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Upv Graduate Program Manual: TH TH

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University of the Philippines Visayas

The existing Manual was originally approved by the University Council of UP Visayas
in April 199! Current provisions include a"end"ents of Articles 1# $ and %1 &'
"eeting# 1( )ece"ber 199%* and Articles ($ and %( &+,
UC "eeting# 1$ April $''$*!
The current proposal overhauls the organi-ation of existing provisions and includes
inputs fro" discussions fro" graduate faculty and ad"inistrators at the .raduate Progra"
Council "eetings &$$ /ove"ber $''+# 1' 0ebruary $'1'# and $1 0ebruary $'11*! 2n
addition# appropriate ite"s fro" i"ple"enting guidelines of various graduate progra"s as
well as i"ple"entation standards for special proble"s# thesis and dissertations have been
incorporated into this proposal!
All of the Manual provisions are now nu"bered consecutively! 3ith the
organi-ational chart as Annex 1# a list of acrony"s and co""on ter"s used is also
C4APT56 1 7 T45 .6A)UAT5 P68.6AM C8U/C29
C4APT56 $ : T45 .6A)UAT5 ;TA/)2/. C8MM2TT55;
C4APT56 ( 7 T45 .6A)UAT5 0ACU9T<
C4APT56 , 7 T45 .6A)UAT5 P68.6AM 8002C5
C4APT56 : .5/56A9 P68V2;28/;
C4APT56 + 7 T45 MA;T56=; )5.655 P68.6AM
C4APT56 % 7 T45 )8CT86A9 )5.655 P68.6AM
C4APT56 1 : APP68VA9>AM5/)M5/T;
C4APT56 9 : 5005CT2V2T<
GP Manual (with amendments from 11Apr15 UC).doc Page 1 of 14
Art. 8. The .;Cs shall perfor" the following functions?
a. 6eview the graduate offerings and progra" re@uire"ents of the disciplines represented
in the co""itteeA
b! 6eco""end to the .PC the institution of new graduate offerings and progra"s# and the
abolition and>or revision of existing graduate offerings and progra"sA and#
c. 6eview proposed changes in the curriculu" and progra" re@uire"ents of the disciplines
represented in the co""ittee before endorse"ent to the .PC!
Secti! ". C#$%iti! &!' F(!cti!%
Art. ). The graduate faculty at UPV shall consist of faculty "e"bers and lecturers of any
college>school of the University of the Philippines &UP* ;yste" who are teaching or have
taught in a graduate7level degree progra" within the last acade"ic years!
Art. "*. The graduate faculty of the different acade"ic units shall reco""end policies# rules#
and regulations related to the graduate degree progra"s# subBect to the approval of the
University Council &UC* and the Coard of 6egents &C86* as necessary!
;pecifically# the graduate faculty shall perfor" the following functions?
a! 2nstitute# review# and reco""end the revision or abolition of graduate progra"sA and
b! 0or"ulate and enforce ad"ission and retention re@uire"ents!
Secti! +. A$$i!t#e!t
Art. "". The Chancellor# upon the reco""endation of the respective )eans# shall appoint
regular faculty "e"bers who are assigned to teach graduate courses!
Art. "+. 8nly holders of graduate degrees with publication&s* and >or related experience shall
be assigned to teach graduate courses!
Art. "3. 8nly holders of graduate degrees with related experience or speciali-ed training
shall be considered for appoint"ent as lecturers for the graduate progra"s!
Art. ",. The Chancellor shall issue the appoint"ent of lecturers in the graduate progra"s#
upon the reco""endation of the respective )eans!
Art. "-. The ter" of a graduate faculty "e"ber shall be co7ter"inus with his>her basic
appoint"ent with the University! The faculty "e"ber>lecturer "ay be active or inactive in
particular acade"ic ter"s for specific progra"s!
Art. ".. The .P8 shall perfor" the following functions?
a. Monitor UPV graduate progra"s to ensure that standards# rules# and regulations are
b! 6eco""end for enforce"ent# standards and guidelines for graduate students
ad"issions# perfor"ance and graduationA
c. Coordinate# support and assist the colleges> schools in the i"ple"entation of the
graduate progra"sA
d! Coordinate# support and assist the .PC in the review and revision of graduate progra"sA
e! )evelop and "aintain a "anage"ent infor"ation syste" on all graduate progra"sA and#
f! UndertaDe activities to pro"ote and enhance graduate education!
GP Manual (with amendments from 11Apr15 UC).doc Page 2 of 14
The heads of all degree7granting units shall regularly report all "atters related to
plans and operations of their graduate progra"s to the .P8 and the 8ffice of the University
6egistrar &8U6*!
Secti! 3. T/e GPO Directr
Art. "0. T/e GPO %/&11 2e /e&'e' 23 & Directr 4/ %/&11 2e &$$i!te' 23 t/e
C/&!ce11r 5r# &#!6 t/e 6r&'(&te 5&c(1t3.
Art. "8. T/e ter# 5 55ice 5 t/e Directr %/&11 2e t/ree 738 3e&r% 4it/(t $re9('ice t
Art. "). The )irector shall perfor" the following duties and responsibilities?
a! Manage and supervise the ad"inistrative activities of the .P8A
b! 6eco""end to the Vice Chancellor for Acade"ic Affairs actions on graduate student7
related "atters and concernsA
c! 2nitiate discussion>dialogues on new directions in graduate progra" develop"ent#
evaluation# and revisionsA and#
d! Act as secretary of the .PC!
The )irector shall be assisted by the .P8 staff!
Secti! ,. T/e Ac&'e#ic C&1e!'&r
Art. +*. .raduate progra"s at UPV operate on either of two "odes of the acade"ic
0or any progra"# the acade"ic year is "ade up either of two &$* ter"s or se"esters#
or# three &(* ter"s or tri"esters! The acade"ic year for se"estral progra"s starts in EuneA
tri"estral progra"s start in Euly!
Secti! -. A$$1ic&ti! &!' A'#i%%i!
Art. +". Applications for ad"ission shall be addressed to the )ean of college>school offering
the degree progra"!
Applications "ay be sub"itted at any ti"e throughout the year and acco"panying
docu"ents should be received one &1* "onth before the start of the acade"ic year to
provide enough ti"e for consideration and processing!
Applicants notified of their acceptance for ad"ission should infor" the )ean of the
college>school concerned of their decision to enroll or not# as soon as possible!
Art. ++. 0or foreign students fro" countries where 5nglish is not the "ediu" of instruction
and>or not the native language# a "ini"u" Test of 5nglish as a 0oreign 9anguage &T8509*
rating of '' or e@uivalent is re@uired! This is in addition to other re@uire"ents of specific
graduate progra"s of UPV!
Those who fail in this re@uire"ent upon their application for a degree progra" "ay
first seeD ad"ission into the University as non7degree students! 4owever# they should pass
the prescribed 5nglish course&s* at UPV or other valid 5nglish proficiency exa"ination within
the first year of their initial enroll"ent!
Secti! .. Gr&'i!6 S3%te# &!' Rete!ti!
GP Manual (with amendments from 11Apr15 UC).doc Page 3 of 14
Art. +3. .rades of F1!'G to F(!'G are passing "arDs in the UP ;yste"! A F,!'G is conditional
and aF!'G is a failing grade!
The student who re"oves his>her conditional "arD of F,!'G within the acade"ic year
that a grade is obtained "ay only receive a final grade of F(!'G or F!'G! An inco"plete
&F2/C!G* "arD i"plies a passing average for a student who has not co"pleted all course
re@uire"ents# although a F,!'G "ay occur upon co"pletion! /evertheless# a student "ay
co"plete the course re@uire"ents within the acade"ic year : i!e!# within three &(* re"oval
periods : that the F2/C!G grade is incurred!
Art. +,. The graduate student=s general weighted average &.3A* is co"puted when s>he
has co"pleted ' percent of the prescribed total nu"ber of course units for his>her degree
progra"! The student will be dis@ualified fro" the progra" if his>her .3A is below H$!'G!
A grade lower than (!' in any of the prescribed courses auto"atically dis@ualifies the
student fro" any of the graduate progra"s!
Secti! 0. Ac&'e#ic L&' &!' Cr%%-Re6i%tr&ti!
Art. +-. A graduate student on full7ti"e study should taDe 971$ units a se"ester>tri"ester as
prescribed in the study plan of his>her degree progra"! Unless specified in his>her particular
progra"# a student who taDes less than 9 units in an acade"ic ter" is considered a part7
ti"e student!
Under "eritorious circu"stances# the student "ay be allowed "ore than the
prescribed acade"ic load by the college>school )ean!
Art. +.. Cross7registration within the University shall re@uire the graduate student the written
per"ission fro" the )ean of the college>school where s>he is pri"arily enrolled &UP 0or" 7
The total nu"ber of credit units in which a student "ay register in two or "ore
colleges>schools shall not exceed twelve &1$* units per ter"!
Art. +0. A graduate student who is registered in any other institution with which the UP
;yste" has an existing agree"ent "ay be ad"itted as a non7degree student in the
A written per"it fro" the )ean or 6egistrar of his>her ho"e university that states the
courses to be taDen is re@uired!
The total nu"ber of units taDen as a non7degree student shall not exceed nine &9*!
Art. +8. A UPV graduate student "ay cross7register at another institution upon the
reco""endation of his>her )ean and the approval of the VCAA! The written authori-ation
shall specify the courses to be taDen!
;ubBects taDen outside UP are subBect to validation!
Secti! 8. Re%i'e!ce: Le&;e%: &!' Re&'#i%%i!
Art. +). The graduate student is in residence when he>she is officially enrolled : whether
he>she is on ca"pus for course worD re@uire"ents or off7ca"pus for his>her research worD!
2n the latter case# approval of his>her Thesis>)issertation Co""ittee is necessary!
The student should be enrolled for residency at least one &1* year prior to the
confer"ent of his>her degree!
Art. 3*. A graduate student "ay re@uest in writing for a leave of absence &98A* for at least a
se"ester>tri"ester fro" the )ean of the college> school concerned! Approval of 98A is
granted for not "ore than one &1* year at a ti"e!
GP Manual (with amendments from 11Apr15 UC).doc Page 4 of 14
The student who leaves his>her worD during an acade"ic ter" without such for"al
per"it is considered absent without leave &A389* and loses his>her registration privileges!
Any leave period of a graduate student is accounted for as part of his>her residence
in the progra" pursued! To graduate within the allowed residence period of their respective
progra"s# the total leave ti"e of any student should not exceed two &$* acade"ic years!
Art. 3". A student who withdraws without a for"al 98A for at least one acade"ic ter" "ust
apply for read"ission into his>her graduate progra" at the appropriate
Art. 3+. Upon returning fro" any leave for one or "ore acade"ic ter"# a graduate student
who has not co"pleted the prescribed progra" re@uire"ents within the allowed residency
period needs to apply for read"ission!
0or those returning fro" A389 status# read"ission re@uires pay"ent of the
appropriate feeA no pay"ent is re@uired for those returning fro" approved leaves!
An application for a waiver of the residency rule is further re@uired of those who
would be beyond the allowed residency period upon their return fro" leaves!
Art. 33. To be eligible for read"ission# the "aster=s student "ust have a .3A of H$!'H or
better in all graduate7level courses taDen in the progra"!
Art. 3,. 2f the student withdraws after I of the total nu"ber of hours prescribed for the
course has already elapsed# the graduate faculty sub"its a grade of F!'G for hi">her if
his>her class standing up to the ti"e of his>her withdrawal is below F(!'G!
Secti! ). A';&!ce r Tr&!%5er Cre'it%
Art. 3-. A graduate student "ay apply for a "axi"u" of nine &9* units of advance or transfer
credits for worD done at another institution with the appropriate division>depart"ent>institute
within the ter" of his>her initial enroll"ent in the degree progra" pursued!
;uch units should have been earned with grades of $!' &or its UP e@uivalent* or
better within the last five &* years and have not been credited to a previously earned
The validation exa"ination&s* re@uired shall be conducted within the first year of
enroll"ent of the student!
Art. 3.. Advance credits# which are subBect to validation# "ay be earned fro" courses taDen
at institutions outside of the UP ;yste"!
Transfer credits "ay be directly earned fro" courses taDen at other UP units!
Courses taDen that "ay be considered e@uivalent to those re@uired in the progra" pursued
are subBect to substitution by the division>depart"ent>institute concerned!
Units for undergraduate courses cannot be credited for graduate worD!
Art. 30. The substitution of courses in the studentJs approved progra" of study shall be in
accordance with University rules and regulations!
Secti! "*. A'#i%%i! i!t t/e M&%ter<% Pr6r&#%
Art. 38. An applicant for ad"ission to the "aster=s degree progra" "ust have a bachelor=s
degree or its acade"ic e@uivalent fro" any institution recogni-ed by the Co""ission on
4igher 5ducation &C45)*!
GP Manual (with amendments from 11Apr15 UC).doc Page 5 of 14
Art. 3). The applicant "ust sub"it to the college>school concerned the following
re@uire"ents in addition to those in the .eneral Provisions of this Manual?
a! A duly acco"plished application for"A
b! A copy of the official transcript of acade"ic records and# when necessary# acco"panied
by certified 5nglish translation and>or "arD sheets of exa"ination taDenA
c! Pay"ent of the application fee in cash# banD draft# or "oney orderA and
d! Two &$* letters of reco""endation fro" for"er professors and>or recogni-ed authorities
in the discipline>area of speciali-ation!
e! 8ther re@uire"ents as "ay be prescribed by the college>school for specific degree
Art. ,*. An applicant seeDing ad"ission into a "aster=s degree progra" shall taDe and pass
the entrance exa"ination# except in progra"s that do not re@uire entrance exa"inations!
This exa"ination "ay be directly ad"inistered by the acade"ic unit concerned or by the
Art. ,". Upon the reco""endation of the designated Ad"issions Co""ittee of the
respective degree7granting units# the )ean shall act upon the ad"ission of graduate
Secti! "". Re%i'e!c3 i! t/e M&%ter<% Pr6r&#
Art. ,+. The "axi"u" residence rule &M66* states that? ;tudents have five &* acade"ic
years fro" their initial enroll"ent in the progra" to fulfill all re@uire"ents for a "aster=s
degree! The five7year "axi"u" ti"e of progra" co"pletion includes all leave periods!
A student who is not able to co"plete the re@uire"ents of the progra" within five
years "ay apply for a waiver of the M66!
;ubBect to the approval of the Chancellor# re@uests for extension of residence "ay be
considered on "eritorious cases! A "axi"u" of two &$* years extension "ay be allowed for
thesis studentsA for non7thesis students# the "axi"u" extension allowed is for one &1* year!
Secti! "+. T/e M&%ter<% Pr6r&# 5 St('3
Art. ,3. A "aster=s progra" "ay or "ay not re@uire a thesis!
The thesis progra" re@uires the student to co"plete a specifically prescribed nu"ber
of units of course worD and a thesis of six &+* units! ;o"e progra"s "ay also re@uire a
co"prehensive exa"ination before thesis worD co""ences!
The non7thesis progra" re@uires the student to co"plete a specifically prescribed
nu"ber of units of course worD and pass a co"prehensive exa"ination!
Art. ,,. A thesis progra" re@uires a "ini"u" of $, units of courses# all of which "ust be of
the $'' level! The "aster=s thesis shall have an e@uivalent of six &+* units of graduate credit!
Art. ,-. 0or the non7thesis progra"# a "ini"u" of (+ units is re@uired# all of which "ust be
of the $'' level!
2nstead of a thesis and in addition to the co"prehensive exa"ination# a progra" "ay
re@uire the co"pletion of a se"inar# practicu"# or research proBect in light of an identified
special proble"!
Secti! "3. T/e M&%ter<% Pr6r&# A';i%er
Art. ,.. At the ti"e of the student=s ad"ission# a Progra" Adviser shall be provided by the
division>depart"ent> institute concerned to advise and "onitor the student in the course
worD and other re@uire"ents of the degree progra"!
8nly full7ti"e "e"bers of the graduate faculty shall serve as progra" advisers!
GP Manual (with amendments from 11Apr15 UC).doc Page 6 of 14
Art. ,0. 3ithin the first se"ester>tri"ester of his>her residence# the thesis7progra" student
shall confer with his>her Progra" Adviser and draft his>her specific progra" of study!
Cefore the end of the acade"ic ter"# the Progra" Adviser shall endorse the plan of
study to the head of the division>depart"ent>institute concerned for action by the
college>school )ean! The )irector of .P8 and the 6egistrar shall be furnished copies of the
students= approved progra" of study!
Secti! ",. T/e M&%ter<% T/e%i%
Art. ,8. The student enrolls in the "aster=s thesis only once# and he>she shall be given a
grade only upon co"pletion of all the thesis re@uire"ents! At the end of each se"ester# the
student shall be "arDed Kin progressG until such ti"e that he>she has co"pleted all
Art. ,). A student "ay be authori-ed to worD on his>her thesis proposal after earning at least
' percent of the course worD in the prescribed progra" of study with a .3A of F$!'G or
better# except when the degree progra" re@uires the co"pletion of all re@uired courses with
an average grade of H$!'H!
Art. -*. The student=s Thesis Co""ittee shall be constituted upon his>her co"pletion of
re@uired units prescribed by the degree progra" and other re@uire"ents as deter"ined by
the ho"e division>depart"ent>institute concerned!
The student shall select a Thesis Adviser fro" his>her ho"e unit who has published
as senior author of at least three &(* articles in peer reviewed Bournals! The Thesis Adviser
shall chair the student=s Thesis Co""ittee!
Two &$* other co""ittee "e"bers# selected by the student in consultation with the
Thesis Adviser# "ay or "ay not have such publication record as the Thesis AdviserA
however# at least one of the" should also belong to the student=s ho"e unit!
Art. -". The head division> depart"ent>institute concerned shall reco""end both the
student=s thesis topic and the co"position of his>her Thesis Co""ittee for action by the
college> school )ean!
The student=s thesis topic should be within the pri"ary discipline or field of the
degree progra" pursued!
Any change in either the co""ittee co"position or the topic selected shall be acted
upon by the )ean!
Art. -+. The student shall obtain approval of his>her thesis proposal by the Thesis
Co""ittee before starting the actual research worD!
Art. -3. The student "ay conduct his>her thesis worD off7ca"pus with the approval of the
Thesis Co""ittee! 3hen his>her thesis entails off7ca"pus worD for at least an acade"ic
ter"# the student should be enrolled and should "aDe periodic progress reports to his>her
Thesis Adviser!
Art. -,. Copies of the student=s co"plete thesis draft favourably assessed by the Thesis
Adviser shall be forwarded to other "e"bers of the Thesis Co""ittee for further evaluation
and suggestions!
Secti! "-. T/e M&%ter<% T/e%i% E=&#i!&ti!
Art. --. Upon the favorable assess"ent of the student=s draft by the Thesis Co""ittee# s>he
shall apply for the thesis exa"ination!
GP Manual (with amendments from 11Apr15 UC).doc Page 7 of 14
The schedule for the oral presentation and defense "ay be set upon the favourable
action of his>her Thesis Co""ittee# the division>depart"ent>institute concerned# and the
head of the acade"ic unit!
Art. -.. The Thesis Adviser shall chair the co""ittee for the thesis exa"ination!
The student shall present his>her thesis in a public foru" attended by all "e"bers of
his>her Thesis Co""ittee!
2""ediately following this public foru"# the Thesis Co""ittee exa"ines the
candidate in an executive session!
Art. -0. To pass the thesis defense in oral exa"ination# the student "ust receive not "ore
than one &1* negative vote fro" the co""ittee "e"bers!
The Thesis Co""ittee Chair shall report the results to the )ean within one &1* weeD
after the exa"ination!
Art. -8. After the acceptance by the Thesis Co""ittee of the final thesis "anuscript# eight
&1* bound copies of the thesis "ust be sub"itted to the college>school on or before the
following deadlines?
a! 0or su""er graduates# on the day before the first day of regular registration for the
succeeding first se"ester>tri"esterA
b! 0or first se"ester>tri"ester graduates# on the day before the first day of regular
registration for the succeeding second se"ester>tri"esterA and#
c! 0or second se"ester>tri"ester graduates# on the day before the college>school faculty
"eeting to decide on the graduation of students!
Art. -). The eight &1* copies shall be distributed as follows? one &1* copy each for the
student# the "aBor depart"ent# the Thesis Adviser# the University 9ibrary# the /ational
9ibrary# and the .P8# and two &$* copies for C45) regional office concerned!
Art. .*. A student who fails the oral thesis exa"ination "ay be given a re7exa"ination not
earlier than one &1* "onth# but within twelve &1$* "onths after the first exa"ination!
3ith the approval of the college>school dean# the student has the option to select a
newly constituted Thesis Co""ittee!
Art. .". 0ailure to pass the second oral exa"ination shall dis@ualify the student fro" earning
the degree!
Secti! ".. T/e C#$re/e!%i;e E=&#i!&ti! 5r N!-t/e%i% Pr6r&#%
Art. .+. After co"pleting all acade"ic course re@uire"ents# students in non7thesis progra"
shall apply for the co"prehensive exa"ination!
All applications "ust be sub"itted within one &1* "onth prior to the scheduled date of
the co"prehensive exa"ination and "ust be endorsed by the division>depart"ent>institute
for action by the head of the acade"ic unit concerned!
Art. .3. To @ualify for taDing the co"prehensive exa"ination# the student "ust obtain a
weighted average grade of H$!'H or better for all courses prescribed for both the general and
the special fields of the progra" concerned!
Art. .,. The co"prehensive exa"ination for non7thesis progra"s shall be in the written
"ode! An oral co"ponent of the exa"ination is an option for specific progra"s!
The exa"ination shall test the studentJs co"petence in integrating and applying
Dnowledge in the general and the special fields of the progra"s concerned!
GP Manual (with amendments from 11Apr15 UC).doc Page 8 of 14
Art. .-. A grade of H$!'H or better in both the general and special fields is re@uired in order to
pass the co"prehensive exa"ination!
Art. ... A student who fails in one or both fields of the co"prehensive exa"ination "ay be
given only one &1* re7exa"ination# preferably within twelve &1$* "onths of the first
The re7exa"ination should cover the entire range of the general or special field
Art. .0. 0ailure to pass the second try on the co"prehensive exa"ination shall per"anently
dis@ualify the student fro" the degree progra"!
Art. .8. The Chancellor appoints the chair and "e"bers of the Co"prehensive 5xa"ination
Co""ittees &C5C* upon the reco""endation of the respective )eans!
The C5C is responsible for the for"ulation of @uestions and the "arDing of the test
papers! 5ach co""ittee shall be co"posed of three &(* faculty "e"bers>lecturers who were
active when the concerned students were pursuing their course worD! 9ecturers "ay only
participate as "e"bers of such co""ittees!
The co""ittee chair shall sub"it to the )ean# through the division>depart"ent>
institute head# the exa"ination results within six &+* weeDs fro" the date of the exa"ination!
Art. .). There shall be a "ini"u" nu"ber of three &(* exa"inees per field of the
co"prehensive exa"ination!
2f there is less than the "ini"u" nu"ber of applicants# the exa"ination "ay still be
ad"inistered on the "erits of specific cases and circu"stances# subBect to the approval of
the VCAA upon reco""endation of the .P8 )irector!
Secti! "0. Gr&'(&ti!
Art. 0*. A student shall be considered a candidate for graduation if s>he "eets the following
a! Must have a "ini"u" weighted average of H$!'H for all the re@uired courses taDenA
b! Must have passed the oral defense of his>her thesis and sub"itted the re@uired nu"ber
of approved copies of the thesisA or "ust have passed the co"prehensive exa"inationA
c! Must satisfy all other re@uire"ents prescribed by the degree progra" pursuedA and#
d! Must have been in residence one &1* year i""ediately prior to graduation!
Art. 0". The student "ust file the application for graduation and diplo"a with the
college>school concerned according to the schedule in the acade"ic calendar!
Secti! "8. Sec!' M&%ter>% De6ree
Art. 0+. A student who has earned a "asterJs degree in UPV or any UP unit and wishes to
earn another "asterJs degree therein# "ust satisfy the following re@uire"ents?
a! earn in the University at least eighteen &11* "ore graduate course credits in the second
"aster=s degree in addition to the co""on course re@uire"ents of his>her first "asterJs
degreeA and#
b! co"plete all other re@uire"ents of the second "asterJs degree!
Art. 03. 2n case of thesis progra"s# the additional units re@uired for the second "aster=s
degree are exclusive of the thesis! 2n the case of non7thesis progra"s# the additional units
are exclusive of the co"prehensive exa"ination!
The additional course worD in the progra" of study shall be in advanced courses that
strengthen the area of speciali-ation in the University!
GP Manual (with amendments from 11Apr15 UC).doc Page 9 of 14
Secti! "). A'#i%%i! i!t t/e Dctr&1 Pr6r&#%
Art. 0,. 0or ad"ission into a doctoral progra"# an applicant "ust satisfy the following
"ini"u" re@uire"ents for ad"ission in addition to those in the .eneral Provisions of this
a! possession of bachelorJs degree or "asterJs degree or e@uivalent degree or title fro" the
University or fro" other recogni-ed institutions of higher learningA
b! satisfactory evidence of scholarship and @uality of acade"ic worD as indicated by
previous preparationA
c! fulfil"ent of any special re@uire"ents for the "aBor field that is chosen by the studentA
d. intellectual abilityA and#
e. de"onstrated capability in research!
Art. 0-. These re@uire"ents shall be assessed by an exa"ination of the following?
a! undergraduate and graduate credentials#
b. reco""endation of three &(* recogni-ed scholars or practitioners in the discipline or
professional area concerned#
c! interview with the applicant or other appropriate "easure# and
d. curriculu" vitae!
Art. 0.. A duly acco"plished application for" "ust be sub"itted to the college>school
concerned together with the following re@uire"ents?
a! 8fficial transcript of records# in the 5nglish language# fro" each college previously
b! 0or baccalaureate degree holders# two &$* letters of reco""endation fro" for"er
professors are re@uired and are to be sent in by separate "ail! 2f with a "asterJs degree#
the third letter of reco""endation "ust be fro" "aBor professorA
c. /on7refundable application fee for 0ilipino citi-ens or foreign nationals in banD draft or
"oney order re"itted to UPV!
The correct "aBor division>depart"ent>institute of the acade"ic unit concerned should be
properly indentified in the student=s application!
Secti! +*. T/e Dctr&1 Pr6r&# 5 St('3
Art. 00. A Progra" Adviser shall be appointed by the college>school )ean to for"ulate the
progra" of study of the doctoral degree student &in Ph!)!# )!;c!# 5d!)!# or other progra"*!
8nly full7ti"e "e"bers of the graduate faculty shall serve as progra" advisers!
Art. 08. The doctoral student=s progra" of study is based on his>her acade"ic preparation
and desired speciali-ation!
The progra" of study shall be endorsed by the ho"e unit concerned for action by the
)ean of the acade"ic unit! Changes in the progra" of study "ay be allowed upon the
student=s written re@uest as endorsed by the Progra" Adviser!
Art. 0). 2f the doctoral student already has a "asterJs degree# the course worD re@uired for
hi">her shall consist of a "ini"u" of $, units! 0or the student with only a bachelor=s degree#
the total course worD re@uired shall have a "ini"u" of , units!
Art. 8*. ;pecific doctoral progra"s "ay re@uire proficiency in a foreign language outside of
5nglish and the language of the student!
GP Manual (with amendments from 11Apr15 UC).doc Page 10 of 14
Secti! +". Re%i'e!c3 i! t/e Dctr&1 Pr6r&#
Art. 8". Maxi"u" residence rule &M66*? All re@uire"ents for the doctoral degree "ust be
co"pleted within six &+* years fro" initial enroll"ent in the progra"!
An extension "ay only be allowed in highly "eritorious cases# but in no case shall
the extension be longer than two &$* years! ;ubBect to evaluation# the extension "ay be
granted one &1* year at a ti"e!
Secti! ++. T/e Dctr&1 C##ittee &!' t/e ?(&1i53i!6 E=&#i!&ti!
Art. 8+. After the student=s co"pletion of all course worD re@uire"ents# a )octoral
Co""ittee shall be for"ed for his>her @ualifying exa"ination# subBect to the approval of the
)ean of the college>school#
The )octoral Co""ittee shall be chaired by the student=s Progra" Adviser with three
&(* other faculty "e"bers>lecturers who were active when the concerned student was
pursuing his>her course worDA one "e"ber of this co""ittee "ay co"e fro" outside of the
Art. 83. To be eligible for the @ualifying exa"ination# the doctoral student "ust obtain a
.3A of H1!%H or better for all re@uired courses in his>her study plan!
Art. 8,. The @ualifying exa"ination consists of an oral and a written co"ponent! The
exa"ination tests the studentJs ability to integrate and apply the Dnowledge obtained fro"
his>her doctoral progra" of study!
Art. 8-. The written co"ponent of the @ualifying exa"ination for doctoral students shall not
be longer than 1 hours! There should be at least a three7hour session for each of the "aBor
and cognate fields# with at least a one7day interval between these sessions!
Art. 8.. 0ailure at a second try on the @ualifying exa"ination shall per"anently dis@ualify the
student fro" the doctoral progra"!
Art. 80. After passing the @ualifying exa"ination# the student shall be considered as having
been advanced to candidacy for the degree and shall prepare for his>her dissertation!
Secti! +3. T/e Dctr&1 Di%%ert&ti!
Art. 88. The doctoral dissertation shall be enrolled only once! At the end of each se"ester#
the student shall be "arDed Kin progressG until such ti"e that he>she has co"pleted all
Secti! +,. T/e Di%%ert&ti! A';i%er &!' t/e Di%%ert&ti! C##ittee
Art. 8). The doctoral candidate shall select a )issertation Adviser fro" his>her ho"e
unit who has published as senior author of at least five &* articles in peer reviewed
2n consultation with the )issertation Adviser as Chair# the candidate selects his>her
dissertation topic and three &(* other "e"bers of his>her )issertation Co""ittee# subBect to
the action of the )ean of the acade"ic unit concerned! 8nly one of these "e"bers should
be fro" outside the student=s college>school! The Critic>5xternal 5xa"iner is appointed as
the fifth "e"ber of the candidate=s )issertation Co""ittee in ti"e for the student=s defense
in the final oral exa"ination!
GP Manual (with amendments from 11Apr15 UC).doc Page 11 of 14
The )issertation Co""ittee shall guide the student in the preparation of the
dissertation which "ust e"body an original and independent research and be a worthwhile
and significant contribution to scholarship in the field pursued by the student!
Secti! +-. T/e Pre1i#i!&r3 Or&1 E=&#i!&ti!

Art. )*. As a doctoral candidate# the student sub"its a research proposal to the )issertation
Co""ittee for evaluation! Upon the co""ittee=s assess"ent of the readiness of said
proposal# the student defends it in a preli"inary oral exa"ination that "ay last between
three &(* to five &* hours!
The preli"inary oral exa"ination evaluates the studentJs co"prehension of the basic
principles related to the dissertation proble" and his>her preparedness to undertaDe the
proposed research!
Secti! +.. T/e Fi!&1 Or&1 E=&#i!&ti! &!' t/e De5e!%e P&!e1
Art. )". 3hen )issertation Co""ittee has deter"ined the co"pleteness of the candidate=s
dissertation "anuscript for the final defense# a Critic>5xternal 5xa"iner fro" outside of the
ho"e college>school is appointed by the Chancellor# on reco""endation of the )issertation
The )efense Panel that includes the Critic>5xternal 5xa"iner as the fifth "e"ber of
the )issertation Co""ittee shall set the schedule of the final oral exa"ination!
Art. )+. The final oral exa"ination conducted by the )efense Panel "ay last between three
&(* to five &* hours!
The exa"ination assesses the studentJs ability to present scientific data in a
syste"atic and scholarly "anner as well as his>her capacity to define potential areas fro"
the research process and its outco"es!
Art. )3. To pass the final oral exa"ination# the doctoral candidate "ust not obtain "ore than
one &1* negative vote fro" the "e"bers of the )efense Panel! 2f there is no unani"ous
approval# the defense panel should reach a consensus or the decision of the "aBority should
Art. ),. 0ailure at a second final oral exa"ination given within twelve &1$* "onths of the first
one shall per"anently dis@ualify the candidate fro" earning the degree!
Secti! +0. C&!'i'&c3 5r Gr&'(&ti!
Art. )-. The doctoral candidate should satisfy all other re@uire"ents prescribed by the
degree progra" pursued!
Art. ).. To graduate# the doctoral candidate shall pay the prescribed graduation fee and
sub"it eight &1* bound copies of the final dissertation!
The bound volu"es should be signed by the appropriate University officials and shall
be distributed as follows? the original to the University 9ibrary# one copy each for the student#
the ho"e division>depart"ent>institute# the head of the acade"ic unit# the .P8# and the
/ational 9ibrary# and two &$* copies for the C45) regional office concerned!
GP Manual (with amendments from 11Apr15 UC).doc Page 12 of 14
Art. )0. All pertinent acade"ic rules and policies governing graduate progra"s that are
a"ended by the UC shall auto"atically for" part of the Manual!
Art. )8. 8ther new policies# rules and regulations "ay be laid down in the Manual upon
approval of the UC!
Art. )). Any provision of the Manual "ay be a"ended by action of the UP President and the
Art. "**. The Manual shall taDe effect on the acade"ic year i""ediately subse@uent to its
approval by the UPV7UC!
GP Manual (with amendments from 11Apr15 UC).doc Page 13 of 14

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