Shiva The Holy Spirit and The Age of Aquarius
Shiva The Holy Spirit and The Age of Aquarius
Shiva The Holy Spirit and The Age of Aquarius
Nothing vast enters the life of mortals without a curse
- Sophocles
Though I covered some of the key events pertaining to the alien visitation and the subsequent takeover
of our planet,
and though I did bring things up to the present Silicon Age, I stressed that it was not possible to cover
in depth all the
various machinations of the visitors throughout history.
An ancient wall-relief (in Carmonica)
one of thousands globally, showing
the very non-fictional "Visitors."
Space did not permit me to delineate the fascinating story of how the surviving
Atlanteans and Lemurians (both descendants of the Fallen Angels), set up new
civilizations on the remnant of lands that still existed after the horrific cataclysms
that decimated their previous homes. In a forthcoming book ("The Irish Origins of
Civilization"), I will deal with the post-diluvian period and cover the role played not
only by the empires of Asia Minor and Egypt, but also by those of Ireland and
England. I will show just how important the lands, known theosophically as
"Logres" and poetically as "Albion," were to the future of our world. It has been
due to a pernicious age-long campaign of knowledge suppression and mass-
murder that the truth concerning the Celtic/Druidic Tradition of Ireland has been
suppressed and obscured.
The auction of a whole civilization, the finest known, and the extermination of an entire race, is a subject
that I intend to
bring into the limelight. It is for this reason that I first chose to deal with the days of Atlantis and Lemuria,
since it was
from there that the story of the ancestors of Celts, the Gaels and the Druids began. If we are to seek out
the origins of
the Arthurian legends, and of the Welsh, Irish and Scottish myths, it is to lost Atlantis and Lemuria that
we are to look.
And if we are to seek out reasons as to why the true story of these places and peoples has not been
hitherto revealed,
we need to begin with the contingents who dominate and rule mankind from behind the obvious thrones
of religion and
politics. As I revealed in my first book, these ruthless agencies also happen to have their origins in the
most ancient of
It is, in this authors estimation, impossible for us to ever triumph over the malign
(and originally alien) "Establishment," which controls humankind, without a
thorough working knowledge of the way in which they operate and achieve their
successes. If we are to defeat these merciless and tyrannical hierarchs we must,
like detectives, be thoroughly conversant with their modus operendi and, like
hounds on a trail, we must be totally familiar with their scent. Our adversary is
both a mutilator and a scavenger. It is a virus within the ailing body politic. It is
literally a cunning alien force which has infected us with its own nature. It is within
us as much as it is out there in our world. We are its prey and also its carriers.
We are also its enemy by default. It hates us and, therefore, we are either of its
kind and under its power, or we are its sworn opponents. In light of this, my study
is not for everyone. It has been composed for the new generation of Opposers. It
is a manifesto for those who will, in their time, see the demise of the agents of
evil, and the expiration of their control. It is not for those who cannot, at this time,
comprehend the severity of the infamy in their world, or who lack the spirit of
It is not my intention or desire to provide armor and spears to those without inherent systemic strength,
will and passion.
My words are intended for those readers who do understand, or who can open their minds to
understand, that the
domestic, social, and economic worlds they live in, and labor to perpetuate, like the political parties voted
for, have been
created by powerful and sophisticated unseen forces which have, age upon age, placed men, women
and children upon
the dark altars of sacrifice, as offerings to their vile, perfidious gods. The blades of the tyrannical ritual
murderers are
now, as I write, descending upon the necks of the human race for the last time. Time is short but, though
it may first
seem like small comfort, let us remember that if and when lightening strikes in a shadow-cloaked
landscape, we get to
see everything with incredible lucidity. For that instant, nothing is hidden from the eye. It is this authors
wish that his
work will provide for the reader such a flash in the dark, affording a glimpse behind the dark veil of
history, and onto the
subtle and hidden machinery of evil which has pulverized truth, freedom and morality into dust, and
which has shattered
and crushed the once unvanquishable spirit of man.
Y Gwir Erbyn Y Byd
"Truth Against the World")
chief motto of the ancient Celtic Druids
Benjamin Disraeli, the first Jewish Prime Minister of Victorian Britain, wrote in his novel
: "The world is run by
very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes."
Disraeli (Lord Beaconsfield) spent a good deal of his life and his intellectual
effort exposing the network of secret societies and cabals that infest the body
politic. He, like so many adroit researchers and teachers, was aware that the
world is controlled by powerful secret societies and fraternal orders, whose
agendas and schemes have little to do with the best interests of humankind.
Though these particular orders do not necessarily conceal their identities, they
do endeavor to conceal whatever goes on behind the doors of their various
lodges and establishments.
Exclusive occult orders do not wish their strange practices, rites and agendas to be openly disclosed,
and they excel in
the manufacture of many a guileful strategy and device designed to ensure secrecy. As one
Freemasonic member and
author reveals:
Freemasonry is labyrinthine. It is full of puzzles, conundrums, misspellings, corruptions, cryptic clues, and
simple salutes, childish codes, contrivances, circular paths, roads that sometimes lead nowhere, walls
appearing to be ten feet thick yet giving way easily to the lightest touch in the right spot, riddles to be
solved, numerous passwords, an allegorical, highly symbolical, double-entendre storyline worthy of the
best latter-day spy writers, protected by secret signs and symbols and a myriad of enigmas to be
confronted...In the labyrinth that is Freemasonry there is a center where rests it holy grail. Many have tried
to find it only to reach dead ends
Leon Davin (
The Ritual: The Greatest Story Never Told
One of most important themes of my new book, "The Irish Origins of Civilization," will be to expose the
origins and
agendas of the worlds most powerful secret societies, and the religions they have given birth to. I
endeavor to
demonstrate how they have used religion and politics to further their nefarious anti-human schemes. My
intention is to
inform the ordinary citizen of certain occult facts which are not even known to those members within the
hierarchies of
the various secret societies of the planet. The true origins of the Masonic Order, the Knights Templars,
and the Illuminati, etc., have been carefully guarded secrets, and are not known even to those within the
echelons of
these societies.
The Blue Degrees are but the outer court...of the temple. Part of the symbols are displayed there to the
initiate, but he is intentionally misled by false interpretation. It is not intended that he shall understand
them, but it is intended that he shall imagine that he understands them...The true explanation is reserved
for the Adepts, the Princes of Masonry (those of the 32nd and 33rd degrees)
Albert Pike (Grand Master of
American Scottish Rite Freemasonry and Head of the Illuminati)
These good folk swell our numbers and fill our money-box. Set yourselves to work; these gentlemen must
be made to nibble at the bait...But this sort of people must always be made to believe that the grade they
have reached is the last
Adam Weishaupt (Founder of the Illuminati, 1776)
Behind the division of humanity stand those Enlightened Ones whose right and privilege it is to watch over
human evolution and to guide the destinies of men...This they do through the implanting of ideas in the
minds of the world thinkers, so that these ideas in due time receive recognition and eventually become
controlling factors in human life. They train the members of the New Group of World Servers in the task of
changing these ideas into ideals. These in turn become the desired objectives of the thinkers and are then
taught to the powerful middle class and worked up into world forms of governments or religion, thus
forming the basis of the new world order
Alice A. Bailey (Fabian, Occultist, Author. Head of the Lucis Trust)
Naturally, the power-elites and their minions have a great deal to lose should the Under-Classes, that
is, the ordinary
men and women of the world, learn about the subtle nature of the psychic and social control which
operates all around
them, and which is hidden in plain sight. However, the task of revealers is made considerably more
difficult due to
"consensus trance" and the knee-jerk fear which automatically freezes a conditioned and complacent
human mind.
Revealers of truth know from
how few friends are won when, and if, we should endeavor to expose the dirty
little secrets of religions upper echelons. Nevertheless, a Truth-Seeker is not permanently daunted by
the discomfort
caused by the presence and proximity of truth. The Truth-Seeker is aware that it is easier to cut oneself
with a blunt
knife rather than with a sharp one; and that the price of ignorance is ultimately far greater than the price
paid for
knowledge. The Truthseeker knows that freedom is never free and that silence is most definitely consent.
The only good is knowledge and the only evil ignorance
- Socrates
The task of exposing the secrets of secret societies is somewhat complicated since it also inevitably
involves the
exposure of the secrets of religion. And since religion is intimately connected to politics, the task cannot
but include an
exposure of the secrets of politics. Though it is vain to expect a single book to investigate all the dark
highways and
byways of these institutions, we can at least make a zealous start, and wait to see where the river of ink
Therefore, it is not one torch that we must light, and not one shadowy labyrinth that we must explore, but
three. Like a
newly initiated Masonic neophyte we too must negotiate
steps on our threshold (Thrice-Hold) toward truth and
empowerment. May our destination be the same as that purported by Masonry. May our three lonely
roads lead us to
the one altar - the altar, the shrine of Truth.
Truly, it is not hyperbole to say that we are, during the years of this New Millennium, going to
experience the greatest of revelations concerning the most relevant of human mysteries. We
can expect many a layer of deception to be peeled away and jettisoned. Some of us may be
glad and grateful for the coming of the light of revelation. Others among us may be startled by
the proximity of such knowledge, and many will be deeply threatened by its presence. Many will
not wish to see in themselves the dirt that this light will surely reveal. Regardless of our various
reactions, the world as we know and experience it will change radically by the year 2012.
History, as we know it, will cease to exist, and the lives we have been living will be over, once
and for all. The approaching revelations concerning our origins, history and destiny, together
with the exposure of the roguery of clerical, academic and political demagogues, will occur
because of changes occurring within the psyche of human beings, which is itself mapped in the
Awen - Druidic
Trinity Symbol.
The Druidic
Trinity was Beli,
Taran & Esu. This
last party is the
origin of Jesus
(Iesu, Jesu), the
Shiva of the East.
It is because of subtle, yet radical,
changes within our hearts and minds, that the collective changes, visible to us
on the external stage, are going to take place. It is this fact that must be remembered while we remain
observant of the
course of external events upon the worlds omni-directional stage.
They Came, they Saw, and they Conquered
It took man over a million years to progress from using stones as he found them to the realization that they
could be chipped and flaked to better purpose. It then took another 500,000 years before Neanderthal man
mastered the concept of stone tools, and a further 50,000 years before crops were cultivated and metallurgy
was discovered. Hence, by all scales of evolutionary reckoning, we should still be as far removed from any
basic understanding of mathematics, engineering or science - But here we are, only 7,000 years later,
landing probes on Mars...So, how did we inherit wisdom, and from whom?
- Laurence Gardner
In the book
Atlantis, Alien Visitation and Genetic Manipulation
, I revealed the manner in which evil came into the world
and into the consciousness of human beings. In that book I show how, approximately 50,000 years ago,
our solar
system was visited by alien beings, possibly from the star system Alpha Draconis.
These beings, whose bloodline descendents control todays world governments and
religions, were being pursued across the galaxy by rival factions from their own
planet or planets, and did not come here by choice. The presence of these visitors
was known by many cultures which have preserved, in myth and legend, their story
and their various names. In his book,
Past Shock
, author Jack Barranger asserts
that there are still, after all the purges, over 30,000 texts containing information
pertaining to the presence of alien beings on our planet. In my book, and in other
writing on this subject, I reveal how many modern scientists and physicists, such as
Carl Sagan, Robert Oppenheimer, Herman Oberth, Frances Crick, Einstein, Tesla,
and Fredrick Soddy, etc., were more than open to the idea of alien interference with
earth history. I explained how the willful destruction of the great ocean planet
Tiamat precipitated earths recent great deluge. And I revealed how these alien
visitors, from distant reaches, came down to our planet, erected their main
headquarters on the now lost continent of Appalachia, to erect the famed city-
complex later known as Atlantis.
The alien empire of Atlantis stretched its tentacles to all the corners of the earth. The first draconian
World Order that
we have experienced, was Atlantean. I revealed that, from their base at Atlantis, the alien visitors
initiated a genetic
hybridization program which lasted centuries. In their nefarious experiments the Atlanteans crossed their
own alien DNA
with that of our human ancestors. This event radically altered the course of earth history, and had very
adverse affects
on human consciousness. The genetically schizoid being that they created, I refer to as Homo
Atlantis. His
descendents still live in todays world.
Prior to their genetic interference, the visitors had attempted sexual congress with earth females, but as
the ancient
records reveal, this proved unsuccessful.
And the daughters of Cain with whom the angels had companied conceived, but they were unable to bring
forth their children, and they died. And of the children who were in their wombs some died, and some came
forth, having split open the bellies of their mothers they came forth by their navels
(The Ethiopian
Those Daughters of Darkness became pregnant...As a result of the beauty of the forms of the emissary,
whom they had seen they had abortions, and the fruits of their body fell upon earth and consumed the
blossoms of the trees
Corpus Scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium
- a Gnostic Text)
The genetic hybridization experiments of the Fallen Angels (Nephilim, or Annunaki) was recorded in
ancient suppressed
and sequestered books such as the Book of Enoch:
And then Samjaza, who was their leader, said unto them: I fear ye will not indeed agree to do this deed and I
alone shall have to pay the penalty of a great sin
Book of Enoch
And even from the Bibles convoluted scripture we are informed of the creation of man, and of the
existence of
Adams, one of the Earth (natural) and one of the Heavens (engineered).
And God said: Let us make man in our image, after our likeness
Genesis 1:26
The first man Adam became a living being, the last Adam a life-giving spirit. The spiritual did not come first,
but the natural, and after that the spiritual. The first man was of the dust of the earth, the second man from
- 1 Corinthians 15:45
Man in made out of the dust of the ground. it is only after eating from the forbidden fruit that god said:
"Behold, the man is become as one of us." -
John G. Jackson (
Pagan Origins of the Bible
Homo Atlantis, was created to be a servant in the Garden of Eden. The word
comes from a word meaning
enclosed area. It was in the closed area of Atlantis, in the precincts set aside for experimentation, that
our remarkable
genetic ancestor was fashioned. The race of Homo Atlantis was sent forth to garden, husband, mine, and
labor at the behest of their alien masters. After the creation of Homo Atlantis, every other humanoid
(hominid) race was
annihilated by our new masters, the gods.
We have been lead to believe that the entity that the Old Testament describes as a mass murderer and
heinous leader is the God of the Universe. We have been lead to think that the slaughter of human beings in
the name of God is a divine act... In one of the most tragic ironies, the majority of humans continue to
worship those gods who abused them the most
- Jack Barranger (
Past Shock
As a close reading of the ancient legends, scriptures and apocryphal works reveals, the race of Homo
Atlantis, after
some time in relative servitude, decided that they did not want to continue supporting the imbalanced
status quo on
Atlantis. These beings of strange birth certainly had the high scientific intelligence of their alien masters,
but they also
possessed of a different kind of wisdom that was wholly unknown and quite incomprehensible to their
alien masters from
distant stars. Homo Atlantis, had soul the Violet Ray. They had an umbilical connection to the Earth-
Mother, and
direct access to the Universal Intelligence. They operated from the Whole Mind, and knew themselves to
be unique,
under the stars. And so, after an undisclosed sojourn, Homo Atlantis decided to vacate the gardens of
Atlantis, and after
their subsequent exodus, they founded their own advanced civilization upon the continent of Oceana.
There, where the
Pacific is today, they founded the civilization of Lemuria. From that time onwards, the Lemurians and
their bloodline
descendents have been the moral and spiritual rivals to the corrupt and perfidious Atlanteans. The
manifold twists and
turns of history cannot be thoroughly understood unless we are first made privy to this original racial
In your limbs lie nations twain, Rival races from their birth; One the mastery shall gain, The younger oer the
elder reign
- Old Testament (on Jacob and Esau)
After the unforeseen departure of the Lemurians, the Atlantean warlocks were forced to return to their
drawing boards,
so to speak, to create another slave race. The result of their second generation experiments can be
referred to as
Adamic Man. The Adams and Eves were the perfect slaves. They were sent forth naked, which
means that they were
mentally, and somatically, dumbed-down. Their cognitive centers of higher intelligence were purposely
And the Lord said, Look, the people are united, and they all have one language...Come on, let us go down,
and therefore confound their language so that they cannot understand one anothers speech
- Genesis 11
Let us make him who shall nourish and sustain us. What shall we do to be invoked, to be remembered in
earth? We have tried with our first creatures, but we could not make them venerate us. So then, let us try to
make obedient, respectful beings, who shall nourish and sustain us
The Maya
Popul Vuh
The Lemurians, who were suspiciously keeping watch over their former masters, discovered that their
nefarious fathers
had again created a subordinate race to serve them. They realized too that Adamic Man was, to all
intents and
purposes, their genetic cousin and, therefore, could not be left in servitude. The Lemurians decided to
send agents into
Atlantis to make contact with the dumbed-down Adams and Eves. This was achieved and the counsel of
the Lemurians
led to a second vacation of slaves. The majority of the Adams and Eves left for Lemuria with their
advanced genetic
cousins. Once again, the Atlanteans were deprived of their perfect servant.
Because of the intervention of their First-Born, the Lemurians, The Atlanteans grew wrathful in the
extreme and
unleashed what the legends describe as an all-out atomic war against the Lemurians and the Adamic
Race. This world-
wide conflict occurred approximately 13,500 years ago, and was so fierce that it precipitated a shift of
Earths polar axis,
and a myriad other tribulations. The shift of the earths axis resulted in the near destruction of all the
planets flora and
fauna. Its toll on life, human and animal, was unimaginable. Our planet is still in slow recovery from this
event. In our own Race Memory we still contain the engrams (encoded imprints) of this period. We all
contain deep
ancestral memories of the destruction of continents, civilizations, and of all the subsequent phenomena
that resulted
from this monumental upheaval. We also contain within us the memory of previous times, when life was
harmonious and
pleasant, and in which there was no evil, no slavery or disease.
The Roman writer Ovid stated that during the reign of the legendary king Kronos...springtime was perennial.
Virtually every commentator of antiquity on this topic agreed that this lost age was a golden one and the
Earth a veritable paradise
Allan and Delair (
After the shifting of the polar axis, and the formation of a new equator, the few bedraggled disoriented
survivors moved
to find new homes. The Atlanteans chose to converge at the equatorial region, in the area known today
as Asia Minor.
This was, apparently, one of the few areas that would sustain life all year round. Consequently, it is from
this general
region that the blood-thirsty, tyrannical, post-diluvian empires arose, and from which our official
histories begin.
The peculiar and suggestive cover
of Time Magazine during the
"Countdown to War" in the Gulf.
These perfidious empires are the pattern upon which most modern states are based.
The Lemurians, and the remainder of their Adamic wards, chose to disperse to the
distant corners of the planet and to settle on any lands which they might find
habitable. It is partly because of this decision that we find so many similar
languages, customs, rites and idioms throughout the world. As a result of the
prolonged and intense genetic experimentation, all living humans contain within their
biology human and alien DNA. Moreover, it was this transgenic experimentation
which caused what we know as evil to come into the world and into our
consciousness. Evil does not come into being due to the flawed mechanics of
nature. Nature is in perfect harmony from the largest neutron star to the smallest
quantum particle. Nature would, therefore, not be likely to so blunder as to create a
proclivity in her highest species so lethal as to undermine her own sublime order.
The human beings who believe this fiction are laboring under one of the greatest of
all fallacies, and will inherit perdition as a result of this chronic misapprehension. No,
evil does not come into the world because of any organic failure in natures laws, but
from constant tinkering with, and violation of, natures inviolate ordinances.
Each person takes birth inheriting the legacy of the past. As Omar Khayaam reminded us, each person
contains within
heaven and hell. We are each
a devil
a saint. We are each capable of scintillating creative mastery
and moral purity, and we are also each capable of perpetrating acts of unimaginable criminality and
injustice. We are
violent to ourselves and to others around us. Moreover, we are the only species to take pleasure from
our violence,
sadism and perversity.
Eves descendants have steadily accumulated the power to destroy each other in an unholy Armageddon
and, like sleepwalkers, are shuffling toward a planetary ecological disaster. How could a slight, five-foot-tall,
two-legged animal create such sublimity and yet wreak so much havoc in so miniscule an interval of earths
- Leonard Schlain (
Sex, Time and Power
) differs from the animal by the fact that he is a killer; he the only primate that kills and tortures
members of his own species without any reason, either biological or economic, and who feels satisfaction
in doing so. It is this biologically non-adaptive and non-phylogenetically programmed malignant
aggression that constitutes the real problem and the danger to mans existence as a species...The most
ample and horrifying documentation for seemingly spontaneous forms of destructiveness are on the
record of civilized history. The history of war is a report of ruthless and indiscriminate killing and torture,
whose victims were men, women, and children. Many of these occurrences give the impression of orgies of
destruction, in which neither conventional nor genuinely moral factors had any inhibitory effect...There is
hardly a destructive act human imagination could think of that has not been acted out again and again
Erich Fromm (
Anatomy of Human Destructiveness
The major rise in our killing prowess occurred primarily in the last hundred thousand years, with the
sharpest spike limited to the last forty thousand. Creation is a nightmare spectacular taking place on a
planet that has been soaked for hundreds of millions of years in the blood of all its creatures. The soberest
conclusion we can make is that the planet is being turned into a vast pit of fertilizer
- Leonard Schlain (
Time and Power
It is sad that the question of our capacity for injustice, crime, perversity, and evil is not constantly on the
mind of every
single human being. It is the central question of our lives, and the time has come to have it answered.
We must know
why it is that we are condemned to live the kind of disempowered, confused and mediocre lives we live,
and why it is
that our world is plagued with corruption. It is our right to know why we experience inner psychic and
moral commotion,
and why we often experience constant mental an emotional turmoil. The reasons for social and
existential conflict were
known to our ancestors, who were, themselves, inheritors of the bad genes. The time has come to
heed their counsel
and wisdom. Behind the poesy lies the profoundest wisdom.
Zeus gathered the gods in council to express his concern that these unusual creatures would one day
challenge their hegemony. He was loathe to exterminate them with his thunderbolts, though, because there
would be no one to bring the gods offerings. He solved the problem by putting each creature into a trance
and then splitting it down the middle...Upon awakening, each half only dimly remembered what it had been
prior to being cleft in two. Zeus explained to the assembled gods and goddesses the cleverness of his
scheme. These creatures would no longer pose a threat to the gods, because they would dissipate their
considerable energy by spending the rest of their days searching for their missing halves
- Leonard Schlain
(recounting Platos Symposium account)
He taketh away the heart of the chief of the people of the earth, and causeth them to wander in a wilderness
where there is no way...They grope in the dark without light, and him maketh to stagger like a drunken man
Job 12:24-25
In order to prevent discovery of these facts, the post-diluvian masters of the world, the descendents of
the Atlanteans,
have chosen to manufacture unsustainable Ice-Age fallacies to prevent us looking back to discover the
existence of
the great cultures of past ages. They have suppressed great scholars who refuted their lies, and have
imposed a vile
educational system which indoctrinates us from the earliest age, thereby preventing most of us from
looking at the world,
or at anything else, with clarity or discernment. We are drugged by poisoned foodstuffs, and by the
pharmaceuticals and
substances we turn to in order to turn-off the inner angst.
It is not just outsiders who cannot be heard, it is dissenting members of the scientific professions
themselves...It is worrying to learn that in countries like Great Britain and the United States, thought to be
among the most civilized on Earth, some professional scientists can feel so isolated and ignored that they
have to take their case directly to the public via the popular press. Equally, it is depressing to discover that
in countries which pride themselves on their intellectual tolerance, it is impossible to voice scientific
dissent without attracting this kind of response from those who perceive to be the guardians of orthodoxy
Richard Milton (
Shattering the Myths of Darwinism
The truth concerning the themes that I deal with (of alien visitation, the origins of evil and of secret
societies, etc,) could
not be wholly or lucidly revealed to humankind during the past centuries because the time was not right.
the astrological time was not right. In the present millennia, however, the time is right and, as a result,
many secrets
are going to be revealed to the human race which will alter perceptions more drastically than the advent
of Darwinism,
Freudianism, or Marxism succeeded in doing. Upon close investigation we discover that Darwinism,
Evolutionism, and
even Materialism have no logical authenticity whatsoever. Recent findings from top scholars and
scientists of the world,
(Allan and Delair, Michael Cremo, Otto Binder and Max Flint, Richard Milton, etc) help us prove that
there were indeed
highly advanced civilizations in the ancient world, and that our true origins are very different from that
which have been
indoctrinated into us from official sources.
Most controversial is the evolutionary question. I have done a great deal of work on Darwin and can say
with some assurance that Darwin did not derive his theory from nature but rather superimposed a certain
philosophical world-view on nature and then spent 20 years trying to gather the facts to make it stick -
Immanuel Velikovsky
...molybdenum, a very rare metal plays an important role as a trace element in the physiology of all Earth
creatures. It is surprising, therefore, that life so dependant on a rare metal should arise on a molybdenum-
poor world like ours
Otto Binder and Max Flint (
Mankind - Child of the Stars
So, whether we are ready for it, or not, we are each going to discover the truth about our own strange
origins and
destiny. It is a given that no one persons reaction to these revelations will be the same as anothers, yet
the reactions of
the majority of the worlds masses will fashion the kind of future we all get to experience. The
unconscious multitude,
lost in their Consensus Trance will no doubt continue as Happy Depressives in their culture of
amnesia and
narcissism. They will continue to dance the dance macabre, and perform their roles as scripted for them
by the most
depraved of social engineers. The Dionysian world, which such unfortunates are inheriting, will make the
nightmares of Marquis de Sade and Franz Kafka seem trite and inane.
...the whole force of urban-industrialism upon our tastes is to convince us that artificiality is not only
inevitable, but better
Theodore Roszak
Mankinds self-alienation" has reached such a degree that it can experience its own destruction as an
aesthetic pleasure of the first order
Jerry Mander
The Rebel, the Cause
& the Age of Revealing
During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act
- George Orwell
Fortunately, the celestial clock is with us, and with the spirit of revelation. Alfred Lord Tennysons wild
bells are already
beginning to ring out the old, the vile, and the degenerate.
In this age of Solution-Think, we will be given the chance to dispel the ideological lies and
fallacies by which we have been mentally and spiritually enslaved. As the Maya
prophecies inform us, we have been, since the year 1999, in the so-called Age of
Revealing. This is a time of literal Apocalypse, when the masks of the false begin to
come down. This period of catabolic action, and collective catharsis, will be deeply
threatening to those morally unhygienic souls who have long profited from the ruin of their
fellows, and to those consummate narcissists who have advanced at the expense of
others around them. The approaching end-game is especially threatening to those
connoisseurs of power whose insatiable penchant for destruction and deception has
contaminated the world. The voices of their innumerable victims cry out from the deep
places, but will soon be quieted and appeased by Lady Justice.
The last battle of Humanity begins, as all battles do, with the correct identification of the enemy, and with
that enemy's
final subjugation. Some laws, such as this one, alter not despite the guile of liars, and the meandering
passage of time.
In the second half of my book on Atlantis I cover the various machinations of the Atlanteans and their
progeny down
through history. I concentrate on the Renaissance, the Tudor Dynasty, and on the present Silicon Age. It
is the goal of
my next book ("The Irish Origins of Civilization), to provide the reader with an equally interesting and
conspiracy against truth which has been in operation since the aftermath of the universal upheaval which
brought about
the wholesale destruction of Atlantis, Lemuria and the other great continents of pre-history. Our story
involves Egypt, but
also Ireland, for it was on the Emerald Isle that many of the survivors of the Polar Shift, and subsequent
found haven. The majority of scholars believe that civilization arose in Asia Minor, in the Levant and in
Egypt (Africa).
However, nothing could be further from the truth. Throughout the following centuries, the Irish, or
(meaning noble,
pure, illumined), traveled from their haven to the four corners of the earth, bringing their high Lemurian
(and Atlantean)
culture with them. This single fact, that civilization spread from
West to East
has, for reasons which should now be
obvious, been carefully guarded by the power-brokers on Vatican Hill and in Jerusalem. Revealing the
Irish origins of
civilization will involve exposure of the multifarious ways in which humankind's history has been distorted
manipulated. Our revelations will therefore be controversial and challenging to those who have no
appetite for truth.
The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic
and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its
powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth
becomes the greatest enemy of the State
Dr. Joseph M. Goebbels (Nazi Minister of Propaganda)
I certainly acknowledge the wisdom in George Orwell's warning of how telling the truth can
often be an act of rebellion. Indeed, my work is meant to be controversial and revisionist. It is
mean to be a testament to, and for, Freedom. It is composed in the
Spirit of Rebellion
rebellion against ancient tyranny. Its contents are controversial, seditious, iconoclastic and
even treasonous. It is, however, more than a play on words, to declare that there is no such
thing as treason AGAINST THE TREASONOUS! Need it be stressed that there is no such
thing as freedom in a Bastille of Lies, the dark shadow of which overlooks a landscape of
existential misery and moral pestilence? The purpose of my work is to counter the Orwellian
boot that has been stamping upon the face of all humanity for millennia. It is our intention to
counter this violence with a form of intellectual violence of our own. We intend to kick down the
doors to the corrupt citadels of oppression and deceit and let the true light in.
We intend to sweep away the cob-webs which enshroud the mind, and remove the thorns of delusion
which enswathe
the human heart. What may come after our efforts is not a primary concern. We are not interested in
building new world
systems, but confine our energies and intention to the destruction of old ones which must be rivaled and
toppled at this time. Therefore, we do not distract ourselves from envisioning the splendor or fragrance of
the rare and
precious flowers which will take root to grow in tomorrows exquisite gardens of freedom. The toil of
uprooting weeds
consumes our every waking moment. We find our purpose and reward in this deconstruction and revision
and do not
see, feel, or lament the blood which falls from our hands which tear the weeds of evil from the ground of
Indeed, though the sky may for a while be blackened with the smoke of our weed-fires, we find a certain
rare fragrance
in such effusion. Though it may not be the aroma of roses, the perfume from the burning pyres of evil
and ignorance is
not wholly intolerable, and is not without its own aesthetic quality. From the embers of such pyres we can
even be
afforded a clairvoyant intimation of the future world to arise. It is the world that once was long ago, which
existed once-
upon-a-time - pure, effulgent, realized and magnificent - one not of devils, demons, gods, kings, saints or
sinners, but of
men, FREE inwardly and outwardly, able and willing to holistically and reverently explore the mystery of
, and
of the planet which has housed them throughout the troubled ages, and which has long preserved the
secret of their
Come to the center of the earth, and there you shall find the Philosopher's Stone
- Basilius Valentinus
(Fifteenth Century Alchemist)
The enemy that we face, and which has haunted our world for millennia, will not concede of its own will.
It will not yield,
or even give ground. It is in fear, but has combined its fear with occult knowledge and this combination
makes it lethal in
the extreme. It seeks to humiliate the good, the pure and the true. It is the enemy of truth, and of
freedom. It cannot
triumph, since the Force it vainly opposes is eternal and self-sustaining. The problem of evil is, however,
not solved with
a clenched fist, but with an open, receptive and mutable mind. These characteristics are represented by
the Archangel
Michael and his mighty sword, by Arthurs Excalibur, by Robins flaming arrows, and by Merlins serpent
wand. We
overcome the direst enemies with knowledge, not might. We seek revelation to prevent revolution, and
overcome evil
with the force of our example not by the example of our force, by psychological weaponry, and by total
conviction in our
cause and sovereign power. As said above, we understand lucidly that freedom is
free and that silence is most
definitely consent. Whether we are joined by others, or not, we proceed on our quest with vehemence.
There is the
fairest of damsels to be saved, and a Serpents blood to redden our shields that is all!
My forthcoming book on the
Irish Origins of Civilization
will constitute more than a brave attempt to unravel and explain
some of the most convoluted and complex mysteries of the Christian religion. Our aim is to assert the
fact that there is
little real authenticity to the story of Jesus Christ, as related to us in the Bible of the Christians. We are
not saying,
however, that there have not been or that there are no enlightened, god-realized beings in the world. Nor
are we saying
that Jesus - the Man - did not exist. Authors such as Moustafa Gadalla, Laurence Gardner, Ahmed
Osman, and Tony
Bushby have demonstrated that the being we know as Jesus did exist as a man, and did indeed walk
abroad in the
world of the past. Their work, however, strongly refutes the accounts given of his existence and life in the
Bibles New
Testament. The discoveries of these authors are exceptionally revealing and informing, and so critical to
the work of
other revisionists, that it is unlikely that this present work could have come into being without their
Between our work and that of the authors mentioned there are, however, several points of contention
which we feel the
reader needs to be aware of. For though we salute their erudition and passion, we are not necessarily in
accord with all
of their sundry conclusions. Nevertheless, we do not intend to present our esoteric theories concerning
the Irish Origins
of Civilization, Jesus and the rise of Christianity, the advent of secret societies, or the fate of humankind,
etc., without
first briefly delineating the essential points made by these exemplary researchers. Each author has
labored to untie the
tight knots of confusion from around the ark of the mysteries, and we are indebted to them for such
commitment. But,
dare we say it, for all the adroit study and erudition of these authors, it appears that the final Holy Grail
so to speak,
remains elusive. The bullets have indeed been fired, but will they strike the correct targets? In short,
whatever truth and
wisdom is to be found in the Bible (and there is plenty), it obviously was, and is still, the preferred
operating manual of
sadistic arch-hierarchs, those perpetrators of the worst type of mind and soul control imaginable. Those
who resist this
fact can look to the Bible itself for confirmation.
Among my people are wicked men who lie in wait like men who snare birds and like those who set traps to
catch men. Like cages full of birds, their houses are full of deceit; they have become rich and powerful and
have grown fat and sleek. Their evil deeds have no limit; they do not plead the case of the fatherless to win
it, they do not defend the rights of the poor
Jeremiah 5:26
Woe to you who call evil good and good evil: that put darkness for light, and light for darkness: that put
bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter
- Isaiah 5:20
And we repeat - the value from exposing the corruption and intrigue of the cruel
inhuman leviathans of religion and politics cannot be understated or under-estimated.
However, given today's apathy we might question what actual good will ultimately be
derived from our efforts. Tragically, it appears that the human race has managed to
arrive at a place where it is so jaded and sense-infatuated that it really could not care
anymore whether Jesus ever existed or not. We can go so far as to say that it is not
Jesus himself and his history or authenticity that interests most church-going
Christians; it is what Jesus as a healing icon can do for them emotionally and
physically which matters most. The average "believer" is not truly concerned with
Gods nature, or with Gods mysteries. He is merely concerned with what God can do
for him, and how God might make his sad, mediocre life less insipid. The average
believer is not concerned about the emotions his Christ may have felt when he was
betrayed with a kiss by a man he was ready to give his own life and even soul for.
No, the average believer wants Jesus to do something for him, to act on his behalf, and to provide
various physical,
emotional and spiritual comforts and securities. Yes, what a great pleasure a mentally and emotionally
destitute (meek)
man finds knowing that, for the nominal fee of blind obedience, his jealous god will fulfill his needs and
also dispense
hell and damnation to his enemies. Who could pass up such a platinum deal? The day that Jesus, and
god, fail to cut it,
then the guru gimmick-merchant on the block will do just as well. Christian moralists may reflect upon the
manner in
which their own grandiloquent religious espousals have fostered the same pernicious disaffection in
society that they
vehemently attribute to atheism and materialism.
Show me a force which binds today's humanity together with half the power it possessed in those
centuries...And don't try to browbeat me with your prosperity, your riches, the rarity of famine and the speed
of communications! The riches are greater but the force is less; there is no more a binding principle;
everything has grown soft, everything and everyone grown flabby!
Fyodor Dostoevsky (
The Idiot
Yes, religion is the little more than a narcissists Materialism.
The singer and songwriter John Lennon once predicted that his band - the Beatles - would become
"more "famous" than
Wilhelm Reich. One of History's
greatest geniuses. Died under
Given that his iconoclastic forecast included other candidates within the
entertainment business, as well as his own band, his strange prediction has
actually turned out to have been quite accurate. Though we may resist
accepting it, the youth could care less about Jesus and God. The young ones
who appear to care, are forced to do so due to the inevitable indoctrination
process of punitive parents and guardians. Left to their own devices, they prefer
to choose Marilyn Manson and Snoop Doggy Dog as mentors, models and way-
showers. And perhaps they could care less about the Sacred Heart for good
reason. After all, what does it really matter if a special man of god did walk the
earth thousands of years ago? What does it matter that he had enemies, and
that he sacrificed his life for what he believed? What does it matter that he had
evilarchs and betrayers on his trail? What does it matter if he had magical
powers to heal and reveal, or that he rose into heaven after his torture and
death? Actually, to a
mind, none of this matters at all. It works
excellently as great tale, a ripping yarn, a Hollywood super-drama, and that is
about all. Only the emotionally disturbed, psychologically infirm, or intentionally
malign, have taken it to mean more than this. We do not need to recount the
repulsive biographies or histories of so-called saints, kings, popes and
suspicious circumstances while
serving time in Federal Stockade
after the FDA prohibited his
pioneering therapeutic researches.
A colleague of Freud, and rival to
Einstein, he was the first man to
have his books burned in the US.
The trial judge refused to read any
of his astounding and revolutionary
evangelists, or recount the splendidly erudite theories of Freud, Jung, Reich and
other psychoanalysts to reinforce this truism. No, few care, or have ever cared,
about the factuality of Bible stories. Inwardly, subconsciously, most people
know the improbability of such stories. But since our ego-drives have taken root
in such fictions, better that they remain and continue to be watered.
Truth can perish, and the world can come to ruin, but as long as the ego and the persona, and the
illusion of salvation at
the hands of others remains constant, we believe.
It should never be forgotten that the power of the priest rests solely on the credence of the people. The
people cry out for a savior, for certainty of heaven, for an exemption from the terrors of hell. Hence
Priestcraft can neither do without hell nor purgatory. Take away both, or either, and its power is gone
M. F.
Cusack (
The Black Pope: A History of the Jesuits
A religion which sedulously opposes its own improvement can do nothing essential toward improving
anything else...On the contrary, it must check the growth of everything it touches with its palsied hands
Kersey Graves (
The Bible of Bibles
The story of Jesus the God, or of Jesus the Man, is interesting less and less rational people in the world
today and there
is nothing amiss with that. It is a good sign. The story of truth, of god, and of the divine in us, should not
be fixed in the
special past, but in the special present - in the moment that is, and nowhere else. Moreover, when we do
our historical
homework we find out that the story of Jesus is no more dramatic and miraculous, no more pathetic and
majestic than
the story of Apollonius of Tyana, or of Orpheus the Fisher, or of Dionysus, Mithras, Pythagoras,
Valentinus, Krishna, Lao
Tzu, or Imhotep.
Who dares declare that the story of Jesus Christ is any more captivating or inspiring than that
of Siddhartha, Milerepa, Ramakrishna, Vivekananda, Ramana Maharishi, Sarmad, or of
Jiddu Krishnamurti? And, dare we ask how many people in todays manic world care a jot for
these bright lights of past times? For every Christ and Muhammad, there are a thousand
other god-men, born of virgins, imbued with the deepest wisdom and enamored with a divine
mission. India is filled with like men and women today. So let it be known that there is nothing
truly unique about the life of Jesus Christ. The only thing which is unique about the Christ is
the lengths to which the Cult, which has adopted his name, has gone to suppress the truth
and to foist their unsustainable sectarian beliefs upon the world. The Christian zeal for brutal
oppression and its violent conversion of non-believers, its penchant for false promises, its
expertise with deception, and its ability to spawn the vilest of human-monsters, are what
make it unique in the world.
Therefore, unlike Gadalla, Bushby, and other writers of their persuasion, we find our personal interests
and passions to
not be fulfilled by simple refutation and revision. We are not content to merely point out the manifold
fallacies of the
Bible, and to expose the lack of historicity behind most of the key events therein. Nor are we content to
merely uncover
evidence for a
Jesus to replace the immortal one. We are not content to merely discover the tomb of a dead
prophet-king who cheated crucifixion, or who never raised the dead, or performed miracles upon the
banks of the Dead
Sea, who had wife and offspring and who lived happily ever after. No, these are not our motivations. In
light of the
splendor and challenge of our meta-theme such biographies prove too prosaic to overly preoccupy us.
Our endeavor
and motivation is a great deal more heretical and seditious. Yet, suggestively, it is the same motivation of
great masters
and enlighteners of the past, whose lives, words, and deeds sparked hot with rebellion and iconoclasm.
Our agenda is,
like theirs, to introduce the reader to the God, and the Christ, within the Self. There is no more sacred
motivation, and
none which more threatens the ego and its external representatives.
It is our mission to assist in the removal of the insinuated theological viruses which
infect the minds and hearts of men, and which prevent human beings on this
planet from realizing and tapping into their own divinity. Our sharp tool for
accomplishing this psychological surgery is DECONSTRUCTION. Our endeavor is
a catabolic one and, therefore, it flies in the face of those desirous of remaining
moribund within the emotional and mental comfort zones. Our deconstructive
model and approach reveals the means and mechanics of how the authority of
mans intrinsic Selfhood has been molested by the connoisseurs of deception, by
those with a great deal to lose should the subjects under their hypnotic power
awaken and become ignited by the
Spirit of Rebellion,
which lies dormant within
them. It is this spirit, after all, that is exemplified by the great saviors of the world.
All of them, from Tonatiuh, to Odin, to Christ, to Socrates, were
, iconoclasts
and outcasts. And yet, each was sent to the world by the higher power to execute
the will of the so-called Holy Spirit. Rebellion, the hallmark of all light-bringers,
Truth-Seekers and Saviors is, therefore, a true service to the Holy Spirit. Rebellion
against those authorities, systems, or ideas which attempt to molest, impede or
confound our sacred individuality, sovereignty and true voice, constitutes service to
the Holy Spirit. Rebelliousness is the
of the Holy Spirit. Little wonder then
that the Christians personified this spirit of rebellion as Lucifer, the fallen angel.
Little wonder that they obscured the actual significance of the Holy Ghost. Little
wonder that they frown on the modern outcasts who will not conform to their
mental whips, or ingest their diet of intoxicating fictions.
The Lord Shiva (Pashupati).
Symbol of Nature and of the Laws
of Deconstruction, Shiva is the
third deity of the Hindu Trinity
(Trimurti). His astrological
correspondence is Pluto (Scorpio)
while his Tarot correspondence is
the misunderstood 13th card
Death). Alchemically, he
represents dismemberment
(Dissolutio, Mortificatio).
Human sickness is so severe that few can bare to look at it...but those who do will become well
Shiva, the Holy Spirit
& the Return to Selfhood
Whoever cannot find a temple in his heart, the same can never find his heart in any temple
- Mikhail Naimy
Do you deny me the entrance to heaven, I who have at last learned the mystery of myself
Mystery School Legend
Though most Christians will be loathe to accept it, it is in accordance with true Gnostic precepts to
identify this so-called
Holy Spirit, (the third spiritual essence and principle within the sacred Trinity) as our
Selfhood. The Holy Spirit
idea, which may be traced back to the feminine Sophia of the Egyptians, Brahmans, Gnostics and
Orphites, etc., was
referred to as "Wisdom," and was equated with Knowledge. This knowledge may extend to the Son of
God, and then to
God himself, but it
first begin with Self-Knowledge.
This is literally what Sophia of the Trinity is - Knowledge of the Self. The conspiring forces
which sought to make this Self-Knowledge taboo, and who distorted and complicated our
understanding and veneration of the true Holy Spirit, were attempting to blot out the Self
from the Holy Trinity and from the spiritual canon. To imagine the Holy Spirit to be some
vague presence, or to imagine it to be some indefinable aspect of the Virgin Mary, a white
ethereal dove, an abstract metaphysical principle, or an inexplicable mystery, suited the
desires of the Christian Priestarchy, but it denied their flock their most valuable key to the
gates of salvation. What we were not told is that without the key of Knowledge of the Self,
the others keys, should they even come into our possession, are worthless.
The knowledge of god, or even of the son of god, is worthless to the one who does not deeply know him
or herself. The
chaos and debauch in our world today is the result of this lack of Self-Knowledge. The casualties from
drugs and from
false spiritual paths and teachers also stand as testimony to our assertion and thesis.
You yourself are even another little world and have within you the sun and the moon and also the stars
Origen (Church Father, 3rd Century AD)
You are the temple of God. For the temple of God is holy, which temple you are -
(1 Corinthians 3:16)
The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will
often be lonely, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning
Fredrick Nietzsche
Many stand outside at the door, but it is only the solitaries who will enter into the bridal chamber
- Jesus
Christ (
Gospel of Thomas
Yes, to jump over the bridge of Selfhood hoping to land on the ship
leaving for paradise, is to fall and drown for sure in the cold, swirling,
demon-infested depths of perplexity and insanity. Self-Realization is
necessary before God-Realization was the motto of the Vedanta
Masters and Brahmanic sages. Know Thyself, were the words at the
Delphic Oracle in Greece. The temple of the living God is Within
announced the Christian Christ. The message is simple: There is no
enlightenment outside of your Self. Man is his own priest and woman
her own priestess. The cardinal misconception, that we can receive
our Satori and our bliss, from someone or something
than the
Self has achieved more than a reinforcement of the master-slave
We understand that a rational man cannot say, like Christ is meant to have done, that: "I and my Father
are One,"
unless we are each first ONE within ourselves to begin with. The "Father" is complete, and if we are
ourselves not
, how can we possibly be ONE with him, or with anyone? The Christian who imagines that being "One
with the
Father" implies the abnegation of Selfhood is a sadist to his own being. He commits a cardinal sin with
just this kind of
illogical thinking. How can a mere "nothing," a human "zero" be said to actively merge with God. After all,
who is it that
comprehends this state of ONENESS? Logically, it is only a Self that can merge or bond with God's Self.
Anything else
is fantasy.
When you know yourselves, then you will be known, and you will know that you are the sons of the living Father.
But if you do not know yourselves, then you are in poverty, and you are poverty
- Gospel of Thomas
The abnegation of Selfhood is tantamount to Self-Murder. It is the epitome of sadism to the Self which is
rampant in the
world, both East and West. The loss of Selfhood has driven us perilously near to the gates of oblivion
those of
paradise. It is the aim of my work to rectify this, by deconstructing the maze of lies which has captured
and bound our
sanity and our truth-starved souls. Perhaps, we can now understand why it is that a man cannot be
forgiven for sins
committed against the Holy Spirit, that is, against his own HIGHER SELF. And perhaps, we can
understand why it was
so vitally important for early Judeo-Christian hierarchs and myth-mongers to obscure the identity of this
feminine third
party in the Blessed Trinity, symbolized by the Gnostic Dove.
And so I tell you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men, but the blasphemy against the Spirit will
not be forgiven
Matt 12:31
Religion, obsessed with the idea of the supremacy and hegemony of the spirit, lost sight of this balancing
qualification to the science of self-knowledge and attempted to find the more stable realities in disdain of
and detachment from the outer realm, to a large extent carrying the straining effort out into an ideal vacuum
and warping devotional life into eccentricities and abnormalities
Tony Bushby (
The Secret in the Bible
Yes, remove the Self from the Trinity, and from the ontology, and your demonic schemes of
domination will succeed beyond your wildest expectations. Replace the Self in the
metaphysic and your end is assured. Bring back the Self into the picture and we can follow
the bright Dove of Truth homeward, to the final place of rest and understanding.
Symbolically speaking, we find it more than suggestive that the dove was chosen to represent
the third party of the Blessed Trinity, for it is not a Christian emblem. It is a very ancient pagan
symbol. The origin of the mystical symbolism of the dove comes from astrology, and from the
gnosis of the ancient Stellar Cults. The dove is, in fact, the symbol for the sign of Scorpio,
which is one of the two major signs of the zodiac connected to the
Spirit of Rebellion
. So, we
find it more than significant that the symbol chosen to represent the Higher Self - the true
Holy Spirit - should relate directly and undeniably to the spirit, and act, of REBELLION, and to
the Spirit of Contradiction. Ergo, we find it more than significant that the Bible should proclaim
it to be the direst and most irredeemable of sins to contradict or violate the will of this Holy
Ayn Rand. Author,
Philosopher and Light
to America. Deafness
to her words and
warnings daily sinks
Man and his World.
Since we
been committing this "sin" non stop, age after age, it follows that we should indeed find ourselves
struggling and choking in the webs of our own making. It stands to reason that humans are to be found
floundering in an
squalid swamp of non-issues, existing as prisoners in their own palaces, lacking the intelligence to know
the danger they
face. Therefore, we make it our task to draw attention to the significance to this sin against the Self. From
the ending of
this most mortal of sins comes a new rapport with that true Comforter, that eternal Daimon (Guardian)
which has long
worked for our awakening and arrival.
Now that this is understood, we are in a good position, are we not, to finally see the battlefield and the
rival factions.
Now, due to our new understanding, we grow proficient in determining who the real misleaders are. They
are those who
would condemn, stifle, and even obliterate this supernal
Spirit of Rebellion
. They are those who would fashion for us
oppressive political leviathans, inhuman psychopathic corporations, and repressive religions, to ensure
that the Spirit
which is essential to our existence is driven forth into the wilderness never to return. With that great Spirit
gone, lying in
its unmarked grave, humans fall cringing at the mercy of the terror-wolves, the daylight vampires and
phantoms of death
who crave our ruin.
Nothing is more poisonous, harmful or devilish than a man in rebellion
- Martin Luther (founder of
The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will
often be lonely, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning
- Fredrick Nietzsche
Thankfully, the one thing that never dies in this world, at any time, is the
Spirit of Rebellion
. It will remain there, in some
one or other, in some hermit, or poet, musician, playwright, or film-maker. It has been beaten and
crushed many a time,
but it is going nowhere. So we can be truly thankful for that. We can, therefore, look to and rely upon this
great Spirit for
salvation in the darkest and deadliest of times. We can learn to love the word "NO!" We can learn to love
its refreshing
adamantine sound.
The Dove - the symbol, in
Christianity and Gnosticism, of
the so-called "Holy Spirit."
Known as a feminine symbol, it
is the ancient sigil of Scorpio
which rules deconstruction, and
which is connected to Christ and
Shiva, the 3rd aspect of the
Hindu Trinity. It signifies the
Self. The Jesus "story" intrigues
because it really concerns the
Self. This is where the
attraction is.
We can learn to rely upon the great
Spirit of Rebellion
physically, and socially, and we
can also learn to rely upon it mentally. We need to become accustomed, even
acclimatized, to the Spirit of Rebellion, because it is already moving in the world, and
will soon make itself vividly apparent. When the Dove descends into our world, it will,
however, don a quite different garb, a different persona than the one we may be familiar
with. The Dove is Scorpio, and it channels the energy of Pluto. In psychological terms,
Pluto is the Shadow, (Jung), natures psychic surgeon, her organic hygienist that
appears to cleanse the soul of all its toxicity, and repressed debris, so that it may be
chastened and virginal enough to perhaps receive the clear elixir of truth. That Plutonic
Shadow, the emissary of the Holy Spirit, has already been manifesting in the world, and
it will continue to do so for a decade or more. Its presence is the harbinger of truth and
above all - Freedom.
Therefore, only those imprisoners of human minds and souls have something to fear
from the coming "Age of Revealing." As the Scorpionic thirteenth card of the Tarot
shows (
Deck) it is only the popes and the kings, and their progeny, who will
be leveled before Plutos great steed. Yes, it is only the emotionally, morally and
spiritually toxic amongst us, the "People of the Lie," who have something to fear from
the approach of Pluto's silver scythe. The rest can benefit from, and even enjoy, the
healing which comes
the pestilence, the plague, and the offending virus has been
eradicated. All we have to remember that is everything in our world is cleaned - our
bodies our cars and our carpets. Only our emotions and psyche remain perpetually
neglected and "unhygienic." This is what the energy represented by Pluto comes in to
It is not for no reason that the word
is etymologically related to the word
The sanitary mind is sane, and
the unsanitary mind is, by definition,
, and even
We must all face the fact that our leaders are certifiably insane, or worse
William S. Burroughs
The gigantic catastrophes that threaten us today are not elemental happenings of a physical or biological
order, but psychic events. To a quite terrifying degree we are threatened by wars and revolutions which are
nothing other than psychic epidemics. At any moment several millions of human beings may be smitten
with a new madness, and then we shall have another world war or devastating revolution. Instead of being
at the mercy of wild beasts, earthquakes, landslides, and inundations, modern man is battered by the
elemental forces of his own psyche
Carl Gustav Jung (German Psychologist)
In short, the men and women who have done their spiritual homework, and who are psychologically and
hygienic, have nothing to fear from the times ahead. What many paranoiacs, fear-mongers and
doomsday merchants
imagine to be the countdown to extinction, is actually the countdown to freedom.
What many falsely imagine to be the instigation of a tyrannical New World Order is, in fact, going to be
the removal of
all such draconian order from the world, forever. The saber-rattling and war-mania of the worlds power-
elites is but a
subconscious fear-reaction to the inevitable approach of change, a desperate and futile attempt to offset
the coming
Plutonic storms which will demolish all that is infirm and toxic from the soul and from the world. With the
world in turmoil,
with fear oozing from every mind, and with terror radiating from every brain, the bestial world-leaders can
feel more
comfortable. We all prefer to be in an ambience that reflects our inner state - well - a world of chaos and
murder and mayhem, does reflect the inner psychological and emotional state of those we have set upon
the thrones of
the world. After all, one does not commonly find carrion crows or vultures seeking repast in a Japanese
He is happy as well as great who needs neither to obey nor to command in order to be something
- Johann
Wolfgang von Goethe
Astrologically, the signs of rebellion are Scorpio and Aquarius. Scorpio is the eighth house of the twelve
houses of the
zodiac, and Aquarius is the eleventh house. There are many fascinating mathematical and numerological
between the numbers eight and eleven, and there are, likewise, many interesting correspondences
between Scorpio
and Aquarius. One of the fundamental correspondences involves the planet of rebellion, Uranus. Uranus
is the planetary
ruler of the sign of Aquarius and is exalted (of greatest power) in Scorpio.
New Age philosophy expounds the idea that we are gradually approaching the so-called Age of
Aquarius. As I show
in my work on astrology, we are indeed coming to the close of one great astrological cycle and we are
about to enter
another. Along the way, are other important mini-cycles that open and close and, naturally, there are the
cycles of our
own personal lives which are also major factors in the movement and changes of the celestial clock.
However, this is not
the place to explicate the details of astrological prophecy or expound on the sundry notions regarding the
Age of
Aquarius. I merely wish to underline the rebellious quality that will rise to prominence under Aquarian
and Uranian
energy, and attend the world of tomorrow. It is this
Spirit of Rebellion
, and what may come of its action, which primarily
interests this author.
Presently, as we write, the planet Uranus (ruler of Aquarius) is moving through (transiting) the last sign of
the zodiac,
called Pisces. Like all signs of the zodiac, Pisces has both positive and negative traits associated with it.
conjunction of Uranus in Pisces provides the insightful and intuitive with a peek into the forthcoming Age
of Aquarius.
Those who have adroit Pattern-Recognition skills, and who are Symbolically-Literate, will perceive, in
todays world,
subtle forecasts of what is to come in the future age.
If thou wilt know the invisible, open wide thine eyes on the visible
- Kabalistic Adage
Aquarius and Uranus rule the young, and the spirit of youth, which is akin to the
Spirit of Rebellion
. The coming of
Uranus can be compared to a meeting between an extremely caffeinated and ticked-off Bruce Lee
meeting an extremely
hyper and histrionic Jackie Chan. As we can imagine, there wont be much left of the furniture after they
get through
talking over their problems.
Uranus is the ruler of the famous Fool card in the Tarot. The Fool, is the ever young, the
innocent mind that is ever receptive, unconditioned and free. He is the androgynous one
who travels light, and who allows neither fear nor memory to interfere with his mutable,
omni-directional journey of experience. He perfectly embodies the Taoist's "Wei Wu
Wei" (accomplishment without action). To him, the world always appears new, fresh,
interesting and magical. This does not mean that the Fool does not also see the injustice
and perversity that exists around him. He sees all the suffering and sorrow and laments it
deeply. His spirit is, after all, Plutonic and Uranian. His spirit is free and also deeply
human, but his solutions to problems are of a grass-roots variety. He despises
complexity, and prefers solutions which are ingenious, yet simple and comprehensible.
The Plutonic-Uranian mind does not require debates, pie-charts, graphs, boardroom
decisions or ten-year plans to cut through Gordian Knots or to move proverbial
mountains. The Uranian does not need to take a poll of the opinions of others to know
what he should believe or to find out when and how to act. Independence and
individualism are not merely catch-phrases to him. He is suspicious when such terms are
used to enslave rather than to liberate, when they proffer false security instead of true
grounded integral sovereignty.
Essentially, the Uranian Fool, is a proverbial Fifth-Columnist, or Agent Provocateur, working to bring
down the crumbling
and oppressive edifices and dark satanic mills, which incarcerate the spirit of man. He is a true servant
of the Holy
Spirit, even if he does not
like one. you know anything about a man going around playing a harmonica? He's someone you'd remember...
instead of talking he plays...and when he better play, he talks
- Sergio Leone (
Once Upon a Time in the West
The Spirit of Rebellion, and the return to Selfhood, will be humankinds salvation in the dark times that
are approaching.
We have already been feeling, seeing, and experiencing the subtle, and not so subtle, effects of Uranus
and Pluto for
some time now. The Hippy era of the 1960s was a perfect expression of the lower, more chaotic,
archetypes. The Punk era of the 1970s was a good example of lower frequency Scorpionic-Plutonic
archetypes, and
the sexual promiscuity of the 80s and 90s was also a patently lower-octave symptom.
Card 13 of the ancient
Tarot. The skeleton is the
Winter, and represents
Nature's purification cycle,
the Alchemists Mortificatio.
We are still, however, to experience the higher, purer manifestation of these archetypes, but
we will not have long to wait. The planet Pluto is presently about 24 degrees of the sign of
Sagittarius, on its way toward the first degrees of Capricorn. Capricorn is the sign of the
zodiac ruled by Saturn - the planet/archetype of time, order, government and oppression.
When Pluto enters into this sign we can certainly expect quite sudden and profound changes
to the most fixed, toxic and calcified areas of our lives. Furthermore, on its way toward the
sign of Capricorn, Pluto will cross in front of the Galactic Meridian and pass in front of the
center of the galaxy. Pluto's orbit of the zodiac takes approximately 250 years and as it
comes back full circle to pass over and channel the energy of galactic center it enables all
that is calcified and toxic to be exposed and removed. In the early part of 2007, the alignment
will occur, and the whole planet will feel the influences and ramifications. The locus of galactic
center is known to occultists as the "Black Sun," and is often depicted that way, as a black
solar disk with 13 rays emitting from it. Bathed in the energy of the sacred central sun all false
and degenerate orders will suffer deconstruction. However, the cabals of control, upon this
planet, who channel the energy of Saturn and Mars, are aware of this coming alignment and
its effects, and will not simply sit passively by.
They have many a counter-plan devised to maintain their hegemony. The rise of evangelism, oppressive
laws, and
conservative governments are evidence of this reaction to the liberating energies of Pluto and Uranus.
In the intermediate years we will do well to educate ourselves as to how the architects of ruin, within the
religious and
political hierarchies, are likely to react to this influx of liberating energy. These well-established bastions
of repression
and oppression are, after all, not in the habit of just rolling out of the way and giving up the ghost, and we
can expect
them to willfully react in concert to overcome the new paradigm and new modality of expression that
seeks to breach
their walls and invade their territory, so to speak.
As we can see from an occult, astromantic study of the 1960s and 70s, the Saturnian forces
of law, order and oppression do not hesitate to retaliate and quell the Spirit of Rebellion. The
agents of Saturnian, Solar and Martian energy (the governments, educational edifices, and
official religions, etc,) do know, however, that there are many long-term benefits to be gained
from permitting short-term angst-release from the Under-Classes they manipulate and
control. This is why there has been, in the past, certain high-profile bouts of rebellion and
fleeting chaotic flickers of anarchy from the disenchanted and malcontented within society. As
ex-rebels James Simon Kunen (Columbia University Activist) and Jerry Kirk (Black Panthers)
will be only too happy to inform us, there are two main forms of rebellion - the soft and the
hard. There is the designer or chic version which serves, in the long run, to reinforce the
established status quo; and there is the authentic and radical form which attempts, and
occasionally succeeds, in countering and demolishing the rotten status quo. The masses of
discontented and inwardly discomfited, who consider themselves as being against the
system (and this includes the majority of pseudo-Communists, pseudo-Anarchists, and so
on) are usually of the first variety and are, therefore, easily duped and lead. More often than
not, these soft-rebels are also highly duplicitous types, narcissistic and devious, desiring only
to seize the reigns of power for themselves.
Immanuel Velikovsky.
They don't come more
rebellious than this.
Ridiculed all his life,
every one of his theories
was eventually proven
accurate. He personified
the higher octave
Uranian and Plutonian
After all, how many Stalins, Castros, Maos and Mugabes of the world begin as fierce, zealous
opponents of the status
quo, only to later become the fiercest and most zealous of oppressors? As William Blake wrote: "...the
fist that crushes
the tyrants head, becomes a tyrant in the tyrants stead." So, though the masters of the game may
occasionally permit
this soft designer-rebelliousness, they are ever vigilant against the true hard form should it ever threaten
to appear.
They are dangerous because there are so many of them. It is one thing to have a few nuts or dissidents.
They can be dealt with, justly or otherwise, so that they do not pose a danger to the system. It is quite
another situation when you have a true movement - millions of citizens believing something, particularly
when the movement is made up of societys average, successful citizens
- William Colby (Late Director of CIA)
Where a majority are united by a common sentiment, and have an opportunity, the rights of the minor party
become insecure. In a republican government the majority, if united, have always an opportunity. The only
remedy is to enlarge the sphere" (that is, unite all the States under a federal government) "and thereby
divide the community into so great a number of interests and parties that, in the first place, a majority will
not be likely, at the same moment, to have a common interest separate from that of the whole, or of the
minority; and, in the second place, that, in case they should have such an interest, they may not be so apt to
unite in the pursuit of it
President James Madison (Elliot's Debates, Vol. 5)
The authentic anarchist or rebel, the man or woman who embodies the true and sane
Spirit of Rebellion
are of a very
different breed.
Soren Kierkegaard.
Considered the father of
Philosophy, As early as
the 1800s, he warned
against social alienation,
the inauthentic life, and
the loss of Selfhood.
That spirit of constructive resistance and rebellion was present in Mikhail Bakunin, William
Blake, William Wallace, and Che Guevara, and in the modern comedians Bill Hicks, and Lenny
Bruce. It was found in Giordano Bruno, and Soren Kierkegaard, in Ezra Pound, Ayn Rand,
Wilhelm Reich and Jiddu Krishnamurti. It is the holy daemon about to possess many people in
the world, many of whom would not, at this moment, consider themselves to be rebels with
cause. There are many sleeping heretics in the world and they are soon to be awakened.
However, there are certain rules which come with the package, and certain laws that the
rational rebel must acknowledge and master. Authentic rebels know, for instance, that it is
pointless and hypocritical to strive against external tyranny unless one has first combated their
repressive instincts and drives. The true rebel is not merely a rager against the
machine or a campus malcontent. He is a student of oppression, repression and slavery. He
allows the forces he despises and opposes to be his best tutors, and he observes these forces
closely, becoming minutely aware of their nature and behavior. He extrapolates and examines
the anatomy of tyranny, and comes to know cruelty, sadism, violence, injustice and destruction
intimately. The rebels who are going to matter and who will possess the rational power to affect
proactive change are those who become walking encyclopedias of evil.
There is not a nuance of it that eludes them. Having walked through Hades, and come out the other end,
they are (17 of 21)1/23/2006 4:38:37 PM
SHIVA, THE HOLY SPIRIT & THE AGE OF AQUARIUS...Introducing Michael Tsa..."The Irish Origins of Civilization"...Irish Origins of
supremely qualified to heal and revive the lost and ignorant masses which will be encountered. It is this
psychological freedom which will distinguish the genuine rebel from his disingenuous counterparts.
Troubling I sit, day and night. My friends are astonished at me: They forgive my wanderings. I rest not from
my great task: To open the eternal worlds! To open the immortal eyes of man inward: into the worlds of
thought: into eternity. Ever expanding in the bosom of God, the human imagination
William Blake
The Irish Origins of Civilization
There's a feeling I get when I look to the west, and my spirit is crying for leaving. In my thoughts I have seen
rings of smoke through the trees and I've heard the voices of those who stand looking. Oh, it makes me
wonder, It really makes me wonder. And it's whispered that soon, if we all call the tune, then the Piper will
lead us to reason, and a new day will dawn for those who stand long, and the forests will echo with laughter
- Robert Plant (
Stairway to Heaven
...Theirs were the hands free from violence, Theirs were the mouths free from calumny, Theirs the learning
without pride, And theirs the love without venery -
(on the Druids)
As a central part of our revisionist work, we seek to expose the origins of Christianity which has been,
and which
continues to be, a major means to an end for the secret cabals which control the systems of the world
and of the mind.
The great Comyns
Beaumont. King of the
maverick alternative
historians. As with
Velikovsky and
MacDari, his
monumental work is
largely unknown today.
Unfortunately, most Christians know very little about the origins of their religion, and do not
realize that most of what they read and hear about from priests and potentates is pure fiction,
with little to no basis in fact. They are not aware of how the Roman Church has fostered and
unleashed, upon their unsuspecting minds, a battery of lies and fables in order to disguise the
actual origins of religion. They do not know that once, before the rise of the present imposter
Roman hegemony, it was known and accepted the world over, that Christianity in its purest and
most antique form was nothing more or less than Celtic Druidism from Ireland. This fact was
first brought to light in 1873 by Anna Wilkes, and then again at the turn of the century (19th to
20th) by the master American scholar Conor MacDari. It was also a sub-theme in the work of
incomparable maverick researcher and author Comyns Beaumont. We find hints of this fact in
the work of a few other past writers such as L. A. Waddell, Augustus Le Plongeon and Barry
Fell, but few there are who have dared follow in master MacDari's footsteps. We have no such
reticence and we understand the importance of Conor MacDari's work and seek to make it
known, once again, to humanity. We know that once the the true facts concerning the
Origins of Civilization
are known, humanity will be able to throw off from its understanding the
veils of delusion which have carefully and cunningly been draped there.
Ireland, Wales, Scotland and England were the "Fortunate Isles," the "Blessed Isles," which survived the
great Earth
upheavals that I speak of in my first book, and which were also of great interest to the master scholars
Beaumont and Immanuel Velikovsky.
The religion, the cosmogony, the rituals and customs of the ancient Irish (Arish -
original Arians), were based on the observance and veneration of the stars, and
of the movements and relationships between the earth, sun, moon, and zodiac.
The earliest religion was a
Stellar Religion
. The Bible, therefore, is not only
based largely on Druidic Philosophy, but is a Sidereal Testament disguised as a
biography of physical personages that were known to have no historical
existence. How this antique Druidic Philosophy was flagrantly appropriated and
abused is a fascinating story which must now be told. We are personally
interested in the reasons why it was thought best to denude the ancient theology
of its connection to the stars, and why it was then foisted onto the world in its
present contorted and preposterous form. To this day, the ancient mystery-
school subjects of Astrology and Kabala, etc., are still taught to the elites within
the Christian and Judaic Colleges, but only to those of the highest caliber and
lineage. (18 of 21)1/23/2006 4:38:37 PM
SHIVA, THE HOLY SPIRIT & THE AGE OF AQUARIUS...Introducing Michael Tsa..."The Irish Origins of Civilization"...Irish Origins of
This secret is not known by the lower rank and file of the prison-planet and great steps have been taken
to downplay the
Astro-Theological aspect within the major religions. Though innumerable books are now in circulation,
attempting to
shine light onto Christianity's darker corners, the sidereal connections have rarely been exposed. This
kind of revelation
is, perhaps, too controversial, even to most revisionists. Obviously, should this gnosis reach the ears of
the masses, not
much will be left of the vile edifice of Vatican-style religion. We, therefore, happily make it our duty to
furnish our readers
with the occult precepts behind Christianity and Judaism. We conscientiously seek to reveal that which
has been
concealed for so many ages so that man may be set free from the mental and emotional chains which
now bind him.
The "Irish Origins of Civilization," will reveal that both Christianity and Judaism are based entirely on
prehistoric Stellar
Theologies, and that both religions, as we know them to be from official history and experience, were
cleverly founded
by the selfsame ideologues in order to assist them in their designs for world control. Christianity, as we
will show, is
an outgrowth of Judaism.
Indeed, what we call Judaism has a very different origin that what has been
officially proffered. Moreover, we will show where the terms "Jew," "Hebrew," and
"Israelite," "Irish," "Jerusalem," and "Christian," etc., came from, and will show that
they did not originally allude to racial groups or places. As profound and venerable
as these Stellar Theocracies of the ancient world were, they were plundered and
rescripted by the most inhuman of conspirators bent on world domination. We will
show that the culture of ancient Ireland and of the ancient Gaelic peoples was
auctioned off to anyone that wanted to bid for its treasures. We find within the
doctrines and mysteries of Christianity and Judaism the remnants of a culture far
older and more venerable than theirs. In the course of our investigations we
address the various other official and revisionist works out there on the subject of
Christianity and Judaism.
The magnificent Newgrange
Tumulus in Ireland. Older than the
pyramids, it has been defaced. Its
many heavily marked foundation
stones have been systematically
removed and turned face-in, to hide
their elaborate cosmological motifs.
It is perfectly aligned with the
Winter Solstice.
Many scholars since 1980 have been writing books which ostensibly expose the secrets of the Bible, and
of Christianity
and Judaism. Books such as
The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail,
have become best-sellers, and investigators such as
Ahmed Osman, Laurence Gardner, Tony Bushby and Ralph Ellis, and others, have ostensibly labored to
reveal various
perplexing and age-old mysteries of Judaism and Christianity. Their contributions have surely widened
the scope of
what we know concerning this subject matter.
For the most part, however, these authors focus on proofs concerning the
historicity and humanity of Jesus (the Man and the Christ) and they support
the fallacy that
climes are the birthplace of civilization. The vast
majority of the writers and researchers in this vein, insist that we should
continue looking to Rome, Greece, Judea, Babylon and Sumeria, etc., when
looking to find and uncover the roots of the world's great religions. A few of
the best writers do now endorse Egypt's exemplary role in the world, but in
our minds, this is an acceptance
too little too late
. There is still further to go,
and we grow fatigued and impatient waiting for academia to broach the
absolute truth, that we seek now to reveal in our own work. Thankfully, a few
writers have revealed information which does indeed indict the establishment,
and most have done well to demonstrate the advancement of the ancient
The British Edda. One of the multitude of
revisionist works by the great L. A.
Waddell. A polymath, he was one of the
very first men to correctly decipher and
read Sumerian. He discovered, in Ireland,
the tombsite of Menes, the first king of
the first Dynasty of Egypt. His
controversial works are exceedingly rare.
peoples. Therefore, any critique that we have of these writers and their works
centers on the fact that they habitually consider, and refer to, the Middle-East,
the Levant, as the cradle of civilization and birthplace of both Christianity and
Judaism. Upon this point we are
in agreement, and in our work we seek to
rebut the "proofs" and "evidence" upon which such statements and
assumptions are made.
We are convinced that this notion is the result of one of the greatest deceptions which has ever been
financed, and advanced by the imposter Priestarchy of Atlantis and their minions. Therefore, those
scholars who blithely
assume that civilization's roots are to be found in Eastern lands, are laboring under a vast
misapprehension, one which
weakens the foundations and arguments of their work and which condemns their readers to inherit
hundreds of
puzzles for the few that are explicated.
...the generally accepted history of ancient times, such as is found on the shelves of our libraries and taught
in our schools, is mostly fiction, made up of fables and myths cleverly composed into histories so nicely as
to lull all suspicion in the mind of the reader or student as to the fraudulent character of it. Some
wonderfully clever writers have been led astray by these deceptions of "history"
Conor Mac Dari
As controversial as it may sound, we are in no doubt whatsoever that many of the writers of these
modern books of
historical "revelation" are funded and promoted by those selfsame Papal authorities and Royal Houses
which control the
publishing houses, think-tanks and colleges, and the flow of information.
We are more than cognizant regarding the surreptitious ways in which they
finance modern myth-makers and spin-doctors to further conceal facts and lead
readers astray. In this multi-media world of independent researchers and
investigative journalists, the elites have to work that much harder to disguise
their perfidy. Whether he knows it or not, and whether he makes use of it or not,
the modern intellectual has at his disposal more information than his
forebearers could ever dream of. We are more educated and literate than our
recent predecessors and so, should we make the effort, we can avail ourselves
of great knowledge concerning the power structure of the world. We can find
out about the nature and thinking of those who reign from on high. Our access
to libraries and books is, however, deeply threatening to the power-brokers,
who have enjoyed and profited from our ignorance for so many an age. And so,
motivated by this concern, they have legions of writers on their payrolls to
disseminate literature apparently revealing age-old mysteries. Many of these
works do indeed solve a quota of the world's intriguing puzzles, and many do
set truth aright. However, many offer thirty percent truth and seventy percent
lies. Many are "red-herrings," consciously designed to lead us yet further away
from the shrine of truth.
The first Bibles (in Latin) were
chained to altars and tables so that
no one but the priest could read and
"translate" them to the curious.
It is our belief that a great many, though not all, of the 'Bloodline of Jesus" books fall into this category.
We also know
that most of the books written on the subject of Egypt and Ireland are certainly in this category.
Additionally, a good
many of the books written on the migration of races and tribes, the symbolism and language of ancient
peoples, and the
origin of the Israelites and Jews, are also highly suspect. It is an egregious error to consider all books
and all writers on
these subjects as truthful, independent and non-affiliated. On the contrary, the vast majority of books
written, in recent
times, on the subject of ancient history and on religion are of the corrupt variety with hardly a scrap of
truth in all their
well-funded pages.
For more on this subject see the following links:
Astro-Theology Page 2 - (The Irish Origins of Civilization)
Origins of Evil (Webstream)
Death (High Window Article)
Aeon (High Window Article)
The interested reader is also referred to the works of:
Anna Wilkes
Conor MacDari
L. A. Waddell
Comyns Beaumont
Immanuel Velikovsky
Augustus Le Plongeon
Barry Fell
Header images
(Left) The Horned Shiva "Pashupati," Lord of Nature and of the beasts. One of the most antique of all representations of god. Wh
en the most ancient of
peoples were approached by Western anthropologists and asked to define God, this was the image they revealed. (Right) The
Cernunnos. Lord of
the forests and the beasts. He was also known as Herne, from which the Greeks got their Hermes. Therefore Herne was also a
ian and Messenger
and Keeper of the secrets of Initiation. Most later deities, gods and heroes, the world over from Orpheus to Christ were based o
n these archetypes. The
original came from Ireland.
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