Handbook On Pig Production - English Layout-Vietanm-Draft
Handbook On Pig Production - English Layout-Vietanm-Draft
Handbook On Pig Production - English Layout-Vietanm-Draft
on Pig Production
(For the small holders at village level)
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
European Comission
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
With Financial Assistance from the European Commission
Farmer's Hand Book
on Pig Production
(For the small holders at village level)
European Comission
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v Farmer's Handbook on Pig Production
Acknowledgements iii
Introduction iv
Breeds 1
Native Breeds 1
Jangali Bandel / Wild Boar 1
Pygmi Bandel 1
Hurra 2
Chwanche 2
Banmpudke 2
Pakhribas Black Pig 3
Dharane Kalo Banggur 3
Exotic Breeds 3
Yorkshire 4
Landrace 4
Hampshire 4
Duroc 5
Tibetan 5
Tamworth 6
Meishan 6
Crosses between native and exotic for Improvement of local breeds: 6
Breeding 9
Pure-breeding 9
Out breeding 9
In breeding 10
Efect of In-Breeding 10
Methods of cross breedy: 12
Cross breeding 12
Efect of Cross Breeding 13
Efect of Negative Selection 14
Best Breeding Practices to be Adopted in the Villages 15
Selection of Breeding Gilt 16
Selection of Breeding Boar 16
Heat detection - Common signs of heat 17
Farmer's Handbook on Pig Production vi
1st stage: Early heat signs 17
2nd stage: Service period signs 17
3rd stage: Post oestrus-period signs 17
How to induce heat - Recommended practices 18
Stimulating regular heat 18
When sow is in gestation 19
Culling 19
Assistance 21
Reasons for not conceiving 22
Care and Management of breeding Boar 22
Care and Management of breeding Boar 23
Care and Management of breeding Sow 24
Minimum Breeding Ages for Boars and Gilts 24
Care and Management of New Born Piglets 25
Feeding piglets whose mother does not produce enough milk 26
Colostrums Substitute 26
Teeth Trimming 26
Anaemia or Iron defciency 27
Tail Cutting 28
Heating for Piglets 28
Creep feeding 28
Rearing motherless piglets 28
Feeding program 29
Feeding program for orphan piglets 29
Weaning 29
Selection of Replacement 29
Culling of sows 30
Castration 31
Castration - step by step 32
Pigs Digestive Systems 33
Feeding 33
Anatomy of the Digestive System 33
What you can feed to your pig? 34
What you cannot feed to you pig? 34
Formulation feed 35
Traditional pig feeds 36
Traditional feed processing 42
Feeding Forest Products 43
Feeding Alcohol distilling residues 43
vii Farmer's Handbook on Pig Production
Daily Fee requirements 44
Feeder trough size 45
Drinkers 46
Elements for a good housing 47
Housing Management 47
How to keep a healthy pig 48
Efect of bad housing 49
Selection of housing locations 49
Construction plan for a good pig house/shed 50
Space requirement for pigs 51
Diferent models/types of pig house/sheds. 52
Parasitic diseases 55
Internal parasites (Worms) 55
Disease and Parasite 55
The Location of parasites 55
Roundworm 56
Tapeworm 57
External parasites 58
Mange 58
Lice 59
Myiasis 60
Deworming 61
Anaphrodisias 63
Leptospirosis 63
Reproductive Disorders and Diseases 63
Brucellosis 64
Uterine Prolapsed 64
Mastitis 65
Endometritis (bacteria) 65
Prevention and treatment 66
Diseases and Disorders of Digestive Tract 66
Scouring 66
Birth diarrhoea 66
Red diarrhoea or clostridial enteritis 66
Transmissible Gastroenteritis 67
Fat diarrhea 67
Post diarrhea 68
Farmer's Handbook on Pig Production viii
Salmonellosis 68
Swine Dysentery 68
Post weaning syndrome (oedema disease) 69
Diseases of the Respiratory Tract 69
Infuenza 69
Pleural Pneumonia 70
Atrophic rhinitis (infammation of the nose) 70
Pasteurellosis 70
Porcine Respiratory and Reproductive Syndrome (PRRS) 71
Disease Causing Problems in Walking 71
Arthritis 71
Streptococcal infections 72
Greasy Pig Disease 72
Nutritional Disorders 72
Anaemia 72
Other Diseases 73
Foot and mouth disease (FMD) 73
Swine fever/Hog cholera 73
Anthrax 74
Vaccination Schedule for Pigs 74
References 75
1 Farmer's Handbook on Pig Production
Native Breeds
Native breeds of pig can be found throughout the country. They are a small body
size compared to other exotic and crosses pig types. There name varies from region
to region, for example: Jangali Bandel / Wild Boar, Pygmi Bandel, Hurra, Banmpudke,
Chwanche, Pakhribas Black Pig and Dharane Kalo Banggur. Their short description
is given below.
Jangali Bandel / Wild Boar
Found in the wild throughout the country, for the commercial production to receive
seed Rs 10,000 per piglet to be paid to the National Park and Wild Life Conservation
Department of Nepal.
Height ; 90 95 cm, Weight; 200 - 250
Color; Brown black with thick hair on
the body
Herd comprises ; 6 30 heads up to 3
generation, Conceive Oct Dec,
Farrowing Feb April, Gestation
period 115 days, Litter size; 4 6,
Piglets look very diferent in
appearance and in color strips at an
early stage.
Pygmi Bandel
Found in throughout northern India,
Bhutan, and Nepal. Smallest, adult males
average 65 cm long and 25 cm tall.
Females are slightly smaller. Males average
8.5 kg in weight. Their coats have blackish-
brown bristles over gray-brown skin.
Reproduction is seasonal, and the birth
peak coincides with the monsoon in late
April and May. Gestation is approximately
100 days and litters size 2 to 6, sexual
Landrace Female;
Landrace Male ;
Piglets born
11 Farmer's Handbook on Pig Production
Female Male
Breeding between full sibling
Less and Smaller piglets born
About 25 % less no of smaller and weak piglets are born as compared with frst
sow and some of them were borne dead
Male and Female piglet taken by another farmers to his home
Breeding between the same siblings about six piglets.
About 50 % less no of vey smaller and weak piglets born as compared with the
frst sow, some of them were borne dead
Hampshire Female Landrace Male
Piglets borne from crosses between Hampshire and
15 Farmer's Handbook on Pig Production
Breeding between the same siblings about 6 piglets.
About 50 % less, smaller and weak piglets born as compared with the frst sow,
some of them will borne dead.
Best Breeding Practices to be Adopted in the Villages
Best pig breeding pruchees adapted in the villagee. ( Breeding boar exchange
between villages / farmers grops.)
For crossbreeding; male piglet exchanged between villages. Every year breeding
male must be changed with un-related herd to avoid inbreeding problems.
Farmer's Handbook on Pig Production 16
Selection of Breeding Gilt
It is extremely important to select a good boar since it contributes half the quality
of the herd. Areas to be consider while selecting breeding Gilt:
Gilts selected to have at least 12 teats so as to accommodate a large litter
Gilts to be selected from sows, which wean 9 -10 or more piglets per litter and
are known to be good mothers and frst farrowing at one year of age and
farrowing interval of seven month.
Select breeding gilts at weaning period, further selection should be done 5-6
months of age.
Select fast growing weaners. These will likely consume less feed per unit live
weight gain. Thus less costly to keep.
Select gilts which have developed
hams and comparatively light heads.
The selected gilts should have good
body confrmation i.e. strong legs,
sound feet etc.
Gilt should not select for breeding
purpose having supernumerary and
inverted teats, and fat deposited at
the base of the teats
Guilt must be at least 8 months old at
frst service.
Age to breed gi l ts 8 months
Wei ght of breed gi l ts 100-120 kg
Length of heat peri od 2-3 days
Best ti me to breed i n heat peri od Gilts frst day and Sows- Second day
Number of servi ces per sow 2 services at an interval of 12-14 hours
Peri od of oestrous cycl e 18-24 days (Average 21 days)
Occurrence of heat after weani ng 2-10 days
Gestati on peri od 114 days
Selection of Breeding Boar
It is extremely important to select a good
boar since it contributes half the quality
of the herd. Areas to be consider while
selecting breeding Boar:
Boar to have sound feet with good,
full hams, uniform curve at the back
and of good length.
Year 6 Month
2 3
4 5
17 Farmer's Handbook on Pig Production
Boar to have at least 12 nicely placed rudimentary teats so as to pass on this
Boar to be selected from sows, which wean 8 -10 or more piglets per litter and
are known to be good mothers.
Boar to be selected from the herd which is having normal sex organs, active,
healthy and strong.
Selection to be done before castration i.e. at 4 weeks. Select biggest from the
Boar must be at least 8 months old at frst service.
Heat detection - Common signs of heat
1st stage: Early heat signs
General restlessness
Vulva turns red and is swollen
White mucus discharge
2nd stage: Service period signs
Real Oestrus lasts for 40 - 60 hours
Vulva becomes less red and swollen
Slimy mucus discharge
Tendency to mount and be mounted by others.
The sow or gilt will stand still when pressure is applied to her back (can accept a
man's weight sitting on her. Thus the right stage to send her to the boar).
3rd stage: Post oestrus-period signs
The sow/gilt will not stand still when pressure is applied to her back.
The swelling of the vulva disappears.
Stage - 1
Stage - 2
Red Swollen Vulva
in gilt.
Farmer's Handbook on Pig Production 18
How to induce heat - Recommended practices
After farrowing, a sow may be slow to come into heat. Here are a few methods
used by farmers to induce heat:
Gently stroke the sows vagina with a freshly cut papaya stalk every morning for
3-5 days.
Spray the sows (or gilts) pen with boar urine every morning for 3-5 days.
Grind 1 kg of fresh or dried lotus (Semen nelumbinis) seeds. Mix with 20 kg of
dry feed. Feed to the sow twice a day for 5-7 days.
Bring the sow to the boar, or place the sow in a pen next to the boar.
Put the sow with the boar for a short period every day when the heat is
Always take the sow to the boar. This is less upsetting for him.
Put the sow and boar together just before feeding.
During her 24-hour pick heat period allow the boar to serve twice, with an
interval of about 12-14 hour intervals between services. Do not mate animals
during the hot time of day.
If the sow doesn't conceive, she will return on heat again in about 3-week's time.
10 days before service, give the sow/gilt 1 - 2 kg of feed extra per day. Continue
this for one week after service.
During the last month of pregnancy, give 0.5 kg extra feed per day but decrease
this gradually one week before farrowing. Provide plenty of water to help
prevent congested gut during farrowing.
Each boar should be kept in its own pen to avoid fghting. For mating, the sow
is taken to the boar.
Stimulating regular heat
Remove the sow from the piglets early (at 4 - 6 weeks of age) and all at once.
Take the sow to a house with dry sows.
Put the sow close to a boar, in a way that makes direct contact (hear , see, smell)
Standing test
in estrous sow
Stage - 2
19 Farmer's Handbook on Pig Production
The sow should not be given any feed on the day of weaning.
The next day feed about 4 kg/day. This is called fushing and should be done for
a maximum of 10 days or until the service takes place.
Put the sows in groups (stress stimulates heat)
If there are heat problems, change the type of feed for a few days.
Maintain a good climate; see to it that there is sufcient light in the house.
Sows should not be too fat or too thin when they are served. It is important to
keep this in mind when determining the ration during the suckling period.
When sow is in gestation
after 21 days of serving she does not show heat signs
Echo scan pregnancy detection 23 - 35 days, positive results
Sows that are difcult to get in-pig (pregnant) which only manage to rear small
litters should be sold of.
Boars which are infertile or moderately infertile should be culled
The needle-sharp
teeth of piglets
being trimmed
27 Farmer's Handbook on Pig Production
removed there is a risk of damaging the
mouth. When trimming the teeth the
tongue of the piglets should be rolled
back to avoid injuring it.
Anaemia or Iron defciency
Oral Iron Supplement
Oral Iron Supplement is an iron supplement for newborns. The manufacturing of
Oral Iron Supplement uses a special, chelated process that bonds the available iron,
thus allowing the piglets system to safely absorb the iron in order to raise and
maintain adequate iron levels.
The ideal method of administering Oral Iron Supplement, to the newborn piglet,
is to rub the liquid iron onto the udder of sow. When the piglets move from teat to
teat they will slowly absorb the iron thus reducing the chances of any toxic reaction
due to excessive amounts of iron. No injections are required when using Oral Iron
Supplement thereby eliminating chance of toxic reaction due to iron dextran.
Anaemia is caused by iron defciency. This iron is needed for the formation of
haemoglobin. This is an important problem, especially for young piglets kept
indoors. At birth the piglets have about 50mg of iron in their body. They receive
additional 1-2 mg/day from milk while they need 7mg during the frst week. It is
obvious that the quantity of iron decreases rapidly and if not supplemented. The
piglets become very pale a few weeks after birth and their growth slows down.
This can be prevented by:
Giving the piglet (3 and 10 days after birth) iron injection (1 and 2 ml
respectively) IM preferably at neck muscles.
Oral iron- paste containing iron is put in the mouth within 24 hours of birth
A teeth trimmer
Iron injection solution
Farmer's Handbook on Pig Production 28
Feeding compost- must be of good quality and supplied daily. Compost of poor
quality may contain bacteria.
Wood ash can also be put into the pen. This will not provide iron, but it does
contain other important minerals.
Tail Cutting
Cut the tip of the tail within 4-7 days. This prevents tail chewing, which can lead to
infections. A piece of chain can be hung down from the ceiling for the piglets to chew.
Heating for Piglets
In cold weather, a small area can be
heated with an infrared lamp. This keeps
the young pigs warm. It helps prevent
pneumonia and crushing as the piglets
tend to stay under the lamp when not
Creep feeding
Young piglets from 7 days onwards
should have high protein feed available to them. This has to be fed in a small
area where the mother cannot eat the feed. The feed conversion rate of young
piglets is very high and thus creep feeding is particularly economic. Creep
feeding helps the piglets to get used to feeding at an early age.
NB: The sow's milk yield also begins to decrease just as the growing piglets require
Rearing motherless piglets
It is very important that newly-born piglets receive colostrum straight after birth
to build up their natural resistance. Colostrum is the frst milk that the sow
produces after farrowing. If the sow dies whilst farrowing, the colostrum will
have to be taken from another farrowing sow for the piglets. If they get no
colostrum, their chance of survival is very small.
Cow's or goat's milk can be given to the piglets. This is after the piglets have
taken colostrum. The milk should not be diluted, as sow's milk is very
concentrated. It should be warmed up to slightly above body temperature (37 -
40C) in a pan lowered into a larger pan containing boiling water.
A pig is held securely between the legs of the assistant with the scrotum exposed and testicles rounded out
Farmer's Handbook on Pig Production 32
Castration - step by step
Step 6: Afterwards wash the wounds thoroughly with a
disinfectant like iodine to prevent infection. The other
testicle is removed in the same way.
Step 5: Cut the cord attached to the testicle by scraping
away with the edge of the knife. There is more bleeding if
the cord is cut in one stroke or sweep of the blade.
Step 3: Pull the testicle out, so that the attached cord is
also pulled to the outside.
Step 4: Hold the exposed testicle with the left hand while
the cord is twisted twice.
Step 1: Wash and wipe the scrotum with a disinfectant Step 2: Press one testicle against the scrotal skin to
tighten the skin over the testicle. Make a cut, large enough
to allow the testicle to be pushed out. Uses a very sharp and
clean knife for the operation
Always Request Technician to Perform Task
33 Farmer's Handbook on Pig Production
Good feed is necessary for growth, body maintenance and the production of meat
and milk. You can use locally available feeds that are less expensive, but can
be nutritionally complete when properly prepared. In fact, pigs can be fed
well, using only kitchen scraps from a familys household. The nutritional
needs of pigs can be divided into six categories or classes. These are water,
carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins and minerals.
Pigs Digestive Systems
Anatomy of the Digestive System
Oesophageal region
Pyloric region
Terminal ilum
Diseases Gastric problems
E. coli
Epidemic diarrhoea
Gastric ulcers
Vomiting wasting disease
Enteric problems
Bloody gut (PHE)
Epidemic diarrhoea
Porcine enteropathy
Colonic problems
Serpulina pilosicoli
Swine dysentery
Trichuris suis
Rectal problems
Rectal prolapse
Rectal stricture
Farmer's Handbook on Pig Production 34
What you can feed to your pig?
Commercially prepared swine rations from grain, fruit
and vegetable from markets
Vegetable, fruit or bread scraps that have been not in
contact with animal products or by-products if they
are properly cooked.
Restaurants, food transporters and disposers of food
waste products if they are properly cooked.
Forest Products, wild vegetables, wild bananas, wild
cola cassia, yam, forage grasses etc. if they are
properly cooked.
Alcohol distilling residues: local alcohol can be made
from millet, rice, maize, sweet potato, banana, etc. if
they are properly cooked.
What you cannot feed to you pig?
Any meat products; includes pies, sausage rolls,
bacon and cheese rolls, pizza, salami and other
delicatessen meats and table scraps without proper
cooking and screening.
35 Farmer's Handbook on Pig Production
Any carcass or part of a carcass of any mammal or bird
(raw and uncooked); includes any meat blood, ofal,
hide or feathers. Pigs that feed on carcass are also at
risk of contracting diseases which is contagious to
Any fsh products and bones.
The excreta (droppings) of any mammal or bird
Any substance that has come into contact with
a prohibited substance via collection, storage or
transport in a contaminated container such as meat
trays and take away food containers.
Household, commercial or industrial waste includes
restaurant waste, without proper cooking and
Risks Associated with Feeding Raw or Improperly Cooked Food Wastes to
Swine, if in doubt dont feed any food waste without checking frst
Formulation feed
Creep feed
Creep Feed is the baby piglets frst and most important dry food. It contains
20% protein that is highly fortifed with milk by-products and is available in
small, chewable, highly palatable pellets for easy digestion.
A combination of protein source, milk replacer, vitamins, amino acids and rich
feed ingredients makes this complete feed the ideal start for young healthy
Feed ingredients in descending order: corn, soya bean meal, barley, wheat bran,
vegetable protein, oilseeds extracts, fatty acids, feed phosphate, pig vitamins,
and trace minerals.
Creep feed (about 20g per piglet per day) or a good home-made mixture with
fne rice bran, broken rice and milled maize grains. Clean drinking water must
always be available.
Breeder feed
Fattener feed
Breeder feed
Locally available materials, cleaning pig feeds
(1) Cola-cassia or green
vegetable leaf
(2) Wheat / Ricebran
(3) Broken Rice/Wheat
(5) Make Money
(4) Kitchen waste
43 Farmer's Handbook on Pig Production
Feeding Forest Products
Pig feed can also be prepared with forest
products (wild vegetables, wild bananas,
wild cola cassia etc). At the same
time, food waste can be used (kitchen,
restaurant, fruits, soup, rice, noodles etc).
Growing legumes as feed for village pig
production is having a big impact on
the livelihoods of rural families in Nepal.
Below is an example of a locally prepared
supplementary pig feed from forest
Feeding Alcohol distilling residues
Local alcohol can be made from millet, rice, maize, sweet potato, banana, etc. Most
popular for pig feeding is distillery wastes from millet. It should be mixed with
other feeds such as rice bran and broken rice/maize grids. Distillers residues can be
fed to fattening pigs, but not to pregnant or lactating sows. The following mixing
ratio is commonly used in combination with distillery waste; Rice bran/Wheat bran
(2 kg), broken rice (1 kg), and Distillers residues (5-10 kg) and other locally available
agricultural by-products.
A female farmer chopping stylo
grous female
Water Salt Yeast
and mixed
Mixed properly
chuped sweet
Don't feed
to a young
1 2 3 4
Farmer's Handbook on Pig Production 44
Distillery Residues 5-10lit Rice /Wheat Bran-1kg Broken Rice or Maize grids-1kg mixed
Local alcohol can be made from millet, rice, maize, sweet potato, yam (Phul Tarul),
banana, etc. Most popular for pig feeding is distillery waste from millet and rice,
protein content ranged from 17 to 33% (mean of 23%) in dry matter basis. It
should be mixed with other feeds such as rice bran, wheat bran, maize/millet
four, and broken rice etc. Distillers residues can be fed to fattening pigs, but not
to pregnant or lactating sows. Yet, these animals require high quality of feed and
therefore distillery waste needs to be replaced by other high quality feed like
commercial feeds
Ingredients Pig weight 15 - 30 kg Pig weight 30 - 60 kg Pig weight over 60 kg
Soya beans 25 20 15
Rice bran 25 30 35
Maize 20 25 30
Broken rice 5 5 5
Wheat bran 20 15 10
Leucaena tree leaves 5 5 5
Total (100 Kg) 100 100 100
Crude protein (%) 16 15 14
Daily Fee requirements
Dry/pregnant Sows and Gilts: Dry sows and gilts give 2.5/kg day of sow and
weaner meal. Give extra 1kg/day one week before serving gilts and sows and
one week after service. Give lactating sows 2.5 kg/day of sow and weaner meal
for maintenance and 0.25 kg/day extra for each piglet being suckled.
Boars: Give boars 2.0 kg/day. If the boar is regularly used give it 2.5 Kg.
Piglets: Give creep pellets i.e. 0.5 - 1.00 kg/day from day 7 up to weaning
time(21 days) per piglet. The feed should be mixed with sow and weaner meal
the last one week before weaning.
Feeding of Growing and Finishing pigs: - Pigs weaned at 3 - 5 weeks of 11 - 13
kg body weight should continue being fed on the starter diet until they reach 18
kg live weight. Pigs weaned at 7 weeks or older may be switched gradually to
Cement foor
Wooden/Stone slates/Bricks Wooden poles
51 Farmer's Handbook on Pig Production
Space requirement for pigs
Model Remarks
pig 0.5
- 1.0
A fat, solid foor is
usually made from
cement (but not
polished to avoid
slipping) or from hard
soil. The foor should
be sloping away to
the rear to facilitate
cleaning with water.
- 2.0
Pregnant sows need
a quiet environment.
Therefore individual
pens are some- times
used for pregnant
sows. In hot climates
pregnant sows are
alternatively housed in
small groups of three.
sow 4
- 6 sqm
Lactating sows need
a quiet environment.
Therefore individual
pens are used. There
should be provision
for; farrowing pan,
heating and cooling
arrangements, Piglet
nest/ box, creep feed
/starter feed for piglets.
A fat, solid foor is
usually made from
cement (but not
polished to avoid
slipping) or from hard
soil. The foor should
be sloping away to
the rear to facilitate
cleaning with water.
Farmer's Handbook on Pig Production 52
Model Remarks
boar 6
- 8 sqm
Special care is required
to prevent boars from
escaping to the gilts
and sows that are on
heat (strong and high
Diferent models/types of pig house/sheds.
Good, enough shade Not good, no shade
53 Farmer's Handbook on Pig Production
Farmer's Handbook on Pig Production 54
55 Farmer's Handbook on Pig Production
Sick pigs generally have the following signs:
It may not eat or not show interest in feed /water
It may breathe rapidly indication of a fever
In white skin-colored pigs the skin may become reddish.
It may have diarrhea which may sometimes be bloody or blood stained.
Droopy ears or ears pointing downwards.
Dull eyes.
Dull skin and hair.
Its tail will become limp.
Separates it self from the rest
Parasitic diseases
Parasites are divided into external and internal parasites.
Internal parasites (Worms)
Worms are one of the most serious threats to pig keeping. There are more than 30
types afecting the intestines of pigs. The most important two are the intestinal
roundworm and the tape worm.
Disease and Parasite
Kidney worms
Stomach worms
Lice, Flies
Small intestine
Large intestine
The sites where the diferent parasites are found
The Location of parasites
Farmer's Handbook on Pig Production 56
Roundworms live in the gut and take food from the pig. The pig can therefore
become thin. Giant intestinal roundworms (Ascaris lumbricoides) are common
around the world, especially in warm, moist climates. These worms are large, about
the size of a pencil. The infection begins with the ingestion of eggs which are
usually present in contaminated soil, or on fruits and vegetables grown in infected
Anorexia in advanced stages.
Anaemia loss of condition.
Weight loss in later stages.
When the worms die suddenly after treatment, they can block the gut and cause
sudden death
Control with medicine in the food is useful and provide clean and dry pens.
Rotational grazing and periodic disinfection of pastures.
Separation of young ones from adults.
Washing sows before farrowing.
Periodic deworming
Herbal treatment: herbs such as moringa are considered to be antihelmintic
( able to kill intestinal worms)
fenbendazole (Safe-Guard
), levamisole (Tramisol
, Levasole
), pyrantel (Banminth
dichlorvos (Atgard
Reproductive Disorders and Diseases
Farmer's Handbook on Pig Production 64
Vaccination and hygienic measures. Vaccines are not available for all types of
the diseases and vaccination may not prevent bloody urine.
Treat all sows with injection or streptomycin before serving.
Use antibiotibics especially streptomycin for all ages.
Anorexia, fever, stif legs, occasional lameness, early abortion (returns to oestrus
5 - 8 weeks after service as a result of infection of service)
Infection later in pregnancy gives rise to litter with mummifed, still born or
weak piglets.
Bloody vulva discharge and endometritis.
Retained placenta.
Boars usually develop orchitis (infammation of one or both testicles) and
epididymitis within seven days of infection.
The testicles are swollen and painful and permanent sterility can be the result.
Prevention and treatment
Prevention is based on hygienic measures and purchase of stock from clean
herds only.
Never treat by antibiotics.
No treatment/vaccination is 100% efective
Slaughter all animals and do restocking. Restocking should be after one month.
Uterine Prolapsed
The appearance of the uterus outside the vulva.
Farmer's Handbook on Pig Production 68
Post diarrhea
Diarrhoea with no traces of blood.
Death from dehydration or blood poisoning (septicaemia).
Prevention and treatment
Increase creep feed before weaning.
Avoid stress to piglets by not mixing piglets from diferent litters.
Good hygienic measures include roughage in diet.
Use antibiotics as prescribed by a veterinary doctor.
High fever, dullness, anorexia, weakness, nervous symptoms.
Bluish-red coloring of the ears, limbs and the centre of the belly.
Bloody spots all over the body.
Wasting and persistent grayish diarrhea sometimes mixed with blood and
shreds or necrotic material from the gut.
Prevention and treatment
Normal hygienic measures pelleted feed, thorough cooking of the swill.
Remove feed for two days and provide clean water.
Use antibiotics as prescribed by a veterinary doctor.
Swine Dysentery
Known by a number of names, including bloody diarrhoea, hemorrhagic enteritis
bloody scours and black scours. It afects pigs of all ages, sometimes causing death.
In acute cases wasting and passing of diarrhoea containing varying amounts of
mucus, blood and necrotic material.
In chronic cases, pigs have greyish or brownish faeces, rough hair coat and low
growth rate.