Combustion Characteristics of Low Grade Coal And: Principal Research Results

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Princ ipal Re s e arc h Re s ult s

Bac kground
At present, bituminous coal that burns well with a high calorific value in the range of 6,500 to 7,000 kcal/kg and with a fuel
ratio (weight ratio of fixed carbon to volatile matter) of 1.0 to 2.5 is used to pulverized coal fired power stations in Japan. As the
demand for coal is likely to increase worldwide, particularly in developing countries, it is hoped that low grade coal that has not yet
been used in thermal power stations can be utilized to reduce the power generation cost by reducing the fuel cost. The types of coal
that should be considered for use are low grade coal with a low calorific value and a high moisture content or high ash content, and
high fuel ratio coal which is difficult to ignite and which has a narrow stable combustion range.
Obje c t ive s
To clarify the combustion characteristics of low grade coal that have a calorific value in the range of 3,000 to 5,000 kcal/kg
and a high moisture content or high ash content and high fuel ratio coal that has a fuel ratio of 5 or greater with a pulverized coal
combustion test furnace (combustion capacity of 0.1 t/h).
Princ ipal Re s ult s
1 . Low Grade Coal
(1) The NOx conversion ratios of lignite coal (weight ratio of moisture content to coal supply amount as dry ash free = 1.5) and sub-
bituminous coal (same ratio = 0.3) were compared with that of low moisture coal under similar conditions to pulverized coal fired
power plants. It was found that the NOx conversion ratio of lignite coal was slightly lower than that of low moisture coal while that
of sub-bituminous coal was higher (Fig. 1). As lignite coal has a high moisture content, the latent heat of vaporisation is high. This
reduces the flame temperature. As a result, the oxygen consumption near the burner is slowed and NOx production is suppressed.
On the other hand, the oxygen consumption of sub-bituminous coal is fast near the burner and the formation of NOx is promoted.
As the reactivity of both types of coal after the evaporation of moisture is high, the uncombustion fraction of these types of coal are
lower than those of low moisture coal.
(2) The greater the ash content, the higher the uncombustion fraction and NOx conversion ratio. As the reactive area decreases and the
consumption of oxygen near the burner is slowed with a higher ash content, the formation and decomposition of NOx are delayed
(Fig. 2).
(3) As coal with a high moisture content has a higher reactivity than coal with a high ash content, the uncombustion fraction of coal
with a high moisture content is lower. It is believed that coal with a high moisture content is easier to use for power generation
purposes. Unfortunately, as this sub-bituminous coal tends to generate a large amount of NOx, it is necessary to develop a
combustion technology that can suppress NOx emission.
2 . High Fue l Rat io Coal
(1) The higher the fuel ratio of coal, the harder it is to ignite. Studies show that by using a burner designed to create re-circulating
currents to lengthen the time that coal particles stay in the high temperature region near the burner, ignition can be improved and
the range of stable combustion can be widened (Fig. 3).
(2) Both the concentration of NOx and concentration of unburned carbon in fly ash are higher for high fuel ratio coal than for
bituminous coal. The NOx conversion ratio of high fuel ratio coal, like that of bituminous coal, increases as the fuel ratio increases
or as the nitrogen content decreases although the tendency is not as pronounced (Fig. 4). On the other hand, the uncombustion
fraction rises fairly sharply as the fuel ratio increases.
(3) It is believed that among the latest pulverized coal fired power plants designed to meet environmental regulations, high fuel ratio
coal with a fuel ratio of up to 5 can be used with slight modification of the burners.
Fut ure De ve lopme nt s
Of the various types of low grade coal available, attention will be focused on studies about sub-bituminous coal in view of
the large reserves and the expected demand increase in the future. Commencement of the development of a combustion technology
which will be applicable for conventional pulverized coal fired power plants and will enable a high combustion efficiency and which
will also be environmentally friendly is planned.
Main Researchers : Hisao Makino, Research Fellow and Masayoshi Kimoto, Senior Researcher,
Chemical Energy Engineering Department, Yokosuka Research Laboratory
Re fe re nc e s
Tetsuo Miyazaki, Masayoshi Kimoto, Michitaka Ikeda and Hisao Makino,
"Pulverized Coal Combustion Characteristics of High Fuel Ratio Coal - Investigation by Pulverized Coal Combustion Test Furnace -",
CRIEPI Report No. W97016, April, 1998 (Japanese only)
Michitake Ikeda, Masayoshi Kimoto, Tetsuo Miyazaki and Hisao Makino, "Influence of Ash Content on Pulverized Coal
Combustion Characteristics - Combustion Characteristics on High Ash Content Coal Investigated by Coal Combustion Test Furnace -",
CRIEPI Report No. W97023, May, 1998 (Japanese only)
Combustion Characteristics of Low Grade Coal and
2 . Fos s il Fue l Powe r Ge ne rat ion - Te c hnology for Advanc e d The rmal Powe r Ge ne rat ion
Fig. 1 Conversion ratio to NOx and uncombustion
fraction of high moisture content coal
The conversion ratio to Nox of sub-bituminous coal with a high
moisture content is comparatively higher than that of coal
having a low moisture content. The uncombustion fraction is
low in both lignite and sub-bituminous coal.
*1 The proportion of nitrogen in the coal that is converted into
Fig. 2 The influence of ash content on combustion
process in the furnace
The higher the ash content the slower the oxygen consumption
near the burner. As a result, Nox formation and reduction are
retarded and the Nox concentration increases.
Fig. 3 Limits of stable conbustion with respect
to fuel ratio
The higher the fuel ratio the lower the combustibility and the
narrower the range of stable combustion. However, the CI-
burner enables stable combustion over a wider range than that
attainable by conventional burner.
*2 A new low Nox burner developed in a joint research with
Ishikawajima Harima Heavy Industries. The new burner
lengthens the residence time of coal particles spent in the
high temperature region near the burner.
Fig. 4 Relationship between coal properties and
conversion ratio to NOx
The conversion ratio to NOx in the combustion of high fuel
ratio coal, like that of bituminous coal, increases as the fuel
ratio increases or as the nitrogen content decreases;
however, the tendency is not as pronounced.

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