Book Review - Nonlinear Optics
Book Review - Nonlinear Optics
Book Review - Nonlinear Optics
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Book Review
second edition is on many book shelves and widely used, it is Additionally, there are theoretical physicists who use a system
always a legitimate question to ask what is new and different of natural units in which all physical quantities are measured
in the third edition. The previous editions were written using in terms of mass 共or electron volts兲 as the only basic unit. All
the Gaussian system of units, while the third edition has been other quantities, such as length, time, force, or energy, are
entirely rewritten using the SI 共or rationalized MKSA兲 system expressed in terms of this one unit and written as powers of
of units. MKSA includes the units of meter, kilogram, sec- this dimension.
onds, and ampere. The new third edition provides expanded The third edition of Nonlinear Optics uses the SI system of
appendices that discuss the SI and Gaussian systems of units units, so let us look at that system first. In the SI system of
and procedures for their conversion, as well as tables that give units the vacuum is treated as a material medium of 0 per-
the relationship between intensity and field strength, a table of mittivity and permeability 0. Therefore, the factors 0 and
physical constants for both the Gaussian system with the cen- 0 appear in the equations. Also there is the factor of 4. In
timeter, gram, and second 共CGS兲 units and the SI systems, the SI system, distance is measured in meters 共m兲, mass in
physical constants that are specific to the SI system, and a kilograms 共kg兲, and time in seconds 共s兲. The meter is defined
table of conversion of units between the systems. Other major as the distance that light travels in a given interval of time.
additions include sections on the applications of harmonic The second is defined by 9,192,631,770 oscillations between
generation to microscopy and biophotonics, and a section on the two hyperfine levels of the ground state of a 133Cs atom at
spectroscopy that is based on coherent anti-Stokes Raman rest at a temperature of 0 K. The newton 共N兲 is the unit of
scattering. force, which is kg m/s2. The joule 共J兲 is the unit of energy,
At the end of each chapter there is a reference section that which is kg m2 / s2. The coulomb 共C兲 is the unit of electrical
includes several subsections: reviews on the topics covered in charge, defined such that the force between two charged par-
the chapter, further readings on the topic that are typically ticles, each of 1 C of charge and separated by 1 m, is 1 N. The
monographs, a section on applications of the topics, and a unit of electrical current is the ampere 共A兲, which is 1 C/s.
selection of key peer-reviewed publications. All of the experi- Finally, the volt is the unit of electrical potential, which is 1
mental data given in the chapters and the details of the instru-
J/C. With these definitions, the author wrote the Maxwell
mentation from which they were measured are fully cited in
equations using the SI units of measure. The units and the
the references. I strongly recommend that the reader peruse
names of the field vectors are then given: electric field, elec-
the cited primary literature.
tric displacement, magnetic field or induction, magnetic inten-
The reader will not find this book to be a useful reference
sity, polarization, and magnetization. The constitutive rela-
for the detailed experimental aspects of nonlinear optics. In
tions give the relations between the electromagnetic field
particular, this book is not an appropriate source and guide for
vectors and the properties of materials. The author derives
the reader who wishes to construct instrumentation that is
Poynting’s theorem 共the Poynting vector is the rate at which
intended to measure nonlinear optical phenomenon. Alterna-
tively, the references contain these experimental details. electromagnetic energy passes across a unit area that is nor-
The astute reader may ask the following question: why are mal to the direction of propagation兲 from Maxwell’s equa-
there various sets of units—the Gaussian 共a variant of CGS兲 tions.
and the SI systems of units? Two short answers are history Next the author derives the wave equation from Maxwell’s
and convenience. Note the systems of units in both mechanics equations. This is of fundamental physical importance, be-
and in electromagnetism are arbitrary. In 1833 Carl Friedrich cause under the assumption that the electromagnetic wave is
Gauss proposed the metric system 共millimeter, gram, and sec- propagating in a linear, isotropic, nonmagnetic medium that is
ond兲 and in 1874 it was extended by James Clerk Maxwell free of sources, the electric and magnetic fields and the wave
and William Thompson to a set of electromagnetic units. In vector are all mutually orthogonal. It also follows for propa-
1874 the British Association for the Advancement of Science gation of the electromagnetic wave in a vacuum that its speed
introduced the CGS system that was later replaced with the is equal to the speed of light.
more practical MKSA, which was then developed into the In the next appendix the author presents the equations of
current SI system of units. electromagnetism as they are written in the Gaussian system
As Jackson points out in his comprehensive appendix on of units 共a variant of the CGS system兲. For the mechanical
units and dimensions in his third edition of Classical Electro- properties, distance is measured in centimeters 共cm兲, mass is
dynamics, both convenience and clarity are desirable features measured in grams 共g兲, and time is measured in seconds 共s兲.
of a system of units. While in the field of mechanics there is While the CGS system is the same for mechanical units, there
some consensus with the units of length 共centimeter or meter兲, are several variants for electromagnetism. Force is given in
mass 共gram or kilogram兲, and time 共mean solar second兲, in units of g cm/s2 共dyne兲 and energy is given in units of g
electromagnetism the situation is more complicated. Histori- cm2 / s2 共erg兲. Charge is defined as the charge of a given num-
cal varieties of CGS units for electromagnetic theory include ber of electrons and is called the statcoulomb or the electro-
electromagnetic units 共emu兲, Gaussian units, and Heaviside- static unit of charge. This is defined such that the force be-
Lorentz units. tween two charged particles, each containing 1 statcolumb of
Different authors use different systems of units; for ex- charge and separated by 1 cm, is 1 dyn. Similarly, the unit of
ample, CGS units are used in some astrophysical journals. current is the statcoulomb/s, which is called the statampere.
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Book Review
The unit of electrical potential is the erg/statcoulomb, known are usually lacking. That is not the case in Boyd’s book. Boyd
at the statvolt. explains that these relations relate the real and the imaginary
As the author cogently points out, in the Gaussian system parts of the frequency-dependent quantities such as linear sus-
of units the four primary field vectors 共the electric field, the ceptibility. They are extremely useful since they permit the
electric displacement field, the magnetic induction, and the real part of the susceptibility at a specific frequency to be
magnetic intensity兲, as well as the polarization vector and the determined from the frequency dependence of the imaginary
magnetization vector, all have the same dimensions! The part of the susceptibility. It is easier to measure the absorption
common dimension is the statvolt/cm or the statcoulomb/cm2, spectrum than to determine the frequency dependence of the
which are also called the gauss 共G兲 or the oersted 共Oe兲. Typi- refractive index. By treating the frequency as a complex quan-
cally, the unit of gauss only refers to the magnetic field, and tity and by using the technique of complex integration, the
the unit of oersted only refers to the magnetic intensity. It author develops a clear derivation of the Kramers-Kronig
should be pointed out that in the SI system and in the CGS relations.
systems, the units differ in their dimensions. Following the classical treatment of nonlinear optical sus-
As with the SI system of units, the author derives Poynt- ceptibility with its strong pedagogical value, the author dem-
ing’s theorem and the wave equation. These and the other onstrates how quantum mechanics can be used to derive the
derivations in the book are clear and easy to follow. From nonlinear optical susceptibility. A prerequisite for understand-
Maxwell’s equations it follows mathematically that the elec- ing this material is to have a good grounding in quantum
tric and magnetic fields and the direction of energy propaga- mechanics; however, the rewards of this approach include the
tion are all mutually orthogonal. In the last appendix the au- following. The expressions show the symmetries of the sus-
thor presents the units of nonlinear optics in the two types of ceptibility and how the susceptibility depends on the dipole
systems of units, shows how to convert between these two transition moments and the atomic energy levels, and the ex-
systems, and provides tables of physical constants in these pressions can predict the numerical values of the nonlinear
two systems. These appendices are extremely useful, and it is optical susceptibilities. Boyd clearly shows how the use of
rare 共see Jackson’s third edition兲 to find such detailed discus- quantum mechanical perturbation theory to solve
sion of these two systems of units in a nonlinear optics text- Schrödinger’s equation yields expressions for the linear, the
book. second-order, and the third-order susceptibility. The author
So why do some authors prefer the CGS system of units, then provides a clear derivation of the use of density matrix
and others prefer the Gaussian system of units? Perhaps the calculations 共an alternative form of quantum mechanics兲 to
CGS system simplifies their theoretical calculations; on the yield the same quantities.
other hand, in electromagnetism the CGS units are difficult to Nonlinear Optics is both clear in its exposition and com-
define experimentally. The latter problem is not the case for prehensive in its treatment of the field. As two final exemplars
the SI system of units since it is based on the ampere, a unit of of this characterization I select two topics that may be of
current that is easily defined experimentally, with measure- special interest to the readers of JBO: optical phase conjuga-
ments of the quantum Hall or the Josephson effects, for ex- tion and multiphoton processes.
ample. However, the constants in the electromagnetic equa- In 1985 Zel’dovich et al. showed that optical phase conju-
tions are more complex. gation can be used to remove or cancel the effects of optical
The book begins with the definition of linear and nonlinear aberrations in some types of optical systems. The phenom-
susceptibilities for material that is lossless and dispersionless. enon is sometimes called wavefront reversal, but actually the
Next the author presents the more general case with disper- generated wavefront is the same as the incident wavefront, but
sion and loss. Starting with the Lorentz model of an atom as a it propagates in the opposite direction. The author first quali-
harmonic oscillator, which is a good description of the linear tatively describes the effect of a source or signal wave that is
optical properties of atoms, he proceeds with the classical reflected from a perfect or ideal phase conjugate mirror to
anharmonic oscillator. This treatment clearly shows that for produce a reflected or phase-conjugate wave with the follow-
the case of a material without a center of inversion there is a ing properties. First, the complex polarization unit vector of
second-order optical nonlinearity. However, for the case of a the incident wave is replaced by its complex conjugate. Sec-
material with a center of inversion, the lowest order of non- ond, the amplitude of the incident wave is replaced by its
linearity is the third-order nonlinear susceptibility. The author complex conjugate. Third, the wave vector of the incident
cogently points out the major limitation of the classical model wave is replaced by its negative, which is equivalent to time t
of optical nonlinearities: it assumes a single resonance fre- being replaced by its negative, or ⫺t 共time reversal兲. Follow-
quency for each atom. The application of quantum mechanics ing this qualitative description of the process, the author dem-
to the theory of nonlinear and linear optical susceptibilities onstrates mathematically how optical phase conjugation leads
solves this severe limitation in that each atom can have many to aberration correction. Additionally, the author derives the
energy eigenvalues, and thus several resonance frequencies. mathematical relations that show how phase conjugation can
Often in other books one reads about the Kramers-Kronig be generated by the nonlinear optical process of degenerate
relations in linear and nonlinear optics 共they are always valid four-wave mixing. Again, this section is an excellent example
in linear optics, and sometimes valid in nonlinear optics兲; of presenting both the physics and its mathematical descrip-
however, a physical interpretation and a rigorous derivation tion. The perceptive reader will immediately realize that there
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Book Review
are interesting applications of phase conjugation to micros- Barry R. Masters is a visiting scientist in
copy. the Department of Biological Engineering
at the Massachusetts Institute of Technol-
The final exemplar is a very concise section on multipho- ogy, and was formerly a professor in
ton absorption and multiphoton ionization. I found the au- anatomy at the Uniformed Services Univer-
thor’s quantum mechanical derivation of single- and multi- sity of the Health Sciences. He is a Fellow
photon absorption cross sections based on Fermi’s golden rule of both the Optical Society of America and
and the rotating wave approximation to be especially clear. SPIE. He has published 80 refereed re-
search papers and 110 book chapters. He
The author ends the section by generalizing the linear and is the editor or author of Noninvasive Diag-
two-photon absorption processes to higher order processes nostic Techniques in Ophthalmology; Medi-
and presenting the transition rates for these processes. cal Optical Tomography: Functional Imaging and Monitoring; Se-
While I have only described some of the topics that are lected Papers on Confocal Microscopy; Selected Papers on Optical
Low-Coherence Reflectometry and Tomography; Selected Papers
elegantly covered in Nonlinear Optics, Third Edition there is on Multiphoton Excitation Microscopy; and Confocal Microscopy
a wealth of other topics that are clearly described in the book, and Multiphoton Excitation Microscopy: the Genesis of Live Cell Im-
such as phase matching, spontaneous light scattering and aging, and 共with Peter So兲 Handbook of Biomedical Nonlinear Opti-
acousto-optics, stimulated Brillouin, Rayleigh, and Raman cal Microscopy. He is a member of the editorial board of three jour-
scattering, and ultrafast and intense-field nonlinear optics. The nals: Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics; Graefes Archive
for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology; and Ophthalmic Re-
value of this highly recommended book is its ability to ex- search. His research interests include the development of in vivo
plain complex phenomena, and at the same time to provide microscopy of the human eye and skin and the fractal analysis of
the underlying rigorous mathematical descriptions. branching vascular patterns.
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