Infinitive or Gerund

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TASK 1. Fill in the gaps with the necessary form of the verb from the brackets. Add
prepositions if necessary.
1. Sheila is very good ____________ (to listen) to the childrens problems.
2. Students sometimes expect their teachers ___________ (to do) all their work or them!
". Stella got stuck in a traic #am on the way to the dentists and $m araid she kept him
_________ (to wait) or hal an hour.
%. &hen $ was having dinner $ watched our cat __________ (to play) with her kittens.
'. (ter a long time )ames persuaded his brother ___________ (to take) him or a meal at
a local restaurant.
*. $ heard +avid __________ (to sing) in the bath , it did sound unny!
-. .heir parents encourage them ___________ (to develop) their talents in music and art.
/. .he sergeant expected the soldiers __________ (to obey) every command.
0. 1nortunately nowadays people are getting used to ___________ (to watch) violent
ilms on .2.
13. 4argarets employer always avoids __________ (to make) unpleasant decisions.
11. .he children in the 5ernel amily are used to ___________ (to get) and not to
___________(to give).
12. +entists recommend ____________ (to brush) our teeth ater each meal.
1". $n my youth $ used to __________ (to eat) anything $ wanted but now $ have
__________ (to be) careul.
1%. $ had my tailor ___________ (to shorten) the sleeves o my new #acket.
1'. 4any people en#oy ___________ (to watch) television instead o ____________ (to
discover) the world o their own.
1*. +o you think people ___________(to commit) terrible crimes such as murder should
be legally executed6
1-. .he thie crept into the house without ___________ (to be seen) by anyone.
1/. .he bad weather prevented them rom ___________ (to continue) with the
construction o the dam.
10. .heir mother never makes them ___________ (to do) anything they dont want to.
23. .his method hasnt worked. $ suggest you ___________ (to try) another method.
21. 7et the cake ___________ (to cool) beore ___________ (to put) on the icing.
22. .he speaker kept on ___________(to talk) even ater most o the audience had let the
2". 4any people have ob#ected to ___________ (to pay) the increased taxes on their
2%. 8e would rather _____________ (to work) on a arm than in the oice.
2'. $ts very cold in here. &ould you mind ___________ (to close) the window6
2*. $d better not ____________ (to go) to the movies. $ have too much homework
__________ (to do).
2-. .here is a statistical study ____________ (to indicate) that the number o crimes has
2/. 4any people ____________ (to have) dierent views ask why capital punishment
should be abolished.
20. 8e doesnt even bother ___________(to read) letters9 let alone ___________ (to
answer) them.
TASK 2. Rewrite the sentences using the correct form of participles or gerund. Follow the
Example. :ecause she was tired9 5atie went to bed. ; <eeling tired9 5atie went to bed.
1. 8e was sitting in the garden and he was drinking his tea.
2. (ter )anet had made dinner9 she called the children.
". .he boy who is standing by the door is my brother.
%. Simon cut his hand while he was chopping some wood.
'. +onna had a shower beore she went to bed.
*. :ecause we were late9 we took a taxi.
-. =ary opened the window and breathed the resh air.
/. She was lying on her bed and she was reading a book.
0. .he #ewels which were taken by the thieves were very valuable.
13. (my picked up her pen and started to write the letter.
11. .he man who is walking towards us is a relative o mine.
12. (ter the teacher had explained the exercise9 he asked the students to do it.
1". :ecause she had orgotten to take her purse9 she had to borrow some money rom a
1%. Since $ had no reply to my letter $ sent )ohn a telegram.
1'. (s he had lived in <rance or ' years9 =eorge knew <rench >uite well.
1*. (s ?atrick did not know about the danger lying ahead9 he was perectly calm.
1-. (ter some people showed us the way to the cottage9 we ound it very soon.
1/. :ecause the book was written by a popular writer it was a great success.
10. (s Simon orgot to wind the alarm clock he overslept.
23. (s +erek was pressed or time he did not have breakast.
21. :ecause .eresa let her credit cards at home she was not able to pay in the
22. (s 7ily did not ind the time o the departure she missed her train to =lasgow.
2". (s the puppy was brought by the youngest and most avourite son o the head o the
amily9 he was allowed to live in the house.
TASK 3. Fill in the necessary form of the verbal.
1. 4any people endeavor _________ (to learn) another language.
2. @ur instructor avoided _________ (to say) yes or no to our >uestions about the >uiA.
". $ hope that you do not resent my _________ (to telephone) at this early hour.
%. &ould you care _________(to come) shopping with us6
'. =eorge is considering _________ (to buy) a house.
*. .he man who changed my lat tire reused _________ (to accept) any payment or
doing so.
-. $ keep on _________ (to think) about your idea or a book.
/. Bveryone at the party seemed _________ (to en#oy) themselves.
0. Bllen suggested our not _________(to go) out this evening.
13. 4ost o my riends have >uitted _________ (to smoke).
11. &e have missed _________ (to see) you lately.
12. &ill you promise not _________(to tell) my news until tomorrow6
1". +o you oten practice _________ (to speak) $talian6
1%. 4r. 5eith denied _________ (to be) the anonymous donor o a large git o money to
the library.
1'. .he manuacturer o this cassette guarantees _________ (to give) your money back i
you are not satisied.
1*. ?atricia barely escaped _________ (to all) over a cli on a hike last week.
1-. $ happened _________ (to run across) an old riend yesterday.
1/. &e have chosen not _________(to take) a trip next summer.
10. ?hilip always postpones _________ (to make) decisions.
23. ( student demanded _________ (to speak) to the head librarian about an overdue book
21. 8ave you inished _________ (to study) or the test tomorrow6
22. ?lease do not hesitate __________ (to ask) or anything you need.
2". )ohn resisted _________ (to go) out or a walk until he inished his studying.
2%. $ am sorry that $ ailed _________ (to answer) your letter promptly.
2'. &ayne en#oys ___________ (to invite) to parties by his riends.
TASK 4. Paraphrase the sentences given below so that to use any form of verbal. Follow the
Example. &e are sorry we are so late. ; &e are sorry to be so late.
1. $ am araid $ might have an accident i $ go to the mountains with you.
2. ?lease tell us whether we should wait or you or not.
". :e careul9 you are going to drop that bottle.
%. .he accused insist that they are innocent.
'. $ cannot understand why you behaved so oolishly yesterday.
*. 8enry promised he would buy me a bunch o roses.
-. (nyone who wishes to take a photograph o the view may do so when we come to the
next stop.
/. =oods that have been in any way damaged in transit must be returned to the actory at
0. $t seems to me you have changed your mind about )oe since you met his motherCinClaw.
13. &hen $ receive your application $ will deal with your case at once.
11. .here will be time to discuss that ater you have been elected.
12. Smith was a lawyer by training9 but when he was orced to be a soldier9 he was a very
good soldier.
1". )ackson was asked i he could explain why he was absent on 4onday9 but he could give
no answer that was satisactory.
1%. +o not orget you must deposit your key at the reception desk when you leave the hotel.
1'. $ you work through this book systematically9 you can learn how you can use the Bnglish
verb more eiciently.

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