This document provides information on booklice, silverfish, and firebrats. It describes their physical characteristics, habitats, feeding behaviors, life cycles, and potential damage caused by each insect. The document also lists recommended insecticide products for controlling booklice, silverfish, and firebrats in both home and commercial settings. Precautions for proper use of insecticides are also provided.
This document provides information on booklice, silverfish, and firebrats. It describes their physical characteristics, habitats, feeding behaviors, life cycles, and potential damage caused by each insect. The document also lists recommended insecticide products for controlling booklice, silverfish, and firebrats in both home and commercial settings. Precautions for proper use of insecticides are also provided.
This document provides information on booklice, silverfish, and firebrats. It describes their physical characteristics, habitats, feeding behaviors, life cycles, and potential damage caused by each insect. The document also lists recommended insecticide products for controlling booklice, silverfish, and firebrats in both home and commercial settings. Precautions for proper use of insecticides are also provided.
This document provides information on booklice, silverfish, and firebrats. It describes their physical characteristics, habitats, feeding behaviors, life cycles, and potential damage caused by each insect. The document also lists recommended insecticide products for controlling booklice, silverfish, and firebrats in both home and commercial settings. Precautions for proper use of insecticides are also provided.
1 P. G. Koehler, D. Branscome, and F. M. Oi 2 1. This document is Fact Sheet ENY-225, a series of the Entomology and Nematology Department, Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida. Revised: January 2003. 2. P. G. Koehler, professor, D. Branscome, graduate assistant, and F. M. Oi, assistant extension scientist, Department of Entomology and Nematology, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida, Gainesville. The use of trade names in this publication is solely for the purpose of providing specific information. UF/IFAS does not guarantee or warranty the products named, and references to them in this publication does not signify our approval to the exclusion of other products of suitable composition. All chemicals should be used in accordance with directions on the manufacturer's label. Use pesticides safely. Read and follow directions on the manufacturer's label. The Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer authorized to provide research, educational information and other services only to individuals and institutions that function without regard to race, color, sex, age, handicap, or national origin. For information on obtaining other extension publications, contact your county Cooperative Extension Service office. Florida Cooperative Extension Service/Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences/University of Florida/Christine Taylor Waddill, Dean. Booklice Booklice (Figure 1) belong to a group of insects collectively called psocids. The psocids are small, soft-bodied insects, most of which are less than one-eighth of an inch long. They are both winged and wingless. Psocids have chewing mouthparts. Figure 1. Booklouse. Credits: James Castner, University of Florida The majority of psocids are outdoor species with well developed wings. They are most commonly found on bark or on the foliage of trees and shrubs. These psocids are frequently called "barklice." Most of the species found in buildings are wingless. Because they are often found among books or papers, they are called booklice. The term "lice" in the names is somewhat misleading because none of these insects are parasites and few of them have a louselike appearance. Psocids feed on molds, fungi, cereals, pollen, fragments of dead insects, or other similar materials. They cause little loss by actually eating foodstuffs since they do feed chiefly on mold. At times they may become extremely abundant and spread throughout an entire building. In such situations they may contaminate foods and materials to the point the goods must be discarded. Damage to books may be more direct. They eat the starch sizing in the bindings of books and along the edges of pages. The eggs of psocids are laid singly or in clusters and are often covered with silken webs or debris. Most species pass through six nymphal stages. The entire life span from egg to adult is between thirty and sixty days. Booklice and Silverfish 2 Control Reduction of moisture to eliminate formation of mold is a very effective method for controlling booklice. Infested furniture, bedding, or other movable furnishings should be thoroughly cleaned and aired. Clean up spilled food products and keep all stored products tightly sealed. If an insecticide is required, apply a spot treatment or crack and crevice treatment of products found in Table 2, according to label directions. Precautions All insecticides are poisons. Read the entire label, including the small print before opening the containers and heed all warnings and cautions. Store pesticides in their original labeled containers out of reach of children, irresponsible people, and pets, and preferably keep under lock and key. Dispose of leftover spray materials and empty containers promptly and safely. Silverfish and Firebrats Silverfish (Figure 2) and firebrats may cause damage in the home by eating foods or other materials that are high in protein, sugar, or starch. They eat cereals, moist wheat flour, paper on which there is glue or paste, sizing in paper and bookbindings, starch in clothing, and rayon fabrics. Figure 2. Silverfish. Credits: James Castner, University of Florida Silverfish and firebrats are common in homes. The silverfish lives and develops in damp, cool places. Large numbers may be found in new buildings in which the newly plastered walls are still damp. The firebrat lives and develops in hot, dark places, such as around furnaces and fireplaces, and in insulations around hot water or steam pipes. In apartment buildings the insects follow pipelines to rooms in search of food. They may be found in bookcases, around closet shelves, behind baseboards, windows or door frames. Silverfish and firebrats are both slender, wingless insects and their bodies are covered with scales. Adults are about one-third to one-half inch long. Silverfish are shiny and silver or pearl-gray in color. Firebrats are mottled gray. The young insects look like adults except they are smaller. Both insects have two long slender antennae attached to their heads and three long tail-like appendages at the hind end. Each appendage is almost as long as the body. Silverfish and firebrats are active at night and hide during the day. When objects under which they hide are moved, they dart about seeking a new hiding place. Biology Under usual house conditions, silverfish and firebrats develop slowly and have few young. They are hardy and can live for several months without food. Females lay eggs year round in secluded places, such as behind books or on closet shelves. Eggs are occasionally laid in the open. Silverfish lay only a few eggs at a time but may lay several batches over a period of weeks. The eggs are whitish, oval, and about 1/32 inch long. They hatch in two to eight weeks, the hatching time depending on temperature. Firebrats lay about 50 eggs one at a time and will lay several batches. The eggs are soft, white and opaque, when laid. They will later have a yellowish tinge. Firebrat eggs hatch in about two weeks. Both insects reach maturity in 3 to 24 months. Their rate of growth depends on temperature and humidity. Booklice and Silverfish 3 Control The sprays should be applied to floors and wall moldings, behind drawers, under furniture, cracks and crevices, and the floor and ceiling of attics. Outside, treat eaves, mulched flower beds, and storage sheds. Control may not be immediate because hiding insects must come out and contact spray residue. Ten days to two weeks may be required to determine whether or not control has been achieved. Dusts of the recommended materials may be used for treating walls, voids, crawl spaces, and attics. Space sprays of pyrethrins are useful for controlling exposed insects. See Table 1 and Table 2.
Table 1. Insecticides labeled for Homeowner Use. Formulation Common Name Trade Name Signal Word Pest
Crack and Crevice Aerosol Prallethrin (0.03%), Esfenvalerate (0.05%), MGK-264 synergist (0.3%) Ortho Roach, Ant & Spider Killer Warning silverfish Aerosol Pyrethrins, MGK-264, Permethrin Ortho Ant-B-Gon Caution silverfish Emulsifiable Concentrate Beta-Cyfluthrin Bayer Power Force Carpenter Ant & Termite Killer Plus Caution silverfish Ready-to-Use Cyfluthrin Bayer Advanced Home, Home Pest Control Indoor & Outdoor Insect Killer Caution silverfish Indoor Surface Treatment Aerosol Prallethrin (0.03%), Esfenvalerate (0.05%), MGK-264 synergist (0.3%) Ortho Roach, Ant & Spider Killer Warning silverfish Aerosol Pyrethrins, MGK-264, Permethrin Ortho Ant-B-Gon Caution silverfish Ready-to-Use Cyfluthrin Bayer Advanced Home, Home Pest Control Indoor & Outdoor Insect Killer Caution silverfish
Booklice and Silverfish 4 Table 1. Insecticides labeled for Homeowner Use. Formulation Common Name Trade Name Signal Word Pest Emulsifiable Concentrate Beta-Cyfluthrin Bayer Power Force Carpenter Ant & Termite Killer Plus Caution silverfish Emulsifiable Concentrate Bifenthrin Ortho Termite & Carpenter Ant Killer Caution silverfish Emulsifiable Concentrate Malathion Ortho Malathion 50 Plus Insect Spray Warning silverfish Granule Carbaryl Ortho Bug-B-Gon Multipurpose Insect Killer Ready-to-Use Granules Caution silverfish Ready-to-Use Cyfluthrin Bayer Advanced Home, Home Pest Control Indoor & Outdoor Insect Killer Caution silverfish
Outdoor Broadcast Emulsifiable Concentrate Beta-Cyfluthrin Bayer Power Force Carpenter Ant & Termite Killer Plus Caution silverfish Emulsifiable Concentrate Malathion Ortho Malathion 50 Plus Insect Spray Warning silverfish Ready-to-Use Cyfluthrin Bayer Advanced Home, Home Pest Control Indoor & Outdoor Insect Killer Caution silverfish Table 2. Insecticides labeled for Commercial Use on booklice (Psocids). Formulation Common Name Trade Name Signal Word Pests
Homemade Repellents: Ultimate Guide To Homemade Repellents And Natural After Bites Remedies: Safe Organic Repellents To Keep Away Bugs Like Ants,Mosquitoes,Roaches,Flies,Spiders & other Pests Indoors