Black and Green Tea: How Do They Differ?

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Black and Green Tea: How do they difer?

Tea is a drink that is enjoyed by people across the globe. Black tea represents
approximately 72% of total consumed tea in the world, whereas green tea
accounts for approximately 26%.
Both green tea and black tea come from the leaves of the plant Camellia
sinensis, however the processing that the leaves undergo to make the fnal tea is
diferent. The leaves for black tea are fully oxidised while those for green teas are
lightly steamed before being dried. Figure 1 outlines the processing of green and
black tea in more detail.
Figure 1 Green and Black Tea Processing
Camellia sinensis
Partial Withering Indoor Withering
Steaming/ Parching
Rolling and Drying
Final Firing Final fring
Green Tea Black Tea
(non-oxidised) (oxidised)
Black teas mostly come from plantations in Africa, India, Sri Lanka and Indonesia
while green teas come from countries in the Far East such as China and
Flavonoid content of black and green teas
Black and green teas both contain similar amount of favonoids, however they
difer in their chemical structure. Green teas contain more of the simple
favonoids called catechins, while the oxidisation that the leaves undergo to make
black tea converts these simple favonoids to the more complex varieties called
theafavins and thearubigins. Figure 2 provides the chemical structures of the
major favonoids found in both green and black tea.
Figure 2 Major favonoids founds in tea
Tables 1 and 2 provides average values for the diferent constituents present in
green and black tea although they will difer dependent on the variety of leaf,
growing environment, manufacturing, particle size of ground tea leaves and
infusion preparation.
Table 1 Principle components of black tea
Black Tea
(% weight of extract solids)
Catechins 3-10
Theafavins 3-6
Thearubigens 12-18
Flavonols 6-8
Phenolic acids and depsides 10-12
Amino Acids 13-15
Methylxanthines 8-11
Carbohydrates 15
Protein 1
Mineral water 10
Volatiles <0.1
Table 1 Principle components of green tea

Green Tea
(% weight of extract solids)
Catechins 30-42
Flavonols 5-10
Other favonoids 2-4
Theogallin 2-3
Other depsides 1
Ascorbic Acid 1-2
Gallic Acid 0.5
Quinic acid 2
Other organic acids 4-5
Theanine 4-6
Other amino acids 4-6
Methylxanthines 7-9
Carbohydrates 10-15
Minerals 6-8
Volatiles 0.02
Oolong tea, is a partially fermented leaf, with a favonoid profle midway between
green and black tea.
The health benefts of favonoids
Although the oxidisation process modifes the type of favonoids present, the total
level and their overall antioxidant activity, is similar in both teas.
is now suggesting that antioxidants, such as those found in both green and
black tea, may have a protective role to play in certain conditions such as
heart disease, stroke and some cancers.
Further work is still required in understanding the protective antioxidant action of
black and green teas. In one in vitro study, black tea was found to be more
efcient than green tea as a chemopreventor against certain free radicals, oxygen
and nitrogen species.
However, in another study both green tea and black tea
were equally able to protect against Nitric Oxide toxicity.
More detailed information about the health benefts of black tea, antioxidants and
favonoids can be found in the Fact Sheets Tea and Antioxidant Properties;
Tea and Cancer; Tea and Cardiovascular Disease.
The health benefts of green tea
A number of epidemiological studies have suggested that green tea maybe
protective against certain types of cancer
including lung
, ovarian
, prostate
, stomach cancer
and its precancerous
condition, gastritis
. The possible protective action of green tea is unclear,
although a number of in vitro and animal studies are attempting to explain
Mechanisms by which green tea may be protective are discussed in more
detail in the fact sheet Tea and Cancer.
In addition to its potential anticarcinogenic and antioxidant efects, other studies
have shown green tea to have anti-infammatory, antithrombotic
, cholesterol
, antiviral and antibacterial properties
Although the scientific evidence demonstrating the health benefits of green tea is
increasing it is not yet conclusive and provides an interesting area for future
Green tea and skin protection
A number of animal studies have shown that topical treatment or oral
consumption of green tea polyphenols prevent UVB-induced inflammatory
responses, immunosuppression and oidative stress, !hich are the biomar"ers
of several s"in disease states
. Treatment of green tea polyphenols to skin has
been shown to have a benefcial efect on the biochemical pathways involved in
skin infammation, cell proliferation and chemical tumour promoters. Antioidant
and anti-inflammatory effects of green tea have also been observed in human
One human model found that topical application of green tea polyphenols
protected against UV light induced DNA damage
. Based on results mainly from
animal studies, many companies are now supplementing their skin care products
with green tea extracts. However, the efects on human skin are still not well
understood and further research in this feld is required.
Green tea extract and weight loss
Preliminary research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
suggests that an extract from green tea may help with weight loss by speeding up
fat oxidation.
In this study, researchers conducted a 6 week study of 10 healthy
men in their 20s and found that those men who were given a green tea extract
used more calories in a day than those who did not. However, due to the short
term duration of the study, the impact of these results on body composition and
body weight could not be determined.
Another study examined whether green tea had any afect on weight
maintenance in subjects who had previously lost weight. A total of 1%#
over!eight and moderately obese male and female sub&ects participated. 'he
study consisted of a very-lo!-energy diet intervention of # !ee"s follo!ed by a
!eight-maintenance period of 13 !ee"s in !hich the sub&ects received green tea
or placebo. 'he green tea contained caffeine (1%# mg)d* and catechins (+,3
mg)d, of !hich 323 mg !as epigallocatechin gallate*. -reen tea appeared to
have no effect on !eight maintenance follo!ing !eight loss on the lo! energy
diet compared to the placebo.
Further research using longer term studies is required before any frm
conclusions about green tea and weight loss can be drawn.
Cafeine Content of Green Tea and Black Tea
Black and Green teas are produced from the same plant Camellia sinensis so
both green and black teas naturally contain cafeine. Further information
about cafeine and tea can be found in the Fact Sheet, Tea and Cafeine.
Which to drink?
The health benefts gained from drinking black and green tea are comparable,
both helping towards promoting health and well-being. The decision about
which to drink is simply a matter of taste.
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