Customer Relationship Management CRM of Hypercity Final

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Institute Of Professional Education and Research BHOPAL

Summer internship
Project report
(Batch 202!20"#
S$B%I&&E' &O( S$B%I&&E' B)(

It is with a sage sense of gatit!"e# I a$%now&e"ge the effots of who&e hosts of we&&'
wishes who ha(e in so)e wa* o othe $onti+!te" in thei own s,e$ia& wa*s to the
s!$$ess an" $o),&etion of this s!))e intenshi, ,o-e$t.
Fist of a&&# I e.,ess )* sage sense of gatit!"e an" in"e+te"ness to )* Die$to# DR.
AMARJEET /ING0 10AL/A of 2IPER#3 40OPAL# fo) the +otto) of )* heat# fo
his !n,e$e"ente" s!,,ot an" faith that I "o the +est an" his (a&!a+&e e$o))en"ation
an" fo a$$e,ting this ,o-e$t.
F!the I e.,ess )* sage sense of gatit!"e to 2Prof/ who he&,e" )e at e(e* stage an"
$onstant&* s!,,ote" )e "!ing )* ,o-e$t. I a&so e.,ess )* sage of gatit!"e to %r/
ROHA, PAHAL-A,# Ma%eting Manage 0YPERCITY 40OPAL0 who wee %in"
eno!gh to gi(e an o,,ot!nit* to wo% !n"e thei i))ense e.,etise. I sin$ee&* than% to
+oth of the) fo thei (a&!a+&e s!ggestions# )oti(ation an" en$o!age)ent. I e.,ess )*
than%s to the Ma. s!,,oting Tea)# fo thei s!,,ot an" en$o!age)ent in +inging o!t
this ,o-e$t e,ot.
I wo!&" +e fai&ing in )* "!t* if I "on5t e.,ess )* ,ofo!n" gatit!"e to the entie
es,on"ent who has s,ent thei (a&!a+&e ti)e to answe the 6!estionnaie.
Last +!t not the &east7 I wo!&" a&so &i%e to e.,an" )* than%s to a&& fa$!&t* )e)+es of
IPER# 4ho,a&# who ha(e he&,e" a &ot "!ing the $o!se of )* ,o-e$t.
Fina&&*# I sin$ee&* e.,ess )* than%s to a&& )* fien"s# fa)i&* )e)+es.

I a) ...................... hee+* "e$&ae that the ,o-e$t tit&e" (*$S&O%ER
RELA&IO,SHIP %A,A.E%E,& I, H)PER*I&) Bhopal# is an oigina& wo%
$aie" o!t !n"e the g!i"an$e of Prof/ The e,ot s!+)itte" is a wo% of )* own effots
an" has not +een s!+)itte" to an* instit!te o ,!+&ishe" +efoe.
/ignat!e of the st!"ent
P&a$e: 40OPAL
I want to e.,ess )* gatit!"e fo the e.,eien$e an" ,a$ti$a& %now&e"ge that I gaine"
"!ing the s!))e intenshi, ,o-e$t at 0YPERCITY .It was )* fist e.,eien$e when I
went to the )a%et not to +!* an*thing +!t to "o the +an"ing a$ti(it* with efeen$e to
Fo a$$o),&ish)ent of the ,o-e$t e,ot I thin% a+o!t the $on"itions an" (iews an" then
I !se" to $o),ose the who&e thing on $o),!te. In )a%ing the ,o-e$t e,ot theoeti$a&
%now&e"ge was nee"e" )oe than the ,a$ti$a& whi$h was gi(en to !s +* )* ,ofessos in
)* instit!tes. In the )a%et the e.,eien$e e&ating to the ,a$ti$a& %now&e"ge was (e*
goo" whi$h ea&i8e" )e a+o!t the ea& $on"itions of the )a%eting.
The ,o-e$t F&ows "ata $o&&e$tion )etho" an" 6!estionnaie. It ho,e" that the fin"ings
an" e$o))en"ation wi&& he&, the $o),an*# $onfi"ent&* to fo)!&ate its stateg* in
$o),aison to its $o),etitos. I ha(e en-o*e" )* s!))e intenshi, at 0YPERCITY an"
ha(e &eant &ots of new things# whi$h wi&& +e he&,f!& to )e in nea f!t!e. I than%
0YPERCITY fo gi(ing this o,,ot!nit* at thei offi$e an" +eing goo" to )e a&& the ti)e.
I a) ,&ease" to wo% in this estee)e" ogani8ation. I ha(e tie" )* +est to )a%e this
e,ot a ea"e fien"&* 9 a&so "i" )* &e(e& +est to f!&fi&& the o+-e$ti(e of the s!))e
taining. Last&* I a) gi(ing than%s to 2IPER3 fa)i&* who ga(e )e thei ,e$io!s ti)e to
)a%e ,o-e$t s!$$essf!&.
&a2le of *ontent


Cha,te : Con$e,t!a& O(e(iew ;':<
Cha,te = Resea$h Metho"o&og*
O+-e$ti(e of /t!"*
/$o,e an" Rationa&e of /t!"*
Li)itation of /t!"*
Cha,te @ Data $o&&e$tion =A'=:
Cha,te < Theoeti$a& 4a$%go!n" =='=B
Cha,te >
Case /t!"* Into"!$tion of Co),an*
,ofi&e an" Po"!$t
A+o!t the wo% in $o),an* "one +*
Cha,te ; Data Ana&*sis <=';A
Cha,te C Fin"ings
Cha,te B 4i+&ioga,h*

*hapter (! *onceptual O3er3ie4
*ustomer relationship mana5ement E*R%F $onsists of the ,o$esses a $o),an* !ses
to ta$% an" ogani8e its $onta$ts with its $!ent an" ,os,e$ti(e $!sto)es. CRM is !se"
to s!,,ot these ,o$esses7 info)ation a+o!t $!sto)es an" $!sto)e intea$tions $an +e
entee"# stoe" an" a$$esse" +* e),&o*ees in "iffeent $o),an* "e,at)ents. T*,i$a&
CRM goa&s ae to i),o(e se(i$es ,o(i"e" to $!sto)es# an" to !se $!sto)e $onta$t
info)ation fo tagete" )a%eting.
Ghi&e the te) CRM genea&&* efes to a softwae'+ase" a,,oa$h to han"&ing $!sto)e
e&ationshi,s# )ost CRM softwae (en"os stess that a s!$$essf!& CRM effot e6!ies a
ho&isti$ a,,oa$h. CRM initiati(es often fai& +e$a!se i),&e)entation was &i)ite" to
softwae insta&&ation# witho!t ,o(i"ing the $onte.t# s!,,ot an" !n"estan"ing fo
e),&o*ees to &ean# an" ta%e f!&& a"(antage of the info)ation s*ste)s. CRM too&s
sho!&" +e i),&e)ente" Hon&* afte a we&&'"e(ise" stateg* an" o,eationa& ,&an ae ,!t in
,&a$eH. CRM $an +e i),&e)ente" witho!t )a-o in(est)ents in softwae# +!t softwae is
often ne$essa* to e.,&oe the f!&& +enefits of a CRM stateg*.
Othe ,o+&e)s o$$!
when fai&ing to thin% of sa&es as the o!t,!t of a ,o$ess that itse&f
nee"s to +e st!"ie" an" ta%en into a$$o!nt when ,&anning a!to)ationFo) the o!tsi"e#
$!sto)es intea$ting with a $o),an* ,e$ei(e the +!siness as a sing&e entit*# "es,ite
often intea$ting with a n!)+e of e),&o*ees in "iffeent o&es an" "e,at)ents. CRM is
a $o)+ination of ,o&i$ies# ,o$esses# an" stategies i),&e)ente" +* an ogani8ation to
!nif* its $!sto)e intea$tions an" ,o(i"e a )eans to ta$% $!sto)e info)ation. It
in(o&(es the !se of te$hno&og* in atta$ting new an" ,ofita+&e $!sto)es# whi&e fo)ing
tighte +on"s with e.isting ones.
CRM in$&!"es )an* as,e$ts whi$h e&ate "ie$t&* to one anothe:
aF Font offi$e o,eations J Die$t intea$tion with $!sto)es# e.g. fa$e to fa$e
)eetings# ,hone $a&&s# e')ai&# on&ine se(i$es et$.
+F 4a$% offi$e o,eations J O,eations that !&ti)ate&* affe$t the a$ti(ities of the font
offi$e Ee.g.# +i&&ing# )aintenan$e# ,&anning# )a%eting# a"(etising# finan$e#
)an!fa$t!ing# et$.F
$F 4!siness e&ationshi,s J Intea$tion with othe $o),anies an" ,atnes# s!$h as
s!,,&iesK(en"os an" etai& o!t&etsK"isti+!tos# in"!st* netwo%s E&o++*ing go!,s# ta"e
asso$iationsF. This e.tena& netwo% s!,,ots font an" +a$% offi$e a$ti(ities.
"F Ana&*sis J 1e* CRM "ata $an +e ana&*8e" in o"e to ,&an taget')a%eting
$a),aigns# $on$ei(e +!siness stategies# an" -!"ge the s!$$ess of CRM a$ti(ities Ee.g.#
)a%et shae# n!)+e an" t*,es of $!sto)es# e(en!e# ,ofita+i&it*F.
Peha,s it is i),otant to note that whi&e )ost $ons!)es of CRM (iew it as a softwae
Hso&!tionH# thee is a gowing ea&i8ation in the $o,oate wo&" that CRM is ea&&* a
$!sto)e'$enti$ stateg* fo "oing +!siness7 s!,,ote" +* softwae. A&ong these &ines#
CRM tho!ght &ea"es &i%e Di$% Lee of 0igh Yie&" Metho"s "efine CRM as HCRM a""s
(a&!e to $!sto)es in wa*s that a"" (a&!e +a$% to the $o),an*H
/e(ea& $o))e$ia& CRM ,a$%ages ae a(ai&a+&e whi$h (a* in thei a,,oa$h to CRM.
0ow e(e# as )entione" a+o(e# CRM is not -!st a te$hno&og*# +!t athe a $o),ehensi(e
$!sto)e'$enti$ a,,oa$h to an ogani8ation5s ,hi&oso,h* in "ea&ing with its $!sto)es.
This in$&!"es ,o&i$ies an" ,o$ess# font'of'ho!se $!sto)e se(i$e# e),&o*ee taining#
)a%eting s*ste)s an" info)ation )anage)ent. 0en$e it is i),otant that an* CRM
i),&e)entation $onsi"eations stet$h +e*on" te$hno&og*# towa"s the +oa"e
ogani8ationa& e6!ie)ents.
The o+-e$ti(e of a CRM stateg* )ost $onsi"e a $o),an*5s s,e$ifi$ sit!ation an" its
$!sto)es nee"s an" e.,e$tations. Info)ation gaine" tho!gh CRM initiati(es $an
s!,,ot the "e(e&o,)ent of )a%eting stateg* +* "e(e&o,ing the ogani8ation5s
%now&e"ge in aeas s!$h as i"entif*ing $!sto)e seg)ents# i),o(ing $!sto)e etention#
i),o(ing ,o"!$t offeingsE+* +ette !n"estan"ing $!sto)e nee"sF#an" +* i"entif*ing
the ogani8ation5s )ost ,ofita+&e $!sto)es.
CRM stategies $an (a* in si8e# $o),&* an" s$o,e. so)e $o),anies $onsi"e a CRM
stateg* to on&* fo$!s on the )anage)ent of a tea) of sa&es ,eo,&e. 0ow e(e# othe
CRM stateg* $an $o(e $!sto)e intea$tion a$oss the entie ogani8ation .)an*
$o))e$ia& CRM ins!an$e ,a$%ages that ae a(ai&a+&e ,o(i"e feat!es that se(e sa&es#
)a%eting e(ent )anage)ent# an" ,o-e$t )anage)ent an" finan$e.
/!$$essf!& CU/TOMER RELATION/0IP MANAGEMENT e6!ies )a%eting# sa&es
an" se(i$e agi&it* of a sta $o),an* to ena+&e to"a*5s +!siness to o!t ,a$e thei
$o),etitos in the a$e fo $!sto)es.
Managing the $!sto)e e.,eien$e# )aintaining a )oe e&ia+&e "ata +ase# i),o(ing
se(i$e o,eations. fosteing $!sto)e &o*a&t*# e)+a$ing the $haa$teisti$s of high
,efo)an$e )a%eting an" othe e&ate" s!+-e$ts.
Ma%ing s!$h a ,i(ot in CRM to $eate $!sto)e intea$tions that ,o"!$e o,ti)a&
e.,eien$es an" LONG TERM e&ationshi,s )!st +e the to, )ission. A+o(e a&&# those
e.,eien$es )!st +e $onsistent with a $o),an*5s +an" ,o)ise.
*R% 'E1I,I&IO, (
CRM "efines the ,o$ess of the $o),an* ae f!&&* o$$!,ie" with a$6!iing $!sto)es
#se&&ing the ,o"!$t to the $!sto)es# an" )aintaining a LO,. &ER%
RELA&IO,SHIP to a $!sto)e.
CRM is a$t!a&&* a te)en"o!s ste, fowa" in $eating a s*ste) that $an ,o(i"e a )eans
fo etaining in"i(i"!a& &o*a&t* in a wo&" of nea&* se(en +i&&ion so!&s. CRM he&,s in
o"e to !n"estan" $hanging nat!e of the $!sto)e +e$a!se $!sto)e ae not what the*
!se" to +e.

Retail is the sa&e of goo"s an" se(i$es fo) in"i(i"!a&s o +!sinesses to the en"'!se.
Retai&es ae ,at of an integate" s*ste) $a&&e" the s!,,&* $hain. A etai&e ,!$hases
goo"s o ,o"!$ts in &age 6!antities fo) )an!fa$t!es "ie$t&* o tho!gh a who&esa&e#
an" then se&&s s)a&&e 6!antities to the $ons!)e fo a ,ofit. Retai&ing $an +e "one in
eithe fi.e" &o$ations o on&ine. Retai&ing in$&!"es s!+o"inate" se(i$es# s!$h as "e&i(e*.
The te) Hetai&eH is a&so a,,&ie" whee a se(i$e ,o(i"e se(i$es the nee"s of a &age
n!)+e of in"i(i"!a&s# s!$h as a ,!+&i$ !ti&it*# &i%e e&e$ti$ ,owe.
/ho,s )a* +e on esi"entia& steets# steets with few o no ho!ses o in a sho,,ing )a&&.
/ho,,ing steets )a* +e fo ,e"estians on&*. /o)eti)es a sho,,ing steet has a ,atia& o
f!&& oof to ,ote$t $!sto)es fo) ,e$i,itation. On&ine etai&ing# a t*,e of e&e$toni$
$o))e$e !se" fo +!siness'to'$ons!)e E4=CF tansa$tions an" )ai& o"e# ae fo)s of
non'sho, etai&ing.
/ho,,ing genea&&* efes to the a$t of +!*ing ,o"!$ts. /o)eti)es this is "one to o+tain
ne$essities s!$h as foo" an" $&othing7 so)eti)es it is "one as a e$eationa& a$ti(it*.
Re$eationa& sho,,ing often in(o&(es win"ow sho,,ing E-!st &oo%ing# not +!*ingF an"
+owsing an" "oes not a&wa*s es!&t in a ,!$hase.
&6pes of retail outlet
A )a%et,&a$e is a &o$ation whee goo"s an" se(i$es ae e.$hange". The ta"itiona&
)a%et s6!ae is a $it* s6!ae whee ta"es set !, sta&&s an" +!*es +owse the
)e$han"ise. This %in" of )a%et is (e* o&"# an" $o!nt&ess s!$h )a%ets ae sti&& in
o,eation ao!n" the who&e wo&".
In so)e ,ats of the wo&"# the etai& +!siness is sti&& "o)inate" +* s)a&& fa)i&*'!n
stoes# +!t this )a%et is in$easing&* +eing ta%en o(e +* &age etai& $hain
Retai& is !s!a&&* $&assifie" +* t*,e of ,o"!$ts as fo&&ows:
aF Foo" ,o"!$ts
+F 0a" goo"s o "!a+&e goo"s EHha" &ine etai&esHF ' a,,&ian$es# e&e$toni$s#
f!nit!e# s,oting goo"s# et$. Goo"s that "o not 6!i$%&* wea o!t an" ,o(i"e !ti&it*
o(e ti)e.
$F /oft goo"s o $ons!)a+&es ' $&othing# a,,ae&# an" othe fa+i$s. Goo"s that ae
$ons!)e" afte one !se o ha(e a &i)ite" ,eio" Et*,i$a&&* !n"e thee *easF in whi$h
*o! )a* !se the).
&here are the follo4in5 t6pes of retailers 26 mar7etin5 strate56(
:. 'epartment stores ' (e* &age stoes offeing a h!ge assot)ent of HsoftH an" Hha"
goo"s7 often +ea a ese)+&an$e to a $o&&e$tion of s,e$ia&t* stoes. A etai&e of s!$h stoe
$aies (aiet* of $ategoies an" has +oa" assot)ent at a(eage ,i$e. The* offe
$onsi"ea+&e $!sto)e se(i$e.
=. 'iscount stores ' ten" to offe a wi"e aa* of ,o"!$ts an" se(i$es# +!t the*
$o),ete )ain&* on ,i$e offes e.tensi(e assot)ent of )e$han"ise at affo"a+&e an"
$!t'ate ,i$es. No)a&&* etai&es se&& &ess fashion'oiente" +an"s.
@. -arehouse stores ' waeho!ses that offe &ow'$ost# often high'6!antit* goo"s ,i&e"
on ,a&&ets o stee& she&(es7 waeho!se $&!+s $hage a )e)+eshi, fee7
<. 8ariet6 stores ' these offe e.te)e&* &ow'$ost goo"s# with &i)ite" se&e$tion7
>. 'emo5raphic ' etai&es that ai) at one ,ati$!&a seg)ent Ee.g.# high'en" etai&es
fo$!sing on wea&th* in"i(i"!a&sF.
;. %om!And!Pop: is a etai& o!t&et that is owne" an" o,eate" +* in"i(i"!a&s. The ange
of ,o"!$ts ae (e* se&e$ti(e an" few in n!)+es. These stoes ae seen in &o$a&
$o))!nit* often ae fa)i&*'!n +!sinesses. The s6!ae feet aea of the stoe "e,en"s on
the stoe ho&"e.
C. Specialt6 stores: A t*,i$a& s,e$ia&t* stoe gi(es attention to a ,ati$!&a $atego* an"
,o(i"es high &e(e& of se(i$e to the $!sto)es. A ,et stoe that s,e$ia&i8es in se&&ing "og
foo" wo!&" +e ega"e" as a s,e$ia&t* stoe. 0owe(e# +an"e" stoes a&so $o)e !n"e
this fo)at. Fo e.a),&e if a $!sto)e (isits a Ree+o% o Ga, stoe then the* fin" -!st
Ree+o% an" Ga, ,o"!$ts in the es,e$ti(e stoes.
B. .eneral store ' a !a& stoe that s!,,&ies the )ain nee"s fo the &o$a& $o))!nit*7
?. *on3enience stores( is essentia&&* fo!n" in esi"entia& aeas. The* ,o(i"e &i)ite"
a)o!nt of )e$han"ise at )oe than a(eage ,i$es with a s,ee"* $he$%o!t. This stoe is
i"ea& fo e)egen$* an" i))e"iate ,!$hases.
:A. H6permar7ets( ,o(i"es (aiet* an" h!ge (o&!)es of e.$&!si(e )e$han"ise at &ow
)agins. The o,eating $ost is $o),aati(e&* &ess than othe etai& fo)ats.
::. Supermar7ets: is a se&f se(i$e stoe $onsisting )ain&* of go$e* an" &i)ite"
,o"!$ts on non foo" ite)s. The* )a* a"o,t a 0i'Lo o an EDLP stateg* fo ,i$ing.
The s!,e)a%ets $an +e an*whee +etween =A#AAA an" <A#AAA s6!ae feet E@#CAA )
E.a),&e: /PAR s!,e)a%et.
:=. %alls( has a ange of etai& sho,s at a sing&e o!t&et. The* en"ow with ,o"!$ts# foo"
an" entetain)ent !n"e a oof.
:@. *ate5or6 7illers or *ate5or6 Specialist( 4* s!,,&*ing wi"e assot)ent in a sing&e
$atego* fo &owe ,i$es a etai&e $an H%i&&H that $atego* fo othe etai&es. Fo few
$ategoies# s!$h as e&e$toni$s# the ,o"!$ts ae "is,&a*e" at the $ente of the stoe an"
sa&es ,eson wi&& +e a(ai&a+&e to a""ess $!sto)e 6!eies an" gi(e s!ggestions when
e6!ie". Othe etai& fo)at stoes ae fo$e" to e"!$e the ,i$es if a $atego* s,e$ia&ist
etai& stoe is ,esent in the (i$init*.
:<. E!tailers: The $!sto)e $an sho, an" o"e tho!gh intenet an" the )e$han"ise ae
"o,,e" at the $!sto)eLs "ooste,. 0ee the etai&es !se "o, shi,,ing te$hni6!e. The*
a$$e,t the ,a*)ent fo the ,o"!$t +!t the $!sto)e e$ei(es the ,o"!$t "ie$t&* fo) the
)an!fa$t!e o a who&esa&e. This fo)at is i"ea& fo $!sto)es who "o not want to
ta(e& to etai& stoes an" ae inteeste" in ho)e sho,,ing. 0owe(e it is i),otant fo the
$!sto)e to +e wa* a+o!t "efe$ti(e ,o"!$ts an" non se$!e $e"it $a" tansa$tion.
E.a),&e: A)a8on# Penn*f!& an" e4a*.
:>. 8endin5 %achines: This is an a!to)ate" ,ie$e of e6!i,)ent wheein $!sto)es $an
"o, the )one* in the )a$hine an" a$6!ie the ,o"!$ts.
/o)e stoes ta%e a no fi&&s a,,oa$h# whi&e othes ae H)i"'angeH o Hhigh en"H#
"e,en"ing on what in$o)e &e(e& the* taget.
:. A!to)ate" Retai& stoes ae se&f se(i$e# o+oti$ %ios%s &o$ate" in ai,ots# )a&&s an"
go$e* stoes. The stoes a$$e,t $e"it $a"s an" ae !s!a&&* o,en =<KC. E.a),&es in$&!"e
Moo) /ho,s an" Re" +o..
=. 4ig'+o. stoes en$o),ass &age "e,at)ent# "is$o!nt# genea& )e$han"ise# an"
waeho!se stoes.
@. *on3enience store ' a s)a&& stoe often with e.ten"e" ho!s# sto$%ing e(e*"a* o
oa"si"e ite)s7
<. .eneral store ' a stoe whi$h se&&s )ost goo"s nee"e"# t*,i$a&&* in a !a& aea7
Retai&es $an o,t fo a fo)at as ea$h ,o(i"es "iffeent etai& )i. to its $!sto)es +ase"
on thei $!sto)e "e)oga,hi$s# &ifest*&e an" ,!$hase +eha(io!. A goo" fo)at wi&&
&en" a han" to "is,&a* ,o"!$ts we&& an" enti$e the taget $!sto)es to s,awn sa&es
-orld4ide &op 1i3e Retailers
*ountr6 of
200 5roup re3enue ($S
U/ N<=:#B<?

Fan$e N:=:#>:?
@ Tes$o U1 N?<#=<<
Ge)an* NB?#@::
> 1oge U/ NB=#:B?

*HAP&ER ! 2
*hapter 2(! Research %ethodolo56
O2jecti3e of Stud6
:. To ana&*8e the attit!"e of $!sto)es towa"s 0*,e$it*.
=. To %now the Ma%eting a$ti(ities of the 0*,eCITY.
@. To gi(e $&ea $on$e,t of in stoe a$ti(ities in a etai& stoe
<. To %now the (aio!s ,o)otiona& a$ti(ities of 0Y,e$it*
>. To see% $ons!)e attit!"e towa"s 0*,eCit*
Scope and Rationale of Stud6
:. The st!"* has a geat signifi$an$e an" ,o(i"es +enefits to (aio!s ,aties who)
"ie$t&* o in"ie$t&* intea$t with the $o),an*.
=. It is +enefi$ia& to )anage)ent of the $o),an* +* ,o(i"ing $&ea $*sta& ,i$t!e
ega"ing i),otant as,e$ts &i%e /to$% 1ee,ing Unit# 4as%et Co),aison# an"
$ata&og!e ,e,aation.
@. The st!"* a&so +enefi$ia& to e),&o*ees an" offe )oti(ation +* showing how a$ti(e&*
the* ae $onti+!ting in $o),an* gowth.
<. To %now the ,osition of the $o),an* with es,e$t to othe etai&es in the )a%et.

Resea$h "esign is $onsi"ee" as a H+&!e,intH fo esea$h# "ea&ing with at &east fo!
,o+&e)s: whi$h 6!estions to st!"*# whi$h "ata ae e&e(ant# what "ata to $o&&e$t# an"
how to ana&*8e the es!&ts. The +est "esign "e,en"s on the esea$h 6!estion as we&& as
the oientation of the esea$he. E(e* "esign has its ,ositi(e an" negati(e si"es. The
,esent st!"* is +eing $on"!$te" fo&&owe" +* Des$i,ti(e Resea$h Design/

To $on"!$t the esea$h wo% a$$!ate&*# we $on"!$te" "es$i,ti(e esea$h. It in$&!"es
s!(e*s an" fa$t'fin"ing in6!iies of "iffeent %in"s.
It is "one to %now fo&&owing fa$ts:
The 0*,eCITY ,ofits ae )oe inf&!en$e" )oe +* a"(etise)ent.
Retaining the o&" $!sto)e.
Li%ing in es,e$t of 6!a&it*
D!a&it* /e(i$e

Resea$h )etho"o&og* is $onsi"ee" as the ne(e of the ,o-e$t. Githo!t a ,o,e we&&'
ogani8e" esea$h ,&an# it is i),ossi+&e to $o),&ete the ,o-e$t an" ea$h to an*
$on$&!sion. The ,o-e$t was +ase" on the s!(e* ,&an. The )ain o+-e$ti(e of s!(e* was
to $o&&e$t a,,o,iate "ata# whi$h wo% as a +ase fo "awing $on$&!sion an" getting
Theefoe# esea$h )etho"o&og* is the wa* to s*ste)ati$a&&* so&(e the esea$h ,o+&e).
Resea$h )etho"o&og* not on&* ta&%s of the )etho"s +!t a&so &ogi$ +ehin" the )etho"s
!se" in the $onte.t of a esea$h st!"* an" it e.,&ains wh* a ,ati$!&a )etho" has +een
!se" in the ,efeen$e of the othe )etho"s
/a),&ing is ne$essa* +e$a!se it is a&so i),ossi+&e to e.a)ine the entie ,o,!&ation Ei.e.
the entie !ni(eseF (aio!s fa$tos s!$h as ti)e a(ai&a+&e $ost# ,!,ose of st!"* et$. )a%e
it ne$essa* fo the esea$hes to $hoose a sa),&e. It sho!&" neithe +e too s)a&& no too
+ig. It sho!&" +e )anagea+&e. The sa),&e si8e has +een fo) the fee"+a$% fo)
$!sto)e5s.i.e tho!gh 6!estionnaie )etho" ta%en fo ,esent st!"* "!e to ti)e
&i)itation. In this we ha(e ta%en a fee"+a$% fo) :AA C!sto)es within 0*,eCITY
/toe. These $!sto)es ha(e e(ea&e" so)e fa$ts on the +asis of whi$h we ha(e "one a
s,e$ifi$ esea$h. /o the sa),&e si8e is :AA.
SA%PLI,. AREA ( Bhopal
&OOLS $SE' ( <uestionnaire
AREA *O8ERE' ( Bhopal

LI%I&A&IO, O1 &HE S&$')
In s,ites of +est effots of the in(estigato the st!"* was s!+-e$te" to fo&&owing
&i)itation: '
The ti)e ,eio" gi(en to )e fo the $o),&etion of the ,o-e$t was shot In s!$h a
shot s,an of ti)e it is "iffi$!&t to $o),&ete an* ,o-e$t in "etai&.
The staff )e)+es of the $o),an* wee too )!$h +!s* in thei wo%. I $o!&" ha(e
gaine" a &ot if he $o!&" ha(e s,ae" )oe ti)e fo )e.
Manage so)e ti)e "enie" "is$&osing so)e i),otant Ma%eting )attes# whi$h $an
+e he&,f!& in this st!"*.
/o)e info)ation e&ate" to the st!"*# whi$h ha" +een $o&&e$te" fo) the $o),an*
was o!n"e" off +e$a!se of so)e inf&!en$e.

*HAP&ER = >
The ,o-e$t in$&!"es +oth ,i)a* 9 se$on"a* so!$es of "ata. The "ata $o&&e$te"
tho!gh these so!$es has +een ogani8e"# ana&*8e" an" inte,ete" so as to "aw
$on$&!sion an" ai(e at a,,o,iate e$o))en"ations.
Pi)a* so!$e of "ata in$&!"es fee"+a$% of D!estionnaies ta%en fo) the $!sto)es.
The se$on"a* so!$e of "ata in$&!"es we+site of 0*,eCITY Retai& In"ia an" Gi%i,e"ia
whi$h $ontains "etai&s whi$h is he&,f!& fo )a%ing )* ,o-e$t e,ot
*HAP&ER ! "

*hapter "(! &heoretical Bac75round
Info)a& etai&ing /e$to
OT*,i$a&&* &age etai&es
OGeate enfo$e)ent of ta.ation )e$hanis)s
O0igh &e(e& of &a+o !sage )onitoing Fo)a& Retai&ing /e$to
OT*,i$a&&* s)a&& etai&es.
OE(asion of
ODiffi$!&t* in enfo$ing ta. $o&&e$tion )e$hanis)s
ONo )onitoing of &a+o &aws.
-H) *R%?
:. A satisfie" $!sto)e in :A *eas wi&& +ing :AA )oe $!sto)es to the $o),an*.
=. It $osts C ti)e )oe to atta$t a new $!sto)e than to se(e an o&" one.
@. =AP of the $o),an*5s &o*a& $!sto)es a$$o!nt fo BAP of its e(en!es. EPaeto5s
<. The $han$es of se&&ing to an e.isting $!sto)e ae : in =# the $han$es of se&&ing to a
new $!sto)e ae : in :;.
ABO$& *R%
The +iggest )anage)ent $ha&&enge in the new )i&&enni!) of &i+ea&i8ation an"
g&o+a&i8ation fo a +!siness is to se(e an" )aintain goo" e&ationshi, with the %ing Q the
customer. In the ,ast ,o"!$es too% thei $!sto)es fo gante"# +e$a!se at that ti)e the
$!sto)es wee not "e)an"ing no ha" a&tenati(e so!$e of s!,,&* o s!,,&ies. 4!t
to"a* thee is a a"i$a& tansfo)ation. The $hanging +!siness en(ion)ent is
$haa$tei8e" +* e$ono)i$ &i+ea&i8ation# in$easing $o),etition# high $ons!)e $hoi$e#
"e)an"ing $!sto)e# )oe e),hasis on 6!a&it* an" (a&!e of ,!$hase et$.
A&& these $hanges ha(e )a"e to"a*5s ,o"!$e shift fo) ta"itiona& )a%eting to )o"en
)a%eting. Mo"en )a%eting $a&&s fo )oe than "e(e&o,ing a ,o"!$t# ,i$ing it#
,o)oting it an" )a%ing it a$$essi+&e to taget $!sto)e. It "e)an"s +!i&"ing t!st# a
+in"ing fo$e an" (a&!e a""e" e&ationshi, with the $!sto)es.
The ,o$ess of "e(e&o,ing a $oo,eati(e an" $o&&a+oati(e e&ationshi, +etween the +!*e
an" se&&e is $a&&e" $!sto)e e&ationshi, )anage)ent shot&* $a&&e" CRM. A$$o"ing to
Asho%a "!tt hea" of Citi 4an% 2the i"ea of CRM is to %now the in"i(i"!a& $!sto)e
inti)ate&*# so that the $o),an* has a $!sto)i8e" ,o"!$t ea"* fo hi) e(en +efoe he
as%s fo it.3
A CRM is a $o&&e$tion of ,eo,&e# ,o$esses# softwae# an" intenet $a,a+i&ities that he&,s
an ente,ise )anage $!sto)e e&ationshi, effe$ti(e&* an" s*ste)ati$a&&*. The goa& of
CRM is to !n"estan" an" anti$i,ate the nee"s of $!ent an" ,otentia& $!sto)e to
in$ease $!sto)e etention an" &o*a&t* whi&e o,ti)i8ing the wa* ,o"!$t an" se(i$es ae
so&".CRM stan"s fo C!sto)e Re&ationshi, Manage)ent. It is a stateg* !se" to &ean
)oe a+o!t $!sto)esL nee"s an" +eha(ios in o"e to "e(e&o, stonge e&ationshi,s
with the). Afte a&&# goo" $!sto)e e&ationshi,s ae at the heat of +!siness s!$$ess.
Thee ae )an* te$hno&ogi$a& $o),onents to CRM# +!t thin%ing a+o!t CRM in ,i)ai&*
te$hno&ogi$a& te)s is a )ista%e. The )oe !sef!& wa* to thin% a+o!t CRM is as a ,o$ess
that wi&& he&, +ing togethe &ots of ,ie$es of info)ation a+o!t $!sto)es# sa&es#
)a%eting effe$ti(eness# es,onsi(eness an" )a%et ten"s The o+-e$ti(e is to $a,t!e
"ata a+o!t e(e* $onta$t a $o),an* a $o),an* has with a $!sto)e tho!gh e(e*
$hanne& an" stoe it in the CRM s*ste) to ena+&e the $o),an* to t!&* !n"estan"
$!sto)e a$tion. CRM softwae he&,s an ogani8ation +!i&" a "ata+ase a+o!t its $!sto)e
that )anage)ent# sa&es ,eo,&e# $!sto)e se(i$e ,o(i"e an" e(en $!sto)e $an a$$ess
info)ation to a$$ess $!sto)e nee"s with ,o"!$t an" offeing.
%ar7etin5 Automation
It is the )ost $o),ehensi(e $a),aign )anage)ent so&!tion a(ai&a+&e. It ,o(i"es
e(e*thing nee"e" to t!n aw# "is,aate $!sto)e "ata into ,ofita+&e )a%eting
$a),aigns Qa&& the wa* tho!gh in$e,tion# e.e$!tion an" )eas!e)ent.
%ar7etin5 Optimi@ation It a,,&ies so,histi$ate" )athe)ati$a& a,,oa$hes to o,ti)i8e
)a%eting $a),aign ROI gi(en &i)ite" +!"gets# $hanne& $a,a$ities an" othe
ogani8ationa& $onstaints.
The i"ea of CRM is that it he&,s +!sinesses !se te$hno&og* an" h!)an eso!$es to gain
insight into the +eha(io of $!sto)es an" the (a&!e of those $!sto)es. If it wo%s as
ho,e"# a +!siness $an:
:. Po(i"e +ette $!sto)e se(i$e
=. Ma%e $a&& $entes )oe effi$ient
@. Coss se&& ,o"!$ts )oe effe$ti(e&*
<. 0e&, sa&es staff $&ose "ea&s faste
>. /i),&if* )a%eting an" sa&es ,o$esses
;. Dis$o(e new $!sto)es
C. In$ease $!sto)e e(en!es
AR*HI&E*&$RE O1 *R%
Thee ae thee ,ats of a,,&i$ation a$hite$t!e of CRM:
O,eationa& ' a!to)ation to the +asi$ +!siness ,o$esses E)a%eting# sa&es# se(i$eF
Ana&*ti$a& ' s!,,ot to ana&*8e $!sto)e +eha(io# i),&e)ents +!siness inte&&igen$e
a&i%e te$hno&og*
Co&&a+oati(e ' ens!es the $onta$t with $!sto)es E,hone# e)ai&# fa.# we+# s)s# ,ost#
in ,esonF
O,eationa& CRM
O,eationa& CRM )eans s!,,oting the so'$a&&e" Hfont offi$eH +!siness ,o$esses#
whi$h in$&!"e $!sto)e $onta$t Esa&es# )a%eting an" se(i$eF. Tas%s es!&ting fo) these
,o$esses ae fowa"e" to e),&o*ees es,onsi+&e fo the)# as we&& as the info)ation
ne$essa* fo $a*ing o!t the tas%s an" intefa$es to +a$%'en" a,,&i$ations ae +eing
,o(i"e" an" a$ti(ities with $!sto)es ae +eing "o$!)ente" fo f!the efeen$e.
A$$o"ing to Gatne Go!,# the o,eationa& ,at of CRM t*,i$a&&* in(o&(es thee genea&
aeas of +!siness:
*R%( Sales 1orce Automation
Sales 1orce Automation (S1A#(
/FA a!to)ates so)e of the $o),an*Ls $iti$a& sa&es an" sa&es fo$e )anage)ent
f!n$tions# fo e.a),&e# &ea"Ka$$o!nt )anage)ent# $onta$t )anage)ent# 6!ote
)anage)ent# foe$asting# sa&es a")inistation# %ee,ing ta$% of $!sto)e ,efeen$es#
+!*ing ha+its# an" "e)oga,hi$s# as we&& as sa&es staff ,efo)an$e. /FA too&s ae
"esigne" to i),o(e fie&" sa&es ,o"!$ti(it*. 1e* infast!$t!e e6!ie)ents of /FA ae
)o+i&e s*n$honi8ation an" integate" ,o"!$t $onfig!ation.
*ustomer Ser3ice and Support (*SS#(
C// a!to)ates so)e se(i$e e6!ests# $o),&aints# ,o"!$t et!ns# an" info)ation
e6!ests. Ta"itiona& intena& he&, "es% an" ta"itiona& in+o!n" $a&&'$ente s!,,ot fo
$!sto)e in6!iies ae now e(o&(e" in to the H$!sto)e intea$tion $enteH ECICF# !sing
)!&ti,&e $hanne&s EGe+# ,honeKfa.# fa$e'to'fa$e# %ios%# et$F. 1e* infast!$t!e
e6!ie)ents of C// in$&!"e $o),!te te&e,hon *integation ECTIF whi$h ,o(i"es high
(o&!)e ,o$essing $a,a+i&it*# an" e&ia+i&it*.
Enterprise %ar7etin5 Automation (E%A#
EMA ,o(i"es info)ation a+o!t the +!siness en(ion)ent# in$&!"ing $o),etitos#
in"!st* ten"s# an" )a$o en(ion)enta& (aia+&es. It is the e.e$!tion si"e of $a),aign
an" &ea" )anage)ent. The intent of EMA a,,&i$ations is to i),o(e )a%eting $a),aign
effi$ien$ies. F!n$tions in$&!"e "e)oga,hi$ ana&*sis# (aia+&e seg)entation# an"
,e"i$ti(e )o"e&ing o$$! on the ana&*ti$a& E4!siness Inte&&igen$eF si"e.
Anal6tical *R%
In ana&*ti$a& CRM# "ata gathee" within o,eationa& CRM an"Ko othe so!$es ae
ana&*8e" to seg)ent $!sto)es o to i"entif* ,otentia& to enhan$e $&ient e&ationshi,.
Ana&*sis of C!sto)e "ata )a* e&ate to one o )oe of the fo&&owing ana&*ses:
:.Conta$t $hanne& o,ti)i8ation
=.Conta$t O,ti)i8ation
@.C!sto)e /eg)entation
<.C!sto)e /atisfa$tion Meas!e)ent K In$ease
>./a&es Co(eage O,ti)i8ation
Thee is a signifi$ant !a& ,o,!&ation in +oth $o!nties# whi$h has )!$h &owe
,!$hasing ,owe $o),ae" to the !+an ,o,!&ation. 4oth $o!nties ae geoga,hi$a&&*
(e* &age an" !ne(en&* "e(e&o,e"# a""ing a signifi$ant "isti+!tion an" &ogisti$s
"i)ension to the etai& ta"e.
Cons!)es in +oth $o!nties ae high&* (a&!e $ons$io!s.
4etween :??; an" =AA@# the ogani8e" etai& )a%et in China )oe than "o!+&e". Ge
es t i )at e t hat the In"ian etai& )a%et is to"a* at the sa)e inf&e$tion ,oint as China
was in the )i"':??As. Conse6!ent&*# $onsi"eing a si)i&a ,e $a,ita GDP an" o!gh&*
si)i&a ates of e$ono)i$ gowth# the In"ian ogani8e" etai& )a%et has the ,otentia& fo
e.,onentia& gowth o(e the ne.t "e$a"e.
*O,S$%ERIS%( &HE ,E- -A8E
Gowing $ons!)eis) wo!&" +e a %e* "i(e fo ogani8e" etai& in In"ia.
/e(ea& "e)oga,hi$ in"i$atos show fa(oa+&e ten"s fo the gowth
of ogani8e" ta"e:
Rapid income 5ro4th(
$ons!)es ha(e a geate a+i&it* to s,en". In$easing !+ani8ation: &age !+an
,o,!&ations that (a&!e $on(enien$e# $o!,&e" with the highe ,o,ensit* of the !+an
$ons!)e to s,en"
Two *eas ago# no one too% 1ishoe 4i*ani seio!s&*. 0is $o),an*# Panta&oon
Retai&# was seen as a one')an show. 4i*ani hi)se&f was ega"e" as !n,e"i$ta+&e# an"
not a &ong'te) +et. To"a*# he is the +iggest etai&e in In"ia. In two *eas# 1ishoe 4i*ani
has +o!n$e" +a$% to +e$o)e In"iaLs &agest etai&e.
Aims of *R%
The CRM is a new te$hni6!e in )a%eting whee the )a%ete ties to "e(e&o, &ong te)
e&ationshi, with the $!sto)es to "e(e&o, the) as &ife ti)e $!sto)es. CRM ai)s to
)a%e the $!sto)e $&i)+ !, the &a""e of &o*a&t*.
The $o),an* fist ties to "ete)ine who ae &i%e&* ,os,e$ts i.e. the ,eo,&e who ha(e a
stong ,otentia& inteest in the ,o"!$t an" a+i&it* to ,a* fo it. The $o),an* ho,es to
$on(et )an* of its 6!a&ifie" ,os,e$t into fist ti)e $!sto)es an" then to $on(et those
fist ti)e $!sto)es into e,eat $!sto)es. Then the $o),an* ties to $on(et these e,eat
$!sto)es into $&ients Q the* ae those ,eo,&e who +!* on&* fo) the $o),an* in the
e&e(ant ,o"!$t $ategoies. The ne.t $ha&&enge fo the $o),an* is to $on(et these $&ient
into a"(o$ates. A"(o$ates ae those $&ients who ,aise the $o),an* an" en$o!age othes
to +!* fo) it.
The !&ti)ate $ha&&enge is to $on(et these a"(o$ates into ,atnes whee the $!sto)es
an" the $&ients wo% a$ti(e&* togethe to "is$o(e wa*s of getting )!t!a& +enefit.
Th!s in CRM the %e* ,efo)an$e fig!e is not -!st $!ent )a%et shae +!t shae of &ife
ti)e (a&!e +* $on(eting $!sto)es into ,atnes.
In CRM the $o),an* ties to i"entif* that s)a&& ,e$entage E=APF of %e* a$$o!nt ho&"es
who5s $onti+!tion to the $o),an* e(en!es is high EBAPF. /o fo) this ,oint of (iew#
CRM is a&so %nown as 1EY ACCOUNT MANAGEMENT.
*hapter A(! *ase Stud6 =
Introduction of *ompan6 profile and Product

H6per*I&) Retail India Ltd/
0*,eCITY Retai& EIn"iaF Lt". is ,at of the 1. Rahe-a Co,. Go!,# a &ea"e in the
In"ian etai& se$to. 1 Rahe-a Co, he&,e" $eate etai& +oo) in In"ia with /ho,,eLs
/to,# Ino+it Ma&& an" Cosswo" a,at fo) thei s!$$esses in ea&t* an" hos,ita&it*.
0*,eCITY a&so offes othe (a&!e a""e" se(i$es &i%e $ons!)e finan$e# ATM fa$i&it*#
te&e$o) se(i$es# ,ha)a$*# 4a%e* an" Resta!ants et$. !n"e one oof. 0*,eCITY
&a!n$he" its fist stoe in Ma&a"# M!)+ai# whi$h is s,ea" o(e :#=AA#AAA s6 ft. To"a*#
0*,eCITY has a$$o),&ishe" a tota& of :@ stoes sin$e in$e,tion an" ha(e )a%e" its
,esen$e in $ities &i%e M!)+ai# 0*"ea+a"# 4ho,a&# 4ho,a&# A)itsa# De&hi# L!"hiana
an" Jai,!# P!ne 9 Ah)e"a+a". It offes o(e <<#AAA ,o"!$ts so!$e" fo) +oth &o$a& 9
g&o+a& )a%ets.
0*,eCITY has := stoes o,eationa& a$oss ? $ities (i8. M!)+ai EMa&a"# Thane 9
RashiF# P!ne# A)itsa# Jai,!# 4ho,a&# 4ho,a&# L!"hiana# Ah)e"a+a" 9 0*"ea+a". It
offes a wi"e ange of ,o"!$t in $ategoies &i%e Fesh ,o"!$e# Foo"s an" Go$e*#
0o)e# 4a%e*# e&e$toni$s# F!nit!e# /,ots# To*s.
H6per*I&) &eam

%ar7 Ashman (*EO#
M. Ma% Ash)an *hief EBecuti3e Officer
Ash!tosh Cha%a"eo Head ! Bu6in5 C %erchandisin5
Reneeth P!!shota)an Business Head = &echnolo56
A,ana Rana"i(e Business Head = HR
Dashana Business Head = %ar7etin5C8isual
/i)on 0oo,e *hief of Operations

H6per*I&) Bhopal La6out
It is &o$ate" in Ghitefie&" aea one of the )ain $o))e$ia& $entes of 4ho,a&
Ghite fie&" is an IT h!+ so it $ates to the +asi$ nee"s of the IT ,ofessiona&s who ha(e
)igate" into the $it* fo) (aio!s ,ats of the $o!nt*
It $onsists of a tota& s,a$e of :# >A#AAA s6 ft
It is +ase" on intenationa& stan"a"s
It has a (ast sho,,ing s,a$e an" we&& )aintaine" (is!a& )e$han"ising

S-O& anal6sis of H6per*I&)
Goo" infast!$t!e
Lo$ation of stoe
Foeign $!sto)es
Nationa& an" intenationa& +an"s
Pi(ate &a+e&s
Rast sho,,ing s,a$e on intenationa& stan"a"s
Ge&& )aintaine" $!sto)e se(i$e "es%
It $ates IT an" ITE/ seg)ent who )igate" into the $it*
4i&&ing s*ste) is not f!&&* a!to)ate"
/e(i$e asso$iates ae not we&& taine"
No $enta&i8e" "ata+ase s*ste)
Man* +i&&ing $o!ntes +!t on&* few ae a$ti(e
Dis,&a* ,i$e "o not )at$h with the tag on the ,o"!$t
Non a(ai&a+i&it* of so)e ,o"!$ts
No )oe "is$o!nt in e&e$toni$ se$tion
Non Retention of C!sto)es.
Potentia& fo in(est)ent
Lo$ation a"(antage
/e$tos with high gowth ,otentia&
E Retai&ing
Retai& fan$hising
Gho&esa&e ta"ing
R!a& etai&ing
C&osest in a"i!s' Re&ian$e fesh# Cit* s!,e )a%et
Poo in(ento* t!ns an" sto$% a(ai&a+i&it* )eas!es
Diffeentiation a)ong the )a&&s that ae $o)ing
/ho,,ing $!&t!e is not *et "e(e&o,e" in In"ia
No ho)e "e&i(e*
No on&ine sa&es
8isual merchandisin5 in H6per*I&) retail
Ris!a& )e$han"ising is the a$ti(it* an" ,ofession of "e(e&o,ing the f&oo ,&ans an"
thee'"i)ensiona& "is,&a*s in o"e to )a.i)i8e sa&es. 4oth goo"s an" se(i$es $an +e
"is,&a*e" to high&ight thei feat!es an" +enefits. The ,!,ose of s!$h (is!a&
)e$han"ising is to atta$t# engage an" )oti(ate the $!sto)e towa"s )a%ing a
Ris!a& )e$han"ising $o))on&* o$$!s in etai& s,a$es s!$h as etai& stoes an" ta"e


Retail e3ent %ana5ement
E(ent )anage)ent )eans to ogani8e e(ents in a etai& stoe as a ,at of sa&es ,o)otion
&i%e Fashion shows# Dawing $o),etition# s$hoo& %i"s a$ti(it*# singing $o),etition an"
)an* )oe. E(ent Manage)ent is "esigne" to fa$i&itate a etai& s,e$ifi$ +!siness a$ti(it*
to in$ease sa&es# fo e.a),&e a ,o)otion.
Retai&es fa$e in$easing $o),etition an" eo"ing )agins7 $!sto)es ha(e +e$o)e )oe
an" )oe ,i$e sensiti(e an" wi&& wait fo ,o)otiona& "ea&s. Man* etai&es ha(e esote"
to s,en"ing )oe )one* on ,o)otions an" ha(e in$ease" thei fe6!en$*.
0*,e$it* has +een eg!&a&* ogani8ing e(ents as a ,at of thei sa&es ,o)otion. E(ent
)anage)ent e6!ies $a,ita& an" ,o,e ,&anning to e.e$!te
E3ent mana5ement at H6per*I&)
0*,eCITY ogani8es (aio!s e(ents as a ,at of thei sa&es ,o)otion. It s,en"s h!ge
$a,ita& on (aio!s e(ents. One of the e(ents $an +e seen in the ,i$t!e.
*atalo5ue preparation
A $ata&og!e is a +oo% o a ,a),h&et whi$h is !se" to "es$i+e sa&e o "is$o!nt on so)e
ite)s. It is one of the +est fo)s of sa&es ,o)otion. A $ata&og!e is genea&&* ,e,ae" +*
a )a%eting )anage. A $ata&og!e is genea&&* !se" to in$ease the sa&es o to atta$t the
$!sto)es. a $ata&og!e is of "iffeent t*,es:
Fashion $ata&og!e
Foo" $ata&og!e
E&e$toni$s $ata&og!e
0o)e $ata&og!e
Genea&&* $ata&og!e ae a&so ,e,ae" "!ing festi(it* season
Preparation reDuirement:
/i8e of $ata&og!e
Na)e of ite)s to "es$i+e"
Dis$o!nts ha(e to +e ta%en into $onsi"eation
'istri2ution of catalo5ue
Tho!gh news,a,es
De&i(eing the $ata&og!e to the $!sto)es at the entan$e of the etai& stoe
P!tting !, $ata&og!es at the noti$e +oa"s of (aio!s a,at)ents an" so$ieties
P!tting !, hoa"ings of $ata&og!es in the )ain esta!ants an" )a&&s
Intenet a"s
Tho!gh te&e(ision a"s
De&i(eing tho!gh /M/ an" )ai&s
H6per*I&) catalo5ue
A h*,e sa&e $ata&og!e of 0*,eCit* "es$i+es CAP off on a,,ae& an" footwea# >APoff
on ho)e an" f!nit!e# <APon e&e$toni$s et$. it is a ,at of sa&es ,o)otion.
*ustomer Attitude
C!sto)e attit!"e is the st!"* of how in"i(i"!a&s# go!,s an" ogani8ations se&e$t# +!*
#!se an" "is,ose of the goo"s #se(i$es# i"eas o e.,eien$es to satisf* thei nee" an"
wants . Ma%etes f!&&* !n"estan" +oth the theo* an" ea&it* of $ons!)e attit!"e.
A $ons!)e5s +!*ing +eha(io is inf&!en$e" +* $!&t!a&# so$ia& an" ,esona& fa$tos.
C!&t!a& fa$tos the +oa"est an" "ee,est inf&!en$e.
*ultural factors
C!&t!e# s!+$!&t!e an" so$ia& $&ass ae ,ati$!&a&* i),otant inf&!en$es on $ons!)e
+!*ing +eha(io. C!&t!e is the f!n"a)enta& "ete)inant of a ,eson5s wants an"
+eha(io. The gowing $hi&" a$6!ies a set of (a&!es# ,e$e,tions# ,efeen$es an"
+eha(io5s tho!gh his o he fa)i&* an" othe %e* instit!tions. A $hi&" gowing !, Unite"
/tates is e.,ose" to fo&&owing (a&!es:
Mateia& $o)fot
Social factors
In a""ition to $!&t!a& fa$tos# so$ia& fa$tos s!$h as efeen$e go!,s# fa)i&*# an" so$ia&
o&es an" stat!ses affe$t o! +!*ing +eha(io.
Reference 5roups A ,esons efeen$e go!,s ae a&& the go!,s that ha(e a "ie$t o
in"ie$t inf&!en$e on thei attit!"es o +eha(io. Go!,s ha(ing a "ie$t inf&!en$e ae
$a&&e" )e)+eshi, go!,s. /o)e of these ae ,i)a* go!,s with who) the ,eson
intea$ts fai&* $ontin!o!s&* an" info)a&&*# s!$h as fa)i&*# fien"s# neigh+os an"
1amil6 The fa)i&* is the )ost i),otant $ons!)e +!*ing ogani8ation in the so$iet*#
an" fa)i&* )e)+es $onstit!te the )ost inf&!entia& ,i)a* efeen$e go!,. The fa)i&*
of oientation $onsists of ,aents an" si+&ings. Fo) ,aents a ,eson a$6!ies an
oientation towa" e&igion# ,o&iti$s# e$ono)i$s# an" a sense of ,esona& a)+ition# se&f
woth an" &o(e.
Roles and Status ,eo,&e $hoose ,o"!$ts that ef&e$t an" $o))!ni$ate thei o&e an"
a$t!a& o "esie" stat!s in so$iet*. Ma%etes )!st +e awae of the stat!s s*)+o& ,otentia&
of ,o"!$ts an" +an"s.
Personal 1actors
A5e and sta5e in the life c6cle
Taste in foo"# $&othes# f!nit!e# an" e$eation is often age e&ate". Cons!),tion is
sha,e" +* fa)i&* &ife $*$&e. Ma%etes sho!&" $onsi"e $iti$a& &ife e(ents o tansitions
)aiage# $hi&"+ith# i&&ness# e&o$ation# "i(o$e# $hange# wi"owhoo" as gi(ing ise to new
Occupation and economic circumstances
O$$!,ation a&so inf&!en$es $ons!),tion ,attens. A +&!e $o&&a wo%e wi&& +!* wo%
$&othes# wo% shoes# an" &!n$ A $o),an* ,esi"ent wi&& +!* "ess s!its# ai ta(e&#
an" $o!nt* $&!+ )e)+eshi,s. Ma%etes t* to i"entif* the o$$!,ationa& go!,s that
ha(e a+o(e a(eage inteest in thei ,o"!$ts an" e(en tai&o ,o"!$ts fo $etain
Personalit6 and self concept
Ea$h ,eson has ,esona&it* $haa$teisti$s that inf&!en$e his o he +!*ing +eha(io. 4*
,esona&it* we )ean a set of "isting!ishing h!)an ,s*$ho&ogi$a& taits &i%e sin$eit*
e.$ite)ent# $o),eten$e# so,histi$ation# an" !gge"ness.
Lifest6le and 3alues
A &ifest*&e is a ,eson5s ,atten of &i(ing as e.,esse" in a$ti(ities# inteest an" o,inions.
It ,ota*s the who&e ,eson intea$ting with his en(ion)ent. Ma%etes sea$h fo
e&ationshi, +etween thei ,o"!$ts an" thei &ifest*&es.
*ustomer Attitude !H6per*it6 Retail India Ltd
:. FMCG 4eha(io on goo"s &i%e soa,# "etegent# sha),oo. Go)en ten" to sea$h fo
thei ,o"!$ts in the she&(es an" ,i$% thei ,o"!$ Go)en wee seen sea$hing fo
/!f E.$e& ,ow"e EAie& an" Ti"e "etegent ,ow"es wee on the to, she&(esF Most of
the )en fo) +oth $ategoies wee seen ,i$%ing !, goo"s whi$h wee on the to, she&f
itse&f. Re* few )en tie" sea$hing fo a t*,i$a& ,o"!$t in the stoe.
=. FMCG 4eha(io on ,o"!$ts &i%e soa, an" sha),oo Go)en wee seen ha(ing a $&ose
&oo% at a&& the ,o"!$ts an" then se&e$ting thei ,o"!$ts Yo!nge wo)en ,i$%e" )oe of
s!n si&% an" "o(e sha),oo. Men o,te" fo sha),oo an" soa,s afte $he$%ing the fee'
+ies. A&so# )an* of the) o,te" to +!* sha),oo sa$hets instea" of the +ig +ott&es.
@. Me"i$a& /e$tionK Che)ist Re* few ,eo,&e going to this se$tion. Less than :A ,eo,&e
went to the )e"i$a&K $he)ist se$tion e(en "!ing ,ea% ho!s. EO+se(e" "!ation Q
@A)insFThe ,eo,&e who "i" $o)e to the )e"i$a& se$tion +o!ght not )oe than ='@ ta+&et
sti,s. This $o!&" )ean that ,eo,&e sti&& ,efe going to the genea& $he)ist stoes an" not
the ones tie" with the etai& $hains.
<. Li6!o No wo)en seen in this se$tion. Two t*,es of $ons!)es fo!n" in this se$tion
Fist: Men who wee thee to +!* thei +an"s an" 6!i$%&* )a"e thei +i&&ing. /e$on":
Men who wee a&ong with thei wifeKgi& fien". Ghi&e the +ette ha&f sho,,e" fo the
"ai&* go$e*# these )en entee" the &i6!o se$tion. Ass!),tion: I),!&si(e ,!$hases
seen in this $atego*.
>. 4i&&ing Co!nte Raie" ,o"!$ts &i%e $ho$o&ates# ,en$i& $e&&s# soft "in%s# sweets#
$hi,s# $hewing g!)s# to*s E0ot Ghee&s Ca )o"e&sF wee ,&a$e" in she&(es ight ne.t to
the +i&&ing $o!ntes.: o!t of < $!sto)es ,i$%e" !, one of the ,o"!$ts fo) the she&(es.
Paents wee the $!sto)es an" the %i"s a&ong with the) wee the $ons!)es. Note: A&&
the a+o(e )entione" ,o"!$ts ha" thei own se$tions in the stoe.
;. On wee%en"s thee was a !sh in the stoe as $o),ae" to the no)a& "a*s#so the sa&e
ises "!ing the wee%en"s.
C. F!its an" (egeta+&es ae the )ost so&" ,o"!$ts in a etai& stoe +e$a!se the*
$onstit!te o! "ai&* nee"s.
*hapter E(! 'ata Anal6sis
/ -hat do 6ou thin7 H6per*I&) is for?
Options Percenta5e
0ighe $&ass >AP
!,,e )i""&e $&ass @AP
Lowe )i""&e $&ass :>P
Lowe $&ass >P
Interpretation( D!ing a fee"+a$% ta%en fo) $!sto)es# It was o+se(e" that >AP of
,eo,&e (ote" 0*,eCITY fo 0ighe $&ass# @AP fo !,,e )i""&e $&ass# :>P fo &owe
)i""&e $&ass#>P fo &owe $&ass.
2/ Are 6ou happ6 4ith the ser3ice that H6per*it6 is pro3idin5 6ou?
Options Percenta5e
)es FAG
,o AG
Interpretation( A&)ost ?>P Af the ,eo,&e ae satisfie" with the se(i$e that 0*,eCITY
is ,o(i"ing whi&e >P sa* that the se(i$es ae not satisfa$to*# the* ae $iti$i8ing the
wo% of asso$iates.
>/ -hat factors affect 6ou to come for shoppin5 in H6per*I&)?
,earness 20G
<ualit6 of the product AG
A3aila2ilit6 of the product E0G
Ser3ice AG
Interpretation( The +asi$ "i(ing fo$e that )oti(ates ,eo,&e to $o)e to 0*,eCITY is
A(ai&a+i&it* of Po"!$t7 nea&* ea$h an" e(e* ,o"!$t is a(ai&a+&e anging fo) &o$a& to
intenationa& +an"s. Othe fa$tos in$&!"e neaness =AP# 6!a&it* :>P an" se(i$e >P.
"/ 'o H6per *I&) customers ta7e part in promotional acti3ities?
Interpretation( BAP of the ,eo,&e wo!&" &i%e !s to $onta$t in $ase of 0*,eCITY
Po)otiona& s$he)es whi&e =AP won5t &i%e to +e a ,at of that.
A/ 'o 6ou thin7 H6per*I&) offers 6ou products at afforda2le prices?
YE/ >>P
Interpretation( 4ase" on the fee"+a$% ta%en fo) $!sto)es >>P of the ,eo,&e sa* that
0*,e$it* offes ,o"!$ts at affo"a+&e ,i$es# whi&e <AP ,eo,&e sa* that 0*,eCITY is
Cost&* an" )ost&* $ost&* in ,o"!$ts &i%e e&e$toni$s# )eat an" fish. Ghi&e >P ae not
s!e whethe ,i$es ae affo"a+&e o not.
E/ -hich retailer comes in 6our mind 4hen 6ou 5o for -ednesda6 shoppin5?
0*,eCITY =AP
Interpretation( when the $on$e,t $o)es fo Ge"nes"a* sho,,ing on whi$h )oe
"is$o!nts ae offee" the 4ig 4a8aa $o)es into the )in" of the $!sto)es with <AP#
whi&e 0*,eCITY a$$o!nts5 fo =AP# )oe fo :>P# an" =>P an* othe.
H/ 'O 6ou thin7 that 6ou are pro3ided Proper discounts In H6per*I&)?

Intrepretation(<AP of the ,eo,&e sa* that the* ae ,o(i"e" ,o,e "is$o!nts on a&& ite)s
in 0*,eCITY whi&e ;AP ,eo,&e sa* that the* ae not a&wa*s ,o(i"e" ,o,e "is$o!nts
on so)e essentia& ite)s &i%e e&e$toni$s.
I/ 'o 6ou 5et -ednesda6 -in &O -in Offer catalo5ue alon5 4ith 6our ne4spaper
NO ;@P
Interpretation( ;@P of the ,eo,&e "i"n5t get Ge"nes"a* win to win $ata&og!e a&ong thei
news,a,e whi&e @CP of the ,eo,&e a$$e,t that the* "i" get.
F/ 'o 6ou 5et fresh staples and fruits from H6percit6?
Interpretation( fo) the fee"+a$% ta%en fo) $ost!)es it was fo!n" that ;>P of ,eo,&e
sa* that the* a&wa*s get fesh f!its an" (egeta+&es whi&e @>Psa* that the* "o not a&wa*s
get fesh f!its an" (egeta+&es
0/ Shoppin5 in H6per*it6 means(
Interpretation( sho,,ing at 0*,eCITY is a geat e.,eien$e <>Pof the ,eo,&e sa* that
the* get a&& of the o,tions Ghi&e >P fo (a&!e of )one*#=AP D!a&it* /e(i$e#@AP sa*
that the* get s!,eio D!a&it*.
/ -ould 6ou e3er li7e to shift from H6per*I&) to an6 other retail store if 6ou 5et
a chance?
Interpretation( BAP ,eo,&e sa* the* wi&& shift fo) 0*,eCITY to othe etai& stoe if
the* get +ette "is$o!nts an" se(i$es whi&e =AP ,eo,&e ae &o*a& to 0*,eCITY an" wi&&
ne(e shift..
2/ -here else do 6ou 5o for shoppin5 2esides H6per*I&)?
Interpretation( 4esi"es 0*,eCITY <AP of ,eo,&e go to +ig +a8aa fo sho,,ing# =AP
)oe an" <AP ,efe othe etai& +an"s &i%e tota&# s,a# Ni&gii# 4ho,a& 0oti$!&t!e et$.
>/ Please share 6our eBperience re5ardin5 staff ser3ice(
O,tions Pe$entage
E.$e&&ent :A
Goo" @A
Mo"eate <A
Not !, to )a% :A
Re* Poo :A

Interpretation( :AP ,eo,&e sa* that 0*,eCITY has e.$e&&ent se(i$es#@A sa* that the*
ae goo"#<A )o"eate#:A sa* that it is not !,to )a%#:AP sa* that it is (e* ,oo.
"/ Rate the speediness at 2illin5 *ounter(
Options Percenta5e
E.$e&&ent A
Goo" 0
Mo"eate 20
Not !,to )a% A0
Re* ,oo A
Interpretation( >P ,eo,&e sa* that +i&&ing is e.$e&&ent in 0*,e$it*#:AP goo"#=AP
)o"eate#>AP sa* (e* not !,to )a% an" it is seio!s ,o+&e) in 0*,eCit* :>P ate it
A/ 'oes h6per sale offers or discounts encoura5e 6ou to come for shoppin5 in
O,tions Pe$entage
Interpretation( ?AP of the ,eo,&e sa* that "is$o!nts an" offes in$eases the footfa&&s in
a etai& stoe# whi&e :AP sa* that the* e)ain !naffe$te" +* an* "is$o!nt o offe.
E/ $pto 4hat eBtent the H6percit6 staff is cooperati3e 4ith the customers?
O,tions Pe$entage
E.$e&&ent :AP
Goo" >AP
Mo"eate =AP
Not !,to )a% :>P
Poo >P
Interpretation( $oo,eation with the $!sto)es in a etai& stoe is )!st7 on&* :AP sa*
that staff $oo,eation is e.$e&&ent whi&e >AP ate it a(eage an" <AP ,oo.
H/ Are 6ou a mem2er of 'isco3er6 clu2 card ('**# of H6per*I&)?
O,tions Pe$entage
Yes @A
Interpretation( @AP of the ,eo,&e $o)ing to 0*,eCITY ae the )e)+es of "is$o(e*
$&!+ $a" of 0*,eCITY# it )eans that the* ae ,e)anent $!sto)es in 0*,eCITY an"
CAP sa* that the* ae not the )e)+es of "is$o(e* $&!+ $a".
I/ -hat su55estions 4ould 6ou li7e to 5i3e for impro3ement?
:. i),o(e +i&&ing /*ste) )a%e it fast
=. +ing eg!&a "is$o!nts on ite)s &i%e e&e$toni$s an" ho)e wae
@. )eat an" fish is $ost&* In 0*,eCITY
<. 4ing )oe noth In"ian foo" ite)s in the stoe.
>. Lang!age +aie in 0*,e$it* 4ho,a& as the ,a$%es an" so)e asso$iates $o!&" not
Un"estan" 0in"i Po,e&* $eating a ,o+&e) fo the Noth In"ian $!sto)es
*hapter H(! 1indin5s
/ 0*,e$it* )ost&* +e&ongs to 0ighe an" U,,e )i""&e $&ass ,eo,&e. It is what
)ost of the Peo,&e thin% in 4ho,a&.
2/ 0*,e$it* is ,o(i"ing +ette se(i$e to $!sto)es. It has a we&& )aintaine" $!sto)e
se(i$e "es%
>/ A(a&a+i&it* of ea$h an" e(e* ,o"!$t is the )a-o "i(ing fo$e +ehin" its $!sto)e
"/ 0*,e$it* offes ,i$es at affo"a+&e ,i$es it is what )a-oit* of ,eo,&e thin%# +!t
thee ae so)e $!sto)es who thin% it is $ost&* in e&e$toni$s# )eat an" fish.
A/ The )a-o $o),etitos of 0*,e$it* in 4ho,a& ae 4ig 4a8aa et$.
E/ sho,,ing in 0*,e$it* )ean (a&!e fo )one*# s!,eio 6!a&it*# a(a&i+i&it* of ,o"!$t#
+ette se(i$es
H/ @AP of the ,eo,&e $o)ing to 0*,eCit* ae its ,e)anent )e)+es tho!gh
"is$o(e* $&!+ $a" an" it is an in"i$ation of etaing o&" $!sto)e.
I/ The staff se(i$e is )o"eate in 0*,e$it*. It is not !,to )a%
S$..ES&IO,S A,' *O,*L$SIO,
4* $on$&!"ing the st!"* a+o!t the 24an" Positioning of 0*,eCit*3 it is fo!n" that
Positioning of 0*,e$it* etai& a)ong the ,eo,&e is too goo". It is one of the )ost
,efee" etai& +an"s in 4ho,a&. The )a%eting a$ti(ities of 0*,eCITY ae (e* stong.
The )a%eting )anage)ent of 0*,eCITY 4ho,a& is (e* effi$ient in $eating a (e*
stong +an" i)age a)ong the $!sto)es. It has a (e* aea of :# >A#AAA s6ft# )a%ing it
one of the &agest /!,e)a%ets in In"ia. It ta%es ti)e to ti)e fee"+a$% fo) $!sto)es
an" !,ga"es it ,o&i$ies "e,en"ing !,on $!sto)e nee"s an" ,efeen$es. It $ates the
nee"s of a&& seg)ents of ,eo,&e in the so$iet* es,e$ia&&* *o!ths fo) IT seg)ent.
I ,e,ae" a st!"* !,on 0*,eCit* 4ho,a& on the +asis of whi$h I s!ggest fo&&owing
:. Most of the ,eo,&e thin% that 0*,eCITY is fo highe $&ass ,eo,&e +!t it has ite)s
affo"a+&e +* a&& se$tions of so$iet*. 0en$e it )!st e)o(e the )is$on$e,tions ega"ing

=. One seio!s ,o+&e) $on$ening 0*,e$it* is that it5s +i&&ing ,o+&e) whi$h it )!st
t* to so&(e.
@. Asso$iates in 0*,eCITY sho!&" +e Taine" an" )oti(ate"
<. It sho!&" +ing $hanges a$$o"ing to $ons!)e +eha(io.
>. Lang!age 4aie sho!&" +e ,o,e&* "ea&t with in 0YPERCITY
;. It )!st t* to in$ease the )e)+eshi, of its "is$o(e* $&!+ $a" so as to etain its
$!sto)e &o*a&t*.
C. A"" so)e )oe ite)s in stoe to f!&fi&& nee"s of a&& se$tions of so$iet*.
O!t &oo%
4!siness wee%
4!siness In"ia
Boo7s referred(
O Ma%eting )anage)entEPhi&i, 1ot&eF
O Ma%eting )anage)ent ERa)aswa)*F
O Resea$h Metho"o&og* E1othaiF
O 4!siness wo&"s
O In"ian FMCG
O In"ia to"a*


:. Ghat "o *o! thin% 0*,eCITY is foS
aF 0ighe $&ass
+F U,,e )i""&e $&ass
$F Lowe )i""&e $&ass
"F Lowe $&ass
=. Ae *o! ha,,* with the se(i$e that 0*,eCit* is ,o(i"ing *o!S
aF Yes
+F No
$F Can5t sa*
@. Ghat fa$tos affe$t *o! to $o)e fo sho,,ing in 0*,eCITYS
aF Neaness
+F D!a&it* of ,o"!$t
+F A(ai&a+i&it* of ,o"!$t
$F /e(i$e
<. Go!&" *o! &i%e !s to $onta$t in $ase of ,o)otiona& s$he)esS
aF YE/
>. Do ! thin% 0*,eCITY offes *o! ,o"!$ts at affo"a+&e ,i$esS
aF Yes
+F No
$F Can5t sa*
;. Ghi$h etai&e $o)es in *o! )in" when *o! go fo Ge"nes"a* sho,,ingS
aF 4ig +a8aa
+F 0*,eCITY
$F Tota&
"F Moe
eF An* othe
C. Do *o! thin% that ,o,e "is$o!nts ae ,o(i"e" to *o! in 0*,eCITYS
aF Yes
+F No
B. Do *o! get Ge"nes"a* Gin TO Gin Offe $ata&og!e a&ong with *o! news,a,eS
aF Yes
+F No
?. Do *o! get fesh sta,&es an" f!its fo) 0*,e$it*S
aF A&wa*s
+F Not a&wa*s
:A. /ho,,ing in 0*,eCit* )eans:
aF Ra&!e fo )one*
+F D!a&it* se(i$e
$F /!,eio D!a&it*
"F A&& of the a+o(e
::. Go!&" *o! e(e &i%e to shift fo) 0*,eCITY to an* othe etai& stoe if *o! get a
aF Yes
+F No
:=. Ghee e&se "o *o! go fo sho,,ing +esi"es 0*,eCITYS
aF 4ig +a8aa
+F Moe
$F Tota&
"F An* othe
:@. P&ease shae *o! e.,eien$e ega"ing ,o"!$t %now&e"ge of staffS
aF E.$e&&ent
+F A(eage
$F Poo
:<. Rate the s,ee"iness at +i&&ing $o!nteS
aF E.$e&&ent
+F A(eage
$F Poo
:>. Does h*,e sa&e offes o "is$o!nts en$o!age *o! to $o)e fo sho,,ing in
aF Yes
+F No
:;. Do ! thin% that staff of 0*,eCit* is $oo,eati(e in "ea&ing with $!sto)esS
aF E.$e&&ent
+F A(eage
$F Poo
:C. Ae *o! a )e)+e of Dis$o(e* $&!+ $a" EDCCF of 0*,eCITYS
aF Yes
+F No
:B. Ghat s!ggestions wo!&" *o! &i%e to gi(e fo i),o(e)entS

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