BLR 212

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The key takeaways are that strakes and FastFins developed by BLR Aerospace can provide significant performance benefits to helicopters like increased payload capacity and flight stability.

Strakes are horizontal fins or plates attached to the tailboom of a helicopter. Their purpose is to improve airflow over the tailboom and vertical fin, which can increase performance capabilities like payload and density altitude limits.

The FastFin is a vertical fin modification kit developed by BLR for certain helicopter models. Its purpose is to improve airflow and fin effectiveness, which can translate to performance gains.

January 2008 rotorandwing.

com Serving the Worldwide Helicopter Industry

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just dont understand how
they can fly.
When someone finds out
that you fly, maintain, or build
helicopters, how many times have you
heard them say: I just dont understand
how they can fly. That usually evokes a
complex response from us that cause their
eyes to quickly glaze over. Then they turn
and walk away.
Grasping helicopter aerodynamics
doesnt come easy, even for us in the industry
(foremost, myself included). As I worked
on this article, I discovered some important
aerodynamic performance and safety infor-
mation that I had been unaware of in my first
44 years of helicopter flying, and wished I had
known. Hopefully, it will help you, too.
Our many helicopter aerodynamics
mysteries are very different from our
starched-wing brethren in airplanes, whose
aircraft designs and performance are eas-
ily understood in the simple four arrows
diagram we have all seen depicting thrust,
drag, lift, and weight. They are central to
fixed-wing performance and control, and
tested in wind tunnels. Enhancing airplane
performance is easy.
By contrast, the development of heli-
copters has largely been (and even still is in
some areas) by trial and error, making modi-
fications to design and configuration as the
pre-certification flight tests proceedand
The former Boundary Layer Researchs strakes and fin kits
have impressed operators with their performance benefits. Now
the company wants to get credit for those benefits in the books.
By Ron Bower, With Shannon Bower
Flight Evaluation
then often even after delivery, to the chagrin
of customers. For the last several Heli-Expo
conventions, Shannon and I have stopped
by the booth of BLR Aerospace (formerly
Boundary Layer Research, Inc.) of Everett,
Wash. and visited with Bob Desroche, BLR
president and founder, and Marketing Direc-
tor Dave Marone to discuss and try to under-
stand just how the BLR products work to
increase helicopter performance. Admittedly,
out of my own ignorance, I was dubious.
Wouldnt it be a dream come true for
helicopter owners and operators to have
a low-cost, non-moving, easy to install,
no-maintenance-required, significant
enhancement to helicopter performance
and safety?
If the helicopter could easily gain a
significant advantage to lift more weight
to higher density altitudes for hover-
ing in ground effect (HIGE) and out of
ground effect (HOGE), the dream would
be achieved. After all, that advantage
translates to more safety margin and better
performance below those maximum den-
sity altitudes, even at sea level. It also would
improve stability and controllability while
lessening the critical effect of crosswinds
in a hover. Furthermore, it would produce a
gain in economy of operations
For the many hardworking helicopter
operators, such low-cost improvements in
performance could give them a competitive
edge without having to make the now-
seemingly impossible capital outlays for
new and bigger helicopters.
For many aircraft models, that dream
will soon be here, if the smart folks at BLR
have their way with two of their kit prod-
ucts: the dual strakes, and the FastFin.
The kits are certified through FAA
supplemental type certificates (STCs) for
installation on the Bell Helicopter 206B
and L, OH-58A, TH-1, 204, 205, UH-
1H/F/P/N/Y, Huey 2, 212 and 412, and
the AgustaWestland AB212. They also
are installed on some military Bell AH-1
Cobras, and testing has been under way on
the Sikorsky Aircraft S-61 and H-60.
But only the physical installation of
the strakes and FastFin are approved.
The STCs were not matched with certi-
fied flight manual revisions reflecting the
increased performance capability. The
aircraft manufacturers standard HIGE and
HOGE limits still applied.
BLR is looking to change that. Over the
last two months, it conducted flight tests to
gather data necessary for an STC approving
the performance gains for the Bell 212. The
flight tests were to substantiate the perfor-
mance increases to allow for more weight
to be carried to higher altitudes, legally, and
serve as the basis for new HIGE and HOGE
hover charts in an STC f light manual
supplement. These are the same flight tests
that a new aircraft like the Bell 429 light
twin must go through to determine HIGE
and HOGE performance limits. (BLR is not
attempting to increase max gross weight
over that which Bell certified for the 212.)
Operators have attested widely to the
benefits of the strakes and FastFin while
operating in a hover or slow flight below
the HIGE and HOGE limits. But their
assessmentsthat the mods allow more
tail-rotor authority and less control inputs,
reduce the effect of tail winds, and lower
overall wear and tear on structure and
dynamic componentsare subjective. BLR
now is working on quantifying them.
BLR aims to get approval of those certi-
fied 212 performance increases early this
year. Similar approvals for other aircraft
types would follow.
We went to Leadville, Colo. last month
to observe the arduous high-altitude flight
test process. With a field elevation of 9,927
ft, Leadvilles Lake County Airport (KLXV)
is the highest airport in North America. As
the testing progresses, I will fly the strakes-
and-FastFin-equipped 212 and report in
a subsequent article on my impressions of
the performance gains.
Certainly one of the most difficult heli-
copter design areas to understand, predict,
and optimize is aft, from the tailboom
attachment point to the tail rotor and
horizontal and vertical fins. I know I have,
and I believe most pilots, mechanics, and
maybe even design engineers have simply
viewed the tailboom and its appendages
as just being necessary, incidental, benign
fixtures. My view was very wrong.
BLR specializes in enhancing helicop-
ter performance in this crucial aft area.
Its proprietary and unique enhancement
solutions and in-depth understanding of
aerodynamic performance issues common
to most single-rotor helicopters are based
on proven research by NASA.
Tailboom designs have largely been
based on providing adequate length and
strength to support an extended arm to
hold the tail rotor and its driveshaft and
gearbox (and allowing attachment points
for the vertical and horizontal stabilizers).
In forward flight, a vertical fin provides yaw
stability, offloads the tail rotor, and allows
for a weathervane-like controllability in an
emergency loss of the tail rotor (permitting
a run-on landing). A horizontal fin in for-
ward flight aids in pitch control and stability.
However, neither the vertical nor horizontal
fin performs useful functions in a hover.
When I flew a pre-certified version of
the Sikorsky S-92, I found the large hori-
BLRs Bell 212 (opposite) during December 2007 baseline testing in an unmodified configu-
ration at Leadville, Colo. as part of the STC approval process. BLRs strakes (above on a
different aircraft) are simple, small, lightweight fences attached to the side of the tailboom
(see photo) to change the flow of air around the tailboom for better stability and control.
zontal stabilizer (its bigger than a sheet
of plywood) had been tried at varying
sizes, angles, and attach pointseven on
the opposite side from where it is today.
During pre-certification flight tests, Sikor-
sky was trying to optimally adjust pitch
controllability. It is not uncommon to see
manufacturers change angles or sizes of
the fins, or tack on lift-killing or airflow-
smoothing devices that probably were
not on design drawings before test flights.
Some things aft just cant be figured it out
in advance in an engineers office.
This design difficulty is related to the
many very dynamic forces unique to heli-
copters, which cant be tested easily in a
wind tunnel. This is especially true in a
hover, where you have pulsating down-
drafts from the main rotor, variable surface
winds moving that airflow, and an ever-
changing perpendicular thrust from a tail
rotor making the combined airflow more
unstable. That is particularly so in a down-
wind hover. These factors are also why the
pilots four limbs are in perpetual motion
on the controls in a hover.
BLR acquired an exclusive NASA tech-
nology-transfer license to research prod-
ucts from the Langley Research Center
and has applied it with remarkable effect
on helicopter performance. Some historical
and aerodynamic background will be helpful
in appreciating how and why these products
already work so well on several models, and
would likely work well on your helicopter in
the near future.
The word strake derived from the
same root word for stripe and was an
early English nautical term for a thick
BLRs FastFin (bottom) improves tail-rotor
efficiency by replacing non-structural portions
with a simple, lightweight carbon-composite
end cap to change the vertical fins shape.
Flight Evaluation
plank of wood forming a ridge along the
side of a wooden ship. That was designed
to change the flow of water on the hull and
improve stability and control. Must have
been a good idea, since hundreds of years
later, you still see them on boats and ships.
On helicopters, the BLR strakes are
simple, small, lightweight fences attached
to the tailbooms side. They have the same
purpose: to change airflow for better sta-
bility and control. BLRs proprietary kit
uses dual strakes set at different positions.
The strake concept isnt NASA rocket
science, but knowing how to optimize its
design and placement is.
During eight years of research in the
1980s, NASA documented that main-rotor
downwash f lows around the tailboom
much like air around an fixed wing or rotor
blade. It creates airfoil-like air pressures
on the tailboom. This downward airflow
is greatest in a hover, and increases with
heavier loads, as the main-rotor pitch angle
increases and more accompanying rotor-
wash is generated (see diagram, right).
In a counterclockwise rotating main
-rotor system (like those in a Bell, Sikorsky
Aircraft, Robinson Helicopter, MD Heli-
copters, AgustaWestland, and MBB prod-
uct), NASA found, the rotorwash creates
a substantial low-pressure area on the left
side of covered monocoque tailbooms in a
hover. This pulls the tail to the left, working
directly against the tail-rotor thrust that is
trying to pull or push the tail to the right to
offset the main rotors torque.
(For clockwise main-rotor helicopters
like the French-made Eurocopter line, these
same principles apply, but the low-pressure
area is on the right side of the tailboom
and the pedal inputs and thrust vectors are
opposite of what is described herein.)
To offset this pull, the pilot must add a
corresponding amount of left pedal input
to maintain constant heading at a hover.
In the flight manual, hovering perfor-
mance chart limits (HIGE or HOGE) are
depicted at various density altitude/gross
weight/wind azimuth combinations based
on flight tests that determine when the
left pedal input is ultimately limited by a
mechanical stop of the pitch change on the
tail rotor. If any additional collective pitch
(torque) is applied, the pilot runs out of
tail rotor, and the helicopter will begin an
uncontrolled turn to the right, since the tail
rotor is already doing all it can do.
Simply put, the BLR dual-strake system
disturbs, or stalls, the rotorwash airflow on
the left side of the tailboom. This greatly
reduces the adverse low-pressure area, elim-
inating its lateral lift force pulling the tail
to the left. With approved strakes installed,
in a hover, there will be an offsetting reduc-
tion of left tail-rotor pedal input needed to
hold a constant heading. The amount of
left-pedal input regained (and previously
wasted) is then available as increased tail-
rotor authority. Thats always a good thing.
Have you ever heard a pilot say, Sure wish I
had less tail-rotor authority?
The net effect of the latest STC BLR is
seeking (if the kits stay true to past per-
formance) would be certified increases
in HIGE and HOGE performance limits.
That would allow the 212 to carry more
weight to higher density altitudes. At lower
weights or altitudes (even at sea level),
with the low-pressure area reduced by
the strakes, the modification still should
reduce the amount of tail-rotor thrust
needed during hovering, thus provid-
ing more tail-rotor reserve authority and
enhancing safety. It also should increase
hover stability and reduce pilot workload.
Remember, too, that when a pilot has
to add left-pedal input to increase the tail
rotors thrust and offset the low-pressure
pull, more engine power must be applied
to the tail-rotor driveshaft. At a torque or
TOT engine limit (even at sea level), this
reduces the horsepower available to drive
the main rotor. One advantage of coaxial, or
other dual rotor, systems like those on the
Kaman K-Max or Boeing/Vertol CH-46s
and -47s is that no engine power is used on
a tail rotor. It is all used for lifting. The BLR
dual strakes help recover that engine power
and make it available to the main rotor.
After thinking about the NASA tail-
boom research, I deduced that one reason
the uncovered, welded-frame tailbooms of
earlier helicopters like the Bell 47G-series
and the Eurocopter SA315B Lama have
performed so well and endured so long is
that the main-rotor downwash couldnt
create this adverse effect on the sides of
their open tailbooms. Also, I noticed their
displaced and very small vertical fins didnt
greatly obstruct the airflow to the tail rotor,
and I expect their open tailbooms probably
didnt catch as much crosswind at or near a
hover. Who knows, if Igor had an enclosed
tailboom on his first Sikorsky VS-300 teth-
ered flight in 1939 and he started rapidly
spinning, he might have just thrown in his
famous Fedora and made washing machines
instead. What a price we have unknowingly
paid for sleek and pretty.
Since the rotorwash is generated by
the main rotor, and its blades make up
only a small part of the main-rotor disc,
the downward airflow is not steady but
constantly varies, or pulsates. That is why
helicopter pilots have to constantly adjust
cyclic, collective, and pedal inputs a hover,
even in no wind. NASA determined that if
you can spoil or stall the airflow causing
the lower air pressure on the left side of the
tailboom, you can greatly reduce the vary-
ing, leftward, lateral lift tendency.
This was accomplished with the simple
installation of a top strake. Lower on the
tailboom, a second strake further reduces
the variable airflow burbling, thus reduc-
ing the pedal inputs and pilot workload
required to hold a constant heading and
altitude in a hover.
These are the benefits of BLRs dual
strakes. It would logically follow that if tail-
rotor inputs are reduced, stress and wear
on both dynamic and structural tailboom
and tail-rotor parts would be less. That has
been measured, and they are.
The BLR dual strakes can be attached to
the tailboom in 16 hr by an A&P mechanic,
utilizing existing rivet holes, causing no
structural damage to the tailboom. They
are light, weighing just 5 lb, and require
only basic sheet metal tools.
I am not aware of any performance
disadvantages or anomalies in installing
or using the lightweight dual strakes and
BLRs FastFin. Nor have there been any
accidents or incidents caused by the BLR
Strakes or FastFins that I know of. There is
no additional pilot training needed other
than familiarity with the improved perfor-
mance charts and limitations in the STC
flight manual supplement. (Anti-whining
psychological training may be required for
pilots that have to go back to flying heli-
copters without BLRs strakes and fin).
BLRs strake technology is neither
new nor untested. Some 600 BLR strake-
equipped aircraft have accumulated about
1 million flight hours by 128 operators,
according to the company, which said no
warranty claims have been filed on prop-
erly installed kits. Yet I believe that most
helicopter pilots, designers, and manu-
facturers are unaware, as I was, of how
important strakes can be to inexpensively
increasing performance.
Several manufacturers have begun
to recognize the benefits of strakes. But
because of BLRs exclusive NASA license,
others can only gain partial benefit by install-
ing just single strakes. I found a large single
strake on the tailboom of AgustaWestlands
AW139 and a strake on its A119 Koala
when I flew those aircraft. The Eurocopter
AS350B2 has one. As I recall, there was,
strangely, very little said by the manufac-
turers about why the strakes were there or
what they did. In addition, the AW101 has a
large strake, and the latest pre-certification
design of the Bell 429 is reported to have a
recently added strake. I expect that as the
benefits of this proven technology are better
understood and accepted, we will see many
more strake-equipped new helicopters, and
likely some manufacturers will capitalize on
the benefits of the BLR dual strakes and the
companys expertise.
Another performance-enhancing BLR
modification kit is the FastFin. This kit
improves the efficiency of the tail rotor by
reducing the excess, non-structural aft por-
tion of the vertical fin by changing its size
and adding a simple and lightweight car-
bon-composite end cap structure to change
its shape. The end cap is designed to allow
smoother airflow and greater thrust from
the tail rotor. It has molded, rounded edges,
replacing the original sharp edge.
You dont have to be a NASA engineer
to look at most conventional tail-rotor
attachments to see that the vertical fin
seems to be in the way of an efficient air-
flow for the tail rotor. The reality is that
whether it is a pusher or puller (tractor)
tail rotor, that vertical fin adversely affects
tail-rotor thrust efficiency. Remember, the
vertical fin is only there for use in forward
flight. It has no positive benefit in hover-
ing. On counterclockwise main-rotor heli-
copters, pusher tail rotors are on the left
side and the fin partially blocks the flow of
air into the tail rotor. Puller or tractor tail
rotors are on the right side of the fin; they
draw in a clear flow of air, but have to push
their outflow against and around the fin.
In a simple non-NASA demonstration
test that I did at home, I could easily hear
and feel a home box fans thrust difference
by putting a piece of cardboard par-
tially covering either the back (pusher),
or moving it to the front (tractor) sides
of the fan. The noise increases, I presume
from disturbed air flow, and the airflow
from the fan is reduced. I concluded that
is also what is happening to the tail rotor.
Research has shown that, regardless
of whether the tail rotor is a pusher or
puller, air is usually forced around the
fairly sharp edges of most vertical fins
begins to burble, inducing control insta-
bility. Some manufacturers have tried to
deal with this with various designs. The
Eurocopter fenestron concept embeds
the tail rotor within the vertical fin, and
MDs Notars put the fan generating anti-
torque air under the cowling and vectors
thrust with the clever Coanda Effect
airflow design of their tailbooms. Both
BLR used wireless rigs (left and oppo-
site) to collect data on key components
during high-altitude flight tests last
month in Leadville, Colo.
of these approaches considerably increase
safety by greatly reducing the likelihood of
a person walking into the tail rotor or the
pilot hitting the ground or an object with
the tail rotor.
The downside of those very worthy tail
rotor designs can be performance inef-
ficiency, additional weight, and increased
manufacturing costs. Otherwise, the MD-
500E with a conventional exposed tail
rotor would have been discontinued and
the MD-520N Notar would have replaced
it several years ago. Most pilots agree
that the -500E out performs the -520N
in almost every measurement. I am sure
there are some, but I cant recall seeing a
single picture of a Notar or fenestron tail-
rotor aircraft regularly doing heavy long-
line sling work for an operator.
BLRs FastFin is aimed at optimizing
the traditional exposed pusher or puller
tail-rotor designs to further expand their
efficiency, but it certainly seems that
the BLR dual strakes would benefit the
fenestron- equipped Eurocopters.
BLRs patented FastFin technology
improves tail-rotor efficiency and author-
ity, adding to the benefits of the strakes. You
cannot (and would not want to) install the
FastFin without installing the dual strakes.
Also, BLR says, the FastFins smooth con-
tours significantly reduce instability by
lessening the burbling around the vertical
fin, and aid in tailwind control.
As a helicopter f light instructor for
40 years, I include among the perception
building-block demonstrations in hover-
ing these two. First, it takes more power
to hover with a tailwind than a head-wind.
Second, it takes more cyclic, pedal, and col-
lective inputs to hover with a tailwind than
a headwind. With no wind or a headwind,
I show students rapid small movements of
the cyclic at a 2-3-ft hover while keeping
the collective at a fixed position. The result
is the helicopter will begin sinking and even
settle to the ground.
What is the point? Cyclic control inputs
reduce main-rotor efficiency. Both the
dual strakes and the FastFin help reduce
cyclic inputs and pilot workload and
thus keep the main rotor more efficient,
requiring less power and less wear on
the parts powering it.
Certainly, in the 1960s, when the
Bell 212s military predecessor airframe,
the UH-1, was being sent in droves into
Vietnam combat, concern over possibly
losing a tail rotor to ground fire was a
reasonable concern for designers of the
vertical fin. (In retrospect, I certainly
wish my UH-1B gunship had BLRs kits
on it in 1965-66.) BLR has now reshaped
and optimized the vertical fin, still pro-
viding the needed emergency weather
vane assistance in the unlikely event a
tail-rotor function is lost in flight.
Like the dual strakes, the FastFin can
be easily installed in the field by an A&P
mechanic. BLR says it normally takes a day.
I dont believe there is anything on
the market or the horizon that can give
comparable performance increases for
as low an acquisition and installation
cost as the BLR dual strakes and FastFin.
In addition to the improved perfor-
mance, NASA and others have document-
ed the reduction in pilot workload and
wear and stress on rotating components
and airframe structures, a considerable
increase in operational safety, and even
faster speeds and reduced fuel consump-
tion on aircraft fitted with the kits.
Because of the documented benefits of
the strakes, their low installation cost, and
no downside risks, I cannot understand
why all makers of single-rotor, enclosed
tailboom helicopters are not incorporat-
ing strakes into all their new-production
aircraft to increase the operational safety
margin (even without changing existing
HIGE/HOGE limits).
For used helicopter owners, BLR has an
aggressive plan to take a variety of aircraft
types through similar FAA-approved flight
tests and STC approvals. It seems to me a
reasonable follow-on to their in-process
212 STC certification of the dual strakes
and FastFin would be the Bell 412, in part
because of the similarity of their tailbooms
and vertical fins. I expect there will be many
more to come.
Not unlike some important aerodynam-
ic truths of Frank Piaseckis SpeedHawk
design (featured in the December 2007
R&W) that also have had too long a gesta-
tion period, I believe the time has come for
BLRs application of their dual strake and
FastFin technology. That will be greatly
beneficial for our industry.
Flight Evaluation
The flight-test data collection unit on the 212 is critical to BLRs efforts to convince the FAA
that operators should be given credit for its strakes and fins performance capabilities.
Posted with permission from Rotor & Wing. Copyright 2008. All rights reserved.
#1-23870892 Managed by The YGS Group, 717.399.1900. For more information visit
LRs package of aerodynami c
enhancements for rotorcraft is revo-
lutionizing the industry. Our tech-
nology expands the envelope for helicopter
operators striving to achieve maximum
return on their capital investment.
Helicopters limited to less than fully
productive payloads now lift more. They
achieve greater in-flight stability and they
operate at higher density altitudes with
greater payloads than ever before. More
and more operators are flying new and
more challenging missions because BLR
technology makes it possible.
To kick off 2008, BLR is introduc-
ing its package of FastFin technology
for Bell 212 helicopters and will follow
shortly after with a similar package of
enhancements for Bell 412s. Preliminary
tests already show a dramatic increase in
payload for 212s and the results will be
even stronger when tests are concluded
for 412s.
Dr amat i c payl oad i ncreases wi l l
enable greater mission effectiveness for
212 and 412 operators worldwide. And,
its not just payload. Flight stability also
is improved and that means lower pilot
fatigue and less fatigue on your airframe,
both enhancing safety.
It is all part of BLRs mission to help
operators perform better: More payload,
greater stability, more efficient opera-
tions and increased safety. BLR contin-
ues to be the only company focused on
improving the aerodynamic performance
in widely produced helicopters.
BLRs legacy is improving the perfor-
mance for both fixed- and rotary-winged
aircraft. Thats all we do and we do it very
For more information: BLR Aerospace,
9730 29th Avenue West, Everett WA
98204 USA. 800-257-4847.
Performance Innovation
Is Our Mission
BLR Aerospace
9730 29th Avenue West
Everett, Wa. 98204
425-353-6591 International
425-355-3046 Fax

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