Advances in Electronic Marketing

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Advances in
Irvine Clarke III
James Madison University, USA
Theresa B. Flaherty
James Madison University, USA
Hershey London Melbourne Singapore
TEAM LinG - Live, Informative, Non-cost and Genuine !
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Advances in electronic marketing / Irvine Clarke, III and Theresa Flaherty, editors.
p. cm.
Summary: "This book addresses Internet marketing and the World Wide Web, and other electronic
marketing tools such as geographic information systems, database marketing, and mobile advertis-
ing"--Provided by publisher.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 1-59140-321-9 (h/c) -- ISBN 1-59140-322-7 (s/c) -- ISBN 1-59140-323-5 (ebook)
1. Internet marketing. 2. Internet advertising. 3. World Wide Web. I. Title: Electronic marketing.
II. Clarke, Irvine, 1961- III. Flaherty, Theresa, 1968-
HF5415.1265.A38 2005
British Cataloguing in Publication Data
A Cataloguing in Publication record for this book is available from the British Library.
All work contributed to this book is new, previously-unpublished material. The views expressed in
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Advances in
Electronic Marketing
Table of Contents
Preface ................................................................................................. vii
Acknowledgments ................................................................................ xv
Section I: Buyer Behavior of Online Consumers
Chapter I
Attracting and Retaining Online Buyers: Comparing B2B and B2C
Customers .............................................................................................. 1
Eileen Bridges, Kent State University, USA
Ronald E. Goldsmith, Florida State University, USA
Charles F. Hofacker, Florida State University, USA
Chapter II
Unlocking E-Customer Loyalty........................................................... 28
Alvin Y.C. Yeo, University of Western Australia, Australia
Michael K.M. Chiam, University of Western Australia, Australia
Chapter III
Drivers and Barriers to Online Shopping: The Interaction of
Product, Consumer, and Retailer Factors .......................................... 45
Francesca DallOlmo Riley, Kingston University, UK
Daniele Scarpi, Universit di Bologna, Italy
Angelo Manaresi, Universit di Bologna, Italy
TEAM LinG - Live, Informative, Non-cost and Genuine !
eCRM: Understanding Internet Confidence and the Implications
for Customer Relationship Management ........................................... 67
Terry Daugherty, University of Texas at Austin, USA
Matthew Eastin, Ohio State University, USA
Harsha Gangadharbatla, University of Texas at Austin, USA
Section II: E-Marketing Strategy
Chapter V
Global Internet Marketing Strategy: Framework and Managerial
Insights ................................................................................................. 84
Gopalkrishnan R. Iyer, Florida Atlantic University, USA
Chapter VI
Interactive Brand Experience: The Concept and the Challenges ... 103
Mary Lou Roberts, University of Massachusetts Boston, USA
Chapter VII
Viral Marketing: The Use of Surprise ............................................. 122
Adam Lindgreen, Eindhoven University of Technology,
The Netherlands
Jolle Vanhamme, Erasmus University Rotterdam,
The Netherlands
Chapter VIII
Retailer Use of Permission-Based Mobile Advertising .................. 139
Jari Salo, University of Oulu, Finland
Jaana Thtinen, University of Oulu, Finland
Section III: Technology for E-Marketing
Chapter IX
Integrating Internet/Database Marketing for CRM....................... 157
Sally Rao, Adelaide University, Australia
Chris OLeary, MSI Business Systems Pty Ltd, Australia
TEAM LinG - Live, Informative, Non-cost and Genuine !
Chapter X
Developing Brand Assets with Wireless Devices ............................ 175
Jari H. Helenius, Swedish School of Economics and
Business Administration, Finland
Veronica Liljander, Swedish School of Economics and
Business Administration, Finland
Chapter XI
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in E-Marketing ................ 193
Mark R. Leipnik, Sam Houston State University, USA
Sanjay S. Mehta, Sam Houston State University, USA
Section IV: E-Marketing Legal Challenges
Chapter XII
Legal Online Marketing Issues: The Opportunities
and Challenges ................................................................................... 211
Michael T. Zugelder, Old Dominion University, USA
Chapter XIII
Regulatory and Marketing Challenges Between the U.S. and
EU for Online Markets ..................................................................... 229
Heiko deB. Wijnholds, Virginia Commonwealth University, USA
Michael W. Little, Virginia Commonwealth University, USA
Section V: E-Consumer Theoretical Frameworks
Chapter XIV
Modeling the Effects of Attitudes Toward Advertising
on the Internet ................................................................................... 247
Chris Manolis, Xavier University, USA
Nicole Averill, Carmichael Events, A Division of Eight
Entertainment, LLC, USA
Charles M. Brooks, Quinnipiac University, USA
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Chapter XV
Virtual Community: A Model of Successful Marketing
on the Internet ................................................................................... 270
Carlos Flavin, University of Zaragoza, Spain
Miguel Guinalu, University of Zaragoza, Spain
Chapter XVI
An Online Consumer Purchase Decision Cycle ............................... 287
Penelope Markellou, University of Patras, Greece
Maria Rigou, University of Patras, Greece
Spiros Sirmakessis, Technological Educational Institution of
Messolongi, Greece
Glossary ............................................................................................. 300
About the Authors .............................................................................. 304
Index................................................................................................... 315
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Introduction to Advances in Electronic
While the Internet has been in existence since the 1960s, it was not until the
advent of the World Wide Web (WWW) that businesses began to modify
practices in an attempt to exploit the advantages of this new technology. Most
early entrants primarily focused on informational activities while discovering
limiting technologies and perplexing consumer behavior. Few companies were
able to utilize the Internets full capabilities, and stories of failure amassed.
The transition was seldom smoothe, and companies enjoyed a mixture of suc-
cesses and failures. In this period, one lesson became clear: electronic busi-
nesses operated in a distinct and unique manner from traditional business ac-
Today, the Internet has exploded into mainstream society. The electronic me-
dium has created an informational and communication revolution that has for-
ever changed the overall business environment. Consequently, marketers con-
tinue to explore the possibilities of electronic marketing as an ideal channel for
communication, entertaining, selling, and distributing goods, services, and ideas.
Marketers seek opportunities to tap into the Internets potential for optimizing
performance and success, while realizing that it remains a dynamic ever-changing
medium. With a brisk rate of change, the state of electronic marketing remains
fluid, success factors transform, and marketers must continually pursue the
most robust advances in the field.
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In the early 1990s, electronic marketing was fueled by the potential of revolu-
tionizing the manner in which organizations conducted their entire business
operations. In the past decade, with its rapid explosion of Web technologies,
marketers have experienced excitement and panic; trial and error; and suc-
cess and failure as they created online businesses and expanded into elec-
tronic channels of distribution. Most now agree that Internet marketing re-
mains unique from traditional approaches, yet, still draws on fundamental
marketing principles. Therefore, the genesis of this book lies in investigating
contemporary marketing thought about how the Internet has changed the face
of marketing. Specific emphasis is placed on managerially relevant discus-
sions of progress in electronic marketing.
The buyer behavior of online consumers is the starting point for Advances in
Electronic Marketing. In Section I, issues are investigated, such as customer
attraction and retention, e-customer loyalty, factors influencing purchase be-
havior on the Internet, and customer willingness to provide information online.
Section II explores emerging strategic issues associated with e-marketing.
Technological tools (e.g., databases, wireless devices, and geographical in-
formation systems), once unavailable to traditional marketers but now com-
monplace for e-marketers, are investigated in Section III. Section IV includes
two complementary chapters devoted to the various opportunities and chal-
lenges of the law as it pertains to e-marketing. Theoretical frameworks and
models of e-marketing phenomena are presented in Section V.
Buyer Behavior of Online Consumers
All marketing efforts are ultimately directed toward the consumer. As such,
the introductory section takes a closer look at some of the emerging issues
pertaining to buyer behavior of online consumers.
Chapter I. Eileen Bridges, Ronald E. Goldsmith, and Charles F. Hofacker
differentiate between business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer
(B2C) marketplaces. The authors describe how and why customers purchase
online and why consumers are attracted to particular suppliers. Online and
off-line customers are compared in order to understand reasons for observed
differences. Various antecedents of the online experience are addressed to
determine influences on satisfaction and buying behavior. Web site efficacy
(usefulness and ease-of-use) is addressed in light of its importance in cus-
tomer satisfaction and retention for online shopping. The chapter concludes
TEAM LinG - Live, Informative, Non-cost and Genuine !
with insights for e-marketers that wish to attract new buyers, satisfy, and re-
tain them.
Chapter II. E-customer loyalty is defined as the intention to repurchase a
certain product/service consistently from a particular e-vendor, despite the
presence of other circumstances that may induce switching behavior. Alvin
Y.C. Yeo and Michael K.M. Chiam provide an integrated framework for un-
derstanding the impact of corporate image, customer trust, and customer value
on e-customer loyalty in a B2C e-commerce context. This framework incor-
porates cognitive, affective, and conative components in order to gain cus-
tomer mind share, nurture emotional ties, and influence future purchase deci-
sions. The authors offer managerial suggestions for online loyalty management
to attain the tao of loyalty.
Chapter III. This chapter provides a thorough analysis of three key factors
that can influence consumer purchase behavior on the Internet. These factors
include product-related factors (e.g., product type, brand name, etc.), con-
sumer-related factors (e.g., consumer expertise, attitudes, risk perceptions,
shopping orientation, etc.), and retail-related factors (e.g., strategies and tac-
tics). Francesca DallOlmo Riley, Daniele Scarpi, and Angelo Manaresi pro-
pose that consumer-related factors affect online purchasing and the resulting
implications for online retailers. The authors provide practical suggestions for
retailers to reduce or overcome some of the barriers that prevent consumers
from increasing the amount of products purchased online.
Chapter IV. The Internet has emerged as a powerful electronic customer
relationship management tool. However, this tool is of practical use only when
consumers are willing to provide the type of information that is of value to the
e-marketer. Consumer willingness to provide personal information is a cor-
nerstone of customer relationship management. Terry Daugherty, Matthew
Eastin, and Harsha Gangadharbatla explore how consumers self-confidence
in using the Internet impacts their willingness to provide personal information
online. Results from their consumer panel support the idea that increasing
Internet confidence may result in more favorable attitudes toward information
requests and an increased willingness to provide information.
E-Marketing Strategy
We include several unique aspects of marketing strategy in this section to
highlight some of the distinctive characteristics of the Internet. The first chap-
TEAM LinG - Live, Informative, Non-cost and Genuine !
ter in this section accentuates the international nature of the Internet. A chap-
ter on branding emphasizes challenges of creating interactive brands in the
online and off-line worlds. The use of surprise is incorporated as an important
element of viral marketing strategies in the next chapter. Finally, the mobile
advertising chapter highlights the array of marketing opportunities available
for use in a wireless environment.
Chapter V. The Internet and WWW provide new avenues for developing
international e-marketing strategies. Wider market access, efficient resource
access, global niches, competitive advantage, efficient coordination, online
distribution, and production/sales smoothing are among the many strategic
and operational opportunities provided by the Internet. However, as
Gopalkrishnan R. Iyer discusses, several barriers exist which limit the effec-
tiveness of global Internet marketing strategies. Challenges, such as infrastruc-
ture, laws, regulations, and culture, limit the global reach of organizations.
This chapter provides insight for utilizing the Internet to deploy international
marketing strategies. A managerial framework is presented to assist in the
creation of customer-centric global organizations.
Chapter VI. Mary Lou Roberts makes a case for the importance of brand-
ing efforts by reviewing major approaches to brand development in both off-
line and online marketing environments. The concept of Interactive Brand
Experiences (IBE) is created and explored via the use of marketing tools,
such as personalization, co-creation, purchase-process streamlining, self-ser-
vice, brand community, rich media, product self-design, dynamic pricing, and
customization. Roberts concludes that there are two major challenges involved
in integrating branding efforts in online and off-line spaces: (1) identifying the
appropriate techniques and the media best suited to deliver them and (2) ex-
ecuting seamlessly at all touchpoints in the process.
Chapter VII. Viral marketing strategies encourage customers to pass along
marketing messages utilizing their own network of friends, relatives, colleagues,
and so forth. Adam Lindgreen and Jolle Vanhamme explain the primary mecha-
nisms of viral marketing and investigate the emotion of surprise within viral
marketing campaigns. The authors posit that drivers of viral marketing often
include elements of surprise. Their exploratory research revealed that viral
marketing campaigns should be based on surprising messages that benefit the
recipients of the messages. The chapter includes a summary of major steps
that marketers can implement to develop successful viral campaigns.
Chapter VIII. Mobile advertising (m-advertising) consists of marketing
messages sent to and received on mobile devices, such as cell phones, per-
sonal digital assistants, and other handheld devices. Jari Salo and Jaana Thtinen
TEAM LinG - Live, Informative, Non-cost and Genuine !
discuss unique features of m-advertising and investigate the use of permis-
sion-based m-advertising in a Finnish retail context. Their case data was de-
rived from the SmartRotuaari service system which includes a wireless multi-
access network, middleware for service positioning, a Web portal, and m-
advertising services. Their research concludes that retailers and advertising
agencies have much to learn about m-advertising. Future trends and sugges-
tions are offered for effectively utilizing the potential of m-advertising.
Technology for E-Marketing
The Internet, as a marketing tool, has received much attention in both practi-
tioner and research communities. However, little attention has been given to
emerging technologies as they pertain to e-marketing. This section of Ad-
vances in Electronic Marketing introduces contemporary research about
the use of database integration, wireless devices, and geographic information
systems in current Internet marketing practices.
Chapter IX. The Internet allows marketers to collect consumer data in a
fast, inexpensive, and relatively accurate manner. Sally Rao and Chris OLeary
argue that Internet/database marketing provides solutions for some of the dif-
ficulties associated with customer relationship management. Using an action
research methodology, the authors develop a theoretical framework for inte-
grating the Internet with database marketing strategy. Data is collected from
the Internet and then integrated into organizational databases. This integration
process involves data content identification/understanding, data integration/
aggregation, and data warehousing. Internet and database marketing strate-
gies are derived from the integration and improved through one-to-one
interactivity and customization.
Chapter X. The mobile channel and how mobile phones can be utilized for
mobile branding (m-branding) is explored by Jari Helenius and Veronica
Liljander. While m-branding is in its infancy, it is an emerging phenomenon in
current brand management. The authors propose four mobile branding tech-
niques that can be used to strengthen brand assets: sponsored content, mobile
customer relationship marketing, different forms of mobile advertising, and a
mobile portal. Each of these techniques is associated with specific brand asset
objectives (e.g., awareness, loyalty, associations, etc.) as well as suggestions
for supportive media that can be utilized in combination with m-branding.
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Chapter XI. As a relatively new technology, Mark R. Leipnik and Sanjay S.
Mehta explain how Geographic Information Systems (GIS) can be applied to
electronic marketing efforts. While GIS technologies have been used for al-
most 40 years, marketing applications, and particularly e-marketing applica-
tions, are just beginning to emerge. The chapters objective is to help market-
ing managers gain an appreciation for GIS technologies for use in strategic
decision making. The authors list sources of software and data to assist in
developing GIS structures. Specific e-marketing examples of GIS applica-
tions are examined in industries, such as tourism, real estate, and market re-
E-Marketing Legal Challenges
The legal/regulatory environment cannot be ignored when developing and
implementing e-marketing strategy. This environment is complex, changing,
and in many instances, unresolved. While great efforts have been made to
provide a legal environment with clear uniform law, online marketers must be
aware that both domestic and global rules can form the basis for liability.
Chapter XII. As Michael T. Zugelder points out, there are numerous legal
issues facing online marketers. Current law, both domestic and global, is var-
ied and poses great potential for liability. E-marketers must contend with in-
tellectual property concerns, such as trademark law, copyright law, guarding
trade secrets, and protection of patents. Information management becomes a
concern as there are many laws that regulate, control, and sometimes forbid
the collection or dissemination of information. Consequently, these laws im-
pact online advertising, consumer privacy concerns, and data collection.
Zugelders chapter concludes with a discussion of online contract formation
and recent developments with contract law.
Chapter XIII. Heiko deB. Wijnholds and Michael W. Little identify and
categorize major regulatory and marketing challenges as they pertain to global
online marketing. The chapter emphasizes international transactions between
the U.S. and European Union (EU) by comparing and contrasting marketing
practices and specific regulatory positions affecting e-commerce trade. The
authors highlight the U.S. and EU positions regarding regulation versus self-
regulation. Policies are reviewed, such as those affecting sales taxes on Internet
purchases, income taxes, liability, and jurisdiction. The chapter lists business
and legal precautions to enhance e-marketing efforts and meet e-marketing
TEAM LinG - Live, Informative, Non-cost and Genuine !
E-Consumer Theoretical Frameworks
Advances in Electronic Marketing concludes with theoretical frameworks
that can be used to explore various e-marketing phenomena. Building on some
of the ideas presented in prior chapters, the final section provides insight on
attitudes toward advertising on the Internet, virtual communities, and online
purchase decision cycles.
Chapter XIV. It is well-known in the marketing literature that consumer
attitudes toward products and advertisements can impact consumer behavior.
However, marketing research has largely explored this concept via traditional
(off-line) means of advertising. This chapter provides an initial exploration of
attitude toward advertising as applicable to advertising on the Internet. Chris
Manolis, Nicole Averill, and Charles M. Brooks use experimentation to ma-
nipulate consumer attitudes toward Internet advertising and measure resulting
effects on brand attitudes and intentions to purchase. Their study found that
Web site advertising does not appear to significantly impact attitudes toward
the brand; however, attitudes toward the brand affected purchase intentions.
Chapter XV. This chapter explains the unique features of virtual communities
with special emphasis on the strategies, managerial suggestions, and tech-
nologies employed for this type of business model. Carlos Flavin and Miguel
Guinalu analyze virtual communities from a sociological perspective with par-
ticular attention to communities developed around a brand. Explanation is
provided for why individuals become members of such communities, including
dealing with matters of interest, establishing relationships, living out fantasies,
and carrying out transactions. The authors outline recommendations for the
marketing of virtual communities in order to incorporate feasible strategies
and common technologies (e.g., discussion forums, e-mail groups, chat rooms,
MUDs, content management, peer-to-peer systems, and really simple syndi-
Chapter XVI. Penelope Markellou, Maria Rigou, and Spiros Sirmakessis
present a framework depicting an online consumer purchase decision cycle.
The framework assumes that online consumers are triggered by a stimulus to
purchase certain items and is based on three distinct and important phases:
building trust and confidence, online purchase experience, and after-purchase
needs. Their framework is used to examine customer states and transition
conditions, with special focus on abandonment factors, as online consumers
interact outside of the e-shop, inside the e-shop, and after the purchase. The
authors provide guidance for managers by outlining success and failure fac-
tors during the online consumer purchase decision cycle.
TEAM LinG - Live, Informative, Non-cost and Genuine !
Due to the fluid nature of the field, absolute answers to electronic marketing
problems are unattainable. However, this book does provide a comprehen-
sive collection of cutting-edge research on Internet and technological applica-
tions for marketing. By investigating major elements of Internet marketing,
including online marketing strategy, marketing research, database develop-
ment, online consumer behavior, customer relationship marketing, and the online
marketing mix, readers should have a better understanding of the current state
of the discipline. The primary contribution lies in bringing together a global
perspective, from many of the leading researchers, of the issues facing elec-
tronic marketing today. We hope that Advances in Electronic Marketing
will serve as a useful resource for greater understanding of the concepts, theo-
ries, practices, and current state of electronic marketing.
TEAM LinG - Live, Informative, Non-cost and Genuine !
We wish to thank the staff of Idea Group Publishing, most notably
Mehdi Khosrow-Pour, Jan Travers, and Michele Rossi, for consistent
support during the editing process. A very special thanks is extended
to the College of Business and Marketing Program at James Madison
University for providing assistance. The Advances in Electronic
Marketing book project would not have been possible without the
hard work and dedication of the contributing authors and reviewers.
All chapters appearing in this book were reviewed by the external
reviewers through a double-blind review process. The external re-
viewers did not know the authors names or affiliations. The chapter
selection process was quite competitive and went through several re-
visions based on comments provided by reviewers and editors. Al-
though we evaluated 33 chapters (70 authors) for the book, only 16
chapters (34 authors) were accepted for final inclusion.
Irvine Clarke III and Theresa B. Flaherty
James Madison University, USA
TEAM LinG - Live, Informative, Non-cost and Genuine !
Section I:
Buyer Behavior
of Online Consumers
TEAM LinG - Live, Informative, Non-cost and Genuine !
Attracting and Retaining Online Buyers 1
Copyright 2005, Idea Group Inc. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written
permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.
Chapter I
and Retaining
Online Buyers:
Comparing B2B and
B2C Customers
Eileen Bridges, Kent State University, USA
Ronald E. Goldsmith, Florida State University, USA
Charles F. Hofacker, Florida State University, USA
This chapter addresses similarities and differences in e-commerce needs
for customers in business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer
(B2C) marketplaces. We discuss how and why customers are attracted to
online buying in general and to a supplier in particular for each of these
types of markets. We further compare the characteristics of customers
who choose to buy online with those who prefer to continue with more
TEAM LinG - Live, Informative, Non-cost and Genuine !
2 Bridges, Goldsmith & Hofacker
Copyright 2005, Idea Group Inc. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written
permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.
traditional means of purchasing, providing some possible reasons for
observed differences. The customers online experience may influence
both satisfaction and buying behavior, so we address the antecedents of
the experience, including Web site design and the nature of customer
involvement with the site. We note the importance of Web site efficacy
(usefulness and ease of use) as well as experiential elements of online
shopping in customer satisfaction and retention and make specific
recommendations for marketing managers in firms offering a Web
The emergence of e-commerce as a way of doing business has created an
environment in which the needs and expectations of business customers and
consumers are rapidly changing and evolving. This situation presents marketing
managers with the challenge of ascertaining which elements of marketspace are
new and how much continuity can be retained from the past. Some marketers
apparently believe that it is enough to offer a Web site, maintaining a superficial
appearance that the firm is progressive, or they ignore the Web altogether,
possibly making use of digital technology to support existing business plans.
Others take the opposite tack, saying that everything is changing and that
nothing can remain the same (e.g., Feather, 2000; Murphy, 2000). A more
balanced view proposes that people are basically the same but that new
technologies are changing many of the ways customers shop and buy thus,
many businesses must overhaul their operating models to create digital strate-
gies that meet changing needs and preserve competitiveness (Downes & Mui,
1998; Wind, Mahajan & Gunther, 2002). Our position is consistent with this
balanced view. We believe that while much is changing, many fundamentals
remain. Thus, we suggest ways that managers can use well-grounded concepts
from consumer behavior and marketing theory, adapting them to new technolo-
We begin by considering characteristics of the most innovative online buyers
and how marketers might best attract these individuals to Web sites. Quite a lot
has been learned in the past few years about online customer behavior. This
knowledge should benefit e-marketers in their efforts to develop successful
online marketing strategies. These topics are important because now that many
TEAM LinG - Live, Informative, Non-cost and Genuine !
Attracting and Retaining Online Buyers 3
Copyright 2005, Idea Group Inc. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written
permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.
investors have been burned by dot-com business failures, they are unwilling to
provide funding to start-ups that do not have clear business strategies in place
and excellent indicators of potential success. In addition, competition is fierce,
so competitive advantage is even more important on the Web than it is for an
industrial sales representative calling on a customer or for a retail store in a
neighborhood shopping mall. We propose that the more managers know about
customers and their expectations of, as well as reactions to, e-commerce
activities, the better these online vendors will be able to attract and to retain
consumers. Thus, the objectives of this chapter are to discuss aspects of buyer
behavior that offer strategic insights to e-commerce managers who wish to
attract new buyers, satisfy, and retain them.
Who Buys Online?
The ultimate objective of any given marketing strategy should be to attract,
satisfy, and retain customers (Best, 2004, p. 15). Thus, a discussion of online
customer behavior from the management perspective should address this
objective. Attracting new customers holds dual relevance. First, for any
innovative good or service, the first buyers provide revenue needed to pay for
research, development, and launch costs involved in bringing a new product to
the market. Marketers must generate positive revenue streams quickly to grow
their businesses. Moreover, it is not possible to retain all buyers as customers,
so it is necessary to acquire new customers continuously to replace those who
leave. Second, new customers are important because, in addition to an initial
purchase, they bring the potential for lifetime value, which is the stream of
profits that accrues during a customers relationship with the firm. By itself,
attracting new buyers is not enough; firms need to retain at least a portion of
first-time purchasers to remain viable. Loyal satisfied customers have value for
the firm because they may increase their spending over time, and they tend to
spread positive word-of-mouth (via e-mail, etc.) about the company, attracting
other buyers (Reichheld & Schefter, 2000). Finally, the earliest buyers may
also provide valuable feedback regarding their experience with the Web site,
facilitating site improvements.
How are companies using an online presence to reach potential and current
customers? Liu et al. define online business as the buying and selling of goods
and services where part, if not all, of the commercial transaction occurs over
TEAM LinG - Live, Informative, Non-cost and Genuine !
4 Bridges, Goldsmith & Hofacker
Copyright 2005, Idea Group Inc. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written
permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.
an electronic medium (1997, p. 336). At the time of their article examining the
Fortune 500, although 322 of the firms maintained home pages on the Web,
only 131 of these provided for online business. Of course, these numbers are
much higher now, but the motivations for making use of an electronic market-
place still hold. They suggest that by providing improvements in communication
and information processing the Web greatly reduces the costs of market
coordination and improves efficiency. Because potential buyers can compare
offerings more easily, electronic markets should promote price competition as
well as product differentiation. However, in the case of B2C e-commerce,
research suggests that price dispersion is persistent due to differences in service
offerings among e-tailers, market characteristics such as number of competi-
tors, and possibly such factors as brand name and online trust (Pan, Ratchford
& Shankar, 2002).
The results of Liu et al. (1997) indicate that presence of a home page and
revenues are significantly related this makes sense because the large majority
Figure 1. Overview of online buyer attraction, satisfaction, and retention

Positive online experience
Outcome meets expectations
Reduction of functional,
financial, social, and
psychological risk
Recovery in case of failure
Lower prices
On time, correct delivery
Excellent communication
Met expectations
Lack of problems or
opportunistic behavior
Marketing mix
Consumer demographics
Consumer psychographics
(e.g., innovativeness)
Positive attitude toward
online buying
Prefer online functionality
Prefer online experience
Marketing mix
Customer demographics
Convenience, efficiency
Use of digital data transfer
Availability of specific info
Documented quality
Support services
Business-to-Business (B2B) Business-to-Consumer (B2C)
Repeated satisfying
Consistent delivery
Convenient rebuy
Provide added value
Customer relationship
management (CRM)
Repeated satisfying
Consistent delivery
Post-sale support
Frequent Web site updates
Loyalty programs and CRM
Building of trust
Positive online experience
Outcome meets expectations
Reduction of functional,
financial, social, and
psychological risk
Recovery in case of failure
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Attracting and Retaining Online Buyers 5
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of the home pages they observed were designed to introduce new products and
provide overview information about the companies. While smaller sized firms
are apparently more interested in direct selling and generation of revenue, larger
firms Web sites focus on communication activities. This suggests that while
larger firms are more likely to try to build awareness upon entering an electronic
marketplace, smaller firms may try to move directly into selling. The latter
strategy may neglect the need to communicate and assist potential customers
in developing familiarity with a firm and its products this may be part of the
reason so many smaller firms failed in the dot-com bust of 2000.
Our essential topics for the chapter follow from the need for an e-marketer to
attract new customers to a Web site, satisfy, and retain them. Although many
of the critical issues are the same in the B2B and B2C marketplaces, customer
needs and behaviors differ for each of these types of markets. Thus, we address
each separately in this chapter, drawing on both theoretical and applied
research that has become available in the past few years. Our observations are
summarized in Figure 1 for convenient reference.
Characteristics of B2B Online Buyers
In their analysis of the buying process for tangible, customized products,
Gattiker, Perlusz, and Bohmann (2000) suggest that potential B2B online
customers gather information needed for decision making and process it, taking
into account situational factors and available product attributes. Further,
individual buyers demographic characteristics, cultural backgrounds, attitudes
toward technology, and economic factors influence the decision-making pro-
cess. For instance, they note that women are less likely than men to spend time
on the Web and more likely to value interpersonal communication. Younger
respondents are more likely than are older respondents to spend time on the
Web and to have made at least one purchase online. More educated respon-
dents are more likely to spend time on the Web than are less educated
respondents. Outcomes, specifically Web beliefs and behaviors, depend on
Web usage patterns, ability to test and purchase products online, type of
information available, and usage situation.
While all customers might be expected to evaluate certain product attributes,
particularly as their needs depend on the planned usage of the product, B2B
purchasing agents differ from individual (B2C) shoppers (Gattiker et al., 2000).
In particular, corporate buyers are more concerned than are B2C consumers
with obtaining specific information, such as delivery conditions and pricing
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options. In addition, corporate agents may require documented quality and
postsale support because of company policy. Other features that may be
important include presale support, availability of postsale on-site service, and
terms of replacement (e.g., lead times). Gattiker et al. (2000) further suggest
that some differences between online and off-line shopping may occur for both
B2B and B2C customers. For instance, extrinsic product attributes, including
price and brand name, recommendations from others, and warranty, may be
more important online than in a brick-and-mortar retail store where other
product features may be more readily evaluated.
As Web sites began to provide more of the information necessary for B2B
transactions to occur, this marketplace grew at a phenomenal rate, far
surpassing B2C online revenues. According to E-Stats (2002, 2003), an online
publication of the U.S. Department of Commerce, B2B e-commerce in the
U.S. totaled $913 billion in 1999, $997 billion in 2000, and estimates suggested
it would be $995 billion in 2001. The lower figure for 2001 may be due in part
to a leveling-out of B2B online trade but may also be reflective of the general
economic downturn that began in 2001. The publication also notes that e-
commerce outperformed total economic activity in three of four major eco-
nomic sectors measured between 2000 and 2001 (2003, p. 1). Thus, e-
commerce is very healthy in sectors that sell primarily to other businesses.
Some industries are more inclined to utilize e-commerce than others. E-Stats
(2003) notes that 68% of all manufacturing e-shipments occur in only five
industries, including transportation equipment, beverage and tobacco, electri-
cal equipment, appliances, and components. Merchant wholesaler e-sales
were concentrated in only three industry groups with drugs and druggist
sundries, motor vehicles parts and supplies, and professional and commercial
equipment and supplies explaining 64% of the total. There may be greater
opportunities for increasing B2B e-commerce in industries that are not yet
heavily represented.
Characteristics of B2C Online Buyers
In the early days of the Internet, the demographics of online consumers were
skewed toward young well-educated male technophiles (Modahl, 2000).
Today, the population of Internet users looks more like a representative
national sample. In Table 1, adapted from Lenhart et al. (2003), we see a
snapshot of current Internet users.
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These data are consistent with information regarding B2B online shoppers in
that men, more educated, and younger people are more likely to shop online.
Such demographic differences are also declining in both cases.
E-Stats (2002) notes that e-commerce represents a relatively small share of the
B2C marketplace as compared to economic activity in the B2B sectors. Total
B2C online commerce was $40 billion in 1999, $65 billion in 2000, and $71
billion in 2001 (E-Stats, 2002, 2003), including services and retail trade. Thus,
although it is growing as a share of total e-commerce activity in the U.S., B2C
represents only 4.2% of e-commerce in 1999, 6.1% in 2000, and 6.7% in
2001. Four industry groups account for half of e-revenues in B2C services,
including travel arrangement and reservation, publishing (including software),
securities and commodities contracts intermediation and brokerage, and
computer systems design and services (E-Stats, 2003). The information
industry is an area of services having particularly strong growth, but it is not yet
well represented online. Thus, this may indicate an opportunity for e-commerce
Table 1. Portions of groups that shop online
Male 60%
Female 56%

Ethnic Group
White 60%
Black 45%
Hispanic 54%


High School 45%
Some College 72%
College Graduate 82%

Annual Income
<$30,000 38%
$30,000-$50,000 65%
$50,000-$75,000 74%
>$75,000 86%

18-29 74%
30-49 67%
50-64 52%
65 and over 18%
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Retail e-sales are concentrated in only two groups that account for over 90%
of this marketplace; these are nonstore retailers (including brick and click,
catalog, and pure play businesses) and motor vehicle and parts dealers. Retail
e-sales grew 22% between 2000 and 2001 as compared to total retail sales
growth of only 3% (E-Stats, 2003). Merchandise categories having the highest
percentage of online sales include books and magazines and electronics and
appliances. This is consistent with previous research, which suggests that
books and CDs are common items for initial online purchases (Florsheim &
Bridges, 1999). Other product categories are more likely to be purchased by
more experienced online shoppers and thus may have greater potential for e-
tailer entry and growth.
How do consumers begin to buy online? This question can be placed in a larger
context of online consumer behavior, defined as any Internet-related activity
associated with the consumption of goods, services, and information. Further,
Internet consumption includes (1) gathering information passively via expo-
sure to advertising, (2) shopping, which includes both browsing and deliberate
information search, and (3) the selection and buying of specific goods, services,
and information (Goldsmith & Bridges, 2000, p. 245). We can expand this
definition by suggesting that online consumer behavior also includes reacting to
postsale activities offered by Web merchants. Consumer loyalty may be
associated with these postsale interactions. We note that for any new good,
service, or idea, some B2C buyers purchase earlier than do others following the
launch of an innovation. Thus, it may be appropriate to study the purchase
behavior of online buyers using a model for diffusion of innovation, particularly
to improve understanding of how they might be attracted to an e-commerce
Attracting Buyers Online
Potential customers who become aware of a new product have several possible
reactions. First, they may delay action. Diffusion theory (Rogers, 1995)
categorizes consumers into five adopter types based on how long they delay
trying a new product: innovators, early adopters, early majority, late majority,
laggards. Innovators have the quickest time-of-adoption and laggards the
slowest. Ceteris paribus, this theory presumes that at some point all potential
customers try the new product. Based on this trial, they may become active
rejecters of the product. This may be because the product failed to satisfy their
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needs and wants, so they search for something else. If the new product is
satisfactory or superior to existing products, they may decide to adopt it and
become owners/users. Subsequently, some of these adopters may remain loyal
to the new product; in this instance, they will become loyal and repeat buyers.
If this process occurs in the context of e-commerce, the customers become
loyal purchasers from the Web site. It is also possible that they may be
dissatisfied with the Web site and avoid buying there again; thus, dissatisfaction
with the Web site may carry over into dissatisfaction with the product itself.
Thus, the first task of an online merchant is to attract potential buyers to its Web
site. Why would a customer choose to order online if alternative channels are
available? For both B2B and B2C buyers, these alternatives can include retail
stores or sales representatives, the telephone, other electronic media, or using
a catalog to place mail orders. Online marketspace presents many advantages
(Goldsmith, 1999; Hofacker, 2001; Xue, Harker & Heim, 2000), including:
24/7 product availability
wider product selection, availability of niche items
low prices
prompt delivery
access to customer service
personalized treatment
opportunities for two-way communication
convenience of shopping at home or office
no pressure from salespeople
ease of search and comparison
low switching costs
benefits of collaborative filtering
Nevertheless, there are also potential disadvantages:
loss of privacy or personal information
delayed gratification owing to slow delivery
errors in order fulfillment
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potential for fraud
negative interactions with online merchant
inability to inspect or experience the product prior to purchase
low fidelity of the online shopping experience
cost of computer ownership and network connection
slow modems and site loading times
Potential customers must evaluate the benefits and risks associated with online
purchasing before they opt to try it. The nature of these issues differs somewhat
for B2B and B2C marketspaces. As noted earlier, business customers must
consider practical factors related to meeting requirements efficiently. On the
other hand, researchers in online consumer behavior have studied a variety of
factors that predispose consumers to try online buying, including those related
to usefulness and ease of use but also those related to enjoyment of the
experience. Individual attitudes and personal predispositions may influence
reactions to the possibility of ordering on the Web and to the Web experience
itself. For instance, Florsheim and Bridges (1999) observe that customers who
are insecure and feel the need to ask questions are less likely to shop online.
Such customers report that they prefer the human contact available when
placing an order by phone to the anonymity of the Internet, despite its potential
for improved consistency and convenience. Further, their finding that men are
more willing than women to give up human contact is consistent with other
studies that suggest men are also more likely to order online (Goldsmith &
Bridges, 2000).
Innovative B2B Firms: Moving Purchasing to the Web
Before discussing the motivation for B2B customers to move purchases to the
Web, it will be helpful to think about some of the ways that business purchasing
differs from consumer purchasing. Compared to an individual consumer,
business buyers tend to purchase in larger volumes, and sellers tend to have
fewer but larger customers. Promotional activities are more likely to be
personal and interactive rather than impersonal and one-way as compared to
mass-media advertising and large-scale promotions appropriate for consumer
marketplaces. Purchasing options might include the possibility of protracted
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negotiation, reciprocity, or leasing; thus, they are more complex than typical
consumer purchases. Unlike individual consumers, businesses are quite used to
direct channels as B2B purchases have traditionally utilized such approaches.
Thus, the Internet represents another mechanism for facilitating the supply
chain, along with 800 numbers, catalogs, and direct sales forces.
Business purchasers are typically motivated to find least-cost solutions to
purchasing problems, subject to meeting minimum objectives. When they place
orders repeatedly for the same products and these are filled through a standard
process, there is no need to interact with an order taker or sales representative
to make a purchase decision. Although such personal interaction might be
enjoyable for some buyers, firms face pressure to improve efficiency and are
constantly looking for ways to reduce waste. Of course, a number of personal
selling encounters might be required before two firms agree to engage in
automatic e-commerce But then, a routine rebuy would certainly be flagged as
the type of purchase that might be completed automatically, reducing both time
requirements and the potential for human error. Thus, B2B buyers tend to move
online more easily for routine than nonroutine purchases. With the help of
inventory management software tied to an extranet, some of these routine
orders can even be placed in a fully automated way, eliminating the need for
employee time to be used.
When a new type of purchase is considered, the story is different. Following the
appearance of an innovation in the marketplace, potential B2B customers begin
to consider their firms need for it. They initiate the process of search and
evaluation, possibly aided by information available on one or more Web sites.
However, particularly if the product requires a large investment (such as capital
equipment), it may be necessary to involve purchasing agents, sales represen-
tatives, engineers, and other personnel in a rather complex purchase process.
The firms online interaction may still be a part of the process because it can
provide information, reduce search costs, and facilitate relevant communica-
tion and postsales follow-up activities. Companies use the Web for many types
of postpurchase support, ranging from reviewing technical specifications and
ordering spare parts to participating in user group discussion forums. When the
purchase is routine, but the timing is not systematic, B2B e-hubs or online
marketspaces implementing one of the auction types described below can
perform a valuable matchmaking function (Kaplan & Sawhney, 2000).
Wilson and Abel (2002) discuss e-hubs as they reflect on issues that a firm must
address before it can successfully launch a B2B online business. These ideas
are useful in better understanding online buyers. They suggest that B2B
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customers hope to gain such benefits as improved communication with the
supplier, enhanced productivity with just-in-time delivery, collaboration in
product and process design, improved information at lower cost, and admin-
istrative/operational cost reductions. They also note that B2B online market-
places may be designed in several ways. Forward auctions, which tend to sell
excess inventory at low prices involve buyers bidding for this inventory.
Reverse auctions work with sellers bidding to arrange long-term contracts on
standardized products. In addition to the direction of the auction, e-hubs can
either involve single firms and single buyers or aggregate multiple buyers,
multiple sellers, or both. Buyers must evaluate these possible options in
deciding which type of B2B purchasing arrangement best meets firm needs, but
the returns to scale make participation in these electronic markets worthwhile
for many companies (Kaplan & Sawhney, 2000).
It is instructive to consider how the adoption of just-in-time inventory manage-
ment is tied to use of the Internet as a direct sales channel. Firms are motivated
to keep inventory small for a number of reasons: (1) reducing the cost of the
capital tied up in inventory; (2) reducing costs associated with breakage,
insurance, storage; and (3) enhancing the ability to quickly adapt to changing
market conditions. However, the use of frequent small deliveries requires
careful coordination between buying and selling firms. The Internet and other
IT facilities (such as enterprise resource planning) allow companies to automate
coordination and administration, even between two independently managed
companies. Careful coordination is therefore increasingly important within the
supply chain firms engaging in long term relational exchange must coordinate
packaging decisions, delivery vehicle and warehouse configurations, and
storage requirements right from the product design phase. But in order to
substitute information for inventory, purchasing must adopt e-commerce
exchange, permitting the cost benefits and improved time flexibility.
Large firms are more likely than small firms to design and implement successful
B2B online commerce. This makes sense because larger firms have more to
gain from such an investment, which requires installation of automated supply
chain management and inventory control (such as an enterprise management
system). Min and Galle (2003), in a study designed to observe differences
between adopters and nonadopters of e-purchasing, find that larger firms
having a greater number of purchasing employees are more likely to adopt.
Further, firms in more information intensive industry sectors are more likely to
purchase online than those in less information intensive sectors. Thus, firms that
can best benefit from e-purchasing are those that stand to gain the most from
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digital data transfer, enhanced supply chain efficiency, real-time information
regarding product availability, inventory level, shipment status, and production
In short, although individual characteristics, such as personality, may be
expected to drive B2C Internet adoption, structural and economic factors drive
businesses to switch to B2B e-commerce. Such factors include specific
inventory requirements, newness of the type of purchase, requirements for
engaging in spot markets, benefits that might accrue from having a single hub
that aggregates suppliers, sales volume, firm size, and competition in the
Innovative B2C Consumers: The Role of Attitudes and
Among the many constructs used to describe, explain, and influence online
consumer behavior, attitudes take a central position. This is because attitudes
have traditionally been widely used to study consumer behavior, they provide
diagnostic information for marketing management, they are easy to describe
and explain, and they can be influenced by marketing strategy (compare
Modahl, 2000). Goldsmith and Bridges (2000) observe that positive attitudes
toward buying online are associated with online purchase of textbooks.
Specifically, students who have purchased textbooks online are more likely to
think that the Internet is easy, quick, and safe to use than are students who have
not. Further, they are more confident that orders will be filled accurately and
promptly; they feel that online merchants have good return policies; and they
believe that buying online offers better value than does a brick-and-mortar
alternative. Goldsmith, Bridges, and Freiden (2001) confirm these findings with
adult consumers and further observe that Internet innovators are more likely
than other consumers to buy online.
Goldsmith (2000) measures the attitudes of innovative online buyers using the
Domain Specific Innovativeness Scale or DSI (Goldsmith & Hofacker, 1991)
formatted for the topic of online buying (compare Goldsmith, 2001). This six-
item self-report scale uses a Likert response format to measure a consumers
innovativeness concerning a particular product category (Goldsmith, dHauteville
& Flynn, 1998). The results suggest that innovative online buyers are more
likely to have made online purchases; further, online buying innovativeness is
positively related to amount of online buying for those who had purchased this
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way. Moreover, comparing the attitudes of early adopters, early and late
majorities, and laggards, the more innovative consumers are more likely to view
online shopping as quicker, cheaper, and more fun than traditional shopping.
They also think it is safer to buy online and are more confident of their ability
to buy online. Goldsmith and Lafferty (2002) replicate these findings in a later
study, where they also observe that innovative online buyers purchase more
online and believe themselves to be more knowledgeable about online buying.
Moreover, higher levels of Internet innovativeness are associated with a greater
reported likelihood of future online purchases.
Flynn and Goldsmith (2001) provide evidence suggesting that Internet knowl-
edge leads to positive attitudes that are subsequently linked to online buying.
This finding is supported by a study of online apparel buying (Goldsmith &
Goldsmith, 2002). This analysis shows that online apparel buyers purchase
nonapparel products online more often than do those who do not purchase
apparel online. That is, those who buy apparel online also buy other products
online as well, suggesting a general pattern of buying online. Consumers who
buy apparel online also embrace the attitudes that buying online is safe, quick,
and fun, and they are more confident in their ability to buy online than are
nonbuyers. They do not buy apparel in general more than do the nononline
buyers, suggesting that they tend to shift their buying from stores and catalogs
to cyberspace. They are more innovative and more knowledgeable than are the
nonbuyers about the Internet.
Holbrook and Hirschman (1982) point out how consumers receive two
different types of benefits from shopping. There is a utilitarian benefit due to
finding the product that one is looking for and receiving the functional benefits
thereof. In addition, at least for some consumers, there is the benefit of the
shopping experience itself. The pleasure of looking in shop windows, being
greeted by and socializing with the store help, and experiencing the sensory
aspects of store atmospherics can contribute to the satisfaction derived from
the shopping experience itself. Analogously, studies of innovative online buying
show that consumers may be motivated to shop by both utilitarian and hedonic
dimensions of the retail atmosphere (Childers et al., 2001). These authors note
that until recently shopping on the Internet has been viewed as providing
primarily utilitarian value. However, its immersive, hedonic aspects are now
more appreciated, creating what they term the webmosphere (p. 511).
Childers et al. (2001) use the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) de-
scribed by Davis, Bagozzi, and Warshaw (1989) to understand how technol-
ogy-based characteristics of the Web influence its adoption. Specifically,
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Childers et al. (2001) consider the Web sites utilitarian aspects, which may be
described as usefulness (or outcome) and ease of use (or process), as well as
its hedonic aspects. The latter provide enjoyment (also a process dimension of
the shoppers online experience), which is separate from any performance
results. Although Davis et al. (1989) find that usefulness is the primary
determinant of a decision to adopt technology, Childers et al. (2001) anticipate
that process dimensions of the online experience and enjoyment in particular
may play a greater role than previously thought in a consumers decision to shop
online. Specifically, they postulate that context may differentiate the importance
of different antecedents of technology adoption their results indicate that
usefulness is more related to shopping online when the goals are instrumental,
while enjoyment is more related when the shopping is hedonic.
Chen, Gillenson, and Sherrell (2002) suggest that there are interesting similari-
ties between the TAM, mentioned above, and innovation diffusion theory
discussed earlier in the chapter (see Attracting Buyers Online). For instance,
one driver of diffusion is relative advantage of the innovation, which is
comparable to TAMs usefulness construct. Similarly, complexity in diffusion
theory is inversely related to ease of use in TAM. The authors also investigate
compatibility of the innovation with existing systems and values this concept
comes from diffusion theory but is not included in the TAM formalization. They
did not include two other drivers of innovation, trialability and observability,
which are often included in diffusion research but which they did not expect to
relate to adoption of online shopping. Their findings suggest that compatibility,
usefulness, and ease of use are important drivers of a consumers decision to
adopt online shopping and that they will increase sales and loyalty. They note
that compatibility and usefulness are highly correlated, which is not surprising
because both indicate the outcome value to the consumer. The authors
recommend that Web marketers should increase consumers enjoyment of
their sites because this is found to motivate increased use. However, their
results do not indicate that this will lead to increases in purchasing.
What Web site design elements will lead to increased buying? Childers et al.
(2001) demonstrate the dual importance of usefulness and enjoyment to the
Web customer, but how can the site design be improved to achieve these
objectives? They suggest that flexibility in navigation, convenience, and the
substitutability of the Web site visit for personal examination of the product are
critical characteristics. Thus, the online experience must be intrinsically enjoy-
able while it offers some improvement over the physical retail store. Childers
et al. (2001) indicate the need to understand how elements of physical retail
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store design (external architecture, interior design and layout) can be translated
into more effective Web site design. They comment that very little is known
about how the design characteristics of interactive shopping sites affect online
purchase behavior and other usage indicators (p. 529). These design elements
might include structural attributes (e.g., frames, graphics, text, pop-up win-
dows, etc.), media (graphics, text, audio, etc.) and site layout (organization of
product offerings).
Another aspect of the online experience that could potentially influence buying
behavior is the concept of flow. Hoffman and Novak (1996) define flow as the
state occurring during network navigation which is: (1) characterized by a
seamless sequence of responses facilitated by machine interactivity, (2) intrin-
sically enjoyable, (3) accompanied by a loss of self-consciousness, and (4)
self-reinforcing (p. 57). These same authors propose that creating a commer-
cially compelling website depends on facilitating a state of flow (p. 66). This
is corroborated by Goldsmith et al. (2001), who find that the reported amount
of online buying is greater for Internet users that experience two key elements
of flow confidence and fun. Korzaan (2003) also tests for the impact of flow
on purchase, finding that being in flow positively influences a customers
intention to buy online.
In summary, marketers will be most successful in attracting consumers to their
Web sites if they first are diligent in discovering the specific needs that their
respective customers seek to satisfy. Next, they must craft products so that
they will satisfy these needs. The Internet is one channel among many through
which merchants can contact and interact with customers. A Web site should
be integrated into existing and future channels so that they are mutually
supportive. The Web site itself should be easy to use and useful to consumers
who shop and want to buy. The earliest buyers, those most likely to visit the
Web site, view e-commerce as a convenient, quick, and safe method of
shopping. The Web site should reflect these attitudes. Moreover, some
consumers buy online because they are interested in the product category and
are looking for products unavailable to them via other channels; they lack the
time, energy, or ability to physically shop, they seek to save money, or they
enjoy the activity of online browsing and buying. Enhancing the aesthetic,
hedonic, and entertaining aspects of Web sites will make them attractive to
many innovative consumers. However, attracting potential buyers to a Web site
and encouraging them to purchase is only the beginning of an online relationship.
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Retaining Online Buyers
Attracting new buyers to online sites is only part of the job of the e-marketer.
The three basic uses consumers make of the cyber-marketplace are to get
information, to purchase goods and services, and to obtain postsale support;
thus, communication, online sales, and customer service are necessary (Griffith
& Krampf, 1998). Retaining buyers is a function of competitive activity and
customer satisfaction. Intense competition and low switching costs character-
ize the computer-mediated environment, so consumers have ample opportunity
and motivation to switch vendors (Xue et al., 2000). Consequently, customer
satisfaction with a Web site is critical to maintaining loyalty. Because this issue
is so important, quite a bit of research has been done on satisfaction with e-
commerce Web sites.
Customer relationship management (CRM) systems have often been recom-
mended as a means of attracting and retaining customers. Because it is very
convenient to collect customer data (including demographics and buying
habits) online, and it is also easy to interact and continue a relationship online,
it is often assumed that adopting an e-CRM system is a good way to draw
together all of the elements of marketing strategy to obtain customer satisfac-
tion, sales, and profit. However, recent research shows that although product
customization ability is important, and the presence of some e-CRM features
is positively related to customer satisfaction with a Web site, e-CRM activities
are unrelated to success in attracting and retaining buyers (Feinberg & Kadam,
Retaining B2B Buyers
One key to retaining B2B buyers in an online environment lies in using the
Internet to facilitate collaboration between supply chain partners (Downes &
Mui, 1998). Because it is difficult to build and maintain trust in the online
environment, a critical success factor in online B2B relationships is the absence
of opportunistic behavior by either of the firms (Williamson, 1994). Our
discussion of B2B purchasing assumes the use of relationship marketing ideals,
which go beyond focusing on specific transactions and seek to optimize the
lifetime value of each customer.
Many of the characteristics of B2B relationships in traditional marketplaces
continue to be of interest when building online relationships. For instance,
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Freytag and Bridges (2003) observe that more dynamic marketplaces, char-
acterized by changing relationship structures, require the firms involved to
invest both financially and otherwise in order to obtain continuing relationships.
Because online markets are so new and involve innovative players, they are
inherently dynamic; thus, they would be expected to require continuing invest-
ment in order to be successful. Freytag and Bridges also find that if a
marketplace is unbalanced, that is, that the relative size and strength of buyers
and suppliers are unequal, this influences the best choice of marketing strategy.
For instance, if suppliers have greater marketplace intensity than do buyers,
sellers must invest more in order to build B2B relationships. Due to the high rate
of change, there is an inherent lack of balance in online markets, consistent with
this idea that suppliers must invest in the relationships.
Finally, as more firms compete in a particular marketplace, the competition is
increasingly value-based (compare Porter, 1985). Thus, as the popularity of
online B2B marketplaces grows, sellers may be expected to compete more
strongly through differentiation that provides added value. Further, by integrat-
ing customers into its own systems and procedures, a firm may create switching
costs that act as a barrier to leaving the relationship (compare Downes & Mui,
1998). The idea of customizing the product to provide added value and to lock
in customers is consistent with reaping the benefits of customer lifetime value.
Thus, an online relationship strategy can create bonds between companies to
the benefit of all involved.
Retaining B2C Buyers
One key to retaining B2C consumers is to change the Web site continuously,
so it appears fresh and alive and to utilize timely specials that appear at
unpredictable intervals. In addition, the firm should strive to add value for
consumers by offering product usage tips, specifications, manuals, parts lists,
glossaries, histories, and so forth. For instance, Stolichnaya Vodka offers
cocktail recipes on its site, while Molson Brewers at one time had contest
winners wear a Web camera as they pub-hopped. In general, the opportunity
to interact with other users of the product through games, chat rooms, and idea
exchanges can lead to enhanced flow within the site and lead to more a more
favorable attitude towards the site and the sponsoring company.
In some markets, B2C online sales grew very quickly but were unable to sustain
the aggressive pace required. This may occur because service quality erodes
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Attracting and Retaining Online Buyers 19
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during a period of rapid growth, possibly due to a lack of infrastructure or
experience. Thus, the firm is vulnerable to competition and may find that it needs
to drop prices just when it can least afford to (Oliva, Sterman & Giese, 2003).
The quality of service the consumer receives is crucial to customer retention in
an online B2C setting. Thus, it is important to keep prices at a level where the
Web site can attract a sufficient number of customers to make a profit while
continuing to provide quality service.
Research into the failure of dot-com businesses suggests that, although timing
and industry evolution are important in sustained buying, other factors may
come into play as well. Specifically, Thornton and Marche (2003) observe that
B2C online businesses often did not have adequate contingency planning to
allow for unexpected events. Thus, consumers experienced poor quality when
failures occurred in the buying process. Further, many businesses were started
by individuals lacking in specific industry knowledge, who were therefore
unable to foresee customer needs or make necessary changes in a timely
manner. Trust may also be a critical success factor. Gefen, Karahanna, and
Straub (2003) provide evidence that consumers are more likely to trade with
online businesses that they trust than with those that do not earn their trust. The
use of e-CRM depends on the ability to collect personal information online. All
the e-CRM in the world will not win a buyer if it is perceived that the company
is benefiting from the inappropriate provision of personal information, inconve-
niencing or harming consumers.
Design of the Web site can be crucial in attracting, satisfying, and retaining
customers. Hopkins, Raymond, and Grove (2003) summarize the relevant
issues, which include site design and navigability, information and content,
reliability, and interactivity. Because the Web site is an electronic servicescape,
they coin the term e-servicescape and suggest that physical design aspects of
service facilities be applied to Web sites. Based on Bitners (1992) suggestions
for servicescape design, they consider ambient conditions (atmospherics,
context, design, entertainment value), spatial layout and functionality (site
layout, navigability, and reliability), and signs, symbols, and artifacts (product
information, text, and graphics). Their findings indicate that signs, symbols, and
artifacts (information dimension) and ambient conditions (entertainment dimen-
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20 Bridges, Goldsmith & Hofacker
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sion) strongly influence customer attitude and purchase intention. Spatial layout
and functionality features influence attitude but not intention to buy.
Korzaan (2003) recommends that Web site designers attempt to induce the
state of flow in site visitors, in particular, those elements of flow associated with
a sense of control, challenge, and stimulation. Specific ideas include eliminating
error messages and dead links to allow for seamless navigation and increasing
the interactive speed as far as possible. Further, information can be presented
directly through comparison advertising, provided continuously in a banner or
sidebar, or indirectly through graphical pop-up or floating advertisements. For
the more experiential side of Web site design, Huang (2003) considers
complexity (amount of information the site offers), novelty, and interactivity.
Study results indicate that complex Web sites are perceived to be useful (but
distracting), while interactivity is the key to creating flow, working through
control, curiosity, and interest. Novelty facilitates flow by exciting curiosity but
undermines hedonic Web site performance. We can add to these general
recommendations three specific managerial suggestions for retaining online
First, the multidisciplinary field of human-computer interaction is the study of
how people interact with computing technology (Nielsen, 2000; Olson &
Olson, 2003). Experts in this field provide advice on the design and operation
of Web sites to make them useful, usable, and aesthetically pleasing. While this
recommendation may seem trivial, many businesses drive away customers after
making an effort to attract them to Web sites by presenting them with clumsy,
irritating, unhelpful, slow, and generally unfriendly places to shop. We now
know that Web site design characteristics can greatly impact Web site usage
(Montoya-Weiss, Voss & Grewal, 2003), and in fact, even subtle details like
the choice of background graphic can influence purchasing (Mandel & Johnson,
2002). Of course, minimizing download time or providing enhancements during
the waiting period are good ways to improve customer-Web site interactions
(Weinberg, Berger & Hanna, 2003). A Web site that does not appear to be
professional, that is, it features poor graphics, ill-chosen fonts, and sloppy and
badly arranged sections, may lead potential customers to distrust it and turn to
another merchant, especially if the poorly designed site is for a less well-known
product. Competing with established online marketers means matching or
exceeding their sites as a first step. The more involving the site through
interactivity, the more positively it is perceived (Ghose & Dou, 1998). Moeller,
Egol, and Martin (2003) might term an easy to use, useful, and entertaining Web
site an order qualifier, that is, a characteristic that would enable companies
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Attracting and Retaining Online Buyers 21
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to stay in the battle with competitors (p. 5). Other marketers might call an
effective Web site a must have.
Second, e-commerce managers must cultivate a culture of service if they are to
retain customers. They must recognize that a purchase is a process that does
not end with the sale. Customers often want to be able to interact with their
vendors before, during, and after the sale. They want information and advice.
Merchants must strive to provide these services and emphasize promptness,
helpfulness, and knowledge in dealing with customers. Whether customers buy
online is positively influenced by ease and convenience and highly influenced by
whether this behavior fits into their lifestyle (Becker-Olsen, 2000). Moreover,
marketers should focus on building trust between themselves and customers
(Wilhelm, 2003). Research into online buying shows that customers trust in
their vendors plays an important role in their continued relationships (Gefen et
al., 2003). The basic principles of brand building should be applied in the online
context. A strong brand based on customer satisfaction is often the means to
build customer trust. One way to enhance this aspect of the online strategy is
to sponsor the development of online communities in which customers provide
product feedback, information to each other, and recommendations that both
relieve the insecurities associated with online buying and encourage purchase
(compare Hagel, 1999).
Third, e-commerce marketers should use the unique features of the Internet to
customize their interactions with customers (Goldsmith, 1999). Personalization
or customization is the tailoring of a business strategy to match the needs,
characteristics, and behaviors of individual customers. As the online customer
base grows, it is apparent that one driver of customer retention is the extent and
success with which a merchant customizes each buyers interactions with the
Web site. While this concept is well known in CRM (Peppers & Rogers,
1993), many e-marketers are less successful than they should be in personal-
izing interactions because they do not match the extent of their effort (the costs
in money and complexity) with the level desired by their customers to maximize
profitability (Moeller et al., 2003). These authors suggest that to create
customer value and retain customers profitably managers should optimize the
entire customer interaction process as follows:
Add variety to offerings so that each customer receives the desired value
package, and integrate these offerings into the production and delivery
system in a cost-effective manner.
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Develop a deeper understanding of customer needs so that the customized
offering becomes an order winner, that is, it meets a customers most
critical needs. This is especially true in a B2B setting.
Tailor business streams to provide value at least cost. Smart customizers
match their segmentation strategies with delivery mechanisms designed
specifically to serve each segment profitably (p. 5).
In summary, attracting and retaining customers online is much like accomplish-
ing these tasks in other business settings. The old recommendations are still
true. Know your customers, create value, and provide satisfaction. Cyberspace
presents many challenges to marketers because it is a new setting with new
complexities and problems. Managers can cope with these, however, by using
research results to learn how customers behave, what they need and want, and
how they interact with the new media. These efforts should be directed to
improving three crucial aspects of the online buying experience, including the
interface, the encounter, and fulfillment quality (Chang, 2000). Online market-
places also offer substantial advantages not available in other types of markets.
These include the ability to provide product information conveniently, place
orders 24/7, and unobtrusively gather customer database information for use
in customer relationship management. Thus, over time the Internet will assume
a place alongside other types of marketplaces, customers will shop and buy
successfully, and businesses will thrive by adapting to this new reality.
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Chapter II
E-Customer Loyalty
Alvin Y. C. Yeo, University of Western Australia, Australia
Michael K.M. Chiam, University of Western Australia, Australia
Marketers are working to improve loyalty apace. This chapter introduces
an integrative framework for examining the relative impacts of corporate
image, customer trust, and customer value on e-customer loyalty.
Importantly, the authors hope that the accompanying suggested strategies
would enable marketing managers to craft more compelling value
propositions and effective marketing-mix strategies.
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One reason for loyaltys growing eminence is that businesses are beginning to
understand the profit effect of loyal customers (Oliver, 1999; Zeithaml, Berry
& Parasuraman, 1996). Marketers with loyal consumers can expect repeat
patronage to remain high until competitors can find a way to close the gap in
attitude among brands either by (1) trying to reduce the differential advantage
of the leading brand, (2) increase the differentiation of their own brand, or (3)
encourage spurious loyalty from consumers (Dick & Basu, 1994). In fact, in
Reichelds (2001) seminal book Loyalty Rules!, he asserts that the fundamen-
tal task of businesses today should be managing customer loyalty. Loyalty leads
to higher retention. According to one study, a 5% increase in customer retention
rates increases profits by 25% to 95% (Reicheld & Schefter, 2000).
It is thus heartening to note that One of the most exciting and successful uses
of [the Internet] may be the Internets role in building customer loyalty and
maximizing sales to your existing customers (Griffin, 1996, p. 50). The
presence of numerous Web sites means that e-retailers have a tenuous hold, at
best, on a large number of eyeballs (Srinivasan, Anderson & Ponnavalu,
2002). Other research suggests that price sensitivity may actually be lower
online than off-line (e.g., Degeratu, Rangaswamy & Wu, 2000; Lynch &
Ariely, 2000). Perhaps this is because consumers can easily compare and
contrast competing products and services with minimal time or effort. By
changing the Internets roles of content, context, and infrastructure, it can
heighten the importance of online loyalty.
It is thus not surprising that companies are embracing the customer loyalty
challenge in a variety of ways. For example, Cisco customers log in problems
they are having with Cisco hardware (e.g., error rates) to a public database.
This information is accessible to everyone, including media, competitors, and
customers. This example suggests that accountability and open honest manage-
ment practices are pivotal to loyal relationships.
Given its relative importance, it is thus surprising that relatively little has been
done in conceptualizing and validating e-loyalty models (Luarn & Lin, 2003).
Parasuraman and Grewal (2000) argue for more research pertaining to the
influence of technology on customer responses, such as perceived value and
customer loyalty. In addition, despite the fact that the impact of customer trust
on customer loyalty has been well-established for online environments (e.g.,
Anderson & Srinivasan, 2003; Kim & Benbasat, 2003; Koehn, 2003),
researchers have focused more efforts on understanding interpersonal trust and
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30 Yeo & Chiam
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inter-organizational trust and less so on trust between people and organizations
(Lee & Turban, 2001). We will examine this type of trust closer, in particular
in the context of consumer e-commerce. Our study further incorporates two
constructscorporate image and customer valuethat have been poorly ex-
plored in online environments despite their recognized importance in off-line
Consequently, a primary objective of this chapter is to discuss the impact of
three constructs (i.e., customer trust, corporate image, and perceived value) on
e-loyalty in a business-to-consumer (B2C) e-commerce context. In doing so,
our model is expected to offer useful suggestions on how to manage customer
trust, corporate image, and perceived value as online loyalty management tools.
This chapter is generally divided into three sections. The first section will
discuss the constructs of interest and clarify what they mean. In the second
section, we will propose hypotheses explaining these relationships. In the final
section, we introduce actionable strategies for online loyalty management
based on the proposed framework.
A Brief Literature Review
Customer Loyalty
In research conducted in the 1960s and 1970s, customer loyalty was inter-
preted as a form of customer behavior (i.e., repeat purchasing) directed toward
a particular brand over time (Tucker, 1964). However, Day (1969) criticizes
behavioral conceptualizations and argues that loyalty has an attitudinal compo-
More recently, Morgan and Hunt (1994) defined loyalty as an ongoing
relationship with another that is so important as to warrant maximum efforts at
maintaining it (p. 23) which implies strong affective and behavioral commit-
ment to the company. However, this view is not universally held. For example,
Assael (1987) argues that they are synonymous and represent each other.
In this chapter, we subscribe to the former school of thought where the notion
of e-consumer loyalty includes both attitudinal and behavioral loyalty. This is
consistent with Oliver (1999), where e-loyalty herein is defined as A deeply
held intention to repurchase a preferred product/service consistently from a
TEAM LinG - Live, Informative, Non-cost and Genuine !
Unlocking E-Customer Loyalty 31
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particular e-vendor in the future, despite the presence of factors or circum-
stances that may induce switching behavior.
Customer Trust
Online markets are different from the traditional brick-and-mortar market-
places due to the lack of face-to-face personal contact and the opportunity for
buyers to see products physically (Ba, Whinston & Zhang, 1999). There are
inherent risks in trading online due to information asymmetry. All these factors
make trust crucial to e-commerce because it lowers transaction risks (Mayer,
Davis & Schoorman, 1995). As a result, it puts pressure on online marketers
to nurture stronger feelings of trust than is required in off-line environments
(Keen, 1997).
Benevolence, honesty, and competence are essential components of which
trust consists (Ganesan, 1994). However, trust in a networked economy is a
complicated multidimensional construct (Houston et al., 2001). For example,
Komiak and Benbasat (2004) differentiated between cognitive trust and
emotional trust in agent-mediated e-commerce, Web-mediated e-commerce,
and traditional commerce.
In this study, we adopted a parsimonious definition which is in tandem with
those by Gefen, Karahanna, and Straub (2003) and Luarn and Lin (2003). E-
trust is defined herein as A set of specific beliefs dealing primarily with integrity
(trustee and honesty and promise keeping), benevolence (trustee caring and
motivation to act in the trusters interest), competence (ability of trustee to do
what truster needs) and predictability (trustees behavioral consistency of a
particular e-vendor).
Corporate Image
A growing number of companies have tried to position themselves through the
communication channel with the objective of building strong corporate images
in order to create relative attractiveness (Andreassen & Lindestad, 1998). A
favorable image is a powerful tool not only for encouraging customers to
choose the companys products and services but also for improving their
attitudes and levels of satisfaction toward the company (Aaker, 1992, p. 16).
A review of the literature, however, reveals scant research on the concept of
corporate image in online environments. Much of the traditional research
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32 Yeo & Chiam
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permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.
focuses on products (e.g., Darden & Schwinghammer, 1985; Render &
OConnor, 1976) or services (Gronroos, 1990) in off-line environments.
There is an urgent need for more of such research that explores this concept
better as it applies to online environments. Customers are often overwhelmed
with a variety of offerings on the Internet. As a result, they base their decisions
on global judgments, such as store image and reputation (Teas & Agarwal,
Generally, image has been treated as a gestalt, reflecting a customers overall
impression (Dichter, 1985; Zimmer & Golden, 1988) or as an idiosyncratic
cognitive configuration (Mazursky & Jacoby, 1986). Also, Kennedy (1977)
distinguished between functional image and emotional image. More recent
researchers have adopted broader and richer definitions that emphasize the
consumption experience of consumers. For example, Andreassen & Lindestad
(1998) defined corporate image as A function of the accumulation of purchas-
ing/consumption experience over time (p. 84).
In consonance with definitions by Barich and Kotler (1991) and Kotler (1991),
corporate e-image is thus defined in this chapter as an overall impression held
of an e-vendor by its customers at a particular point in time. This, in turn, is the
net result of consumers experiences with an organization, both online and
offline, and from the processing of information on the attributes that constitute
functional indicators of image.
Customer Value
The inclusion of the value construct in our model is important for several
reasons. First, recent research revealed that More than 70% of customers feel
they gain nothing by being loyal to a company (Gillespie, 1999, p. 2) and,
therefore, would move if perceived benefits were greater elsewhere. This
makes understanding what buyers value within a given offering, creating value
for them, and then managing it over time, essential elements of every market-
oriented firms core business strategy (DeSarbo, Jedidi & Sinha, 2001; Slater
& Narver, 1998).
Second, Helm and Sinha (2001) argue for the importance of delivering
customer value in electronic B2C operations. However, despite the increased
attention being given to customer value (Band, 1991; Gale, 1994), there has
been little empirical research to develop an in-depth understanding of the
concept (Holbrook, 1994; Sweeney & Soutar, 2001). Fewer studies still (e.g.,
TEAM LinG - Live, Informative, Non-cost and Genuine !
Unlocking E-Customer Loyalty 33
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permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.
Chen & Dubinsky, 2003) have examined this construct in the context of online
environments. Finally, to the best of our knowledge, there seems to be no
research that has captured the relationships between corporate image, cus-
tomer trust, and perceived value in a single integrative framework.
Perceived value has been defined generally as a trade-off of the salient give
and get components (Zeithaml, 1988, p. 14). However, several researchers
have noted that perceived value is a more complex construct, in which notions
such as perceived price, quality, benefits, and sacrifice are embedded (Bolton
& Drew, 1991; Holbrook, 1994). Based on a synthesis of previous definitions
(Chen & Dubinsky, 2003; Woodruff, 1997), perceived customer value is
defined here as A consumers perception of the benefits gained in exchange
for the costs incurred to attain their goals at a particular point in time.
Proposed Model for
Business-to-Consumer E-Commerce
Consumers rely heavily on the online vendors image as a proxy for trustwor-
thiness (Jarvenpaa & Tractinsky, 1999; Lee & Turban, 2001). This is because
of the lack of intrinsic product cues that are generally used to evaluate quality.
Indeed, Yoon (2002) found that Web site trust shown is significantly related to
corporate awareness and image. Specifically, Einwiller (2003) found that a
reputation-trust relationship is particularly pronounced if the consumers
experience with online shopping is low. Customers who had gained much
experience with a particular retailer were significantly less influenced by
retailers reputation than those who had never or rarely bought something from
the respective retailer. We thus posit that corporate image is positively
related to customer trust (H
) .
Chen and Dubinsky (2003) reported that online retailer image is a forward
indicator of value in the online context. This is corroborated by Strader and
Shaw (1999) who found that in Internet marketing, unless a sellers price is
significantly lower than prices of a trusted seller, switching costs will inhibit the
consumer from buying from the unknown e-seller. Thus, we argue that
corporate image is positively related to perceived value (H
) .
Meanwhile, Sirdeshmukh, Singh, and Sabol (2002) suggested that perceived
value is an important partial mediator of the trust-loyalty relationship. Customer
relationship value may only develop when the customer has confidence in an
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34 Yeo & Chiam
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permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.
exchange partners reliability and integrity (Morgan & Hunt, 1994, p. 23).
Safety, credibility, and security are important to reduce the sacrifice for the
customer in a relationship and therefore lead to higher e-relationship value.
Hence, we postulate that customer trust is positively related to perceived
value (H
) .
Finally, Hoffman and Novak (1996) argued that the likelihood of Internet
product purchase is influenced by the amount of consumer trust regarding the
delivery of goods and use of personal information. Trust influences loyalty by
affecting the consumers perception of congruence in values with the good/
service provider (Gwinner, Gremler & Bitner, 1998). Also, when there is
perceived similarity in values between the firm and the consumer, the consumer
is more entrenched in a relationship. This is also evidenced in research by Gefen
(2000) and Chircu, Davis, and Kaufman (2000) which showed that customer
trust has a positive effect on e-adoption intention. We thus propose that
customer trust is positively related to e-customer loyalty (H
) and per-
ceived value is positively related to e-customer loyalty (H
) . These
relationships are captured in a conceptual model in Figure 1.
Figure 1. An integrative framework for understanding e-customer loyalty

Cognitive Stage
Gaining customer
mind share
Affective Stage
Emotional Ties
Conative Stage
Influencing Future





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Unlocking E-Customer Loyalty 35
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Realizing E-Customer Loyalty:
Managerial Recommendations
This next section suggests three strategies to attain the tao of loyalty through
effective management of each of the three constructs of interest: building trust,
realizing corporate image equity, and providing customer value.
Build Trust
As discussed earlier, lack of trust is one of the main reasons that consumers and
companies do not engage in e-commerce (Castelfranchi & Tan, 2001). We
argue that efforts to build trust should focus on three areas transactional
security trust, information privacy trust, and exchange trust each with its own
function in motivating consumer participation in exchange.
Transactional security trust refers to, first, the customers belief about the e-
tailers expertise in providing a secure shopping environment and, second, the
consumers expectation about an e-tailers ability to protect personal informa-
tion from unauthorized access by third parties (i.e., hackers). Typically,
customers expect that an online companys Web site will provide methods for
secure exchange of financial information with them (Ranganathan & Ganapathy,
2002). To assuage customers on this aspect, firms should put in place reliable
control systems that can be easily understood by customers., an
online travel agency, explains to its customers that when personal information
is sent over the Internet, their data is protected by Secure Socket Layer (SSL)
technology to ensure safe transmission. To further assuage concerns about the
robustness of its security systems, the firm also obtained certification from RSA
Data Security, Inc., a top maker of security-related hardware and software.
Like transactional security trust, information privacy trust is conceptualized
in terms of two dimensions unauthorized tracking and unauthorized informa-
tion dissemination that refer to an e-tailers privacy protection responsibilities
(Hoffman & Novak, 1996). Research has shown that fairness of a companys
Web site with respect to information privacy is a significant factor in building
trust and in ensuring the continuation of the relationship with the e-retailer
(Culnan & Armstrong, 1999). For example, Expedia, an online travel portal,
has an extensive privacy policy detailing the type of information that is collated,
with whom the information is shared, and the control users have over their
TEAM LinG - Live, Informative, Non-cost and Genuine !
36 Yeo & Chiam
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permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.
information. An audit firm, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, is hired to ensure
compliance in their information privacy practices.
Exchange trust is defined in terms of competence and benevolence as they
apply to an e-tailers promise fulfillment function (Sirdeshmukh, Singh & Sabol,
2002). Specifically, exchange trust is customer confidence that the e-tailer (1)
will fulfill its transaction-specific obligations consistent with the terms of the
purchase agreement or other internally-held reference standards developed as
a result of interaction with other e-tailers or nonstore retailers (competence)
and (2) will not engage in opportunistic behavior at any time in the process of
product or service delivery (benevolence). A type of service, online virtual
community, is emerging to mitigate exchange risks. One of the better-known
ones, eBays Feedback Forum, provides information on sellers reputation
based on feedback from previous trades. Traders having high reputations may
enjoy price premiums in online market competitions.
It should be highlighted that trust in the e-tailer does not have to be a necessary
condition to purchase online. It has been argued that lack of trust in organiza-
tions can be offset by trust in the control system (Tan & Thoen, 2000). In this
respect, a trusted third party model appears also to be taking shape. For
example, eBay imparts to buyers and sellers the confidence to trade online by
providing financial instruments, such as Cyber Cash and escrow, establishing
guarantees for transactions and addressing privacy and delivery reliability
concerns. Finally, a wide variety of so-called trust seals (e.g., Trust-e,
WebTrust, BBB online) have been introduced for use on Web sites. These
seals are issued by organizations that certify the procedural controls of Web
sites (e.g., that the Web site handles payments securely and reliably).
Realize Corporate Image Equity
Research has shown that a Web presence complements traditional brick-and-
mortar stores by helping to create awareness, make impressions, supply
details, drive store traffic, and generate prospects (Maddox, Mehta & Daubek,
1997). Having a Web site is important for brand building and creating a
favorable corporate image (Berthon, Pitt & Watson, 1996; Farr, 1999).
However, that alone is not sufficient.
First, firms should strive to create a strong Internet identity through a
distinctive personality. Recognizing that a companys name identifies it to
outside observers (Aaker, 1991), For example, Tiffany, the well-known
TEAM LinG - Live, Informative, Non-cost and Genuine !
Unlocking E-Customer Loyalty 37
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permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.
jewelry retailer, invested substantially in digital imaging technology to ensure
that all images of jewelry on its Web site are presented using high quality
graphics. The overall impact of the Web site reinforces Tiffanys reputation as
a prestigious high-quality retailer.
Second, firms should ensure there is sustained buzz about the firms
presence. Many online firms use banner advertisements, pop-up windows, and
mass e-mails to promote their products. Advertising directly confers brand and
product information to consumers, and it serves to increase consumers
awareness and knowledge of a particular brand (Vakratsas & Ambler, 1999).
High levels of advertising expenditures send a strong signal about a firms
commitment to quality (Shapiro, 1983). For example, invests
more than 23% of its revenues in advertising, thus making it one of the most
well-known companies in online book retail business.
While advertising remains an important element of the online business model,
firms should strive to have a balanced mix of online advertising and off-line
brand communications. One important off-line communication source that
companies should pay more attention to is interpersonal encounters or word-
of-mouth (WOM). According to Buttle (1998), WOM is, in general, more
influential on behavior than other organization-controlled sources.
Finally, firms should strive to earn a reputation for being innovative.
Generally, research has found that early movers enjoy initial and sustain
continuous market share advantages. For example, Robinson and Fornell
(1985) suggested that being a pioneer or product leader gives consumers a
favorable image and higher familiarity on the firms products. Examples of
online firms that attain such leadership include, which pioneered
the name your own price practice in its travel booking service, and eBay,
which introduced the proxy bidding technology and feedback mechanism in its
Internet auction business.
Create Value Experiences Online
In this section, actionable strategies relating to two important areas target
marketing and enriching the customers online experience will be discussed.
Target Marketing. A thorough understanding of ones target audience is
critical. With a better understanding of the target market, businesses will be
able to better design their Web sites to match preferences of their target groups.
Two crucial areas need to be addressed: How do customers make purchasing
TEAM LinG - Live, Informative, Non-cost and Genuine !
38 Yeo & Chiam
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permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.
decisions, and what information do they need in making those decisions?, a leading purveyor of wine and gourmet products, originally
believed that its core customers were wine connoisseurs. A careful assessment
of online data revealed that its best customers were wine novices. With this
knowledge, significantly modified its Web site to deliver the features
these less experienced consumers wantedrecommendations and educational
Enrich the Customers Online Experience. The natural question, once
marketing managers know who their best customers are, is how to enrich these
customers overall experience. One suggestion marketing managers may want
to focus their efforts on is customization. Customization increases the probabil-
ity that customers will find something that they wish to buy, creates the
perception of increased choice by enabling a quick focus on what the customer
really wants (Shostak, 1987), signals high quality (Ostrom & Iacobucci,
1995), and drives customers to use simplistic decision rules to narrow down
the alternatives (Kahn, 1998). In this respect, customization has often been
regarded as one of the essential determinants of customer loyalty (Reynolds &
Beatty, 1999).
Managers may also want to focus on improving Web site convenience. A
convenient Web site provides a short response time, facilitates fast completion
of a transaction, and minimizes customer effort. For example, Weyerhauser, a
forest products company, manages its door-making through a customized
Internet system in which the customer inputs specifications that are then
electronically digitized into profile information that drives the manufacture of
that particular door. By providing convenience and customized experience for
customers, Weyerhauser is able to enhance its customers online experience.
Marketers are perpetually seeking to increase customer loyalty, which perhaps
is the only source of sustainable competitive advantage in the coming decade
for many firms. This chapter suggests strategies for firms to develop an e-
customer relationship orientation and improve e-customer loyalty. In this
aspect, corporate image, customer trust, and customer value were found to be
important drivers of e-customer loyalty.
To enable more compelling value propositions to be crafted, future research
could examine the moderating effects of consumer attributes like involvement
TEAM LinG - Live, Informative, Non-cost and Genuine !
Unlocking E-Customer Loyalty 39
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permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.
and affect on the model. For example, depending on the level of involvement,
consumers may be passive or active when receiving advertising communica-
tion, which in turn could moderate their perceptions of value and trust levels.
Empirical comparison between different cultures could also be collated for
greater generalizations of the proposed model.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the valuable comments and suggestions by
the anonymous reviewers, Theresa B. Flaherty, and Irvine Clarke III.
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Drivers and Barriers to Online Shopping 45
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Chapter III
Drivers and Barriers
to Online Shopping:
The Interaction of
Product, Consumer,
and Retailer Factors
Francesca Dall'Olmo Riley, Kingston University, UK
Daniele Scarpi, Universita di Bologna, Italy
Angelo Manaresi, Universita di Bologna, Italy
Through a review of the literature, this chapter focuses on three key
influences on purchase behavior on the Internet: product, consumer, and
retailer factors. Product characteristics and branding not only influence
many consumer-related factors (e.g., the need to handle the product and
risk perceptions), but also affect retailers strategic and tactical online
decisions (e.g., the balance between off-line and online retail provision
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and the breadth and depth of products and brands selection). This chapter
also examines how consumer-related factors (e.g., consumers expertise,
attitudes toward the Internet, and shopping orientation) affect online
purchasing and the implications for e-retailers. Finally, the chapter
discusses how e-retailers marketing efforts (retailer factors) can be used
to overcome the barriers to Web purchasing resulting from specific
product and consumer related characteristics. Clear and easy to implement
recommendations to managers are offered.
Although the statistics change almost on a daily basis, the use of the Web as a
distribution channel remains limited, in spite of the ever-increasing use of the
Internet for other purposes. Internet sales figures indicate that online selling is
far from replacing traditional channels or other nonstore retailers. For instance,
online expenditure in the UK amount to about 6% of total retail spending
(Interactive Media in Retail Group as cited in Hall, 2003). Many Internet users
appear reluctant to shop online and use the Internet only as a means of gathering
information before purchasing in a traditional brick-and-mortar environment.
Dieringer Research Group (cited in Mazur, 2003) reports that in the past year
$138 billion were spent by U.S. consumers for purchasing products off-line
after seeking information online, compared with $95 billion spent for shopping
directly online. Finally, many brick-and-mortar retailers do not have a presence
on the Web or, if they do, they use their sites as a communication and
promotional tool rather than for selling (compare Hart, Doherty & Ellis-
Chadwick, 2000).
Retailers and other organizations that either already have an online selling
facility or are considering doing so would benefit from a better understanding
of the factors that influence (either positively or negatively) consumers
motivations to purchase online. This understanding would help managers to
better plan their Internet strategies, design their Web sites more effectively,
select the assortment of goods more likely to sell online, and attract a larger
number of Internet buyers, converting browsers into shoppers.
The first objective of this chapter is to provide a synthesis of the key factors that
influence consumer purchasing behavior on the Internet, starting with (1)
product-related factors (and the effect of brand name) and (2) consumer-
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related factors. Although the literature considers these two factors from many
different perspectives, there is shared agreement about their importance for
understanding (and directing) consumers behavior online. A review of these
factors not only will be useful to academic researchers but may also help
managers to improve the effectiveness of their online strategies. Appropriate
retailer factors (i.e., retailers Internet strategies and tactics) are further key
elements influencing how the Internet is used (e.g., for buying rather than
browsing) and how the overall online shopping experience is evaluated
(compare Cowles, Kiecker & Little, 2002). Conversely, while new technolo-
gies can enhance the shopping experience, their application must be tailored
to the unique requirements of consumer segments and product categories
(Burke, 2002, p. 411). The second objective of this chapter is therefore to
provide practical suggestions for retailers Internet strategies and tactics
(retailer factors).
Building on the model proposed by Cowles et al. (2002), this chapter is
structured on the framework depicted in Figure 1. First, we review the literature
concerning product-related factors: product typologies and the effect of brand
name within an Internet mediated environment. Product characteristics are
Figure 1. The interaction of product, consumer and retailer factors

Product Typologies
Goods Typologies
- Services Typologies
Consumer expertise
Consumers attitudes to
using the Internet
Risk perceptions
Need to handle product
Shopping orientation
Online Strategies
Online Tactics
Web site content and
Risk relievers



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found not only to influence many consumer-related factors (e.g., the need to
handle the product and risk perceptions) but also to affect retailers strategic
and tactical online decisions (e.g., the relationship between off-line and online
provision and the Web site content and layout). We then go on to analyze
consumer-related factors (e.g., consumer expertise, attitudes toward the
Internet, and shopping orientation), how they affect online purchasing, and the
implications for e-retailers. Finally, we discuss how e-retailers marketing
efforts can be used to overcome the barriers to Web purchasing resulting from
specific product and consumer related characteristics. We aim to offer clear
and easy to implement recommendations to managers.
Product Related Factors
Researchers agree that product type and related characteristics have a signifi-
cant effect not only on consumers online purchase intentions and behavior
(Brown, Pope & Voges, 2003; Peterson, Balasubramanian & Bronnenberg,
1997) but also on e-retail decisions, including Web site design and assortment
planning (Alba et al., 1997; Burke, 1997, 2002). In this section, first we review
general product typologies, then we analyze specific goods and services
typologies, their impact on consumers online purchase intentions and behav-
ior, and relate managerial implications. Finally, we discuss issues concerning
the importance of branding.
Product Typologies
According to Peterson et al. (1997), some products are more suitable than
others to Internet selling because of the characteristics they possess: when the
core essence of the product is of an intangible and informative nature, the
Internet is best suited as a distribution channel. Consistently, Brown et al.
(2003) found product type to have a significant impact on online purchase
intentions, especially when considered in conjunction with individual shopping
preferences and prior online purchase experience.
Klein (1998) categorizes products on the basis of their information content,
specifically the balance between search and experience attributes they
possess. This categorization is based on Nelsons (1974) distinction between
search and experience products. Search products are those for which full
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information on the most important attributes can be obtained prior to purchase.
In contrast, for experience products, either full information on dominant
attributes cannot be attained without direct experience or information search
is more costly/difficult than direct product experience. Many service products
(e.g., a package holiday) are lower in search than in experience attributes, (i.e.,
their quality cannot be fully evaluated until purchase and consumption is taking
By facilitating the acquisition and accessibility of information and by lowering
the cost of searching, the Internet might not only suit search products but may
also enable the transformation of experience products into search products.
For instance, a virtual experience may be provided by means of online
demonstrations and third-party endorsement. Such virtual experience may also
succeed in lowering consumers perceived risk (Klein, 1998).
On the other hand, on the online medium, the risk that a brand or product will
not perform as expected (product performance risk) often originates from the
impossibility to touch, feel, and try the good or from insufficient information on
quality attributes relevant to the consumer (Forsythe & Shi, 2003). Some
products, such as clothes, whose quality attributes (fit, quality of material, feel,
etc.) can be assessed before purchase when bought in a traditional brick-and-
mortar retail environment, shift toward becoming experience products when
sold online. When shopping for clothes on the Internet, consumers often have
to rely either on other attributes, such as the reputation of the brand or on
experience acquired off-line (e.g., from visiting a retail outlet).
Therefore, the characteristics of the good/service have to be considered in
conjunction with the peculiarities of the online distribution medium if we want
to gain a deeper insight and derive implications for practice (compare Alba et
al., 1997). This is the approach that we will take in the following sections
through the examination of (1) goods typology; (2) services typology; and (3)
the effect of brand names.
Goods Typology
Burke (1997) suggests that the Internet is an unsuitable distribution channel for
heavy, bulky, and fragile items; low-margin items; products requiring in-store
demonstration; and products that are needed urgently. In contrast, when the
delivery cost accounts for a small proportion of the cost of the good, because
the good is expensive and infrequently purchased, Internet selling becomes
possible (Peterson et al., 1997). Indeed, some expensive and infrequently
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purchased goods, such as personal computers, are successfully sold online
(e.g., and
On the other hand, consumers propensity to purchase a good via the Internet
decreases as one moves from lower priced items to higher priced ones since the
risk associated with making the wrong purchase increases (Van den Poel &
Leunis, 1999). Accordingly, Lee and Tan (2003) postulate that consumers are
more likely to shop online for goods that are low in purchase risk. Increased
cost and the associated risk might make it necessary to inspect the good
personally before purchasing online (Citrin et al., 2003; Peterson et al., 1997).
As previously noted, the need to inspect a good prior to purchase is a frequently
cited barrier toward Web retailing (e.g., Fenech & OCass, 2001). Hence, it
has been suggested that nonstandardized goods, such as clothes, requiring a
high degree of sensory input before reaching a purchase decision, are less likely
to be acquired online (e.g., Citrin et al., 2003). However, the need of inspection
prior to purchase seems to affect only the frequency of purchasing online but
not any other Internet shopping behavior (Forsythe & Shi, 2003). Furthermore,
experience with the medium may act as a moderating factor (Fenech & OCass,
2001). Nonetheless, standardized search goods, such as books, CDs, and
software, not only score high in consumers declared online purchase prefer-
ences (e.g., Girard, Silverblatt & Korgaonkar, 2002) but also top most of the
online sales statistics (e.g., Lee & Johnson, 2002).
These findings, though partially contradictory, have practical implications in
terms of the assortment of goods that are offered online (e.g., clothes versus
accessories) and the design of the Web site itself. For instance, the use of
interactive features, which would allow potential customers to virtually try on
an item of clothing, may be helpful in overcoming the lack of tactile or other
sensory input. Furthermore, risk relievers, such as money back guarantees and
a price reduction (Van den Poel & Leunis, 1999) or clear explanations of how
to return goods that fail to meet expectations, should feature prominently on
Web sites.
Services Typology
Peterson et al. (1997) propose that, for products of an intangible and
informational nature, acquisition can easily occur on the Internet whether the
potential for differentiation is high or low. The online medium should not alter
significantly the core essence of services purchasing since by definition services
are rich in experience and credence attributes and are therefore hard to
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evaluate prior to purchase and use, no matter the purchase medium. Indeed,
since services do not require a tactile input prior to buying, consumers might
be expected to find it easier to purchase services rather than tangible goods
However, the specific characteristics of a service offering may have a bearing
on the suitability of the Internet as a delivery channel. For instance, Bowen
(1990) categorized services into three groups on the basis of degree of contact
with employees, customization, and personalization. High contact customized
personal services, such as legal and counseling services, may be very hard to
deliver online since customers perceive face-to-face contact with employees as
a fundamental aspect of the service. On the other hand, for moderate contact
semi-customized personal services, such as banking, the Internet may be
considered by many customers as a suitable and attractive medium, providing
advantages, such as time saving and the opportunity to access personal
information at any time. Furthermore, moderate contact standardized services,
like the booking of airline tickets, appear perfectly suited to online delivery
since for these kind of services, customers value speed, consistency, and price
saving the most (Lovelock, 1984).
Finally, as Alba et al. (1997) note, a brand is a search attribute that assures
consumers of a consistent level of product quality. It might be the only attribute
available to assess some credence goods (p. 49). Brands may have an
important role in shifting consumers perceptions away from experience
attributes, such as tactility to search attributes such as reputation (Citrin et al.,
2003), and well-known brands have been found to be important risk relievers
for online shoppers (Van den Poel & Leunis, 1999). The effect of brand names
as risk relievers and facilitators of online purchases for goods and services is
addressed below.
Effect of Brand Name
Most researchers agree that consumers are more likely to shop online for goods
with well-known brands and are more likely to shop from well-known retailers,
even if they carry lesser-known brands (Kau, Tang & Ghose, 2003; Lee &
Tan, 2003). In the words of Pricewaterhouse Coopers, 80% of consumers
who have shopped for clothing online over the past six months do so at sites
operated by a traditional store or catalogue retailer, and one-third of online
consumers say they shopped for clothing at sites operated by a manufacturer
whose products they were already familiar with (Kau et al., 2003, p. 141).
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Brand name, price, advertising, and packaging are important extrinsic cues
facilitating consumers choices whenever it is difficult or costly to collect and
examine intrinsic product attributes, such as flavor, color, size, and texture
(Klein, 1998). Hence, for all goods and services that either cannot be properly
evaluated prior to online purchase or involve a high degree of purchase risk,
brands fulfill an important role.
Degeratu, Rangaswamy, and Wu (2000) postulate that brand equity could have
a higher impact online than off-line, as confirmed by other researchers. For
instance, Balabanis and Reynolds (2001) noted a significant influence of
existing brand attitudes on the attitudes of online shoppers, and Harvin (2000)
found consumers to be more comfortable with companies that have strong off-
line brands they are already familiar with and whom they trust. Managers should
therefore invest in building the reputation of their brands to enable the reduction
of consumers perceived risk. Well-established traditional retailers will have an
advantage over start-ups in electronic retailing since they can capitalize on their
reputation as a risk reliever, reducing the risk aversion of online consumers (Lee
& Tan, 2003). These considerations lead us to examine consumer-related
factors and characteristics as possible facilitators or barriers to e-commerce.
Consumer Related Factors
A large body of literature deals with individual attitudes, characteristics, and
other consumer-related factors that may influence either positively or nega-
tively the proclivity to purchase online. An understanding of these factors will
enable managers to tailor their offerings and e-marketing efforts more effec-
tively to different consumer segments. Important differentiating factors among
consumers include (1) consumer expertise; (2) consumers attitudes to using
the Internet; (3) risk perceptions; (4) need to handle products before purchase;
and (5) shopping orientation. These are addressed in turn in the following
sections, following a broad order of importance. It should be noted, however,
that the extent to which each factor is dominant in determining (or hampering)
Internet purchase probability is often dependent on the interaction with other
factors, particularly the type of product being bought (Figure 1). In contrast to
common belief, price sensitivity or significance of price has not been found to
be a strong discriminator between Internet shoppers and nonshoppers (com-
pare Fenech & OCass, 2001) and will therefore not be discussed here.
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Consumer Expertise
The level of expertise with the Internet medium itself, both as an information
gathering and as a shopping vehicle, is considered by many researchers as the
key predictor of online buying (Bellman, Lohse & Johnson, 1999; Brown et al.,
2003; Goldsmith & Bridges, 2000). Researchers agree that expertise has a
positive influence on the frequency and number of online purchases, no matter
what the product is (e.g., Fenech, 2000; Goldsmith & Goldsmith, 2002; Van
den Poel & Leunis, 1999). Heavy users of the Internet evaluate it more
favorably than light users (Van den Poel & Leunis, 1999). Expert online buyers
have more positive attitudes toward the Internet in general (Goldsmith &
Goldsmith, 2002) and feel less anxious toward it than novices (Fenech, 2000).
Consumers attitudes to using the Internet are discussed next.
Consumers Attitudes to Using the Internet
Attitudes toward using technology and Internet technology, in particular,
influence the propensity to shop online and the perceived usefulness of online
shopping (Davis & Venkatesh, 1996). Goldsmith and Bridges (2000) classify
attitudes toward technology in the top tier of a three-tier structure of attitudes
(also including attitudes toward the product and the company), relating to
online buying behavior. Indeed, Modahl (2000) identifies consumers attitudes
toward technology as the single most important determinant of personal
computer buying and Internet shopping. Furthermore, it has been suggested
that a low level of technology anxiety could be a better predictor of using self-
service technologies, such as the Internet, than demographic variables (Meuter
et al., 2003). The level of technology anxiety was also found to influence the
overall level of satisfaction, the intention to use the technology again, and the
likelihood of engaging in positive word of mouth (Meuter et al., 2003). Social
influence is found to be another important determinant of Internet users
intentions to purchase online, second only to the attitude towards Web
purchasing (Athiyaman, 2002).
Attitudes toward technology also influence consumers perceptions of the risks
associated with online purchasing. As Lee and Tan (2003) state, the perceived
product and service failure rates will be higher under online shopping than under
in-store shopping (p. 879).
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Risk Perceptions
Risk perceptions are considered by many researchers as a strong barrier to
online shopping (Kolsaker & Payne, 2002). Specifically, four types of per-
ceived risk may prevent browsers from becoming shoppers: (1) financial risk;
(2) time/convenience risk; (3) product performance risk; and (4) privacy
concerns (compare Forsythe & Shi, 2003). Other risks associated with the
Internet include credit card fraud, inability to touch and feel something before
buying it, and problems of returning goods that fail to meet expectations (Kau
et al., 2003). Additionally, difficulties in building trust in an online site may affect
customers willingness to purchase and to return to the site (Lynch, Kent &
Srinivasan, 2001). A money back guarantee would therefore be the most
important risk reliever, followed by offering a well-known brand and a price
reduction (Van den Poel & Leunis, 1999).
Female consumers are reported to perceive online shopping as more risky than
their male counterparts (Brown et al., 2003; Goldsmith & Bridges, 2000).
Importantly, risk perceptions are also related to the context of the product
being purchased; for instance, perceptions of security risk are highest for
financial services (Montoya-Weiss, Voss & Grewal, 2003). Indeed, product
type is an important influence on other consumer-related factors, such as the
need to handle the product prior to purchase.
Need to Handle Product
While products sensory attributes may have a direct influence on the suitability
of the Internet as a retail channel, many researchers have examined the need for
a tactile input as a characteristic of the individual consumer. Since the early
developments of e-commerce, researchers have identified a negative relation-
ship of online shopping with how important consumers feel the need to feel and
handle goods before purchase (Falk, Talarzyk & Widing, 1994). Of particular
interest to practitioners is the notion that consumers need to handle products
prior to purchase can discriminate between adopters and nonadopters of Web
retailing, in terms of their likelihood to purchase products online. Specifically,
consumers desire to handle merchandise is a critical issue in nonstore retailing
adoption, and for many product types, those desiring the ability to handle a
product prior to purchase have more negative attitudes toward online shopping
(Fenech & OCass, 2001). Additionally, the need for tactile input has a
negative impact on buying online, especially for women who, compared with
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men, appear to have a higher need for tactile input when making product
evaluations (Citrin et al., 2003). Retailers that operate both as brick-and-
mortar and clicks-and-mortar should therefore offer to the consumer the ability
to have direct multisensory experiences that may be desirable for evaluating
alternatives. Concepts related to the need to handle the product are consumers
orientation toward shopping and the value they expect to gain from such
Shopping Orientation
In addition to the attitudes and perceptions already discussed, consumers
attitudes toward a nonstore environment, in general, and e-commerce, in
particular, is found to be a significant influence on the usage of online retailers
(Helander & Khalid, 2000). Specifically, the utility and value that consumers
expect to derive from the online shopping experience are related to their
likelihood of using the Web for their purchases (Lee & Tan, 2003).
Indeed, attitudes toward shopping and buying online are found to discriminate
between online shoppers and nonshoppers (Goldsmith & Bridges, 2000). The
former highly rate the convenience, selection, and time saving benefits of
shopping online, whereas the latter are worried about security, loss of privacy,
and not receiving the goods they have ordered.
According to Eastlick and Lotz (1999), shopping orientation could discrimi-
nate between users and nonusers of nonstore environments. The consumer
behavior literature typically discusses shopping orientation in terms of eco-
nomic versus recreational orientation (Bellenger & Korgaonkar, 1980) or
hedonic versus utilitarian (Babin, Darden & Griffin, 1994). If convenience is
the main benefit expected from shopping online, then the Internet may best suit
utilitarian consumers who perceive the act of shopping as a necessary task to
be performed as fast as possible. On the other hand, consumers who enjoy the
act of shopping, per se, and thus exhibit a hedonic attitude, could also derive
an added value from the Internet, even though of a different nature. Thus, a
hedonic consumer could enjoy buying online because of the novelty of this form
of shopping, the fun, and the curiosity of a new way of purchasing (DallOlmo
Riley, Scarpi & Manaresi, 2003).
Indeed, Fenech and OCass (2001) found that recreational shoppers, who
enjoy shopping as a leisure activity, have a more positive attitude toward Web
retailing than economic shoppers, who either dislike the experience of shopping
or feel neutral toward it. Sncal, Gharbi, and Nantel (2002) indicate a positive
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relationship between the experience of flow and the hedonic value of consum-
ers online shopping experiences. However, the two orientations may coexist:
the two largest clusters of Internet shoppers were found to be the recreational
and the price oriented consumers (Brown et al., 2003; Scarpi, 2004).
A possible implication for managers of brick-and-click stores is to raise the
hedonic potential of their online shop, while also promoting the convenience of
in-home shopping.
Retail Factors:
Implications for Managers
As outlined in Figure 1 and as discussed above, product-related factors interact
with consumer-related factors in determining the online purchase process.
Product and consumer factors act both as constraints and as determinants of
e-marketing strategies and tactics. At the same time, retailer factors can play
an important role in easing the difficulties arising from product characteristics,
reducing risk perceptions, and providing a shopping environment which not
only facilitates purchase but also delivers enjoyment and satisfaction. In this
perspective throughout the next sections, we discuss the main implications and
provide some actionable suggestions for e-marketing managers. First, we deal
with the strategic concern of the relationship between off-line and online
provision, then we address the tactical issues of (1) Web site content and
layout; (2) technology; (3) the provision of risk relievers; and (4) the provision
of incentives.
Strategic Concern: Relationship between Off-Line and
Online Retail Provision
There is strong evidence from both commercial (BRIE-IGCC E-Economy
Project, 2001; Key Note, 2003) and academic research (Burke, 2002) that
consumers are more willing to shop from online retailers that are multichannel,
rather than Internet only, especially if they have already dealt with them through
other channels. Some shoppers may buy online but still want to pick up their
purchase at the closest store or may want to return merchandise purchased
online to a store rather than by post (Burke, 2002).
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There are advantages to be gained in pursuing a multiple distribution channel
strategy (Citrin et al., 2003). Apart from the obvious branding implications,
traditional brick-and-mortar stores fulfill an important function in allowing
prospective Web shoppers with the opportunity to evaluate products directly
before online purchase. Even for services, a face-to-face interaction with the
service provider may facilitate an ensuing Internet purchase, again by providing
an important tangible cue.
The challenge for retailers is to integrate the channels to allow flexibility, even
though the process of managing multiple distribution systems may be difficult
and risky. For instance, a failed attempt to purchase from a retailer online may
have a negative effect on purchases from the same retailer off-line (Boston
Consulting Group, 2001). Similar issues of multichannel integration apply to
mail order companies offering their products both by catalog and online.
The general consensus from the literature is that traditional retailers should not
abandon their brick-and-mortar operations in favor of purely Web-based sites
(Burke, 2002; Citrin et al., 2003). On the other hand, pure Internet retailers
may want to offer to their customers an alternative to placing the order online.
For instance, offered the opportunity to place an order by phoning
a salesman in the call center. This strategy prevents the loss of customers who
are worried about credit card security or uncertain of what to buy (Chaffey,
Tactical Factors
Web Site Content and Layout
The first and probably most quoted tactical consideration concerns the content
and layout of the Web site. The basic rationale is that if the electronic shopping
environment evokes positive affect, consumers will perceive greater value from
their time, which in turn will serve as a reward, encouraging further patronage.
Indeed, inadequate navigability of the site is a commonly quoted mistake,
alongside with insufficient variety of products and brand selection (c.f., Cowles
et al., 2002).
Good site design includes having fast, uncluttered, and easy to navigate sites
(Szymanski & Hise, 2000). Consumers attempting to shop online should find
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the Web site easy to use (Burke, 1997; Chaffey, 2000; Goldsmith & Bridges,
2000) and simple in content, context and infrastructure (Wikstrm et al.,
2002). A simple layout, with easy sequential steps and straightforward
information about hidden charges (e.g., delivery cost or tax) will not only
prevent the abandoned cart syndrome but will also increase consumers
perceptions that the Web is a useful and convenient way of shopping, hence
attracting new users.
The online shopping interface should conform to the different requirements of
consumer-buying situations. For instance, elements from the physical world
(e.g., a shopping basket) should be combined with virtual elements (e.g.,
making it easier to find information) (Wikstrm et al., 2000). Detailed product
information and expert evaluations should be offered to online shoppers of
infrequently purchased products such as electronic goods, whilst a fast shop-
ping experience with instant fulfillment should be offered to grocery buyers.
In a routine buying purchase situation, the site should remember anything that
requires repetition, such as passwords, credit card numbers, addresses,
shopping lists, and size information (c.f., Moon, 2000). Besides making online
shopping faster and easier, remembering what customers want (e.g., a
grocery shopping list) can also tie them in and prevent them from switching to
a competitors site.
At the same time, a pleasurable online shopping experience should satisfy the
requirements of the consumers who have a more hedonistic orientation to
shopping, stimulating exploration, curiosity and entertainment. Similarly to the
role of atmospheric in offline retailing, the use of colors, music and other
sensory features of the Web site should be carefully studied and selected, not
to interfere with, but to enhance the shopping experience. Users gratification
from using the Web site is in fact suggested as an important driver of repeated
use of the site (Joines et al., 2003; Szymansky & Hise, 2000). For instance, the
personalized hedonic site management of has attracted about
15 million visitors and doubled Internet sales from $61 million in just one year,
attracting a 20% share of new customers (Cross & Neal, 2000).
Brick-and-mortar retailers should try to re-create online the same atmosphere
experienced by consumers when they shop offline (Citrin et al., 2003).
Congruity between the offline and online shopping experience is extremely
important not only in hedonic terms, but also to ensure consistency in the
branding effort across channels (Earl, 2000). This may be particularly
important for luxury brands, as shown by the efforts in this respect undertaken
by companies such as and
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Furthermore, satisfaction online is more positive when consumers perceive
online stores to offer superior product assortments, satisfying their need for
variety and stimulating their curiosity-exploration (Szymanski & Hise, 2000).
Superior assortments therefore have a positive effect both on hedonic and
utilitarian value. This becomes especially true if consumers desire goods not
widely distributed, as the space available at brick-and-mortar stores is limited,
but the space online is virtually infinite. For instance, whilst a large offline book
superstore carries about 150,000 titles (Bianco, 1997), carries
millions of titles.
While the Internet represents a tremendous opportunity, retailers new to e-
commerce must consider the challenge of the technology-based differences
between the two channels.
Technological issues are strictly related not only to the Web sites content and
layout but also to the effectiveness in attracting and retaining customers.
Managers should avoid the use of nonessential technological complexity in
order to minimize the technology anxiety of some users (Meuter et al., 2003).
A possible tactic would be to create a Web site with different levels of
complexity to cater for different competency levels of browsers. Those
unfamiliar with the Web might be offered a fast track easy step option for the
purchase of a standardized offering, whereas expert shoppers may be given the
opportunity to customize their purchases via a more complex route to the check
out (compare Moon, 2000). For instance, customers are able to
customize the model, style, and color of the shoes they buy online but only if they
wish to do so.
Joines, Scherer, and Scheufele (2003) advocate that Web pages should not
follow a typical paper catalog format, but the interactive features of the Web
should be exploited fully. For instance, all Web sites should provide consumers
with the opportunity of getting in touch with a representative of the company,
and the answer to any questions should come speedily either by e-mail or by
phone. A tracking system similar to the one provided by companies success-
fully operating online, like and, should be
used to keep the purchaser up-to-date (by e-mail) with the status of the order,
especially if an item is out of stock or there are any delays in the delivery. This
would also help to overcome possible risk perceptions. Indeed, logistics
problems and delivery delays or failures are often mentioned as a serious
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60 DallOlmo Riley, Scarpi & Manaresi
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disincentive to Internet shopping, especially for first time buyers (Cowles et al.,
2002; Scarpi, 2004).
The virtual features of the Internet should play a fundamental role in providing
customers with tangible cues that can overcome the need of touching and
feeling the product or of interacting face-to-face with a service provider.
Virtual experience of the good can be granted with technology, such as the
virtual model feature available at For infrequently purchased
goods or new products, video streaming could be used to show the product in
operation, illustrating its functions, characteristics, and use. For services, video
streams can provide a virtual experience of a face-to-face encounter and
illustrate the process of delivery. Explanation of the feature of the service
product (e.g., a holiday destination or home content insurance) can also be
illustrated more effectively by a combination of video images and text, rather
than by text or still pictures alone. Additionally, video streams and music can
also enhance the perceived hedonic value of the site.
Finally, the interactivity and intelligence features of the Internet should be
exploited fully to customize products and services according to the require-
ments of individual consumers. Besides cookies, Web logs should be used to
analyze how customers came to the site, the content they accessed and for how
long, and how they respond to special offers. For instance, the UK e-retailer uses this technique to change the offers of its home page if
customers are not responding (Chaffey, 2000). Technology should also be
used to anticipate what customers want. For example, and other
e-retailers use collaborative filtering systems (e.g., Firefly) which compare an
individual customers preferences with those of the entire user base. This
enables Amazon to recommend new selections to each customer, based on the
products bought by other users who have similar preferences (Moon, 2000).
E-grocers could also use this technique to cross-sell products and to provide
tailor-made special offers to individual customers, based on their usual
shopping basket.
Risk Relievers
As discussed above, risk perceptions are a strong deterrent to Internet
shopping. Managers should consider all or a combination of the following risk
Brand reputation is advocated by many researchers as the most important risk
reliever (Citrin et al., 2003; Lee & Tan, 2003; Van den Poel & Leunis, 1999),
TEAM LinG - Live, Informative, Non-cost and Genuine !
Drivers and Barriers to Online Shopping 61
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permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.
particularly in product performance, financial, and psychological terms. Estab-
lished off-line and catalog retailers will have an obvious advantage over
newcomers, and they should exploit their reputation fully in their advertising.
On the other hand, newcomers to electronic retailing, who lack an established
reputation, can reduce consumers perceived risk by carrying well-known
brands (Lee & Tan, 2003). One alternative for start-ups in e-commerce would
be to establish some kind of partnership with an existing traditional retailer. For
instance, in the UK, the newcomer to e-grocery business operates
in partnership with the well-known supermarket chain Waitrose. Money back
guarantees, trust marks, free trials, clear explanations of the return policies,
toll-free complaint hotlines, and possibly price reductions should also be
offered, alongside third-party reviews and endorsements (Burke, 1997).
As already mentioned, experience with Web use and with online purchasing is
an important influence on the future use of the Web as a shopping medium.
Hence, managers should consider providing incentives to attract first time
buyers and to encourage customers loyalty to the site. Vouchers, discounts,
free gifts, and special offers (e.g., free delivery and returns) are possible
incentives for both first time buyers and existing customers, especially if they
have not purchased for a while. For instance, the UK e-grocer
offers money off to regular customers as an incentive to shop and book a
delivery slot on certain days and times.
Finally, e-retailers should use appropriate service recovery actions to attract
dissatisfied customers back to the site. For instance, The Great Little Trading
Company recently e-mailed all their online customers apologizing and explain-
ing the reasons for delays and mistakes in deliveries which had occurred the
previous season, while reassuring them of the steps they had undertaken to
rectify the problem.
This chapter has provided suggestions of many possible ways of reducing or
even overcoming the barriers preventing consumers from increasing the pro-
portion of purchases they conduct online. Conversely, firms may decide to
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62 DallOlmo Riley, Scarpi & Manaresi
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permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.
focus more on providing information and better services over the Internet,
rather than attempting to sell. For instance, online insurance sales make up only
about 1% of the $240 billion insurance market in the U.S. with insurers investing
in providing additional services and information, rather than selling online
(Bradford, 2001).
Clarity of objectives (e.g., selling or providing information and the balance
between online and off-line provision) are paramount to any successful online
The authors would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for constructive and
helpful comments.
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Chapter IV
Understanding Internet
Confidence and the
Implications for Customer
Relationship Management
Terry Daugherty, University of Texas at Austin, USA
Matthew Eastin, Ohio State University, USA
Harsha Gangadharbatla, University of Texas at Austin, USA
As we enter the 21st century many firms implementing Customer
Relationship Management strategies have turned to the Internet as a
primary means for collecting consumer data. Consequently, understanding
when consumers are willing to comply with data requests has become
increasingly important to e-marketers. However, current research has
failed to explore how self-confidence with using the Internet impacts a
consumers willingness to provide personal information online. Therefore,
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this chapter reports findings from an online consumer panel survey
designed to investigate how perceived Internet confidence influences
consumer attitudes toward divulging personal information and their
willingness to comply with data requests online (n=500). The results
largely support the notion that enhancing Internet confidence can lead to
more favorable attitudes toward information requests and increased
willingness to provide information.
With over half of the U.S. population online and a growth rate of in excess of
two million users per month, the Internet has become an important mainstream
medium (NTIA, 2002). This widespread adoption signifies the convergence of
two long-term trends in business: the rapid expansion of the information
economy and the rise of customer service over the Web (Rust & Kannan,
2002). Accordingly, there has been radical change in the field of marketing as
many companies recognize the potential of this unique medium for efficiently
delivering targeted messages, generating sales, and facilitating two-way com-
munication with consumers. One such change has been the emergence of the
Internet as a powerful electronic customer relationship management (eCRM)
As we enter the 21st century, technological innovations have enabled market-
ers to collect large amounts of information and build databases full of consumer
profiles (Pardun & Lamb, 1999). In fact, many firms implementing customer
relationship management (CRM) today have turned to the Internet, in particular
the Web, as a primary means for collecting customer information (Masci,
1999). When you consider as many as 90 million Americans use the Internet
daily, it is not surprising to learn that 97% of all commercial Web sites attempt,
in some form or another, to collect personal information from their visitors
(Federal Trade Commission, 2000). The type of information Web sites collect
in order to build their databases for consumer research and relationship
marketing varies from gender, age, martial status, educational level, ethnicity,
occupation, household income, Internet usage, and even buying patterns
(Turban, Lee, King & Chung, 2000). Academicians and practitioners alike
have been vociferous in pointing out the importance of such data gathering with
regard to the successful implementation of any CRM strategy (Abbott, Stone
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eCRM 69
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& Buttle, 2001; Hall, 2001; Zhang, Wang & Chen, 2000). The reason the
Internet has become so important is because eCRM data acquisition often
streamlines record entry and arrangement used during analyses to profile
existing, as well as prospective, customers. Furthermore, eCRM enables a
company to create the perception of one-to-one communication through
interactivity with very little incremental cost, while maintaining the added
advantage of mass marketing because of widespread adoption (Noyes, 2000).
With corporate implementation and adoption of eCRM ongoing, understanding
when consumers are willing to comply with data requests and their subsequent
thought processes while providing personal information online becomes in-
creasingly important. One acknowledged explanation as to why consumers
agree to provide marketers with personal information is when the obtained
benefits (i.e., incentives or returns) exceed their anticipated risk (Gangadharbatla,
Li & Edwards, 2002; Zhang et al., 2000). However, recent research has also
indicated that an Internet users personal beliefs and subsequent confidence
with technology can also serve an influential role in understanding online
behavior (LaRose & Eastin, 2002).
The individual beliefs formulated about ones ability to comprehend concepts
and effectively use this medium reassures decision-making while also reinforc-
ing actions online to serve as the basis for establishing a consumers personal
level of Internet confidence. Because customer expectations are shaped by
technology in this information economy, the cognitive process of developing
Internet confidence is a crucial component for understanding online behavior
(Eastin & LaRose, 2000). Nevertheless, current research has failed to explore
the impact Internet confidence has on a consumers willingness to comply with
data requests. This is surprising considering that e-marketing efforts rely so
heavily on gathering personal information online. Therefore, the purpose of this
chapter is to expand our theoretical understanding of e-commerce by introduc-
ing Internet confidence within the realm of CRM. Obviously, there are other
factors discussed throughout this book that also impact a consumers willing-
ness to supply information online (e.g., privacy, trust, security, etc.), yet our
exploratory focus remains to examine the influence of Internet confidence on
consumer behavior. In the proceeding sections, we propose a hypothesis
model for understanding Internet confidence, present research results testing
this model, and conclude with eCRM implications.
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Literature Review
Understanding eCRM
Customer relationship management is a long-term business philosophy focused
on collecting, understanding, and utilizing cumulative customer information
intelligently in order to continuously assess consumer needs (Varki, 2002). Not
surprising, one of the foremost factors influencing the success or failure of any
CRM strategy is the quality of the data collection and analysis (Abbott, et al.,
2001; Farah & Higby, 2001; Masci, 1999; Zhang, et al., 2000). This is
precisely why many firms implementing CRM today have turned to the Internet
as a primary means for collecting customer information. Of course, this trend
has led to a multitude of concerns with regard to how companies collect, buy,
and sell ones personal information. As a result, over 2,000 Web sites now
display some form of recognized privacy seal (i.e., TRUSTe, BBB Online, etc.)
designed to alleviate apprehension over gathered personal information (Erlanger,
2004). Nevertheless, 52% of U.S. consumers remain very uncomfortable with
providing personal information via the Web (Online Selling and eCRM, 2003).
The realization of the Internet as a CRM tool means the collection, dissemina-
tion, and commercial use of personal information is now easier to capture than
ever before (Cavoukian & Tapscott, 1996). Accordingly, many firms today are
turning to the Internet not just to establish an online identity but to also expand
their ability to acquire customer information through online data collection
(Masci, 1999). With corporate implementation and adoption of eCRM ongo-
ing, understanding the factors that influence a consumers willingness to provide
information online becomes increasingly important. However, most attempts to
gather information online are often rejected by Internet users because consum-
ers are very concerned about providing personal information online (Camp,
1999; Caudill & Murphy, 2000). These concerns can stem from numerous
factors, such as gender, age, occupation, and cultural background (Zhang et al.,
2000, 2001), as well as ones personal understanding of technology (LaRose
& Eastin, 2002). While trust, privacy, and security related issues remain top
barriers to online data collection, the scope of this chapter is focused on
understanding the effect of ones ability to use technology, referred to as
Internet confidence.
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Internet Confidence
While there have been numerous studies investigating the impact of self-
confidence on consumer decision-making and behavior (Bearden, Hardesty &
Rose, 2001; Bettman, Johnson & Payne, 1991; Fleming & Courtney, 1984),
very little is known about the nature of self-confidence as it applies to e-
commerce and especially ones willingness to provide personal information
online. In fact, the construct of confidence can have different meanings
depending on the context. For instance, it may refer to a persons trust in
another, another persons ability to perform a task, or a persons judgment
about a future event (Barbalet, 1998). In addition, the concept may also refer
to ones belief in self-ability, which is the conceptualization used in this
framework. The feeling of confidence in ones ability has been characterized as
essential for any behavior to take place because this belief serves as a form of
self-assurance (Dequech, 2000). With regard to using the Internet, personal
confidence in ones ability to successfully understand, navigate, and evaluate
content should alleviate doubts when providing information online correspond-
ing with heightened beliefs about data collection practices. These beliefs
formed reflect a consumers perceived capability in using the Internet to
accomplish tasks (Eastin & LaRose, 2000). Subsequently, as Internet confi-
dence (i.e., beliefs) increases, then attitudes toward the object of those beliefs
will also increase (Ajzen & Sexton, 1999, p. 118).
H1: Internet confidence will be positively associated with a consumers
attitude toward providing personal information online.
Earlier work conducted to understand technology behavior has applied Fishbein
and Ajzens (1975) Theory of Reasoned Action as an explanatory model. This
framework considers the beliefs that an individual has about a behavior and the
actions taken from those beliefs. While this approach has had success predict-
ing the uses of computing technologies (Davis, Bagozzi & Warsaw, 1989), later
studies indicate that modifications to the model were needed. For example,
Ajzens (1991) extension as the Theory of Planned Behavior suggests that an
individuals perceived ability, or confidence, to perform a behavior could also
play an important role in the adoption process, ultimately suggesting that the
level of perceived complexity experienced from a behavior could influence the
formation of internal perceptions (Ajzen, 1991).
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More recently, Banduras (1986, 2001) Social Cognitive Theory has been
posited as a means for understanding the use of information technology
(Compeau & Higgins, 1995; Compeau, Higgins & Huff, 1999; Eastin &
LaRose, 2000; LaRose & Eastin, 2002). Social Cognitive Theory includes a
complex triadic causal structure that establishes the development of compe-
tency and regulation of action (Bandura, 1986, 2001). Through the develop-
ment of knowledge structures, cognitive models of action are created which
guide behavior. Consequently, this cognitive guidance is a crucial component
to the developmental stages of a behavior. One cognitive factor that has been
characterized as an influential variable is perceived confidence, more com-
monly referred to as self-efficacy (Bandura, 1997).
As a primary self-regulatory mechanism, self-efficacy simply refers to the level
of confidence an individual has toward a given behavior. As a central compo-
nent of Social Cognitive Theory, this confidence represents the internal belief
in ones capability to organize and execute the courses of action required to
produce given attainments (Bandura, 1997, p. 3). To date, researchers have
positively linked Internet confidence to online performance, prior experience,
and Internet use (Eastin & LaRose, 2000). Furthermore, Eastin (2002) found
that Internet confidence was positively related to e-commerce activities, such
as online banking. Thus, it is reasonable to assume that confidence in ones
ability to use the Internet will be positively related to their willingness to provide
personal information online because internal beliefs are associated with actual
H2: Internet confidence will be positively associated with a consumers
willingness to provide personal information online.
Bearden and colleagues (2001) characterize consumer confidence as the
extent to which individuals feel capable and secure with their decisions and
behaviors. As ones confidence increases, a person is better equipped at
making decisions and feels confident about the resulting behavior. However,
behavior is more strongly associated with ones attitude toward that action
when deliberate cognitive processing is involved (Fazio & Towles-Schwen,
1999, p. 99). Because Internet confidence does not represent a form of
deliberate cognitive processing directly associated with the behavior in ques-
tion (i.e., willingness to provide personal information online), attitude toward
online data collection should exude a stronger direct influence on behavior than
Internet confidence.
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H3: Attitude toward online data collection will mediate the relationship
between Internet confidence and a consumers willingness to provide
personal information.
Five hundred adults were surveyed from an online panel for this study. The
panel is an opt-in privacy protected subject pool recruited for Web-based
research. For joining the panel and subsequently participating in research,
panelists are eligible for both monthly and study specific cash prize drawings.
A thirty-item questionnaire was developed and pretested on a small sample of
academic professionals to insure clarity (additional data was collected yet not
analyzed for this study). To assess each respondents confidence using the
Internet, a Likert-type scale derived from previous research was used (LaRose,
Eastin & Gregg, 2001). Participants were asked to indicate their level of
agreement with six statements using a 7-point scale (strongly disagree/strongly
agree) designed to measure their confidence: towards understanding Internet
terms or words, describing functions of the Internet, troubleshooting Internet
problems, using the Internet to gather information, using the Internet for
entertainment, and in their own Internet ability.
Respondents attitudes toward providing information online was measured
using six established 7-point items (unfavorable/favorable, negative/positive,
annoying/pleasing, dislike very much/like very much, bad/good, disagreeable/
agreeable) (Bruner, James & Hensel, 2001, p.84). Specifically, participants
were asked to indicate their personal feelings about providing information
online when approached by organizations seeking to collect consumer data.
Finally, respondents indicated their willingness to comply with data requests
using four established 7-point behavioral intention items (unlikely/likely, im-
probably/probably, uncertain/certain, impossible/possible) (MacKenzie &
Spreng, 1992). In particular, participants were asked how likely they were to
agree to an organizations request and provide personal information online.
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Selected participants were notified by e-mail that they had been identified for
this study. The notification message explained the estimated time to complete
the survey, offered a monetary incentive in the form of a cash drawing, and
provided respondents with a URL to participate. By following the URL,
participants were directed to a secure server and required to sign in using their
ID and password specified when joining the panel.
Data Analysis
The sample consisted of 306 men (61.2%) and 194 women (38.8%) with an
average age of 40 (SD = 13.69). Furthermore, respondents were primarily
Anglo (80.6%) and well educated with 54.8% holding a bachelors degree,
including 52.2% reporting household income levels of $75,000 or more.
Ninety-four percent indicated they had been using the Internet for three or more
years and, for the most part (56.6%), spent two hours or less a week online.
Reliability assessment was conducted on the Internet confidence, attitude, and
behavior intention scales using Cronbachs Alpha (Internet confidence M=5.50,
SD=1.36, = .92; attitude M=3.83, SD=1.21, = .94; behavior intent
M=4.25, SD=1.22, a = .88) with all exceeding the generally accepted guideline
of .70 (Hair, Anderson, Tatham & Black, 1998, p. 118). Composite measures
for each of the scales were then constructed to represent the multiple items and
used in the subsequent analysis to reduce measurement error.
Hypothesis Testing
Hypothesis 1 predicted that a participants confidence in their ability to use the
Internet is positively related to their attitude toward providing firms with
personal information online. Using Pearsons correlation, a significant positive
relationship was identified between participants reported Internet confidence
and their feelings about such data requests (r = .39, p < .001), supporting the
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In turn, Hypothesis 2 predicted that a participants confidence in their ability to
use the Internet would also be positively related to their willingness to provide
personal information online. The results indicate that a significant positive
relationship was detected supporting the hypothesis as participants specified
they were more likely to agree to a firms data request as their Internet
confidence increased (r = .34, p < .001).
Finally, Hypothesis 3 predicted that participants reported attitude toward
providing information online would mediate the influence Internet confidence
exerts on a respondents intent to comply with data requests. To verify this
proposition, a mediation analysis was conducted as specified by Baron and
Kenny (1986). In order for the mediation to occur, the following must hold: (1)
Internet confidence must positively affect the mediator (attitude), (2) Internet
confidence must positively affect the dependent variable (intent to comply by
indicating their willingness to provide personal information), and (3) the
mediator must positively affect the dependent variable when regressed in
conjunction with the independent variable. Providing these conditions are met,
the effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable must be less
in the third step than in the second step (Baron & Kenny, 1986).
The first step indicates that Internet confidence positively influences participants
attitude toward providing information online ( = .39, t(498) = 9.38, p < .001,
= .15). Furthermore, the second step demonstrates that Internet confidence
positively influences intent (= .34, t(498) = 8.12, p < .001, R
= .12). Finally,
the third analysis supports attitude as a mediating variable between Internet
confidence and consumer intent for supplying personal information online ( =
.65, t(2,497) = 18.64, p < .001, R
= .48). Accordingly, the influence of
Internet confidence on intent diminished when included in the analysis with
attitude ( = .09, t(2,497) = 2.53, p < .05). Even though the strength of the
relationship between Internet confidence and intent weakened considerably
when regressed with attitude, there remained a significant association suggest-
ing only partial mediation. While this residual relationship may be a product of
the sample size, the finding is also supported within the framework of the
Theory of Planned Behavior and Social Cognitive Theory. For instance,
behavior is influence by both cognitive and personal factors with confidence
impacting outcomes as well as internal mechanisms that are reciprocally
determined (Compeau & Higgins, 1995). Thus, while a direct relationship is
observed between confidence and attitude (i.e., internal), a behavioral out-
come is not totally unexpected.
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76 Daugherty, Eastin & Gangadharbatla
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The confirmation of the relationship between Internet confidence, attitude, and
behavior intent validates the hypothesized model and signifies the potential
importance of these factors within eCRM strategies. Furthermore, the results
largely support the notion that enhancing confidence toward using the Internet
could potentially impact ones attitude toward online information requests and
increase compliance for data requests. The mediation analysis confirms this
established theoretical relationship between attitude and behavior. Specifi-
cally, respondents attitude toward providing personal information online
significantly predicts their behavior intention when information is requested.
While a significant direct relationship was observed between Internet confi-
dence and willingness to provide personal information when controlling for
attitude, the observed effect was small and not completely unexpected.
By recognizing the contribution of Internet confidence toward eCRM imple-
mentation, marketers may be able to avoid data loss and improve strategic
decision-making. For instance, if a firms target market includes relatively
inexperienced Internet users, then utilizing simple methods, such as one-step
registration, could increase compliance for data collection requests. The
premise is that simple instructions or requests are less likely to result in drop
outs because consumer ability is never challenged. However, when the target
market is considered an experienced Internet user, alternative strategies
designed to enhance user control, such as the ability to customize a Web site
or provide in-depth site navigation, will correspond with ability ultimately
enhancing confidence. Furthermore, opt-in and name-removal site mechanisms
may increase consumer control and awareness of the data collection process
with regard to personal information. If these features or experiences are
conclusive, a positive transference effect could possibly lead to increases in
Internet confidence. Another strategy for increasing Internet confidence within
complex Web sites is to provide an easy to follow tutorial or walkthrough.
Because the degree of difficulty can vary greatly among Web sites, automated
prompts or instructions that allow you to practice tasks or experience features
before committing information may reduce anxiety associated with supplying
sensitive information online. Interestingly, this act can also serve to build trust,
which is then reinforced by third-party certifications and privacy seals. Simi-
larly, a more proactive approach for matching consumer confidence before
attempting to solicit data requests would be to segment consumers via a brief
survey. While this would essentially require consumers to comply with a data
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eCRM 77
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request, the instrument could be administered on the first site visit with the
results stored in a cookie on the consumers system. Depending on the
responses, a firm could identify a consumers level of Internet confidence and
tailor specific site content, navigation, and information requests accordingly.
Regardless of the tactic used, in order to promote an optimal level of Internet
confidence the goal should be to match the appropriate type of data collection
request with the consumers ability. Ultimately, the continued advancement of
the Internet as an eCRM tool is important as it enhances a firms ability to
provide a customer-centric approach to their marketing efforts. Keep in mind
though that online data collection may be affected by a variety of factors, and
the eCRM industry as a whole should work toward building user confidence in
the medium.
Research exploring the impact of Internet confidence has immediate theoretical
and industry implications as marketers are caught in a technological information
society continuing to advance. The findings presented in this chapter represent
an initial attempt to understand the relationship between Internet confidence
and a consumers willingness to provide personal information online. With
consumer adoption of the Internet and corporate implementation of eCRM
ongoing, understanding the variables that influence a consumers willingness to
provide information becomes increasingly important.
Inherent within any research are potential limitations that affect the overall
validity and reliability of the results. With regard to this chapter, a few limitations
should be considered when interpreting the findings presented. The first
concern involves error resulting from the sampling method. When a purposive
sample is utilized, the technique obviously limits the external validity of the
results. Nevertheless, the objective of this chapter was not to generalize
findings to the entire Internet universe. Rather, the intent was to verify a
relationship between the proposed theoretical constructs. A second concern
involves the possibility of measurement error. Because a survey was used,
several assumptions were made regarding the terminology of the questionnaire.
Furthermore, attitudes toward providing information online and willingness to
do so were ascertained in a very general context rather than inquiring about
specific data collection techniques. While attitudinal scales may not reflect
actual data entry behavior, the intent to provide information online was assumed
to represent a suitable substitute. Therefore, future research should explore the
influence of Internet confidence across multiple data collection types, markets
and methods, such as e-mail, Web sites, unobtrusive practices, business-to-
business segments, and controlled experiments. Another concern focuses on
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78 Daugherty, Eastin & Gangadharbatla
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the level of Internet confidence respondents reported. With 85% of the scores
falling above the midpoint of the Internet confidence scale, a ceiling effect is
very likely with these results simply reflecting high levels of Internet confidence.
This of course could be a by-product of using an online consumer panel
compared to surveying Internet novices. However, the use of online panels is
expected to account for 50% of all marketing research by 2005, signifying the
mainstream nature of this resource (James, 2000). Regardless, the aim of this
study was not to postulate outcome differences for varying levels of confidence
but to first confirm whether a relationship between Internet confidence,
attitude, and behavior intent exists. A final limitation to this study is the
deliberate exclusion of issues, such as trust, privacy, and security, that play an
important role in an individuals willingness to provide information online. While
a significant relationship was detected for Internet confidence, this construct is
undeniably a single influence among multiple variables. However, this isolated
investigation also demonstrates the importance of considering Internet confi-
dence as a contributing factor, which numerous other studies investigating
eCRM have failed to explore.
Despite these limitations, the chapter is successful in advancing our initial
understanding of Internet confidence with additional paths of research poten-
tially leading to important findings in this new area. For instance, more
theoretical research is needed designed to explore the unique and distinctive
characteristics that distinguish between levels of Internet confidence. In addi-
tion, individual differences, such as personality characteristics, may not only
enhance our understanding of how elevated levels of Internet confidence forms
but also identify the rate at which belief in ones ability emerges. The bottom line
is that we know very little about the intricacies of this construct, and continued
research in this area is not only essential to our understanding of eCRM but also
significant for e-commerce in general.
The authors would like to thank Wei-Na Lee and the Virtual Consumer
Research Group in the Department of Advertising at The University of Texas
at Austin for support of this research.
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eCRM 79
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Section II:
E-Marketing Strategy
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84 Iyer
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Chapter V
Global Internet
Marketing Strategy:
Framework and
Managerial Insights
Gopalkrishnan R. Iyer, Florida Atlantic University, USA
This chapter explores some key managerial issues in the development and
implementation of a global Internet marketing strategy. While it appears
that the Internet has opened up infinite possibilities for an integrated
global marketing strategy, this chapter notes several infrastructural and
cultural issues that limit the effectiveness of global strategies. This
chapter offers insights on using the full potential of the Internet in the
deployment of global marketing strategies, while being cognizant of
TEAM LinG - Live, Informative, Non-cost and Genuine !
Global Internet Marketing Strategy 85
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various other realities and limitations. Several practical managerial
recommendations are offered for crafting and deploying a global marketing
Even after several years of the commercial expansion of the Internet and the
development of the World Wide Web (WWW), the adoption of Internet
technologies by global firms and the promises of reaching a global market
appear to be fraught with a variety of structural and functional encumbrances
(Guillen, 2002; Samiee, 1998). Some of the barriers stem from the relatively
slow pace of development of Internet infrastructure around the world, while
others are due to the inability of firms to fully exploit the global potential of the
WWW. The potential of electronic technologies to foster radical changes to
marketing exchanges and organization depends to a large extent on the
institutional context of specific firms and countries. Differences in technological
advancement, culture, politics, law, and consumer behavior would largely
shape the development of electronic markets (Guillen, 2002; Zugelder, Flaherty
& Johnson 2000). While such markets offer more complete information as
compared to traditional markets, buyer-seller exchanges would, nevertheless,
have to adapt to the unique constellation of institutional forces in different
countries and industries. Moreover, the regulatory environment of e-commerce
is only emerging, and it is bound to be only much more complicated given global
differences in intellectual property considerations, patents, consumer privacy,
and other issues (see Dutta, Lanvin & Paua, eds. 2003; Kogut, ed. 2003,
OECD, 2002; UNCTAD, 2002).
In retrospect, global reach through the Internet may add a new layer of
complexity on top of the already numerous challenges faced by firms attempting
to cross national boundaries through conventional methods. However, the
promise of reaching a wider market more efficiently through the Internet is an
opportunity that can certainly be exploited (Brynjolfsson & Kahin, 2000; Gray,
2000; Vulcan, 2003). Savvy firms could harness the powers of the WWW to
create superior and customized value for global buyers, search and obtain
global resources more effectively, reduce business risk through a diversified
portfolio of markets, and thereby, add to profit margins.
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86 Iyer
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This chapter first identifies some strategic and operational opportunities for
global marketing presented by the Internet as well as some structural and
functional constraints in the realization of the full potential of the Internet for the
development of global marketing strategies. Using extant knowledge on global
marketing strategy development and implementation, the section following
identifies some key issues for the development of a global Internet marketing
strategy. This strategy development process is guided by the imperatives of
creating a global customer-centric organization. The chapter concludes with
some practical managerial guidelines for using the Internet to develop an
integrated global marketing strategy.
The Internet and Global Opportunities
Global opportunities presented by the Internet and WWW are both strategic
and operational (Samiee, 1988). At the strategic level, some key opportunities
are summarized in Figure 1.
Wider Market Access
A key feature of the Internet is the connectivity with diverse and far reaching
markets, thus bringing to fruition the type of economic convergence predicted
by globalization (Levitt, 1983). Within domestic markets, the Internet can
expand the reach and trading areas even for small firms, but the potential for
reaching global markets is only exponential in scope (Brynjolfsson & Kahin,
2000; McKnight, Vaaler & Katz, 2001). More firms can chase global dreams
and ambitions, and at the very minimum, the ability to attract customers from
outside the conventional national trading area more efficiently and effectively
enables firms to fulfill their international expansions efforts more rapidly.
Efficient Resource Access
Firms can use the Internet to efficiently search for cross-border resources,
including critical raw materials and components, sources of manufacture, and
products for which there may be a large domestic demand. With more firms
coming online, the amount of trade leads that could be generated over the
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Global Internet Marketing Strategy 87
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Internet has grown substantially. Electronic tradeboards, business-to-business
electronic exchanges, and e-procurement sites are increasingly global in scope,
and the search and notification capabilities of such sites can produce a
tremendous volume of resource leads for firms.
Global Niche
The Web also enables firms to pursue a specific positioning strategy and applies
it globally. For example, Yahoo! has a very similar design for its information and
shopping portal in all of the numerous countries in which it has a presence. The
portal niche by Yahoo! essentially provides very similar functions for users
Figure 1. Global Internet marketing: Opportunities and challenges



* Wider Market Access
* Efficient Resource
* Global Niche
* Competitive

* Limits to Access
* Infrastructure
* Laws & Regulations
* Culture
* Reactivity

* Fulfillment
* Language
* Security
* IT Adaptations
* Conventions

* Efficient Coordination
* Closer and Direct
* Online Distribution
* Production and Sales
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88 Iyer
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worldwide, though the content remains local to each country. Contrast this to
specific positioning developed and applied painstakingly to each country, and
the potential of the Internet becomes more obvious.
Competitive Advantage
Virtual networks formed with participants in the global supply chain, including
those involved in production, distribution, and support functions, foster effec-
tive coordination and yield tremendous strategic benefits. The new sources of
competitive advantage lie in creating and delivering customer value and in the
exploitation of network externalities. Ultimately, the collaborative strengths of
cross-border alliances become sources of advantage in domestic markets as
well. Firms utilizing such global virtual networks could potentially be truly
multinational in scope and operations.
The Internet also provides other opportunities to create competitive strengths.
Such advantages are no longer location specific but involve knowledge based
skills, timing, and flexibility. Firms that do better faster stand to gain more from
the Internet, and firms that innovate, create, and apply well-planned business
models would better withstand competitive onslaughts.
Some of the operational opportunities provided by the Internet include:
Efficient Coordination
The real-time communication and interactive capabilities of the Internet provide
opportunities for much better coordination with suppliers, importers, distribu-
tors, and customers than through conventional communication media. But
communications are only part of the story. Costs of transactions are lower due
to reductions in costs of precontract negotiations and agreements, more
efficient price haggling, and more transparent information exchange. Such
communication and transactional efficiencies could ultimately contribute to the
development of exchanges based more on trust, rather than on costly legalistic
frameworks. Commitment enabled through trust is often more enduring and
involves lower costs of monitoring as compared to those obtained by fiats and
legal documents.
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Global Internet Marketing Strategy 89
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Closer and Direct Contacts
Besides enabling closer contacts with relevant partners and customers, the
Internet allows firms to understand them better. Such enhanced understanding
could be leveraged for customizing products as well as for better pre- and
postsales service design and delivery. Moreover, opportunities for direct sales
and global account management are now greatly facilitated, thus reducing
dependence on the whims of local agents and dealers.
Online Distribution
For several knowledge and media products as well as information-intensive
services, the Internet enables cheaper and efficient online distribution options.
For example, software companies could distribute their products online, thus
realizing further cost savings. Call centers and technical support could now be
located in cross-border markets where labor costs may be cheaper. The
increasing media convergence facilitated by the Internet could be used to
leverage resources for wider distribution, as traditional news publishing firms
and radio stations have already discovered.
Production and Sales Smoothing
Variations in demand and supply can be smoothed over the global market.
The efficient identification of trade leads and resources enable disposal of
excess inventory, arranging nontraditional forms of payments (such as barters),
and obtaining functional flexibilities, including real-time inventory management
and operations scheduling.
Barriers to Global Internet Expansion
Despite the above and obvious global opportunities from the Internet, there are
several structural and functional challenges that limit the global reach of firms
(Samiee, 1998). Some of the structural barriers include:
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Limits to Access
Even among a limited set of developed countries, the U.S. represents more than
half of all Web users. Internet access in several countries is currently limited by
low levels of PC penetration, high costs of Internet connections, prohibitive
software costs and restrictions on use, lack of government initiatives as well as
attempts to control both ownership and content by governments, among other
factors (Dutta et al., 2003).
Development of e-commerce requires tremendous investments in infrastruc-
ture, including technologies, telecommunications, and human skills all of
which are currently hampered by capital costs, especially in developing
countries. For example, while India is very advanced in software development
skills and the availability of IT manpower, basic access to the Internet is still
limited by the relative low development of telecommunications infrastructure.
Laws and Regulations
The Internet further complicates the already complex conventional laws and
regulations governing trade and commerce. While the Internet legal landscape
is only evolving, several governments have not yet treated it as a priority issue
and appear to simply extend conventional commercial standards to e-com-
merce. Moreover, issues concerning contracts, arbitration of disputes, as well
as laws safeguarding transactions, communications, and intellectual property
are yet to be resolved. Attempts to develop unified platforms for such
discussions have been more national or, at best, regional in scope, rather than
recognizing that the Web has wider trade impacts. The issue of consumer
privacy is a case in point. U.S. and European laws regarding consumer privacy
are quite different and stem from different historical backgrounds, constitu-
tional rights and limits, and cultural perspectives regarding privacy (Sarathy,
2003). For example, U.S. laws allow a default opt-out policy where consumer
information is collected unless the consumer takes active action to prevent data
collection and/or use. On the other hand, some European laws are more
stringent to business and impose a default opt-in policy. While some conver-
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Global Internet Marketing Strategy 91
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gence in privacy regulations is emerging through agreements, such as the US-
EU Safe Harbor provisions for data privacy, firms either subscribe to these
agreements or prefer self-regulations through extensive and visible privacy
policies (Sarathy, 2003).
Internet use is also affected by a variety of cultural factors. It is only now being
recognized that international consumers may react and receive technology
differently, may be unaccustomed to shopping without direct human contact,
and may have different predispositions to trust in an online exchange. The
implications are clear: business models that work well in one country may not
succeed in another. Part of it may be simply that certain shopping habits, such
as paying by credit card, which is taken for granted in the U.S., may not be
prevalent even in countries like Spain, where credit card usage is less common.
Moreover, many international consumers assume that information over the
Internet can only be free, as an online test preparation site in India found to its
chagrin. When the same material was printed, bound, and sold through
traditional distribution channels, consumers willingly paid four times as much as
they were being charged online.
Cultural norms and value also affect interpersonal trust, organizational trust,
and trust in governments. These differences in trust have profound implications
for obtaining trust in ones firm, brands, or building loyalty relationships with
customers in different cultures. For example, in countries with low-context
cultures, such as the U.S., where most business matters and transactions
operate under the shadow of detailed and legalistic contracts, trust in a firms
relationships with other organizations and consumers is more readily obtained
than in high-context cultures (Hall, 1976). Customer satisfaction in low-context
cultures may depend more on rational factors, while customer loyalty may be
more emotional. On the other hand, in traditional societies, including even
economically developed countries such as Japan, loyalty may be unquestioned.
Here, customer satisfaction is often not a rational evaluation but based more on
the social context in which the business transaction is embedded. With the
Internet and the resulting impersonalization of transactions, firms may find it
difficult to obtain customer loyalty in traditional cultures. Cultural norms and
values may thus require deeper levels of Web site customization as well as other
traditional approaches, such as country presence to signal domestic commit-
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92 Iyer
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ment, in order to build trust and obtain the commitment necessary for relation-
ship development.
Internet use is affected by development of common technological and legal
standards, much of which depends on the diffusion of successful world
standards across nations. The reaction time could vary, not just from a lack of
consensus on basic standards, such as in the case of encryption. Currently, very
few countries qualify as ready for e-business.
The functional challenges that limit the operational capabilities of global e-
business are also varied:
It may be easy to obtain an overseas sales order over the Web, but fulfillment
is an entirely different issue. Even simple logistics issues, such as transportation
and payment, could cause global e-headaches. Currently, no large logistics
provider enables a smooth city-to-city link (there are more U.S. city-to-
country links), and payment processes are still hampered by lack of trust and
elaborate bureaucratic processes designed in principle, though not in effect, to
reduce risks. Even the sales order process may be in dispute, as U.S. firms
doing business in relatively developed Western Europe are recognizing. Laws
protecting small firms may prevent booksellers from offering the same levels of
deep discounts in Europe as they do routinely in the U.S. Moreover, physical
delivery of the product would be subject to the same trade and nontrade
barriers and constraints as any other sales order. Such complications are
evident in the case of software distributed online. If the software is classified
as a product, it would attract tariff rates and other trade impediments as any
other physical product, but if it were to be offered as a service, it can be
distributed without much hassle.
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Global Internet Marketing Strategy 93
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Internet-based communication, including Web sites, is constrained by lan-
guage. Polyglot sites are less common, and the language medium for about 80%
of U.S. Web sites is still English (Guillen, 2002). Attempts to customize sites
in different languages has only achieved moderate success, partly due to a
wholesale use of simplistic translation software and partly also due to lack of
recognition, at least by some U.S. firms, that Spanish is quite different when
spoken by someone from Bogot as compared to someone from Barcelona.
Security issues are more complex in global transactions. Country-specific
initiatives and regulations for the prevention of hacking, development of
adequate security measures, and punishment of offenders are still lacking.
However, more importantly, acceptable global guidelines and norms on
security and security breaches, so crucial for the development global e-
business, are still only talk rather than substance.
IT Adaptations
Several information technology (IT) architectures are still not congenial for
global use. At the simplest level, Web site programmers in the U.S. still use the
U.S. address and telephone conventions. At a more complex level, there
appears little motivation to make significant IT investments to realize e-business
opportunities, partly due from viewing IT investments as sunk costs rather than
costs involved in opportunity creation and partly due from rapid obsolescence
in an era of technological volatility.
Operational efficiency is hampered by lack of unified conventions and stan-
dards. While several global operations are covered by various ICC codes, such
conventions in Internet applications, including the use of digital signatures, are
yet to emerge.
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Developing Global Internet Marketing
The development of a global Internet marketing strategy can gain from two of
the more popular frameworks of global corporate strategy, namely, the
integration-responsive framework proposed by Prahalad and Doz (1987) and
the coordination-configuration framework offered by Porter (1986). The
integration-responsive framework seeks the global integration of similar activi-
ties to achieve efficiency, while ensuring effective local responsiveness to
differences across countries. The coordination-configuration framework seeks
a balance between the coordination of competitive positions and interdepen-
dencies across countries with the configuration of value-adding activities. Both
frameworks extol the twin imperatives of efficiency and effectiveness in the
organization of global strategy and call for a mix of standardization and
adaptation strategies.
Guided by these frameworks on global corporate strategy, a global Internet
marketing strategy should also focus on obtaining the best integration of
activities that fosters efficiency, while adapting locally to various country-
specific environmental contexts. The various structural and operational advan-
tages identified in the previous section contribute to efficiency-enhancing
standardization strategies, while the structural and functional encumbrances
need effective country-specific strategic adaptations.
The ultimate aim of a global corporate Internet strategy is the creation of a
customer-centric global organization that is responsive to the local needs of
consumers in a variety of different contexts, while gaining from efficiencies in
knowledge management, supply chain integration, technology deployment, and
value chain collaborations (Iyer & Bejou, 2003). A framework for such a
global strategy is mapped in Figure 2.
Country-specific Internet windows accessible from a single global corporate
Web site would provide for value creation, value delivery, and service similar
to a locally responsive marketing strategy (Grewal, Iyer, Krishnan & Sharma,
2003). In addition, the technological capability of the Internet would enable
customization, personalization, and the required customer analysis for market-
ing to smaller segments either nationally or within regions of any nation (Iyer,
Miyazaki, Grewal & Giordano, 2002).
Back-end processes involving inter-functional coordination, market-oriented
logistics, supply-chain management, and technology could be integrated either
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Global Internet Marketing Strategy 95
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globally or regionally. These, in turn, are facilitated by globally created firm-
specific capabilities of the multinational corporation. The multinational firm can
harness advantages in terms of relevant value-chain collaborations, knowledge
development, and technological deployment (Conn & Yip, 1997). Such
capability building and capability exploitation efforts are critical not only for
international expansion but also for the ultimate success of the multinational
corporations global strategy (Luo, 1999).
Apart from efficiency and effectiveness, a global Internet marketing strategy
based on specific customer needs in each local market enables the firm not only
to choose the appropriate value through appropriate target market selection
and positioning but also creates additional value for the local customer, and
thus, be more competitive in local markets (Grewal et al., 2003; Luo, 1999).
The technological capability of the Internet is such as to provide the firm with
the ability to create, communicate, and compete along different value propo-
sitions in different countries. For example, a consumer electronics MNC may
emphasize value and low prices in the U.S. and Europe but emerge as a
manufacturer of high quality and upscale products in developing countries.
However, more importantly, firms can offer different product lines, different
prices, and communicate and deliver value differently in different countries. A
case in point is Hewlett-Packards global Web site From the
global site, individual consumers as well as business customers can access their
specific countrys site and be exposed to customized product mixes, prices,
and delivery options.
Figure 2. The global customer-centric organization
Global Resource

- Value-Chain
- Knowledge
and Deployment
- Technological

- Interdivision
- Market-Based
- Supply-Chain
- Technological
Internet Window

- Positioning
- Value Creation
- Value Delivery
- Service
- Personalization
- Customization
- Privacy Policy
- Customer
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96 Iyer
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Managerial Implications
The varied challenges in the global e-business environment may dampen the
ambitions of many firms. However, the tremendous business opportunities as
well as sources of competitive advantage may be sufficient incentives for firms
courageous enough to venture into the rough global seas of the Internet.
Pragmatic decisions for charting a global course on the Internet could involve
the following:
Assess the global impacts of the Internet for the firm and industry:
The question is no longer whether the Internet has any relevance for ones
firm and industry but how much of an impact it would have on ones
specific type of firm and industry. For example, a group of rice farmers in
Sri Lanka found the structure of prices for their products and the possible
exorbitant markups charged by middlemen through the Internet. Armed
with this information, they were able to negotiate better prices for their
products at the next round of bargaining with intermediaries.
Obtain top management commitment early: If anything, the lessons
learned from conventional cross-border business attempts have been that
global expansion strategies rarely work when implemented without a
coherent grand strategy and commitment of resources early in the process
of internationalization. In global e-business as well, top management
commitment obtained early is crucial for support to global decisions
regarding IT investments, e-business objectives and strategies, and the
integration of e-business activities within the larger organization.
What should the Web to do for the firm?: While the Internet and WWW
hold enormous capabilities and extend existing ways of doing business in
various markets and industries, an individual firm has to clearly understand
the more important uses of the Web for its own specific case. For a vast
majority of firms, the Web is simply another form of directory listing, and
their sites contain no more than some basic information about the firm. But
in all fairness, such sites are often created by small entrepreneurs for whom
the costs of developing and maintaining a sophisticated transactions-
oriented Web site are much greater than either what their resources allow
or the incremental revenues that a WWW presence may yield. However,
the global potential of the Web are better exploited in other ways, both for
the short-term as well as for a long-term global expansion strategy. In the
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Global Internet Marketing Strategy 97
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short-term or sporadically, firms could benefit from using the Web to
search for international suppliers of products and services, importers and
exporters for specific products, reduce excess inventory, obtain quotes
and bids, and identify prospective international partners and customers.
However, the long-term strategy involves a more committed Web pres-
ence, with the added costs of designing, developing, and maintaining a
secure site. A firm must balance its market objectives, resource needs,
competitive capabilities, and product and industry-specific constraints
when making this decision.
Adapt to country variations: Despite the lip service given to globaliza-
tion and the possibility of a world made one through technology, firms
must carefully consider the relative variations in technological develop-
ments, infrastructural differences, uniqueness of business environments,
impacts of culture on business activities, and managerial modes of thinking
specific to certain countries/regions. But most importantly, firms must pay
close attention to the myriad national laws and regulations, especially
those that directly impact e-business activities. Strategy development
must be aware of adequate measures and precautions, not only for
contracts, but also for IT deployment and information assets. A secure
transactional environment is based on several factors, including but not
limited to, technological encryptions, legal and enforceable aspects of
contracts, and trust.
Customize for specific clients: It should not be a surprise that the
Internet is addressable (i.e., identity-based relations can be formed) and
therefore, customizable to individual customers and client organizations.
It is, however, surprising that few firms use the Internet to customize
content and strategies. In global markets, the ability to customize pays rich
dividends, especially since local demand-supply conditions and customer
expectations vary widely. Customization enables better product develop-
ment capability, specific service satisfactions, and therefore, greater
margins. For example, Dells site is not only country-specific, but through
the creation of Premier Pages, Dell has customized its product and service
offerings to its clients. More importantly, the extent to which cultural
factors affect Internet use, perceptions of Internet firms and brands, and
impersonal Internet transactions should be studied on a case-by-case
basis to obtain insights on what aspects of the business can be standard-
ized and which ones need to be customized given the national culture.
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Adapt the business model: Regardless of the success of the firms
business model in the domestic market, the chance of similar success in
global markets without any adaptations are, at best, slim. Business models
can rarely be exported so easily, though some notable exceptions, such as
the Yahoo!, have retained a core business model, while creating local
content in each country. Take, for example, auction sites. It may sound
intuitive that auction-based pricing would be tremendously successful in
the traditional countries of Asia and the Middle East, where price haggling
is more of a norm in market transactions. However, auctions sites, such
as eBay and have been more successful in the U.S. and Europe,
respectively, where fixed prices are more common. Contrast this to India,
where a take-off of eBay,, suffered from being perceived as
a bankruptcy liquidating site. The situation is more complicated for B2B
sites, especially since most intermediary organizationssuppliers, dis-
tributors, importers, exporters, retailersoutside of a few developed
countries, are generally much less sophisticated in the use of technology.
They may also be much less professional, preferring old-world identity
and reputation-based ties to rational market-based exchanges.
Focus on brand-building: It has been long recognized that a key factor
in domestic e-business success has been the success of the Internet brand.
Internet-only firms, such as and Yahoo!, were able to
leverage their pioneering advantages and build their reputations through
online and traditional media. While such pioneering opportunities may not
exist around the world, successful global brands can still be built by
focusing on the factors contributing to the firms reputation. Here, the
power of global consumer associations, tangible consumer values from
the brand, pre- and postsales services provided by the firm, the firms
responsiveness to consumers, customization and interactivity of the Web
site, and the consonance of the brand with consumer values all play
important roles. Firms must carefully consider all aspects of consumer
value from the brand, consumer demands for service, and consumer
proclivity to identify with the firms brand, and factors that contribute to
positive word-of-mouth or word-of-mouse. While large firms can lever-
age their existing brands into global brands over the Internet, smaller and
resource-constrained firms could focus on specific product level brand
reputations. Providing a superior value and careful positioning of the
brand are important and so are providing accurate information through the
Web site, superior service (including critical information and handling
complaints) and keeping promises.
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Global Internet Marketing Strategy 99
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Develop capabilities: The various challenges in enabling a global e-
business can be better countered with external help. There are by now
hundreds of tradeboards, several dozen vertical marketplaces and B2B
hubs that include global buyers and suppliers, and probably several
hundred firms offering specific local country expertise in Web design,
language translations, and transactional and operational logistics as well as
shipping alternatives. Outsourcing various elements of the global e-
business strategy helps obtain better local skills and ensures a low cost exit
strategy, while reducing the risks involved in making large in-house IT
investments. Partnering may be a quick way to gain competence and also
search for unique and innovative solutions (Iyer, 2004).
Innovate, adapt, and improvise: A successful global e-business strat-
egy hinges on (1) innovating to counter global e-challenges and exploit
global e-opportunities; (2) adapting business models, content, and trans-
actions to local environments; and (3) the willingness to improvise swiftly
based on available facts. Innovations in solutions for the design and
delivery of products and services go a long way in exploiting the market
creation potential of the Internet. Adaptations to local environments
minimize the risks of failure and enhance local competitiveness, while fast-
paced improvisations enable the firm to capitalize on new opportunities in
the global market.
Suggestions for Future Research
The preceding discussions on the opportunities and challenges in global Internet
marketing as well as the managerial implications suggest several areas where
further research may be needed.
Comparative Studies on Internet Marketing
While several international organizations have started measuring and compar-
ing the relative levels of Internet infrastructure and e-commerce development
around the world, specific research is definitely needed on the comparative
similarities and differences in the conception, development, and practice of
Internet marketing in different parts of the world. Research is needed on studies
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100 Iyer
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permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.
that uncover consumer perceptions and use of the Internet for shopping, the
relative levels of development of B2B business infrastructure and practices, the
impacts of various Internet-related and firm strategies on e-business success
and marketing performance, and the extent to which customer relationship
management when practiced over the Internet differs across various countries
and cultures.
Impacts of Institutional Factors on Internet Marketing
The preceding discussion has only scratched the surface on the myriad
institutional factors, including but not limited to, laws and regulations and
cultural institutions that must be considered when developing a global Internet
marketing strategy. However, the specific impacts of such institutions on the
development and implementation of Internet marketing strategies need to be
the foci of future research. Research could also uncover how historic institu-
tions affect the practice and success of Internet marketing around the world and
how such institutions contribute to marketing and operational efficiencies over
the Internet.
Customer-Centricity and Relationship Management
Research is needed on how the relationship process (i.e., the links between
customer satisfaction, loyalty, and profitability) differs across various countries
and cultures and how the Internet enables or hampers the development of
profitable customer relationships. The preceding discussion has contended that
the presumed linkages may not exist uniformly across the world, but only
directed future research can reveal the exact nature of the similarities and
differences in relationship processes and the comparative efficacy of relation-
ship management practices.
In conclusion, the Internet is a gold mine of global business opportunities, but
the ability to find the mother lode depends upon precise knowledge of the
terrain, development and use of sophisticated and innovative tools to overcome
barriers, leveraging the expertise of significant partners, pace of competitive
capability building, and, of course, serendipity.
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Global Internet Marketing Strategy 101
Copyright 2005, Idea Group Inc. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written
permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.
The author thanks the Lynn Chair Research Grant and the InternetCoast
Institute Adams Professorship for research support.
Brynjolfsson, E., & Kahin, B. (eds.). (2000). Understanding the digital
economy: Data, tools, and research. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Conn, H.P., & Yip, G.S. (1997). Global transfer of critical capabilities.
Business Horizons, 40(1), 22-32.
Dutta, S., Lanvin, B., & Paua, F. (eds.). (2003). The global information
technology report 2002-2003. New York: Oxford University Press.
Gray, R. (2000, April 13). Make the most of local differences. Marketing, 27-
Grewal, D., Iyer, G.R., Krishnan, R., & Sharma, A. (2003). The Internet and
the price-value-loyalty chain. Journal of Business Research, 56(5),
Guillen, M.F. (2002, May-June). What is the best global strategy for the
internet? Business Horizons, 39-46.
Hall, E.T. (1976). Beyond culture. New York: Anchor Books/Doubleday.
Iyer, G.R. (2004). Internet-enabled linkages: Balancing strategic consider-
ations with operational efficiencies in B-to-B marketing. Journal of
Business-to-Business Marketing, 11(1/2), 35-59.
Iyer, G.R., & Bejou, D. (2003). Customer relationship management in elec-
tronic markets. Journal of Relationship Marketing, 2(3/4), 1-17.
Iyer, G.R., Miyazaki, A.D., Grewal, D., & Giordano, M. (2002). Linking
Web-based segmentation to pricing tactics. Journal of Product and
Brand Management, 11(5), 288-300.
Kogut, B. (ed.). (2003). The global internet economy. Cambridge, MA:
MIT Press.
Levitt, T.H. (1983, May-June). The globalization of markets. Harvard Busi-
ness Review, 61, 92-101.
TEAM LinG - Live, Informative, Non-cost and Genuine !
102 Iyer
Copyright 2005, Idea Group Inc. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written
permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.
Luo, Y. (1999). Entry and cooperative strategies in international business
expansion. Westport, CT: Quorum Books.
McKnight, L.W., Vaaler, P.M., & Katz, R.L. (Eds.). (2001). Creative
destruction: Business survival strategies in the global Internet
economy. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
OECD (2002). OECD information technology outlook: ICTs and the
information economy. Paris: OECD.
Porter, M.E. (1986). Changing patterns of international competition. Califor-
nia Management Review, 28(Winter), 9-31.
Prahalad, C.K., & Doz, Y.L. (1987). The multinational mission: Balancing
local demands and global vision. New York: Free Press.
Samiee, S. (1998). The Internet and international marketing: Is there a fit?
Journal of Interactive Marketing, 12(Autumn), 5-21.
Sarathy, R. (2003). Privacy protection and global marketing: Balancing
consumer and corporate interests. In S. Jain (Ed.), Handbook of re-
search in international marketing (pp. 358-376). Cheltenham, UK:
Edward Elgar.
UNCTAD. (2002). E-commerce and development report 2002. New
York/Geneva: Author.
Vulcan, N. (2003). The economics of e-commerce: A strategic guide to
understanding and designing the online marketplace. Princeton, NJ:
Princeton University Press.
Zugelder, M.T., Flaherty, T.B., & Johnson, J.P. (2000). Legal issues associ-
ated with international internet marketing. International Marketing
Review, 17(3), 253-271.
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Interactive Brand Experience 103
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Chapter VI
Interactive Brand
The Concept and
the Challenges
Mary Lou Roberts, University of Massachusetts Boston, USA
E-marketing has evolved from an environment that was solely direct
response to one that includes significant opportunities for brand
development. Internet marketing uses a rich set of tools to create
exceptional customer experience that results in strong relationships with
the brand. Off-line tools like elements of the brand and image-building
promotional programs are as important as ever in building brand equity.
TEAM LinG - Live, Informative, Non-cost and Genuine !
104 Roberts
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To those have been added online tools, including personalization,
customization, cocreation, purchase-process streamlining, self-service,
brand community, rich media, product self-design tools, and dynamic
pricing. This gives the marketer a rich choiceboard of off-line and online
techniques from which to select the most appropriate for the brand and
any given promotional activity. The challenges are to select the most
effective tools and then to execute flawlessly and seamlessly at all
customer touchpoints to achieve the desired quality of customer experience.
From the onset, marketers have regarded the Internet as the consummate
direct-response medium. The ability to interact one-on-one with customers and
the ability to track their every move allowed precision targeting never before
possible. More recently, it has become clear that the Internet can also be used
in branding efforts. The ability to blend direct response and branding efforts is,
at the same time, the Internets greatest benefit and its ultimate challenge to
marketers. This chapter will examine online branding techniques and consider
their effectiveness. It will then propose a branding concept that will help to
integrate marketing activities in both interactive and traditional media environ-
ments and discuss the challenge posed by the need to integrate communications
channels. Since the acceptance of the Internet as a venue for brand develop-
ment is a relatively new phenomenon, even in terms of the existence of the
Internet, we begin there.
Branding Efforts on the Internet
A direct marketing mindset permeated successful Internet marketing activities
in the early years, one that valued immediate and measurable response and had
little patience for marketing effort with long-term payoffs. It is still reflected
today in the majority of the metricshits, visitors, page views, for examplethat
are the stock in trade of measurement on the Web. As early as 1997, Briggs
and Hollis challenged the widely-held belief that click-through on banner
advertisements was the most important measure of Internet success. Their
experiment found an increase in favorable attitude in all three product catego-
ries used in the study. The impact was greatest in a brand never before
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Interactive Brand Experience 105
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advertised on the Web. The most comprehensive and best-known study of
branding effort on the Internet is the Cross Media Optimization Study of the
Interactive Advertising Bureau. Begun in 2002, the study includes over 30
leading brand marketers and on- and off-line publishers as participants.
Methodology builds on established off-line metrics by adding accepted online
Selected studies provide evidence that Internet advertising does
affect various brand metrics.
One of the earliest was conducted in conjunction with the introduction of
Unilevers Dove Nutrium brand. The basic research design was to run
print advertising only in week one, add online in week two, and television
in week 3. When cost of media placements were included, the study
concluded that keeping the total advertising budget constant but increas-
ing online spending from 2% to 15% would produce an 8% increase in
overall branding impact and 14% increase in purchase intent (http://, no date).
Another study focused on Kimberly-Clarks introduction of the Kleenex
Soft Pack. The media allocation was 75% to television, 23% to print, and
2% to online. The study found that online advertising reached the 42% of
the target audience that is not reached or only lightly reached by television
( pdf/ xmosdatadove.pdf, no date).
A recent study for Volvo used the Sponsorship Effectiveness Index to
compare the effectiveness of shared sponsorship (multiple ad placement
on a single Web page) with exclusive sponsorship in which no other
advertising is present on that particular page at that particular time. The
study concluded that shared exposure resulted in no significant lift in brand
inclusion in the consideration set while exclusive sponsorship resulted in
a 6.1% increase in brand inclusion in the consideration set (http://, 2003).
Other organizations report similar results. British marketing research firm
Taylor Nelson Sofres Interactive conducted four separate studies during 2000
and 2001. The studies showed that online advertising generally did increase
brand awareness, more for unfamiliar and less for familiar brands. However,
higher levels of ad recall were not always correlated with higher levels of brand
awareness (Hughes, 2002). A 2003 study by agency moni-
tored conversions from a credit card offer over a five-day period. They found
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that about 33% of the conversions occurred on the same day as ad exposure,
but only 11% occurred within three hours. In another study, when viewer
activity was monitored for 14 days after initial impression, as many as 85% of
the conversions occurred more than one day after exposure (,
At this point, the evidence seems sufficiently strong to accept the Internet as a
branding medium, the premise that will drive the remainder of this chapter. That
permits us to examine the ways in which the medium can be best used in
branding campaigns. In order to do so, we must first examine the major brand
development models.
Building and Maintaining Brands
In recent years, two models of brand development have emerged. They are
complementary, not competitive.
Brand Equity
Arguably the most widely accepted brand development model is Kellers
Customer-Based Brand Equity Framework (Keller, 1998). It is composed of
tools and objectives (brand elements, marketing programs, and secondary
brand associations) that are mediated through knowledge effects (brand
awareness and associations) with resulting enhancements of brand equity that
include larger margins and greater brand loyalty. Keller expanded on the static
model by providing a series of steps for creating a strong brand: establish the
proper identity, create the appropriate brand meaning, elicit the right brand
responses from customers, and forge strong relationships with them (Keller,
Ilfeld and Winer (2002) studied the development of brand equity on the
Internet. They used a traditional hierarchical approach, adapted to take
Internet differences into account. This allowed them to test three models:
persuasive hierarchy (Think-Feel-Do), low-involvement (Think-Do-Feel),
and no involvement (Do-Think-Feel). Overall, the Think-Do-Feel model
performed significantly better on all measures, suggesting that awareness is
followed by site visitation, which, in turn, is followed by brand equity. They
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Interactive Brand Experience 107
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liken Web visitation (the dependent variable) to mature frequently purchased
product categories (low involvement) in which advertising is useful in building
awareness and driving usage and note that both online and off-line efforts are
Brand Relationship
A different approach is taken by Fournier (1998). In a study of how consumers
develop relationships with their brands, she advances the concept of brand
relationship quality (BRQ). BRQ is a multidimensional construct composed of
positive affective feelings (love/passion, self-connection), behavioral ties (in-
terdependence, commitment), and cognitions (intimacy and brand partner
quality). BRQ is mediated by a number of psychosocial filters with the outcome
determining the stability and durability of the consumer/brand relationship.
Thorbjrnsen et al. (2002) operationalized the BRQ dimensions and tested
whether customer communities (person-to-person interaction) or personalized
Web sites (machine-to-person interaction) were most effective in building
BRQ for hypothetical products. They found that for less experienced consum-
ers, customer communities were more effective. For more experienced users,
personalized Web sites were more effective.
Fourniers (1998) model specifies an outcomethe quality of the relationship
that consumers have with their brands. It is an outcome predicated both on
consumers own life experiences and brand-related marketing actions. Mar-
keters cannot control consumers life experiences; however, they can create
and exercise control over customer experience. We therefore turn next to the
concept of consumer experience.
Customer Experience
The concept of customer experience as a key to brand learning predates the
Internet. Hoch and Deighton (1989) characterize it as a type of learning, a 4-
stage information processing model. They postulate that consumers formulate
working hypotheses for testing, are exposed to evidence about the product,
encode information based on their own familiarity and motivations, and finally
integrate new evidence into their existing belief structures. They distinguish
between learning by description (most advertising falls into this category) and
learning from experience, which is recognized as more effective. Pine and
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Gilmore (1999) popularized the concept of customer experience, saying that
companies stage an experience whenever they engage customers, connecting
with them in a personal, memorable way (p. 3). The word stage is important
and reflects Hoch and Deightons contention that marketers can control the
experiential learning of consumers.
Li, Daugherty, and Biocca (2001) argue that virtual experience is similar to
indirect experience in that it is mediated. It is also similar to direct experience
in that both are interactive. Their research found virtual experience to be an
active psychological process. It was accompanied by three other characteris-
tics: presencewhich they define as a sense of being in another place generated
by indirect experienceinvolvement, and enjoyment. They conclude that virtual
experience consists of vivid, involving, active, and affective states that are
closer to direct than to indirect experience.
The concept of customer experience encompasses all the marketer-initiated
activities that influence brand equity. Learning, or indirect experience, takes
place in the traditional media. Direct experience is gained at the point of
purchase and in actual use. Experience gained through interactive media,
particularly the Internet, has characteristics of both direct and indirect experi-
ence. Figure 1 summarizes the relationship of the brand development concepts.
It identifies customer experience as the mediating factor between the marketers
efforts to create brand equity and the consumers perception of the quality of
relationship with the brand. It is therefore critical that marketers use all the
techniques at their disposal to create meaningful experience, a subject to which
we will return at the end of this chapter. The Internet is the newest of the
channels for experience creation, and it is likely that developments in technol-
ogy will generate even more branding techniques in the years to come. It is
Figure 1. The role of customer experience in brand development
Figure 1. The role of customer experience in brand development

In Off-line Media In Retail Store In Consumption/Use
Brand Relationship Quality
Improved/Reinforced = Loyalty
Unsatisfactory/Not Reinforced = Decay

In Online Media
Indirect Direct
Customer Experience Brand Equity Creation
Brand Elements, Marketing
Programs, Secondary Brand
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Interactive Brand Experience 109
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critically important that marketers understand the existing techniques, integrate
those into their existing marketing programs, and be vigilant as new techniques
continue to emerge.
Online Brand Development Techniques
In 2000, consultants at McKinsey identified tools that can be used to create
digital brandspersonalization, customization, cocreation, purchase-process
streamlining, self-service, product design toolkits, and dynamic pricing (Dayal,
Landesberg & Zeisser, 2000). Since then, technology has added rich media to
the list. Research has also demonstrated that brand community can be built or
strengthened on the Web (see, for example, Bagozzi & Dholakia, 2002).
Astute use of these tools and techniques creates an interactive environment in
which meaningful dialog can take place between marketer and customer. Each
of these techniques brings interesting possibilities to branding programs. It is
also important to keep in mind that these techniques are available in addition to
the traditional brand elements and secondary associations. Elements like the
brand name and logo and associations like the company and its channels of
distribution are the foundation of all branding activities. Before we look at the
specific interactive techniques, we should consider the concept and importance
of interactivity itself.
In an early and influential study, Hoffman and Novak (1996) introduced the
concept of the computer mediated environment (networks) in which both
machines and persons could interact in a one-to-one or many-to-many fashion.
There are still interactive media that do not directly involve the InternetCD-
ROMs and ATMs come to mindbut higher access speeds have made the
Internet the focal point of interest in interactivity. Hoffman and Novak (1996)
also introduced the concept of flow to the marketing literature. They describe
it as a state in which irrelevant thoughts and perceptions are screened out and
the consumer focuses entirely on the interaction (p. 58).
It seems reasonable to assume that brand-related learning is enhanced by the
flow state, but there is no evidence that flow is required. Liu and Shrum (2002)
did, in fact, find that higher interactivity provided a more involving experience
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110 Roberts
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that lead to greater user learning. Their definition of interactivity includes three
dimensions: active control by the user, two-way communication, and
synchronicity (simultaneous input and response). A later study by Liu (2003)
developed an interactivity scale using the three dimensions that were shown to
have both validity and reliability. An empirical study of interactivity by McMillan
and Hwang (2002) revealed three dimensions that are similar but not precisely
the same. They called their dimensions real-time conversation, no delay, and
These studies support the conventional marketing wisdom (see, for example,
Underscore Marketing, 2003) that asserts that well-done interaction engages
the visitor, enhancing learning and increasing the likelihood of immediate or
delayed behavioral response. This, in turn, suggests that the concept of
interactive customer experience is worth pursuing. Figure 2 shows the interac-
tive brand development tools along with an assessment of whether they are
primarily the result of machine interactivity or person interactivity or whether
they can be either, depending on the nature of the marketing program employed
at a given time. We will briefly examine the empirical evidence supporting use
of the tools. The evidence is useful, but it does not provide a road map for the
practicing manager who wishes to use the techniques. Consequently, recom-
mended executions will be suggested. These are stated as managerial propo-
sitions, but they could be reframed as research propositions.
Database marketers have personalized communications with name and tar-
geted content for at least two decades. It is a technique easily transferred to the
Web. Applications range from greeting an identified user by name when
entering a site to using active server pages to deliver content targeted to the
users known interests to serving advertising on the basis of anonymous profiles
or profiles of registered users.
Marketers appear to believe that personalization is good and that more
personalization must be even better. Witness the training of service personnel
that instructs them to greet customers by name. Clearly, there are some
environments in which personalized customer contact produces a profitable
return. Harrahs Entertainment Inc. has invested heavily in loyalty programs and
databases to identify and profile its high-value customers. Salespeople (direct
experience) have data at hand that show customer value and allow them to offer
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Interactive Brand Experience 111
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incentives, such as better rooms to entice high-value customers. Their system
also drives impersonal contact (indirect experience), including follow-up
mailings to invite customers to return to Harrahs (Levinson, 2001). Payback
on personalization efforts are not always realized, however. A study by Jupiter
Communications did not find that personalization of Web sites influenced
consumers to purchase more. Easy navigation was, however, found to be
effective. The study also points out that personalization of e-mails does
generate greater impact (Gonsalves, 2003). Holland and Baker (2001) suggest
that personalization is effective for both task-oriented and experiential Web site
users if it permits them to better fulfill their objectives.
Dahlen, Rasch, and Rosengren (2003) found that visits to sites of expressive
high-involvement products were longer with more pages visited and resulted in
more positive brand attitude while visits to sites of functional low-involvement
products produced less activity and no change in brand attitude. These studies
suggest that marketers should carefully consider the nature of the product and
the motivation of Web site visitors before investing in personalization.
Recommended execution. Personalization that seems forced or irrelevantfor
example, greeting the visitor by name when entering a siteprovides little
benefit. However, personalization that allows the visitor to complete a task
quickly and efficiently will be welcomed. This type of personalization ranges
from customized site content to segmented e-mails with variable content.
It seems reasonable that the next step after personalization of content would be
customization of products and services. There is, however, confusion between
definitions of personalization and customization that renders this statement hard
to evaluate. Nunes and Kambil (2001) define personalization as reliance on
algorithms that uncover patterns in customer data and extrapolate to make
recommendations directly to consumers or to personalize Web page content.
They contend that customization lets site visitors specify the desired content.
Wind and Rangaswamy (2001) carefully use the term mass customization to
refer to products that are made to customers specifications using flexible
manufacturing techniques. They add a new concept, customerization, which
they define as transforming marketing from seller-centric to customer-centric.
Ansari and Mela (2003) call the process of providing individualized content e-
customization. Their research indicated that optimization techniques that
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varied both content and order of presentation in persuasive e-mails could
increase the click-through rate.
It seems reasonable to employ the term mass customization to refer to made-
to-order products, as practiced by some manufacturers for over a decade
(Pine, Victor & Boynton, 1993). Then personalization can be used to describe
marketer-initiated individualization (either machine-to-machine or person-to-
machine), and customization can be reserved for customer-initiated choice of
content alternatives in computer-mediated environments. Personalization and
customization then become clearly differentiated alternatives for the marketer
to employ in pursuit of satisfying interactive customer experiences.
Recommended execution. Customization of content from choice menusfor
example, personalized pages on portals and content sitesis widespread. It
transfers control to the customer who selects either site or e-mail content, and
customers welcome this type of control. Which products are worth the extra
effort of customization is a matter for marketer testing. Expensive bicycles have
been customized for several years, and Lands Ends offering of custom jeans
and chinos has expanded to blouses and shirts, suggesting success. The
difficulty of finding exactly the right fit in a particular product, regardless of its
price, may be the relevant variable.
Figure 2. The interactive branding tools

Personalization Cocreation

Interactive Brand Experience
Customization Dynamic Pricing
Rich Media
Self-Service Purchase-Process

Product Self-
Design Tools

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Interactive Brand Experience 113
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Sawhney and Prandelli (2000) called the phenomenon communities of cre-
ation in which knowledge is created in a distributed network. Prahalad and
Ramaswamy (2000) applied the concept to marketing when they pointed out
that consumers have become active players in creating content through focused
dialog, software tools such as collaborative filtering, and online communities.
They state that customers can help to cocreate their own experiences and, in
so doing, determine the level of involvement they wish to have with the brand.
Whether the process involves direct personal contact as occurs in eBay
auctions, or is machine-based like Amazons use of collaborative filtering,
cocreation can be a highly engaging activity.
Recommended execution. Customers like to converse and contribute in a
variety of environments ranging from Amazon to B2B procurement sites.
Marketers should use collaborative techniques not only to create content but
also to gain useful data and insight about customers behaviors and attitudes.
Dynamic Pricing
Priceline in the consumer marketplace and FreeMarkets in B2B provide
evidence that dynamic pricing can be a key element of an Internet business
model. Wyner (2001) points out that customers experience price in a different
way on the Web. In the physical world, price is most often a take-it-or-leave-
it feature. On the Internet, consumers have a range of options they can use to
search for the best prices and decide which e-retailer to patronize. They begin
to consider price as a transparent and reasonably controllable product feature.
Recommended execution. Marketers must recognize and try to take advan-
tage of the availability of extensive price information on the Internet. For low
cost/low price marketer, this may be relatively easy. For marketers who cannot
offer lowest prices, turning to a differentiation technique like product self-
design may be an option.
Product Self-Design Tools
A choiceboard can be used to implement product self-design. Bovet and
Martha (2000) state that a choiceboard has four key elements: a communica-
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tion process, the ability to capture real demand, real-time choice management,
and the resulting configured-to-order product. Thomke and von Hippel (2002)
describe the process by which some business marketers are moving aspects of
product innovation activity to their customers. They use the term tool kits to
describe rapid-prototyping methods that are being deployed for customer use.
Whatever the term used to describe the methodology, experts agree that
customer product self-design is likely to experience rapid expansion in the
coming years.
Recommended execution. As in customization, the customers desire for
control over product features may be a powerful force in many categories.
Marketers should ensure that the options being offered are relevant and that the
self-design tools work seamlessly. A customer-unfriendly experience may
discourage potential users for some time to come.
Purchase-Process Streamlining
The best-known example of purchase-process streamlining is Amazons 1-
Click process. Their customers can enter information about purchaser and
payment method, which is then stored for future use. It is also the most
controversial example because Amazon applied for and received a patent for
the underlying software that has been disputed by other Internet retailers
(Gleick, 2002). Nevertheless, other sites have implemented processes that
make it easy to purchase, increasing the likelihood that customers will return to
those sites for future purchases.
Recommended execution. Filling out the required e-commerce forms can be
an annoying task, especially if they do not work properly at that particular
moment. Consequently, purchase-process streamlining should be used when-
ever possible. However, saving data that includes customer credit card
numbers puts a heavy burden of security on the marketer. Marketers can use
this to their advantage by creating a secure purchasing environment and
communicating this to customers in a manner that fosters trust.
Self-service, either on the Internet or through other electronic technologies, is
a growing force as companies try to provide customers with more service
alternatives at the same they lower their service costs. Meuter et al. (2000)
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found 56% of their respondents describing satisfactory self-service encounters
and 44% reporting unsatisfactory encounters over a broad range of technolo-
gies. Moon and Frei (2000) suggested that, in order to make self-service
satisfactory, companies must limit the range of choices and streamline the self-
service process. In a study of the effect of technology anxiety on use of self-
service options, Meuter et al. (2003) identified five benefits of self-service:
effectiveness, enjoyment/independence, higher quality, cost savings, and lack
of other options. Howard and Worboys (2003) add that firms must actively
promote the benefits of self-service, which they identify primarily as cost and
time saving, in order to promote consumer adoption. Overall, it appears that
consumers are willing to use self-service options when they solve a difficult
problem, are better than the alternatives, and work properly (Bitner, Ostrom
& Meuter, 2002).
Recommended execution. Transitioning Internet customers from more expen-
sive service options like call centers to self-service is in the economic best
interests of marketers. However, they need to ensure that the service options
are robust and that they include human interaction if self-service cannot resolve
the customers issue.
Rich Media
While there is no universally accepted definition of rich media, the IAB defines
it as a method of communication that incorporates animation, sound, video,
and/or interactivity ( Ad serv-
ing firm DoubleClick (2003) reported that rich media increased from 17.3% of
ads served in the first quarter of 2002 to 36.6% in the third quarter of 2003.
Further, they report that for firms using the click-through metric, click-throughs
were greater from rich media ads than from traditional banner ads (1.57% to
.29%) (
trend_reports/dc_q303adservingtrends_0310.pdf). Marketing research firm
Dynamic Logic (2002) finds that rich media ads are twice as effective as
traditional ads in lifting the message association metric (the ability to link a
specific brand with a specific message).
Recommended execution. The empirical data suggest that rich media can be
a powerful marketing tool for both direct response and branding. If intrusive
for example, pop-upsit can also annoy consumers. Marketers therefore need
to test rich media for appropriate offers and carefully measure the lift it provides
to their marketing efforts as well as any backlash it creates among customers.
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Brand Community
Defined as a structured set of social relationships among admirers of a brand
(Muniz & OGuinn, 2001), brand community is not an Internet-specific
phenomenon. The H.O.G. (Harley Owners Group) association of motorcycle
enthusiasts has been extensively documented (see, for example, Fournier,
McAlexander & Schouten, 2000). McAlexander, Schouten and Koenig
(2002) studied the Jeep user group. Muniz and OGuinn (2001) studied Saab
and MacIntosh user groups, noting the importance of product-related Web
sites in group activities. Holland and Baker (2001) note that many Web sites
are encouraging the development of virtual communities in the belief that they
promote brand loyalty. Bagozzi and Dholakia (2002) add that consumers are
motivated to participate in virtual communities both by personal and group
intentions, expecting to derive satisfaction on both dimensions.
Recommended execution. Marketers are looking for features that will draw
users to their sites more often for longer visits, and brand communities may be
one answer. They are, in fact, one type of cocreation of content and should be
treated as both a customer-pleasing feature and a source of marketing-relevant
This overview of Internet brand development tools has made it clear that many
are not, in fact, unique to the Internet. They are also practiced in the off-line
world by direct personal or indirect media contact. They are all, however, well
suited to the interactive environment of the Internet and therefore represent an
especially valuable set of marketer options.
The Marketing Challange
From the beginning of this chapter, it has been stressed that Internet brand
development techniques do not exist in isolation from the traditional off-line
methodologies. The challenge for the marketer is twofold. First is to identify the
appropriate techniques and the media best suited to deliver them. Second is to
execute seamlessly at all contact points.
These contact points (often called touchpoints in the trade literature) include
human, impersonal, and technological channels. The Internet, other electronic
media, retail stores, and events are characterized as producing direct brand
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Interactive Brand Experience 117
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experience because of their interactivity and immediacy. Using the same
criteria, sales promotions, mass media, and public relations produce indirect
brand experience. Traditional direct marketing, which is interactive but lacks
immediacy, can be thought of as producing indirect brand experience.
Many, if not most, marketers today use multiple channels of distribution as well
as multiple communications channels. Retail stores, catalogs, and a Web site
represent one typical set of channels. Appropriate communications channels
must be chosen for each specific marketing initiative. Interactive user-driven
experiences are appropriate for the Web while events can be used in either the
retail or Internet channels. Catalogs are a traditional direct marketing tech-
nique. And so it goes, with an extensive set of combinations available for use.
The challenge to marketers is complicated even further by the variety of
technologies that can be employed in the communications process. A retail
bank can offer its customers the ability to interact through retail branches,
telephone call centers, ATMs, or over the Internet. Many are now considering
adding wireless Internet banking to the existing technological infrastructure.
Marketers, then, must choose distribution channels and communicate through
them in appropriate ways using the most effective technologies. The number of
possible combinations is enormous. The difficult of simultaneously executing
with excellence in all of them is marketings great contemporary challenge.
Managerial Implications
There are a number of factors that marketers should consider as they confront
this marketing strategy challenge. The first is that it is a moving target. The
marketing choiceboard discussed in the preceding section is already complex;
technology is likely to add more options as time goes on. It is important that
managers stay abreast of changing technology and adopt it when it provides
value. It is equally important to reject technology for technologys sake.
Marketers are only in the beginning stages of mounting complex interactive
programs that involve the Internet. There is no road map to guide the many
choices enumerated in this chapter. Research is important. Testing of pro-
grams, as practiced in direct marketing for many years, is essential.
Research indicates that most Internet users are task focused, but there may also
be segments that are entertainment- or experience-oriented.
Marketers need
to facilitate task accomplishment in all possible ways, many of which are
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represented by the Interactive branding tools. The experience-oriented con-
sumer is eager for interactivity, often represented by advertainment,
edutainment, or traditional games. The objective must be to embed the brand
message in experience-producing activities. Internet metrics like return visits
and time spent on site are useful in assessing how well customers are being
served. Relevant metrics are also available for advertising and e-mail programs.
Development of customer scenarios can also help marketers understand how
consumers use their site and their electronic communications. The empirical
evidence about Interactive Brand Experience and the tools used to create it
presented in this chapter show that we are beginning to accumulate valuable
data about individual tools. The research to date, however, focuses almost
exclusively on individual tools in individual channels. Except for the IAB
studies, there is virtually no published research on the effect on brand
development of executions of the same message in various channels or the use
of different supporting messages in diverse channels. Understanding interac-
tions between channels and messages, both online and off-line, is critical to
success in multichannel marketing. Increased understanding of the interactions
will help marketers meet the challenge of using the right combination of tools to
create Interactive Brand Experience that support and enhance overall customer
experience and foster the development of strong brand equity.
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evidence. Retrieved October 12, 2004, from
Ilfeld, J., & Winer, R. (2002). Generating website traffic. Journal of Adver-
tising Research, 42, 49-61.
TEAM LinG - Live, Informative, Non-cost and Genuine !
120 Roberts
Copyright 2005, Idea Group Inc. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written
permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.
Keller, K. (1998). Strategic brand management.. Upper Saddle River, NJ:
Prentice Hall.
Keller, K. (2001, July-August). Building customer-based brand equity. Mar-
keting Management, 15-19.
Levinson, M. (2001, May). Harrahs knows what you did last night. Darwin.
Retrieved October 12, 2004, from
Li, H., Daugherty, T., & Biocca, F. (2001). Characteristics of virtual experi-
ence in electronic commerce: A protocol analysis. Journal of Interac-
tive Marketing, 15, 13- 30.
Liu, Y. (2003, June). Developing a scale to measure the interactivity of
websites. Journal of Advertising Research, 207-216.
Liu, Y., & Shrum, L.J. (2002). What is interactivity and is it always such a good
thing? Journal of Advertising, 31, 53-64.
McAlexander, J.H., Schouten, J.W., & Koenig, H.F. (2002). Building brand
community. Journal of Marketing, 86, 36-54.
McMillan, S.J., & Hwang, J. (2002). Measures of perceived interactivity: An
exploration of the role of direction of communication, user control, and
time in shaping perceptions of interactivity. Journal of Advertising, 31,
Meuter, M.L., Ostrom, A.L., Bitner, M.J., & Roundtree, R. (2000). Self-
service technologies: Understanding customer satisfaction with technol-
ogy-based service encounters. Journal of Marketing, 64, 50-64.
Meuter, M.L., Ostrom, A.L., Bitner, M.J., & Roundtree, R. (2003). The
influence of technology anxiety on consumer use and experiences with
self-service technologies. Journal of Business Research, 56, 899-906.
Moon, Y., & Frei, F.X. (2000, May-June). Exploding the self-service myth.
Harvard Business Review, 26-27.
Muniz, A.M., Jr., & OGuinn, T.C. (2001). Brand community. Journal of
Consumer Research, 27, 412-432.
Nunes, P.F., & Kambil, A. (2001, April). Personalization? No thanks.
Harvard Business Review, 2-3.
Pine, B.J, & Gilmore, J.H. (1999). The experience economy. Boston, MA:
Harvard Business School Press.
Pine, B.J., Victor, B., & Boynton, A.C. (1993, September-October). Making
mass customization work. Harvard Business Review, 108-116.
TEAM LinG - Live, Informative, Non-cost and Genuine !
Interactive Brand Experience 121
Copyright 2005, Idea Group Inc. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written
permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.
Prahalad, C.K., & Ramaswamy, V. (2000, January-February). Co-opting
customer competence. Harvard Business Review, 79-87.
Roberts, M.L. (2003). Internet marketing: Integrating online and offline
strategies. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Sawhney, M., & Prandelli, E. (2000). Communities of creation: Managing
distributed innovation in turbulent markets. California Management
Review, 42, 24-54.
Thomke, S., & von Hippel, E. (2002, April). Customers as innovators.
Harvard Business Review, 74-81.
Thorbjrnsen, G., Supphellen, M., Nysveen, H., & Pedersen, P.E. (2002).
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applications. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 16, 17-34.
Underscore Marketing. (2003). The Web offers involvement branding. Re-
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mass customization. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 15, 13-32.
Wyner, G.A. (2000). Customer experience on the Web. Marketing Manage-
ment, Winter, 6-7.
See the Advertising Research Foundation Media Model (http://
web.pdf) for a description of the model and associated metrics for each
stage that forms the basis for IAB research methodology. IAB also notes
that the methodology is recognized by the European Society for Opinion
and Marketing Research (ESOMAR).
See Roberts (2003), especially pages 161-174 for a discussion of
Internet consumer behavior and market segments.
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122 Lindgreen & Vanhamme
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Chapter VII
Viral Marketing:
The Use of Surprise
Adam Lindgreen,
Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
Jolle Vanhamme,
Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Viral marketing involves consumers passing along a companys marketing
message to their friends, family, and colleagues. This chapter reviews
viral marketing campaigns and argues that the emotion of surprise often
is at work and that this mechanism resembles that of word-of-mouth
marketing. Examining the literature on the emotion of surprise, the
chapter next explains how a surprise is created and shared. Overall, the
chapter shows how surprise can be a useful tool in a viral marketing
campaign. Lastly, conclusions of interest to managers are drawn.
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Viral Marketing 123
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Viral marketing has been described as the process of getting customers to pass
along a companys marketing message to friends, family, and colleagues
(Laudon & Traver, 2001, p. 381). Like a virus, information about the company
and its products and services is spread to the customers, the customers
customers, and so on, and a huge network will rapidly be created. For example,
HTTP:\\WWW.HOTMAIL.COM spread to 11 million users in only 18
months (Kelly, 2000), and PayPal acquired more than 3 million users in its first
9 months of workings (De Bruyn & Lilien, 2003). Viral marketing has now
gained tremendously in popularity, and world-known companies have jumped
on the bandwagon: Budweiser, Kelloggs, Levis, Nestl, and Virgin Cinemas.
However, there is still only a limited understanding of this marketing technique
(Borroff, 2000). Consider also Helm (2000) who contends that definitions
and backgrounds are hardly focused (p. 158). Other authors argue in a similar
vein (Brodin, 2000; De Bruyn & Lilien, 2003; Diorio, 2001). For example, De
Bruyn and Lilien (2003) posit that it is difficult to...explain why and how [viral
marketing] works (p. 4).
Brewer (2001) agrees that viral marketing otherwise known as referral
marketing (Brewer, 2001; Murphy, 2002) - is the process of getting custom-
ers to pass along a companys marketing message to friends, family, and
colleagues (Laudon & Traver, 2001, p. 381), but adds that the cost of viral
marketing is only incremental. Viral marketers make use of consumer-to-
consumer communications, which are both rapid and cheap (Laudon & Traver,
2001). Helm (2000) understands viral marketing as a type of advertising that
is almost like an online version of word-of-mouth advertising (c.f., Beckmann
& Bell, 2000). Viral marketing does not necessarily have to take place over the
web. However, with the Internet facilitating consumer interconnections dra-
matically (De Bruyn & Lilien, 2003) viral marketing has become a buzzword
for viral marketing campaigns happening through the Internet. Viral marketing
can be used for both promoting and distributing products (Helm, 2000).
Brodie (2001) argues that one of the oldest examples of a viral marketing
campaign is the Gospel and the Christian missionaries preaching the life and
teaching of Jesus. One of the probably most famous viral marketing campaigns
is that of The Blair Witch Project where the budget for the movies release was
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124 Lindgreen & Vanhamme
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just $2.5 million, but the movie grossed $245 million in worldwide box office
sales. Before the movie was released, Artisan Entertainment, the maker of the
movie, created much interest in the movie by giving it the air of a documentary
and supporting it with an Internet site. People then talked about The Blair
Witch Project and referred their friends to the site (Bernard & Jallat, 2001;
Rasmusson, 2000). Other famous viral marketing campaigns include Anheuser-
Buschs Budweiser Wassup, Lees Buddy Lee mascot, Kinetixs free Danc-
ing Baby animation sample, Blue Mountain Arts greeting card service, and
Virgin Mobiles Red Academy campaign. Interestingly, Seth Godins book
Unleash the Ideavirus, itself about viral marketing, was originally made
available free-of-charge on, and readers could send
a full electronic version of the book to their friends.
So What is Viral Marketing?
Through viral marketing, products are diffused fast because users are taken to
the home page by the person who referred them to the home page (Helm,
2000). Viral marketing involves (1) users who know each other (compare the
Refer-a-Friend program of; Reichheld & Schefter, 2000) and (2)
users who do not know each other (compare the sites of and that provide objective product reviews to interested
consumers; Laudon & Traver, 2001). In good viral marketing campaigns, the
product is only on offer on the Internet and contains real value for the potential
customer. Also, a company chooses very carefully which people should first
pass on the viral marketing message, as the creation of viral networks rests on
these people (Bannan, 2000; Harvard Management Update, 2000; Helm,
Viral marketing strategies can be classified according to the degree of requiring
the customers activity in forwarding the viral marketing message (Helm, 2000):
low and high integration strategies. The former strategies include Send this
story to a friend icons and can be used for Web-hosted address books,
calendars, list servers, newsgroup readers, and greeting card services. The
latter strategies require the active participation of the customer in reaching new
users who may have to download special programs (Helm, 2000; Jurvetson &
Draper, 1998). De Bruyn and Lilien (2003) echo this when they discuss
intentional viral message dissemination (e.g., PayPal or the Recommend It
TEAM LinG - Live, Informative, Non-cost and Genuine !
Viral Marketing 125
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that is known from numerous Web sites) and unintentional viral message
dissemination (e.g.,
Viral marketing-based online referrals are usually sent to people who are not
actively seeking information and therefore not a priori willing to pay attention
to them (De Bruyn & Lilien, 2003, p. 4). Still, studies suggest that viral
marketing is effective as a means of drawing high response rates. It is
responsible for almost 60% of customer visits to Web sites (Schweinsberg,
2000). Up to 15% of shoppers who receive a viral message follow the links with
the highest rate in business-to-business markets (Rigby, Siddle & Chu, 2000).
This is reflected in the value of companies that build their success on viral
marketing. ICQ was sold to for $287 million in 1998; Microsoft
acquired for $400 million; and Yahoo bought GeoCities! for $4
billion in stock (De Bruyn & Lilien, 2003; Helm, 2000).
E-commerce was originally fought on price, which meant that the middleman
was cut out so that margins could be stripped. When the market became
flooded with numerous cut-price competitors, e-commerce examined ways of
retaining customers. Clicks-and-mortar companies should now, Rigby, Siddle,
and Chu (2000) posit, seek to win hearts meaning that companies must learn
to delight their customers through excellent service, online and off (p. 1).
Interestingly, from Table 1, which summarizes what has been identified as
driving viral marketing campaigns, it is seen that the ability to elicit affective
reactions and/or the personal affective attachment/involvement seems to un-
derline most of these programs. This chapter thus argues that emotions are key
drivers of viral marketing campaigns and that surprise is a particularly important
emotion to consider if a campaign is to be successful. This is in line with Rigby,
Siddle, and Chu (2000), as well as Rust and his colleagues, namely that
companies need to move beyond mere satisfaction to customer delight (Rust,
Zahorik & Keiningham, 1996, p. 229) and that the features that have the
capacity to delight are those that aresurprisingly pleasant (Rust & Oliver,
2000, p. 87). Table 1 gives an overview of the different mechanisms that have
been suggested in the literature. Some companies believe that viral marketing
works for all kinds of products (Brown, 2001); other companies think that viral
marketing is appropriate as a nice tool, whereas its value as a mass marketing
tool should be assessed on a project-by-project basis (Regan, 2002).
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126 Lindgreen & Vanhamme
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Table 1. Mechanisms behind viral marketing
Mechanism(s) Source and Explanation Mechanism(s) Source and Explanation
amusement, irritation
Splash of Paint: People are
directed to the companys
Internet site by entertaining,
amusing, and/or irritating them.
Coolness, fun
Virgin Atlantic: Customers pass
on the message when they think
it is cool or fun, or if the offer is
second to none.
Fun, quirk,
Specific and
relevant to the person
Claritas: Viral marketing
campaigns should be funny,
quirky, or amusing, or
something that is very specific
and relevant to the individual
irreverent humor
Clark McKay and Walpole
Interactive: The messages
drawing highest response rates
are those who have elements of
violence, pornography, or
irreverent humor.
Fun, humor,
excitement (jokes,
Fabulous Bakin Boys: Its Web
site supports the muffin products
with flash animation sites, fun,
jokes, as well as games that
people can download and
forward to their friends.
Comic strips,
video clips
Comic strips and video clips
grab the attention of people who
then forward the content to their
friends (Harvard Management
Update, 2000).
Internet strategies must have
high levels of emotional content,
including interactivity, the
ability to involve other people,
chat rooms, and the creation of
online community (Barnes &
Cumby, 2002).
Contests and
Contests and humor are
important elements in
successful campaigns, which
can also be successful if they
have important advice to
customers (Zimmerman, 2001).
Nature of the
Online tenure of
the audience
Sage Marketing & Consulting
Inc.: The success of viral
marketing is dependent on (1)
the nature of the industry that
the company is in; (2) the online
tenure of the audience; and (3)
the topic. People are more likely
to pass on information about
products like entertainment,
music, Internet, and software.
Controversy A company gains publicity
when the media writes about
controversy on its Web sites,
and competitors will have to
deal with the company. But
such word-of-mouth marketing
can be dangerous because
dissatisfied customers are more
likely to share their negative
experience than satisfied
customers (Wilson & Abel,
deliberately deceptive
believed narrative,
typically false
Anecdotal claims
So-called urban legends and
folklore can be organized as (1)
false, deliberately deceptive
information; (2) popularly
believed narrative, typically
false; (3) anecdotal claims,
which may be true, false, or in
between; (4) and junk. Such
stories are frequently forwarded
to friends, family, and
colleagues (Urban Legends,
Fun, intrigue,
Offer of
financial incentives
Need to create
network externalities
People pass on messages if they
find the product benefits to be
fun, intriguing, or valuable for
others; if they are given
financial incentives for doing
so; or if they feel a need to
create network externalities (De
Bruyn & Lilien, 2003).

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Viral Marketing 127
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The Emotion of Suprise
Our understanding of the emotion of surprise in a marketing context is rather
limited and originates largely from the psychology literature (compare Lindgreen
& Vanhamme, 2003). Indeed, only few researchers have attempted to examine
the effects of surprise on relevant different marketing variables, such as word-
of-mouth, customer satisfaction, and customer retention (e.g., Derbaix &
Vanhamme, 2003; Vanhamme & Snelders, 2001; Vanhamme, Lindgreen &
Brodie, 1999).
Surprise is a short-lived emotion characterized by a specific pattern of
reactions (Reisenzein, Meyer & Schtzwohl, 1996). (For a detailed review,
see Vanhamme & Snelders, 2001.) When products, services, or attributes are
unexpected or misexpected, they elicit surprise (Ekman & Friesen, 1975).
Unexpected denotes vague and not well-defined expectations about a prod-
uct, service, or attribute while misexpected denotes precise expectations
about a product, service, or attribute that do not occur, however. Both
unexpected and misexpected products, services, or attributes form a schema
discrepancy that is a type of private, normally informal, inarticulate, and
unreflective theory about the nature of objects, events, or situations (Schtzwohl,
1998). The appropriateness of a personal schema is continuously (and rela-
tively unconsciously) checked against the surrounding environment (Schtzwohl,
1998). Surprise is elicited as soon as reality diverges from the schema and
results in processes that aim at eradicating the schema discrepancy, which can
lead, if necessary, to updating of the schema (Reisenzein, Meyer & Schtzwohl,
Despite the emotion of surprise being neutral, it is frequently succeeded by
another emotion that colors it positively (e.g., surprise + joy) or negatively (e.g.,
surprise + anger), which explains why people talk about good/positive sur-
prises and bad/negative surprises (Ekman & Friesen, 1975). Here the terms
positive surprise and negative surprise also refer to the blend of surprise with
a subsequent positive and negative emotion, respectively. It is also worth
mentioning that surprise, through its intrinsic arousal, amplifies subsequent
affective reactions (Desai, 1939), implying that people who feel joy (anger)
after having been surprised will feel more joyful (be angrier) than if they had not
previously been surprised.
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128 Lindgreen & Vanhamme
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Emotionize Viral Marketing
The referral mechanism behind viral marketing resembles that of word-of-
mouth marketing (e.g., Buttle, 1997; Helm, 2000; Lindberg-Repo & Grnroos,
1999): positive WOM [word-of-mouth] occurs when good news testimonials
and endorsements desired by the company are uttered [and] negative WOM
is the mirror image (Buttle, 1997, p. 4). But Bansal and Voyer (2000) posit
that there is surprisingly little empirical research that examines [word-of-
mouth] procedural aspects (p. 166). The chapter now proceeds to examine,
first, the similarities and differences between viral marketing and word-of-
mouth and, second, the potential benefits of employing the emotion of surprise
as a viral marketing driver. Beckmann and Bell (2000) found differences
between viral marketing and word-of-mouth marketing that can have implica-
tions for the applications of each approaches. For example, viral messages are
spread more quickly to a larger number of people than word-of-mouth
messages. Viral messages largely rely on visual stimuli, both text and imagery,
whereas word-of-mouth messages most often are verbal or face-to-face
communication. Also, it is easier for a company to control the nature and
content of a viral message because world-of-mouth messages depend on the
sender, meaning that the message can become compromised over time. Lastly,
word-of-mouth marketing typically involves two-way communication with
receiver feedback, and the likelihood that the receiver will attend to the whole
message is greater in word-of-mouth marketing.
That viral marketing draws high response rates is in agreement with findings on
how word-of-mouth influences consumers choices and purchase decisions,
shapes their expectations, pre-usage attitudes, and post-usage perceptions of
products and services, as well as the fact that the influence of word-of-mouth
often is greater than more impersonal communication, such as advertising. For
a review, we refer to Lilien and his colleagues (De Bruyn & Lilien, 2003) who
have also reviewed research on how word-of-mouth works: Consumers
engage in word-of-mouth when they are highly satisfied or dissatisfied, when
they feel committed to a company, or when a product or service is novel.
Further, word-of-mouth is more likely to be at play if consumers know little
about a product category, or if they are deeply involved in a purchase decision.
Lastly, the influence of personal sources of information is higher than that of
other sources because of source expertise, tie strength, demographic similarity,
and perceptual affinity.
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Viral Marketing 129
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According to Westbrook (1987), salient positive or negative emotions stimu-
late word-of-mouth communication, and the influence of positive and negative
emotions is not mediated by satisfaction or its cognitive antecedents (i.e.,
expectation and disconfirmation beliefs). In the same vein, Maute and Dub
(1999) use a mental simulation of a core service failure and show that emotional
responses accounted for a large part (about 30%) of the explained variance of
word-of-mouth intentions. Derbaix and Vanhamme (2003) also present evi-
dence that the emotion of surprise has a strong influence on word-of-mouth
(that is not fully mediated by subsequent positive or negative emotions). Since
the differences observed between word-of-mouth marketing and viral market-
ing (Beckmann & Bell, 2000) do not relate to the emotional content or the effect
of the message, we argue that emotionsand more specifically, surpriseare
likely to play an important role in creating an effective viral marketing campaign.
The influence of positive and negative emotions and the emotion of surprise on
viral marketing messages can be related to the phenomenon of social sharing
of emotions. This is defined as a phenomenon involving (1) the evocation of
the emotion in a socially shared language and (2) at least at the symbolic level
at some addressee (Rim et al., 1992, p. 228) (e.g., to another person) in a
diary. People, who experience everyday life emotions, initiate communication
processes during which they share parts of their private experiences with social
partners (i.e., family, friends, and colleagues). Only about 10% of emotional
experiences are kept secret and never socially shared with anyone (Rim et al.,
1992). There is also evidence that the more disruptive an event is, the sooner
and the more frequently it is shared. Social sharing of emotions is also positively
related to the intensity of the emotions (Rim et al., 1998). Further, the process
does not stop after the first social sharing. Instead, people who are part of the
social sharing of emotions initiate a secondary social sharing process; the more
intense the emotional event has been, the more people engage in this secondary
social sharing process (Christophe & Rim, 1997), and an entire network is
Surprise constitutes a spectrum of changes, such as interruption of ongoing
activities, focus of attention, and physiological changes, all of which are
disruptive. Surprise also elicits substantial cognitive burden (causal search,
causal attribution, schema updating, etc.) that can lead to additional interactions
with other people to the extent that these interactions offer help to the individual
in alleviating this burden (Sderlund, 1998). Surprise can thus be considered
as a disruptive emotion that has a high likelihood of inducing a social sharing
process like viral marketing.
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130 Lindgreen & Vanhamme
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permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.
There might be at least one additional reason (other than sharing ones
emotions) in word-of-mouth activity elicited by surprising experiences (Derbaix
& Vanhamme, 2003): surprised speakers could engage in such activity on the
basis of the perceived utility to their audience. Most people assume that what
is surprising for themselves will also be new and thus useful information to other
people (e.g., the utilitarian side of the word-of-mouth activity to others.) In viral
marketing, it means that surprised consumers create larger networks than
nonsurprised consumers if they believe that the message will be of some utility
to the receivers (e.g., the receivers will experience surprise and/or positive
emotions or gain something from the message). That is, the positive influence
of surprise on the size of the viral network is moderated by the utility to other
people receiving the message.
Research Findings
A questionnaire was distributed to students following a business master
program. All 45 students gave back the questionnaire; they were not allowed
to discuss with each other while filling it out. The introduction text to the first part
of the questionnaire was Very often, we receive e-mails from, or about,
companies or organizations, or their products and/or services, e-mails that we
forward to other family, friends, and colleagues. Please write down an e-mail
that you forwarded through e-mail to a large number of family, friends, and
colleagues if you had received it through e-mail. The introduction text to the
second part of the questionnaire was Now please write down an e-mail
received from, or about, a company or organization, or its products and/or
servicesthat you did not forward through e-mail, or that you forwarded only
to a very limited number of people. Two independent judges first organized the
findings and then coded what seemed to be success factors in viral marketing.
We found that students generally forward e-mails either if these involve
something for free (e.g., a free ticket or product such as a game) or at a reduced
price (e.g., a trip for a low cost), or if the e-mails contain jokes or games. An
example of a free game is an online version of the famous con trick Three Card
Monte where the audience is asked to find the card, which is the red queen. In
real life, the audience never can find the red queen and thus loses the bet. Since
the trick is based on slight of hand (Lindgreen, 1995), the viewers are surprised
that the online version (i.e., a computer-mediated setting) knows which card the
TEAM LinG - Live, Informative, Non-cost and Genuine !
Viral Marketing 131
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permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.
audience will pick and therefore forward the free game to people whom they
know will appreciate it! Other forwarded e-mails are about a virus alert or
health problems caused by certain products (or any similar serious thing).
Students also forward an e-mail when it has to be sent to a number of people
in order not to have any bad luck (or in order to bring these people good luck).
(Other students, though, wrote that they do not forward this kind of e-mail
because they are not superstitious.) They also forward e-mails about a missing
child, a charity event, or other similar things (e.g., collection of clothes and
food). One case in point is e-mails on how women were treated in Afghanistan
at the time of the Taliban government. In contrast, students tend not to forward
e-mails when these are pure advertising where there is nothing to be gained,
racist messages, or untrustworthy messages. This includes the obviously
deceitful messages from certain African countries where the sender is asking for
help in transferring a huge amount of money (typically in the order of $10
These preliminary findings thus corroborate the suggestion that a large part of
forwarded e-mails have elicited (positive, but also negative) surprise (e.g., a
free present, a new game, or a price reduction) and were considered to be of
some utility to the receivers. Viral marketing is based on word-of-mouth that
takes place between people, and a sender of a viral marketing e-mail must thus
see the e-mail as benefiting the receiver. Friends know what surprises their
friends, so they are the best people to forward e-mails that will be successful.
If a company can reach some customers who get surprised, it stands a good
chance that the surprising e-mail will be forwarded to more customers. People
forward e-mails if they believe that the receivers will benefit from it (e.g., the
free game), or if they think that the society at large will be better off (e.g., the
Afghanistan case). This is why pure advertising e-mails are not forwarded: they
benefit only the sender; e-mails advertising a product or service must have
something else attached in order to be forwarded. Further, the findings suggest
that trust (and, to some extent, superstition) could act as an additional
moderator of the surprise-viral marketing relationship. In summary, the more
surprised customers are, the more likely they are to generate a large viral
network (a) if they believe it will benefit the receiver and (b) if they trust the
source of the message.
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132 Lindgreen & Vanhamme
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Managerial Practice
Some guidelines exist for launching a viral marketing campaign, and Figure 1
summarizes the steps that should be undertaken by marketers. We will discuss
some of these guidelines.
Figure 1. Steps in order to create a viral marketing campaign

The version(s) of the message, which a pretest has determined that
consumers in the target audience find surprising, should then be selected.
There is a fit
It must be checked whether consumers find the source of the message, the
product, and/or service trustworthy.
Most people in the target audience will now have received the viral message
that was originally sent only to trendsetters.
Trendsetters should be targeted first, as this will ensure a rapid and cheap
spread of the viral message.
It must be checked whether consumers believe the message, product, and/or
service is useful.
Surprise is used
The source is trustworthy
The message, product, and/or
service is useful
Trendsetters have been targeted
Setting up the message quickly and in a
reliable manner is possible
There is no fit
The source is
not trustworthy
Trendsetters have not
been targeted
Setting up the message quickly and in a
reliable manner is not possible
Surprise is not used
In a brainstorming session, different ways of getting a message across to
consumers are generated. It must be considered whether a particular message
version fits the target audience, the company, and the overall marketing
strategy, as well as the product or service. (Refer to Table 1.)
Employing easy-to-use tools, can the version of the message be set up
quickly and in a reliable manner?
The message, product,
and/or service is not
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Viral Marketing 133
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Companies should understand the target audience and consider whether a
message fits it, the company, and the marketing strategy; use contests and
promotions; test an intended viral marketing campaign before implementing it
fully; integrate the campaign into the overall marketing strategy; provide
customers with information that enables them to understand the companys
value proposition; build in exit barriers; and measure the rates of customer
advocacy. Companies should avoid spamming and the need to come up with
incentives in the long run. Viral marketers often benefit if they first target the
influential people within their target audience. Such trendsetters are said to
account for 8% of Internet users, and they influence about eight other people.
Further, the tools which a campaign can employ (including e-mail, chat rooms,
bulletin boards, gifts, wish list registers, or Web pages) must be quick, reliable,
and easy to use (Thevenot & Watier, 2001). This means that companies should
avoid graphics that take a long time to download (quick issue) or forms that
take a long time to fill out (easy-to-use issue), as well as programs that are
prone to bugs (reliable issue). Some products or services have to be accepted
by the initial consumer and his friends, family, and colleagues before being of
value (e.g., ICQ that allows people to communicate with each other through the
Internet only if they use this particular computer program). People generally
engage in viral marketing when they:
receive freebies (e.g., software programs, services);
are given (monetary) incentives including discounts, coupons, tickets, and
are concerned about an issue, such as the environment, the war in Iraq, or
debt relief to poor countries; and
need to create network externalities.
A viral marketing campaigns success also depends on whether or not the
message is:
funny, humorous, amusing, or cool;
quirky, intriguing, or even irritating and controversial or, in extreme
cases, violent or pornographic; and
offers important or second-to-none advice that is both specific and
relevant to the person.
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134 Lindgreen & Vanhamme
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Products should be services built around the viral message, not the other way
around (Godin, 2001). Obviously, some elements are more suitable for a
business-to-consumer setting, while other elements work well in a business-to-
business environment. Apparently, some industries, including entertainment,
music, software, and the Internet, are especially suited to viral marketing
campaigns (Thevenot & Watier, 2001). This is interesting because e-com-
merce has been most successful for books, music/CDs, electronics, holidays/
travels, and PC hardware and software (Taylor Nelson Sofres Interactive,
2002). Lastly, the use of emotions is key in constructing a campaign that works
(compare Plutchik, 1980). Some companies are successful, while others fare
badly and charge a fee for their products or service which they should only do
if people can identify the benefits or if a large user base has been established.
Also, the fee must be for add-ons to the product or service, not for the basic
one (Thevenot & Watier, 2001).
This chapter identified different drivers of viral marketing and showed that they
often contain surprising elements. Next, the chapter examined the literature on
the emotion of surprise and explained how surprise is created and how people
share surprising experiences. In making a parallel to the word-of-mouth
literature, it was illustrated how the emotion of surprise can be a useful tool in
a viral marketing campaign. Based on the literature review and exploratory
research, it was suggested that viral marketing campaigns be based on
surprising messages that benefit the receivers friends, family, and relatives in
some way (e.g., create surprise, be pleasant, etc.) in addition to being
perceived as originating from a trustworthy source. Lastly, a step-by-step
design for creating a viral marketing campaign using surprise was presented.
There is an intimate relationship between the original viral receivers and the
subsequent ones, and this means that a company that succeeds in reaching some
consumers from its target audience and surprising them will stand a good
chance of having created a successful viral network.
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Viral Marketing 135
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Retailer Use of Permission-Based Mobile Advertising 139
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Chapter VIII
Retailer Use of
Mobile Advertising
Jari Salo, University of Oulu, Finland
Jaana Thtinen, University of Oulu, Finland
This chapter shows how retailers without any previous experience or
education utilize a new mobile advertising channel. The chapter focuses
on permission-based mobile advertising and the specific features that
should be considered when designing and targeting mobile advertising.
The empirical part of the chapter analyzes data from a field trial where
Finnish retailers were able to use mobile advertising. The empirical data
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is obtained through the use of content analysis. Data analysis explores
whether the retailers positioned the m-adverts to target either individuals
or groups and whether the content of the m-adverts reflected and utilized
the mediums specific features. The results of this analysis suggest that
both retailers and advertising agencies have to learn how to use m-
advertising as a new media. Conclusions of the chapter suggest ways to
fully utilize the potential of mobile advertising.
M-advertising, or wireless advertising, has two different meanings in marketing
literature. First, the term refers to advertisements that move from place to place.
Buses, trucks, trains, trams, and taxis provide ideal settings for this type of m-
advertising (Goldsborough, 1995; Hume, 1988). Second, m-advertising refers
to adverts sent to and received on mobile devices (i.e., cellular phones,
Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs), and other handheld devices that people
carry with them). The context specificity allows advertisers to send targeted
and personalized m-adverts to consumers on the move, hence an alternative
term, location based commerce (Turban et al., 2002).
In this chapter, m-
advertising refers to the second meaning of the term.
M-advertising can be seen as a part of m-commerce (Clarke & Flaherty, 2003;
Mennecke & Strader, 2003). M-commerce is referred to as a radically
different direction away from traditional commerce (Choi, Stahl & Whinston,
1997), as it offers a way in which to sell and distribute the retailers digital
products or services to customers through a mobile device. Thus, it can be
argued that m-advertising is also radically different from traditional ways of
advertising. M-advertising enables not only the sending of unique, personal-
ized, and customized adverts (Turban et al., 2002) but also the ability to engage
consumers in interaction with the sender of the message.
In the future, any retailer will be able to make use of m-advertising channel. With
m-advertising, consumers can be reached quickly at anytime, although the
commercial transactions would be limited to store opening hours. Thus, it is no
surprise that m-advertising is predicted to become the second largest form of
m-commerce in the year 2005, reaching more than $6 million in Europe alone
(Durlacher, 2000).
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Although the importance of m-advertising is clear, research into the area is
scarce. Empirical research of context aware m-advertising in a real life setting
presents quite a challenge. First of all, the technology has to be readily available,
and second, the consumers have to be familiar with mobile devices. In the city
of Oulu, Finland, the above mentioned prerequisites are in place. The
SmartRotuaari research project offers the brick-and-mortar retailers in down-
town Oulu the infrastructure and software solutions they need to use context
aware m-advertising. In Finland, consumers mobile phone subscriptions
reached 84% in 2002 (Ministry of Transport and Communications Finland,
2003). In addition, more than 30% of users younger than 35 years have
received m-advertising in the form of an SMS, and over 20% of all users have
made mobile payments (
Although the technology is available and used, Finnish legislation restricts m-
advertising to some extent, as it allows only permission-based m-advertising.
Without consumers permission, only information that is related to the admin-
istration of the customer relationship (e.g., the customers flight to Dallas is late)
can be sent via mobile devices. Therefore, this empirical research is limited to
permission-based m-advertising.
Technology and the consumers are not the only variables needed in order to
effectively use m-advertising. The advertisers and their advertising agencies
have to know how to design m-adverts as well as how to use this new
advertising channel. The objective of this chapter is to analyze how Finnish
retailers use permission-based context aware m-advertising when offered a
chance to try the new channel.
Based on existing research as well as on the empirical data, the chapter
continues with a discussion on the unique features of m-advertising. The data
shows that most of the m-adverts did not utilize the features that make m-
advertising unique and effective. The chapter concludes by suggesting ways
that retailers could improve their use of m-advertising in order to fully harness
the power that it offers.
Factors Influencing the Success of M-
Based on existing research and the empirical data gathered for this study, we
suggest a framework that describes the factors that influence the success of
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retailers use of m-advertising. As pictured in Figure 1, the influencing factors
are related to m-advertising as a media and to the receiver of the messages (i.e.,
the individual customers goals in using the mobile device). The above men-
tioned factors set demands for retailers use of the m-advertising. M-advertis-
ing should be used to deliver adverts which differ from traditional ones.
Traditional advertising is designed for and delivered to target groups, but m-
advertising should be designed for as it is delivered to target individuals.
Unless the target individual perceives permission-based m-advertising posi-
tively, that individual will deny the company and any other company attempting
to advertise the permission that they require. Therefore it is vital for a m-
advertiser to meet the requirements that are set for the targeting and the content
of the m-adverts.
Personal Nature of M-Advertising
M-advertising is on a par with personal selling. Mobile devices, especially
mobile phones, are highly personal devices with personally selected or even
self-composed ringing tones, individually tailored covers or general appear-
Figure 1. The factors influencing the success of m-advertising
Features of M-advertising
Personal Interactive Context
Individuals Media Goals
Information Entertainment
Advertisers Use of M-Advertising
the adverts

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ance, and additional decorations, not to mention the content of the phone which
often includes information about friends as well as a personal calendar.
Moreover, the users carry their device almost everywhere and at all times.
Thus, the personal nature of the device is transferred to the information that is
sent and received through the device. Therefore, m-advertising is not for
masses but for individuals.
Interactive Nature of M-Advertising
The mobile device allows m-advertising to be highly interactive (i.e., the parties
can interact with each other, the communication medium, and the messages)
(Liu & Shrum, 2002). The customer may reply to the advert by phoning,
sending an SMS, MMS, or an e-mail, or logging into the advertisers Web page
using the mobile device. In addition, the customer may forward the ad to
friends. This type of viral marketing, of course, is very beneficial for the
advertiser, as when a customer forwards the m-advert, they then become the
senders of the message and therefore the message gains credibility. However,
a customer will only forward m-adverts considered to be of some value, either
monetary or entertainment. Interaction also has a downside, as customers may
easily forward negative information about the advertiser.
Context Awareness of M-Advertising
The first context to be taken into account is the device to which the m-advert
is distributed. Unless the message is tailored to the terminal, the receiver will
encounter problems in receiving and understanding the message. For example,
m-adverts containing video and music clips cannot be sent to mobile phones
which do not support them. Different mobile phone models and even the same
models may show an advert differently on the screen, depending on the phones
software version. Even if such problems are avoided, the devices have a
relatively small screen size, limited screen colors, and battery time.
In addition, the technology used in building m-advertising systems enables m-
advertising to be aware of the context of the receiver. M-advertising can be
related to location, weather, and time, all of which can be used in targeting
adverts. For example, by using location awareness, the m-advertiser is able
send an advert if the customer walks by the retailers shop. Moreover, since
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144 Salo & Thtinen
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people carry their devices with them almost all the time, m-advertising is an
extremely rapid media. The adverts are delivered, read, and acted on almost
immediately. Retailers can thus receive the first feedback from their campaigns
while they are still running.
Individuals Media Goals
Individuals goals are often referred to as a persons cognition of what is
pursued in a particular situation and associated with an inner state of arousal
(compare Eysenck, 1982; Pervin, 1989). Thus, an individuals media goal is
the cognition of the processing goal the individual is pursuing when attending to
the mobile device (compare Juntunen, 2001), which in this case is the medium
for m-adverts. The type of goal receivers are trying to achieve by using a mobile
device also influences their processing of the advert. If the users media goals
are information, the customer will be more interested in adverts that provide
them with relevant information. On the other hand, if the customers goals are
directed more towards entertainment, which is very probable, at least among
the younger consumers, they will enjoy adverts that are entertaining and provide
experiential satisfaction through aesthetic pleasure, emotional stimulation, or
social experience (compare Barwise and Strong, 2002). However, a consumer
may wish to achieve both kinds of goals at the same time, and the relative
importance of the types may change according to the individuals situation at the
We have now discussed the features that make m-advertising a unique form of
advertising, namely, its personal and interactive nature and the context aware-
ness. Moreover, the way the users are using their mobile device also influences
the way they perceive the adverts they receive. Since m-advertising is so
personal, it sets new kinds of demands when planning advertising. In the
following section, we will move into considering how to plan m-advertising.
There are two main decisions to be made when planning any advertising
campaign: to whom do we want to talk (i.e., targeting the advert), and what do
we want to say to them (i.e., the advertising content).
Targeting the Adverts
It is possible to target m-advertising if the retailer can make use of the user-
specific information, which is added to the m-advertising service system. This
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can be done through two different but complementary ways. First, each user,
when granting the permission to send adverts also fills in a user profile. That may
include demographic details, users current mood (e.g., is the user hungry,
looking for fun, shopping, etc.) and areas of personal interest (e.g., fashion,
movies, food, hunting, reading, etc.). Users also input presence status that tells
if the consumer is idle or willing to receive adverts. All this can be done directly
from the users mobile device. Second, the retailer may use existing data from
the companys Customer Relationship Management (CRM) database.
Moreover, the content awareness allows retailers to target adverts according
to the local weather conditions. The system may obtain up-to-date weather
information from a local weather station via Internet. Thus, m-advertising
allows retailers to take advantage of changing weather conditions by sending
a sunglass advert only when the sun is shining.
In addition, time can be used in targeting. Depending on the time of the day,
retailers can send m-adverts that address the needs of customers at a particular
point in time. In the morning, restaurants can send special breakfast offers, and
in the evening, they can send discount coupons for a dinner if there are seats
available. For pub and restaurant owners, the time range used together with
weather and location information allows a range of possibilities in providing the
mobile users with m-adverts that really fulfill their information needs.
Although the number of potential receivers would be considerably smaller, a
well-planned execution of m-advertising can be more effective than, for
example, direct mail (which is often left unopened) or television advertising
(which is restricted by zapping). Based on the personal information, the
weather, the time of the day or week, and the location of the consumer, the
retailer can send adverts that match with the mobile users personal interests
and mood status. This way, the customers will only receive adverts that they are
willing to receive, and any unpleasant surprises are avoided. This is extremely
important in permission-based m-advertising since spam messages annoy the
receiver (compare Barwise & Strong, 2002; Edwards, Li & Lee, 2002).
Therefore, the advertiser can reach high view-through rates by targeting the
advert successfully. Research into SMS m-advertising reports that 81% of
trialists viewed all messages before deleting them, and 77% did so as soon as
they received the advert (Barwise & Strong, 2002). At the same time, this
means that the same advert should only be sent to each customer once during
a campaign. If the campaign contains repetition, the m-ads have to be different
each time they are being sent to the same consumers, otherwise customer
annoyance could become an issue.
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Advertising Content
As for the content of adverts, the advertiser in any type of advertising has to
decide what is being said and how to say it. Both of these decisions affect the
success of m-advertising. Kalakota and Robinson (2002) suggest that m-ads
work best if customers receive concrete benefits from them, like retail alerts,
coupons, special offers, and m-tickets, in other words, something that they can
act on. However, Barwise and Strong (2002) bring forward six types of adverts
as suitable for permission-based m-advertising, ranging from messages aimed
at long-term effects, in other words, brand building, to messages attempting to
engage the receiver in immediate interaction with the advertiser, such as
competitions, polls, and voting. We suggest that by applying the information
given by the consumer and/or information retrieved from the CRM databases,
the advertiser can also provide quick and timely information (i.e., news that
interests the receiver). So far, with existing research being so scarce, it is too
early to say what type of content m-advertising channel suits best.
The style of the advert is also an important issue to be considered. Duchnicky
and Kolers (1983) suggest that reading from mobile devices may take more
time and effort than reading from a desktop computer. Because of this and also
due to the space limitations, the copy should be kept short, and the use of
graphics or photos is encouraged (compare Edens & McCormick, 2000).
Humor and surprises in the design of the advert create positive feelings toward
the advert and may lead to viral marketing, especially amongst younger
receivers (Barwise & Strong, 2002). Furthermore, we assume that the
personal nature of the mobile devices, as well as the context specificity and
novelty of m-advertising will lead consumers toward high involvement. In such
situations, the contrast affect appears to stimulate consumers to process the
advertising even more (De Pelsmacker, Geuens & Anckaert, 2002). We will
now move on to explore the case and to present some empirically grounded
suggestions for retailers using m-advertising.
A Case Study of Permission-Based
The empirical part of the chapter is derived from SmartRotuaari service system,
which is operational at the city center of Oulu in Northern Finland. SmartRotuaari
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consists of a wireless multi-access network, a middleware for service provi-
sioning, a Web portal with retailer interface, and a collection of context aware
mobile services of which m-advertising is one (compare Ojala et al., 2003). The
retailers use a Web portal to send the adverts, which are delivered through
WLAN network to consumers using mobile devices (e.g., PDAs). The
technologies that are being applied in SmartRotuaari are presented in Table 1.
Data Gathering and Methods of Analysis
SmartRotuaari provides a functional framework for field trials in order to
empirically evaluate technology and new mobile services (
The empirical data concerning the retailers use of permission-based m-
advertising presented in this chapter relates to a field trial, which started August
28 and ended September 30, 2003. Altogether, 18 retailers agreed to take part
in the field trial, but only 12 were active in designing and sending m-adverts via
the service system. Based on personal interviews of all the 18 retailers, the main
reasons for not using SmartRotuaari were unfamiliarity with the technology and
time restrictions. It would have taken time to learn how the system works and
also to design the adverts. This suggests that retailers need training before they
would be able to use m-advertising.
The 12 companies that m-advertised (clothing retailers, restaurants, cafeterias,
bookstores, and consumer service companies) altogether owned 24 outlets in
the area and produced 42 m-adverts during the trial. To see how well the
retailers were able to meet the demands of the media and the customers, we will
explore the targeting and the content of m-adverts by content analysis.
Table 1. Technologies used in SmartRotuaari
Connectivity WLAN IEEE 802.11b Cisco air ap1220b+adsl
Mobile device PDA, HP iPAQ 38 series + Pocket PC 2002+WLAN
card + suitable mobile phones
Programming environment Client: Personal Java 1.1.x
Server: J2SE 1.4 server, PHP
Database MySQL
WLAN positioning Ekahau Positioning Engine 2.0
Personalization engine Leiki Targeting
Language support Dynamic, Finnish and English

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Content analysis is the standard analytical tool used for advertising studies
(compare Kassarjian, 1977; Kolbe & Burnett, 1991). Here, the unit of analysis
was each m-advert that was saved to the service system. However, we did not
include the number of times the advert had been sent to receivers in the analysis
as it might skew the results (Stern & Resnik, 1991). As suggested by
Kassarjian (1977), two coders analyzed the commercials. However, due to
confidentiality of the data, the authors served as coders. The data was divided
into two parts and coders A and B (B being one of the authors) individually
coded the first part of the data, which contained the targeting information
selected by the advertisers. Coders C and D (D being one of the authors)
individually coded the second part of the data, which was the content of the
adverts. The authors provided coders A and C with instructions and brief
training before they commenced the task. After the first round of coding, there
were some disagreements. When this occurred, the coders examined the
advert together, discussed the disagreement, and then made their final decision.
Since the number of adverts was relatively small, all disagreements between the
two pairs of coders were solved through discussion. The aim of this procedure
was to achieve higher objectivity (Kassarjian, 1977). As for reliability, since the
coders agreed with all the decisions made, no measures of interjudge reliability
were calculated (compare Perreault & Leigh, 1989).
The Targeting of the M-Adverts
We will first take a look at the context-related options that advertisers used to
trigger adverts. All 42 m-adverts used the advertisers store location as the
focal point from which the distance that triggered the sending of an advert was
measured. However, there were huge differences in the ways the retailers used
location awareness. The distance used varied from 70 yards up to two miles.
The size of the town center in Oulu is under the two miles, so the use of the
highest distance in the location awareness does not aid the targeting of the ads.
The second most used feature by retailers in targeting was age. Bars and pubs
especially targeted the adverts toward either young or mature customers. Only
some clothing shops and a few restaurants left the age option unused.
The mood information was used in 65% of all the advertisements. The clothing
shops and cafeterias, especially selected customers that were in the mood for
shopping, and bars and restaurants chose people who were hungry, thirsty,
seeking company, or in the mood for a party. As for the consumers interest
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Retailer Use of Permission-Based Mobile Advertising 149
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areas, only 14 of the m-adverts included certain interest areas as criteria for
Time awareness, according to certain hours of the day (e.g., opening hours,
lunch hours), was used in only 18 m-adverts, although it could have been used
in every one to ensure that customers would only receive m-adverts during the
opening hours. None of the 42 adverts used the local weather as triggering
It can be concluded that mood information was the specific feature that retailers
considered to be worth using in order to target their m-adverts to fit the needs
of the consumers. However, they did not use location awareness (i.e., weather
or time as targeting criteria), although these options could ensure the m-advert
fits in the consumers current needs. Nor did retailers try to engage consumers
in interactive dialog. Thus, instead of personalizing and targeting the m-ads to
individual target persons, the retailers used such targeting criteria available in
other media.
The Content of the M-Adverts
Another key issue in designing effective m-advertising is the personalization of
the content of the m-advert. In this trial, although the majority of the m-adverts
(55%) contained visual elements, photos (of people, products, or the interior
of a restaurant), or graphics, their use was seldom entertaining, as most of them
were static. The copy length ranged from zero to thirty-one words. Although
the longest copy was readable on PDAs, the screen was filled with text. This
certainly provides no aesthetic pleasure for the targeted individual.
Many adverts (40%) included the address of the store, although it was possible
for the consumer to also use a mobile map to locate the company. Only three
ads included the phone number of the store. Moreover, 45% of the adverts
contained information on opening hours, which explains the fact that many
advertisers did not use the option of restricting sending of the advert within
opening hours only. They clearly could not use the option, since only a few other
media can offer the same. One-third of the adverts included price information
or special offers, thus responding to the consumers information needs.
Moreover, only three adverts addressed the receiver in the copy by asking
them a question (Are you hungry?) or by welcoming them to the cafe. None of
the m-ads attempted to create a dialog with the receiver, not to engage them
in viral marketing. Finally, only a single m-advert aimed at brand building. This
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150 Salo & Thtinen
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can be explained by the fact that all the advertisers were retailers, and thus most
of the adverts concentrated on describing the shop or the restaurant (e.g., what
type of food was served).
Based on this data, retailers and their advertising agencies have to solve the
question of how to fit the message and the format into the context of m-
advertising (compare Kiani, 1998; Kunoe, 1998). In this empirical trial, m-
adverts resembled traditional newspaper adverts that target groups of people.
The content of the m-adverts was not well personalized, and only few attempts
at interaction with the target person were made. Most of the m-ads offered
information of a type that a person living in Oulu had no need for, and only a
few had entertaining elements attached to them.
Managerial Recommendations
Permission-based m-advertising is a different and a novel way to perform
marketing communication. For advertisers, as well as for advertising agencies,
it is crucial to understand that m-advertising is a very personal communication
medium that enables them to engage consumers in a dialog. Secondly, if m-
advertising is used in a companys media plans, the message and its form should
be planned specifically so that it fits the context (i.e., a mobile device).
Moreover, the advertiser should consider these decisions, not only when using
m-advertising, but in relation to all other media choices to be able to integrate
the message, the form, and the media choices.
M-advertising is ideal for one-on-one personal and speedy communication
with consumers who wish to receive the information and/or entertainment
offered by the retailer. It is very important to harness the power of the context
dependence in order fulfill the needs and wants of individual customers. This
can be done by applying the options that the m-advertising service system offers
to target specific m-ads to specific customers. M-advertising is only one
solution to personal, interactive, and context-dependent advertising. There-
fore, m-advertising will become fully utilized when managers see m-advertising
as an essential part of advertising portfolio that should be included in the future
plans and budgets of every company wanting to survive the interlinked m-
commerce era.
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Retailer Use of Permission-Based Mobile Advertising 151
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Future Trends
As the m-advertising business is still evolving, several actors can take part in the
network. These include advertising agencies, media houses, media sales
companies, network carriers and operators, technology and software provid-
ers (compare Leppniemi, Karjaluoto & Salo, 2004). The traditional ad
agencies seem to be reluctant to change from mass communication to personal
communication (Suokko, 2003), and thus companies, such as UK-based
12snap and Finland-based Add2Phone, are offering mobile marketing soft-
ware directly to advertisers. A similar change occurred back when software
packages, such as PageMaker, enabled companies to internalize the design of
brochures and catalogues, until they realized the value of professional art
directors and copywriters.
In addition, the technology platforms for m-ads are likely to evolve into a single
platform for multiple purposes in a similar way as PCs. When this happens,
advertisers could send similar m-ads to any or all different handheld devices
used by consumers. This enables the possibility for advertisers and consumers
to determine the preferred route of m-advertising, for example, via a telecom-
munication carrier, an Internet service provider, or Bluetooth. In addition, the
consumers who wish to maximize speed and usability according to their user
habits might even wish to pay to be able to take part in dialog marketing
(compare Schmidt, 2001). The mobile phone is already a vital part of peoples
everyday lives, to the extent that many consumers could not cope without it
( Thus m-advertising should enable interactivity and
create feelings of mobile community. Once the advertisers and advertising
agencies learn how to use m-advertising, customers will get more value from it
(Schmidt, 2001).
This study is a part of an ongoing research project where m-advertising was
carried out in a WLAN infrastructure with PDAs. The nature of the field test
in a limited area and time frame restricted the amount and quality of data. First,
the retailers did not pay anything for their m-advertising. Second, the PDAs
were not owned by the volunteer customers. The trial time per user had to be
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152 Salo & Thtinen
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restricted to two hours because of the batteries of the PDAs. Consequently,
due to the above mentioned restrictions, further studies are warranted.
This study of retailers usage of permission-based mobile advertising underlies
the notion that mobile advertising is different from any other form of advertising,
even from direct advertising in its current forms. Thus, both the receivers and
the senders of mobile advertising messages have to learn how to use this new
channel to be able to fully utilize the opportunities it offers for speedy, personal,
and interactive communication with the consumer (compare Pura, 2002).
M-advertising should be personal, thus requiring a certain amount of knowl-
edge about the receivers of the m-adverts. This can be achieved either by using
a companys own customer information data or providing each phone user an
opportunity to fill in a profile when agreeing to receive m-adverts. The message
of the advert as well as the way it is expressed should be carefully designed to
match the needs of the target person. M-adverts containing more information
should be directed to persons using their mobile devices for that goal and
entertaining m-adverts to youngsters that entertain themselves with the device
(e.g., by playing games).
Moreover, the advertisers should design m-advertising to fit their marketing
communication mix, enabling interactivity. Each customer should be able to use
the mobile device to contact the retailer via Internet by simply sending an SMS
or phoning. In addition, customers should be encouraged in viral marketing by
offering them added value, either monetary or entertainment, that they want to
share with their friends and family.
The financial support of the National Technology Agency of Finland is gratefully
acknowledged. The authors wish to thank the numerous organizations whose
invaluable collaboration has made this work possible.
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Retailer Use of Permission-Based Mobile Advertising 153
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Anastasi, G., Bandelloni, R., Conti, M., Delmastro, F., Gregori, E., &
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Juntunen, A. (2001). Audience members goals of media use and process-
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permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.
Kalakota, R., & Robinson, M. (2002). M-business. The race to mobility.
New York: McGraw-Hill.
Kassarjian, H. (1977). Content analysis in consumer research. Journal of
Consumer Research, 4, 8-18.
Kiani, G.R. (1998). Marketing opportunities in the digital world. Internet
Research: Electronic Networking Applications and Policy, 8, 185
Kotanen, A., Hnnikinen, M., Leppkoski, H., & Hmlinen, T. (2003,
April 28-30). Experiments on local positioning with Bluetooth. Proceed-
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puters and Communications, 297303.
Kunoe, G. (1998). On the ability of ad agencies to assist in developing one-to-
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of Marketing, 32, 11241137.
Leppniemi, M., Karjaluoto, H., & Salo, J. (2004). The success factors of
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Liu, Y., & Shrum, L.J. (2002). What is interactivity and is it always such a good
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Mennecke, B.E., & Strader, T.J. (2003). Mobile commerce: Technology,
theory and applications. Hershey, PA: Idea Group.
Ministry of Transport and Communications Finland. (2003). Ensimmisen
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and Communications Finland. Retrieved October 14, 2004, from http:/
Ojala, T., Korhonen, M., Aittola, M., Ollila, M., Koivumaki, T., & Tahiten, J.
(2003, December 10-12). SmartRotuaari Context-aware mobile
multimedia services. Proceedings of the Second International Confer-
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Perreault, W.D., & Leigh, L. (1989). Reliability of nominal data base on
qualitative judgments. Journal of Marketing Research, 26, 135-148.
TEAM LinG - Live, Informative, Non-cost and Genuine !
Retailer Use of Permission-Based Mobile Advertising 155
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permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.
Pervin, L. (1989). Goals concepts: Themes, issues, and questions. In L.A.
Pervin (Ed.), Goal Concepts in personality and social psychology (pp.
473-479). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Pura, M. (2002). Case study: The role of mobile advertising in building a brand.
In B.E. Mennecke & T.J. Strader (Eds.), Mobile Commerce:Technology,
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Schmidt, S.J. (2001). Advertising in search of its future. Poetics, 29, 283-293.
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There are several technologies that enable context dependency, that is,
global positioning systems (GPS), geographical information systems
(GIS), satellite-based wireless systems, and cell identity based systems
(Kotanen et al., 2003), or it can be achieved by triangulating the position
of the device (Anastasi et al., 2003).
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Section III:
Technology for E-Marketing
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Chapter IX
Marketing for CRM
Sally Rao, Adelaide University, Australia
Chris O'Leary, MSI Business Systems Pty Ltd, Australia
Firms have only just begun to fully use the Internet to obtain customer
information in their database marketing processes to enhance customer
relationship management (CRM). This chapter introduces a framework
about how they can do this. Essentially, it argues that the advent of
Internet/database marketing brings solutions to some of the difficulties in
customer relationship management by providing one-to-one interactivity
and customization. For example, the Internet offers benefits, such as
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increased consumer data collection accuracy and speed, cost savings in
collecting data, greater interaction, and better relationships with
customers. This chapter develops a framework for integrating the Internet
and database marketing to help marketers improve customer relationship
management through rigorous action research.
The growth in database marketing and the emergence of e-commerce driven
by the exponential growth of the Internet requires marketers to capitalize on the
full advantage provided by information technology to be competitive. The key
component of database marketing is its ability to enhance an organizations
marketing program by identifying customers that are likely to be more receptive
to a specific offering. Indeed, competent database marketing practice needs to
be integrated with other marketing strategies and practices. The interactive
Web environment and the advent of Internet marketing present an explicit
opportunity for firms to achieve maximum database marketing benefits.
Although the basic database marketing principles are the same, the integration
of the Internet into database marketing process allows personalized interaction
and communication. That is, the Web medium enables the capture and use of
highly personalized information, such as name, interest, type of car owned, TV
programs watched, and so on. This information, in turn, facilitates one-to-one
marketing (Gillenson, Sherrell & Chen, 1999). For example, armed with
customer transaction data and/or third party lifestyle data from companies like
Claritas and Acxiom, online direct marketers can deliver personalized interac-
tive promotions, realizing full capabilities of the Web.
A prerequisite for the successful translation of the relationship marketing
paradigm from industrial to consumer markets is accurate customer informa-
tion. Improved quality of customer information enables marketers to target their
most valuable prospects more effectively, tailor their offerings to individual
needs, improve customer satisfaction and retention, and identify opportunities
for new products or services. Therefore, the key focus of e-marketing is
customer data that can be used to inform operational, tactical, and strategic
decision making (Chaffey et al., 2003).
The Internet offers a valuable opportunity to collect information about a
customer (Rowley, 1999). Through the Internet, every customer contact can
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Integrating Internet/Database Marketing for CRM 159
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be used as an opportunity to collect data about the customer, which in turn is
incorporated into the marketing database to develop completed customers
profiles. Such information can then be matched to numerous databases internal
or external to the organization, yielding rich permutations of consumer profiles
at a minimal cost. This combined data can then be used to build customer
knowledge which drives marketing strategy to develop practical long-term
relationships with customers. These relationships, if successful, will lead to
further detailed customer-provided data and/or sales that yield more data and
therefore start the circle over again (Hughes, 1991). The two-way interactive
nature of the Internet mechanisms presents an opportunity for firms to increase
the speed and volume of this circle of customer data collection.
In brief, Internet technology has made it relatively easy to collect vast amounts
of individual customer information (Prabhaker, 2000). Data quality, entity
recognition, synchronization, and integrated databases enable firms to target
content to demographics so precisely that they can reach markets as narrowly
defined as a single customer. This results in greater levels of customer
satisfaction and increased organizational learning. However, merging the off-
line and online databases raises issues, such as technology compatibility, data
quality and format variances, how to use the sheer volume of data collected, and
consumer privacy concerns. This chapter aims to develop a framework about
how the integration of database and Internet marketing can be applied, based
on rigorous research.
Building a Theoretical Framework
Using an Action Research Methodology
An action research methodology was adopted to build a framework about
integrating Internet and database marketing. Action research is a cyclical
process methodology that incorporates the processes of planning, acting,
observing, and reflecting on results generated from a particular project or body
of work (Dick, 2000; Zuber-Skerritt & Perry, 2000). The concept is princi-
pally concerned with a group of people who work together to improve their
work processes (Carson et al., 2001), such as the identification of apposite
strategic outputs from the integration of Internet/database marketing to support
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The choice of action research as the methodology was based on two factors.
First, due to the minimal research that has been conducted regarding the
appropriate process for integrating customer information for e-marketing, the
manner through which this may be effectively completed was unclear. Thus,
exploratory research was required, and action research provides this capability
better than many alternatives (Dick, 2000; Zuber-Skerritt & Perry, 2000). An
action research project within a major multinational entertainment institution
was used to discern the issues involved. The second reason was the flexibility
afforded by action research, which was significant in the implementation of a
research methodology within an evolving information technology project
concerning a problem about which little was known (Carson et al., 2001).
The action research methodology commences with a group jointly concerned
with a successful conclusion doing fact-finding about a particular problem in
which existing research and understanding is minimal (Altrichter et al., 2000;
Edwards & Bruce, 2000). This group in the researched multinational entertain-
ment company involved a project team concerned with the integration of
customers from across various entertainment divisions and used customers
explicit and implicit interests to drive a customer-centric e-marketing strategy.
The companys divisions are vast, including free-to-air and cable television,
print, Internet portals, gambling, sports, show entertainment, and so on. The
project team consisted of middle-to-senior management of the entertainment
company in addition to the researchers; the joint goal was how to best collect
customer data through the Internet, the integration of this data with on and off-
line databases, and the best e-marketing strategies to implement.
The project team agreed that Internet and database marketing offers the
company a great opportunity to gather market intelligence, monitor consumer
choices, and achieve a closer client relationship through customers revealed
preferences in navigational and purchasing behavior. An initial plan for online
data collection, integration with off-line data, and preliminary marketing
strategies to implement was formulated (Edwards & Bruce, 2000). In particu-
lar, a framework outlining the process through which Internet-derived customer
data may be effectively integrated with other customer data to enable compe-
tent database marketing was discussed and modeled in Figure 1. The frame-
work has the three usual parts of a system: inputs, processes, and outputs. That
is, inputs of information about customers gathered via the Internet are pro-
cessed and converged with a firms customer databases to produce a series of
strategic outputs. Consider these three parts in more detail.
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Figure 1. Initial theoretical framework for integration
A logical place for the entertainment company to commence collecting cus-
tomer information through the Internet was their established customer data-
bases derived from more traditional customer contact, billing, and marketing
mechanisms. The main customer data categories that could be collected both
online and off-line for competent database marketing were listed in Table 1
after a brainstorm session.
The project team agreed that for the conduct of effective e-marketing, the data
items in Table 1 need to be collected at a spatial and/or longitudinal detail. This
detail allowed the customer to be effectively recognized at each transaction,
and for a profile of the customer to be increasingly developed and enhanced
over time based on their response history to online content, expressed
preferences and previous offers (Seybold, 1999). This approach, in combina-
tion with using cross-promotional offers of its other entertainment divisions and
offerings, was designed to enable the entertainment company to progressively
realize the benefits of e-marketing. The development of this customer profile
and associated interest/purchasing patterns were broadened and expedited by
utilizing the following:
modeling of customer relationships, scenarios, and propensities using
investigation models, such as regression and interest profiling based on
online behavior;
Primary and secondary customer data passively
and actively collected from the Internet
Integration of information gathered from the
Internet about customers into organizational
Internet and database marketing strategies derived
from the integration
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Table 1. Main customer data categories collected for marketing
Primary Data Category Example Data Elements
Recognition data Customer unique identifier
Address (home, work, phone, e-mail)
Date of birth
Descriptive data Income
Total investments
Marital status
Children (number, age, gender)
Transaction history Amounts spent
Purchase category
Channel (online)
Direct preference measures Purchase detail (product, vendor attributes)
Provided preferences and permissions
Response history (to types of marketing messages and product
Measure of media used
Questionnaires (online and off-line)
Cookies (determining a specific user or a return user and
measuring time spent and where at site and entry and exit
Trigger events Indicators of life events (relocation, college graduation, child
birth, saving deposit for house)
Measures of product information browsing or requests
Cluster product purchase event (for example, home purchase
drives need for home and contents insurance)
Direct client interest (client informs company of interest in
purchasing product/service)
data mining and online analytical processing (OLAP) to elicit evolving
patterns of usage, trends, and customer life-cycle development;
determination of consumer financial value to the organization through
measurement against profitability archetypes, such as recency, frequency,
and monetary purchase values (RFM analysis) and customer tenure,
derived revenue, and cross-sell opportunities (TRC categorization);
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visualization of data through graphics to make more apparent trends and
tendencies; and
artificial intelligence, such as neural networks and complex adaptive
systems theory.
The output from these methods is then integrated back into the data compo-
nents outlined in Table 1 to provide an ongoing and evolving customer profile
that is further enhanced by integrating auxiliary customer interaction and data
collection. The integration process is complicated however by the often
unstructured nature of data collected through the Internet, the diverse nature,
quality, and format of existing company customer data, and the large volumes
of data to handle in an e-marketing context. The details of this integration
process are discussed next.
The information gathered from the Internet was processed through identifica-
tion, standardization, de-duplication, and consolidation procedures, and a
unique persistent database key was applied to each individual customer
(Inmon, 2002). Records were stored in an organizational data warehouse and
updated automatically through data derivation methods, such as Web form log-
ins (for identification) and cookies (to track interests). Figure 2 shows the
process through which customer data were integrated and then used for e-
marketing. The integration processes in Figure 2 can be summarized into three
Step one: data content identification and understanding. The first step of
data integration is data identification and understanding of utilized data content.
This step involves the extraction of data feeds in structured format (for example,
in XML or comma/pipe separated values) from the companys legacy systems
and each of the disparate data sources, such as existing customer data, public
data, and purchased data collected by a third party. This data was then
subjected by the project team to a data quality audit, leading to a full
understanding of the requisite data attributes. A standard data definition and
associated metadata standard was hereafter developed for the applicable data
attributes, and the e-marketing data elements were prepared for standardiza-
tion in this format (Corey et. al., 1998; Dych, McKnight & Adelman, 2003).
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164 Rao & OLeary
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Step two: Data integration and data aggregation. In this second step, data
from the companys internal systems, as well as utilized external data was
converted into a standard format using the metadata and conversion standards
developed in step one. Following this conversion, data attribute correction and
verification were undertaken, wherein invalid characters/records were flagged,
errors were corrected, and important contact/recognition attributes, such as
address and e-mail, were verified (Canter, 2002; Todman, 2000).
The next phase, data matching and linking, involved the company using
specialized software and associated processes to identify duplicate records
and logically joining these through a common persistent identifier or link
(English, 1999; Todman, 2000). The matching utilized by the entertainment
company consisted of two iterations:
1. the initial progression, implemented at the original data warehouse data
load, which was effected as a batch process; and
Figure 2. Integration of customer data from disparate sources for e-
Step three:
Data warehouse
Data marts
Step two: Data
integration &
Step one: Data content
identification &

Conversion to
Data hygiene,
verification &
Data matching
and Iinking
ConsoIidation and
Customer base
- Name & address
- Contact detaiIs
- Transactions
- RFMJTRC anaIysis
- Interests profiIing
- AttitudinaI
- BehaviouraI

PubIic data
- EIectoraI roIe
- White pages

Purchased data
- Geo-demographics
- Memberships

Internet data
- Active
- Passive
- ProfiIe

Data views
TEAM LinG - Live, Informative, Non-cost and Genuine !
Integrating Internet/Database Marketing for CRM 165
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2. ongoing updates, or deltas, which were a combination of real-time and
batch processes.
Following the matching and linking process, de-duplication was performed and
the data consolidated. From here, semantic transformations, such as address
attribute reformating to facilitate the data load process into the data warehouse
was effected, with particular attention paid by the project team to effect these
transformations in real-time to allow the system to cope with its continuous
rapid data updates. At this point, the consolidated data is ready for loading into
the data warehouse repository.
Step three: The data warehouse. Following completion of steps one and two,
the cleansed de-duplicated data was loaded into the central data warehouse.
The data warehouse is an enterprise data construct that integrates, stores, and
maintains customer data derived from organizational legacy systems and
external sources and acts as the cornerstone for e-marketing strategies and
operations through its focus on customer related information (Van Dyk, 2002).
This data repository was large, and therefore, the project team decided to
create data martsspecific data views or subsets of the data warehouse
optimized to a particular organizational divisions needs to assist users in
accessing this information.
Strategic Output
The final step involves the implementation of e-marketing applications to drive
strategic output. Customer data collected through the Internet was used in such
application as:
reporting and modeling applications to facilitate customer understanding
and identifying interests, trends, and propensities;
campaign management, to distinguish customers according to likelihood
of responding to a specific campaign initiative, disseminate the campaign
via e-mail or customized Web pages (refer below) and collect and report
feedback; and
real-time analytical/content personalization, which was used to predict
customer interests based on provided information and Web page click
stream or navigation behavior and use these interests to deliver person-
alized Web content and e-marketing offers.
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166 Rao & OLeary
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The project team agreed that integrated customer data collected from online
and off-line sources needs to be used more strategically than just as a tool for
conducting targeted promotional campaigns. After a brainstorming session,
four e-marketing strategies were identified most likely to be derived from the
integration of Internet and database marketing to improve customer relation-
ship management and ultimately implemented. These strategies are:
1. Prospecting new customers through affiliate or stealth marketing
and networking: The wide range of entertainment avenues and associ-
ated product/service offerings provided by the company, in combination
with those of partners and advertisers, provided a compelling Web site,
which lured many prospective customers through a combination of off-line
brand, special offers, and rewards for registering/customer online identi-
fication and interest specification. For example, the entertainment com-
pany incorporated Web content with popular television shows and
magazines also owned by the entertainment company and offered holi-
days, subscription savings, and special interest related purchases via this
Web content in return for the customer providing personal details and
effecting purchases. This combination of offering off-line brands through
a data-driven Internet marketing strategy proved successful, with the new
Web site growing rapidly to become one of Australias most popularly
2. Promoting and advertising pertinent to a customers identified
interests: The strategy of affiliate marketing and rewarding customer
identification and interest specification allowed the company to structure
promotion and advertising to be more closely aligned with the customers
real interests. This alignment was evidenced by increased network traffic
and uptake of offered advertising. An example is the entertainment
company structuring its advertising to be associated and driven by the
specific Web pages in which customers were browsing, in that specific
sports promotions were associated with specific sports pages, such as
cricket, rugby or golf, holidays with lifestyle travel Web pages, and so on.
3. Cross-marketing: Further to advertising according to a customers
interests, as discussed above, the data integration of Internet customer
data with legacy/external information allowed the entertainment organiza-
tion to affect cross-marketing initiatives. The entertainment company, for
example, used online consumer data integrated with off-line magazine
subscription information to drive special promotions for lifestyle offers
TEAM LinG - Live, Informative, Non-cost and Genuine !
Integrating Internet/Database Marketing for CRM 167
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associated with subscribed magazines through e-marketing. Further, the
defined interests provided by customers via the Internet, in combination
with the customer data profiling/analysis tools discussed previously,
allowed for express interests to be extrapolated into cross-sales oppor-
4. Retaining customers: The project team determined that customer reten-
tion could be achieved by the improved customer understanding and
service factors derived from an integrated Internet/database marketing
solution. Thus, the entertainment company would utilize initiatives, such as
owning print media subscription discounts, related TV and sports special
offers, and holiday promotions linked with their reality/lifestyle TV shows
that were available only to members through its e-marketing channel.
Again, based on customer sign-up, repeat visits, and repeat purchases
through the Internet media, this strategy was also deemed effective by the
project team.
Managerial Recommendations
Following the implementation of an integrated Internet and database marketing
solution in the entertainment company, results were monitored against prob-
lem-solving expectations and the efficacy of the actions on the problem were
evaluated (Farquhar, 2000). Several implemental issues were identified in this
evaluation process. First, feedback from customers during and after the
implementation of marketing strategies helped the company to structure its e-
marketing mechanisms to assist in further data collection and customer under-
standing. For example, community/special interest groups, television show fan
groups, and so on were used by the entertainment company to encourage
customers to more actively contribute their information. Thus, a feedback loop
is depicted in the framework (Figure 3).
Second, the evaluation process highlighted several environmental issues at both
macro and micro levels regarding the successful integration of Internet and
database marketing. At the macro level, social, legal, and technological issues
need to be taken into consideration. An important social issue is related to
consumers concern with privacy. There is a delicate balance between the
benefits consumers enjoy from personalized customer service and online
experience provided from personal information exchange and the amount of
TEAM LinG - Live, Informative, Non-cost and Genuine !
168 Rao & OLeary
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information that consumers are prepared for companies to hold about them.
The entertainment company was particularly concerned that privacy manage-
ment be optimally managed given its high profile in order to avoid any negative
press and to maximize customer uptake. The project team thus determined that
privacy management was integral to the successful integration of the Internet
with database marketing.
This also brings up legal issues since many governments have introduced
specific data protection legislation to protect consumers, such as the Australian
Privacy Act 1999. Meeting privacy legislation and guidelines remains a
challenge. The entertainment company addressed these guidelines by adopting
a permissions-based transparent disclosure approach. These principles were
summarized as a result of this approach:
Limit the collection of personal data to only that perceived as necessary
by the customer;
The purpose for which data are collected and used must be disclosed to
Figure 3. The final framework for the integration of database marketing
into Internet marketing (Source: Developed from this research)

Source: developed from this research.

Inputs - Primary and secondary customer data
passively and actively collected from the internet.
Processing - integration of information gathered
from the internet about customers into
organizational databases
Strategic Outputs - internet and database
marketing strategies derived from the integration
prospecting new customers;
promoting and advertising pertinent
to a customers identified interests;
cross marketing;
retaining customers

Environmental issues,
Social issues
Legal issues
Technological issue
Top management
between marketing
and IT teams



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Integrating Internet/Database Marketing for CRM 169
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Consumers must be given options with respect to whether and how
personal information may be collected from them;
Provide customer access to view and validate the accuracy and complete-
ness of data collected about them. As discussed previously, the project
team also determined that this factor is effective in maximizing data quality;
Safeguard consumer data and place restrictions on the transborder flow
of consumer information.
Into the picture also has come the use of new network technologies and
techniques which raise new measurement issues. An important example is the
extension of e-marketing towards other media, such as mobile phone small text
messaging (SMS) and Internet-enabled wireless application protocol (WAP)
phones that herald the extension of m-commerce. These new customer
interfaces, in combination with the online and off-line customer contact points,
form a diverse customer communication base and may present a hindrance to
the process of data integration and management.
The entertainment company, organizational culture, top management support,
and collaboration between marketing and IT teams provide a supportive
environment for the integration and is critical for overall success. First,
organizational culture must support innovative use of the Internet in their
marketing activities. Second, top management must be philosophically and
behaviorally committed to the notion that the Internet is essential in collecting
customer data in enabling effective database marketing. Finally, an effective
cross-functional team of information systems and marketing specialists must
work harmoniously to succeed in the integration of Internet and database
Future Trends
Increased Usage of Internet and Database Marketing
As the Internet becomes more pervasive and e-business extends further across
industry models and customer access channels, it is expected that the use of
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170 Rao & OLeary
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permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.
database-driven Internet marketing will increase and will become increasingly
sophisticated (Sweiger et al., 2002). Further, this increased usage of the
Internet is expected to increasingly involve non-Western economies and, in
particular, the Chinese and Asian economies (Anon, 2003). As such, market-
ers may need to adopt multinational, multicultural, and multilingual Internet/
database marketing strategies to gain maximum value from this anticipated
growth. The experience of the entertainment company confirms these predic-
tions, in that the success of its customer data-driven Internet marketing strategy
has resulted in future projects for extension of the concept into South East Asia.
Increased Emphasis on Data Quality and Data
Data quality and effective data integration will continue to be a focus for many
firms as building up accurate customer/prospect profiles, interests, and pro-
pensities over time is the critical success factor to effectively achieve and
maximize the strategic outputs identified in Figure 3. The success of the
entertainment companys integrated Internet marketing and database market-
ing strategy (as measure by increased site traffic, numbers of customers signing
on, interest-generated responses to offers, and increase in total sales) has
resulted from the company being able to maintain data quality. The entertain-
ment company encouraged customers to identify themselves as quickly as
possible in return for compelling content and special offers. A persistent
customer log-on was assigned to the customer, and rewards, such as product
discounts for customer validation and upkeep of their own profile and use of
external reputable data for validation of attributes such as Internet domain
name, address, and phone details, were used to increase data quality.
As such, as integrated Internet and database marketing becomes more main-
stream within the entertainment company, failure to adequately address the
issues of data quality, customer recognition, and data integration, especially in
a real-time capacity, will increasingly negate the efficacy of this profile building
and thus frustrate the ability to deliver the strategic outputs. Further, as
competitors increasingly attempt to replicate the success of the data-driven
Internet marketing strategies enjoyed by the entertainment company, it is
believed by the project team that organizations that fail to effectively monitor
data quality and integration procedures risk losing market share to competitors
that can successfully build on and utilize their prospect/customer information
TEAM LinG - Live, Informative, Non-cost and Genuine !
Integrating Internet/Database Marketing for CRM 171
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assets. The future will place greater reliance on data quality and the associated
intelligent use of integrated information.
Prominence on Value-For-Money and Differentiation
As integrated Internet/database marketing strategies become more commer-
cially utilized, increased emphasis on innovative differentiation and value-for-
money across the identified strategies is expected to emerge. The future
success in e-marketing comes when online promotions and catalogues are
delivered fully personalized to meet the needs of each individual customer. As
the prospect/customer becomes increasingly inundated with requests for
information and data-driven Internet marketing offers, expected future trends
will involve an enhanced expectation for incentives and/or rewards (financial,
prestige, status, other) for the targeted persons to contribute to and keep their
e-marketing data current.
Increased Emphasis on Privacy Management
The increased Internet usage and customer expectations discussed above are
expected to result in increased emphasis on privacy and customer permissions
management (Godin, 1999). This increased expectation for information rec-
ompense will be accompanied by increased customer/prospect intolerance for
irrelevant or inappropriate offers and a corresponding increased emphasis on
privacy (Hagel & Singer, 1999). Privacy problems are difficult and often solved
on an ad hoc basis. Although self-regulation is the most common approach in
handling consumer privacy protection, more stringent government regulation
will demand compliance in the future. For example, the Australian Federal
Government imposed a stricter SPAM Act recently to regulate unsolicited
commercial messages. As such, organizations are expected to become increas-
ingly sophisticated in setting, tracking, and managing privacy across their
Internet marketing strategies. Technological innovation, such as secure e-mail
services, anonymous surfing tools, and cookie cutters, are also becoming
available which present greater challenges to marketers to collect customer
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172 Rao & OLeary
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In conclusion, the extent, degree. and speed of communication enabled by the
Internet makes it a synergistic component of an effectual database marketing
strategy. The assimilation of all the marketing tools, including the two powerful
ones the Internet and databases built on a platform of comprehensive data
integration is the key to executing effective one-to-one marketing. An
integrated marketing solution appears promising in the development of e-
marketing. An action research approach was used to build a framework about
how Internet marketing and database marketing can be integrated. The results
are qualitative in nature and further research is needed to establish the statistical
generalizability of these theory-building findings in survey research when the
population of marketing managers with the requisite expertise becomes large
enough for a survey to be done.
Altrichter, H., Kemmis, S., McTaggart, R., & Zuber-Skerritt, O. (2000). The
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permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.
Dick, R. (2000). Postgraduate programs using action research. In Action
learning, action research and process management: Theory, prac-
tice, praxis (pp. 102-138). Brisbane: Griffith University, Action Re-
search Unit.
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Edwards, S.L., & Bruce, C. (2000). Reflective Internet searching: An action
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English, L.P. (1999). Improving data warehouse and business information
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permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.
Revans, R.W. (1991). The concept, origin and growth of action learning. In O.
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Developing Brand Assets with Wireless Devices 175
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Chapter X
Brand Assets with
Wireless Devices
Jari H. Helenius, Swedish School of Economics and Business
Administration, Finland
Veronica Liljander, Swedish School of Economics and Business
Administration, Finland
Advancements of the wired Internet and mobile telecommunications offer
companies new opportunities for branding but also create a need to
develop the literature to incorporate the new communication channels.
This chapter focuses on the mobile channel and how mobile phones can be
used in branding activities. Based on a literature review and practical
examples, the chapter discusses how brand managers can utilize the
mobile channel to strengthen brand assets. Four mobile branding (m-
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176 Helenius & Liljander
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branding) techniques are proposed and their impact on brand assets
discussed. Managerial implications and suggestions for further research
are provided.
The latter part of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st will be
remembered for the rapid development of consumer communication devices
and self-service technologies, most notably the wired Internet, or the Web, and
mobile telecommunications. Improvements in the form of faster connections,
cheaper usage, and sophisticated hardware in combination with user friendli-
ness have made the Web an increasingly important medium for consumer
interaction. Consequently, leading marketing practitioners and researchers
specialized in branding have pointed out the need for developing the existing
branding frameworks to accommodate the online world (Aaker &
Joachimsthaler, 2000). In this development, it is essential to include mobile
technologies, most notably the mobile phone, that already offers marketers
opportunities for branding. In the future, when the Internet and mobile tech-
nologies have fully converged, the possibilities for marketers will be even
The use of mobile devices in marketing and particularly in branding is still in its
infancy. Although studies of mobile services are starting to emerge (e.g., Barnes
& Corbitt, 2003; Heinonen, 2004; Nordman & Liljander, 2004; Repo,
Hyvnen, Panzar & Timonen, 2004), there is still a lack of literature on
marketing activities enabled by mobile technology (Balasubramanian, Peterson
& Jarvenpaa, 2002; Pura, 2003). Furthermore, to our knowledge, the use of
mobile handsets for branding activities has not been the subject of research. In
this chapter, we address this gap by discussing the possibilities for mobile
branding (m-branding) that are available to marketers today. The focus is on
how brand assets can be developed through the use of wireless devices, which
in this chapter are limited to cover only mobile phones. At present, the mobile
phone is the most ubiquitously used mobile device; it is estimated that there are
one billion in use worldwide.
Marketing professionals, however, have not yet adapted their brand strategies
to the new technology. The use of mobile phones in marketing has been
characterized by trial-and-error activities and has often been met by annoyance
reactions from consumers. The slow adoption of mobile technology in branding
TEAM LinG - Live, Informative, Non-cost and Genuine !
Developing Brand Assets with Wireless Devices 177
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may be due to the high penetration of low-end mobile devices without color
displays, small screens, and limited processing capability, offering primitive and
unfriendly brand experiences, which at worst can detract from the brands
value, its brand equity. If the predictions of the future penetration of high-end
advanced mobile devices are met, this may soon change. For example, camera
phones have been a market success (Crocket & Reinhardt, 2003), and leading
telecommunications industry analysts predict that by 2007 some 298 million
mobile phones worldwide will be integrated camera phones (http:// With color displays and other improvements, better user
experiences can be delivered. However, also less advanced phones can be,
and are, used for branding activities.
In Finland, especially among the young, consumers actively use their mobile
phones for text messaging, downloading ring-tones, picture logos, and mobile
screensavers, ordering mobile horoscopes, playing mobile games, and partici-
pating in mobile chat rooms. The mobile phone can be considered a device that
is always present and turned on. A personal observation by one of the authors
is that, also in Japan, the mobile phone, particularly the I-mode service, forms
a permanent presence in consumers everyday life. For Japanese consumers,
using I-mode services has become a daily routine, including reading the news,
weather reports and cartoons, performing banking activities (e.g., checking
account balances), m-commerce (e.g., reserving concert, movie, or airline
tickets), e-mailing, and playing games. These examples demonstrate the
growing potential of the mobile channel for marketers.
This chapter discusses the capabilities and opportunities of m-branding that
exist today, as well as its current limitations. The chapter is structured as
follows. First, brand equity and brand assets are briefly introduced and ways
of using the mobile phone in branding activities are discussed. Second, the m-
branding methods that are available today are presented with examples of how
they can be used. Third, managerial recommendations and future trends of m-
branding are discussed.
Brand Equity
In the 1990s, managers increasingly realized that brands represented real value
for the company and that they needed to pay more attention to the development
of brand equity. Several definitions and descriptions of brand equity can be
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178 Helenius & Liljander
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found in the literature (e.g., Aaker, 1991, 1996; Aaker & Joachmisthaler,
2000; Kapferer, 1997; Keller, 1998), but in summary, it can be concluded that
brand equity is the measured outcome of all branding activities and that it can
be expressed in financial terms. It is the (financial) value of the brand, based on
a number of brand assets. From a brand managers point of view, it is essential
that the brand assets can be managed.
Brand Assets
Aaker and Joachimsthaler (2000) divide brand equity into four contributing
factors, or brand assets: brand awareness, brand associations, perceived
quality, and brand loyalty. The dimensions are not independent. For example,
brand awareness and perceived quality affect brand associations. Brand
associations include all the things that consumers connect with the brand, such
as the brand personality, product attributes, and symbols. The perceived
quality of a brand is believed to have a direct effect on brand profitability, but
it can also be expected to have a direct effect on brand loyalty (i.e., the
emotional attachment that consumers have to a brand and their repeat purchas-
ing behavior). The stronger and more positive the brand assets are, the higher
the brand equity.
Since consumer loyalty has, in general, been strongly associated with positive
economic consequences for the company (Reichheld, 1996; Storbacka,
Strandvik, & Gronroos 1994), loyalty can be considered the companys most
important asset. Defending or increasing brand loyalty should be one of the
goals of m-branding activities. Wireless devices offer unique consumer values,
such as localization, timeliness, and convenience (Heinonen, 2004; Lindstrom,
2001), which can be used to form and enhance brand associations and thereby
loyalty. However, in the absence of long-term studies, the existence of these
relationships can only be assumed. It should be noted that although increased
brand loyalty is one of the goals of mobile marketing, short-term campaign
results, in that regard, have been disappointing (Pura, 2003).
The assets need to be communicated to customers in the form of a coherent
brand identity. In m-branding, it is essential that the identity of the brand
matches the unique aspects of the mobile phone, such as being a forerunner,
technologically advanced, or communicative. For example, the Coca-Cola
Company used the mobile channel in a promotion campaign in Finland in order
to make the promotion more appealing to the young target group and to
communicate the link between the company and continuous innovation.
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Developing Brand Assets with Wireless Devices 179
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In general, a thorough identity mapping of the brand (e.g., Aaker, 1996) needs
to be performed in order to understand whether the unique aspects of the
mobile phone link with the brand associations that the particular brand strives
for. Without the link, results of m-branding campaigns are likely to be
Brand Assets and the Mobile Channel
Aaker and Joachimsthalers (2000) framework of brand assets can also be
applied to m-branding. In particular, three of the assets can be targeted directly
for improvement with the m-branding methods that are available today. These
are brand awareness, brand associations, and brand loyalty. Perceived quality,
in our opinion, can be improved only indirectly through brand awareness and
brand associations. Consumers are known to use intrinsic cues, for example,
taste, shape, and material and extrinsic cues, for example, price, brand name,
and store name, to infer product quality (Rao & Monroe, 1989). Consumers
are unlikely to infer product quality from the companys use of a mobile
communication channel, particularly considering the limitations of current
displays and the limited possibilities of communicating quality aspects through
this channel. However, perceived product quality can be enhanced indirectly
by increasing consumers brand awareness and by creating more positive
brand associations.
What the mobile phone offers is an anytime anywhere interactive channel that
can be used as a supplement to other communication channels. It can improve
brand associations by providing highly relevant information and by utilizing the
unique aspects of the mobile phone. All branding activities have to be designed
and performed consistently to achieve improvements to the brand assets.
Marketers also need to be realistic and understand that some assets are easier
to develop than others; brand loyalty is the most difficult. We will now turn the
attention to the specific m-branding methods that are available for brand
managers and marketers today and show how they can affect brand assets.
Concrete examples are provided.
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M-Branding Methods
Based on the literature (e.g., Keskinen, 2001; Newell & Newell Lemon, 2001;
Pura, 2003), industry sources (The Forrester Report, 2001; Ovum Limited,
2000, 2001), one of the authors own work experiences, and discussions with
other industry experts, four currently existing m-branding methods were
identified. These are (1) sponsored content, (2) mobile CRM, (3) different
forms of mobile advertising, and (4) a mobile portal.
Sponsored Content
Ovum Limited (2001) states that all formats of wireless marketing message
can be delivered either standalone, or as an accompaniment to content (p.
112). Sponsored content refers to content that is sponsored by an established
and/or well-recognized brand and which can be requested by the end-user via
a mobile phone. According to Aaker and Joachimsthaler (2000), sponsorship
creates exposure for the brand and develops the consumers brand associa-
tions. Sponsored content affects brand awareness, or recall, through brand
exposure and brand associations by associating positive characteristics with
the brand, for example, innovativeness, advancement, and mobility. In addi-
tion, consumer behavior, though not necessarily long-term loyalty, is initiated
when consumers act on the advertisement. Based on one of the authors
personal observations and experiences of m-branding campaigns, consumers
appear to be more receptive to advertisements that are presented together with
content, compared to when being exposed to stand-alone wireless advertise-
ments. According to Ovum Limited (2001), sponsored content is also per-
ceived as less intrusive. Marketers should use sponsored content when they
have a well-defined target market (e.g., football enthusiasts) and when they
want to differentiate the company as an innovative sponsor.
A concrete example of sponsored content could be as follows. At any given
time, spectators watching a hockey game at home could request the interim
results of other hockey games through a specific Short Code Number (SCN,
a special phone number used to identify a text message based mobile phone
service, e.g., 17817) displayed on the TV screen. The SCN could be offered
by the sponsor of the hockey game, for example, a sports equipment retailer.
The message that the consumer receives could include a special offer or
TEAM LinG - Live, Informative, Non-cost and Genuine !
Developing Brand Assets with Wireless Devices 181
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discount on certain items at the store together with the requested content
(results of the other hockey games). In this example, the consumer pulls or
requests the content via Short Messaging Service (SMS, a text messaging
service). The advertising message that accompanies the content can be ignored
or acted on.
Mobile CRM (M-CRM)
Mobile CRM means using the mobile channel for customer relationship
marketing or management. A key to any brand building effort is gaining
knowledge of the relationship that exists between the customer and the brand.
Customers have gained more power to choose how they wish to interact with
companies; therefore, new tools for customer communication are demanded
(Newell & Newell Lemon, 2001). Customers want to be treated individually
and receive personalized value. Marketers need to develop alternative ways of
reaching customers with timely, relevant, and highly personal information of
high value, and they also need to provide customers with a means for timely
feedback (Newell & Newell Lemon, 2001). The mobile phone can be used for
this purpose. If m-CRM is to have an effect on brand loyalty, per se, marketers
need to engage in a dialog with customers and personalize their brand
communication messages. For example, the Belgian home improvement store,
Brico, collects vital information about customers by inviting its Discount Club
members to join a continued SMS dialogue (The Forrester Report, 2001, p.
11). Those who sign in receive questions on home improvement, and by
answering the questions, they receive discount coupons or invitations to
equipment demonstrations. An eventual goal of m-CRM is to empower
customers and let them be in charge of the brand communication and interaction
(Newell & Newell Lemon, 2001).
Marketers should consider using m-CRM when a highly personalized and
timely dialog with customers is desired and when they want to differentiate the
customer service or product offering with an innovative method of interaction.
Marketers should be cautious, however, since a long-lasting dialog with
customers is challenging to obtain. It will most likely engage only those
customers who are highly involved in the product or company. Furthermore,
marketers should pay close attention to consumer privacy issues and to
handling consumers concerns regarding how their personal information is used
(Phelps, Novak & Ferrel, 2000).
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Mobile Advertising
Advertising positively affects customers purchase frequency, their behavioral
loyalty toward the brand (Jones, 1998), but it also affects the brand awareness
and brand associations (Aaker, 1996; Aaker & Joachimsthaler, 2000; Keller,
1998). However, companies need to recognize the fact that the mobile phone
is perceived as inherently personal and that advertising needs to be based only
on consumers explicit permission to receive commercial messages. For
example, in Finland, the law prohibits all but opt-in mobile marketing.
The content of advertisements can be independent of time and place or tailored
to a specific context. An advantage of the mobile phone is that it is possible to
develop interactive advertisements that cannot be used in traditional media. A
disadvantage is that traditional goals of advertising, such as creating emotional
connections with customers, cannot be easily transferred to the new medium
(Newell & Newell Lemon, 2001). However, as mobile devices continue to
develop, the possibilities for communicating the emotional dimensions of the
brand will improve. In general, marketers should use mobile advertising to
support traditional advertising media. The mobile phone is a highly targeting but
also supportive channel, which can break through the clutter created by other
media and which can engage consumers into immediate action.
Based on the literature (e.g., Keskinen, 2001; Ovum Limited, 2001), mobile
advertising can be divided into four different forms: (1) content, (2) transaction,
(3) feedback, and (4) location-based advertising.
Content-Based Advertising
Content-based advertising means that the advertisement itself provides content
and value to the consumers (Keskinen, 2001), not that the ad is accompanied
by content. An example would be an advertisement for a restaurant that
includes its menus or a cinema advertisement that includes a detailed listing of
films, show times, and film reviews.
Transaction-Based Advertising
In transaction-based advertising, the advertisement is a promotional offer made
by the marketer (Keskinen, 2001), and consumers are encouraged to respond
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Developing Brand Assets with Wireless Devices 183
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directly to the advertisement by buying the product or service or requesting
more information. The format of these advertisements can be push or pull
(Keskinen, 2001). In the push format, the advertisement is sent to consumers
end-devices based on permission. In the pull format, consumers request the
product/service by sending an SMS to a number that has been advertised in
another media, for example, on the Internet, TV, or at the point-of-sale.
To be effective for various services or products, transaction-based advertising
needs to be combined with mobile payment solutions, giving consumers the
possibility to react immediately by paying for the product with mobile payment
methods. Currently, mobile payment is underdeveloped, but according to a
Finnish report by the Ministry of Traffic and Communication (2003), it is
expected to increase rapidly from 2004 onward. The report presents statistics
by Gartner Research, which estimates that North America will lag behind
Western Europe and Japan in mobile payment at least until the year 2007. The
value of mobile payment is expected to rise from less than $5 billion in 2003 to
reach $30 billion in both Europe and North America by 2007.
Feedback-Based Advertising
In feedback-based advertising, consumers identify themselves by sending an
SMS to a specified SCN, thereby informing the marketer about their interest
in the product or service (Keskinen, 2001). It differs from transaction-based
advertising in that consumers do not make purchases directly through the
mobile phone. According to The Forrester Report (2001), it could be a one-
off pull campaign, inviting consumers to participate via SMS in a promotion by
marketing it on product labels or in radio advertisements. As a practical
example, The Forrester Report (2001) mentions Frito-Lay, which prints codes
inside its snack bags and encourages buyers to participate by sending the given
code, via SMS, to a SCN in order to win a prize. According to The Forrester
Report (2001) this way Frito-Lay acquires a mobile phone number with the
receipt of each SMS, allowing it to build its own database of mobile users for
future push campaigns (p. 8). Consumers declare an interest in the brand and
permit the company to engage in dialog with them.
Feedback-based advertising is perhaps the most commonly used mobile
advertising method. To give another example, the Coca-Cola Company used
feedback-based advertising in its Red Collection campaign in 2001. In the
campaign, Finnish consumers were encouraged to buy Coca-Cola, to register
for the promotion and collect codes that could be redeemed for points. The
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184 Helenius & Liljander
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points could then be exchanged for branded rewards (e.g., CD holders, sun
glasses, bags, MP3 players). The more points the consumer earned, the better
promotional gifts they could obtain. The possibility of participating via the
mobile phone was communicated through various channels, such as the
Internet, product labels, billboards, TV, and radio. The case description by
Pura (2003) of an advertising campaign for a Finnish chocolate bar is another
example of feedback-based advertising.
Location-Based Advertising
Location-based advertising is still in its infancy. This is due, among other things,
to the inefficiencies of networks and, in many countries, a lack of clear laws on
when and how consumers can be targeted with marketing messages related to
their location. Therefore, location-based advertising is currently of minor
relevance for branding, but it may become more important in the future when
technology improves, clear guidelines are established, and the cost of position-
ing decreases. Although location-based services exist, there is a lack of
practical examples of location-based advertising. One example is a location-
based service offered by the Swedish-Finnish telecommunications operator
TeliaSonera. Together with a Finnish ski resort, Levi, TeliaSonera offers their
customers the possibility of opting in (by opt-in consumers give their permission
to be positioned) for a location-based service package, the LevInfo-service,
that provides travelers at the ski resort with information on services and service
providers in the ski resort area. The location-based service package includes
information and advertisements on restaurants, bars, evening activities, and
weather reports. Based on their location, consumers receive three to four news
and commercial messages per day. The service ends immediately upon leaving
the Levi area (or after four days of the initial service request), but it can also be
terminated at the ski resort by sending an SMS to a specified SCN provided
by the service provider. The service is marketed on the Web, TeliaSoneras
own mobile portal, and various point-of-sale materials at the resort.
Although location based advertising sounds attractive, there are challenges that
need to be surpassed when large-scale services are offered. According to
Ovum Limited (2001):
The data sharing [costs associated with positioning consumers] and
massive processing power this would require (regularly comparing the
TEAM LinG - Live, Informative, Non-cost and Genuine !
Developing Brand Assets with Wireless Devices 185
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locations of hundreds of thousands, or even millions of users with
hundreds or thousands of outlets, and combining it with profiled or data
privacy information) have to be weighted against the ease of substitutes
such as having someone handing out leaflets. (p. 109)
Furthermore, marketers have to be careful not to send too many messages per
day or week, in order to avoid spamming or exceeding the consumers
tolerance level due to constantly beeping mobile phone receiving new text
messages as the consumer changes locations.
Mobile Portal
A mobile portal is defined by Ovum Limited (2000) as a wireless portal [that]
concentrates users around communications, content and other applications that
are accessible over a wireless network using a handheld terminal (p. 9). The
mobile portal can also be described as a Web site that can be accessed through
both fixed line (i.e., the Internet) and wireless (i.e., mobile devices) connections
and which offers consumers a variety of services, mobile content, and applica-
tions to handheld devices, such as mobile phones and Personal Digital
Assistants (PDAs). According to Aaker and Joachimsthaler (2000), fixed line
Web sites can be a key part of brand-building efforts due to their ability to
convey important information, communicate experiential associations, influ-
ence other brand building activities, and thereby affect different brand dimen-
sions. Mobile portals, however, have not been used for brand building. Though
several explanations may be given for this, the foremost is that consumers in
general possess unsophisticated mobile devices that cannot fully utilize the
interactive content of the mobile portal. Mobile portals have also been
described as being ahead of their time. With the spread of more advanced
phones, mobile portals may well increase in importance, particularly among the
young and active phone users.
Wireless or mobile portals should not be elementary versions of fixed line Web
sites. They need to be designed so that the unique aspects of mobility are
realized, such as (1) mobile communication, (2) expediencyanytime any-
where, (3) real-time interactivity, and (4) independence of location (Ovum
Limited, 2001). Aaker and Joachimsthaler (2000) offer guidelines for brand-
building Web sites that can be applied also to mobile portals. A brand-building
Web site should (1) generate positive experiences for the consumer, that is,
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186 Helenius & Liljander
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deliver value and be easy to use, interactive, personalized, and timely; (2) echo
and sustain the brand and its identity; (3) act in synergy with all other
communication channels; and (4) grant access to the brands most loyal
customers. In other words, mobile portals, like brand-building Web sites,
should offer a home for the most loyal customers with strong brand commit-
ment. On the whole, the portal should reflect and support the brand identity,
communicate brand associations to the potential and existing customers, and
give customer a reason for repeat visits. It needs to be part of an integrated
marketing strategy (i.e., wholly integrated with the Web portal, other commu-
nication channels and materials, and all marketing campaigns).
Although mobile portals have not been widely used for branding, some
advanced examples can be found. One example is the Yahoo! mobile portal
(, which offers a variety of services and content that
the customer is already familiar with from Yahoo!s fixed line Web portal. Thus,
the Web and mobile portal give a seamless appearance and work extremely
well together. Consumers are provided with a way to be attached to Yahoo!
as a brand and to its services, regardless of time and location. After registering
their mobile phone numbers, consumers can, for example, create mobile alerts
on different topics (e.g., breaking news, auctions, sports, e-mail, horoscopes,
stocks, news, and weather), download games to be played both via the Internet
and the mobile phone, and play virtual or fantasy games, download and upload
personal photos, use instant messaging (IM), or read and write e-mail in real-
time. Although it could be argued that Yahoo!s mobile portal is just an
extension of Yahoo!s fixed line Web content, it does show how mobile portal
can act in synergy with the Web. It sustains the Yahoo! brand and encourages
interactivity and personalization. It also provides access for loyal customers
independently of time and place.
Managerial Implications
As can be discerned from the previous discussion and examples, m-branding
is still in its infancy. M-branding has only, to a minor extent, been used in cross-
media advertising to support brand-building activities. Although m-branding
can be used to build and support brand assets, the differential effect of the
mobile channel is difficult to determine.
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Developing Brand Assets with Wireless Devices 187
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Because consumers perceive their mobile phones as inherently personal, it is
important for companies not to clutter it with unwanted messages that will drive
the customer away from the brand. M-branding of any form should always be
based on an opt-in decision by customers. The brand identity needs to be
considered when making a decision on whether to use the mobile channel or
not. Managers need to analyze whether customers perceive it as a positive
experience to interact with the company and its brands through their mobile
phone. Identity mapping (compare Aaker, 1996, for Brand Identity System),
for example, can be used to evaluate which parts of the identity the mobile
phone corresponds with and whether the target market fits the use of the
channel. When the brand personality is characterized as young, timeless, and
constantly on the move, the mobile phone would be a good fit. In addition,
attention needs to be paid to how the mobile phone links to other communica-
tion channels to form an integrated communication message. The mobile phone
cannot work as a stand-alone in branding. Without careful considerations of all
aspects of the campaign, m-branding will be only a trial-and-error strategy with
little chance of succeeding.
Since mobile marketing is a relatively new phenomenon, it catches consumers
interest and has the ability to effectively increase brand awareness and create
positive associations to a relatively unknown brand. However, it is important
for managers to be aware of the limitations as well as the opportunities of mobile
marketing. For example, the interactivity that is required from consumers forms
a threshold for participation. Only consumers who feel that it is worth their while
will react, and feedback-based advertising campaigns might attract prize
seekers rather than interested loyal customers. Furthermore, since m-branding
is a new phenomenon, the technique is not always equal to the promises, and
the technical failure of campaigns cannot be ruled out.
Although brand loyalty and engagement are generally strived for, it is difficult
to discern these results from easily available campaign statistics. Advertising
primarily creates awareness and associations, rather than brand loyalty, per se.
Mobile portals and m-CRM support loyalty by offering valuable services to the
customer, perhaps services that cannot be obtained by other means. To engage
in m-CRM, marketers need a sufficiently accurate database of consumer
information, including mobile phone numbers and permissions by consumers,
to perform mobile marketing. M-CRM is a relationship supporting service that
needs to be tailored to the customers individual needs; they should feel
delighted when they get a brand-related message on their mobile phone.
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The costs of a campaign (direct costs vs. costs incurred from possible failure)
should also be considered. Depending on the methods used and the compre-
hensiveness of the m-branding campaign, the incurred costs are competitive in
relation to more traditional branding methods (i.e., mobile marketing vs.
ordinary mail marketing) and, in many cases, lower. Thus, m-branding provides
a cost efficient way of supplementing other branding activities. Ideally, as
marketers get more experience of m-branding, their mindsets will be altered so
that the mobile channel is incorporated as a permanent part of the companys
brand building efforts. Table 1 provides a summary of the brand asset
objectives for each m-branding method and of media that might be used in
combination with m-branding.
Future Trends in M-Branding
The worldwide growth of GSM network coverage, upgrades to GPRS
network, the building of third generation (3G) networks, and the development
Table 1. M-branding objectives and supportive media for m-branding
M-branding Brand Assets Supportive Media
1. Brand Awareness
2. Brand Associations
3. Brand Loyalty
Depending on the sponsor and content, e.g., TV
and Radio, Indoor/Outdoor Billboards,
Indoor/Outdoor Events, Product Labels, Point of
Sale, Print Media, Direct Marketing (DM), and the
M-CRM 1. Brand Loyalty
2. Brand Associations
DM (e-mail and ordinary mail), the Web, Mobile
Portal, and Personal Selling.
1. Brand Associations
2. Brand Awareness (recall,
and for Transaction-
Based Advertising brand
recall-boosted brand
3. Brand Loyalty
Content-based advertising needs support from
highly visible Printed Media, Billboards, and the
Transaction-based advertising needs support from
easily available printed instructions.
Feedback-based advertising should be well
integrated with all the Media in the campaign.
Location-based advertising is best supported by
Local Billboards and Media, Company Web sites,
and Tourist Information.
Mobile Portal 1. Brand Loyalty
2. Brand Associations
3. Brand Awareness
The Mobile Portal should be advertised in all the
Media used by the company, same as the Company
Web site.

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permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.
of more advanced mobile services have, taken together, triggered a discussion
of the imminent convergence of the Internet and mobile telecommunications
technologies and their potential commercial use (Han, Ahn & Skudlark, 2002;
Keen & Mackintosh, 2001; Nilsson, Nuldn & Olsson, 2001). In the future,
when mobile telecommunication and the wired Internet converge, it will offer
marketers new opportunities for utilizing mobile devices in branding.
As mobile devices become more advanced offering better interactivity fea-
tures, higher data processing power, faster connections, and better access to
the Internet, marketers will be able to design campaigns that incorporate voice,
moving pictures with color, and interactive features, such as games and instant
messaging. With better user experiences, it will be easier to catch consumers
attention and involve them in the campaign. However, as more companies start
to use the mobile channel, the novelty value for consumers will wear off, and it
will become increasingly difficult to engage them in a brand dialog. Hence,
companies need to improve their ability to segment customers and to design
different branding objectives for different target audiences. Consumers who
are already committed to the brand may need another type of communicative
strategy than the variety seekers or those with a divided loyalty to several
Further research on m-branding and its advantages and limitations from both
a managerial and consumer perspective is clearly needed. Interesting research
questions would be, for example, (1) Are there consumer segments that are
particularly receptive to m-branding and, if so, what characterizes them? (2)
Are consumers emotive reactions toward a brand affected by m-branding
methods? (3) To what extent can different m-branding methods achieve
different brand awareness objectives (i.e., recall and recognition), either as a
stand-alone media or as an accompaniment to more traditional media? (4) Is
m-branding equally effective for low- and high-involvement products?
This chapter has discussed m-branding as an emerging phenomenon in brand
management and has provided an overview of the m-branding techniques that
are available today. M-branding is assumed to affect brand equity through
brand assets. However, the currently available techniques have a limited effect
on all brand assets and primarily affect brand associations. Considering the
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current shortcomings of both techniques and phones, marketing managers need
to beware of having too high expectations regarding m-branding effects.
Reasons for being cautious include: (1) technology failures and the high
penetration of low-end handsets, (2) the unfriendly user interface of most
mobile phones today, (3) companies reluctance to do a thorough brand
identity analysis to assess the suitability of m-branding, (4) unfamiliarity with
different m-branding techniques and limited knowledge of how the mobile
phone relates to other channels of communication, (5) marketing professionals
use of the wired Internet as a benchmark for evaluating the effectiveness of m-
branding techniques, although the two media are completely different, and
finally (6) consumers privacy needs and how they are being met in branding
campaigns need to be considered.
The Internet as a marketing medium has received much attention in both
business and research communities, whereas little attention has been paid to the
development of marketing through mobile devices. This is an omission that
needs to be addressed by further research.
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In B.E. Mennecke & T.J. Strader (Eds.), Mobile commerce: Technol-
ogy, theory, and applications. London: Idea Group.
Rao, A.R., & Monroe, K.B. (1989, August). The effect of price, brand name,
and store name on buyers perceptions of product quality: An integrative
review. Journal of Marketing Research, XXVI, 351-357.
Reichheld, F.F. (1996). The loyalty effect: The hidden force behind growth,
profits, and lasting value. Boston: Harvard Business School Press.
Repo, P., Hyvnen, K., Panzar, M., & Timonen, P. (2004, January 5-8).
Users inventing ways to enjoy new mobile services the case of
watching mobile videos. Proceedings of the 37th Hawaii International
Conference on Systems Sciences, Big Island, Hawaii.
Storbacka, K., Strandvik, T., & Gronroos, C. (1994). Managing customer
relationships for profit: The dynamics of relationship quality. Interna-
tional Journal of Service Industry Management, 5(5), 21-38.
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Chapter XI
Information Systems
(GIS) in E-Marketing
Mark R. Leipnik, Sam Houston State University, USA
Sanjay S. Mehta, Sam Houston State University, USA
The primary purpose of this chapter is to introduce the reader to Geographic
Information Systems (GIS) based technologies and applications within
the broad domain of E-marketing. Numerous e-marketing examples are
presented from diverse industries that will assist the reader in better
understanding the various uses and applications of GIS technologies over
the Internet. While the use of GIS technologies in e-marketing is in its
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infancy, it is hoped that the compilation of information through personal
interviews, research articles, and personal visits to the various Web sites
will assist in validation of the technology within the marketing paradigm.
Within the broader context of utilizing the Internet to market products,
conducting marketing research, and engaging in other e-marketing applications
and/or activities, there is a subset of applications involving the technology of
Geographic Information Systems (GIS). This chapter introduces the reader to
the structure and functions of GIS, sources of software and data for GIS, and
the availability and characteristics of GIS for use by e-marketers. Finally, we
will examine specific examples of cutting edge applications of GIS and the
Internet in several industries including: tourism, real estate, market research,
business-to-business e-commerce, and online provision of geospatial data and
services. The objective of this chapter is to familiarize e-marketers with GIS
technologies and provide them with another tool for strategic decision making.
Geographic Information Systems
While GIS technologies have been in existence for approximately 40 years, its
adoption by marketers and diffusion within marketing is a relatively newer
phenomenon (Tomlinson, Calkins & Marble, 1976). Historically, the most
common applications (and original uses) of this technology have been in the
areas of natural resources management, infrastructure and facilities manage-
ment, and land records management. More recently, public utilities and
municipal governments have embraced the technology (Goodchild, 1991).
Today, GIS is being applied to literally thousands of disparate applications
from mapping crime incident locations to tracking nuclear submarines (GIS
World, 1997). While the technology itself is complex, marketers can use and
apply the technology with relative ease once they understand the general
structure, functions, and sources of both data and software that are readily
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GIS are a suite of computer programs designed to store, analyze, manipulate,
and create output like maps, charts, and reports from geographic data linked
to descriptive attribute data (Burrough, 1986). The geographic data are
typically features that can be portrayed on maps or in aerial photography and
stored in a special topological structure. Within this unique format, coordinates,
scales, projections, and geometric interrelationships are explicitly maintained.
Descriptive attribute data is stored in a tabular format and linked to the
geographic data. For every geographic feature, such as a point representing a
customer or unit location, a line representing a street or a polygon representing
the boundaries of a census tract, there is a corresponding record in a database
GIS data is structured into a series of layers. These layers are co-registered
(i.e., have the same spatial extent) coordinate system and projection. For
example, a GIS might have a layer of zip code boundaries, a layer of streets and
highways, and a layer of streams, lakes and wetlands (hydrography), a layer of
state and national boundaries, a layer of unit (store) locations, a layer of
competitor unit locations, and a layer of customer locations. For each distinct
layer, there would be (at least one) database table containing as many records
as there were features in the corresponding geographic (map) layer to which
they were linked. Each record there would be a primary key with a unique
numerical identifier that differentiates that record and links the record to the
feature (such as a point representing the residence of a customer). There would
also presumably be a series of other fields containing applicable information,
such as customer social security number (or other unique identifier), customer
address, customer phone, fax, and e-mail information, customer credit card
account balance, responses to a customer survey, prior sales to that customer,
credit report data, and so forth (Samet, 1989).
The complex and somewhat unwieldy topological data structure described
above has its compensation in that many unique forms of spatial analysis can be
performed on the data stored in the GIS. Thus, one can readily generate buffer
zones around features and then select the corresponding records for the
features falling within a designated buffer zone around some locations. For
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example, one could create a one-, five-, and ten-mile buffer zone (i.e., primary,
secondary, and fringe trade areas) around every unit of a franchise, like Burger
King (Mehta, Leipnik & Maniam, 1999a). Then, all census blocks or block
groups falling within these concentric circles would be extracted from the
7,017,427 blocks and/or 229,192 block groups (from the 2000 census)
already stored in the Census Bureaus Topologically Integrated Geographic
Encoding and Referencing (TIGER) data set (Leipnik, Mehta & Maniam,
2003). Demographic information, such as population, race, age, and gender by
block and other data, such as median household income by block group for all
persons responding to the census and residing within one, five, and ten miles of
every Burger King in the U.S., could then be readily determined.
Another example of a spatial analysis method feasible with GIS would be to
determine the areas within five, ten, and twenty minutes travel time from every
Ann Taylor Store in the U.S. and Canada. The street data used in this analysis
would need to be correctly connected together and would need speed limit data
linked to every segment. Once the travel time zones for each store were
determined, these could be compared to actual customer locations (if previ-
ously geocoded), zip codes within which customers resided, census demo-
graphics for the blocks, block groups, census tracts, and so forth falling within
these travel time limits and potential competitor locations.
These examples only scratch the surface of spatial analysis methods employing
off-the-shelf GIS software and readily available data sets. With respect to the
emphasis of this book on e-marketing applications, it is important to note that
the spatial analysis methods discussed above can all be conducted interactively
(in real-time) over the Internet, Intranet, and Extranet. Many, if not all, of the
data sets mentioned above are available for access or purchase over the
Internet (Landis, 1993; Peng & Tsou, 2004). Due to both complexity and
relative stability of the software, the general relational database structure of
GIS software has not changed (significantly) for several decades. Vendors
have recently released an object-oriented database structure (Gordillo &
Balaguer, 1998).
Sources of Software and Data
The TIGER data set ( is a core component of market-
ing use of GIS in the U.S. and is available over the Internet on a county by
county basis from the Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) (http:/
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/, on CDs in a GIS readable format from Geolytics (http://, and interactively it can be viewed and maps generated
from it using the Census Bureaus interactive mapping Web site (http:// Also, enhanced TIGER data is available from GDT
( Other useful geospatial data includes street data
from Teleatlas ( and Navtech (http://, economic data from Dun and Bradstreet (http://, and reaggregated and customized data from Claritas
( This geospatial data by itself is useless since a
highly sophisticated suite of computer programs (i.e., GIS) is needed to store,
manipulate, and analyze it. Today, the leading GIS software is the ARCGIS
product line from ESRI. Of particular significance is the ARC Internet Map
Server (IMS), a powerful and scalable product designed to serve up maps and
other forms of geospatial data (e.g., aerial photography) interactively with a
range of spatial analysis tools over the Internet (Spee, P.C., October 5, 2003).
A major competitor of ESRI is MapInfo ( MapInfo
is very affordable (approximately $250 per copy) and has been dominant in
what is referred to as desktop mapping applications. Their MapXtreme
product is designed to serve maps over the Internet. MapInfo has a strong
position in market research firms who typically use stand-alone versions of the
software to perform simple mapping applications (e.g., sales volume by
territories). MapInfo has recently diversified its portfolio of businesses by
purchase of Thompson Associates, a leading market research firm in the
franchise site selection and cannibalization analysis area (Mehta et. al., 1999a).
MapInfo also has a strong presence in Australia, where the Australian Bureau
of Statistics (their census authority) uses MapInfo for its online mapping
(Leipnik, Mehta & Seidel, 2002). In Canada, MapInfo has acquired Canmap,
the leading purveyor of the nationwide street data (J. Hobson, P.C., October
5, 2003).
As the popularity of GIS in business, in general, and e-commerce, specifically,
has expanded, other firms have tentatively entered into the field; these include
companies, such as AutoDesk which has dominated the Computer Aided
Design (CAD) field and Intergraph which has specialized in high-end turn-key
graphics solutions for government and industry for decades. A more significant
recent entrant in the field is Microsoft with the Mappoint GIS. Mappoint is fully
compatible with the rest of the Microsoft Office suite. At approximately $200
per copy, Mappoint is intended to compete directly with MapInfo. Like
MapInfo, it has a rather limited range of functions and a commensurately lower
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price than ARCGIS (which retails for approximately $1,500 per copy). As of
now, Mappoint has a relatively small market share of the approximately $2
billion per year GIS market (GIS World, 2002). Mappoint has a Web services
component designed to serve street map data to users around the world. At
present, Mappoint has licensing agreements that allow it to serve street data for
use in mapping, research, and navigation for 19 North American and European
countries. Since Microsoft has expertise in development of Web-based
applications (e.g., Explorer, Outlook) and mass marketing application soft-
ware (e.g., MS Office suites), we might expect that within a few years only two
competing visions for Web-based GIS are likely to be dominant: Microsofts
low-end desktop mapping approach designed for the casual user of GIS and
ESRIs sophisticated object-oriented ARCGIS and ARCIMS products de-
signed for building geospatial data and performing advanced spatial analysis.
GIS and Marketing
Since its introduction is the 1950s, the 4P (i.e., place, price, product, and
promotion) framework has become the dominant paradigm within marketing.
Most authors of marketing textbooks within the disparate discipline (e.g.,
Principles of Marketing, Sports Marketing, Internet Marketing, Global
Marketing, and Marketing Management) use it as the primary structure.
Therefore, the marketing mix variables (4Ps) will be used to validate the
significance of GIS within e-marketing.
While some researchers have argued that the old adage, three most important
things in retailing are location, location, location is still valid, others have
argued that the advent of the Internet has tended to reduce the importance of
one of the Ps, place (Wang, Sui & Lai, 2004). They contend that it is now
possible to outsource many activities (e.g., call centers, technology support,
and Web development) to remote locations in countries like India. It is also
possible to buy products from e-retailers located in other countries (e.g., http:/
/, thereby questioning traditional theories and laws
(e.g., Reillys Law of Retail Gravitation, Huffs Model).
However strong or weak the above stated argument, the power and importance
of place should not be underestimated (Sui, 2002). GIS can be used to analyze
the demographic, economic, and infrastructure related to a given place. These
factors often determine the appropriateness of locating a new retail unit or
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making a real estate investment. For example, the number of persons residing
within a specified distance or travel time would help to determine the profit
potential of a trade area. The presence of employers, hotels, airports, high-
ways, arterial streets, public transportation, inter-modal links, and so forth
would help determine the potential customer base for drive-through or walk-
up franchise systems. Physiographic factors (e.g., proximity to flood zones or
earthquake faults) can also have an affect on the long-term value of an
investment in a particular area.
The fact that GIS allows analysis of issues regarding place should be of no
surprise to anyone, but envisioning how GIS can be used in relations to the other
three Ps is not so obvious. It is probably easiest to find instances where
promotion is taking advantage of spatial analysis afforded by GIS. For
example, GIS data on traffic counts is used to set billboard and truck-side
advertising rates and select billboards for placement of specific advertisements
(Leipnik, Mehta & Newbold, 2003). GIS data on the demographics of
network and cable television and radio markets combined with viewership data
are also used to set advertising rates. Customer addresses and unit locations
along with zip code boundary data can be effectively used in targeting direct
mail advertising campaigns such as that of Ace Hardware Stores (Harder,
GIS can also be used to determine the optimal product mix to offer in a given
retail outlet. This has particular relevance for supermarkets and supercenters
(e.g., Wal-Mart, Fiesta) that carry an excess of 50,000 items. Local variations
in ethnicity and socioeconomic status can have a tremendous impact of what
products (e.g., baby foods) will sell profitably. GIS has also been used to study
the placement of products within stores in relation to traffic, shelf space, and
setting slotting allowance rates.
GIS can also be used to set or at least influence the prices charged for products.
Geographic pricing is commonly used, where price varies due to distribution
costs. For example, FedEx sets delivery charges via zones, the boundaries of
which are based on GIS analysis. The same concept has pertinence in business-
to-business (B2B) marketing, where products that are not universally pro-
duced and/or are heavy and cumbersome to deliver (e.g., automobiles, coal,
steel, electricity) have set charges that vary from region to region. It is obvious
that pricing structure can be made more complex by other factors including
delivery bottlenecks, variable demand, level of competition, and local, state,
and national laws and regulations.
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GIS and E-Marketing
While there are numerous disparate definitions of e-marketing within the
academic literature, the best one in our opinion is the one that utilizes and
expands the official AMA definition of marketing. E-marketing is the use of
electronic data and application for the planning and executing the conception,
distribution, promotion, and pricing of ideas, goods, and services to create
exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational goals (Strauss & Frost,
2001, p. 454). Most e-marketing strategies used today are designed to attract,
develop, and enhance mutually beneficial relationships with customers and
suppliers by enhancing value and creating satisfaction and loyalty (Mehta, Dalal
& Maniam, 2001). While there are numerous applications and uses of GIS in
e-marketing, we identified a few leading industries: e-tourism, B2B e-com-
merce, e-real estate industry, e-banking, and so forth.
One particularly fruitful area for the utilization of interactive GIS-based
mapping over the Internet is in the field of tourism. The precedent for use of the
Internet in travel is well established with a large volume of airline, hotel, rental
car companies, and other travel-related reservations being made online. Since
travel by its very nature has a geographic component/association (e.g., selec-
tion of lodgings in an unfamiliar city), it is obvious that the use of maps is valuable
(if not essential). With the advent and evolution of the Internet, there is demand
to access these maps online. Some examples of Web-based GIS in the field of
e-tourism include imbedded GIS within Web sites like Expedia, Travelocity,
Goto, Mapquest, Alta Vista, and so forth.
The Web sites of several national tourist offices contain interactive mapping
capabilities, including that of the British Travel Authority (http:// The Visit Britain Web site features an initial screen that
asks users to identify the country they are coming from. It then links to a page
in that countrys official language and features travel consultants and toll-free
numbers relevant for that country. The gateway page features a prominent map
of Great Britain, that when selected, invokes a GIS-based interactive mapping
application. Clicking on an area within the map opens a pop-up with a larger
scale map of that region portraying major roads and towns. Clicking on a town
then zooms to local roads, lakes, and rivers and allows users to click on icons
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for lodging, attractions, and transportation. For each attraction, lodging estab-
lishment, and so forth there is a link to a descriptive page which assesses the
attribute data linked to each feature. This site utilizes a generalized version of
the British Ordinance Survey Master Map GIS, which are arguably the best
national GIS for a major country (The Swiss and Finnish GIS are comparable).
Another very popular feature of the Visit Britain Web site is the interactive
Movie Map. This feature uses some of the same framework and features as the
Interactive Map. However, it features maps with icons and linked imagery
showing the locations where scenes in popular British films have been shot
(Shaw, P.C., October 19, 2003). Outside the U.K., tourism related informa-
tion is being disseminated using interactive mapping in Israel, Australia, and
New Zealand. In Canada, arguably the country where GIS was invented in the
early 1960s (Tomlinson et al., 1976), the seventh largest industry (tourism) is
using GIS actively including pioneering wireless Internet applications using
handheld PDA-based approaches for travelers in major cities like Toronto.
Web-based GIS technology is not exclusively for the wealthy nations. The
State of Goa (India) has been used as a test market for Tourism GIS over the
Web. In order to more easily disseminate information about access to tourist
attractions, travel kiosks with touch screens and Internet access to a server with
interactive maps are being established in a number of hotels in tourist locations,
such as Agra (Taj Mahal), New Delhi, and Bombay. In Malaysia, Creative
Advanced Technology Corporation has developed a Web portal termed http:/
/ This Web site features interactive GIS-based
maps along with satellite imagery, draped over terrain models. In Zimbabwe,
the Tourism Authority has used ArcView Network Analyst to determine the
best routes to attractions from major towns and hotels and has posted such
maps on its Web site.
B2B E-Commerce
One of the leading providers of geodemographic data is Claritas (http:// Claritas specializes in providing geodemographic data
such as reaggregated census statistics as well as providing specialized and
proprietary geospatial data to market researchers and others interested in the
analysis of the distribution of potential customers or units. Claritas is perhaps
best known for taking the responses from the decennial census and reaggregat-
ing them, either by census subdivisions with new attributes or by zip code zones.
The value of reaggregation is that zip codes are often more readily available
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from consumers (than street address data) and are far less likely to contain
erroneous information. Instead of having to characterize a census tract or block
group as containing hundreds of variables, it is possible to combine selected
variables that have a high correlation with consumer buyer behavior. It is then
possible to classify the block group, census tract, city, county, Metropolitan
Statistical Area (MSA), and so forth as containing a given proportion of
consumers that have certain characteristics (for segmentation).
The most memorable feature of Claritas PRIZM and their Microvision
products is the catchy phrases used to describe each demographic segment. At
present, there are approximately 60 groups in PRIZM, ranging from Blueblood
Estates (White or Asian race, median annual household income of $158,000,
refined tastes such as yachting and reading the New York Times, and
purchasers of luxury automobiles), through groups like Pools and Patios,
Bohemian Mix, Golden Ponds, Shotguns and Pick-ups all the way down to
Hardscrabble Farms (White or Native American race, $22,000 median
annual household income, interest in reading Guns and Ammo, watching
Country Music TV, and purchasers of recapped tires).
Besides data derived from the census, Claritas offers a huge range of other
geospatial data, all of it available to market researchers over the Internet
through their Web portal (Moore, P.C., October 19 2003). Recently, Claritas
has inaugurated a feature of its Web site intended to foster the use of interactive
GIS in the area of B2B e-marketing. This site features access to a Business
Facts data set on characteristics, locations, and contact information (including
Web site addresses) for business by MSA. The data set also includes the North
American Industrial Classification System (NAICS), employment levels, initial
public offerings, data from annual 10-K reports and various other SEC filings,
consumer spending data by zip codes, shopping center locations and attributes,
traffic volume data, and capability to use road data with network connectivity
to perform drive time analysis online. Claritas also offers an e-connect service
designed to foster B2B e-commerce.
E-Real Estate
SSR Reality is a Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) specializing in catering to
the intermediate-term investment needs of large institutional customers. It must
service a highly sophisticated clientele that typically makes investment deci-
sions concerning allocation of portfolios. SSR currently manages over $6 billion
in assets for such institutional investors as pension plans and insurance
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companies. In order to serve its existing clients and win over new investors,
SSR must differentiate itself from a wide range of investment firms. It does this
through superior analysis of real estate investment opportunities in the sixty-two
markets in which it invests. Its analysis is heavily dependent on spatial data to
generate predictions of return on investment for commercial and multifamily
residential properties. SSR uses GIS, regression, and geostatistical modeling
to conduct analysis of these properties.
SSR utilizes Web-based applications in three ways. The first use is to access
geospatial data (e.g., digital aerial photography from publicly available sources
such as Terraserver for use on
its server. Second, it serves associates in the field with a vast quantity of data
from its secure server usually for making presentations to clients or for field
assessments. Third, SSR has developed an application termed Real estate On
Line (ROL) that allows clients to view potential properties and perform limited
spatial analysis online.
Several aspects of SSRs use of geospatial technologies place this firm on the
forefront of market research application of GIS. For example, instead of relying
on universally available data sets (e.g., TIGER), SSR utilizes a wide range of
data (e.g., Dun and Bradstreet data, internal data on rents, proprietary data on
occupation rates, and rents for competing properties). SSR does not simply
generate maps based on summary statistics, instead multivariate statistical
analysis and two-dimensional spatially weighted Kriging models (Anselin,
1998) are employed to generate probabilistic estimates with a spatial compo-
nent that can in turn be mapped and distributed over the Internet. Thus, instead
of mapping median income by census tract as a predictor of market potential,
SSR can generate an estimate of annualized return-on-investment adjusted for
predicted inflation based on a series of weighted factors, such as rents and
occupancy rates in similar properties, depreciation adjusted for tax effects,
employment in surrounding businesses, and life cycle stage for a given area
where there is a property. This approach requires a far higher level of
sophistication and a far greater investment in resources (i.e., to gather and/or
purchase the data from which these predictions are ultimately derived).
However, the proof of the efficacy of this approach is the increasing inflow of
funds into this REIT and the emphasis that SSR places on geostatistical and
Web-based approaches in its own corporate strategy and in presentations to
clients (Scherer, P.C., November 11, 2003).
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RPM consulting ( specializes in sophisticated analysis
of the spatial distribution of customers, unit locations, and infrastructure
variables. Clients include Western Exterminator, Dallas Federal Teachers
Credit Union, South Coast Federal Credit Union, and so forth. Banking
marketing is a good example where fostering of an ongoing relationship based
on mutual trust and a real understanding of customer needs is critical (Mehta,
Maniam & Mehta, 1999). Spatial factors also play a role in the establishment
of such relationships. People typically patronize businesses that are easy to
access. Traditionally, that access has been based on physical proximity. Thus,
one would patronize a local bank in the town or city in which one worked or
The advent of branch banking, Automatic Teller Machines (ATM), and
Internet banking has altered this paradigm. In the Los Angeles area, many
employees of major defense contractors (e.g., Lockhead-Martin) formed the
South Coast Credit Union (SCCU). It was both specific to an industry
(aerospace) and a geographically defined region (i.e., South Coast area of Los
Angeles/Orange counties) where the defense contractors were concentrated.
While proximity is relevant, recent technological advances allow financial
institutions to practice relationship management with depositors, even when
they move out of close proximity to a branch.
In the case of SCCU, six urban branches serve customers. The depositors are
usually well educated, have high incomes, are technologically savvy, and
somewhat mobile. In recent years, aerospace firms have relocated facilities to
the Antelope Valley and Inland Empire Regions of Southern California. The
customers of SCCU have frequently taken jobs at these facilities and moved to
be closer to their jobs. In traditional banking, once a customer moves and no
longer patronizes a branch, the relationship devolves to the impersonal form.
The opportunity to practice relationship with these distant customers dimin-
ishes. SCCU decided to use GIS to practice Customer Relationship Manage-
ment (CRM).
For each branch, a trade area was established linking that branch with those
customers that are closer to it than to any other branch (S. Lackow, P.C.,
October 22, 2003). This procedure had the effect of frequently reassigning
customers from the branch in which they may have opened an account to the
nearest branch, as well as creating territories for each branch in which they can
pursue new business opportunities while not causing undue dislocation to
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customers. Looking at this data spatially, a bank official might make several
decisions. One would be to locate new branches to better serve these far-flung
customers. Another would be to encourage Internet-based banking, use of
ATMs, and smart Kiosks at these more remote locations. Use of the Internet
to reach and maintain relationships with relocated customers is an opportunity
highlighted by this type of mapping. Thus, a customer in Palmdale (in the
Antelope Valley) might receive customized e-mails informing him of the
proximity to the nearest branch where cost-free ATM transactions can be
made and offer Internet only promotions (e.g., repossessed cars for sale in the
customers area).
Web-Based Geocoding and Spatial Data Mining
ESRI is not only the world leader in GIS, but it is positioning itself to be a leader
in Web-based services for marketing and business decision making. Specifi-
cally, what ESRI is offering are a variety of fee-based and free services that
allow small- and medium-sized businesses to access the latest geospatial data
and the most sophisticated tools and expertise related to issues like geocoding
(Mehta, Leipnik & Maniam, 1999b). Instead of struggling to procure geospatial
data, clients can access the latest enhanced census data or up-to-date street
centerline data without the trouble of purchasing voluminous and costly data
sets. One can submit a simple ASCII file, spreadsheet, or database table with
customer names, sales totals, and zip code data. ESRI will then use Zip Code
Tabulation Area (ZCTA) data combined with TIGER data to provide a map
and attribute database showing the zip code boundaries that enclose every
customer and the median income, race, population, and other demographic
characteristics for that area. This is an attractive option, since the cost of current
versions of data sets can run into the thousands of dollars (let alone the difficulty
in error checking and geocoding the zip code data). The resulting map and
report can be billed on a per item basis that for large data sets comes out to a
few cents for each customer geocoded and mapped. Even more expensive data
sets (e.g., Teleatlas data) can be used to geocode customer addresses that can
then be matched against the census block groups that the customer resides
It is hoped that the above stated examples can provide e-marketing with
another tool to both better understand and appreciate GIS technologies and
their Web-based applications. Unfortunately, just like other tools used for
marketing decision making, GIS too has numerous limitation.
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206 Leipnik & Mehta
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There are several significant limitations to the use of GIS over the Web. These
include the ongoing problem of the accuracy of spatial data, perhaps best
exemplified by the inaccuracy of many of the streets used as the basic
framework of the TIGER data (the cornerstone of much geodemographic
analysis). If data in the U.S. is inaccurate, data in Canada and Europe is often
prohibitively expensive. The situation in many other parts of the world is an
absence of geospatial data necessary in marketing. Another limitation of this
field is the potential for concerns about privacy restricting availability of data
down to the most detailed levels (e.g., blocks, individual households). Finally,
the travails of Enron provide a cautionary example of the limits of the use of
Web-based and geospatial technologies. Enron was a major user of GIS as
well as a key player in Internet-based marketing of energy services (and
eventually of broadband capacity itself). Enrons sophisticated use of GIS,
optimization, financial analysis, game theory, and so forth, frequently involving
fraudulent or conspiratorial and predatory energy trades over the Internet, only
temporarily boosted profits at the expense of long-term stability and the
viability of the entire energy trading industry.
Future Research
The application of GIS over the Internet in marketing is so new a concept that
little research has as yet been done on it. However, recently several books have
appeared discussing the technology. These include (1) Internet GIS: Distrib-
uted GIS for the Internet and Wireless Networks (Peng & Tsou, 2004); (2)
Serving Maps on the Internet (Harder, 2002); and (3) Connecting Our
World: GIS Web Services (Tang & Selwood, 2003). These books, academic
journal articles, and personal interviews with practitioners strongly indicate that
there are several areas of fruitful research.
For example, there are numerous spatial analysis methods available. Which of
these methods are most appropriate for use over the Internet and how valid are
the predictions yielded by each method in comparison to the complexity of the
algorithms and the type and quantity of data required? Another example is how
TEAM LinG - Live, Informative, Non-cost and Genuine !
Geographic Information Systems in E-Marketing 207
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best to convey information in relatively small maps. That is, what are the
appropriate cartographic design considerations, and how can they be incorpo-
rated into Web sites to offer users easy to create and easy to comprehend
cartographic products, legends, scale bars, titles, and source information? This
is even more an issue when the screen becomes smaller (as in the evolving area
of m-commerce).
Personal communication systems (e.g., cell phones, PDA), equipped with
Global Positioning Systems (GPS) technologies and Internet-based GIS, have
many potential applications in the future. For example, a customer in downtown
New York City can identify the closest Starbucks outlet, place an order, pay
for it with his credit card, and have the coffee ready to be picked up (or
delivered). Future applications of CRM include the creation of virtual groups
among spatially concentrated customers. For example, destination retailers
(e.g., Outlet Malls, Bass Pro Shops, L.L. Bean) who maintain a database of
their regular customers, could alert all customers (via e-mail) within a certain zip
code (through a map) that Mrs. Jane Doe plans to patronize the destination
store next weekend, and she is willing to give customers a ride to the store.
Powerful and complex technologies (e.g., GIS and WWW) have in the past
been largely separate and independent. Recently, synergies between the
technologies have begun to be exploited by e-marketers. For example, GIS
software has been adapted to serve maps on the Internet. GIS data is being
accessed from the Internet. Multiple sources of data are being submitted and
retrieved from GIS programs, over the Web.
As these and other technologies converge, numerous additional applications
will be developed. Many of the most exciting examples of the convergence of
GIS, GPS, Internet, and so forth will involve e-marketing applications. Ulti-
mately, it will be the ability of interactively generated maps, delivered over a
medium (e.g., PDAs) with a user-friendly interface that will drive demand, uses,
and appreciation of GIS in the future.
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208 Leipnik & Mehta
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permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.
Anselin, L. (1998). GIS research infrastructure for spatial analysis of real estate
markets. Journal of Housing Research, 9(1), 113-125.
Burrough, P.A. (1986). Principles of geographical information systems.
Oxford, UK: Oxford Science.
GIS World. (1997). GIS World sourcebook. Fort Collins, CO: GIS World.
Goodchild, M.F. (1991). Geographic information systems. Journal of Retail-
ing, 67(1), 3-15.
Gordillo, S., & Balaguer, F. (1998). Refining an object-oriented GIS design
model: Topologies and field data. Proceedings of the Sixth ACM
International Symposium on Advances in Geographic Information
Systems, 76-81.
Harder, C. (1998). GIS means business. Redlands, CA: ESRI Press.
Harder, C. (2002). Serving maps on the Internet. Redlands, CA: ESRI
Landis, J. (1993). Profiting from geographic information systems. Ft.
Collins, CO: GIS World Press.
Leipnik, M.R., Mehta, S.S., & Seidel, R. (2002, December 10-13).
Geodemographic data: An international perspective. Proceedings of the
2nd International Conference on Electronic Business (ICEB). Taipei,
Leipnik, M.R., Mehta, S.S., & Maniam, B. (2003, March 12-14). An
introduction to TIGER 2000. Proceedings of the Marketing Manage-
ment Association Spring Educators Conference, Chicago, Illinois.
Leipnik, M.R., Mehta, S.S., & Newbold, J.J. (2003, June 9-13). Truck side
advertising: An appraisal. Proceedings of the European Applied Busi-
ness Research Conference, Venice Italy.
Mehta, S.S., Leipnik, M.R., & Maniam, B. (1999a, March 6-7). Using
geographic information systems in franchising. Proceedings of the 13th
Annual Society of Franchising Conference, Miami Beach, Florida.
Mehta, S.S., Leipnik, M.R., & Maniam, B. (1999b). Application of GIS in
small and medium enterprises. Journal of Business and Entrepreneur-
ship, 11(2), 77-88.
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Geographic Information Systems in E-Marketing 209
Copyright 2005, Idea Group Inc. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written
permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.
Mehta, S.S., Maniam, B., & Mehta, S.C. (1999). Relationship banking: A
multinational banks application of relationship marketing. Journal of
Business Strategies, 16(2), 121-134.
Mehta, S.S., Dalal, G., & Maniam, B. (2001). Customer relationship manage-
ment strategies for the Internet. Academy of Information and Manage-
ment Sciences Journal, 4(1), 19-33.
Peng, Z., & Tsou, M. (2004). Internet GIS: Distributed geographic infor-
mation systems for the Internet and wireless networks. New York:
Samet, H. (1989). Design of spatial data structures. New York: Addison-
Strauss, J., & Frost, R. (2001). E-marketing (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River,
NJ: Prentice Hall.
Sui, D. & D.J. Rejski (2002). The Emerging Digital Economy. Environmental
Management, 29(2), 155-163.
Tang, W., & Selwood, J. (2003). Connecting our world: GIS Web services.
Redlands, CA: ESRI Press.
Tomlinson, R.F., Calkins, H.W., & Marble, D.F. (1976). Computer han-
dling of geographic data. Geneva, Switzerland: UNESCO Publications.
Wang, J., Sui, D.Z., & Lai, F.Y. (2004). Mapping the Internet using GIS: The
death of distance hypothesis revisited. Geographical Systems, forth-
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210 Leipnik & Mehta
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Section IV:
Legal Challenges
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Chapter XII
Legal Online
Marketing Issues:
and Challenges
Michael T. Zugelder, Old Dominion University, USA
This chapter will review several emerging issues associated with e-
marketing from the perspective of Web sites including intellectual property,
information management, and contracting. E-marketers in the years to
come should not only consider the growing e-marketing opportunities but
also be cognizant of the growing body of law governing marketing online.
While the future may be bright and uniformity and fairness may prevail,
current domestic and global law facing e-marketers is varied and the
potential basis for liability. The law must be considered wherever e-
marketers direct their efforts.
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The Internet now opens the world to e-marketers. No longer are international
marketing and trade the monopoly of the giant multinational corporations. With
the Webs low barriers of entry and its incredible ability to distribute informa-
tion and facilitate contacts to nearly all points on earth, all marketers can ply the
art and science of e-marketing on a global basis to develop and enjoy both
foreign and domestic markets. Consumer choices in e-marketing abound in
developed countries well-connected to the Internet. In the U.S. alone, retail e-
marketing has reached 38 million consumers, accounted for $95 billion of sales
in 2003, and is forecasted to reach $230 billion by 2008 (Forrester Research,
2003). E-marketing will also make those choices profoundly available in
developing countries that, prior to e-marketing efforts, did not enjoy the reach
now made possible.
Interest in promoting online marketing and commerce has also caused lawmak-
ers worldwide to consider how law governing contract, intellectual property,
tort, and consumer protection can be changed to facilitate the productive use
of the new medium. The goal of many of these efforts is law that is more
transparent, uniform, and commercially tolerant, yet ethically responsible.
The other side of the story is that, globally, law governing these important legal
issues remains significantly dissimilar so that while e-marketers large and small
can enjoy the new worldwide opportunities of the Internet, they also face
parallel challenges presented by a myriad of existing laws that govern e-
marketing. This chapter will review several important legal issues that arise from
e-marketing and the use of marketing Web sites.
Intellectual Property Concerns
E-marketers using the Internet and Web sites are operating on a mass medium
which can infringe on intellectual property rights of others. Due to the global
character of the Internet, infringements can occur worldwide, causing terrific
exposure to e-marketers. At the same time, great benefits can be obtained by
e-marketers successfully utilizing intellectual property law to protect their
trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets, and patents.
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A trademark is any symbol used in commerce that connects the product to its
source in the mind of the consumer. It is marketings unique intellectual
property, providing legal protection for branding and all forms of advertising
slogans and logos. Use of anothers trademark without permission can cause
trademark infringement. Indeed, trademark infringement has been the leading
cause for litigation and arbitration on the Web. Cases have largely been caused
by unauthorized registration and use of anothers established trademark as a
domain name, either to extort a settlement and sale of the domain name to the
trademark owner, which has been addressed by anti-cybersquatting statutes,
or through suits for trademark dilution where the unauthorized domain name use
has caused a potential for confusion or disparagement of the trademark through
negative association with the product or service offered by the e-marketer. So,
in Hasbro, Inc. v. Internet Entertainment Group, Ltd. (1996), a U.S. court
enjoined the use of the domain name by a pornographic
Internet Web site because it diluted Hasbros Candyland trademark in its
board game. Intentional adoption of a domain name for purposes of extorting
a settlement has been addressed by anti-cybersquatting statutes like the U.S.
provision adopted in 1999. The Anti-Cybersquatting Consumer Protection
Act of 1999 addresses the problem for individuals as well as trademark holders
by allowing the court to take jurisdiction of the suit where the domain name was
issued and grant an order canceling or transferring the domain name to the
plaintiff. A similar approach, utilizing Internet arbitration rather than court
litigation, has been provided by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names
and Numbers (ICANN).
E-marketers should also steer clear of inappropriate Web page techniques
used to drive business at the expense of trademark holders. These techniques
have included: (1) deep linking, (2) metatags, and (3) framing. Deep linking
hyperlinks to the interior of another companys Web site which bypass the
home page and much of its banner advertisinghas caused litigation. In
Ticketmaster Corp. v. Microsoft Corp. (1997), Ticketmaster sued and
forced settlement by Microsoft, which had provided hyperlinks into the interior
of Ticketmasters Web site falsely suggesting an affiliation between the two
companies and confusing consumers as to the origin of information. Metatags
the invisible code embedded in HTML used to create Web sites and assist
search engineshave triggered litigation against e-marketers for using anothers
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214 Zugelder
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trademark within the metatags. Thus, in Playboy Enterprises, Inc. v. Calvin
Designer Label (1997), the Court enjoined use of plaintiffs trademark in its
domain names, metatags, and home page text, announcing such abuses
constituted trademark infringement. Framingthe technique of placing Web
sites of another within the Web site of the e-marketerhas likewise brought
allegations of trademark infringement, as demonstrated in Washington Post
Co. v. Total News, Inc. (1997).
On the other hand, e-marketers are encouraged to utilize trademark protection
to the extent provided by law. In the U.S. and elsewhere, e-marketers are
entitled to register their entire Web site as a trade dress, where the association
of color, design, shape, or graphics of a Web site are sufficiently associated
with the product or service. Trademarks should be registered and domain
names reserved. Trademarks, in fact, make very good domain names, unifying
existing marks and marketing efforts with the mission of e-marketing.
Copyright provides the owners of creative works with the exclusive right to
exploit them. It does so by forbidding the unauthorized copying, distribution,
and derivation of the work and provides a basis for civil suit and, in some
instances, criminal prosecution. Today, copyright protection begins at the
instant that a creative work is placed in any fixed medium, such as a CD, DVD,
photo, or computer file. Copyright law now extends to a wide variety of
creative works relevant to e-marketing, including Web sites, electronic data-
bases, and computer software. Copyright is increasingly recognized as a
universal right of property. Globally, over 100 countries have signed the Berne
Convention, and a number of other treaties and conventions have been signed
with the goal of making copyright law more uniform and copyright registration
and enforcement less onerous. Contrary to the belief held by some, copyright
protection extends to the Internet and e-marketing. Stated simply, merely
because a creative work has been displayed on the Internet does not place it
in the public domain. Rather, as in the past, copyright law has been modified as
technology has changed. In the U.S., the passage of the Digital Millennium
Copyright Act (DMCA) and similar legislation worldwide, confirms copyright
law applies to the Internet and e-marketing. High-profile U.S. Internet litigation
involving the music and movie industries demonstrates that copying of creative
works without permission can result in liability. Still, in many instances,
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Legal Online Marketing Issues 215
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copyrights exact role in protecting property placed on the Internet is both
uncertain and evolving. Take, for instance, the dismissal of a criminal prosecu-
tion in Norway against a teenager who created a DeCss de-encryption
program and placed it on the Internet, which allowed users to access and copy
DVDs online without permission (Mellgren, 2003). Note also the proliferation
of peer-to-peer music file swapping networks, even in the face of hundreds of
suits brought by the Record Industry Association of America (RIAA) and
record companies holding the copyrights. While reported suits like UMG
Recording, Inc. v., Inc. (2000) result in large judgments, and cases
like A&M Records v. Diamond Multi-Media Systems (Napster) (2000) have
found online music file sharing services vicariously liable for copyright infringe-
ment, recording executives are now fearing peer-to-peer networks as signifi-
cant competitors to the point of hiring online companies, such as Beverly Hills-
based BigChampagne, to track popular peer-to-peer networks to determine
the popularity of specific artists and titles (Veiga, 2003).
Such results are not shocking given copyrights evolution in light of mass media
technology. As in other countries, U.S. copyright law has been amended to
take into account technology-driven changes and create a fair balance between
societys interest in making free information available and the copyright
owners exclusive rights. For example, the DCMA creates a new basis to sue
those who would defeat encryption protection, while at the same time providing
Safe Harbor suit immunity for Internet service providers drawn into court for
copyright infringements caused only by their customers postings.
Trade Secrets
Trade secrets require no registration, yet provide indeterminate protection to
any secret that allows competitive business advantage. Trade secrets include
anything confidential, from customer lists and marketing strategies all the way
to the secret formula for Coca-Cola and KFCs eleven herbs and spices. E-
marketers, those selling high technology in particular, use trade secrets in lieu
of patent because of low cost and short life cycle of many Internet e-marketing
techniques and technologies. The other side of the equation is that trade secrets
can lose their protection by public disclosure, and nothing discloses like the
Internet. Once a trade secret is on the Internet, it is usually lost and saved only
by immediate and forceful litigation. For that reason, marketers like Ford
Motor, Raytheon, and chip maker Cadence Corporation have sued to enjoin
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216 Zugelder
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unauthorized posting of their trade secrets by disgruntled employees, competi-
tors, and others (Cundiff, 2002).
A patent protects inventions and other applications that are sufficiently novel by
providing the right to exclude others from making, using, or selling a patented
item. Patents are widely recognized worldwide, but their award and enforce-
ment remain largely nation-based. Patent law has become extraordinarily
important to e-marketers in the U.S. due to the recognition of the business
method patent, which protects unique ways of conducting e-marketing. Since
the decision in State Street Bank v. Signature Financial Group (1999),
which first confirmed this type of patent protection for financial software
applications, e-marketers have applied for and received business method
patents and brought infringement actions to protect them. In v.
Barnes & (1999), Amazon brought an injunction against Barnes &
Noble to prevent them from using the Amazon One-Click business method.
Though the case was ultimately settled, others have licensed the One-Click
business method from Amazon. Aside from this contract-making technique,
business method patents have been granted for a variety of e-marketer
applications, such as Priceline.coms online reverse auction; Cybergolds
consumer reward system, Attention Brokerage model, allowing consumers to
review Internet ads; Netcentives frequent flyer mile exchange reward system;
DoubleClicks DAR model for information collection; and many other applica-
E-Marketing Information Management
Like brick-and-mortar marketing, a crucial function of e-marketing is informa-
tion management. Because e-marketers function on a global mass medium, they
must consider the many laws that regulate, control, and sometimes forbid the
collection or dissemination of information. These laws address civil injury or
tort caused by consumer misrepresentation, privacy violation, defamation/
disparagement of person, company, or product, trespass, and intentional
damage to property. Such laws provide a right of civil action for damages and
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court orders and may also be the basis for criminal prosecution. Because both
torts and crimes involve serious injuries that go to the heart of a countrys role
in protecting its citizens, jurisdiction over e-marketers is usually triggered.
Further, because they are nation-based, parochial, and usually not the matter
of treaty, they are widely divergent in their terms. For all these reasons, they
pose a significant concern to e-marketers and must be considered.
E-Advertising Practices
Once online, e-marketers must be aware of the potential application of
advertising and trade laws various countries will apply to their goods and
services on the Web. Violations can occur simply from providing information.
Contract making and/or product distribution is not required. Because an e-
marketing advertising campaign is frequently global, it will be virtually impos-
sible to check for legality against all of the consumer protection laws nations
currently enforce. Still, there is some clear guidance for e-marketers to
consider. Obviously, fraudulent, deceptive, and unsubstantiated advertising
claims, false endorsements, and the like violate both self-regulatory codes as
well as most consumer protection laws. In the U.S., the Federal Trade
Commission (FTC) has for nearly a decade taken a very aggressive position
toward misrepresentation online. Consumer protection rights have also been
addressed by other agencies in the U.S., including the Securities & Exchange
Commission, regulating misrepresentations in connection with electronic public
offerings and trading, and the Federal Drug Administration (FDA), in conjunc-
tion with U.S. Customs, monitoring, regulating, and prosecuting misrepresen-
tation by e-marketers of pharmaceutical products.
Complaints to consumer protection agencies are expected to mount as e-
marketing grows. According to a survey by the National Association of
Consumer Agency Administrators, representing government agencies that
protect consumers in the U.S., complaints concerning the Internet, e-com-
merce, and e-marketing are now ranked seventh on the top ten lists for
consumer complaintstied with complaints against cable and satellite compa-
nies and telecommunications businesses (Salant, 2003). Consumer complaints
about e-marketing include misrepresentation of goods and delivery terms,
outright fraud on auction sites such as e-Bay, questionable ISP billing practices,
unsolicited e-mail from mortgage lenders, and work-at-home get-rich-quick
schemes (Anfuso, 2003).
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218 Zugelder
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False and deceptive advertising by e-marketers has caused the FTC to bring
over 182 cases since 1994, stopping consumer injury from e-marketing
schemes and misrepresentation at an estimated annual savings of nearly a
quarter-million dollars a year. Recent actions have included suits for false
rebates, deceptive claims concerning free and low cost computer systems,
misrepresentations regarding delivery dates and contests, and failure to ad-
equately disclose long-distance telephone charges and limited Internet access
to complain (Cendali & Ellen, 2002).
E-marketers, and particularly those in the U.S., are cautioned to consider the
FTCs Internet advertising guidelines, which generally require all advertising
claims to be truthful, not misleading, properly substantiated, and fair both in
their terms and in their conspicuous clarity. Specifics include the appropriate
layout of hyperlinks, font sizes, colors, disclosure boxes, and so forth, that can
be downloaded. Global compliance with such regulations is even more daunt-
ing, but practical steps can be considered to reduce risk of civil action or
criminal prosecution, including avoidance of heavily regulated products, such
as alcohol and tobacco, and avoidance of certain types of advertising targets
that have posed great concern for lawmakers, including health, children, and
financial advertising where advertising campaigns are concentrated.
E-Marketing Privacy Concerns
Modern marketing requires the collection of information concerning consum-
ers interests. E-marketers have become very effective information collectors,
and technologies such as cookies have created an Internet subindustry. The
valid interests of marketers to collect information, however, must be balanced
against a growing concern from consumer interests and their governments
about what information is being collected and how it is being disseminated. In
the U.S., e-marketing privacy is largely the subject of FTC regulation, together
with myriad federal and state privacy statutes. Broad statutes protecting very
sensitive information concerning children, finance, and health matters have
recently been passed. The Childrens Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA)
limits collection of information from children under the age of 13 and requires
parental consent.
The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act forbids disclosure of certain financial informa-
tion collected by e-marketers and others and, in other instances, requires a
consumers right to opt out, preventing information dissemination. The regula-
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tions under the Health Insurance Portability Accountability Act (HIPAA) are
aimed at the U.S. health industry and forbid transfer of medical information for
purposes other than treating and billing with the intent to protect sensitive
medical information from being used by e-marketers and others. Further, the
FTC, as the major U.S. governmental enforcer of consumer privacy, has
aggressively prosecuted numerous actions against e-marketers for unfair
information practices arising from violations caused by information collection
contrary to posted Web site privacy policies. For instance, an action against
GeoCities was brought for the collection of information concerning children,
even though the Web site stated no such information would be collected or
shared without permission. Arising from the GeoCities action, the FTC
articulated its current four fair-information principles, including (1) noticee-
marketers must disclose their information practices before collectionencour-
aging a published policy regarding collection and use; (2) choiceconsumers
must be given the option on how information is collected with at least the option
to opt out of such collection; (3) accessconsumers must be able to review and
contest the accuracy and completeness of data collected; and (4) securitydata
collectors must take reasonable steps to ensure information collection for
consumers is accurate and secure from unauthorized disclosure.
Globally, several comprehensive privacy initiatives have been established. The
European Unions Directive on Privacy Protection is one of the most significant
efforts in this regard. Effective in 1998, the directive requires E.U. member
states to adopt legislation to protect privacy as it relates to personal data and
forbids its collection and dissemination unless specific restrictive requirements
are met, including, in many instances, the consent of the consumer. Such opt in
consent requirements are significantly more stringent than U.S. privacy laws.
As a result, the U.S. has had to reach a Safe Harbor agreement with the E.U.
in order for U.S. e-marketers to collect information. Compliance with the Safe
Harbor agreement has meant that e-marketers must maintain a privacy policy
and follow it. Many e-marketers have elected to contract with third-party seals
in order to comply with such requirements.
E-marketers must also understand that suit exposure shall continue to exist
(even where a privacy policy is followed) for information collected without
explicit consent through technology, such as cookies. In the U.S., several class
actions against the largest cookie merchant, DoubleClick, including In Re
DoubleClick Privacy Litigation (2001), have resulted in significant financial
settlements, and privacy groups are still pressing for legislation to ban all
involuntary data collection.
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220 Zugelder
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Finally and obviously, e-marketers should refrain from intentional collection
through clearly illegal means, such as hacking and electronic eavesdropping,
which support not only civil action, but also criminal prosecution.
Defamation and Disparagement: Cyber Libel
An untrue statement of fact damaging to reputation which is published may be
considered defamation to a person or disparagement to a business, product, or
service. E-marketers will frequently be considered publishers, and defamation
will be considered online libel and judged in much the same way as marketers
using any other mass media. Cyber libel presents a vast basis for exposure and
has led to suit in foreign countries. For instance, in Dow Jones & Co. v.
Gutnick (2002), the High Court of Australia permitted a libel suit against Dow
Jones to proceed in Victoria, based on its posting of a Barrons magazine
article online. The Court concluded jurisdiction was appropriate, applying the
place of the injury rule. In another highly publicized action, French antidefamation
groups brought suit against San Diego-based in France for
violation of French group defamation law arising from advertisements posted
and transactions completed on Yahoo!s auction site by collectors of Nazi
memorabilia. The French court, in, Inc. v. LaLigue Contre Le
Rascime et Anti-Semitisme (2000), ruled that Yahoo!s accessibility in
France established jurisdiction there, and Yahoo! was liable for violation of
French civil group defamation law. The French court directed Yahoo! to filter
its site and assessed damages on a per-day basis for its failure to do so. As the
French plaintiffs proceeded to collect the judgment in California, Yahoo!
brought suit and obtained a U.S. court decision, affirmed on appeal, holding
that Yahoo! and its users First Amendment rights would be violated if the
French judgment were enforced in the U.S. The Yahoo case demonstrates the
potential for global exposure wherever speech in the form of promotion,
advertising, or otherwise is placed on the Internet. The case, however, is only
one of many that will be brought in the future and far from settles the risk posed
by defamation laws around the world that take a far greater pro-plaintiff
approach to defamation. One such law, the U.K.s Defamation Act of 1996,
has caused many customers and e-marketers alike to bring libel suits in the U.K.
McDonalds, as an example, obtained a significant result against Web site
libelers in England. Per the statute, English courts are also not hesitant to find
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E-marketers should consider the national laws of countries targeted by
advertising and promotion campaigns and steer clear of violations. Take, for
example, comparative advertising, long encouraged by the FTC as a useful
source of information for consumers. Product comparison sites are now one of
the fastest growth categories for e-marketing. Sites like RealTime, NexTag,
PriceGrabber, BizRate, and others offer consumers side-by-side product and
price comparisons, together with consumer reviews, and are exceedingly
popular (Liedtke, 2003). However, comparative advertising might be consid-
ered trade disparagement elsewhere.
Likewise, e-marketers should be knowledgeable of Internet legislation passed
to protect them from libel suits. In the U.S., ISPs are immune from liability
caused by customers placing defamation on their systems under Section 230 of
the Communications Decency Act (CDA). E-marketers, including AOL and
Yahoo!, who fit the definition of ISPs, are entitled to rely on this immunity. Such
was the case in Sidney Blumenthal v. Matt Drudge and AOL (1998).
Drudge, the author of the electronic column called The Drudge Report, was
sued for defamation by Sidney Blumenthal. Blumenthal also joined AOL as a
codefendant. AOL, however, was successful in obtaining dismissal of the suit
based upon the CDA. The obvious intent of the statute is to encourage Internet
information dissemination, and, to the extent e-marketers fit within its protected
class, they should utilize the statute. Other such statutes exist in other countries
and should be considered.
E-marketers may also find themselves damaged from competitors false
advertising claims or from consumer complaint sites viciously criticizing their
products or services. Complaint sites have numbered in the thousands on the
Internet. Outside of the U.S., strong tactics to address false advertising and
disparagement should be considered. Within the U.S., e-marketers should
understand that the First Amendment protects speech rights far more than
elsewhere so that advertising commentary and consumer criticisms are far more
protected and harder to reverse.
Trespass Violations
Trespass law provides the owner or legal occupier of property with the
exclusive right of possession and the concurrent right to exclude others who
enter on property or interfere with its use without permission. Because trespass
is an intentional tort and also a crime, the theory of trespass has been an
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222 Zugelder
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underlying basis for many civil and criminal antihacking statutes in the U.S. and
elsewhere. For example, the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1986, a pre-
Internet statute, criminalizes intentional physical and electronic trespass of
computer systems or data and has been frequently relied on to prosecute
Internet hacking. Similarly, the Electronic Communications Privacy Act of
1986 has lately been asserted against e-marketers for the surreptitious placing
of cookies.
More recently, legislators are responding to the growing problem of unsolicited
electronic bulk advertising, or spam. Marketers are cautioned to consider the
growing number of antispam statutes. Law is on the books, for instance, in
Australia, Denmark, and Italy requiring e-marketers sending spam to obtain
consumer opt in authorization. Congress has also spoken by passing the CAN-
SPAM Act of 2003, which allows suits by ISPs against advertisers whose
products or services are advertised in e-mail spam. But the legislation has
drawn strong criticism for not going far enough to protect businesses and
consumers (Sturdevant, 2003). Still, the legality of spam is increasingly in
doubt, and e-marketers should govern their actions accordingly.
E-Marketer Contracting
Contracts and product distributions by e-marketers through Web sites are
increasingly the paramount goal. Contract formation and performance online
remains generally governed by the laws of many nations. Generally in the U.S.,
the sale of goods is governed by the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC), and
the sale of services is governed by case law decisions making up the U.S.
common law. Contract law has flexible rules with practical design so that, in
many instances, the terms of the contract are left to the parties to form. Such
practical rules have been extended by analogy to e-marketing contracts. Thus,
the traditional contract rule that a contract can be formed in any reasonable
manner, including the conduct of the parties, has been used to support contract
acceptance by mouse click (Caspi v. The Microsoft Network, LLC, 1999).
The established rule that a contract can be accepted and need not be in writing
if payment or shipment of goods has been made also serves to support
paperless electronic e-contracts. Likewise, the traditional rule that a meeting of
the minds must occur with informed intent releases buyers from hidden Web site
terms (Specht v. Netscape Commun. Corp., 2002).
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Where needed, new contract law has been created. Recently, the Uniform
Computer Information Transaction Act (UCITA) has been proposed for
adoption. So far, only Virginia and Maryland have done so. UCITA would
govern the sale and licensing of information and computer-related products,
frequently the object of e-marketing. UCITA specifically makes the familiar
clickwrap contract for software binding. Other U.S. statutes, such as the
Uniform Electronic Transaction Act (UETA), adopted by most states, and the
federal Electronic Signature in Global and National Commerce Act (E-SIGN),
specifically affirm the validity of contracts made electronically where traditional
contract rules might have fallen short.
The principle of freedom of contract generally allows parties to make their own
deal. As such, business-to-business e-contracts can and do include a wide
variety of innovative provisions which will hold up in court. But when marketing
to consumers, the concurrent principles of fairness and informed intent caution
e-marketers to carefully consider the design of their Web sites and conspicuous
placement of terms provided. Web terms e-marketers intend as binding
contract provisions should be clearly and concisely set forth as such. The Web
design should encourage consumers to view the contract terms. Related
policies governing privacy and any disclosures and disclaimers relating to
advertising and other legal compliance should be prominently displayed and
carefully thought through. Critically, e-marketers should utilize choice-of-
forum and choice-of-law clauses that stipulate the nation or states law that will
govern the contracts interpretation and the court or other forum where a
dispute arising from the contract shall be resolved. U.S. decisions generally
uphold such clauses so long as they are reasonably related to the e-marketers
principal geographic location and are not unduly burdensome. E-marketers
are, however, cautioned that such clauses do not always work to insulate them
from jurisdiction. The alternative strategy, at least in the U.S., is to restrict the
e-marketing Web site to a passive billboard format, as opposed to an
interactive and contract-making one. Further, even in the case of a passive site,
choice-of-law-and-forum clauses do not provide a perfect insulation from
foreign jurisdiction, such as the E.U., and have typically failed where the
consumer has asserted a cybertort, or crime has been committed rather than a
dispute based on breach of contract.
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224 Zugelder
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Trends and Implications
The following is offered as a summary for consideration by e-marketers. A
recap of this discussion is provided in Table 1.
Intellectual Property: Offense and Defense
E-marketers will enjoy the trend toward greater property protection through
more uniform laws furthered by treaties and international agencies like the
WIPO and WTO. Still, e-marketers must recognize the increased possibility of
infringement caused and suffered by e-marketers. E-marketers need to protect
Table 1. Summary of trends/implications and recommended action
Topic Trend/Implication Recommended Action
Intellectual Property Concerns
Increasing protection of IP

More infringement suffered
through e-marketing
Register at home and in
target markets

Avoid marketing
practices known to cause
E-Marketing Information
Data collection and
disbursement triggers new
privacy and antispam laws

Increasing foreign
defamation actions
Abide by home and
target privacy and spam

Maintain truthful
privacy policy, follow
safe harbors

Select target market
carefully and be aware of
defamation suit exposure
E-Marketer Contracting
Traditional contract rules
increasingly recognized

Foreign suit jurisdiction risk
by interactive Web site
Maintain principles of
fairness and disclosure

Avoid jurisdiction with
passive Web site

Use choice-of-forum
clause with interactive
Web site

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copyrights, trademarks, and patents at home and in each target market by
registration. Trade secrets need to be kept off the Internet entirely, and the
Internet must be monitored for unauthorized postings. Conversely, e-market-
ers should avoid specific market-driving practices courts have considered
infringement, like deep links, metatags, domain name misuse, and unauthorized
file sharing and database exploitation.
Information Management: Cybertort Avoidance
Privacy invasion, trespass, and defamation all arising from information collec-
tion or dissemination are increasingly sore subjects that the law around the
world has begun to address. Data collection by Web site has triggered stringent
E.U. privacy directives and class action and FTC sanctions in the U.S. E-
marketers should abide by privacy laws at home and in target markets. Web
sites collecting data should post truthful privacy policies and allow, at minimum,
the right to opt out of information collection. When marketing to the E.U.,
compliance with Safe Harbor by third-party privacy registration is recom-
mended. E-marketers must take care in sending unauthorized bulk e-mail,
increasingly considered by many countries as a trespass and a fraud. E-
marketers should particularly take care in minimizing defamation and product
disparagement actions by being selective in target market selection and
monitoring the law there carefully.
The law will continue toward neutrality by increasing application of established
tried-and-true contract principles. Contracts with consumers especially re-
quire e-marketers to maintain high standards of fairness and full disclosure of
contract terms. Foreign suit exposure will depend in large part on the level of
Web site interactivity. E-marketers must therefore decide whether to reduce
exposure by use of a passive Web site or, instead, enjoy greater market
effectiveness with a higher level of Web site interactivity but with the side effect
of suit exposure. E-marketers choosing the latter type of Web site are
encouraged to employ choice-of-law and choice-of-forum clauses to reduce
the cost and likelihood of foreign suits.
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226 Zugelder
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This chapter has reviewed several main issues associated with e-marketing and
its legal environment. As e-marketing opportunities grow, vigilant attention
must remain toward the problems and opportunities associated with intellectual
property, information management, and contracting. While efforts are being
made to provide a more habitable legal environment with more uniform and
transparent law, e-marketers in the near future must also be cognizant that e-
marketing is global and that both domestic and global rules can provide a basis
for liability.
A&M Records v. Diamond Multi-Media Sys. (Napster), 239 F.3d 1004 (9th
Cir. 2001). v. Barnes &, 73 F.Supp. 2d 1228 (W.D.Wash.
Anfuso, D. (2003). Complaints about e-commerce on the rise. Retrieved October 25, 2004, from http://
Berne Convention. Retrieved October 25, 2004, from
Caspi v. The Microsoft Network, LLC, 732 A.2d 528 (NJ Sup Ct 1999).
Cendali, D., & Ellen, B. (2002). Advertising and consumer protection on the
Internet: How to ensure that your site complies with consumer protection
laws. Computer and Internet Lawyer, 19(12), 1-24.
Childrens Online Privacy Protection Act, 15 U.S.C. 6501., et seq. (2003).
Computer Fraud & Abuse Act of 1986, 18 U.S.C. 1030 (2003).
Cundiff, V. (2002). Protecting trade secrets from disclosure on the Internet
requires diligent practice. New York State Bar Journal, 74, 8-16.
Defamation Act of 1996. Retrieved October 25, 2004, from http://
TEAM LinG - Live, Informative, Non-cost and Genuine !
Legal Online Marketing Issues 227
Copyright 2005, Idea Group Inc. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written
permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.
Dow Jones & Comp., Inc. v. Gutnick (2002). HCA 56 (December 10, 2002).
Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986, 18 U.S.C. 2511, et seq.
Electronic Signature & Global & National Commerce Act (E-SIGN), 15
U.S.C. 7001, et seq. (2003).
European Unions Directive on Data Protection, 95/46/EC. Retrieved Octo-
ber 25, 2004, from
Federal Trade Commission. (2003). Dot Com disclosures: Information about
online advertising. Retrieved October 25, 2004, from
Federal Trade Commission. (2003). FTC releases survey of identity theft in
U.S. Retrieved October 25, 2004, from
Forrester Research, Inc. (2003, August 5). Forrester research projects U.S.
e-commerce to hit nearly $230 billion in 2008. Retrieved October 25,
2004, from http://www. forrester. com/er/press/release/
Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, 15 U.S.C. 6801, et seq. (2003).
Hasbro, Inc. v. Internet Entertainment Group, Ltd. Case No. C96-139
(W.D.Wash. 1996).
In Re DoubleClick Privacy Litigation, 154 F.Supp. 2d 497 (S.D.N.Y. 2001).
In the Matter of GeoCities, (1998). W.L. 473217.
Liedtke, M. (2003). Reborn is product comparison site. Asso-
ciated Press. Retrieved October 25, 2004, from http://
Mellgren, D. (2003). Norwegian teenager is acquitted in DVD case. Associ-
ated Press (January 7, 2003). Retrieved last on December 20, 2004,
Playboy Enterprises, Inc. v. Calvin Designer Label, 985 F.Supp. 1220
(N.D.Cal. 1997).
Salant, J. (2003). Car problems top 2003 list of consumer complaints.
Associated Press. Retrieved last on December 20, 2004, retrieved from
TEAM LinG - Live, Informative, Non-cost and Genuine !
228 Zugelder
Copyright 2005, Idea Group Inc. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written
permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.
Sidney Blumenthal v. Matt Drudge & AOL, CA No. 97-1968 (D.C.D.C.
Specht v. Netscape Communications Corp., 306 F.3d 17 (2d. Cir. 2002).
Standards for Privacy of Individually Identifiable Health Information: Final
Rule. 45 C.F.R. Parts 160 and 164 (2002).
State Street Bank v. Signature Financial Group, 149 F.3d 1368, cert. den. 119
(S.Ct. 851 1999).
Sturdevant, C. (2003). CAN-SPAM act cant. eWeek Enterprise News &
Reviews. Retrieved October 25, 2004, from
Ticketmaster Corp. v. Microsoft Corp., No. 2:97-CV-03055 (C.D.Cal.
Uniform Commercial Code. Retrieved October 25, 2004, from http://
Uniform Computer Information Transaction Act. Retrieved October 25, 2004,
Uniform Electronic Transaction Act. Retrieved October 25, 2004, from http:/
UMG Recording, Inc. v., Inc., 2000 WL 1262568 (S.D.N.Y.
Veiga, A. (2003). Labels Tap Into Swapping Trends. Associated Press.
Retrieved last on December 20, 2004, from
Washington Post Co. v. Total News, Inc., Case No. 97 (S.D.N.Y. 1997)., Inc. v. LaLigue Contre Le Rascime et LAntisemitisme, 169
F.Supp. 2d (N.D.Cal. 2001), 198 F.3d 1083 (9
Cir. 2002).
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Regulatory and Marketing Challenges 229
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Chapter XIII
Regulatory and
Marketing Challenges
Between the U.S. and
EU for Online Markets
Heiko deB. Wijnholds, Virginia Commonwealth University, USA
Michael W. Little, Virginia Commonwealth University, USA
One of the biggest challenges marketers face with e-commerce is the
regulatory environment, both at home and abroad. This is especially
pertinent for international transactions between the U.S. and the European
Union (EU). This chapter attempts to identify and categorize the major
global issues involved. It also points out similarities and differences
between the U.S. and the EU on such issues as regulation and self-
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regulation, taxation, jurisdiction and liability. The purpose of the chapter
is to explain the various marketing challenges resulting from specific
legal problems. Recommendations are developed for firms contemplating
e-marketing to the EU.
The Internets commercial potential for marketers is growing steadily. Forrester
Research predicts that by 2004, global online commerce will reach $6.8 trillion
for both business-to-business and business-to-consumer transactions (Forrester,
2003). Expanding global opportunities through e-commerce appears espe-
cially inviting when traditional channels are too expensive or prohibitive due to
numerous foreign country restrictions. This may especially be the case if
marketers can reduce costs in their global supply chain, enhance global
customer relationships, or build a stronger and more consistent global brand.
For U.S. firms of all sizes, the European market is attractive given its increasing
interest in and use of e-commerce. With the global online market increasing, the
European Union nations represent a substantial market in size and scope.
Notably, online users in Germany, France, Netherlands, Finland, and Sweden
offer the most promising developments for consumer goods with their high
incomes and technology savvy populations. The U.K. and Ireland are espe-
cially inviting because they are English speaking nations with strong cultural ties
to the U.S. In the future, this market will continue to grow as the EU adds new
member countries expanding to a total of 25 member nations.
The Internet is an ideal vehicle to reach the global marketplace that reflects a
variety of styles, tastes, and products. Some of the more successful e-
commerce firms in the U.S., such as Dell,, Yahoo!, e-Bay, and
Lands End, have incorporated Internet technology into their business models.
The nature of their business combined with the Internet lends itself readily to
global markets. There are, however, new opportunities presented by e-
commerce for those willing to adapt their firms marketing strategy to global e-
commerce markets. Increased use of the Internet has enhanced e-marketing
practices, such as communicating or selling a large set of products or services
to customers. At the same time, despite geographical dispersion, one can
inexpensively reach small segments of the population with similar tastes through
the Internet. As e-marketers in the U.S. consider foreign markets, they will
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need to evaluate their current marketing objectives and strategies and adapt
them to a particular country or region. These objectives may include:
1. Attracting new customers: Web sites provide another channel for e-
marketers to promote their goods or services whereby potential custom-
ers may browse information that is of particular interest to them. Clearly,
foreign customers are more likely to buy a product if it is communicated
to them in their own language and caters to local tastes. Those firms that
develop local and foreign Web sites may find attendant problems relating
to content, language, and technology. Policies should be clearly stated at
the Web site to enhance the European customers experience and build
loyalty. For example, policy issues may range from respecting customer
privacy by informing them how personal information is used to resolving
complaints regarding shipping and returns.
2. Building customer loyalty of current customers: The Internet is a
communication tool for online marketers to build relationships with
current customers. Electronic-customer relationship management (e-
CRM) is the management of relationships over the Internet. Studies
indicate that different relationship marketing tools (e.g., direct mail,
interpersonal communications, and tangible rewards) have different af-
fects on consumer perceptions of a relationship and ultimate loyalty to a
firm. Engendering trust becomes a critical factor as firms are required to
provide self-disclosure data from customers in the use of discounts,
sweepstakes, and other promotions (Fassott, 2003). As we shall see in
the following sections, the U.S. and EU have differing approaches as to
how such information is collected and how consumers are informed. In this
instance, U.S. firms must inform and or gain permission from EU consum-
ers about such practices.
3. Monitoring competitive trends for local and global markets: Compe-
tition online can come from anywhere because the Internet offers firms
greater geographic reach to sell products. Once a competitor is identified,
monitoring the online efforts of a competitors product offerings and
pricing provides insight to future strategy. Both the International Trade
Administration and Small Business Administration provide information on
exporting, country information, and other services (Wilson & Abel,
4. Encouraging joint product development and promotions with Euro-
pean partners: The Internet can encourage interactive communication
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with customers and suppliers in developing and promoting new products.
There are opportunities here for both B2B and B2C e-marketers. Such
arrangements can provide foreign partners who have knowledge and
access to their region or countrys market (Avlontis & Karayanni, 2000).
There are, however, a number of regulatory issues facing online marketers in the
U.S., as they consider opportunities in foreign markets. The purpose of this
chapter is to examine such differences regarding regulation and review regula-
tory policy affecting taxes on Internet goods and services and liability and
jurisdictional policies that exist in the EU. Finally, suggestions will be provided
for marketing managers in dealing with these issues.
Regulation versus Self-Regulation
The regulation of e-commerce is perhaps the most controversial and unre-
solved issue that affects the respective positions of the U.S. and the EU on e-
commerce trade. Clearly, the U.S. government has, so far, favored as much
self-regulation by e-commerce firms as possible. The industry is leading the
charge. There are some consumer groups and other critics who have raised
some concerns but they have, so far, been overwhelmed by the advocates for
self-regulation. The U.S. government has been amenable to allow acceptable
international bodies to be created in instances where self-regulation is imprac-
tical (e.g., international registration of domain names). The EU and its member
states are tilting the other waytowards more regulation, especially to protect
consumers. (However, there is a determined effort underway by European e-
commerce companies to allow for more self- regulation). This situation is
almost the exact opposite of that in the U.S. The circumstances for individual
states, both in the U.S. and in the EU will vary to some degree. Unless and until
relevant federal U.S. legislation is passed, the situation will remain rather fluid
and uncertain. The same applies to the EU where each state is still sovereign
with its own legal system, although subject to EU directives when ratified.
A single market with one set of rules for all, open to competition with a minimum
of regulation is one of the cornerstones of the EU. In contrast to the U.S., the
creation of a single EU market is still a work in progress. The advent of e-
commerce has by its very nature created a unique opportunity to accelerate this
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process. Unfortunately, the initial consumer and business adoption in the EU
has generally been slower than that of the U.S. Hence, serious regulatory efforts
are off to a late start and have also been hampered by differences between
member states. The U.S., however, is experiencing its own discord between
the different states and because of its generally pro-deregulation stance has
itself been slow to address key regulatory issues (Zugelder et al., 2000).
In comparing the respective positions of the U.S. and the EU on these concerns,
it becomes evident that the EU generally favors a more regulated business
environment whereas the U.S. prefers as much market discipline and self-
regulation as possible. This is especially true for e-commerce, where the U.S.
position is to allow this embryonic innovative type of business to flourish in as
unfettered an environment as possible. It has been pointed out that this
difference is due to fundamentally opposed philosophies; Europeans tend to
trust government (more) to keep business in check while Americans tend to
favor keeping the government out of business affairs as much as possible. The
former is more concerned with consumer protection while the latter believes
more in the self-discipline of a free marketplace (Hargreaves, 2000; Waldemeir,
One example of differing attitudes and practice is the increasing popularity of
buying music online from Internet music sites in the U.S., such as Apple
Computer, Real Networks, and Best Buy. Of course, a lawsuit by the
Recording Industry of America eventually shutdown Napsters free file sharing
service in the U.S. and puts continued users at risk. Purchasing online by
American consumers from such sites avoids legal hassles and attracting viruses
spread by services, such as Kazaa in the Netherlands. More U.S. firms, such
as Wal-Mart, are considering entering this market in the U.S. with intentions to
offer music at reasonable prices. In Europe, however, such services are
severely limited by legal issues. U.S. firms intending to enter this market must
pay royalties to collecting societies besides additional taxes from a given
country. Purchases of online music by Europeans is further limited to those with
credit cards with U.S. billing addresses (Mitchener, 2003).
In conclusion, self-regulation by industry can be effective, but U.S. firms must
make visible efforts to comply with serious marketplace problems in Europe,
such as data collection, taxation, product liability and jurisdiction issues. Even
then it may be necessary for some government intervention by the U.S. and EU.
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Regulatory Policy
The concerns referred to above have surfaced in a number of specific
regulatory policies which are analyzed below. The positions for each area taken
by the U.S. and the EU, respectively, are compared. Table 1 presents areas of
direct relevance to online marketers.
Sales Taxation
The taxation of sales is treated differently in the U.S and the EU. In the U.S.,
a moratorium is still in place on the imposition of (new) and discriminatory taxes
on Internet purchases. This does not imply that no sales taxes can be levied on
e-commerce transactions. Such taxes may indeed be imposed, just as they may
be applied to other direct marketing transactions, such as catalog sales. Most
vendors, though, cannot be forced to collect these taxes if they have no
permanent establishment or nexus in the purchasers state. Consumers are
supposed to pay the tax on out-of-state sales but this hardly ever happens and
collection is rarely if ever enforced. The practical effect is that direct marketers
do not collect sales taxes in states where they do not have a physical presence
(Schwarz, 2000; Smiegowski, 2000).
Table 1. Specific regulatory positions by U.S. and EU affecting e-
commerce trade
Areas Positions
Tax - sales moratorium VAT - differs between states
permanent establishment?
Tax - income U.S. residence - taxes on global
income permanent establishment
double taxation treaty with EU
double taxation treaty with U.S.
Liability and
tentative standard for jurisdiction:
degree of interaction uncertainty -
courts tend to limit global liability
of U.S. firms
consumer home state has
business: home-country
confusion & contradiction
failure of the Hague conference
Consumer state regulations? uncertainty, controversy - see
liability above

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The EU taxes sales, including those made via the Web and by catalog, through
the use of the value-added-tax (VAT) system whereby an item is taxed at each
stage of its production or distribution on the value added from the previous
stage. Generally, such taxes are included in the final sale price to the consumer
without any reference to the tax component. Despite attempts at tax harmoni-
zation in the EU, VAT rates differ between the member states (e.g., 22% in
France and 15% in Luxembourg). For EU businesses, this is not a major
problem since sellers use the rates set by their home state where they (head
office) are located. For non-EU marketers, such as U.S. firms, this poses a
major challenge. If they have a European presence (e.g., a subsidiary), they too
may presumably charge the rates applicable to the subsidiarys home country,
such as Not so for American firms with no such affiliations (e.g.,
e-businesses exporting directly to consumers). They have to charge VAT
based on where the customers live. This means administering different rates for
different customer countriesa big challenge, especially for the smaller firms
(Barlow, 1999; Utton, 2000).
This problem has now been exacerbated by the EU requirement applicable to
all products provided by non-EU e-businesses that are downloaded by
European customers over the Internet, such as music, videos, and software as
well as Web-based fees. These downloads and services are now also subject
to VAT. This affects a variety of American-based online firms including, eBay, and AOL. Again, those U.S. firms without EU affiliations,
usually the smaller ones, will be required to apply the VAT rate of the country
in which the consumer resides. The EU has taken this step to level the playing
field between American and European firms since the former are not subject to
any sales taxes in the U.S. while the latter had to charge their EU customers
VAT (Grant, 2002; Newman, 2003).
The affected U.S. firms and U.S. (George W. Bush) administration are quite
upset about this especially since they were awaiting the outcome of OECD
(Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) negotiations on
this issue. With this step, the EU is seen as having pre-empted this issue by its
unilateral action. Moreover, the collection of the VAT by customer (home)
state is going to cause more problems and uncertainties for American sellers
than for their EU counterparts who can collect all such taxes for their home state
at one rate. The matter is further complicated by the question of determining and
verifying the actual country of residence for each customer. The given e-mail
address of the customer may not be the real residential one if an attempt is made
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to circumvent the law by pretending to be living in a member state with a lower
VAT rate. Or the customer may in effect be fronting for someone elseeven
reselling to consumers in higher VAT rate countries. The responsibility to tax
the real customers at the correct rate is presumably the (non-EU) sellers. This
could prove to be very difficult and quite costly for them. Some critics think that
this in effect discriminates against non-EU firms and may contravene World
Trade Organization rules on the liberalization of services trade. Another
problem is that the different member states do not treat all activities the same
way. For instance, AOL is subject to VAT for fees paid for Internet service in
France and Germany but not in Britain (Maguire, 1999; Salak, 2000; Schwarz,
These rules only apply to business-to-consumer sales and not to business-to-
business transactions. The latter are responsible for the bulk of the Web-based
sales. Still, American online retailers selling to the EU will have some tough
decisions to make on how to stay competitive, whether to absorb the tax or
pass it along to the consumer and how to become more cost effective.
Income Taxes
Just like virtually any business local or foreign, e-commerce is required to pay
(income) taxes on its earnings. There are three considerations here, viz.
residence, source and nexus. American firms (i.e., those that have their
residence or head office in the U.S.) are subject to U.S. income taxes on their
worldwide income. Such businesses could be taxed on income in other
countries if they earn money there. This could lead to so-called double taxation,
meaning that the firm gets taxed twice (or in theory multiple times) by different
countries for earnings originating from there. Fortunately, the U.S. has double
taxation treaties with most of the industrialized countries, including the member
states of the EU. This prevents businesses being taxed twice for the same
income. These treaties are based on a model, which was designed by the
OECD (Levin & Pedersen, 2000; Schwarz, 2000; Thibodeau, 1999).
For e-business, a particular concern is how their Web-based earnings are
treated by foreign (in this case, EU) tax authorities. The OECD has determined
that e-commerce is a digital delivery and, as such, is not any different from
physical delivery. Whether a CD is physically shipped to or downloaded by the
consumer makes no difference. In both cases, the earnings constitute business
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Regulatory and Marketing Challenges 237
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income which is NOT subject to tax in the source country. This means that for
U.S.-based firms, no other country besides the U.S. is supposed to withhold
(income) tax on this income.
Some e-businesses have a permanent establishment or nexus in another country
(e.g., an office or warehouse and employees)in short, a physical presence.
What this means is that this portion of the business is most likely to be treated
as a local firm for taxation purposes. (Please note that interpretations may
differsome hold that in many countries a simple warehouse and delivery
operation does NOT constitute a permanent establishment.) Should such firms
choose to use the facilities of other, say local EU firms, for this purpose, they
will not be regarded as having a European nexus. So, this outsourcing is one
way to legally avoid tax responsibility in another country.
The issue of nexus can be quite complicated, however. For instance, if a U.S.
e-business has a Web site which is accessible in the EU, is that regarded as a
permanent establishment? According to the OECD the answer is no since a
mere virtual presence is insufficient. But what about using a specially-designed-
for-the-EU Web site operated by an EU ISP? Or an interactive Web site
specifically geared for the EU and staffed by EU personnel employed by an EU
subcontractor? When does a virtual presence become a real or permanent one?
This is an example of one of the many uncertainties and ambiguities in this field
that still have to be resolved.
There is some merit in arguing that the entire concept of permanent establish-
ment has become outdated with the advent of the Internet and the resulting
easier access to global markets. Some experts are proposing that this concept
be replaced by something more in tune with current developments. The
problem is that they cannot seem to agree on what this should be. Even if they
did, they would still have to sell it to the bureaucrats and politicians of numerous
countries with different prioritiesno mean task. This is one more example of
the fluid state of affairs.
The dynamics of the Internet are also taking its toll on the concepts of residence
and source since they are also both place related. Headquarters of e-
businesses are often more mobile than their conventional counterparts and can
consequently be moved more rapidly, such as offshore. Similarly, products or
services delivered or downloaded in high-tax areas can often be easily directed
elsewhere (e.g., with the aid of dummy or virtual customers).
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Liability and Jurisdiction
When a U.S. online firm sells a product to an EU customer and the latter is
injured by its use, what laws apply? Where does the consumer file suit? How
can the firm defend itself? What happens if the suit is about an advertisement
that is deemed offensive in a country (say Muslim) for which it was not
intended? Can an American ISP be held criminally liable in France for Nazi
paraphernalia sold on its U.S. Web site to a French customer who bypassed
its French Web site because it did not contain these items in conformance with
French law? How far can the (foreign) law reach? What if the laws or courts
of different countries conflict or contradict each other?
These questions are a sampling of actual issues surrounding e-commerce. They
create a very uncertain legal climate, one in which more and more firms are
beginning to feel increasingly uncomfortable. No wonder some are pulling out
of countries that they perceive as having a hostile or uncertain legal environ-
ment. The problem is that countries have failed to establish an international legal
framework to protect the rights of buyers and sellers on the Internet. Attempts
to create international treaties on such issues as liability, libel, and copyright
infringements have failed. This means that the laws of the countries concerned
will have to be used instead of global (treaty) laws. This, in turn, raises the
question of which countrys law applies in a given situation, bringing us to the
issue of jurisdiction.
To start with, under U.S. contract law, one party may sue another in its home
state (e.g., a consumer from Virginia may sue a seller in that state even if the
seller is located in, say, California). As regards e-business, a tentative standard
seems to be evolving in the U.S. where key standards are the degree of
interactivity of the Web site and whether a sale took place. In cases where the
site is purely informational, for instance, the company would most likely have
to be sued in its own home state, but if a sale was made, the consumers home
state would most likely be the venue.
In contrast, the EU has initially emphasized the so-called home-country control
principle. Under this doctrine, the sellers home country has jurisdiction. This
view favors business. A few years ago, European consumer groups were
successful in lobbying to reverse the EU directive so that currently European
consumers can sue in their own country. This appears to bring it into line with
general U.S. practice (Tucker & Eaglesham, 1999).
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Other types of civil lawsuits include those for libel and copyright infringements.
Based on limited case law so far, it would appear that defendants may be asked
to appear in the courts of countries that were not even specifically targeted by
the Internet activities of the defendant. Criminal prosecutions in foreign
countries for violations, such as creating software or selling products that are
perfectly legal in the home country but not in the prosecuting one, are also
occurring (Newman, 2003).
The Hague Conference on Private International Law is attempting to draft an
e-commerce treaty that would make court rulings in one country enforceable
in all of the signatory countries. Skeptics say that the push for globalization of
markets seen during the 1990s has lost its momentum. For various reasons
including political, economic, and military (e.g., the Iraq war), countries tend to
act more on their own and to assert their sovereignty. Many e-business and
media firms that at first were very supportive of these treaties have backed off
when they realized that such treaties would also incorporate laws from
countries that would conflict with U.S. law (e.g., in the areas of free speech,
liability, and copyright infringements). These areas failed to win consensus at
the Hague Conference. This conference is now trying to reach agreement on a
less controversial area, namely, how judgments will be enforced in business-to-
business commercial contracts. These difficulties underscore the problems
encountered when trying to bridge differences in the ethical, cultural, and
economic values of the negotiating countries at a time when national issues often
appear to enjoy a higher priority than globalization (Newman, 2003).
Marketing Implications: Opportunities
and Challenges
Despite the difficulties mentioned above regarding regulatory issues, e-market-
ers nevertheless are presented with both opportunities and challenges. Follow-
ing are two scenarios that present ways for online marketers to reach foreign
markets. The first is using a Web site primarily for product information and
image building, and the second is offering a full service Web site. Associated
problems that may occur are highlighted based on the previous discussion.
A European consumer may visit an e-marketers Web site in any given EU host
country where it has such sites or the firms home-country Web site may be
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contacted. The customer has several options: use it only to gather information
through a product search, perhaps enter a chatroom/forum, or simply view
advertisements. At this point, there are limited regulatory implications for the
U.S. retailer in the EU. For example, if there is misleading advertising, it may
be subject to EU and/or local country jurisdiction. Consumer feedback would
be limited to the telephone or e-mail responses. Such communication may
provide some useful consumer data to correct promotional problems or
improve the Web site for the U.S. e-marketer. Since no actual transactions can
be effected on such sites, the legal implications in the EU are limited.
Even with limited Web site presence, European governments are highly
restrictive about marketing promotions. For example, Germany discourages
comparative advertisements and refused to allow a Lands End customer
satisfaction guarantee to be used online in order to protect smaller retailers in
the home country (Siegel, 2004, p. 150). Another option for the European
consumer is to visit the U.S. e-marketers European full service local Web site.
A full-spectrum marketing strategy allows the consumer to gather information,
purchase a product or service, and receive accompanying customer service.
However, such operations will most likely subject the e-marketer to local
European regulations. This would include requiring prior permission from the
customer to obtain, use, and disseminate any personal data and to inform the
individual of such use.
Enhanced promotional restrictions now apply to sending online marketing
material (i.e., opt-in requirement) as established by the recent European
Privacy and Electronic Communications Directive in EU countries (i.e., re-
places 1998 Directive). If e-mail contains personable and identifiable informa-
tion, such as the recipients name, the individual has the right to request the firm
to stop (e.g., opt out right) sending such material. For business-to-business e-
mail, the firms must not conceal their identity. Failure to comply with these new
rules may result in some type of enforcement action. Note that the U.S. e-
marketers actual legal exposure resulting from these actions is vague at best,
but the spirit of the new rule is clear (Robinson, 2003).
Furthermore, if the e-marketer has a local Permanent Establishment, for
example, ships from a local (European) warehouse, it would likely be subject
to VAT and income taxes due to local nexus. If, however, an independent
server is used for this purpose, the exposure of the U.S. e-business may be
limited due to its virtual presence.
Since the U.S. is currently less stringent regarding promotions and privacy
issues, e-marketers may be more comfortable selling to customers in the EU
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through its home-country Web site. Although this will make it less likely that EU
rules will apply, this possibility cannot be ruled out entirely. Due to the
unresolved international issues between the U.S. and the EU, some EU rules
might still be applied (e.g., through the Safe Harbor agreement on data
privacy). The e-marketer may also be sued by a European customer in an EU
member state court for a contractual dispute if jurisdiction in such a court was
specified in the contract. Ultimately, most e-marketers will eventually have little
choice but to rely mostly on Web sites within the EU adapted for local language,
preferences, and so forth if they want to remain competitive.
Addressing Regulatory Issues and
Future Trends
The regulatory challenges facing U.S. and e-marketers marketing in the EU are
complex and often unresolved. To the dismay of U.S. and EU policymakers,
the Internet also creates a new marketplace for illegal activity, such as the sales
of unapproved new drugs or prescription drugs dispensed without a valid
prescription through spurious online drug pharmacies. Global consumers may
have difficulty identifying which sites sell legitimate products. For example, this
is currently the case for cigarette sales online. The private sector has an
important role in providing consumer education and in providing helpful
information about the quality of products online.
To successfully conduct business under these circumstances requires careful
planning aided by proper advice. Both business and legal issues have to be
considered. As a starting point, the following short list of precautions is
presented to enhance e-marketing efforts.
First, select Web sites (server location), warehouse locations, and any other
possible manifestations of nexus carefully. Weigh the pros of improved
customer service against the cons of greater liability and taxation. Also, select
countries with zero or low VAT rates that favor your firms product or service
(e.g., digitized software, music, data, etc.), for instance, the U.K. for hardcover
books (no VAT) and Luxembourg for various products (lowest rates for many
Second, carefully review and monitor the content and promotions on your Web
site. Encourage free flow of information via advertisements to the Web visitor
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but ensure that advertisers agree to abide by rules of conduct. Provide only
essential information as Web site content. Display any sponsorship and also
give details of where the provider is based. Try to make the content on different
Web sites as consistent and as compliant with the most common regulations as
possible. Perhaps one of the more perplexing issues in the regulatory environ-
ment in the EU will be to seek ways to develop relationships with customers that
engender trust. Studies indicate that consumers are apt to minimize the number
of Web sites they purchase at and are influenced by Web sites that promote
brand while they are seeking stable long-term relationships (Fassott, 2003).
The challenge will be to strike a balance between communicating with the
customer and collecting information in an unobtrusive way.
Third, as the number of laws, regulations, or enforcement actions increase,
ensure that marketing practices are not vulnerable to local regulations. This
applies not only to the Web site itself but to all other marketing activities (e.g.,
price discounts, promotional deals, and non-Web advertising). For example,
Weblining is a hot-button issue in the U.S. between financial service firms and
consumer activist groups. At the onset of the Internet, insurers and others firms
using the Internet were accused of redlining or Weblining. Consumers who do
not fit into a certain profile may not be offered a good or service and may be
charged more (Danna & Gandy, 2002). Weblining now encompasses privacy
issues especially in the ways that firms collect and analyze consumer data. It is
clear from the U.S. experience that consumers should be informed of the ways
information is collected about them.
Another example of the regulatory uncertainty surrounding many recently
introduced online marketing practices relates to gambling or gaming across
national borders. The crux of the matter is whether countries that allow some
form of distance (including online) betting can prohibit consumers to participate
in offshore gambling. This is presently the position of the U.S. and also of most
member states of the EU. It is therefore ironic that recently major decisions by
two key institutions have essentially reversed this position. The WTO found in
favor of Antigua in its complaint against the U.S. because it prohibited U.S.
residents operating from their home turf to participate in online gambling
conducted from Antigua. It was found that such regulation unfairly impeded
global trade in violation of WTO agreements. The U.S. is likely to appeal this
decision which may delay the final outcome and its implementation for years.
The European Court of Justice held a similar opinion when a few months ago
it ruled in two separate cases (Gambelli & Lindman, respectively) that both
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involved online gambling between residents of different member states. The
court found that unjustified discriminating restrictions of online gambling
between member states is an unlawful restraint of free (global) trade. Since the
EU intends to take up this issue for possible ultimate legislation, while the U.S.
appeal of its WTO case could drag on for some time, the final resolution of this
issue will have to wait (Miller & Brinkley, 2004).
Finally, the antitrust problems of Microsoft serve as an illustration of another
facet of online marketing regulation in the U.S. and the EU, respectively. The
main thrust of its case deals with the use of its Windows software in computer
hardware, which does not represent an online marketing practice, per se.
However, the required incorporation of its Media Player in this software
package to the exclusion of competing media software does represent a forced
sale of services that could be marketed independently online by competitors.
In this context, the antitrust rulings, in both the U.S. and the EU, have a direct
bearing on online marketing. The EUs ruling is more severe, requiring virtually
immediate action by Microsoft to offer a Windows version stripped of Media
Player. Microsoft is expected to appeal this decision which means that this
(antitrust) issue too, will not be clarified for a while (Kanter, 2004).
These examples all demonstrate the dynamic and still uncertain global regula-
tory environment in which e-commerce firms have to operate. Management
needs to stay on top of these developments in order to formulate the most
effective and legally acceptable online marketing strategiesa daunting task. It
will require continuous feedback of pertinent information not only of the
marketplace but also of related technological, political, and regulatory trends
both at home and abroad.
The Internet provides new opportunities for e-marketers. In the past, exporting
required significant investment in outlets and logistics. To engage in business
with European countries, it was necessary to adhere to numerous local laws and
regulations. Although e-commerce has eased some of these constraints, a
viable entry strategy into the EU still demands cautious deliberation given newly
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emerging laws and practices. Such forethought may perhaps reduce the risk in
unwanted legal entanglements. Unfortunately, applicable regulations are often
difficult to identify due to uncertainty and controversy, both in the U.S. and in
the EU. In fact, at present some areas do not appear to be covered at all.
The biggest challenge for U.S. e-marketers in all this is to determine which laws
apply to a specific operation and to what extent it should pursue this quest. For
instance, how far should it go to determine nexus given that in some cases
different authorities in different and sometimes even within the same country
may give different opinions on the matter? The next big challenge is how to
formulate and implement marketing strategies that deal with these challenges in
the most effective way.
Avlonitis, G.K., & Karayanni, D.A. (2000). The impact of Internet use on
business-to-business marketing: Examples from American and European
companies. Industrial Marketing Management, 29(5), 441-459.
Barlow, D. (1999, September). VAT aspects of e-commerce. Business and
Management Practice, 40-43.
Danna, A., & Gandy, O.H., Jr. (2002). All that glitters is not gold: Digging
beneath the surface of data mining. Journal of Business Ethics, 40, 373-
Fassott, G. (2003, June 23-25). E-CRM tools and their impact on relation-
ship quality and loyalty in e-tailing. Proceedings of the International
Customer Relationship Marketing Management Conference, Berlin, Ger-
Forrester Research, Inc. (2003). Retrieved October 25, 2004, from http//
Grant, E. (2002, February 15). Battle brewing over European e-tail tax plan.
E-Commerce Times. Hargreaves, D. (2000, May 10). Europe tries to
clear ground for e-commerce: A directive seeks to clarify which national
law applies to companies attempting to trade online. Financial Times, 2.
Kanter, J. (2004, September 26). Microsoft plots EU counterstrike. The Wall
Street Journal, B4.
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Regulatory and Marketing Challenges 245
Copyright 2005, Idea Group Inc. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written
permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.
Levin, L.D., & Pedersen, R.C. (2000, May 31). When does e-commerce
create a PE? The Tax Adviser, 306.
Maguire, N. (1999, September). Taxation of e-commerce. Business and
Management Practices, 3-12.
Miller, S., & Brinkley, C. (2004, March 25). U.S. ban on Web gambling
breaks global trade pacts, says WTO. The Wall Street Journal, A2.
Mitchener, B. (2003, November 10). European download blues. The Wall
Street Journal, B1.
Newman, M. (2003, October 10). VATs up? The Wall Street Journal
Online, B1.
Robinson, D. (2003, November 24). E-marketing rules clarified. Manage-
ment Week, p. 35.
Salak, J. (2000, July 10). A taxing situation Who pays for what? Not even
the recipients seem to know. Telecom, 52.
Schwarz, J. (2000, Jume 1). Virtual tax proves complex. Financial Times, 6.
Siegel, C. (2004). Internet marketing: Foundations and applications.
Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin.
Thibodeau, P. (1999, August 30). Europe wants U.S. firms to pay e-
commerce taxes. Computerworld, 33, 35-41.
Tucker, E., & Eaglesham, J. (1999, July 6). Legislative threat to e-commerce.
Financial Times, 2.
Utton, M.A. (2000, February). Books are not different after all. International
Journal of the Economics of Business, 7(1), 115.
Waldmeir, P. (1999, December 23). Global e-commerce law comes under the
spotlight. Financial Times, 9.
Wilson, S.G., & Abel, I. (2002). So you want to get involved in e-commerce.
Industrial Marketing Management, 31(2), 85-49.
Zugelder, M.T., Flaherty, T.B., & Johnson, J.P. (2000). Legal issues associ-
ated with international internet marketing. International Marketing
Review, 17, 2-3.
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Section V:
Theoretical Frameworks
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Modeling the Effects of Attitudes Toward Advertising on the Internet 247
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Chapter XIV
Modeling the Effects
of Attitudes Toward
on the Internet
Chris Manolis, Xavier University, USA
Nicole Averill, Carmichael Events, A Division of Eight
Entertainment, LCC, USA
Charles M. Brooks, Quinnipiac University, USA
The notion that consumer attitudes toward products and advertisements
affect consumer behavior is well-known in the marketing literature.
Research and theory supporting this idea are based largely on traditional
means of advertising (e.g., print ads, television commercials, etc.). Although
research has begun to address if, when, and how the above process
translates to Internet advertising, continued study is needed in this area.
The following chapter depicts a study undertaken to further clarify the
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relationship between attitudes toward Internet advertising, brand
attitudes, and purchase intentions. Given that various business models
suggest future change and growth in sales and advertising revenues
generated via the Internet, such a study is both necessary and valuable.
Marketers have long been interested in the effects of advertising. Of particular
interest is the relationship between a consumers attitude toward an advertise-
ment and how this attitude affects subsequent behavior (Shimp, 1981).
Researchers have come to understand that, under certain conditions, consumer
attitudes toward ads can ultimately affect purchase intentions and behavior
(Brown & Stayman, 1992; Mitchell & Olson, 1981). Much of the knowledge
and theory development in this area derives from research involving traditional
means of advertising, such as print ads and television commercials (e.g., Lord,
Lee & Sauer, 1995; MacKenzie, Lutz & Belch, 1986). Although a fair amount
of research on attitudes toward Internet advertising has been conducted
(Bruner & Kumar, 2000; Schlosser, Shavitt & Kanfer, 1999; Stevenson,
Bruner & Kumar, 2000; Sukpanich & Chen, 1999), few if any studies have
provided a straightforward experimental test of whether or not manipulated
consumer attitudes toward Internet advertising affect brand attitudes and
subsequent purchase intentions. This chapter represents such a study.
Internet advertising continues to grow in importance and has become a
significant element of the marketing communications mix (Becker-Olsen,
2003). Some predicted that by 2007, Internet advertising will be the fourth
largest advertising medium and that online advertising expenditures will reach
$14 billion (Peach, Blank & Grahn, 2002). Although Internet advertising is
growing, marketers are often unclear as to the effectiveness of this relatively
new form of advertising (Dietz, 1998; Kennerdale, 2001) and question how the
Internet compares to other more traditional marketing media (Jones, Pentecost
& Requena, 2003).
The research set forth in this chapter addresses whether or not extant theory
and research on the effects of attitude towards advertising are applicable to
advertising on the Internet and purports to provide a straightforward empirical
investigation toward this end. Based on the growing popularity of the Internet
and the importance of knowing whether or not traditional advertising strategy
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and theory are applicable to Internet advertising (Maddox, Mehta & Daubek,
1997), a study is conducted. The study measures whether or not experimentally
manipulated consumer attitudes toward Internet advertising affect brand atti-
tudes and intentions to purchase. Before discussing Internet advertising further
and ultimately offering research hypotheses, we first review the theory and
research on consumer attitudes toward advertising.
Attitudes Toward Advertisements
Based primarily on the work of Fishbein (1967) and his associates (e.g.,
Fishbein & Ajzen, 1975), a consumers attitude is thought to involve cognitive,
affective, and conative components that combine such that a consumers beliefs
(cognitions) and feelings (affect) toward a given object (product or brand) or
behavior create an attitude. This attitude, in turn, can ultimately affect the
consumers behavioral or purchase intentions (conative) toward the object
(Lutz, MacKenzie & Belch, 1983; Mitchell & Olson, 1981). Since attitudes
can determine purchase intentions, it is important that products and brands (as
objects) elicit favorable attitudes.
In addition to forming attitudes based on products and product attributes (i.e.,
features), consumers often form distinct attitudes toward advertisements (A
(Lutz, 1985; Mitchell & Olson, 1981). A
is thought to represent a predispo-
sition to respond in a favorable or unfavorable manner to a particular advertis-
ing stimulus during a particular exposure occasion (Lutz, 1985). Given that
consumer attitudes toward ads are potentially important, marketing research-
ers have investigated what causes advertising to elicit positive or negative
consumer feelings (Lutz, 1985). Aaker and Stayman (1990), for instance,
identified four factors that determine feelings toward advertisements. Positive
feelings toward ads are elicited when the advertising is either informative or
entertaining. Negative feelings, on the other hand, are elicited when advertising
is either deceptive or irritating. Although not surprising, these findings provide
advertisers with important insights toward developing successful advertising.
Attitudes toward ads are thought to play a significant role in the formation of
brand attitudes, which, in turn, can affect purchase intentions (Biel, 1990;
MacKenzie, Lutz & Belch, 1986). If consumers like a particular advertisement,
they may be more likely to purchase the advertised brand by way of positive
brand attitudes. Specifically, A
affects attitude toward the brand (A
), which,
in turn, affects purchase intentions (PI) (Mitchell & Olson, 1981).
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Past Purchase Behavior and Subjective Norms
Attitudes are not the only factors that affect purchase intentions. A consumers
past purchase behavior (PPB) is also likely to have an impact on purchase
intentions (Bentler & Speckart, 1979). For instance, consumers who have
purchased particular products or shopped in particular stores or on particular
Web sites in the past and had satisfactory experiences are likely to purchase
those products or shop at those stores/sites again in the future (Bruner &
Kumar, 2000). As will be seen shortly, we will focus on past Internet purchase
behavior in the current study.
Another factor affecting purchase intentions is subjective norms (SN) (Ajzen
& Fishbein, 1980). SN represent what someone perceives other people
(significant other people) think of a particular behavior or, in a consumer
context, what someone perceives other people think of purchasing a particular
product or brand (Lutz, 1977). If reference group members (i.e., friends,
relatives, etc.) are thought to approve of a behavior or brand (i.e., purchasing
a particular brand), then the behavior or brand is more likely to be acceptable,
and a consumer is more likely to purchase the brand. If, on the other hand, a
brand is perceived as unacceptable by members of a reference group, a
consumer is less likely to buy the brand (Figure 1).
Figure 1. Conceptual model of purchase intentions

Attitude Toward
the Brand

Attitude Toward
the Ad
Past Purchase




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Modeling the Effects of Attitudes Toward Advertising on the Internet 251
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Internet Advertising
Broadly speaking, Internet advertising encompasses any form of commercial
content available on the Internet that is designed by businesses to inform
consumers about a product or service (Schlosser, Shavitt & Kanfer, 1999).
This may include banner advertisements, e-mail advertisements, and corpo-
rate/organizational Web sites and/or home pages, all of which supply some
depth of information about a company and/or its products (Singh & Dalal,
1999). This is a particularly important point currently as Internet advertising is
conceptualized broadly in this chapter such that Internet advertising and
Internet sites will be referred to and used almost synonymously (Ducoffe,
1996). Of course, appropriate and sufficient detail will be provided when
necessary and/or appropriate in this regard.
The Internet represents one of the newest and potentially most powerful
advertising mediums in the world. The Internet has grown in popularity as an
advertising medium because, among other things, it allows 24-hour interactivity
between the advertiser and customer. The Internet is also cost effective. With
a Web site, unlike many traditional forms of advertising, the cost of reaching
prospective customers does not increase proportionally with additional expo-
sures (site visits). Internet advertising saves consumers time and allows them to
obtain information regarding a wide variety of merchandise from multiple and
convenient locations. Finally, Internet advertising has been said to facilitate the
introduction of new products and services (Wolin, Korgaonkar & Lund,
From a marketing standpoint, firms need to establish a presence on the Internet
in order to be competitive. Although many organizations are attempting to
capitalize on this new medium, many do not market or advertise successfully
their company or products on the Internet. Establishing an Internet presence
does not necessarily imply success on the Internet. Like any advertisement, a
Web site must possess positive qualities as evaluated by those coming in
contact with the site, leading ultimately to positive attitudes and desired
behavior. Advertising effectiveness on the Internet, therefore, would appear to
be the result of sound marketing and creative strategy much the same as
successful advertising using traditional mediums.
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252 Manolis, Averill & Brooks
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Problems with the Internet as a Commercial Advertising
Despite its proven popularity, the Internet and Internet advertising are not
without their problems. Unlike traditional advertising, for example, Internet
advertising is plagued by a relative lack of research addressing and measuring
its effectiveness. For instance, it is still not entirely clear if successful strategies
utilized in traditional advertising work for Internet-based advertising (Jones,
Pentecost & Requena, 2003; Yoon, 2001). And, when research has been
conducted in this area, Internet advertising not unlike most advertising
mediums has proven difficult to measure as far as effectiveness is concerned
(Becker-Olsen, 2003).
Some suggest that the Internet can pose distinct disadvantages as an advertising
medium given that numerous studies have shown that certain factors result in
consumers being irritated by the Web sites they visit. In one study, for instance,
only three out of 100 sites studied were adequately servicing their visitors, and
the other 97 either excluded or annoyed valuable and potential clients (The
Economist, 1998). A study conducted by Dellaert and Kahn (1999) found that
consumers experience negative or unpleasant feelings when they are con-
fronted with long wait times. In a study concerning the intrusiveness of ads,
Edwards, Li, and Lee (2002) found that consumers perceived pop-up ads to
be irritating. Research done by INTECO, a Connecticut-based research firm,
found that speedy downloads, along with reliable, up-to-date, and easy-to-find
information are by far the most important Web site features according to
consumers and that animation, sound, and video enhancement rate among the
least important. Another study conducted by the Georgia Institute of
Technologys WWW Surveying Team found that many Internet users perceive
pages to be poorly designed and too slow to download.
Ratchford, Lee, and Talukdar (2003) note that evaluations of the Internet as a
source of consumer information have been limited and argue that before making
media and advertising-related choices, companies need to clearly understand
the role of the Internet in consumer perceptions and behavior. Furthermore, the
notion of interactivity (the idea whereby there are iterations between the firm
and the customer, information from both parties is elicited, and attempts to align
interests and possibilities are made) suggests that Internet advertising audi-
ences as compared to audiences of traditional advertising mediums have the
ability to choose and respond to ads of their liking thereby creating added
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Modeling the Effects of Attitudes Toward Advertising on the Internet 253
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obstacles and/or confusion on the part of Internet advertisers (Drze &
Hussherr, 2003).
Given that a large number of Web sites are doing things to potentially disappoint
and/or displease consumers, it is important to understand precisely what
consumers like and dislike with respect to commercial Web sites and Web-
based advertising. As evidenced in these and other studies, three negative
factors seem to be predominant with respect to the Internet as a commercial
and advertising medium: (1) pages take too long to download, (2) sites are
difficult to navigate, and (3) sites have too much irrelevant information. And,
given the high costs associated with developing and maintaining an Internet site,
companies must know whether extant strategies and measures associated with
traditional advertising are applicable to Internet advertising.
Although there remains much to learn with respect to the Internet and Internet
advertising, recent research in this area has amassed some insights regarding
advertising on this new medium, particularly in the area of consumer attitudes.
We turn now to some of these insights and research findings in order to position
the current study and highlight its potential contribution to the literature.
Attitudes and Advertising on the Internet
Given that the current research spotlights how attitudes toward Internet
advertising (Web sites, etc.) might affect brand attitudes (and subsequently
how these attitudes might affect purchase intentions), it is important to review
extant research that involves consumer attitudes and the Internet. In the
following section, we review a sample of the more relevant work in this area.
First, it is important to understand that the study of consumer attitudes toward
advertising on the Internet has emerged recently as a relatively significant area
of Internet-related research and inquiry. In an effort to better understand what
consumer attitudes toward advertising on the Internet are comprised of, as well
as develop a scale useful in detecting such feelings, Sukpanich and Chen (1999)
suggest that these attitudes likely involve awareness, preference, and inten-
tions. In a related study, Wolin, Korgaonkar, and Lund (2002) discovered that
Internet users attitudes towards Internet advertising are a function of various
belief factors. Product information, hedonic pleasure, and social role and image
were positively related to subjects attitudes toward Internet advertising, while
materialism and falsity related negatively to these attitudes. The results also
indicated that the more positive Internet users attitudes toward Internet
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254 Manolis, Averill & Brooks
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permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.
advertising, the greater likelihood the users would respond favorably to
Internet ads (e.g., pay close attention to ads, click on ads to gather more
information, etc.). Other research has attempted to actually measure consumer
attitudes toward Internet-based advertising and discover whether or not such
promotions are useful. Schlosser, Shavitt and Kanfer (1999), for instance,
indicate that attitudes toward Internet advertising are generally positive and that
a majority of users are at least somewhat confident in the validity of information
they obtain via Internet advertising. Research by Ratchford, Talukdar, and Lee
(2001) indicates that consumers rely on the Internet as an information source
when making product choices. In perhaps the most pertinent study relating to
the current research, Bruner and Kumar (2000) found that Internet experience
an experimentally manipulated independent variable had a positive affect on
five measured dependent variables: attitudes toward Web sites, attitudes
toward commercials (commercial video clips playing on Web sites), attention
paid to commercials, brand attitudes, and purchase intentions. It is also worth
noting that the five dependent variables were positively associated.
In the end, the Internet represents a popular and complex if not confusing
medium as far as advertisers and marketers are concerned. Accordingly, more
research is needed to better understand consumers and their reactions and
interactions with this new and powerful advertising medium. Although con-
sumer attitudes toward Internet advertising have been addressed in the
literature above, we contend that there is the need for a clear-cut experimental
study examining how and if consumer attitudes regarding Internet advertising
directly affect brand attitudes, which, in turn, affect purchase intentions. We
further contend that such a study should necessarily adhere to extant attitude
theory (Bentler & Speckart, 1979; Fishbein & Ajzen, 1975; Lavidge &
Steiner, 1961; Mitchell & Olson, 1981; Shimp, 1981) such that the results of
the study are straightforward. Next, we outline the objectives and potential
contributions of the current study.
Research Hypotheses
This chapter addresses attitudes toward advertising as they apply to the
Internet. Based on existing theory and past research, it is predicted that a
consumers attitude toward Internet advertising/a Web site (A
or A
Web site
will influence that consumers attitude toward the brand being advertised on the
Web site (A
). This brand attitude will, in turn, influence consumer purchase
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intentions (PI). Purchase intentions will also be directly and positively affected
by both the consumers past purchasing behavior (PPB) and what the con-
sumer perceives others think about buying the advertised brand (SN). We test
the following hypotheses (see Figure 1).
A positive attitude toward an Internet site (Internet advertising) will
create a positive attitude toward a brand being advertised on the site.
A positive attitude toward the brand will increase purchase inten-
tions for the brand.
The greater the extent of past purchase behavior, the more likely the
individual is to purchase (intend to purchase) the advertised brand.
The more positive someones perceptions about how others feel
about purchasing the brand being advertised, the more likely the
individual is to purchase the advertised brand.
To confirm that the consumer complaints discussed earlier are in fact some of
the chief problems concerning Web sites (Web advertising), a pilot study was
conducted. A convenience sample of 80 individuals who were familiar with the
Internet were surveyed. The findings from the pilot study were consistent with
previous research and indicated that the three most frequently cited Web site
characteristics that irritated these Internet users were (1) pages with long
download times, (2) irrelevant information on a Web site, and (3) an inability
to navigate easily throughout a Web site. Additionally, respondents reported
that the three features they appreciated most when visiting a Web site were (1)
the Web site is informational, (2) the site is easy to use, and (3) graphics are
used in addition to text. These findings also correspond to what Zhang and von
Dran (2000) describe as satisfiers (factors and attributes in the Internet
environment that contribute mainly to user satisfaction) and dissatisfiers
(factors and attributes in the Internet environment that contribute mainly to user
dissatisfaction). Based on the above mentioned attributes, both a good and a
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256 Manolis, Averill & Brooks
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bad Web site were developed for the purposes of the study. Together, the sites
will represent A
(attitudes toward advertising): the manipulated independent
variable in the study.
Because sneakers represent a familiar product for most consumers, they were
chosen as the focal product for these Web sites. The sneakers advertised on
the two Web sites were a fictitious brand of running sneakers named Zikes.
These shoes were said to be available over the Internet and were comparable
in style and price to other brand name sneakers, such as Reebok and Nike.
Unlike existing brands, however, Zikes were said to be manufactured to
custom fit each individuals feet. When consumers went to the Zikes Web site,
they found a footmap that they could print out. Having printed out the footmap,
consumers could trace their feet onto the map. Consumers could select sneaker
style and color, and, when Zikes (the company) received payment and the
footmap, a custom pair of the sneakers would hypothetically be produced. The
footmap was used to differentiate the Zikes brand from those of the competition
and to get consumers interested and involved in the product and thereby the
study. Since the objective of the study was to determine whether a Web site/
Web site advertising could affect a consumers attitude toward a product/
brand, it was necessary to make the product advertised on the site as interesting
as possible.
The good Web site. The good Zikes Web site contained five Web pages. Each
page downloaded relatively quickly, contained only information relevant to
Zikes sneakers, and was easy for subjects to navigate from one page to the next
via a navigation menu at the bottom of each page. The home page featured a
picture of a Zikes sneaker, along with an informative paragraph about the
product. Four navigation buttons, About Us, Sneaker Styles, Footmap, and
Order Form, were located under the copy.
Clicking on the About Us button took users to a page consisting of a graphic
at the top of the page which read About Zikes Running Shoes followed by
a narrative explaining the history of the company. When users clicked on the
Sneaker Styles button, they were taken to a page consisting of a graphic at the
top of the page which read Sneaker Styles, followed by six two-inch by one-
inch pictures of the various sneaker styles with a description of features, colors,
and prices. As with other pages, there were four navigation buttons at the
bottom of this page. When consumers clicked on the Footmap page, they were
taken to a page consisting of a printable graphic at the top of the page which
read Footmap, as well as a picture of a grid with a faint outline of a life-sized
foot. Once again, under the pages were the four navigation buttons, the last of
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Modeling the Effects of Attitudes Toward Advertising on the Internet 257
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which was the Order Form button. When the consumers clicked on the Order
Form button, they were taken to a page consisting of a graphic at the top of the
page which read Order Form and a traditional order form for customers to
To summarize, three key features were built into the Web site that made it good
from a promotional standpoint. First, the layout of each page was consistent
and allowed the user to navigate easily. Second, each page provided an
adequate amount of information relevant to Zikes sneakers but did not include
extraneous information that did not pertain directly to the product. Specifically,
there were no additional links to other sites, there were no advertising banners
for other companies, and there were no broken links. Finally, the graphics and
text used on this site were sized appropriately such that download times were
relatively fast. Since features that most commonly irritate Internet-users/
consumers were avoided, and the features that consumers generally find
pleasing were included, this site was designated as the good site/advertisement.
The bad Web site. The bad Web site was designed to be the opposite of the
good Web site. Although the core informational content was similar across the
two sites, various pages on the bad site contained additional promotional
information that did not directly pertain to Zikes. This, in turn, resulted in longer
download times. Although the home page on the bad site contained the same
introductory paragraph as the home page on the good site, the bad site page
also contained pictures of all six sneakers made by Zikes. Three of these
pictures linked to sneaker styles page (where the sneakers were described) and
three led to dead pages that resulted in error messages. The page also featured
banner advertisements for running-related magazines (e.g., Track and Field
and Runners World) that also led to error messages. There was an advertise-
ment for an online bookstore that featured books about running; when the users
tried to access the bookstore page they again encountered an error message.
Finally, there was a Featured Article column where users could access articles
about running.
As with the good site, the bad site was designed such that navigation was
through a series of menu buttons. Unlike the good site, however, the bad site
only contained two (compared to four) navigation buttons per page. In order
for consumers to access the other Zikes pages they had to bounce from page
to page, and access to the links was through another page altogether. When
consumers/subjects clicked on the Footmap button, they were led to the same
footmap as on the good site, but the only navigation button on the footmap page
was the Home Page button. The sneaker styles page was the same as on the
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258 Manolis, Averill & Brooks
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good site, except that the promotional pictures were larger causing longer
download times, and the descriptions were not as in-depth as on the good site.
The only way to access the order form was via the home page. Although the
overall product information was consistent across the sites (advertisements),
the bad compared with the good site contained less relevant promotional
information, contained more irrelevant information, was more difficult to
navigate, and had slower download times.
Subjects were recruited from various undergraduate marketing courses at a
university in the northeastern United States. Student subjects were told that
they were going to be part of a new product testing group and that the new
product being tested was a new line of sneakers called Zikes. Subjects were
given the following information:
The purpose of this research is to investigate different methods of pre-
testing a new product which is still in the conception stage of
development. Your task is simply to examine the following website, and,
subsequently, form an evaluation of the new product, Zikes Sneakers.
This introduction was adapted from a study done by MacKenzie and Lutz
(1989). In short, the students were led to believe that they were part of a new
product development study and were unaware that the researchers were
interested in measuring their Web site-based, promotion-related attitudes.
After the introduction, subjects were randomly given a sheet of paper with
instructions and a Web address where one of the Zikes Web sites was posted.
Each subject visited either the good or the bad Web site. As mentioned
previously, these sites or advertisements represented the A
(attitude toward
advertising or Internet advertising) manipulated independent variable in the
study. Subjects were instructed to spend about 10 minutes exploring the site.
They were asked to access and evaluate all the pages, links, and information
on the site. After exploring the site, subjects were asked to complete a
questionnaire pertaining to their site visit.
One hundred sixty student subjects were included in this main study, and
approximately equal numbers of both males (49%) and females participated.
The limitations associated with the use of student samples are well-known and
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based largely on the belief that such samples do not necessarily represent the
general population (e.g., Ferber, 1977). There have recently been numerous
assertions made in the Internet/advertising literature, however, suggesting that
undergraduate university students are particularly relevant for studies where the
Internet is concerned as these students are typically young (as a relatively new
medium, the Internet is still used primarily by younger people) and have a lot
of experience with the medium (Danaher & Mullarkey, 2003).
A questionnaire was designed to measure two additional independent vari-
ables, SN (subjective norms) and PPB (past purchase behavior), and the two
dependent variables or constructs in the study, A
(attitude towards brand)
and PI (purchase intentions) (Figure 1). As each of these variables represent
established and valid constructs, the majority of items on the survey either came
directly from or were based on pre-existing reputable scales and studies. All
items followed a Likert-type response format of 1 = Strongly Disagree and 7
= Strongly Agree.
The nine items measuring A
represented ratings on how the subjects felt about
the brand advertised on the Web site (e.g., I think Zikes sneakers are a good
product idea.) and are based on a study by Lutz, MacKenzie, and Belch
(1983), among others.
The three items measuring SN (e.g., People who are
important to me would approve of me purchasing these sneakers.) were taken
from studies by Bentler and Speckart (1979) and Lutz (1977). The PPB
variable was also based on work by Bentler and Speckart (1979), yet modified
for the current study. We asked subjects three questions pertaining to their past
Internet purchase behavior given the studys Internet focus (e.g., I have
purchased products via the Internet on a regular basis over the past year.). In
order to provide a more complete or comprehensive test of the model, the PI
construct was conceptualized accordingly to three related yet distinct compo-
nents: General Purchase Intention (GPI) (e.g., This is a product that interests
me enough that I would consider purchasing it.), Retail Purchase Intention
(RPI) (e.g., If given the opportunity, it is unlikely that I would purchase Zikes
sneakers from a retail outlet. [reverse-coded]), and Internet Purchase Inten-
tion (IPI) (e.g., I would be interested in purchasing Zikes sneakers off the
Internet.). The items used to measure these PI components were based on
work by Darley and Smith (1993), Bentler and Speckart (1979), and Lutz,
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260 Manolis, Averill & Brooks
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permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.
MacKenzie, and Belch (1983). Both the GPI and RPI variables consisted of
two items each, while the IPI measure utilized a single item.
In order to verify the reliability of the constructs, Cronbachs coefficient alphas
were computed for each construct comprised of more than two items.
Coefficients ranged from 0.85 to 0.91. For the two constructs measured via
two items each (GPI and RPI), a correlation coefficient (r) was computed. The
rs for the items comprising GPI and RPI were 0.61 and 0.36 (ps < .05),
Path Analyses
Figures 2 through 4 depict relationships between A
(the good versus the bad
Web site) A
, PPB, SN, and PI. According to the hypotheses, the models posit
that a consumers attitude toward the Web site/Web site advertising (manipu-
lated independent variable) should affect that consumers attitude toward the
Figure 2. Path analysis for general purchase intention

Attitude Toward
the Brand

Purchase Intention
Attitude Toward
Internet Advertising
Past Internet
-0.098 0.034
* = significant
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Modeling the Effects of Attitudes Toward Advertising on the Internet 261
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Figure 3. Path analysis for retail purchase intention

Attitude Toward
the Brand (A

Retail Purchase Intention
Attitude Toward
Internet Advertising
Past Internet
-0.071 0.139
* = significant
Figure 4. Path analysis for Internet purchase intention

Attitude Toward
the Brand

Internet Purchase
Attitude Toward
Internet Advertising
Past Internet
0.254* 0.077

* = significant
TEAM LinG - Live, Informative, Non-cost and Genuine !
262 Manolis, Averill & Brooks
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permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.
brand, which, in turn, should affect various intentions to purchase the product.
Additionally, the consumers past Internet purchase behavior as well as
subjective norms should influence purchase intentions.
Path analysis was conducted using Bentlers EQS program. Parameter esti-
mates from the analyses are reported in Figures 2 through 4. Contrary to
predictions, the findings indicated that the Internet or Web site advertising
attitudes (A
) had no influence on attitudes toward the brand (A
). Hypothesis

is not supported. As expected, attitudes toward the brand did significantly
affect purchase intentions, general and retail intentions (GPI and RPI, respec-
tively) specifically. Attitudes toward the brand did not, however, affect Internet
purchase intentions (IPI). Hypothesis two is partially supported. Also contrary
to predictions, subjective norms (SN) and past purchase behavior on the
Internet (PPB) did not significantly affect general or retail purchase intentions.
Past behavior on the Internet did, however, significantly affect Internet pur-
chase intentions. Although hypothesis four is not supported, hypothesis three
is partially supported. Lastly, we tested the indirect effect of A
on the various
purchase intention measures and found no significant effects.
Attitudes Toward the Ad
A notable if not surprising finding in the current study reveals that attitudes
toward Internet advertising did not impact brand attitudes. This finding is
generally inconsistent with theory and previous research pertaining to tradi-
tional forms of advertising where attitudes toward advertisements have been
shown to impact attitudes toward brands. The finding suggests that perhaps the
theories or models pertaining to attitudes toward advertising (Lutz, MacKenzie
& Belch, 1983; Mitchell & Olson, 1981) are not necessarily (or currently)
applicable to the Internet.
The Internet (or Web sites) compared with traditional advertising represents a
fundamentally different medium. Because the Internet and Web sites represent
a new advertising medium, poorly designed Web sites/advertisements have
arguably been the norm and well-crafted Web sites/advertisements the excep-
tion. As such, consumers may be accustomed to poorly designed Internet
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Modeling the Effects of Attitudes Toward Advertising on the Internet 263
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advertisements such that the impact on attitudes toward brands due to poorly
designed Web sites/advertisements is minimal. In contrast, traditional advertis-
ing (e.g., print ads, TV commercials, etc.) is far more developed and a poor ad
stands out thereby negatively impacting brand attitudes. In addition, consumers
have more control over information presented on the Internet (Drze &
Hussherr, 2003). If this is indeed the case, it is reasonable to assume that this
situation will not last indefinitely and that, at some point, consumer Internet
advertising standards or expectations will approach those associated with
traditional forms of advertising. For the time being, however, it is perhaps easier
to avoid negative aspects of Internet advertising compared with more tradi-
tional advertising mediums.
A related explanation suggests that this null finding is the result of an inadequate
experimental manipulation (i.e., good versus bad Web site). Despite our best
efforts (including a pilot test and adherence to extant literature and research
findings), it may be that the two contrasting Web sites/advertisements did not
invoke the desired effect (i.e., different attitudes).
Purchase Intentions
As per attitude theory and its application to consumer behavior, purchase
intentions represent a critical outcome variable or construct in the current study.
Although the study and corresponding manipulation focused on the Internet, the
brand in question (Zikes sneakers) could conceivably have been purchased
(intended to be purchased) via numerous non-Internet channels. Accordingly
(and as mentioned earlier), we utilized three components or versions of the
purchase intentions construct (general, retail, and Internet purchase intentions)
in order to provide a more inclusive test of the model. In this way, we hoped
to provide insight into whether or not Internet purchase intentions are the only
type of purchase intentions affected by past Internet purchase behavior.
Alternatively, perhaps past Internet purchase behavior also affects general-
and/or retail-related purchase intention measures. Another potential insight
includes whether or not brand attitudes formed as a result of brand exposure
via the Internet (only) affect varying purchase intention measures the same way.
General and retail purchase intentions were, as expected, affected positively
and significantly by attitudes toward the brand. In support of extant theory,
ones intention to purchase a particular brand in general and at a retail outlet
specifically are at least partially based on the customers attitude toward the
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264 Manolis, Averill & Brooks
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brand. This finding highlights the importance of consumer brand attitudes as per
a firms bottom line. These purchase intention measures were not, however,
affected by either subjective norms or past Internet purchase behavior.
Although interesting in their own right, the insignificant results involving the past
Internet purchase behavior variable are not entirely surprising given the
specificity of this past purchase behavior measure. The insignificant effects
pertaining to the subjective norms variable are, however, somewhat curious
and are perhaps the result of the hypothetical or contrived nature of the
(experimental) purchase setting.
Results from the study indicate that ones future online purchases (purchase
intentions) are best predicted by ones past online purchasing behavior.
Apparently, the effects of past Internet purchase behavior are limited to future
Internet purchases. Furthermore, ones attitude toward a brand does not affect
Internet purchase intentions. Given the fact that subjects only affiliation with
the Zikes brand was via the Internet (Web site), it is conceivable that the brand
itself was subsumed under a commanding and comprehensive Internet pur-
chase reaction or feeling. That is, perhaps the Internet purchase intention
measure reflected the general willingness of subjects to purchase products via
the Internet and, as such, was not affected by attitudes toward the specific
brand. Finally, it is worth noting that this was the only single-item purchase
intention measure which may help to explain the lack of significant findings
regarding this outcome variable.
The results of this study have significant implications, both theoretically and
managerially speaking. It is important to recall that the basic or core content of
both Web sites (good versus bad) was identical. Despite every effort to create
a good and bad Web site/advertisement, the sites did not prove to be
significantly different. It appears, therefore, that perhaps the product or brand
itself essentially dominated respondents reactions to the Web site advertising
at least as far as general and retail purchase intentions are concerned.
Regardless of the precise mechanism by which the present findings occurred,
the results do suggest that perhaps extant or traditional consumer advertising
theory is not generally or necessarily applicable and/or accurate when it comes
to the Internet. And, it is unclear whether this apparent disparity is temporary
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Modeling the Effects of Attitudes Toward Advertising on the Internet 265
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or more fundamental in nature. This is certainly an area for future research.
From a managerial standpoint, the findings suggest that actual products or
brands are of the utmost importance when utilizing Web-based Internet
advertising media. Weak Web site advertising showcasing a satisfactory
product or brand may cause minimal damage. Conversely, strong or effective
Web site advertising may not compensate for a poor product or brand. As a
first priority, managers should focus on procuring a successful well-liked
product or brand before focusing on what is said about a product or brand (and/
or how the message is communicated) on the Internet. Although the Internet is
said to facilitate the introduction of new products and services (Wolin,
Korgaonkar & Lund, 2002), from an advertising perspective, this new medium
may not be the best choice as far as facilitating initial positive product or brand
attitudes are concerned.
The impact of Web site advertising will likely evolve over time. As effective
Web site advertising becomes the norm versus the exception, the impact of
poor Web site advertising on attitudes toward brands and purchase intentions
is likely to increase. Future research needs to monitor evolving relationships
between Web site advertising, attitudes toward brands, and purchase inten-
In summary, there are two important findings reported in this chapter. First, it
was found that Web site advertising does not appear to significantly impact
attitudes toward a brand. This finding is contrary to previous research address-
ing attitudes toward advertisements. Further research is needed to verify this
finding. Second, although attitudes toward the brand affected general- and
retail-based purchase intentions, subjective norms and past Internet purchase
behavior did not. In addition, Internet purchase intentions were only affected
by a consumers past purchasing behavior on the Internet. Although interesting,
these findings are exploratory in nature and ongoing studies are needed.
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266 Manolis, Averill & Brooks
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permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.
MacKenzie, S.B., & Lutz, R.J. (1989, April). An empirical examination of the
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permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.
Yoon, S.J. (2001). What makes the Internet a choice of advertising medium?
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Although the original Fishbein theory (Fishbein & Ajzen, 1975) suggests
that attitudes toward behaviors compared to attitudes toward objects and
brands are likely better predictors of behavioral intentions, there is
empirical evidence and literature in consumer behavior to suggest that
attitudes toward brands are satisfactory in attitude models inclusive of the
attitudes toward advertising construct (see Lutz, MacKenzie & Belch,
1983; MacKenzie & Lutz, 1989; Mitchell & Olson, 1981).
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Chapter XV
Virtual Community:
A Model of Successful
Marketing on the Internet
Carlos Flavin, University of Zaragoza, Spain
Miguel Guinalu, University of Zaragoza, Spain
The development of commerce on the Internet based on virtual communities
has become one of the most successful business models in the world today.
In this chapter, we analyze the concept of the virtual community, describe
marketing strategy implications and guidelines for its management, and
suggest some alternative strategies and technologies which could be used
in running a virtual community. Thus, we attempt to discover the potential
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Virtual Community 271
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of virtual communities for an Internet entrepreneur, from a basically
practical perspective, without losing sight of the conceptual aspects
defining the strategies explained.
When the technological bubble burst at the beginning of 2000, many companies
in existence three years ago disappeared (Webmergers, 2003). This phenom-
enon has created the need to carefully analyze the economic viability of Internet
projects. In this respect, researchers have concentrated fundamentally on
defining aspects, such as consumer behavior or the design of more efficient
business models and marketing strategies ( Alba et al., 1997; Bauer, Grether
& Leach, 2002; Bign & Ruiz, 2003; Clemente & Escriba, 2003; Grsch,
2001; Ruiz & Bign, 2003). A simple analysis of the present situation on the
Web shows that many of the businesses which have survived the Internet crisis
have a common link, namely, the existence of a virtual community organized
around the entity (e.g., eBay, Wired, Yahoo!, Amazon). The virtual commu-
nity, a social institution which goes back a very long way, has transferred to the
Internet with considerable speed and ease and has served as a source of income
for and is the mainstay of many organizations.
The general aim of this chapter is to explain the characteristic features of virtual
communities, paying special attention to the most important strategies, manage-
ment suggestions, and technology being used in this type of business model.
This chapter begins with an analysis of the concept of community from a
sociological viewpoint. It then deals with the definition of a virtual community
and what causes an individual to belong to one. We shall then show the main
implications of the development of virtual communities on marketing. Next, we
detail the most feasible strategies and a series of recommendations for the
proper management of Internet communities. There follows an explanation of
the most common technologies in this type of business. The final section
presents the main conclusions of the chapter and future lines of research and
challenges to be addressed.
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Analysis of the Virtual Community
In the field of sociology, a wide variety of communities have been defined on
the basis of various criteria. Nevertheless, in this work, we propose to focus
our attention on analyzing communities which have developed around a brand,
in view of the fact that this is the type of community that has the greatest business
potential and implications for marketing. Specifically, we shall consider that a
brand community is a relationship structure built on admiration for a particular
brand (Muiz & OGuinn, 2001). From a basically sociological perspective,
Muiz and OGuinn (2001) consider that the brand community may be defined
as having three principal elements:
1. Consciousness of kind: This aspect refers to the common interest shared
by the community members, and, therefore, this is the most important
factor to consider when defining a community. Consciousness of kind is
the sentiment which sustains the cohesion of the group, as it is this feeling
which links the individual to the other members and to the brand.
2. Rituals and traditions: These are processes which serve to reinforce
consciousness of the brand and improve instruction in communal values.
In general, these processes refer to the particular behavior of members of
the community.
3. Sense of moral responsibility: This reflects the sentiments by which the
members of a community feel morally obliged. This moral obligation
implies that the community member should act by recruiting new members
and retaining existing ones.
Focusing on the virtual community, it may be said that the first virtual community
was actually created in the 1970s, specifically with the Talkomatic software,
designed by Doug Brown of the University of Illinois in the autumn of 1973.
However, at the time, its use was restricted to the scientific and military sector
(ARPANET network).
It was not until the 1990s that there was an exponential growth of this type of
organization. Available literature provides several definitions of the concept of
virtual community. Among the most direct and functional, we would draw
attention to the approach of authors, such as Cothrel and Williams (1999), who
define it as a group of individuals which uses computer networks as a form of
TEAM LinG - Live, Informative, Non-cost and Genuine !
Virtual Community 273
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primary interaction, or Kardaras, Karakostas, and Papathanassiou (2003),
who consider it to be a group of individuals who communicate by electronic
means, such as the Internet, who share interests without needing to be in the
same place or having physical contact or belonging to a particular ethnic group.
From their members perspective, virtual communities offer various benefits,
prominent among which are the following (Hagel & Armstrong, 1997):
Dealing with matters of interest: Virtual communities enable individuals
to share information on matters of interest. For example, iVillage (http:/
/, a Web site owned by Tescos Internet distribution
division, offers a large number of services for women, such as advice on
health, beauty, work, and leisure.
Establishing relationships: In virtual communities, it is possible to
encounter friendships, romantic relationships, or other users with similar
experiences (e.g., for the growth in number of
Living out fantasies: In virtual communities (e.g., http:// or the online game GemStone, http://, members are able to share their different
experiences (visit imaginary worlds, play, talk, etc.) in real-time and
through virtual characters.
Carrying out transactions: In virtual communities, individuals may also
carry out commercial transactions, such as the case of Manchester
United, which has realized that the Internet is a way of increasing sales of
tickets and other licensed products of the club, as well as improving
relationships with fans ( and http://
Virtual Communities and Marketing
Strategy Implications
Exploitation of virtual communities implies several marketing strategy implica-
tions are discussed.
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New Forms of Communication (Viral Marketing)
The success of many of the initiatives based on the development of virtual
communities is a true reflection of the changes caused by the Internet in
marketing activities. These changes, explained by authors such as Hoffman and
Novak (1996), typically consist of the replacement of traditional communica-
tion models (one-to-many) with others in which the interactions between all the
participants in the market are constant (many-to-many). The virtual community
represents these changes since it uses the Internet to make frequent contact
among group members. This virtual network of contacts generates a new milieu
in which marketing activities are partly reorientated, replacing massive adver-
tising campaigns with others that make use of the potential of word-of-mouth
transmission; this is known as viral marketing. As a result of viral campaigns,
messages issued by the company to the community will, within a short period
of time, reach all the members of the group, obviating the need for costly
investments in the mass media and thus reducing promotional costs (Barnatt,
2001; Guthrie, 2000; Kardaras et al., 2003; Wang, Yu & Fesenmaier, 2002).
Information Source
The virtual community becomes a relevant information source for the making of
decisions (Hagel & Singer, 1999). It enables customers to be involved in the
development of new products, improves relationships, and promotes under-
standing of consumer behavior (Barnatt, 2001; Holmstrm, 2000; Kardaras et
al., 2003).
Creation of Barriers Preventing the Entry of New
The virtual community creates barriers against new competitors and enables
comprehensive individual marketing (Barnatt, 2001; Hagel & Armstrong,
1997; Kardaras et al., 2003).
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Virtual Community 275
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Increased Security and Trust
Belonging to a virtual community calls for its members to comply with the norms
that the group has imposed on itself. This self-regulation brings about a situation
whereby those in the community meet their commitments, which in turn brings
about an increase in trust. Thus, the community creates a climate of security
based on reputation, which complements or even outdoes the most sophisti-
cated technological systems (Klang, 2000). This phenomenon may be clearly
seen in online auction communities (e.g., eBay) and in communities with risk-
management systems based on reputation (Dellarocas, 2001; Kollock, 1999).
There are two types of risk-management mechanisms, depending on whether
they are based on the negative or positive reputation of the individual. With
those based on negative reputation, the community members who feel that they
have been cheated by the behavior of another member make their feelings
known, usually via messages in the forum or the drawing up of blacklists. In the
second instance, we have mechanisms based on positive reputation where
satisfaction with the behavior of the other party is made public. In this case,
there are various procedures, such as ratings for the individuals taking part. This
system is based on the rating that one user gives another in terms of how the
transaction has gone. When an individuals have high ratings, they have an
incentive to maintain it, since it enables them to charge higher prices in auctions.
In addition, this increases the security and trust of those participating in these
auctions as they are trading with individuals with good standing.
Improved Capacity to Compete Against Traditional
Traditional companies that have an online division (known as brick-and-mortar
companies) have certain competitive advantages over organizations that dis-
tribute their products exclusively over the Internet (known as dot-com compa-
nies). These advantages, the result of the existence of inter-channel synergies,
appear in aspects such as a greater degree of trust by individuals arising from
a physical presence (Steinfield et al., 2002). The virtual community, as we shall
now see, has the ability to overcome this type of advantage and is thus a good
tool for increasing the companys competitive situation. According to certain
authors (Guthrie, 2000; Wang et al., 2002), virtual communities are an ideal
framework for implementing relationship marketing strategies.
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276 Flavin & Guinalu
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Becoming a Source of Indirect Income
The business models of many organizations currently functioning on the Internet
are characterized by the fact that they are almost exclusively financed by
income from advertising (for example, digital newspapers, such as The New
York Times, or search engines, such as Google, http:/
/ In the case of virtual communities, it is customary to offer
through mailing lists forums or Web sites supported by the community, third-
party products which might be of interest to the group. In this way, the business
supporting the communication infrastructure of the community is financed (e.g.,
the company which supports the CRM professional community http:// In addition, although this is a less frequent practice,
some communities charge a fee in order to participate in debates (e.g., http:/
A Source of New Clients
Membership to a community creates a favorable predisposition in a member
toward others and toward the company supporting the platform for community
interchange (Kardaras et al., 2003). For this reason, the community encour-
ages members to recruit new members who ultimately will become new
Marketing Strategies and Managerial
The exploitation of virtual communities may be implemented by means of two
clearly different marketing strategies: offering support or becoming a member
of the group.
Strategy 1: Offering Support to the Community
With this strategy, the company manages the platform on which the community
exchanges take place. In this way, the company is not a member of the
TEAM LinG - Live, Informative, Non-cost and Genuine !
Virtual Community 277
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community but simply facilitates its existence by offering a Web site for
communication purposes. For the development of this concept, the main step
should be an analysis of the real possibilities of creating a community via the
Internet. These possibilities derive either from the particular characteristics of
a product or brand or else the pre-existence of the community off-line. In the
first case, the company should define the aspects which characterize the
product or brand to ascertain to what extent these are likely to create an
attendant community (e.g., the company Apple,
usergroups/, exploits the characteristics of Apple computers). In the second
case, a new better quality method of communication is offered to a group of
individuals who are already linked outside the Internet (e.g.,,, facilitates commu-
nication between marketing consultants and educators).
Strategy 2: Become a Member of a Community
In this case, the company attempts to be perceived as a virtual community
member. As in the first case, the initial step consists of determining whether or
not the characteristics of the product or brand are likely to create a community.
Nevertheless, the existence of a feasible virtual community is not sufficient to
make the brand company just one more member of the group. In this respect,
obtaining the level of membership of a community will depend on the trustwor-
thiness perceived in the company. According to established literature on
trustworthiness (e.g. Roy et al. 2001; Sako and Helper, 1997; Morgan and
Hunt, 1994; ANderson and Narus, 1990; Dwyer, Schurr and Oh, 1987;
Anderson and Weitz, 1989; Flavin & Guinalu, 2003, 2003; Bhattacherjee,
2002; Cheung and Lee; 2001; Gefen, 2000; Kolsaker and Payne, 2002; Luo,
2002; Walczuch, Seelen and Lundgren, 2001; Geyskens, Steenkamp and
Kumar, 1998; Sabel, 1993), the organization needs to demonstrate its honesty
(i.e., that it is sincere and delivers its promises); benevolence (being concerned
for the welfare of the other members of the community, not acting in an
opportunistic manner, and attempting to have compatible objectives); and
competence (that is, it has sufficient capability for its contributions to the
community to be significant and to generate value). However, the success of the
aforementioned strategies depends to a great extent on the monitoring of a
TEAM LinG - Live, Informative, Non-cost and Genuine !
278 Flavin & Guinalu
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series of managerial guidelines. Specifically, these actions might be determined
in the light of the following issues:
Analyzing the members needs: Logically, the community should be
created and managed according to the needs of its members, not the needs
of the company which promotes it, the advertisers, or any other group not
involved in the community (Cothrel & Williams, 1999).
Fostering self-management: If self-management is technically impos-
sible, they should try to create a situation in which the contents of the
community are generated and published directly by its members, and this
would entail greater commitment in the communitys members.
Minimizing control: In the same line as the previous point, the community
should be able to grow freely, and it is not advisable to establish control
mechanisms on how the community members should mix with each other
or the topics they should discuss in their conversations (Cothrel &
Williams, 1999). Some freedom in the contents of conversations and
messages should be granted. Obviously, any content which may be
offensive for the company or other members should be screened, but
excessive control is not recommended. The community itself will create its
own internal rules and will reject any participants who do not provide any
value. In fact, it might be interesting to create a space where the members
are free to talk about anything they want to, even though it has nothing to
do with the communitys primary purpose. It is also advisable to publish
on the Web site the communitys conduct rules as soon as they are
Using the most suitable technological structure: The type of technol-
ogy and tools used to manage a virtual community logically has a lot of
implications. In the literature, several authors (Guthrie, 2000; Whittaker,
Issacs & ODay, 1997) have recommended using technological systems
which are flexible, easy to manage, and visually attractive.
Specializing roles: Several sociological research studies have shown that
inside a community it is common for individuals to adopt different roles
which give the community a greater dynamism. Taking these findings as a
reference, Cothrel and Williams (1999) have suggested the advisability of
having this role assignment inside virtual communities. Some possible
roles are (a) social weaver: individuals who introduce new members in the
community; (b) moderator: a respected member who channels the de-
TEAM LinG - Live, Informative, Non-cost and Genuine !
Virtual Community 279
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bates in a suitable direction and regulates conversations; (c) knowledge
manager: a member who evaluates and searches for useful resources for
the community; (d) opinion leader: a respected member who defines the
communitys ideological tendencies (establishing a system of scoring the
members comments is an interesting possibility for the group to define
who is a leader and who is not); (e) instigator: a member who, voluntarily
and respectfully, proposes controversial discussion topics, thus encour-
aging participation.
Technological Tools for Virtual
Communities Management
A virtual community may be managed with the help of various tools and
technologies. We shall look at some of these now, together with suggestions as
to how they might be used:
Discussion forums: This tool enables members of a community to read
messages sent to a Web site, choose a topic of interest (so that messages
can be filtered), and reply to the messages that have been viewed. The way
the users view messages will depend on the type of software that manages
the database and posts the messages on the Internet. Thus, some
programs post the messages chronologically while others group the
messages by topic, creating trees that enable a debate to be followed.
Finally, it should be pointed out that these systems need to be able to
inform participants of the messages added the same day or in the past
week or else send a summary of the messages via e-mail. Some systems
can also inform an individual when somebody has answered a message
posted previously.
E-mail groups: Usually, virtual communities use e-mail groups or mailing
lists, a fairly complex software system (list-bot), via which the messages
posted by a community member are forwarded to all other members.
Currently, the use of mailing lists as the only tool in virtual community
management is fairly rare, although there are some collectives whose only
source of contact is e-mail, for example, certain research groups (e.g., the
ELMAR marketing researchers list, There
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280 Flavin & Guinalu
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are thousands of mailing lists, and they are often associated with the
posting of newsletters. It is worth pointing out here that these lists should
have some type of security mechanism to prevent (1) anyone who is not
eligible from subscribing or (2) third parties from adding others to the list
without their permission (one option here is to make use of a confirmation
e-mail). Finally, it should be mentioned that these lists sometimes require
a moderator to prevent spam from reaching the list.
Chat rooms: A chat room is a tool that enables a group of individuals to
converse via text messages in real-time. When talking of chat rooms,
mention should be made of instant messaging (MSN Messenger and the
like). These systems are an evolution of chat rooms, the main difference
being that they afford greater privacy in conversations. Furthermore,
improvements in the programming and the spread of broadband facilities
mean that these systems are adding new functions, such as
videoconferencing or the transmission of multimedia files. Instant messag-
ing systems are experiencing a spectacular growth rate, and many
companies are beginning to bring out improved solutions aimed at
corporate environments.
MUD (Multiple User Dimension, Multiple User Dungeon, or Multiple
User Dialogue): MUDs refer to applications that enable users to adopt
the character they want and visit imaginary worlds where they take part
with others in games or other types of activities (e.g., online games at and
Content management: A content manager is a type of software which
facilitates the management of a Web site, especially with the publication
of the content on a site. The advantage of these programs is that they make
it easy to manage not only the publication of the content but also other
functions, such as e-commerce platforms or discussion forums. In addi-
tion, in some cases, there is the possibility of giving permission to users to
do certain things, such as posting news, and for this reason, they are a
useful tool for setting up self-managed communities (e.g., the Linux OS
community, There are a great many pro-
grams on the market to manage Web site content (e.g., the systems
produced by the well-known company Vignette, ht t p:/ / Some of these are sold as standard packages,
while others belong to Web site design companies and are not available
to the general public. There is also the option of using free systems, such
as Postnuke ( These open source systems
TEAM LinG - Live, Informative, Non-cost and Genuine !
Virtual Community 281
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are rapidly spreading in the development of communities and blogs
(personal online diaries).
Peer-to-peer systems: These systems (e.g., eMule or Bit Torrent) enable
users to share large files. They usually include additional functions, such
as instant messaging or chat facilities, and also have Web-based virtual
communities. In these communities, one can find resources needed for
making more effective use of the tool (e.g., http://www.emule-
Other technologies: Technologies, such as the RSS format (Really
Simple Syndication) or the SMS (Short Message Service), have been
gaining ground recently as instruments of communication in virtual com-
munities. RSS is a format for syndicating news and the content of news-
like sites, including major news sites like Wired, news-oriented commu-
nity sites like Slashdot, and personal blogs (Pilgrim, 2002, p. 000). SMS,
on the other hand, is a service for sending short text messages to mobile
Conclusions and Future Trends
In this chapter, we have analyzed the concept of the virtual community as a
successful online business model. Various companies have based their activi-
ties on exploiting this type of social structure, obtaining in a large number of
cases significant rates of success. Cases, such as that of eBay, show that the
capacity of the Internet as a communications device for consumers is a
characteristic likely to be economically exploited to a notable degree. Virtual
communities have a strong influence on marketing in that, among other things,
they facilitate the development of viral marketing strategies, serve as a source
of strategic information, generate barriers to prevent the entry of new competi-
tors, and increase consumer security and trust.
The development of virtual communities may be implemented by means of two
distinct strategies. First, the business entrepreneur may offer the community a
platform for virtual communication which increases the quality and frequency
of group contact. A second strategy ensures that the company is not only the
agent sustaining the communication infrastructure of the group but also a
participant as one more members of the community. In this case, the company
must act in a way that ensures that the rest of the community perceives it as a
TEAM LinG - Live, Informative, Non-cost and Genuine !
282 Flavin & Guinalu
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trustworthy entity so that group members are willing to become committed.
Nevertheless, the success of these strategies is dependent on the monitoring of
trends, such as helping self-management by minimizing control on the group
dynamic and defining roles or using suitable technologies. With regard to the
latter, this chapter has pointed out the main technologies for community
management, such as e-mail, content managers, or the latest systems based on
communication via the cell phone.
For the short-term future, research into the concept of virtual communities is
faced with some interesting challenges. First, there is a need to analyze the
influence that new methods of communication will have on how virtual commu-
nities evolve. Worthy of mention among these new methods of communication
is the arrival of wireless Internet technologies (e.g., Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, UMTS,
or i-Mode), as well as the recent spread of other devices (e.g., Tablet PC,
PDA, or Smartphones). Wireless technology will afford community members
new means of interaction, while at the same time opening the way to alternative
lines of business. Furthermore, there is a need to examine in more detail the
application of virtual community marketing strategies aimed at specific sectors.
Particularly interesting here is the use of virtual communities in electioneering
marketing strategies (Flavin & Guinalu, 2004). Research has shown that
through virtual communities, thousands of voters can be called on to attend a
candidates meeting in a city or to make financial donations. Virtual communi-
ties can also be used obtain up-to-date information of events, collect opinions
on ideas proposed in the campaign, and recruit campaign volunteers, among
other possibilities. Finally, it would be useful to analyze in more detail the role
of virtual communities in corporate environments, knowledge management, or
their integration into CRM systems.
The authors are grateful for the financial support received from the Aragon
Regional Government, FUNDEAR, and the University of Zaragoza (UZ2002-
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Virtual Community 283
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An Online Consumer Purchase Decision Cycle 287
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Chapter XVI
An Online Consumer
Purchase Decision
Penelope Markellou, University of Patras, Greece
Maria Rigou, University of Patras, Greece
Spiros Sirmakessis, Technological Educational Institution of
Messolongi, Greece
This chapter presents the overall consumer purchase decision cycle and
investigates the issues that affect Web users from e-shop selection to
product delivery and final assessment of the shopping experience. This
process has been divided into three successive stages: outside the e-shop,
inside the e-shop, and after sales. Each stage is analyzed on the basis of
customer states and transition conditions, while special focus is set on
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288 Markellou, Rigou & Sirmakessis
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abandonment factors. The chapter aims to provide a thorough insight to
e-shop features that ensure customer satisfaction and those that may
result in further enhancement of online shopping. The ultimate objective
is to provide guidelines for designing successful e-shops and clarify
success and failure factors.
The Web is a powerful tool that has changed the way of conducting business
providing companies and customers with limitless options and opportunities.
Companies, in an effort to stay competitive in the new global economy, are
increasingly expanding their activities to this new communication channel,
which features as a factor of major profit potential. As a direct consequence of
e-commerce, there is an emergence of a new consumer type, the online
consumer or e-customer that uses the Internet for purchasing products and
services (Solomon, 2001). Moreover, the online consumer is empowered with
new exciting capabilities: searching globally for solutions (products or ser-
vices), comparing available options, finding details and additional information,
reading opinions of others that have already bought the product/service, and
transacting online.
Ensuring e-customer satisfaction is a not a simple task. To a certain degree, e-
customers behave online similarly to how they behave off-line, but in order to
fully understand e-customer behavior, it is important to understand why people
use the Internet for their purchases, the benefits and the drawbacks of online
buying, and the identification of clusters of customers who share common
attitudes, behavior, and preferences online (Blackwell, Miniard & Engel,
2000). According to Seybold and Marshak (1998) consumers prefer the
Internet because it offers easier and faster shopping. Understanding the
process of online decision making is important for developing e-business
strategies and can provide guidance for deploying adequate marketing (Underhill,
2000). The traditional consumer purchase decision cycle has six stages
(Windham & Orton, 2000): stimulate (realize the need), consider (collect
ideas for potential solutions), search (choose category), choose (make selec-
tion), buy (make purchase transaction), and buy again (repurchase as needed).
There also exist variations since in some cases, stages are collapsed or skipped.
TEAM LinG - Live, Informative, Non-cost and Genuine !
An Online Consumer Purchase Decision Cycle 289
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Adapted to the Web context, this cycle can be merged to three stages:
confidence building, where a consumer realizes that there is an alternative
option for buying products or services, skirmish, when the consumer pur-
chases for the first time, and war, when the consumer keeps on buying products
or services (Zaltman, 2003).
Lee (2002) presented a behavioral model for the e-customer based on three
distinct phases: building trust and confidence, online purchase experience, and
after-purchase needs. The first phase examines issues connected to the Web
sites brand name, authentication, reliability, credibility, privacy, and security.
Intuitive navigation, searching facilities, product information, payment modes,
usability, and convenience are consumer requirements that affect the second
phase. The last phase relates to on-time delivery, customer support, technical
support, availability of product warranty, and so forth. The combination of the
three phases releases a behavioral model that may increase consumer trust and
lead to more online purchases. Other cases have also been recorded in the
international literature presenting parts of the behavior of the online customer
(McEnally, 2002; Mowen & Minor, 2000; Windham & Orton, 2000). This
chapter presents a perspective of the overall consumer purchase decision
cycle. Additionally, it investigates the issues that affect Web users, from
selecting a specific e-shop to the delivery of the product and the overall
assessment of the shopping experience. This process has been divided into
three successive stages: outside the e-shop, inside the e-shop, and after
sales, with each stage analyzed on the basis of customer states and transition
conditions. Special focus is set on identifying the potential abandonment
Outside the E-Shop
The need for a specific product can be the first motivation for buying it, but
enough motivation is required for choosing online shopping. Figure 1 models
the process from the purchase stimulus to entering the e-shop. This relates to
the consumers general attitude and familiarity with online shopping, prior
personal experiences, experiences of others, or brand familiarity (Lynch,
TEAM LinG - Live, Informative, Non-cost and Genuine !
290 Markellou, Rigou & Sirmakessis
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When the user decides to buy online, the next step is to identify an e-shop. New
Web sites are launched everyday, and thousands of products are available
online, so the competition for customer attention is fierce. Consumers are
looking for a reliable and well known brand supporting the e-shop (Lynch,
2000b), are attracted by an aesthetically and consistent Web site design
(Bouquet & Lynch, 2000), are enjoying navigating through a well-structured
and usable Web site (Garrett, 2002; Sirmakessis, 2003), are convinced when
receiving accurate content (Markellou et al., 2005a), and feel reassured by
privacy statements and seals of secured transactions.
Additional factors that influence consumers when choosing an e-shop include
pricing, quality of products and services, promotions, offers, after-sales
support, and personalization facilities. There are also customers who chose an
e-shop because a search engine returned this link high in its results list. A crucial
issue for a company is to clearly identify its target group among online
customers and give incentives to visit the Web site for the first time. Means for
building awareness include affiliate programs with other Web sites, links from
directory searches, e-mail notifications, banner advertisements, and so forth.
(Markellou, Rigou & Sirmakessis, 2005b).
All the above mentioned apply mainly to new e-customers. For users with prior
e-purchase experience, the issue of trust extends to the notion of loyalty. In this
case, the Web site should try to capture relevant data that will allow it to
personalize content, provide customized experiences, and support online
communities. Without significant motivation and trust, the potential customer
fails to identify an e-shop and abandons the process of online shopping before
actually entering.
Figure 1. From the purchase stimulus to entering an e-shop
Intention to
buy online
Enough motivation
for buying online
Not enough
Enough trust
Not enough trust
Need for
Decision to
buy online
No e-Shop
1 2
TEAM LinG - Live, Informative, Non-cost and Genuine !
An Online Consumer Purchase Decision Cycle 291
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Inside the E-Shop
Figure 2 presents the steps e-consumers follow when navigating in an e-shop.
It involves entering the e-shop, browsing/searching to identify the item(s) to
place in the shopping cart, proceeding to the checkout to pay, and leaving the
Registration/Login is an optional part of the process, but many sites use it for
tracking individual consumers. First time visitors are asked to provide personal
information (such as sex, age, income status, educational background, occupa-
tion, marital status, and other demographic information, as well as preferences,
requirements, shipping address, billing details, etc.). The amount of information
varies and depends on the kind of available products or services and the
characteristics of the targeted consumer group. Login is the process a user has
to go through in order to be identified by the system in each subsequent visit
(after registration). Since Web site visitors are reluctant to reveal personal
information and insecure about its use, e-shops should provide clear statements
on their policies for the use of the collected information (disclosure policies) and
the security precautions they have taken (authentication seals). Registration/
Login may be postponed until before checkout so consumers are allowed to
browse anonymously and identify themselves only when it is absolutely
The next step is to look for interesting items to be placed in the shopping cart
either by browsing through products using the catalogue or by searching for
something in particular. Web users are familiar with the notion of searching and
the typical mechanism of browsing through search results. Regardless of how
Figure 2. The shopping process from entering to leaving the e-shop
Search facility
Shopping cart
Select item
No item(s)
Return to shopping
Shopping list
Registration /
Registration /
6 7
Revise shopping
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292 Markellou, Rigou & Sirmakessis
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permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.
well structured and efficient the catalog is, an e-shop must also provide a search
function and keep it available and visible on all pages so that customers may
resort to it when needed. The general guideline is that the search should operate
the way customers expect it to. It should be tolerant to minor misspellings, allow
for synonyms and string keywords, and return an easily interpretable results
page and links to product pages. Furthermore, in the case that a search failed,
the response page should clearly indicate that no actual results are returned and,
where possible, provide a way for customers to refine their search until they
locate products (provided that the e-shop has them available).
On adding an item to the shopping cart, customers are usually transferred to the
page with the current cart contents and price information. On that page, they
should be allowed to remove one or more items, change item quantities, and
automatically recalculate costs. In addition, a return to shopping link should
exist to transfer them back to where they were before adding the last item to
the cart (Markellou, Rigou & Sirmakessis, 2005c). This logic reflects exactly
the real-life paradigm; while walking the corridors of a supermarket, we pick
up items, put them in the cart and keep on walking until we find the rest of the
items in our shopping list. Companies should construct an effective electronic
shopping cart taking advantage of all conveniences offered by IT, stressing this
comparative advantage over traditional shopping (Nielsen, 2000).
Checkout is the phase where they are asked to fill in information about delivery
(mail address, date of delivery, packaging details, shipping options, etc.). If the
user has not yet logged in (or is not obliged to login), the checkout phase asks
for additional data that would otherwise be filled in automatically. Again, typing
should be kept to a minimum, as in the previous cases, and all optional fields
should be clearly and consistently marked. This also stands for certain
information required during the payment phase, following right after checkout.
Payment requires simplicity, clarity, certificates, reassurance, and a sense of
professionalism and safety communicated in as many ways as possible.
Security in transactions is not negotiable. There must be detailed information
about the measures taken to guarantee security, and it must be available on
every page of the payment process for whoever wants to view it. On successful
completion of the payment phase, the customer should receive a confirmation
through a response page or e-mail message that provides a code number (which
uniquely identifies the submitted order) and the estimated delivery time. Using
the order code number, the customer should be able to trace the status of the
order at any time before receiving the product(s).
TEAM LinG - Live, Informative, Non-cost and Genuine !
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What Can Go Wrong?
A user may abandon a Web site for many reasons that do not necessarily have
to do with the Web site. In this chapter, we deal only with reasons that are the
e-shops responsibility focusing on parameters that can be controlled and
Missing product or product details: One of the most serious abandon-
ment reasons is failure in locating the product. In such cases, an effective
search utility or the assignment of products in multiple catalogue catego-
ries might solve the problem. If the product does not exist in the shop, the
best approach is to inform customers as soon as possible. Missing or low
quality product details is another major issue because it acts as an
indication of poor professionalism and decreases the chances of making
a sale.
Unreliable and inefficient e-shop operation: The e-shop should be a
24/7 system, able to function under extreme traffic conditions, providing
fast interaction and navigation. It should include simple and space efficient
Web pages, representative and well-structured catalogue categories, and
be available to users with low bandwidth connections.
Inconsistency: The e-shop should be consistent in both the way it looks
and functions. All pages should communicate the same business identity,
and the way to interact and move around it must be consistent. For
example, use the same buttons at the same position when they are meant
to perform the same function.
Outdated technology, bad quality graphics, hard to read text: It gives
a good impression to users to see latest technological practices imple-
mented. The effort, time, and money invested in setting up an e-shop are
all indicated by the e-shop itself, and it is only natural to expect that a
customer trusts the professionalism of a technologically advanced and
carefully designed e-shop.
Complicated or ineffective search: Search should be provided in
combination with the catalogue in order to provide customers with a
reliable alternative tool to locate products. Nielsen et al. (2000b) found
that if users cannot find what they are looking for on their first search
attempt, the odds that they will succeed in further searches decrease with
TEAM LinG - Live, Informative, Non-cost and Genuine !
294 Markellou, Rigou & Sirmakessis
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each subsequent attempt. It is important for internal search engines to
deliver relevant results on the first query.
Missing seals of approval, non-existent or insufficient details on
security and disclosure policy, unclear company identification: Secu-
rity concerns have been the large obstacles for e-commerce. The e-shop
should provide clear links to its identity, activities, background, address,
telephone/fax numbers, and any other solid information regarding its
physical status. Some e-shops even have photos of their personnel
available, based on the principle that people like to do business with
people. Seals, certificates, authentication signs, and detailed information
on privacy should be included as well.
Ways to Further Enhance Online
For an e-shop to increase its chances of ensuring customer satisfaction and
long-term profits, it must invest in advanced technological solutions, sense the
needs of customers, and serve them efficiently. Typically, a personalized Web
site recognizes its users, collects information about their preferences, and
adapts its services in order to match user needs. In the e-commerce domain,
personalization has spread widely and provides mechanisms to learn more
about customer needs, identify future trends, and eventually increase customer
loyalty. Personalization may be used in numerous ways for enhancing the online
shopping experience. It can greet the user on revisiting, or, alternatively, it
automatically prefills all data the user has already provided in registration. Using
more sophisticated approaches (Markellou et al., 2005d), an e-shop can also
Personalized product recommendations and marketing: This refers to
the recommendation of a set of products that are related to customer
interests and preferences. Many e-shops today implement such tech-
niques to cross-sell, up-sell, and suggest products a user might be
interested in buying (Kobsa, Koenemann & Pohl, 2001; Mobasher,
Cooley & Srivastava, 2000; Pierrakos et al., 2003). The algorithms
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An Online Consumer Purchase Decision Cycle 295
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underlying a product recommendation mechanism depend on the type of
products a shop sells, the profiles of customers it transacts with, and the
marketing policy.
Personalized pricing: E-shops may offer different pricing and payment
methods to different users, such as discounts or installments to loyal
Personalized product configuration: Personalization can be a powerful
method of transforming a standard product into a specialized solution for
an individual. In most of the cases, such features require customer input
for customizing certain product parameters, but the customer can use the
shop to specify exact requirements and receive a product configuration
along with a price offer. However, consumers may need additional tools
to answer their product inquiries fast and correctly and speed up their
decision-making process.
Filtering tools: These are used for narrowing a large item set down to a
subset that satisfies a number of additional criteria. Nielsen et al. (2000a)
refer to this category of tools as winnowing tools. The set of criteria that
can be used by consumers for the filtering is predefined by e-shop
designers and depends on the product distinguishing features, as well as
the set of similar products the e-shop has to offer. Typical criteria
comprise price ranges, brands, colors, sizes, and so forth.
Comparison tools: Apart from filtering, there are cases of products that
are difficult to compare even when the list of similar products along with
their attributes is available and the purchase decision needs further
assistance. These tools typically offer summarizing tables to easily com-
pare products on a feature-by-feature basis (e.g., Nokia phones at It is important that the e-shop allows customers to specify the
products to be compared or even the features of the products to base the
comparison upon.
Customer community: Another way to improve the impression a cus-
tomer has about an e-shop stems from the use of the customer commu-
nity, in the form of customer opinions. Returning customers opinions are
considered important for visitors or new customers. In many e-shops,
such ratings appear on the product pages and not on the product category
pages. It is much wiser though to provide visual rating indications on the
product listing in category pages since customers can use them as a
product comparison factor. Textual comments, on the other hand, due to
space constraints, may well be restricted to product category pages.
TEAM LinG - Live, Informative, Non-cost and Genuine !
296 Markellou, Rigou & Sirmakessis
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permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.
In the typical scenario, after successfully leaving the e-shop, customers enter
the state of waiting to receive the goods (Figure 3). If the order is not delivered
by the prespecified time, the customer usually invokes the order monitoring
procedure. On receiving the order, the customer proceeds with assessing
whether the products are in good condition and of satisfying quality. If the result
of the assessment is negative, so is the impression of the online shopping
experience and the specific e-shop. There are many cases of merchandise sold
online (for example, computer hardware or software) that requires after-sales
support. In such cases, the overall customer impression of the e-shop may be
In this chapter, we examined the behavior of online customers assuming that it
is triggered by a stimulus to purchase a certain item or set of items. Based on
this assumption, we developed several models and drew a set of recommen-
dations for all those whose decisions and objectives affect the online shopping
experience. The figures presented, along with the investigation of the factors
that determine the transition between states, also complied with this condition.
Figure 3. Product receipt, customer support, and overall assessment
Item(s) delivery
Item(s) not delayed Examine items Wait
Wait for
TEAM LinG - Live, Informative, Non-cost and Genuine !
An Online Consumer Purchase Decision Cycle 297
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permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.
To enhance the online shopping experience and treat each customer individu-
ally, personalization has a central role. A big challenge, though, remains the lack
of trust on the customer side and the lack of customer data on the e-shop side
to base the personalization decisions on. Recording and predicting online
consumer behavior is an arduous task. As Web surfers are increasingly
extending their online experience, they become suspicious of any tracking/
logging process. On the other hand, they become more demanding on special
services focused on their individual needs. Research in the area of mining Web
usage data (Sirmakessis, 2004) should be accompanied by security preserva-
tion methods to increase consumer confidence in the use of the Internet for
selling and buying in the future.
Blackwell, R., Miniard, P.W., & Engel, J. (2000). Consumer behavior.
Cincinnati, OH: South-Western College Publishers.
Bouquet, C., & Lynch, P. (2000a) Mood and Involvement Get Costomer
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Global Internet. Working Paper from Accenture Institute for Strategic
Garrett, J. (2002). The elements of user experience: User-centered design
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Knowledge Engineering Review, 16(2), 111-155.
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Lynch, P. (2000). How to win and influence buyers: Persuasion techniques that
make Web sites sticky. Online Consumer Behavior, 1, Accenture
Research Note. Available online at:
TEAM LinG - Live, Informative, Non-cost and Genuine !
298 Markellou, Rigou & Sirmakessis
Copyright 2005, Idea Group Inc. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written
permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.
Markellou, P., Markellos, K., Rigou, M., Sirmakessis, S., & Tsakalidis, A.
(2005a). E-business: From theory to action. Athens, Greece: Ellinika
Markellou, P., Rigou, M., & Sirmakessis, S. (2005b). Web personalization for
e-marketing intelligence. In S. Krishnamurthy (ed.), Contemporary
research in e-marketing: Volume 1. Hershey, PA: Idea Group.
Markellou, P., Rigou, M., & Sirmakessis, S. (2005c). Product catalog and
shopping cart effective design. In Y. Gao (ed.), Systems design and
online consumer behavior. Hershey, PA: Idea Group.
Markellou, P., Rigou, M., & Sirmakessis, S. (2005d). Mining for Web
personalization. In A. Scime (ed.), Web mining: Applications and
techniques. Hershey, PA: Idea Group.
McEnally, M. (2002). Cases in consumer behavior: Volume 1. Upper
Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Mobasher, B., Cooley, R., & Srivastava, J. (2000). Automatic personalization
based on Web usage mining. Communications of the ACM, 43(8), 142-
Mowen, J.C., & Minor, M.S. (2000). Consumer behavior: A framework.
Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Nielsen, J. (2000). E-commerce user experience: Design guidelines for shop-
ping carts, checkout, and registration (Unpublished report). Fremont,
CA: Nielsen Norman Group.
Nielsen, J., Farrell, S., Snyder, C., & Molich, R. (2000a). E-commerce user
experience: Product pages (Unpublished report). Fremont, CA: Nielsen
Norman Group.
Nielsen, J., Molich, R., Snyder, C., & Farrell, S. (2000b). E-commerce user
experience: Search (Unpublished report). Fremont, CA: Nielsen Norman
Pierrakos, D., Paliouras, G., Papatheodorou, C., & Spyropoulos, C. (2003).
Web usage mining as a tool for personalization: A survey. User Modeling
and User-Adapted Interaction, 13, 311-372.
Pirolli, P., & Card, S. (1999). Information foraging. Psychological Review,
106(4), 643-675.
Seybold, P., & Marshak, R. (1998). How to create a
profitable business strategy for the Internet and beyond. New York:
Crown Business.
TEAM LinG - Live, Informative, Non-cost and Genuine !
An Online Consumer Purchase Decision Cycle 299
Copyright 2005, Idea Group Inc. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written
permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.
Sirmakessis, S. (2003). Human computer interaction. Athens, Greece:
Ellinika Grammata.
Sirmakessis, S. (ed.). (2004). Text mining and its applications. Studies in
fuzziness and soft computing. Berlin, Heidelberg, Germany: Springer-
Solomon, M. (2001). Consumer behavior: Buying, having, and being.
Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Underhill, P. (2000). Why we buy: The science of shopping. Australia: Simon
& Schuster.
Windham, L., & Orton, K. (2000). The soul of the new consumer: The
attitudes, behaviours, and preferences of e-customers. Oxford:
Zaltman, G. (2003). How customers think: Essential insights into the mind
of the market. Boston: Harvard Business School Press.
TEAM LinG - Live, Informative, Non-cost and Genuine !
300 Glossary
Copyright 2005, Idea Group Inc. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written
permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.
Attitudes Toward Advertising: A predisposition to respond in a favorable
or unfavorable manner to a particular advertising stimulus during a
particular exposure occasion.
B2B (Business-to-business): The exchange of services, information, and/or
products from one business to another, as opposed to between a business
and a consumer.
B2C (Business-to-consumer):The exchange of services, information, and/
or products from a business to a consumer, as opposed to between one
business and another.
Business Model: A view of the business at any given point in time. The view
can be from a process, data event, or resource perspective and can be the
past, present, or future state of the business.
Computer Mediated Communication: A process of human communication
via computers, involving people, situated in particular contexts, engaging
in processes to shape media for a variety of purposes.
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Glossary 301
Copyright 2005, Idea Group Inc. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written
permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.
Culture: The knowledge and values shared by a society.
Customer Loyalty: The degree to which customers are predisposed to stay
with your company and resist competitive offers.
Customer Relationship Management (CRM): Entails all aspects of inter-
action a company has with its customer, whether it is sales or service
related. (Also referred to as Customer Relationship Marketing).
Customer Satisfaction: Measure or determination that a product or service
meets a customers expectations, considering requirements of both qual-
ity and service.
Customer Service: Activities and programs provided by the seller to make
the relationship a satisfying one for the customer.
Customer Value: The difference between the benefits that a customer is
receiving from the acquired products and services and the effort and cost
that the customer has to invest to get the product. See Lifetime Value
Distribution Channel The method through which a product is sold including
retailers, cataloguers, Internet commerce Web sites, and so forth.
E-Commerce: Business that is conducted over the Internet using any of the
applications that rely on the Internet, such as e-mail, instant messaging,
shopping carts, Web services, UDDI, FTP, and EDI, among others.
Electronic commerce can be between two businesses transmitting funds,
goods, services, and/or data or between a business and a customer.
Electronic Marketing (E-Marketing): Using electronic means, such as the
Internet, to market products and services.
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302 Glossary
Copyright 2005, Idea Group Inc. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written
permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.
Enterprise Resource Planning: A business management system that inte-
grates all facets of the business, including planning, manufacturing, sales,
and marketing. As the ERP methodology has become more popular,
software applications have emerged to help business managers implement
ERP in business activities, such as inventory control, order tracking,
customer service, finance, and human resources.
E-Retailing (E-Tailing)?: Retailers selling products to customers over the
Experience Products: Those products for which either full information on
dominant attributes cannot be attained without direct experience, or
information search is more costly/difficult than direct product experience.
Forward Auctions: Auctions that tend to sell excess inventory at low prices
and involve buyers bidding for inventory.
Internet: A global network connecting millions of computers.
Internet Marketing: See Electronic Marketing.
IT Infrastructure: The systems and network hardware and software that
support applications. IT infrastructure includes servers, hubs, routers,
switches, cabling, desktop, lap, and handheld devices.
Lifetime Value (LTV): The net profit a customer contributes to a business
over the entire life cycle. Generally calculated as gross margin or contri-
bution to overhead minus the promotional costs of acquisition and
retention, including any discounts.
Marketing Strategy: The articulated plan for the best use of an organizations
resources and tactics to meet its marketing objective.
Online Advertising: Advertising messages on the Internet.
TEAM LinG - Live, Informative, Non-cost and Genuine !
Glossary 303
Copyright 2005, Idea Group Inc. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written
permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.
Online Auction: A public sale online in which property (or an article) is sold
to the highest bidder.
Online Marketing: See Electronic Marketing.
Online Shopping: Systems that provide a secure environment for browsing
and purchasing products over an online service.
Reverse Auctions: Auctions that work with sellers bidding to arrange long-
term contracts on standardized products.
Search Products: Products for which full information on the most important
attributes can be obtained prior to purchase.
Supply Chain Management (SCM): The analysis of and effort to improve
a companys processes for product and service design, purchasing,
invoicing, inventory management, distribution, customer satisfaction and
other elements of the supply chain. SCM usually refers to an effort to
redesign supply chain processes in order to achieve streamlining.
Viral Marketing: The process of getting customers to pass along a companys
marketing message to friends, family, and colleagues.
Virtual Community: A group sharing common interests in cyberspace rather
than in physical space. Virtual communities exist in discussion groups, chat
rooms, listservs, listprocs, and newsgroups.
World Wide Web (WWW): A system of Internet servers that supports
specially formatted documents in a markup language called HTML
(HyperText Markup Language).
TEAM LinG - Live, Informative, Non-cost and Genuine !
304 About the Authors
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permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.
About the Authors
Irvine Clarke III is an associate professor of marketing at James Madison
University (USA) teaching international marketing and marketing management.
He received his BSBA in Marketing from the University of Richmond and his
MBA. and Ph.D from Old Dominion University. Prior to joining JMU, Dr.
Clarke held the Freede Endowed Professorship of Teaching Excellence at
Oklahoma City University. His current research in international marketing and
marketing technology has been published in the Journal of International
Marketing, International Marketing Review, Industrial Marketing Manage-
ment, Journal of Marketing Education, Marketing Education Review,
Journal of Internet Commerce, and the Journal of the Academy of
Marketing Science. Dr. Clarke has taught at locations in Canada, England,
France, Germany, Malaysia, Mexico, Singapore, and the Peoples Republic of
China. He has 15 years of public and private sector organizational experience
in various marketing areas. He currently serves on the editorial review boards
of International Marketing Review, Journal of Marketing Education,
Health Marketing Quarterly; also serving as section editor for Marketing
Education Review and abstracts editor for The Journal of Personal Selling
& Sales Management.
TEAM LinG - Live, Informative, Non-cost and Genuine !
About the Authors 305
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permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.
Theresa B. Flaherty is an associate professor of marketing at James Madison
University (USA) where she teaches strategic internet marketing and integrated
marketing communications. Prior to this position, she was an assistant profes-
sor of marketing and a member of the e-commerce faculty at Old Dominion
University. She also taught marketing management and marketing research
classes at the University of Kentucky where she earned her Ph.D. Dr. Flaherty,
a certified e-marketing associate, has industry experience at JBI Customized
Computer Solutions, California University of Pennsylvanias Entrepreneurial
Assistance Center, IBM, and Service Corporation International. Dr. Flaherty
has appeared in journals, such as Industrial Marketing Management,
International Marketing Review, Journal of Personal Selling and Sales
Management, Journal of Internet Commerce, Marketing Education Re-
view, and The Journal of Marketing Education. Dr. Flaherty serves as a
faculty advisor for Pi Sigma Epsilon, the national professional fraternity in
marketing, personal selling, and sales management. Additionally, she serves as
the Society for Marketing Advances Director of Placement Services, assistant
editor for MERLOT (Multimedia Educational Resources for Learning and
Online Teaching) and is the Web manager for Marketing Education Review.
* * * * *
Nicole Averill is vice president of marketing for Carmichael Productions
(USA), a New York-based public relations, marketing, events, and promo-
tions firm specializing in the film industry. She has both a BA in marketing and
an MBA from Quinnipiac University.
Eileen Bridges is associate professor of marketing at Kent State University
(USA), where she teaches service marketing, marketing management, and
marketing research. She received her Ph.D in marketing from Northwestern
University in 1987. Her research interests include e-commerce, services, and
technology-based products, and she has published articles in the Quarterly
Journal of e-Commerce, Marketing Science, the International Journal of
Research in Marketing, the Service Industries Journal, Psychology &
Marketing, and other journals. She also serves on the editorial boards of the
Service Industries Journal and Managing Service Quality. Dr. Bridges is a
member of INFORMS and the American Marketing Association, where she is
currently an officer in the Services Special Interest Group.
TEAM LinG - Live, Informative, Non-cost and Genuine !
306 About the Authors
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permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.
Charles M. Brooks holds a Ph.D from Georgia State University and is
associate dean of the School of Business and professor of Marketing at
Quinnipiac University (USA). His research interests include electronic market-
ing, channel member relationships, retail site selection modeling, and geo-
graphic information systems. His work has been published in the Journal of
Consumer Behavior, the Journal of Retailing, the Journal of Business
Research, and the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, among
Michael K.M. Chiam is currently a senior lecturer with the School of
Business and Accountancy in Ngee Ann Polytechnic. He has consulted with a
number of organizations, both in the private and public sectors. The areas of his
consulting include developing quality accreditation programs and strategic
planning. Prior to joining the polytechnic, he has spent many years in the
aeronautical and information technology industry. Michael is currently pursuing
his marketing doctoral degree with the University of Western Australia (Aus-
tralia). He holds an MS in quantitative business analysis from the Louisiana
State University, USA (member of the Omega Rho, International Honor
Society) and a BBA from the University of Oregon, USA.
Terry Daugherty (Ph.D, Michigan State University, USA) is an assistant
professor in the Department of Advertising at the University of Texas at Austin.
His research focuses on investigating consumer behavior and strategic media
management, with work appearing in the Journal of Advertising, Journal of
Interactive Advertising, Journal of Consumer Psychology, Journal of
Interactive Marketing, and in the impending books Online Consumer
Psychology: Understanding and Influencing Consumer Behavior in the
Virtual World, and Marketing Communication: Emerging Trends and
Developments. Prior to joining the Department of Advertising, he held a post-
doctoral fellowship with eLab in the Owen Graduate School of Management
at Vanderbilt University and has worked in advertising media as well as event
Matthew Eastin (Ph.D, Michigan State University) is an assistant professor
in the School of Journalism and Communication at Ohio State University
(USA). His research focuses on the social and psychological mechanisms that
influence the uses and effects of media with a particular emphasis in exploring
TEAM LinG - Live, Informative, Non-cost and Genuine !
About the Authors 307
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permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.
new media. Research topics include information processing in online environ-
ments, social and psychological antecedents of current Internet behavior and
off-line outcomes, e-commerce, online gaming, and Internet literacy and
children. His most recent work has appeared in Computers in Human
Behavior, CyberPsychology & Behavior, Journal of Broadcasting &
Electronic Media, Journal of Computer Mediated Communication and
Media Psychology.
Carlos Flavin holds a Ph.D in business administration and is professor of
marketing in the Faculty of Economics and Business Studies at the University
of Zaragoza (Spain). His dissertation was awarded best thesis on marketing in
Spain. His has been published in several academic journals, such as the
European Journal of Marketing, International Journal of Retail and
Distribution Management, International Review of Retail, Distribution
and Consumer Research, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services,
Journal of Consumer Marketing or Journal of Strategic Marketing, and
different books, such as The Current State of Business Disciplines, Building
Society Through e-Commerce, and Contemporary Problems of Interna-
tional Economy.
Harsha Gangadharbatla is a doctoral candidate in the Department of
Advertising at the University of Texas at Austin (USA). His research focuses
on investigating new and alternative media and has appeared at numerous
marketing and communication conferences, including the American Academy
of Advertising and American Marketing Association, among others. More
recently, his research has been published in the Journal of Interactive
Ronald E. Goldsmith received his Ph.D from the University of Alabama at
Tuscaloosa and is the Richard M. Baker professor of marketing at Florida
State University (USA). His interests include consumer behavior, marketing
research, services marketing, and strategic marketing. He also consults with
businesses and government agencies. His publications include approximately
150 journal articles and conference papers as well as a book, Consumer
Psychology for Marketing, which is currently in its second edition. His articles
have appeared in the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, the
Journal of Business Research, the Service Industries Journal, and others.
He is currently the North American editor of the Service Industries Journal.
TEAM LinG - Live, Informative, Non-cost and Genuine !
308 About the Authors
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permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.
Miguel Guinalu is assistant professor in the Faculty of Economics and
Business Studies (University of Zaragoza, Spain). Previously, he worked as an
e-business consultant. His main research line is online consumer behavior,
particularly the analysis of online consumer trust and virtual communities. His
work has been presented in national and international conferences and has been
published in several journals and books.
Jari H. Helenius is a key account manager of DNA Finland Ltd., part of the
Finnet Group of Companies and a doctoral candidate in the Swedish School
of Economics and Business Administration (Hanken) in Helsinki (Finland). He
received his Msc. Economics degree from Hanken in 2002, based on a thesis
entitled Developing Brand Equity through Wireless Devices -Case Coca-
Colas Red Collection Campaign. His main research interests include
marketing enabled by new technology, branding, and private label services. He
has lived and studied in the U.S. and was an exchange student at Western
Washington University, Bellingham.
Charles F. Hofacker is a professor of marketing at Florida State University
(USA), where he teaches courses in e-commerce, supply chain marketing,
quantitative methods, and operations research. He received his Ph.D in
mathematical psychology from UCLA in 1982, and his current research
interests include electronic marketing, especially consumer behavior in online
environments. He has published in such journals as the Journal of Marketing
Research, Management Science, the Journal of Interactive Marketing, the
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, and Psychometrika. Dr.
Hofacker belongs to the American Marketing Association, the Academy of
Marketing Science, INFORMS, the European Marketing Academy, and the
Association for Computing Machinery.
Gopalkrishnan Iyer is an associate professor of marketing and the director
for the Center for Services Marketing at the Florida Atlantic University (FAU)
in Boca Raton, Florida (USA). After an engineering undergraduate degree and
an MBA, he received his Ph.D in marketing from Virginia Tech in 1993. He has
taught at Virginia Tech, Baruch College (City University of New York), ESIC
(Spain), and Dartmouth College. His industry experience includes strategic
management positions for two of Asias top 50 multinational corporations. His
current research interests are in areas of international business, business-to-
business marketing, e-business, and the Hollywood film industry.
TEAM LinG - Live, Informative, Non-cost and Genuine !
About the Authors 309
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permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.
Mark R. Leipnik (Ph.D, University of California at Santa Barbara) is an
associate professor of geography at Sam Houston State University (USA) and
director of the GIS research lab for TRIES. He has authored a textbook, six
book chapters, and over 50 articles in the areas of application of GIS to criminal
justice, marketing, and the use of GIS and related technologies in environmental
assessment. Dr. Leipnik has worked as a GIS environmental consultant and/or
analyst for local, county, state, and federal governments and for large and small
businesses and consulting firms. He holds an MBA from Rice University and an
undergraduate degree from the University of California at Santa Barbara.
Veronica Liljander is professor of marketing and head of the Department of
Marketing and Corporate Geography at the Swedish School of Economics and
Business Administration (Hanken) in Helsinki (Finland). She earned her Ph.D
from Hanken in 1995, and her current research interests include service and
relationship marketing, consumer responses to electronic services, and private
label marketing. She has published articles, for example, in the International
Journal of Service Industry Management, Journal of Services Marketing,
and Psychology & Marketing. In 2000-2001, she spent a year at Maastricht
University in The Netherlands, and in 2004, two months at the University of
Roskilde in Denmark.
Adam Lindgreen finished an MSc at the Technical University of Denmark
after graduating in chemistry, engineering, and physics. He completed an MBA
at the University of Leicester and a Ph.D in marketing at Cranfield University
with 18 months as a visiting research fellow at the University of Auckland. Dr.
Lindgreen is now with Eindhoven University of Technology (The Netherlands).
He has consulted for a number of organizations, has taught at numerous
universities, and is a visiting professor/reader with Groupe HEC. He has
published in journals including Psychology and Marketing, Journal of
Marketing Management, Journal of Customer Behaviour, Journal of
Brand Management, and Journal on Relationship Marketing.
Michael W. Little, associate professor of marketing and former associate
dean of graduate studies in business, teaches retailing and marketing strategy.
He has consulted and provided training with area retailers, banks, and small
businesses. He is a member of the American Marketing Association, American
Collegiate Retailing Association and Richmond, Virginia International Rotary
TEAM LinG - Live, Informative, Non-cost and Genuine !
310 About the Authors
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permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.
Club. Dr. Little has published in the American Marketing Association Proceed-
ings, Academy of Marketing Science Proceedings, Journal of Business
Research, Journal of Retailing, Journal of Services Marketing, Journal of
Health Care Marketing, and numerous other publications. His current area of
research interest is in electronic retail/marketing on the World Wide Web.
Angelo Manaresi is a full professor of marketing and management, Depart-
ment of Management, Faculty of Economics, University of Bologna (Italy). Dr.
Manaresi graduated with honors in economics at the University of Bologna and
obtained a Ph.D in economics and marketing from the London Business School
in 1993. His research interests include the management of distribution networks
at the international level, consumer behavior and hedonic consumption, and
loyalty and branding.
Chris Manolis, Ph.D is an associate professor of marketing at Xavier
University (USA). Dr. Manolis received a BA in psychology from the Univer-
sity of California at Los Angeles, an MBA from San Francisco State University,
and a Ph.D from the University of Kentucky. He has taught marketing courses
both at the graduate and undergraduate levels, and his research interests
include the study of psychological and behavioral processes of exchange
participants along with various methodological/empirical research issues. Dr.
Manolis research has appeared in journals, such as the Journal of the
Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Business Research, and Jour-
nal of Consumer Psychology, and Applied Social Psychology.
Penelope Markellou has an MSc in computer science in the area of designing
and evaluating e-business systems. She is working as a researcher in the
Computer Engineering and Informatics Department of the University of Patras
(Greece) and in the Internet and Multimedia Technologies Research Unit of the
Research Academic Computer Technology Institute. Her research interests lie
in personalization and Web mining techniques applied in the e-commerce and
e-learning domains. She has published several research papers and is coauthor
of five book chapters.
Sanjay S. Mehta (MS, Ph.D, University of North Texas) is an associate
professor of marketing and recipient of the 2004 Excellence in Research
Award at Sam Houston State University (USA). He has presented and/or
TEAM LinG - Live, Informative, Non-cost and Genuine !
About the Authors 311
Copyright 2005, Idea Group Inc. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written
permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.
published over 120 articles in the areas of franchising, global marketing, e-
commerce/e-marketing, sports marketing, and GIS. His work has been
published in numerous journals including: Journal of Asian Business, The
Cornell H.R.A. Quarterly, Journal of Professional Services Marketing,
Health Marketing Quarterly, Journal of Customers Services in Marketing
and Management, Journal of Business Strategies, and Journal of Business
and Entrepreneurship. Dr. Mehta holds a BS in mathematics and an MBA in
management from Angelo State University.
Chris OLeary is a project manager at MSI Business Systems Pty Ltd,
Sydney (Australia). Dr. OLeary has been involved in many management
consulting projects in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia.
His research interests include data management, Internet marketing, and
information system management.
Maria Rigou has an MSc in computer science in the field of interactive
systems evaluation. She is currently working as a researcher (Ph.D student) at
the Computer Engineering and Informatics Department of the University of
Patras (Greece) and also at the Internet and Multimedia Technologies Re-
search Unit of the Research Academic Computer Technology Institute. As a
researcher, she is working on personalization techniques and the use of Web
usage mining in adapting Web site content and structure and has several
publications in the domain of Web mining and its applications in e-commerce,
e-learning, as well as the formation and behavior of online communities. She is
coauthor in three book chapters on personalization related technologies.
Sally Rao is a lecturer in marketing at School of Commerce at Adelaide
University (Australia). Dr. Rao is an active researcher and is involved in both
commercial and academic research in the areas of relationship marketing,
Internet marketing, consumer behavior, and services marketing. She has
published in international journals, such as the European Journal of Market-
ing, the Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, Australasian
Marketing Journal, and Qualitative Market Research: an International
Francesca DallOlmo Riley earned a BA from University of Bologna, a PG
Dip. from the London School of Economics, and Ph.D from the London
TEAM LinG - Live, Informative, Non-cost and Genuine !
312 About the Authors
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permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.
Business School. Dr. Riley worked in marketing management and direct
marketing for several years in Italy, the USA, and the UK before obtaining a
Ph.D in consumer behavior from London Business School. She is now a reader
in marketing at Kingston University Business School (UK). Her research
interests include attitudes, branding, online shopping, and customer relation-
ship management issues. She has published widely in international journals.
Mary Lou Roberts is professor of marketing at the University of Massachu-
setts Boston. Her Ph.D in marketing is from the University of Michigan. Dr.
Roberts recently published Internet Marketing: Integrating Online and
Offline Strategies (McGraw-Hill, 2003). She is senior author of Direct
Marketing Management, second edition (Prentice-Hall, 1999). She has
published extensively on a variety of marketing topics and currently serves on
a number of editorial review boards of U.S. and European journals. Her current
research deals with information-driven marketing strategies. She is a frequent
presenter on programs of both professional and academic marketing organiza-
tions and has consulted for a wide variety of corporations and nonprofit
Jari Salo received his MSc (economics and business administration) degree
from the University of Oulu (Finland) in 2002 and is currently finalizing his
doctoral studies at the Finnish Graduate School of Marketing (FINNMARK).
He has previously published in E-Business Review and in academic confer-
ences including: HICSS, ANZMAC, EMAC, and IMP. His present research
interests include digitization of business relationships and networks, electronic
commerce, and mobile advertising.
Daniele Scarpi completed classical studies and graduated in economics at the
University of Bologna (Italy), where he also earned a Ph.D in business
economics in 2004. His research interests and publications focus on hedonic
behavior, distribution channels, Internet shopping, and presentation order
effects. Currently, he is a research fellow at the University of Bologna, where
he also teaches service marketing.
Spiros Sirmakessis is an assistant professor in the Technological Educational
Institution of Messolongi and the manager of the Internet and Multimedia
Technologies Research Unit of the Research Academic Computer Technology
TEAM LinG - Live, Informative, Non-cost and Genuine !
About the Authors 313
Copyright 2005, Idea Group Inc. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written
permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.
Institute ( He is also an adjunct assistant professor in the
University of Patras, teaching human computer interaction and e-business
courses. His research areas include human computer interaction, human
factors, e-business strategies, efficient techniques for designing interactive
systems, and Web mining. He is coauthor of three books and several research
papers published in international journals and conferences.
Jaana Thtinen is acting professor at the University of Oulu (Finland), where
she also received her Ph.D in 2001. Her thesis deals with the dissolution
process of a business relationship in the tailored software business. Before
joining the faculty, she worked within the industry and service sector as well as
a director in a local science center. She has published in the European Journal
of Marketing, Industrial Marketing Management, International Journal
of Service Industry Management, Journal of Market Focused Manage-
ment, and Marketing Theory.
Jolle Vanhamme earned MA degrees in management and psychology, as
well as a Ph.D in marketing from the Catholic University of Louvain. She also
holds a CEMS master. She has been awarded two best paper awards, as well
as a prize for her Ph.D thesis. Jolle has worked as a researcher, lecturer, and
consultant in numerous countries. She is now an assistant professor with the
Erasmus University Rotterdam (The Netherlands) and a member of the ERIM
Research Institute. Jolle has published, among others, in Psychology and
Marketing, Journal of Marketing Management, Journal of Economic
Psychology, and Recherche et Applications en Marketing.
Heiko de B. Wijnholds is a former chair of the Marketing Department at
Virginia Commonwealth University. He has authored and coauthored numer-
ous publications in professional journals, conference proceedings, and text-
books. Among others, he has published in such journals as the Journal of
International Business, the Journal of Services Marketing, the Journal of
Euromarketing, and the Journal of Professional Services Marketing. Dr.
Wijnholds has also presented (published) papers at annual and special meet-
ings of leading academic and professional organizations, such as the American
Marketing Association, the Academy of Marketing Science, the Academy of
International Business and the European Society for Opinion and Marketing
TEAM LinG - Live, Informative, Non-cost and Genuine !
314 About the Authors
Copyright 2005, Idea Group Inc. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written
permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.
Alvin Y.C. Yeo conceptualizes and drives national programs to catalyze the e-
business and security industry in his current role as a business development
manager with the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore. Prior to this,
he assumed management responsibilities at Overseas Union Bank in branch
operations, commercial banking, and segment marketing. Alvin is currently
pursuing his marketing doctoral degree with the University of Western Australia
(Australia). A former recipient of two ASEAN scholarships awarded by
Singapores Ministry of Education, he holds a master of business administration
(distinction) from the University of Leicester and a bachelor of business
administration in finance (merit) from the National University of Singapore.
Michael T. Zugelder joined Old Dominion Universitys College of Business
and Public Administration (USA) in 1995 and currently serves as its business
law and legal environment professor. His teaching includes courses in business
law, electronic commerce, and employment law, and regulation at the under-
graduate and graduate levels. His research and publications have focused on
intellectual property and contract law, with particular regard to the Internet.
Zugelder received his doctor of jurisprudence (JD), cum laude, from the
University of Toledo in 1980 and his BA and MBA degrees from Indiana
University in 1974 and 1976.
TEAM LinG - Live, Informative, Non-cost and Genuine !
Index 315
Copyright 2005, Idea Group Inc. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written
permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.
3G 190
action research 159
action research methodology 159
advertainment 118
advertising 247
advertising content 146
affiliate marketing and networking 166
after sales 289
attitude towards advertising 248
attitude towards brand 259
attribute data 195
auction types 11
automatic e-commerce 11
B2B e-commerce 6
B2B e-marketing 202
B2B online buyers 5
B2C e-commerce 4
banner advertisements 104
blocks 196
brand assets 176, 178, 179
brand community 116
brand equity 177
brand loyalty 106
brand relationship quality (BRQ) 107
buffer zones 195
business model 271
business-to-business (B2B) 1
business-to-consumer (B2C) e-commerce
business-to-consumer (B2C) marketplaces
buy again 288
CAN-SPAM Act 222
chat rooms 280
Childrens Online Privacy Protection Act
(COPPA) 218
choose 288
closer and direct contacts 89
cocreation 113
commercial advertising 252
communications decency act (CDA) 221
competitive advantage 88
computer aided design (CAD) 197
Computer Fraud and Abuse Act 222
TEAM LinG - Live, Informative, Non-cost and Genuine !
316 Index
Copyright 2005, Idea Group Inc. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written
permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.
confidence building 289
consider 288
consumer expertise 52, 53
consumer feedback 240
consumer loyalty 8, 178
consumer privacy 85, 159
consumer-related factors 46
content analysis 147
content-based advertising 182
context aware 141
conventions 93
copyright 214
corporate image 30, 33
cross-marketing 166
culture 91
customer information 158
customer loyalty 29
customer relationship management (CRM)
17, 68, 204
customer satisfaction 17
customer service 9
customer trust 29, 34
customer value 30, 32
customer-centric global organization 94
customization 111
cyber libel 220
data aggregation 164
data collection 70
data content identification 163
data gathering 147
data integration 164
data mining 162
database marketing 158
deep linking 213
defamation 220
diffusion theory 8
digital data transfer 13
Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA)
disparagement 220
dissatisfiers 255
dynamic pricing 113
e-advertising practices 217
e-business 236
e-commerce 2, 125, 158, 236
e-commerce managers 3
e-commerce needs 1
e-customer loyalty 28, 34
e-marketers 2
e-marketing 103, 161, 193, 200, 215
e-shop 287
eCRM 67
edutainment 118
effect of brand name 47, 49
efficient coordination 88
efficient resource 87
electronic customer relationship manage-
ment (e-CRM) 68, 231
electronic marketplace 4
electronic signature in global and national
commer 223
enterprise resource planning 12
experience products 49
feedback-based advertising 183
forward auctions 12
framing 213
fulfillment 92
geocoding 205
geographic data 195
geographic information systems (GIS) 194
geospatial data 205
global internet expansion 90
global internet marketing strategy 86, 94
global niche 88
goods typology 49
GPRS network 187
GPS 207
Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act 219
GSM network 188
TEAM LinG - Live, Informative, Non-cost and Genuine !
Index 317
Copyright 2005, Idea Group Inc. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written
permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.
Health Insurance Portability Accountability
Act (HIPAA) 220
incentives 56
independent variables 259
indirect income 276
information privacy trust 35
information technology 93
infrastructure 90
input 161
inside the e-shop 289
intellectual property 212
interactive 143
interactivity 109
internet 88, 176, 193, 247
internet advertising 105, 251, 248
internet confidence 69
internet infrastructure 85
internet marketing 103, 158
IT adaptations 93
jurisdiction 230, 237
language 93
laws and regulations 90
layers 195
legal online marketing 211
liability 230, 237
limits to access 90
location-based advertising 184
m-advertising 140, 141
m-adverts 140, 149
m-branding methods 180
m-commerce 177
managerial implications 186
manipulated independent variable 258
marketing 276
marketing communication 150
marketing media 248
marketing mix 198
marketing strategy 117, 273
media goals 144
mediation analysis 75
metatags 213
methods of analysis 147
metropolitan statistical area (MSA) 202
mobile advertising 139, 182
mobile branding (m-branding) 175, 176
mobile channel 175, 179
mobile CRM (M-CRM) 181
mobile phones 175
mobile portal 185
mobile telecommunications 175
moral responsibility 272
negative emotions 129
negative surprise 127
one-to-one communication 69
online advertising 105, 248
online analytical processing 162
online buyers 1
online consumer purchase 287
online data collection 70
online distribution 89
online loyalty 29
online marketing 2
online panel 73
online selling 46
online shopping 10, 45, 294
online strategies 47
outside the e-shop 289
past purchase behavior (PPB) 250
patents 216
path analysis 262
permission-based m-advertising 141
personal selling 142
positive surprise 127
TEAM LinG - Live, Informative, Non-cost and Genuine !
318 Index
Copyright 2005, Idea Group Inc. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written
permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.
privacy 69, 218
product typologies 47, 48
product-related factors 46
production and sales smoothing 89
purchase intentions 250, 259, 263
reactivity 92
regulation 232
regulatory environment 229
relationship marketing 158
retail e-sales 8
retailer factors 47
retaining customers 167
reverse auctions 12
RFM analysis 162
risk perceptions 52
risk relievers 56
safe harbor 91
sales taxation 234
satisfiers 255
search 288
search products 48
secure socket layer (SSL) 35
security 69, 93, 219
self-confidence 71
self-efficacy 72
self-regulation 232
services typology 49
shopping orientation 52
short code number 180
skirmish 289
small text messaging 169
social cognitive theory 72
sponsored content 180
stealth marketing and networking 166
stimulate 288
strategic output 165
subjective norms (SN) 250
supply chain management 12
surprise 127
target marketing 37
targeting 144
targeting of the m-adverts 148
taxation 230
technology 56
technology acceptance model 14
theoretical framework 159
theory of planned behavior 71
theory of reasoned action 71
time awareness 148
topological data 195
tourism 201
trade secrets 215
trademark 213
transaction-based advertising 182
TRC categorization 162
trespass violations 221
trust 69, 275, 289
two-way communication 68
uniform commercial code (UCC) 222
uniform computer information transaction
Act (UCITA) 223
Uniform Electronic Transaction Act (UETA)
value-added-tax (VAT) system 235
viral marketing 122
virtual community 270
war 289
web site content and layout 56, 57
web site design 15
wireless application protocol 169
word-of-mouth marketing 128
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