How To:: Digital Hybrid

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transform SketchUp models into

by Jim Leggitt
In 2011, I developed
the Digital SketchUp
Watercolor - an amazing
hybrid visualization
technique for transforming
a Google SketchUp
model view into a digital
watercolor. The idea
involves a combination of
digital image manipulation
and traditional hand
coloring with markers.
For anyone who enjoys modeling in SketchUp, this process enables you to
create beautiful renderings that have a hand crafted character resembling a
watercolor painting.
Step One: Google SketchUp Model
I assembled this scene from a set of houses downloaded from 3D
Warehouse and populated the model with 2D and 3D people and
landscape components. I adjusted the sun intensity and direction to
create the foreground tree shadows and depth of the porches. Can
you spot my modeling error?
*The woman in orange is accidentally oating above the steps!
Step Two: Export SketchUp Edges
I exported a high resolution (5,000 pixels wide) jpeg of just the model
edges that would later be added back into the image. I resized the
jpeg and all other images to 300dpi by 16 inches wide.
This step involved rendering the SketchUp model using a third party photorealistic rendering
software program. I prefer using an Integrated Rendering Program (IRP) such as Shaderlight
or SU Podium - both serving as plugins directly within the SketchUp software. After assigning
reective characteristics to the window faces, I rendered the model and saved a jpeg which
I resized 300dpi by 16 inches wide. Notice that the sky was quite pale in color and the
foreground lines in the sidewalk had disappeared. Adding back the linework and dark sky was
an important step towards creating the nal watercolor effect.
Step Three: Photorealistic Rendering
I opened the rendered scene in Adobe Photoshop and spliced in the darker sky from a separate
jpeg I exported from the original SketchUp model. I also spliced in the foreground grass and
tree shadows from that same jpeg. I added the SketchUp edges (lines only) jpeg as a new
layer and positioned it on the top layer with a 75% transparency in order to give the linework a
very light appearance similar to the faint pencil markings in an actual watercolor painting. This
composite image now had the important linework in the sidewalk and architecture as well as
photorealistic rendered reections in the window glass.
Step Four: Photoshop Composite
Step Five: Lighten Image and Print
To prepare the image for the colored marker step, I lightened the scene,
giving it a 75% transparency in Photoshop. Still wanting the deep blue
sky, I spliced in a copy of the sky and cut it around the rest of the
image. The nal lightened image was printed in color on 11x17 Epson
coated bond paper using my Epson workforce 1100 ink jet printer.
Step Six: Colored Markers
Picking the lightest colors from my Chartpak Ad Marker Set, I colored the entire page
leaving only the white trim on the houses untouched. I purposely let the marker run
over line edges and blob in order to give an imperfect painted quality to the image. I
dabbed several green marker colors on the trees to simulate leaves. Darker cool gray
markers added contrast to the shadows and roof overhangs. Note: the informal dont
color within the lines marker effort was key to giving the nal watercolor step the
appearance of an actual painted surface.
Step Seven: Photoshop Watercolor Filter
I scanned the colored print at 300dpi and opened the jpeg in Adobe
Photoshop. Using the lter/artistic/watercolor tool, I modied the
image and transformed it into the digital watercolor. My settings were:
Brush Detail 14, Shadow Intensity 0 and Texture 1.
Step Eight: Adjust Levels in Photoshop
The colored marker and watercolor versions were each quite dull with
little contrast. The nal version needed one more adjustment which I
made in Photoshop by amodifying the contrast levels. The increased
contrast greatly improved the image and the end result was an
impressive digital watercolor created from a Google SketchUp model.
Try making a Digital SketchUp Watercolor yourself and email me a jpeg of your project!
to see Jims blog post of this presentation
on Land8 click here:

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