Hoist Application in Engineering Field
Hoist Application in Engineering Field
Hoist Application in Engineering Field
is a device used for lifting or lowering a load by means of a drum or lift-
wheel around which rope or chain wraps. It may be manually
operated,electrically or pneumatically driven and may use chain, fiber or
wire rope as its liftingmedium. The load is attached to the hoist by means of
a lifting hook. Types of hoist:
The basic hoist has two important characteristics to define it: Lifting
medium andpower type. The lifting medium is either wire rope, wrapped
around a drum, or load-chain, raised by a pulley with a special profile to
engage the chain. The power canbe provided by different means. Common
means are hydraulics, electrical and air driven motors. Both the wire rope
hoist and chain hoist have been in common usesince the 1800s.
however;Mass production of an electric hoist did not start until theearly
1900s and was first adapted by Germany. A hoist can be built as one
integral-package unit, designed for cost-effective purchasing and moderate
use, or it can bebuilt as a built-up custom unit, designed for durability and
performance. The built-uphoist will be much more expensive, but will also
be easier to repair and moredurable. Package units were once regarded as
being designed for light to moderateusage, but since the 60s this has
changed. Built-up units are designed for heavy tosevere service, but over
the years that market has decreased in size since theadvent of the more
durable packaged hoist. A machine shop or fabricating shop willuse an
integral-package hoist, while a Steel Mill or NASA would use a built-up unit
tomeet durability, performance, and repairability requirements. NASA has
also seen achange in the use of package hoists. The NASA Astronaut
training pool, for example,utilizes cranes with packaged hoists.
People have played games similar to modern soccer around the world since ancient
times. The oldest recorded soccer-like game is the Chinese game of tsu-chu, allegedly
invented by the emperor Huang-Ti in 1697 B.C. Records from Huang-Ti's time describe a
game played with a leather ball stuffed with animal hair and cork. Two teams vied to
kick it through goal posts. The Japanese played a similar game called kemari in the
same era. A North African game from the seventh century B.C. was also evidently similar
to soccer, though it was a ceremonial game played as part of a fertility rite.
The ancient Greeks participated in a game involving kicking and throwing a ball on a
marked field. It was called espiskyros. The Romans later had similar games, probably
adapted from the Greek. One of the Roman games was called follis, and used a large
light ball filled with hair. In follis, the players tried to keep the ball in the air with their
hands. Another version was called harpastum. In this rougher game, players tried to
tackle the person with the ball. Harpastum was popular among Roman soldiers, and it
spread throughout Italy, and then across the Roman Empire. The game was brought to
England, and from there its history becomes more narrowly British.
The balls used in early Britain were probably made from inflated animal bladders,
though there are persistent rumors of games played with human heads. The skulls of
either Roman or Viking oppressors were said to have been batted about at various Dark
Age revelries. The British also may have had a soccer-like game played with the head of
an animal, used in pre-Christian times as a fertility rite. This evolved in the Middle Ages
into a game played on Shrove Tuesday. Teams competed to kick the head of an animal
around their agricultural fields. The winning team got to bury the head on its ground,
supposedly guaranteeing a good harvest.
By the 1300s, soccer (at that point called football) had evolved into a rough street game,
where opposing mobs injured each other and crashed through houses and stores in their
struggle to get the ball through the goal posts. King Edward II outlawed the game in
1314, and subsequent rulers had to renew his decree. As with the Roman soldiers,
football was popular with British army men, and they apparently neglected their
military training in order to play.
The game continued to be played in the streets of England at least through the
eighteenth century, but in the nineteenth century, it became an upper-crust game,
played at British public schools and colleges. Each school had its own rules, and the first
standardized soccer rules were published in 1862, so that graduates of the different
schools could play harmoniously. The English Football Association was founded in
1863. The term soccer dates to that time, when in British college student slang the term
ruggers was the game played at Rugby, and soccer was the game played according to the
Football Association rules.
When the English Football Association was founded and it's official rules (based on Eton
rules) of the game soccer drafted, it excluded certain game nuances that had developed
at the Rugby school. Running with the ball and hacking (violently scrapping
The inner bladder of a soccer ball can be made from either natural or synthetic rubber
that is gendy heated and forced into a mold. The outer panels are produced from sheets
of synthetic leather backed with several layers of cloth, to strengthen the material. The
sheets of synthetic leather are passed through a die-cutting machine that cuts the
hexagonal panels and also punches the stitch holes. The panels are then silkscreened
and imprinted with the manufacturer's logo.
at the ball with the boot to get it away from the player or tripping the player running
with the ball) were not adopted by the Cambridge rules, and so Rugbeian teams refused
to join the Football Association. In 1871, eight years after the organization of the English
Football Association, Rugby teams formed the Rugby Football Union, which drafted its
own official rules of the game rugby. With so much strong debate over hacking, the
Rugby Football Union also discarded the practice. Over the years, rugby rules have been
modified, but still the game and its equipment remains distinct from soccer.
Worldwide spread of soccer came with the expansion of the British empire. British
laborers working on the Argentine and Uruguayan railroads took the game to those
countries. International codification of the rules came in 1904, with the founding of the
International Federation of Association Football (known by its acronym in
French, FIFA). By the late 1990s, soccer was the most popular game on Earth, with
millions of fans and a burgeoning equipment industry.
Raw Matericals
The standard soccer ball is made of synthetic leather, usually polyurethane or polyvinyl
chloride, stitched around an inflated rubber or rubber-like bladder. Older balls were
made of genuine leather and held shut with cotton laces. Modern balls have a valve. The
synthetic leather panels are backed with cloth, usually polyester or a poly-cotton blend.
The backing is held on with a latex adhesive. The ball is spherical, and for standard play
must be no bigger than 28 in (71.12 cm) around, and no smaller than 27 in (68.6 cm). Its
weight is specified at no less than 14 oz (0.392 kg) and no more than 16 oz (0.448 kg),
filled to a pressure of 15 lb per sq in (6.8 kg per sq cm).
The Manufacturing
There are two main elements of the soccer ball. One is the inner bladder, the second is
the outer covering. Sometimes the whole soccer ball is made under one roof.
The 32 panels are sewn together by hand. The stitcher inserts the bladder and sews the
final seams. In order to ensure that the bladder has not been punctured by a needle
during stitching, a worker pumps up the ball. Then, the finished ball is deflated again
and packed for shipping.
In many cases, the bladders are manufactured and the covering is die-cut and imprinted
with logos at a central factory, and the stitching is done by hand elsewhere. The ball
covering consists of 32 hexagonal panels, and the hand stitching of these is tedious and
exacting work. Over 80% of all soccer balls are manufactured in Pakistan.
Lining the cover material
1 Sheets of synthetic leather are backed with several layers of cloth, to strengthen
the material. The sheets are fed through a press that applies a latex adhesive and
attaches the cloth. Material for a cheaper ball will receive a two-layer backing. A
sturdier, more expensive ball will have four layers of cloth attached.
Cutting the panels
2 After the adhesive is fully dried, the sheets of synthetic leather are passed to a
die-cutting machine. Workers load the cloth into the die cutter, which cuts the
hexagonal panels and also punches the stitch holes.
Imprinting the panels
3 Some of the cut panels are next taken to a screening area. Workers silkscreen
the panels individually, imprinting them with the manufacturer's logo. This is
done with a specially fast-drying paint.
Making the bladder
4 The bladder can be made from either natural or synthetic rubber. The raw
material is gently heated and forced into a mold, where it forms a balloon. As the
material cools, it wrinkles. Next, workers remove the bladders and partially
inflate them to smooth them out.
Stitching and final assembly
5 Now the balls are ready to be assembled. The 32 panels and the bladder are
packed in a kit for the stitcher. The stitcher uses a pattern to guide him or her in
assembling the panels in the proper order. The stitcher sews the panels together
by hand.
6 When the cover is sewed, the stitcher inserts the bladder and sews the final
seams. The ball is complete. In order to ensure that the bladder has not been
punctured by a needle during stitching, a worker pumps up the ball. The ball may
also be weighed and measured at this point. Then, the finished ball is deflated
again and packed for shipping.
Quality Control
The soccer ball is inspected at many points in its assembly. The bladders are checked as
they are removed from the molds. The covering material is checked after it is lined with
the backing material. Another important quality checkpoint is the silkscreen printing.
The printed panels are visually inspected, and any faulty ones removed. After the ball is
stitched together, an inspector looks it over carefully to see that no stitches have been
missed. The bladder is inflated and the ball weighed and measured before the ball is
passed on to the shipping area.
The Future
Soccer is the world's most popular sport, and ball manufacturers are vying to create new
sensations in soccer equipment. However, the shape, size, and weight of the ball is
defined by international rules, and in a traditional sport, there is not too much room for
innovation. Manufacturers are testing new synthetics, such as butyl for the inner
bladder. For the covering, the aim is to create a softer, more pliable ball. While
polyurethane and polyvinyl chloride are the synthetic leathers of choice, manufacturers
are investigating new materials or new ways of treating these materials in order to come
up with a better ball.
In the manufacturing process itself, the biggest change will hopefully lie in the
eradication of unfair working conditions. Public outcry in the mid-1990s forced
manufacturers to address the issue of child and prison labor. American consumers were
confounded in 1994 when it was widely publicized that child laborers, living in appalling
conditions of poverty and enslavement, sewed the majority soccer balls. Over 80% of all
soccer balls are manufactured in Pakistan, where the stitching was routinely outsourced
to remote villages where children did the work. In the mid-1990s, it was also revealed
that some balls manufactured in China had been stitched by prison inmates. Under a
barrage of negative publicity, reputable soccer ball manufacturers vowed to centralize
their manufacturing under one roof, and not sub-contract to outside stitchers. Many of
the largest manufacturers instituted human rights departments in order to guarantee
that their balls were not being assembled by child or prison labor. Some athletes refused
to endorse soccer products unless they had a guarantee that balls were produced under
humane conditions. With high consumer awareness of the child labor problem, it is in
the best interest of ball makers to monitor working conditions at their foreign plants.
Some manufacturers are investing in technology that will eliminate hand stitching
altogether. In the late 1990s, automatic stitching machines were able to produce low
quality balls, suitable for non-professional play. Manufacturers hope to improve the
stitching technology so that all grades of balls can be made by machine in the future.
Read more: http://www.madehow.com/Volume-5/Soccer-Ball.html#ixzz36EI4PsV6
F about having fun, but osing match and training balls for your club` a serious business.
Quality balls can save you money in the long run. Heres some information to help you make up
your mind.
PU versus PVC
Nowadays the vast majority of footballs, including the very best, are made from synthetic materials and
not real leather. Most companies use polyurethane (PU) for the outer layer of their top balls.
Polyvinylchloride (PVC) is used as the outer material for cheaper balls, but it is a less durable synthetic
material. When compared with PVC balls, PU balls are softer, more like leather, while they also have
better playing qualities and are not affected by cold weather. But not all PU balls are the same. In
general, the thicker the PU layer, the better the playing qualities and touch. SELECT's Pro series balls
have the thickest PU layer in our range.
Lining materials and the question of layers
Manufacturers use different types of lining materials to support the balls outermost layer, usually made of
polyester in different quantities. Some manufacturers claim that the more lining layers are used, the better
the ball.
SELECT looks at this issue in a totally different way. As all balls need to keep within certain weight limits,
we believe that the more layers of (cheap) polyester you use, the less room you will have for better
materials like PU. So, our top ball Brilliant Super has the fewest layers of lining in our entire range of
balls. We prefer to add the extra weight with a thicker top-quality PU layer instead.
About foam
Foam is integrated as part of some of the outer materials used by SELECT and by other manufacturers.
But SELECT never uses a separate foam layer as lining, like some manufacturers do, to make the balls
seem softer. We think that the foam is squashed out when the ball is kicked, which will temporarily upset
the balls balance, thereby ruining the perfect flight and ball control. Foam also absorbs water if it
penetrates the surface after a lengthy period of use. Remember that even the slightest imbalance will
make the balls flight uneven. Just ask any free-kick specialist.
Bladders: Latex or synthetic material
The bladder has a major influence on the balls playing qualities. It is the heart of the ball and gives it its
bounce. While many manufacturers use butyl or other synthetic bladders, SELECT prefers to use proper
latex, a natural product that comes from trees.
Butyl hardly lets out any air, whereas latex does (gradually). This means that a latex ball needs to
pumped up more often, roughly once a week. But latex has much more liveliness, elasticity and bounce
than synthetic materials, and unlike some synthetic materials, it retains its shape even when it is
stretched and treated roughly. We are so demanding when it comes to bladders that we make them in our
own factory. Each bladder is pumped up and tested for balance before it is inserted in a SELECT ball.