(1944) Army Talks
(1944) Army Talks
(1944) Army Talks
July, 1911 5
The story of their rise to power puts even the worst gangster killers
in the shade, and makes Dillinger and Lepke look like amateurs at the
business . At this stage we cannot be surprised at much of anything the
Hitler gang will do, but we must constantly remember what they have
achieved by their methods. First, they took over by intimidation the
running of one of the most potentially powerful countries of the world,
with a claimed population of 8o millions . Second, they proceeded by the
same' means to take over a good sized section of the world . The fact that
this meant plunging the world into war didn't even make them hesitate.
Their methods increased in cruelty and barbarism as they dealt with the
people of the countries they conquered . They will continue as long as they
have a gambler's chance of pulling anything out of the bag . When that is
gone, these leaders can be expected to turn on each other, hoping by
placing the blame on the other fellow to escape the punishment they all
Let's see who this bunch of criminals are, and how they succeeded in
corrupting the history of the world for a decade . Let's look at their records
and as we do, stop and think how far these men would have gone in the
United States . The German people have been content—many of them
have been enthusiastic—to have criminals in high office . Would we tolerate
26 July, 1944 It
had once read a letter written by Hitler to his niece—a letter indicating
unpleasant and unnatural relations . A few days after the purge the body
of the priest; filled with bullets, was found in a wood.
These are some of the personal crimes of Hitler . He is branded already
by his own record—the anguish of the . world is a later accomplishment.
The organization of the Nazi party is like a pyramid, with Hitler at
the top and below him the party leaders . Everybody in the party is
responsible to him as the Fuehrer . The lines are clear, and every man
has a leader above him and a follower below him . Among the highly
placed and more ambitious members of the party there goes on a never-
ending struggle for power . It is cut-throat and ferocious. Only the strongest
men win. Hitler partly overlooks and partly encourages this battle, for two
reasons : (I) the strugglers become more dependent on him, and (2) under
his jungle law, the toughest and most brutal men survive as his leaders.
other of his all to human frailties . He can be jovial when he wants to be.
He speaks in a racy vernacular that goes straight to people's hearts . On the
other hand, it suits both his taste and his purposes to play the part of a
` conservative,' a role for which he has a certain background, for he is
exceptional among the Nazis for coming from a family with pretentions
to gentility. His father was the first Governor of German South-West
Goering likes to cultivate the reputation of being " safe " and " sound."
This turns out to be a cruel joke on those who are foolish enough to bank
on it. He likes to pose as a jovial, kindly man, the popular friend of
everybody . Actually the only soft spot in his make-up is towards animals.
He has never hesitated to torture or kill men whenever it furthered his
ends, but he will not tolerate any cruelty towards animals . Ten days after
he acted as chief executioner in Prussia in the blood-battle of June 30,
1934, he sentenced an old fisherman of Zweibruchen to six months in jail
because he had failed to kill a frog painlessly before cutting off its legs.
Goering was a morphine addict for years, and was once sent to an
institution in Sweden for a time . Neither use nor disuse of drugs has tempered
his savagery . In a speech made at Frankfurt on March 4, 1933, he said :
" I am not in office to dispense justice, but to destroy and exterminate."
It was at Goering's own orders that the Luftwaffe bombed and machine-
gunned cities and towns, refugees on the roads and women in the fields.
Warsaw, Rotterdam and Belgrade are among his war memorials . To some
well-meaning but short-sighted leaders among the Allied nations this man
was once regarded as being preferable to Hitler.
If there is one man in Germany who is more cruel and more savage than
any other it is Himmler . He is chief of all German police and Reich Leader
of the S .S . As such he is in command of the special guard of National
Socialism . In these capacities he disposes of a private army of 250,000
fully-equipped combat troops—the Verfuegungstrappen of the . S .S .—and he
heads up the most extensive secret police system in the world, operating in
Germany and in other countries . It is Himmler who supervises the
concentration camps ; it is Himmler who directs much of the fifth column
work that prepared the way for the invasions of the German armies ; it is
Himmler who ordered the killing of the " mental defectives " to the number
of nearly 100 ,000 in 1939 and 1940 alone.
In other words, Himmler is Hitler's pro-
fessional butcher . He has set out to destroy
whole nations whose continued national life
was distasteful to Adolf Hitler . Himmler
experimented on the Jews ; he perfected his
system on the Poles . The plan for destroying the
Poles consisted of two parts : the first part
involved killing several million Poles outright ;
the second, dumping several million more
into a great " reservation " where they would
gradually perish through disease and slow
starvation . Altogether at least 3,000,000 Poles
were liquidated by these methods within 18
months of the day when the German armies
first struck at Poland . Included in this figure are
between . a quarter and a half million Poles
killed in the Polish phase of the war .
Himmler is doing his work thoroughly . Given enough time, under his
own conditions, and he would utterly destroy the Poles and the Jews in
the territories of the Reich . Others would follow.
26 July, 1944 11
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These, in brief, are the bosses of Nazi Germany . In them are mirrored
the false ideals they have set up . They are not men for whom any of us
could have respect . They are, nevertheless, the men whom the Germans
have supported . The tragedy of their leadership is that the German people
allowed them to gain control and have followed where they led . It is no
more possible to remove blame from the people than it is from the leaders.
Without the support of the people the leaders could never have succeeded.
Granted the people may have been hoodwinked into accepting a false
program ; they might at a number of points have rejected it . This they
never were willing to do . They are now paying with blood for what they -
tried to steal by blood .
26 July, 1944 15
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