“Once the soul awakens, the search begins and you can never go back. From then on, you are inflamed with a special longing that will never again let you linger in the lowlands of complacency and partial fulfillment. The eternal makes you urgent. You are loath to let compromise or the threat of danger hold you back from striving toward the summit of fulfillment.”
“If someone told me that I could live my life again free of depression provided I was willing to give up the gifts depression has given me--the depth of awareness, the expanded consciousness, the increased sensitivity, the awareness of limitation, the tenderness of love, the meaning of friendship, the appreciation of life, the joy of a passionate heart--I would say, 'This is a Faustian bargain! Give me my depressions. Let the darkness descend. But do not take away the gifts that depression, with the help of some unseen hand, has dredged up from the deep ocean of my soul and strewn along the shores of my life. I can endure darkness if I must; but I cannot live without these gifts. I cannot live without my soul.' (p. 188)” ― David Elkins, Beyond Religion
“Just as in the body, eye and ear develop as organs of perception, as senses for bodily processes, so does a man develop in himself soul and spiritual organs of perception through which the soul and spiritual worlds are opened to him. For those who do not have such higher senses, these worlds are dark and silent, just as the bodily world is dark and silent for a being without eyes and ears.”
“Once the soul awakens, the search begins and you can never go back. From then on, you are inflamed with a special longing that will never again let you linger in the lowlands of complacency and partial fulfillment. The eternal makes you urgent. You are loath to let compromise or the threat of danger hold you back from striving toward the summit of fulfillment.”
“If someone told me that I could live my life again free of depression provided I was willing to give up the gifts depression has given me--the depth of awareness, the expanded consciousness, the increased sensitivity, the awareness of limitation, the tenderness of love, the meaning of friendship, the appreciation of life, the joy of a passionate heart--I would say, 'This is a Faustian bargain! Give me my depressions. Let the darkness descend. But do not take away the gifts that depression, with the help of some unseen hand, has dredged up from the deep ocean of my soul and strewn along the shores of my life. I can endure darkness if I must; but I cannot live without these gifts. I cannot live without my soul.' (p. 188)” ― David Elkins, Beyond Religion
“Just as in the body, eye and ear develop as organs of perception, as senses for bodily processes, so does a man develop in himself soul and spiritual organs of perception through which the soul and spiritual worlds are opened to him. For those who do not have such higher senses, these worlds are dark and silent, just as the bodily world is dark and silent for a being without eyes and ears.”
“Once the soul awakens, the search begins and you can never go back. From then on, you are inflamed with a special longing that will never again let you linger in the lowlands of complacency and partial fulfillment. The eternal makes you urgent. You are loath to let compromise or the threat of danger hold you back from striving toward the summit of fulfillment.”
“If someone told me that I could live my life again free of depression provided I was willing to give up the gifts depression has given me--the depth of awareness, the expanded consciousness, the increased sensitivity, the awareness of limitation, the tenderness of love, the meaning of friendship, the appreciation of life, the joy of a passionate heart--I would say, 'This is a Faustian bargain! Give me my depressions. Let the darkness descend. But do not take away the gifts that depression, with the help of some unseen hand, has dredged up from the deep ocean of my soul and strewn along the shores of my life. I can endure darkness if I must; but I cannot live without these gifts. I cannot live without my soul.' (p. 188)” ― David Elkins, Beyond Religion
“Just as in the body, eye and ear develop as organs of perception, as senses for bodily processes, so does a man develop in himself soul and spiritual organs of perception through which the soul and spiritual worlds are opened to him. For those who do not have such higher senses, these worlds are dark and silent, just as the bodily world is dark and silent for a being without eyes and ears.”
“Once the soul awakens, the search begins and you can never go back. From then on, you are inflamed with a special longing that will never again let you linger in the lowlands of complacency and partial fulfillment. The eternal makes you urgent. You are loath to let compromise or the threat of danger hold you back from striving toward the summit of fulfillment.”
“If someone told me that I could live my life again free of depression provided I was willing to give up the gifts depression has given me--the depth of awareness, the expanded consciousness, the increased sensitivity, the awareness of limitation, the tenderness of love, the meaning of friendship, the appreciation of life, the joy of a passionate heart--I would say, 'This is a Faustian bargain! Give me my depressions. Let the darkness descend. But do not take away the gifts that depression, with the help of some unseen hand, has dredged up from the deep ocean of my soul and strewn along the shores of my life. I can endure darkness if I must; but I cannot live without these gifts. I cannot live without my soul.' (p. 188)” ― David Elkins, Beyond Religion
“Just as in the body, eye and ear develop as organs of perception, as senses for bodily processes, so does a man develop in himself soul and spiritual organs of perception through which the soul and spiritual worlds are opened to him. For those who do not have such higher senses, these worlds are dark and silent, just as the bodily world is dark and silent for a being without eyes and ears.”
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The Soul (The True Self)
The soul becomes dyed with the color of its thoughts.
Whatever you are physically...male or female, strong or weak, ill or healthy--all those things matter less than what your heart contains. If you have the soul of a warrior, you are a warrior. All those other things, they are the glass that contains the lamp, but you are the light inside. People tend to be generous when sharing their nonsense, fear, and ignorance. And while they seem quite eager to feed you their negativity, please remember that sometimes the diet we need to be on is a spiritual and emotional one. Be cautious with what you feed your mind and soul. Fuel yourself with positivity and let that fuel propel you into positive action. Warmest greetings of Love to each and every one. It is with full intention to surprise the soul which in turn allows for the sun to shine through it at all times. For this is who you are and what you came to experience. Its necessary to explore circumstances that diminish the souls Light and to then in turn encourage ways for one to emerge from that gloom and bring the soul into alignment with its truth. The will of the soul is to be only love. That is what the soul is Love. The thought forms which transpire from conditioning and indoctrination and general social graces which we feel have fallen from grace is the predicament in which one finds the self, often. Therefore a suggestion that at all time one chooses to be that which you are. It is not at all difficult to be aware of ones feelings. For one feels them continuously. Yet, to be aware and then act upon them is that which we are asking. If one finds themselves in the doldrums if there is a situation which appears to be ongoing and not letting up and it is a situation that does not please and enthrall the soul to suggest that one concentrate fully on the being out of that situation. For being fully immersed within the vibration of it, only continues to exacerbate it and therefore, bring more of the same adding to it and the cycle continues. However if one chooses to allow the thought pattern to feel the freedom of that particular situation being over and done with, then that feeling automatically raises one out of the lower frequency into the higher. So many ponder and ponder until ones mind is in a fuzzy whirl. They search their mind and soul for the way to correct a circumstance and often this leads only to more despair as one finds themselves travelling deeper and deeper into the maze and feeling more and more lost. As said to you trust the process. Trust that when you are in alignment with yourself and the Universe nothing shall take place that is not for your Highest Good. Know within ask within for that situation to work through the process it must and know that the outcome shall be for the Highest Good of all. When you trust trust fully in that knowing then the problem is automatically solved just like that. It may not appear to have gone away immediately yet, the answer has been achieved and all that is left to be done is to 1 allow the universe to weave its magic. How often does an outcome arise that was the least expected? Yet, when reviewing the situation and all it entailed one cannot cease to be amazed at how it has all worked out for the best of all. It simply is a matter of moving into the space that serves the whole fully. You may mark this as time Yet, we know that the energy is simply moving into the Higher Vibration of any given situation. I guess, for many they would get this. Yet, STILL feel swamped by the situation and therefore, still find it tricky to be of a joyful disposition due to that circumstance. Then we would say that they get it yet, choose to block the flow through not having acquired the correct over-standing of that which we say. When one is feeling happy when all seems well within ones world it is so very easy to know that the Universe is on your side. The plain fact is the universe cannot does not will not take sides. It simply answers your call. From the Vibration that you are asking. Is it not so, that when one is in tune with Vibrational harmony of a high level, then more and more flows into ones life that one can only assume is of the Greatest Joy? When one chooses to Vibrate on a Higher resolution then, even when some misdemeanor of a lower one occurs it cannot interfere It cannot bring one down If one chooses to remain on the Higher level when dealing with it. Mentioning to you many times of feelings and Vibrations. Your feelings resonate on a Vibration. Your body resonates on/within a Vibration your thoughts do the same. Everything exists because of its Vibration. Nothing could exist if it did not have a Vibrational frequency because it could not appear in its form without it. You are energy. A divine pure energy of love. Energy is a matter of that which it chooses to experience. Absolutely everything is energy. It is an energy of love no matter what form it is taking of itself at any one given time. Even to look at a plant it can resonate on a certain energy level when displaying itself in all its glory in the sunshine. Yet, having to weather the storms can leave it disheveled and depleted. It still is the energy that it always was / is Yet, during / after the storm that same level of energy is Vibrating on a different frequency due to that which it has had to undertake. It is experiencing itself on different levels of Energy of itself. Intention and the Rite of Disengagement from the Matrix (Wake Up World, Zen Gardner) What we participate in is pretty much the name of the game. What do we spend our time, energy and intention on? What are we consciously and/or subconsciously empowering thats leading to our own dis-empowerment? Where attention and thus intention goes, energy flows. Where is ours going, collectively and individually? Something to seriously consider on a continual basis in this massively manipulated energetic world. Ive been blown away recently by the rapid rise in consciousness were witnessing and its hitting me between the eyes. The awakening is clearly on and reverberating as new waves of energetic truth continue to 2 pervade every area of society. Im receiving so many amazing articles, interviews, emails and contributions from deeply inspired people to the extent that Im almost bewildered. Its just so wonderful! I love getting launched into new realms of discovery, freedom and empowerment not just for me, but for our collective consciousness. It all begins with each of us letting go into new awakenings in our lives, which in turn affects the entire cosmic field and further illuminates and empowers the new realm were seeing birthed. Realizing where our attention and intention go is of utmost importance. The last thing we want to do is reaffirm the intent of the controllers, yet we are prone to doing that in fixating on their nefarious machinations, even in our efforts to expose and stop this march against humanity. Far be it from the truth of our overall intention, but we can unwittingly reinforce their ugly parasitic vibe and bring on their end result by helping to articulate and visualize it. Like the contained and manipulated legal and political realms, its again the futile push-me, pull-me game of the matrix. All an energetic scam. The Awakening Rolls On Its time we fully woke up to this ploy. Ours is to take the initiative in wondrous awakened ways to realize, at all times, our given divine birthright and live accordingly. The hourglass for this paradigm does not have many grains of sand left. Its time we detached and departed from their veiled realm of deceit in every way possible as it crumbles into oblivion. Fully awakening is really the core of why were here. Each human soul is here to find its true purpose and direction. The matrix is a snare, a negative distraction, a challenge to our very spiritual existence. How we handle this challenge is ours to deal with. Its fundamentally very pragmatic. Taking charge of our lives means detaching from participation in anything illusory and hence entrapping. It can be believing lies of the media, serving their system for financial gain, drinking in their sewage whether it be news or entertainment, or fearing (and thus worshipping) binding governmental and financial contracts simply by participating in them. Either we play along with the game of fear and survival instincts directing us as theyve designed, or we go with our hearts and what we have learned and are learning to be true. Its pretty clear once youre detached from the disinformation machine. A real key is seeing whats coming at us as fact or fabricated fiction, which lends importance to a degree of alternative information. But even there we must be selective and discerning. Enter the Exit Whats in a Name? It wasnt until I shifted into my core identity to who I truly was that I became fully liberated. Suddenly I was free to write, act and live to my fullest potential. Its a process and takes some doing, disconnecting from attachments that reinforce the old programming. I have yet to fully 3 make the break with all of my enslaving documentation as outlined in losethename.com but Im down to precious little and the principle is the same. The rest will follow. The empowerment that awaits each of us as we become who we truly are, name change or not, is what this is all about. If it works for you fine. Its not essential nor the focal point except to illustrate the literally binding contract weve been born into. I find it interesting that in social media so many people use pseudonyms. This is partially why. It provides a level of liberation. It doesnt mean someone has made a drastic detachment in their life but it exemplifies a dynamic operating from a new sense of self and identity without all the baggage of who we once were. This isnt always good as we know, as many use this very irresponsibly to make disparaging remarks and take pot-shots at their target of the day. The system does this all the time to disguise and hide behind their many masks. The other end of the spectrum is this exciting Babylon Is Fallen phenomenon, actually fully breaking the contract you were stapled with at birth, like an electronic store alarm tag that follows you through life. But even this is not the full issue of conscious awakening, nor does this type of detachment even work unless youre awakened first. So many are looking for quick fixes or get out of jail free cards for purely selfish and self serving motives. But thats a far cry from the essence of what were addressing here. Nor is it the freeman or sovereign concept of working via different forms of law. This is about being completely divorced from the whole enchilada. The real underlying dynamic is operating from a place of total freedom, which can only happen with a conscious awakening that births the process. At that point we continue to evolve in awareness. The pragmatics of what to do next become increasingly evident and its off to the races we go! Only its not a race, but more like being launched like an unstoppable, free-range, anti-gravity spaceship! Dont Reinforce the Negative Meme This is something Im becoming more and more aware of and on guard about. Energy flows where attention goes we know this is true. Then 4 why the obsessive fascination with what the dark lords and their minions are doing? I dont mean to say we shouldnt be aware of it or stick our heads in the sand, but there is clearly a time to back off and make sure were maintaining our spiritual footing. And more than that, not participating in their intention and negative energy field. To see whats going on we can peruse headlines on many terrific alternative reporting sites. Its important to keep track of. But we must concentrate on solutions, personal first and societal second, as well as lucid exposures of whats truly going on and how to navigate these times. Ultimately its all about the intention. Whether we tune into theirs intentionally or by habit, or learn to discern and dissolve their lies whereupon they can be either outright discarded or alchemically transmuted back into the language of love and empowerment. Find Your Conscious Footing and Operate from There Its a process. We have to keep evolving and not get caught in the wash, rinse, repeat cycle. At any level. Some of these traps, pitfalls and hindrances are not easy to identify but they eventually become clear. Then we need to jump the next hurdle and not stop. It takes commitment to truth and is not always easy. It requires change. Constant change and a willingness to go with it. While some of these changes may appear drastic at first, many are not always big things either. Thats what makes it fun, finding our way and helping each other through the maze. Dissolving the lies before our eyes takes practice but mostly its a way of life, a place to operate from. Anything that tries to move us into a place of shifting sands and soul sucking vortices of deceit and time and energy sapping becomes much easier to discern and hence avoid. Their war on the human mind and body is so intense for this very reason, to screw up our receptivity and draw us into another part of the sticky web of lies. What theyre finding out though is it ultimately doesnt work! When we operate from that place of infinite, eternal footing we are untouchable and unstoppable. Quelling the Voice of Doubt We all hear it. Who are you to say that? Who are you to do that? The worst ones are in our heads, but people are often dumb enough to actually voice them for you! Its actually good to confront these types as it can only strengthen your convictions, assuming you dont listen and back down from the true voice of conviction. But lets face it, its that barrage of truth denial and even reversal that were up against in this unenlightened and heavily manipulated world. Worse yet is the truth omissions. When the obvious goes unsaid it can be the most devastating to individuals as well as society. Thats why I like to dissect and see through these false portrayals were given and fill in the blanks as best I can. Truth is so incredibly powerful 5 that it just stands on its own. Theres no ego attached to it, no fake identity or innuendo. It just is, and open hearts and minds will recognize it and rejoice in it. Dont listen to those negative voices. Dont dwell on them. Recognize them for what they are and go on your merry way. The only way anything can have power over us is if we entertain it. That negative vibration is an entropic infection of the most debilitating sort. Thats why dwelling on the negativity of this furious self immolation of these parasitic thugs attempting to co-opt the entire planet is so important to avoid. It only plays into their game. Starve the beast and get away from it while it violently consumes itself in its final rage. We dont have to stand there and go down with. Split, in any way you can, separate yourself. Revelations 18:4 is a powerful verse that has always resonated with me, and kept me living outside the system and the U.S. for decades following the first stage of my awakening. And it and can be applied directly to this culmination were witnessing: And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. Some good advice, whoever said it. So What are we participating in? How much of this beast from some hellish realm are we still serving and feeding with our energy, time and intention? That question is ever before me as I continue in my personal journey. The wonderful thing is there are so many of us, and were finding each other! That has got to be freaking them out and I dont need physical proof to know that, although theres plenty out there if you need it. Dark forces rage against the light, but they cant put it out. And as we gather in momentum and conscious understanding, living free from their matrix of deceit and continuing to break our contracts with them, the light is burning this beast like sunlight hitting a vampire. Drop the chains and shine on! 6 Why not? Whats holding you back from the next step? Its time to get serious about breaking free and start making a real difference. Thats the challenge for all of us. So why not just do it? Start with one thing at a time. The idiotic psychopathic so-called rulers have cornered humanity and ironically eliminated the options to do otherwise. Is this Universe giving us encouragement to make the next grade? Im inclined to think so. Encourage yourself do something radical today and see your real liberated self in action. Its a blast! Then take it from there! We are unstoppable. Its only ourselves that can get in the way, that stinking fear and pride. Time to let it go. Meet you there! Love always, Zen About the author: I have questions. Life is wonderful full of amazing wonders that continue to unfold. My quest for truth has given me new perspectives which lead to well springs of information that continue to inspire awe and wonder at the world we live in. Dare to explore and see what leaves you. just wondering. Love Zen. 7
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