A Practical Guide To Free Energy' Devices: 4. Energy Can Be Taken From "Permanent" Magnets

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A Practical Guide to Free Energy Devices

Part D4: Last updated 20th J uly 2007 Author: Patrick J . Kelly

4. Energy can be taken from permanent magnets
Howard J ohnson, Nelson Camus, J ohn Newman, Hans Coler

Several motor designs have been published where the motor uses permanent magnets as the motive power. These stir
up an incredible amount of indignation on the part of those who believe that such motors are not possible. Several more
motor designs have been published where the permanent magnets have their operation or position modified by
electromagnets or small electric motors. It is generally conceded that these will work but most people do not believe that
the resulting device will operate as an Over-Unity device. I have never seen a working motor powered by permanent
magnets alone, so I merely present the information to you for your assessment and/or investigation.

One major objection to permanent magnet motors comes from the belief that permanent magnets cant do work. This is
clearly not true. Take the case of a steel ball bearing placed near a strong permanent magnet:

What will happen? As soon as it is released, the ball bearing accelerates towards the magnet and rolls all the way over to
it. Work is being performed, and if you dont believe that, then try pushing a car for a couple of miles. The level of
exhaustion which results from doing that should convince you that work is being done. In addition to the movement, air is
being pushed out of the way as the ball bearing moves. It takes power to push air around. If the magnet is on a board,
then sound will be produced by the ball bearing moving and it takes power to make sounds. If the magnet is powerful, the
ball bearing can be made to roll up a slope to the magnet. In that instance it is especially easy to see that work is being
done since the whole weight of the ball bearing is being raised from its starting position to its finishing position. The
difficult part is to devise a system where this power to do work can be used to drive a useful mechanism.

The single biggest objection to a permanent magnet motor is that the rotor magnets will find a point of magnetic balance
with the stator magnets and lock in a stationary position at that point. This appears to be a perfectly reasonable opinion
to hold. Lets apply some layman common sense to the problem and see if we can come up with at least a reasoned
opinion on the subject. Suppose we have two identical bar magnets, A and B as shown here in Position 1:

Magnet A is held in a plane slightly higher than magnet B so that they do not touch if they pass each other. There are
four forces acting in this position:

The North pole of magnet A is attracted to the South pole of magnet B; this is the largest force in this position.

The North pole of A is repelled by the North pole of B but as they are so far apart, the force is relatively weak.

The South pole of A is repelled by the South pole of B but as they are so far apart, the force is relatively weak.

The South pole of A is Attracted to the North pole of B but as they are so far apart, the force is very weak.

Let us say that these four forces combine to give a composite force shown as F1 in the above diagram. Assuming that
magnet B is a stator magnet which is fixed in position and that magnet A is a rotor magnet which is free to move in a
plane just above magnet B, then, if friction forces are small enough, magnet A will start to move towards magnet B.

As it moves, the forces change. The nett change is an increase in the composite force moving the two magnets towards
each other. However, when the North pole of A reaches a position directly above the South pole of B, the balance of
the forces has changed so much that there is a radically different situation. The momentum of the rotor will carry the
North pole of A just past the South pole of B as shown here:

The resultant force F2 is in the opposite direction and is very large. The North pole of A is strongly attracted backwards
to the South pole of B. The North pole of A is experiencing a serious level of repulsion from the North pole of B. The
South pole of A is also experiencing a serious level of repulsion from the South pole of B. The only force which tends to
keep magnet A moving onwards is the very much weaker attraction force between the South pole of A and the North
pole of B.

In this situation, it is clear that the rotor will rapidly come to rest with the North pole of A directly above the South pole of
B. Even if the rotor is heavy and given a good spin to start the system, with this arrangement, it will still come to rest in
its equilibrium position and not continue to rotate.

It does not necessarily follow that every other arrangement will also do that although an intuitive guess would be that it is
likely to be so. If the stator magnets are much shorter than the rotor magnets and there are two or more rotor magnets
held together in a stepped position there may well be a situation where there is a continuous nett forward force. Many
people have come up with ingenious arrangements for using permanent magnets. These include introducing a magnetic
screen at the moment when a reverse force would be encountered and removing it when the nett forward thrust situation
starts. Other systems move the stator magnets, some on rotating discs, some on rocker arms. Some examples are
given here:

Howard Johnson. Howard J ohnson built, demonstrated and gained US patent 4,151,431 on 24th April 1979, from a
highly sceptical patent office for, his design of a permanent magnet motor. He used powerful but very expensive
Cobalt/Samarium magnets to increase the power output and demonstrated the motor principles for the Spring 1980
edition of Science and Mechanics magazine. His patent is included in this set of documents. His motor configuration is
shown here:

The point that he makes is that the magnetic flux of his motor is always unbalanced, thus producing a continuous
rotational drive. The rotor magnets are joined in stepped pairs, connected by a non-magnetic yoke. The stator magnets
are placed on a mu-metal apron cylinder. Mu-metal is very highly conductive to magnetic flux (and is expensive). The
patent states that the armature magnet is 3.125 (79.4 mm) long and the stator magnets are 1 (25.4 mm) wide, 0.25 (6
mm) deep and 4 (100 mm) long. It also states that the rotor magnet pairs are not set at 120 degrees apart but are
staggered slightly to smooth out the magnetic forces on the rotor. It also states that the air gap between the magnets of
the rotor and the stator are a compromise in that the greater the gap, the smoother the running but the lower the power.
So, a gap is chosen to give the greatest power at an acceptable level of vibration.

Howard considers permanent magnets to be room-temperature superconductors. Presumably, he sees magnetic
material as having electron spin directions in random directions so that their nett magnetic field is near zero until the
electron spins are aligned by the magnetising process which then creates an overall nett permanent magnetic field,
maintained by the superconductive electrical flow.

The magnet arrangement is shown here:

Howard made measurements of the magnetic field strengths and these are shown in the following table:

the magazine article can be seen at http://newebmasters.com/freeenergy/sm-pg48.html.

Howard J ohnson also has other patents. US Patent Number 4,877,983 granted on 31st October 1989 entitled Magnetic
Force-Generating Method and Apparatus shows a method of arranging magnets in a group so that a uni-directional
driving force is produced:

Howard demonstrates the force by placing miniature railway tracks inside the magnet rings and showing that a wheeled
carriage is pushed along the tracks.

His US Patent Number 5,402,021 granted on 28th March 1995 is entitled Magnetic Propulsion System is also for an
arrangement of permanent magnets which generates a continuous linear force:

This shows clearly that while there is a null-point in most permanent magnet arrangements, it is definitely not the case for
every arrangement.

Schools currently teach that the field surrounding a bar magnet is like this:

This is deduced by scattering iron filings on a sheet of paper held near the magnet. Unfortunately, that is not a correct
deduction as the iron filings distort the magnetic field by their presence. More careful measurement shows that the field
actually produced by a bar magnet is like this:

There are many lines of force, although the sketches shown above only show two. The important factor is that there is a
circling field at each corner of the magnet.

It follows then that if a row of magnets is placed at a an angle, then there will be a resulting net field in a single direction.
For example, if the magnets are rotated forty five degrees counter clockwise, then the result could be like this:

Here, the opposing corners of the magnets are lower down and so there should be a net magnetic force thrust path. I
have not tested this myself, but the supposition seems reasonable. If it tests out to be correct, then placing the angled
magnets in a ring rather than a straight line, should create a motor stator which has a continuous one-way net field in a
circular path. Placing a similar ring of angled magnets around the circumference of a rotor disc, should therefore give a
strong rotary movement of the rotor shaft - in other words, a very simple permanent magnet motor.

Something rather like that is shown in David Cunninghams US Patent Number 4,443,776 dated 17th April 1984, where
he uses a bank of wedge-shaped permanent magnets:

to create a series of rotor rings formed in a rather similar way:

The Carousel Permanent Magnet Motor/Generator

US Patent 5,625,241 (document PatD26.pdf) presents the specific details of a simple electrical generator powered by
permanent magnets alone. This generator can also be used as a motor. The construction is not particularly complicated:

It uses an arrangement where permanent magnets are associated with every second coil set around the rotor. Operation
is self-powered and the magnet arrangement is clearly defined:

As are the possible arrangements of the pick-up coils, both high-power, low voltage wiring:

And high voltage low power connections:

And the physical arrangement of the device is not particularly complicated:

This is a patent which is definitely worth reading and considering, especially since it is not a complicated presentation on
the part of the authors, Harold Ewing, Russell Chapman and David Porter. This seemingly very effective generator
appears to be overlooked at the present time.

It seems quite clear that permanent magnet motors are a wholly viable option for the home constructor and they are
capable of substantial power outputs over long periods.

Some people have opted for permanent magnet motors where the field is shielded at the appropriate moment by a
moving component of the motor. For example, Robert Tracy was awarded US Patent Number 3,703,653 on 21st
November 1972 for a Reciprocating Motor with Motion Conversion Means. His device uses magnetic shields placed
between pairs of permanent magnets at the appropriate point in the rotation of the motor shaft:

Motors of this kind are capable of considerable power output. For example, take the very simple motor, originally built
with wood as the main construction material, by Ben Teal who was awarded US Patent Number 4,093,880 in J une 1978.
He found that, using his hands, he could not stop the motor shaft turning in spite of it being a very simple motor design:

The motor operation is as simple as possible with just four switches made from springy metal, pushed by a cam on the
rotor shaft. Each switch just powers its electromagnet when it needs to pull and disconnects it when the pull is
completed. The resulting motor is very powerful and very simple. Additional power can be had by just stacking one or
more additional layers on top of each other. The above diagram shows two layers stacked on top of one another. Only
one set of four switches and one cam is needed no matter how many layers are used, as the solenoids vertically above
each other are wired together in parallel as they pull at the same time.

The power delivered by the Teal motor is an indication of the potential power of a permanent magnet motor which
operates in a rather similar way by moving magnetic shields to get a reciprocating movement.

James E. Jines and James W. Jines were awarded US Patent 3,469,130 on 23rd September 1969 Means for
Shielding and Unshielding Permanent Magnets and Magnetic Motors Utilising the Same:

A permanent magnet, the magnetic field of which may be selectively made effective or ineffective, and a magnetic motor
utilising such magnets arranged in two staggered rings with a method for selectively rendering the magnets operative and
inoperative in successive order to draw a rotor from the field of one magnet to the next successive magnet, thereby
causing the rotor to rotate and drive a power shaft, coupled with means for regulating the speed of rotation of the motor
and the power shaft.

The only prior art of which the applicant is aware are U.S. Letters Patent No. 265,485, 936,503 and 2,779,900.

The invention involves permanent magnets of the bar type completely encased in a material capable of shielding and
containing a magnetic flux field, such as relatively soft metallic material of the group consisting of soft iron, soft steel or
other similar magnetic responsive material with one pole face thereof exposed and a shield of similar shielding material
which may be moved on to the exposed pole to short-circuit the magnetic flux field of the magnet and render the magnet
inoperative as a magnet, or may be moved off of the exposed pole to cause the magnetic flux field to become effective,
together with at least two stators spaced apart in parallel relationship and carrying rings of such magnets facing one
another, the magnets of one ring being staggered with respect to the magnets of the other ring and a rotor rotatably
mounted between the stators, having a soft iron block at one margin for attraction by successive ones of the magnets to
rotate the rotor and its power shaft, and a rotor cam for the successive shielding and unshielding of the magnets in a
circular pattern, together with means for controlling the area of the magnetic poles exposed by the shields.

A construction designed to carry out the invention will now be described, together with other features of the invention.


Fig.1 is a vertical longitudinal, sectional view of a magnetic rotor constructed in accordance with this invention and taken
on the line 1--1 of Fig.2.

Fig.2 is a vertical, cross-sectional view taken on the line 2--2 of Fig.1.

Fig.3 is a vertical, cross-sectional view taken on line 3--3 of Fig.1.

Fig.4 is a vertical, cross-sectional view, partly broken away, taken on line 4--4 of Fig.1.

Fig.5 is a composite, diagrammatic view, illustrating the relationship of the rotor, the stators and the placement of the

Fig.6 is an exploded perspective view showing the mounting of the magnets and their shields.

Fig.7 is an enlarged, fragmentary, composite view taken along line 7--7 of Fig.2.

Fig.8 is a view similar to Fig.7, taken on the line 8--8 of Fig.2.

Fig.9 is an enlarged perspective view, taken from the underside of one of the cam roller guides.

Fig.10 is a view similar to Fig.9, taken from the upper side of the guide.

Fig.11 is an enlarged perspective view of one of the bell-crank fork levers for controlling the areas of the magnet pole
faces exposed.


In the drawings, the numeral 10 designates an elongated, hollow, cylindrical housing, having a right-hand end wall 11 with
a centrally located boss 12. The housing also has a left end wall 13, having a central bearing neck 14, the housing being
divided into two halves 18 and 19, and joined around its centre portion by bolts 15 joining flange 16 formed on the half of
the housing 18 and flange 17 formed the half of the housing 19.

The interiors of the adjoining ends of the two housing halves are cut away circumferentially to form and elongated circular
recess 20 and left and right-hand opposing shoulders 21 and 22. A right-hand circular stator 23 extends transversely of
the right-hand half of the housing 19, abutting the shoulder 22, and being held in position by bolts 24 extending through
the wall of the housing half 19 into the right-hand stator 23. The right-hand stator 23 has an axial, integral collar 25
extending toward the end wall 11 and engaging in a circular recess 26, formed in the boss 12. An offset axial neck 27 is
formed on the opposite face of the right-hand stator 23, and a pair of spaced ball bearings 28 and 29, are positioned at
the left and right-hand ends of the collar 25, the left-hand bearing 28 being received in the offset neck 27, and the right-
hand bearing 29 being received in the recess They are spaced apart and held in position by a spacer sleeve 30.

A left-hand stator 31, is similarly mounted in the left-hand portion 18 of the housing 10, being circular and snugly received
in the recess 20 and held against the shoulder 21 by a plurality of radial bolts 32 extending through the wall of the
housing into the margin of the stator 31. The left-hand stator 31 also has a collar 33, substantially identical to the collar
25 and extending axially towards the end wall 13 with its end received in a circular recess 34 formed in the inner face of
the end wall 13 aligned axially with the neck 14. The left-hand stator 31 also has an offset neck portion 35 on its inner
face, facing the left-hand stator 23, and left and right-hand ball bearings 36 and 37 are received in the left and right-hand
ends of the collar 33, the left-hand bearing 36 being received in the recess 34 and the right-hand bearing 37 being
received in the offset neck 35. Again, a spacer sleeve 38, spaces the two bearings apart and holds them in position.

A rotating power shaft 40 is located in the bearings 28, 29, 36 and 37, extending through the sleeves 30 and 38, and
having its right-hand end 41, reduced in diameter and received in the bearing 29, projecting into a second small,
cylindrical recess 42 formed in the centre of recess 26, and its left-hand end extending through a bearing sleeve 43 in the
neck 14 and projecting out of the housing 10. This shaft is provided with splines 44 for receiving a suitable drive pulley,
gear or other means, its left-hand extremity 45 being screw-threaded to take a retaining nut (not shown). This power
shaft 40 therefore has a bearing mount in the housing and in the two stators 23 and 31 and has a power take-off end
projecting external to the housing.

A circular rotor 46, made from a non-magnetic material, has an axial hub 47 mounted upon the power shaft 40 and
suitably keyed into it as indicated by the dotted lines at 48 in Fig.1 and in solid lines at 49 in Fig.2, a set-screw 50, shown
in Fig.3, further anchoring the key in position so that the rotor 46 revolves with, and causes the power shaft 40 to revolve.
The rotor 46 has a pair of magnetically responsive blocks 51 and 52, formed for instance, from soft iron or steel,
projecting from its right and left-hand faces, at one margin, in close proximity to the stators 23 and 31, and a suitable non-
magnetic counterweight 53 at the diametrically opposite margin.

The stators have rings of heavy, permanent, bar-type magnets embedded in suitable sockets formed in the stators. The
magnets 54 of the right-hand stator 23 being symmetrically positioned at 45 degree spacings around the margin of the
stator as shown in Fig.2, the magnets 55 of the left-hand stator 31 being also symmetrically positioned around the margin
of the stator, but being offset or staggered by 22.5 degrees with respect to the magnets 54. Of course, greater or lesser
numbers of magnets may be used at different spacings depending on the size of the magnets and the diameter of the

Only one pole face 56 of each of the magnets is exposed, and as shown in Fig.6, the stators have upper and lower
flanges 57 and 58, adjoining the pole faces 56 so that only the pole faces and a small area 59 of the side walls of the
magnets can be exposed. The stators 23 and 31 are formed of a suitable material such as soft iron, soft steel or other
similar magnetic responsive material so as to short-circuit or shield the magnetic field of the magnets, and as will be
explained, similar shields are adapted to be moved into place covering the pole faces 56 and the sidewall areas 59 of the
magnets to completely short-circuit the magnet, this shielding it and closing off its magnetic field or field of magnetic flux.
The stators 23 and 31 thus form casings surrounding each magnet 54 and 55 except for the exposed poles 56.

The shielding includes an offset angle 60 mounted at each side of the magnets. The angle members 60 thus provide
grooves facing the sidewalls 59 of the magnets. These grooves receive the flanges 61 carried on the forward ends of
wings 62 provided at the margins of shields 63 suitably mounted on elongated actuating rods 64. The shields 63 are
sufficiently thick to hold and close, or contain entirely, the magnetic flux fields, and the bars or rods 64 are of such length
and are connected to the shields 63 in any suitable manner so as to permit the soft iron blocks 51 and 52 to pass as
closely as possible to the magnets 54 and 55. Thus, as the shields 63 with their wings 62 are moved by the rods 64 on
and off the pole faces 56 and side faces 59 of the magnets 54 and 55, the exposed pole faces of the magnet are
alternately exposed and covered. This causes the magnetic field of each magnet to function when the magnetic shield is
removed and to become ineffective when the shield is positioned completely over the magnet. The rods 64 can slide
backwards and forwards in their brackets 65 mounted on the stators 23 and 31, one of the brackets 65 being provided for
each of the actuating rods 64.

The hub 47 of the rotor 46 carries on its left and right end faces, circular cam elements 66 and 68, shown in Fig.2, and
indicated schematically as dotted lines in Fig.5. These are essentially circular in contour, the cam 66 having a radial
notch 67 of some 45 degrees extent, and similar cam disk 68 mounted upon the opposite end of the hub 47 having a
similar radial notch 69 of about 45 degrees in extent, but offset or staggered approximately 22.5 degrees from the notch
67 in a direction opposite to the direction of rotation of the rotor 46, as shown in Fig.5. Again, the extent of the notches
and their relative staggering are subject to much variation.

Additional guides for the bars 64 are provided in the form of yoke brackets 70, adapted to be secured to the stators 23
and 31 by suitable bolts 71 and having a pair of dependent legs 72 which straddle the cams 66 and 68 and between
which the cams revolve. The bracket members 70 have square guide openings 73 (Fig.10) in their upper ends for
reception of the rods or bars 64 in interval grooves 73 for further guiding of the bars. Each bar 64 has a roller 73 on its
inner end engaging the peripheries of the cams 66 and 68 and constantly urged against the peripheries of the cams by
coiled springs 74 confined on the bars 64 between the brackets 65 and the circular flanges 75 securely mounted upon the
bars 64. Thus, the shields 63 overlie or cover all of the magnets at all times except when the cam roller 73 of one
particular shield is engaged in the notch 67 or notch 69.

In the operation of the machine, the rotor 46 is given an initial degree of rotation as though the exposed end of the power
shaft 40, and as the cams 66 and 68 revolve with the rotor, the magnets will be successfully covered and uncovered so
that their magnetic force continues to drive the rotor by successfully attracting the magnetic masses 51 and 52 to
successive magnets. Thus, as shown in Fig.5, the magnetic mass 52 will just have been drawn over the magnet A of
stator 31 which will then be covered by upper movement of its shield by the cam 66, and at the same time, magnet B of
the stator 23 will have been uncovered by the cam 68 bringing into effect the magnetic field of magnet B which will draw
the mass 51 to it over a distance of, in this instance, 22.5 degrees of rotation, after which, as rotation of the rotor
continues, magnet B is covered and magnet C of the stator 31 is uncovered, drawing the rotor a further 22.5 degrees.
Thus, successive coverings and uncoverings of these anchored magnets arranged in two circular rings is employed to
drive the rotor in a circular path and to deliver power to the power shaft 40. Permanent magnets of Aluminium-Nickel-
Cobalt alloy (Al-Ni-Co) which can lift as much as eighty times their own weight, are now available. Since permanent
magnets may now be made quite strong and with extensive useful lives, it is apparent that considerable power may be
developed with a purely magnetic motor.

It is particularly noted that any number of sets of the opposed stators with a rotor between, may be connected to a single
shaft in a single housing and the delivered power thus multiplied to any desired extent. This successive magnetic
attraction of the masses 51 and 52 is schematically illustrated in Fig.7 and Fig.8, Fig.7 showing the mass 51 having been
attracted to one of the magnets 54 whose shield 63 has been lifted into position to cut off or shield the magnet as shown
in Fig.2 and Fig.7, an intervening magnet of the stator 31 having next been covered and uncovered for drawing the mass
52 and the rotor further in a circular path. Then, the next magnet 54 of the stator 23 is uncovered (Fig.8) while the mass
51 is approaching the same so that the magnetic field of the sidewall portion 59 together with the magnet pole face 56
which has been uncovered or unshielded, will draw the mass 51 and the rotor further on their course.

It is quite obvious that the rotor will rotate in either direction, depending on the direction in which the power shaft 40 is
given its initial rotation, since the shielding and unshielding of the magnets merely takes place in reverse order.

In order to provide a speed control for the motor, means are included for controlling the extent or areas of the magnets
which are shielded or unshielded, thus increasing or decreasing the magnetic fields and speeding up or slowing down the
motor accordingly. This means includes a longitudinal shaft 76 having an operating handle 77 at its exposed end and
extending the length of the housing 10, and enclosed externally in a small auxiliary housing 78 and parallel to the power
shaft 40. In alignment with the collar 25 of the stator 23, the shaft 76 carries a mitre gear 79, and a transverse shaft 80 is
trunnioned in the sidewalls of the housing half 19 overlying the collar 25. The shaft 80, has a mitre gear 81 meshing with
the gear 79, and the shaft 80 carries a depending fork 82 having fingers 83 engaging in the circular groove 84 of a
circular disc 85 slidably mounted on the collar 25 on a bearing sleeve 86.

A similar structure is provided in the half 18 of the housing 10 and is shown in full lines in Fig.4, the shaft 76 carrying a
mitre gear above the collar 33 or the stator 31. Again, a shaft 90 is trunnioned in the housing half 18 and has secured to
it a depending yoke 91 having pins 92 engaging in a circular groove 93 of a circular disc 94 slidably mounted on the collar
33 on a bearing sleeve 95. It is obvious that rotation of the shaft 76 by the handle 77 will cause the yokes 82 and 91 to
swing in opposite directions toward or away from their respective stators and move the discs 85 and 94 accordingly.

For each of the permanent magnets of both stators, the discs 85 and 94 have ears 96 projecting from them toward the
stators and being pivotally connected by links 97 to the short arms 98 of bell-crank levers 99 which extend through
openings 100 in the stators in alignment with the bars 64. The bell-crank levers are pivotally mounted in ears 100 on the
stators. As shown in Fig.11, the bell-crank levers 99 have forked inner ends 101 which straddle the bars 64 and function
to engage the rings 75 to limit longitudinal movement of the bars and the extent to which the permanent magnets are
uncovered. This if the inner ends of forks 101 of the bell-crank levers are moved longitudinally on the bars 64 towards the
shield plates 63, and though they do not normally engage the flanges 75, they will limit the extent to which the shield
plates can move downwards as the roller of one of the bars enters one of the cam notches, and hence limit the extent to
which the bar may move downwards and the extent to which the magnet shield is moved downwards. By means of this
control, greater or lesser areas of the magnetic flux fields are controlled and thus the speed of the motor is adjusted. Of
course, by adjusting the bell-crank levers 99 all the way towards the shields, the motor will be stopped entirely.

In order to introduce lubricant into the interior of the motor as well as to facilitate the assembly of certain portions of the
motor, and access plate 102 is provided in the upper side of each housing halves 18 and 19, and oil drain plugs 103 are
provided in the bottom of each housing half. Further, the stator 23 has openings 104 in its lower margin, through which
lubricating oil may flow to and from the space between the stators. Any desired oil level may be carried within the interior
of the cam housing.

The motor will operate in any position, but normally it operates in the horizontal position shown, being supported on the
radial brackets 105 shown in Fig.2 and Fig.4.

The shields 63, the blocks 51 and 52 and the magnets 54 and 55 may be of any suitable shape and size.


This is a very interesting design of magnetic motor, especially since it does not call for any materials which are not readily
available from many suppliers. It also has the advantage of not needing any form of exact adjustment or balancing of
magnetic forces to make it operate.

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