Cmps 09
Cmps 09
Cmps 09
The CMPS09 module is a tilt compensated compass. Employing a 3-axis magnetometer and a 3-axis accelerometer and a powerful 16-bit processor, the CMPS09
has been designed to remove the errors caused by tilting of the PCB. The CMPS09 produces a result of 0-3599 representing 0-359.9 or 0 to 255. The output of the
three sensors measuring x, y and z components of the magnetic field, together with the pitch and roll are used to calculate the bearing, each of these components
are also made available in there raw form. We have also written examples of using the CMPS09 module with a wide range of popular controllers. The CMPS09
module requires a power supply at 3.3 - 5v and draws a nominal 25mA of current. There are three ways of getting the bearing from the module. A serial interface,
an I2C interface or a PWM output.
Mode selection
For data on each mode please click the mode heading. Note the CMPS09 looks at the mode selection pins at power-up only.
I2C mode Serial mode PWM mode
To enter the I2C mode of operation leave
the mode pin unconnected
To enter the serial mode of operation
connect the mode pin to ground
To enter the PWM mode of operation
connect the select PWM pin to ground
PCB Drilling Plan
The following diagram shows the CMPS09 PCB mounting hole positions.
We have examples of using the Compass module with a wide range of popular controllers.
CMPS09 - Tilt Compensated Compass Module
I2C mode
To enter the I2C mode of operation leave the mode pin unconnected
I2C Communication
I2C communication protocol with the compass module is the same as popular eeprom's such as the 24C04. First
send a start bit, the module address with the read/write bit low, then the register number you wish to read. This is
followed by a repeated start and the module address again with the read/write bit high. You now read one or two
bytes for 8bit or 16bit registers respectively. 16bit registers are read high byte first. The compass has a 23 byte
array of registers. organized as below:
Register Function
0 Software version
1 Compass Bearing as a byte, i.e. 0-255 for a full circle
2,3 Compass Bearing as a word, i.e. 0-3599 for a full circle, representing 0-359.9 degrees.
4 Pitch angle - signed byte giving angle in degrees from the horizontal plane
5 Roll angle - signed byte giving angle in degrees from the horizontal plane
6 Unused
7 Unused
8 Unused
9 Unused
10,11 Magnetometer X axis raw output, 16 bit signed integer with register 10 being the upper 8 bits
12,13 Magnetometer Y axis raw output, 16 bit signed integer with register 12 being the upper 8 bits
14,15 Magnetometer Z axis raw output, 16 bit signed integer with register 14 being the upper 8 bits
16,17 Accelerometer X axis raw output, 16 bit signed integer with register 16 being the upper 8 bits
18,19 Accelerometer Y axis raw output, 16 bit signed integer with register 18 being the upper 8 bits
20,21 Accelerometer Z axis raw output, 16 bit signed integer with register 20 being the upper 8 bits
22 Command register
Register 1 is the bearing converted to a 0-255 value. This may be easier for some applications than 0-3599 which
requires two bytes. For those who require better resolution registers 2 and 3 (high byte first) form a 16 bit unsigned
integer in the range 0-3599. This represents 0-359.9. Register 4 is the pitch angle, giving an angle of 0 when the
board is flat and up to +/- 85 at maximum tilt in either direction. Register 5 works the same way but with results
for the Roll angle. There is then an array of registers (10-21) providing all the raw sensor data from the magnetic
and acceleration sensors. Finally Register 22 is the command register and is used to calibrate the compass, change
address and if necessary restore the factory default calibration.
Calibration the CMPS09
I would recommend evaluating the CMPS09 performance first before implementing this function. Its purpose is to
remove offsets caused by constant magnetic sources around the CMPS09. First of all you need to determine North
and align the CMPS09 with it, then enter the calibration mode by writing 0xF0 to the command register (22). To
calibrate the first point write 0xF5 to the command register, this should also light the LED, then move the object
through 90 and write 0xF5 to the command register. Repeat this twice more so four points are calibrated and the
LED should also turn off to confirm calibration completion.
Should you need to revert to the factory calibration then write the following to the command register with 100ms
between bytes 0x20,0x2A,0x60. These commands must be sent in the correct sequence to restore the calibration,
additionally, No other command may be issued in the middle of the sequence. The sequence must be sent to the
command register at location 22, which means 4 separate write transactions on the I2C bus. Please make sure that
the CMPS09 is not located near to ferrous objects as this will distort the magnetic field and induce errors in the
Changing the I2C Bus Address
To change the I2C address of the CMPS09 you must have only one module on the bus. Write the 3 sequence
commands in the correct order followed by the address with 100ms between writes. Example; to change the
address of a compass currently at 0xC0 (the default shipped address) to 0xC2, write the following to address 0xC0;
(0xA0, 0xAA, 0xA5, 0xC2 ) with a 100ms delay after each of the first three bytes. These commands must be sent
in the correct sequence to change the I2C address, additionally, No other command may be issued in the middle of
the sequence. The sequence must be sent to the command register at location 22, which means 4 separate write
transactions on the I2C bus. When done, you should label the CMPS09 with its address, however if you do forget,
just power it up without sending any commands. The CMPS09 will flash its address out on the LED. One long flash
followed by a number of shorter flashes indicating its address. The flashing is terminated immediately on sending a
command the CMPS09.
Long Flash Short flashes
Decimal Hex
192 C0 1 0
194 C2 1 1
196 C4 1 2
198 C6 1 3
200 C8 1 4
202 CA 1 5
204 CC 1 6
206 CE 1 7
Take care not to set more than one device to the same address, there will be a bus collision and very unpredictable
If you need more information on the I2C bus, have a look at our I2C tutorial.
CMPS09 - Tilt Compensated Compass Module
Serial mode
To use the serial mode of operation the mode pin must be connected to ground.
Communication settings
The Serial mode operates over a link with a default baud rate of 9600 bps (no parity, 2 stop bits) and 3.3v-5v signal levels.
This is not RS232. Do not connect RS232 to the module, the high RS232 voltages will irreversibly damage the module.
Below is a table describing commands that can be sent to the CMPS09 and the data it will respond with.
Commands for Serial
Command Name Bytes
Returned data description
0x11 GET VERSION 1 Software version
0x12 GET ANGLE 8 BIT 1 Angle as a single byte 0-255
0x13 GET ANGLE 16 BIT 2 Angle as two bytes, high byte first 0-3600
0x14 GET PITCH 1 Pitch angle +/- 0-85
0x15 GET ROLL 1 Roll angle +/- 0-85
0x21 GET MAG RAW 6 Raw magnetic data, 16 bit signed: X high, X low, Y high, Y low, Z high, Z low
0x22 GET ACCEL RAW 6 Raw accelerometer data, 16 bit signed: X high, X low, Y high, Y low, Z high, Z
0x23 GET ALL 4 angle high, angle low (0-3600), pitch (+/- 0-85), roll (+/- 0-85)
0x31 CALIBRATE EN1 1 returns ok (0x55)
0x45 CALIBRATE EN2 1 returns ok (0x55)
0x5A CALIBRATE EN3 1 returns ok (0x55)
0x5E CALIBRATE 1 returns ok (0x55)
0x6A RESTORE 1 1 returns ok (0x55)
0x7C RESTORE 2 1 returns ok (0x55)
0x81 RESTORE 3 1 returns ok (0x55)
0xA0 BAUD 19200 1 returns ok (0x55)
0xA1 BAUD 38400 1 returns ok (0x55)
Calibration the CMPS09
I would recommend evaluating the CMPS09 performance first before implementing this function. Its purpose is to remove offsets
caused by constant magnetic sources around the CMPS09. First of all you need to determine North and align the CMPS09 with it, then
write a sequence of 3 commands in the correct order with a small delay between bytes, 100ms will be more than adequate. The
sequence to enter calibration mode is 0x31,0x45,0x5A, then calibrate the first point by sending 0x5E to the command register, this
should also light the LED. The Compass should then be rotated 90 and 0x5E sent to the command register again, repeat for two
further 90 rotations and the calibration completes and the LED turns off. Please make sure that the CMPS09 is not located near to
ferrous objects as this will distort the magnetic field and induce errors in the reading.
Restore of factory calibration of the CMPS09
To perform a restore of the factory calibration write a sequence of 3 commands in the correct order with a small delay between bytes,
100ms will be more than adequate. The sequence is 0x6A,0x7C,0x81.
Changing the baud rate
While the CMPS09 operates at a default serial bus baud rate of 9600 you may wish to change this. There are two other baud rates that
can be used, for 19200 just send 0xA0 or alternatively for 38400 send 0xA1. Please note that the CMPS09 will always default to its
9600kbps rate after power cycling and after setting a new baud rate the ok response (0x55) will be sent at the newly selected speed.
CMPS09 - Tilt Compensated Compass Module
PWM mode
To aid the more basic controllers we have included a PWM mode of operation. As the compass is rotated a high
pulse will be generated that is proportional to the current angle. The pulse width varies from 1mS (0 ) to 36.99mS
(359.9 ) in other words 100uS/ with a +1mS offset. The signal goes low for 65mS between pulses, so the cycle
time is 65mS + the pulse width - ie. 66ms-102ms.
Pin connections and mode selection for PWM operation
To enter the PWM mode of operation you are required to connect the Select PWM pin to ground. After 500ms the
module will enter PWM mode and output a variable high pulse from the PWM out pin dependant on the angle of the
Example 1: Pulse of 20ms - 1ms offset = 19ms = 190
Example 2: Pulse of 6ms - 1ms offset = 5ms = 50
In some environments it may be necessary to perform a calibration to remove hard iron distortion, however I would
recommend evaluating the CMPS09 performance first before implementing the routine. To achieve this a normally
open switch must be wired between the calibrate pin and ground. The first step is to line the compass up with north,
then press the switch and the CMPS09 will light is LED. Rotate the module by 90 and repeat 3 further times, the
LED should now go out and the module will be recalibrated. Should you wish to restore the factory calibration then
press and hold the switch for at least 5 seconds before releasing. Please make sure that the CMPS09 is not located
near to ferrous objects as this will distort the magnetic field and induce errors in the reading.