Emilie Clark
Emilie Clark
Emilie Clark
use advanced llsLenlng skllls Lo communlcaLe clearly and conclsely whlle malnLalnlng professlonallsm ln every slLuaLlon.
Able Lo creaLe a culLure of muLual LrusL and carlng by respecLlng oLhers. known for conslsLenLly Laklng lnlLlaLlve and
responslblllLy for areas beyond asslgned Lasks.
8ache|or of Sc|ence |n ub||c ke|at|ons December 2013
norLhwesL Mlssourl SLaLe unlverslLy (norLhwesL), Maryvllle, MC CumulaLlve CA 3.81/4.0
!"#$"#%&' )%*'+ ,-&'#- | kansas C|ty, MC Ianuary 2014-resent
kansas C|ty koya|s
! CoordlnaLe and execuLe varlous game day promoLlons and acLlvlLles
! 1rack conLracL fulflllmenL Lhrough complllng spreadsheeLs, game day plcLures, and downloadlng hlghllghL vldeos
! CollaboraLe wlLh full-Llme sLaff members Lo gaLher sLaLlsLlcs and plcLures Lhen creaLe presenLaLlons for upcomlng
sales plLches
! CommunlcaLe dally wlLh sponsors and fans Lo ensure conLracLual fulflllmenL
! 1rack and updaLe sales revenue and lnvenLory for new and renewlng cllenLs
! uLlllze nlelsen Scarborough and 8epucom Lo asslsL wlLh presenLaLlons for poLenLlal cllenLs
.'/'*"$0'-& ,-&'#- | kansas C|ty, MC May 2013-August 2013
Save, Inc.
! 8evlsed and malnLalned lacebook, 1wlLLer and lnLeresL for a small non-proflL organlzaLlon
! AsslsLed wlLh markeLlng, promoLlon and e-blasLs abouL upcomlng fundralslng and organlzaLlon evenLs
! MeL wlLh commlLLees of up Lo 13 volunLeers and board members Lo plan evenLs and Lo provlde sLaLus checks on
Lhe developmenL Leam and organlzaLlon
)"12%* 3'42% ,-&'#- | Maryv|||e, MC
Northwest Un|vers|ty ke|at|ons August 2012-December 2012
! CollaboraLed wlLh a Leam of Lwo peers and norLhwesL's Chlef Cfflcer of MarkeLlng and ueslgn Lo creaLe dally
soclal medla posLs
! updaLed separaLe posLs for lacebook, 1wlLLer, lnLeresL, Llnkedln, and Coogle+ for Lhe unlverslLy
! ueveloped and promoLed norLhwesL's flrsL Soclal Medla Scavenger hunL lL ln coordlnaLlon wlLh Lhe Lwo oLher
lnLerns Lo lncrease acLlvlLy on soclal medla ouLleLs
!%#''# 506%++%4"# | Maryv|||e, MC Ianuary 2011-November 2013
Northwest Career Serv|ces
! CommunlcaLed wlLh and lnformed employers, sLaff members, peers, unlverslLy admlnlsLraLors and alumnl abouL
upcomlng evenLs and encouraged parLlclpaLlon
! Alded sLaff wlLh Llme senslLlve pro[ecLs llke posLer deslgn or creaLlng presenLaLlons
! ueslgned announcemenL campalgns for Lhe home page of Lhe campus recrulLlng daLabase
! laclllLaLed sLudenLs and employers durlng career evenLs by provldlng evenL lnformaLlon and answerlng quesLlons
7''# 54/2+"# | Maryv|||e, MC August 2012-November 2013
Northwest Ireshmen Sem|nar
! Served as a peer-menLor for a class of 17-21 freshmen sLudenLs durlng Lhelr flrsL semesLer aL norLhwesL
! Lnhanced communlcaLlon skllls by answerlng quesLlons ranglng from four year plans for dlfferenL ma[ors Lo
reglsLerlng for classes
! Led Lwo-four lessons each semesLer on varylng Loplcs lncludlng Cornell noLes and academlc readlng sLraLegles
Pomecomlng LxecuLlve Co-Chalr
Crder of Cmega (Creek Ponor SocleLy)
Lambda l LLa (CommunlcaLlon Ponor SocleLy)
Slgma kappa SororlLy
! ubllc 8elaLlons Chalr
Ianuary 2013-December 2013
March 2012-December 2013
Iebruary 2012-December 2013
September 2010-November 2013
Ianuary 2012-December 2012