ACADEMI C CALENDAR DOWNLOADABLE FORM STUDENTS & GRADUATE STATI STI CS Registrar's Office Home > NUS Bul l et i n > Sc hool of Desi gn and Envi r onment EDUCATI ON AT NUS ADMI NI STRATI VE POLI CI ES EVENTS NUS BULLETI N 3. Under gr aduat e Educ at i on 4. Gr aduat e Educ at i on 1. Sc hool s Commi t ment 2. Key Cont ac t I nf or mat i on
Print this page School of Design and Environment 3.1 Degrees Offered 3.2 Degree Requirements 3.3 Multidisciplinary Opportunities 3.3.1 Minor Programmes 3.4 Special Programmes 3.4.1 Student Exchange Programme [SEP] and NUS Overseas Colleges [NOC] Programme 3.4.2 Practical Training Scheme 3.4.3 Real Estate Internship Programme 3.4.4 Summer Programme 3.5 Financial Assistance and Scholarships 3.5.1 SDE Travelling Loan Fund 3.5.2 K H Tan Bursary 3.5.3 Architecture Alumni Association (AAA) Travel Prize 3.5.4 ONG & ONG Travelling Fellowship 3.5.5 Kumpulan Akitek Prize 3.5.6 Tun Tan CHeng Lock Schoalrship 3.5.7 Woh Hup Scholarship 3.5.8 Rider Levett Bucknall Medal & Prize 3.5.9 Fission Scholarship 3.6 Academic Awards 4.1 Research Programmes 4.1.1 Degrees Offered 4.1.2 Degree Requirements 4.2 Coursework Programmes 4.2.1 Degrees Offered 4.2.2 Degree Requirements 4.2.3 Financial Assistance and Scholarships CapitaLand International Scholarship K H Tan Bursary NUSS MEM Scholarship Shell Bursary Shell Best Dissertation Award Tan Chay Bing Scholarship Tan Chay Bing Bursary The Asian Development Bank-J apan Scholarship 4.3 Academic Awards ABOUT US PROSPECTI VE STUDENTS CURRENT STUDENTS GRADUATED STUDENTS Nat i onal Uni ver si t y of Si ngapor e myEMAIL IVLE LIBRARY MAPS CALENDAR SITEMAP CONTACT Sear c h in NUS Websites search for... NUS Websites School of Design and Environment - NUS Bulletin AY 2012/13 - Registrar's Office - National University of Singapore[6/29/2013 12:11:56 PM] Copyr i ght 2001-2009 Nat i onal Uni ver si t y of Si ngapor e. Al l Ri ght s Reser ved. Ter ms of Use | Pr i vac y | Non-di sc r i mi nat i on Si t e Map | Feedbac k |Campus Map Last modi f i ed on 31 J ul y, 2012 by Regi st r ar ' s Of f i c e School of Design and Environment - NUS Bulletin AY 2012/13 - Registrar's Office - National University of Singapore[6/29/2013 12:12:01 PM] ACADEMI C CALENDAR DOWNLOADABLE FORM STUDENTS & GRADUATE STATI STI CS Registrar's Office Home > NUS Bul l et i n > Sc hool of Desi gn and Envi r onment > Under gr aduat e Educ at i on EDUCATI ON AT NUS ADMI NI STRATI VE POLI CI ES EVENTS NUS BULLETI N Qui c k Li nk s Back to Faculty of Engineering main content page Print this page Undergraduate Education 3.1 Degrees Offered There are four programmes in the School of Design and Environment available on a full -time basis, leading to the degrees of: Bachelor of Arts (Architecture) (Hons.) Bachelor of Arts (Industrial Design) (Hons.) Bachelor of Science (Project & Facilities Mgt.) (Hons.) Bachelor of Science (Real Estate) (Hons.) 3.2 Degree Requirements A. Four -Year B.A. (Ar c hi t ec t ur e) (Hons.) Pr ogr amme The B.A.(Arch) Hons. is a four years degree programme that comprises a general programme allowing for a choice of three forms of specialisation. The specialisation tracks are in Design, Design Technology & Sustainability (DTS) and Landscape Architecture(LA). The curriculum content for the first three years is common to both general and specialisation courses. The B.A.(Arch) Hons. programme is accredited by the Royal Institute of Architects (RIBA) to Part One standard. The general programme terminates at the B.A.(Arch) Hons. degree whereas the specialisation courses are concurrent with the Master of Architecture (M.Arch.) or Master of Landscape Architecture (M.LA.) degree programme. Only students who have achieved creditable grades in design, i.e. at least a B- in design at the third year level will be permitted to opt for a specialisation. Students who obtain a C grade at third year level will continue in a general degree program leading to B.A (Arch). Under this programme, students will no longer be required to take the design modules at fourth year level. In its place, students will take modules on Advanced Architectural Studies with options to focus on Design Computing, Architectural & Urban Heritage or Urban Studies. Students who graduate with a high CAP in the general programme would continue to have the opportunity to pursue other graduate programmes. Career Opportunities and Professional Registration Graduates with an B.A.(Arch) Hons. degree who have completed Advanced Architectural Studies on Design Computing, Architectural & Urban Heritage or Urban Studies pursue career in architectural practices, government agencies or in research and academia. Graduates would also have opportunities to work in related fields including and not limited to interior design, industrial design, industrialised building systems, graphic design, commercial art and architectural journalism. Graduates who complete the Landscape Architecture (LA) specialisation and graduate with B.A.(Arch) Hons. may also work in LA. The B.A.(Arch) Hons degree does not in itself qualify graduates for registration with the Board of Architects. The M.Arch. degree is RIBA Part Two accredited. In order to eventually register as an architect with the Board of Architects, Singapore. B.A.(Arch) Hons. graduates must complete the M.Arch degree and serve a minimum of two years of practical experience in an architectural practice to be eligible for the Professional Practice Examination conducted by the Board of Architects, Singapore. Those who pass the examination are then eligible to apply for registration as architects in Singapore. Table 1: Curriculum Structure of the Four-year B.A. (Arch) Hons. Programme No. Modul es MCs 1 Uni ver si t y Requi r ement s 20 a General Education Modules (GEM) 1 from Group A: Science & Technology 8 ABOUT US PROSPECTI VE STUDENTS CURRENT STUDENTS GRADUATED STUDENTS Nat i onal Uni ver si t y of Si ngapor e myEMAIL IVLE LIBRARY MAPS CALENDAR SITEMAP CONTACT Sear c h in NUS Websites search for... NUS Websites School of Design and Environment - NUS Bulletin AY 2012/13 - Registrar's Office - National University of Singapore[6/29/2013 12:12:01 PM] 1 from Group B: Humanities & Social Sciences b Singapore Studies (SS) 4 c Breadth 8 2 Pr ogr amme Requi r ement S 120 a Essential modules taken within the Department 120 3 Unr est r i c t ed El ec t i ves (Ue) 1 20 Tot al 160 1 The elective modules for the various specialisations can be used to fulfil the UE requirements. Spec i al i sat i ons Students who have achieved creditable grades in design, i.e. at least a B- in design at the third year level will be permitted to opt for specialisation. The two specialisation tracks in Design and Design Technology & Sustainability (DTS) will lead to the M.Arch. degree programme. Specialisation in LA will lead to the Masters in Landscape Architecture (M.LA.) programme. The Design specialisation track offers students the opportunity to focus on design ideas, innovation and conceptualisation from a theoretical framework. The DTS specialisation track is driven by the need to adopt evidence based research and simulative design processes in pursuing sustainability in architecture. Specialisation modules will be offered at the fourth year level. The LA specialisation track enables students to migrate to the Masters in Landscape Architecture (M.LA.) programme. Specialisation modules will be offered at the third and fourth year levels. Students who have opted for the LA specialisation track after completion of second year level but fail to achieve creditable design grades at third year level will pursue the general degree programme. Please refer to Table 2 for admission criteria to the general programme and specialisation tracks in the B.A (Arch) programme. Progression for the Architecture Concurrent Degree Programme The admission requirements for various tracks of the M.Arch. and M.LA programmes are summarized in Table 2. Students will receive both B.A. (Arch) Hons./B.A. (Arch) (depending on his/her CAP) and M.Arch./ M.LA. degrees concurrently upon completing the Masters programme. Tabl e 2: Summar y of t he Ar c hi t ec t ur e Conc ur r ent Degr ee Pr ogr amme Level 5 (Mast er s) Mast er of Ar c hi t ec t ur e Mas Lan Ar c - w i t h spec i al i sat i on i n Ur ban Desi gn w i t h spec i al i sat i on i n Desi gn Tec hnol ogy & Sust ai nabi l i t y Admi ssi on Cr i t er i a t o Level 5 Min B- average for AR4101 & AR4102 Min 2.5 CAP Portfolio Review and Interview for Discretionary Admission Min B+ average for AR4101 and AR4102 Min CAP of 2.5 Portfolio Review and Interview for all students who wish to read UD specialisation Min B- average for AR4103 & AR4104 Min 2.5 CAP Portfolio Review and Interview for Discretionary Admission M for L LA4 M P and Disc Adm Level 4 B.A (Ar c h)/ B.A (Ar c h) Hons Specialisation in Design Specialisation in Design Technology & Sustainability Spe Lan Arch El i gi bi l i t y Cr i t er i a t o pr oc eed w i t h Level 4 Min B- average for AR3101/AR3101a & AR3102/AR3102a Min B- for AR3102/AR3102a Portfolio Review and Interview for Discretionary Admission M for A AR3 M AR3 (P and Disc School of Design and Environment - NUS Bulletin AY 2012/13 - Registrar's Office - National University of Singapore[6/29/2013 12:12:01 PM] Li st i ng of Modul es The four-year B.A. (Arch) programme is structured as follows: Tabl e 3: B.A. (Ar c h) Cur r i c ul um Gener al Pr ogr amme *(1) Select one module either AR2224 Ideas and Approaches in Design or AR2225 Reading Visual Images *(2)- Two History & Theory modules selected from a basket: AR2221 History and Theory of SEA Architecture, AR2222 History and Theory of Western Architecture and AR2226 History and Theory of Modern Architecture Tabl e 4: B.A. (Ar c h) Cur r i c ul um Spec i al i sat i on i n Desi gn Adm Level 3 Common programme leading to RIBA Part 1 Level 2 Level 1
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Sem 1 Sem 2 Sem 1 Sem 2 Sem 1 Sem Desi gn AR1101 Design 1 (8 MCs) AR1102 Design 2 (8 MCs) AR2101 Design 3 (8 MCs) AR2102 Design 4 (8 MCs) AR3101 Design 5 (8 MCs) AR3 (8 M
Hi st or y Theor y Intro Art & Design*(1) (4 MC)
Hist Core 01*(2) (4 MC)
Hist Core 02*(2) (4 MC)
Ur ban & Landsc ape
LA1721 Intro to Landscape Arch (4 MC) AR2223 Theory of UD & Planning (4 MC)
Tec h Envi r onment AR1327 Structural Principles (4 MC) AR1721 Climate Responsive Arch (4 MC) AR2521 Digital Modelling & Simulation (4 MC) AR2723 Strategies for Sustainable Arch (4 MC)
AR3 Env Sys Con MC)
AR1326 Arch Construction (4 MC)
AR2327 Architecture, Structure and Construction (4 MC)
Management AR3421 Intro to Arch Practice (4 MC)
General Education Modules (GEM) 8 MCs Singapore Study Module (SS) 4 MCs Breadth (Elec Electives (within/outside SDE) (UE) 20 MCs
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Sem 1 Sem 2 Sem 1 Sem 2 Sem 1 Sem Desi gn AR1101 Design 1 (8 MC) AR1102 Design 2 (8 MC) AR2101 Design 3 (8 MC) AR2102 Design 4 (8 MC) AR3101 Design 5 (8 MC) AR31 (8 MC
Hi st or y Theor y Intro Art & Design*(1) (4 MC) Hist Core 01*(2) (4 MC) Hist Core 02*(2) (4 MC)
LA1721 AR2223 School of Design and Environment - NUS Bulletin AY 2012/13 - Registrar's Office - National University of Singapore[6/29/2013 12:12:01 PM] *(1) Select one module either AR2224 Ideas and Approaches in Design or AR2225 Reading Visual Images *(2)- Two History & Theory modules selected from a basket: AR2221 History and Theory of SEA Architecture, AR2222 History and Theory of Western Architecture and AR2226 History and Theory of Modern Architecture ^ Five Design Specialisation modules two studio-based and three other modules # Specialisation Elective Tabl e 5: B.A. (Ar c h) Cur r i c ul um Spec i al i sat i on i n Desi gn Technology and Sustainability Ur ban & Landsc ape Intro to Landscape Arch (4 MC) Theory of UD & Planning (4 MC) Tec h Envi r onment AR1327 Structural Principles (4 MC) AR1721 Climate Responsive Arch (4 MC) AR2521 Digital Modelling & Simulation (4 MC) AR2723 Strategies for Sustainable Arch (4 MC) AR37 Envir Syste Cons (4 MC AR1326 Arch Construction (4 MC) AR2327 Architecture, Structure and Construction (4 MC)
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Sem 1 Sem 2 Sem 1 Sem 2 Sem 1 Sem Desi gn AR1101 Design 1 (8 MC) AR1102 Design 2 (8 MC) AR2101 Design 3 (8 MC) AR2102 Design 4 (8 MC) AR3101 Design 5 (8 MC) AR3 Des (8 M
Hi st or y Theor y Intro Art & Design*(1) (4 MC) Hist Core 01*(2) (4 MC) Hist Core 02*(2) (4 MC)
Ur ban & Landsc ape LA1721 Intro to Landscape Arch (4 MC) AR2223 Theory of UD & Planning (4 MC)
AR1327 Structural Principles (4 MC) AR1721 Climate Responsive Arch (4 MC) AR2521 Digital Modelling & Simulation AR2723 Strategies for Sustainable Arch (4 MC) AR3 Envi Syst Con (4 M School of Design and Environment - NUS Bulletin AY 2012/13 - Registrar's Office - National University of Singapore[6/29/2013 12:12:01 PM] *(1) Select one module either AR2224 Ideas and Approaches in Design or AR2225 Reading Visual Images *(2)- Two History & Theory modules selected from a basket: AR2221 History and Theory of SEA Architecture, AR2222 History and Theory of Western Architecture and AR2226 History and Theory of Modern Architecture ^Five DTS specialisation modules two studio-based and three other modules, # Specialisation Elective *Two modules selected from a basket of Technology modules as advised by the Department Tabl e 6: B.A. (Ar c h) Cur r i c ul um Spec i al i sat i on i n Landsc ape Ar c hi t ec t ur e Tec h Envi r onment (4 MC) AR1326 Arch Construction (4 MC) AR2327 Architecture, Structure and Construction (4 MC)
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Sem 1 Sem 2 Sem 1 Sem 2 Sem 1 Desi gn AR1101 Design 1 (8 MC) AR1102 Design 2 (8 MC) AR2101 Design 3 (8 MC) AR2102 Design 4 (8 MC) AR3101a Design 5 (LA Emphasis (8 MC)
Hi st or y Theor y Intro Art & Design*(1) (4 MC) Hist Core 01*(2) (4 MC) Hist Core 02*( (4 MC) Ur ban & Landsc ape LA1721 Intro to Landscape Arch (4 MC) AR2223 Theory of UD & Planning (4 MC) LA3201 History and Theory of Landscape Arch^ (4 MC)
Tec h Envi r onment AR1327 Structural Principles (4 MC) AR1721 Climate Responsive Arch (4 MC) AR2521 Digital Modelling & Simulation (4 MC) AR2723 Strategies for Sustainable Arch (4 MC)
AR1326 AR2327 School of Design and Environment - NUS Bulletin AY 2012/13 - Registrar's Office - National University of Singapore[6/29/2013 12:12:01 PM] *(1) Select one module either AR2224 Ideas and Approaches in Design or AR2225 Reading Visual Images *(2)- Two History & Theory modules selected from a basket: AR2221 History and Theory of SEA Architecture, AR2222 History and Theory of Western Architecture and AR2226 History and Theory of Modern Architecture ^Eight LA specialization modules two studio-based and six other modules # Specialisation Elective Teaching Approach Design modules are taught through design studios. Critique sessions will form part of the studio procedure in teaching. Lecture modules include formal lectures, followed by seminars/tutorials. Field trips, site visits, measurement and study of buildings for research, investigation and documentation may be involved. Assessment and Examination Assessment criteria will vary according to subject content. In the Department of Architecture, design modules are assessed by 100% continuous assessment (CA). The other essential modules may also be assessed by 100% CA or a combination of CA and Examination. Students who fail an essential module will retake the module when it is next offered and must sit for the examination in that Semester. A retake module refers to a module where students have to attend lectures and tutorials and complete assignments and examinations. A new CA grade has to be obtained. Students who fail a GEM/SS/Breadth/UE module may either replace it with a new GEM/SS/Breadth/UE module or retake the failed module the following year. There is no limit to the number of times a student may retake the same GEM/SS/Breadth/UE module. A student who has passed the examination of a module will not be permitted to retake the same module for the purpose of improving his/her grade. This condition does not apply to the Design modules where the prerequisite for progression to the next level is a C grade. Students who achieve a D grade will be required to retake the Design module. Pr ogr essi on of St udent s Please see the table below: Graduation Requirements for four-year B.A. (Arch.) Programme Students are required to take all essential modules offered in the semester to which they have progressed, provided they have passed the relevant prerequisites. In addition, they may take modules to satisfy University and other requirements. Mi ni mum Gr aduat i ng c r i t er i a f or - B.A. (Arch) Hons. : Minimum Grade C for Design and CAP 3.2 - B.A. (Arch) : Minimum Grade C for Design and CAP 2.0 Students who exit the concurrent degree programme at B.A. (Arch) Level 4 and consequently seek admission to M.Arch. or M.LA would be required to fulfil a minimum CAP of 3.5 and other criteria governing admission as determined at the point of application. Arch Construction (4 MC) Architecture, Structure and Construction (4 MC) Management AR3421 Intro to Arch Practice (4 MC) General Education Modules (GEM) 8 MCs Singapore Study Module (SS) 4 MCs Breadth (Elective modules outside SDE) 8 MCs Minimum MCs (in general) for promotion to the next level ARK1 -> ARK2 ARK2 -> ARK ARK3 -> ARK4 Additional requirements Must pass Des School of Design and Environment - NUS Bulletin AY 2012/13 - Registrar's Office - National University of Singapore[6/29/2013 12:12:01 PM] Advanc ed Pl ac ement Cr edi t s Polytechnic diploma holders admitted to the programme may be granted advanced placement credits (APCs) for relevant modules. This is subject to Departmental consideration, given the wide range of subject modules from the polytechnics. For up-to-date APCs list, please refer to: B. B.A. (I ndust r i al Desi gn) (Hons.) Pr ogr amme The B.A. (ID) programme at NUS was first offered in 1999 with support from the Faculty of Engineering and School of Business. The Bachelor of Arts in Industrial Design, B.A. (ID), is a four-year undergraduate honours programme, consisting of courses crafted with our synergistic three-pronged approach: 1. Design Thinking: Out-of-box innovation strategies and investigative methods to discover new ideas and unmet needs. 2. Multi -Disciplinary Aptitudes: Behavioral sciences, social economics, business strategy, engineering and technology knowledgedevelop entrepreneurial strategic thinking and holistic problem-solving. 3. Artistic Sensibility: Training of imagination, taste, and craft-like ability to give pleasing and appropriate aesthetics and emotion to ideas, through traditional and 2D/3D digital means, so that solutions are both functional and desirable. The combined approaches equip our graduates with high-level strategic thinking, and enable them to translate problems and ideas to tangible, desirable solutions, i.e. meaningful products, environments and experiences that people love to have, love to use - and those which have a big impact on lives. As part of our strategy to be thought leaders in industry, a major component of the course is a series of industry-sponsored 'vertical studio platforms'. These are project teams comprising a mix of year 2 to year 4 students, encouraging cross-pollination of thoughts, skills and learning. In these platforms, students tackle both conceptual and real-life projects led by our industry collaborators, e.g. Asus, Dell, L'Oreal, Estee Lauder, BMW Group DesignworksUSA, Tupperware, Toshiba, Osim, ICI, Swarovski, HansGrohe, Risis and Nakamichi. Students may customize their individual course during the 4 years by selecting from amongst these different industry platforms - Each student will get the opportunity to be involved in 6-7 of these projects. The programme has been proven to be effective in grooming students for the design and related industries. Apart from the success in local and international competitions and awards, recent graduates have achieved recognition in gaining scholarships for further studies as well as being placed in well- known design practices and reputable companies. Students can also opt to do a second major in Management (Technology), offered by School of Business, in four years. I nt er nat i onal Ex posur e To broaden our students' exposure to global challenges, two-thirds of each cohort are involved in one- semester overseas exchange programme during their 3rd year. Students typically go to distinguished design schools in Switzerland, France, Japan, Netherlands, Finland, USA, Germany, Italy and China. Car eer Oppor t uni t i es Students are educated to become expert innovators and master problem-solvers. These attributes make them highly valuable in any industry. Graduates pursue careers as industrial designers, interaction designers, brand and packaging designers, design managers, product managers and innovation consultants. It is also possible for industrial designers to rise to corporate leadership levels in the areas of creative innovation or design. These are highly-coveted positions, such as Chief Designer, Chief Innovation Officer (CIO), etc. Armed with design, business and technological knowledge, graduates will be well-positioned to serve in R&D companies, technology start-ups, design consultancies, service industries, marketing sectors and government agencies as well as in design education. Advanc ed Pl ac ement Cr edi t s Polytechnic diploma holders admitted to the programme may be granted advanced placement credits (APCs) for relevant modules. This is subject to Departmental consideration, given the wide range of subject modules from the polytechnics. For up-to-date APCs list, please refer to: Tabl e 1: Cur r i c ul um St r uc t ur e of t he B.A. (I ndust r i al Desi gn) Pr ogr amme No. Modules 1 UNI VERSI TY REQUI REMENTS a General Education Modules (GEM) 1 from Group A: Science & Technology School of Design and Environment - NUS Bulletin AY 2012/13 - Registrar's Office - National University of Singapore[6/29/2013 12:12:01 PM] Tabl e 2: B.A. (I D) pr ogr amme i s st r uc t ur ed as f ol l ow s f or AY2012/2013 onw ar ds: Tabl e 3: B.A. (I D) pr ogr amme i s st r uc t ur ed as f ol l ow s f or st udent s admi t t ed i n AY2011/2012 and ear l i er : 1 from Group B: Humanities & Social Sciences b Singapore Studies (SS) c Breadth 2 PROGRAMME REQUI REMENTS a Essential modules taken within the Department 3 UNRESTRI CTED ELECTI VES (UE) Tot al Level 1 Level 2 Sem 1 Sem 2 Sem 1 Sem 2 Engi neer i ng ID1321 Materials for ID (4 MCs)
ID2323 Technology for Design (4 MCs) ID2324 Manufactur-ing for Design (4 MCs) Mar k et i ng MKT1003 Principles of Marketing (4 MCs)
Desi gn Sk i l l s and Know l edge ID1111 Modelling for ID (4 MCs) ID1112 Modelling and Sketching for Design (4 MCs) ID2111 Computer Aided ID (4 MCs)
ID1223 History & Theory of ID (4 MCs) ID1121 Human Centred Design (4 MCs) ID2123 Design Process & Research (4 MCs)
Desi gn St udi o ID1105 Design Fundamentals 1 (8 MCs) ID1106 Design Fundamentals 2 (8 MCs) ID2105 Design for Context & Sustainability (8 MCs) ID2106 Design Platforms 1 (10 MCs) General Education Modules (GEM) 8 MCs Singapore Study Module (SS) 4 MCs Breadth (Elective modules outside SDE) 8 MCs Unrestricted Electives (within/outside SDE) (UE) 20 MCs Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Sem 1 Sem 2 Sem 1 Sem 2 Sem 1 Engi neer i ng Rel at ed ME2103 Eng. Visualisation & Modelling
ID2321 Design for Production- Metals ID2322 Design for Production- Plastics
School of Design and Environment - NUS Bulletin AY 2012/13 - Registrar's Office - National University of Singapore[6/29/2013 12:12:01 PM] # Students are required to read one of the below modules as Breadth in Year 2: MKT2413 Marketing Research MKT2401 Asian Markets & Marketing Management MKT2411 Retail Entrepreneurship MKT2412 Global Marketing DSC2006 Operations Management TR2201 Entrepreneurial Marketing TR2202 Technological Innovation TR3001 New Product Development Teac hi ng Appr oac h Design modules are taught through design studios. Critique sessions will form part of the studio procedure in teaching. Lecture modules include formal lectures, followed by seminars/tutorials. Assessment and Ex ami nat i on Assessment criteria will vary according to the modules offered. In the Division of Industrial Design, design modules are assessed by 100% continuous assessment (CA). The other essential modules may also be assessed by 100% CA or a combination of CA and examination. Students who fail an essential module will retake the module when it is next offered and must sit for the examination in that Semester. For a retaken module, students have to attend lectures and tutorials and complete assignments and examinations. A new CA grade has to be obtained. Students who fail a GEM/SS/Breadth/UE module may either replace it with a new GEM/SS/Breadth/UE module or retake the failed module the following year. There is no limit to the number of times a student may retake the same GEM/SS/Breadth/UE module. A student who has passed the examination of a module will not be permitted to retake the same module for the purpose of improving his/her grade. Pr ogr essi on of St udent s (3 MCs) (4 MCs) (4 MCs) Mar k et i ng
MKT1003 Principles of Marketing (4 MCs)
Desi gn Rel at ed Lec t ur es AR1221 Ideas and Approaches in Design (4 MCs) ID1121 Human Factors in Design (4 MCs) ID2122 Ecodesign & Sustainability (4 MCs) ID2121 Design in the Urban Setting (4 MCs) ID3122 Design Inventions Innovation (4 MCs) ID1321 Materials for ID (4 MCs) ID1223 History & Theory of ID (4 MCs)
Desi gn ID1103 Basic Design & Comm 1 (8 MCs) ID1104 Basic Design & Comm 2 (8 MCs) ID2103 Design for Context (8 MCs) ID2104 Design for Connectivity (8 MCs) ID3103 Design for Interior En (8 MCs) General Education Modules (GEM) 8 MCs Singapore Study Module (SS) 4 MCs Breadth (Elective modules outside SDE) 8 MCs # Unrestricted Electives (within/outside SDE) (UE) 16 MCs School of Design and Environment - NUS Bulletin AY 2012/13 - Registrar's Office - National University of Singapore[6/29/2013 12:12:01 PM] Please see the table below: Gr aduat i on Requi r ement s f or f our -year B.A. (I D) (Hons.) Pr ogr amme Students are required to take all essential modules offered in the semester to which they have progressed, provided they have passed the relevant prerequisites. In addition, they may take modules to satisfy University and other requirements. Fulfilling Modular Credits means reading and passing the modules, which carry the Modular Credits. Advanc ed Pl ac ement Cr edi t s Polytechnic diploma holders admitted to the programme may be granted advanced placement credits (APCs) for relevant modules. This is subject to Departmental consideration, given the wide range of subject modules from the polytechnics. For up-to-date APCs list, please refer to: C. B.Sc . (Pr oj ec t & Fac i l i t i es Management ) (Hons.) Pr ogr amme The Department of Building offers the full -time B.Sc. (Project and Facilities Management) undergraduate programme, a professional honours degree programme designed to be completed in four years by students proceeding at a normal pace. Students can also opt to do a second major in Management or Management (Technology). The double major can be completed in four years (i.e., normal time) through double counting. 1 st year students can opt to do one freshman seminar module as an unrestricted elective module. Currently, the department offers two freshman seminar modules, FMD1201 (Policies for Building Sustainable Cities) and FMD1202 (Green Building Technologies for Sustainable Cities). Rec ogni t i on by Pr of essi onal Bodi es The B.Sc. (Project and Facilities Management) programme was offered for the first time in AY2006/07. The programme is accredited by both international and local professional bodies such as Chartered Institute of Building, UK and the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, UK and Singapore Institute of Surveyors and Valuers. Tabl e 1: Cur r i c ul um St r uc t ur e of t he B.Sc . (Pr oj ec t and Fac i l i t i es Mgt .) (Hons.) Pr ogr amme Tabl e 2: B.Sc . (Pr oj ec t and Fac i l i t i es Mgt ) Pr ogr amme St r uc t ur e Minimum MCs (in general) for promotion to the next level No. Modules 1 UNI VERSI TY REQUI REMENTS a General Education (GE) 1 from Group A: Science & Technology 1 from Group B: Humanities & Social Sciences b Singapore Studies (SS) c Breadth 2 PROGRAMME REQUI REMENTS a Foundation modules b Project Management modules c Facilities Management modules d Dissertation 3 UNRESTRICTED ELECTIVES (UE)
Total Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 School of Design and Environment - NUS Bulletin AY 2012/13 - Registrar's Office - National University of Singapore[6/29/2013 12:12:01 PM] * Students may take PF2401 Environmental Management and PF3401 Practical Training Scheme to fulfil Foundat i on (Compul sor y) Sem 1 Sem 2 Sem 3 Sem 4 Sem 5 ST1131 Introduction to Statistics (4 MCs) EC1301 Principles of Economics (4 MCs) PF2106 Project and Facilities Communication Management (4 MCs) PF2105 Research Method (4 MCs) PF3101 Project Scheduling and Control (4 MCs) PF1101 Fundamentals of Project Management (4 MCs) PF1103 IT for Projects (4 MCs) PF2101 Project Management Law I (4 MCs) PF2103 Measurement (Building Works) (PF1102 # ) (4 MCs)
PF1102 Visualisation in Design and Technology (4 MCs) PF1104 Environmental Science for Building (4 MCs) PF2102 Structural Systems (4 MCs) PF2104 M&E Engineering Systems (PF1104 # ) (4 MCs)
PF1105 Fundamentals of Facilities Management (4 MCs) PF2107 Construction Technology (4 MCs) PF2108 Project Cost Management (4 MCs)
Pr oj ec t Management
PF2201 Scope and Design Management (4 MCs) PF2203 Quality and Productivity Management (4 MCs) PF3205 Advanced Measurement (4 MCs)
PF3202 Project Development and Finance (4 MCs) Fac i l i t i es Management
PF2301 Development Technology and Management (4 MCs) PF2303 Materials Technology (4 MCs) PF3302 Energy Management (4 MCs)
PF3301 Maintainability of Facilities (4 MCs) General Education Modules (GEM) 8 MCs Singapore Studies Module (SS) 4 MCs Breadth (Elective modules outside SDE) 8 MCs Unrestricted Electives (within/outside SDE) (UE) 16 MCs School of Design and Environment - NUS Bulletin AY 2012/13 - Registrar's Office - National University of Singapore[6/29/2013 12:12:01 PM] their Unrestricted Electives (UE) requirement. # Pre-requisite module Students on the B.Sc. (Project and Facilities Management) programme can enrol in the University Scholars Programme (USP). Details on application and updates on the USP can be found at : Students who have not passed or been exempted from the Qualifying English Test at the time of admission to the University must take an additional module, BE1000 English, in the first semester of the First Level of Study. Lengt h of Degr ee Pr ogr amme The programme is designed to allow students to progress at their own pace. Students who are able to progress at a faster pace can complete the programme in three-and-a-half years if they take additional foundation modules in semester two of their Second and Third Levels. Those doing the programme at a regular pace should complete it in four years. Assessment and Ex ami nat i on Students are assessed on a mixture of class work and end-of-semester examinations for each module they had registered for in the semester. Continuous Assessment (CA) may be in the form of essays, laboratory work, projects, reports, or tests. Students performance during tutorials may be assessed as part of the CA. Students who fail in a foundation module have to retake the foundation module the following year. For a retaken module, students have to attend lectures and tutorials and complete assignments and examinations. A new CA grade has to be obtained. Students who fail a non-foundation module may either replace it with a new module or retake the failed module the following year. There is no limit to the number of times a student may retake the same non- foundation module. Students who have passed any module are not allowed to retake the module to improve their grades. Pr ogr essi on of St udent s Please see the table below: Gr aduat i on Requi r ement s f or f our -year B.Sc . (Pr oj ec t and Fac i l i t i es Mgt .) (Hons.) Pr ogr amme Students have to take all foundation modules offered in the semester to which they have progressed, provided they have passed the relevant prerequisites. In addition, they may take modules to satisfy University and other requirements. To graduate, a student must obtain a minimum of 160 MCs in accordance with the requirements shown in Table 1A (2010 Cohort and earlier) or Table 1B (2011 Cohort). Fulfilling Modular Credits means reading and passing the modules which carry the Modular Credits. Advanc ed Pl ac ement Cr edi t s Polytechnic diploma holders admitted to the programme may be granted advanced placement credits (APCs) for relevant modules. This is subject to Departmental consideration, given the wide range of subject modules from the polytechnics. For up-to-date APCs list, please refer to: D. B.Sc . (Real Est at e) (Hons.) Pr ogr amme The Department of Real Estate offers a full -time B.Sc. (Real Estate) undergraduate programme. This is a professional honours degree programme to be completed in four years by students proceeding at a normal pace. The programme is fully recognised by renowned local and foreign professional institutions. Student may opt to complete a specialisation in either real estate finance or urban planning by completing 24 MCs of distinctive modules from either one of the lists of programme elective modules. 1 st year students can opt to do one freshman seminar module as an unrestricted elective module. Currently, the department offers two freshman seminar modules, FMD1203 (Real Estate Policy Issues) and FMD1204 (Urban Conservation and Sustainable Development) Rec ogni t i on by Pr of essi onal Bodi es The B.Sc. (Real Estate) degree is accredited by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, UK, and the Singapore Institute of Surveyors and Valuers. Graduates of the B.Sc. (Real Estate) programme are exempted from all the examinations required for professional membership of these institutions. Car eer Oppor t uni t i es Students in this programme should be interested in the built environment covering issues from planning, development, management, and the social, economic, political to technical facets of the built Minimum MCs (in general) for promotion to the next level School of Design and Environment - NUS Bulletin AY 2012/13 - Registrar's Office - National University of Singapore[6/29/2013 12:12:01 PM] environment. In Singapore, career opportunities for Real Estate graduates are found in both public and private sectors. Graduates are employed in the fields of real estate fund management (including REITs), real estate development and investment, urban planning, property valuation and corporate real estate management. Tabl e 1: Cur r i c ul um St r uc t ur e of t he B.Sc . (Real Est at e) (Hons.) Pr ogr amme Pr ogr amme St r uc t ur e The programme is structured into three core areas of study as listed below: Cor e Ar eas i ) Real Est at e Fi nanc e and I nvest ment : - Economic and financial theories - Real estate investment and financing decisions - International real estate i i ) Real Est at e Devel opment and Management : - Dynamics of the property development process - Real estate valuation - Real estate law i i i ) Ur ban Pol i c y and Ur ban Pl anni ng: - Planning theories and techniques - Public policies and real estate markets - Regional real estate sectoral markets Tabl e 2: B.Sc . (Real Est at e) Pr ogr amme St r uc t ur e No. Modules 1 Uni ver si t y Requi r ement s a General Education (GE) 1 from Group A: Science & Technology 1 from Group B: Humanities & Social Sciences b Singapore Studies (SS) c Breadth 2 Pr ogr amme Requi r ement s a Essential modules taught by the Department of Real Estate b Essential modules taught by other Departments c Dissertation OR Real estate case study plus programme elective/unrestricted elective d Programme elective modules 3 UNRESTRICTED ELECTIVES (UE)
Tot al Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Sem 1 Sem 2 Sem 1 Sem 2 Sem 1 Sem RE1101 Fundamentals of Real Estate Finance (4 MCs) EC1301 Principles of Economics (4 MCs) ES2007D Professional Communication (4 MCs) RE2104 Real Estate Finance (RE1101 # ) RE3101 Advanced Real Estate Valuation (RE2107 # ) RE3 Regi Esta Deve (RE3 School of Design and Environment - NUS Bulletin AY 2012/13 - Registrar's Office - National University of Singapore[6/29/2013 12:12:01 PM] # Pre-requisite module Students who have not passed the Qualifying English Test at the time of admission to the University must take an additional module in English in Level One. Students who are exempted from the Qualifying English Test need not do an additional module in English. Students admitted can undertake one of the 3 academic routes: -B.Sc. (Real Estate) -B.Sc. (Real Estate) with Specialisation in Real Estate Finance -B.Sc. (Real Estate) with Specialisation in Urban Planning A specialisation will be awarded if a student completes a basket of 24 MCs (6 modules) of stipulated Restricted Electives . The specialisation will be noted in a students transcript. It is not compulsory for students to pursue a specialisation. A student may opt to complete a specialisation in either real estate finance or urban planning by completing 24 MCs of distinctive modules when they have completed the fourth semester. Tabl e 3: Real Est at e Pr ogr amme El ec t i ves (4 MCs) (4 MCs) (4 M RE1102 Urban Land Use and Development (4 MCs) RE1103 Property and Facilities Management (4 MCs) RE2101 Real Estate Market Analysis (RE1104 # , EC1301 # ) (4 MCs) RE2105 Land Law (4 MCs) RE3102 Advanced Topics in Urban Planning (RE2103 # ) (4 MCs) RE3 Resi Prop Man (RE2 (4 M RE1105 Understanding Design and Construction (4 MCs) RE1104 Principles of Real Estate Valuation (4 MCs) RE2102 Real Estate Economics (EC1301 # ) (4 MCs) RE2106 Real Estate Marketing and Negotiation (4 MCs) RE3103 Real Estate Development (RE2101 # , RE2102 # ) (4 MCs) Prog Elec Unre Elec (4 M ST1131 Introduction to Statistics (4 MCs) ULR2 (4 MCs) RE2103 Urban Planning (RE1102 # ) (4 MCs) RE2107 Property Tax and Statutory Valuation (RE1104 # ) (4 MCs) RE3104 Real Estate Investment Analysis (RE2104 # ) (4 MCs) Prog Elec Unre Elec (4 M ULR1 (4 MCs) ULR3 (4 MCs) ULR4 (4 MCs) ULR5 (4 MCs) RE3107 Real Estate Practice and Ethics (4 MCs) Prog Elec Unre Elec (4 M General Education Modules (GEM) 8 MCs Singapore Studies Module (SS) 4 MCs Breadth (Elective modules outside SDE) 8 MCs Unrestricted Electives (within/outside SDE) (UE) 20 MCs List of Programme Electives Real Est at e Fi nanc e Spec i al i sat i on Ur ban Pl anni ng Spec i al i sat i on O # RE3201 Research Methodology (Pre-req: RE2101, RE2104) # (P # RE3211 Real Estate Finance Law (Pre-req: RE2105) # RE3221 Real Estate Development Law (Pre-req: RE2105) # (P School of Design and Environment - NUS Bulletin AY 2012/13 - Registrar's Office - National University of Singapore[6/29/2013 12:12:01 PM] * Electives offered in Semester 1 # Electives offered in Semester 2 Tabl e 4: Real Est at e Unr est r i c t ed El ec t i ves St udent Wor k l oad In any one semester, students are not allowed to take more than 8 examination papers (excluding English), whether essential, elective, Singapore Studies Module or GE modules. Lengt h of Degr ee Pr ogr amme The programme is designed to allow students to progress at their own pace. Students doing the programme at a regular pace should complete it in four years. Students who are able to progress at a faster pace can complete the programme in three-and- a-half years if they take additional essential modules in each of the four semesters in their Second and Third Levels. Pr ogr essi on of St udent s Please see the table below: Gr aduat i on Requi r ement s f or f our -year B.Sc .(Real Est at e) (Hons.) Pr ogr amme Students have to take all essential modules offered in the semester to which they have progressed, provided they have passed the relevant prerequisites. In addition, they may take modules to satisfy University and other requirements. To graduate, a student must obtain a minimum of 160 MCs. Advanc ed Pl ac ement Cr edi t s Polytechnic diploma holders admitted to the programme may be granted advanced placement credits (APCs) for relevant modules. This is subject to Departmental consideration, given the wide range of subject modules from the polytechnics. # RE3212 Corporate Investment in Real Estate (Pre-req: RE3104) # RE3222 Urban Design and Conservation (Pre-req: RE3102) * (P # RE4210 Real Estate Finance Seminar (Pre-req: RE4211, RE4212) (Compulsory Module) # RE4220 Urban Planning Seminar (Pre-req: RE4221, RE4222) (Compulsory Module) * P (P *RE4211 REIT Management (Pre-req: RE3104) *RE4221 Advanced Urban Planning Theories (Pre-req: RE3102) * (P *RE4212 Real Estate Securitization (Pre-req: RE3104) *RE4222 Public Policy and Real Estate Markets (Pre-req: RE3103, RE3104)
# RE4213 Real Estate Risk Analysis and Management (Pre-req: RE3104, RE4211, RE4212) # RE4223 Urban Planning in Asian Cities (Pre-req: RE3102, RE4221, RE4222)
List of Unrestricted Electives RE1301 Real Estate Business RE2301 GIS for Real Estate RE3301 Consumer Behaviour in Real Estate RE3302 Environmental Issues in Cities RE4301 Housing Markets and Housing Policies RE4302 International Real Estate Minimum MCs (in general) for promotion to the next level School of Design and Environment - NUS Bulletin AY 2012/13 - Registrar's Office - National University of Singapore[6/29/2013 12:12:01 PM] For up-to-date APCs list, please refer to: 3.3 Multidisciplinary Opportunities 3.3.1 Minor Programmes A. Mi nor i n Pr oj ec t Management Cur r i c ul um The MC requirement for the Minor Programme in Project Management is 24 MCs. To satisfy this requirement, students must read outside their major, the following modules offered by the Department of Building. Thr ee c ompul sor y modul es: PF1101 Fundamentals of Project Management PF3101 Project Scheduling and Control PF3202 Project Development and Finance Any t hr ee el ec t i ve modul es f r om: PF2201 Scope and Design Management PF2203 Quality and Productivity Management PF3204 Project Risk Management PF4203 Project Dispute Management PF4204 Case Studies in Project Management (offer until AY2011/12) B. Mi nor i n Real Est at e Cur r i c ul um The requirement for the Minor Programme in Real Estate is 24 MCs. To satisfy this requirement, students must read outside their major, the following modules offered by the Department of Real Estate. All modules are worth 4 MCs. (a) Four Essential modules from the following list, subject to the prerequisites (if any) for each module. Modul es Pr er equi si t es Pr ec l usi ons Of f er ed I n RE1103 Property and Facilities Management - RE1805 Semester 2 RE1104 Principles of Valuation - RE2803 Semester 2 RE2101 Real Estate Market Analysis RE1104, EC1301 RE3801 Semester 1 RE2102 Real Estate Economics EC1301 RE2802 Semester 1 RE2103 Urban Planning RE1102 RE2801 Semester 1 RE2104 Real Estate Finance RE1101 RE2804 Semester 2 RE2106 Real Estate Marketing and Negotiation - RE2805 Semester 2 RE2107 Property Tax and Statutory Valuation RE1104 RE3805 Semester 2 RE3103 Real Estate Development RE2101, RE2102 RE4802 Semester 1 RE3104 Real Estate Investment Analysis RE2104 RE3802 Semester 1 RE4201 Real Estate Practice and Ethics RE3101, RE3103 RE3803 Semester 1 RE4222 Public Policy and Real Estate Markets RE3103, RE3104 RE4801 Semester 1 (b) At least two Unrestricted Elective Modules offered by the Department of Real Estate. Students must read RE1102 Urban Land Use and Development (which will be made available to students taking Minor in Real Estate as an Elective) to satisfy partially the MC requirement for Minor Programme in Real Estate. School of Design and Environment - NUS Bulletin AY 2012/13 - Registrar's Office - National University of Singapore[6/29/2013 12:12:01 PM] For more details of modules offered in the respective semester, please check the website: or call Mdm Srividya at 65161341. (c) For overlapping modules, the Minor Programme will consider double counting of MCs up to a maximum of 4 MCs towards the MCs-requirement in the Minor in Real Estate. C. Mi nor i n Ur ban St udi es Cur r i c ul um This Minor offered jointly by the Department of Real Estate and Department of Geography is open to all students. The requirement for the Minor Programme in Urban Studies is 24 MCs. To satisfy this requirement, students must read a minimum of six modules (three or four Core Modules, and three or two Elective Modules respectively) from the lists below. At least four modules required for the Urban Studies Minor must be taken outside the students own department and at least two modules must be from level-3000 or 4000. All modules are worth 4 MCs. (a) Students should choose at least three core modules from the list below. These three modules must comprise two RE + one GE modules or two GE + one RE modules. Level 1 (b) Students have to choose two or more elective modules from the lists below to obtain a total of six or more modules inclusive of the core modules. Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Modules Prerequisites RE1101 Fundamentals of Real Estate Finance - RE1102 Urban Land Use and Development - RE1103 Property and Facilities Management - GE2204 Cities in Transition - GE3204 Cities and Regions: Planning for Change - Modules Prerequisites AR2223 Theory of Urban Design and Planning - GE2202 Economy and Space - GE3241 Geographies of Social Life - RE2104 Real Estate Finance RE1101 Modules Prerequisites EC3381 Urban Economics EC2101 / EC2151 EC3382 Transport Economics I EC2101 / EC2151 GE3219 Globalisation and the Asian Cities - GE3236 Transport and Communications - RE3103 Real Estate Development RE2101, RE2102 SC3206 Urban Sociology - Modules Prerequisites RE4211 REIT Management RE3104 School of Design and Environment - NUS Bulletin AY 2012/13 - Registrar's Office - National University of Singapore[6/29/2013 12:12:01 PM] (c) For overlapping modules, the Minor Programme will consider double counting of MCs up to a maximum of 8 MCs towards the MCs-requirement in the Minor in Urban Studies. 3.4 Special Programmes 3.4.1 Student Exchange Programme [SEP] and NUS Overseas Colleges [NOC] Programme Students can spend up to one semester in approved overseas Universities offering similar modules. These modules will count towards the fulfilment of the number of modules required of a student to graduate. One academic year absence is allowed for students joining the NOC Programme. 3.4.2 Practical Training Scheme (PF3401) Department of Building B.Sc. (Project and Facilities Management) students undertake a minimum of nine weeks of Practical Training which is normally held at the end of the second semester in the Third Level. The aim of this scheme is to give students essential real-life work exposure in Singapore or abroad. The Department finds suitable placements with an organisation in the construction or real estate industry for students, and their work is supervised by a staff member of the Department, and a senior person within the organisation to which they are attached. The module will contribute 4 MCs and a CS/CU grade is awarded. 3.4.3 Real Estate Internship Programme Department of Real Estate The Real Estate Internship Programme (REIP) is a partnership between industry and academia in the provision of real estate education and training. It provides opportunities during the university vacation for internship training in mainstream private property companies as well as public institutions that serve the industry. The Department will secure the necessary positions with reputable organisations that are able to provide quality training and exposure for the undergraduates. Participation in the REIP is offered only to selected third year B.Sc. (Real Estate) undergraduates after a rigorous application and selection process. The minimum duration of an internship is nine weeks. This module will contribute 4 MCs. 3.4.4 Summer Programme Department of Real Estate This module is designed for third-year undergraduates to examine country-specific issues in socioeconomic, demographic and political dimensions underlying the real estate processes. Students will attend lectures and seminars in both NUS and partner universities in the country of discussion. Site visits to projects and organisations are an integral part of the module. Students will work on a project for in- depth study of selected aspects of the real estate industry in the country. This module precludes students who take the Real Estate Internship Programme module. 3.5 Financial Assistance / Scholarships 3.5.1 SDE Travelling Loan Fund Undergraduate students in the School of Design and Environment can apply for this loan for the purpose of assisting in the payment of travelling expenses incurred by students to travel overseas during the vacation each year for the purpose of stimulation and broadening of outlook in the respective disciplines of architecture, building and real estate. The loans also cover trips organised by the Departments. 3.5.2 K H Tan Bursary K H Tan Bursary is donated by Mr Tan Kwang Hwee to support financially needy full -time undergraduate students at the Department of Architecture. A total of 9 bursaries, each valued at $5,000 will be awarded to deserving students in AY2011/12. The bursary is tenable for one year. Existing full -time BA(Arch) students and 1 st year full -time RE4301 Housing Markets and Housing Policies - RE4302 International Real Estate - School of Design and Environment - NUS Bulletin AY 2012/13 - Registrar's Office - National University of Singapore[6/29/2013 12:12:01 PM] undergraduates who have been admitted to the BA(Architecture) programme are eligible to apply for the bursary. There are no constraints on the applicants nationality, race or gender. On 7 March 2012, Mr Tan has made another expendable gift for five bursaries to be disbursed in AY2012/13. Mr Tan has re-designated the K H Tan Bursary from Department of Architecture to the School of Design and Environment, making it available to all undergraduates at the School. 3.5.3 Architecture Alumni Association (AAA) Travel Prize Department of Architecture The AAA Travelling Award is sponsored by the Architecture Alumni Association commencing in AY2000/01. This award is presented to the B.A. (Arch.) Year 1 student who has distinguished himself/herself in the Year 1 History module, History and Theory of Modern Architecture. The intention of this award is to sponsor the recipients second year field trip on history studies. 3.5.4 ONG&ONG Travelling Fellowship Department of Architecture Up to 2 Travelling Fellowships will be offered to BA(Arch) Level 4 students proceeding to NUS M.Arch studies and/or M.Arch. students from any of the Research Teaching Groups in the Department each year. The value of each award is up to $10,000. Selection is based on the strength of proposed study & travel plan and academic excellence 3.5.5 Kumpulan Akitek Prize Department of Architecture The top 5% of the best students in design from the second to fourth year of study in the BA(Architecture) programme will be invited to form their own team, preferably drawn from each of the three years. This is to encourage the spirit of team-work and group learning. Winners of the prize which is a one-off grant of $10,000 must work together to develop a design-research undertaking. Though the teams are given flexibility to explore thematic issues of the time and their interests, the following are highly encouraged: 1. Ecological Design in the Tropics 2. Cultural Continuity and Traditional Forms in the contemporary settings 3. Design for Society 3.5.6 Tun Tan Cheng Lock Scholarship Department of Architecture This is a one off scholarship valued at $4500 and is set up to support research in the area of urban and architectural heritage in Southeast Asia. The Department will provide another $2000 per academic year for publication and exhibition of the projects Up to 4 Scholarships will be awarded to students under the following categories each year: i. Up to two undergraduate students in third/fourth year of study in the Department and or ii. One graduate student in the Department and/or iii. Up to two undergraduate or graduate students in accredited architectural programmes in other universities, preferably in Southeast Asia.. The basis of award corresponds to the 3 categories of students: i. The scholarship supports the undergraduates on projects that require travelling within Southeast Asia. ii. Research project related or connected to design thesis, dissertation or similar academic exercises. The study should preferably focus on urban and architecture heritage. iii. The area of study should be related to disciplines of the built environment, such as environmental design, landscape architecture, urban and architectural heritage & management, urban studies or urban planning. Recipients are required to put up an exhibition of their research/studies at the Tun Tan Cheng Lock Centre upon the completion of their projects. 3.5.7 Woh Hup Scholarship Department of Building The Woh Hup Scholarship is donated by Woh Hup Pte Ltd, commencing in AY2011/12. The scholarship, valued at $6,000 per year, is awarded to a 3 rd year student in the BSc (Project and Facilities Management) programme. It is tenable for two years, subject to the students progress. The same student shall continue to receive the award in his/her 4 th year of study. Applicants should attain at least a CAP of 3.5; have a strong record of CCA involvement; and demonstrate a commitment to community service. School of Design and Environment - NUS Bulletin AY 2012/13 - Registrar's Office - National University of Singapore[6/29/2013 12:12:01 PM] 3.5.8 Rider Levett Bucknall Medal and Prize - Department of Building Rider Levett Bucknall has pledged to make an expendable gift of $15,000 to establish the Rider Levett Bucknall Medal and Prize which will provide support to students undertaking the Bachelor of Science (Project and Facilities Management) at the Department of Building. The expendable gift of $15,000 will be fulfilled in two instalments of $7,500 beginning 2012. With effect from AY2011/2012, a gold medal and cash prize of $750 will be awarded to one student from each graduating year in the Bachelor of Science (Project and Facilities Management). The Board of Undergraduate Studies will award the winner based on the recommendation of the relevant Board of Examiners. 3.5.9 Fission Scholarship Department of Real Estate Fission Group is a property development company in Singapore, established in 2006. Fission Group has been involved in numerous projects in the real estate development business and investment in various real estate projects, with a total value of more than S$500 million. Melvin Poh and Francine Lee are both alumni of the former Building & Estate Management of NUS. They have both benefited from their education and would like to give back by making an expendable gift of $45,000 through their company, Fission Group, to the full -time undergraduates of Department of Real Estate. The value of each award will be fixed at S$3,000 per annum. The first award to be made in AY2012/13 and administer by the Department. The gift will allow the Department to award five merit-based scholarships per year. Two awards will be given to year 2 students and three awards will be given to year 3 students every year. Or three awards will be given to year 2 students and two awards will be given to year 3 students every year. The tenure of this Scholarship is three years. 3.6 Academic Awards Medals and book prizes are awarded only once in the academic year, after the Semester 2 Examination. In all instances, a prize-winner must be of sufficient merit. He/She must have passed all modules attempted and must be a good overall student. No award will be made unless there is a candidate of sufficient merit. In general, to be eligible for consideration for an Academic Year Award, a student must have completed a minimum workload of 40 MCs, 80 MCs and 120 MCs for the Year 1, Year 2 and Year 3 awards respectively. In addition, students must have completed at least 36 MCs of graded modules within the academic year of the award. The exception to this ruling would be students who are involved in internships, accelerated programmes or double degree programmes. For these students, they need to have a minimum of 24 MCs graded modules. In addition, students must have also completed a minimum of 16 MCs in the subject within the academic year. Below is a full list of the medals and book prizes for SDE undergraduates : Depar t ment Name of Aw ar d Cour se / Year of St udent A Department of Architecture Board of Architects Prize BA(Arch) 1 B
BA(Arch) 2 B
BA(Arch) 3 B
Board of Architects Prize and Medal BA(Arch) 4 B
ICI Dulux Medal BA(Arch) 4 B
Ramalingam Medal BA(Arch) 3 B C
AAA Travel Prize BA(Arch) 1 B A
Aedas Medal & Prize in Architectural Design BA(Arch) 4 S (
Architecture Alumni Fund (AAF) Prize for Distinction in Architectural BA(Arch) 1 S (
BA(Arch) 2 S ( School of Design and Environment - NUS Bulletin AY 2012/13 - Registrar's Office - National University of Singapore[6/29/2013 12:12:01 PM] Design
BA(Arch) 3 S A / Department of Building Lee Kuan Yew Gold Medal BSc(PFM) 4 B
SISV Gold Medal BSc(PFM) 4 H B
Sally Meyer Gold Medal BSc(PFM) 4 H t
BEMA Gold Medal BSc(PFM) 4 B M
SCAL Gold Medal BSc(PFM) 4 S D S S C Singapore Institute of Building BSc(PFM) 4 H Department of Building Langdon & Seah (Singapore) Medal BSc(PFM) w.e.f S2 AY2009/10 H Rider Levett Bucknall Medal and Prize BSc(PFM) w.e.f S1 AY2012/13 A C P Division of Industrial Design Lee Kuan Yew Gold Medal BA (IDS) 4 B Department of Real Estate Lee Kuan Yew Gold Medal BSc(RE) 4 B SISV Gold Medal BSc(RE) 4 B Sally Meyer Medal BSc(RE) 4 B S BEMA Gold Medal BSc(RE) 4 B M World Valuation Congress Medal BSc(RE) 4 B Amos Koh Medal BSc(RE) 4 B R Ascenda Medal BSc(RE) 4 S M Keppel Land Medal and Prize BSc(RE) 4 B R Knight Frank Medal and Prize (wef AY1011) BSc(RE) 4 B R SLA Medal and Prize (wef AY1011) BSc(RE) 4 B R Colliers Medal and Prize (wef AY1011) BSc(RE) 4 B m CB Richard Ellis Medal and Prize (wef AY1011) BSc(RE) 4 B R Huttons Marketing Medal and Prize BSc(RE) 4 B N School of Design and Environment - NUS Bulletin AY 2012/13 - Registrar's Office - National University of Singapore[6/29/2013 12:12:01 PM] Copyr i ght 2001-2009 Nat i onal Uni ver si t y of Si ngapor e. Al l Ri ght s Reser ved. Ter ms of Use | Pr i vac y | Non-di sc r i mi nat i on Si t e Map | Feedbac k |Campus Map Last modi f i ed on 31J ul y, 2012 by Regi st r ar ' s Of f i c e (wef AY1112) Fission Medal and Prize (wef AY1112) BSc(RE) 4 B R SISV Gold Medal BSc(RE) 4 (Part-time) H School of Design and Environment - NUS Bulletin AY 2012/13 - Registrar's Office - National University of Singapore[6/29/2013 12:12:06 PM] ACADEMI C CALENDAR DOWNLOADABLE FORM STUDENTS & GRADUATE STATI STI CS Registrar's Office Home > NUS Bul l et i n > Sc hool of Desi gn and Envi r onment > Gr aduat e Educ at i on EDUCATI ON AT NUS ADMI NI STRATI VE POLI CI ES EVENTS NUS BULLETI N Qui c k Li nk s Back to School of Design and Environment main content page Print this page Graduate Education 4.1 Research Programmes 4.1.1 Degrees Offered The research programmes offered in the School of Design and Environment are as follows: A. Master of Arts (Architecture) B. Master of Arts (Industrial Design) C. Master of Science (Building) D. Master of Science (Real Estate and Urban Economics) E. Doctor of Philosophy F. NUS-DTU Joint Ph.D. Programme 4.1.2 Degree Requirements Mast er s Degr ee by Resear c h Minimum CAP of 3.0 for all four modules taken Satisfactory grade in graduate seminar module Satisfactory Grade of C or better in English Language Course (Intermediate Level), if the student is required to take the graduate English Language Course Pass in Masters thesis Doc t or of Phi l osophy (Ph.D.) Minimum CAP of 3.5 for all six modules taken Satisfactory grade in doctoral seminar module Satisfactory Grade of C or better in English Language Course (Advanced Level), if the student is required to take the graduate English Language Course Pass in Qualifying Examination (includes a Comprehensive Written Examination and a closed door oral examination) Pass in Ph.D. Thesis and Oral Examination 4.2 Coursework Programmes 4.2.1 Degrees Offered Master of Architecture Master of Arts (Urban Design) Master of Landscape Architecture Master of Science (Building Performance and Sustainability) Master of Science (Project Management) Master of Science (Real Estate) M.B.A. (Real Estate) Master of Science (Environmental Management) Master of Science (Integrated Sustainable Design) ABOUT US PROSPECTI VE STUDENTS CURRENT STUDENTS GRADUATED STUDENTS Nat i onal Uni ver si t y of Si ngapor e myEMAIL IVLE LIBRARY MAPS CALENDAR SITEMAP CONTACT Sear c h in NUS Websites search for... NUS Websites School of Design and Environment - NUS Bulletin AY 2012/13 - Registrar's Office - National University of Singapore[6/29/2013 12:12:06 PM] 4.2.2 Degree Requirements A1. Mast er of Ar c hi t ec t ur e Pr ogr amme Obj ec t i ves The strategic objective of the M.Arch. programme is to prepare students for a professional career in architecture in a rapidly changing global context, with experiences developed from Singapore and international perspectives. It hopes to achieve this with a team of international academics and practitioners: a) To develop intellectual and critical thinking skills in and around the field of architecture. b) To develop rigour in the discipline of architectural design and the ability to integrate the many aspects - theoretical and practical in the design process. c) To develop ability in scholarly research. d) To further the concept of tropical environment architecture. Design is the central core discipline. It is complemented by other courses that focus on the technological, ethical, and professional and management aspects of architecture. Design constitutes approximately two thirds of the M.Arch. course content. The design programmes offered in the M.Arch. programme are generally more complex in nature. Students are expected to demonstrate rigour in their approach towards designs. The final schemes should not merely demonstrate competence but also draw in other ethical and cultural issues with which the schemes are engaged. Ent r y Requi r ement s This is the final year of the architecture programme following a four-year undergraduate honours programme in architecture. Graduates of this programme will have a prerequisite degree for professional registration in Singapore. Candidates are required to possess: (i) a B.A. (Arch) Hons. RIBA accredited degree OR (ii) four years of Architectural training, of which the first three years are from a RIBA Part 1 validated course and the fourth year is from a year of study in a RIBA Part 2 course equivalent to the fourth year of NUS B.A. (Arch.) Hons. programme. Applicants holding a non-RIBA Part 1 accredited degree or qualification must provide proof of accreditation by a National Accreditation Board or the Board of Architects of the country of origin; or Board of Architects (Singapore), subjected to approval by the Board of Graduate Studies. A preparatory course (a one- or two-year programme, depending on the candidates academic performance and portfolio review) is usually mandatory for non-NUS degree holders and NUS graduates of the three-year Bachelors programme in Architecture. Candidates must complete Architectural Design track of the four-year B.A. (Arch.) Hons. programme (M.Arch. preparatory course for external candidates) with minimum CAP of 2.5, and minimum C for Year 4 Design in order to proceed to the M.Arch. programme. Candidates who meet the relevant requisites would also be considered for entry to the M.Ar c h. programme with specialisation in Ur ban Desi gn or Desi gn Tec hnol ogy and Sust ai nabi l i t y . Gr aduat i on Requi r ement s Successful completion of the M.Arch. programme requires a candidate to complete 40 MCs of a dissertation and three essential modules. To graduate, students have to fulfil the degree requirement of: Minimum CAP of 3.0 and Minimum grade B- for AR5103 Per i od of Candi dat ur e The programme is conducted on a full -time basis lasting one year consisting of two semesters. The maximum period of candidature is limited to four semesters. Syl l abus Modul es MCs Semest er AR5103 Architectural Design Thesis 24 1 & 2 AR5141 Dissertation 8 1 School of Design and Environment - NUS Bulletin AY 2012/13 - Registrar's Office - National University of Singapore[6/29/2013 12:12:06 PM] AR5421 Architectural Practice 1 4 1 AR5422 Architectural Practice 2 4 2 Total MCs 40
A2. Mast er of Ar c hi t ec t ur e w i t h spec i al i sat i on i n Ur ban Desi gn Pr ogr amme Obj ec t i ves The rapid urbanisation of the Asian landscape and the equally swift transformation of its cities create an urgent need in the region for design professionals, especially practicing architects and planners, to deal with problems of designing within existing urban fabrics and in the periphery of rapidly growing cities. Exposure to a wide scale of design issues ranges from the layout of towns and the restructuring of inner cities to the shaping of streets as settings for public life. The provision of open spaces that nurture civic consciousness also require in-depth consideration. The M.Arch. programme with specialisation in Urban Design aims to offer a broad based education in the theory and practice of urban design to enhance the knowledge and abilities of professional architects involved in the design, creation, and evaluation of urban spaces. More specifically, the programme hopes to achieve the following objectives: 1. Produce environmentally and socially responsible professionals who are committed to the provision of good urban public areas. 2. Develop analytical and methodological skills that are critical foundations to urban design processes. 3. Provide exposure, at an advanced level, to the full range of issues that bear upon the design and realisation of large scale urban space. 4. Prepare students for advanced careers in urban design, consulting, research or public service, or in preparation for further academic training. Ent r y Requi r ement s Entry requirements include completion of the Architectural Design track of the four-year B.A. (Arch) Hons programme with minimum CAP of 2.5, and minimum B+ average for Year 4 Design or its equivalent with portfolio review. Candidates with qualifications deemed to be equivalent to first three years of the NUS B.A. (Arch) programme can be considered for admission to a preparatory course which is similar to the B.A. (Arch) Level 4 (Architectural Design Track) programme. Candidates can proceed to M.Arch. specialising in Urban Design upon completion of the preparatory programme and fulfilling the prerequisite CAP of 2.5 and minimum B+ average for Design with portfolio review. Gr aduat i on Requi r ement s Successful completion of the M.Arch. (specialisation in Urban Design) requires a candidate to complete 44 MCs of a Dissertation and seven essential modules. To graduate, students have to fulfil the degree requirement of: Minimum CAP of 3.0 and Minimum C in UD5601 and UD5602 with at least B - in either UD5601 or UD5602 Per i od of Candi dat ur e The programme is conducted on a full -time basis lasting one year consisting of two semesters. The maximum period of candidature is limited to four semesters. Syl l abus Modul es MCs Semest er AR5141 Dissertation 8 1 AR5421 Architectural Practice 1 4 1 AR5422 Architectural Practice 2 4 2 AR5422 Architectural Practice 2 4 2 School of Design and Environment - NUS Bulletin AY 2012/13 - Registrar's Office - National University of Singapore[6/29/2013 12:12:06 PM] UD5601 Urban Design Studio 1 8 1 UD5602 Urban Design Studio 2 8 2 UD5521 Planning Process: Quantitative and Policy Dimensions 4 1 UD5622 Methods of Urban Design and Urban Analysis 4 1 UD5628 Sustainable Urban Design and Development 4 2 Total MCs 44
A3. Mast er of Ar c hi t ec t ur e w i t h spec i al i sat i on i n Desi gn Tec hnol ogy and Sust ai nabi l i t y (DTS) Pr ogr amme Obj ec t i ves M.Arch. with specialisation in DTS offers a broad based architectural education that advances design investigation into technology and sustainability. It seeks to cultivate design approaches involving critical thinking, holistic perception, technical imagination and ecological literacy. The programme aims to achieve the following objectives: 1. Produce environmentally and socially responsible professionals who are committed to the provision of comprehensive architectural design. 2. Develop analytical and methodological skills that are critical foundations to design processes integrating technology. 3. Provide exposure to the full range of issues that bear upon the design and realization of buildings addressing sustainability. Ent r y Requi r ement s Entry requirements include the completion of the DTS track of the four-year B.A. (Arch) Hons. programme with (1) minimum CAP of 2.5 and (2) minimum B- average for AR4103 and AR4104. Gr aduat i on Requi r ement s Successful completion of the M.Arch. with specialisation in DTS requires a candidate to complete 44 MCs of a Technical Dissertation and five essential modules. To graduate, students have to fulfil the degree requirement of: Minimum CAP of 3.0 and Minimum grade B - for AR5104 Per i od of Candi dat ur e The programme shall be conducted on a full -time basis lasting one year consisting of two semesters. The maximum period of candidature is limited to four semesters. Syl l abus Modul es MCs Semest er AR5104 Final Design Project 20 1 & 2 AR5142 Technical Dissertation 8 1 AR5421 Architectural Practice 1 4 1 AR5121 Special Topics in Technology 4 1 & 2 AR5422 Architectural Practice 2 4 2 AR5322 Renewable Resources and Architecture 4 2 Total MCs 44
School of Design and Environment - NUS Bulletin AY 2012/13 - Registrar's Office - National University of Singapore[6/29/2013 12:12:06 PM] B. Mast er of Ar t s (Ur ban Desi gn) Pr ogr amme Obj ec t i ves The Master of Arts (Urban Design) program is an intensive course that aims to inculcate in graduates the ability to study the city in more complex and inclusive terms and to design successful urban spaces that take into careful consideration current and future users based on an understanding of a wide range of issues including those impinging on economics, ecology, sociology, environmental psychology, technology, urban geography, cultural theory to real estate. The primary aim of the Master of Arts (Urban Design) is to offer a broad-based education in the theory and practice of urban design to enhance the knowledge and abilities of professionals involved in the design, creation, and evaluation of urban spaces. Ent r y Requi r ement s Bachelor of Architecture / Bachelor of Arts (Architecture) (Hons) OR Master of Architecture OR Honours / Graduate degree in a related discipline (minimum 4-year undergraduate degree is required) Interview, and portfolio review where necessary Relevant experience in a related discipline is preferred Gr aduat i on Requi r ement s Successful completion of the programme requires a candidate to: Option 1: Complete one dissertation and to pass six essential modules and one elective. Option 2: Do two elective modules in lieu of Dissertation, i.e., Pass six essential modules (including urban design studios) and three elective modules. Total number of Modular Credits required is 44. Minimum CAP for graduation is 3.0. Per i od of Candi dat ur e The programme can be completed in one year on a full -time basis, or in two years on a part-time basis. The maximum period of candidature is four semesters for full -time candidates, and six semesters for part- time candidates. Fi el d Tr i p Urban Design Studio 2 (UD5602) will include a compulsory one-week international workshop in the form of a field trip to a regional city to work with the relevant local planning/design authority and academic institution (cost of field trip borne by the student). Syllabus (Elective modules listed may not be offered in any one academic semester or year.) * For students who choose to do two electives in lieu of Dissertation Essent i al Modul es MCs (Opt i on 1) MCs (Opt i on 2) Semest er UD5641 Dissertation 8 - 2 UD5601 Urban Design Studio 1 8 8 1 UD5602 Urban Design Studio 2 8 8 2 UD5221 Theory and Elements of Urban Design 4 4 1 UD5521 Planning Process: Quantitative and Policy Dimensions 4 4 1 UD5622 Methods of Urban Design and Urban Analysis 4 4 1 School of Design and Environment - NUS Bulletin AY 2012/13 - Registrar's Office - National University of Singapore[6/29/2013 12:12:06 PM] UD5628 Sustainable Urban Design and Development 4 4 2
Min. 1 module offered in Department/School 4 12* 1 or 2
Total MCs 44 44 - C. Mast er of Landsc ape Ar c hi t ec t ur e Pr ogr amme Obj ec t i ve Situated in a part of the world, where breathtakingly fast urbanisation 'happens', we are specialising in landscape architectural topics in the urban and mega-urban context. Ent r y Requi r ement s This is a two-year full -time professional degree programme providing education and training in landscape architecture. The programme consists of 16 essential modules spread over two years: Masters Preparatory Year and Masters Final Year. Students with a previous Bachelor degree in Landscape Architecture recognised by the Department of Architecture and Singapore Institute of Landscape Architects will be admitted to the preparatory year which is similar to the 4th year of the Bachelor of Arts (Architecture) [B.A. (Arch.)] (specialisation in Landscape Architecture) programme. However, a bridging programme will be provided for students who have completed the third year of the NUS four-year B.A. (Arch.) programme and overseas candidates who have completed an equivalent programme. The bridging programme will be held over 2 Special Terms and will be prerequisites for entry into the M.LA. programme for un-accredited graduates. Candidates are required to pass all the modules in the preparatory programme with a minimum B- average for LA4701 and LA4702 and minimum CAP of 2.5 before they are allowed to proceed to the one- year M.LA. programme. Gr aduat i on Requi r ement s The M.LA. programme requires a candidate to complete 44 MCs of a dissertation and seven essential modules. To graduate, students have to fulfil the additional requirements of: Minimum CAP of 3.0 and Minimum grade B- for both LA5701 and LA5702 Per i od of Candi dat ur e The programme shall be conducted on a full -time basis lasting two years consisting of four semesters. The maximum period of candidature is limited to six semesters. Syl l abus Br i dgi ng Pr ogr amme MCs Spec i al Ter m 3 LA3701 Introduction to Landscape Design 4 LA3201 Introduction to the History of Landscape 4 LA3711 Sketchbook 1 2 Spec i al Ter m 4 LA3211 Tropical Plant Identification 1 4 LA3301 Plant Science & Horticulture 4 LA3712 Sketchbook 2 2 School of Design and Environment - NUS Bulletin AY 2012/13 - Registrar's Office - National University of Singapore[6/29/2013 12:12:06 PM] Total MCs 20 M.LA Year 1 - Pr epar at or y Pr ogr amme MCs Semest er 1 LA4701 MLA Studio: Quarter 8 LA4201 Theory of Modern Landscape Architecture 4 LA4301 Material and Design 4 BL5102 Environmental Science 4 Semest er 2 LA4702 MLA Studio: City 8 LA4202 Planting Design 4 LA4212 Tropical Plant Identification 2 4 LA5222 Urban Ecology and Design 4 Total MCs 40 M.LA Year 2 - Mast er of Landsc ape Ar c hi t ec t ur e MCs Semest er 1 LA5701 MLA Studio: Country 8 LA5201 Policy of Landscape 4 LA5301 Geo Design 4 UD5221 Theory and Elements of Urban Design 4 Semest er 2 LA5702 MLA Studio: Region 8 LA5302 Detail Design 4 LA5402 Professional Practice 4 LA5742 Dissertation 8 Total MCs 44 D. Mast er of Sc i enc e (Bui l di ng Per f or manc e and Sust ai nabi l i t y) Pr ogr amme Obj ec t i ve The Master of Science (Building Performance and Sustainability) programme is a multi -disciplinary educational programme. The aim of the programme is to offer graduates of different disciplines, who are engaged in design, construction, commissioning, operation and maintenance of building systems and services, an opportunity to acquire knowledge and practice in the broad field of Building Performance and Sustainability. This knowledge is vital for those engaged in such activities in the 21st century that confronts mankind with irreversible effects of climate change and potentially adverse consequences now and in the School of Design and Environment - NUS Bulletin AY 2012/13 - Registrar's Office - National University of Singapore[6/29/2013 12:12:06 PM] future. This global phenomenon necessitates a paradigm shift towards creating buildings that are not only comfortable and healthy for the occupants but are also sustainable. Whilst the Master of Science (Building Performance and Sustainability) programme is firmly embedded with the challenges and issues in the building sector faced in the rapidly developing urbanization of cities in the tropical belt of the world that has the potential to impact in excess of 2 billion people, it also addresses similar fundamental issues related to other climates and cultures elsewhere in The world. Ent r y Requi r ement s At least a bachelors degree with honours in a relevant discipline. Candidates should have at least two years of relevant practical experience after their first degree. A good TOEFL score (580) or equivalent is required of applicants whose medium of undergraduate instruction is not in English. Gr aduat i on Requi r ement s The Master of Science (Building Performance and Sustainability) is a multi -disciplinary educational programme that can be completed in 1 year on a full -time basis, or in 2 years on a part-time basis. Successful completion of the programme requires a candidate to pass 40 Modular Credits comprising 9 graduate level modules; or 7 graduate level modules and complete a dissertation. This includes an 8 MC studio module. The requirements for Prescribed Elective (PE) modules can be fulfilled by choosing any module(s) from the list of PE modules in the Master of Science (Building Performance and Sustainability) programme. There is also a provision to read up to a maximum of two Unrestricted Elective (UE) modules. Per i od of Candi dat ur e The graduation requirements of 40 modular credits (MCs) are to be done within a maximum period of 4 semesters for full -time candidates, and 6 semesters for part-time candidates, and with a minimum Cumulative Average Point (CAP) of 3. Syl l abus Essent i al Modul es Of f er ed i n BPS5101 Total Building Performance and Integration Semester 1 BPS5102 Climate Change and the Built Environment Semester 2 BPS5103 Green Building Integration and Evaluation Studio (8 MC Module) Semesters 1 & 2 Pr esc r i bed El ec t i ve Modul es
BPS5201 Thermal and Indoor Air Quality Performance Semester 1 BPS5202 Lighting and Acoustics Performance Semester 1 BPS5203 Structural Systems and Spatial Performance Semester 1 BPS5204 Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy in Buildings Semester 2 BPS5205 Sustainable Construction and Maintainability Semester 2 BPS5206 Protective Building Technologies Semester 2 BPS5207 Fire Technology Semester 2 BPS5300 Special Topics in Building Performance and Sustainability Semesters 1 & 2 Unr est r i c t ed Modul es
Modules from any masters programme or BPS5000 Dissertation. E. Mast er of Sc i enc e (Pr oj ec t Management ) School of Design and Environment - NUS Bulletin AY 2012/13 - Registrar's Office - National University of Singapore[6/29/2013 12:12:06 PM] Pr ogr amme Obj ec t i ves It aims to provide professionals with the sound management skills and techniques necessary for the successful completion of complex projects. The programme focuses on front -end general project management issues such as development, finance, contract, and dispute management. This is supplemented by allowing students to take elective modules from other faculties according to their professional specializations. The programme is taught by senior faculty members and industry experts. It attracts specialists from various sectors such as construction, engineering, and IT. Participants from overseas feature strongly on all intakes, and the wide mix of expertise allows for meaningful exchange and interaction at graduate level. Ent r y Requi r ement s At least a bachelors degree with honours in a relevant discipline. Candidates should have at least two years of relevant practical experience after their first degrees. Gr aduat i on Requi r ement s The graduation requirement is to pass 10 modules or 8 modules and a dissertation within a maximum period of four semesters for full -time candidates, and six semesters for part-time candidates. Part-time students will attend two to three evening classes per week per semester, and full -time students will attend four to five classes. Students may take three unrestricted elective modules from other faculties within NUS. Period of candidature The Master of Science (Project Management) programme can be completed in one year on a full -time basis, or in two years on a part-time basis. Syllabus Essent i al Modul es Of f er ed i n
PM5101 Project Management Semester 2
PM5112 Research Methods Semester 1
PM5103 Contract Management Semester 1
Pr esc r i bed El ec t i ve Modul es (Choose f our ): Of f er ed I n PM5104 Development Management Semester 1
PM5105 Development Finance Semester 1
PM5106 Design Management Semester 1
PM5107 Time and Cost Management Semester 2
PM5108 International Project Management Semester 2
PM5109 Project Management Law Semester 2
PM5110 Project Management Case Studies Semester 2
PM5111 Special Topics in Project Management Semesters 1 & 2
Unr est r i c t ed El ec t i ve Modul es
Students can take any three approved master level modules within NUS (e.g. IT or engineering modules) or complete a dissertation and an unrestricted elective module.
F. Mast er of Sc i enc e (Real Est at e) Pr ogr amme Obj ec t i ves School of Design and Environment - NUS Bulletin AY 2012/13 - Registrar's Office - National University of Singapore[6/29/2013 12:12:06 PM] The programme curriculum provides an up-to-date programme that is grounded in academic rigour and relevant in its coverage of the industrys needs. The programme is designed to provide a strong foundation in strategic decisions within the real estate development process. The structure also allows sufficient flexibility for candidates to develop their interest in other specialised areas. Ent r y Requi r ement s At least a bachelor's degree with honours in a relevant discipline. Candidates should have at least two years of relevant practical experience after their first degrees. TOEFL/IELTS score is required for applicants whose medium of undergraduate instruction is not in English. At the point of application, GRE scores are not compulsory. For all coursework programs, additional requirements may be stipulated later, e.g. when prospective applicants come from universities whose academic standards are not known. These may include GRE scores. Gr aduat i on Requi r ement s Candidates are required to complete a 40 Modular Credit programme comprising of: Six essential modules of 4 MCs each; One restricted elective of 8 MCs; and Two unrestricted electives of 4 MCs each Students can also accumulate MCs from cross programme/faculty unrestricted elective modules of 4 MCs each. (e.g., Architecture or Building modules). Per i od of Candi dat ur e Candidates graduate after completed the 40 Modular Credit programme within a maximum period of four semesters for full -time candidates, and six semesters for part-time candidates. On average, the programme requirements can be completed in one year on a full -time basis, or in one and a half years on a part-time basis. A full -day session, lasting one week, will be held at the beginning of Semester One of Year One. This is followed by evening classes, typically two to three times per week. Some elective modules may be offered on full -day sessions. The full -time programme is integrated with the part-time programme. Rec ogni t i on by Pr of essi onal Bodi es The M.Sc. (Real Estate) degree is accredited by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, UK. Syl l abus Essent i al Modul es Of f er ed i n
Of f er ed I n RE5011 International Field Study (8 MCs) Semester 2
RE5000 Dissertation (8 MCs) Semesters 1 & 2
Unr est r i c t ed El ec t i ve Modul es (suggest ed modul e i n r eal est at e)
Of f er ed I n School of Design and Environment - NUS Bulletin AY 2012/13 - Registrar's Office - National University of Singapore[6/29/2013 12:12:06 PM] RE5014 Real Estate in Corporate Portfolios (4 MCs) Semester 1
G. Mast er of Busi ness Admi ni st r at i on w i t h Spec i al i sat i on i n Real Est at e Pr ogr amme Obj ec t i ves The business of real estate requires a good understanding of how real estate assets and real estate markets behave in the context of increasing economic globalisation and financial integration. Using an interdisciplinary approach that combines domain real estate expertise and management skills, the M.B.A. with Specialisation in Real Estate programme aims to prepare real estate practitioners for creating new opportunities in the rapidly developing field of real estate. Offered jointly by the Department of Real Estate, School of Design and Environment and the NUS Business School, the programme is distinctive in applying the best of real estate and business techniques in a uniquely Asian setting. Ent r y Requi r ement s A good bachelor's degree A minimum of 2 years' full -time work experience in management or related functions A good Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) score A good score in the TOEFL, IELTS or PTE if English was not the medium of instruction in undergraduate studies. Gr aduat i on Requi r ement s Both full -time and part-time students in the M.B.A. with Specialisation in Real Estate programme are required to complete 17 modules comprising: Six core business modules Four core real estate modules Two electives on real estate Two and half electives on business One integrative field study project or three modules in lieu of the integrative project. Essent i al Modul es The six core Business modules offered by the NUS Business School are: BMA5002A Statistics BMA5003 Financial Accounting BMA5008 Financial Management BMA5009 Marketing Management BMA5013 Corporate Strategy BMA5112 Asia Pacific Business Please visit the NUS Business School website: for more details. Syl l abus The four core Real Estate modules offered by the NUS Department of Real Estate are: Essent i al Modul es Of f er ed i n RE5003 Real Estate Investment Analysis (4 MCs) Semester 1 RE5004 Economics of Real Estate Markets (4 MCs) Semester 1 RE5006 Corporate Real Estate Asset Management (4 MCs) Semester 2 RE6001 Real Estate Finance & Securitisation (4 MCs) Semester 2 El ec t i ve Modul es (not ex haust i ve) School of Design and Environment - NUS Bulletin AY 2012/13 - Registrar's Office - National University of Singapore[6/29/2013 12:12:06 PM] Real Estate electives from the Master of Science in Real Estate programme are: Essent i al Modul es Of f er ed i n RE5001 Real Estate Development (4 MCs) Semester 1 RE5002 Legal & Institutional Framework (4 MCs) Semester 1 RE5005 Development & Project Financing (4 MCs) Semester 2 RE5008 International Real Estate (4 MCs) Semester 2 RE5009 Commercial Real Estate Appraisal (4 MCs) Semester 1 RE5013 Urban Policy and Real Estate Markets (4 MCs) Semester 1 Besides these, there is a wide selection of electives on campus to cater to the different needs, interests and career objectives of individual students. RE5012 I nt egr at i ve Fi el d St udy (12 MCs) The Integrative Field Study is a hands-on consulting project that requires participants to apply the skills and knowledge gained during the course to solve real problems in organisations and come up with workable solutions. This module is typically offered from May to August every year and is jointly supervised by a faculty member and a participating firm. Per i od of Candi dat ur e The full -time M.B.A. programme is an intensive course which can be completed in 17 months. The part- time M.B.A. programme requires a minimum of 30 months to complete and can be extended to a maximum of six years. H. Mast er of Sc i enc e (Envi r onment al Management ) Pr ogr amme Obj ec t i ves The M.Sc. (Environmental Management) programme is a multi -faculty programme of the University, hosted by the School of Design and Environment. The programme is taught by faculty members from the school, and six other faculties in the University. Faculty members from the following Faculties or schools in the University teach on it: School of Design and Environment Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences NUS Business School Faculty of Engineering Faculty of Law Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine (Dept of Community, Occupational and Family Medicine) Faculty of Science The MEM programme has an MOU with the School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, Yale University, and one faculty member of the School teaches on the programme. The objectives of the MEM programme are: to provide an internationally recognised graduate degree in environmental management for mid- and senior-level managers in the public and private sectors in Singapore and the Asia-Pacific; to equip graduates with the necessary knowledge to properly manage the environment and to deal with the challenges of an environmentally conscious society and international market; and to enable graduates to assume responsible and influential roles in the public and private sectors and to make sound decisions that support sustainable development. Ent r y Requi r ement s A good undergraduate degree with honours from a well-recognized university Relevant working experience in environmental management, or environment-related fields in either the public or private sectors. For applicants from universities whose academic standards are not widely known, additional requirements may be stipulated. School of Design and Environment - NUS Bulletin AY 2012/13 - Registrar's Office - National University of Singapore[6/29/2013 12:12:06 PM] These may include the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) and/or the Graduate Record Examination (GRE). For candidates whose medium of undergraduate instruction is not in English, a good Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) score is also required. Applicants with undergraduate degrees (and graduate degrees, if any) from Myanmar are required to submit documentary evidence of their TOEFL or IELTS scores. Gr aduat i on Requi r ement s The M.Sc. (Environmental Management) (MEM) Programme can be undertaken either full -time (one academic year) or part-time (two academic years). Candidates would be required to complete a 40 MCs programme, of which the main components are the following seven Core Modules. To fulfil the requirements of the graduate coursework degrees programmes offered by the School of Design and Environment, a candidate must attain a minimum CAP of 3.0. The candidature of a student will be terminated if he/she obtains the following: a. a CAP of less than 2.50 for two consecutive semesters. b. a CAP of less than 3.0 for three consecutive semesters. In addition, each candidate must complete either one Elective module and a study report of 10,000 words, or a dissertation of 20,000 words. The candidate may choose the Elective from a wide range of modules related to the environment, offered by any of the faculties in NUS. Candidates are also required to attend a non-examinable seminar module, which covers, from an interdisciplinary perspective, global environmental issues and particular environmental challenges facing the Asian region. Speakers at these seminars are leaders in the specialised fields from the public and private sectors, as well as non- governmental organisations, both local and international. Per i od of Candi dat ur e Full-time candidates must complete the requirements of the programme within a maximum candidature period of four semesters (two years), and part-time candidates, a maximum period of six semesters (three years). Syl l abus Essent i al Modul es Of f er ed i n BX5101 Business and the Environment Semester 2 BL5102 Environmental Science Semester 1 LX5103 Environmental Law Semester 1 ESE5901 Environmental Technology Semester 2 PP5269 Environmental Economics & Public Policy Semester 2 DE5106 Environmental Management and Assessment Semester 1 DE5107 Environmental Planning Semester 2 Conduc t of Cl asses The MEM programme begins on the last Friday before the start of each academic year. Most of the classes are held in the School of Design and Environment. Most classes are held in the evenings, from 6.30 pm to 9.30 pm, with the exception of Elective Modules which may be held in the other Faculties or schools during other periods of the day. Part-time candidates generally would be expected to attend two three-hour evening classes per week in each semester. Full-time candidates would attend, on average, four three-hour evening classes per week. The modules are delivered in the form of interactive lectures, seminars, workshops and case studies. Field trips are arranged regularly, usually on Saturdays. Under the compulsory Seminar Programme, seminars are held at regular intervals, usually on Friday evenings. Some intensive short courses, such as the one on Environmental Ethics, are occasionally held School of Design and Environment - NUS Bulletin AY 2012/13 - Registrar's Office - National University of Singapore[6/29/2013 12:12:06 PM] on Saturday mornings. I . Mast er of Sc i enc e (I nt egr at ed Sust ai nabl e Desi gn) The new programme is offered jointly by the Departments of Architecture and Building. Pr ogr amme Obj ec t i ves The programme is a post-professional, multi -disciplinary learning platform that offers motivated individuals architects, engineers, educators, planners, policy makers insights, knowledge and skill sets for a holistic approach to sustainability with which they can assume a role of leadership in their respective discipline and organisation. It offers them an opportunity to acquire the mindset of integrative thinking which in the quest for sustainable solutions is the convergence of planning, design, technology and policy towards strategic outcomes. Ther e ar e f our ar eas of emphases t o t he c ur r i c ul um: i) Forging an Integrative, Multidisciplinary Approach An integrative approach is one that advocates synergy between disciplines and stakeholders across different domains of knowledge in the interest of holistic, sustainable solutions. In the programme, the Integrated Project Studios will be the vehicle for forging new mindsets and collaborative outlooks. Students will learn how decisions by other disciplines and their own collectively impact performance. ii) Focus on the Asian Context The programme, through the various taught modules, asks what it means to be designing for, and building in, Asia with its varying conditions, strengths and vulnerabilities. iii) Lessons from the Singapore Experience The Singapore experience as one example of an Asian model will be examined in depth. Policies and initiatives relating to public housing, infrastructure, resource management and Green design will be reviewed. Their applicability to other Asian contexts will be critically discussed. iv) Exploring Scalability of Solutions; Buildings to Cities Students will be exposed to varying scales of the built environment and their connectivity. Buildings as sub-units of neighbourhoods, neighbourhoods as networks extending into cities, are examined in the context of emerging eco-cities in Asia. The programme will examine the inter-dependency of architectural and urban scales. Ent r y Requi r ement s Candidates are selected on the basis of their academic qualifications and relevant industry experience. An applicant must submit the following: 1. Evidence of a bachelors degree with honours in Architecture, Landscape Architecture, Planning/Urban Design, Project and Facility Management, Engineering or other building-related degree programmes, or qualifications as may be approved by National University of Singapores Senate. 2. A detailed curriculum vitae and/or project portfolio describing at least two years of relevant practical experience after completion of first degree 3. TOEFL score of 580 or equivalent for applicants whose first degree is not taught in English. Gr aduat i on r equi r ement s The graduation requirement is 40 modular credits (MCs) and with a Cumulative Average Point (CAP) of at least 3.0. The 40 MCs can be attained by taking essential modules and two elective modules from existing master coursework programmes. The programme is taught via six lecture modules and two studio projects. Per i od of Candi dat ur e The programme can be completed in one year, full time, or two years, part-time. Syl l abus School of Design and Environment - NUS Bulletin AY 2012/13 - Registrar's Office - National University of Singapore[6/29/2013 12:12:06 PM] Essent i al Modul es Of f er ed i n Semest er 1 20 ISD5101 Integrated Project Studio 1 8 ISD5103 Green Buildings in the Tropics 4 ISD5104 Energy and Ecology 4
Programme Elective 1 4 Semest er 2 20 ISD5102 Integrated Project Studio 2 8 ISD5105 Principles of Sustainable Urbanism 4 ISD5106 Sustainability Models and Blueprints 4
Programme Elective 2 4 Tot al 40 4.2.3 Financial Assistance and Awards CapitaLand International Scholarship Master of Architecture, Master of Arts (Urban Design), Master of Science (Real Estate) (Onl y open t o appl i c ant s w ho ar e c i t i zens of Vi et nam or Peopl es Republ i c of Chi na and ar e r esi di ng i n Vi et nam or Chi na r espec t i vel y) The CapitaLand International Scholarship is opened to students pursuing full -time studies in the stipulated programmes at National University of Singapore. The recipient will be required to work for the CapitaLand Group for a consecutive period of 24 to 36 months from the completion date of study. K H Tan Bursary - Master of Architecture The K H Tan Bursary is donated by Mr Tan Kwang Hwee to support financially needy full -time Master of Architecture final year students at the Department of Architecture. 5 bursaries, each valued at $7,000, will be awarded to deserving students in AY2012/13. The bursary is tenable for one year. Existing full -time M.Arch. students or full -time students embarking on the Master of Architecture final year programme are eligible to apply for the bursary and there are no constraints on the applicants nationality, race or gender. NUSS MEM Scholarship Master of Science (Environmental Management) The National University of Singapore Society (NUSS) MEM Scholarship was established to encourage studies in environmental management and to assist impassioned students of the M.Sc.(Environmental Management) (MEM) who are in financial need. The goal is to facilitate and allow worthy participation in this Masters programme. Shell Bursary Master of Science (Environmental Management) The Shell Bursaries are granted to full -time students of the M.Sc. (Environmental Management) programme who are in need of financial support. Such students must have completed one semester of study on the programme, and must have achieved creditable academic standards. Shell Best Dissertation Award - Master of Science (Environmental Management) School of Design and Environment - NUS Bulletin AY 2012/13 - Registrar's Office - National University of Singapore[6/29/2013 12:12:06 PM] The Shell Best Dissertation Prize is awarded annually to the student of the M.Sc. (Environmental Management) programme who has written the best dissertation in the graduating cohort of that year. The award is made on the basis of the final marks obtained, the difficulty of the topic chosen and the value of the research outcome. A number of the top candidates for each cohort are required to make presentations on their dissertations to a committee to determine the award. Tan Chay Bing Scholarship - Master of Science (Environmental Management) The Tan Chay Bing Scholarship supports financially needy and outstanding students of the M.Sc. (Environmental Management) programme who demonstrate academic excellence, high intellectual capacity, sound character, strong leadership potential, and a passion for the environment, for one academic year. Tan Chay Bing Bursary - Master of Science (Environmental Management) The Tan Chay Bing Bursaries are granted to full -time students of the M.Sc. (Environmental Management) programme who are in need of financial support. The Asian Development Bank-Japan Scholarship - Master of Science (Environmental Management) The Asian Development Bank (ADB)-Japan Scholarship Programme was established in 1988. It aims to provide an opportunity for well-qualified citizens of ADBs developing member countries to pursue graduate studies in economics, management, science and technology, and other development-related fields at participating academic institutions in the Asia and Pacific Region. Upon completion of study, scholars are expected to contribute to the economics and social development of their home countries. 4.3 Academic Awards Medals and book prizes are awarded only once in the academic year, after the Semester 2 Examination. In all instances, a prize-winner must be of sufficient merit. He/She must have passed all modules attempted and must be a good overall student. No award will be made unless there is a candidate of sufficient merit. Below is a full list of the medals and book prizes for SDE students : Depar t ment Name of Aw ar d Cour se / Year of St udent Aw ar d Cr i t er i a Department of Architecture Lee Kuan Yew Gold Medal M.Arch. (Concurrent BA(Arch) Hons & M.Arch.) Best graduate student throughout the course of study for Master of Architecture (Concurrent B.A.(Arch.) Honors and M.Arch. Degree programme.
Singapore Institute of Architects Prize M.A.(UD) Best student throughout course of study
Singapore Institute of Architects Medal M.Arch. Best graduate student in the course of study for Master of Architecture and has passed the Master of Architecture II examinations. Department of Architecture Board of Architects Prize and Medal M.Arch. Best graduate student in Master of Architecture examination. School of Design and Environment - NUS Bulletin AY 2012/13 - Registrar's Office - National University of Singapore[6/29/2013 12:12:06 PM]
Board of Architects Prize and Medal MArch Best graduate student in Master of Architecture examination.
Architecture Alumni Association (AAA) Prize M.Arch. Student who distinguished in module AR5141 Dissertation in the area of Asian Architecture or Urbanisation.
Aedas Medal & Prize in Architectural Design Thesis M.Arch. Best graduate student in the Master of Architecture who has obtained the highest mark for AR5103 Architectural Design Thesis
Aedas Medal & Prize in Sustainable Design M.Arch. (DTS Specialization) Best graduate student in the Master of Architecture (speicalisation in DTM) who has obtained the highest mark for AR5104 Final Design Project. Depar t ment Name of Aw ar d Cour se / Year of St udent Aw ar d Cr i t er i a
P & T Medal & Prize M.Arch. Best graduate student in the Master of Architecture programme who has obtained the highest average mark for AR5421 (Architectural Practice 1) and AR5422 (Architectural Practice 2).
P & T Medal & Prize M.Arch. Best graduate student in the Master of Architecture programme who has obtained the highest average mark for AR5421 (Architectural Practice 1) and AR5422 (Architectural Practice 2).
Pioneer Architects (Lim Chong Keat) Prize M.Arch. Awarded to the Master of Architecture student whose final year design thesis display strong and discernible pioneering spirit that is environmentally, economically and socially sustainable.
Singapore Institute of Architects Prize M.A.(UD) Best student throughout course Department of Building MSc (Building Performance and Sustainability) Medal M.Sc.(BPS) w.e.f S2 AY2011-12 Best graduate student throughout the course of study for Master of Science (Building Performance and Sustainability)
SISV Gold Medal M.Sc.(Project Mgt) Best graduate student in the course of study for M.Sc. (Project Management) Department of Real Estate REDAS Gold Medal M.Sc.(RE) Best graduate student in the course of study for M.Sc. (Real Estate). School of Design and Environment - NUS Bulletin AY 2012/13 - Registrar's Office - National University of Singapore[6/29/2013 12:12:06 PM] Copyr i ght 2001-2009 Nat i onal Uni ver si t y of Si ngapor e. Al l Ri ght s Reser ved. Ter ms of Use | Pr i vac y | Non-di sc r i mi nat i on Si t e Map | Feedbac k |Campus Map Last modi f i ed on 31J ul y, 2012 by Regi st r ar ' s Of f i c e Master of Sc (Environmental Management) Shell Medal and Prize MEM Best graduate throughout the course of study.
Shell Best Dissertation Award MEM Best Dissertation School of Design and Environment - NUS Bulletin AY 2012/13 - Registrar's Office - National University of Singapore[6/29/2013 12:12:11 PM] ACADEMI C CALENDAR DOWNLOADABLE FORM STUDENTS & GRADUATE STATI STI CS Copyright 2001-2009 National University of Singapore. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy | Non-discrimination Site Map | Feedback |Campus Map Last modified on 31July, 2012 by Registrar's Office Registrar's Office Home > NUS Bul l et i n > Sc hool of Desi gn and Envi r onment > Fac ul t y' s Commi t ment EDUCATI ON AT NUS ADMI NI STRATI VE POLI CI ES EVENTS NUS BULLETI N Qui c k Li nk s Back to School of Design and Environment main content page Print this page Facultys Commitment The Sc hool of Desi gn and Envi r onment is known for its strong education, research and service in Singapores built environment. This reputation is based on its long history of the creation and impartation of knowledge, fostering of innovation and enterprise in Architecture, Industrial and Urban Design, Building and Real Estate. The School comprises three departments: Architecture, Building, Real Estate and one division: Industrial Design. The Division of Research and Graduate Studies spearheads graduate research and teaching programmes and promotes inter and multidisciplinary research among the various disciplines of the built environment. Degree programmes in building and estate management were first offered in 1969 in the then Department of Building and Estate Management. This was subsequently changed to the School of Building and Real Estate. In June 2000 the Faculty of Architecture, Building and Real Estate changed its name to the School of Design & Environment. As a result of this change, Building and Real Estate were established as separate departments. The Industrial Design degree programme was first offered in 1999 in the Department of Architecture. Since June 2010, the programme has been independent and established as a separate division. Mi ssi on The Department of Architecture aims to foster a creative, innovative and intellectually vibrant environment with a global outlook that will establish design, academic, and professional excellence in the New Asian Environment. The mission of the Department of Building is to advance knowledge, educate students, and foster enterprise in project and facilities management. The Department of Real Estate aims to create and impart knowledge concerning the value and management of the built environment and nurture leaders for the real estate industry. The Division of Industrial Design aims to make life better through design by equipping students with trans-disciplinary skills and thinking processes required to find unmet needs, and to solve the complex problems involved in creating viable new products, experiences, interfaces and environments. ABOUT US PROSPECTI VE STUDENTS CURRENT STUDENTS GRADUATED STUDENTS Nat i onal Uni ver si t y of Si ngapor e myEMAIL IVLE LIBRARY MAPS CALENDAR SITEMAP CONTACT Sear c h in NUS Websites search for... NUS Websites School of Design and Environment - NUS Bulletin AY 2012/13 - Registrar's Office - National University of Singapore[6/29/2013 12:12:14 PM] ACADEMI C CALENDAR DOWNLOADABLE FORM STUDENTS & GRADUATE STATI STI CS Registrar's Office Home > NUS Bul l et i n > Sc hool of Desi gn and Envi r onment > Key Cont ac t I nf or mat i on EDUCATI ON AT NUS ADMI NI STRATI VE POLI CI ES EVENTS NUS BULLETI N Qui c k Li nk s Back to School of Design and Environment main content page Print this page Key Contact Information For up-to-date information, please refer to the Schools website at: Ti t l e & Name Desi gnat i on/Responsi bi l i t y Tel ephone (6516- XXXX) Emai l ( Prof HENG Chye Kiang Dean 3475 sdedean Assoc Prof LIM Ee Man, Joseph Vice-Dean (Academic Affairs) 3439 sdelimem Assoc Prof CHEONG Kok Wai, David Asst-Dean (Academic Affairs) 5081 sdeckw Assoc Prof Florence LING Yean Yng Vice-Dean (Admin & Finance) 3401 sdelyy Assoc Prof FU Yuming Vice-Dean (Research) 4412 sdefuym Assoc Prof WONG Yunn Chii Head, Dept. of Ar c hi t ec t ur e 3452 akihead Assoc Prof THAM Kwok Wai Head, Dept. of Bui l di ng 3413 bdghead Assoc Prof YU Shi Ming Head, Dept. of Real Est at e 3469 rsthead Assoc Prof YEN Ching-Chiuan Head, Division of I ndust r i al Desi gn 3524 didhead Dr TAN Beng Kiang Dy Head, Dept. of Ar c hi t ec t ur e 1357 akitanbk Assoc Prof Willie TAN Dy Head, Dept. of Bui l di ng 3487 bdgtanw Assoc Prof SING Tien Foo Dy Head, Dept. of Real Est at e 4553 rststf UNDERGRADUATE COURSEWORK Assoc Prof Teh Kem Programme Director, B.A. ABOUT US PROSPECTI VE STUDENTS CURRENT STUDENTS GRADUATED STUDENTS Nat i onal Uni ver si t y of Si ngapor e myEMAIL IVLE LIBRARY MAPS CALENDAR SITEMAP CONTACT Sear c h in NUS Websites search for... NUS Websites School of Design and Environment - NUS Bulletin AY 2012/13 - Registrar's Office - National University of Singapore[6/29/2013 12:12:14 PM] Jin (Ar c hi t ec t ur e) (Hons.) 3411 akitehkj Mr Florian Benjamin SCHAETZ Level-1000 Advisor, B.A. (Ar c hi t ec t ur e) (Hons.) 3567 akifbs Mr Erik Gerard L'HEUREUX Level-2000 Advisor, B.A. (Ar c hi t ec t ur e) (Hons.) 3568 akits Mr Tsuto- SAKAMOTO Level-3000 Advisor, B.A. (Ar c hi t ec t ur e) (Hons.) 3568 akits Assoc Prof WONG Chong Thai Bobby Level-4000 Advisor, B.A. (Ar c hi t ec t ur e) (Hons.) 3520 akiwct Assoc Prof Christian Gilles BOUCHARENC Programme Director, B.A. (I ndust r i al Desi gn) (Hons.) 3533 didcgb Ms MOK Sze Man Level-1000 Advisor, B.A. (I ndust r i al Desi gn) (Hons.) 66012258 didmsm Mr KOH Zhenglong, Donn Level-2000 Advisor, B.A. (I ndust r i al Desi gn) (Hons.) 66011536 didkzd Assoc Prof Paul William WORMALD Level-3000 Advisor, B.A. (I ndust r i al Desi gn) (Hons.) 66011535 didpww Mr TAN Yan Han, Hans Level-4000 Advisor, B.A. (I ndust r i al Desi gn) (Hons.) 3525 didtyhh Prof WONG Nyuk Hien Programme Director, B.Sc. (Pr oj ec t & Fac i l i t i es Mgt ) (Hons.) 3423 bdgwnh Prof WONG Nyuk Hien Level-1000 Advisor, B.Sc.(Pr oj ec t & Fac i l i t i es Mgt ) (Hons.) 3423 bdgwnh Dr KUA Harn Wei Level-2000 Advisor, B.Sc.(Pr oj ec t & Fac i l i t i es Mgt ) (Hons.) 3428 bdgkuahw Dr KUA Harn Wei Level-3000 Advisor, B.Sc.(Pr oj ec t & Fac i l i t i es Mgt ) (Hons.) 3428 bdgkuahw Prof WONG Nyuk Hien Level-4000 Advisor, B.Sc.(Pr oj ec t & Fac i l i t i es Mgt ) (Hons.) 3423 bdgwnh Prof LOW Sui Pheng Project Management Core leader, (Pr oj ec t & Fac i l i t i es Mgt ) 3425 bdglowsp Prof CHEW Yit Lin, Michael Facilities Management Core Leader, (Pr oj ec t & Fac i l i t i es Mgt ) 3496 bdgchewm Mr CHENG Fook Jam Programme Director, B.Sc. (Real Est at e) (Hons.) 3547 rstcfj Dr Grace WONG Khei Mie Level-1000 Advisor, B.Sc. (Real Est at e) (Hons.) 3432 rstgwong Assoc Prof Alice CHRISTUDASON Level-2000 Advisor, B.Sc. (Real Est at e) (Hons.) 3550 rstac Dr ADDAE- DAPAAH, Kwame Level-3000 Advisor, B.Sc. (Real Est at e) (Hons.) 3417 rstka Assoc Prof Zhu Jieming Level-4000 Advisor, B.Sc. (Real Est at e) (Hons.) 3422 rstzhujm School of Design and Environment - NUS Bulletin AY 2012/13 - Registrar's Office - National University of Singapore[6/29/2013 12:12:14 PM] Ms Melanie WEE Senior Executive, Deans Of f i c e 1663 sdewsc Mr LIM Xue Jun, Michael Management Assistant Officer, Deans Of f i c e 3439 sdelxj Ms Lim Hwee Lee Senior Manager, Dept. of Ar c hi t ec t ur e 3402 akilhl Ms YANG YingYing Management Assistant Officer, Dept. of Ar c hi t ec t ur e 5186 akiyy Ms CHIA Bei Shi, Patsy Executive, Dept. of Bui l di ng 5115 bdgcbsp Mdm SURAINI Bte Suib Management Assistant Officer, Dept. of Bui l di ng 3474 bdgsbs Ms Avril TEH Aie Weei Executive, Div. of I ndust r i al Desi gn 8895 didtaw Ms Cecilia WONG Assistant Manager, Dept. of Real Est at e 1320 rstwsf Mdm KAMARIYAH Bte Ahmat Yusop Management Assistant Officer, Dept. of Real Est at e 3414 rstkbay Mdm Swamy SRIVIDYA Narayana Management Assistant Officer, Dept. of Real Est at e 1341 rstssn MASTER BY COURSEWORK
Mr Low Boon Liang Programme Director, M.A. (Ur ban Desi gn) 3530 akilowbl Mr Low Boon Liang Programme Director, Master of Ar c hi t ec t ur e 3530 akilowbl Assoc Prof Jorg REKITTKE Programme Director, Master of Landsc ape Ar c hi t ec t ur e 3465 akijr Assoc Prof Chandra SEKHAR Programme Director, M.Sc. (Bui l di ng Per f or manc e and Sust ai nabi l i t y) 3479 bdgscs Prof George OFORI Programme Director, M.Sc. (Envi r onment al Management ) 3421 bdgofori Dr Nirmal Tulsidas KISHNANI Programme Director, M.Sc. (I nt egr at ed Sust ai nabl e Desi gn) 3527 akintk Assoc Prof Chandra SEKHAR Co-Programme Director, M.Sc. (I nt egr at ed Sust ai nabl e Desi gn) 3479 bdgscs Assoc Prof Willie TAN Programme Director, M.Sc. (Pr oj ec t Management ) 3487 bdgtanw Assoc Prof Muhammad Faishal Bin IBRAHIM Programme Director, M.Sc. (Real Est at e) 6901 rstmfi Assoc Prof LUM Sau Kim Programme Director, M.B.A. (Real Est at e) 6900 rstlumsk Ms ANG Mei Ling Manager, Deans Of f i c e 2082 sdeaml School of Design and Environment - NUS Bulletin AY 2012/13 - Registrar's Office - National University of Singapore[6/29/2013 12:12:14 PM] Copyright 2001-2009 National University of Singapore. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy | Non-discrimination Site Map | Feedback |Campus Map Last modified on 31July, 2012 by Registrar's Office Ms CHUA Bee Mei Management Assistant Officer, Deans Of f i c e 5081 sdecbm MdmVirginia Yap- Kam Management Assistant Officer, Deans Of f i c e (Envi r onment al Management ) 5202 sdeyapph Ms Lim Hwee Lee Senior Manager, Dept. of Ar c hi t ec t ur e 3402 akilhl Ms YANG YingYing Management Assistant Officer, Dept. of Ar c hi t ec t ur e 5186 akiyy Ms KOH Swee Tian Management Assistant Officer, Dept of Bui l di ng 6634 bdgkohst Ms ZAINAB Binte Abdul Ghani Senior Executive, Dept. of Real Est at e 6635 rstzag
Ms KHOR Sheau Ling Executive, Deans Of f i c e 3558 sdeksl Mdm NORAINI Binte Ali Management Assistant Officer, Deans Of f i c e 4412 sdena Ms Christabel TOH Management Assistant Officer, Dept. of Bui l di ng 4836 bdgtohcl Ms ZAINAB Binte Abdul Ghani Senior Executive, Dept. of Real Est at e 6635 rstzag Ms Yvonne YONG Management Assistant Officer, Dept. of Real Est at e 6504 rstyal