High Voltage Cable
High Voltage Cable
High Voltage Cable
Nexans Norway AS
For more than eighty years, Nexans Norway AS – formerly Standard Telefon og Kabelfabrik AS (STK) – has been
the principal supplier of power cables in Norway. These eight decades have seen enormous development of the
country´s hydropower resources. Today, Norway´s consumption of electricity per capita is higher than that of
any other country in the world.
Most of the hydro-electric power stations are located in the mountains, whereas the main centres of population
are in the lowland and coastal regions. Consequently, hydropower development has been accompanied by the
growth of an extensive power grid for the transmission and distribution of electricity.
Underground and submarine cables are important components in the power grid. Over the years, Nexans
Norway has acquired vast experience in manufacturing and installing power cable systems.
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Cable technology in the forefront
The Halden plant is the main plant The Halden plant is equipped for In 1994, an entirely new production
of Nexans Norway and is the handling cables of extra long length line for XLPE cables was put into
competence center for high-voltage and heavy weight. The plant´s layout operation.
submarine power cables and and processes are designed to meet
umbilicals within Alcatel´s cable all special manufacturing and The extrusion of XLPE is performed
activities. At this plant, research and handling requirements for large, high- in a tower over 100 meters high.
development are carried out on voltage cables and umbilicals, and The extrusion of the conductor screen,
a comprehensive array of power the facility is currently able to produce insulation and insulation screen is
cables. cables with conductors up to 2,500 performed in a single operation
mm2, and paper-insulated cables for utilizing four extruders and one
The plant, located on the Oslofjord, voltages up to 765 kV AC. extruder head. The curing and
was built for the production of the cooling take place in a dry
company´s first Skagerrak cables in atmosphere of pressurized nitrogen.
the early 1970´s. Since its erection,
it has continuously been enlarged and Special attention is given to the
upgraded in order to accommodate handling of materials, particularly in
developments in the field of paper- respect to cleanliness. The raw
insulated high-voltage cables for AC material is fed into the extruder
and DC applications, as well as for through a completely closed system.
the production of high-voltage XLPE In the manufacturing of high-voltage
(cross-linked polyethylene) insulated cables, a special super-clean grade of
cables, composite cables and material is employed in order to
umbilicals for the offshore industry. ensure the highest degree of purity.
With a flexible layout and the most
modern and efficient production
machinery, the Halden plant supplies
the most competitive cable system
solutions to power utilities and the
offshore industry the world over.
Nexans Norway´s standard range of Nexans Norway will design a total It is the policy of Nexans Norway to
cables and accessories are designed cable system to fit any customer need, conduct all operations in accordance
in accordance with national and and will take full responsibility for its with the best-known safety practices in
international specifications, but we functioning. The company completes order to prevent accidents. This policy
are fully prepared to design and the entire job – start to finish – from is relevant to personnel, environments,
supply cable systems to customer erecting the termination site, trenches, products and working equipment. All
requirements. foundations and buildings as activities will be performed in
required, to completing all electrical compliance with prevailing legislation
In order to make the appropriate installations necessary. regarding health, safety and working
choice of technical solution, the environments.
following parameters should be given Nexans Norway employs an engi-
as early as possible: neering staff of some 250 specialists Although the prime responsibility for
in the design and installation depart- safe operation rests with management,
1. Rated voltage. ments and in its laboratories. all Alcatel units consider the promotion
2. Maximum operating voltages. The company offers a wealth of of accident prevention and health
3. Insulation level (impulse withstand experience gained from research and preservation to be a major priority for
voltage). development put to test during project employees at every level. Therefore,
4. Short-cut circuit current: Transient executions around the world. awareness programs and a positive
value and steady state value (root attitude towards safety are important
mean square) referred to a specific For any high-voltage cable project, for all members of staff and
duration. Nexans Norway is the natural choice management.
5. Transmitted power at rated voltage. as a turn-key partner.
6. Sketch giving dimensions, showing
layout and profile of the complete
cable alignment. Quality
7. Method of laying, thermal
conditions, site conditions. Nexans Norway has established
8. Standards. quality systems to ensure that deliveries
meet agreed specifications and
Adjustment to local conditions and statutory requirements, and satisfy the
specific installation sites is our needs of customers and internal users.
speciality, based on our experience The quality systems used in all
from all over the world. activities leading to the delivery of
products and services are certified by
an accredited body (DNV) to conform
to the standard BS EN ISO 9001: 1994.
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XLPE cables
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A few examples of installations
To date, Nexans Norway has manufactured more than 50.000 phase-km of XLPE cables, ranging
from 12 to 300 kV, for use in Norway. Nearly 2200 km are for voltages higher than 24 kV.
Norway's first 300 kV XLPE insulated cable link was commissioned as early as in 1980. The worlds
largest submarine XLPE cable has been manufactured and installed by Nexans Norway in 1995
between the mainland and an offshore oil platform at the Troll field.
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Oil-filled cables
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A few examples of installations
The topograhy of Norway is such that cables often have to be laid along routes with large
differences of level, and we have installed 36 - 420 kV cables with static pressures varying from
30 kp/cm2 at one end to 0.2 kp/cm2 at the other end. Systems of this kind have been installed at
several underground power stations in Norway. Our wide experience in the field of oil-filled cables
formed the basis for major export contracts including vertical shaft installations. A few examples
are given here:
TVA, Racoon Mountain City of Oslo
In 1976 Nexans Norway installed 14 In the late 1960s, the steady rise in
SCOF 161 kV 3250 MCM (1647 Oslo´s peak load necessitated
mm2) cables at Racoon Mountain reinforcement of the links between
Pumped Storage Plant near substations around the city. In 1969,
Chattanooga, for the Tennessee 2000 m2 aluminium conductor cables
Valley Authority. Average route length operating at 300 kV were installed as
between switchyard and powerhouse a part of the main feeder around
is 640 m, with a 305 m vertical shaft. Oslo. The 9 km installation was
divided into three separate hydraulic
PG&E, Helms Project, California sections and seven crossbonding
In 1981/82 Nexans Norway sections.
installed 10 single-core, oil-filled 230
kV 2000 MCM (1013 mm2) cables Singapore
for Pacific Gas & Electric Co at Helms In 1984/86 Nexans Norway
Pumped Storage Plant in the Sierra installed four circuits of 230 kV oil-
Nevadas. The cables connect the filled power cables in a tunnel
switchyard and the powerhouse and beneath the busy shipping channel of
are installed in a 300 m vertical shaft. East Jurong Fairway, from Seraya to
Average route length is 450 m. The the main island of Singapore. Each
operating pressure of the cables is 30 circuit, comprising three cables with
bar. 2000 mm2 copper conductors
transmits 500 KVA.
PLN, Jakarta, Indonesia
In the period 1983 to 1985 Nexans The cables were installed without
Norway installed two double circuit joints. The 2.6 km lengths were
routes with 150 kV cables in Jakarta, transported in 150-tonnes steel
9.3 km and 5.6 km route length baskets and pulled into the tunnel by
respectively, requiring a total of 94.8 means of 60 synchronized pulling
km of cable. The routes go through machines along cable ducts cast in
very congested areas, generally with a the tunnel floor. To perform this
high water table, putting installation exacting task, Nexans Norway
performance to the test. Installation of employed a technique specially
a third double circuit route, approx. developed for projects of this kind.
12 km long was completed in 1990.
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Development for future needs
High-voltage laboratory
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Cable accessories and
installation services
We supply purpose-designed
accessories for each particular cable
system. All our accessories are
manufactured and tested in accor-
dance with international recommen-
dations (mainly IEC). As essential
components of transmission systems,
their quality is of the utmost impor-
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A full range cable supplier