Element of Sentences

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Element of

Noun Clause
Name : Indra Karno Adi
NIM : 16013270
Lecturer : Dr. Bambang Supriyanto


1. Element of sentences

To make a good English writing, one must know how to make a good
sentence first. A good sentence expresses a complete thought effectively. A
sentence consists of clause, clause connector, complement, and prepositional

a. Clause
Group of words that contains at least one subject and one verb is also
called as clause. Hence, there are two kinds of clause: independent and dependent.
Independent clause is a group of words which contains a subject and a verb and
expresses a complete thought. Therefore, an independent clause can stand alone as
a sentence by itself. On the other side, there is a dependent clause. Independent
clause is written with this format:

Dependent clause is a group of words that begins with a subordinator
such as when, if, although, who, etc. A dependent clause doesnt express a
complete sentence and cant stand alone as a sentence by itself. Dependent clause
is written with this format:

Dependent clause itself can be categorized into three kind. They are
adverb, adjective, and noun.
A dependent adverb clause begins with a subordinator such as when,
while, because, after, before, if, etc.
a. Clara cant speak Chinese although her father is Chinese.
b. Although her father is Chinese, Clara cant speak Chinese.
Dependent adjective clause begins with a relative pronoun such as who,
whom, which, whose, or that.
a. Men who are not married are called bachelors.
b. Yesterday I attended a discussion of alternative energy at city hall,
which broaden my knowledge.
A dependent noun clause function as a noun and begins with who, where,
when, why, what, how, whether, that, or if. It can be a subject or object.
Subject + Verb (+Compliment)
Subject + Verb (+Compliment)
a. Whether first year student can take part on student council or not is
still a hot discussion topic around the campus.
b. My mother always believe that a good education will make a solid step
to ones success.
To the class No -
Before May 6th No -
Who Jack is waiting for Yes Dependent
I prefer walking Yes Independent
Some of Bens book are missing Yes Independent
That Lisa is a Math teacher Yes Dependent
Tom and Harry are waiting for a bus Yes Independent

b. Clause connectors
To combine two clauses or more, we have to use a clause connectors. Clause
connectors are group of words which are used to connect clauses in order to form
different kinds of sentences. Then, clause connector is divided into three kinds,
they are subordinators (subordinating conjunctions), coordinators (coordination
conjunctions), and conjunctive adverbs
SUBORDINATORS (Subordinating conjunctions)
After Before That When Which
Although Even though Though Whenever While
As Now Unless Where Who
As if If Until Wherever Whom
As soon as Since wait Whether Whose
Because So that
COORDINATORS (Coordinating conjunctions)
For And Nor But Or
Yet So (Abbreviated as FANBOYS)
Accordingly Furthermore In contrast Instead Likewise
Besides Hence Indeed Nevertheless On the other hand
Consequently However Meanwhile Nonetheless Thus
For example In addition Moreover Otherwise Therefore

Example of using clause connectors:
a. I will call you as soon as I come home.
b. This buildings development has been stopped since that terrific accident
two months ago.
c. Using fossil fuels causes serious damage to environment, so we need to
develop alternative energy sources.
d. Hakim had made many great achievements as marketing staff; hence, he
was promoted assistant manager two weeks ago.

c. Complement
In building a sentence, we may also use a complement. A complement
completes the meaning of a verb or adds more information to the sentence. A
complement consists of many types. It may be a noun, pronoun, adjective, or
You dont understand me Pronoun
My new shoes are red Adjective
Her neighbor went for a holiday Noun
The picture is disturbing Adjective
Nico loves sushi Noun

d. Prepositional phrases
A prepositional phrases is a group of words that begins with a preposition
and ends with a noun, pronoun, or noun phrase. Prepositional phrase is additional,
it helps to declare time, place, and possession about the sentence. It usually tells
where, who, when, how, why, or whose. Therefore, the prepositional phrases
doesnt always have to be written.
During first semester Around the field
In front of his room Last week
On Monday At herself
With Marys Aunt From Macau
Before his birthday With her assistant

2. Types of sentences

There are four kind of sentences: simple, compound, and compound
complex. Simple sentence is a sentence which contains one subject and one verb;
With conjunctive
With semicolon Complex
hence, it is the simplest form of a sentence. Compound sentence has two or more
independent clause joined together with clause connector. Complex sentence has
one independent clause, which has more important idea (generally), and one
dependent clause, which has less important idea. Compound complex sentence is
a combination of two or more independent clauses and one (or more) dependent

a. Simple sentence
Simple sentence is made from (at least) one subject and one verb. Therefore,
an independent clause can also be called as simple sentence and one simple
sentence contains one independent clause. A simple sentence expresses a
complete thought; the subject tells who or what did something, and the verb tells
the action or condition. It never says that a simple sentence have to be short or
easy. A simple sentence may be as long as sixty phrases and still can be called as
simple sentence as long as it only has one independent clause.
Mark ordered a cheese hamburger. Yes
After I finish the paper No
That he want to leave No
The dinner is being prepared Yes
Patricia is going to South Korea Yes

b. Compound sentences
When two or more independent clauses is combined, a compound sentences is
made. These independent clauses can be joined with coordinator, conjunctive
adverbs, or semicolon. Thus, there are three kinds of compound sentences.
Compound sentences are used to improve a writing that contains too many simple
sentences. Using too many simple sentences can make a writing seems plain and
boring; therefore, you can use compound sentences (or two other kind of
sentences which is explained below) to improve your essay.
A compound
sentence with
coordinator is formed as follows:

a. Michael waited for the train, but the train was late
b. She put on her sweater, for the weather is cold.
c. John was tired, and he had a fever.
d. I cant dance, nor can I sing.
e. He can eat the hamburger here, or he can take it home.
A compound sentence with conjunctive adverbs is formed as follows:

Just like the previous coordinators, conjunctive adverbs show the relationship
between the clauses. Some coordinators and conjunctive adverbs express similar

Independent clause, coordinator independent clause
Independent clause; conjunctive adverb, independent clause
John was tired after coming home from
camping; besides, he had a fever.
But However
Michael waited for a train to Hamburg;
however, the train was late.
Yet Nevertheless
Or Otherwise
Samantha may take a free concert
ticket; otherwise she may go for a trip to
Paris for her birthday.
Maria was very thirsty that afternoon;
thus, she bought a glass of iced lemon

Besides these two formats, compound sentence can also be formed with a
single semicolon as follows:

a. I took industrial engineering on college; my sister took psychology.
b. Almost three-quarters of first year student took part on Student Council
Forum; the rest of them were absent.
c. Jakarta is famous of its malls and trade centers; Bandung is for its
culinary vacation.
Independent clause; independent clause
d. Robert is planning to take postgraduate degree on economy after his
graduation; Lisa is proposed to marry his high school friend.

Notice that this kind of compound is only possible if the two independent
clauses have a closely related meaning. If they dont, they should be written with
previous method (using coordinator or conjunctive adverb) or as two simple
sentences, each ending with a period.

c. Complex sentences

Complex sentence is a combination of an independent clause and dependent
clause. Simply, a complex sentence consists of an independent clause (as the main
idea), a dependent clause (as additional idea), and a subordinator. Just like
compound sentence, complex sentence functions as improvement so that your
essay would not contain only short simple sentences.
a. When I visit my Grandma, I always look for her well-made durian
b. Mr. Andrew is warning Timmy and Jim, who have the least presence in
his class.
c. Because the price of soy bean has risen, it is hard now to find a low-price
and tasty soy milk in town.
d. He is my high school classmate, Stephen, who is the owner of the new
Kebab store downtown.
e. I am considering his words that my younger brother recommends about
my cars repairing

d. Compound-complex sentence

A compound-complex sentence is made from two or more independent
clauses and one (or more) dependent clauses. Compound-complex sentence is
often used to summarize two or more sentences with related ideas into one
sentence. Notice that there are many possible combination in building a
compound-complex sentences and the punctuation requires careful attention.

a. If housework and childcare are included, women work more hours than
men in every place except North America and Australia, but they also earn
less than men everywhere.
b. In Africa, women work harder than men because they work 67 hours per
week, but men work only 53.
c. Although Latin American women work 60 hours, Latin men work only 54,
and in Asia, women work 62 hours to mens 48.

To make a good writing, it requires a well combination of all four kinds of
sentences: simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex. A composition
that only consists of short, simple sentences is boring and ineffective, as well as a
writing that uses too many compound sentences. Writing that uses complex
sentences and participial phrases, structures that use subordination, is generally
considered more well-written, mature, and effective in style.

3. Summary

Clauses are the main part of sentences. There are two kinds of clauses:
independent and dependent. Each hold different role on building a sentence.
Also, there are four kinds of clauses: simple, compound, complex, and
compound-complex. All of them function as improvement so that a writing can
be considered more mature and better in style.


Supriyanto, Bambang. 2012. Academic Writing: English for Academic Purposes
for University Undergraduates. Bandung: Penerbit ITB.
http://www.towson.edu/ows/sentences.htm. Kinds of Sentences and Their
Punctuations (accessed February 4
http://www.pitt.edu/~atteberr/comp/0150/grammar/sentencetypes.html. Sentence
Types (accessed February 4
http://www2.ivcc.edu/rambo/eng1001/sentences.htm. ENG 1001: Sentences:
Simple, Compound, and Complex (accessed February 5

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