The document defines engineering and engineering technology. Engineering is applying scientific knowledge and math to develop solutions to benefit humanity, while engineering technology applies scientific and engineering knowledge with technical skills to support engineering activities. It also lists the key skills expected of engineering and engineering technology graduates and provides examples of engineering disciplines and common job functions.
The document defines engineering and engineering technology. Engineering is applying scientific knowledge and math to develop solutions to benefit humanity, while engineering technology applies scientific and engineering knowledge with technical skills to support engineering activities. It also lists the key skills expected of engineering and engineering technology graduates and provides examples of engineering disciplines and common job functions.
The document defines engineering and engineering technology. Engineering is applying scientific knowledge and math to develop solutions to benefit humanity, while engineering technology applies scientific and engineering knowledge with technical skills to support engineering activities. It also lists the key skills expected of engineering and engineering technology graduates and provides examples of engineering disciplines and common job functions.
The document defines engineering and engineering technology. Engineering is applying scientific knowledge and math to develop solutions to benefit humanity, while engineering technology applies scientific and engineering knowledge with technical skills to support engineering activities. It also lists the key skills expected of engineering and engineering technology graduates and provides examples of engineering disciplines and common job functions.
According to the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET):
ENGINEERING is the profession in which a knowledge of the mathematical and natural sciences gained by study, experience, and practice is applied with judgment to develop ways to utilize economically the materials and forces of nature for the benefit of mankind.
ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY is the part of the technological field that requires the application of scientific and engineering knowledge and methods combined with technical skills in support of engineering activities; it lies in the occupational spectrum between the craftsman and the engineer at the end of the spectrum closest to the engineer.
Skills of Engineering and Engineering Technology Graduates for ABET Accreditation Criterion 3:
Skills Engineering Criteria 2000 Technology Criteria 2000 Apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering (a) (b) Design and conduct experiment, analyze and interpret data (b) (c) Design a system, component, or processes (c) (d) Function on multi-disciplinary teams (d) (e) Identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems (e) (f) Understand professional and ethical responsibility (f) (i) Communicate effectively (g) (g) Understand impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context (h) (j) Recognize the need for, and ability to engage in life-long learning (i) (h) Know contemporary issues (j) (j) Use techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools (k) (a) Commit to quality, timeliness, and continuous improvement (k)
The Engineering and Engineering Technology Profession: Engineering Disciplines and Job Functions
E l e c t r i c a l
M e c h a n i c a l
C i v i l
I n d u s t r i a l
C o n s t r u c t i o n
M a n u f a c t u r i n g
C h e m i c a l
S y s t e m
C o m p u t e r
E t c .
Design: Converts concepts and information into detailed plans and specifications that dictate the development and manufacturing of a product or process or system
Analysis: Performs mathematical and computer modeling of the problem, based on mathematics, science, and engineering science and using engineering software
Test: Develops and conducts tests to verify a selected design, product, process meets all specifications
Development: Involves in the development of product, process, or system, and often acts as intermediary between design and test engineers
Research: Involves in the creation of new knowledge by exploring mathematics, sciences, and engineering sciences to look for new answers or insights that will contribute to the advancement of engineering
Sales: Matches the needs of a customer with the products (products, processes, services) of the company
Management: Manages groups of technical staff (line manager) or the whole unit (group manager)
Consulting: Performs the functions of an engineer/technologist on a contractual basis
Professor: Performs teaching, research, and service at an institution of higher education
Primary Job Functions Disciplines Engineering and Technology Fields at WMU
Civil Engineering Concern with the analysis, design, methods, and materials of large structures such as bridges, highway, water treatment facilities, and traffic and transportation systems.
Construction Engineering Plan, design, and supervise the construction and maintenance of structures and facilities, including project management, estimating, scheduling, business accounting, finance, and public policy.
Mechanical Engineering Two main stems: Mechanical System such as automobiles, airplanes, washing machines, etc., and Thermal System such as power plants, refrigeration, solar and alternative energies.
Aeronautical Engineering Concern with design and analysis of airfoils, control system, propulsion (turbine and reciprocating engines) and aircraft system.
Electrical Engineering Concern with power generation and distribution, consumer electronic goods, and telecommunication goods and networks.
Computer Engineering Concern with digital computer hardware and software.
Industrial Engineering Concern with the optimization of resources (human, materials, facilities, and time) in operation of systems.
Manufacturing Engineering Concern with the design and implementation of manufacturing facilities and processes to optimize productivity.
Chemical Engineering Concern with industrial chemicals such as solvents, plastics, paints, adhesives, etc., and with food and pharmaceuticals.
Paper Engineering Concern with papermaking, recycling, non-wood fibers, and coatings.
Engineering Graphics & Design Technology Concern with the use of CAD and CAM to support, implement, and document engineering design and manufacturing.
Manufacturing Engineering Technology Concern with the application of resources (materials, people, facilities, time) to create efficient production systems and to implement design to produce products.
Engineering Management Technology Manage, administer and supervise the operation of systems designed by engineers to improve productivity and efficiency.
Computer Science Study algorithm to describe and transform information using digital computer hardware and software, as well as programming and execution of programs.
Imaging Concern with imaging and printing management, such as inks, coatings, etc.
Industrial Design -- Combine aesthetics with knowledge of manufacturing and materials to create functional and appealing products.
Student Chapters of Engineering Organizations
COMPUTER SCIENCE Upsilon Pi Epsilon Dr. Mark Kerstetter, Faculty Advisor Email: Phone: 269-276-3110
CIVIL & CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING Collegiate Construction Association Dr. Osama Abudayyeh, Faculty Advisor Email: Phone: 269-276-3209 American Society of Civil Engineers Dr. Osama Abudayyeh, Faculty Advisor Email: Phone: 269-276-3209
ELECTRICAL/COMPUTER ENGINEERING Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Dr. J ohn Mason, Faculty Advisor Email: Phone: 269-276-3157
INDUSTRIAL/MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING Alpha Pi Mu Dr. Bob White, Faculty Advisor Email: Phone: 269-276-3379 Tau Alpha Pi Dr. Sam Ramrattan, Faculty Advisor Email: Phone: 269-276-3373 Dr. Alamgir Choudhury, Faculty Advisor Email: Phone: 269-276-3357 American Foundry Society/Foundry Educational Foundation Dr. Sam Ramrattan, Faculty Advisor Email: Phone: 269-276-3373 American Society for Quality Control Dr. David Lyth, Faculty Advisor Email: Phone: 269-276-3368 Institute of Industrial Engineers Dr. Tycho Fredericks, Faculty Advisor Email: Phone: 269-276-3360 Society of Manufacturing Engineers Dr. Mitchel Keil, Faculty Advisor Email: Phone: 269-276-3365 Society of Plastics Engineers Dr. Paul Engelmann, Faculty Advisor Email: Phone: 269-276-3348
MECHANICAL/AERONAUTICAL ENGINEERING Pi Tau Sigma Dr. J erry Hamelink, Faculty Advisor Email: Phone: 269-276-3424 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Dr. Parviz Merati, Faculty Advisor Email: Phone: 269-276-3420 American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air Conditioning Engineers Dr. Ho Sung Lee, Faculty Advisor Email: Phone: 269-276-3429
American Society of Mechanical Engineers Dr. Koorosh Naghshineh, Faculty Advisor Email: Phone: 269-276-3431
CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, PAPER ENGINEERING, & IMAGING Ts'ai Lun Dr. Peter Parker, Faculty Advisor Email: Phone: 269-276-3519 Chemical Engineering Club Dr. Peter Parker, Faculty Advisor Email: Phone: 269-276-3519 Graphic Arts Society Mr. Larry Ahleman, Faculty Advisor Email: Phone: 269-276-3506 Dr. Dan Fleming, Faculty Advisor Email: Phone: 269-276-3511 Technical Association of the Graphics Arts Dr. Alexandra Pekarovicova, Faculty Advisor Email: Phone: 269-276-3521
INDUSTRIAL DESIGN Industrial Design Society of America Mr. David Middleton, Faculty Advisor Email: Phone: 269-276-3218
MATERIALS ENGINEERING ASM International American Materials Society Dr. Pnina Ari-Gur, Faculty Advisor Email: Phone: 269-276-3212
INTERDISCIPLINARY Tau Beta Pi Dr. Larry Mallak, Faculty Advisor Email: Phone: 269-276-3369 Computer Club Dr. Robert Trenary, Faculty Advisor Email: Phone: 269-276-3127 National Society of Black Engineers Dr. Edmund Tsang, Faculty Advisor Email: Phone: 269-276-3249 National Society of Professional Engineers Dr. J ohn Mason, Faculty Advisor Email: Phone: 269-276-4064 Society of Automotive Engineers Dr. Richard Hathaway, Faculty Advisor Email: Phone: 269-276-3425 Mr. J ames VanDePolder, Faculty Advisor Email: Phone: 269-276-3378 Society of Women Engineers Dr. Colleen Phillips, Faculty Advisor Email: Phone: 269-276-3371 Theta Tau Dr. Philip Guichelaar, Faculty Advisor Email: Phone: 269-276-3423
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