Bio 168 HYB Sp10 Syllabus

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Academic Programs

Revised: December 8, 2009
Spring 2010

Instructor: Samantha Stikeleather

Phone: N/A
Office Location: N/A
Email: or
Office Hours: By appointment only
Faculty Website: N/A

Course Description:
This course provides a comprehensive study of the anatomy and physiology of the human body. Topics include body
organization, homeostasis, cytology, histology, and the integumentary, skeletal, muscular, nervous systems and special
senses. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate an in-depth understanding of principles of anatomy
and physiology and their interrelationships. This course has been approved to satisfy the Comprehensive Articulation
Agreement for transferability as a pre-major and/or elective course requirement.

Credits, Hours, Prerequisites:

• Four (4) Semester Hours Credit
• Hybrid courses combine online learning with face-to-face instruction. All Hybrid courses will meet on
campus on specified days with the remaining instruction and course content being delivered as an Internet course.
Students need to bring supplies (as indicated within the semester schedule) to campus sessions. For on-campus
meeting dates and times refer to Section XIV (Course Topics).
• NOTE: Instructors determine the location for testing (online and/or on-campus). Refer to Section V
(Evaluation) of this syllabus for details.
• Prerequisites: None
• Corequisites: Class section BIO 168C and laboratory section BIO 168L must be taken concurrently.
Student Outcomes:
Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:
• Identify the principal systems of the human body, list the representative organs of each, and describe the function
of these systems;
• Identify by name and symbol the principal chemical elements of the human body;
• Define and list a cell's generalized parts and give the major functions of each;
• Define tissues, glands, and membranes; tell where they are located in the body, and the functions of each;
• Identify the components of the skeletal system and discuss the basic functions of the system;
• Define the four principal types of bones in the skeleton and explain the relationship between bone structure and
• Identify the bones of the shoulder and pelvic girdle and their principal markings;
• Define an articulation and identify the factors that determine the degree of movement at a joint;
• List the characteristics and functions of muscle tissue;
• Describe the relationship between bones and skeletal muscles in producing body movements;
• Identify the parts and functions of the nervous system;
• Identify the systems of the human body, body organization, directional and anatomical terms.
• Identify and use the principal parts of a microscope to locate and describe cellular and histological structures.
• Define and list a cell's generalized parts and give the major functions of each.
• Define tissues, glands, and membranes; tell where they are located in the body, and the functions of each.
• Identify the components of the skeletal system and discuss the basic functions of the system.
• List the characteristics and functions of muscle tissue.
• Identify the relationship between bones and skeletal muscles in producing body movements.
• Identify the parts and functions of the nervous system.
Student Materials Required:
Textbook: Marieb, Elaine, N. Anatomy and Physiology. 3rd edition, Pearson, 2008.
Lab Manual: Marieb, Elaine, N. Human Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory Manual, 9th edition, Pearson, 2008.

This course may include a final exam which will be given during the college Exam Week as noted on the Academic
Calendar. Exam Schedule information can be found at Please note the day
and time of your final exam and carefully read the notes section below the exam schedule.
The class grade will be based on the following criteria, and a competency level of 77% must be attained in both
Lecture and Lab in order to meet the requirements of the course. In the event that a student has a competency
level less than 77 on either lecture or lab, the final grade will be determined by the lowest average of the class
(lecture or lab). Example : lecture 82 lab 75. The grade will be determined by the lab therefore the grade will be a
Lecture = 75%
Lab = 25%
Total = 100%

Assignments = 10%
Discussion Board Participation = 10%
Quizzes = 15%
Test Grades = 65%
Total = 100%

Six (6) Practicals = 60%
Vocabulary Quizzes = 20%
Lab Notebook = 10%
Final Exam = 10%
Total = 100%

**Note: No Lab Practical Make-ups

A student’s final grade in this course will be based on the following scale:

Letter Numerical
Explanation Quality Points for Credit
Grade Grade

A 93-100 Excellent 4 quality points per semester hr.

B 85-92 Good 3 quality points per semester hr.
C 77-84 Average 2 quality points per semester hr.
D 70-76 Below Average 1 quality points per semester hr.
F Failing 0 quality points per semester hr.
Student did not meet minimum course objectives.
Course must be repeated.
I Incomplete 0 quality points per semester hr.
Student did not meet course objectives due to
unusual circumstances; requires written
agreement between instructor and student. Work
must be completed prior to the end of the following
WP Withdrew Passing Officially withdrew on or before 80% of the class
with a grade of “D” or better.
WF Withdrew Failing Officially withdrew on or before 80% of the class
with a grade less than 70.
AU Audit Enrollment as a non-credit student. Changing
registration status to Audit is not possible after the
10% point of a course.
CE Credit by Exam 0 quality points per semester hr.
Student Behavior Standards:
All students who are new to Hybrid courses at RCCC are required to successfully complete the Hybrid Orientation prior to
gaining access to their Hybrid course(s). The orientation includes the Hybrid Student Agreement which presents the
Student Behavior Standards/Sanctions (RCCC Procedure 7.23) and the Student and Public Internet/Email/Network
Acceptable Use Procedure (RCCC Procedure 7.25). The students are required to submit their intent to abide by the
guidelines of the procedures. As a resource for all students taking Hybrid courses at RCCC, the information contained
within the Hybrid Student Agreement is also provided in the Course Documents section of each Hybrid course.

Course access and related privileges may be suspended by the Hybrid course instructor or the Vice President of Student
Services upon discovery of a possible violation of user responsibilities. Confirmed violations of this procedure will be
addressed under Procedure 7.23 – Student Behavior Standards/Sanctions and may result in the revocation of course
access and related privileges at RCCC for the current semester, as well as other actions by the college.

Attendance Policy:
Please note, all Fall 2009 online courses begin when the semester begins (August 17, 2009) and end when the semester
ends (December 15, 2009); however, each instructor will provide specific information regarding course deadlines,
including the submission of assignments, tests, etc.
Hybrid courses combine online learning with face-to-face instruction. All Hybrid courses will meet on campus on specified
days with the remaining instruction and course content being delivered as an Internet course. Students need to bring
supplies (as indicated within the semester schedule) to campus sessions.

An orientation session is required prior to students gaining access to the Internet portion of their Hybrid course.
The orientation will be held during the first on-campus meeting. Students must attend the on-campus orientation that is
conducted during the first class meeting of the semester.

NOTE: Students who do not attend an orientation session will be administratively withdrawn from the course.

Students are expected to actively participate in their Hybrid course(s), which includes maintaining weekly contact with the
instructor via email and meeting assignment, testing, and other participation deadlines. Student failure to maintain contact
with the instructor the equivalent of two weeks or 1/8 of the total instructional hours (which includes 1/8 of online and 1/8
face-to-face assignments), either by attending class, submitting assignments, and/or meeting with the instructor in person
or by telephone, may result in a failing grade being issued for the course.

Withdrawal Policy:
If a student withdraws from a class after the end of the drop/add period and before the 80% point in the class, he/she will
receive a grade of “WP” or “WF.” A Grade of “WP” or “WF” will appear on the student’s transcript, but will not be
considered as hours attempted in the accumulated Grade-Point Average. If a student does not withdraw before the 80%
point in the class, the student will receive a grade of “F” or the grade earned. Courses may be dropped at any time during
the drop/add period of the class. Courses dropped during this period will not appear on the student’s record.
Once a student has enrolled in class and has paid fees, that student remains a member of the class unless:
A. Student Withdrawal
1. The student officially withdraws from the course.
2. The student transfers to another section of the course.
3. The student requests the instructor to withdraw him/her from the course (see the exception in #2 below under
Administrative Withdrawal).
B. Administrative Withdrawal
1. Administrative withdrawal may be implemented as part of mediated resolution to violations of college
“Student Behavior Standards” and appropriate documentation may appear on the student’s official transcript, as
needed; or
2. Administrative withdrawal may be implemented if a student fails to maintain contact with the instructor for the
equivalent of two weeks (1/8 of total hours). Contact with the instructor is defined as attending classes,
submitting assignments, and/or meeting with the instructor in person, email or by telephone. Failure to maintain
contact will result in a grade of F (or the grade earned) being issued for the course. Exception: if absences are
because of extenuating circumstances such as accident, illness, or death in the family, the student must contact
the instructor who may submit a grade of “I” (Incomplete), “WP” or “WF” (Withdrawal Passing or Failing) or “F”
Classroom Policy:
•Computers in classrooms and labs may only be used for official course purposes. Use of computers for playing
games, general web browsing, e-mail, chat rooms, etc. is not allowed. Violation of this policy will result in a grade
deduction and possible loss of computer privileges.
•Food, drink, or any tobacco product usage is not permitted in computer classrooms or computer labs.
•Personal software or hardware may not be installed or attached to any property of Rowan-Cabarrus Community
•Use of audible electronic equipment (cell phones, pagers, beepers, etc.) is prohibited during instructional time.
•Students are responsible for material presented, handouts distributed, announcements, etc. that are missed due to late
arrival or absence from class.

Students with Disabilities:

RCCC abides by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 which mandates reasonable accommodations be provided
for qualified students with disabilities. If you have a disability and may require some type of instructional and/or testing
accommodation, please contact Disability Services early in the semester. If you have not already done so, you will need
to register with the Disability Services Office – the designated office on campus to provide services and administer tests
with accommodations for students with disabilities. The DSO at North Campus is located in Building 100 at Student
Services, 704-216-3639, and the DSO at South Campus is located in Building 1000 at Students Services, 704-216-3623.

On-Campus Computers with Internet Connections:

There are four labs with Internet connection available for students to use. The Learning Resource Center (LRC) is
located on the North Campus in the upper level of Building 500 and on the South Campus in the upper level of Building
1000. The Individualized Learning Center (ICLC) is located on the North Campus in Building 100, Room 106 and on the
South Campus in Building 2000, Room 2121.
For LRC and ICLC hours of operation, please visit our website at and click on the
appropriate link. For LRC hours, click on the Library (LRC) link under the General Information heading. For ICLC hours,
click on the Computer Labs link under the Student Information heading.

Classroom Policies:
• Computers in classrooms and labs may only be used for official course purposes. Use of computers for playing
games, general web browsing, email, chat rooms, etc., is not allowed. Violation of this policy will result in a grade
deduction and possible loss of computer privileges.
• Food, drink, or any tobacco product usage is not permitted in computer classrooms, computer labs, or
NCIH/ITV classrooms at any time.
• Personal software or hardware may not be installed or attached to any property of Rowan-Cabarrus Community
• Use of audible electronic equipment (cell phones, pagers, beepers, etc.) is prohibited during instructional time.
• Students are responsible for material presented, handouts distributed, announcements, etc., that are missed due to
late arrival or absence from class.

Technical Support:
RCCC provides the following support for Hybrid students:

• Blackboard Help Desk. This 24-hour, 7-days-per-week service is available to provide assistance to Hybrid students
who have questions about using Blackboard, the software used to create and operate Internet courses. Course
specific questions (such as those about assignments, tests, grades, and course content) should be directed to
the instructor only. This service includes the following:
♦ Telephone support with a certified Blackboard support representative. The phone number is 800-
808-0489 and is available 24/7/365.
♦ Online chat service that provides direct communication with a certified Blackboard support
representative. This feature is accessible through the RCCC Knowledge Base website (see next bullet) and is
available 24/7/365.
• RCCC Knowledge Base Website. This web-based forum provides articles about common issues reported,
useful documentation, and work-arounds to software-related issues. This site may be accessed from within
the student’s course (for example, a link within the Technical Support folder of Staff Information), or directly
at (
♦ Email accounts. These accounts are provided for use with RCCC Internet, Hybrid and Teleweb courses only.
• Links to helpful websites and information. These links are listed in the Online Learning Resources area of
the External Links section of each Hybrid course.
These links include:
♦ Technical Resources in the form of technical sites and skill tutorials.
♦ Guidelines for troubleshooting and/or solving technical problems.
♦ The student manual for Blackboard, the software used to create and host online courses at RCCC.
Students may view and/or print the manual, which contains instructions on how to use the student features and
functions of the software.

• On-campus support. Students may visit the ICLC (computer lab) on either campus to use a computer or access
their Hybrid course. Staff is available to assist with basic questions about various computer software (such as
Windows operating systems, Microsoft Office programs, or Blackboard) as well as hardware. On North campus
(Salisbury), the room number is 106. On South campus (Concord), the room number is 2121. See Section XI of this
syllabus for the hours of operation for the computer labs. At the CBTC location (Concord), the room number is 9126.
RCCC does not provide maintenance for computer hardware or software for students’ personal computers nor does
RCCC provide Internet access, except in the on-campus facilities referred to in Section XI of this syllabus. As always, if a
student requires maintenance on his/her hardware, software or Internet access, the student should contact the
appropriate vendor or provider.
If a student can't access his/her Hybrid course (ex: server not responding or the page won't display) BUT the student can
access the Internet and other websites, the student should notify the Blackboard Help Desk. The college's server may be
down OR the site may not be accessible using the student's current Internet provider or web browser.


1 The Human Organism
2 The Chemical Basis of Life
3 Structure and Function of the Cell
TEST #1: The Human Organism, Chemical Basis of Life, and Structure and
Function of the Cell.
4 Histology: The Study of Tissues
5 Integumentary System
TEST #2: Histology: The Study of Tissues and The Integumentary System
6 Skeletal Systems: Bones and Bone Tissue
7 Table depicting Skeletal Systems and Bones and Clinical Notes
8 Articulation and Movement
9 Muscular System
TEST #3: Skeletal Systems, Articulation and Movement and Muscular System
10 Gross Anatomy ── Clinical Notes
11 Functional Organization of Nervous System
TEST #4: Gross Anatomy and Functional Organization of Nervous System
12 Spinal Cord Spinal Nerve
13 Brain and Cranial Nerve
14 Integration of Nerves
15 Autonomic Nervous System
16 TEST #5: Spinal Cord Spinal Nerve, Brain and Cranial Nerve, Integration of
Nerves, and Autonomic Nervous System
1 LAB 1: Language of Anatomy, Organ System Overview Ex: 1&2
2 LAB 2: The Microscope, Chapter 3; Cytology, Chapter 4
3 LAB 3: Transport Processes, Lab 5A
4 LAB 4: PRACTICAL I, Exercise 1, 2, 3, 4, 5A &Tissues 6A,8,17
5 LAB 5: Integumentary Exercise 7
6 LAB 6: PRACTICAL II 6A, 7, 8, 17
7 LAB 7: Exercise 9, 10, 12
8 LAB 8: Review
9 LAB 9: PRACTICAL III, Exercise 9, 10, & 12
Appendicular Skeleton Bones – Exercise 11
10 LAB 10: PRACTICAL IV 11 & Exercise 13 Articulations, Muscles 15
11 LAB 11: PRACTICAL V 13,15 & The Brain Exercise 19
12 LAB 12: Spinal Cord Exercise 21, Human Reflex Ex. 22
13 LAB 13: LAB PRACTICAL VI 19,21,22
14 LAB 14: Vision Exercise 24,Hearing 25, Olfaction 26
15 LAB 15: PRACTICAL VII 24, 25, 26
16 LAB 16: EXAM, Make-ups
This is a suggested course syllabus of material to be studied in BIO 168. This course will be taught in 10 weeks during the summer. The instructor
reserves the right to make necessary changes to any part due to unforeseen circumstances. All changes will be announced as far in advance as
possible to minimize difficulties for the student.
Rowan-Cabarrus Community College is engaged in transforming itself into a learning-centered institution, aided by enhancing active learning with
technology. Instructors are expected to use cooperative/active learning techniques and/or technology where appropriate in the presentation of course

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