Journal 2

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Lightning Protection of Wind Turbines A

Comparison Of Real Lightning Strike Data
And Finite Element Lightning Attachment
Vidyadhar Peesapati and Ian Cotton, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract--Wind turbine lightning protection systems have been
developed to the point where lightning damage is relatively rare.
However, with windfarms moving offshore, manufacturers are
striving to continuously improve lightning protection systems
while ensuring that they comply with relevant IEC standards.
The case of offshore wind farms is particularly important due to
the difficulties faced in accessing a wind turbine should this be
required owing to lightning damage. The paper details work
done to model upward propagating lightning strike attachment
on a wind turbine. A 3D electrostatic model of a full scale wind
turbine has been modelled using available Finite Element
Analysis software. This full scale model is subjected to high
electric fields comparable to those created by a charged cloud.
Results from these simulations are then compared with those
found from analysis of real lightning strike data taken from wind
turbines and windfarms across the world.

Index Terms--Lightning, wind turbine, finite element,
modeling, electric field.

ind turbines being developed offshore are increasing in
size and this trend is not likely to abate in the near
future. The lightning strike frequency to onshore wind
turbines is usually calculated based on the likelihood of
downward lightning attachment. However, taller wind
turbines such as those being used offshore will be increasingly
subject to upward lightning attachment. This form of a
lightning (to be discussed in more detail in a later section) is
triggered by the wind turbine itself in the presence of a
thundercloud and has the ability to significantly increase the
number of lightning strikes to a wind turbine per year. As the
attachment processes are fundamentally different to those of
downward lightning,

This work has been carried out under the Supergen V Wind Energy
Theme, funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council,
UK. Further information about Supergen Wind is available at
V Peesapati is with the Department of Electrical and Electronics
Engineering, Power Systems Group, University of Manchester(e-mail:
I Cotton is with the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering,
Power Systems Group, University of Manchester

there is also uncertainty regarding the likely point of lightning
attachment. Current turbine lightning protection systems have
been shown reasonably effective for downward lightning but
there is an underlying risk in assuming the same systems will
work for upward lightning.
This paper aims to examine the likely points on a wind turbine
structure where upward propagating lightning may form. It
also compares these results with real lightning strike data, to
see if the results correlate. In the introduction, a background
of the problems wind turbines face from lightning is given and
the phenomenology of lightning is more fully described. Later
sections introduce the finite element models used in this work
and the corresponding results.

Lightning is an atmospheric discharge of current. The highest
recorded value of lightning current is around 250kA [1][2].
However, this value is very rarely seen, the median (for a
downward negative stroke) being about 30kA with the median
values of charge transfer and specific energy being 5.2C and
55kJ/ respectively [1][2]. The visible part of the lightning
strike process, whether lightning strikes the ground or not, is
termed as a lightning flash. The individual components of
this lightning flash are defined as strokes. Lightning can be
classified into two main types with respect to wind turbines,
upward and downward initiated. These are also known by the
names, cloud-to-ground and ground-to-cloud lightning. These
two forms of lightning can be further subdivided into positive
and negative polarity respectively, the polarity being that of
the charge transferred from the cloud to the ground.
A. Downward Initiated Lightning
Downward initiated lightning starts from the cloud with a
stepped leader moving towards the earth. The end of the
leader, the leader tip, is in excess of 10MV with respect to the
earth [3]. As the tip descends, it raises the electric field
strength at the surface of the earth. Where this field is elevated
significantly, typically around sharp and/or tall objects, local
ionization of the air takes place and answering leaders are
emitted and travel towards the downward propagating leader.
When an answering leader and stepped leader meet, this
completes the channel or path from the cloud to earth, thus
allowing the charge in the cloud to travel through the ionised
channel. The location from which these answering leaders
form is critical in determining which point of the wind turbine
will be hit by lightning. The first transfer of significant current
is the first return stroke, which has a peak value of upto a few
hundred kiloamps and a typical duration of a few hundred
microseconds. After a certain time interval, further strokes
may follow the already ionised path, these are known as
subsequent return strokes (Fig 1). On average, a negative
downward lighting flash may contain 2 to 3 subsequent return
strokes. Positive downward flashes (only 10% of those
observed worldwide) are higher in magnitude but typically
contain no subsequent strokes.
An upward initiated discharge often starts with a continuing
current on which may be superimposed short duration high
magnitude current pulses. Although the current values are
quite low at around 10kA [3] as compared to downward
lightning, the charge transfer associated with the continuing
current phase can be quite high. The initial continuing current
may be followed by a number of return strokes that are similar
to those observed in a negative downward lightning flash.

The high peak currents carried by lightning strikes are a
source of significant energy. If the wind turbine lightning
protection system does not divert this lightning current safely
to ground through a low impedance path, significant damage
can result. If a component of a wind turbine is damaged there
are two things that need to be considered; the resulting repair
costs and the associated loss in production caused due to
downtime. Given the move of wind turbines to offshore
locations and the need to mobilise special floating cranes,
these costs and repair times will only have increased in recent
years. Due to the risk of damage and possible downtime due
to lightning strikes, all new wind turbines are normally
equipped with lightning protection systems. Guidance on how
to achieve this is given in [4].

Fig. 1. Profile Downward Initiated Lightning
The main functions of the lightning protection installed on a
wind turbine are:
B. Upward Initiated Lightning
Successful attachment/formation of the lightning
strike to a preferred attachment point such as the air
termination system on the blade
The presence of tall structures and objects brings rise to
another form of lightning, which is upward initiated. Tall
structures enhance the electric field produced by a
thundercloud and this can give rise to upward propagating
leaders that move towards the cloud and which can then
develop into a lightning flash. The attachment process is
therefore somewhat different to downward propagating
lightning and this issue will be dealt with in a later section.
This phenomenon is particularly common where the cloud
height is quite low (often during winter months in coastal
areas or in mountainous regions). The profile of an upward
discharge is different as compared to that of a downward
initiated discharge (Fig 2).
Facilitating the passage of the lightning current
through the system into the earth without causing
damage to systems including that damage that would
result from high levels of electric and magnetic field
Minimising the levels of voltages and voltage
gradients observed in and around the wind turbine

These functions can be achieved by a number of different
methods which have changed and improved with the
development of new wind turbines. As they are the highest
part of the turbine and therefore particularly prone to lightning
attachment, the blades are usually considered an extremely
important part of the wind turbine in terms of lightning
protection. The different types of lightning protection installed
in wind turbines blades are [3]:

Air termination systems on the blade surfaces
High resistive tapes and diverters
Down conductors placed inside the blade
Conducting materials for the blade surface
Fig. 2. Profile Upward Initiated Lightning


Fig. 3. Lightning Protection Methods for Rotor Blades

In all types of LPS, the metallic air terminations, strips and
diverters and down conductors should be of sufficient cross
sections that they safely conduct the lightning current without
any physical damage.

A system that is widely used is the internal lightning
protection system consisting of a internal lightning down
conductor capable of carrying the lightning current. Metal
receptors (Fig 3) which act as air terminations penetrate the
blade surface and are then connected to the down conductor.
This system of external receptors connected to an internal
down conductor is being widely used for blades upto 60m [3]
and the system is not likely to change for blades of larger

According to [8], rotor blades with built in lightning
protection are far less likely to experience extensive damage
as compared to those without. Current lightning protection
systems for rotor blades are designed to withstand 98% of
lightning strikes [5] but there is still a risk of damage,
particularly at the attachment point. More information
regarding the types of lightning damage that have been
observed in wind turbines and the types lab tests that can be
used to verify/understand lightning protection performance is
available in [4] [5] [9].

The lightning data used in this paper comes from an Offshore
Windfarm. The data has been collected over a period of over
three years, the oldest lightning strike record being in June
2003 with the last reading analysed being from in October
2006. This is an equivalent of 216 turbine years.

Data at this windfarm is collected in two ways. The first
measurement system is the active Jomitek system. This
consists of two antennas which are placed on opposite sides of
the tower [10] [11]. In the event of a lightning strike to the
wind turbine, the lightning current flow induces a voltage into
the antennae system as a result of the rate of change of
magnetic field around the tower. Lightning strikes away from
the wind turbine are discriminated against by adding the
outputs of the antennae together. The Jomitek system has a
simple analog trigger level which at the offshore wind farm is
set to 1 kA peak. The output of this measurement system is
connected to the turbine SCADA system. In the event of the
system being triggered, an alarm is raised but no data
regarding the possible magnitude of the lightning current is
obtained. For this reason, peak current sensor (PCS) cards
manufactured by OBO Bettermann are placed on the down-
conductor of each of the blades and of the air terminals
protecting the aviation lights and the wind-vane. These cards
have a magnetic strip imprinted with a pre-defined signal.
When placed near a down conductor, the magnetic field
resulting from the flow of lightning current erases a portion of
this magnetic strip and by the use of a card reader, the current
that the card has observed can be found. Once the Jomitek
system has been triggered, it is possible to go to the wind
turbine to remove the PCS cards and therefore gain
knowledge of the lightning strike magnitude along with the
component struck. The PCS cards are capable of only
recording one peak current (the highest observed). During
multiple strikes it is not possible to determine the number of
strikes. Also the PCS cards have a range of 3-120 kA. Peak
currents lower than 3 kA are not registered and peak currents
above 120 will register 120kA.

The data from the offshore windfarm is firstly examined by
showing the components of the wind turbine on which the
PCS cards indicated current readings following an alarm.
Multiple registrations were present on a number of occasions.
The data in Fig 4 shows that the wind vane and aviation lights
PCS cards (actually fitted onto the lightning protection rods of
these components) indicated lightning current flowing through
these components regularly. This result is in contrast to the
work by a number of other researchers who suggest that the
blades are the parts of a wind turbine that are most likely to be
hit by lightning [3] [5] [8] [12] [13]. However as most wind
turbines are not equipped with PCS cards and those which are
have them mainly fitted in the blades, there are for most wind
turbines simply no effective registration of lightning striking
elsewhere but the blades. From Fig 4, there is likelihood of
increased lightning strikes to the windvane. The increase in
the number of strikes to the windvane could be explained by
an increase in upward lightning (as will be demonstrated by
the attachment modelling in the next section). The hypothesis
of upward lightning being a major contributor to the lightning
strike rate is strengthened when the distribution of lightning
strikes by month is examined. The data shown in Fig. 5 gives
the peak current read from the each PCS cards due to an event
detected by the active alarm system by date. In total, 33 out of
51 lightning events occurred during the winter months. This
shows that winter lightning is a significant phenomena even in
the country where the windfarm is installed, which is not
particularly prone to winter lightning.

In other areas prone to winter lightning, the following has
been shown through observations of lightning activity to
The incidence of lightning strikes to tall structures
during winter is greater relative to that during
summer [15].

Fig. 4. Number of PCS Cards Showing a Lightning Current Reading Following an Alarm Even

Fig. 5. Lightning Strikes Given By Their Peak Current versus Season of Occurrence
A large percentage of these lightning strikes, up to
98% are upward propagating (it is noted that any
significantly tall structure in any season is likely to
receive mainly upward propagating lightning). Even
on flat terrain and for objects of moderate height,
there is a large number of upward strikes [15][16].
Winter lightning simultaneously strikes more than
one tower within a lightning flash. The probability of
occurrence of these simultaneous strokes to multiple
points was up to 20% in the studies detailed in [16].

The data that has been presented matches with the findings of
the first bullet point, i.e. more lightning in winter than
summer. The second bullet deals with the number of upward
lightning strikes.

FEA Modelling of lightning attachment to wind turbines has
been carried out by other researchers, [14] [17] [18] being
examples of some of the work carried out. However, with few
exceptions, most of these models were focused on downward
propagating lightning and therefore involved the modelling of
a stepped leader to examine the resultant electric field
environment on/around the wind turbine. One example where
upward propagating lightning is considered is [14] where the
authors have looked specifically at upward propagating
lightning in terms of comparing the likely lightning
attachment points when the blades are in motion and when
they are stopped. The authors analyze the electric field
enhancement for different angular positions of the blades
when they are stationary. It was concluded in this paper that
the wind turbine was prone to higher field enhancement and
that leaders would form in more locations when the blades are
in motion. It was advised that the halting of the blade
movement therefore reduces the risk of lightning strike

From the lightning strike data that has been analysed in the
previous section, it can be seen that upward initiated lightning
might contribute to a large portion of the lightning strikes that
attach to a wind turbine. Thus while evaluating likely
attachment points from a wind turbine in this paper, only
upward lightning is taken into consideration. In comparison to
previous wind turbine models [14] [17], the model used
includes the windvane at the back of the nacelle and the risk
of lightning attachment to the same is analysed along side
with the blades.
A. The Cloud Model
The models that are usually used to replicate the electric fields
found under a thundercloud consist of a vertical tri-pole made
from two positive charges and a negative charge. A summary
of various models that have been produced can be found in
[15]. The cloud model that has been simulated here is taken
from this source and consists of three point charges suspended
in air at different heights from the ground. In the simulation,
the ground has been modeled as a perfect conductor. The three
charges of 3C, -40C and +40C are placed at heights of 2, 7
and 12 km from the ground respectively. The charges are
modeled as spheres of radii 900m for the 40C charges and
150m for the 3C charge. The size of the spheres is picked in
such a way that when the meshing process takes place, the
electric fields in the area of interest within the model are
accurate. The model is shown in Fig 6.

Fig. 6. Cloud Model (charge sizes not to scale)

Fig 7 gives the vertical component of the electric field at the
ground due to this vertical tri-pole. This plot agrees with that
shown in literature [15] and has a maximum ambient field of
just over 5kV/m (the E component in the graph must be scaled
by a factor of 1000 owing to the operation of the model).
According to the convention adopted in electrostatic field
analysis software, a downward directed field is taken to be
positive in polarity [15].
B. The Wind Turbine and Blade Model
The model used in the simulations is based on a 2MW present
day wind turbine. The blade model used in the simulations
presented is 40 meters long and is a simplification of a real
blade in that it is taken to be made entirely of fibre glass with
a relative permittivity of 4. The chord length of the airfoil
used for designing the blade is 2.75m, the chamber length
(upper + lower) is 0.9m, and a thickness of 10cm is
maintained throughout the blade. Due to the complicated
shape and difficulty of meshing, these dimensions are
maintained along most of the length of the model, although
several aerofoil profiles are normally used in real blades. The
chord length decreases from 3.5 meters at the blade root to a
thickness of less than 5mm at the blade tip.

Integrated into the blade design is the lightning protection
system, in this case an internal downconductor with tip
receptors. The tip receptor is placed 2.5 meters from the tip of
the blade (37.5 meters from the root of the blade) and the
remaining two receptors are placed evenly along the length of
the blade. The tip receptor is usually a lot closer to the tip of
the blade, but due to meshing difficulties in the FEA software,
the position has been changed further down the blade. The
receptors are 10mm in diameter and are connected to a down
conductor that runs inside the hollow blade. The diameter of
the down conductor is set to 10mm. The down conductor and
the receptors are made of copper.

Fig. 7. Electric Field (Ey) Plot above Ground

The wind turbine tower and nacelle are conductive and are set
to ground potential. The height from the bottom of the tower
to the centre of the hub is approximately 70m (Fig 8). The
nacelle is 6m long, 4.5m wide and 6m high. The wind
instruments are placed at the rear of the nacelle. Wind
instruments on the windvane are protected from lightning
using lighting rods. The lightning rods protecting the wind
instrument end in a hemispherical tip with a radius of
curvature of 0.02m.
C. Modelling Of Lightning Attachment
In both upward and downward propagating lightning, the
formation of upward propagating leaders from the wind
turbine is critical in terms of defining the location on the
structure that will be struck. For downward propagating
lightning, the downward stepped leader provides a non-
uniform electric field in the air around the wind turbine. This
high electric field, when intensified by elements of the wind
turbine lightning protection system, will allow the formation
of upward propagating leaders should specific conditions be
For upward propagating lightning, the mechanism for the
formation of upward propagating leaders is nearly identical
but in this case the electric field in the air is near uniform
being generated by the cloud and not by a stepped leader.

This means that the strong influence of the stepped leader
position is removed from the consideration of upward leader
formation and it is likely that the likelihood of formation will
be dominated by the geometry of the wind turbine structure

To consider this issue further, it is important to consider the
conditions necessary for the propagation of a leader. These are
as follows and have been used in other papers relating to
upward / downward lightning (even though these conditions
have been derived from laboratory experiments for the
streamer inception from Frankin rods) [19]:

Fig. 8. Wind Turbine Model

Condition (i): The inception of a streamer discharge at the tip
of the object by the creation of an electric field in the order of

Condition (ii): The availability of the critical background
field necessary for the transition of a streamer into a leader
and the stable propagation of that leader (the magnitude of this
critical background field depending on the height of the

Equation (1) is used in determining the required background
field necessary for the propagation of the leader. According to
[16] (a simplified theory of Lalandes theory), for stable
propagation of the leader, the atmospheric electric field E

must be greater than the minimum value required for stable
propagation of the leader E
which is given by the

( ) 12 .

= +


, with 1 (1)

Where H, is the height of the structure.

It must be noted that though these are the conditions required
for the successful attachment, they do not need to be fulfilled
in the same order. For example, the background field might be
enough for the streamers to develop into leaders, before the
inception of streamers itself. Also, if one condition is fulfilled
it is not necessarily the case that the other is readily available.
For example, a streamer might not develop into a leader if the
background field necessary for the propagation is not
available. In such a case, according to [19], the streamers will
be incepted again and again until there is enough background
field for them to develop into leaders.
D. Upward Lightning Initiation locations
The model of a wind turbine must be combined with
information from the cloud model in the finite element
analysis software to allow analysis of the likely points of
upward lightning formation. The electric field applied in the
model is a uniform produced by a plane electrode located
200m above the ground. The magnitude of the applied electric
field is based on the results found from Malans charged cloud
model in the FEA simulations already described. When the
wind turbine is inserted into this electric field, field
enhancement is seen at certain locations of the wind turbine.
As is shown in Fig 9 and 10, the level of electric field
intensification is particularly high around the lightning
protection system of the wind instruments and at the blade tip

Fig. 9. Field Enhancement around the blade receptors (the locations of the
receptors are circles). Light areas indicate high electric fields.

The results from the FEA simulation show a high probability
of upward streamer inception from the blades and the wind
vane. The production of upward initiated lightning initially
depends on a given level of electric field enhancement
existing around a component such as the windvane / blade and
also their position [14].These results coincide with those
found from analysing the lightning strike data of the offshore
windfarm. The actual lightning strike data presented in Fig 4
showed that the windvane at the back is as vulnerable to
lightning attachment as the blades. This correlates with the
results from the model which showed significant enhancement
on the lightning protection system of the wind instruments.

The impact of cloud height on ambient electric fields above
ground can be assessed using the FEA model of the
thunderstorm cloud (Fig 7).

The x-axis of this Fig 11 refers to the height of the lowest 3C
charge (Fig 7). The ambient electric field above ground
dramatically increases as the cloud height is lowered as the
relative separation of the tripole charges become significant in
comparison with the distance to ground. Fig 11 indirectly
relates to the risk of higher frequency of lightning strikes
during winter. Winter cloud height is lower as compared to
that in summer. According to [20], the charge distribution in
winter thunderclouds is different. The authors highlight the
different vertical extensions of the clouds and the different
temperatures change the position of the charge centers.

Fig. 10. Field Enhancement around the Windvane

Fig 11 shows the increase in the electric field 200 meters
above ground due the lowering of the cloud charges in 100m

Fig. 11. Changes in Electric Field Due to Lowering of Charges

Winter clouds over the North Sea have a stronger vertical
field in the lower atmosphere [20]. A large number of lighting
strikes on wind turbines are usually experienced during winter
[9]. The move of wind farms to offshore sites and the low
cloud height in winter would seem likely to increase the risk
of upward lighting in the case of wind turbines. The
hypothesis of upward lightning being a major contributor to
the lightning strike rate is strengthened when the distribution
of lightning strikes by month is examined in Fig 5.

1. Based on the results from the cloud models it is shown that
the ambient electric fields that the wind turbine is subjected
to increase with a decrease in cloud height. Winter clouds
which develop at lower altitudes are therefore more
capable of developing higher electric fields at ground than
those compared to summer clouds.
2. The offshore windfarm data shows that the wind vane
instruments are at considerable risk of lightning attachment
and that most of these lightning strikes to the wind turbines
happen during winter months
3. Results from the FEA wind turbine model follow those of
the real lightning strike data, highlighting the windvane and
the blades to be the components at the highest risk of
lightning attachment.
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Vidyadhar Peesapati was born in Edinburgh,
U.K, in 1980. He received a Class I B.Eng. degree
in electrical and electronics engineering from the
University of Madras, Chennai, India in 2001 and
the M.Sc. degree in electrical power engineering
in 2006 from the University of Manchester, where
he is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree. He is
pursuing his Ph.D. on Lightning Protection of
Wind Turbines a part of the Supergen V Wind Energy Theme

Ian Cotton (M98) was born in the U.K. in 1974.
He received a Class I B.Eng. (Hons.) degree in
electrical engineering from the University of
Sheffield, Sheffield, U.K., in 1995 and the Ph.D.
degree in electrical engineering from The
University of Manchester Institute of Science and
Technology (UMIST), Manchester, U.K., in 1998.
He is currently a Senior Lecturer in the Electrical
Energy and Power Systems Group, School Of
Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of
Manchester. His research interests include power
systems transients, the use of higher voltage
systems in aerospace applications, and power-system-induced corrosion. His
work is based in the University of Manchester HV Laboratories, the largest of
any UK University where a 2MV impulse generator, 800kV AC test set and
600kV DC test set is available.
Dr. Cotton is a Senior Member of the Institution of Electrical Engineers and a
Chartered Engineer.

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