High Voltage Cable

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The key takeaways are that Nexans Norway has been supplying power cables in Norway for over 80 years and has vast experience in manufacturing and installing cable systems. It operates several plants that produce cables for power transmission and distribution as well as communication cables.

Nexans Norway produces high-voltage power cables, umbilicals, fibre optic cables, heating cables, and low voltage cables up to 1kV. Some of their special products include halogen-free safety cables, repeaterless submarine fibre-optic cables, and dynamic umbilicals for remotely operated vehicles.

Nexans Norway has continuously upgraded and modernized its plants and production lines to adapt to developments in cable technology. It has invested in new equipment and facilities to improve efficiency and flexibility while maintaining strict quality control and product development.

High Voltage Cables

Nexans Norway AS

Cable installation in Lofoten in 1961

For more than eighty years, Nexans Norway AS – formerly Standard Telefon og Kabelfabrik AS (STK) – has been
the principal supplier of power cables in Norway. These eight decades have seen enormous development of the
country´s hydropower resources. Today, Norway´s consumption of electricity per capita is higher than that of
any other country in the world.

Most of the hydro-electric power stations are located in the mountains, whereas the main centres of population
are in the lowland and coastal regions. Consequently, hydropower development has been accompanied by the
growth of an extensive power grid for the transmission and distribution of electricity.

Underground and submarine cables are important components in the power grid. Over the years, Nexans
Norway has acquired vast experience in manufacturing and installing power cable systems.

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Nexans Norway AS
Cable technology in the forefront
Design and engineering
XLPE cables
A few examples of installations
Oil-filled cables
Cable design
A few examples of installations
Development for future needs
Research and development
Cable accessories and installation services
A full range cable supplier

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Cable technology in the forefront

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The Halden plant Paper-insulated cables XLPE insulated cables

The Halden plant is the main plant The Halden plant is equipped for In 1994, an entirely new production
of Nexans Norway and is the handling cables of extra long length line for XLPE cables was put into
competence center for high-voltage and heavy weight. The plant´s layout operation.
submarine power cables and and processes are designed to meet
umbilicals within Alcatel´s cable all special manufacturing and The extrusion of XLPE is performed
activities. At this plant, research and handling requirements for large, high- in a tower over 100 meters high.
development are carried out on voltage cables and umbilicals, and The extrusion of the conductor screen,
a comprehensive array of power the facility is currently able to produce insulation and insulation screen is
cables. cables with conductors up to 2,500 performed in a single operation
mm2, and paper-insulated cables for utilizing four extruders and one
The plant, located on the Oslofjord, voltages up to 765 kV AC. extruder head. The curing and
was built for the production of the cooling take place in a dry
company´s first Skagerrak cables in atmosphere of pressurized nitrogen.
the early 1970´s. Since its erection,
it has continuously been enlarged and Special attention is given to the
upgraded in order to accommodate handling of materials, particularly in
developments in the field of paper- respect to cleanliness. The raw
insulated high-voltage cables for AC material is fed into the extruder
and DC applications, as well as for through a completely closed system.
the production of high-voltage XLPE In the manufacturing of high-voltage
(cross-linked polyethylene) insulated cables, a special super-clean grade of
cables, composite cables and material is employed in order to
umbilicals for the offshore industry. ensure the highest degree of purity.
With a flexible layout and the most
modern and efficient production
machinery, the Halden plant supplies
the most competitive cable system
solutions to power utilities and the
offshore industry the world over.

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Design and engineering

Power transmission systems are of vital importance, and it is

essential that they should function reliably year in and year out.
Since 1915, when we entered the power cable field, we have
been continuously engaged in cable production and the planning
and construction of power links spanning some of the most
difficult terrain in the world – trackless mountains, deep fjords
and wide expanses of open sea. In these projects we have Nexans Norway offers a complete
gained unequalled experience, which has helped us to devise range of cable designs -
oil-filled, mass-impregnated and XLPE
efficient and reliable designs and processes to the benefit of our insulated for voltages from 1 kV to
customers. 525 kV. We also supply a full range
of cable system accessories including
joints and terminations. We can
undertake complete deliveries
including cable laying and electrical
installation with full turn-key

Public utilities all over the world now

look to Norway for high voltage
cables and for the solution of their
problems in designing complete cable
systems. They know that Nexans
Norway means professional

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Husmo Foto
Engineering Turnkey capability Health, safety and environment

Nexans Norway´s standard range of Nexans Norway will design a total It is the policy of Nexans Norway to
cables and accessories are designed cable system to fit any customer need, conduct all operations in accordance
in accordance with national and and will take full responsibility for its with the best-known safety practices in
international specifications, but we functioning. The company completes order to prevent accidents. This policy
are fully prepared to design and the entire job – start to finish – from is relevant to personnel, environments,
supply cable systems to customer erecting the termination site, trenches, products and working equipment. All
requirements. foundations and buildings as activities will be performed in
required, to completing all electrical compliance with prevailing legislation
In order to make the appropriate installations necessary. regarding health, safety and working
choice of technical solution, the environments.
following parameters should be given Nexans Norway employs an engi-
as early as possible: neering staff of some 250 specialists Although the prime responsibility for
in the design and installation depart- safe operation rests with management,
1. Rated voltage. ments and in its laboratories. all Alcatel units consider the promotion
2. Maximum operating voltages. The company offers a wealth of of accident prevention and health
3. Insulation level (impulse withstand experience gained from research and preservation to be a major priority for
voltage). development put to test during project employees at every level. Therefore,
4. Short-cut circuit current: Transient executions around the world. awareness programs and a positive
value and steady state value (root attitude towards safety are important
mean square) referred to a specific For any high-voltage cable project, for all members of staff and
duration. Nexans Norway is the natural choice management.
5. Transmitted power at rated voltage. as a turn-key partner.
6. Sketch giving dimensions, showing
layout and profile of the complete
cable alignment. Quality
7. Method of laying, thermal
conditions, site conditions. Nexans Norway has established
8. Standards. quality systems to ensure that deliveries
meet agreed specifications and
Adjustment to local conditions and statutory requirements, and satisfy the
specific installation sites is our needs of customers and internal users.
speciality, based on our experience The quality systems used in all
from all over the world. activities leading to the delivery of
products and services are certified by
an accredited body (DNV) to conform
to the standard BS EN ISO 9001: 1994.

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XLPE cables

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XLPE cables

In 1967 the first power cables with XLPE (cross-linked poly-

ethylene) insulation were installed in Norway for voltages of
12 and 24 kV replacing power cables insulated with PVC
(polyvinylchloride), polyethylene and mass-impregnated paper.
Experience in design, development and service rapidly proved
their reliability. For 12 and 24 kV XLPE cables the statistics show
approx. 0.09 failures per 100 three-phase circuit km per year; The basic advantages of XLPE
a remarkably low figure compared with other countries. Also for insulated power cables may be
summarized as follows: Because of
higher voltages the service experience is very good. This fact the cross-linking the XLPE insulation
together with research and development of materials and can be designed for a maximum
conductor temperature of 90° C and
processes has shown that technology is ready for cables at a short circuit temperature of 250° C.
420 kV and even higher voltages. The extruded insulation has excellent
electrical properties including low
dielectric losses and allow use of
simplified solutions for joints and
terminations compared to oil filled
cables. Thanks to the elimination of a
liquid impregnant the XLPE cables are
well suited for cable routes with
differences in elevation requiring only
standard terminations at both ends.
Good mechanical properties and
light weight compared with oil filled
cables simplify the installation work.

The key process in XLPE cable

manufacture is the extrusion of the
insulation system. Ever since the
introduction of XLPE insulated power
cables in 1967 Nexans Norway has
applied the insulation in a vertical
extrusion line. In the beginning the
conductor screen and the insulation
were extruded in a tandem operation
with cross-linking process based on
steam curing and water cooling.
In 1979, as a result of development
in process and material technology,
a new vertical extrusion line was
installed incorporating triple extrusion
of conductor screen, insulation and
insulation screen in one extruder head.

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Curing and cooling was changed to Cable design All submarine cables for voltages
take place in a dry atmosphere of above 36 kV are provided with an
pressurized nitrogen. Today Nexans Conductor: extruded lead sheath and the outer
Norway operates a vertical line Underground XLPE cables used in protection for underground cables is
where the insulation system is extruded Norway normally comprises a normally PVC or PE sheaths.
on to the conductor by four extruders stranded, compacted aluminium
feeding the material into one extruder conductor. For export markets copper Standards and testing:
head. is the more common conductor High voltage cables insulated with
material and for larger conductors the cross-linked polyethylene are normally
Special attention is given to material segmented type of conductor tested at four levels:
handling, particularly as regards (Milliken) is prevailing.
cleanliness and temperature during a) Type test
storage. A special super clean grade Insulation: b) Routine test
of material which is used to ensure the The insulation system consists of a c) Special test
highest degree of purity, is fed to the conductor screen, the insulation layer d) Testing after installation
extruders in a completely closed and an insulation screen, all layers
system. extruded in one operation. All these tests are routinely performed
according to IEC 840 for service
The interface between the insulation Screen: voltages from 36 to 420 kV.
and the two screens is of vital For underground cables the screen However, at customers´ request we
importance for the quality of the consists of round copper wires are prepared to test according to
insulation system – the more so with protected with an overall PE or PVC other standards such as AIEC, IEEE or
increasing voltage levels. The interface sheath. customer specifications.
must be smooth with a good bond
between the layers. Even small Water blocking:
protrusions may drastically reduce the To protect the cables against ingress
electrical properties of the insulation of water in case of damage the
system. The introduction of the triple cables are provided with water-
extrusion tools of our own design blocking material in the conductor
together with optimal process control and swelling tapes between the cable
ensures smooth interface and thereby core and the metallic sheath.
excellent electrical properties.
Metal sheath:
If required the cable core is protected
by a metal sheathing - either an
extruded lead sheath or a metal/PE
foil as a water barrier.

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A few examples of installations

To date, Nexans Norway has manufactured more than 50.000 phase-km of XLPE cables, ranging
from 12 to 300 kV, for use in Norway. Nearly 2200 km are for voltages higher than 24 kV.
Norway's first 300 kV XLPE insulated cable link was commissioned as early as in 1980. The worlds
largest submarine XLPE cable has been manufactured and installed by Nexans Norway in 1995
between the mainland and an offshore oil platform at the Troll field.

With regard to underground USA.

installations XLPE insulated power For Southern California Edison Co.,
cables operating at voltages up to Nexans Norway has been an
72 kV had been installed already in approved supplier of 69 kV XLPE
1971. 40 phase-km of 72 kV XLPE cables since 1983. Some 90 km of
cables were installed under one cables with 1750 kcmils aluminium
contract as early as 1974. As conductor in accordance with AEIC
experience grew, the advantages of CS7 have been delivered so far.
XLPE cables were increasingly Nexans Norway has also been
acknowledged, and in 1976 the first approved as a supplier of 115 kV
145 kV cable was installed. Four XLPE cables and received its first
years later, in 1980. The voltage order for such cables from SCE in
range was increased to 300 kV. Four 1991.
installations at this voltage level are
now in operation in Norway. Indonesia.
In 1983 Nexans Norway installed
Bergen City. 150 kV XLPE insulated power cables
In the city of Bergen, 78 km of 145 in transformer stations in Jakarta,
kV underground directly buried cables Indonesia. Cables and accessories
without metal sheath were installed in were installed by Nexans Norway's
the period 1982-1989. Conductor own jointers.
dimensions range from 400 to 1200
mm2 compacted aluminium. The Zimbabwe.
majority of these cables are 1200 In 1987, 88 kV XLPE insulated power
mm2. This double circuit cable system cables were supplied to the Central
provides one of the main electricity African Power Corporation, CAPCO,
supply routes to the city. Zimbabwe. These cables were
installed by CAPCO´s jointers.
Oslo City.
A similar installation in Oslo was Taiwan.
completed between 1987 and 1990. In 1991 and 1994 a total of 8,4 km
The 145 kV cables, of total length 45 170 kV XLPE cables and 57 GIS
km, were designed with a 1200 mm2 terminations were installed in the Nan
conductor, water-blocked with a Pu Power Station in Taiwan (in co-
compound and with a lead sheath operation with Siemens AG).
applied over a swelling tape.

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India. The first 145 kV XLPE insulated seabed, approx. 5 million bending
In 1996 and through 1997 Nexans submarine cables were installed in cycles per year. No failure has
Norway supplied some 20 km of 220 1981. In 1982 and 1983 two more occurred since installation.
kV XLPE underground cables to Tata installations were performed. The
Electric Power company in Bombay, three 1200 m single-core cables for In 1987, two 24 kV submarine three-
India. the first project were designed with core cables approx. 4 km in length,
lead sheath as a water-impermeable with integrated fibre-optic elements,
Submarine cables. barrier. For the other project with a were installed between two oil
Although the majority of XLPE cables route length of 1000 m the customer production platforms in the North
in Norway are laid underground, we did not require a lead sheath. Sea, Gullfaks A and B.
have completed many installations of No problems have occurred during
more specialized types, mainly the service of either project. Up to A number of XLPE insulated submarine
submarine links. now Nexans Norway has performed cables have been supplied to the
10 submarine cable installations at offshore fields in the North Sea,
As early as 1971 a 900 m submarine 145 kV. Malaysia and Saudi Arabia. Among
XLPE cable, rated at 12 kV, was laid the special installations was the big
across the Tromsøsund in North Fairly early the XLPE insulated dynamic composite cable for the
Norway. This cable, which had no submarine cables were adapted by Veslefrikk field and the worlds longest
metal sheath, was retrieved for the offshore industry. In 1981 a 7 km XLPE insulated submarine cable for
laboratory examination after 10 years three core cable at 35 kV was the Troll field.
in service. When subjected to testing installed for Texaco Inc. Between two
by short term AC, DC and impulse platforms in Santa Barbara channel in This three-core 52 kV cable was
voltages, no significant reduction in California, U.S.A. In 1982 2 lengths installed between the Troll offshore
the breakdown voltage could be of 12 kV cables were laid between 3 gas platform in the North Sea and the
detected, as compared with a new platforms off the west coast of Africa west coast of Norway. With a max.
cable. for Saga Petroleum Benin Inc. water depth of 350 m and a route
length of 67 km, this is the worlds
A 72 kV three-core cable submarine In 1983, a 20-km 12 kV three-core longest XLPE submarine cable.
cable with individual lead sheaths on cable incorporating control cables
each core was installed in 1977. In was installed at the Frigg offshore oil So far Nexans Norway has installed
1981 a 14 km 24 kV three-core XLPE and gas field in the North Sea to link XLPE submarine cables down to
insulated submarine cable was the unmanned control station at the 420 m water depth.
installed in one single length. Two North East Frigg field to the main
years later a 18 km cable of a similar Frigg field platform. Because the
design was installed. Over the years unmanned control station was
some 1100 phase-km of submarine designed as a single-point moored
cables have been installed, 44 tower, the cable had to be designed
installations have been for voltages to withstand the relative movement of
from 36 to 145 kV. the base structure of the tower and the

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Oil-filled cables

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Cable design

The first oil-filled cables from Nexans Norway were delivered in

1938. In 1952 we manufactured and installed oil-filled cables for
245 kV. Up to the present time, we have completed an impressive
number of installations for service voltages up to
525 kV, and one objective of our current research is to further
extend this voltage range. Our broad base of experience
comprises installations of every kind, from conventional Various types of high voltge AC
underground systems, tunnel installations, vertical shafts more power cables are often referred to as
“oil-filled cables”. The type manu-
than 300 m deep without stop joints, to world records in factured by Nexans Norway is
submarine cable installations in Norway and abroad. commonly described as “self-con-
tained low pressure oil-filled cable”
with paper dielectric impregnated
with a low-viscosity oil and
incorporating a longitudinal duct to
permit oil flow along the cable. The
superior electrical qualities of this
type of cable have been proven
through more than 70 years of
service experience.

Electrical and mechanical properties

have been continuously improved by
the introduction of new and better
materials and advanced production

Our factory in Halden, by the

Oslofjord, is equipped with modern
and efficient production machinery,
ensuring optimum product quality.
The factory is capable of producing
cables of the largest sizes, both as
regards conductor dimension and
external diameter, and for the highest
voltages. The layout of the factory
allows for highly flexible production
to suit customers´ individual
requirements, and special equipment
is provided for the handling of long
and heavy cables. Thus even 525 kV
cables can be manufactured in
jointless lengths of 18-20 km.

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Cable design Metal sheath Outer protection
The sheaths that serve to prevent Outer protection of underground
For rated potentials up to 145 kV, water from penetrating the paper cables normally consists of an
both three-core and single-core cables insulation are metal alloys. Of these, extruded polyethylene jacket.
are used. Above 145 kV, all cables arsenic lead alloy F-3 (0,15 %
are of the single-core type. arsenic, 0.1% tin, 0.1% bismuth, Standards and testing
99.65% lead) has proved the most Oil-filled cables and accessories are
Conductor suitable, thanks to its favourable normally designed and tested in
The conductor consists of concentric mechanical properties (resistance to accordance with IEC Publication
layers of helically wound key-stone vibration, low creep, etc.). This alloy 141-1: “Tests on oil-filled and
shaped copper or aluminium wires. has been used for all high voltage oil- gaspressure cables and their
This structure combines excellent filled cables manufactured by Nexans accessories”. As required, oil-filled
mechanical stability with a smooth Norway for the last 30 years. Other cables and accessories can be
surface, which is important in the alloys may be used at customer´s manufactured and tested in
application of the insulation. request. accordance with specific national
standards or customer requirements.
Insulation Reinforcement
Oil-filled cables are insulated with One of the characteristic advantages
cellulose paper impregnated with of oil-filled cables is that they can be
mineral or synthetic oil. designed to suit different cable routes
and installation sites. To cater for
differences in route elevation, suitable
metal reinforcement, normally
stainless steel tape, may be applied
over the metal sheath. For cables
designed for installation in tunnels or
shafts, a combination of longitudinal
and transverse reinforcement has
been developed.

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A few examples of installations

The topograhy of Norway is such that cables often have to be laid along routes with large
differences of level, and we have installed 36 - 420 kV cables with static pressures varying from
30 kp/cm2 at one end to 0.2 kp/cm2 at the other end. Systems of this kind have been installed at
several underground power stations in Norway. Our wide experience in the field of oil-filled cables
formed the basis for major export contracts including vertical shaft installations. A few examples
are given here:
TVA, Racoon Mountain City of Oslo
In 1976 Nexans Norway installed 14 In the late 1960s, the steady rise in
SCOF 161 kV 3250 MCM (1647 Oslo´s peak load necessitated
mm2) cables at Racoon Mountain reinforcement of the links between
Pumped Storage Plant near substations around the city. In 1969,
Chattanooga, for the Tennessee 2000 m2 aluminium conductor cables
Valley Authority. Average route length operating at 300 kV were installed as
between switchyard and powerhouse a part of the main feeder around
is 640 m, with a 305 m vertical shaft. Oslo. The 9 km installation was
divided into three separate hydraulic
PG&E, Helms Project, California sections and seven crossbonding
In 1981/82 Nexans Norway sections.
installed 10 single-core, oil-filled 230
kV 2000 MCM (1013 mm2) cables Singapore
for Pacific Gas & Electric Co at Helms In 1984/86 Nexans Norway
Pumped Storage Plant in the Sierra installed four circuits of 230 kV oil-
Nevadas. The cables connect the filled power cables in a tunnel
switchyard and the powerhouse and beneath the busy shipping channel of
are installed in a 300 m vertical shaft. East Jurong Fairway, from Seraya to
Average route length is 450 m. The the main island of Singapore. Each
operating pressure of the cables is 30 circuit, comprising three cables with
bar. 2000 mm2 copper conductors
transmits 500 KVA.
PLN, Jakarta, Indonesia
In the period 1983 to 1985 Nexans The cables were installed without
Norway installed two double circuit joints. The 2.6 km lengths were
routes with 150 kV cables in Jakarta, transported in 150-tonnes steel
9.3 km and 5.6 km route length baskets and pulled into the tunnel by
respectively, requiring a total of 94.8 means of 60 synchronized pulling
km of cable. The routes go through machines along cable ducts cast in
very congested areas, generally with a the tunnel floor. To perform this
high water table, putting installation exacting task, Nexans Norway
performance to the test. Installation of employed a technique specially
a third double circuit route, approx. developed for projects of this kind.
12 km long was completed in 1990.

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The Vancouver Project - the highest In 1959 and 1960, six 300 kV Bergenshalvøens Kommunale
voltage and capacity cables were laid across the fjord, Kraftselskap
From 1982 to 1984, 234 kilometers transmitting a total of 730 MVA. In In 1995 Nexans Norway supplied
of 525 kV AC oil-filled submarine 1974 and 1975, six 420 kV cables 300 kV LPOF cables for a total route
cable were installed between were installed with the added length of 15 km for one of the largest
Vancouver Island and mainland transmission capacity of 1710 MVA. Norwegian power utilities. Due to the
British Colombia, Canada. Both the Finally in 1980, another six 420 kV crossing of an environmentally sensitive
system voltage of 525 kV and the cables (two circuits) with the added area an underground cable system
transmission capacity of 1200 MVA transmission capacity of 1650 MVA was chosen instead of overhead lines.
for a single circuit are the highest were installed. The route length is six
achieved in submarine cable by 17 kilometers. Saudi Aramco
installations ever. Six single-core In 1996 Nexans Norway supplied
cables were installed in the cable Kafue Gorge, Zambia two circuits 230 kV oil-filled cables
route of 30 and 9 kilometers. In 1989, Nexans Norway with joints and outdoor sealing ends
C/S Skagerrak was used for the participated in the restoration of the etc. for the Saudi Aramco´s oil
project, after having been rebuilt for cable links at the Kafue Gorge Power refinery at Ras Tamera. Installation of
world-wide voyages, adjusted for Station, Zambia´s principal source of the system took place in cooperation
passing through the Panama canal power supply. with local sub-contractors in 1997.
and equipped with dynamic-
positioning equipment. The urgency of this assignment led to Aqaba Bay
a decision to transport the 33-tonnes In 1997 Nexans Norway supplied
Nexans Norway participated in cable drums by air. One of the and installed a total of 53 km of 420
producing 50 percent of the cables, world´s largest aircraft, the Antonov kV oil-filled cables across the Aqaba
and performing the entire laying 124, was chartered to lift the 345 kV Bay between Egypt and Jordan. The
operation. oil-filled cables from Norway to crossing has a max water depth of
Lusaka airport. This was probably the 840 m which is a world record for
The Oslofjord, Norway first transport of its kind in the history LPOF submarine cables.
From 1959 to 1980, the Norwegian of high voltage cable installation.
Water Resourses and Electricity Board
installed three high-voltage submarine With responsibility for the second and
cable systems manufactured by third restoration stages, each
Nexans Norway to strenghten the comprising 300 MW transmission
power transmission network on both links operating at 345 kV, Nexans
sides of the Oslo Fjord and the link Norway has confirmed its capabilities
between the Norwegian and Swedish in serving customers at distant
transmission grids. locations and under tropical site

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Development for future needs

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Research and development

It is Nexans Norway´s philosophy to focus on customers

needs which lie ahead. Development of products and services
is an inseparable part of the company´s goals and
objectives, as well as a part of its daily work.
Beside testing our own products, we offer
domestic and foreign customers facilities
for the testing of virtually any type of
component for power transmission

High-voltage laboratory

New goals have led to the investment in

an advanced high-voltage laboratory at
the company´s Halden plant. This new
laboratory - unique in its size and level of
technology - is equipped with the latest
appliances for the electrical testing of
high-voltage components in accordance
with international standards for rated
voltages up to 765 kV AC and
800 kV DC. Flexible use of floor space is
ensured by equipment being moved with
the help of air cushions.

The laboratory plays a key role in

making the Halden plant an important
center in the field of high-voltage

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Materials research and these product ranges. It is continuously diameters of 1.5 to 10 meters - in
development center involved in the study of the electrical order to simulate the stress induced
and mechanical properties of around the laying wheel of the cable-
This center brings together the materials used in special cables laying vessel.
disciplines of metallurgy, instrumental produced today, as well as for future
and chemical analysis as well as the products. These advanced laboratories form the
electro-technical testing of materials, basis for Nexans Norway´s
models and polymeric technology. The center operates four different units: engineering research and product
development and offer power utilities
Besides serving the high-voltage cable - Chemical laboratory and the offshore industry the top-notch
production in Halden, the center acts - Electro-technical laboratory testing facilities needed during all
as a service unit for all divisions in - Materials- and extrusion technical stages of a project.
Nexans Norway and is a laboratory
coordinating link to other cable plants - Metallurgical laboratory
within Alcatel Cable as regards
special materials analysis. Mechanical tensile, bending and
torsion testing is performed on full-
As a part of the competence center scale prototype cable samples in a
for submarine and offshore cables test plant which simulates laying and
and umbilicals within the cable group, service conditions. Tension is applied
the center is also responsible for from a hydraulic piston to a maximum
research and development within of 150 tonnes, and the cable is bent
around different sheaves - with

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Cable accessories and
installation services

For all cable installations, we offer purpose-designed

accessories, manufactured and tested in accordance with
the same international standards as the cable itself,
in most cases IEC standards.


We supply purpose-designed
accessories for each particular cable
system. All our accessories are
manufactured and tested in accor-
dance with international recommen-
dations (mainly IEC). As essential
components of transmission systems,
their quality is of the utmost impor-

Joints and terminations for oil-filled

cables are type-tested for system
voltages up to 525 kV, for XLPE
cables up to 420 kV. We supply
transition joints for the connection of
oil-filled cables to XLPE types, and
systems for cross-bonding of sheaths.
Our range also includes oil-immersed
sealing ends and connections to SF6
insulated busbar systems up to
420 kV.

For detailed information about our

range of cable accessories, see
separate brochures dealing with
accessories for oil-filled and XLPE
insulated cables.

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For oil-filled cable systems, Nexans It has been a design criteria to ease Our engineers and jointers have
Norway designs pressure systems for supervision and reduce maintenance extensive experience from a wide
relevant site conditions including of the pumping plant, thus increasing variety of installations - underground,
necessary stop joints, oil pressure the reliability of the cable system and tunnel and submarine - in Norway
tanks or pumping plants, minimising outage time. Experience and worldwide, in conditions and
oil-feeding systems and relevant with the company´s new pumping climates of every kind. For detailed
alarm and monitoring equipment. plant has already proven outstanding information, see our reference lists
performance and has lead to repeat and separate brochure on submarine
Based on extensive experience with orders from our Norwegian customers cable installations.
the installation and maintenance of and the first installations abroad.
oil-filled power cable systems, Nexans We have developed special tools,
Norway has recently designed and equipment and techniques for
put into operation a number of Installation capability
modular pumping plants used to - handling of exceptionally long
maintain oil pressure in oil-filled cables in underground and tunnel
The installation of oil-filled or XLPE
cables. installations.
power cables requires a staff of
- handling of exceptionally long
experienced engineers and teams of
These simplified-design plants have length pulling ashore operations.
qualified jointers with specialised
separate modules for each cable, with - handling and installation of long
tools and equipment for the job.
main pressure modules used as cables in vertical shafts, i.e. with
a back-up system. A programmable very high pressures at the
Our installation department
logic controller (PLC) unit is used for lower end.
undertakes cable laying and
control functions during operating
protection, complete electrical
conditions and should an emergency
installation and commissioning in
situation arise, it alarms and prints to
accordance with customers´
the nearest manned control center.

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A full range cable supplier

Nexans Norway is a technologically advanced company

operating four complete cable factories, all fully automated and
able to meet nearly every power and telecommunication cable
requirement. In addition to its main Halden plant, the company
operates the three following plants.

The Namsos Plant – Low- and

medium voltage cables

At this plant in central Norway,

Nexans Norway employs the very
latest in manufacturing techniques for
low and medium-voltage power
cables. The production range covers
a standard range of installation
cables up to 1 kV and power cables
for 12, 24, and 36 kV.

The plant is unique in its operating

efficiency and flexibility.
The granulated-plastic raw materials
are transported in pipelines from
central storage tanks to extruders.
The entire production run is high-
speed, while the production line is
easily adjustable. In addition, an
internal computer-operated system of
Automatically Guided Vehicles
(AGVs) guarantees a smooth and
efficient transport flow.

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The Rognan Plant – Nexans Norway is today one of the One special range of product made
Communication cables world leaders in the field of at the plant is halogen-free safety
repeaterless submarine fiber-optic cables for industrial and domestic use
The development and manufacturing cables with accumulated supplies of onshore. During a fire, these cables
of communication cables takes place some 5.000 km of cable. are virtually gas-free and smokeless,
at the Rognan plant, north of the making escape routes safer and
Polar Circle. In addition to supply of cables the preventing corrosion in expensive
division undertakes engineering tasks equipment.
The product range covers conventional related to accessories
copper cables and fibre optic cables; (joints/terminations/special tooling) New technology and demands have
however, more and more of the required for installation and led to the creation of a unique
activity is related to special telecom maintenance purposes. Also, environment for ongoing product
cables basically used in the offshore extensive test facilities are available development at the plant. Machinery
industry or in submarine telecom in-house to ensure proper qualification and facilities have been erected for
systems. of cable designs. efficient and automated production,
which has been carefully adapted to
The main products and areas of varying market requirements.
applications are fibre optic submarine The Langhus Plant – Low voltage
cables for repeaterless system (>300 cables and heating systems The Langhus Plant is also the logistic
km), electrical umbilical cables or center of Nexans Norway. The
opto/electrical umbilicals, elements for In 1992, a new manufacturing plant central warehouse is designed to
composite structures like power + fibre and central warehouse was serve our customers with flexible and
or steel tubes + fibre + copper, established in Langhus, outside Oslo. efficient distribution of more than
dynamic umbilicals for operation of This plant´s product range covers 1,000 different products.
Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROV`s), installation cables in the 1 kV range,
seismic cables, special telecom as well as heating cables - comprising It compromises a computer controlled
topside cables (fire resistant and mud more than 450 different types of high bay storage facility, shelf storage
resistant). cables altogether. Nexans Norway is for cables of smaller diameters, and a
the market leader for these products covered outdoor shelf storage area
Expansion, investment in new and in Norway, and exports them on a for the larger types of cables.
efficient production equipment, strict world-wide basis as well.
quality control and product
development have been significant
factors in the plant becoming an
efficient manufacturer able to adapt to
customer requirements.


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