NCR & FN Details of Pump House

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9/8/2014 JMC 1 of 11

S.No. Contractor Issue Date Unit Type Issue Description

India ltd
Raw water
Intake Pump
Field Note
a. Reinforcement Stacking at the site is not proper.
b. Lab setup not done till date, Curing tank is not ready.
c. Level of cemen godown is same that of outside site.
d. Aggregates being stacked in the batching plant are not proper as the
soil can get mixed up with the aggregates.
e. Calibration of batching plant is not done till date.
f. Third party testing report not submitted.
g. Admixture storage yard not ready.
India ltd
Raw water
Intake Pump
Field Note
1. 28 days cube results of concrete( Which was casted on 12.07.11 of
M40 Grade) of 2 sets of pump house wall 1st lift grid 5 are found
less(m39) than the requirement.
2. Poor concreting with improper finishing and cover to reinforcement
observed in walls.
3. Curing is not proper for concrete walls of pump house
4.Rejection register is not being maintained in the site in spite of several
verbal instructions. Poor traceability of documents.
5. Third party tests are not submitted on time.
India ltd
Raw water
Intake Pump
Stacking of Reinforcement bars at stacking yard & site is not proper as per
standard procedure/Specification.
India ltd
Raw water
Intake Pump
Rejected Aggregates are being used for concreteing work (10 mm, 20 mm)
is full of Dust and the whole material is of time of Flood (Clay Coated).
India ltd
Raw water
Intake Pump
1.Rejected Aggregates are being used for concreteing work (10 mm-full of
Dust, 20 mm) and the mix design being used for producing concrete is not
at all suitable as the Physical properties of the aggregetes being used are
totally different as compared to that of the aggregetes being permitted for
use in concrete(as per the design mix for makrohar source).
2.Sand full of silt and clay is being continiously used inspite of several
mails and field notes being given to the contractor.1.Rejected Aggregates
are being used for concreteing work (10 mm-full of Dust, 20 mm) and the
mix design being used for producing concrete is not at all suitable as the
Physical properties of the aggregetes being used are totally different as
compared to that of the aggregetes being permitted for use in concrete(as
per the design mix for makrohar source).
Open NCR and FN list
9/8/2014 JMC 2 of 11
India ltd
Raw water
Intake Pump
It is being observed that all rejected shuttering material is being used for
concreting work due to which finish of concrete surface is very poor,
bulging and improper line and level of concrete surface, is being observed
at site with major honeycombs.
India ltd
Raw water
Intake Pump
It is being observed that due to improper use of vibrator needle in Saddle
wall-2 of Grid 2 and use of rejected shuttering material major honey comb
is being observed,reinforcements are also exposed at some places.
India ltd
Raw water
Intake Pump
Field Note
1. Poor Concreting with improper finishing and cover to reinforcement
observed in walls of Pump house and Fore bay Area. Repairing work is
being carried out without prior information to REL Executive.
2. Curing is not proper for concrete walls of pump house, brickwork, cable
trench and plaster work. Curing should be done by deploying one
dedicated gang with proper arrangement of water using hessian cloth.
3. Tie Rods are not cut properly and are being embedded in soil.
4. Spacing in between the reinforcement layers of cable trench wall is not
being maintained and concreting is being done as such.
India ltd
Raw water
Intake Pump
Field Note
1. 63 mm aggregate being used for filling in Transformer foundation and
below grade slabs in control room building is of improper QUALITY and
9/8/2014 JMC 3 of 11
India ltd
Raw water
Intake Pump
Field Note
1. Stacking of Reinforcement bars at stacking yard & Site is not as per
standard procedure /specification. Should be stacked minimum 150 mm
above ground surface.
2. Proper stacking of coarse and fine aggregate is not done at batching
plant as per std. work procedure/ specification.
3. Silt, Clay lumps and impurities mixed with sand found at batching plant
stockyard. Stacked sand should not be used for concreting work.
4. No Responsible Quality Engineer available at site.
5. Two sources of aggregates is being mixed during concreting work in
Control room building civil work.
6. Aggregates being procured (On the name of Balaji Makrohar source) is
not of approved source and is of very poor quality.
7. Stone/boulder pitching work being carried out in the slopes of the
embankments is of improper line & level. Undulations are observed at site.
8. Backfilling is being done without maintaining proper layer. No
compaction test is being conducted till date.(QC Witness is Zero)
9. Slope of embankment is not properly compacted before stone/boulder
pitching work, which will lead to settlement of soil and create undulations in
boulder pitching work in future.
10. Stacking of cement in the cement godown is not proper it should be
stacked as per the Indian Standards/Standard Procedures. Cement
Godown is full of holes.
India ltd
Raw water
Intake Pump
It is being observed that backfilling of soil in and around the boundary wall
area ie. in back side of control building area is being carried out, without
maintaning proper layers and no compaction test is being carried out to
ensure the compaction of soi
India ltd
Raw water
Intake Pump
It is being observed that aggregates being used in maintenance bay below
the grade slab is not approved and being used as such.Aggregates being
used are of improper gradation and of unapproved source.
India ltd
Raw water
Intake Pump
Field Note
1. Manual concrete mix is being used for M30 Grade from ordinary
concrete batching mixer which is not acceptable (Clause-9.3 & 9.1.1
IS456).Approx Qty- 75 m3 in slab of Switchyard Control Building.
Concreting is being done without any prior information/approval from
FQA/Engg deptt.
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Action Taken by M/s ITDC Resign for hold amount Amount
a. Reinforcement stacked properly as per your instruction.
b. Making of Lab including curing tank completed.
c. Level of Cement godown raised in to a higher level.
d. Aggregates are segregated from soil by cleaning with water.
e. Calibration of Batching plant done & report submitted to you.
f. third party test reports have been submitted for Design mix and we have conducted trial mix with the Design mix supplied by RINFRA at our Sasan bridge
site in presence of your reliance representative and cube results were found satisfactory.
g. Admixture shed making completed & ready for storage.
Hold for Lab setup (Against RA-
1. We have submitted NDT report regarding cube results of external wall Grid 5 and the copy of the same report is also attached for your
2. Proper surface finishing has been done and proper cover to reinforcement has been provided in walls.
3. Proper curing of concrete walls is also being done site.
4. Quality personal is engaged. We are maintaining records periodically in prescribed format allotted to us by reliance infra.
5. We have submitted all the required third party test reports earlier.
We have stacked the Reinforcement as per your instruction and the reinforcement work has been completed as on date
We have removed rejected aggregates from our batching plant and were stacked separately. Fresh aggregates were brought from Dalla
and Makrohar as recommended by client.
1. We have removed rejected aggregates from our batching plant and were stacked separately, fresh aggregates were brought from
Dalla and Makrohar crushers for better concrete production and surface finishing, as recommended by client.
2. We have removed rejected sand from our batching plant and were stacked separately fresh sand were brought from Rihand river for
better concrete production and surface finishing, as recommended by client.
Open NCR and FN list
9/8/2014 JMC 5 of 11
We have removed rejected shuttering material from our site and new shuttering material was supplied by RIL for better concrete surface
finishing, as recommended by client.
We are already submitted action report of repair works as per approved methodology given by your Engineering/Technical Department.
1. We have done surface finishing of pump housing building and fore bay area (site photographs attached).
2. Regular curing of walls of pump house , brickwork ,cable trench and plaster work is being done and we have deployed site supervisor
for this task.
3. Tie rods of pump house building have been cut and plastering has been done.
4. Spacing in between the reinforcement layers of cable trench wall has been provided as per drawings REL/SUMPP/TES/317/C/1363.
We have purchased fresh 63 mm aggregates from Makrohar crusher as recommended by Reliance Engineering Division/Technical
Department for filling in transformer foundation and below grade slabs in control room building.
9/8/2014 JMC 6 of 11
1. We have stacked reinforcement as per your instructions and as per specifications.
2. Coarse and fine aggregates have been stacked properly at batching plant stockyard.
3. Silt ,clay lumps and other impurities mixed with sand have been removed from batching plant and site.
4. Responible quality engineer engaged at site.
5. All unwanted aggregates have been removed from control building and nearby area.
6. We have done new procurement of aggregates from BARBARIK and SANTOSH KUMAR ENTERPRISES crushers and we have stopped
procurement from Balaji aggregates to maintain quality of aggregates require for construction/ Production.
7. Slope of embankment have been improved by providing proper slope and pitching.
8. Backfilling has been layer by layer and compaction test has been carried out.
9. Slope of embankment is maintained & properly compacted before stone/boulder pitching work.
10. Cement have been stacked properly at batching plant as per Indian standards.
A layer by layer compaction was carried out as per client requirement & the necessary tests were carried out. Please find enclosed here
with the test reports for your ready reference.
We have removed the rejected aggregates from the maintenance bay area and we have informed yourself through our email. (Please find
the copy of email attached) for your ready reference and more over the fresh aggregates was order to the agency as recommended by
1. As Batching plant was dismantled and due to urgency of the structure volume by batching method was adopted and MIX Design of M35
was converted into manual volume batches and measuring boxes were used for various ingredients of Concrete Mix for casting of slab of
Pump House Building Nearby switch yard not slab of switchyard control building which was casted much before. Also10 percent extra of
the compressive strength (7 &28 days cube strength cement was used to ensure strength (of M35 Grade) and safety of the structure.
Copy) of slab of quantity 75 cubic metre(Approx).has been attached for your reference.
2. Before casting of slab it was informed to Mr. Vivek (Manager-Execution, Engg. Dept., RINFRA) through mail by ITD Pump House site-in-
charge (Mr. S. Mondal) and it was also intimated to Mr. Alok (Asst. Manager (QA/QC). More over Mr. Sanjay Kumar (Quality Head
RINFRA) was also informed regarding this matter.
9/8/2014 JMC 7 of 11
Comments by
Package Owner
Comments Status
Take necessary action as per
specification and submit action
taken report immediately.
Take necessary action in
consultation with our
Engineering/Technical dept. &
Submit action taken report
Take necessary action in
consultation with our
Engineering/Technical dept. &
Submit action taken report
Open NCR and FN list
9/8/2014 JMC 8 of 11
Take necessary action in
consultation with our
Engineering/Technical dept. &
Submit action taken report
Take necessary action in
consultation with our
Engineering/Technical dept. &
Submit action taken report
immediately / Use of such shuttering
material should be immediately
stopped for concreting
works.Pressure grouting is
recommended for honeycomb
portion.Repairing should not be
done by any unapproved method
and vibrator with needles of proper
dia should be used in concreting
work.Proper shuttering with sound
support should be provided before
M/s ITDC is advised to take
necessary action to comply all the
above mentioned observations as
per specifications/std.
procedure/approved FQP & submit
action taken report immediately.
M/s ITDC is advised to take
necessary action to comply all the
above mentioned observations as
per specifications/std.
procedure/approved FQP & submit
action taken report immediately.
9/8/2014 JMC 9 of 11
M/s ITDC is advised to take
necessary action to comply all the
above mentioned observations as
per specifications/std.
procedure/approved FQP & submit
action taken report immediately.
Take necessary action in
consultation with our
Engineering/Technical dept. &
Submit action taken report
M/s ITDC is advised to take
necessary action to comply all the
above mentioned observations as
per specifications/std.
procedure/approved FQP & submit
action taken report immediately.
M/s ITDC is advised to take
necessary action to comply all the
above mentioned observations as
per specifications/std.
procedure/approved FQP & submit
action taken report immediately.
1 3
2 8
3 11
4 13
5 14
6 15
7 16
8 17
9 19
10 20
Amount Regarding for Hold Action taken RA
Rejected Aggregates are being used for concreting work (10 mm, 20 mm) is full of
Dust and the whole material is of time of Flood (Clay Coated), NCR No- 06
100000.000 For Lab setup
Establishment of laboratary was done on june-2011 hance the action taken
was sucsessfully completed
1. 28 days cube results of concrete( Which was casted on 12.07.11 of M40 Grade) of
2 sets of pump house wall 1st lift grid 5 are found less(m39) than the requirement.
2. Poor concreting with improper finishing and cover to reinforcement observed in
3. Curing is not proper for concrete walls of pump house
4.Rejection register is not being maintained in the site in spite of several verbal
instructions. Poor traceability of documents.
5. Third party tests are not submitted on time.
6. Staking of reinforcement bars (Field Note No- 04 & NCR No- 01)
1. The test report for rebound hammer was attached & found satisfactory.
Please refer page No-
2. Proper cover block was provided to reinforcement & the rectification works
was carried out to bring the necessary surface finish. Please refer the attached
photograph page No-
3. Proper curing of concrete walls is also being done site.
4. Quality personal is engaged. We are maintaining records periodically in
prescribed format allotted to us by reliance infra.
5. We have submitted all the required third party test reports earlier.
6. We have stacked the reinforcement as per client instruction.
1. No Quality Engineer available at site for past 2 months (December -2011).
2. It is also observed that 7 days cube results is more or less similar to 28 days.
3. The submitted test reports is incomplete in nature like the name of person who
has witnessed & performed the test is missing.
4. Cubes is not casted as per IS 456 as the concreting is being done by normal mixer
machine it is important to cast cubes as per applicable clause to ensure quality at
5. 7days Cube results of M 40 grade (57.66 m3) is also observed less &
dimension. Pending 28 days cube results of last bills are not yet submitted.
1. Quality engineer Mr. Ashish varma was requited & deployed in Jan-2012 as
a lab in charge.
2. No where it is defined that of 7 days cube report is mandatory more over
the results achieved is falling under excellent category.
3. The requirement are late on fulfilled.
4. As per field quality plan every 50 m3 one set of cubes are taken.
5. All test reports are dly signed by Ril quality in charge.
50000.000 QC Document is not Proper
QC documents are maintained & the same is verified by your engineer in
1.Against non submission of compliance reports for issued Field Note & NCR. (Field
note No. 1,2 & 3 & NCR No. - 4,5,6,7 & 8).
2. Against Poor workmanship.
3. Against the mentioned quantity till its compliance. Suitable test may be carried out
to obtain estimation of the strength of concrete in structure.
We have removed rejected aggregates from our batching plant and were stacked separately.
Fresh aggregates were brought from Dalla and Makrohar as recommended by client. All
rejected aggregates was used in casting of tower carne area. All the rejected aggregates are
used by reliance damaged pipeline foundations.
1.Field Note No-2,3 already closed & Documents related to FN No-1 has been
attached & NCR No-4,5 already closed & 6,7,8 & its Relevant docments has
been attached
2. Poor workmanship has improved by using new material like shuttering
Board & Plate , and also further can be improved by proper supervision and
skilled work man .
3. Required tests has been carried out and reports has been attached.
1. Manual concrete mix is being used for M30 Grade from ordinary concrete batching
mixer which is not acceptable (Clause-9.3 & 9.1.1 IS456).Approx Qty- 75 m3 in slab of
Switchyard Control Building. Concreting is being done without any prior
information/approval from FQA/Engg deptt.
1. As Batching plant was dismantled and due to urgency of the structure
volume by batching method was adopted and MIX Design of M35 was
converted into manual volume batches and measuring boxes were used for
various ingredients of Concrete Mix for casting of slab of Pump House Building
Nearby switch yard not slab of switchyard control building which was casted
much before. Also10 percent extra of the compressive strength (7 &28 days
cube strength cement was used to ensure strength (of M35 Grade) and safety
of the structure. Copy) of slab of quantity 75 cubic meter(Approx).has been
attached for your reference.
2. Before casting of slab it was informed to Mr. Vivek (Manager-Execution,
Engg. Dept., RINFRA) through mail by ITD Pump House site-in-charge (Mr. S.
Mondal) and it was also intimated to Mr. Alok (Asst. Manager (QA/QC). More
over Mr. Sanjay Kumar (Quality Head RINFRA) was also informed regarding
this matter.
1. No compaction & compaction test is being done for the soil quantity- 17000 m3
(Backfilling), Field note No-07 & NCR No-10 is also issued in this regard.
2. Checklist for Ironite flooring not submitted.
1. Documents related to FN No-7 has been attached & NCR No- 10 its
Relevant docments has been attached.
2. Ironite checklist was not issued from reliance at the time of activity started.
1.Against non submission of compliance reports for issued Field Note & NCR. (Field
note No. 1,4,5,6 & 7 & NCR No. -2,3, 4,5,6,7 & 8).
2. Against Poor workmanship.
3. Against the mentioned quantity till its compliance. Suitable test may be carried out
to obtain estimation of the strength of concrete in structure.
1.Field Note No-1,4,5,6&7Documents attached & NCR No-2,3,4,5 already
closed & Documents related to NCR No-6,7,8 attached.
2. Poor workmanship has improved by using new material like shuttering
Board & Plate , and also further can be improved by proper supervision and
skilled work man.
3.Required tests has been carried out and reports has been attached.
1. Tie rods used in shuttering work are not cut they are left as such or same where
the are not cut properly. (Pending since RA- 12).
2. Poor workmanship (Finishing of concrete works is poor, improper line and level of
concrete works, major honey combs) is observed. (Refer issued NCR and Field Note -
Use of rejected formworks should be avoided). (Pending since RA-11)
3. Compliance reports against 5 No's Field Notes & 8 No's NCR is awaited. (Pending
since RA - 13)
4. 28 days cube strength of M40 281 m3 approximately claimed in RA-17 is found less
than required. (No NDT test carried out for the failed qty.
5. Third party Rebound hammer test report received for M40 1403.94 m3, 11.48 m3
of M30 & 54 m3 of M25 (approximately) of concrete. Test reports shall be referred
to reliance engg. Dep;t for their concurrence.
6. Quality records not submitted for 649 m3 of M40, 404.87 m3 of M30 & 29.86 m3
of M10 concrete approximately.
1. Tie rods of pump house building have been cut and plastering has been
2. We have done surface finishing of pump housing building and fore bay area
(site photographs attached).We have removed rejected shuttering material
from our site and new shuttering material was supplied by RIL for better
concrete surface finishing, as recommended by client.
3.Compliance reports against 5 No's Field Notes & 8 No's NCR regarding
documents attached.
4. The test report for rebound hammer was attached & found satisfactory.
Please refer page No- 36&37
Total 2350000.000

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