1. The document contains 39 multiple choice questions about SAP programming concepts.
2. The questions cover topics like ABAP, SQL, internal tables, selection screens, and more.
3. Correct answers are provided for each question.
1. The document contains 39 multiple choice questions about SAP programming concepts.
2. The questions cover topics like ABAP, SQL, internal tables, selection screens, and more.
3. Correct answers are provided for each question.
1. The document contains 39 multiple choice questions about SAP programming concepts.
2. The questions cover topics like ABAP, SQL, internal tables, selection screens, and more.
3. Correct answers are provided for each question.
1. The document contains 39 multiple choice questions about SAP programming concepts.
2. The questions cover topics like ABAP, SQL, internal tables, selection screens, and more.
3. Correct answers are provided for each question.
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1) Select the valid Customer Defined Message Statement
A. MESSAGE Y123. B. MESSAGE E123(9999) C. MESSAGE ID 'AT' TYPE 'S' NUMBER 100. D. MESSAGE E123 by Fielda Fieldb Q.2) What happens when a 1 to many relationship is encountered with an inner join
A. redundant data is not returned to the resultant set B. redundant data from the outer table is included C. runtime error D. redundant data from the inner table is included Q.3) What must be assigned to search help parameters
A. data element B. domain C. values D. nothing Q.4) What is contained in the system variable sy-linsz.
A. row count of the current line B. height of the current line C. width of the current line D. size of vertical bars in your list
Q.5) Identify the line number that will cause the break for AT NEW CONNECTION CARRIER CONNECTION FLIGHTDATE 10 AA FFF Jan 2 20 AA FFF Jan 3 30 DL FFF Jan 5
A. All the rows will cause a break B. 20 C. 30 D. NO rows will cause a break
Q.6) On what line does the output 'AAA' appear in the following code: REPORT ZPGM NO STANDARD PAGE HEADING. DO 8 TIMES. WRITE / ' '. ENDDO. SKIP. WRITE 'AAAA'.
A. 9 B. 2 C. 1 D. 10 Q.7) What determines if a table is Client Specific versus client independent
A. The first field is MANDT with an external data type CLNT and specified as a key field B. Depends how Basis has configured the client C. The option ' Client-Specified' is added to the Select statement D. The first field is MANDT with a domain CLNT but not specified as a key field Q.8) What is true about the primary index of a table
A. The primary index is automatically created when the table is activated. B. The key fields of the table make up the primary index C. The primary index ID is designated by the Database Administrator D. The developer designates the fields to be used as the primary index Q.9) Default Page Headings are created on which type of list.
A. All lists B. Basis C. Secondary Q.10) Identify the dictionary type of the field catalog used for the ALV control
A. fieldcat B. catalog C. alv_catalog D. lcv_t_fcat Q.11) Program A issues the following statement SUBMIT PROGRAM B. What takes place
A. Program A becomes active in the same internal session of Program B B. Program B becomes active in the same internal session of Program A C. User Context is flushed D. Program B runs in a new internal session Q.12) What are valid methods for including text elements in your program
A. Write: 'Hello'(001) B. Write: TEXT-001 C. Write: 001(Hello) D. Write: TEXT-001'Hello'.
Q.13) Refer to the following. If there are no entries in my_tab, what is the result? Select * from mytable for all entries in my_itab where key1 = my_itab-key1.
A. Run time error B. All entries are retrieved C. Only distinct values for key1 D. No entries are retrieved Q.14) When writing a list, what command would allow you to overwrite a line
A. Back B. Overtype C. Reserve D. Write:/ 1 Q.15) What conditions apply for a LEFT outer Join in OPEN SQL
A. Only 'Or' can be used as a logical operator in the ON condition B. A Left Outer Join is not permitted in OPEN SQL C. A join statement is found to the right of the join operator D. At least one field from the table on the right is required for comparison in the ON condition Q.16) What does a LDB provide
A. Consistent and flexible user interface. B. A method to access the data in a random manner C. Centrally defined authorization checks D. Central performance improvements for update accesses
Q.17) What is needed to ensure a check field is verified against the referenced key field of the check table.
A. Same data type only is required for check field and referenced field B. All key fields MUST have domain equality between check table and foreign key table. C. Same domain is required for check field and referenced field D. Same data element is required for check fied and referenced field
Q.18) Select an example of Organizational Data
A. Sales Order B. Country Keys C. Cost Centers D. Vendors Q.19) Identify the valid attributes of a domain
A. Header B. Label C. Length D. Fixed Values E. Type Q.20) For called program components that are of type transaction or report, what is true about the roll area (assuming processing will resume in the calling program).
A. Share the same roll area B. They run in their own roll area C. They run in the roll area of the caller
Q.21) What are the main functions of the Data Dictionary.
A. To insulate the ABAP/4 developer from the database B. To provide data security at the application level C. To connect to the operating system D. To support the creation and management of metadata Q.22) What is not true about SAP Query
A. Users can access only the fields which are assigned to a functional group B. A user master record is generated when the query is defined C. SAP user can be assigned to only one user groups D. Functional Area can be a special view of a logical database Q.23) Programs that extend beyond transaction limits and want to pass data should use
A. SAP Memory B. Tables C. ABAP/4 Memory Q.24) Which of the following is an invalid method for Populating an internal table
A. Insert ITAB B. Append C. Read Table ITAB D. Select * into Table ITAB from dbtab E. Collect Q.25) Identify the clause that is used to suppress standard headers
A. No Standard Heading B. No Standard Page Heading C. Suppress Standard D. System>List>Save Q.26) What appears in the standard header of a list
A. Page Number B. User C. Program Title D. Date E. Underline Q.27) You have made changes to an existing table that contains data. What takes place when the Database Conversion utility is executed
A. Data in the table is automatically deleted and must be reloaded B. The table in the database is renamed and eventually deleted C. The indexes for the table needs to manually be reconstructed in the ABAP dictionary D. The revised table in the ABAP/4 Dictionary is activated E. The table in the database is recreated. Q.28) After a READ LINE on a list, what happens to the HIDE data
A. Nothing, the data remains in the hidden area B. The hide data is restored to shared memory C. The Hide data is not available to the program D. It is transferred back to the fields defined in the program
Q.29) Which of the following short programs will not display the text "SY-LSIND= 1" during interactive reporting. REPORT ZPGM1. WRITE: 'Basic List: List Number =', SY-LSIND. AT LINE-SELECTION. WRITE: 'Secondary List'. IF SY-LSIND = 2. SY-LSIND = SY-LSIND - 1. WRITE: 'SY-LSIND=, SY-LSIND. ENDIF. REPORT ZPGM2. WRITE: 'Basic List: List Number =', SY-LSIND. AT LINE-SELECTION. CHECK NOT SY-LSIND = 1. WRITE: 'SY-LSIND=, SY-LSIND. REPORT ZPGM3. WRITE: 'Basic List: List Number =', SY-LSIND. AT LINE-SELECTION. WRITE: 'Secondary List'. IF SY-LSIND = 1. WRITE: 'SY-LSIND=, SY-LSIND. ENDIF.
A. ZPGM3 B. ZPGM2 C. ZPGM1 Q.30) Where does information come from when you press F1 on a screen field
A. Data element documentation B. Domain short text C. Search help D. Domain Help values Q.31) What will cause the AT USER-COMMAND to fire
A. Type S Function Codes B. Type T Function Codes C. Normal Function Codes D. Function Codes that start with P
Q.32)What are the corrdinates of the following Modal Dialog Box. Window Starting at 10 20 Ending at 20 30
A. Starting at Column 10, Row 20 Ending at Column 20, Row 30 B. Starting at Column 10, Row 30 Ending at Column 20, Row 20 C. Starting at Row 10, Column 20 Ending at Row 20, Column 30 Q.33) What is the effect of the Collect Statement if an entry with the same key already exists
A. Appends a new line B. Adds the numeric fields to an existing entry C. Creates a new entery Q.34) How are buffers used by inner and outer joins
A. Buffers are always used B. Buffers are always bypassed C. The choice can be made to use or bypass buffers Q.35) Mark the code that will display the selection screen of the called program ZTST,
A. When you programatically increment it B. At the end of an interactive processing block C. At the beginning of an interactive processing block Q.37) What requirement exists if a field is defined in the dictionary of type CURR
A. Decimals must be defined in the domain B. The field must be numeric C. The field must be linked to another field of type CUKY D. No other requirements exist Q.38) Identify the case where table buffering should be set off
A. For Global Master Data B. When the most current data is not required C. When the most current data is required D. For Small Static non volatile tables Q.39) What is true about views
A. A view contains data B. Maintenance Views are not updateable C. A view is automatically created on the database upon activation D. Views can be buffered Q.40) READ CURRENT LINE make used of what system variables....
A. SY-CUROW B. SY-PAGENO C. SY-CPAGE D. SY-INDEX Q.41) When does a table get physically created in the underlying database
A. When you activate a transparent table the the ABAP Workbench B. When you create a transparent table C. When Basis created the tablespace at the OS Layer D. When you activate a transparent table in the Dictionary Q.42) When you EXPORT an internal table that has a header line to ABAP/4 memory, what is the result.
A. The header line and contents of the internal table are stored B. You cannot EXPORT an internal table with a header line C. Only the header line is stored D. Only the contents of the internal table is stored Q.43) What is the code required in order to scroll to the 3rd detail list to page 5
A. Scroll LIST Index 3 to Page 5 B. Scroll LIST sy-index 3 to Page 5 C. Scroll LIST sy-lsind 3 to Page 5 D. Scroll LIST 3 5 Q.44) In the context of a logical database, which is not a valid ABAP/4 keyword event
A. Get B. Initialization C. At Selection-Screen D. End-of-Selection E. Put Q.45) Mark the sort statement that is more efficient
A. Sort Itab Ascending B. Sort ITAB C. Sort ITAB BY (fieldname) D. Sort ITAB by keys Q.46) Select the methods used to access data on the database.
A. Read Table B. Get Node C. Native SQL D. ABAP/ Open SQL E. LDB Q.47) Where does the system store the data after a Read Line has been performed on a list.
A. In Memory B. In an Internal Table C. SY-LISTI D. SY-LISEL Q.48) What is true about sorting an Extract (Intermediate) dataset.
A. You can sort an extract dataset even without a header B. The extract dataset is typically sorted in the Start-of-Selection processing block C. The sequence of the control breaks in the Loop does not have to correspond to the extract dataset sort sequence D. the extract dataset must be sorted for processing to begin Q.49) When is the Top-of-Page event triggered
A. When the Top-of-Page eventer is encountered in sequence B. After number of lines per pages, as specified in the REPORT, have been written to the list buffer C. When the report starts D. When the first write statement is encountered Q.50) What is the purpose of the Nodes statement in an ABAP program
A. Points to cluster tables B. Indicates the nodes from the logical database C. Specifies the logical database D. Sets up an address pointer to the nodes in the shared memory buffers Q.51) What happens when an EXIT statement is executed in the AT event
A. The program ends B. The remainder of the current processing block is executed C. The output list is displayed D. The sytem leaves the processing block and branches to the processing block of the next event Q.52) What makes a text table
A. The type of foreign key field defined must be "No key / Candidates' B. The key of the text table consists of the key of the check table plus an additional language key C. Cardinality must be defined as 1:1 Q.53) Mark the event keyword that links report processing and a logical database
A. Put B. Read C. Get D. Select Q.54) Why is subquery usually more efficient
A. Data is filtered in the sapgui B. Data is filtered at the application server C. Data is filtered in the database D. Data is filtered on the network
Q.55) The user default for the date format is set to YYYY.MM.DD. Assume that today's date is Jan. 15, 1999. Select the displayed output of the date field in the following code: Data: datum type d. Datum = sy-datum. Write:/ datum mm/dd/yyyy.
A. 01/15/1999 B. 1999/01/15 C. 19990115 D. 1999.01.15 Q.56) Which statement would be used to create a box with a frame title on a selection screen.
A. Begin of Block, End of Block B. Begin of Slection, End of Selection C. Begin of Frame, End of Frame D. Begin of Box, End of Box
Q.57) What is the default screen that is generated for a selection screen.
A. 100 B. 1000 C. 1001 D. 1100 Q.58) What is the recommended method to modify a standard search help to include customer defined search paths.
A. Add an elementary search help to the standard search help B. Add a collective search help to the standard search help C. Perform a modification to the standard search help D. Enhance the standard search help with an append search help Q.59) What authorization object is required to maintain queries
A. S_Query B. S_Program C. S_Query_all D. S_Maintain
Q.60) What happens if message E046 is raised. At Selection-Screen on sales. If sales-low < 500. Message E046. Endif.
A. Field Sales is open for input and all other fields are not available for input B. The program ends C. All fields are open for input and cursor is positioned on field sales D. The initialization event is fired again. Q.61) What is true about the result set of an inner join at the database level.
A. contains all entries from both tables B. contains all entries from the left table C. contains only entries that match D. contains all entries from the right table Q.62) What is a structured type in the ABAP dictionary that has no physical table definition in the underslying database referred to as.
A. structured type B. table type C. structure D. table Q.63) A program has a selection screen. The ABAP is to be included as a step in the Background Job. What other field must be filled in when creating the Job Step.
A. Print Specifications B. Variant C. Language D. Mandatory Field
Q.64) Suppose LFA1 is the root node, LFBK and LFB1 are branches of LFA1, and LFC1 is a branch of LFB1. If the report contains only one single GET statement for LFB1, the processing passes through which tables.
A. LFA1, LFBK, LFB1, LFC1 B. LFA1, LFBK, LFB1 C. LFA1 and LFB1 Q.65) When are Dictionary changes made available to ABAP programs
A. Next time user signs on B. Immediately, providing the object is activated C. After Database is re-organized D. Next time program is re-generated
Q.66) If your program has no START-OF-SELECTION event and you program statements between the REPORT statement and first event keyword or FORM statement, the statements are then included with which processing block
A. START-OF-SELECTION B. END-OF-SELECTION C. Initialization D. No Processing Block Q.67) What methods can be used to set the values for printing an online list.
A. NEW-PAGE PRINT ON B. Function SET-PRINT_PARAMETERS C. Function GET_PRINT_PARAMETERS D. Include SET-PRINT_PARAMETERS Q.68) What can be assigned directly to a data element
A. domain B. built-in type C. check table D. table field Q.69) Which parameter is used to refine the values returned by a search help
A. administration data B. Export C. restrict value range D. Import Q.70) How can records from the left table be omitted in an outer join
A. Specify conditions in the WHERE clause B. There is no way to omit records from the left table C. Specify conditions on the ON clasue D. Specify conditions in the FROM clause Q.71) Table T1 wants to ensure that the key field t1-fielda entered is valid against a field t2-fielda in table T2. Which is the foreign key table.
A. T1 B. T3 from the dictionary C. T2 Q.72) What is not a valid functional area type.
A. Program B. Joined Tables C. Sequential Data Set D. LDB E. Search Help Q.73) Define Logical Database
A. A reporting Tool B. A method to update data C. Definition of a Relational Data Model D. An ABAP/4 reading program used to read and process data
Q.74) What is the option on the "Parameters" statement in a report program to include a SPA/GPA parameter ID
A. Memory Id B. Parameter ID C. Value D. Default Parameter ID Q.75) Which system variable contains the number of the Detail list that is being generated
A. SY-INDEX B. SY-LISTI C. Sy-LSIND D. SY-TABIX Q.76) Identify the items that are not considered Data Dictionary technical settings when creating a dictionary table.
A. Buffering B. Data Class C. Field Name D. Size Category E. Status Q.77) What is true of the New-Page statement.
A. It is an event B. Requires at least one write statement before it can be executed C. Increments the page counter D. Used to generate a blank page
Q.78) What does the following code achieve: At Selection-Screen on value-request for sales. Call screen 100.
A. When the user presses F1, Screen 100 is displayed in addition to the normal help screen B. When the user presses F1, Screen 100 is displayed instead of the normal possible values search help C. When the user presses F4, Screen 100 is displayed instead of the normal possible values search help D. When the user presses F4, Screen 100 is displayed in addition to the normal help screen.
Q.79) What is the order of code that gets executed in the following code: 10 Report rpgm1 20 data: fielda type c value A, 30 fieldb type c value B. 40 write: / fielda, 50 new-page. 60 write: / fieldb 70 top-of-page. 80 write: / 'This is the title'.
A. 40, 50, 60, 70, 80 B. 40, 80, 50, 80, 60 C. 80, 40, 50, 80, 60 Q.80) Tables with indeces, result in reduced performance in what kind of OPEN SQL operation.
A. Data Base Modify B. All database access C. Data Base Retrieval D. Data base Updates Q.81) In what manner can lists be saved.
A. Local file to the application server B. SAPOFFICE C. HTML Format on local PC D. ABAP Editor E. Report Tree Q.82) Identify the valid methods for setting the value of a select-options selection field.
A. When the END GET statement is encountered B. When the next keyword event is encountered C. When all data has been retrieved for the GET D. After each PUT in the LDB Q.84) What is true about the result set of an left outer join at the database level
A. Contains all entries from teh left table B. Contains only entries that match in the ON clause C. Fields from unmatched rows in the right table are null filled D. Fields from unmatched rows in the left table are null filled E. Contains all entries from the right table Q.85) What is required to establish an interactive list.
A. The user interface allows actions to trigger interactive list type events B. Corresponding interactive enents are programmed C. The HIDE command is programmed in the report. Q.86) Assuming a Detail list exists, what takes place when sy-lsind is set to zero.
A. All secondary lists are deleted B. The basic and secondary lists are deleted C. The basic list is overwritten with the current secondary list D. The original basic list is re-displayed Q.87) Which is not a valid option of the Write Statement
A. Input B. NO-GAP C. NO-ZERO D. As RadioBox E. Centered Q.88) Mark the valid logical nodes.
A. Table B. Structure C. Node D. File E. Complex Data Object Q.89) At what point does a parameter ID get reset
A. Program Execution Ends B. User sign off C. Free Memory D. When you flush the SPA/GPA memory Q.90) What type of ABAP Query list would be appropriate if the user wanted to determine the ten top salespeople
A. Statistics B. Ranked lists C. Percentage D. Basic lists Q.91) Which of the following will trigger the AT LINE_SELECTION event
A. Double Click a line on a list B. Function Code P+ C. F2 D. Function Code PICK E. Menu Option EDIT>Choose Q.92) What happens to memory when the Export is executed without specifying ID
ie. EXPORT object to memory
A. SAP Memory is overwritten B. ABAP memory sets up a new default area C. The ABAP memory is completely overwritten Q.93) Mark the valid usage of the READ statement
A. DO. Read Line SY-INDEX. ENDDO. B. Read Line 3 of Current Page C. Read Line 3 of Next Page D. Read Current Line of Table ITAB. Q.94) Which of the following Dictionary Objects gets stored as a Runtime Object
A. Tables B. All of the answeres are correct C. Structures D. Data Elements E. Table Types Q.95) What are the 3 main sub objects of a LDB
A. Search Helps B. DB Program C. Tables D. Structure E. Selection Screen Q.96) The Cardinality of a foreign key relationship is define as 1:N What does this imply?
A. One record of the check table is assigned to many records of the foreign key table B. One record of the check table is assigned to one record of the foreign key table C. One record of the foreign key table is assigned to one record of the check table Q.97) Table ZMYTABLE is created in the dictionary. When does the table get created in the underlying database.
A. When the database administrator physically creates the table B. At the end of the table creation after it is saved C. When the table is activated D. At the beginning of the table creation E. It does not correspond to an object in the underlying database and does not get created
Q.98) What is the order of events that fire. 10 Start-of-Selection 20 End-of-Selection 30 Initialization 40 Get 50 At Selection-Screen
A. 30 50 10 40 20 B. 50 10 40 10 20 C. 30 10 50 40 20 Q.99) Identify the object that cannot have a search help attached to it.
A. table B. table field C. type D. check table E. data element Q.100) Identify the different type categories in teh ABAP dictionary
A. Table Types B. Data Models C. Structures D. Data Definitions E. Data Elements