News Release: July Complex Morning Update
News Release: July Complex Morning Update
News Release: July Complex Morning Update
Forest Service
Klamath National Forest
1711 South Main Street
Yreka CA 96097
News Release
Me"ia Contact! Fire #n$ormation
%&0'6()'&*7& +)!00 a.m. to )!00 ,.m.-
./itter! 01ul2Com,le3in$o
4e5! ///.$"a.6ov7klamath
Face5ook! htt,!77on.$5.me71sn$8F9
July Complex Morning Update
August 29, 2014
Start :ate! 1ul2 &1; (01* Cause! <i6htnin6
Acrea6es7Containment! Whites Fire 33,680 at 85%; Man Fire 2,228 at 0%;
Log Fire 3,632 at 100% Cost to "ate: $39.5M
Tye 1 !re"s 9, Tye 2 !re"s 1#, Tye 3 $ngines 30, %o&ers 3, Water Ten'ers 30, (e)i*oters 8
Current #n$ormation!
4hites Fire Last night +ire a*ti,ity re-aine' ./iet o,er the +ire area. To'ay, *re"s "i)) *ontin/e
"ith re-o,a) o+ ha&ar' trees, ro*0s an' ro))o/t 'e1ris +ro- areas a'2a*ent to the 3a"yers 4ar
5oa'. With the oening o+ 3a"yers 4ar 5oa', -otorists are re-in'e' to /se *a/tion "hen
tra,e))ing the roa' as )arge +ire aarat/s an' +ire+ighters re-ain "or0ing in *)ose ro6i-ity to the
roa'. 3-o)'ering +/e)s aro/n' M/)e 4ri'ge an' 7')e"i)' are 1eing -onitore' 1y *re"s "or0ing in
the area. Fire+ighters *ontin/e to -onitor interior o*0ets o+ +ire. !ontain-ent e++orts *ontin/e to
rogress a)ong the "estern e'ge o+ the +ire to Lo"er 5/ssian La0e; an' this oeration "i)) 1e
ongoing thro/gho/t the "ee0en'. The so/thern e'ges o+ the +ire +ro- Lo"er 5/ssian La0e to
3noo&er 5i'ge re-ain in atro) stat/s. Fire+ighters *ontin/e to sear*h an' *ontain hotsots on the
)ine east o+ 8e))o" %og 9ea0 an' "est o+ Tay)or La0e. The re-ain'er o+ +ire)ine on the northern
e'ges o+ the +ire "i)) re-ain in atro) an' -o / stat/s. $rosion re,ention "or0 is *ontin/ing on
+ire)ines an' *ontingen*y )ines *onstr/*te' '/ring +ire s/ression.
Man Fire %/e to the ha&ar'o/s *on'itions, there are no night oerations. :ir reso/r*es "i)) 1e
a,ai)a1)e to'ay s/12e*t to *)ear s0ies. :nother a*0 string arri,e' yester'ay an' "i)) 1e /ti)i&e' to
s/ort +ire+ighters in the "i)'erness. 9a*0 strings o+ horses an' -/)es are ese*ia))y he)+/) in
'e)i,ering s/)ies to re-ote areas "hen ,isi1i)ity is too restri*te' +or he)i*oters. !re"s "i)) again
*ontin/e to -a0e a**ess an' engage the +ire "here sa+e /sing a *o-1ination o+ 'ire*t an' in'ire*t
+ire+ighting ta*ti*s.
<o6 Fire 7nterior s-o0es "i)) *ontin/e to 1e ,isi1)e. These o*0ets o+ heat are not a threat to
*ontain-ent )ines. Fire+ighters "i)) -aintain ,igi)an*e as they *ontin/e "ith -o / an' +ire
s/ression reair e++orts.
Fire 4eather7=ehavior!
;3%: is an e./a) oort/nity ro,i'er an' e-)oyer.
(ot an' 'ry *on'itions "i)) *ontin/e to'ay, a)tho/gh te-erat/res "i)) 1e s)ight)y *oo)er at <8=98
'egrees, "ith h/-i'ity at 11=23%. >/sty so/th"est "in's "i)) re-ain o,er the +ire to'ay. Win' g/sts to
26 -h *an 1e e6e*te' o,er the ri'ge tos a+ter 2 .-. this a+ternoon. ?,ernight )o"s, +ro- ,a))eys to
the ri'ge tos, are re'i*te' to 1e 55=6# 'egrees.
vacuation >r"ers; A"visories; an" ?oa" Closures!
$,a*/ation or'ers, a',isories, an' roa' *)os/re in+or-ation *on*erning the @/)y !o-)e6 *hange',
:/g. 28, 201#. For *ontin/e' /'ates an' in+or-ation ,isit 7n*i"e1 at
httABBin*i"e1.n"*g.go,Bin*i'entB#035B; httABB""".*o.sis0iyo/.*a./s or Fa*e1oo0 at
httABBon.+1.-eB1sn+CFD +or 'etai)s an' in+or-ation.
Fire *re"s an' e./i-ent "i)) re-ain in the area. 9)ease t/rn hea')ights on "hi)e 'ri,ing an' %? E?T
sto or ar0 a)ong the roa's to "at*h the +ire or +ire+ighting a*ti,ities. 9)ease 'o not 'ist/r1 or atte-t
to oerate +ire+ighting e./i-ent )a*e' on yo/r roerty.
National Forest Closure >r"ers!
Eationa) Forest *)os/re or'ers re-ain in e++e*t +or the @/)y !o-)e6 an' (ay !a- !o-)e6 /nti)
these +ires are 'e*)are' o/t.
To ,ie" 'etai)s on this an' other *)os/res in the area, go to
httABB""".+s./s'a.go,Ba)ertsB0)a-athBa)erts=noti*es .
Air 9ualit2!
When s-o0e is e,i'ent, )i-it ro)onge' o/t'oor a*ti,ities in areas e6erien*ing s-o0e +ro- +orest +ires.
The e)'er)y, yo/ng *hi)'ren an' eo)e "ith asth-a, *hroni* resiratory i))ness or heart 'isease -ay 1e
arti*/)ar)y rone to a',erse hea)th e++e*ts +ro- hea,y s-o0e. For air=./a)ity /'ates, )ease ,isit the
3is0iyo/ !o/nty 9o))/tion !ontro) %istri*t at httABB""".*o.sis0iyo/.*a./sBagBa*.as6
3-o0e -ay i-air ,isi1i)ity on roa'"ays in 3is0iyo/ !o/nty areas. For in+or-ation on s-o0e
*on'itions ,isit httABB*a)i+ornias-o0ein+o.1)ogsot.*o-B
#n$ormation Contacts!
F)a-ath Eationa) Forest Fire 7n+or-ation LineA 530=8#1=##51, 3is0iyo/ !o/nty ?++i*e o+ $-ergen*y,
3er,i*esA 530=8#1=2155, 3is0iyo/ !o/nty 3heri++Gs ?++i*eA 530=926=2552
;3%: is an e./a) oort/nity ro,i'er an' e-)oyer.