Industrial High Voltage

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Industrial High Voltage

4. Coordinating
5. Testing
6. Measuring
TU Delft

C 0003814968
Industrial High Voltage
4. Coordinating
5. Testing
6. Measuring
EH. Kreuger
Delft University Press / 1992
Published and distributed by:
Delft University Press
Stevinweg 1
2626 CN Delft
The Netherlands
telephone +31 15783254
fax +31 15 78 16 61
This book is based on the lectures of EH. Kreuger at the Delft University of
Cover design by the author
Kreuger, EH.
Industrial high voltage / EH. Kreuger, - Delft: Delft University Press
[Vol. Il]: 4. Coordinating. 5. Testing. 6. Measuring. - 111.
Met index, lil. opg.
ISBN 90-6275-562-3 geb.
NUGI 832
Trefw.: elektrotechniek.
Gewijzigde kaart!
@ 1992 by EH. Kreuger
No part of this book may be reproduced in any form by print, photoprint, microfilm or any
other means without written perrnission from Delft University Press
Printed in The Netherlands
This book opens with three chapters on insulation coordination,
where a link is made between overvoltages in high-voltage networks
and the specifications which are used for testing high-voltage equip-
ment at overvoltages.
Then three chapters are dedicated to the testing of equipment.
Generating and measuring of high voltages are dealt with; statistical
analysis and post-mortem analysis of breakdown tests are studied.
The last chapters deal with measuring. At first the measure-
ment of C and tan 8 at high voltage are studied. Then two chapters
deal with partial discharges and with the measurement of these dis-
Chapter 1 Insulation coordination
Chapter 2 Test specifications
Chapter 3 Surge arresters
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Generation of high voltage
Measuring of voltage and current
Breakdown analysis
Die1ectric loss measurements
Partia1 discharges
Discharge measurements
1 Insulation coordination
1.1 Overvoltage . . . .
1.2 Lightning impulses
1.3 Switching impulses
1.4 A.C.overvoltages . 7
1.5 Effects of operating voltage 8
1.6 D.C. networks . . . . . . .. 10
2 Test specifications
2.1 Specifications
.. ..... 11
2.2 Standard operating voltages 12
2.3 A.C. components .
2.4 D.C. transmission . 17
3 Surge arresters 21
3.1 General .. 21
3.2 Spark gaps
3.3 SiC arresters 24
3.4 ZnO arresters 27
3.5 Location of arrest ers 31
4 Generation of high voltage 35
4.1 A.C. voltage .. 35
4.2 D.C. voltage .. ... 43
4.3 Impulse voltage . . . 48
4.4 Special wave shapes 54
5 Measuring of voltage and current 59
5.1 Electrostatic voltmeter . 59
5.2 Sphere gap . ....... 60
5.3 Resistive voltage divider . 63
5.4 Capacitive voltage divider 67
5.5 Digital recording ... .. 69
5.6 Current pulse measurement 71
6 Breakdown Analysis
6.1 Breakdown tests
6.2 Weibull Distribution
6.3 Step-up tests ....
6.4 Weibull distribution with lower limit
6.5 Confidence intervals
6.6 Applications.....
6.7 Differential curve ..
6.8 Bimodal distribution
6.9 Interpretation of breakdown tracks
7 Dielectric 1088 measurements
7.1 Loss angle . . . . . . . .
7.2 Physical origin of losses
7.3 Schering bridge .
7.4 Stray capacitances .
7.5 The dual-balance method
7.6 Permanently earthed objects
7.7 Differential transformer bridge
7.8 Safety precautions .. .
7.9 Industrial value of tan
/ ~
8 Partial discharges
8.1 Types of discharges .
8.2 Appearance (classic description)
8.3 Appearance (time resolved)
8.4 Deterioration . . . . . .
8.5 Non-electrical detection
9 Discharge measurements
9.1 Discharge magnitude .
9.2 Classic detection .
9.3 Implementation of classic detection .
9.4 Time resolved detection .
9.5 Evaluation of discharges .
9.6 Deviating detection techniques
Some further reading
Friend and foe might agree on the merits of this book. And for
the same reason. They might find it short and outspoken, yet they
would differ in their opinion on the effect it will have on the reader.
Does it provide a firm footing in the matter or merely a glimpse on
the subject?
At the end of my career as a high-voltage engineer, I have written
this book. I have allowed myself to make my profession as com-
prehensible as possible: tangible, if that were not too dangerous an
expression in high-voltage technique. Although I say to my students
"there is some mysticism in high-voltage engineering, keep it so", I
do not act on the principle. I have stripped it of mystifications and
abstractions that tend to slip in any branch of study, more sa in
high-voltage technique with its impressive thunderbolts, its myste-
rious coronas and its invisible discharges. But I am aware that not
everybody will appreciate that.
I have been supported in my endeavours by a number of experts,
from KEMA in particular, who have critical1y read many chapters
of this book. Moreover, I have had much assistance from
Mr. P.H.F. Morshuis of the High-voltage Laboratory of Delft Uni-
versit y, who has checked the contents of this book and has directed
the desk top publishing. I further thank our secretary, Miss Annette
Potting, for typing and assembling these two volumes.
The author
Chapter 1
Insulation coordination
High-voltage insulation is costly, but breakdown in insulation is still
more costly. It is therefore of great importance to obtain a proper
balance between the costs of the insulation and the reliabili ty of the
This process of balancing is called insulation coordination. It in-
volves the proper choice of the insulation level of the various compo-
nents in the network: it also involves the proper choice of proteetion
equipment such as spark gaps and surge arrest ers.
Ir breakdown is inevitable, it should take place at a preferred loca-
tion: better in a spark gap than touching a line insulator , and rather
in a surge arrester than in a costly power transformer.
The International Electrotechnical Commission, IEC for short, has
established a number of standarclizecl insulation levels. Moreover,
IEC stanclards state a series of test requirements, so that manufac-
turers and users of equipment can make standardized agreements on
the characteristics of a network component .
There are three types of overvoltage that affect the design of insu-
lation constructions and determine the requirements for overvoltage
1. Lightning impulses
2. Switching impulses
3. A.C.overvoltages.
Moreover, the demand for uninterrupted service at nominal voltage
asks for requirements related to:
4. Operating voltage.
These four items will be studied in the following sections.
Fig. 1.1. Causes of lightning overvoltages.
2. Stroke to tower or earth wire
2. a lightning stroke in the tower or in the ground wire of an over-
head line. The lightning current passes the impedance wL +R
to earth and causes a high voltage at the top of the tower.
Flashover along the insulation string, from frame to line , may
occur as shown in fig. 1.1.
3. a direct lightning stroke in the line, also shown in fig. 1.1. This
stroke is confronted with the characteristic impedanee Z , and
the resulting voltage is i Z. At a moderate current of 20 kA
and a Z of about 300 0, the resulting overvoltage amounts to
several megavolts.
1. a lightning stroke in the vicinity of a line or a substation. The
charge induced on the line by thunderclouds is suddenly re-
leased and causes travelling waves of a high voltage level. This
cause of a lightning surge is of importance for medium- voltage
networks only.
Lightning impulses are caused by:
In the IEC test specifications, the lightning surge is represented by
a standardized impulse with 1.2 ltS front and 50 us tail , as has been
discussed in Volume 1, section 7.3.
1. Release of induced charge
1.2 Lightning impulses
1.3 Switching impulses
Switching impulses are causeel by switching operations in a network.
The principal cases are:
a. Fault clearing
After switching off a short circuit as shown in fig. 1.2, a transient
voltage occurs, which in the most common case is equal to
u . 0:'
TT = 1 - e-
a t
( coswt + -sinwt)
uo w
wher e
0:' = 2RC
2 1 1
w - LC - 4C2R2'
This voltage is maximal if R --T 00 anel reaches = 2U
o .. l
I. u .1 i
Fig. 1.2. Transient over voltage af-
ter switching off a short circuit current.
b. Disconneeting unloaded transformers
In contrast to the former case, a small current ia is switcheel off.
This current, however, is ituluctiue and represents an appreciably
large magnetic energy: !Li, see fig. 1.3.
Fig. 1.3. Disconnecting an un-
loaded transformer.
The current is small and a gooel circuit breaker ean chop this current
at any moment. An unsuitable moment OCCtU's if ia =max. Then the
magnetic energy 1/2L i is transformed into an electrostatic energy
in the capacitance C of the winclings:
An oscillating wave is generateel with some attenuation and with a
and a crest value of
~ . IL
u = ~ C'
As C is small, a high overvoltage results. Fast breakers like vacuum
switches may cause high transients of more than 4 times the operat-
ing voltage. These transients mayalso cause re-ignition of the circuit
c. Disconneeting unloaded lines
If an unloaclecl line, a cable, or a capacitor bank is clisconnected, a
capacitive current is interrupted. This interruption takes place at
current zero, .t he capacitor C in fig. 1.4 is then at maximum voltage.
Fig. 1.4. Disconnecting an un-
loaded capacitive component, such as
line, cable or capacitor bank.
This voltage persists for a considerable time as the leakage current in
the capacitor is small. Meanwhile, the main voltage reverses in half
a period, and twice the operating voltage occurs over the contacts
of the circuit-breaker. If the circuit breaker re-ignites, a high fre-
quent current starts to flow, which is interrupted aftel' a while, and
a transient overvoltage appears. The amplitude and the frequency
of this transient is determined bij Land C in the network; this phe-
nomenon can repeat itself several times and may lead to considerable
In order to prevent this, a re-ignition-free circuit breaker is required.
d. Connecting an unloaded line
Where a long line or cable is energized, a step wave is induced, which
travels to the far end. At the far end, and later on at the near end,
the travelling wave will be refiected. The repeated refiections will
cause an oscillating transient with =2U
, as shown in fig. 1.5.
e. Non-simultaneous switching
High over voltage may occur if a power transformer is connected to
the netwerk and the poles of the circuit breaker are not simultane-
Fig. 1. 5. Oscillat ing transient
cause d by travelling waves in a open
0) _
ously closed. These overvolt ages can be calculated by computer sim-
ulation. These calculations agree weil with actual cases. In fig. 1.6,
an example of such an overvoltage is shown, the cres t of t he transient
is as high as 4.5 U.
Many ot her swit ching impulses may occur, but the situations above
represent t he worst cases. They may reach as much as 5 Ua , which
is less high than in t he case of lightning impulses, but high enough
to endanger the insul ation.
4.SU. Fig. 1.6. Overvolt ages occur if the
t hree phases of a transformer U, V and
Ware not simultaneously switched on.
r = reduct ion by lightning arrester.
Testing at switching impulses
In most cases, an oscillating t ransient OCClU' S with a frequency be-
tween some hundrecls of Herz to some t housands of Herz. An average
value of 1000 Hz may be adopt ed.
In order to obtain uniformi ty, all internati onal standard has been
devised for t esting with swit ching impulses. The onset of the oscil-
lation is simulatecl by a front of 250 f-l s as shown in fig. 1.7. The
attenuation of the transient is representecl by a half value of 2500 us.
5 ~ s
1000 Hz
5 ~ s
Fig. 1.7. Normalized switching im-
pulse representing a 1000 Hz oscillat-
ing wave.
A unipolar impulse has been chosen so that a switching surge can be
generared by the same impulse generator as a lightning impulse.
It coulcl be asked whether separate testing at switching impulses is
neecled. H.V. material is in any case tested at lightning impulses up
to 9 times U
, whereas switching impulses go to about 4.5 times Ue:
It has, however, been found that dielectrics have a lower breakdown
strength in the case of switching impulses than in the case of lightning
impulses. Many constructions are therefore tested at these moderate
switching impulses as well as at high lightning impulses.
1.4 A.C.overvoltages
There are three reasons why the 50 or 60 Hz operating voltage can
attain temporary high values:
1. If a large load is elisconnectecl, the resistive anel reactive voltage
drops clisappear and an overvoltage occurs until the operating
value is restorecl.
2. The capacitance of an unloacled cable, in combination with a
transformer or generator inductance, can increase the voltage.
3. If a ground fault OCClU'S in a netwerk with a non-eartlied neu-
tral , the healthy phases will aclopt a V3 times higher voltage
until the fault is cleared.
a. Dielectric losses
1.5 Effects of operating voltage
These possible events have their effect on test specifications, either
by establishing a higher nominal voltage, or by specifying certain
tests to be made at phase-to-phase voltage.
In order to ensure uninterrupted service for some tens of years, the
following causes of breakdown should be prevented:
a. overheating caused by dielectric losses;
b. partial discharges;
c. treeing.
The dielectric losses of new equipment are gene rally so low that they
do not endangel' the P!'>}V' , -c
However, there is some apprehension about the combination of
high operating temperature and heating by dielectric losses. This
combination might become dangerous in the course of time, as di-
electric losses can gradually increase by aging. That is why many test
specifications set limits to tan at high temperatures (e.g. gaDe),
as well as to the stability of tan after prolonged tests at increased
voltage and heat cycles.
Other reasons for the limitation of tan 8 are:
dielectric losses affect the current-carrying capacity of equip-
ment. In a 400 kV oil-filled cable, for instanee, the dielectric
losses are responsible for 1/3 of the temperature increase, so
that only 2/3 of the admissible temperature rise is available for
ohmic losses.
dielectric losses represent a loss of energy, which may represent
an appreciable loss of money.
dielectric loss measurements are sometimes used as a quality
check. A low limit is set to make sure that the manufac-
turer has control over his manufacturing process. For instance:
33 kV oil-filled insulation is required to have a tan 8 smaller or
equal to 35.10-
This requirement is not made on operational
grounds: the losses would not affect the breakdown strength,
the rating, or the costs of losses. But higher losses are regarded
as a lack of production control.
b. Partial discharges
Partial discharges in insulation constructions may endanger the volt-
age life. For this reason many test specifications set limits to the
magnitude and the inception voltage of discharges.
Usually a discharge limit qo and a voltage Ut are defined as shown
in fig. 1.8: discharges in the shaded area are not accepted. The test is
often performed at rising and at falling voltage. In the example given
in fig. 1.8 the sample is rejected because of unwanted discharges at
decreasing voltage.
Fig. 1.8. Discharge test. Any par-
tial discharge larger than qo measured
below test voltage Ut leads to rejection
of the object under test, see shaded
-----l__ kV
c. Treeing
Defects, such as inclusions in the dielectric and protrusions at the
electrodes may cause treeing. The same is true for cavities and inter-
stices containing partial discharges. Treeing goes very slowly at low
field strengths, it may lead to breakdown after months or years at
operating voltage. At an elevated field strength, the rate of growth
increases considerably, and breakdown can take place within hours
or even minutes. As generally accepted, the voltage life L varies
inversely with the field strength E to the power n:
where 11; can have values from 9 to 12 and c is a constant which
depends on the size of the defects. On a double logarithmic scale,
this relationship is represented as a straight line, where n determines
the slope of the line and c the location.
In fig. 1.9 t his lifeline is shown for a dielectric with defects of
different sizes, t he larger the defect the shorter the voltage life at a
certain field strength.
Fig. 1.9. Results of endurance tests
on a dielectric with cavities of various
8 VI
3 .>::
2'-: _2,....---'-,....-----''---..1-..---'-:----':----'
30.-----:-- - - - --- - - --,
This relationship is used in test requirements by specifying tests at
elevated voltage for relat ively short t imes. For instanee, a test at
for 24 hours represent s (if n = 9) a voltage life of 3
days, which
corresponds to about 50 years at the operating voltage.
1. 6 D.C. networks
Insulation coordination in D.e. links is not all that different from
t hat in A.C. networks. If overhead lines are incorporated in the
netwerk, light ning impulses may occur. In both underground and
over head links, switching surges occur.
The effect of the operating voltage, however, is different: measure-
ment of tan 8 is superfiuous, alt hough it may be used as a check on I

quali ty; t he same is true for par tial elischarges.
Test requirements concentrate on endurance tests at overvoltage.
The relati onship L = f (E ) is not as deal' as in the case of A.C. volt-
age, but overvoltage tests may be baseel on the same relationship as
encountereel for A.C. An impor tant test is, therefore, a test carried
out at 2U
for several weeks anel which involves load cycles. Sud-
den polarity reversals, as occur in practice, are incorporated. These
polarity reversals are often the most severe part of the test.
2.1 Specifications
Chapter 2
tests after installation
sample tests ,..
type tests
routine tests
Test specifications
W! . 0\ 0
The study of insulation coordination has generated an inventory of
overvoltages as well as a survey of mechanisms that endanger the
H.V. components at operating voltage. It shall be ascertained that
the components will witlistand these clangers for a lifetime of 30 to
50 years.
Vf::j/ '5/, V
For this reason, tests have been devised which are defined in test
specifications. These specifications describe tests for lightning and
switching impulses, A.C. voltage and D.e. voltage, combined with
heat cycles, load cycles, mechanical loacls, etc. In adclition, outdoor
equipment is subjectecl to environmental tests such as rain tests,
pol1ution tests, c1imate tests, etc.
If a component satisfies all these tests, there is a fair chance that it
will perform wen in operational circumstances. Most specifications
comprise four categories of tests:
r a.
Type tests are performecl once on a newly designed component, to
establish that this design will perform well in service. The type test
is not repeatecl unless essential moclifications in the design have been
made, such as the use of other materials, an increase in the design
stress, a change in the configuration, etc.
r vc..
Sample tests are performecl on samples that are chosen at random
from a number of components that are to be supplied; one voltage
transformer out of 200 transformers, or one sample of 10 m cable out
of 10 km of cable for instance. Sample tests are performed to check
whether a batch of proelucts is of the agreed quality. As in the type
test, these tests are desiructiue and the sample is not supplied to a
- - ~
user aftel' the test.
jf ~ 7 Af" 'y outine tests are tests performed on all items to be supplied. They
are non-destructive tests.
Tests after installation are supplementary to routine tests: in some
, t;..L]J'
'Jf cases a component is instalied on site; for instance, a large power
transformer which was too large to be shipped in one piece; or a
circuit of an underground power cable, The test is performed to
check whether the installed product is fit for use.
Test specifications are based on a standard operating voltage as dis-
cussed in section 2.2 below. In subsequent sections, examples of test
specifications are discussed: two components for A.C. networks and
a cable for D.e. transmission.
In the above cases, only overvoltage tests are discussed. Test spec-
ifications contain a multitude of mechanical tests, materials tests
checks on the construction, etc, that are ignored here.
2.2 Standard operating voltages
In order to standardize H.V. equipment, and to obtain uniform spec-
ifications, the voltage levels of networks have been standardized.
Three definitions play a role:
U = the line-to-line voltage, determining the name of a net-
work. A "400 kV network" refers to the A.C. voltage between
Um = the maximum voltage between lines that may be allowed
for an arbitrarily long perioel. U
is usually 5 to 15 %higher
than U.
-::- ICCl I
Ua = the rateel voltage between conductor and earth; thus Ua =
~ . In test specifications, Ua is the more important value, as
test voltages are specified in multiples of Ue:
Although deviating levels are founel, the following list gives a fair
picture of the most common operating voltages U of A.C. systems.
2.3. A. C. COMPONENTS 13
Continental British American
origin origin origin
10 kV 11 kV 12.5 kV
20 kV 22 kV 23 kV
35 kV 33 kV 35 kV
50 kV 66 kV 69 kV
110 or 150 kV 132 kV 130 kV
220 kV 220 kV 230 kV
400 kV 400 kV 345 kV
800 kV 500 kV
765 kV
A promising start was made to the standardization of D.C. systems
in the choice of 1 x 100 kV in the first undersea installation and
some 2 x 200 kV and 2 x 400 kV systems later on. However, this
standardization did not persist, all kinds of arbitrary voltage levels
have since been installed.
2.3 A.C. components
220 kV bushing
As an initial example, the voltage tests on a 220 kV bushing are
discussed (mechanical, thermal or material tests are ignored), see
table 2.l.
The test specification is dominated by the basic insulation level
(BIL). This is the level of the full-wave lightning impulse that in a
network must be withstooel without any damage or flashover. In the
case of 220 kV material, this amounts to 1050 kV.
If there is a surge arrester in the network, the component is protected
anel a reeluceel test level can be accepted, one or two steps below BIL.
One step below BIL amounts in this case to an impulse level of 900
kV; other types of overvoltages are reeluceel accorelingly.
Reducing the impulse level may be economically advantageous.
The list of requirements applies to a bushing at full insulation level:
BIL = 1050 kV. This impulse level is high, as is customary for H.V.
equipment. The fielel strength in the elielectric is almost 10 times
bI 2 1 220 I V bh' Ta e
us mg
- overvoltage tests -
no breakdown,
flashover allowed
1210 kV
9.5 X
no flashover
1050 kV
8.3 X
no flashover
or breakdown
850 kV
6.7 X
1 min. dry
575 kV
4.5 X
1/2 min. under rain
460 kV
3.6 X
no flashover
or breakdown
1 min. dry
no flashover
485 kV
3.8 X
no breakdown
no increase in
tan up till
147 kV
1.15 X
rated voltage
line to earth
127 kV
1 X
as high as at operating stress. H, for instance, 8 kV/mm is chosen
as the field strength at operating stress, the lightning test demands
a dielectric strength of about 80 kV/mm, which is not far from the
breakdown strength of such materials, The lightning test is therefore
often the determining factor in an insulation design.
Two further comments can be made:
1. It is remarkable that no sample test is specified. This can
be attributed to the small number of items that are usually
ordered at a time.
2. The A.C. test (1 min. 4.5 U
) is rathgr high and short in
comparison with test specifications for other equipment. This
could ignite defects that do not endanger the dielectric at a
lower voltage; nevertheless, the test does not guarantee a long
service life, as is shown in fig. 2.1. A 24-hour test at 3U
have been better, as is shown in the same figure.
2.3. A. C. COMPONENTS 15
220 kV power cable
The following example applies to a 220 kV power cable with extruded
insulation. All four categories of tests are present: type test, -sample
test, routine test and aftel' laying test. The overvoltage requirements
in these tests are summarized in table 2.2.
Table 2 2' 220 kV cable with.extruded insulation ,
- overvoltage tests -
10+ and 10-, hot 1050 kV BIL 8.3 X
1 min. under rain 460 kV 3.6 x
24 H 380 kV 3 x
1000 Hand heat cycles 255 kV 2 x
30 min. 315 kV 2.5 x
discharges < 5 pC 215 kV 1.7 x
TEST 15 min. (880 kV)
LEVEL rated voltage-
to-earth 127 kV 1 x
A number of comments can be made. Regarding the destructive type
and sample tests:
1. The field strength that appears in the case of the impulse test
is (as in the former case) high, the more so as the dielectric
strength of extruded insulation is lowered by reversing the po-
larity duringthe test (10 positive, followed by 10 negative im-
pulses) and the test is performed at an operating temperature
which offsets the strength by 25 %. Moreover, the cable is
tested aftel' severe bending.
2. No switching impulse is required, as it has been found that the
lightning impulse test is far more dangerous for this type of
3. The voltages at the endurance and at the stability t ests have
been entered in t he life curve shown in fig. 2.1. The life curve
has been chosen such that the life of the cable system at U
in the order of 50 years. It appear s that the 24-H endurance
t est and t he 6-week stability test conform well to this life line.
These tests are the more demanding as they are combined with
bending tests and heat cycles, so that the performance of the
semicon sereens is checked too.
10yr 50yr
lday lwk 1mnth lyr
11 =9
30 I
25 t-' hi - 4u
Routine test, DUS V
tests ..2 q I. f r -
I- 20 " Endurance test cable
I- 18
I- 16
Rout ine test, cable,
I- 14
, b
W r

c- 12

- 10-,e
- 9
I- 71- :g
I- 6
Voltage life in hours
l- S
I II 1111111 I I iI I liJ I ,1111
3 4
10 1 10 10
1/2 1 15mln 1/2H
min min
Fig. 2.1. Overvoltage test s on a bushing and a power cable presented in a life
curve. Destruetive tests are located upon the lifeline, non-destructive tests safely
below. (Do arbitrarily at 6 kV/mm does not affect these conc1usions. )
Regarding the routine test:
1. The routine test is safely below t he life cur ve, t he cable
hardly suffers any aging before it is put into use.
2. The discharge t est foIlows the procedure as laid down in fig. 1.8,
but is quite severe at 1.7 Uo. Note t he differ ence with the bush-
ing whi ch was tested for discharges by tan -measurement s, as
2.4. D. C. TRAN5MI55ION 17
is proper for paper insulation; see chapter 9 on discharge de-
Regarding the after laying test:
This test at D.e. is regarded as a compromise. Testing long
cable circuits at an A.e.overvoltage demands a reactive power
of several MVAs, which cannot be supplied by mobile installa-
tions, whereas D.e. asks for small leakage currents only.
The field distribution at D.e., however, is not equal to that
at the operating A.C. Moreover, the discriminative strength of
the D.e. test has been proved to be small, both for extruded
and for paper-insulatecl cables. Better results may be obtained
using 0.1 Hz or other techniques.
2.4 D.e. transmission
An oil impregnated cable system is an interesting example of a com-
ponent for D.e. transmission. The field distribution in the paper-oil
dielectric is determined by the specific conductivity of the dielec-
/' ~
tric. As this conductivity is temperature dependent, this leads to
peculiar field distributions, both in the cable and in the accessories.
The stress distribution in cold cable is similar to that in A.C. cable,
see fig. 2.2, curve (a). At operating temperature, however, there is
a temperature drop from conductor to earth. The insulation near
the conductor has consequently a higher conductivity, and the field
strength near the conductor is thus lower than that near the ~
as shown in fig. 2.2, curve (b). D.e. cable systems shall thus be
tested under both conditions.
The electrical relaxation time is so long that it may take hours
before the field has been settled, which implies that at a reversal of
polarity the original field persists in the dielectric and is superim-
posed by the field of the new polarity, Double field strength results
as shown in fig. 2.2, curve c.
Still higher field strengths are produced if polarity reversals coincide
with heat cycles.
This mechanism affects the marmer of testing, as can be seen from
table 2.3 on the test requirements on D.e. cable systems.
r: J -'" I
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) I
mm ..
Fig. 2.2. Field distribution in D.C: cable
(a) Cold cabie, normal distribution.
(b) Cable at full load, the field strength occurs at th: out:r shield.
(c) Field enhancement by polarity reversal, relaxatlOn causes almest
double field strength when the systern voltage IS switched frorn pOSltJve to negative
and vice versa-.--
r = radius conductor
R = outer radius insulation
1,2,3 = first , second and third polarity reversaI.
The test specifications in this list concentrate on the type test, con-
sisting of:
1. A comparatively mild lightning impulse test.
2. A switching impulse test superimposed on a D.e.voltage of op-
posite polarity, which complies with the importance of polarity
3. A stability test of 30 days at 2U
comparable to the 6-week test
at 2U
for A.C. cables. This test is the more demanding as it
is combined with thermal load cycles and as the last 10 cycles
are further combined with polarity reversals, corresponding to
the field enhancing situations shown in fig. 2.2.
The D.e. routine test is mild. The tan -test at A.C. is a quality test
to check whether the production process is under contro1.
The after laying test is milel anel poses no problems in the testing
of long lengths.
.....-:-- - -
Table 2.3: D.e. cable system for 600 kV
- Example of overvoltage tests -
10+ and 10- impulses
at hot cable 1400 kV 2.3 X
10 pos. pulses
superimposed on -Uo 1200 kV 2 x on U
10 neg. pulses
superimposed on +U
10 heat cycles
of 24 H +1200 kV 2 X
10 heat cycles
of 24 11 -1200 kV 2 X
10 heat cycles com- 1.5 X to -1.5 X
bined with polarity +900 kV to
reversal s -900 kV
15 min. -1200 kV 2x
tan {j measurement
tan s < 50.10-
up to 600 kV
r m
up to U
Or m

.. tan {j < 14.10-
TEST 15 min. -1080 kV 1.8 X
Chapter 3
Surge arresters
3.1 General
Overvoltages in a netwerk ean be limited by surge arresters, also
called lightning arresters. A surge arrester presents a momentary
path to earth which removes the superfluous charge from the line.
The following types of arresters are in use: I
r- <f' '' r'S
1. Open spark gaps. These are rod gaps, usually bridging open
air insulators. Sueh gaps are simple and inexpensive. Their
operation, however, eauses a short-circuit in the netwerk as an
are is formed between line and earth.
2. An improvement is offered by the SiC arrester. In this arrester,
spark gaps are eonnected in series with non-linear resistors of
silicon earbide, whieh resistors limit the current to earth and
prevent a short-circuit.
3. The best performance was obtained aftel' the development of
ZnO arresters. This arrester is eomposed of non-linear resistors
of metal oxide, mainly ZnO, without spark gaps.
These three types are discussed below. In all cases .the statistical
seatter in breakdown voltage is important.
Fig. 3.1 shows the probability P for breakdown at a voltage V.
Curve Pa represents the probability of igniting an arrester, curve
P, that of breakdown in an insulating eonstruction. There remains
a probability (1 - Pa) that the arrest er does not react, at the same
time there is a probability Pi that the insulation breaks down at that
voltage. This results in a risk of failure of the proteeted insulation:
(1 - Pa)P
The integral
represents the overall [ailure risk which is shown as a shaded area in
fig. 3.1.
-------- --- --- ---
= = L L . . . L L . . . L L ~ _ = = _
Fig. 3.1. Probability Pa of an arrester which protects an insulation construction
with breakdown probability Pi. The shaded area represents the failure risk: no
ignition of the arrester combined with breakdown of the insulation.
In practice, this risk analysis is difficult to perform. Curve Pa can be
fairly well determined, as a surge arrester restores aftel' each break-
down; curve Pi, however, is less accessible as each breakdown asks
for replacement of the non- restoring sample. Therefore, in actual
cases the upper protection limit (e.g. 98 % responses) of the ar-
resters and the lower withstand level of the insulation (e.g. the BIL
of that construction) are taken and a safety margin of some 25 %
is introduced. This safety margin covers also the effects of ageing,
variation in production and other uncertainties.
Spark gaps
Open spark gaps are found in some varieties. The most common
one is the rod gap as shown in fig 3.2. This gap usually protects all
insulator string, a bushing, a cable terminal, etc.
Sometimes ring-shaped electrodes are used. The are formed at flashover
wanders over the ring and less damage is done to electrodes and in-
"'-= -
3.2. SPARK GAPS 23
Fig. 3.2. Open spark gaps.
Arcing horns as shown in fig. 3.3 are used at relatively low voltage
levels. When an are is formed, high currents pass the horns and
cause a magnetic field. The arc undergoes an electrodynamic force
and moves upwards. The are is stretched and cools. The are voltage
increases and the are eventually extinguishes. This is a first step to
a self-extinguishing arrester.
Fig. 3.3. Arcing hom.
Open spark gaps are simple and inexpensive, but the disadvantages
are so severe that they are only used as an extra safety measure
where other measures have failed. The disadvantages are:
A short-circuit follows aftel' the gap has been tripped by an
The scatter in flashover voltages is large, resulting in a large
failure risk as shown in fig. 3.1.
The breakdown to zero voltage takes place in an extremely
short time, in the order of 0.1 us, see fig. 3.4. This steep front
may create severe stresses in equipment like transformers.
The breakdown characteristic is less suitable, as shown in fig. 3.4.
If there are steep waves with fronts less than 1 JlS, the break-
down voltage increases appreciably. Most insulation construc-
tions have a flat characteristic and are thus not well protected
against steep waves.

tBreakdown voltage
Fig. 3.4. 1) a rod gap creates asteep chopped wave.
2) a rod gap has an unfavourable breakdown characteristic; the proteetion below a
llts front is poor.
3.3 SiC arresters
The SiC surge arrester is composed of non-linear resistors in series
with spark gaps. The resistors are made of stacks of silicon carbide
discs, which can pass large short-circuit currents of some kilo-amps
during a short period of some milliseconds. Each stack of discs is
provided with multiple spark gaps. Discs and sparkgaps can be seen
in fig. 3.6.
If an overvoltage exceeds the flashover voltage Ua a current i flows
through the SiC discs, see fig 3.5.
Residual voltageu,
- - Flash- over
voltage Ua t
i<tinction voltage u
Fig. 3.5. SiC arrester.
The voltage over the discs is rest ri ct ed by their non-linear char-
acteristic. Aftel' the superfiuous charge of the overvoltage surge has
been removed, the voltage drops to U, anel the spark gaps extinguish.
The energy of the voltage surge is elissipated by the silicon carbiele
eliscs. The thermal capacity of the eliscs must be sufficient to prevent
an explosion of the arrester.
In fig. 3.6, an example of an SiC arrester with self-extinguishing
sp ark gaps is shown:
1. At operating voltage, a small current is is causeel by the shunt
resistors s. These resistors ensure an even potential elistribu-
tion when several of these units are placed in series.
2. A voltage surge ignites the spark gaps G anel the current wave
passes the SiC eliscs, where the surge energy is elissipateel.
3. The ensuing current ia passes the coils, creating a magnetic
fielel that stretches the arcs in the spark gaps. The arcs cool
down anel extinguish.
In the following table, some examples are given for the protective
characteristics of SiC arresters. Dur attention is drawn to the fact
that the spark-over voltage at steep waves is higher than at standard
lightning waves, similar to open spark gaps.
Another important characteristic is the residual voltage over the
arrester during the lightning current wave; arresters are designed for
current waves of 5 kA, 10 kA, or 20 kA with a.standardized duration
of 8/20 I-lS.
Operating voltage
Spark-over at
nominal wave
Spark-over at a steep
wave of 1200 kV/ J-lS
Residual voltage
at 10 kA current
150 kV
470 kV
540 kV
440 kV
220 kV
500 kV
600 kV
524 kV
400 kV
940 kV
lala kV
880 kV
2 3
incoming wave
sparkover voltage
residual voltage
Fig. 3.6. SiC surge diverter. An incoming voltage surge trips the spark gaps
G at the spark-cver voltage. "The current ia passes through the non-Iinear SiC
discs and produces there the "residual voltage". The returning operating voltage is
temporarily borne by the SiC disco In the meantime the spark gaps are extinguished
by the magnetic action of the coils C and the gap voltage increases. The operating
voltage re-appears over the spark gaps.
The protective level of an arrester IS defined as the highest of the
following three values:
1. The spark-over voltage at a normal lightning wave;
2. The spark-over voltage at a 1200 kV/ J-lS wave, divided by 1.15
(as it is assumecl that the solicl insulation to be protected is
about 1.15 times stronger if there are short time exposures);
3. The residual voltage at the maximum expected current ampli-
tude, chosen here at 10 kA.
The lightning impulse level of the equipment in the network is then
chosen at a level which is approximately 25 % higher, as discussed
in section 3.1. If this is worked out from the table on page 25, the
following lightning withstand levels are obtained, as compared to the
basic insulation levels (BILs):
Operating voltage 150 kV 220 kV 400 kV
Basic insulation level, BIL 750 kV 1050 kV 1425 kV
Reduced level 600 rv 680 kV 1200 rv
Reduction by SiC 20 % 35 % 15 %
This is an appreciable decrease in the required insulation level for
lightning surges. However, switching surges occur at a lower level
and are not always affected by an SiC arrester.
Comparison with open spark gap
As compared to the open spark gap, several advantages have been
no short-circuit follows aftel' spark-over.
the scatter in spark-over voltages is less, which results in a
better failure risk level, see fig. 3.1.
the chopped wave is far less steep than in fig. 3.4.
the short time breakdown voltage, however, is fairly high as
shown in fig. 3.4.
3.4 ZnO arresters
The 2nO arrester is composed of discs of metal oxide, usually zinc ox-
ide. The zinc oxide arrester is an important improvement on the SiC
arrester. as its non-linear characteristic covers more than 8 decades,
see fig. 3.7. This large non-linearity makes it possible to build a
surge arrester without spark-gaps: at operating voltages, the leak-
age current can be limited to some milli-amps, whereas overvoltage
impulses ean be diverted with current surges of many kilo-amps.
The eperation of a metal oxide arrester is simple. Any voltage surge
leads immediately (lead times are in the order of 10 ns only) to a
CUlTent wave which discharges the energy of that wave.
200 ZnO
fs:apacitive current
Fig. 3.7. The voltage-current char-
acteristic of ZnO arresters is almost
flat over many decades. A cool arrester
dissipates less leakage current than a
hot one aftel' a discharge performance.
It can also be seen from this diagram
that SiC is quite capable of discharg-
ing large currents, but requires a gap
in series as the current at the far end
of the curve is too large for continuous
Characteristic for this arrester is the voltage that appears at a switch-
ing surge of, for instanee, 2 kA and that which appears at a lightning
surge of, for instanee, 10 kA. These voltages represent the protee-
tive levels of the ZnO arrester. The insulation level of the protected
equipment is chosen again at a level that is about 25 %higher. In the
following table the insulation levels that might be reached with ZnO
are compared to the standard insulation level without au arrester.
Operating voltage 150 kV
Lightning withstaud level
without arrest ers, BIL 750 kV

Reduced level 440 kV
Reduction by ZnO 40 %
Switching withstand level
without arrest er 550 kV
Reduced level 380 kV
Reduction by ZnO 30 %
220 kV
1050 kV
660 kV
37 %
850 kV
570 kV
32 %
400 kV
1425 kV
1030 kV
28 %
1050 kV
850 kV
20 %
The reduction of the requirecl insulation level is appreciable so that
an attractive clecrease in the cost of equipment may be obtained.
The reduction, however, is dependent on the temporary overvoltages
in the netwerk of the types as discussed in section 1.4. As the ar-
rester is gapless, any increase in the A.C. voltage results in a current
through the resistors. To prevent overheating of the arrester, this
current may not exceed a safe value. If the temporary overvoltage,
TOV for short, is high, an arrester for a higher voltage class must
be chosen, which will give an increase in the proteetion level.
In the extreme example of a netwerk with a non-earthed neutral,
the TOV can be as high as J3 times the operating voltage, lasting
for many hours. In this case, a ZnO arrester with J3 higher levels
must be chosen. If this is applied to the values of the last table, it
appears that the reduced levels of that table are increased to about
the standard insulation level (BIL) . Thus the application of a ZnO
arrester would make no sense and an SiC arrester with spark-gaps
would here be a better proposition.
If we compare the three methods of protection, the metal oxide ar-:-
rester scores weIl:
no short-circuit remains aftel' operating a ZnO arrester .
no scatter in spark-over voltage OCClU'S as there are no spark f)
gaps. The only scatter that remains is due to the scatter in I
current wave intensity. 6
tio steep chopping waves are formed. In-fig. 3.8, the reaction of
the three protecting devices is compared. It follows that steep
impulses occur in open air gaps and less steep impulses in SiC
arresters. The chopping in ZnO arresters is very smooth; this
is much appreciated when protecting transformers which are
sensitive to steep waves and !!!.et al clad switchgear where steep
travelling waves with multiple refiections are feared .
The proteetion against steep incoming waves is improved. In fig 3.9,
a comparison is made between the insulation level of a power trans-
former and the protectivc levels of the thrcc protective devices. The
Rod gap <,
Fig. 3.8. Limiting a voltage wave by three types of protecting devices.
range from 1 us to in this figur represents the effect of light-
ning waves and the range from 100 to 1000 the effect of switching
surges. The upper curve represents the breakdown characteristic of
a transformer (as far as such a characteristic can be known because
of the high costs of destructive testing).
The second curve is that of a roel-gap; it shows that the red-gap
gives insufficient proteetion against steep waves: below 2 J.lS front
the transformer breaks elown at a lower value than the "protective"
The third curve shows the characteristic of an SiC arrester and
shows that it protects the transformer weIl over the fuIl range.
The fourth curve is that of a ZnO arrester. This one is flat ter
anel .offers a protective level that is appreciably lower over the full
range. The better proteetion may be useel to reeluce the failure risk
(as inelicated in fig. 3.1), to increase the protective range (as will
be calculateel in secti on 3.5) so that Iess arresters are neeeled in a
substation, or to reeluce the insulation level so that costs can be
Moreover , ennirotunental pollution causes changes in the potential
elistribution over the porcelain surface. This may lead to unwanted
spark-cvers of spark gaps in SiC arresters. ZnO-arresters have thus
a better resistance to inelustrial or coastal pollution.
' ....
<; - - -
Red gap
o 2 4 6 ~ j 100 500 1000
, c,...... -V ------ ... ~
J ,. "' ''1 ::. .Ju,,' ,c 'r. c, si/ret
Fig. 3.9. Protecting a transformer by a 'rod g a ~ an SiC arrester and a ZnO
arrester: breakdown voltage versus breakdown time.
3.5 Location of arresters
Surge arresters must be located as near to the equipment to be pro-
tected as possible, preferably at the terminals of the equipment.
In fig. 3.10, a lightning arrester A is considered at a distance x
of the protected object, for instance, a transformer T. An incoming
wave with a steepness of S kV/ JlS comes from the left-hand side.
If x is large, in the order of some hundreds of metres, the incom-
ing surge will be limiteel to the protectiv level Ua of the arrester.
The choppeel wave reaches the transformer T which has a high surge
impeelance. The wave is refiecteel and almost doubles at the terminal
of T. The voltage arrester is then not quite effective as overvoltages
occur at almost twice its protective level: 2U
Fig. 3.10. Arrester at a distance x
to a protected object. If x is too large,
the overvoltage at the object attains
about 2U
and the object is not weil
__--cA T
-f-" " $
I. .1
If x is small, say a few metres, the wave also refiects but the lightning
arrester now reacts at once anel the overvoltage cannot grow higher
than the protective level Ua'
Protective range
Between these two extremes there is a situation where the voltage at
component T is higher than the protective level Ua, but lower than
the withstand voltage of the object Ut. The maximum distance Xo
where the proteetion is still sufficient is called the protective range.
This range is established in the following way. In fig. 3.11, there
is an incoming wave travelling to the right, this wave gives a voltage
UR at the site of the arrester A:
UR = S t,
where S is the steepness of t he wave in kV/ /-lS and t the time after
the wave has reached A. This wave refiects at Tand comes back at
A with a magnituele UL:
UL = r S(t - 2to),
where r is the refiection coefficient at T and to is the travel time
between A and T .
These two waves add at A uutil the arrester A breaks down at level
Ua, that is if
where t
is t he t ime t wheu A breaks down.
The choppeel wave with crest Sta moves further to the right, and
refiects against Twith au amplitude
If we allow this voltage to be equal to the withstand voltage UT of
the transformer T it follows
. (2)
Fig. 3.11. Arrester at range x . The incoming wave R is reflected and returns as a
wave L to the left. If tLR +ut. exceed the flash-over voltage Ua the arrester reacts and
a wave with height UR reaches the object and causes an overvoltage r . UR. Frorn
these data the protective range Xo is calculated.
We now have two equations (1) anel (2) from whieh we ean eliminate
ta' This results in
- u,
to = -2-7'--'S-
anel as the proteetive range Xo is equal to vto, where v is the propa-
gation veloeity:
- Ua
Xo = 21'5 v.
Within this protective ranqe Xo the component T is just protecteel;
if the arrester is located at a distanee larger than xo, overvoltages at
T will exeeed the safe level UT'
A 400 kV transformer in a substation is chosen as an example and
the following characteristies are entered:
Full withstand level UT = BIL = 1425 kV;
Steepness of the incoming surge 1400 kV/ J.lS, corresponding to
the steepness of a 1/50 wave at BIL;
Characteristic impedance of the line 300 0 and that of the
transfarmer 3000 0, sa that the refiection factor r = 0.82.
The protective levels, including a 25 %safety margin, are taken from
the tables on SiC and ZnO arresters (sections 3.3 and 3.4):
1.25 U; for SiC = 1200 kVanel
1.25 u, for ZnO = 1030 kV.
This results in a protective range of
XQ = 30 me tres for an SiC-arrester,
XQ = 52 me tres for a ZnO arrester,
which is a consielerable difference when designing a substation.
Effect of cables
If underground cables are used for entering a station, the steepness
of the incoming wave is substantially decreased. With a cable of 300
to 700 metres, the steepness may decrease from 15 to 30 times. On
the other hand, the velocity v is a factor 1.5 smaller, so that the
protective range is 10 to 20 times larger than with open lines.
Moreover, the vulnerable insulation of transformers is less stressed
by these slow rising waves, sa that the use of underground cables to
enter a station is an attractive proposition.
Chapter 4
Generation of high voltage
When generating high voltages for testing purposes four types of
voltages can be distinguished.
1. AC voltage, usually generated by high voltage transformers.
2. DC voltage, usually obtained by rectifying AC voltage.
3. Lightning surges and switching surges, generated by an impulse
4. Special voltages, such as square waves, for testing lightning
arrest ers or 0.1 Hz for t esting cable circuits.
This c1assification is held to in the present chapter.
4.1 A.C. voltage
Test transformers are characterized by
high step-up ratios; 500 kV transformers have been built with
a primary volt age of 0.5 kV.
a limited power rating. The current capacity at the high volt-
age side is usually one to a few amps.
short-circuit resistance, as breakdown of tested objects may
occur frequently.
A shor t cir cuit causes the exertion of mechanical forces in the wind-
ings, but these are easily withstoocl at the relatively low currents in
qu estion. However, the likelihoed of these breakdowns also demands
for a good potential dis tributi on over the windings to prevent local
stressing caused by transients. The transformer is therefore wound
in layers which are dimensioned as shown in fig. 4.1. The length of
the layers is inversely proportional to their diameter, so that the ca-
pacitance between layers is kept constant and transients are equally
divided over the layers. This results in the typical trapezoidal shape
of the H.V.winding, similar to the condenser foils in bushings as
discussed in Volume 1, section 11.3.
Fig. 4.1. a. The iayers in an H.V.test transformer are arranged in a trapezoidai
shape so that mutuai capacitances are made constant and an even potentiai distri-
bution is obtained at transients during breakdown.
b. Two of these winclings in series resuits in a compact design with the magnetic
core at mid-potential,
Cascade transformers
Although the choice of a secondary voltage is almost unlimited, for
practical purposes, transformers are seldom built for voltages higher
than 300 to 500 kV. For higher test voltages, several transformers
are arranged in cascade, as shown in fig. 4.2. The top of the first
transformer is connected to the base of the second transformer and
so on . The primary winclings of the higher transformers have to be
energized at a high voltage level. This problem is solved by adding
a tertiary winding to the top of the lower transformers. This extra
winding is of thick wire anel is connected to the primary winding of
the following transformer.
Fig. Example of a set of cas-
cade transformers. The first trans-
former has an extra winding that
passes the required energy to the sec-
ond transformer, and so on.
Primary voltage: ij
Step-up ratio: n
This tertiary winding must be of sufiicient power. A cascade of three
stages elemands that the primary winding of the first transformer be
of a capacity of 3P, a tertiary winding of a capacity of 2P in the
first stage and a tertiary winding of P in the seconel stage (P being
the power rating of each transformer) .
Cascaele transformers function wen anel have some important ael-
The single transformers can be useel separately, which, in prae-
tice in high-voltage laboratories, accounts for perhaps as much
as 90 % of the time.
If required, a three-phase test voltage can be maele with the
inelividual transformers of a set of three.
A elisadvantage is the high internal impeelance of the..cascade cir-
cuit. The impedances of the inelividual transformers are not dded
be expectecl, but they are transformecl in a complicateel
way. For example, in a set of transfermers with a 2.5 %short circuit
impedance, the cascade conneetion of two transfermers has an 8 %
iinpeelance and the cascade of three transformers as much as 23 %.
Parallel compensation
Some test objects have large capacitances, such as: long lengths of
cable which have capacitances in the order of 200 to 300 pF per me-
tre; large power transformers, with capacitances between 1 and 10
nF; and GIS substations which are built of elements of low capaci-
tance (in the order of 50 pF per meter) but can attain more than 10
nF in complete substations.
In these cases the capacitive current becomes tOD large for the av-
erage test transformer and the capacitive load must be
by an indutance with the sample. In the example given
in fig. 4.3a, the capacitive current is n-fold increased with a compen-
sating CUlTent which may be n1 times of the nomina! current in
of the transformer, satisfying
Ijw C U + .U
I in.
c L

Q . b.
Fig. 4.3. (a) Secondary compensation.
(b) Primary compensation.
In some cases a primary compensation is used, as shown in fig. 3.4b.
Thus a smaller supply unit can be used as long as the load is purely
capacitive. If the maximum allowable current of the supply is is and
the transformer ratio is N, the primary inductance L
will satisfy
Series resonance
Most samples subjectecl to a high-voltage test are capacitive. The
voltage over a capacitive sample can be increased by connecting an
inductance in series as shown in fig. 4.4. If the losses in the induc-
tance are neglectecl, the voltage U
over the object is
4.1. A.C. VOLTAGE 39
I f' '
I r< r/ ~
\;CS (1""..(;1 +:{ J
Fig. 4.4. Boosting a transformer by
series resonance: U, > U.
~ c ..'t-<iJo
By ehoosing an induetanee ZL which is not larger than cic' the test
voltage is boosted by about 30 %. In industrial laboratories where
large eompensation coils are available, this is a eonvenient way to
raise the output of the transformers.
The situation shown in fig. 4.4 is also a warning that the voltage at
the secondary side might be higher than expected because of the in-
ternal inductanee of a transformer. This is especially true for cascade
sets with their large internal inductanee. The test voltage should
therefore always be measured at the secondary side, directly over
the sample.
This applies also to the case of large loss currents such as dis-
charge currents during min tests or in the presence of heavy corona.
In these cases the voltage at the sample may be lower than expected
and should be measurecl in situ. as well.
Resonance transformer
If the inductanee L is completely matched to the eapacitance C,
high voltage can be generatecl us ing an inductance coil only. Such
an incluctance coil is called aresonanee transformer, as shown in
fig. 4.5 and 4.6.
The internal resistance R (also representing magnetic losses) cannot
langer be neglectecl; the voltage U
over the sample is
1 U
= --:---C' . L 1 R'
JW JW + jwC + .
Fig. 4.5. Resonance transformer.
The laad is completely compen-
sated by tuning the series impedance
wL. The output voltage is many times
larger than the input voltage: U
Q. U, where Q is the quality factor of
the self- inductance.
The inductance L is varied so that it matches the capacitive load:
- 1
jwL = jwC
o. jwL
U -R'
and as wl is the quality factor Q of a coil:
1= Q.
With modern constructions and materials, quality factors from 40
to 100 can be obtained, so that very high voltages can be reached
when feeding with moderate voltages, in the order of 10 to 20 kV. In
fig. 4.6 an example is shown of a resonance transformer with a quality
factor of Q= 40. The circuit is supplied by a voltage regulator of 12.5
kV so that a test voltage of 50Q.JSY can be obtained. The current
capacity is 30 A, so that large-capacitance samples can be tested.
Also small samples, near zero capacitance, can be tested because a
voltage divider of about 50 nF is present, which then serves as the
The two halves of the resonance transformer can be connected in
parallel so that extremely large samples, over 1 J.LF, can be tested at
half the nominal voltage. This is especially of interest when testing
long delivery lengths of cable.
4.1. A..G. VOLTA.GE 41
12.5 kV
Fig. 4.6. Example of a resonance
transformer. The reactor is contin-
uously variable to match the capaci-
tance of the sample. At a quality fac-
tor Q = 40 this resonance circuit gen-
erates 500 kV at an excitation voltage
12.5 kV.
A resonance transformer has several advantages, and one disadvan-
1. The wave shape is purely sinusoidal because high harmonies
are not amplified. This improves the accuracy of breakdown
tests and is of advantage in Scheringbridge tests.
2. The resonance transformer requires a small power supply. The
primary current is the same as the "secondary" current, i.e.
the CUlTent required by the test object. The supplied power
P is purely ohmic and compared to the capacitive power Pc in
the sample is equal to
At a Qof 40 the required power is only 2.5 %of the (capacitive)
power that would be requirecl by a normal transformer circuit.
This results in consiclerable savings in power supply and voltage
3. Short-circuit currenis are limitecl. If a sample breaks down
the resonance is broken off, and no heavy currents can arise.
The cause of the breakdown is not destroyecl and might pos-
sibly be traeed which is of consiclerable advantage when doing
development work.
4. Simultaneously, this delicate balance has the clisadvantage that
Jast 'Voltage drops eau occur if therc are corona losses or partial
breakdowns occur in the test circuit. The test is then less se-
vere than would have been the case with a normal transformer
circuit. The use of a series resonance circuit is therefore not
permissible for tests involving insulation systems where large
pre-discharges can be expected, such as partial flashovers in
air, or in systems with tracking along creepage paths.
The recovery of the voltage is slow, e.g. aftel' the restoration of a
flashover it takes many oscillation periods to restore resonance as
shown in fig. 4.7.
Instant of partial breakdown
Fig. 4.7. If resonance is distorted
by a partial breakdown it takes about
Q oscillations before the resonance is
complete!y restored.
In summing up, it can be said that the following supply sourees for
high voltage A.C. are used:
- up to 300 to 500 kV
- in some extreme cases 1 MV may be found as weIl.
Transjormers in cascade
- usually a set of three
- cascade voltages of 1 MV or more.
Parallel compensation
- in both the preceding cases, an extra souree of capacitive laad is
found by parallel compensation.
4.2. D.G. VOLTAGE 43
Series resotuuice
- the voltage range of a transforrner circuit can be extended by an
inductance in series with the sample.
Resanance trans/armer
- a purely capacitive sample can be tested with the aid of a circuit
in complete resonance
- the variable inductance in this circuit is designated as resonance
Voltage regulators
The primary winding of an H.V. test set-up is supplied with a vari-
able voltage. This variable voltage may be equipped with tapped
windings, but these windings give rise to an irregular variation in
the voltage.
Sometimes rotating machines are used but these tend to be unsta-
ble at heavy capacitive loads. An interesting solution to the above
probl ems is provided by the variable flux transforrner as shown in
fig. 4.8.
The magnetic circuit comprises a ring-shaped armature, where the
magnetic field passes through a circular air gap. In this air gap
the magnetic field is evenly divided. The last turn of the secondary
winding is guided through this circular field as shown in fig. 4.8. One
of the other windings is tapped off by means of a sliding contact.
Between this sliding contact and the last winding, a whole number
of turns is present, plus Cl' degrees of the circular field.
When turning the secondary winding around its axis the number
of turns can be varied, whereas the flux encompassed by the last turn
varies continuously. A continuous voltage regulator is thus provided.
4.2 D.e. voltage
D.C. voltage is, in the majority of cases, generated by rectifying an
A.C. voltage. Rectifying units are based on silicon-diodes of 2 to
- ---
3 kV; by the series conneetion of these diodes and by providing a
homogeneons voltage distribution, H.V. diode units can be built for
hundreds of kilovolts of blocking potential,
~ ~ ~ contactring outside
the magneti c field
site of l
c - sliding cont acts
I - l ast turn of
secundary winding
Fig. 4.8. Continuous voltage regulator. The last turn I of the secondary winding
is guided through an airgap with a homogeneous magnetic field. The secondary
winding can be turned around so that the angle a between land the sliding contacts
c is varied. Thus the secondary winding encompasses a flux that can continuously
be varied between 0'=0 and 0'=360, This enables a continuous variation of the
secondary voltage. The lower contact c follows the spiral so that the number of
turns is varied as well.
Rectifier circuits
For voltages up to about 200 kV, single-phase or bi-phase rectifiers
are used, as shown in fig. 4.9. The bi-phase rectifier has the !:.Q.-
vantage t hat t he magnetic core of the t ransformer isnot saturated
With a D.e. current and that the npple on t he D.e. voltage is a b o ~
The size of the ripple is calculated as follows:
Bet ween two loading periods T the leakage current i
causes a loss
of charge of ioT. This results in a voltage drop
v,, =C
if f is t he frequency of the A.C. input voltage and C is the capaci-
4.2. D.e. VOLTAGE
I) 1\
Fig. 4.9. Single-phase and bi-phase rectification of A.C. to generate D.e. voltage.
The ripple can be decreased by increasing the frequency of the A.C. supply by
increasing the capacitance, or by filter ing.
tance of the sample.
By increasing t he frequency or the capacitance the ripple V
can be
lEe specifications require a ripple that is less than 5% of t he D.e .
voltage for test purposes. Other applications require extremely small
ripples, such as the D.e. supply for electron microscopes.
An interesting variation is the circuit shown in fig. 4.10, whi ch is
used in industrial supply units for low energy applications, such as
electron microscopes or radar units.

F ig. 4.10. An industrial H.V. recti-
fier. The secondary windings of the
transforrner are wound in opposite di-
rections. The voltages are added up in
a zigzag. At zero lead a D.e. voltage
of n times vis obtained.
The secondary windings WI, W2 to w
are wound in opposite direc-
t ions so that VI is opposite to V2, V2 to V3 , etc. In one half of the
volt age cycle, the blad: diodes are opened, in the other half the white
ones. The vol tages VI to V II are aclded and a D.e. voltage nv is gener-
ated. The circuit functions as a bi-phase circuit, as shown in fig. 4.9,
but the rectifying diodes have been split up in a natural way in n
diodes of a lower voltage class .
Cascade rectifier
There are several solutions to the multiplication of D.e. voltage when
rectifying A.C., the most popular being the Greinacher or Cockcroft
& Walton cascade circuit depicted in fig. 4.11.
If the voltage of the input transformer is positive, the black diodes
are opened and the main column on the right-hand side is charged.
When the transformer voltage becomes negative, the white diodes are
opened and the capacitors of the oscillating column, on the left-hand
side are loaded.
Fig. 4.11. Cascade rectifier accord-
ing to Greinacher. The column of ca-
pacitors on the left-hand side is os-
cil1ated by the supplying transformer.
During one half of the voltage cycle the
oscil1ating capacitors are charged (up
to 2V). During the ot her half they re-
plenish the lost charge of the main ca-
pacitors on the right-hand side. At no-
load the output voltage is 2n times the
transforrner voltage, if n is the number
of stages. At load i
the output volt-
age is appreciably lowered as both the
oscil1ating capacitors and the main ca-
pacitors lose charge.
Voltage multiplication is obtained in the following way:
a. In the negative half-period point A is kept at earth potential as
the white diode is open; point T is at -v.
b. In the following half-period the top of the transformer T oscillates
from -v to +v; as the capacitor is loaded, the potential at A oscillates
from 0 to 2v. At the same time, the blad: diode opens and this 2v-
potential is passed to the first main capacitor on the right.
4.2. D.e. VOLTAGE 47
c. Point A oscillates from zero to 2v, the next stage is excited be-
tween 2v and 4v, the next one between 4v anel 6v, and so on.
d. These higher voltages are passed to the main stade the black
diodes open if charge has leaked from the main stad: and new charge
is supplied.
During every cycle the last stage on the left-hand side supplies a
leakage charge q, see fig. 4.11. The next stage has to supply the same
charge q to its main capacitor, but also to the oscillating capacitor
above: 2q together. The next stage downwards supplies again q to
the smoothing stad", but it also supplies 2q to the capacitor above,
3q altogether: etc.
The upper oscillating stad" suffers a voltage drop .6.V:
if i is the leakage current in the sample and f is the frequency of the
A.C. supply.
The next stage supplies a double charge, and its voltage drop is
The total voltage drop 11,. in n stages is consequently
Vr = fC(l + 2 + 3....n).
This ripple can be limited by increasing the frequency f, e.g. up
to 10 kflz, or by increasing the capacitances C, which is very costly
however. The ripple could also be limited by choosing capacitors
with increasing size going downwards: C, 2C, 3C, etc. The total
ripple is then %, but a breakdown in the sample causes au uneven
voltage dis tribution over the capacitors; the smaller capacitors are
then overstressed and tend to break down.
As an example, a cascade generator of 5 equal stages of 100 kV at
f = 10 kHz, C = 1 nF and i
= 1 mA produces a ripple of 11,.= 1500
Volt or 0.3 % of the supplied D.e. voltage.
The voltage drop in the stages is also of consequence in selecting the
number of stages that can be included in a cascade rectifier. The
voltage drop in the lowest stage increases fast when increasing the
number of stages n , and if this voltage drop becomes larger than 2v,
further adding of stages is useless or even detrimental. Depending
on the load, frequency and capacitance, the number of stages in
practical circuits varies from 3 to 10.
4.3 Impulse voltage
Impulse voltages are unipolar and are divided into:
a. Lightning pulses to simulate overvoltages caused by lightning
b. Switching pulses to simulate overvoltages caused by switching in
networks. :
Impulse voltages are characterized by their front time: TI in fig. 4.12,
and their time to half-value: n in fig. 4.12.
-- -r - ----------
Fig. 4.12. A standardized impulse voltage. According to lEe, a lightning impulse
has a front of 1.2 /-LS and a tail (to half-value) of 50 /-LS. A switching impulse has a
front of 250 /-LS and a tail of 2500 ps.
According to IEC specifications, the definition of the front time is Tl
1.67 (Tgo - T
) : the measurements are performed between 30 %and
90 %of the crest value. In this way the high frequency transients at
the foot and the overshoot at the crest are not taken into account.
Lightning impulses are standardizec1 at Tl = 1.2 J-LS 30 %and Th
= 50 J-LS 20 %.
Switching impulses are standardized at Tl = 250 ltS 20 %and Th
= 2500 J-LS 60 %.
Basic circuit
The design of an impulse generator is based on the basic circuit
depicted in fig. 4.13. In this circuit, Cd is the dis charge capacitance
where the energy of the impulse generator is stored and Cl is the
load capacitance: the combinedcpcitance of the sample and the
voltage divider.
,'-- -- - - ------ -- ------- -- --,
}---<r--- - ----, :
Fig. 4.13. Single-stage impulse generator. When the sphere gap is triggered, the
charge of the capacitance Cd is transferred through Rf to the load Cl, fol!owing
the dotted arrow, After this, the combined charge of Cd and Cl vanishJi'tlirough (6v
Rh, fol!owing the ful! arrow. A double exponential wave is generated as shown in
fig. 4.14.
The discharge capacitance should always be larger, than the load, as
otherwise the efficiency of the generator will be too low. A factor 3
may be acceptable, but higher values are preferred.
Further to this circuit, Rf is the which determines
the front time and Rh is the discharge resistance which determines
the time to half-value.
The impulse generator functions as follows: the discharge capacitor
Cd is charged by a D.e. source. At a certain moment, the sphere gap
breaks down anel the capacitance Cd discharges itself int o the load
with a time constant
see the dotteelline in fig. 4.13 .
The voltage at the load increases fast; when this voltage has reached
its crest a slower discharge phenomenon sets in, with a time constant
see the full arrow in fig. 4.13. These two charge displacements cause
a voltage surge of the shape
as shown in fig. 4.14.
'/2 UrnQx
____ t
-A - - --
Fig. 4 .14. Double exponent ial curve as generated by impulse generators.
The time constants Tl and T2 bear a certain relationship to the front
and half-value times, which have to be computeel for every wave
shape. For the 1.2/50 wave, the relations are Tf= 2.96 T2 and Th =
0.73 Tl and front anel elischarge resistors have to be set accordingly.
For the 250/2500 wave Tf = 2.4 T2 and Th = 0.87 Tl,
The efficiency of the generator is for lightning impulses about
anel for switching impulses about
Cd Rh
TJ = Cd +Cl . Rf +Rh'
the efficiency and, consequently, the attainable erest-voltage is thus
considerably lower when generating switching impulses.
The ineluctance of the circuit shoulcl be kept 10"1; low-inductance
elements are used and the layout is kept as compact as possible. If
too much inductance is present, a waveferm as shown in fig. 4.15a
occurs; with front times less than 1 J-lS these oscillations cannot be
prevented. At about 1 J-lS front time the oscillations have vanished
but some overshoot still occurs, as shown in fig. 4.15b. lEe standards
allow, therefore, an overshoot of up to 5 %.
Fig. 4.15. Effect of stray inductance
L.. If L. is too large, oscillations oe-
cur in 1/50 lightning surges; if L. is
sufficiently controlled, an overshoot re-
mains. Slow rising fronts of switching
slll'ges pose no problem.
In order to reach this approveel wave shape, the stray ineluctance L,
of the generator circuit shall satisfy:
Multistage generators
A single stage impulse generator according to this basic circuit is used
for impulse voltages up to 100 to 200 kV. For higher voltages, the
multistage Marx qenerator is used, accoreling to fig. 4.16. With this
circuit surprisingly high voltages can be generated by charging the
discharge capacitors Cd in parallel anel discharging them in series.
The sphere gaps are diagonally placeel between the stages. When the
first one is fired, the ethers follow anel a voltage nV is generated,
where n is the number of stages and V the output of one stage. There
is no limit to the number of stages as in the case of the Greinacher
rectifier, impulse generators up to 10 MV have been build. The wave
shape is the same as that of a single stage generator and the same
expressions apply for the front anel half-value times if nR
, nRh and
*Cd are inserted.
The charging resistors Re which are neeeleel for charging the gen-
erator are connected in parallel with the discharge resistors Rd when
the generator is fired, they are chosen to b many times larger than
in order not to affect them. R
and Rf in such a generator can
Fig. 4.16. Multistage impulse gener-
ator. The discharge capacitors Cd are
charged in parallel and are discharged
in series when the sphere gaps are fired.
The output voltage is multiplied by n,
where n is the number of stages.
be varied in order to adjust the front and half-value times.
The first sphere gap is usually given a slightly smaller gap distance
than the other ones: it must be prevented that the higher gaps fire
first and that the other stages do not fire, or fire too late.
Firing the impulse generator can be accomplished in three ways:
1. By slowly charging the stages until the gaps break down and
the generator produces an impulse. Slow charging of the gener-
ator starts again, the mechanism repeats itself and the genera-
tor produces an impulse every minute or so. The reproducibil-
ity of the impulse voltages, however, is unsatisfactory.
2. The first sphere gap is triggered by passing a metal rod (Eeyl =
) between the spheres. This yields a gooel reproducibility,
but the instant of firing is still not well defined.
3. In order to eletermine the exact moment of firing, so that the
time sweep of oscilloscopes anel other measuring equipment can
be tripped, a triggered sphere gap according to fig. 4.17 is used.
A trigger impulse in the order of 10 kV is useel to break down
the annular gap. This causes a distortion of the main field,
ultra-violet radiation fills the gap and a souree of charged par-
ticles occurs at the triggered electroele, so that breakdown of
the main gap is initiateel.
Fig. 4.17. Triggered gap.
In all these cases the gaps should be in line anel the gaps should "see"
each other. Thus the ultra-violet light of the first gap irradiates the
others so that breakdown is initiateel. If the radiation is blocked, the
firing of the generator will be inconsistent anel often be incomplete.
Internol oscillations are prevented by divieling the front resistors Rf
over the stages. It woulel have been more practical to concentrate
the front resistance LR in series with the generator; however, stray
inductance would cause oscillations within the stages which would
spoil the wave-shape and even cause breakdown of the discharge
Chopped waves
Wave fronts of less than 1 us are difficult to obtain because of the
inductance of the lay-out, nevertheless steep waves with fronts of
0.1 ps or less are neeeleel to test transformers which are sensitive to
steep waves. For this reason chopped waves are generated, as shown
in fig. 4.18. A TOd gap or a triggered rnulti-gap is placed in parallel
with the sample. Aftel' a delay-time to the wave is chopped within a
time that may be shorter than 0.1 {lSo
A rod gap is simple, but it has the disadvantage that the delay time
and the steepness are not fully controlled. A triggered gap is more
Fig. 4.18. Chopped waves are made
to simulate the effect of steep fronts .
Either a rod gap or a triggered gap
chops the wave after io microseconds.
4.4 Special wave shapes
Voltage-current generators
For the testing of surge arresters, voltage impulses have to be applied
which are followed by current waves of large magnitude. Simulation
of lightning is performeel with 4/10 ps current waves up to 100 kA
and 8/10 ps CUlTent waves up to 40 kA, in accorelance with the spec-
ifications in sections 3.2 anel 3.3. For simulating switching surges,
tests are performed with 2000 to 3000 JlS up to 4 kA.
Further tests are performed, such as stability tests at 115C, tests
with polluted porcelain, tests with repeated current waves, etc.
Lightning current
A circuit for generating lightning current is made by connecting all
the discharge capacitors Cd of an impulse generator in parallel, so
that a discharge capacitance of several jJF is obtained. The wave
front is shaped by an inductance in the order of some tens of pH, so
that no energy is lost in a front resistor. The circuit is attenuated
by the resistance of the surge arrester under test, see fig. 4.19.
A 10 pF discharge capacitance can in this way generate a 4/10 us
wave of about 65 A anel a 8/20 us wave of about 40 kA.
The test voltage is limiteel to the output of one stage of the genera-
Fig. 4.19. Circuit for generating
short waves of high current : 4/10 or
8/20 ps.
t or , so that lightning arresters up to about 35 kV phase-to-earth can
be tested completely. Higher-class arresters can be tested in parts
Switching current
Current waves of 2000 t o 3000 ps are generat ecl in a travelling wave
generator according t o fig. 4.20.
Fig. 4.20. Circuit for generat ing long waves of fairly high current. The circuit farms
an art ificial delay line t hat is charged up to U kV. Aft el' triggering the spher e-gap
at A, a travelling wave -! U goes to the left, reflect s and doubles to -U. The wave
is substracted Irom the initial U sa t hat at A a square wave of twice the delay time
results, see also fig. 4.21.
An artificial clelay line of 8 to 10 units is charged by a rectifier. When
all capacitors are chargeel , a trigger-impulse is given at A so that the
sphere-gap fires anel the clelay line feeds into the s mple R . The
characterist ic impedance Z of the delay line is chosen to be equal to
R. The voltage A is then equally elivicleel between Z and R and a
negative wave ~ moves to the left , see fig. 4.21. This voltage is
subst rac te el from the voltage U that was present in the line. When
t his travelling wave meets the other siele, the wave is refiected and
is doubled. The elouble wave U reaches A and is not refiected again
CR = Z) so that the voltage at A becomes U - U = 0 and remains
Fig. 4.21. Square wave generated by
the circuit shown in fig. 4.20: the
travelling waves -tu and -U are sub-
stracted from the original voltage U.
A square wave is generated as shown in fig. 4.21, of amplitude ~ U
and duration t ~
In a normal line
to =-
where 1 is the length of the line in metres and v is the velocity
measured in metresjsec. In th is artificialline the length is replaced
by the number of units n and v is the velocity in numbersjsec, so
to = 2?:!:. = 2nVLC,
where L and Care the impedances per unit.
Z must he well matched to R as otherwise a multi-step response is
generated. This means that
It foIlows from these two relations that
C ~ and L=CR

In spite of the limited number of units (8 to 10), and the non-linearity
of the sample, a reasonahly square wave is ohtained, as shown in
fig. 4.22. It appears that
Tgo% ~ 2(n-1)JLC,
% IA T
Fig. 4.22. Square wave generated by
the circuit shown in fig. 4.20. The ac-
tual wave differs from an ideal square
wave in such a way that T
and T
may differ by 20% frorn the average du-
In order to obtain this reasonably perfect wave shape, it has been
found that the first two inductances should be jL and the last one
2L. In actual generators, the capacitances are adjustable in steps
up to about 50 f.lF and the inductanees up to about 5 mH per unit.
Currents up to 4 kA ean be generateel at voltages up to 25 kV at an
impulse duration of 2000 to 3000 us.
Again, lightning arresters with flashover voltages higher than 25
kV cannot be tested completely, but have to be tested in parts.
Current waves for testing aeroplanes
Aeroplanes are regularly hit by lightning, about once per 10.000
flight hours. The fuselage conducts the lightning current, this cur-
rent causes no danger in metal planes. However, non-metallic parts
such as radar domes may be damaged. The development of non-
metallic planes has strengthened the interest in the effect of light-
ning currents. In order to simulate several current waves in one
stroke, special generators have been developed. The current wave in
the test object is composed of four phases as shown in fig. 4.23.
The first phase represents the current at the lightning stroke, phase
Il represents the supply of charge aftel' the stroke. Phase III rep-
resents those cases where a longer-period cutrent remains aftel' a
stroke, phase IV represents a restrike in the lightning channel which
frequently occurs in practice.
Such complicated patterns are not gcneratecl by one generator.
Several generators are placed in parallel, as shown in fig. 4.24, where
the components I to IV generate the current phases I to IV shown in
the preceding figure. Voltages up to 20 kV can oe excited to generate
these currents.
100 kA
Fig. 4. 23. Lightning wave for testing aeroplanes and non-metallic parts of aero-

-l- L-l- LJL JLL
[ [ [ [II
Fig. 4.24. Circuit Ior generating current waves for testing aeroplanes. It consists of
four components that are triggered one by one. Components I and IV are generators
for short current waves as shown in fig. 4.19. Component II is a generator for long
current waves of a few kA's, as shown in fig. 4.20. Component 111 generates a current
of same hundreds of amps for a few seconds by switching on a conventional hattery.
Each component is triggercd at. the right moment by a sphere gap or a thyristor.
Chapter 5
Measuring of voltage and current
High voltages and high eurrents ean be measured in several ways,
the prineipal methods being:
Eleetrostatie voltmeter U
Sphere gaps U
Resistive voltage divider U
Gapaeitive volt <l g8 -cli'lider ..y..
Rogowski coil
5.1 Electrostatic voltmeter
The eleetrostatie voltmeter makes use of the electrostatic force be-
tween electrodes. This force F can be derived from the energy P of
the electric field between the electrodes:
F= dP,
where dx represents a small displacement of the electrodes. Now
where C is the capacitance and V is the voltage between the mea-
suring electrode and earth, as shown in fig. 5.l.
F = ~ V d = ~ V ~ ES (where d is a variable),
2 dx 2 dx d
so that
Fig. 5.1. Electrostatic voltmeter.
The e1ectrostatic force at the measur-
ing electrode causes a small displace-
ment of the mirror. This movement is
amplified by a beam of light. The scale
is quadratic so that the first quarter of
the scale is not very reliable.
S =surface of the measuring electrode
d = distance between electrodes
surface S
; /:..-- mirror
. ,
......-..y ""
"'" scale
As E, S and d are fixed quantities which are the design
of the instrument, the force F is proportional to V
The indication
at the scale is thus non-linear . Moreover, if an A.C.voltage is mea-
sured, the meter indicates the root-mean-square value.
Electrostatic voltmeters are available from a few kV fuil scale to
some 500 kV fuil scale. They have the advantage of a very high in-
put impedance: an insulat ion resist ance of certainly more than 10
and an input capacitance of the order of magnitude of 10 pF. Hence
the electrostatic voltmeter is attractive for tests where the measuring
system shail not load the source; for inst anee a voltage measurement
of float ing electrodes in high-voltage constructions can weil be made
with an electrostatic meter.
The basic principle is independent of frequency, so t hat in practice
any voltage from D. C. to 100 MHz can be measured. For obvious rea-
sons the meter cannot be used for measuring lightning or switching
5.2 Sphere gap
The most widely known instrument for measuring high voltage is the
sphere gap, although its way of functioning makes it more a calibrat-
5.2. SPHERE GAP 61
ing device than a measuring instrument .
Measuring high voltage with the aid of a sphere gap is based on
the fact that air of known pressure and temperature always breaks
v' __ " ---..
down at th same fieldstrngth: for air of 1 atmosphere and 20C
----- - ------ thisis ab out 3 kV/mm. Tlie sphere gap is the simplest configuration
where a uniform and predictable field occurs between electrodes.
A high-voltage circuit and it s voltage divider can be calibrated by
determining the gap distance where breakdown takes place. With
the aid of
the international IEC tables, such as IEC-52, an inspeetor
can chcl:l('I a test circuit in any laboratory anywhere in the world.
The method is not very accurate, about 3 %, but it is rel iable and
In the IEC specifications, accurate tables are given which repre-
sent the correlation between the breakdown strength and the gap
distance, as shown in fig. 5.2.
1000 mm 750 500 00 50 150 250
200 cm D
other voltages
" .::>
D 0

ct CD
Gap spacing ct -
Fig. 5.2. The crest voltage o. at which a sphere gap breaks down as a function of
gap spacing. The exact values are weil documented in rEe tables. This relationship
is used for calibrating D.e., A.C., and impulse voltages. The sphere gap is usually
protected by a resistance R of about 100 kn at D.e. and A.C. tests and R < 300n
at impulse tests.
Small corrections are made for air pressure, temperature and humidity.
An accurate field distribution is obtained by satisfying the following
the spheres shall be smooth and free of defects
no dust shall be present; this applies particularly to D.e. mea-
the curvature of the surface shall be constant; this can be
checked with a spherometer which consists esseutially of a tri-
pod with a probe in the centre
no air currents may be present
A correction S is made for air density as follows:
S - pT
- Po T'
T = absolute temperature and T
= 293 K
P = barometric pressure and Po = 101 kPa.
The values shown in fig. 5.2 are increased by this factor.
There is also a correction for air humidity, but this is usually small,
below 2 %. No measurements shall be made over 90 %humidity, as
the results may be unreliable due to condensation of water at the
sphere surfaces.
The breakdown in air in the semi-homogeneous field between spheres
takes place in about 30 ns. This makes the sphere gap useful for
measuring impulses; at short impulses, below 1 J.lS front, the gap is
U.V. radiated to decrease the delay time.
The sphere gap is widely used because of its advautages:
simple device, uuiversally applicable
measures the crest voltage which usually is decisive in dielectric
measures all types of voltages: D.e., A.C., switchiug and light-
lllug surges
large scope: from a few kV's with small spheres of some cen-
timetres diameter to MV's with spheres of some me tres diam-
The disadvantages are:
the accuracy is modest; about 3 % at A.C. and impulses, and
about 5 % at D.C.
does not give a voltage reading but is used to calibrate the
readings of a primary voltage souree or those of a voltage di-
time consuming; in order to obtain fuHaccuracy long test series
are needed to determine the 50 % breakdown value
5.3 Resistive voltage divider
A high-voltage divider consists of a series-conneetion of two impedances:
a high-ohmie one which bears the high voltage and a low-ohmic one
which produces the measuring signal, see fig. 5.3.
Fig. 5.3. Voltage divider. The
impedances Zl and Z2 are of the same
type, either R or C. The impedances
of the measuring instrument and its
leads add to Z2 .
I ,
I / I
\ /
/ .... - /
/ I
In order to prevent corona, which both drains the voltage souree
and affects the readings, the high-voltage electrode is rounded off
by toroids, spheres, or quasi-curved bodies made up of many small
plates, as shown in fig. 5.3
In actual cases either resistors or capacitors are chosen to represent
the impedances Zl and Z2.
Resistor s
The high-voltage arm of the resistive divider is made up of stacks of
individual resistors. Wire wouncl resistors risk having too much self-
induction and astrong capacitance; commercially available carbon or
metal film resistors are used resulting in a negligible self-induction
and a small stray capacitance. The resistors are selected for low
temperature and voltage clepenclency and they are usually agecl by
heat treatment to obtain a good stability.
The resistors are housed in cylinders of insulating material fillecl
-- - --
with oil to prevent flashover and corona at the inclividual resistors,
The totallength of the cylinclers is about 4 metres for every MV, this
is required to prevent flashover at lightning and switching surges;
dividers for A.C. voltage can be about half as long.
The tota1 resistance of a 1 MV impulse divider may be in the
order of 10 to 30 kno Dividers for higher voltage are usually of the
capacitive type.
St r ay capacit ances
Aftel' constructing a well-elesigned resistive divider, two types of stray
capacitances are left which may affect the transfer function of the
divieler. The first y ~ of parasite is formed by the stray capacitances
over t he inelivielual res istors. They result in an overall capacitance
Cl over t he high-voltage arm anel a capacitance C
at the lew-voltage
side, as shown in fig. 5.4.
Calculation of the transfer function as a function of frequency leaels
= R
the transfer function becomes independent of the
The resistive voltage clivieler can be made frequency-inclepenclentby
trimming the capacitance C

2 = R
Fig. 5.4. Resistive voltage divider.
Resistors can be built with negligible
self-induction, but parallel stray ca-
pacitance cannot be prevented. Their
effect can be eliminated by matching
C2 so that C2 = *.Cl.
A practical approach is to feed a square wave to the high-volt age
side and to adjust the wave shape at the low-volt age side as shown
in fig. 5.5. Aftel' this adjustment the transfer is true up to very high
frequencies and for very steep waves.
too small
too large
Fi g. 5.5. Tuning of a resistive di-
vider. The parasite C
is trimmed
in such a way that the time constant
CIR! = C2R2
This is obtained by
feeding a square wave into the divider.
Another parasit..t0.s the stray capacitance from different parts of the
~ i r to earth. The parasites are represented in fig. 5.6 by one
earth capacitance at the centre of the high-volt age arm. It has ex-
perimentally been shown that in most dividers Ce ~ OACt if Ct is
the total capacitance that is measured between the top of the divider
and earth. The transfer function is:
1 R
1 +jWT - Rl + R
where T is a time constant:
It fo11ows that the correction factor Ic is frequency dependent as is
graphically shown in fig. 5.6.
factor f
11 I.
- -::- - i"
11 '.
- -:i - i,1
11 I.
- -u- - -1.1
11 I
11 I.
- - -11- - "".1
11 I
.. I.
- ii - i
Fig. 5.6. Stray capacitances represented by eart h capacitance Ce. Up to a fre-
quency Wo = ~ the resistive divider gives a truc transmission with a correction factor
Ic is 1. Above this frequency the response decreases fast and wave fronts below a
length T are not well reproduced.
In order to make the bandwidth as large as possible, the parasite
Ce is kept small. Assume Ce = 10 pF and Rl = 10 ld1, then the
bandwidth is about 6 MHz and details longer than about 30 ns can
be reproduced.
Low-voltage arm
For safety reasons, a distance has to be maintained between the
divider and the observation equipment as shown in fig. 5.7. For
D.C. or A.C. dividers this poses no problems, the capacitance of the
connecting load is added to C
and is taken into account. When
recording transients, the layout must be carefully designed. A coax
cable is used with a characterist ic impedance Z, e.g. 50 or 75 n.
The cable is t erminateel by a resistance R = Z, so that no refiections
can occur. The low-voltage arm is thus loaded with a resistance Z
whi ch has to be taken into account when calculating the transfer
fun ction. The observation unit shall have a high-ohmie input of low
The coax cable may be elouble-screeneel and the measuring loop
is kept separateel from the high current loop in the laboratory if
opt imal reliability is required.

Fig. 5.7. The lew-volt age arm of a resistive divider is eonnected to unit 0 by a eoax
cable termina ted with Zand is doubl e sereened to prevent piek up of di sturbances.
See also fig. 5:9.
5.4 Capacitive voltage divider
The high-voltage siele of a capacitive divider is made up of stacks of
individual capacit ors . Commercially available capacitors are selecteel
for low self-induction anel for high stability, They are houseel in oil
filled cylinders of insulating material at a length as indicated for
resistive dividers,
Although selected capacitors are used, it cannot be preventeel that
some stray ineluction L; in the order of a few pH occurs. Together
with the stray-capacitance to earth Ce, a transmission line is formed
as can be seen from fig. 5.8. (The main capacitors C do not block
this line) . The lower side of the line is short-circuited and the upper
side can be regarded to be open or at least mismatched. If an impulse
enters this line, travelling wave oscillations will occur with very little
attenuation, as virtual1y no losses are present in the capacitors and
the stray impedances.
Damping resistors Rare therefore introduced which shall be at
so that a composite divider results, as shown in fig. 5.8.
r: lc
e ~ ~
IR L s
c ~ ~
c ~ ~
c ~
Fig. 5.8. Capacitive voltage di-
vider. At high frequencies the stray
inductances and capacitances compose
a transmission line so that travelling
waves may occur which result in os-
cillations. These oscillations are elim-
inated by introducing attenuation re-
sistors R.
This composite divider acts at high frequencies as a resistive divider.
The time constant of that divider is about equal to the time constant
r as calculated in section 5.3 for resistive dividers.
In an actual example of a 4 MV voltage divider, the upper capac-
itance is 400 pF, the combined resistance is 260 0 and a 70 ns front
time can be reached. The divicler has a length of 15 metres.
Low-voltage arm
The lew-voltage part of the divieler is connected to the observation
unit by a coax cable with its characteristic impedance in a way as
shown in fig. 5.9. An input resistor is provided which is made equal to
t he characteristi c impedance of the cable minus the attenuation re-
sistance: Z - Ra. A fast transient voltage arriving at the lew-voltage
arm is divided over this input resistor and the surge impedance Z ,
it ent ers the cable anel is doubled at its open end where it can be
recorded. The refiected wave travels back and is eliminated by the
series conneetion of Z - Ra and Ra (=Z) .
Fig. 5.9. Low-volt age arm of an at tenuated capacit ive divider. Signal v enters
the coax cabIe, it is recorded (and it refiects) at the other end. The refiected wave
is absorbed by the input resist ance Z - Ra in series with the attenuation resistors
Ra, t heir sum being Z. The recording instrument is placed in a weil conducting
cabinet (e.g. aluminum) with t he open end averted from the high-voltage circuit.
The coax cable is t erminated at the rear end of the cabinet. Thi s measure, together
with ot her precautions, prevents disturbances from the high power test circuit. This
is particularly advis ed if digital recording devices are used .
5.5 Digital recording
Digital recording has the advantage over conventional recording by
oscilloscopes that the information obtained can be stored and pro-
cessed better. .The use of digital recorders asks for precautions in at
least the following three areas:
1. Voltage level of the signal,
2. Shielding against disturbances.
3. Digitalizing the signal.
Voltage level
Conventional surge test oscilloscopes give direct access to the defiec-
tion plates of the cathode-ray tube. The signal can be divided by
an adjustable attenuator. The voltage level of the observation unit
is quite high, up to about 1 kV. This has the great advantage that
the test circuit is fairly insensitive to electromagnetic interference.
Digital recorders and oscilloscopes accept far lower input voltages
so that further division of the H.V. signal is required. This poses,
however, no basic problems,
The shielding of general purpose recorders is not sufficient to proteet
the instrument against the intensive electromagnetic waves trans-
mitted by an H.V. impulse generator. The recorder is placed in a
(incomplete) Faraday cage, open at one side to operate the recorder.
At the wall opposite the opening, the signal is received and is passed
to the recorder as briefiy indicated in fig. 5.7 and 5.9. The recorder
is operated at its maximum range.
The incoming coax line is double-screened, the outer screen is
earthed at both sides. The coax cable is preferably laid in a metal-
lic conduit. Loops are avoided. A further improvement consists of
introducing optical transmission by means of glass-fibre cabIe. Any
disturbance caused by potential differences is prevented in this way.
The main S1tpply is filtered by inserting an r j-filter in the sup-
ply line. The recorder is further protected against overvoltages and
interference by an isolating transformer with an extremely low ca-
pacitance between the winelings.
An IEC standard specifies a number of tests to check these pre-
cautions, such as current injection in the coax cable shield, a 4 kV
transient from the power supply and the application of fast rising
electric anel magnetic fields of about 0.1 kV/mm and 1 kA/mmo
An overall check is maele by operating the complete high-voltage and
measuring circuit at full test voltage, but without an input signal at
the coax line (line short-circuited or removed).
A number of requirements are specified by lEe to maintain sufficient
accuracy, in the order of 2 %in voltage measurements and about 4 %
in time measurement.
The sampling rate shall be more than ?J if T is the shortest
time-interval to be resolved. The sampling rate shall also be
larger than 8fm if fm is the highest frequency to be measured.
The resolution shall be 0.4 % of the fuIl scale deviation, corre-
sponding to 2-
full scale.
The rise time of the digitizer shall be less than 0.03 T.
Furthermore specifications are set for the non-linearity of the scales
and for interference and noise.
-~ 6 Current pulse measurement
When performing high-voltage tests, in particular impulse tests, the
magnitude of the current(s) in the test object is of interest as well.
Two techniques are commonly used: the low-ohmic shunt and the
Rogowski coil,
Low-ohmic shunt
Measuring current with a low-ohmic shunt leads to the very simple
circuit of fig. 5.10a. The resistivity is usuaIly in the range of 1 to
100 mO. At these low values, the stray capacitances are so low
that they are negligible for frequencies up to about 100 MHz. If
normal wire wound resistors are used, however, the self-inductance
L becomes too large anel an equivalent circuit, as shown in fig. 5.10b,
is valid. The shunt can then be used at D.e. or at A.C. of fairly low
frequencies only.
In order to obtain a low stray inductance, a coaxial construction
is adopted. The voltage drop over the inner cylinder is measured,
as shown in fig. 5.11. The bandwidth of this coaxial shunt is not
I 1
r- - - - - - - -1 1- - - - - - - ..,
a) b)
Fig. 5.10. a . Measuring current with a low-ohmic resistor: v = Ri. b. Impulse
currents and high frequencies can not he measured if conventional constructions are
used for the resistor: the inherent self-induction tends to affect the result: v =
Ri + L*. The simple relationship of figure a is restored by choosing coaxial shunts
as shown in fig. 5.11.
determined by its self-induction, but by the skin effect in the inner
resistive cylinder. The skin depth {; in the wal1 is equal to
where {; is the depth in the material at which the magnetic field is
reduced ~ times, f is the frequency, j.lo = 47r . 10-
~ and is the
relative magnetic permeability, in most resistive materials ~ 1.
By choosing a smal1 wall thickness, the bandwidth can be increased
to about 100 MHz, which is more t han sufficient for most industrial
tests. For special purposes, a bandwidth up to 1000 MHz can be
obtained, which corresponds to a t ime constant of the order of 1 ns.
A furt her restrietion is t he heat dissipation that can be offered by
the shunt . If a current pulse i occurs during a short time t , the
temperature rise T is adiabatic and the resistive cylinder R absorbs
an energy
f t 2
Jo i'R : dt = G . T . c,
where G is the weiglit of the inner cylinder, and C IS the specific
Fig. 5.11. Coaxial shunt . The self-induct ance is negligibl e because of the drastic
reduct ion of th e magn eti c flux. The inner cylinder R is made of resistive material,
wit h a low temp erature cofficient (1 to 10-
per C) to secure linearity. The voltage
dr op v is measured across the inner cylinder.
heat of the material. In order to specify a shunt, the notion thermal
impulse rating is introduced whi ch equals
t '2d G . ~
2 t=---
O R'
wher e Tmis the maximum permissible temperature rise.
It follows that the impulse rating is directly proportional to the
weight G, which leads to weighty constructions if large currents have
I t o he measured.
This demand for weight is contrary to the requirement for a small
wall thickness to restriet the skin effect. A good compromise, how-
ever, can he found and shunts in the multi kA-range can he made
which are able to record all required details of current impulses
caused by lightning and chopped lightning waves.
Combined voltage-current test
When impulse t esting a power transformer, the H.V. winding is con-
nect ed to the impulse generator and its voltage divider. The H.V.
winding, L.V. winding and tertiary winclings are connected to earth
via a shunt. The voltage v and the CUlTent waves iJ, iz and i
recorded simultaneously as shown in fig. 5.12.
Fig. 5.12. Impulse testing of a power transformer. The non-tested windings are
short-circuited, their capacitive currents i
and i
are measured.
Reference records are made at approximately 60 %of the test voltage
(or any voltage sufficiently low not to cause dielectric defects). Then
the transforrner is tested at fuil test level, often with 10 positive
and 10 negative shots, and is tested with chopped waves if required.
Oscillograms are made of all shots and all full-level recordings are
required to have the same wave shape as the reference record.
Rogowski coil
If no metallic contact with the CUlTent conductor is wanted a coil as
shown in fig. 5.13 is used.
The output voltage v of the coil is equal to
lvi = dt'
the encompassed flux 4J being equal to
4J=n AB,
where n is the number of turns, A is the surface of one winding and
B is the magnetic flux density. A large number of turns and turns
perpendicular to the ring, are supposecl. As turns are by necessity
tilted, two winding ar e usua11y applied with turns in a erosswise pat-
t em; in this way, stray fields from arbitrary directions are cancelled
as well.
The flux density B is derived from its circular integral through the
f B . dl = J10J1r
where d is the average diameter of the coil,
It fo11ows that the output signal v is
nJ10J1IA di
v = xd dt'
also written as
v = NI dt'
so that the output signalof the coil is directly proportional to the
time-derivative of the measured eurrent .
Integration of *is required to obtain a signal that is proportional
to i. This ean be realized in two ways:
with an eleetronie integrator
with a passive netwerk
Following the second possibility an interesting passive netwerk can
be formed from the self-induction L of the Rogowski eoil itself. This
is shown in fig. 5.13a. The output signal V2 is
where i is derived from
i , V
al L...---{:-r )---'
Fig. 5.13. Rogowski coil. The coil is placed aro und a conductor to measure the
current i in the conductor. The coil is screened against e!ect ric stray fields by screen
S. The output voltage is equal to v = M*, where M is the mutual inductanee
between coil and conductor. The signal v can be integrated by electronc means
or by a passive circuit. In figure a a passive circuit is formed by the inherent self-
inductions of the coil and by R +R
. In figure b an Re network is used . In both
cases a linear relationship V2 =C i is achieved.
A low value is chosen for R sa that for frequencies resulting in wL >
R + R, the effect of R +R; can be neglected and
_ L
di 2
V - dt'
i 2 = Jv dt
V2 = c- z,
where c is a constant .
Thus the signal V2 is proportional to the measured current i and
the current wave shapes can be recorded as long as the frequency
band lies over Wo = R1
. The proportionality factor c can be cal-
culated, or be calibrated in practice. The lower frequency limit Wo
can be lowerecl by clecreasing R; at the cost, however, of clecreasecl
The alternative circuit for integrating the signal is shown in fig. 5.13b.
Starting from V2 = bf i
dt it can be shown that
for frequencies higher than Wo = R1C '
Again, this lower frequency limit can be chosen at an arbitrarily low
level, but at the cost of lowerecl sensitivity.
D.e. components are not measured in this way. The great advan-
tage of the Rogowski coil is, however, that the coil is fully isolated
from the high-energy conductor. The circuit can, therefore, advan-
tageously be used to observe lightning currents in outdoor construc-
tions, such as antenria towers.
Chapter 6
Breakdown Analysis
6.1 Breakdown tests
When evaluating insulation constructions with high voltage, two
types of tests can be performed: non-destructive tests where-.Q.ielec-
tric characteristics are measured and destructive tests to determine
the dielectric strength or the voltage life of a construction.
Destructive tests are either performed as step voltage or as duration
tests, see fig 6.1.
I I Cl S
.I..1 I .I..1
1H 3H 8H 1day 1week 1mnth
Fig. 6.1. Breakdown tests. Step voltage tests S are performed for a fixed time-
span T, aftel' which the voltage is increased by a fixed percentage, tested again for
a time T, and so on, until breakdown. In the diagram, the breakdown results are
entered at the time T (although the previous aging would justify somewhat longer
times) and at the voltage U (or the field strength E) where breakdown took place.
Samples where no breakdown occurred are indicated with an arrow. Duration tests
D are performed at a fixed voltage (or field strength) and the times-to-breakdown
are entered at their U (or E) level. The scat ter in the results is usually so large that
comparison or further processing of result s is imposs ible without statistical too!s.
In both cases, a lar ge scatter is encountered in life tests often stretch-
ing over several decades of time. In order to cope with these widely
scattering results, a statistical method has been adopted based on
statistics that had been developed by the mathematician Weibull for
aging tests on mechanical structures.
6.2 Weibull Distribution
The Weibull distribution of a duration test is based on the probability
/)'P that a sample that is unbroken at time t will break down before
t +/).t. Weibull makes the following assumption for this probability:
Eb represents the effect of the field strength E. In accordance with
the experience, this effect increases with a high power b of the field
strength; k is a constant.
p is the number of samples that are tested simultaneously.
t" represents the effect of the time t that the sample has been aged.
The power a can be positive and aging increases with time, or a is
negative and conditions improve with time.
Now the probability P(t) that breakdown occurs befere time t IS
calculated as follows:
P(t +~ t P(t) + [1 - P(t)] x ~
Breakdown be-
fore t +~ t
It follows that
breakdown + no break- x breakdown be-
befere t down before t tween tand t +~ t
P(t + /).t) - P(t) = /).p
1 - P(t) ,
which can be read as a differential equation:
dP(t) b a
1 _ P(t) = /)'P = k . Ep t st ;
which can be integrated:
replace a+l by m, then
ln[1 - pet)] = -- Ebp t'" + C.
From the boundary condition P(t)=O if t=O, it follows that C=O.
The probability for breakdown before moment t is thus:
By introducing a time constant ta:
mIl )
ta = (- . - . -) m
k Eb p
this expression can be simplified to
. ~ -----r\
pet) = 1 - exp - [-r
. (
c>: -----------
This is the classic expression for the Weibull distribution which is
-------- --
found in most literature on the subject. For practical reasons it is
usually written in a double-logarithmic shape:
/ ~ ~
\ ln{- ln[l - pet)]} = mInt - mlnto.
A vertical scale y= In { -lnj l- pet)]} is used for the probability pet).
Time t is projected at the horizontal scale as x = In t. Then a
straight line y = mx - Co occurs, as shown in fig. 6.2. The slope of
this line is given by m, and its location is given by the time constant
that is found at P= 63.2 %.
An unknown distribution of breakdowns is recorded as follows:
if p samples have been tested, the first breakdown is entered as
pet) = ~ l at its time-tc-breakdown, the second one as ~ l at its
particular time-to- breakdown, anel so on. (p + 1 is used to pre-
vent P reaching 1). These elata are plotteel, a straight line is drawn
through them, anel to anel mare eletermineel. In fig. 6.16, at the
i 0.3


c :.

...... V
2 5 10-
2 5 10
2 5 10
2 5 10
2 5 10
Fig. 6.2. Weibull distribution on Weibull probability paper. The probability P(t)
th at a sample has broken down before t is entered at a normalized scale 1'01' P(t) j
the time to breakdown t is projected at a logarithmic time scale. The statistic
population is then represented by a straight line. An indication 1'01' the average liJe
time is found at the spot where the Weibull curve reaches P= 63.2 %j the breakdown
time there is equal to t
the time constant of the Weibull distribution. An indication
of the scatter in the population is given by the slope of the curve which is equal to
the exponent m of the Weibull distribution.
end of this chapter, a diagram is presented for this purpose. In this
way, au extensive set of scattered results can be represented by two
characteristic values, to and m only; this is the great strength of the
use of a distribution like Weibull's.
(The time constant to is, in the literature, also called scale parameter
and the slope rn is called shape parameter).
6.3 Step-up tests
The preceeding distribution was worked out for endurance tests; the
same expression can be used for step-up tests. In that case, the
voltage u (or the field strength E) at which breakdown occurs, is
entered at the horizontal scale and a Weibull diagram, as shown in
fig. 6.3 is recorded, where
P(u) = 1 -
where Uo is the 63.2 % breakdown strength and slope b represents
the scatter in results.
There exists a relationship with the slope m of the endurance test:
the slope b of the step-up test appears to be
The scatter in the results of step-up tests is consequently far smaller
than with endurance tests as the life line slope n tends to he large,
in the order of 10 to 20.
A relationship with the time constant of the endurance test can
also be made. If the steps of the step-up test were of duration T,
this corresponds to an endurance test at constant voltage U
with a
time constant to = T. Moreover, endurance tests at other voltages
can he derived from the one at Uo by applying the nih power rule.
Sometimes, a Weibull distribution is used with a lower limit Urn
Fig. 6.3. Figure a illustrates the use
of a Weibull distribution for a step-up
test: the voltage (or stress) is increased
every T minutes. The breakdown volt-
ages /stresses are recorded. U
is the
resulting scale parameter, b the shape
parameter. Figure b represents the
Weibull curve of an endurance test for
an identical set of samples: a step test
with steps of duration T corresponds
to an endurance test at U
with a scale
parameter Tand a shape parameter
O l
o 1 step test,
: step lenght T
I ti,
- - - - - - - - - 63,2 %
: endurance-
I test at Ua
I ta=T
U - Urn b]
P = 1 - exp - ( ) ,
P (t)
P (t)
6.4 Weibull distribution with lower limit
which expresses the assumption that below a certain voltage Urn (or
if field strength is used) no breakdown can take place. The
normal Weibull distribution is then curved, as shown in fig. 6.4a, and
is represented as a straight line if u - Urn is entered at the horizontal
scale, as shown in fig. 6.4b.
Two remarks have to be made here:
1. A large number of statistical results is needed to ascertain that
the Weibull distribution is curved and to find out , by trial-and-
error, which value for Urn yields a straight line as in fig. 6.4b.
At least a hundred or more results are required to recognize
this lower level distribution.
2. In practical cases , such low values for Urn are found so that little
difference between the low-probability branches in fig. 6.4a and
b results.
Fig. 6.4. Curved Weibull distribu-
tion (a), suggesting a breakdown limit
Urn ' If a lower limit U rn is intro-
duced, the modified Weibull curve (b)
presents a straight line. In practice,
many good-fitting breakdown data are
required to obtain, with any certainty,
such a modified cur ve.
6.5 Confidence intervals
Breakdown tests at industrial components are so laborious and so
expensive, that only limited numbers of samples can be tested; at
the utmost, 20 to 30 samples of medium voltage level, or 5 samples
of high voltage level can be afforded.
The Wei bull curves derived from these numbers contain much un-
certainty. For this reason, confidence intervals are introduced, which
express the fact that, with 95 %probability, the real to (of an infinite
number of samples) may be found between tmin and t
, as shown
in fig. 6.5.
Fig. 6.5. Confidence limits. The
time constant t
lies with 95 % proba-
bility between tmin and t
. Starting
from t
lines are drawn with maxi-
mum en minimum slopes. These lines
represent the upper confidence limits
(with 97.5 %probability). In a similar
way the lower confidence limits (2.5 %)
are derived from tmin' The diabolo-
shaped figure represents the area in
which the real Weibull curve is situ-
ated with 95 % probability.
The real Weibull distribution is then with great probability situated
within the diabolo formed in fig. 6.5. These confidence intervals play
an important role when comparing Weibull diagrams of competing
constructions, or when extrapolating test results to actual popu-
lations with a great number of samples. If few samples have been
tested, the intervals are wide and comparisons or extrapolations soon
loose their value.
Several techniques exist to determine these intervals, with slightly
different results, but no generally adopted calculation technique is
available. For this reason, reference to a calculation procedure is
given in the annex of this book. This procedure is used in the H.V.
laboratory of Delft University. It is not claimed that this procedure
is the best one available.
6.6 Applications
Comparison between tests
Tests at the same voltage level
The most frequent application of the Weibull distribution is the com-
parison of sets of different design samples, especially when checking
improvements in design.
Breakdown tests are performed for different sets of various designs,
and the Weibull curves are compared, as shown in the example in
fig 6.6. Confidence intervals play an important role here. In fig. 6.6,
design B constitutes a significant improvement as compared to A.
Design C, however, is not significantly better than B; although its
time constant to is significantly larger, the confidence intervals over-
lap. Even worse, the slope of curve C is Iess steep than that of B,
representing an increase of scat ter in design C.
Fig. 6.6. Cernparing Weibull distri-
butions. Distributions A and B do not
overlap and have about the same slope,
so that B is definitely better than A.
Population C has a 63 % breakdown
voltage th at is higher than that of B,
and would for that reason have been
regarded as "better" . Weibull's anal-
ysis, however, reveals that the confi-
dence intervals overlap and that the
slope of C is less steep so that no phys-
ical improvement of Cover B can be
Tests at different voltage levels
If endurance tests have been performed at different voltage levels
(or different field strengths), the results are not directly comparable.
However, the effect of field strength is incorporated in the assump-
tions made by Weibull, see section 6.2. It can readily be shown that
the time constant to, found on a test at field strength E, is equivalent
to the time constant obtained at another field strength E', if
1 (E)n
to= E' to,
where n is the slope of the well-known life line L = ;n'
Tests at different levels eau be transformed to one voltage (or field
strength) level and ean then be compared, as in fig. 6.6. A warning
should be added here: Do not stretch this extrapolation too far as
the life line parameter n is generally not too precisely known.
Effect of the number of samples
Tests performed with different numbers of samples can be compared
as well. If the time constant to of a test of a certain size is known,
the corresponding time constant for a test with x times as many
samples ean be derived from:
I to
t --
0- \IX
This relationship is also used if a restricted number of samples in
a laboratory test are to represent a large number of components in
service. It is deal' that in this extrapolation the shape parameter m
plays an important role: a large scatter, i.e. a low value of m, makes
this extrapolation to service conditions unfavourable.
It also entails a warning that extrapolation shall not be carried too
far, as the proper value of m varies between wide limits.
Volume effect
It can readily be seen that if the volume of the dielectric is increased
x times, the relationship
I to
t --
0- \IX
is also valid, as long as the field strengths in the dielectric are main-
tained at the same level. This is ealled the volume effect of the
Wei bull distribution.
Test on cables
Consequently, this relationship is also valid if the lengths of cables
under test are inereased x times.
H, however, the insulation thickness of a cable is increased (main-
taining the maximum field strength) , this relation ship cannot be
used; the distribution of the field is then changed as weil. On the
other hand, it can be shown that (at least if ~ ;::: IA and m ;::: 1)
an x times larger cross-section complies with the relationship above.
Cables with different cross-sections can thus be compared, even if
they differ in insulation thickness.
(When combining the effect of length and cross section, the remark-
able conclusion can be drawn that the life of such a high-voltage
cable is statisticaily e l a t e ~ t h e .:.!!21ume of the c_onductor .l!0t to
~ h a t of t h ~ insulation.)
Slope of the life curve
The most ambitious use made of the Weibull distribution is if a series
of tests is performed to determine the slope n of the life curve in the
expression L = t or (j,.. Endurance tests are then performed at
different levels and the results are recorded in a diagram as shown
in fig. 6.7. The scale parameters to are entered together with their
95 % confidence interva1s. A straight line is fitted through these
parameters to to represent a life curve and its slope n is determined.
It is to be realized, however, that this line can, with 95 %probability,
be situated anywhere between the boundaries shown in fig. 6.7 , which
represents an appreciable uncertainty in the value of n, In order to
restriet this uncertainty, the number of tests at each level should be
large, at least 15 at each level, but preferably 100. This poses, of
course, great problems with respect to the costs of these series of
The number of voltage levels should at least amount to 4 and
should be selected such that the tests at high level do not suffer
from unwanted effects (flashover at edges, breakdown at terminals,
etc.) or from breakdown by other mechanisms (thermal, creepage).
The low level tests should be chosen in such a way that breakdown
can be expected within a reasonable period, although tests for some
years of duration are sometimes accepted.
log t >
Fig. 6.7. Determining the slope of the life curve of a certain design by testing
numerous samples (15 to 100) at different voltage levels (at least 4 levels). The
results from each test level are summarized in a Weibull distribution. The t
the confidence intervals of these distributions are entered in the figure. An intelligent
guess is made of the slope n of the ensuing life curve.
6.7 Differential curve
If the time derivative of the Weibull distribution is calculated, an
expression is derived that prediets the number of breakdowns in a
period of time:
6.P number of breakdowns in period 6.t
6.t - number of samples at the beginning.
The shape of this distribution depends on the value of the shape
parameter m.
If m > 1, this expression has a maximum as shown in fig. 6.8. For a
long time practically no breakdowns take place; shortly before t
breakdowns start, increase fast in number and reach a maximum.
Aftel' this, the number of breakdowns per unit of time decrease again,
not because the dielectric has improved, but because a decreasing
number of samples is available.
The maximum of this curve is found at
Fig. 6.8. Time derivative of Weibull
distribution with shape parameter
m > 1. The number of faults per unit
of time is smal!. When approaching
the scale parameter t
, the faults in-
crease fast and reach a maximum at
m ar
, just before t
For instance, if
m = 3 t
= 0.87 to
m = 9 t
= 0.99 to
m = 00
tmax -- ~
The maximum in the differential curve is thus not far from the time
constant ~
Statistics at operating voltage
Fig. 6.8 is also representative for the life curve of H.V.components
or that of cables at operating voltages. Statistically, there is a dif-
ference as broken down components are replaced and faulty cables
are repaired. But in the first part of the curve, the replacements are
few and the distribution remains valid. As soon as many components
tend to break down, the population becomes a threat for the service-
reliability and the components are integrally replaced, or in the case
of a cable circuit, the cable is renewed. Consequently, the first part
of the Wei bull curve is also valid in operational circumstances.
Distribution with a downward slope
If m < 1, the shape of the differential curve is as shown in fig. 6.9;
many breakdowns occur at the very beginning anel their number
decreases gradually as fewer anel fewer samples are left to be broken
elown. This is a situation that shall be preventeel at all costs, as it
leads to completely unsatisfactory service-reliability,
Fig. 6.9. Time derivative of a
Weibull distribution with a shape pa-
rameter In < 1. The number of faults
per unit of time is large from the very
beginning and decreases gradually. No
maximum is found.
6.8 Bimodal distribution
In many industrial products, a bimodal distribution is found, as
shown in fig. 6.10. The first crest corresponds, in that case, to sam-
ples which have a production fault, for instanee an indusion in the
dielectric. Aftel' the production faults have been removed by these
early breakdowns, the majority of samples contain smaller, natural
defects. In a well designed product, these samples live for 30 years
or more at U
before the breakdown characteristic rises again and
the natural life of the product is reached.
This dual distribution is the base for various routine tests: a volt-
age of 2.5 to 3 times nominal voltage is applied for a relatively short
period, 15 to 30 min. to remove the early breakdowns. In this way,
production faults are discovered and the healthy samples are left
Tests on cross-linked polyethylene cables have, for instance, shown
that 99.9 % of the early breakdowns are found in the first half hour at
3 times the nomina! voltage. This is an excellent basis for a routine
test at 3Uo.
6.9 Interpretation of breakdown tracks
Aftel' a sample has broken down it still contains information in the
form of a breakdown channel. For this reason it is worthwhile to
restriet the short-circuit current by fast tripping or by using a res-
onance transformer (see section 4.1). In this way, as much of the
pre-breakdown track is spared as possible. This track is studied,
preferably by making a sketch of the track. Photographing may be
useful, but only sketching can give a deal' picture: the breal..down
channel often follows a complicated three-dimensional path, hidden
Fig. 6.10. Bimodal distribution as may be found for industrial products. Early
breakdown which is attributed to production faults appear in a negative (m < 1)
slope. Thereafter, a very low fault rate occurs until the "natural" voltage life of the
product is reached and a nominal distribution (m > 1) occurs. Time t is, in this
picture, presented at a very condensed logarithmic scale.
within the insulation material, which can best be reconstructed by
drawing projections from different sides.
Studying breakdown tracks is an underdeveloped tool in high-
voltage engineering and careful analysis of breakdown channels is
a valuable addition to the usual test techniques.
Treeing in solids
Any defect in asolid dielectric can initiate treeing: a cavity, an inclu-
sion of foreign matter, a protrusion on the electrode, etc. Aftel' the
first few microns in a solid have breken down, a certain probability
exists that further breakdown takes place at a different angle. There
is also a probability that the breakdown path forks so that branches
appeal'. The breakdown pattern proceeds in the manner of a fractal,
not unlike the tortuous and branching pattern of the lightning stroke
and gives a deal' indication of the direction of the breakdown.
The direction of the branches reveals the origin of the breakdown.
In fig. 6.11a the origin of the breakdown can be found in the dielee-
tric between the two trees, in fig. 6.11b the lower electrode is suspect.
If the breakdown path has not been scorched too much, the cause of
the breakdown might be found back.
The longer a breakdown takes place, the more time is available to
form detailed branches. The tree in fig. 6.11a has had a long time
to develop; that in fig. 6.11b has been formed in a far shorter time,
or probably by impulse voltage.
a) b)
Fig. 6.11. Treeing in solids. The ori-
gin of the treeing pattem in fig. a is to
be found between the trees. The ori-
gin of treeing in fig. b is located at, or
near the lower electrode.
In the vicinity of a breakdown path, details may be found which have
been burnt away at the site of the breakdown itself. In fig. 6.12 an
example is given of a cause for breakdown that could not be found
at the site at breakdown, but the regularly recurring protrusions
disclose the cause.
Fig. 6.12. Breakdown path initiated
at regularly recurring protrusions.
Surface discharges
The patterns that are formed by surface discharges are based on
Lichtenberg figures. Lichtenberg figures are formeel when a pointed
rod is placed at the surface of a dielectric and is given a high voltage
against an earthed conductor, as shown in fig. 6.13. A high tangen-
tial field strength OCClU'S along the surface and partial breakdown
tracks are initiated at the surface.
If the rod is positive, as in fig. 6.13a, avalanches are formed towards
the rod and the electrons move freely to the rod. The resulting pat-
tern has an open structure anel contains many branches.
If the rod is negative, avalanches start from the rod and the elec-
trans are pusheel into the surface anel avalanches are less free to
develop. The resulting pattern is smaller in diameter , see fig. 6.13b,
and is characterized by non- branching anel rather straight spokes.
In the case of A.C. voltage, the positive pattern prevails. Surface
elischarges are usually shaped like Lichtenberg figures, their shape
tend to reveal the origin of the discharge.
Fig. 6.13. Lichtenberg figures.
(a) Positive figure: electron avalanches move freely to the anode, the discharge
pattern is open and contains many branches. (b) Negative figure: the electrons
are restrained in their movements, the pattern is smaller and contains mainly un-
branched channels. Surface discharges have similar shapes (or parts of the shape)
as Lichtenberg figures. At A.C voltages, the shape of the positive figure prevails,
Surface discharges are founel, for instance, at the overstresseel sur-
face of a cable stress cone, as shown in fig. 6.14. The pattern resem-
bles a positive Lichtenberg figure, anel clearly points to a site at the
stress cone where the highest tangential stress occurred.
Two examples of breakdown channels in interfaces are shown as well,
Fig. 6.15 shows a breakdown path in pol yethyl ene, that for part of
t he way runs parall el to t he electroeles. This anomaly coulel be traeed
back to a juncti on of two par ts, which should be fused by heat and
pressure. The juncti on hael not been fused sufficient1y.
The example in fig. 6.14b shows t he initiati on of a breakdown in the
interface between a stress-cone and a cable core . The stress cone is
maele of rubber anel stretcheel over t he cable core (see part I, page
147) with t he aiel of silicon grease. The grease-filled interface is
relat ively weak as compareel t o t he solid dielectrics of t he cable and
Fig. 6.14. a. Discharge tracks at the
overstressed surface of a cable stress-
cone. The tracks have shapes similar
to Lichtenberg figures and reveal the
origin of positive flashover.
b. Discharge tracks in the interface be-
tween rubber stress cone and polyethy-
lene cable core.
Fig. 6.15. Breakdown along semi-
fused interface.
stress cone. If the pressure of the rubber on the cable is insufficient,
or if the cable surface is not even or not clean, this interface breaks
down easily and the direct ion of the tree-like channels indicate the
spot where breakdown was initiated.
~ 1 min 10 min - 1 H
1 dav 1 wk 2wk 1 mth 1/2yr 3m
I I I I 1:1 y
~ m =0.547 I:1x
- ~ r- ~
1-~ ~ "I-
t- I- 1-1-
~ ~
~ "
Life inhours (orbreakdown stress)
5 7 1 2
5 7
5 7 1 2
5 7 2 2
5 7 3 2
Chapter 7
Dielectric loss measurements
7.1 Loss angle
If an insulation material is subjected to an ,A.C. voltage, losses occur
in the material. These losses are usually small but they are important
from the point of view of high-voltage engineering. They are caused
by a loss component IR of the dielectric current, as shown in fig. 7.1.
The vector of the resulting CUlTent I makes an angle 8 with the
capacitive component L,
The tangent of this angle is a measure for the dielectric losses W:
Fig. 7.1. Dielectric losses are
caused by a small loss component IR'
This component makes an angle with
the purely capacitive current Ic and
equals IR = Ic . tan . The resulting
losses are W = U
wC . tan .
W = U I, tan = U
. wC tan ,
IR 1
tan 8 = I c = w R C .
the losses thus being directly proportional to the loss tangent tan 8.
A lossy capacitor is often represented by one of the equivalent circuits
as shown in fig. 7.2. This circuit facilitates the analysis of losses or
that of loss measurements in electric circuits.
The parallel circuit is more often used. The loss tangent is given by
Fig. 7.2. Equivalent circuits for a lossy capacitor.
a. Parallel circuit
b . Series circuit
The smaller the hypothetical parallel resistance R, the larger the loss
The series circuit will be used later in this chapter for the analysis
of the Schering bridge. The loss tangent is given by
tan = - = W1C.
The larger the hypothetical series resistance 1', the larger the loss
Observe that in both cases the equivalent resistance is valid for
one frequency only.
7.2 Physical origin of losses
Dielectric losses may have various physical origins, some of which are
discussed here.
1. Conductive losses
If the insulation resistance R of a elielectric is sufficiently low, the
leakage CUlTent adds to the dielectric losses. The parallel circuit in
fig. 7.2a is now virtually present and the loss tangent is tan = wkc'
If the frequency is increaseel, the tan decreases as shown in fig. 7.3.
Varying frequencies are often useel when analyzing dielectric losses
of materials; conductive losses are reaelily recognized in this way.
Fig. 7.3. Conduetive losses are ree-
ognized by a decreasing loss tangent at
increasing frequency.
2. Dipole losses
Electric dipoles in an insulation material continuously reverse their
direction in an A.C. field. At low frequencies the dipoles foUow the
alternating field well enough, no phase differences occur and no losses
are found, see branch A in fig. 7.4. When the frequency increases,
friction plays a role and the dipoles lag behind the field vector. Losses
occur and reach a maximum in point B of fig. 7.4.
3. Interfaces
Often a perfect dielectric is used in series with a lossy dielectric,
for instanee a gas in series with a solicl material. Such an interface
Fig. 7.4. Dipole losses are caused
by friction between rotating electric
dipoles and the insulation material. At
low frequencies, A, this friction is low
and tan is low. At higher frequency
they increase up to a maximum at
B. At very high frequencies, C, the
dipoles cannot follow the alternating
field and losses decrease again.
The dielectric constant e is high when
dipoles are following the alternating
field A, it drops steeply when friction
arises Band e is low when the dipoles
are almost immobile at high frequen-
cies, C.
At frequencies above this maximum, the dipoles can no longer follow
the alternating field and the losses decrease: branch C in fig. 7.4.
Dipole losses can thus be well recognized by their frequency charac-
between materials can be representeel by an equivalent circuit, as
shown in fig. 7.5.
If the lossy elielectric has conductive losses, the loss tangent is equal
tau /5 = wRK .
1 +w2R2C(K + C)
If w=O, the loss tangent tan /5=0 and if w ~ 00, the loss tangent
tan ~ In between a maximum occurs as shown in fig. 7.5. This
maximum is less sharp than in the former case of polarization losses
anel can thus be elistinguisheel.
tg 0
4. Discharge losses
freq. -
Fig. 7.5. Interface between a loss-
free dielectric J( and a lossy dielectric
C. This situation is characterized by a
C loss curve with a fairly fiat maximum.
If partial discharges take place in a elielectric, losses occur which
are refiected by an increase in tan /5. From the inception voltage U
onwards, the losses grow with increasing voltage as demonstrateel in
fig. 7.6; this effect is further studied in section 9.7, where it is shown
that the rise in tan /5 is larger if the number and the magnitude of
the discharge is larger.
Below U
, the loss tangent is equal to that of the elischarge-free ma-
teria1. To recognize this type of loss, the voltage must be varied, in
contrast with other cases, where the frequency was varied.
tg li
Fig. 7.6. Losses caused by internal discharges are recognized by an increasing loss
tangent at increasing voltage. The increase starts at the inception voltage U
; the
slope of the curve refiects the extent of the discharges.
Analysis of losses
A complete analysis of dielectric losses comprises the investigation
of many variables. The effect of frequency and voltage is deal' from
the considerations above.
Another important variable is temperature; dipoles gain mobility
at higher temperatures so that , depending on branch A or C in
fig. 7.4, dipole losses increase or deercase with temperature. Con-
ductive losses in impregnatecl clielectrics increase with temperature
as the viscosity of the liquicl decreases and the mobility of charges
Preesure could also be a worthwhile variable as discharges may be
suppressed by increasing pressure.
7.3 Schering bridge
In order to measure a small factor like tan 8, a bridge circuit is re-
quired. A high oha e is applied to one diagonal of the bridge and
a sensitive null detector is connected to the other diagonal as shown
in fig. 7.7. The impedances are adjusted in sueh a way that the null
detector indicates zero voltage. This OCctU'S if Zl : Z3 = Z2 : Z4. The
unknown Zl may than be clerived from a ealibrated Z2, Z3 and Z4.
The large ratio between the appliecl voltage U (kilovolts) and the
smallest observable voltage 6.U
at the null detector (millivolts or
less) makes this measurement very sensitive and accurate measure-
ments ean be obtainecl; the sensitivity is given by
Fig. 7.7. The sensitivity of a bridge
circuit can he high when a high volt-
age U is applied to the bridge and an
extremely low voltage U
is reached at
U balance conditions.
where .6.Z
is the smallest deviation in Z1 that can just be observed
by the detector and C is a constant. Ratios !f0 of 10-
to 10-
readily be obtaineel.
The capacitance anel the loss tangent of a dielectric are measured by
means of a Schering bridge, according to fig. 7.8. The impedances in
this bridge are chosen so that most of the applied voltage is present
at the high-voltage siele where the unknown samples C
anel the
standard capacitor C
are situated. A harmless low voltage occurs
at the lew-voltage side, where a standard resistor R
is found and
calibrateel impeelances R
and C
can be varieel to balance the bridge.
If the values chosen for R3 anel are too high, the overvoltage
protectors 0 react so that na dangerous high voltages can reach the
operator of the bridge. The same applies if sample C
breaks down
if flashover occurs.
If the brielge is in balance, then
from which it can be calculated that
High voltage
_._. - ..r.-----(
Fig. 7.8. Schering bridge. Sample
with hypothetical loss resistance r
is tested at a high voltage. C
is a stan-
dard capacitor according to fig. 7.9.
, R
and C
at the lew-voltage side
are adjusted for balance. The loss tan-
gent of the sample then follows from
tan = wR
and its capacitance
from C
= tCn.
so that both Cx and tan 8 can simply be determined by reading the
impedance banks R
and C

The null detector N usually comprises the following components:

A shielded input transformer to receive the differential signal
VAB. It has a high ratio between the sensitivity for the wanted
signal VAB and the common mode voltage VAD.
A variabie gain amplifier, often with a negative feedback so
that the sensitivity of the amplifier is automatically matched
to the amplitude of the signa! when the signal is decreasing
during the balancing procedure.
A narrow band filter tuned to the basic frequency of the voltage
source: the bridge is in balance for one frequency only and
higher harmonies from the voltage souree must not affect the
balance conditions.
The accuracy of the calibrated components Z2 to Z4 is chosen to
match the sensitivity tlZ so that the overall accuracy is maximal.
This is obtained by using precision banks for the variabie impedances
at the low-voltage side.
The standard capacitor C; at the high-voltage side is constructed
along the lines of fig. 7.9. The high-voltage electrode h surrounds the
low-voltage one I completely. The low-voltage electrode is supported
Fig. 7.9. Compressed gas standard
capacitor. The high-voltage electrode
h surrounds the lew-voltage electrode
I. In this way, no stray capacitances
can occur between the sensitive low-
voltage electrode land any earthed (or
unearthed) object outside the capac-
itor. The lead I to the bridge ter-
minal is screened by the supporting
tube 9 (with insulator i). The con-
struction is filled with compressed gas
so that high voltages can be applied
to this standard capacitor. The con-
struction results in an equivalent cir-
cuit with an accurate capacitance be-
tween hand I (accuracy for instanee
0.2 %, tan 5 ::::: 10-
) and a guard 9
that is usually connected to earth.
by a steel tube which also acts as a guard 9 that sereens the low-
voltage lead Z. This construction can be electrically represented by
the simple equivalent circuit shown in this figure.
In the bridge circuit of fig. 7.8, the guards gare connected to earth
so that their capacitance is not measured.
The same applies to the guards 9 in the test sample. These guards
can be of different origin. For instance, if a cable is measured the
cable terminals are separateel anel shielcl 9 is earthed as shown in
fig. 7.10. Or if a clisc of an unknown material is measured, as shown
in fig. 7.10, thelower electrode is surrouncled by a guard ring 9 which
is earthed so that eclge-effects do not corrupt the results.
Fig. 7.10. Examples of guard elec-
trodes. In figure a the earth shields of
cable and terminal are separated. In
figure b a slab of insulating material is
measured in an electrode system with
a guard ring g. In both cases, the elec-
trodes e are connected to bridge ter-
minal A in fig. 7.8 and guards gare
connected to earth, so that no edge ef-
fects enter the test results.
In the test set of example b, the dielee-
tric shal1 closely touch the electrodes,
or the disc is metal1ized: minute air
gaps in the test set affect the results
9 e
---------.. )
9 e
7.4 Stray capacitances
The accuracy of the results is endangered by the stray capacitances
and Cp4, shown in fig. 7.8. They originate from the long coax ca-
bles that conneet the capacitors in the high-voltage bay to the bridge
terminals, but also by the screen that surrounds the lew-voltage arms
of the Schering bridge. These capacitances enter the balance condi-
tions and cause an error in the determination of tan 8.
One way to eliminate these capacitances is to bring the coax sheathes
and the screen to the same potential as the bridge terminals A and
B. This might be done by operating a separate voltage source, but
it is more readily accomplished by using an operational amplifier, as
shown in fig. 7.11. The high input impedance of the amplifier does
not effect the bridge, the amplification factor is exactly 1, so that no
capacitive currents can appeal' between the terminals A or Band
the screen.
Another way to eliminate these stray capacitances is to bring the
bridge terminals A and B to earth potential by supplying an oppo-
site potential to the lower terminal D. This is accomplished with an
active netwerk, as shown in fig. 7.12, which controls both the magni-
tude and the phase angle of potential D. By connecting one side of
the null detector alternately to terminal A or to earth, the voltage
at A (and B) is gradually adjusted to earth potential. .This way of
eliminating stray capacitance errors is called Wagners earth.
Fig. 7.11. Stray capacitances C
and Cp4, caused by coax cables C and sereens S,
corrupt the measurernent of tan as they affect the balance conditions. A simple way
of eliminating these stray capacitances is to bring the sereens to the same potentlal
as the bridge terminals A and B. This might be done with an operational amplifier
with amplification factor +1.
} ~
Fig. 7.12. Wagners earthing device.
The bridge terminals A and Bare
brought to earth potential by supply-
ing an opposite voltage to terminal
D: VD = -VB. Stray capacitances
bet ween terminals A or Band earth
are eliminated and errors in estimat-
ing tan are prevented.
7.5 The dual-balance method
In order to check whether all stray capacitances have been elimi-
nated, a dual-balance method has been deve1oped. Simu1taneous1y,
this method enab1es us to calcu1ate the true va1ue of tau 8 if the
measured va1ue has been corrupted by stray capacitance. A1though
this method has gained 1ittle attention in 1iterature, it has proven to
be a va1uab1e aid to check anel, if required, to correct errors in a loss
tangent measurement.
If the stray capacitances in fig. 7.11 are taken into account, the
real value of the loss tangent is
In order to check this result the bridge is balanced a second time,
choosing another value for R3, for instanee !R
where tan t5'measU/'ed is the new result for the loss tangent.
If this second test yields the same value for tan t5 as the first one,
the parasites are inactive and the measured value for tan 15 is true.
However, if the second test yields a deviating result a correction
factor can be derived as follows: Equation (2) is substracted from
where .6. tan 15 is the difference in measured oolues. Inserting .6. tan 15
in (1) yields:
tau t5
= tau t5measured - 2.6. tan 15.
The effect of stray capacitances can readily be eliminated in this
way. The dual-balance method is of great value when testing large
test objects like power transformers or full reels of cable. It proves
to be very difficult in those cases to avoid stray capacitances. Also
inductive couplings or coupling by common current paths may cause
errors. In all these cases a check by the clual-balance method is
A further advantage of the methoc1 is that the correction factor,
2.6. tan 15, is constant for any particular test set up. If, for instance,
the loss tangent of a sample shall be tested at different voltages or
temperatures, or as a function of time, the correction factor needs to
be determineel only once anel can be used throughout the full series
of tests.
Schering bridges are in use in all kinds of shapes and sizes. Capac-
itances from a few pC to many hundreds of /-lF can be measured;
often with a bridge device provided with accessories. The accuracy
depends on the sensitivity of the null detector, on the accuracy of
the applied resistors and capacitors and on the control of the stray
capacitances. Accuracies in measuring C
of 0.1 % refiect normal
The measuring range for tan 8 is usually between 1.10-
and sev-
eral thousands times 10-
is the customary unit for tan 8). The
accuracy is usually also equal to 10-
, however, far better accuracies,
for instanee 10-
or even 10-
, can be reached if required.
7.6 Permanently earthed objects
The low-voltage electrode of a sample cannot in some cases be dis-
connected from earth. This is generally the case for components in
service, such as buried cables, installed G.I.S. or transformer banks.
In those cases, a variation on the Schering bridge is useel where one
side of the test sample C
can be earthed.
The most widely used circuit is the inverted Schering bridge, ac-
cording to fig. 7.13. The variabie components of the bridge are 10-
cated in a cage of Faraday at high potential. The bridge is operated
either by remote control, or the Faraday cage is large enough to
accommodate an operator.
The standard capacitor is either useel without the advantage of sep-
arate guards, as shown in the figure, or it is mounted on insulators
as well, and guards are "earthed" at the Faraday cage.
The usual considerations about stray capacitance apply here as well.
Wagners earth can be used and the dual-balance method is useful
again for correcting errors caused by stray capacitance.
The invertecl Schering bridge is often founcl in mobile installations
designecl to test installecl H.V.-equipment at site. A large test trans-
former (up to 1 MVA reactive power) is installecl on a truck, together
r- ---
Fig. 7.13. In the inverted Schering bridge, the variabie components are located in
a cage of Faraday at high potential. The br idge is either operateel by remote control
or the operator is situated in the Faraday cage. This circuit is used for the tan fJ-
measurement of permanently earthed samples ex'
with a 50/60 Hz generator, a standard capacitor and a Faraday cage
with Schering bridge.
Another possibility is to disconneet the H.V. transformer from earth
and to earth one bridge terminal inst ead, see fig. 7.14. A compli-
cation is introduced by the capacitance Cg between the windings of
the transformer and earth.
The effect of this capacitance is eliminated by measuring twice. The
first time C; is disconnected and Cg and tan 8g are measured. The
second time C; is connectecl to high voltage and Cx+C
is measured.
The corresponding loss tangent is equal to
tan 8
+ Cg tan 8
Cx +Cg
from which tan 8
can be calculated.
Stray capacitances play a role here as wel1, especial1y C
, as can be
seen from fig. 7.14. Compensation by screening, or a Wagner earth,
are not possible, therefore the dual-balance methocl must be applied.
Combined with the two test positions, this leads to quadruple bal-
This circuit is less rel iable than the former one. Cg is not quite
/ cp4
-, /
" / /
Fig. 7.14. Another way to test a permanently earthed sample CX' The H.V. trans-
former is disconnected from earth and connected to the lower terminal of the bridge.
The effect of the stray capacitances in the transformer is eliminated by measuring
twice: with and without sample CX'
stabie and disconnecting the sample effects Cg. Moreover, if a low-
loss sample is measured, the parasitic tan 8
may be far larger than
the tan 8 to be measured, which impairs the accuracy.
7.7 Differential transformer bridge
For routine tests by unskilled operators, a deviating type of bridge
has been developed which makes use of a differential transformer.
The circuit is shown in fig. 7.15. The capacitors C; and C
are placed
in the usual way, but the lew-voltage arms have been replaced by the
windings W} and W
of this transformer. The third winding of the
transformer is connected to the null detector.
The bridge is in balance if
The number of turns Hf} can be switched to four fixed positions so
that a ratio 0.1, 1, 10 or 100 can be chosen. The winding position W
is continuously variable, the winding ratios are chosen so that, for
= 100 pF, the position of the dials shows directly the capacitance
of the test object CX' In fig. 7.16 an example is shown.
Fig. 7.15. Differenti al transformer
bridge. If in balance, the ratio be-
tween the windings corresponds to the
ratio between t he capacitors so t hat
= The loss tangent corr e-
sponds to wC R. Both c; and t an 8
can directly be read from th e positions
of the diais, as shown in fig. 7.16 and

1 10 100 5 6 7
Fig. 7.16. If the t ransformer ratio bridge is in balance, t he capacitance of t he
sample is read from t he position of t hc diaIs. In t his exarnple C
proves to be 574.45
In order to determine tan , a variabIe resistor and a variab1e capac-
itor have been added to this bridge, as shown. in fig. 7.15. The loss
tangent proves to be
tan = wC R.
This does not seem to differ from the Schering bridge. However, the
readings of C and R are here independent of C
, which makes it
possib1e for tan be read direct1y from the positions of the dials too.
Capacitor C can be switched to three positions in such a manner
that (at 50 or 60 Hz) wC = 0.1 or 1 or 10. Resistor Ris adjustab1e
in small steps. Fig. 7.17 gives an examp1e of a reading of tan .
C A .... _
o ~ ; ~ 5 ~ @), ~
Fig. 7.17. The loss tangent of the sample is read from the position of the relevant
dials of the transformer bridge. In this example tan 8= 47.5.10-

Earthed samples
The transformer bridge can also be used for samples where one side
is permanently earthed. The bridge can be placed in a Faraday
cage, similar to fig. 7.13, so that an itiuerted transformer bridge is
formed. The circuit with the left bridge terminal at earth, similar to
fig. 7.14, mayalso be used. In both cases, the magnitude of the stray
capacitances are changed and the accuracy will be impaired, unless
a new calibration of the components of t he bridge is provided for.
Accuracy and reliability
The accuracy of the measured capacitance is estimated at 0.1 %,
that of the loss tangent at 2.10-
. This is valid, however, for the
standard circuit which includes the standard length of coax cabIe
that is supplied with t he bridge. No other cable (and no extension)
is allowed if the situation in the high-voltage bay would so require
The greatest disadvantage of this bridge, however, is that no dual-
balance test can be made. so t hat no check on errors or a possible
correction of errors eau be made. This decreases the reliability of
this bridge. The application should therefore be restricted to rou-
tine tests on series of produets. The result s shall regularly be checked
with a conventional Schering bridge.
Sophisticated labor at ory tests, however , must be made with a
Schering bridge, using all available means for preventing errors.
7.8 Safety precautions
Inattentive use of a Schering bride may be dangerous for the oper-
atol'. The same applies to a trans/armer bridge and to the discharge
detectors to be discussed in chapter 9. The fact is that a conducting
path exists between the high-voltage bay and the measuring equip-
ment in the form of the coax cables as shown in fig. 7.18. The mea-
suring equipment is protected against overvoltages by gas discharge
tubes. Lighting up of these tubes is a signal that the resistance value
chosen is too high or that a loose contact exists.
However, if the lower terminal of the instrument would be disen-
gaged from earth, the full test-voltage would endangel' the equipment
without the lights showing up. The voltage at the instrument is then
only limited by the flashover voltage of the coax cables, which volt-
age could easily attain some kilovolts. This could be dangerous for
the operator.
Fig. 7.18. The measuring leads might bring high voltages out if earthing conditions
ar e not optima\. This could be dangerous for the operator. Double safety with
overvoltage protectors inside and outside the test bay is preferred.
A solution is to place an overvoltage proteetion at the entrance of
the coax cable as well and to earth them separately; in that way a
double safety measure is achieved.
The same safety problems apply to the inverted Schering bridge.
Extra safety by gas discharge tubes in the high-voltage test area is
difficult to achieve here, so that double-checking of the conneetion
bridge-to-cage is indispensable.
Another safety measure is to loek the door of the Faraday cage from
outside, therefore the operator ean never leave the eage when voltage
High - Voltage
is on. This also forces the test to be made with two operators, which
is in any case a good safety precaution when performing high-voltage
7.9 Industrial value of tan 8
Measuring tan 8 provides a test whether H.V. equipment or H.V.
insulation material will perform well in operational circumstances.
Several characteristics are of interest, such as the absolute value of
tan 8 and the increase of tan 8 with voltage, temperature and time of
Absolute value
The absolute value of tan 8 eletermines the dielectric losses which
might effect the power rating of a component or might harm the
economy of a component. Some feeling for the importance of tan 8
can be provideel by distinguishing three levels of magnitude:
tan 8 = 1 to 10 . 10-
. These values are found in high-voltage
cables insulated with low-loss polyethylene anel in gas insu-
lated switchgear which contains mainly loss-free gas . At this
low level no decrease of current rating, no risk of thermal break-
down and no costs of dielectric losses need to be feared.
tan = 20 to 50 10-
This level is found in paper-oil insulation
of transformers anel cables, in rubber insulateel cables, in cable
accessories, in bushings, etc. Current rating effects and cost
effects occur at the highest voltage ranges (400 to 700 kV)
only. Risk of thermal breakdown is not present, but if aging
effects raise the losses above this value, thermal breakdown
might become a threat.
tan 8 2: 100.10-
This level is regarded to be too high for high-
voltage insulation. It OCClU'S in PVC insulation which may be
useel upto 6 kV at the utmost. At higher voltages than 6 kV,
the current rating is offset, therrnal breakdown might occur at
full load and dielectric losses are unacceptable.
Effect of voltage
The loss tangent is measured as a function of voltage to check the
quality of impregnation. This test is performed at oil insulated trans-
formers, oil-filled cables and capacitors. An important measure is the
increase of the loss tangent ~ tan 8. In oil-impregnated paper ins u-
lation, for instance, the ~ tan may not be more than 5.10-
if the
test-voltage is raised from ~ to 2U
If ~ tan 8 is higher than this
level, the insulation is considereel to contain gas or impurities anel is
Machine insulation, mass-impregnated cable anel resin bondeel bush-
ings are tested for internal discharges in this way. Again, if ~ tan 8
is too high, the product is rejected.
Effect of time
Prolonged exposure to high voltages combined with high temper-
atures has an aging effect on dielectrics. Aging tests are therefore
specified that require an insignificant increase of tan 8 (few times 10-
at the utmost) after prolonged testing at overvoltage and operational
temperature. The users of the equipment are apprehensive for an in-
stability that might appear if tan 8 increases at a high temperature:
die1ectric heating increases the temperature, losses increase, the tem-
perature increases again, etc., and thermal breakdown may follow.
Strict limits on ~ tan 8 are required here.
Chapter 8
Partial discharges
8.1 Types of discharges
Partial discharges are breakdown phenomena that do not completely
bridge the distance between electrodes. They can be harmful for a
dielectric and have therefore been mentioned before in part I, sec-
tion 9.4, on solid dielectrics. Generally three types of partial dis-
charges can be distinguished:
Internal discharges, including those in electrical treeing.
Surface discharges.
Corona discharges.
Internal discharges
Internal discharges occur in cavities in asolid dielectric, which are
usually gas-filled. A number of examples are shown in fig. 8.1 a,
band c. Furtherrnore, electrical treeing will create cavities in a
dielectric in which discharges take place, see fig. 8.1 d. Discharges
in interfaces perpendicular to the field, see c, or with a substantial
tangential field, as in e, belong to this category as well,
The field strength at which discharges occur can be calculated in the
case of well defined cavities, as indicated in fig. 8.1 a to c. Other
examples have been shown in part I, fig. 9.2 . In all these cases, the
field strength in the cavity can either be calculated or be determined
by field plotting.
It is known from experiments that the dielectric strength of the gas
in such cavities is reasonably well represented by the Paschen curve.
This curve is shown in fig. 8.2 for air . A modification of the curve
was introduced in part I, fig. 9.3., in order to indicate the ignition
field strength in kV/mm r .m.s.
a) b) c) d)
Fig. 8.1. Internal discharges.
(a) completely surrounded by the dielectric.
(b) electrode bounded cavity.
(c) non-adhering electrode.
(cl) initiated by treeing.
(e) in an interface with a longitudinal field.
The highest field strength in the eavity (and thus the lowest ineep-
tion stress in the dielectrie) oeeurs if the eavity is flat, for instanee
as in fig. 8.1 c. The ineeption field strength Ei is then approximately
where Ui ean be found in fig. 8.2.
Fig. 8.2. Paschen curve.
is the breakdown voltage of an air -
filled cavity. See also part I, fig 9.3.
2 Torr-mh1
10 10 10
I I I I1 I I
0.1 0.4 1 2 4
Barmm -
Take, for example, a flat eavity of 0.1 mm height in polyethylene,
with E=2.2. It may be assumed that the air pressure in the eavity
is 1 Bar, as sueh a eavity will, in the long run, adopt atmospherie
pressure beeause of diffusion. The ineeption stress appears to be as
low as 3.2 kV/mm. This illustrates how readily diseharges may oeeur
in solid dieleetries, whieh are used in practiee from 3 to 10 kV/rnm.
Surface discharges
Surface discharges occuralong dielectric int erfaces where a substan-
tial tangential field strength is present . The interface is either gas-
or liquid-bounded. Examples are shown in fig. 8.3.
The inception stress, i.e. the field strength in the dielectric where
discharges occur at the surface, is fairly low. In fig. 8.3 the inception
voltage is shown for discharges at the edges of metallic foils. Such
foils are, for instance, used in condensor bushings, as described in
part I, section 11.4. It can be seen from these values that relatively
thin layers are needed to prevent surface discharges.
Fig. 8.3. Surface discharges at the
edge of a metallic foil under oil and in
air. The inception voltage is shown as
a function of ~
0.5 I l l J L ~ L l l l J l J
0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10
si in mm_
Corona discharges
Corona discharges occur at sharp metallic points in au electric field.
They may be found at the high-voltage electrode, but it should be
kept in mind that they can also occur at the earthed side or half-way
between electrodes. The inception voltages, as found in small gaps,
are shown in fig. 8.4.
Corona is also a souree of interference when making discharge tests.
The test area must therefore be free of sharp edges, pointed wire
ends, thin conneetion wires, etc., to prevent corona, not only at the
high-voltage side, but also at the fioor of the test area.
~ o t i
ai 4 I---t--t:
~ 2
g. 0 l....-L......J'----l----l.----I.---l..--L.--.l..--l.---l.--'--'
. ~ 0
100 200 300 400 500
radius 11-
Fig. 8.4. The inception of corona is determined by the absolute voltage, not by
the average field strength between electrodes. The inception voltage of negative
corona is shown here in kV. Corona at positive points starts later.
8.2 Appearance (classic description)
The appearance of partial discharges and their conduct in dielectrics
can be described in two ways: the classica! and the real-time one.
1. In the classical description, the discharges are seen as infinitely
short phenomena; they cause current impulses superimposed on
the 50 (60) Hz dielectric current. The classic way of discharge
detection (see section 9.2) is based on this view.
2. In the time-resolved description, the discharges are considered
during the short time required for breakdown in the cavity or
in the discharge gap. Wide band detection and travelling wave
location (see section 9.4) are based on this view.
In the following section, the classica! description will be followed; see
also part I, section 9.4.
lnter na l a nd su r face d ischar ges
The behaviour of voltages and currents in a sample with an internal
or a surface discharge can be described with the aid of the well-known
abc-circuit of fig. 8.5. This equivalent circuit is a too simplified
representation of the actual behaviour of the electrical fields in a
dielectric, however, for industrial purposes it has proved to be an
adequate model. The part of the configuration that breaks down is
represented by capacitance c; the dielectric in series with c is called
b. The unaffected part of the dielectric is represented by capacitance
a, which in most cases is practically equal to the sample capacitance.
Fig. 8.5. The equivalent circuit for
internol and surface discharges: a rep-
resents the sound part of the config-
uration; b represents the dielectric in
series with the (gaseous) capacitance
c; e represents a cavity or part of the
surface that flashes over.
If an A. C. voltage is applied to this dielectric, a recurrent discharge
phenomenon appears in the way shown in fig. 8.6. The A.C. voltage
over the sample causes a voltage V';; over the cavity (or discharging
path at the surface) c. If this voltage surpasses the breakdown volt-
age U
a discharge talces place where Ud follows from the Paschen
curve. If the voltage rises again, the breakdown voltage is reached a
second time, a discharge occurs again, and so on, so that a pattern of
recurring discharges appears. This pattern is repeated during every
half-period; an oscilloscope with a 50 (60) Hz time base will show an
almost stable picture.
However, if no initiating electrons are present (which is quite prob-
able in small cavities), no ignition takes place and the partial dis-
charges may stay away for quite a while. This is the reason that in
some cases (e.g. in epoxy resin) a sample is subjected to X-ray to
create initiating electrons.
In actual cases the resulting discharge pattern is less stable than
suggested by this model. This follows, among other things, from Ud
(and V) not being equal at the positive and negative halves of the
period. Moreover, several discharge channels can be present in one
cavity or at one surface; also leakage currents play a role, both in the
dielectric and along the walls of the cavity or the discharge surface.
The discharges then wander along the sine-wave, are of unequal size,
disappear and return, etc., which may result in a rather turbulent
It can also be derived from this model that a discharge pattern, once
ignited, can persist far below the inception voltage. This is shown
in fig. 8.7. The voltage V';; over the cavity is too low for breakdown.
Now ignition is forced, for instanee by a short overvoltage: the sine
wave of V
is shifted, breakdown occurs at the negative side, the sine
Fig. 8.6. The voltage v" over gap
c in fig. 8.5 is capacitively coupled to
the A.C. voltage over the sample. If
v" reaches the breakdown voltage Ud,
the gap breaks down and the volt -
age drops to a residual value V. Ca-
pacitance c is now discharged (actu-
ally surface charges are deposed at
the gap-surfaces which counteract the
main field). The resultant voltage rises
again until Ud is reached and break-
down occurs again. In this way, several
discharges take place until the voltage
reverses and a series of discharges oe-
curs at the negative half of the period.
A recurrent discharge pattern results.
wave of 11;; is shifted again, the discharge recurs, etc.
Fig. 8.7. Partial discharges can per-
sist below the inception voltage. Onee
ignition has taken place (i), the sine
wave v" is shifted over a distance V.
Breakdown recurs at the negative half.
Voltage v" is shifted again, and so on.
This may take place at a voltage as low
as half the inception voltage.
This phenomenon may occur in practice when H.V. equipment is
tested for discharges. If discharges are found at a certain voltage and
the voltage is decreased, the discharges may persist: the extinction
voltage is lower than the inception voltage. In theory, this could go
on to 50 % below the inception level, in practice this is often not
more than 10 to 35 %below inception voltage.
All preceding phenomena occur at A.C. voltage. At D. C. voltage no
discharges occur, or they occur very infrequently caused by leakage
currents in the dielectric. This is one of the reasons why D.e. voltage
is far less harmful to dielectrics than A.C. voltage.
Corona discharges
Corona discharges can also be described with the abc-equivalent cir-
cuit, see fig. 8.8. Recurrence of the breakdown in capacitance c, how-
ever, is not deterrnined by the H.V. wave-shape but by the ionization
process in this area. As has been described in part I, section 6.5, the
dis charge is stopped by space charges, the space charges then move
away, a new discharge starts, etc., so that a train of discharges is
formed. Corona discharges also occur thus at D. C. voltage. At A. C.
voltage they appeal' first at the negative top of the sine wave, see
fig. 8.8. When raising the voltage, the number of discharges in-
creases rapidly, their magnitude remains about the same. At higher
A.C. voltage, discharges appeal' also at the positive top. Conse-
quently, corona discharges appeal' in a characteristic pattern that is
well distinguishable from other partial discharges.
At sharp edges under oil, similar phenomena occur but the dis charge
patterns are less stabie and less reproducible.
Fig. 8.8. Negative corona at A.C.
voltage. Corona discharges occur at
the negative period as long as the volt-
age at point U exceeds the inception
voltage -Ui . The recurrence of the
corona impulses is determined by the
physical process near the point and is
independent of the type of voltage. At
far higher voltages, discharges appear
at the positive side as weIl. Corona
discharges can by their appearance be
weil distinguished from other types of
partial discharges.
At D.C. voltage, a continuous train of
discharges appears, similar to the im-
pulses shown here .
8.3 Appearance (time resolved)
The second way of describing the behaviour of discharges does not
consider the discharge as infinitely short, but describes the physical
phenomenon at its proper time scale. This time scale stretches from
a few nanoseconds to part of a microsecond.
Virgin cavity
In an unaged cavity within a dielectric no cathode is available, so
that no secondary electrons are provided by the i-mechanism and
a Townsend discharge (see part I, section 5.3) cannot be formed. A
starting avalanche does not develop into a breakdown of the gap.
The voltage has to be increased until the condition for astreamer
breakdown (part I, section 6.1) is reached. Then breakdown in the
gas occurs independently of the dielectric walls. The overvoltage
required to start a streamer is usually 5 % higher than the voltage
corresponding to the Paschen curve.
Pulse width
The formation of a streamer is very fast. It is determined by the drift
velocity of the electrons which, in these circumstances, is in the order
of 100 usus]us. (The velocity of the photons that provide the propa-
gation of the streamer also plays a role, but their speed of 300 mij.lS
may be regarded here as infinite.) The time-ta-breakdown is conse-
quently very short: cavities with a thickness of 0.1 to 1 mm break
down in 1 to 10 ns. An extremely high resolution of the recording
devices is required to record the pulse width of these impulses.
Pulse height and number
Observation with fast cameras has revealed that, in most cavities,
several small streamers occur in parallel, each of them charging part
of the dielectric surface. see fig. 8.9. Only in small-diameter cavi-
ties (with a diameter height ratio :s; 1) a large part of the surface is
(dis )charged by one streamer.
It appears from oscillograms that these partial discharges occur
rapidly in succession: the photons from one streamer ignite stream-
ers at other sites. The intervals are sometimes so small that they
are hardly dissolved by the recording equipment and are t ~ e ; e f ->
often recorded as one large discharge. Each streamer impinges on
the dielectric surface and produces a tiny Lichtenberg figure at that
point, as shown in fig. 8.9
Aged cavity
When testing a dielectric cavity for some time, a transition takes
place aftel' which a completely different discharge phenomenon oe-
, I , , I I I
o 2 4 6 8 10 12 ns
Fig. 8.9. Streamer discharge in an
unaged cavity. lf the cavity has a di-
ameter height ratio larger than 1, sev-
eralof these discharges occur almost si-
multaneously, ignited by photons ph of
the first discharges. When the stream-
ers strike at the wal!s of the cavities,
smal! Lichtenberg figures are formed
and occupy the surface of the cavity.
curs. Aftel' some time, varying from 5 to 60 minutes, the surface
resistivity of the cavity walls decreases appreciably. This is caused
by chemical changes at the surface, such as the formation of organic
acids. Together with moisture in the air, these acids form layers
which are at the borderline between an isolating and a conducting
layer. Typical values for this transition are a conductivity of 10
square for virgin material and 10
n square aftel' aging.
These semi-conducting layers act as a cathode, -y-feedback can now
occur and Townsend breakdown can take place. The inception volt-
age of the cavity coincides now with the Paschen curve.
Pulse width
The breakdown time is determined by the velocity of the forming
avalanches. Avalanches are formed and initiate feedback again until
sufficient avalanches have been formed to provide for the required
charge displacement representing a breakdown. The transit time is
far longer than in the former case : for cavity depths from 0.1 to 1
mm the time-to-breakflown is found to be 80 ns to 0.8 us.
Pulse height
A large part of the surface of the cavity is now charged in one single
glow discharge. This is confirmed by optical observation where a
diffuse discharge is observed which is characteristic for Townsend
breakdown. The total charge displacement is about equal to that in
the former case of streamer discharges. As the pulse is longer than
in the former case, the height of the pulse will be lower, see fig. 8.10.
o 10
Transit ion

100 ns
Fig. 8.10. Townsend discharge in an
aged cavity. The surface is charged in
one glow discharge. The pulse is much
longer than that of an unaged cavity.
The tra:nsition from streamer discharges to Townsend discharges .
takes a time that is dependent of the dielectric material. In glass
this transition t ime is about 5 minutes; in polyethylene and PMMA
about an hour. During the transition time both types of breakdown
occur; sometimes combined shapes are found.
In time resolved-observation the differences are deal': at first, short
streamer-like discharges are found, aftel' the transition long Townsend
With classical detection (as clescribed in the fol-
lowing chapter) no difference in impulses can be seen, only the in-
ception voltage changes, which may lead to temporary extinction of
the discharges.
Aftel' a far longer period, a third mechanism may appeal'. Heavy
discharges start from the edge of the cavity in a spacious and inter-
mittent way. These discharges seem to be related to the initiation of
breakdown in the dielectric that often takes place from the edge of If-
a cavity. This third mechanism is a symptom of progressive gel ng."Ci'
Surface discha r ges
If surface discharges are observed just about their inception voltage,
no difference with internal discharges is found initially: a short im-
pulse as in fig. 8.9 is seen, causeel by small elischarges at the edge of
the electrode.
However, if the test voltage is increased, streamers are formed at
the surface anel far longer pulses are observed, about ten times the
length of those of fig. 8.9. A surface elischarge can dearly be recog-
nized in this way.
Negative corona in air fiUs the space around a sharp electrode over
a distance of about 0.1 mm with a glow discharge. The rise- time of
the pulse is determined by the kift velocity of the ,elect r ons and is
in the order of 1 ns. Whilst the fast moving electrons are Erapped in
the air, a negative space charge is formed which shields the pointed
electrode from the electric field. The discharge stops, the slow ions
drift back and cause a subsequent current , which decays in 50 to
100 ns, see fig. 8.11 .
radiuso- 500 Il
radlus v 200 Il
radius -v 10 Il
100 200
F ig. 8.11 . The typica! shape of neg-
ative corona. The front is !ess than 1
ns, the t ime constant of the first part
of the tail is in the order of 10 to 20 ns,
corresponding to astreamer discharge.
The second part of the tail refiects the
displacement of the space charge. The
tail is longer when the radius of the
point is larger.
It foUows from this figure that the shape of a corona pulse can be
weU distinguished from other types of discharges. An additional
information that is revealed by the wave shape is ' the radius of the
point: the larger the radius, the longer the impulse. Positive corona
(not shown here) corresponds to . a Townsend-like discharge with a
larger front and a relatively long plateau before decay sets in.
8 .4 Deterioration
Partial discharges injure the surface of the dielectric. Several mech-
anisms are responsible for this effect .
Heating the surface of the dielectric causes chernical aging of the
material; oxidation plays an important role as may be derived from
the fact that adding anti-oxidants to plastics often improves their
resistance against discharges.
Chain seission of polymer molecules is caused both by oxidation
and by the direct impact of electrons at the insulati on material and
makes it more brittle. Stress cracking can occur: t iny erazes appear
at the surface of the material.
Ultra-viol et light transmitted by the discharges also injures the
dielectric: it is a well-known fact that ultra-violet light promotes
The deterioration in cavities fo11ows several stages, see fig. 8.12. In
the first stage, the erosion takes place over the entire surface. In the
second stage, preferential areas are formed where the deterioration
is far more severe than at other places. In the last stage, one of
these preferential areas develops into a deep pit. The discharges
are then concentrated at that pit. The pit further develops and the
dielectric material degrades so much (e.g. by chain scission) that the
breakdown strength falls below the acting field strength and treeing
is initiated. An unstable situation arises and complete breakdown
soon fo11ows.
The initiating phase during which the dielectric surface is attacked
takes a long time; this can take several years at operating stresses.
The finite stage, which includes treeing and breakdown can be very
short: minutes to some hours.
Fig. 8.12. Successive stages of dete-
rioration by internai discharges:
(a) erosion
(b) preferentiai erosion
(c) pit forrning
(cl) treeing.
(e) Deterioration of composite di-
eiectrics fol1ows more compiicated
The mechanism is more complicated in dielectrics that are built up
of several layers. Aftel' one layer has been penetrated, the interface
between the layers is followed, after which further penetrations occur
at other places, see fig. 8.12.
Deterioration by surface discharges follows the same lines as in
cavities, but because of the larger surface available the effect tends
to be less severe and larger discharge magnitudes are allowable.
Deterioration by corona discharges follows completely other lines.
Corona is, by its very character, located adjacent to a metal electrode
and not to a dielectric, so that little or no harm is done. There is one
exception: corona in SF
creates aggressive by-products, which
attack both the metal conductors and the insulating bodies of a gas
insulated construction.
8.5 Non-electrical detection
Partial dis charges can be measured with electrical methods as will
be described in the following chapter. Their presence can also be
detected by non-electrical methods which, however, do not permit
quantitative measurements.
Non-electrical detection is based on a number of physical phenom-
ena which accompany partial discharges as describeel below..
Gas and heat
The simplest detection method consists of the measurement of gas-
pressure. This is applied to transformers with impregnateel paper
insulation. If discharges occur in the insulation, gas is produced
which is detected with the Buchholtz relay. The method is simple
but at the same time insensitive.
Another simple but insensitive methoel is the eletection of heat causeel
by discharges. This applies to extremely poor insulation only.
N oise detection
The eletection of acoustical or ultra-sonic noise is more effective.
External discharges, such as corona anel surface discharges can be
eletected by ultra-sonic detectors which are commercially available
for this purpose. These detectors function usually at a frequency of
about 30 kHz. This frequency has proven to be optimal: at higher
frequencies the effect of environmental noise is less, but the attenua-
tion of the noise in air becomes too large. The detected noise signal
is concentrated by a parabolic mirror as shown in fig. 8.13a.
Such detectors can also be connected to a plastic rod to pin-point
a discharge source, see fig. 8.13b.
Fig. 8.13. Noise detection in air.
lnternal discharges can sometimes be eletected with the aiel of sen-
sors placed at the surface of the sample, such as GIS, transformers
or cable accessories. An alternative way is to immerse hydrophones
in the insulating oil of, for instance, a transformer, see fig. 8.14. The
noise signals are amplified anel reproeluced at a 50 (60) Hz time-
base on an oscilloscope. This has the great advantage that signals
originating from electrical discharges are synchronized and can be
represented as stable pictures, whereas elisturbing signals from arbi-
trary sourees are moving over the time-base. There are, however, also
sourees of disturbances which synchronize with the power frequency.
This emerges, for instance, from magnetostrictive noise in the core of
transformers, from dynamical forces in windings of transformers and
machines and from piezo-electric forces in capacitor-foils, The best
way to suppress these elisturbances is to measure the acoustic noise
signal at a fairly high frequency, say 100 kHz, with a bandwielth of
some tens of kHz.
Fig. 8.14. Noise detection: sensors are placed at the tank of a sample or a hy-
drophone is immersed in the oil of a power transformer
Light detection
Detection of light is applicable to external discharges. An effective
method is photography. By choosing long exposure times and sen-
sitive films, high sensitivities can be reached. Moreover, the site of
the discharges is wen determined; no other method yields such an
accurate location of discharges. The disadvantage is that it must be
possible to _shield the H.V.test area completely from ambient light.
The sensitivity can be further increased by using image intensi-
fiers . In these cases sensitivities can be reached which surpass those
of electric detection techniques.
Non-electric observations are restricted to the detection of the pres-
ence of discharges and no quantitative results can be obtained. They
form, however , a welcome addition to electric measurements. In cer-
tain cases the high sensitivity is attractive or location of the discharge
sites can be performed.
Noise detection is not particularly sensitive. Discharges in air can
be detected at a sensitivity of several picocoulombs. Internal dis-
charges are reported to be detected at a level of 10 pC, but in many
cases the sensit ivity is not better than 100 pC.
Light detection can be very sensitive. Long exposures with a cam-
era enable detection of discharges as low as 1 pC, accessories like
image intensifiers may increase the sensitivity to 0.01 pC or less. An
additional advantage is that non-electric methods are not affected
by electric interference, so that the full advantage of their sensitivity
can be made in electrically noisy surroundings, e.g. as factories or
electric substations.
In the following table the experience with the two non-electric
detection methods is summarized and is compared with the char-
acteristics of electrical measuring methods. The fact that electrical
detection can universally be applied to all kinds of samples and the
fact that quantitative measurements can be performed (indicated by
+ in column 3 and 5), makes electrical detection superior to other
in air
det ection
photo camera
det ection
resistant to universal
e!ectrical met hod
location of quantitative
discharges measurements
small samples
large samples
+ few pC
++ down to 0.01 pC
o order of 100 pC
+ wit hin cm's
++ within mm's
o dm's to m's
Chapter 9
Discharge measurements
9.1 Discharge magnitude
Measuring discharges is based on the measurement' of the charge
displacement in the leads to a sample. This is actually performed
by placing an impedance Z in the lead, see fig. 9.1. In this way
we measure a quantity that is related to the discharge but does not
represent the discharge itse1f; what we measure is the external charge
q = bb.V.
The displacement of charge at the site of the discharge (cavity, sur-
face or corona) is
j ql = eb. V.

Capacitance bis usually far smaller than c so that
the magnitude which is measured is far smaller than that of
the actual diseharge, and
this magnitude has an unknown relation to the aetual dis-
One can thus wonder whether measuring q is the correct approach.
Much has been written on this subject and many proposals have
been made, but H.V. engineers have always returued to the charge
displaeement q as the preferred definition of dis charge magnitude.
There are two reasons for this, whieh will be discussed below.
Energy dissipation
The energy p that is dissipated in a diseharge ean be related to the
discharge magnitude q as follows:
a. band c as in figure 8.5
Fig. 9.1. The magnitude of a dis-
charge is defined as the charge dis-
placement q in the leads to the sam-
ple, usually expressed in picocoulombs.
This magnitude is not equal to the ac-
tual charge displacement in a cavity
(or in a surface discharge or a corona
discharge), but is nevertheless a good
representation of the intensity of the
discharge as it is directly related to
(1) the energy dissipated in a discharge
(2) the dimensions of the discharge
p = !c(U2 - V2)
!c(U - V)(U +V) = V(U +V).
Now U +V is replaced by U, making au error in the order of 10%.
b b

b+ CIC I,
where Vi is the inception voltage over the sample and b+c is replaced
by c, making an error in the same magnitude order, but in the other
direction. It then follows that
1 A 1 A

2 1 12 I,
or if the inception voltage Vi is expressed in the usual r.m.s.-value:
p 0.7qVi.
Thus the discharge magnitude q gives a reasonable representation of
the energy that is dissipated in the partial clischarge. For samples of
the same voltage class the inception voltage is usually of the same
level and discharge magnitudes are thus directly comparable.
Physical size
The discharge magnitude q can be related to the volume that IS
occupied by a discharge and can be calculated as follows:
q= ~
where ~ V is the breakdown voltage of the discharge gap and
b ~ EDE" d ' see fig. 9.2.
and as ~ V increases with increasing length of the discharge gap, q
increases with 5.6.17, that is with the volume of the discharge.
Some examples for a cavity in a dielectric with E = 2 and insulation
thickness d=10 mm:
an air-filled cube of 0.3 mm gives about ~ pC,
an air filled cube of 0.5 mm gives about 1 pC.
In consequence of the calculation above, th adopted discharge mag-
nitude q is representative for both the energy and the volume of a
discharge and is therefore a good measure for partial discharges.
Fig. 9.2. The volume occupied by a
partial discharge is directly related to
the discharge magnitude q.
Classification of methods
Two basic methods exist for measuring discharges; in addition there
are some deviating techniques, These methods will be described in
the following section. A brief survey is given here as an introduction:
Classic detection; the discharge impulses are amplified with a
bandwidth of about 100 to 500kHz. The discharges are dis-
played as short impulses at a 50(60) Hz time-base, as shown in
fig. 9.3.
Time resolved detection; the discharge impulses are amplified
with a bandwidth of about 100 to SOO MHz. The true shape
of the discharge impulses is shown on a triggered time-base, as
viewed in fig. 9.3 ' -
Then two deviating techniques follow that can be used in a few cases
$.s ering bridgee t a deviating ~ h i 9 u e is the Gering-bridge
measurement , where all the pulses of the SO(60)Hz time-base
'are int"grated:- -
--- - - , <c::
E.M. field detection; this technique is applicable if the screen is
absent or imperfect so that electromagnetic waves are radiated.
Fig. 9.3. Display of discharges.
(a) Classic detection. The discharges
are displayed as discharge patterns, su-
perimposed on a 50(60) Hz. time-base.
(b) Time resolved detection. The ac-
tual discharge process is shown at a
trigged time- base in the nanosecond
region .
t (nanosec.) _
Classic detection
Basic circuit ; pulse height
Any circuit for the measurement of discharges can be reduced to the
basic circuit shown in fig. 9.4.
H 0---.- - ---,
Fig. 9.4. Basic circuit for discharge
H = H.V. source, preferably free of dis-
k = coupling capacitor, providing a
closed circuit for the discharge dis-
placement q. The coupling capacitance
k shal1 be of the same order of magni-
t ude as that of the sample a .
at this pulses
are formed which are stepped up (T)
and amplifie (A), displayed on an os-
cil1oscope (0) and analyzed with a dis-
. -
charge analyzer (D) .
The discharge impulses are formed by a detection impedance Z that
usually consists of a heavily attenuated LCR circuit . The resulting
impulse is equal to
v =
q coswt exp _ _ t_,
a +C(1 +alk)
Tn = --k +C.
a + A
The shape of this pulse is shown in fig. 9.4. Some important conclu-
sions can be drawn:
1. For larger samples, the amplitude ' of the pulse tends to be
v= !l., thus inversely proportional to the sample capacitance.
2. The coupling capacitance k is indispensible. If k -t 0, the pulse
amplitude v-t O.
3. The shape of the pulse is independent of the physical process
of the discharge and is determined by the circuit parameters a ,
k, Land C only.
The sensitivity of a detection circuit is defined as the smallest dis-
charge impulse, measured in pC, that can just be distinguished from
background noise.
We have seen above that the impulse height decreases proportion-
ally with the sample capacity. At a fixed noise level, for instanee that
of the amplifier, the smallest detectable discharge thus increases pro-
portionally with the sample capacitance. If a given amplifier yields
a sensitivity of 1 pC at a sample of 10 nF, the sensitivity will decline
to 100 pC at a sample of 1 pF.
This situation is not acceptable and measures have been devised to
improve the sensitivity. This is accomplished by introducing a step-
up transformer as indicated by T in the basic circuit of fig. 9.4. This
transformer amplifies both the signal and the circuit noise (which is
lower than the amplifier noise) to slightly over the amplifier noise.
The sensitivity is now determined by the circuit noise and it ap-
pears that this noise decreases with the square root of the circuit
capacitance m:
:: y'rii'
and m tends to equal the sample capacitance a for larger samples
(C, a, and k as indicated in fig. 9.4 and a k).
It now follows that the smallest detectable discharge increases pro-
portionally with the square root of the sample capaci ty, a consider-
able improvement indeed. It can be ca1culated as
qmin :: Jf + 1 Ja + (1 + f)C,
Two conclusions can be drawn:
1. The coupling capacitance k must be of the same order of mag-
nitude as the sample capacitance a. If a fixed coupling capac-
itance is chosen (for instanee 1000 pF), as is done with some
discharge detectors, the sensitivity for large samples will be
impaired. It then tends to be proportional to a and the im-
provement of the step-up transformer is lost.
2. If k is sufficiently large, the smallest detectable discharge in-
creases with ...;0,.
The ratio of the step-up transformer must be increased with increas-
ing sample capacitances, most discharge detectors provide this ratio
in a number of fixed steps. Examples of sensitivities with and with-
out a step-up transformer are:
Sample Sensitivity with- Required step- Sensitivity with
capacitance out step-up trafo up ratio step-up trafo
2 nF 0.1 pC 2 0.05 pC
50 nF 2 pC 10 0.2 pC
F 50 pC 50 1 pC
A discharge detector generates a number of pulses which form a
characteristic pattern as shown in fig. 9.5.
Fig. 9.5. Discharge pattern gener-
ated by a classic discharge detector.
The pattern is characteristic for the
type of discharge under observation.
Consequent1y the phase angle and the
pulse height q of each discharge im-
pulse must be maintained at further
processing. This requires sufficient res-
olution of detector and amplifier.
This pattern is repeated every 20(16.7) IIlS. The information assem-
bied in this discharge pattern shall be maintained duning processing.
For this reason two characteristics shall be kept unaltered:
the relative height q of the impulses;
the phase angle <p of the impulses.
The shape of the impulses, however, need not to be maintained.
The lower band of the amplifier is chosen so that the power fre-
quency and its higher harmonies do not reach the oscilloscope. The
bandwidth of the amplifier is in the order of 100 to 400 kHz. The
parameters of the detector impedance are chosen in such a way that
the pulse width is in the order of 2 to 10 ps and two pulses at that
distance are separated. The resolution of the detector can be checked:
1. By observing a corona discharge as shown in fig. 8.8. The
number of impulses is increased by increasing the voltage until
the picture is blurred. The distance between pulses that occur
just before the resolution of the detector.
2. The same can be performed by applying a commercially avail-
able calibrator where the time lag between two discharge pulses
can be varied and the smallest time lag that can be resolved,
is determinecl.
Recognition by oscilloscope
The discharges are clisplayed on an oscilloscope screen as shown in
fig. 9.3a. In addition, a crest voltage meter is proviclecl which mea-
sures the highest impulse that is present in pC. This highest discharge
impulse is usually referred to as the discharqe magnitude of the par-
tial discharge uncler observation.
The clischarge patterns clisplayecl at the oscilloscope screen are
characteristic for the type of clischarge uncler observation. In fig. 9.6
several examples of these patterns are shown.
These observations are up by recording the clischarge magni-
tucle as a function of voltage. It is strongly recommencled to record
such kV-pC-cliagrams both for improving recognition ancl for docu-
menting the results of discharge measurements as shown in fig. 9.7.
Recogn ition by statistical analysis
The recognition of discharges by oscillographic observation show
some disadvantages: it covers only a limi t ed number of discharge
Fig. 9.6. Characteristic discharge
patterns .
(a) Cavity completely surrounded by
a dielectric: the discharges at both po-
larities are equal or do not differ more
than a factor 3.
(b) Cavity or surface discharge, at one
side bounded by an electrode: the dis-
charges at both polarities differ more
than a factor 3.
(c) Negative corona in gas: discharges
are of equal magnitude and occur at
one polarity only. At higher volt-
ages positive corona may appeal' at the
other side of the ellipse.
(cl) Corona in oil: typical corona pat-
tern at one side, indi stinct corona pat-
tern at the other side of the ellipse.
(e) Contact noise: indistinct noise pat-
tern at the zero-points where the ca-
pacitive current is maximal .
(f) Floating part : imperfect contact
of an electrode fioating in the elec-
tric field causes regu larly repeat ing
discharge groups , sometimes rotating
along the ellipse.
Fig. 9.7. Discharge diagrams:
records of discharge magnitude in pC
versus applied voltage in kV.
a . The shape of these diagrams may
add to the recognition of discharges by
oscilloscopic 0 bservation.
b. The diagrams may change at pro-
longed voltage exposure. The incep-
tion voltage often increases because of
the formation of semi-conducting lay-
ers in cavity or surface. But the extinc-
tion voltage mayalso be lower than the
inception voltage, because of the effect
shown in fig. 8.7.
C : I I I I I I ~
I I I I I I ~ I
I ~ I I I I I I
H ~
large cavity,
surtace discharge
small cavity
contact noise
or reverse
types and a well experienced operator is required to make these ob-
Much progress has been made by developing statistical techniques
for the analysis of discharge patterns.
8tatistical distributions
Each analysis starts with determining the statistical distribution of
the discharges. The time base is divided in a number of time win-
dows, as shown in fig. 9.8, representing the phase positions of the
Fig. 9.S. Statistica1 distributions
determined for a nurnber of time win-
Each time window is observed for a great number of cycles, for in-
stance during some minutes. The following two distributions are
1. The pulse count distribution H
, showing the number of dis-
charges in each time window as a function of the phase angle.
2. The pulse height distribution H
, showing the average pulse
height in each time window as a function of the phase angle ip,
In fig. 9.8, examples of both distributions are shown: the shapes of
the distributions differ greatly for the positive and the negative half
of the voltage cycle. It appears logical to make separate distributions
for each halv-cycle, so that four different distributions are produced,
each with its particular shape. It has been found that these shapes
are characteristic for the type of defect from which they originate
and it has been found that more types of defects can be characterized
with these distributions than with the conventional oscillograms.
However, observing distributions again requires a weIl experienced
observer. In order to remove this disac1vantage, the foIlowing step
has been taken: each distribution is analyzed by means of a number
of statistieal operators. The foIlowing operators are useel:
L:(X' - J.l)3 . p.
Skewness Sk = I 3 I,
where Xi is the recorded value and Pi the probability (= frequency
of appearanee) for that value x, in time winelow i,
J.l is the mean value L: Xi Pi and
(7 is the varianee (72 = L:(Xi - J.l) 2
The skewness represents the asymmetry of the elistribution. If the
distribution is symmetrie, Sk is zero, if it is asymmetrie to the left, Sk
is positive and if asymmetrie to the right, Sk is negative, see fig. 9.9.
~ ~
Sk-pos Sk=O Sk=neg
Fig. 9.9. The shape of a distribu-
tion can be characterized by operators,
like skewness Sk which describes the
asymmetry of a distribution and kur-
tosis K; which describes the sharpness
of a distribution.
Ku=pos Ku=O Ku=neg
the kurtosis represents the sharpness of the elistribution, see fig. 9.9.
If the elistribution has the same sharpness as a normal elistribution,
K; is zero. If it is sharper than normal, k; is positive, and if it is
fiatter. K; is negative, see fig. 9.9.
Number of peaks Pe,
which is defined by the number of loeal tops in the elistribution, where
a loeal top is defined as
dYi - 1
dx, - 1
dYi + 1 0
-C-__ > .
dx, + 1
In actual cases one to eight peaks have been distinguished.
where Xi is the mean discharge magnitude in window i of the positive
half-cycle, and Yi the mean discharge magnitude in the corresponding
window in the negative half-cycle.
The cross-correlation factor indicates the difference in shape of the
distributions in the positive and negative half-cycle. If the shapes
are the same (but not necessarily of equal height), cc is 1, if they
differ completely, cc = O.
The fol1owing combinations of operators and distributions can now
be made:
Skewness of H+ H- H+ H-
n n q q
Kurtosis of H+ H- H+ H-
n n q q
Peaks of u; H;; H: H;;
Cross-correlation between H: and H;; ,
so that 13 different operators can be calculated to characterize a
particular discharge pattern. Many more operators can be defined
(and are actual1y in use), but these 13 operators already offer a wide
scope. It can be estimated that the 13 operators above can form
about 3000 combinations, many of which could be characteristic for
a particular souree of discharges.
A number of artificial defects, incorporated in dielectric models,
have been studied. The discharges in these defects have been ana-
lyzed with the above mentioned distributions and operators. Each
defect shows a typical combination of operators, forming a "finger-
print" of that particular defect. Defects that can be characterized in
this way are:
Cauities: electrode or dielectric bounded
fiat, square or sharp
Burface discharge: in air, in SF
, or oil
Corona: in air or oil
Treeing : at a cavity or at a sharp point
Examples of such fingerprints are shown in fig. 9.10.
".,10 f
1 "10 t
0,5 I-
+ + + + +
'--y--I '------y----J '--y--I '--y----J '------y----J '------y----J cc
Hq Hn Hq Hn Hq Hn
'----v---" '----v---" '----v---"
Sk ku Pe/10
: flat cavity, surrounded by dielectric
x : flat cavity, electrode bounded
F ig. 9.10. Fingerprints of two types of cavities, each fingerprint consists of a num-
bel' of operators (13 are present here, but many more can actual1y be used). A
dielectric-bounded cavity is compare d here wit h an elect rode-bo unde d cavity. Op-
erators 3,4,5, 11 and 12 show distinct differences.
If now an unknown discharge pattern is analyzed and compared with
these existing fingerprints, a simple algori thm can ten us whether
the discharge patt ern can be attribut ed with some probability to a
certain defect.
Moreover, t he variation in some operators, when the sample is aged
under volt age, is also characterist ic for certain types of defects.
The observation of discharges wit h a statistical analyzer is t hus an
effect ive means for recognizing discharge sources.
9.3 Implementation of classic detection
In practice, two basic methods exist for performing classical dis-
charge detection: straight det ection, introduced by Dl'. Mol e in 1954,
and balanced detection, introduced by the author in 1958.
Straight deteetion
Straight detection uses either the circuit as shown previously in
fig. 9.4, or that shown here, in fig. 9.11, where the sample is earthed.
"" '
Fig. 9.11. Straight detection circuit in the version that is most widely used, with
sample a earthed. Calibration must always be performed at the sample, position I.
Position II is not recommended.
The circuit is calibrated with a step generator ~ V in series with a
small capacitor b. With this generator a discharge
. qca/ = ~
is injected into the sample a (b must then be far smaller than a).
Usually a discharge of fixed magnitude is injected, for instanee 50
pC and the recording instruments, such as oscilloscope and discharge
magnitude meter, are calibrated.
The calibrating discharge must always be injected in the sample,
notwithstanding the disadvantages: the calibrator must be removed
before high voltage can be applied and no calibration can be made
during the test. Some discharge detectors have a built-in calibrator
which injects calibrating pulses into the detection impedance (see
fig. 9.11), which can be operated during the test, however the re-
sponse to this pulse is
A qca/ a +k
v = = q
C + ~ aC + kC +ak '
whereas the correet response when injecting the sample is
A q k
V= a+C(l+V = aC+kC+ak
The built-in calibrator leads thus to readings that are ~ times too
The great advantage of straight detection is its simplicity. The
method is widely used for routine tests on series of standard prod-
Straight detection, however, has the disadvantage that no distinc-
tion can be made between discharge signals from the sample or from
those outside. If this distinction is of importance, balanced deteetion
shall be chosen.
Balanced detection
a C
C' a'
response to a clischarge q injectecl into a
m = response for the same discharge injected into k'
and tan 15 = tan 15
over the full bandwidth of the detector.
The quality of the balance is described by the rejection ratio m:
In balanced detection, two samples are measured simultaneously in
a circuit, as shown in fig. 9.12a. The two samples a and a' have
preferably the same insulation material, so that their loss factors
are equal over a braad frequency speetre. Capacitance a does not
need to be equal to a'. However, samples of equal capacitance yield
optimal results.
Discharges in the samples a and a' are detected, but discharge sig-
nals from outside, such as from k or from the H.V. source, can be
suppressed. For this purpose the bridge is balanced by injecting a
large discharge between H.V. and earth, and adjusting the variabie
impedances Rand C to minimal response. The conditions for bal-
ance are
1--- ---I ,-- --,
, ,
_!- _! -
- T- -T -
, , , ,
, , ,
al bI
Fig. 9.12.
Balanced detection.
(a) Bridge detection: by adjusting R, R' and C, tha.bridge.Js-balanced so that
discharge signals from outside (capacitance k or H.V. source) are rejected. The
.origin of a discharge signal is determined by switching: if switch S is opened, inter-
nal discharges (in a) disappear, external discharges (in k) increase. Calibration is
performed by injecting a known discharge bil V into the sample.
(b) Pulse discriminator: common-rnode signals are rejected so th at discharges of
esternol origin (in k) are suppressed, and internol discharges (in a) are displayed.
By pushing the cornmon-mode button, these discharges are distinguished.
The following rejection ratios have been obtained in actual cases:
Two identical samples
Two unequal samples, with
the same insulation material
Two unequal samples
m = 1000 to 5000
m = 100 to 500
m = 3 to 30
Electronic processing
In fig. 9.12b, an interesting variant of balanced detection is shown.
The pulses from the left-hand and the right-hand side of the bridge
are processed in a pulse discriminator. Pulses which arrive at the
same time and which are of the same polarity originate from sourees
outside the bridge circuit. When the processor is activated, these
pulses are rejected and disturbances from outside are suppressed.
Pulses of opposite polarity are accepted. The rejection ratio m is
smaller than in a balanced detector, but the method has the advan-
tage of simplicity: fixed impedances Zand Z' can be used and no
balancing procedure is required.
The rejection by balanced detection or by electric processing is used
in three ways: .
1. To suppress disturbances
2. To verify the origin of discharges
3. To locate discharges
These three applications are discussed below.
Suppression of disturbances
An obvious application is the measurement of discharges in the pres-
ence of an outer disturbance. If the samples are well screened, and if
they are reasonably equal, the full sensitivity of a discharge detector
can be reached in the presence of heavy disturbances. The use of
a cage of Faraday for suppressing interference is then not required.
Discharges as low as 0.03 pC have been measured in this way.
The greatest advantage of balanced defection is the possibility of
verifying whether a discharge signal results from the sample or from
outside, such as from the H.V. circuit, the coupling capacitor, or
other sources. There are two ways to do this:
1. By slightly varying the balance conditions. External discharges
will then show great variations in response, whereas discharges
from the sample do not vary at all.
2. By switching the switches S and S' , indicated in fig. 9.12a."The
response to external discharges increases .!!nifold but internal
dis charges in sample a disappear if switch S is opened, and
remain the same when switch S' is activated. A similar effect
is obtained when ativating an electronic pulse discriminator.
This verification removes the uncertainty that is found with straight
detection. It functions also at smalI rejection ratios, so that an asym-
metric bridge (m = 3 to 30) or an electronic pulse-discriminator (e.g.
m is 20) can be used.
Balanced detection is successfully used to locate the site of discharges
in complicated samples. For this purpose, the earth screen is inter-
rupted at several places, as shown, for instance, in the cable connec-
tor of fig. 9.13.
Fig. 9.13. Location by subdivision of the e1ectrodes. In this example, the cable
connector CC is divided in two halves and is further separated from the adjoining
cable lengths L. The cable connector is measured for discharges in a balanced
detector. Manipulating the balance reveals the origin of a discharge: left-hand or
right-hand side of CC, or in lengths 1. By further subdividing either CC or L, the
discharge site can precise1y be located.
At first the two halves of the cable conneetion CC are measured in a
balanced circuit; the cable lengths L are earthed. With the switches
S and S' it is established whether the discharges originate from the
right-hand or from the left-hand side of the cable joint. The joint can
be further subdivided and measured until the site of the discharge
has been located within a few centimetres.
If it is found that the discharge is located in one of the adjoining
cable lengths, that particular cable length can be subdivided and fur-
ther subdivided until the discharge is located with great precision.
This method is not non-destructive (interruptions are made to the
sheath) but it is very effective.
The interruptions can be made according to fig. 9.14a, where the
earth electrodes are made to overlap. This method, however, is sen-
sitive to errors. If the insulation 0 in the overlap is not perfect , un-
wanted discharges will occur in this region. The interruption shown
in fig. 9.14b is therefore preferred. A semi-conductive layer L is
applied (or was already present) and the interruption is made by
removing part of the metallic sheath M, In this way an impedance
is formed that is sufficiently high inorder to separate the electrodes,
but sufficiently low not to interfere with the electric field in the in-
sulation, so that no additional discharges can occur.
Fig. 9.14. Interruptions in earth screen. In (a) the metal electrodes are made to
overlap. Extra insulation 0 is inserted in the overlap to prevent discharges in this
region. In (b) asemicon layer L terminates the dielectric. The metallic electrodes
Mare sufficiently separated to create a longitudinal resistance of some kn's.
In another example, a bushing is used to enter H.V. equipment as
shown in fig. 9.15. Straight detection does not discriminate between
discharges in the actual sample a or those in the bushing Cs, a
parasite capacitance Cp or the coupling capacitor Ck. By using a
balanced detector, the terminals C
to a can alternately be measured
or earthed. Distinction can then be made between discharges in
different parts.
9.4 Time resolved detection
Fig. 9.15. Location: by alternately
connecting C
, C
, Cp and a to a bal-
anced circuit, it can be verified wether
a discharge is located in the sample or
in one of the other parts.
_!- a
Time resolved detection may give useful information by observing
partial discharges in the nanosecond region. The basic circuit is the
same as in classic detection, see fig. 9.16, but the time constants
are far smaller and the layout is far more compact for keeping self-
induction low and preventing unwanted oscillations.
Fig. 9.16. Time resolved detection.
Discharges are measured in a straight
detection circuit. The time constant
a'tk .R is small, in the nanosecond re-
gion. The handwidth of the amplifier
is high, in the multi-megahertz region
and the layout must he compact to pre-
vent oscillations. (Capacitances a and
k can also he interchanged).
The pulses at the detection impedance are amplified with a band-
width of 500 to 1000 MHz for research purposes and of 50 to 100
MHz for industrial tests. The pulses are displayed at a triggered
time-base; the oscillograms represent the current in the discharge
gap as a function of time. When doing research on the behaviour of
discharges in small spaces, the shape of the impulse is accurately dis-
played, including the front of the pulse which may be shorter than 1
ns. For industrial purposes recognition of the tail of the impulse may
be sufiicient and a time constant of about 10 ns may be adequate.
The magnitude of the discharges is represented here by the area of
the oscillogram. Calibration shall therefore be performed by inject-
ing a known discharge in the sample and determining the area of
the matching oscillogram. (Take care that the capacitance of the
calibrator is small as compared to that of the sample.)
The shape of the discharge pulse gives additional information for the
distinction between internal, surface or corona discharges. Moreover,
thickness and width of a detected cavity can be estimated and a guess
can be made to the extend of deterioration, as shown in section 8.3
and figures 8.9 and 8.10. In a similar way, the radius of a souree of
corona can be estimated, see fig. 8.11.
Location by travelling waves
Location by travelling waves was introduced by the author in 1960:
time resolved detection is applied to samples where travelling waves
may occur, such as in high-voltage cables and large GIS-stations. If
a partial discharge takes place in a long line, as shown in fig. 9.17,
two travelling waves result: one to the left and one to the right.
The length of these waves can be related to their duration by intro-
ducing the velocity of the travelling waves which in a cable is about
200 mi us. The wave length of an internal discharge of a duration of
10 ns is then, for instance, 2 metres; the travelling wave of a corona-
discharge of 50 ns duration is about 10 metres long. The discharge
waves can thus physically be regarded as a train of charge of limited
length which travels along the length of the line at a speed that is
almost the velocity of light.

__ ct 0----

R 11
I-I-I 0----
Fig. 9.17. Location by travelling waves. Two travelling waves with velocity v start
at the site of th e discharge. The time lag T between direct wave and refiection
is a measure for the distance x between far end and discharge site, x = T;v. The
amplitude of the wave is e = where i is the curr ent at the discharge site.
When this voltage wave arrives at the end of the line, the voltage v
over the detection resistor is
(Co is a constant)
Vnoise (2 +R)JR
v = e.
The travelling waves are detected with an impedance at the end of
the line. To prevent distortion of the pulses, a pure resistance R is
chosen. The high voltage at the line is blocleed by a capacitor C.
The voltage e over the characteristic impedance Z in the line is
The thermal noise from this resistor R is proportional to JR. For
an optimal signal-noise ratio the expression
shall reach a maximum, which is found at
d VR
dRZ+R =0,
from which it follows that R shall satisfy R = Z.
The time constant T of the RC network is chosen to be in the or-
der of one of the longer discharge pulses, 250 ns, so that the blocking
capacitance amounts to C ]i, or about 5 nFo The pulses are ob-
served with a broadband oscilloscope with a time constant of some
ns. The time-base is triggered by the discharge pulses, so that the
pulses appeal' as a single image on the oscilloscope.
A detection circuit as in fig. 9.17 can readily be built with standard
components. The sensitivity that is reached is in the order of a few
The location of a discharge can now be determined by measuring the
time lag of the refiections. One of the two travelling waves reaches
the detector and triggers the time-base, the opposite wave refiects
at the other end and arrives T microseconds later, see fig. 9.17. The
time to arrival of the first wave is
1- x
and that of the second wave is
the time lag is then
where x is the distance of the discharge site from the far end and v
is the velocity of the travelling wave, which in high-voltage cables is
of the order of 200 mius. The position of the discharge is located in
this way with an accuracy of 5 to 10 metres in cable lengths of 1 to
2 km. (With very high bandwidth detection, an accuracy of part of
Time resolved
a metre can he reached in GIS swi tchgear. )
In fig. 9.18, a series of oscillograms is shown with increasing dis-
tance hetween discharge and detector. The attenuation of the dis-
charge impulses can clearly be seen, as well as redouhling of the
refiection when the discharge approaches the far end.
The characteristics of classic and time resolved detection can he com-
pared in the foUowing way:
100 to 500 kHz
50/60 Hz,
discharge pattern
q = f(<p),
see fig. 9.3a
some tens to
500 MHz
time-base < 1 J-ls
pulse shape
i = f(t),
see fig. 9.3b
9.5 Evaluation of discharges
Aftel' a discharge has been detected and its magnitude has been
measured, the question must be answered whether this discharge is
detrimental to the voltage life of the insulation.
1. To begin with, the type of discharge shall be determined. Corona
discharges, for instanee. are harmless uniess their breakdown
products, sueh as ozon or derivates of SF
, endanger the con-
struction. Corona of several hundreds of pC's might be ac-
eeptable in air-insulated constructions, whereas corona in SF
insulations must be Iess than 1 pC.
Surface discharges are less dangerous than internal diseharges
as they are less concentrated.
Treeing discharges. however , are very clangerous. If a discharge
is recognized as resulting from treeing, any clischarge magni-
tude is unacceptable.
Fig. 9.18. Travelling waves in high-voltage cables. In the oscillograms 1 to 9 the
discharge site moves away from the detector, or x in fig. 9.17 decreases.
2. The order of magnitude of discharges is of importance: in the
order of 1-3-10-30-100 pC, not their exact value.
3. An important variable, more important than discharge magni-
tude, is the operating stress in the dielectric. The permissible
discharge magnitude decreases fast with increasing operating
stress. The following table gives an indication for plastics such
as polyethylene, elastomers or epoxy-resin.
1.5 kV/rom
2 kV/rom
2.5 kV/mm
3 kV/rom
3.5 kV/mm
4 kV/mm
no test required
100 pC
30 pC
5 pC
1 pC
1 pC and an overvoltage test
4. The insulation material itself plays an important role. Plastics
are generally quite sensitive to discharges. Machine insula-
tion with a large amount of mica is far less sensitive. Tests
on machine bars have shown that discharges of 1000 pC are
acceptable (compare this with the table above), 10.000 pC is
regarded as dangerous.
For materia1s like glass and porcelain, figures are not known,
but it can he assumed that discharges of many thousands of
pC's are harmless, The long experience in open air in bad
c1imates and with large surface discharges has shown that aging
of these materials hardly occurs.
5. In many cases discharge limits are used as a quality control.
Discharges over a certain magnitude are not rejected because of
their effect on the voltage life, but as a check on the production
9.6 Deviating detection techniques
In this section, two deviating techniques for discharge detection are
described, both of them having a limited field of application.
Schering bridge
If many discharge sites are present at a time, Schering bridge mea-
surements may be useful. The discharges add to the dielectric losses
and a sudden increase of the loss angle, shown as 6.tgb in fig. 9.19,
reveals the ignition of a great number of discharges at voltage Ui.
tg s
Fig. 9.19. From the inception volt-
age Uion, partial discharges contribute
to the losses. The increase in loss tan-
gent, caused by the discharges, is rep-
resented by tan .
In order to determine the sensitivity of a Schering bridge for dis-
charges, the energy-balance in a sample is calculated. The dielectric
losses W
which are measured in a sample with capacitance a are
The energy p in one discharge is according to section 9.1 equal to
If n discharges per half-cycle are present, the dissipated power W
Now W
shall be equal to W
and at the inception voltage U = Ui.
We are further interested in the smallest detectable discharge qmin
which corresponds to the smallest increase in losses 6. tan bmin that
can be determined by the Schering bridge. From this it follows that
the sensitivity of a Schering bridge test for n discharges per half-cycle
is equal to
qmin = V27r aU 6. tan bmin . -.
Take, for example, one discharge in a machine bar of 1 nF, measured
at 10 kV wh ere an increase tan of 1.10-
just can be measured:
qmin 5000pe,
which is several thousand times worse than a conventional discharge
detector. However, if n= 50,000 , the sensitivity is
qmin = O.lpC,
so that if many thousands of discharges occur simultaneously, the
method becomes very sensitive. This is, for instance, the case for
mica insulation in machine bars or paper insulation in bushings and
cables. For these products, Schering bridge measurements are re-
quired and severe demands are made for the magnitude of tan 6 as
a function of voltage as mentioned before in seetion 7.9.
Detection of stray E.M.-fields
In samples without earthsereens, electromagnetie radiation is trans-
mitted by the fast charge displacements of partial discharges. Ex-
amples are
insulators in air
epoxy-resin insulated transformers and open switchgear
the upper part of eable terminals.
The E.M. radiation can be pieleed up by wideband probes, see fig. 9.20,
whieh ean be either eapaeitive or induetive. By moving these probes
along the sample, location of discharges ean be performed. Great
care should be taken, however, not to ignite partial discharges by
the probe and to prevent dangerous situations for the operator.
Detection of E.M. radiation is regarded as an auxiliary method; eal-
ibration, and thus determining the discharge magnitude, is difficult
to perform. Non-eleetrie deteetion might be a useful alternative.

/' \
Fig. 9.20. A wideband probe can be
used to pick up electromagnetic radi-
ation from open insulation construc-
tions, such as a cable terminal or an
epoxy-resin insulated component. The
probe P is moved along the sample for
locating the discharge site. The probes
can either be capacitive or inductive.
Determining a Weibull distribution from a number of breakdown
tests entails two different operations:
Parameter estimation: finding the best fit of the Weibull
curve to the data available. This includes the processing of
data of samples that failed to breakdown during the test.
Determining confidence intervals: the parameters a and
f3 (see the expression below) are determined with some incer-
tainty. The real values of a and f3 are found with 95 % prob-
ability within the confidence intervals calculated here. These
intervals are ent ered in the Weibull plot, as shown in fig. 6.5.
Parameter estimation
A calculation procedure and a flow chart for estimating the param-
eters of a Weibull distribution is given in
G. C. Stone and R. G. van Heeswijk; "Parameter estimation for the
Weibull distribution", IEEE transactions on Electrical Insulation,
vol. EI-12. no 4, August 1977.
In this paper an algorithm is given for the estimation of a and f3
with the maximum likelihood-method in the expression
F(t) = 1 - exp[-( )fJ],
if a limited number of observations is available. It also takes into
account a number of samples that have not breken clown at the end
of the test.
Confidence intervals
The calculation of conficlence intervals is found in
N.R. Mann, R.E. SchaJer, N.D. Singpurwalla; "Methods for statie-
tical analysis of reliability and life data", Wiley, New York, 1974.
pp. 191-233. (for a limited number of samples)
B.R. Billman, e.E. Antle, L.J. Bain; "Statistical inference Jrom
censored Weibull samples", Technometrics vol. 14, November 1972,
pp. 831-840. (for a larger number of samples)
These papers include tables of variables generated with the Monte
Carlo method,
See also: R.E. SchaJer and T.S. Scheffield; "On procedures Jor com-
paring two Weibull populations", Technometrics vol. 18, no 2, May
Some further reading
High Voltage Engineering, chapter 8
Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi
A.D. Schwab
High Voltage Measurements techniques
M.LT. Press, Cambridge, USA
N. Hylt en-Cavallius
High voltage laboratory planning
ASEA-Haefely, Basel
T. Tanaka & A. Greenwood
Advanced Power Cable Technology,
Volume 1, Concepts & Testing, chapter 2
CRC Press, Florida
F.H. Kreuger
Partial discharge detection in
High-voltage equipment
Butterworth, London
E. Gulski
Computer aided recognition of
partial discharges
Delft University Press, Delft
Abc-circuit, 120-122, 133-135
- sources, 35-41
- measuring: see 59
- overvoltage, 7
Aeroplane (testing), 57, 58
After-installation test, 11, 12, 15, 17,
Arcing hom, 23
Basic circuit, 137
Basic insulation level (see: BIL)
Balanced detection, 146, 147-151
BIL, 13, 14, 15, 26-28
Bimodal distribution, 91,92
- characteristic, 23
- test , 79
- tracks, 91, 95
Bridge, 101, 148
Bushing, 13, 114
Cabie, (see: power cabie)
Calibration, 60, 146, 148, 152
Capacitive divider, 67-69
Cavity, 118, 124-126, 134
- rectifier, 46
- transformer, 36,37
Chopped wave, 53, 54
Classic detection, 120-123, 136-151
Cockcroft, 46
Conductive losses, 98
Confidence intervals, 84-86, 89, 161
Common mode, 148
Contact noise, 141
Corona, 119, 120, 123, 127
Cross correlation, 144
Current-carrying capacity, 8
Current measuring, 71-77
Current wave, 54
- link, cabie, 9, 17
- sources, 43-48
- measuring, 59
- discharges, 122, 123
Deterioration, 127, 155
Dielectric losses, 8
Differential Weibull curve, 89
Differential transformer bridge, 110,
Digital recording, 69-71
Dipole losses, 99
- stray fields, 159
- evaluation, 155-157
- detectors, 145-151
- magnitude, 133, 140, 152
- measurement (test), 16, 113, 133-
- losses, 100, 115, 134, 158
- pattem, 121, 141
- trafo, 4
- cable or line, 4, 5
Disturbance, 119, 147-149
Dual balance, 106-108
Duration test , 79
Earth impedance, 2
Earthed samples, 108-110, 112, 146,
Efficiency, impulse generator, 50
Electrostatic voltmeter, 59-60
Endurance test, 15, 16, 83
Extinction, 23, 122
Extrapolation, 85
Failure risk, 21, 22, 30
Fault clearing, 3
Firing impulse generator, 52
Floating part, 141
Front resistor , 49
Greinacher, 46
Guards, 104, 105, 148
Ignition, 117, 122
Impulse voltage
- standard shape, 2, 7, 48
- generator, 48-53
- measuring, see 59
Inception, 118, 122, 134
Insulation coordination, 1
Interfaces, 94, 99
Internal discharges, 117,118,120-122,
130, 132
Inverted Schering bridge, 108, 109
Joint, 150
Kurtosis, 143
Lichtenberg figures, 93, 94, 124
Light detection, 131, 132
- arrester, 21-30
- current , 54, 77
- impulse, 2, 48
- stroke, 2, 57
- test, 14
Line-to-line voltage, 12
Location, 150, 151, 153-156
- angle, 97, 158
- tangent, 97, 98, 114, 115, 158, 159
- analysis, 101
Metal oxyde (see: ZnO)
I-Minute test, 14
- D.e., 46
- irnpulse, 51, 52
Noise detection, 129-132
Non-electrical detection, 129
Non-linear resistor, 21
Non-simultaneous switching, 5
Nul1 detector, 103
Number of stages
- D.e., 47
- impulse, 51
Open spark gap, 21-23, 27
Operating voltage (stress), 12, 14, 15,
19,90, 157
Operator (statisticai), 143, 144
- in impulse generator, 51, 53
- in capacitive divider, 67,68
Overvoltage, 1-7
Parallel compensation, 38
Partial discharges, 9, 117-132, 133-135
Paschen curve, 118, 124
Polarity reversal, 17
Pollution, 30
Power (underground) cabie, 15, 34,
114, 150, 153
Primary compensation, 38
Probability for breakdown, 21
Probability paper, 82, 96
- level, 26, 28, 30, 31
- range, 32-34
Quality check, 8
Quality factor , 40
Rated voltage, 12, 14, 15
Recognition, 140-145, 152
Rectifier, 43-48
Re-ignition, circuit breaker, 4, 5
Rejection ratio, 148
Residual voltage, 25, 26
Resistive divider, 63-67
Resolution, 139, 140
Resonance transformer, 39-42
Ripple, 45, 47
Rod gap, 21, 22, 30, 53
Rogowski coil, 74-77
Routine test, 11-16, 19, 91
Safety margin, 22
Safety measures, 113
Sample test, 11, 15, 19
Scale parameter, 82, 83
Schering bridge, 101-110, 113, 158
- inverted, 108, 109
- one side earthed, 109, 110
Sensitivity, 132, 138, 154, 158
Series resonance, 38
Shape parameter, 82, 83
Short circuit, 3
Shunt, 71-73
- arrester, 21, 24-27
- disc, 26
Skewness, 143
- of life line, 88, 89
- of Weibull curve, 81, 82, 90, 161
Spark gap, 21, 22-24
Sphere gap, 60-63
Square wave generator, 56
Stability test, 15-19
Standard capacitor, 103, 104
Standard operating voltage, 12
Steep wave, 25, 29, 53, 54
Step voltage test, 79, 82
Stray capacitance
- resistive divider, 64
- Schering bridge, 105-107
Stress-distributions, 17
Surface discharges, 93, 119-122, 126,
Surge arrester, 21-30, 54
- impulse, 3-7, 48, 54
- current, 55
Temporary overvoltage (TOV), 29
Therrnal impulse rating, 73
Time constant, 81, see 161
Time resolved detection, 123-127, 151-
Transformer, 35-37
Travelling wave detection, 153-156
Treeing, 9, 92, 128, 145
Triggered gap , 52, 53
Type test, 11, 14,1519
Unloaded line, 4, 5
Velocity of electrons, 124
Voltage-current test, 73
- life, 9, 87-91, 155
- multiplication, 46
- dividers, 63-69
- regulator, 43, 44
Volume effect, 87, 88
Wagners earth, 105, 106
Weibull distribution, 80-91
ZnO arrester, 21, 27-31
Zinkoxyde (see: ZnO)
The author
The author was for many years the director of an
industrial High Voltage laboratory and simultaneously
known as a scientist because of his classic book on
discharge detection. He is a professor at the Delft
University of Technology.
The book
This book presents both the basic principles of High
Voltage science and deals with the practical appl ication
of this knowiedge. The fusion of basic knowledge and
practical usage has prompted the addit ion of subject
headings to those already well-known:
a chapter on fieldgrading .
- a chapter on breakdown statistics
a section on tracing breakdown
a method for checking tg d-measurements.
Blending basics and practice has also influenced the
treatment of the topics :
field calculations are critically reviewed
combinations of dielectrics are studie in a systematic
test specifications are related to insulation co-
discharge tests are criticaily reviewed
' Industrial High Voltage' is published in two volumes and
is systematically divided into six fields:
Volume I
Electric Fields : behaviour and calculation
- Dielectrics: breakdown mechanisms and appl ications
Constructions: combinations of dielectrics and field
Volume 11
- Co-ordination: deriving test specifications from
insulation co-ordination
- Testing: generating and measuring high voltages ;
- Measuring: C, tg d, partial discharges.
Delft University Press

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