Track: Decision Analytics, Mobile Services and Service Science

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Minitrack: Open Data Services

Across time, the world has gone through many revolutions, but the information
revolution fueled by open data and network effects is the largest shift in power. This
fundamental shift in power from 'the high priests to the people will give birth to new
industries, topple governments and transform the world as we know it.
Mr. Vivek Kundra, HICSS-45 Keynote Speaker

Opening of government and private data will transform the way we produce, aggregate
and consume data in ways yet unimaginable. As the available data stack grows, we can
see the proliferation of innovative new services on many areas (e.g. traffic, news etc.)
based on two key trends: the opening of the vast data resources collected by authorities
and different governmental units, and the increasing availability of new open sensor data
(for example, from mobile devices).

Until recently, this movement has been the domain of computer science and key issues
have focused on technical availability and data format standards that enable linking the
data. Now, we are moving into an era of consuming that data that is creating novel
opportunities and challenges for the creation of new services. This calls for research
from various disciplines, including at least information systems science, service science,
marketing and computer science to better understand these opportunities and

As HICSS is addressing leading edge developments, we especially encourage
submissions of papers describing innovative services created by employing open data.
We seek research papers, case studies, and practitioner reports related to the
publication of the open data sets followed by new service development and their
implications. Of special interest are novel applications of available open data in various
domains, such as, preventive healthcare, traffic, media, and travel, to name a few.

The minitrack also provides a venue to present findings, create future research
collaborations of the emerging phenomenon and, debate the future of open data based
services. Furthermore, we are interested in hybrid models and aggregation usage of
both open and proprietary data sets in unison to develop new services.

We welcome studies employing either qualitative or quantitative research methods, as
well as design research. Relevant topics for this minitrack include (but are not limited

Services consuming open data
Location and sensor data based services
Peer production of data
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Privacy issues related to open data and open data services
Aggregation of open and proprietary data

Developer community-driven open data service development
Business value of open data services
Business model destruction/creation caused by open data
Open data service ecosystems
Novel approaches to development of open data applications
Mi ni track Leaders
Juho Li ndman (pri mary contact)

Matti Rossi

Virpi Kri sti i na Tuunai nen

Juho Li ndman is assistant professor of information systems science in the Hanken
School of Economics in Helsinki. J uho defended his doctoral dissertation focusing on
open source software development organization in the Aalto University School of
Economics in Helsinki 2011. In the field of information systems science, his current
research is focused in the areas of open data, open source software development and
organizational change.

Matti Rossi is professor of information systems at Aalto University School of
Economics. He has worked as research fellow at Erasmus University Rotterdam, visiting
assistant professor at Georgia State University, Atlanta and visiting researcher at
Claremont Graduate University. He has been the principal investigator in several major
research projects funded by the technological development center of Finland and
Academy of Finland.
He is the editor in chief of Communications of the AIS and senior editor of J AIS and
Database. His research papers have appeared in journals such as MIS Quarterly,
Journal of AIS, Information and Management and Information Systems, and over thirty of
them have appeared at conferences such as ICIS, HICSS and CAiSE.

Virpi Kri sti i na Tuunai nen is professor of information systems science at the
Department of Information and Service Economy of Aalto University School of
Economics, and director of Aalto University Service Factory. Her research focuses on
ICT enabled or enhanced services, electronic and mobile business models, and
economics of IS. Her work has appeared in journals, such as, MIS Quarterly,
Communications of the ACM, Journal of Management Information Systems, Journal of
Strategic Information Systems, Information & Management and Information Society, and
in conferences, such as, HICSS and ECIS.

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