This document contains the outline for an English grammar class focusing on the genitive case. The class will:
1. Review the genitive construction and meanings.
2. Provide practice identifying genitive constructions and meanings in sentences. Students will write their own sentences using genitives.
3. Introduce the inflected genitive and have students practice rewriting sentences using it.
4. Conclude with a review of different genitive uses and structures, including the independent genitive, double genitive, and genitive as determiner or modifier. Authentic examples will illustrate each use.
This document contains the outline for an English grammar class focusing on the genitive case. The class will:
1. Review the genitive construction and meanings.
2. Provide practice identifying genitive constructions and meanings in sentences. Students will write their own sentences using genitives.
3. Introduce the inflected genitive and have students practice rewriting sentences using it.
4. Conclude with a review of different genitive uses and structures, including the independent genitive, double genitive, and genitive as determiner or modifier. Authentic examples will illustrate each use.
This document contains the outline for an English grammar class focusing on the genitive case. The class will:
1. Review the genitive construction and meanings.
2. Provide practice identifying genitive constructions and meanings in sentences. Students will write their own sentences using genitives.
3. Introduce the inflected genitive and have students practice rewriting sentences using it.
4. Conclude with a review of different genitive uses and structures, including the independent genitive, double genitive, and genitive as determiner or modifier. Authentic examples will illustrate each use.
This document contains the outline for an English grammar class focusing on the genitive case. The class will:
1. Review the genitive construction and meanings.
2. Provide practice identifying genitive constructions and meanings in sentences. Students will write their own sentences using genitives.
3. Introduce the inflected genitive and have students practice rewriting sentences using it.
4. Conclude with a review of different genitive uses and structures, including the independent genitive, double genitive, and genitive as determiner or modifier. Authentic examples will illustrate each use.
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Universidad Nacional de Crdoba Facultad de Lenguas Concurso de Auxiliares de la Docencia Profesor Asistente D. S. Prctica Graatical del !ngl"s #$ de %unio de &$#$ Mara Candelaria Luue C!l!"#re$ Unit & ' ()e Noun P)rase Geni%i&e 'a$e( T)e in*e'%ed +eni%i&e and %)e !, '!n$%ru'%i!n !r -eri-)ra$%i' +eni%i&e. T)e +ra""a%i'al $%a%u$ !, %)e +eni%i&e. Geni%i&e "eanin+$. T)e -!$% +eni%i&e !r d!u#le +eni%i&e. *+,-+!,. I. II. III. I.. .. .I. O#/e'%i&e$ Lead in Preli"inar0 A'%i&i%ie$ Pra'%i'e F!ll!12u- A'%i&i%ie$ 3i#li!+ra-)0 4 MAR5A CANDELARIA LU6UE COLOM3RES CONCURSO DE AUXILIARES DE LA DOCENCIA PROFESOR ASISTENTE D.S. PRCTICA GRAMATICAL DEL INGLS !. */%,C(!+,S 30 %)e end !, %)i$ 'la$$ 0!u 1ill( )a&e a'%i&a%ed 0!ur 7n!1led+e !, %)e +eni%i&e 'a$e. )a&e iden%i8ed a +eni%i&e '!n$%ru'%i!n. )a&e iden%i8ed %)e $!"e -!$$i#le +eni%i&e "eanin+$. )a&e iden%i8ed %)e +ra""a%i'al r!le$ !, %)e in*e'%ed +eni%i&e. #e a#le %! -r!du'e 0!ur !1n $en%en'e$ u$in+ %)e in*e'%ed +eni%i&e and %)e -eri-)ra$%i'+eni%i&e. #e a#le %! ')!!$e #e%1een %)e in*e'%ed +eni%i&e and %)e -eri-)ra$%i' +eni%i&e 1)en "!re a--r!-ria%e. !!. L,AD !N #' a0 -ead t)e text belo1 and co2lete t)e 3rst 2aragra2) of t)e text 1it) one of t)e follo1ing noun 2)rases. T)e ')ildren9$ T)e "illi!naire9$ Mr :!ne$9$ Anna and :ane%9$ b0 Underline t)e genitive fors 4ou 3nd in t)e second 2aragra2). Multi-millionaire found dead The multi-millionaire, Mr Bruce Jones, is dead. A maid found _______________ body at his luxury flat in London. _____________________ children, Anna and Janet, werent with him. ________________ mother, Mrs aroline Jones, is in hos!ital sufferin" from shoc#. ______________ "randmother, Mrs $mma Jones, is now loo#in" after them. Mr Bruce Jones was the chairman of Britains bi""est com!any and one of the countrys richest men. %e had &ust returned from a three wee#s tri! to 'reece. The ni"ht before his death he stayed at his brother in laws in north London. (t seems he went to the chemists to buy some medicine because he had been feelin" badly. The !olice ha)e refused to answer re!orters *uestions ;Ada-%ed ,r!" 3!l%!n and G!!de0< =>>?( @=AB = MAR5A CANDELARIA LU6UE COLOM3RES CONCURSO DE AUXILIARES DE LA DOCENCIA PROFESOR ASISTENTE D.S. PRCTICA GRAMATICAL DEL INGLS !!!. P-,L!5!NA-6 AC(!+!(!,S #' a0 5atc) t)e sentences belo1 to t)e eaning ex2ressed b4 t)e genitive. ,xa2les Genitive 5eanings Ca%)09$ e0e$ $%ared in )!rr!r a$ %)e "an ,ell %! %)e *!!r. Gi&e %)e en&el!-e %! Mi')ael9$ a$$i$%an%. Gre+9$ d!+ )a$ #een #ar7in+ all ni+)%. Ca%e9$ nei+)#!ur i$ "!&in+ %! a ne1 )!u$e. Pe!-le9$ )a--ine$$ i$ "!re i"-!r%an% %)a% 1eal%). D)0 d!nE% 0!u all '!"e !&er %! "0 -aren%$9 )!u$e ,!r '!FeeG POSSESSION HUMAN RELATIONSHIPS TRAITS b0 C)oose a noun fro t)e box and 1rite t)ree di7erent sentences illustrating t)e eanings dealt 1it) above. T)e a'%re$$ :ane M0 '!u$in$ P!$$e$$i!n IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Hu"an Rela%i!n$)i-$ IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Trai%$ IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII &' -ead t)e follo1ing sentences and classif4 t)e genitives into deteriner or odi3er. a. M0 un'le9$ ne1 'ar i$ reall0 a"aJin+. IIIIIIIIIIII #. T)a% !ld "an9$ $!n )a$ 1!r7ed 1i%) Su$an ,!r %)ree 0ear$ n!1. IIIIIIIIIIII '. M0 /!# in&!l&e$ readin+ l!%$ !, ')ildren9$ li%era%ure. IIIIIIIIIIII d. E&en )er %1! ')ildren9$ 'l!%)e$ di$a--eared. IIIIIIIIIIII e. Hi$ )air ,el% li7e a #ird9$ ne$%. IIIIIIIIIIII ,. Helen and 3e%%0 a%%end a 1!"en9$ uni&er$i%0 in Ne1 Kealand. IIIIIIIIIIII @ MAR5A CANDELARIA LU6UE COLOM3RES CONCURSO DE AUXILIARES DE LA DOCENCIA PROFESOR ASISTENTE D.S. PRCTICA GRAMATICAL DEL INGLS !+. P-AC(!C, AC(!+!(!,S #' Add 8s or 8 to a noun in t)e 2)rases belo1 so t)at t)e4 contain an in9ected genitive. a. %)!$e "en ,a"ilie$ #. "0 $i$%er$ 'ar$ '. %)e i$land in)a#i%an%$ d. Di'7en$ n!&el$ e. Mr$ :!)n$!n '!a% ,. S!'ra%e$ #elie,$ +. F!r G!d $a7e &' -e1rite t)ese sentences using t)e in9ected genitive a. I &i$i%ed %)e #ir%)-la'e !, C)arle$ Dar1in. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII #. He $%!le %)e +irl,riend !, )i$ #e$% ,riend. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII '. T)e r!!" !, %)e ')ildren i$ ui%e lar+e. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII d. T)e #ir%)da0 !, %)e %1in$ i$ A-ril @4 %) . IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII e. D)a%9$ %)e na"e !, %)e 1i,e !, %)e ,riend !, 3illG IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ,. I #!rr!1ed %)e 'ar !, Ge!r+e and Mar%)a. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII +. S)e 1!re %)e dre$$ !, )er $i$%er %! %)e dan'e. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ). S)e 1!re !ne !, %)e dre$$e$ %)a% )er $i$%er )a$. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ;Ada-%ed ,r!" Sellen< @44@(===B :' Co2lete t)e descri2tion of Lil4 Finc) using t)e in9ected genitive or t)e 2eri2)rastic genitive. Lily Finch is a friend of my sisters. She doesnt like her name. Lily is _____________________ (name /her mother). Her father chose it because its ___________________________ (name / his favourite floer). Lily likes readin! ___________________________ (ma!a"ines / omen) and listenin! to _____________________________ (music / a ne heavy metal band). She doesnt like ___________________________ (terrible eather / #n!land). #very year she has $ __________________________ (holiday / a month) in %ortu!al. She &lays badminton for ________________________ (team / local !irls). She is __________________________ (best &layer / team). ____________________ (house / her &arents) is in the country' but she s&ends a lot of time at her _____________________ (boyfriend). Hes !ot a flat in London. ;Ada-%ed ,r!" 3!l%!n and G!!de0< =>>?( @@4B L MAR5A CANDELARIA LU6UE COLOM3RES CONCURSO DE AUXILIARES DE LA DOCENCIA PROFESOR ASISTENTE D.S. PRCTICA GRAMATICAL DEL INGLS +. F*LL*.'UP AC(!+!(!,S #' !n t)e follo1ing 2airs of sentences; t)ere is one sentence 1)ic) sounds ore natural or is better. C)oose t)e ost a22ro2riate sentence. %ustif4 4our c)oice. a. T)e ,a"il09$ 'ar 1a$ ,!und a#and!ned. T)e 'ar !, %)e ,a"il0 1a$ ,!und a#and!ned. #. On !''a$i!n$< %)e '!ura+e !, Mar%)a didn9% )el- )er. On !''a$i!n$< Mar%)a9$ '!ura+e didn9% )el- )er. c. I 1a$ $! ill %)a% I 1a$ a% dea%)9$ d!!r ,!r %)ree da0$. I 1a$ $! ill %)a% I 1a$ a% %)e d!!r !, dea%) ,!r %)ree da0$. d. T)e %a#le9$ le+ i$ #r!7en. T)e le+ !, %)e %a#le i$ #r!7en. e. D! 0!u 1an% %! )a&e lun') %!+e%)er $!"e%i"e< /u$% ,!r !ld %i"e$E $a7eG D! 0!u 1an% %! )a&e lun') %!+e%)er $!"e%i"e< /u$% ,!r %)e $a7e !, !ld %i"e$G ,. T)a% lad0 i$ %)e $i$%er !, %)e "an %)a% i$ )!ldin+ %)e -ar%0. T)a% lad0 i$ %)e "an %)a% i$ )!ldin+ %)e -ar%09$ $i$%er. &' .rite sentences t)at contain t)e 1ords in 2arent)eses in a double genitive construction a. Tea')er M "0 "!%)er The old lady over there was a teacher of my mothers. #. Cla$$"a%e M "0 #r!%)er$ IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII '. S%uden%$ M Mar0 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII d. 3!!7$ M %)e ')ildren IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII : ' Find aut)entic exa2les on t)e internet to illustrate t)e follo1ing uses of t)e genitive. a. Inde-enden% Geni%i&e #. D!u#le +eni%i&e '. Geni%i&e a$ de%er"iner d. Geni%i&e a$ "!di8er N MAR5A CANDELARIA LU6UE COLOM3RES CONCURSO DE AUXILIARES DE LA DOCENCIA PROFESOR ASISTENTE D.S. PRCTICA GRAMATICAL DEL INGLS +!. /!/L!*G-AP<6 -eferences 3!l%!n< D.< and N. G!!de0 ;=>>AB< Grammar Practice in Context, L!nd!n( Ri')"!nd Pu#li$)in+. Sellen< D. ;@44@B< Gra""ar G!al$ Re,eren'e and Pra'%i'e ,!r In%er"edia%e S%uden%$< Sa! Paul!< 3raJil( S3S edi%!ra. Consulted /ibliogra2)4 3i#er<D.< S. C!nrad and G. Lee') ;@44@B< Longman Students Grammar of Spoen and !ritten "nglish< E$$eO( Pear$!n Edu'a%i!n Li"i%ed. Cel'e2Mur'ia< M. and D. Lar$en2Free"an ;=>>>B The Grammar #oo $n "SL%"&L Teachers Course '( nd "d), Heinle and Heinle Pu#li$)er$. Cl!$e< R.A. ;=>APB< $ *eference Grammar for Students of "nglish< L!nd!n( L!n+"an. Gree"#au"<S. ;=>>=B< $n +ntroduction to "nglish Grammar, "ssex, Longman. Huddle$%!n R. And G.C. Pullu". ;@44@B< The Cam-ridge Grammar of the "nglish Language, Ca"#rid+e( CUP. Leech, G. $nd .. Svartvi. '/012), $ Communicative Grammar of "nglish, London, Longman. Mee)an< P. e% al ;@4=4B< $n +ntroduction to Grammar Practice, C!rd!#a( I"-re$i!ne$ FL de Na%alia R!ndini. 6uir7< R and S. Green#au". ;=>>4B $ Students Grammar of the "nglish Language, Harl!1( L!n+"an.
Suggested /ibliogra2)4 for Furt)er Practice 3i#er< D.< S. C!nrad< and G. Lee'). ;@44@B< Longman Student Grammar of Spoen and !ritten "nglish !or-oo, E$$eO( Pear$!n Edu'a%i!n Li"i%ed. 3!l%!n< D.< and N. G!!de0 ;=>>?B< "nglish Grammar in Steps, L!nd!n( Ri')"!nd Pu#li$)in+. 3!l%!n< D.< and N. G!!de0 ;=>>AB< Grammar Practice in Context, L!nd!n( Ri')"!nd Pu#li$)in+. C)al7er< S. ;=>>@B< $ Students "nglish Grammar !or-oo< E$$eO( Adi$!n De$le0 L!n+"an Li"i%ed. Mur-)0< R. ;=>>NB< "nglish Grammar in 3se. $ self4study reference and practice -oo for intermediate students '( nd ed.), Ca"#rid+e( Ca"#rid+e Uni&er$i%0 Pre$$. Sellen< D. ;@44@B< Grammar Goals *eference and Practice for +ntermediate Students< Sa! Paul!< 3raJil( S3S edi%!ra. Qule< G. ;@44?B< 5xford Practice Grammar< OO,!rd( OO,!rd Uni&er$i%0 Pre$$. P MAR5A CANDELARIA LU6UE COLOM3RES