HR Outsourcing-Talking Point

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HR Outsourcing - Talking point
Shalini Shukla 03 Oct 2013
Outsourcing o !" unctions is a realit# or man# companies$ large an%
small$ to%a#. &he 'ene(ts a)ect owners$ *-suite e+ecuti,es$ !" managers an% emplo#ees$ an% can inclu%e cost sa,ings$
an% access to highl# skille% proessionals an% a%,ance% technolog#$ which can collecti,el# result in a sustaina'le
competiti,e a%,antage.
&he 'roa% a%option o !" outsourcing across -sia-.aci(c has also emerge% as a ke# (n%ing o regional research con%ucte%
'# &alent2$ a lea%ing !" an% 'usiness process outsourcing pro,i%er. &he &alent2 -sia-.aci(c /arket .ulse Stu%# oun% that
across -ustralia$ !ong 0ong$ *hina an% Singapore$ the ma1orit# o !" e+ecuti,es 230-9045 are now consi%ering !"
outsourcing as a solution to ke# challenges cite%$ inclu%ing search an% recruitment 26645 an% emplo#ee retention 27045.
*ommenting on these (n%ings$ 8ohn "awlinson$ *9O o the &alent2 :roup$ sai%: ;&his research reinorces that ongoing skills
shortages are hampering organisations across -sia rom (n%ing the people the# nee% to %ri,e top line 'usiness growth.
<hat=s interesting here is that !" e+ecuti,es are ocusing on %i)erent wa#s to a%%ress these challenges > namel# through
outsourcing$ an% in,estment in learning an% %e,elopment.
;&he act that the o,erwhelming ma1orit# o !" e+ecuti,es are outsourcing !" unctions 2or are consi%ering %oing so5
represents a massi,e shit in the in%ustr# > e,en compare% to (,e #ears ago. ?elson !all=s 8une !" Outsourcing @n%e+
'acks this up with the in%ustr# reporting a 104 increase in con(%ence in the !"O sector o,er the last Auarter. @t clearl#
shows that outsourcing is now 'eing consi%ere% as a strategic solution$ rather than a cost-cutting tactic in response to the
glo'al (nancial crisis$B "awlinson continue%.
-cross the region$ all markets are seeing strong utilisation o outsourcing as a solution to man# !" challenges$ with 974 in
*hina$ -ustralia an% Singapore seeing clear 'ene(ts o outsourcing. @n !ong 0ong$ 914 are seeing clear 'ene(ts o
outsourcing$ while regionall# 164 o !" managers are turning to outsourcing as a means o a%%ressing skill shortage
@n%ee%$ interest in !" outsourcing has increase% signi(cantl# in -sia in recent #ears. ;"ecentl#$ our outsourcing %epartment
has 'een getting more enAuiries on outsourcing ser,ices rom man# companies$B sa#s *harles Ciaw$ Director$ &imes
Sotware. ;@t coul% 'e that companies (n% it tough to recruit new sta) an% retain e+isting sta).B

What to outsource?
-ccor%ing to the &alent2 -sia-.aci(c /arket .ulse Stu%#$ 714 o !" e+ecuti,es across -sia outsource all or part o their
search an% recruitment unction. &his 26045 is the unction most likel# to 'e consi%ere% or outsourcing$ ollowe% '#
emplo#ee learning an% %e,elopment 21745 an% pa#roll 21245. /ore than 604 o e+ecuti,es in Singapore are alrea%#
outsourcing their pa#roll unction.
Su1a# Ehat$ "egional Director > Eusiness De,elopment 2S9- F @n%ia5$ -on !ewitt$ sa#s that !" operations can essentiall# 'e
split into tactical an% critical ones$ with tactical transactions 'eing commonl# outsource%. ;<hat is outsource% an% what
aspects are retaine% %epen%s on the go,ernance an% control mechanisms in place.B
Gor e+ample$ perormance e,aluation con,ersations cannot 'e outsource%$ sa#s Ehat. ;&o 'e e)ecti,e$ the process nee%s a
%ialogue 'etween the manager an% the emplo#ee. !owe,er$ workHows or con%ucting the perormance re,iew process an%
%ata gathering$ can 'e perorme% ,ia a clou%-'ase% outsource% toolB. <ith recruitment outsourcing 2".O5 on the other
han%$ !" can allow their outsourcing partners to sie,e through resumes an% ena'le the !" unction to ocus on a select ew
resumes$ rom which the (nal can%i%ate can 'e chosen.
<hile %i)erent !" unctions an% transactions within unctions can 'e outsource%$ some are en%-to-en% outsourcing while
others are part outsourcing. ;&his is 'ecause companies can le,erage on the !" e+pertise/technolog# the# alrea%# ha,e
an% partner with outsourcing ser,ice pro,i%ers to (ll gaps$B sa#s Ehat.
;!" Outsourcing is e,ol,ing$B he a%%s. ;<hile He+i'ilit# an% ,alue are ke# %ri,ers$ cost optimisation is still signi(cantI or
instance$ companies can %eci%e whether to engage in onshore$ o)shore or near shore outsourcing mo%els. Jltimatel#$ the
!" raternit# wants options.B

Why outsource?
<ith outsourcing$ companies are a'le to impro,e their !" unctions$ as ser,ice pro,i%ers t#picall# specialise in rele,ant
(el%s 2see &a'le 15.
;-mongst the man# 'ene(ts o !" outsourcing$ some inclu%e impro,e% eKcienc# an% e)ecti,eness$ access to worl%-class
capa'ilities that ma# not 'e a,aila'le internall#$ an% re%ucing 'usiness operating costs$B sa#s Ciaw.
-ccor%ing to the &alent2 -sia-.aci(c /arket .ulse Stu%#$ a ke# 'ene(t o outsourcing is that it ena'les 'usinesses to ree up
resources an% pla# to their strengths$ '# ocusing on their core competencies 27345.
Outsourcing also o)ers sta'ilit# to man# 'usinesses$ with 624 (n%ing it to 'e a 'ene(t in relation to coping with peaks an%
troughs in 'usiness acti,it#.
!owe,er$ there are some %raw'acks also associate% with outsourcing$ the main risk 'eing that e+ternal pro,i%ers oten lack
%etaile% knowle%ge a'out the 'usiness 26745. *ost 26345 an% a lack o consistenc# rom outsourcing companies 26745 are
also consi%ere% %raw'acks '# some !" e+ecuti,es.
@nterestingl#$ the sur,e# oun% that in *hina$ securit# an% con(%entialit# issues were cite% as an o'stacle or consi%ering
outsourcing 26645.
;@n Singapore$ @ think it has 'ecome a tren% or companies to outsource their non-core acti,ities an% !" unctions 'ecause
it is har% to allocate a suita'le can%i%ate to %o the 1o' 2in ,iew o the /anpower /inistr# cutting Auotas to hire oreign
talent an% %iKcult# to recruit locals an% permanent resi%ents5$B sa#s Ciaw. ;/anagement woul% preer to allocate current
manpower to impro,e compan# ocus to 'ring in more 'usiness an% re,enues.B
;Outsourcing is here to sta# an% grow$B he conclu%es.

Which shore works best?

Depending on the proximity to your business location, you can outsource work to an
offshore, near-shore or onshore locale.
Offshore refers to a foreign location that is far away in distance and, more
importantly, far apart in time from your primary place of business.
Near-shore also refers to a foreign locale, but one that is much closer to you.
Onshore is a locale in the same country as yours.
Of the two considerations, distance and time, the latter is the most critical. All other
factors being eual, it is much more effecti!e to work with a near-shore partner that is in the
same time "one as yours than it is to do it with an offshore !endor that is three or four time
"ones away.
#ource$ Nearsoft

Table 1
Benefits of HR Outsourcing

%educing business operating costs to impro!e in company focus
&mpro!ing efficiency and effecti!eness
'nhancing the corporate image of the company
(a!ing a more flexible and adaptable organisational structure
)ain access to world-class capabilities
*ree internal resources for other purposes
Accessing to resources that are not a!ailable internally
#a!e tangible and intangible administrati!e cost
#a!e the cost to buy the +ayroll,(uman %esource,e--odules
#a!e time and cost to upgrade hardware and payroll software due to changes of
go!ernment rules and regulations.
Disaster %eco!ery
#ource$ .harles /iaw, Director, 0imes #oftware

HR meets IT

According to a sur!ey conducted by %epublic +olytechnic 1%+2 and the #ingapore (%
&nstitute 1#(%&2, larger companies are more likely to use (% &nformation #ystems 1(%&#2.
(owe!er, less than 345 of companies, regardless of si"e, currently use (%&# for strategic
(% operations.
0his lea!es (% operations such as learning and de!elopment, performance management,
and career de!elopment largely within manual systems, despite the sur!ey showing that
impro!ed strategic (% management was in demand from (% practitioners.
0he main moti!ation behind implementing a new (%&# was to cut down on paper work and
time spent managing operational (% functions, thereby allowing greater focus on strategic
(% tasks.
675 of respondents to the study felt that (%&# systems were too costly to implement, and
385 did not know about go!ernment subsidies aimed at reducing these costs.
0he sur!ey also re!ealed that (% practitioners using a fully integrated (%&# had the highest
satisfaction rate amongst their peers.
9(% information systems support organisations: dri!e to increase their efficiency and
producti!ity through better human capital and de!elopmental management for their
employees,; said 'rman 0an, +resident, #(%&.
90hrough the effecti!e use of such technology, (% managers can focus more of their
attention on people relations and strategic matters, helping their organisations achie!e
greater efficiencies and raise producti!ity,; he adds.

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