Poixied.: Amongst Many

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Chap. IV.

in;; to S|)aiusii peculiarities: if the cajiilla ii.ai/i)?' or cliancel ever contiiined the clioir, the
transept must have lieen blocked up.
589. Amongst tlie works erected during tlie l;5tli century, there are so many whicli
exhibit loiiianesque work that this period miglit be said to be merely transitional, as
ilhistrated in the church of S. Pedro at Olite; the large church of the cistereian monastery
of Sta. Mai ia de Val de Dios,
l'il8, near Villaviciosa
the bridge 12.^0, rejjaired 14-19
at Orense in two sections, that
nearest the city having three
arches, each 36 ft, 8 ins, span
the other, 121:" ft, 6 ins. long,
and 16 ft. 6 ins, wide, having
seven arches, one of them being
82 ft. 8 ins. wide, and another
1 43 ft. 6 ins. sjian, and 1 24 ft.
6 ins. iiigh. Other works to
be noticed are the catliedral,
commenced II99, but con-
tinued very .slowly until 1258,
at Leon; it is dated l'2SO-40
by Mr. Street, in his work
above mentioned, who notices
that its con.struction, in a first-
pointed style, was continued
ui.til 130;i, that it failed, and
that the outside or jami)liglits
of the clearstoiy andtiiforium
were filled with masonry, and
that the south transept was
destroyed for reconstruction
about 1860: the fine cathedral,
1248-84, at Badajoz
the parish church (not a catludral) at Figueras near Gerona.
590. The succeeding great division of Gothic art is much more distinctly marked and
more uniform throughout Spain, whilst at the same time it is even less national and
pecidiar. There are very considerable remains of 14th century works, though, perhajJS, no
one grand and entire example. They are all extremely simi.ar in style, and more allied in
feeling and detail to German middle-pointed than to French. 'I'wo features deserve
recordfirst, the rei)rodi!Ction of the octagonal steejde, which was a most favourite type of
tlie romanesque builders; and secondly, the introduction of that grand innovation upon
old precedents, the gieat unbroken naves groined in stone and lighted fiom windows high
up in the walls.
591. As an example of the difficulty of classifying the buildings, it may be observed that
while the date of 1400 is usually given to tl.e church at Huesca, ascribed to Juan de
Olotzaga, it is probable that his name might be attached only to the great portal that is
romanesque, and cannot well be dated later than 1290 1300, It is pretty clear that it is
almost all a work of the 14th century. The unusually good example of middle-pointed
work afforded by the cloisters to the cathedral at Burgos shoidd date 1280-1350 accord-
ing to Mr. Street, rather than 1379-90, which is the jieriod at which they are said to
have been executed. The same author states that the round arches on clustered shafts of
the porch or cloister on the .south side of the church of S. Vicente at Avila might be sup-
posed to be not later than the 1 3tb century, were it not that a careful comparison of the
detail with other known detail proves pretty clearly that they cannot be earlier than about
the middle of the 14th century,
592. To the first half of the 14th century are due the west front of the cathedral at
Tarr.igona; the cloisters of the abbey at Veruela ; the east end,
131 '-'-46 (decidedly late
midale-pointed details) of the cathedral at Gerona; the hieronymite monastery of San
Bartolome, 1.330, at Lupiana by Diego Martinez, now private property ; and the church of
San Justo and San Pastor, 1345, at Barcelona, which is an unbroken chamber 138 ft. by
82 ft, 9 in., and 69 ft. higii. The widening, 1298-1329, of the cathedral, built 1058, at
Ba celona, seems to have been be^am in a first-pointed style, and to have been con-
tinued by Jayme Fabre, 1318-88, i.i a second-pointed style ;
the vaulting was fini-shud 1448.
593. Among the works dating in the middle of the 14th century, earlier or later, is the
church of Sta. iNIaiia de los Riyes. commonly called Sta. Maria del Pino, at Barcelona,
whicli .some date 1329-1413, but" others 1380-1413, This latter date is possibly that of its
lower bv Guillermo .\biell ; the church Mr. Street co:isiders must have been consecrated

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