Government Engineering College Barton Hill in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala offers undergraduate and postgraduate engineering programs. It also offers a one-year automotive diploma program in collaboration with Mercedes-Benz India. The college is implementing the TEQIP program to improve the quality of technical education by modernizing laboratories, libraries, faculty development, and industry interaction. A short-term course on research methodology is being organized from June 23-27, 2014 for faculty and students to gain exposure to research trends, formulating research questions, methodology, and proposal writing. The course is sponsored by TEQIP Phase II and open to AICTE-approved colleges with no fees for some participants.
Government Engineering College Barton Hill in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala offers undergraduate and postgraduate engineering programs. It also offers a one-year automotive diploma program in collaboration with Mercedes-Benz India. The college is implementing the TEQIP program to improve the quality of technical education by modernizing laboratories, libraries, faculty development, and industry interaction. A short-term course on research methodology is being organized from June 23-27, 2014 for faculty and students to gain exposure to research trends, formulating research questions, methodology, and proposal writing. The course is sponsored by TEQIP Phase II and open to AICTE-approved colleges with no fees for some participants.
Government Engineering College Barton Hill in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala offers undergraduate and postgraduate engineering programs. It also offers a one-year automotive diploma program in collaboration with Mercedes-Benz India. The college is implementing the TEQIP program to improve the quality of technical education by modernizing laboratories, libraries, faculty development, and industry interaction. A short-term course on research methodology is being organized from June 23-27, 2014 for faculty and students to gain exposure to research trends, formulating research questions, methodology, and proposal writing. The course is sponsored by TEQIP Phase II and open to AICTE-approved colleges with no fees for some participants.
Government Engineering College Barton Hill in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala offers undergraduate and postgraduate engineering programs. It also offers a one-year automotive diploma program in collaboration with Mercedes-Benz India. The college is implementing the TEQIP program to improve the quality of technical education by modernizing laboratories, libraries, faculty development, and industry interaction. A short-term course on research methodology is being organized from June 23-27, 2014 for faculty and students to gain exposure to research trends, formulating research questions, methodology, and proposal writing. The course is sponsored by TEQIP Phase II and open to AICTE-approved colleges with no fees for some participants.
Government Engineering College Barton Hill,
established in the year 1999 under the Directorate of Technical Education, Govt. of Kerala is one of the fastest growing institutions of technical education in India. It is located in the heart of Thiruvananthapuram city, just one km from PMG junction and 3 kms from Central railway station and KSRTC bus station. The college, at present, is offering five undergraduate courses and four postgraduate courses in Engineering. Apart from that GEC Barton Hill in academic collaboration with Mercedes Benz India offers one year diploma course Advanced Diploma in Automotive Mechatronics to impart multidisciplinary competency for aspiring engineers on the latest automotive technology using world-class tools and equipment.
ABOUT TEQIP ABOUT TEQIP ABOUT TEQIP ABOUT TEQIP The World Bank supported Technical Education Quality Improvement Programme (TEQIP) is a long term programme, being implemented in three phases for a systemic transformation of the Technical Education System in India by enabling the competitively selected institutions to improve the quality of Technical education by providing funds to the selected institutions for institutional reforms such as modernization of laboratories/workshops, library, faculty development, research, industry interaction to make the project institute dynamic, demand driven, quality conscious and responsive to rapid economic and technological developments.
COURSE COURSE COURSE COURSE OBJECTIVE OBJECTIVE OBJECTIVE OBJECTIVE Research is a logical and systematic investigation or experimentation aimed at the discovery and interpretation of facts, revision of accepted theories or laws in the light of new facts or practical application of such new or revised theories or laws. Research is indeed civilization and determines the economic, social and political development of a nation. This short term course mainly aims to familiarize the participants with the new dynamic trends in research methodology. In this course the participants will be motivated and exposed to the basic steps in conducting research; to shape their work in proper direction. The course will be useful for the participants to formulate a viable research question, to distinguish probabilistic from deterministic explanations, to analyze the benefits and drawbacks of different methodologies etc. to understand how to prepare and execute a feasible research project.
COURSE CONTENTS COURSE CONTENTS COURSE CONTENTS COURSE CONTENTS Research: A Way of Thinking Formulating a Research Problem & Literature review Conceptualising a Research Design Constructing an Instrument for Data Collection Selecting a Sample Writing a Research Proposal Collecting Data /Analysis of data Processing and Displaying Data Writing a Research Paper/Technical Writing
RESOURCE PERSONS RESOURCE PERSONS RESOURCE PERSONS RESOURCE PERSONS The faculty experts from IIT, IIM, IIST, NIIST, ISRO and other reputed academic/research institutions. Short Term Training Programme
JUNE 23 27, 2014
Sponsored by TEQIP Phase-II
Organised by
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering GOVERNMENT ENGNEERNG !O""EGE #$RTON %""& T%R'V$N$NT%$P'R$M
Course Coordinators Dr. Bindu Kumar K Dr. Bindu Kumar K Dr. Bindu Kumar K Dr. Bindu Kumar K Mr. Mathew John Mr. Mathew John Mr. Mathew John Mr. Mathew John
The course is open for faculty of various AICTE approved Engineering Colleges (Govt./ Aided / Self- financing) in India. M.Tech/ME students who wish to pursue research after their PG studies can also participate. Only limited numbers of seats are available and the admissions are strictly on first come-first served basis.
ACCOMMODATION ACCOMMODATION ACCOMMODATION ACCOMMODATION Participants are requested to make their own arrangements for stay during the programme. However, suggestions for suitable accommodation near to the college could be made on request.
HOW TO APPLY HOW TO APPLY HOW TO APPLY HOW TO APPLY Applications in the prescribed format attached herewith duly recommended/sponsored by the Head of the Institution/Organization should reach the coordinator on or before 19 June 2014. Candidates are advised to email a scanned copy of application form and to make use of e-mail facility for all communications.
REGISTRATION FEE REGISTRATION FEE REGISTRATION FEE REGISTRATION FEE There is no registration fee for teachers from Govt./Aided/Govt. Controlled self-financing Colleges. But there will be a registration fee of Rs 1500/- for the participants from TEQIP II institutions. Tea and working lunch will be provided to the participants
The Course Coordinator, STTP on Research Methodology, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Govt. Engineering College Barton Hill, Thiruvananthapuram 695 035
TEQIP-II Sponsored STTP on RESEARCH METHODOLOGY RESEARCH METHODOLOGY RESEARCH METHODOLOGY RESEARCH METHODOLOGY FOR ENGINEERS FOR ENGINEERS FOR ENGINEERS FOR ENGINEERS (23 (23 (23 (23- -- -27 27 27 27 June 2014) June 2014) June 2014) June 2014) Application Form 1. Name: (In Block Letters) 2. Date of birth: 3. Designation: 4. Department: 5. Institution: 6. Mailing Address:
7. Phone: 8. E-mail: 9. Whether your institution is approved by AICTE: 10. Highest educational qualification: 11. Area of specialization/interest: 12. Years of experience; a)Teaching ..b) Industry.
DECLARATION The information provided above is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. I would abide by the rules and regulations of the training programme and would attend the course in full, if selected. Place: Signature of applicant Date: SPONSORSHIP CERTIFICATE
Certified that Mr./Ms... .. is an employee of our institute/organisation, and is hereby sponsored for the above said Short Term Training Programme. He/she will be permitted to attend the programme, if selected.