida festivals, and his works are widely performed and broadcast
I have underlined preterites, bold-typed presents and present per-
fects, and italicized temporal adjuncts. The relationship between verbal
predicates in this text is loose, the linear sequence does not necessarily
reect the course of real life events (the latter is sometimes simply irrele-
vant) but most of the verb forms lacking a time adverbial point to the de-
coding time as their T
. The is guest lecturer makes this external point
of view very salient. The choice of place where to shift from preterites to
present perfects might seem arbitrary, and the shiftonce madeis irre-
versible unless past time adverbials (such as in 1999) reappear in the text.
As we have seen, these features are similar to what we observe in OB let-
ters and legal protases.
Single-predicate protases with iptaras receive a straightforward deictic

(83) um-ma LU
i-na be-la-a-ni GI.MA
la a-at-tam i-a-ba-at
10 GIN
If a man has seized a boat which is not his without intention (to
steal it), he will weigh out 10 shekels of silver. LE 6, A I 2728.
See also e.g. CH 192, 282 (iqtabi).

Single-predicate protases with an iprus (e.g. CH 6, 21, 64) and iprus-
ma iprus protases (CH 128, 131, 178, 181, 228) are interpreted on
analogy with OB letters displaying preterite(s) in the PROBLEM, see LH
7:33 quoted as (24) above, with a comment. For similar examples from
HL, see Sallaberger 1999:145.
156 Articles: Ancient Near Eastern Studies

Excursus IV: negated iptaras in OB
Negated iptaras is restricted in OBwith very few exceptionsto umma-
clauses. Negated perfects are attested in CH (about 30 examples, Maloney
1982:351 has a list of them) and in OB letters (10 examples are known to
They are not used in LE.
This evidence poses several questions:
1) How are negated perfects different from negated preterites?
2) Why are negated perfects virtually absent from epistolary MC but
used in CC?
3) Why are they used in CH protases but are absent from LE?
In CH, each negated perfect appears as the last predicate of respective
The negated Perfect denotes behaviour that is contrary to the
normal (expected) course of events, most typically penalized omissions.
Goetze 1936:314 thinks that in CH the negated Perfect denotes an
action which has been performed without success, but this does not
square with much of CH evidence.
Here are all the examples of negated perfects that have no positive
matches in immediate co-text of anaphorically related norms:

1, 2, 3, 127: la uk-ti-in(-u) <if> he has not brought proof.
A. Goetzes explanation of these forms as expressing negative effect
(= proved unable) is possible though it cannot be proven with any cer-
16 la u-te-i
-a-am <if> he has not brought out (a fugitive slave or
slave woman). Conative reading is excluded, this is a penalized omission.
Metzler 2002:83 thinks that u-te-i
-a-am is a Gtn preterite used to ex-
press disjunction. Syntactically, iptaras is quite possible here.

I do not discuss here one possible example in the CH Epilogue XLIX:8.
Exceptional cases are 10, 109. In 10, the l itbalam ~ itbalam linear se-
quence (if the alleged buyer has not produced the seller of the lost property
the owner of the lost property has produced witnesses who can identify his lost
property) is explained by the elliptic structure of the norm which actually con-
tains two independent provisions: if the buyer has not produced he will/shall
be killed; if the owner has produced he will/shall receive his lost property. In
terms of tense grammar, both verb forms relate independently to T
. For 109,
see presently.
I do not consider negated perfects that have positive counterparts in order
to exclude the possibility that iptaras was just copied into the negative clause, still
these negated perfects in CH admit the kind of interpretation I offer here for
single negated perfects.
S. Loesov, T-Perfect in Old Babylonian: The Debate and a Thesis 157

18 la iz-za-kar <if> he has not identied (the owner). From the
point of view of this norm, a slave is not legally competent and therefore
is not subject to punishments, but this behaviour seems to be contrary to
expectations while 17 presents the normal course of events (identify-
ing the slaves master is unproblematic).
42 la u-tab-i:<if> he has not planted (barley). Penalized omission.
44 la ip-te-te: <if> he has not opened (the eld). Ditto.
48 la it-tab-i: <if> there has been no (barley because of lack of wa-
ter). This is a consequence of a vis maior violating the normal course of
events. Still we probably have to disregard this case because nab seems
to be a defective verb: in OB texts is it normally used in Pres. and Perf.
but hardly ever in Pret.
105 la il-te-qi
: <if> he has not taken (a receipt). Penalized omission.
109 sa
-ar-ru-tim u-nu-ti la i-a-ab-tam a-na E
.GAL la ir-di-a-am:
<if> she (the ale-wife) has not seized those criminals and taken them to
the Palace. la i-a-ab-tam is a medial t-preterite.
It is not clear to me
why the last predicate of the protasis is a pret. rather than a perf. As we
will see below, negated preterites as the last predicates of the protasis are
not otherwise used in CH to denote punishable omissions.
In most of these examples conative reading is hardly possible.
131f. need a special discussion. In 131 the law-maker used the N
pret. la i-a-bi-it: <and if> she was not seized <lying with another
male>. A preterite rather than a perfect is employed as the last predicate
of the protasis simply because this is not a case of penalized behaviour.
The one who accuses a woman of adultery in this norm is her husband,
and he does so without ground. The law does not punish suspicious hus-
bands but by the same token the law does not create punitive conse-
quences for the objects of their unsupported accusations. In 132 the
woman is accused of adultery not by her husband (as in 131) but by a
third party or possibly by the public opinion: u
-ba-nu-um e-li-a it-ta-ri-i:
a nger was pointed at her <in accusation involving another male>.

The last predicate of the protasis is la it-ta-a-ba-at: <and if> she has

In CH it is the negated Preterite that is employed to denote penalized
omission in the penultimate clause of the protasis, cf. e.g. 43, 61, 62f (an inter-
esting case of bifurcating continuing protasis with nominal clauses following a
negated preterite), 65, 112, 133b.
DriverMiles 1956:284 feel that here the evidence against her is much
stronger than that in the last section How this evidence is produced is hard to
say, but the fact is probably known in the district.
158 Articles: Ancient Near Eastern Studies

not been seized <lying with another male>. The law-maker assumes that
an unproven accusation by a third party violates the normal course of
events (= although she has not been seized) and for this reason uses a
negated perfect. Put a little bit differently, la it-ta-a-ba-at is grammatically
the same usage as 44 la ip-te-te: since they accuse her, they are supposed
to have seized her in the act but they have not done so. If they had, an-
other norm would have to be applied: um-ma a-a-at a-wi-lim it-ti zi-ka-ri-
im a-ni-im i-na i-tu-lim it-ta-a-bat, if a mans wife has been seized lying
with another male 129, which represents so to speak a default situa-
A. Goetze offers a different explanation: The difference between
132 (l ittabat) and 131 (l iabit) is very instructive. In 131 the
negative fact is stressed: the husband has no reason to suspect his wife. In
132, however, an attempt at catching her is implied. The situation may
best be expressed by rendering: Supposing the wife of a citizenthe
nger has been pointed at her because of another man, but it is not pos-
sible to seize her sleeping with another man (Goetze 1936:315 n.67).
But the conative interpretation is not viable for most cases, so it is per-
haps better not to posit it here.
149 la im-ta-gar
: <if> she (a sick woman) has not agreed (to live in
her husbands house); this behaviour is not penalized but the legislators
premise is that it deviates from the normal course of events and therefore
requires legal remedy (cf. 148).
178 la it-ta-ad-nu-i-im-ma li-ib-ba-a la u-i-ib-bu: <if> they have not
given to her <food, oil and clothing allowances> and (thus) have not
satised her. Same comment.
190 it-ti DUMU.ME-u la im-ta-nu-u: <if> he has not made him
equal with his sons; this omission stipulates the sanction: that adopted
child shall/will return to his fathers house.
255 um-ma AB
.I.A a-wi-lim a-[n]a ig-ri-im it-ta-di-in u
lu E.
[NU]MUN i-ri-iq-ma i-na A.A
la u-tab-i : If he hired out the mans
cattle, or stole seed and has not produced (crops) in the eld T
di-in is a medial t-preterite, which is proved by the following i-ri-iq. If we
posit that it-ta-di-in is a disjunctive Gtn pret., i-ri-iq would look awkward.
The negated perfect la u-tab-i denotes penalized omission.
The negated Preterite as the last predicate of a protasis denotes nega-
tive facts to which no punitive sanctions are attached.
I disregard ne-

109 discussed above is the only counter-example known to me.
S. Loesov, T-Perfect in Old Babylonian: The Debate and a Thesis 159

gated preterites that have positive counterparts as the last predicates of
anaphorically related norms to exclude the possibility of random copying,
therefore I am left with only four examples of this kind.
168 um-ma DUMU ar-nam kab-tam la ub-lam: if the son has not
committed a grave offence T
He has not violated a norm, his behav-
iour has been regular. Cf. also 131 (l iabit) discussed above.
178 um-ma wa-ar-ka-sa
e-ma e-li-a a-bu na-da-nam-ma la i-ur-i-
im-ma ma-la li-ib-bi-a la u
-i: If he (the father of a priestess)
has not written for her permission to give out her estate wherever she
pleases and has not granted her full discretion T
. Again, the father is
free to draw up his will this way or otherwise ( 179).
128 um-ma a-wi-lum a-a-tam i-u-uz-ma ri-ik-sa-ti-a la i-ku-un MUNUS
i-i u
-ul a-a-at If a man married a wife but has not drawn up a marriage
contract for her, she is not a wife.
The legislator stipulates that cohabitation without a marriage contract
does not create the legal situation of marriage in the sense of CH, i.e. in
particular the procedures of (dis)proving the adultery and sanctions at-
tached to the latter ( 127, 129132) do not apply to the relationship be-
tween human beings described in the protasis of 128, but this behaviour
is not seen as deviating from a norm and therefore punishable.
So far the grammatical opposition of both negative forms in the nal
position is clear. Negated iptaras has the meaning of anti-PERFECT: (if)
an expected result of a past fact does not hold at the moment of observation. Typo-
logically, the sense grammaticalized by l iptaras is somewhat close to the
conative one (frustrated attempt), the difference is perhaps due to the
legal setting where it is usually irrelevant whether an attempt to reach the
result has been made or not. l iprus in the same position denotes a fact
that just failed to take place prior to the moment of observation. The lat-
ter form does denote a normal (legally acceptable) result, and this ex-
plains its relative paucity as the last predicate of legal protases.
This rather narrow anti-PERFECT meaning of negated iptaras might
be due to its innovative character (see 2.6 above and 4 below). The rare
appearance of negated iptaras in epistolary MC as opposed to its regular
use in CH has a pragmatic reason. The semantic value of frustrated ex-
pectation is most natural in normative settings: it belongs to the essence
of any normative system to expect and encourage a certain kind of behav-
iour by attaching punitive sanctions to its opposite. Still, the anti-
PERFECT reading is possible for AbB 9, 42:915 quoted above as (39):

160 Articles: Ancient Near Eastern Studies

i-na-an-na a-di-ni u
-ul e-te-e-er u
-a-rum u
-ul u-X-ur-
-ma u
-ul a-ru-da-a-u
Now I have not yet recovered, and a servant not and I
have not dispatched him.

In this text verb forms (teer and arudau) behave differently in the
contradictory context of both inanna [+ Perf.] and (adni) ul [ Perf.]. ul
teer is related to the moment of speaking as anti-PERFECT while ul
arudau is related to the moment of speaking as a past negative fact.
Anti-PERFECT meaning is possible in AbB 9, 259:6ff.: u
a-na u
-ku-[li-im] u
-la i-ta-ad-na-am and he has not given me silver for
the fodder. The last example known to me from secondary literature is
AbB 6, 169: 2831: [GU
.]I.A PN
-ul i-a-ba-a[t]. In this
case the judgement is difcult both due to lack of agreement of the verb
with its grammatical subjects and because it is possible to posit a Gt
preterite for a verb of taking.
Our last question is Why negated iptaras is absent from LE? LE has
na-di-na-nam la u
-ki-in, <if> he has not identied the seller (A III 29 =
B III 13), as the last verb of the protasis in the legal context similar to CH
1, 2, 3,127 la uk-ti-in, <if> he has not brought (proof), and 10 la it-
ba-lam, <if> he has not produced (the seller). This observation leads
one to suggest that the grammar of CH is more rened and more sensi-
tive to niceties of legal thought than that of LE, but it is impossible to
elaborate on this point in the present paper.
In epistolary umma-clauses, all the instances of l iptaras known to me
may have future reference and some of them may have anti-PERFECT
meaning, although the second claim is very difcult to prove beyond doubt.
An unsettled question regarding OB epistolary umma-clauses that is
not studied in this paper is the relationship between negated iparras, iprus,
and iptaras in future time protases. This problem has not yet been ex-
plored and therefore I am unable to establish the moment of observation
to which the anti-PERFECT semantics tentatively assumed for l iptaras in
epistolary CC might relate.
Cf. the following examples:

(84) ki-id-ma e-e la ik-ka-al-la um-ma e-e la u
-ta-i-ir a-na-ku-
ni-a-ba-at-ma mu-ru-I li-ib-bi-im a-u-um a-na a-i-
im i-ra-a-i
S. Loesov, T-Perfect in Old Babylonian: The Debate and a Thesis 161

See to it that my barley is not detained. If he does not release
my barley, I and he will start feeling bad one toward the
other. (Future, as evident from the letters contents.) LH 16,

(85) um-ma a-wa-tum la im-ta-ag-ra-ka a-di a-la-kam eam miil
q la i-la-pa-at
If the matter will not have pleased you, let him not touch
(even) a half sila until I arrive. TCL I.27:1518.

The other instances known to me are AbB 10, 74:1320 (kadu to
reach), AbB 12, 200:918 (amru meaning to nd), AbB 8, 101:1016
(etqu to cross over), AbB 2, 161:2029 (alku to come to the ad-
dressee), AbB 11, 94:1216 (apru meaning to send <a report>), AbB
1, 9:2528 (wa to go out <of barley>), AbB 2, 68:2530 (bulu to
send), AbB 2, 96:16f. (a hendiadys umma l ugdammer-ma l ittadin, if
he does not pay completely). It might be relevant that all the verbs ap-
pearing in the l iptaras form are telic.
Contrast AbB 12, 200:1517 um-ma i-na ka-ni-ka-tim a-e
-tim la i-ta-
ma-ar, if he will not have found (it) among additional sealed documents
(frustrated expectation?) with AbB 1, 91:413 a-ba-am u-ri-[a-a]m u

um-ma la ta-mu-ur-u-nu-ti a-a-ti-u-nu-ti u-ri-a-[a]m, direct the
people, and if you do not nd them (i.e. if they are not available?), di-
rect their wives (hypothesized negative fact in the future?).
One of the two extant OB examples of umma-clauses used to express
oath (
GAG 185g*) has a negated iptaras that conforms to the anti-PER-
FECT pattern:

(86) um-ma U
.40.KAM x PI x x (x) at-ta-al-ka-ki-im-[m]a i
bu-ut-ki la e-te-pu-u
I will most surely forty days (when)
I come to you
carry out your wish. AbB 3, 68:1618.

This utterance can be paraphrased as (may I be cursed) if I have
not carried out your wish. An unfullled promise is an obvious case of
frustrated expectation.

Text and translation are as in Goetze 1936:321.
162 Articles: Ancient Near Eastern Studies

4. Place of the Perfect within the verbal system and its etymology
In GAG, W. von Soden is cautious but essentially optimistic: Wir
wissen auch noch nicht, ob das ta- des Pf. mit dem stammbildenden ta-
herkunftsgleich ist und somit wie dieses eine richtungsndernde
Funktion hat (s. 92c). Wenn es eine solche hat, wrde das Pf. die
Blickrichtung zunchst auf die Gegenwart und erst von dieser aus auf
die Vergangeheit zum Ausdruck bringen. Die tatschlich bezeugten
Gebrauchsweisen des Pf. wrden sich aus einer solchen Grundfunktion
des ta- durchaus ableiten lassen. Klarheit darber kann aber erst eine
umfassende Prfung aller Gebrauchsweisen des Pf. in der lteren
Sprache bringen (GAG 80a).
Von Soden 1965:104 adds to these considerations the following: Die
temporale Funktion des ta-Inxes muss sich aus der verbalstammodi-
zierenden entwickelt haben. Eine Zurckfhrung des ta des Perf. unmit-
telbar auf das ta des reziproken Gt-Stammes (s. dazu GAG 92) erscheint
ebenso undenkbar wie die Annahme, dass die passiven t-Stmme Dt (up-
tarris) und t (utapris) den Ausgangspunkt bildeten. I. J. Gelb vertrat in
BiOr XII 110 die Ansicht, dass sich das temporale ta aus dem bei Verben
der Bewegung bezeugtem separativen ta entwickelt habe, und er hat
wahrscheinlich Recht damit. Wir mssen nur daran denken, dass auch
das separative ta bisher nur im Akkadischen nachgewiesen ist, dass die
Entstehung des Separativs also ebenso der Erklrung bedrftig ist wie die
des Perf.
Some scholars deny the t-form the status of inectional semantic cate-
gory (= grammeme). Buccellati 1996 founds his case against the Perfect
on both formal (p. 87: the extreme scarcity of double t-inx) and no-
tional considerations (p. 108 ff.: a semantic development of the separa-
tive function of the t-stem). Buccellati 1996:112 claims: I think it is ques-
tionable at best to distinguish a perfect from a t-stem preterite, because
the formal criteria for the differentiation of a perfect as a separate mor-
pheme are minimal (and adequately explained through the assumption of
distinct compound stems), and because the meaning as temporal separa-
tive of the preterite of a t or tn stem is identical to the assumed meaning
of the alleged perfect.
Streck 1995a:221 surmises that the temporal use of iptaras in Akkadian
came into being under Sumerian inuence
and developed im Leer-
lauf. This view presupposes that Sumerian might have possessed verb

He partly follows the lead of von Soden 1965.
S. Loesov, T-Perfect in Old Babylonian: The Debate and a Thesis 163

form(s) with the grammatical meaning attributed (I believe, wrongly) by
Streck 1995a to iptaras: Vorzeitigkeit + Nachzeitigkeit (p. 219),
Akkadian at some stage loan-translated the said Sumerian form(s) em-
ploying the -ta-stems im Leerlauf, i.e. without exploiting their inner
form but rather taking the -ta- inx as an arbitrary signier.
1995a:221 n. 507 additionally observes: Die Beantwortung der Frage,
welche Sum. Verbalforme(n) das ist (sind), liegt leider auerhalb des Rah-
mens dieser Studie.

Streck 1999:115 (following Streck 1995a:215234 and Buccellati 1996)
believes that iptaras sei trotz seiner temporalen Funktion formal nicht
nur historisch, sondern auch synchron-descriptiv als Prteritum der -ta-
Stmme zu klassizieren. I would suggest to correlate these insights of
both scholars with another nding of M. P. Streck: in his opinion, iptaras
is optional (= interchangeable with iprus) in all its environments andin
terms of meaningis different from iprus only through a semantic mark-
edness consisting in its two Relationswerte (Streck 1999:123), which lat-
ter are of course not vital for most linguistic messages to be understood.
Let us rst address the problem that arises in connection with the views
of M. P. Streck: how can a verbal lexeme (e.g. pitrusu) have a temporal
grammeme (e.g. the preterite iptaras) which in some contexts (see 1.1) is
also synchron-deskriptiv a different temporal grammeme of a different
verbal lexeme, i.e. the two-Relationswerte past time grammeme of parsu?
If we take another example, the selfsame verb form ussanniq would mean
by way of this dialecticshe was checked and sometimes, he has
checked/he checked. How are we then to describe the meaning of Dt verbs
in terms of diathesis and voice as over against D verbs? I fear this approach
will hardly make the synchronic description more clear and elegant.
Perhaps the more radical view of G. Buccellati (complete elimination
of the temporal t-form from OB grammar) would have to be preferred as
more consequent if it had any bearing on the actual OB language as we
know it from texts.
I am not competent to start a general discussion on how to draw the
line between inectional and derivational morphology, still I think most

Streck 1995a:220 thinks that the actual contribution of iptaras is der Aus-
druck der Nachzeitigkeit, while the motivating iprus denotes Vorzeitigkeit. We
have seen that the rst claim has no support in OB texts.
Leerlauf as a linguistic term was coined by Erwin Koschmieder.
Streck 2003:110 restates that in his view no semantic continuity between
the t-Perfect and the derivational -ta- inx has been discovered so far.
164 Articles: Ancient Near Eastern Studies

people will agree that a verb form (or, for that matter, any morphological
marker) is inectional rather than derivational if at least the following ba-
sic condition is fullled: the form in question does not stand by itself but
is related to other elements of a semantic class (cf. the opposition of
nominative and accusative cases in nominal morphology). This necessary
condition will be in most cases also sufcient one if the following second-
step conditions are fullled:
1) This form appears in the same linguistic environment as other ele-
ments of its class, and the alternation creates different meanings.
2) There are cases in which the use of this form is obligatory, i.e. it
does not depend on the speakers choice.
3) The previous condition presupposes that this form is productive,
i.e. if necessary it can be built for most relevant lexemes.
If we now recapitulate some observations made in the present study
from this perspective, we will get the following picture.
Within certain syntactic patterns, the Perfect has denable paradigmatic
relations to the Preterite, Present, and Stative.
Against what is repeatedly claimed, the Perfect regularly appears in
the same linguistic environment as the non-negated Preterite only in pre-
present epistolary MC and in pre-present epistolary umma-clauses, while
legal protases are considered here a situation-conditioned variant of MC
(the speaker delegates his vantage point to the observer). It is also worth
noting that letters were a productive genre while legal collections were
The paradigmatic opposition of both tenses in pre-present MC was
described in 2.2, and the same holds true for pre-present epistolary
umma-clauses. Thus, it is only in its prototypical use that the Perfect
stands in opposition to the Preterite.
In TC the Perfect occurs in the same environment not with the Preterite
but rather with the Present (3.1), and the same is true of future time CC.
The Perfect is the only verb form used as epistolary past in MC (this
usage is also restricted lexically, 2.8) and the only verb form that can ex-
press a past fact in the context of deictic inanna.
The Perfect is used in the context of all semantic types of verbs, while
derivational t-forms are not productive; they are also partly unpredictable
in terms of lexical meaning.

One wonders whether the nature of this near-identity is typological or in-
ter-textual. Streck 1998a shows some parallels between verbal usage in Sumer-
ian and Akkadian laws but his treatment of this intriguing problem is far from
S. Loesov, T-Perfect in Old Babylonian: The Debate and a Thesis 165

The double t-inxation (i.e. the explicit marking of the Perfect in the
context of t-stems) is indeed rare (with Streck 1995a:215234), but its oc-
currences cannot be explained away as instances of non-productive dou-
ble-t stems. Thus, the Perfect of Gt itlu to lie down is attested OB three
times in typically iptaras positions, i.e. as the last predicate of protases
YOS 10, 31 VIII 23 (it-ta-ti-il),
in CH 156f (it-ta-ti-il); in CH 130 (it-
ta-ti-il) and 155 ditto (the last one is quoted above as 80) there occurs
the same expression i-na su
-ni-a it-ta-ti-il-ma i-a-ab-tu-u where it-ta-ti-il
is most probably a perfect, as explained above. It is possible to read this
phrase as a hendiadys: <if> they have seized him lying on her lap. The
view accepted in Streck 1998c:49 Da der Gt-Stamm (= itluS. L.) die
Funktion des G-Stammes bernommen hat, muss zum Ausdruck des Per-
fekts ein Gtt-Stamm gebildet werden implies circular reasoning.
This good attestation of Pf Gt ittatil (for other dialects, see AHw 407) as
compared with relatively small number of OB forms of u-ta-tam-i-ir type
(CH 146 quoted as 81 above) makes one suggest that this evidence might
be due to haplology, cf. a similar phenomenon in Arabic verbs of the stems
V and VI when used in the Present-Future with a ta-prex.

Thus, we have no reason to doubt the inectional nature of the Perfect.
Kouwenberg 1997:72ff. offers a hypothesis on the prehistoric Ak-
kadian development of both t-stems and the t-Perfect from a derivational
t-form denoting detransitivization. His idea is typologically orthodox
(PASSIVE RESULTATIVE PERFECT) but requires assumptions
unsupported by extant texts. Kouwenberg 1997:73 writes: [I]t seems a
plausible assumption that the stative is the successor of iptaras in its re-
sultative function. We have no cogent history of Semitic verb, still it is
too daring to posit two waves of innovation in the eld of resultative
within East Semitic, even if one does not take into account the important
comparative evidence in favour of pre-Akkadian and perhaps pre-Semitic
origin of the sufx conjugation. As the evidence provided in this paper
demonstrates, the actual use of the t-Perfect does not reduce the salience
of the action involved (ibid. 72). Rather the contrary is the case (see 2.2

From Metzler 2002:99 it looks like it is the only position where the Perfect
is used in YOS 10, 31.
Still no haplology occurs in Akkadian when the ta-prex is used, cf. e.g. ta-
ta-wi-i [ttaww] Pres. 2 fs atw to speak Gilg. Meissner/Millard III 5.
166 Articles: Ancient Near Eastern Studies

Kouwenberg 1997:73 claims that at a prehistoric stage of Ak-
kadian iptaras had passive meaning, but the comparative evidence is
against this claim, see below.
Zaborski 2004:170 thinks that t-Perfect existed already in Proto-
Hamitosemitic. He supports his argument by what he estimates as lexical-
ized rests of iptaras in Arabic and by parallels from non-Semitic Afrasian
languages, but see 2.6 above.
Anderson 1982:243 suggests that [i]n Proto-Semitic there were two
categories which were poised to shift towards Perfect uses. One was a re-
sult-stative The other carried the meaning relevance of experience. It
was an ethical-dative form with inxed -t-. In Akkadian it was this last
which actually did shift.
One can see that the current scholarly literature proposes no serious alter-
native to the view that the t-Perfect was created via grammaticalization of the
derivational -ta- inx known to us, i.e. through an upgrade of its status.
Anderson 1982 unfortunately presented some of the Akkadian evidence in-
correctly, still I believe he did indicate a plausible semantic continuum be-
tween the derivational and the inectional uses of the -ta-inx.
Ethical dative (sometimes called dative of reference)
as a gram-
matical label is a bit inconvenient for the description of verbal grammati-
cal semantics, therefore I will instead use the term medial (voice) or
medium in the sense of medium indirectum of the traditional Greek
grammar: poll

m n k Trohj getai keimlia kal: Many beautiful treasures he is tak-

ing home (medium getai) from Troy (Odyss. X 40).

As is well known, the semantic feature opposing the transitive active to
the transitive medium in older, especially pre-classical, Greek is a special
relationship (of dative of reference kind) between the agent and the re-
ported fact, while the actant structure is the same in both classes of

Kouwenberg 1997 follows Kuryowicz 1972:61, whose view on the origin of
iptaras, shaped by typological parallels with Germanic and Romance, is equally
Rather than dene it, I will quote a nice and well-known Latin example
that clearly shows how this dative is ethical or referential: quid mihi Celsus agit
(Hor.): Pray what is Celsus doing?
Streck 2003:18 (linguistic introduction) uses a semantically identical term
indirekt reexiv to refer to the same function, his conclusion on Gt is as fol-
lows: Das Akkadische kennt nur eine direkt-reexive, aber keine indirekt-
reexive Funktion (p. 105).
S. Loesov, T-Perfect in Old Babylonian: The Debate and a Thesis 167

In the words of Zerwick 1963:72: [M]iddle voice represent<s>
the subject as acting (or causing another to act) with respect to himself (the
subject). Watkins 1969:116 posits a similar situation for a reconstructed
stage of Indo-European: Das entstehende Medium drckte interne (auf
das Subjekt bezogene) im Gegensatz zu externer (Aktiv)-Handlung und
schlielich das Passiv aus, und dies ging so weit, da jedes der beiden und
beide zusammen systematisch als Flexionskategorien eingegliedert und
nicht mehr als Derivationskategorien empfunden wurden.
One can nd numerous examples of this kind of medial use among the
Gt-verbs collected in Streck 2003. An obvious case is the Gt of lu to ask:

(87) be-li
-ma-am ga-am-ra-am li-i-ta-al-u-nu-ti
Let my lord demand from them a complete report! (A fre-
quent usage in OB.) RA 66 118 A.2801:23.

(88) u-ma a da-ru-u
a-na-ku lu-u-tak
A name that is eternal I shall establish for ever! Gilg. Y.

This is the traditional interpretation of Gt aknu, cf. AHw 1137b: fr
die Dauer (hin)stellen usw (zT steigernd gegenber G).
This unusual
turn of thought reminds one an observation of Huehnergard 1997:393:
[T]he basic meaning of the [Gt] stem remains rather elusive; it seems, in
fact, to be lexical, i.e., unpredictable, for each root, although a few gen-
eral nuances can be observed . It is likely that these traditionally sin-
gled out nuancesreciprocal, separative, (direct-)reexivehave the
medial sense as their common semantic denominator and can be easily
shown to derive from the latter. In many languages of the world, e.g. in
Russian and Spanish, all these senses (+ decausative, cf. numerous Ak-
kadian t-lexical verbs with both medial and decausative meanings) have
common morphological or analytical markers.

As numerous examples in Perelmuter 1977 show, the grammatical subject
of Greek medial verbs is usually personal. Same is largely true of medial t-forms
which I believe to have found in OB using criteria not related to the personal/
non-personal nature of the subject, see presently.
Rmer 1971: 38, n. 3 tentatively suggests that itkunu may have a medial
meaning in OB and adds: Ob im akkadischen Verbalsystem Verbalformen mit
medialer Bedeutung berhaupt mglich sind, wre einmal zu untersuchen.
168 Articles: Ancient Near Eastern Studies

One is tempted to look for medial t-forms among the perfects appear-
ing in atypical syntactic contexts. The alleged perfects in causal clauses
introduced by aum and itu (Leong 1994:215), i.e. coming up rather un-
expectedly in a syntactically backgrounded context, might perhaps be in-
terpreted as medial t-Preterites, e.g.

(89) i-tu a-we-el-tum it-ta-ak-ru-u
i-bi-i-a ti-u-u
-i i-i-bi ni-i-te-mu-u
ma-a-ar a-i-i-ka at-wa-a-am u-ku-un-ma
)-bu-ut-ni i-ni-iq-bi
Since the woman denied (it) [pret.?] and you have her wit-
nesses (= witnesses against her), and we heard [pret.?] the
testimony of the witnesses,place a word (Edition: make a
deposition) before your brother so that we could speak our
testimony. AbB 9, 49:2933.

In the dictionaries, Gt of nakru and em are attested only in recipro-
cal meanings.

(90) a-ad-da-aq-d[i]-im LU
bi-ti ip-lu-u-ma mi-im-
mu-ia il-te-qu
i-na-an-na ap-pu-na-ma i-na qa
-ti-u-nu i-tu-ru
[bi-t]i ip-lu-u-ma LU
a-ar-ra-q u-nu-ti a-a-ba-at ki-a-am iq-
Last year thieves broke into my house and took (for them-
selves) whatever I had. NOW (= I will tell you more)

moreover they themselves have broken into my house again: I
have apprehended these thieves. This is what he told me.
AbB 13, 716.

can be construed as separative Gt Pret., but (1) leq is not
strictly speaking a verb of movement, (2) Gt leq is registered neither in
AHw nor in Streck 2003, against what one could expect. Medial sense
does suit the context.

i-na-an-na ap-pu-na-ma appears in AbB 6, 131:19 in the context of a present.
A. Goetze makes an attempt to oppose temporal and aspectual (i.e. deriva-
tional) values of the t-form. He distinguishes two meanings of what will be t-stems
of OB verb: reexive-reciprocal and separative (p. 323f.), and includes leqm in
his list of verbs building a t-inxed separative adducing as proof e.g. CH 25,
34. Since separative sense is part of the lexical meaning of leqm, it is perhaps
S. Loesov, T-Perfect in Old Babylonian: The Debate and a Thesis 169

As mentioned above (2.1), the medial reading of certain t-forms used
in the context of past time temporal adverbials is welcome both syntacti-
cally and semantically: AbB 1, 108:36 (zunn to make angry in the con-
text of addaqdam last year); 7, 62:710 nazqu to worry; 1, 132: 46
palum to be afraid.
By the same token, some uncomfortably placed t-forms of legal pro-
tases, e.g. those followed by clear-cut preterites, may be also recruited
into the ranks of medial Gt preterites, provided this is admissible seman-
tically. Cf. e.g. LE B IV:610:

(91) um-ma GIR
be-el te-er-tim ma-la i-ba-a-
al-qa-am GEME
a-li-iq-tam GU
ANE al-qa-am a E
.GAL-lim u
MA.GAG.EN i-ba-at-ma a-
na E
la ir-di-a-am i-na E
-u-ma ik-ta-la U
-mi e

-e-te(!)-eq-ma E
.GAL-lum u-ur-qa-am it-ti-u i-
If a military governor, a governor of the canal system, or any
person in a position of authority seized a fugitive slave, fugi-
tive slave woman, stray ox, or stray donkey belonging either
to the Palace or to a commoner, and did not lead (him/her/it)
to Eshnunna but detained (him/her/it) in his house and al-
lowed more than one month to elapse, the palace will/shall
bring a charge of theft against him.

I am fully aware that this suggestion in its present form makes room
for uncontrollable and partisan parsings. To make this proposal more
convincing, I would have to produce examples of medial iptarras-forms
occurring in the future contexts and perhaps examples of comparable
forms for D- and -stems.
Another possibility to enlarge the medial t-class would be to look at the
frequent Gt verbs of movement to see if for some contexts the medial in-
transitive interpretation looks better than the separative one. Provision-
ally, I suggest that the t-form within the well-attested phrase ina X etl,to
forfeit X, is satisfactorily understood as a kind of dativus incommodi, even
more so because the basic sense of the idiom may be rendered by G of el

preferable to read ilteqe as medial Gt preterite or G perfect depending on the
syntactic pattern.
170 Articles: Ancient Near Eastern Studies

too (cf. AbB 2, 87:9 quoted as 30 above, where two medial intransitives do
Finally, for some of the contexts with Gt verbs, both intransitive and
transitive, collected in Streck 2003, 5365 under the key-word Inten-
medial interpretation is quite viable and perhaps preferable to
those given in the dictionaries. Streck 2003:109 rejects the medial inter-
pretation as a possibility for Gt verbs of emotions and emotional speech
acts because bleibt der funktionelle Zusammenhang zwischen der inten-
siven(?) Funktion einerseits und der reziprok-reexiv-(medio)passiven
andererseits noch undeutlich. The unity of different senses of a gram-
matical morpheme might indeed be opaque, but this is no reason to force
the texts. Actually, Intensiv(?) hardly means much more than unklarer
Thus the OB evidence
for some entries in Streck 2003 welcomes the
medial reading, to mention but a few verbs: (128) itmuru sehr(?) wtend,
sehr(?) feurig sein, (135) itkudu sehr/immer(?) besorgt sein, (136) itudu
genau/immer(?) aufpassen, genau/immer(?) beachten, (140) atmuru [d]ie
Bedeutung ist unklar, eventuell intensiv.

Now I will put forward a hypothesis on the etymology of iptaras. Gram-
matical descriptions report T-stems with reexive and passive meanings to
be well attested in Afrasian. E.g., Dolgopolskiy 1991:94 mentions T-stems
with both these meanings in several languages of the Cushitic branch, in
particular in Beauye (cf. Rssler 1950:314). Rssler 1958:114, Aikhen-
valdMilitarev 1991:181 report both meanings for T-stem of epigraphic
Lybian (Numidian). PorkhomovskiyStolbova 1991:364 mention in a mat-
ter of course way the T-stem(s) as a feature of proto-Afrasian.
It is perhaps important that Akkadian is the oldest attested Afrasian
language that possesses a developed system of stems as a means of verbal
In Semitic, Gt/tG-derivatives with passive meaning are well attested
mostly in the languages that lost their N-stem, i.e. rst of all in Aramaic
and Ethiopian Semitic groups. This shows that the passive voice as the

(?) means that M. P. Streck does not nd the intensive class of Gt verbs
particularly persuasive.
As quoted in the dictionaries and apud Streck 2003.
Streck 2003:60 states correctly: atmuru folgt stets auf den Gt i und wird
vom auf die Welt kommenden Kind gesagt. When a person reciting lullaby ad-
dressed a new-born child with the words l tattam l ttamar nr amim, the
message was neither unclear nor Intensiv(?). It was just medial, most probably
for both t-form verbs.
S. Loesov, T-Perfect in Old Babylonian: The Debate and a Thesis 171

most typical meaning of Gt/tG is not very old in the whole of Afrasian.
Reciprocal and direct reexive senses by denition include the passive
meaning as part of their semantic structure, so the former two senses can
hardly claim semantic priority. Therefore the diachronically primary
meaning of the t-afx might be medial. Cf. Brockelmann 1908:535: Aus
der reexiv-medialen Bedeutung entwickelt sich sehr oft, wie beim idg.
Medium die passive.

This medial t-form was at a certain point put to the service of ex-
pressing an explicit temporal relation of past facts to the speaker, thus
creating a temporal structure typical for the PERFECT as explained

This attempt to nd the etymology of the Perfect stands in conti-
nuity with von Sodens richtungsndernde Funktion (cf. especially
GAG 92c, although the explanation offered in GAG 80a and
quoted above is perhaps not particularly lucky) and with Goetze
1936:332f., who suggested the development separative > (me-
dium/reexive?) > temporal t-form and allowed for the decisive
inuence of the Sumerian prex ba in its separative function on the
emergence of the new productive formation. Still von Soden
1965:104 (as quoted above) correctly observes that the separative can
hardly be the original meaning of the t-form(s).

5. Concluding observations
A. Synchronically, this study has proved that the primary meaning of the
Perfect can be described as now extended past-wise (T
): the Per-
fect denotes (1) a past fact (2) possessing a resultative component (3) that
is temporalized at the moment of observation coinciding with the coding
time. This meaning can be labelled present perfect (PP).

See a discussion of the primary meaning of Gt in Streck 2003:103110,
with a review of previous scholarship. Streck 2003 reaches no unambiguous con-
clusions in the matter, still he thinks that ist im historischen Akkadischen indi-
rekt-reexiver bzw. medialer Gt gar nicht belegt and daher wohl auch Urak-
kadisch nicht anzunehmen (p. 109 n. 58).
In this connection there arises an important question: Why is it that the G
Perfect/Gt preterite and N Perfect have the stem vowel of the Present, while the
corresponding - and D-formations have the stem vowel of the Preterite? This
evidence may point to the derivation of the Perfect from a present-tense t-form.
172 Articles: Ancient Near Eastern Studies

These three elements of grammatical semantics are equally essential.
Let us consider, by way of contrast, the following utterances:

at-ta-na-ag-gi-i ki-ma a-bi-lim qa
-ba-al-tu e-ri: I kept wan-
dering like a criminal in the midst of the steppe. Gilg.
Meissner/Millard II 11.
-ta-a-mu ki-la-al-lu-un: They kept fondling one another.
Gilg. P. 44.

Pres. Gtn attanaggi and Pres. Dt urtaam denote facts that are proba-
bly past (it depends on our opinion on the nature of the epic narrative)
but that can reach no intrinsic results and are not viewed from an exter-
nal observation point because their location in time is provided from in-
side the narrative.
The primary meaning of the Perfect manifests itself in two syntactic
patterns: pre-present main and umma-conditional clauses. Legal CC also
belong here because OB legal sentence is a speech genre text-grammatic-
ally identical to OB letter despoiled of all its Ich- and Du-deictic elements.
This is the case of secondary deixis: the deictic eld is completely con-
trolled by the ctitious observer who suppresses any alternative personal
point of view. For this reason the assumed shift of deictic centre from
coding time to decoding time has no drastic consequences for the mean-
ings of verbal tenses, at variance with the case of EPf.
All the other meanings of the Perfect can be shown to derive from the
primary meaning.
1. EPf is derived from the prototypical meaning by way of Du-deictic
translation: EPf denotes a fact possessing a resultative component that is
temporalized at the moment of reading.
In letters, both PP and EPf meanings of iptaras are shifter or (with Rei-
chenbach 1947:287) token-reexive. In legal protases, the meanings of
iptaras and iparras are so to speak quasi-shifter because the egocentric
linguistic elements of legal sentences provide no information as to the ob-
servers position in time and space.
2. The Perfect in future time TC and CC denotes a future fact possess-
ing a resultative component that coincides with the MC fact. In this usage,
the Perfect supplies a point of reference for the MC fact and is relative
future perfect. This meaning is also derived from the primary one by
cancelling its shifter component and placing the resultative component in
a new semantic environment.
S. Loesov, T-Perfect in Old Babylonian: The Debate and a Thesis 173

3. The anti-PERFECT reading of negated iptaras is also derived from
its primary meaning.
Thus, the synchronic semantic invariant of the Perfect is perfective (or
resultative) anteriority.
As for the question addressed in 1 of the present study, Did OB
possess absolute tenses?, it needs more research, but for the moment I
feel that B. Landsberger was perhaps not far off the mark when he sug-
gested in 1926 that it was (what we now call) the t-Perfect that introduced
the egocentric temporal element into the Akkadian verbal system: In
dem ausgebildeten akkadischen System dient der Punktual zugleich zur
Bezeichnung des Anfangs- und des Endpunktes einer dauernden Hand-
lung Beim Durativ gibt es keinen Unterschied der subjektiven Zeit-
stufen So war es ursprnglich auch beim Punktual; dagegen ist hier
die Dreistugkeit der subjektiven Zeit sekundr erreicht durch
Ingierung eines t (Landsberger 1926:361). It seems a priori plausible
that the appearance of a new and speaker-oriented nite form changed
the layout of the verbal system and inuenced the meanings of the other
three verb forms with which, as we have seen, the Perfect created a whole
net of relations.

B. Diachronically speaking, one can observe that the Perfect and the ven-
tive crossed their paths and partly changed places in the early history of
Akkadian. The starting-point of semantic development of the Perfect as
outlined above in 4 is the end-point of ventives development.
The ventive was originally a means of verbal spatial orientation (with
Kouwenberg 2002), i.e. it expressed the movement towards the speakers
locality (here/hierher) as linguistically natural spatial deictic centre. It
is likely (with Edzard 2003:175) that its centripetal force developed under
Sumerian inuence, while the original energicus meaning of this mor-
pheme was lost in Akkadian in pre-historical times, though it is perhaps
worth-while to look for its rests in the extant texts. One suspicious context
is the ventive as a linking morpheme between the verb and third person
object pronominal sufxes, although this usage might prove not directly
derived from energicus but rather from later meanings of the ventive,
see presently.
Further development of the ventive took two parallel routes deictic
transfer of directional meaning and penetration into the domain of per-
sonal deixis.
174 Articles: Ancient Near Eastern Studies

In OB, the spatial deictic force of the ventive as used with the verbs of
movement was regularly transferred to the second person and quite of-
tento the non-participant in the speech event (numerous examples of
the latter shift are to be found in texts quoted in this paper).
There also occurred the personication of the allative marker, a se-
mantic development attested elsewhere in the languages of the world:
here to me. This shift did not entail the loss of the original direc-
tional meaning, consequently the ventive became a means of both spatial
and personal deixis.
The personal use of the ventive is proper for the dative verbs, i.e.
verbs possessing valency slots for both the second and third actants.
Again, this usage extended from the rst to second and third person da-
tive arguments.
Projection of both directional and personal uses of the ventive from
the speaker to the addressee constitutes an isogloss with the synchronic
polysemy of the Perfect (cf. EPf).
The nal step was a transition from the realm of personal deixis to
that of the voice and actant structure: the ventive developed the meaning
of indirect reexive: to me (as) for me, again extending this use
from the speaker to the addressee and to the third person(s). This se-
mantic shift probably happened in historical times. In OB letters of
Hammurapi period, this meaning of the ventive is perhaps less frequent
than the former ones, but it features in narrative texts, e.g. in OB Gilg.

(92=88) u-ma a da-ru-u
a-na-ku lu-u-tak
A name that will be eternal I shall establish <for myself>!
Gilg. Y. 188.

(93) a-i-a-u-ma at-ba-la-a-u a-na i-ri-ki
I picked it up and carried it to you. Gilg. P. 14.

In the last example, the ventive on the rst verb can hardly be ex-
plained by attraction; the second verb, if wablu, is an example of narra-
tive compositional perfect current in OB Gilg., ditto in the following

(94) it-ti-lam-ma i-ta-mar a-ni-tam
He lay down, and he saw another (dream). Gilg. P. 24.

S. Loesov, T-Perfect in Old Babylonian: The Debate and a Thesis 175

The indirect reexive (or medial) sense is lexicalized in itlu by its Gt
and actualized by the ventive.
This is a recognizably medial use extending to intransitive verbs. If it
turns out that this medial use of the ventive is considerably more common
in OB narrative texts than in contemporary letters, it may be viewed as a
narrative projection of the ventive.
Still, cf. a-na GN u-pu-ur-ma li-wa-a-e-ru-nim write to GN so that
they release (them), ARMT 5, 9:1719 quoted as (53) above. Ironically
enough, this ventive may be read as separative but it is actually medial.
For the t-inxed form, medium is probably its primary meaning. It is
the source of both its individual derivational meanings (reciprocal, pas-
sive, direct reexive, decausative) in Akkadian (and perhaps in other Se-
mitic languages) and of the Perfect as inectional and primarily deictic
verbal category.
In terms of historical semantics, the original PS (and Proto-Afrasian?)
t-form split in Akkadian into derivational and inectional markers, the
derivational sense being the only one in other Semitic languages. This pe-
culiar Akkadian development is possibly due to Sumerian inuence, as it
was repeatedly conjectured since the beginning of the study of this prob-
The ventive, whose Semitic origin probably lies in the domain of Ak-
developedalso in a unique way most likely due to Sumerian
adstratdeictic grammatical meanings (both spatial and personal) and,
without losing them, acquired a sense virtually synonymous to that of the
ancient t-form.

The parsing of this form is with Metzler 2002:422 and against Huehner-
gard 2002:182 (perf. of nilum).
Whatever be the actual meaning of energicus, I am hesitant to under-
stand as an expression of objective modality.
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