This document summarizes the financial statements of General Mediterranean Holding S.A. SPF for the year ended December 31, 2011. It reported a loss of €8.2 million for the year, compared to a profit of €3.8 million in 2010. Total assets were €2.15 billion, with non-current assets making up €1.83 billion of that total. The company operates through subsidiaries in 24 countries across sectors like finance, real estate, hospitality, and healthcare.
This document summarizes the financial statements of General Mediterranean Holding S.A. SPF for the year ended December 31, 2011. It reported a loss of €8.2 million for the year, compared to a profit of €3.8 million in 2010. Total assets were €2.15 billion, with non-current assets making up €1.83 billion of that total. The company operates through subsidiaries in 24 countries across sectors like finance, real estate, hospitality, and healthcare.
This document summarizes the financial statements of General Mediterranean Holding S.A. SPF for the year ended December 31, 2011. It reported a loss of €8.2 million for the year, compared to a profit of €3.8 million in 2010. Total assets were €2.15 billion, with non-current assets making up €1.83 billion of that total. The company operates through subsidiaries in 24 countries across sectors like finance, real estate, hospitality, and healthcare.
This document summarizes the financial statements of General Mediterranean Holding S.A. SPF for the year ended December 31, 2011. It reported a loss of €8.2 million for the year, compared to a profit of €3.8 million in 2010. Total assets were €2.15 billion, with non-current assets making up €1.83 billion of that total. The company operates through subsidiaries in 24 countries across sectors like finance, real estate, hospitality, and healthcare.
Sige social : 29, Avenue de la Porte-Neuve L-2227 LUXEMBOURG N de registre de commerce : B 16.453 ___________________________________________________________________________ Les comptes annuels CONSOLIDES au 31 dcembre 2011 ont t dposs au registre de commerce des socits. Pour mention aux fins de publication au Mmorial, Recueil Spcial des Socits et Associations. Registre de Commerce et des Socits B16453 - L140154891 dpos le 29/08/2014 Registre de Commerce et des Socits B16453 - L140154891 enregistr et dpos le 29/08/2014 GENERAL MEDITERRANEAN HOLDING SASPF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2011 AMERICAS &THE CARIBBEAN B1'8ziJ British Virgin Islands Canada Panama United States of America Belgium Cyprus Fl'ance GC1'many Luxembourg Spain Switzerland United Kingdom MIDDLE EAST &AFRICA Egypl Iraq JOl'dan Lebanon Mauritius Morocco Syria Tunisia ASIA & PACIFIC China Hong Kong India 2 General Mediterranean Holding SA SPF. Founded in LuxemboUl'g in 1979, the General Merliterranean Holding Gl'OU)l now opemtes as a Socit de Gelltion de Patrimoine Familial (SPF) through 130 diverse entities anel associate companies located in 24 countries. The compallies in the Group directly and cmploy sorne 10,000 personnel. The paid U)l capital of the Company is 350 million with total consolidated assets standing at 2.1 billion. Each company fUHctions with its own board and management which are encouraged ta bll successful within a cOl'porate governance frameWOl'k defined by the holding company which sets standal'ds for cthical and financial performance, risk management, health, safety and staff welfare and community and environmental mottets. The investments of the Group are facused on: Finance & InvestmentActivities Real Estate &Construction' Hoaptality &Leisure Hcalthcal'C & Phal'l11accuticals Power Generation' Tl'ading Sheet Metal Fabrication' TV Broadeasting and New Media. Strategy: The Group'!; on-going business objective remains low-risk controlled growth building on the strength and span of its international investments but adhering ta stl'ingent criteria. The Group is incl'eu(;ingly discerning in the selection of its investments and whilst new opportunities are considel'ed to enhance the vfll\lc of the Company, under the cUI'rent global economic conditions, the lmmediate focus Is on consolidation and completing the projects in hand in order to optimise the return on their investments. The General Mediterranean Group l"espects the value of its personnel who not only lInderpin but also enhancc productivity and optima) returns. The Company's uthos is longtel'm, ethical relationships aeroas its global netwol'k and, in constantly try:ing ta serve the wider community and expand its llctivities; it strivea alwllYs to enhance the value of stllkeholdel' invcstment. Chah'man & Chief Executive Deputy Chnirman Other Board Memberll Secretary to the Board Country of Incorporation Date oC Incorporation Registered Number Registered Office DffiECTORS &COMPANYINFORMATION Nadhmi S Auchi Nasir Abid Sir Anthony Jolliffe Abdul HamAl Majali Jacques Santer Et. Hon. Lord Steel ofAikwood Marc Verwilghen Arif Husnin Grand Duchy of Luxembourg 16 Januw:y 1979 B16453 Centre Financier 29, avenUe de la Porte Neuve L - 2227, Luxembourg 4 CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME For the year ended 31 December 201 ) Revenue Cost of sales GROSS PROFIT Net operating expenses Exchange (loss)/gain (Loss)/profit on sale of current aBset inveatmentB Revaluation of current naset investmentB Revaluation of investment propel-ties Profit on sale ofproperty, plant and equipment OUler incorne Provisions on trade receivables and other current assets Impairment of non-current investment Notes 4 11 2011 2010 ('000 ('000 As restated 153,598 148,429 67,053 72,296 86,545 76,133 (73,703) (72,956) <l,300) 44,129 (19,715) 2,886 (14,118) (5,901) 23,400 (97) 4,734 2,546 79 2,897 (12,785) (1,051) (32,726) (LOSS)IPROFIT FROM OPERATIONS fi (6,863) 15,860 Finance income 6 3,382 9,362 Finance costs 6 (13,178) (12,706) Share of profits less los8es of associate companies 10 11,999 ,494) (LOSS)IPROFIT BEFORE TAX (4,660) 11,022 Tax expense 7 (3,504) (7,229) (LOSS)IPROFIT FROM CONTlNUING OPERATIONS (8,164) 3,793 (LOSS)IPROli'IT FOR THE YEAR BEFORE OTHERCOMPREHENSIVE INCOME - carried forward (8,164) 3,793 12 CONSOLIDATED STA'l'EMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME - CONTINUED For the year ended 31 December 2011 2011 2010 'OOO 'OOO As restated (LOSS)/PROFIT FORTHE YEAR BEFORE OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME - brO\lght forward OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME (8,164) 3,793 Revaluation of freehold propertics Revaluation of availablc for sale investments Exchllnge gains/(Illsses) arising on translation of foreign operations Tax relating to components of other comprehensive incorne: Revaluation of Crechold llnd investment properties TOTAL OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR (Loss)/Profit fol' the year attl'ibutable to: Owners of the parent Non-controlling intercsta Total comprehensive incorne attlibutable to: Ownera of the parent NOlrcontrolling intereata 117,539 45,523 1,385 Cl,93D) 3,416 Cl,655) (7,392) (12,029) 114,948 29,909 106,783 33,702 (6,941) 1,586 (1,224) 2,207 (8,164) 3,793 103,162 9,828 3,621 23,874 106,783 33,702 13 CONSOLlDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION At 31 Decelllbel' 2011 ASSETS NON-CURRENT ASSRTS Propcrly, plant and c1luipmcnt Invcstment Pl'0pcl,tics Invcstmcnts in 8S8ociates Available fol' sale - fin oncial assets nOll"current nssets CURRENTASSETS Inventories Trade and other receivables Othel' financialo8sets at FVTPL Cash amI cash equivalents Total current assets TOTALASSETS Notes 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 2011 2011 2010 2010 t'OOO ('000 ('000 f'OOO As rcstoted 1.451,525 1,342,579 182,5:14 159,134 133,648 136,378 58.885 10B,893 - -- 1,826,592 1.746,984 42,942 22.142 176,684 220.565 82,850 113,852 25,294 29,357 327,770 385,916 2,154,452 2,132,900 LIABILITIES NON-CURRENT LIABILlTIES 10nns and borrowings Deferred tax Total non-enrrent liabilities CURRENT LIABILITIES Trade and other payables 100ns and borl'owinga Taxation l'otnl current liabilities TOTAL LIABILITIES TOTAL NET ASSETS 18 19 16 17 297,874 160,666 458,540 220,366 . 174,927 4,802 400,096 858,636 1,295,727 273,457 158,235 431.692 348,658 158,627 4,979 512,264 943,956 1,188,944 ISSUED CAPITALAND RESERVES ATTIUBUTABLE TO EQUITY HOLDERS OF THE PARENT Share capital 20 Revahllltion reserves Cumulative translation reserve Retainec1 eal'llings Legal reaerve NON'CONTROLLING IN1'ERESTS T01'AL EQUITY 350,000 350,000 611,412 504,725 (228,544) (231,960) 339,865 350,138 65,188 61,856 1,137,921 1,034,759 157,806 164.185 1,295,727 1,188,944 14 CONSOLlDATED STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS For the year ended 31 December 2011 2011 2011 2010 2010 ('000 'OOo ('000 ('000 NET o.,OSS) JPROFIT FOR THE YEAR (8,164) 3,793 Adjustments fOl': Depreciation of])roperty, plant & equipment 17,165 18,030 Share oflosses/(profits) of associates (11,999) 1,494 Exchange (gain)IJoss 1,300 (44,129) Profit on sale of non-current assets (4,734) (2,546) Finance income (3,382) (9,362) Finance costs 13,178 12,706 Incorne tax expenS6 3,504 7,229 Change in fair value of investment property (23,400) 97 Impairment ofnon'current investrnent 32,726 (8,368) 16,245 NET CASH FLOW FROM OPERA'rING ACTIVITIES BEFORE WORl{lNG CAPITAL CHANGES (16,532) 20,038 WORKING CAPITAL CHANGES Increase in inventories (25,315) (8,626) Decrease/(increase) in receivables 43,881 (2,323) (Decrease)/incrcase in payables (122,864) 24,715 Exchange rnovement l'elating to working capital 1,921. (8,675) Income tax paid (3,681) (4,905) (106,058) 186 NET CASH FLOW FROM OPERATING ACTlVI'fms (122,590) 20,224 CASH FLOW FROM INVESTING ACTIVI'l'IES Finance incorne 3,382 9,362 Purchase ofproperty, plant and equipment (7,784) (28,149) Proceeds from sales ofpl'opel'ty, plant and equipment 12,206 10,990 Proceeds from sales ofinvestment property 3,430 Pm'chase ofnon-current financial RSBCts (2,467) (753) OccrcRBe in other financial assets at FV'l'PL 31,002 10,976 Purchase and disposaI of investment in 3SBociates 17,304 (4,668) Proceeds from sales of non-current financial aSBets 53,861 68 NET CASH IfLOW FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES 107.504 1,246 NET CASH FLOW FROM OPERA'rING ACTIVlTlES AND INVESTING ACTMTIES - cBJ'riedfOl'wmd (15,086) 21,470 15 CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CASH }'LOWS ~ r the year ended 31 December 2011 (colJtinued) 2011 2011 2010 2010 'OOo 'OOO 'OOO f:'OOO NET CASH FLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES AND Il\'VESTING ACTIVITlES - hl'OUg})! fOJ'wlJJ'd (15,086) 21,470 CA.clH FLOW FROM F1NANCING ACTIVITIES Increase in luans 45,629 55,305 Finance custs (13,178) (12,706) NET CASH FLOW FROM FINANCING ACTlVITlES 32,451 42,599 NET 1NCREASE IN CASH AND CASH EQUlVALENTS 17,365 64,069 CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT THE BEGINNING OFTHE YEAR Cash at bank 29,357 30,728 Bank ovcrdrafts (16,200) (67,193) Effects of exchange rate changes (16,516) (14,447) (3,359) (50,912) CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT THE END OF THE YEAR 14,006 13,157 Cash and cash equivalents st the end of the year comprise: Cash at bank 25,294 29,357 Bank overdrafts (11,288) <l6,200) CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT THE END OF THE YEAR 14,006 13,157 16 CONSOLIDATED STATEIv.NT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY For the year ended 31 December 2011 Share Revaluation Cumulative Retained Lel<ttl Total Non-controlling Total capital reserve translation earmngs reserve shareholders' interest equity reserve equity ('000 ('000 ('000 ('000 ('DaO ('000 ('000 ('000 At 31 December 2009 350,000 494,828 (230,305) 387,944 33,809 1,036,276 176,103 1,212,379 Restatement (11,345) (11,345) 11,345 -_.... At 31 December 2009, as restated 350,000 494,828 (230,305) 376,599 33,809 1,024,931 187,448 1,212,379 Revaluation of noncurrent Financial assets (l,930) (l,930) (1,930) Revaluation of freehold properties 23,856 23,856 21,667 45,523 Deferred tax on revalued properties (12,029) (12,029) (12,029) Currency translation differences . (1,655) (1,655) (l,655) --- --- --- --- - Other comprehensive incorne 9,897 (1,655) 8,242 21,667 29,909 Profit/Hoss) for the year - 3,020 3,020 773 3,793 Restatement ,434) (1,434) 1,434 (l,655) --- - Total comprehensive incorne for the year 9,897 1,586 . 9,828 23,874 33,702 Transfer to legal reserve . . (28,047) 28,047 (57,137) At 31 December 2010, as restated 350,000 504,725 (231,960) 350,138 61,856 1,034,759 154,185 1.188,944 17 Revaluation of non-current Financial assets 1,385 1,385 1,385 Revaluation of freehold properties 112,694 112,694- 4,845 117,539 Deferred tax on revalued properties (7,392) (7,392) (7,392) Currency translation differences 3,416 3,416 3,416 Other comprehensive income - 106,687 3,416 110,103 4,845 114,948 Loss for the year (6,94-1) (6,941) (1,224) (8,165) ---
-- Total comprehensive income for the year 106,687 3,416 (6,941) 103,162 3,621 106,783 Transfer to legal reserves (3,332) 3,332 --- At 31 December 2011 350,000 611.412 <228,544) 339,865 65.188 1,137,921 157,806 1,295.727 18 Notes to the Financial Statements 1. Accounting Policies The principal accounting policies adoptcd in the prepRmtion of the financial statements are set out below. The policies have been cOllsistently applicd t aH the years presented, unless otherwise stated. Basis of preparation The financinl statements are presented in Euros bccause that is the functional currency of the parent company. The parent company is Il nontlading holding company located in Luxembourg and has euro denominated shatc capital and whosc primary activity is the holding of investmentB. AlI values are rounded to the nearest thousand Emos ('OOO) except where otherwise indicated. 'fhe financial statements have becn prepared Ilnder the histol-lcal cost convention, except for the revaluation of certain (:urrent and non-current asset investments, freehold property and investment property. These financial statements have been prcpared in accol'dance with InterJllltional Financial Reporting Standards, International Al:counting Standards and Interpretations (collectively IFRSs) issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) as adopted by the European Union ("adopted IFRSs"). The preparation of financial statements in compliauee with adopted IFRS requires the use of certain critical accounting estimates. It 81so requires Group management to exorcise judgment in applying the Group's accounting policics. The areas where signifiCllnt judgments and estimates v ~ been made in preparing the financial fltutements and their affect are diaclosed in note 2. Restntement During the year, the board of directora has discovered that the non controlling intereat for one <:onsolidated subsidiary was not properly detcrmined in prior year. The 2010 comparatives have been l'cstated and the equity attributable to thll equity holdel's of the parent reduced by Euro 12.779.455 to renect the udjustments required. Vnder paragraph 10 <0 of lAS 1 Presentation of financial statements, tbis restatement would ordinarily requil'C the presentation of a stnterncnt of financial position as at 1 January 2010. However, as this l'ostatement would not have a material impact on the statement of [mancial position und on the statement of comprehensive income as at that date, the Dircctors do not considcr that this would provide useful additional information consequently, have Dot presented a third Btatement of financial position. The impact of the restatemcnt iB disclosed in the statement of changes in equity. Changes in accounting policies 19 a) New standards, intel'pretatiolls and amendments effectivefrom 1January 2011 None of the following new standards, interpretations and amendments, effective for the fI.rst time from 1 January 2011, has had a material effect on the financial statements. Classification ofRights Issues (Amendment to lAS 32) lFRIC 19: Extinguishing Financial Liabilities with Equity Instruments Amcndment ta IFRS 1: Fil'st-tiJnc Adoption oflntel'llationa! Fimmcial Repm'ting Standard6 Amenments to lAS 24: Related Party Disclosures Amcndments ta IFRIC 14: Prepayments of a Minimum Funding Rcquirement Improvements ta IFRSs (May 2010) b) New standards, intelpl'(}tations and amendments not yet effective The fol1owing new standards, interpretations and amendments, which have not been llpplied in these finarlCial statcments, will or may have an effect on the Group'g future financia!statements: Effective for annuaI periods beginning on or after 1 January 2012: lAS 1 Financial Statement Presentation - Presentation of Items of Other Comprehensive lncome LAS 12 Incarne Taxes - Recovery of Underlying Assets Effective for annual periods beginning on or after l. Janunry 2013: lAS 19 Employee Bunefits (Amendment) lAS 27 Separate Financial Statements (as revised in 2011) lAS 28 Investments in Associates and Joint Ventures (as revised in 2011) IFRS 9 Financial Instruments: Classification and Measurument IFRS 10 Consolidated Financilll Stat.ements IFRS Il Joint Anangements IFRS 12 Disclosure of Involvement with Oilier Entities IFRS 13 Fair Value Measurement None of the other new standards, interpretations and amendments, which a1'e effective for periods beginning after 1 January 2011 and which have not been adopted early, is expected ta have a material offect on t.he Group's future financial statements. 20 Notes to the Fillancinl Statl'l1lents 1. Policies (cnntillued) Bfll:li,c; of'colJ,c;olidatiolJ The Group accounts comprise the accounts of General Meditenanean Holding SA SPF and its subsidiaries made up to :n Decembel' 2011. The principal suhsidiaries are shown in note 10, Where the company has the power, either directly 01' illdil'ectly, lo govern the finallcial and operating policies of another business so as to obtain benefits n'om its activities, it is c!assified as a subsiial'Y. The consolidated tinancial statements pI'csent the results of the company and its subsidiaL'es ("the Group") as if they Corm a single entity. Inter'company transactions and balances bctween Group compnnies are therefol'e eliminated in full. The consolidatcd t'inancial statements incorporate the results of business combinations using the purchase method of llccounting. GoodwJ1l Goodwill l'epl'esents the cxcess of the cast of a business combination ovel', in the case of business combinations completed priaI' to 1 JanuaTY 2010, the Group's intel'est in the fair value of identifiable llasets, liabilities f1l1d contingent liabilities aCQuil'ed and, in the case of business combinations completed 011 or artel' 1 JanUllTY 2010, the total acquisition date fair value of the identifiable assets, lillbilities and contingent liabilities acquired, Fol' business combinations com}Jleted priol' to 1 Janual'Y 20)0, cost comprises the fair value of assets givcn, liabilities assumed and equity instruments issucd, plus allY direct costs of acquisition, Changes in the estimnted value of contingellt consideration arising on business combinations completed bl' this dute are treated as an adjustment to cost and, in consequence, l'esult in il change in the canying value of goodwill, 1"01' business combinations completed on or after l January 2010, cost compl'ses the fair value of assets givcll, liabilities assullll!d and eQuity instruments issued, plus the amount of any non-controlling interesta in the acquil"ee plus, if the , business combination is achicved in stages, the fair value of the existing equity interest in the acquil'ce, Contingent consideration is included in cost at its acquisition date fair Vllhle and, in the case of contingent consideration classified as a fnaneial liability, re"measured subSCquClltly thl'ough l)l'ofit 01' loss. For business combillutions completed on or aftel' 1 Janul\l'Y 2010, direct costs of acquisition al'e recognl;ed immediately as an expense, Goodwill is capitalised as an intangible usset with an)' impairment in caT1')'ing value heing charged to the consolidated statement of comprehensive income. Where the fair value of identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities exeeed the l'ah' value of consideration paid, the excess is credited in full to the consolidated statement of comprehensive income on the acquisition date, NowclIr.l'cnt intEmgible nssets Pl"Oduct licences and other n()])-eun'ent assets are stated at cost. Amortisation i8 provided on fi straight line basis at mtes calculated to write off their cost uvel' their expected usef,l1lives at the fol\owing rates: Pl'Oduct licences a.33% pel' anllum Formation and share issue costs 20,0% pel' annum NOll'contmlJing ilJtel'e,ts Fol' business combinlltions completed on or after l .Jamlfll'y 2010 the Gl'OUp has the choice, on a business combination by business combination basis, to i n i t i a l ~ recogJ1ae allY non'colltrolling intcrcst in the acquiree ut either acquisition date fah' value or, 8S was reqllircd pI'ior ta 1 JanuRr)' 2010, at the non-controlling intel'est's Pl'OpOl:tionate shl:lre of the acquiree's net 21 Notes tu ihe Financial SratPlllents 1. Aceounting Policiell (continued} assl.'ts. The Group has not e1ected ta talte the option ta use fair value in acquisilio1l6 compleled to date. From 1 January 2010, the total comprehensive income of 11001"wholly owned subsidiaries is attlihuted ta owners of the ))arent and tu the non-controlling interest.s in proportion to theil' relative ownership interests. Beforc this date, unfunded losses in Bueh sllbsidiaries WCl'e attl'ibuted cntirely to lhe Group. In accordance with the trallsitionlllrcqul'ements of lAS 27 eunsolidated and scparate financial statements (revised 2008), the c r r ~ i n g value of non-colltrolling intel'ests at the effective date of the amendment has not betm restated, Associales Where the Group has the power ta participate in (but not controI) the financial and opel'ating policy decisions (Jf another cutity, it ia classified as an associate, Associates are initial!y recognised in the consolidated balance sheet at cost. The Group's share of post-acquisition profits and losses is recogniscd in the consolidated income statement except that lusses Ul exccss of the Group's investment in the associate are not recognised unless there is an obligation to malte good those losses, The principal associates are listed in note 10. Fimmcal im'trumelJts The classification of financial instruments at initial recognition depends on the pmpose for which the financial instruments \Vcre acquircd and their characteristics. AIl financial instruments are initially rccognised at the fair value of consideration giVCll, including acquisition costs ussociated with the investment. Any prcmiums and discounts are amortised on a systematic basis lo mat\lrity using the effective interest method andtakcn ta interest income or intel'est expcnsc as appropriate. a) Date of recognition Ail "regular way" [)mchases and sales of financial lJ.ssets ure rccognised on the settlemcnt date, i.e. the date that the bank receives or delivers the asset. Regular way p\1l"chases or sales are pllrchases or sales of financial assets that require delivcl'Y of allsets within the lime fl'ame generally established by regulation or convention in the market place, b) Detcl'lnination of fair values Thc fair valuc of a finllncial instrument is the amount the instrument could he exchanged for in a CUl'rcnt transaction hetwcen willing parties othel' than in a forced 01" liquidation sale, 'fhe fair value of finllncial instruments is based on market prices whel'e available. c> Dorecognition A finaneial asset (or, wherc aJ)plicable a part of a financial usset or part of a group of sirnilar finuncial ass(!ts) ia derecognised wherc: the rights to receive cash flows from the nsset have expired; the bank has transfel'red its rights ta rcceivo cash t10ws from the asset or has assumed an obligation to pay the l"eceived cash f10ws in full without material delay ta a thil'd party under a 'pass-through' al'l'angement: 01' the banlt has transfened its rights to receive cash f10ws from the asset and either (i) has transferred substulltially 0.11 the risles and rewards of the asset, or (ii) has neither transferred nor retained substantially ail the riaks and rewnrds of the usset, but has tl'ansfel'l'ed control of the naset. 22 Notes to the Financial Statellll'nts 1. Accounting Policie!l (colltinuedl Afinancial liability is derecognised whcn the obligation tllldcr the Iiubility is dischurged, cancellcd or expires, More information on the individuul financinl usset and liability <:ategol'ies of the Group are as follows: Fin:wcllllsel, The Group classifies its financial asacts into one of the catcgol'ies discusscd below, c1epending on the purpose for which the asset was acquircd. The Group has not classified any of iLS financial aasets as held to matm-ity and docs not have finallcial assets in a qualifying hedging rclatiollship. the Group's accounting policy for cach category is as fo]]ows: FI/' vEl1l1e thl'OlIgh profit or Joss They al'e carricd in the statoment of financial position at fair value with changes in fair value recognised in the consolidated statement of comprehensive income in the finance income or expense line, Loam; fwd receivables These are non'derivative finallcial aasets with fixed or determinable paymellts that ure not quoted in un active market. 'l'hey arise pl'illcipal!y tl1l'ough the provision of gooda and services to customers (e.g. tl'ade receivables), but also inCOrplll'Ute other types of contractual Olonetm'y asset. They are initiaHy l'ccognised at fair value plus transaction costs that are directly attributable to their acquisition or issue, and lire subsequently carried at amorlised cost using the effective interest rate method, less provision for iOlpairment. Impairment provisions are recognised when there is objective evidence (snch as Bignificllnt financial difficulties on the part of the counterparty or default or significant delay in payrnent) that the GrouJl will he unable to collcet al! of the amounts due under the terms receiVllblEl, the amount of sueh a provision iJeing the difference between the net carL'ying IlmOUJ1t and the present value of the future expected cash aHsociated the impaired rBceivable. For trade receivables, which are reported net, such provisions are recordcd in a separate allowancc acco\lnt with the lOBS being recognised within administrative expenses in the cOllsolidated statement of comprehensive income, On confirmation that the ttade receivable will not he collectable, the gross cal'l'ying value of t.he aSBet is wl'itten off against the Rssociated provision. The Group's loans and receivablcs compl-ise tl'ado and othel' receivables and cash and cash equivalents in the consolidatcd statoment of financial position. Cash and cash e()uivalents inc1udes cash in hand, deposits held at cali with banks, othe!' short term highly liquid investments with original maturities of three months Ol' less, and - fol' the purpose of the Htatement of cash flows - bank overdrafts. Bank overdrafts art! shown withill loans and borrowings in cuftent Iiabilitics on the consolidated statement of finallcial position. AvaiJable-fors..e Non-derivative financial asscts not included in the above categories are classified as flvailable-fol'-Sllle and comprise principally the Group'a strategie investments in entities not qualifying us suhsidial'es, associatell or joint!)' control1ed entities, They are carried at fair value with changes in fail' value, other than those arising due to e:x:change rate fluctuations und intel'est calc:ulated llsing the effective interest rate, recognised in other cOnl]ll'ehensive income and Ucc\lnJulated in the aVf.lilable-fol"sale 1'68erVe, Exchange differences on investments denominated in Il foreign currency and interest calculated using the effective interest rate method are l'ccognised in profit or loss. 23 Notes to the Financial Statements 1. Accounting Polides (coutillued) Whel'e there is a significant 01' prolonged decline in the fair value uf an available for sale financial a8set (which cOllstitutes objective evidence of impairment), the full amount of the impnirment, including Rny amount previously recognised in othe!" comprehensive income, i5 recognised in profit or loss. Purchases and sales of available for sale financial aesete are recognised on settlement date with any change in fair value between trade date and settlement dute being recognised in the available-for-sale reserve. On sale, the cumulative gain or 108s recognised in other comprehensive income is redassified from the availablc-for-sale reserve to profit or loss. Fi11811cial liabilities The Group classifies its financialliabilitics iuto one of two categories, dcpending on the purpose for which the liability was acquired. Other than financinl liabilitics in a qualifying hedging relatiollflhip (sec below), the Group's aL'Counting policy for eaeh eategory il) as follows: Fail' value thl'OUgll profit 01'10S8 Financial liabiIities under this category are carried in the consolidated statement (If finnDcial position at fair value with changes in fair value recogllised in th'e consolidated statement of comprehensive income. These instruments, issued by Group comprise convertible prcfcrrcd cquity certificates that can be converted into share capital at the option of the holder and the number of shares to be issued does not vary with changes in their fair value, However, as the Company may, instead of converting the convertible preferrcd equity certifcates into share capital, decide to redeem the ccrtificates at their fair value, the option of conversion is coullt.ered. In the latter case, the split accounting method ie not applied and no distinction is to be made between a liability and equity component. The Group does not hold or issue derivative instruments for speculative purposes nor for hedging purposes. The Group does not have any liabilities held for trading nor has it designated any financial liabilities as being at fair value through proft or 105S. 24 Notes to the Finaneia! Statements 1. Accounting Policies (continued) Other finl'lJ1cia/ fiabi/ities OUler financialliabilities inc1ude the following items: a) Bank borrowings are initially recognised at fair value net of IlUY transaction costs directly attributable to the issue of the im.trument. Snch interest bearing liabilities arc subsequently measured at amortised cost using the effective interest rate mcthod, which enSUl'es that any interest expense over the pel'od ta repayment is at a constant rate on the balance of the liability carried in the consolidated statement of financial position. Intcrest cxpcnse in this context includes initial transaction costs and auy intel'est or coupon payable while the liability is outstanding, b) Trade payables and othm' short-term monctnry liabilities, which are initially recognised nt fair value and subsequcnUy carried at amortised cost usiug the effective interest method. Fair value measurement hieral'chy: IFRS 7 requires cel'tain disclosul'es which require the cla.ssification of financial aesets and financialliabilities mcasured at fair value using a fair value hierarehy that rcf1ects the llignificance of inputs used in mnltug the fair value measurement. The fair value hierarehy has the following levels: (a) Level 1 . quoted priees (unadjusted) in active markets for identical assets or liabilities. (b) Level 2 - inputs other than quoted priees included in Level 1 that are observable for the nsset or liability, eithel' dil'ectly (i.e. as prices) or indirectly (i.e. drived From priees). (c) LeveI3 - inputs for the asset or 1iability that are not based on observable market data (unobservable inputs). 'l'he level in the fair value hicl'al'chy within which the financial assat or liability is categorised is determined on the basis of the Iowest level input that is significant ta the fair value measurement. Financial assets and liabilities are classified in their entirety into only one of thl'ee levels. 25 Notes to the Financial Stat.cments 1. ACCO\llltillg Policies (colltinued) Pmper(J'. plant & eqllipment Frcehold land and buildings are cal'l'ied nt fair value, ascd on periodic valuatom by a )Jl'ofessiollally qualified valuc}'. l'l'valuations arc made \Vith sufficient l'cgulal'ity to ensure that the canying amount does not differ materially from that which would be determined using fair value at the end of the repol'ting period. Changes in fail' value al'e l'l'cognised in othel' comprehensive income and accumulated in the l'l'valuation l'l'serve except to the extent that UllY decrease in value in excess of t.he Cl'edit balance 011 the l'l'valuation l'l!serve, or l'l'versaI of such a transuetion, is l'ecogniscd in profit. 01' loss. Those propel'ties that havc becn pUl'chased dUling the course of the year have been included at cost at the financial yeal' end. AlI othel' assets are stateri at cost less deprcciation, less any provision fol' impuirmcnt. No depreciation is pl'ovided on freehold land. Depreciation on buildings and other aeaets is pl'ovided on a straight liue basis at rates calculuted to writc off theil' cost 01' valuatioll over the1' expected useful lives at the fol1owing rates; ,. Freehold buildings and long leasehold properties Short ieasehold pl'operties Plant, machinery and cquipment 2% to 6% pel' anllum over the remaining term of Icase 10% to 33.33% pel' 31lnum Pmfits or losses on the sale of non'current property, plant, machinery and equipment are included in the iucome statement and are calculated ilS the diffcrence between sale proceeds an net book vulue, InvestmeJJt pl'opeJ'tfes Investment properties ure those from whieh the Group l'eceives l'entaI incorne, These are carried at market value and are rcvalued on an annual busis. Valuations of the properties are carried out by professional valuers on an open- mal"!t busis, aS8uming a willing buyer, a willing seller and use and Bueh valuations arc carried out on a l'olling basis over a period of several yeal's. Where a profe8sional valuation is not cal'l'ied out at the yeal' end, these pl'opcl'ties are valued by the Dh'ectors. The change in fail- value in respect of the investment properties i8 recognised in the consolidated statcrnent of comprehensive incorne. Defen'ed taxation Dcferred tax balances are l'Ccognised in respect of ail temporary differences that have origillated but not rcversed by the balance sheet date except that the recognition of defel'rerl tax assets is lirnited to the cxtent that the company anticipates making sufficiellt taxable profits in the futUl'C to absorb the reversaI of the underlying timing diffel'ences. Defcrred tax balances are not discounted. Full provision has been made for defel'red taxation on any profit which woul arise on disposaI of fi property at iLs l'cvalued amount. The pl'ovision is deducted from the revaluation of the freehold properties in the l'evaluation l'l'serve, Revenue Revenue. which exeludes value added tax and sales between 01'OUP companies. reprcsents the total amount l'eceivable for goorls 801d and services provided. Revenue From the sale of goods ie l'ccognised when the revenue and costs in l'espcc:t of the tmnsactiOll can he measured reliobly and after control over the goods and the llignificant l'sks llnd rewards of ownership of the gonds have baen transferred to the buyel', Revenuc fl'om thc provision of services is recognised when the revenue and 26 Notes lu the Financial Staten1l:'nts 1. Accountjng" Policies (contnued) costs in l'espect of the transaction can be mcaslll'cd rchably and il is probable that the economic benefits ussociated \Vith the transaction will flow to the ]Jl'ovider. Revenue l'rom propert)' rentaIs is recognised on a time apportioned basis, COnsll'lIctiOl1 When the outcome of a construction contraet ean be estimated rehubly, eontract l'evenue and contraet costs associated wjth the contract are recognisec! hy reference to the stage of completion of the contract at the balance sheet date, When il. is probable that the total conll'act costs will exceec1 total contraet revenue, the expeeted loss is recognised as an expense immediately. The stage of completion is determined bused on the proportion of costs incl1rred for wode performed up to date, relative to the estimated total contract cosls, This is regularly rcviewed llnd updated by the Group, Inferest 811d djvidellds Interest is recognised on a time upportioned bnsis. Dividends are recognise when the shareholders' right to receive payment is established. Finance and openJtingleoses Operatil1g leuse costs are charged ugainst profit on a straight line basis over the term of the lease. Where non -current assets are financed by entering into leasing agreements, which transfer ,to the lessee substllntially aB benefits and risits of ownership, the assets arc treated as ie they had been purchased and included in 110n-CUl'rlmt assels and the capital clement of the leasing commitments is shown as obligations under finance leases, 'fhe finance lease rentais are tl'cated as consisting of capital and interest clements; the capital elep1ent is applied ta reduce the outstanding obligations and the intercst clement is charged agninst promo Inventon'es Inventories and work in progress ure valued at the lowcr of coat and net l'ealisable value. Cost, which comprises expenditUl'e incurred in the normal course of business in bringing inventories and work in pl'ogress to their present location and condition including appropriute overheads, is calculated on bases appropriatc to the vnrious businesses curried on by the Group, Net l'calisable value is th() estimated selling pl'ice l'edud by aIl costs of completion, marketing, selling and distribution. Foreign CIIl:.I'eJlC)' tl'onSlJ ctioJ1s Transactions entered into by Group entities in a eurrency othel' than the cunency of the lll'imary economic environment in which they operate (their "functional cunency") ure recorded at the rates rulng when the transactions occur. Foreign currency monetary assets and Iiabilities are translated at the rates ruling at the l'epo1'ting date, Exchange diffel'ences arising on the retmnslatioll of unsettled monetary Rasets and Ilbilities are recognised immediately in profit or loss. except fol' foreign cUlTency bOl'rowings qualifying liS a hedge of a net investment in a foreigl1 opemtiol1, in which case exchange differences are recognised in othe1' comprehensive income and accumulated in the foreign exchnnge resel've along with the e.xl;hange differences al'ising 011 the l'etl'anslatiol1 of the forcign operation, Exchallge gains and los8es arising on the retral1slatioll of monetary Ilvailable fOl' sale financial aaBets Rre tl'eated as a eeparate component of the change in fir value 27 Note!> to the Financial Stntl'ments }. ACCoullting Policicl' (continucd) and rccognised in profit or Joss_ Exchange gains and lasses on non-monetal'Y available fol' sale financial assets form part of the overall gain or Joss recolfnised in respect of that finallcial instrument. On consolidation, the results of OVC1-seas operations are translated into ElIl'OS at rates approximating ta those ruling when the tt-ansactions took place_ AlI assots and liahilities of overseas operations, inc1uding goodwill arising on the acquisition of those opemt.ions, are translilted at the rate ruling at the reportillg date_ Exchange diffel'ences arising 011 translating the o}Jening net assets at opening rate and the of overseas operations at actuaJ rate are l'ccognised in othel' comprehensive income and accumulated in the foreign exchange resel've_ Legal J'eSIJ)'l'e The parcnt !:ompal1Y and certain sub!Jidiarics incol'porated in l-elevant jurisdictiollS are requircd to allocate 50/0. of the- annlIal profits to li nOlrdistributable legal reserve until the legal reserve of the company is cqual to 10% of its issued shure capital. 2. Cl'itica1 accollllting estimates and judgements The preparation of consolidated financial statements undel' IFRS rCQuires the Group to make cstirnates and judgements that affect the application of policies and repOl-ted amounts. Estimates and judgernents are cOlltinually evaluated and are based on historicnl experience nnd other fact.ors, incJuding expect.ations of future l'vents that arc bclieved ta be reasonllblc undm' the Actual ['eslIits muy cliffer from thesc estimatcs. The financial statem'ent categories Whel"<l estimates and judgements have a significant riait of causng li mat.erial adjustment tu the carrying amOtmts of assets and Iiabilities within the next financial yellr al'e as fo\Jows: Pa- value o!fiJJalJcial Jstl"lIJ1Jents The Group detennines the fuir value of fimmcial instnunents that are not quuted using valuation techniques_ These techniques are significantly affected by the assumptiolls used, induding discount rates and estimates of future cash flows_ In that regard, the derived fair value estimates cannot al ways be substa.ntiated by comparison with independent markets and, in many cases, muy not he capable of being l'ealised immedi'ltely. The methods and assumptiolls applied and techniques used are set out in note 22_ POWel" to eX(JJ'(dse si{fJ]ific8nt in.f]ufll1Ce Where the Group holds less than 20% of voting rights, but has the power to exercise significant influence, such investment is trcatell as an associate. Where the Group holds ovet' 20% of the voting rights but does not exerciae significant influence, the investment is tl'eated as an availabJe fol' sale investment. In aC(;ordanr,c with SIC12, Consolidation' Special Purpolle Entities, a Special Pm'pose Entity "Spg" should be consolidated when the suhsl;ance of the relationship between an entity and the SPE indicates thllt the SPE is control\ed by that entity. The Group has c1ctermined th!lt in cases wherc it does not hold more than 50% of an entity, that entity shaH be consolidated if: it has the rights or decision-making powcrs ta obtain the majol'ity of the benefits of the activitics of an 28 Notes to the Financial Statements 1. Accounting Policies (continued) cntity; it retains the majorlty of the resfdual or ownership rfsks related to the entfty or lts assets in arder ta obtaln benefits trom lts activltfes. Express Asia Umited, a company fncorporated in Hong Kong, has been included in the consolidation of the Group because it is controlled by the Group and the Group is entltled to the residual assets and rlsks associated to this company. Valuation ofinv8stment properties, eeholcJ IJJld le/J88holdbuildings Independant valuations of invc8tment property and freehold and le88chold land and buildings are cllrried out on a periodic bllsis. 29 Notes to the Financial Statements 2. Critical accounting estimateB and judgernents (contJlled) Usefu/ lives ofintaJJgible assets andp o p e r t ~ plant & equipment Intangible assets und property, plant and equipment urc amortised or depreciated over the' usefullives. Usefullives are based on the Group'a estirnates of the period tbat the aaaels will generate revenue. Changes to estimlltes can result in significant variations in the carrying values and in the amounts chargcd t.o the incorne staterncnt. 3. Financial risk management The Group is exposed through its operations ta riska that arise [rom its use of finandal instruments. Palicies and procedures fol' munaging these riales are set by the Board fol1owing recommendations From the Chief Finuncial Officer. 'J'he Board reviews the effectiveness of these procedures and, if l'equh'ed, approves specifie additional policies and procedures in order to manage these riaks. The Group is exposed to the fol1owing financial risks: Market priee risk Interest rate risk Foreign eurrency exchange risk Credit rislt Liquidty risk Capital risk Set out bc10w are the key financial insb'mnents used by the Grou, followed by an explanation of the Group's policies and procedures for managing those rsks. Further Quantitative information in respect of these l'isks is set out in note 22 to these finaneialstatements. There have been no substantive changes in the Group's exposure to finaneial instrument risks or in its policies and procedures for managing these risks from the previous period. Key fmwciol iJJstrulJ1ellts The key financial instruments used by the Group, on which fillancial risk arises, are as follows: Available for sale financial assets Other financial assets Trade and other receivables Cash and cash equivalents Trade and other payables Bank loans and overdrafts Other financialliabilities 30 Notes ra the Finuncial Statements a. Fin:lIlcial risk management (clIntinuedl The Group's main financial risks, togelher \Vith ils policies and procedures fOl' managing tltesc l'iskR, are as follows: A181-kel pJiee Jisk The Group is exposed to market priee l'isk becausc of investments held by the GnJllp which are c1assified in the conBolidated balance sheet as available-for'sale or at fair value through the income statement. The investments include both quotcd investments and unquoted invelltmcnts and are classified as CUl'rent or non-cu1'1'ent according to the Group's st.l'ategic invcstment policies. The Group is not exposed to commodil:y pl'icc rislt. At the balance sheet date, Il one pel'cenlage point movement in market values would affect the results by less than 6 million (2010 . 2 million). To manage its priee risk ol'ising fl'om investments in equity securities and options, the Gl'OUp diversifies its portfolio. Diversification of the portfolio is detel'lnine in ac<:oJ'dance with the ))ulicy set by the Group's senior management and the Directors consider that the Group's expOSUl'e to mar1cet priee risk is appropriate to the Group's circumstances, 1JJteJ'est J'ote l'isk Interest rate risk il! the risk that the fair values 01' future cash flows of finaneial llssets 01' liabi1ities will f1uctuate due to changes in m l l ~ e t interest J'ates. There is a risIc of a potential adverse impact on the Gl'OUP'S future cash tlows from changes in intel'cst rates which arises from the difTering interest rate l'isk characteristies of the Group's assets and liabilities, The Group's principal exposure to interest. rate l'isle arises on changes in EU1'O, US dollar ,and Sterling intel'est . . rates. In particular, RllY fixed rate Rssets or liabilities expose the Group to the l'isle that a change in interest rates could cause either a l'eduction in interest income or an incl'ease in interest expense relative to variable rate interest flows. To manage exposure to interest rate fluctuations, the Group detel'mines its proportion of fixed ta flonting rate borrowings in lIccordance with policies approved by the Board. In t11e case of surplus cash flows, the Gl'OUp monitors interest rates to cnsure that surplus funds are invested whe1'e the best return can be obtaincd. These pl'actiees Sel've to reduce the volatility of the Group's reported finandal performance al'ising from intel'est rate fluctuations, At the balance sheet date, a one pcrcentage point 1I1ovemcnt in interest. rates would affect the reaults by less thuu lmiIliou (2010 -Iess than lmillion). FOJ'f.'igJJ C1J11'eJJcy exclJll11ge J'isk The Group canducts business in man)' countries. As 0 l'esult, it is subject to foreign CUl'l'ency exchangc risk due ta exchange rate movcments which will affect the Graup's transaction costs and the translation of the 1'08ults and underlying net assets of its Foreign operations, There is a l'isk of a potential adverse impact on the Croup's futul'e cash flows arisillg fl'om changes in fOl'eign cm'rency exchange rates. The majority of the Group's transactions Rre conducted in US Dollars and Euros, The othel' currencies used in operations are GBP, JOD, EGP. INn, KRW, LDP, MAD, TND, BRL. CNY, HKD, SYP and CAD, The Group cont.inually monitors its cxposure 1.0 foreign currency exchange rislt on a daily basis and takes steps tu ensure that the net exposure is kept ta a IcvcI in accol'dance with the policies set by the Boal'd, Wher0 fi fOl'eign exchange expUSU1'C is identified an appropriate hedge arrangement moy he entered into if requil'ed. The Group has not entered into forwol'd foreign exchange agl'eements during 2011 or 2010, 31 Notes to the F'inHncial StaLement,; 3. Financialrisk management (continuedJ Credit J'isli: Credit risk arises wheu fi failure by countel'parties to dischal'ge theil' obligations could ducc the amount of future cash inflows from the trade and other receivables held at the balance sheet date. Ali such receivables are non'del'ivative financial aallets with fixed or determined payments or other types of contraetual l110netary llilset. The Group's maximum expOSU1'e to credit risk equals the carrying value of those financial assets, The Group's policy is to address any credit risk by individual credit risk asscssment. In pl'aetice, the Group has limited credit risk as the receivllhles in the balance sheet are predominantly duc from weil established tl'acle custllmel's or credit wod,hy thinl parties, Fm'thermore, therc is no concentration of n ~ d i t risk with l'capect to trade and other l'eceivables, as the Group has a large llumber of customel's which are internationally dispersed. The l'elationships are monitorcd closely and, given the ongoing nature of trading with such countcrparties, the l'isk of default is considered tu be low. Credit risl( also arises from cash and cash equivalents and deposits with banks und financial institutions. The Gl'OUP'S policy in respect of cash and cash equivalents il! ta limit its exposul'C hy )'educing the cash holding in the opeJ'ating units and investing amounts that are not immediate1y requl'ed in funds thut have low risk und which arc opcrated hy l'eputable baultS. The cash und bank balances held by the operating units al'e collatcd on Il monthly basis und are l'eviewed by the Group's senior management ta ensure thllt uny surplus cash is appropl"ately invested. Liquidity risk Liquidity l'isle arises from the Gl'OUp'S management of working capital and the finance charges and pl'incipall'epayments required on ils debt instruments. The Group l,nonitors its liquic1ity position in arder to ensure that sufficient liquid resources are avnilable 1.0 allow the Group's operating unit.s 1.0 meet their obligations as they fall due. The Group maintains long-tel'm committed bank facilities and use is made of such facilities in the management of lilluidity. Liquidity Bxposurcs are strietly limiled by time and amonot., Whcre the Group has sut"plus fUllds, daposits are placed with rcputable institutions Lo optimise the rate of rctnrn. The majority of surplus funds arc held in Europe and in the United States of America and thel'e are 110 matel'al funds where repatriation is restl"cted as a result of foreign exehange regulations, The Group expects to have sufficient Iiquidity ta meet its entire financial obligations under all reasonably expected cil-cumstanees. Capital dsk The Gmup manages its ta cnsure that it will have sufficient funds to meet its longer term strategie plans. 'fhe capital structure eonsists of net. debt, issued share capital and reserves, The structure is managed ta minimisll the GroUI)'S COllt of capital. to provide ongoing returns to shareholders and to service debt obligations. whilst maintaining maximum operational l1exibility. The primary objective of the Group is maximising shareholders' value, which, from the capital JJel'SIJeclive, is achieved by maintainiog the capital structure most suited ta the Group's size, strategy and underlying business l'isk. Surplm\ funds are eit.hel' reinvested in the business or used ta repay debt. 32 Notes to the Financial Statements 4. Revenue 2011 -2!PO 'OOO 'Ooo Provision of services 145,126 141,264 Sale of goods 8,472 7,165 163,598 148,429 Analysis ofrevenue by activity 2011 2010 t'OOO 'OOO Real Estate & Constnlction 81,337 64,570 Hotel & Leisure 63,187 74,965 Industrial & New Media 9,074 8,894 Analysis of revenue by geographical mro:ket Europe Africa & Middle East USA & Canada 5. Profit 1008S) from operations 153,598 2011 'OOO 106,575 45,936 1,088 153,598 148,429 2010 'OOO 92,739 54,805 885 148,429 This is stated aCter charging 1(crediting): Depreciation ofnon-current property, plant and equipment Staffcost Social security costa Rental income from investment properties Repail' and maintenance expenditure on investment properties 2011 2010 t'OOO +;'000 17,165 18,030 32,413 30,877 2,894 1,012 (6,190) (7,279) 193 480 33 The average number of employees during the year was 3,380 comprising 3,223 operational staff and 157 administrative staff (2010 3,524; operational - 3,372; administrative 152). In the income statement staff cost, amortislltion and depreciation and repair and maintenance expenditure are included within net operating expenses. RentaI income ie inc1uded within the provision of services category of revenue. Feee payable to the Group'e auditors (comprising the auditors of the holding company and other firme within the Group auditors' network) were 316,OOO in respect of audit work and 1O,OOO in respect of non"audit work (2010 . 141,600 and 16,OOO reepectively). Notes to t.he Financial Statements 6. Fnance incame and coste 2011 2010 '000 '000 Finance income: Interest on deposits and advances 3,382 9,362 3,382 9,362 2011 2010 t'oOO 'OoO Finance costs: Interest on loans and overdrafts 12,340 12,327 Bank charges and commissions 838 379 13,178 12,706 7.Tax Ailalysis of tax charge for the year between current and deferred tax: 2011 2010 t'OOO 'OOo CUlTenttax CUITent yen!' 3,610 2,389 Adjustment in respect of prior years (748) 3,926 Total current tax 2,861 6,315 Deferred tsx Originntion and revereal of temporary differences 643 914 Tax charge on profit for the year 3,504 7,229 36 Notes ta the Financial Statements 7. Tax (continuedJ Analysis of tax charge for the yoar by source: ClIoent tox Luxembourg Overseas Defened tax Overseas Troc charge on profit for the yeur Reconciliation of troc charge for the yenr: 2011 2010 'OOO 'OOO 388 365 2,473 6,950 643 914 3,504 7,229 (LoBS) 1Profit from continuing operations bofore tax 2011 'OOO (7,326) 2010 'OOO 11,022 Troc at local rate of 28.80% (2010 : 28.59%) Troc charge for the year nt the fixed domeBtic rate applicable in Luxembourg Capital duties and other taxes Unrecovered withholding taxes Net effect of different rates of tax applicable to overseas businellses Tax charge on profit for the yeur <2,110) 3,151 388 365 B88 770 38 35 4,300 2,908 3,604 7,229 Factol'S t1Jot may offect futUl'O tax charges: The Group is involved in worldwide operations and is 8ubject to several factors which may affect future tax charges, principally the levels and mix of profitability in different jurisdictions and tnx rates imposed. 36 Notes to the Financial Statements 8. Non-Current Assets - Pmperty, plant & equipment Freehold Leusehold Plant & TOTAL properties properties equipment C\IlTent Yeur ('000 ('000 'OOO ('000 Cost or Valuation Brought forward at 1 January 2011 1,265,992 39,140 197,449 1,502,581 Exchange differences (3.127) 192 2,564 (371) Additions 45 7,739 7,784 Disposais (294) (54) (5,755) (6,103) Revaluations 117,539 117,539 ---- Carried forward 1,380,110 39,323 201,997 1,621,430 ___o Depreciation Brought forward at 1 January 2011 17,495 142,507 160,002 Exchange diffcrencc8 (90) 1,805 1,715 Charge for year 10,346 176 6,643 17,165 DisposaIs 54 1,315 1,369 Revaluations (10,346) (10,346) Carried forward 17,635 152,270 169,905 Net Book Value At 31 Decembcr 2011 1,380,110 21,688 49,727 1,451,525 Prim'Year Cost or Valuation Brought forward at 1 January 2010 1,178,144 38,414 173,253 1,389,811 Exchange differences 38,524 726 9,255 48,505 Additions 11,988 16,161 28,149 DisposaIs (8,lB7) ,220) (9,407) Revaluations 45,523 46,523 --_. Canied forward 1,265,992 39,140 197,449 1,502,581 Depreciation Brought forward at 1 January 2010 10,449 17,285 130,583 158,317 Exchange differences 1,545 17 3,990 5,552 Charge fol' year 8,940 193 8,897 18,030 Disposais (963) (963) Revaluations (20,934) (20,934) Carl'ied forwal'd 17,495 142,507 160,002 Net Book Value At 31 December 2010 1,265,992 21,645 54,942 1,342,579 37 Notes tu the Financinl Statl'mellLs 8. Non-Cunent A.,sets - Property, plant & equipment bJlltinueej) Certain freehold lwoperties shown in these ac:counts at li net book value of 824.8 million (2010 - 811.9 million) have been mOl'tgaged to banks. The Group lms recognilled impairment losses of EUR 7 million on revalued properties. This impairment loss hall been recognised directly through l'evaluation resel'ves. A number of the group's hote! and hospitlliity busincsses in the Middle East and North Africll have hecn adversely affected by the unrest in the area. Induded in the clll'l'ying vahlc of the hotels at 31 December 2011 are properties over which the impact has heen worth noting RB be1ow, Le Royal Amman (,Jordan) - independent valuation The pro})erty was last valued by a l'eputable local Ilppmisal company in Febl'uary 2009 at 258M. Whilst revenue incl'eased 3% to gofi, annually from 2010 to 2012, it refleded a 10% decline in the first half of the annualised 2013 }'evenue. This is attributable the unsettlcd state of affairs in certain countl'ies in the neighbourhood, This is amidst impl'oving profitahility from a 1068 of l. 7 million in 2010 to profit of139,OOO in 2012. Le Royal Beirut (Lebunon) . indeJlcndent valuation The pl'opel'ty was last valucd by a reputable local appraisal company in August 2010 at n92M. With the ongoing civil and politieal tensencss in the region, the hotel turnover declined by 10% between 2010 and 2011 which ,reflected in a furthel' drop of abOlIt 20% between 2011 and 2012. The profitahility reflected a sirnilar curve. Development Land Syria - at cost The cost of 47m rcpresents nine parcels of' land acquil'ed fOl' development in Syria. In view of the ongoing cont1icts the group has deferJ'ed developrnent plans on the property until the situlltion impl'oves. Management bcIieves that the continuing devaluation of the Syrian pound will he the best }'eflection of the changes in the value of the property. During the year, C5,Bm was l'ecognised as a translation loss, l'epresenting 11% of the priol" carl',ving value. Post year-end, the Syrian pound devalucd by 24% in 2012 and 4B% in the current year to 30 Septembel' 2013 which will reduce the carrying value of the propelty in subsequent group aCCOUl1ts. Management believes that this will be offset against the improved value of the lands after the removal of building resh'ictions on sorne of the parcels. Rowad Misr (Egypt) . at cost The canying value of 127M l'cpresents the considemtion puid by the Group when it acquired a eontrolling statte in Rowad Misr for Toul'stic Invcstment in 2009. The pl'cc wus based on a pl'operty valuation report of a local l'cal appraisal company in Novcmher 2009, with only translation gains/losses causing the movement. Duc to the sO'called Arab spring and adverse effect on tourisrn in Egypt, the Group's turnover from the Rowad hotels halved from 2010 to 2011. Although things have started to impl'ove, as shown by a 14% increase in gross income in 2012, this continues tu be significantly lowel' than pre'crisis revenue in 2010. Simlal' ta Syds, the devaluation of its currency is a best reflection of the economic implication of the circumstances in Egypt with a 6% decline in 2012 followed by a 12% l'eduction in the value of the Egyptiun pound which will impact on the cUl'l'ying value of the propel'ty in subscqllent gl'OUp accllunts. 38 Notes to the Financial Statements 8, Non-CUl'rellt Assots - Property, plant & equipment (eontinued) Le Royal Hammamet <'l'unisia) - directors' vahlation Despite the politieal tm'moil, which started in January 2011, hitting much of the Tunisian tourism industry, the hotel managed Lo improve iLs turnover in each year from 2010 to 2012, The directors thc1'efol'e continue to believe that 48M would be the beat estimate of the property's fair value. As with Syria and Egypt, the devaluation of the CUl'rency being the best reflection of the economic implication of the circumstances in 'l'unisia with a 5% dedine in 2012 followed by a 8% reduction in the value of the its dinar, which will reduce the carrying value of the propel'ty in subsequent group accounta. The group has the rcslience to hold on to its pl'operties and operate them and taltes a long term view and whilst thorc are no })1an5 to sell, it may contemplate selling in the future at the right priee. In view of the factors outlined above, the directo1's firmly believe that the carl'ying values of the individusI properties continue ta be appropriate and no impairment exists at 31 December 2011. 39 9. Non'Cunent Assets . lnvcstment properties 2011 2010 ('000 '000 At beginning of period 159,134 162,661 Revaluatiolls 22,218 (2,141) Exchange differences 1,182 2,044 DisposaIs (3,430) At end of period 182,534 159,134 10. Investment in AS80ciates and Subsidiaries. The Group's investment in principal associate companics includes: NAME OF ASSOCIATE COUN'l'RY OF INCORPORATION ACTIVITY EFFECTIVE % Arab Company for Production and Distribution Egypt Film Distribution 46.0 Concord for Touristic Development JSC Egypt Hotel Invest.ment &Management 45.0 Masters Company for Hotels and Tourism SAE Egypt Hotel Investment &Management 33.3 Sharm Group for Hotals SAE Egypt Hotel Investmcnt &Management 33.3 Sharm l'oday for Hotel Facilities SAE Egypt Hotei Investment &Management 33.3 Sharm Dreams for Touristic Investment ,TSC Egypt Hotei Investment &Management 32.0 Dead Sea Company for Touristic Development Pvt ,Jordan Hotei Investment &Management 30.0 40 Notes to the Financinl Statementa 10. Investment in Associates and Subsidiaries (continued) Aggregated amounts relating ta aS60ciates are set out below. ShlU'e of aSllociate companies' balance shoets: Total assets Totnlliabilities Net assets 2011 2010 ('000 'OOO 196,876 194,672 (63,228) (68,294) 133,648 136,378 Share of associate companies' revenue and profit attributable ta the Group: Revenue Share of net profit/aoss) 2011 'OOO 26,783 11,999 2010 'OOO 21,367 (1,494) Includedin the abova is ahare ofloss ofSoncsta amounting to 5.4 million (2010:5 million). 2011 'OOO 2010 'OOO Otber movements in nssociate companies: Additions less Exchange differences and other movements 2,575 2,575 4,668 686 5,354 Where an associate has cumulative losses, the Group only recognises its share orthose losses to the extent tbst the Group's investment is written down te Nil. 41 11. Non-Current Assels . Invcslment in Associates and Subsidiaries (conlinued) The Group's principal wholly owned subsidiaries at the year end are shown below. AlI companies m-c owned dictly or indirectly by General MeditelTanean Holding SA. NAME OF SUBSIDJARY Hal'borough Invest Ine Ilien Real Estate SA Le Royal Hotel Management Company SA Ludo Estates Ine Oval Development Corporation Development & 'l'rade Corporation Bernard de Ventadol' SA Louieannes SA SCI de la Grande Motte Chennai Power Generation Ltd Atlantic Heal Estate Company SA Continental Real Estate Company SA Foncire Gnrale d'Investissements Immobiliers SA GMH Telecommunications Ud Grandin SA Hotel Royal SA Immobilire Beaumont SA Immobilire de Gestion Financire SA Immobilire du Quartier K SA Immobilire Royale SA Le Domaine Srl Louisiane SA Marial Immobilire SA Mediterranean Holding SA Parcip SA Soludee SA Solndec Developmcnt Sarl Union Financire Immobilire Luxembourgeoise SA General Mediterranean Holding (Mauritius) Ud Socit Famarex Sl'l COUN'rRY OF INCORPORATION British Virgin Islands British Virgin Islands British Virgin Islands British Virgin Islands British Virgin Islands Canada France France France India LUJCcmbourg Luxembourg Luxembourg Luxembourg Luxembourg Luxembourg Luxembourg Luxembourg Luxembourg Luxembourg Luxembow'g Luxembourg Luxembourg Luxembourg Luxembourg Luxembo\lrg Luxembourg Luxembourg Mauritius Moroceo ACTIVITY Real Estate Real Estate Hotel Management Investment Holding Invcstment Holding Real Estate Hotel Management Hotel Investmellt Hotel Investment Power Generation Hotel Investment Real Estate Real Estate Telecom Investment Investment Holding Hotel Management Real Estate Investment Holding Real Estate Real Estate Real Estate Management Investmcnt Holding Real EBtate Investment Holding Investment Holding General Contractol's General Contractors Real Estate Investment Holding Real Estate 42 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 11. Non-Current Assets . Investment in Associates and S\lbsidiaries (continued). NAME OF SUBSIDIARY COUNTRY OF ACTIVITY INCORPORATION Socit lmmobilil'e du Bld de Bordeaux SA Moracco Real Estate Beslon Services Inc Panama Investment Holding CV Investmellt Corporation Panama Securities Continental Cargo &Trade Services !ne Panama Aircraft Leasing Fintrade Services Inc Panama Trading &Consulting Geralton Invcstment SA Panama Investment Holding Hornilia Company SA Panama Investment Holding Jodrel1 Investment Corporation Panama Ah'craft leasing Matlane Sel'\Tces Inc Panama l11vestmcnt Holding Middle East Finance Corporation Panama Finance Triclor Services Ine Panama Finance Tropic Petroleum Corporation Panama Real Estate HoteI Miguel Angel SA Spain Hotellnvcstmcnt Aviation G5 AG Switzerland Aviation Al Ofuq (Hol'j;wn) Pvt Syria Real Estate Blissful Life Ud United Kingdom Retail Pharmacies General Mediterranean Holding (UK) Ltd United Kingdom lnvestment Holding GenMcd Commercial Finance Ltd United Kingdom Finance GM Airlincs Ltd United Kingdom Air Fl'eight GM Finance Ltrl United Kingdom Finance GMI-l Motorsport Url United Kingdom Sport Management Hyde Park Estatcs Ud United Kingdom Real Estate Management Meditech (UI{) Ltd United Kingdom IT Rootcare Ltd United Kingdom Retail Pharmacies For the purposes of consolidation the following company has been included in the 2011 finaneial stutements as the company iB conlrolled by the majority shareholdcrs of General Mediterranean Holding SA 8PF. Express Asia Limited HongKong Finance Notes to the Financial Statemcnts The Group's principal partially owned subsidiaries at the year end are shown below, togethel' with the effective percentnge hcld, directly 01' indirectly, lIy Genel'nl Meditel'l"anean Holding SA. NAME OF SUBSIDIARY COUN'l'RY OF ACTIVrfY INCORPORATION EFFECTIVE % Egypt Hotel Investment Egypt Hotel Investment International Continental Hotels Co. SAE Mcditerranean Hotei Company SAE Rowad Misr Company for Tourism Investment JSC Compagnie Europenne d'Htellerie SA General Mediterranean 'l'ouristic & Industrial Invcstments Co. General Mediterranean Real Estate Ltd Central Hill SAL General 'J'ourism Holding SAL IItaI'at wa Abnia SAL Leisure Hill SAL Libanogl'ade Regency SAL Compagnie Internationale de Participations Bancaires et Financires SA (Cipai) Luxembourg Real Estate Conlpany SA Compania Rentistica SA Complex Commercial Achtar Srl MinvilleSA Pcshcll SA Gen Med 'J'ours SA Loisirs Club Hammamet SA China Manufacturing Solutions Ltd Arabie News Broadcasting UK Ltd Itnlgrade Ltd Middle East Online Ud Tucan Investments PIc Rivel'side District Development LLC Egypt France Jordan Jordan Lebnnon Lebanon Lebanon LebanOll Lebanon Luxembourg Luxembourg Mol'oCCO Morocco Mol'oCCO MOI'OCCO Tunisia Tnnisia United Kingdom &China United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United States 51.4 88.0 Hotel Investment &Management 56.4 Hotel Management 55.0 Hotel Investment 96.0 Real Estate 96.1 Hotellnvestment 93.8 Hotel Investment 86.1 Hotel Investment 80.6 Hotel Investment & Management 93.8 Hotel Investment 93.8 Equity and Securities Investment 96.0 Real Estatc 90.0 Real Estate 80.0 Real Estnte 80.0 Hotel Investment & Management 80.0 Real Estatc 68.0 Hotel Investment & Management 95.0 Hotel Investment 96.0 Metal Fabrication 51.0 News Broadcasting 76.0 "rading & Consultancy 96.7 Inte1'llctive News 55.0 Real Estate 91.1 Real Estat.c 85.8 44 Notes to the Financial Statemcnts 1L Available for sale' Financial asgets 2011 2010 ('000 'OOO Available for sale inveslments Quoted 17,496 6,554 Unquotcd 41,389 102,339 58,885 108,893 The moveroents in available for sale non-CUl'rent financinl assets during the year were as folloWll: Balance al beginning of lhe year Additions DisposaIs Reclassifications Revllluations: Reflected direetly in equity Impairment: Reflected in profit. and loSB Balance at end of the year 2011 ('000 108,893 2,467 (53,861) 1,386 68,885 2010 ('000 174,380 753 (58) (31,526) ,930) (32,726) 108,893 dUl'iIJg /lJe peliod In October 2010, the Group l'eceived an offer in the forro of shares and cash from Vimpel Corn Limiled for the Group's investment in the shares of WIND Telecom SPA (formerly Weather Investmenls SPA). In 2011, the offor was revised to cash terma only and on 8 April 2011, the Group accepted the cash oCfer. In the fmancial statements at 31 Decerobel' 2010, a provision of 32.7 million was made against the carrying value of Wind Telecom Spa in order lo reflect the anticipated impairment in the value of the investment. In 2011, the investment was sold with a Curther loss of 5. 7 million. 46 12. Inventories 2011 2010 ('000 ('000 Raw materials 2,220 3,794 WOl'k in progress 31,570 8,991 Finished goods for resale 9,152 9,357 42,942 22,142 Under paragraph 40, 42 and 45 of lAS Il Construction Contracts, the Group would ordinarly be required to disclose additionnl information IIbout the construction contracts . However, as the Directors do not consier that this would provide uaeCul additional information, this information has not been disclosed 13. 'l'rade and ather receivables Trade rcceivables Amounts owed by associate companies 2011 2010 'OOO t'OOO 116,325 196,451 61,359 24,114 176,684 220,565 14. Financial aasets nt fair value through profit alld lOBS Fair value through profit and loss held for trading 2011 ('000 82,850 82,850 2010 t'OOO 113,852 113,852 A total of 52 million (2010 - 53 million) haB bean pledged as security for bank facilities and borrowings. 15. Cash and cash equivalents Cash at bank at 31 Decembcr 2011 did not include any amounts pledged as security for bank facilities or otller borrowings (2010 - Nil). 46 16. CUITent liabilities: '!'rade and other payables Trade and other creditors Construction progress payments 2011 'OOO 203,992 16,374 220,366 2010 'OOO 338,629 10,029 348,658 17. CUITent Liabilities: Loans and borrowings Bank toalls Bank overdraft The terme and conditions associated with these facilities are disclosed in note 18. Notes ta the Financial Statements 18. Non-current liabilities: Loans and borrowings' Subordinated convertible participating notes Secured bank loans Shareholders' loans Other liabilities 2011 2010 ('000 'OOO 163,639 142,427 11,288 16,200 174,927 158,627 2011 2010 t'OOO 'OOO 140,000 140,000 90,274 103,681 13,741 9,458 53,859 20,318 297,874 273,457 47 Banle lonns and ovel'drafts; significllllt terms and conditions 2011 2010 CUl'rcncy EXCCS50VC)' Overdrafts Lonns Loans Overdrafts Lonns l.oans intcrbanll ratc <1 yenr >1 year <1 yenr >1 ycar +;'000 'OOo +;'000 ('000 +;'000 ('000 Euro 0.65% t.o 2.975% floaiing 7.303 73,694 37,492 4,883 68,531 8,929 USD 0.65% to 5.0% fioating 39 61,481 3,8n 61,624 47,239 GBP 0.0085% to 2.75% floating 4 16,673 7,048 4,061 2,301 15,438 JOD 2.5% floating 2,173 6,278 12,388 2,686 5,187 9,734 EGP 3.75% ta 13.0 floating 958 2.175 28,040 34 3,913 17,457 TND 1.0% to 3.0% floating 811 674 1,945 665 871 1,415 Other 1.0% ta 5.0% fIoating 2,664 3,361 3,469 11,288 163,639 90,274 16,200 142,427 10S,681 Intercst rates are based primarily on Libor or equivalent interbank offered rates in other countries. Thcre i& no material diffel'ence bctween the fair value and the book value of these loans. Secul'cd Loana are repayable ovel' fi pel'iod of up to 8 yeal's. Credit facilities of the equivalent of 215.5 million (2010 . 211.2 million) are secured on certain properties included in these accounts at a net book value of 824.8 million (2010 . 811.9 million). Shareholders' loans are interest free and have no fixed date for rcpayment. The subordinated convertible participating notes are convertible ilito 7,000,000 ordinary ahares at a priee of 20 pel' share until the year 2017 at the option of either the note holder or the parent comlJany. These notes entitle the holders to interest at the rate of 1.5% pel' annum and in addition 10 a ahare of profits of the company up to a rate of 20% pel' annum of the nominal value ofthe notes. not ta exceed the equivalent of the cumulative aggregate of the dividends paid by the company to its shareholders. 48 Notes ta the li'inanciul StntemeutB 19. Deferred tux Defened lax il' calculated in full on tempol'ary differences under the liability methad using tax rates which vary from 15 % ta 30% (2010 - 15% ta 30%) in accordance wi th the rates applicable in the jurisdiction for tax purposes of the (Jroo p's subsidiuries. The movement on the deferred tax lIccount, including amount8 included in profit or lORS and am()unts recognised in other comprehensive income are as follows: At 1 January Recognisedin profit Bnd JOBS Tax expense Recognisedin otl1el' c0111pl'ehensive income Revaluations of property and available for sale invcstments Other movements Changes in tax rates Crom prior yeurs At 31 December Details of the deferred tux liability Rl'e as follows: Accelerated capital allowances Revaluation At 31 December 2011 'QOO 158,235 2,431 160,666 2011 C'OOO 1,938 158,728 160,666 201D 'QOO 161,732 914 12,029 6,440) 158,235 2010 'OOO 1,938 156,297 158,235 No deferred tax is recognised on the unremitted earnings of overseas subsidiaries, as the earnings are generally reinvested by the Group and there is no intention to puy dividends and therefore no tax arises on them in the foreseeublc futul'e. No deferred tax assets have been l'ccognised (2010 - Nil). 20. Share Capital Ol'dinary shares of 20 cach Authorifled - 25 million shares Issued, called up and f\.dly puid - 17.5 million shares 2011 '000 500,000 350,000 2010 'OOO 500,000 350,000 49 Notes ta the Financial Statemellts 21. Related Party Transactions a) General Mediterraneen Holding SA ie a Luxembourg holding company which is controlled by a number of shareholders each of whom is coneillered to he a l'e1ated pal'ty. As bolders of subordinated convertible partidpating notes maturing on 31 December 2017, interest a 2.1million (2010 - 2.1 million) is payable ta the shareholders. b) Shareholders'Ioans of13.7million (2010 - 9.5million) rcpayable on demand, are due from companies over which certain Direetors have a significant influence. No interest has heen charged for the yeal' 2011 (2010' NiJ). c) Key management those pCrSOllS having authority and responsibility for planning, directing and controlling the activitics of the Group and comprise the Dircctors of the Company. Remuneration paid to key management during the yeal' totalled 0.7million (2010; 0.7milIion) and are in the form of short term employee henefits. 22. Finandal instruments and risk ma11agement Details of the Group's financial aesets and liabilities are set out bclow, together with an analysis ofkey risk exposures. At both 31 Decernber 2011 and :n December 2010, the fair value and the book value of the Group's fina11cial aasets and liabilities were materially the Barne. Financiel assets A summary of the Group's financial assets js as follows; Available for sale financial assets Trade l'eceivables Other receivables Other financial assets hcld for trading at FV'l'PL Cash B11d cash cquivalents 2011 2010 ('000 'OOo 58,885 108,893 127,134 196,451 49,550 24,114 82,850 113,852 25,294 29,357 In accordllnce with rAS 39, available for BaIe assets are clnssified as available for sale, other financial assets are classified as at fair value through profit and loss and trade receivables, other l'eceivables and cash are classified as loan8 and receivables. 50 Notes to the Financial Statements 22. Financial inst1'uments and risk management (continued) Current year Financial nssets measured at fair value: Level1 Leval 3 Total Quoted Unquoted 'OOO t;'ooo ('000 Available for sale financial assets 17,496 41,389 58,885 Other financial assets 68,791 14,059 82,850 86,287 55,448 141,735 Prioryetll' Financial aallets measured at fair value: Level1 LeveIS Total Quoted Unquoted 'OOO 'ooo 'OOO Available for sale financial aeBets 6,554 102,339 108,893 Other financial assets 100,921 12,931 113,852 107,475 115,270 222,745 61 Notes to the Finllncial Statements 22. Financial instruments and risk management (rontinued) The fair value of quoted securities ia based on published market priees. The fair value of the unquoted securities is based on expected cash flows. Available for sale finaneial Rasets are dcnominated in the following currencica: 2011 2010 '000 '000 EURO 61,869 USD 40,453 39,286 EGP 7,517 7,798 GBP 10,529 2,004 JOD 9 7,559 Othel' currencies 377 377 58,885 108,893 Trllde 811d other receiv8bJes The Group's maximum exposure to credit riak iB equivalent to the carrying value of its trade and other receivables balance at 31 December 2011 and 2010. Undcr paragraph 37 (a & b) of 1FRS 7 Financal Instrumenta: disclosures, the Group would ordinarily he required to disclose information about the age of financiaI B8sets and information about impaired financial Rasets. However, as the Directors do not consider thnt this would provide seful additional information, this information has not been disclosed. Balance at beginning of the year Charge to the income statement Balances Wl'itten off Balance at end of the year 2011 'OOO 11,864 12,785 24,649 2010 'OOO 12,042 1,051 (1,229) 11,864 Notes to the Financial Statements 22. Financial instruments and risk management. (continued) Trade l'cccivables are denominated in the following currcncics: 2011 2D10 t'OOO t'oao EURO 27,118 142,279 USD 12,856 11,110 GBP 10,299 9,976 LBP 11,516 11,619 EGP 20,411 4,763 JOn 19,961 4,547 Other currencies 13,165 12,257 116,325 196,451 The amounts shown abova are disclosed net of the provision for bad and doubtful dabts. Other finands/ assets The movement on current asset investments during the year WaB aB follows: 2011 2010 'OOO t'OOO Balance st beginning of year 113,852 124,828 Additions 13,673 21,555 Disposals (30,558) (22,568) Revaluation (14,117) (5,901) Rec1assifications (4,062) Balance at end of year 82,850 113,862 53 Notes to the Financinl Statemellts 22. Financial instruments and risk management (continued) Current finnncial a88et6 are denominated in the Collowing currencie8: 2011 2010 'OOO 'OOO EURO 675 849 USD 50,484 80,604 EGP 2,618 4,OB8 GBP 12,644 12,334 JOD 9,960 11,B06 Other currencies 6,469 4,271 82,850 113,862 FinanciaIlia15ilities The Group's financial liabilities comprise amounts due ta suppliera arising from trading activities and amounts due ta financial institutions and shareholders for liquidity and long tenn fUllding purposes. AlI financial linbilities arc held at amortised cost. 54 Notes to the 1?inl.lncial Staterncnts 22. Finnnciai instrnmcnts and risk managemellt (continuedJ The following table sets out the contractunl maturity analYBis of the Group's financial liabilities arising from trading activities. 2011 Trnde Construction Depositll payables projects Payable terms: t'DOO 'OOO t'OOO Ondemand 203,992 16,374 Between 3 months and 1 yenr 203,992 16,374 2010 Trade Construction Deposits payables projects Payable terms: t'OOo ('000 ('000 On dernand 304,766 9,025 Between 3 months and 1 year 33,863 1,004 338,629 10,029 Current financialliabilities are denominated in the following currencies: 20n 2010 t'OOo 'OOO EUR 80,432 180,254 GBP 48,987 49,751 SYP 21,274 39,452 USD 25,389 26,549 LBP 13,245 21,330 EGP 13,2215 9,649 TND 7,366 8,355 INR 2,694 6,285 JOD 2,289 3,540 ID 413 867 othel' cun'encies 5,053 2,626 220,366 348,658 55 Notes tn the FiJ1anciaJ Stateruents 22. FinanciaJ llstl'ument6 and management (cfmtinlled) LiabilitieB to Iinancl1 institutions and shareholders A maturity analysis of IImounts due to finllllcial institutions and sharcholders together with TJrincipal terms is set out in note 18. SlJ81'8 cnpita10nd j'eSelVes Sharc capita]: '['he shal'e capital is 350 million and represcnts the shal'eholders' fixed investmcnt in the company, The Group has also received Il Subordinated loan of 140 million. The lotal of 490 million i5 considered by management ta be the total capital managed by the Group, Revaluation rcserve: This represents the surplus arising from adjusting the histol'c values of assets ta current market values, Cumulative tl'anslation reserve: This compl'ises the accumulation of fOl'cign exchange differcnces arising from the restatement of nOll"monetary assets and liabilities. Retained eamings: This reflects the accumulated profits and lasses of the Group, Legal reserve: The parent company and certain subsidiaries incorporated in relevant juriadictiolls are rcquired ta allocate 5% of their llllnuai profits to a non-distributable legal reserve until the legal resel've of the company is equal ta 10% ofits issued share capital. 23. Change oflegal statue On Il May 2007, the state of Luxembourg enacted a law rcgulating private wealth management companies and introduced the "Socit de gestiolJ de Patlnoinc (''SPF'J company. The ncw law replaced the "1929 Holding Company" regime and existing companies were required to change thair statua by 31 December 2010, The parent company, General Mediterranean Holding Socit Anonyme duly complied with the new requirements and changed its status on 31 December 2010, With effect from 1 January 2011, the company is operating under the new regime and has been re-named General Meditcrranean Holding Socit Anonyme Socit de gestion de Patrimoine Familial ("General Mediterranean Holding SA 8PF") , 61;