Thermal Friction Drilling: Parameters For Metric Thread Tools

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Thread size Flowdrill Flowdrill Motor capacity Production Flowtap

Diameter mm RPM kW. time sec. RPM

1/ 8 9.2 2000 1.5 3 400
1/ 4 12.4 1600 2.0 3 360
3/ 8 15.9 1400 2.3 4 300
1/ 2 19.9 1200 3.0 5 270
3/ 4 25.4 1000 3.5 6 200
Thread size Flowdrill Flowdrill Motor capacity Production Flowtap
Diameter mm RPM kW. time sec. RPM
M 2 1.8 3200 0.5 2 1600
M 3 2.7 3000 0.6 2 1350
M 4 3.7 2600 0.7 2 1000
M 5 4.5 2500 0.8 2 800
M 6 5.3/ 5.4 2400 1.0 2 650
M 8 7.3 2200 1.3 2 500
M 10 9.2 2000 1.5 3 400
M 12 10.9 1800 1.7 3 330
M 16 14.8 1400 2.2 4 250
M 20 18.7 1200 2.7 5 200
F lo w d ri ll
F li e fo rm w e rk ze u g e G m b H
G e rm a n y
Tel.: 0049 6201 29091 0
Fax: 0049 6201 29091 15
F lo w d ri ll I n c.
Tel.: 001 314 968 1134
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F lo w d ri ll U K ) L td .
U n i te d K i n g d o m
Tel.: 0044 1634 309422
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F lo w d ri ll B .V.
N e th e rla n d s
Tel.: 0031 30 241 6606
Fax: 0031 30 241 3860
The above table indicates the production time for
2 mm thick mild steel.
For thicker material add 1 second production
time/ mm.
Stainless steel requires a 0.1 mm larger diameter
Flowdrill. Speed needs to be reduced by 15%.
For Aluminium and other non-ferrous materials the
speed needs to be increased by about 1520 %.
Parameters for CNC-machine centres are available on
P a ra m e te rs fo r m e tri c th re a d to o ls
Th re a d si ze B S P
S ta n d a rd F LO WD R I L L

typ e s:
We will be pleased to send you detailed information
and to discuss your particular application requirements.
Flowdrill is the registered trade mark of Flowdrill B.V. Holland
long flat short flat short long
Thermal Drilling Technique
When the Flowdrill

comes into contact with

the material, using relatively high axial pressure
and RPM, frictional heat is created, allowing
penetration and reforming of the displaced
material in a few seconds. Initially, displaced
material forms a collar on the upper side of the
work piece. As the tool advances axial force
decreases and feed rate increases allowing the
remaining material to be reformed into a bush on
the underside of the work piece. The diameter of

Thermal Friction Drilling

For Professionals that look for the
highest quality in their products,
the Flowdrill

system provides a
cost saving and problem solving
production method for the formation
of bushes in malleable metals.
The Flowdrill

Thermal Friction Drill produces

perfectly formed bushes using a combination of
speed of rotation and pressure to locally heat the
material, forming a bush in various thickness of
Advantages of the Flowdrill

Consistently accurate hole sizes.
Bush length approximately 3 times the original
Short cycle time, of between 2 and 6 seconds,
depending on the diameter and thickness of
The formed bushes are suitable for:
Tapping to give deep threads with high pullout
strength and torque loading.
As a sleeve bearing.
As a location for a brazed connection.
Machines suitable for the Flowdrill

system, range
from standard drillpresses to NC/ CNC automated
machine centres, with motor capacities between
1.5kW and 3.0kW and speeds from 1000 RPM to
3500 RPM.
Friction drilling is suitable for a wide range of
materials including Mild Steel, Stainless Steel,
Copper, Brass and Aluminium.
Flowdrill tools are available in sizes from 1.5mm
up to 46mm ; special sizes are available on
The use of FDKSFlowdrill

paste or liquid
lubricant will optimize tool life.
Cold-form tapping system.
HSS-ECold-form taps produce
threads without chips.
Flowtap compliments the friction
drilling process to increase the
depth of threads formed in thin
Advantages of cold-form tapping in conjunction
with friction drilling, over thread cutting are:
Increased pull out strength of the formed thread
as the process reforms the material in the bush,
without cutting into the natural grain structure
of the metal.
Precise formation of the thread within the bush.
Increased productivity, through high speed and
long tool life.
Chip free process, therefore no waste to remove.
Suitable for most tapping machines.
Suitable for all materials that can be friction
A good lubricant decreases the process
temperature, increases the tool life and helps
to form a perfect thread. We recommend the
FTMZ Flowdrill lubricant.

Cross section of a bush and
thread formed by Flowdrill
and Flowtap
sh o rt
lo n g
Set of spanners for
Toolholder MC 2 or MC 3
Cooler disc
the bush is determined by the cylindrical part of
the Flowdrill tool.
Where a flush finish, on the upper surface, is
required, a Flat type Flowdrill

tool is used, this

incorporates a cutting edge to remove the collar.
Flowtap cold-formed thread is a secondary
operation, creating a [chip free] thread in the
bush, comparable in strength to a weld nut.

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