A.-Read The Sentences and Write Questions With Which As in The Example

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- Read the sentences and write questions with which as in the example
EXAMPLE: We studied lesson two last night.
Which lesson did you study last night?
1.- Ruth bought the red car last wee.

!.- Robert hurt his le"t shoulder yesterday.
#.- $reddy wore a beauti"ul tie to the dance.
%.- We watched &Los 'histosos( show last night.
).- * wore a red and yellow scar" yesterday.
B.- Write the questions to the answers. Use or in the questions. Look at the
EXAMPLE. +o you want co""ee or tea?
* want co""ee.

1.- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
* ,lay tennis.
!.- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
My house is s-all
#.- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
.he lies chicen
%.- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
/he children are ha,,y.
).- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
My brother is young.
C.- Write the ordinal numbers like the example.
1.- !0
1111111111.. !.- %0
#.- !#th1111111111 #.- 1)th 111111111111.
%.- %)
1111111111 ).- 2!th 111111111111
.-!atch questions in column A and answers in column B
----- 1.- Where can * buy -edicine? a.-with water and soa,.
----- !.- 'an * buy shoes at the restaurant? b.- no.3 you get the- at the
. de,art-ent store.
----- #.- Where is your nee? c- with a towel.
---- %.- * need salt and ,e,,er d.- 4ou can get the- at the
grocery store .
----- ).- * wash -y "ace e.-At the drugstore.
----- 5.- and dry -y "ace . ".- 6o3 you can buy the- at the
shoe store.
----- 7.- 'an * get clothes at a drugstore g.- *t8s in -y leg.
----- 2.- 'an you wal with your -outh? h.- 6o3 you can see with -y eyes.
----- 9.- Where can * get a haircut? i.- 6o3 * wal with -y "eet.
---- 10.- 'an * see with -y nose? :.- 4ou can get one at the barber
".- Complete the sentences usin# some or an$
Ernest: *s there 1111 "ruit in the itchen?
;"elia: 6o there isn8t 111. /here is 1111 chicen in the "ridge. 4ou can ha<e
Ernest: 6o3 * don8t want 111.chicen. *s there 11 le-onade?
;"elia: 4es there is 1111le-onade .
Ernest: /he children want111. bread and cheese. *s there 11?
;"elia: 4es there is 11.bread and cheese. *8ll -ae 11 sandwiches "or the-.
$ .- $ill in the blans with the words gi<en
- salt drugstore nec /here
- grocery store eyes water towel
- nose brush hair teeth
- sugar butter tongue "ingers
- barber sho, hurt soa, shoulder
1.- We see with our 111.and s-ell with our 1111..
!.- *nside the -outh we ha<e the 11111.and the 1111.
#.- /he11111 =oins the head to the body-
%.- *n our hand3 we ha<e ten11111.
).- /he 11111..is in our ar-.
5.- Robert 11111.. his leg ,laying soccer. *t8s sore
7.- >enry washes his "ace with11111.and clean11111
2.- And then he dries his "ace with a 11111..
9.-/o- buys -edicine at the 1111 and. rice and sugar at the 1111..
10.- .o"ia. co-bs his 111 with a 111111.
11.- 111. are ten boos on the des.
1!.- Please3 ,ut so-e111 in -y bread and so-e1111in -y co""ee.
1#.- +o you lie to ,ut 1111 in your $rench "ries.
1%.- :esus is going to the 111111.. to get a haircut.
(.- Choose the incorrect word ) a* b* or c+ in the sentence. Look at the example
EXAMPLE /he boys can to swi- in the ri<er . c
A b c
/he answer is c. /he correct sentence is : /he boys can swi- in the ri<er.

1.- /he doctor gi<e :ac -edicine "or his nee. ---------------
a b c
!.- Mr. /orres were your teacher last wee. --------------
a b c
#.- Which sweater does you lie?. --------------
a b c
%. * lie the one green --------------
a b c
).- /he bones and the -uscles is inside the body. ---------------
A b c
5.- :ane hurt his leg at a soccer ga-e --------------
a b c
7.- /here is children in garden. /hey are ,laying. -------------
a b c
2.- +o you lie ,ut ,e,,er in your "ried eggs? --------------
a b c
9.- * don8t want so-e ,e,,er in -y "ried eggs --------------
a b c
10.- ?ob need a haircut. >e goes to the barber sho,. -------------
a b c

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