List of Abstracts: Francis Bach
List of Abstracts: Francis Bach
List of Abstracts: Francis Bach
MMCS Conference
cole Centrale Paris
11-13 December 2013
Francis Bach
Large-scale optimization for machine learning
Many machine learning and signal processing problems are traditionally cast as convex optimization
problems. A common diculty in solving these problems is the size of the data, where there are many
observations ("large n") and each of these is large ("large p"). In this setting, online algorithms which pass
over the data only once, are usually preferred over batch algorithms, which require multiple passes over the
data. In this talk, I will present several recent results, showing that in the ideal innite-data setting, online
learning algorithms based on stochastic approximation should be preferred, but that in the practical nite-
data setting, an appropriate combination of batch and online algorithms leads to unexpected behaviors, such
as a linear convergence rate with an iteration cost similar to stochastic gradient descent (joint work with
Nicolas Le Roux, Eric Moulines and Mark Schmidt).
Henri Berestycki
Propagation in non homogeneous media
Diusion phenomena in heterogeneous environments arise in many dierent contexts of modelling. A ne
description of epidemics spreading such as the black death plague of the 14th century, biological invasions in
ecological systems or in medicine lead to this kind of problems. Likewise, contagions of ideas as well as the
diusion of social norms all involve this type of problems. They lead to new questions from a mathematical
point of view. What is the role of heterogeneity in blocking propagation? What is the eect of roads with
fast diusion in the global invasion ? These are examples of such questions. In this talk I will review some of
these questions and models in the framework of reaction-diusion equations and report on recent progress.
Gilles Bernot
An extension of Hoare logic to identify the parameters of a gene regulatory network
The main diculty when modeling biological networks is the identication of the numerous parameters
that govern the dynamics. After the pioneering works of the SMBioNet and BIOCHAM teams, temporal logic
has become a standard formal tool to identify these parameters when applied to discrete models. We propose
here a new formal way to identify parameters, which is easier to apply when using data from biological traces,
such as transcriptomic data. We will rstly explain the framework of genetic network models dened by R.
Thomas. Then, we dene a method inspired from Hoare logic, properly extended to genetic state graphs,
that is able to extract the weakest precondition on parameters that copes with a given set of observed traces.
Une extension de la logique de Hoare pour lidentication de paramtres dans les rseaux
Lobstacle majeur rencontr lorsquon veut modliser des rseaux biologiques est lidentication des nom-
breux paramtres qui dnissent la dynamique du systme. La logique temporelle est devenue une des princi-
pales mthodes formelles appliques cette question depuis les travaux fondateurs autour de SMBioNet et de
BIOCHAM. Ici, on propose une nouvelle mthode formelle, plus oriente vers lexploitation directe des traces
observes biologiquement. On prsentera dabord une formalisation du cadre de modlisation des rseaux
gntiques de Ren Thomas puis on dnira une extension de la logique de Hoare. Le calcul correspondant
de la plus petite prcondition fournit lensemble de contraintes sur les paramtres qui sont ncessaires et
susantes pour que les traces observes biologiquement existent dans le modle mathmatique discret.
Andrea Bertozzi
Mathematics of Crime
There is an extensive applied mathematics literature developed for problems in the biological and physical
sciences. Our understanding of social science problems from a mathematical standpoint is less developed,
but also presents some very interesting problems, especially for young researchers. This lecture uses crime
as a case study for using applied mathematical techniques in a social science application and covers a
variety of mathematical methods that are applicable to such problems. We will review recent work on agent
based models, methods in linear and nonlinear partial dierential equations, variational methods for inverse
problems and statistical point process models. From an application standpoint we will look at problems in
residential burglaries and gang crimes. Examples will consider both "bottom up and "top down approaches
to understanding the mathematics of crime, and how the two approaches could converge to a unifying theory.
Arezki Boudaoud
Stochasticity in plant growth and morphogenesis
How do organisms cope with natural variability to achieve well-dened morphologies and architectures ?
We address this question by combining experiments with live plants and analyses of stochastic models. This
leads us to counterintuitive results on the role of noise in plant development.
Alessandra Carbone
Conservation and co-evolution : from sequence analysis to protein-protein interactions
Protein-protein interactions (PPI) are at the heart of the molecular processes governing life and constitute
an increasingly important target for drug design. Given their importance, it is vital to determine which
protein interactions have functional relevance and to characterize the protein competition inhrent to crowded
environments, as the cytoplasm or the cellular organelles.
Given a family of protein sequences and the associated distance tree, we shall explain how to predict
important information on protein binding sites and on protein interactions by using a ne reading of the
conservation and co-evolution signals between residues in the sequences. This information is helpful to identify
protein-protein interaction networks and describe them at the molecular level.
Jose Antonio Carrillo
Stability and Pattern formation in Nonlocal Interaction Models
I will review some recent results for rst and second order models of swarming in terms of patterns,
stationary states, and qualitative properties. I will discuss the stability of these patterns for the continuum
and discrete particle cases.
These non-local models appear in collective behavior for animals, control engineering, and molecular
structures among others. We rst concentrate in the spatial shape of these patterns and the dynamics
when inertia terms are neglected. The mathematical question behind consists in nding properties about
local minimizers of the total interaction energy. Concerning 2nd order models, we will discuss particular
properties of two patterns : ocks and mills. We will discuss the stability of these patterns in the discrete
case. In both cases, we will describe the properties obtained for the continuum limits.
Ton Coolen
Solvable model of an immune network on a nitely connected heterogeneous graph with
extensively many short loops
The immune system can recall and execute a large number of memorized defense strategies in parallel.
The explanation for this ability turns out to lie in the topology of immune networks. We studied a statistical
mechanical immune network model with coordinator branches (T-cells) and eector branches (B-cells),
and show how the nite connectivity enables the system to manage an extensive number of immune clones
simultaneously, even above the percolation threshold. The model is solvable using replica techniques, in spite
of the fact that the network has an extensive number of short loops.
Vincent Danos
Thermodynamic graph-rewriting
We develop a new thermodynamic approach to stochastic graph-rewriting. The ingredients are a nite
set of reversible graph-rewriting rules G (called generating rules), a nite set of connected graphs P (called
energy patterns), and an energy cost function : P R. The idea is that G denes the qualitative dynamics
by showing which transformations are possible, while P and specify the long-term probability of any
graph reachable under G. Given G, P, we construct a nite set of rules GP which (i) has the same qualitative
transition system as G, and (ii) when equipped with suitable rates, denes a continuous-time Markov chain
of which is the unique xed point. The construction relies on the use of site graphs and a technique
of growth policy for quantitative rule renement which is of independent interest. The division of labour
between the qualitative and the long-term quantitative aspects of the dynamics leads to intuitive and concise
descriptions for realistic models. It also guarantees thermodynamical consistency (aka detailed balance),
otherwise known to be undecidable, which is important for some applications. Finally, it leads to parsimonious
parameterizations of models, again an important point in some applications (joint work with Russ Harmer
and Ricardo Honorato-Zimmer).
Vincent Fromion
Constraint- based approaches as a promising tool to handle the complexity of life : the
bacterium as an example
(joint work with A. Goelzer (INRA-MIG) and the partners of the BaSynTech EU project)
Growth is a highly optimized process in bacteria since the battle for the conquest of ecological niches is
though. Understanding the key elements governing the growth rate management of bacteria is then crucial to
further understand and predict the bacterium behavior with respect to various environmental conditions. In
this context, the constraint-based approaches integrating the whole metabolic network of an organism such
as Flux Balance Analysis successfully predicted the maximum growth rate reachable in various conditions.
However, limitations exist since FBA fail to predict a number of commonly observed metabolic strategies,
showing implicitly that constraints are missing. In particular, we have recently shown that the sharing of
proteins between the cellular processes intrinsically and structurally limits the growth rate. More generally, we
have formalized the problem of protein allocation at the cell scale as a (quasi) convex optimization problem.
The resolution of this convex optimization problem allows to estimate for a given medium composition of
(i) the maximal growth rate reachable ; (ii) the concentrations of ribosomes, the concentration of proteins
involved in the metabolic network and more generally the resource allocation between all the cell components ;
(iii) the ux distribution. More fundamentally, this new method allows to predict the emergence of functional
modules in the metabolic network regulation.
The aim of this talk is then to present this new framework, so-called Resource Balance Analysis (RBA), and
its recent validation with respect to biological data on the model bacterium Bacillus subtilis.
David Holcman
Bursting in small and large neuronal network : from physiology to analysis
Neuronal network activity can generate complex patterns that depend on membrane properties of indivi-
dual neurons as well as functional synapses. To analyze the complex behavior of neuronal network, we study
the transient response from neuronal ensembles of small (between 5-30 cells in a restricted space) and large
sizes (acute hippocampal slice). Interestingly, in both cases a single stimulation generated a synchronous
long lasting bursting activity.
Using electrophysiological recording, we derive a stochastic dynamical system that characterizes this
bursting activity in these neuronal populations. We compute the bursting time analytically. We further
found a regime of Up and down state characterized by a limit cycle. Surprisingly, the distribution of escape
time from the cycle is not Poissonian but presents quantized peaks. We derive the characteristic of these
peaks from the Fokker-Planck equation of the associated stochastic equation.
We conclude that synaptic properties and the network connectivity shape the mean burst duration, which
persisted across various network scale. Thus synchronization is an inherent property of suciently connected
neural networks driven by synaptic depression-facilitation.
Catherine Matias
Stochastic Blockmodels for random graphs
We will discuss in details the stochastic blockmodel that allows to capture heterogeneity in random
graphs, its properties and applications.
Bertrand Maury
The respiratory system from all sides
The modeling of complex systems can be undertaken from two sides. The Top Down approach consists
in identifying a small number of relevant parameters and relations between them, and in progressively
integrating more and more complexity to the description in order to reach a satisfying description of the
global behavior. On the other side, the Bottom Up approach consists in starting from the nest level at which
the reality can be described by basic and unquestionable laws (like Newtons law for mechanical systems).
From this microscopic description of subsystems, an attempt can be made to build "the big picture", i.e. a
model that mimics the overall functionning of the system.
We shall illustrate these considerations in the context of lung modeling, by focusing on the notion of
resistance of the respiratory system. Measuring this quantity is common medical practice (Top Down stand-
point), whereas its actual signication covers a wide range of complex phenomena (Bottom Up). Merging
both standpoints, i.e. obtaining similar numerical values by the two dierent approaches and build a hie-
rarchy of mutually consistent models, is the holy grail for applied mathematicians involved in the modeling
process of complex systems. We shall present dierent aspects of this lengthy process, which calls for constant
back and forth moves between the two sides.
Sylvie Mlard
Stochastic modeling of Darwinian evolution
We consider stochastic models describing the Darwinian evolution of a polymorphic population with
mutation and selection. The interactions between individuals occur by way of competition for resources
whose concentrations depend on the current state of the population. Our aim is to model the successive
xations of successful mutants in the population and further its diversication on an evolutionary time
scale. We prove, starting from a birth and death model, that, when advantageous mutations are rare and
the population size large enough, the population process behaves on the mutation time scale as a jump
process moving between successive equilibria. The main idea is a time scale separation The model explains
a possible diversication into specialized species more adapted to consume some specic resources. Essential
technical ingredients are the study of a generalized system of ODEs modeling a nite number of biological
populations in a competitive interaction due to multi-resources and a ne description of the invasion and
xation of mutants using branching processes.
Stphane Robin
Modelling heterogeneity in interaction networks
Network analysis has become a very active eld of statistics within the last decade. Several models have
been proposed to describe and understand the heterogeneity observed in real networks. We will present here
several modeling involving latent variables. We will discuss the issues raised by their inference, focusing on
the stochastic block model. The presentation will be illustrated with several biological applications.
Giuseppe Toscani
Kinetic and Fokker-Planck models for goods exchange in microeconomics
We introduce various kinetic equations able to describe the exchange of goods among a huge population of
agents. The leading idea is to describe the exchange by means of some fundamental rules in microeconomics,
in particular by using Cobb- Douglas utility functions for the binary exchange, and the Edgeworth box for
the description of the common exchange area in which utility is increasing for both agents. In presence of
uncertainty, it is shown that the solution develops Pareto tails, where the Pareto index depends on the ratio
between the gain and the variance of the uncertainty. Among others, the result holds true for a linearized
Boltzmann- like equation, whose solution is shown to converge to the solution of a drift-diusion equation of
a Fokker-Planck type. The research has been done jointly with Stefano Demichelis and Carlo Brugna, from
the University of Pavia.
Vitaly Volpert
On the emergence and evolution of biological species
Darwin illustrated his theory about emergence and evolution of biological species with a diagram. It
shows how species exist, evolve, appear and disappear. The goal of this presentation is to give a mathematical
interpretation of this diagram and to show how it can be reproduced in mathematical models. It appears
that conventional models in population dynamics are not sucient, and we introduce new models which take
into account local, nonlocal and global consumption of resources, and models with space and time dependent