Standard Application Form

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Standard Application Form

Candidate ref:
Employer applied to:
Preferred functions: 1
Personal Details (please print this section)
Title Surname First Name(s) (indicate (*) the one you are known by
Home Address Term Address
Postcode Postcode
Telephone Telephone
!"mail !"mail
Dates at abo#e Dates at abo#e
Nationality Date o$ %irth
Do you need a work permit for permanent employment in the UK? YE !"
Do you ha#e one? YE !"
Do you hold a full UK dri#in$ licence? YE !"
!ducation " Pro$essional& Post'raduate& First De'ree(Diploma
Please list all de'rees(diplomas(pro$essional )uali$ications etc held at or currently studied for% whether at first de$ree or
post$raduate le#el& *ist most recent $irst and $i#e all results known whate#er the outcome&
From " To
Hi'her !ducation ,nstitution Award and Title o$ Award
PhD etc) *ist main sub-ects
below title
.esults (e/pected(awarded)
!ducation " Prior to Hi'her !ducation
Please list date (year)()uali$ication(sub-ects ('rade) of all of the hi$hest le#el e'aminations that (ualified you for your )i$her
Education course*s+ *,-, .e#els-cottish )i$her-/rish .ea#in$-,ccess-0!12-3accalaureate etc+& /nclude all e'aminations taken
at this le#el whate#er the outcome&
Number o$ 01S!(Standard 0rade
passes (0rade 1 2 abo#e)
Date(s) 'ained 0rade $or +aths 0rade $or !n'lish
Number o$ A(A* 'rades
!mployment and 3ork !/perience
Please descri4e 4riefly any work *whether paid or unpaid+ which you ha#e undertaken& )i$hli$ht*5+ the two most rele#ant and note
what you achie#ed&&
From " To
!mployer 4ob Title(.esponsibilities Achie#ements
0eo'raphical *ocation
Do you ha#e a stron$ preference for a particular location? /f so% $i#e details&
Personal ,nterests(Achie#ements
Use the space 4elow to descri4e with dates (year) any part6time acti#ities& /nclude or$anisin$% leadin$ or $roup acti#ities& 7hose
re(uirin$ initiati#e% creati#ity or $i#in$ intellectual de#elopment are also of interest&
Speci$ic !#idence
7he followin$ (uestions are desi$ned to encoura$e you to pro#ide specific a4ilities& Your e'amples can 4e taken from your education% work
e'perience% placements or spare6time or other #oluntary acti#ities 4ut do not write solely a4out course6work&
Plannin'& implementation and achie#in' results
Descri4e a challen$in$ pro8ect% acti#ity or e#ent which you ha#e planned and taken throu$h to a conclusion& /nclude your
o48ecti#e% what you did% any chan$es you made to your plan and state how you measured your success&
,n$luencin'& communication and teamwork
Descri4e how you achie#ed a $oal throu$h influencin$ the actions or opinions of others *perhaps in a team conte't+& 9hat were
the circumstances? 9hat did you do to make a difference? )ow do you know the result was satisfactory?
Analysis& problem sol#in' and creati#e thinkin'
Descri4e a difficult pro4lem that you ha#e sol#ed& tate how you decided which were the critical issues% say what you did and
what your solution was& 9hat other approaches could you ha#e taken?
Additional ,n$ormation
Please write here any additional information% not co#ered elsewhere which will stren$then your application&
9here did you hear of us-see an ad#ertisement?
Speci$ic Skills
1& .ist any lan$ua$es that you know indicatin$ le#el of proficiency *4asic-workin$ knowled$e-fluent-mother ton$ue+&
2& pecify your e'perience with any $eneric computer packa$es-pro$rammin$ lan$ua$es *limited-workin$ knowled$e-e'tensi#e+&
:& /ndicate any other specific rele#ant skills *la4oratory techni(ues% $raphics skills etc+&
1areer 1hoice
E'plain why you ha#e applied for the 8o4 function*s+ that you noted on the first pa$e& "ffer e#idence of your suita4ility *e&$&
courses undertaken% work shadowin$% skills% stren$ths and e'periences+& Emphasise why you consider yourself to 4e a stron$
Health Declaration
Please $i#e details of any health matters of rele#ance to the work applied for *see note within 0uidance !otes and ;onitorin$
Academic .e$eree 5ther .e$eree
Name Name
Position Position
Address Address
Telephone Telephone
Please $i#e any dates when you are not a#aila4le for
Please $i#e the date from which you are a#aila4le for
7he statements made on this form are true& / understand any false statements may 8eopardise my application and may lead to an
offer 4ein$ withdrawn& / ha#e attached the E(ual "pportunities ;onitorin$ Data&
Si'ned 666666666666677 Name (please print)6666666666666676 Date66666666
!)ual 5pportunities +onitorin' Data
7he followin$ monitorin$ information is used to ensure that recruitment procedures do not lead to discrimination and
that le$al and other re(uirements are met& /t is separated from your completed form% so you cannot 4e identified% and
will play no part in the selection process&
Please put this form in a sealed en#elope market <E(ual "pportunities Data< and attach this to your completed form&
Date today8 D D + + 9 9 9 9
+ale(Female8 + F
Sin'le(+arried(Di#orced(3idowed8 S + D 3
Date o$ %irth D D + + 9 9 9 9
!thnic 5ri'in&
9hich of the followin$ 4est descri4es your ethnic ori$in? Please tick one& 7he cate$ories used are those
recommended 4y the Commission for =acial E(uality&



3lack ,frican


3lack Cari44ean


3lack 6 other *please specify+




"ther *please specify+

Disability Status
Do you ha#e a disa4ility? *7he Disa4ility Discrimination ,ct 1>>? defines disa4ility as < a physical or mental impairment
which has a su4stantial and lon$6term ad#erse effect on a4ility to carry out normal day6to6day acti#ities&<+ YE
/f yes% please specify

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